Watch the full NBF Episode: Watch the Madhab Series: Sponsored by Arkview: - discover a range of Islamic courses from beginner to advanced levels in Arabic, Fiqh, Aqida
Hadeeth knowledge is ocean. Many Muslims don't know how to explain it. Only salaf like imam abu hanifa, imam malik, imam shafi and imam ahmad had a vast experience in that. I love four madhab❤❤❤❤❤
Assalamu alaikum. This Madhab series is crucial work. I recommend the Shaykh and all others too read Ibn Rajab Al-Hanbali on Madhhablessness if he has not already.
Also Imam Alsubki an important book on this, and the best two books on this matter in my opinion is the books of Imam Alkawthari on Rejecting madhabs and Albuti book.
@@Al-Azdi Yes those are good too. Thank you for your advice. I usually recommend Shaykh Ibn Rajab because he is Hanbali and maybe ... that makes it more palatable to read for certain brothers.
About eid on Jummah,I think you can skip salat al jummah if you follow the hanbali madhab. Imam shafii made rukhsa only for the people who live far away. Wallahu alam
Good point there, it’s hard to believe the Sunnah has not been perfectly preserved. Umar [rduh] would have led the daily prayers from the Prophet’s[saw] masjid for 10 years.
I follow Imam Malik's madhab and, thereby, I pray salat in sadl. Many btothers, mainly the salafis and wahabis think I am following the shia madhab and Imam Malik only prayed sadl because his shoulders were dislocated.
@@MMGA3 Apparently, you are one of those blind wahabis who foolishly regurgitate anything, I mean anything & everything literally, is put in your mouth. You have no idea about Imam Malik's school of reasoning. The reason that Imam Malik mentioned the qabd hadith in Muwatta was because to let fools like you know that he was aware of that particular hadith. He knew about that hadith, but it was going against the pratice of the sahaba and the people of Medina at the time, so he did not practice it. In Al-Mudawwan he has explained that qabd was not common in obligatory prayers. In fact, the khawarij (salafis/wahabis) fail to this day to ptovide a SAHIH & SARIH hadith to back up their outlandish claim. Furthermore, many sahaba and tabi'een such as Ali ibn AbiTaalib, Hassan Basri, Abu Bakr Siddiq, Abdullah ibn Zubair, and so forth all prayed in sadl. Now, go ahead and ask your kharajite handlers to explain to you how many of those people had their shoulders dislocated. 😂😂
@@jb_4379 So all the scholars of medina during the time of imam malik were beaten? Because imam malik practiced sadl because ahl al medina did sadl. It’s the usul of malikis to give preference to amal of people of medina
There is a difference of opinion. One is you should raise ur hands and the other is you shouldn’t. Since I follow the hanafi madhab, I don’t raise my hands before and after ruku since according the hanafi madhab this action is mansukh (the Prophet Sal Allahu Alayhi Wa Salam stopped the action later on).
Just for your information there is difference between hamblis and salafies about raising of hands in salah For example Salafies raise hands in 3rd rakat Hamblies and shafies don't Salafies also raise hands in missed rakat ( which one miss in fard behind imam ) Hamblies and shafies don't. According to al Albanis hands could be raised 28 times in four rakat So one must read and study fully before rebuking others. It takes years to study hadith knowledge.
No you shouldn't, the early Imams didn't do it. Both are students of the tabioon and one of them saw the sahaba (may Allah ta'alab be pleased with all of them). The hadith from latter days (post salaf) mentions it, but it implies the direct students and their students purposefully left something. It is pretty clear it was abrogated.
Its permissible brother! People Of Knowledge Allowed It‼️ ▫️For Example: Ibn Kaseer R.A, Ibn Hajar Asqalani R.A, Imam Jalal ud din Siyuti R.A, Mulla Ali Qari R.A etc 👍🏻
@Hamxa-IslamicTalks So you understand none of these scholars said it's Sunnah. They considered it at best a permissible act or nafl. But people converted this permissible act to a tradition so much so that they cannot skip it and now consider it part of the Sunnah. This is where it becomes a bi'dah.
@@trappedinexistence What do you mean where is it? Mota' Malik? The ahadith of Abu Hanifa? The Tafasir of both? also them narrating the ahadith and doing tafsir is condoning the making of tafsir book and hadith. Why would it not be a problem? If collecting the quran was so important why didn't the prophet or the first 2 caliphs do it?
that doesn't answer my question. where is the tafsir of the quran FROM THE PROPHET himself or FROM THE SAHABA themselves? I didn't ask you if LATER PEOPLE wrote tafsir or collected ahadith. but they did? the sahaba literally collected, protected and controlled the quran and the pronunciation. however they didn't bother to take these types of measures for the ahadith. when the people who knew the quran died they took precautions. however when the people who knew the ahadith died they did not take precautions. todays muslims claim ahadith are ESSENTIAL to understand the Quran. but the prophet or the sahaba didn't treat ahadith as an ESSENTIAL source for the quran like today's muslims do. otherwise they would have protected them from day one like they did with the quran. please explain why this is not an issue.
Ok a number of issues here. The prophet ﷺ was ummi(untaught how to write) by anyone. The prophet ﷺ in the earlier days of revelation prohibited the sahabah from writing down his sayings so they wouldn’t be confused with the Quran. Then , He ﷺ comman them to do so. Most notable among the sahabah who wrote down hadith were Sayyiduna Abu hurayra and Sayyiduna Ali amongst others. These sahabah had students who narrated from them directly what the prophet said along side the Quran. They wrote them down simultaneously and like that from generation to generation Hadith was handed down in the same way the Quran reached us. The earliest Hadith collection today we have is the muwatta of imam malik who learned under Ibn shihab azuhri , azuhri learned from the children of the same sahabah who transmitted the Quran. Imam Malik also was the student of imam nafi3 who was the direct student of abdullah ibn umar (one of the greatest sahabah). Keep in mind that writing isn’t the most important form of preservation, it’s transmission in large numbers orally. most of human history was passed down orally.
0:57 - This claim regarding the Maliki Madhab is unsubstantiated and simply false. This is your madhab supposedly, you should be familiar with the Usool of your madhab. A single narration can most definitely be used as an exception to a general ruling in the Quran according to the vast majority of your Madhab’s legal theorists (in fact, I was unable to find a single legal theorist from your madhab that stated otherwise; the closest opinion to that that I could find from a Maliki scholar was that of Baqillani who took a neutral position [وقف] regarding the issue). Qadi Ibn Al-Arabi Al-Maliki, one of the giants of the Maliki madhab, stated in his classical work on legal theory “المحصول": اخْتلف النَّاس فِي جَوَاز تَخْصِيص عُمُوم الْكتاب بِخَبَر الْوَاحِد فمنعت مِنْهُ الْمُعْتَزلَة لِأَن الْقُرْآن مَقْطُوع بِهِ وَخبر الْوَاحِد مظنون وَقَالَ القَاضِي أَنا أتوقف فِيهِ وَمَال الْفُقَهَاء بأجمعهم إِلَى جَوَاز تَخْصِيصه بِهِ أما الْمُعْتَزلَة فَقَالُوا لما كَانَ الْقُرْآن مَقْطُوعًا بِهِ وَخبر الْوَاحِد مظنون لم يجز أَن يخصص المظنون وَهَذَا لَا يَصح فَإِن الْقُرْآن وَإِن كَانَ مَقْطُوعًا بِأَصْلِهِ فَإِن فحواه مظنون كَخَبَر الْوَاحِد فيتساويان “The people have differed regarding the permissibility of the specification of the general statements of the book (i.e. the Quran) by a singular narration. The Mu’tazilites forbid it for (according to them) the Quran is certain and the singular narration is speculative (in nature). And the Qadi (i.e Imam Al-Baqillani) stated: ‘I take no position regarding it.’ And the jurists in their (near) totality leaned towards the permissibility of specification by it (i.e. a singular narration). As for the Mu’tazilites they stated: ‘Since the Quran is certain whilst singular narration are speculative (in nature), it is not acceptable that the speculative specifies.’ And this is incorrect, as even if the Quran is certain in terms of its origins, its meaning is speculative just as the singular narration, so they are equal.” Source for further context: ---------------- Imam Al Qaraafi (perhaps the foremost legal theorist [Usuuli] of the Maliki Madhab) stated in his classical textbook “سرح تنقيح الأصول”: "ويجوز عندنا وعند الشافعي وأبي حنيفة تخصيص الكتاب بخبر الواحد وفصَّل ابن أبان والكرخي كما تقدمن وقيل لا يجوز مطلقاً، وتوقف القاضي فيه" The specification of the book (i.e the Quran) by a singular narration is permissible according to us and also according to Shafi’ and Abu Hanifa. And Ibn Abaan (an early Hanafi scholar) and Kharkhi elaborated, as was mentioned before, and said: ‘It is categorically impermissible’. And the Qadi (Baqillani) took no position regarding it.” Source for further context: ---------------- Ibn Haajib (yet another prominent Maliki legal theorist) stated in one of the most widely commented upon Maliki Usool books "مختصر المنتهى الأصولي": "يجوز تخصيص القران بالخبر الواحد وقال به الأئمة الأربعة وبالتواتر اتفاقا." “The specification of the Quran by a singular narration is permissible, and the four Imams opined this, and it’s specification by a mass reported narration is permissible by consensus.” Source for further context: Page 74 Note: You can find the commentary of Iiji, Taftazani, and Jizawi underneath the text of the author. ---------------- Abu Waleed Al-Baaji, a star amongst the Maliki scholars, stated in his great work "إحكام الفصول”: "يجوز تخصيص عموم القران بخبر الواحد هذا قول جماعة أصحابنا و أصحاب الشافعي" “It is permissible to specify the general statements in the Quran with singular narrations, this is the opinion of a large group of our companions and the companions of Shafi’i.” Source for further context: Page 167
@@MMGA3 Jazakallahu Khair. I am stunned at how Shadee disseminates misinformation so confidently, he tends to ignore my messages, but at the very least, if he is sincere, he should admit that he made a mistake, as there is no excuse for stating such blatant falsities.
@@SubhanAIS He maybe will have issues with ppl like you and others but maybe Allah will be pleased with his sincere. What if Allah wouldnt be pleased with your phylosophy
You have to understand that there are thousand of hadiths and sometimes they even seemingly clash. The reason is because you have to know the context of why it was said etc. Theres sahih hadith that I gaurantee you dont follow because a scholar said so even as a salafi
@@jb_4379Allah would be pleased with his philosophy bcoz it isn’t his philosophy. He is following 1 of great 4 Imams who rank very high in the court of Allah. The OG comment says I am going with, who r u compared to the 4 great imams?
عن الإمام مالك أنه سُئِلَ عن السَّدلِ فقال ”رأيتُ من يُقْتَدى بفعلِهِ، عبد الله بن الحسن، يَفْعَلَهُ.“ (وهو سليلُ أهل بيت النبوة الامام القدوة عبد الله بن الحسن بن علي بن أبي طالب.) المعيار الجديد 1:294 Imam Malik was asked about sadl and said, “I saw one who should be taken as an example, ‘Abd Allah b. al-Hasan, doing this.” This was the sone of Hasan b. ‘Ali b. Abi Talib. (Wazzani, Al-Mi‘yar al-Jadid) جاء في المدوتة، قال ابن القاسم: قال مالك في وضع اليمنى على اليسرى في الصلاة ”لا أعرفُ ذلك في الفريضة، ولكن في النوافل لابأس بذلك، يعين به على نفسه.“ المدونة 1:79 Malik said about placing the right on the left: “I do not know about doing this in the obligatory prayer, but in the nafila, this is okay to help himself stay up.” (Sahnun, Mudawwana)
@@mrcounterpack these are narrations but not of RasoolAllah ﷺ . There’s overwhelming evidence from the sahaba in narrations about the way RasoolAllah ﷺ prayed and the only thing they differed about is if the hands were on the naval or up closer to the chest. So dont bring me these narrations about ppl other than the prophet ﷺ . It’s not a valid daleel when there is several sahih ahadith which clearly say otherwise.
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Watch the Madhab Series:
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But didn't Malik pray with hands down Bec of his shoulder issues? And people just imitated him ?
Hadeeth knowledge is ocean. Many Muslims don't know how to explain it. Only salaf like imam abu hanifa, imam malik, imam shafi and imam ahmad had a vast experience in that. I love four madhab❤❤❤❤❤
10 mins of knowledge here was more than what i've gotten in many other communities. Subhanallah. I prayed that i'd find this kind of discourse...
Me too alhamdulillah
Unfortunately many people who say such things just parrot without knowing! They’ll scream Sahīh but won’t know there’s categories within sahih
Absolutely right 👍👍👍
Very true
Or worse still even the meaning and nature of a sahih hadeeth they don't even know
Assalamu alaikum. This Madhab series is crucial work. I recommend the Shaykh and all others too read Ibn Rajab Al-Hanbali on Madhhablessness if he has not already.
Also Imam Alsubki an important book on this, and the best two books on this matter in my opinion is the books of Imam Alkawthari on Rejecting madhabs and Albuti book.
@@Al-Azdi Yes those are good too. Thank you for your advice. I usually recommend Shaykh Ibn Rajab because he is Hanbali and maybe ... that makes it more palatable to read for certain brothers.
Just got the book jazzakala khair
Can you tell the name of the book jizak allah hu khairan
@@hishamahmadehsan7397 It is called Ibn Rajab Al Hanbali on those that follow other than the four madhabs.
Masha Allah Can someone ask shaykh if he can do a tutorial to tie a turban like that
About eid on Jummah,I think you can skip salat al jummah if you follow the hanbali madhab. Imam shafii made rukhsa only for the people who live far away. Wallahu alam
Beautiful explanation....
Wallahi i always sense a light from the faces of the shiekhs of ahlul sunnah
@@gdora1995 Exactly , and the faces of deviant sect scholars looks cursed and evil.
Good point there, it’s hard to believe the Sunnah has not been perfectly preserved. Umar [rduh] would have led the daily prayers from the Prophet’s[saw] masjid for 10 years.
I follow Imam Malik's madhab and, thereby, I pray salat in sadl. Many btothers, mainly the salafis and wahabis think I am following the shia madhab and Imam Malik only prayed sadl because his shoulders were dislocated.
Apparently, you are one of those blind wahabis who foolishly regurgitate anything, I mean anything & everything literally, is put in your mouth. You have no idea about Imam Malik's school of reasoning. The reason that Imam Malik mentioned the qabd hadith in Muwatta was because to let fools like you know that he was aware of that particular hadith. He knew about that hadith, but it was going against the pratice of the sahaba and the people of Medina at the time, so he did not practice it. In Al-Mudawwan he has explained that qabd was not common in obligatory prayers. In fact, the khawarij (salafis/wahabis) fail to this day to ptovide a SAHIH & SARIH hadith to back up their outlandish claim. Furthermore, many sahaba and tabi'een such as Ali ibn AbiTaalib, Hassan Basri, Abu Bakr Siddiq, Abdullah ibn Zubair, and so forth all prayed in sadl. Now, go ahead and ask your kharajite handlers to explain to you how many of those people had their shoulders dislocated. 😂😂
@@MMGA3As far i know Imam Malik was never beaten. This is a lie. U should study about Maliki fiqh from a Maliki Scholar.( I am a Hanafi)
Well then you dont know he was beaten
@@jb_4379 So all the scholars of medina during the time of imam malik were beaten? Because imam malik practiced sadl because ahl al medina did sadl. It’s the usul of malikis to give preference to amal of people of medina
@@stealth6996 don't bother debating him. he just listened to a video of the wobbler assim al hakeem and is parroting him here.
As salaamu alaykum, can anyone provide the reference for the narration that he mentioned about the hands of the companions becoming numb. Thank you.
I heard the word "maybe" more than 25 times .... 😂
Jazakhallaah khair for educating us. I have no doubt now that the Salafis are deviates and innovators. should not pray by raising their hands before and after rukooh ?
There is a difference of opinion. One is you should raise ur hands and the other is you shouldn’t. Since I follow the hanafi madhab, I don’t raise my hands before and after ruku since according the hanafi madhab this action is mansukh (the Prophet Sal Allahu Alayhi Wa Salam stopped the action later on).
Just for your information there is difference between hamblis and salafies about raising of hands in salah
For example
Salafies raise hands in 3rd rakat
Hamblies and shafies don't
Salafies also raise hands in missed rakat ( which one miss in fard behind imam )
Hamblies and shafies don't.
According to al Albanis hands could be raised 28 times in four rakat
So one must read and study fully before rebuking others.
It takes years to study hadith knowledge.
@@shan01 Salam Alaikum. Btw are you talking me or the person who originally commented?
No you shouldn't, the early Imams didn't do it. Both are students of the tabioon and one of them saw the sahaba (may Allah ta'alab be pleased with all of them). The hadith from latter days (post salaf) mentions it, but it implies the direct students and their students purposefully left something. It is pretty clear it was abrogated.
@@yourstruly5706 JazakAllah khair
Is the womens prayer different to a mans prayer? I am hanafi but arab women are always upset with the way i pray
Yes. Men and women pray differently
What about Mawlid?
Its permissible brother! People Of Knowledge Allowed It‼️
▫️For Example: Ibn Kaseer R.A, Ibn Hajar Asqalani R.A, Imam Jalal ud din Siyuti R.A, Mulla Ali Qari R.A etc 👍🏻
@Hamxa-IslamicTalks So you understand none of these scholars said it's Sunnah. They considered it at best a permissible act or nafl. But people converted this permissible act to a tradition so much so that they cannot skip it and now consider it part of the Sunnah. This is where it becomes a bi'dah.
I agree but Quran trumps ANY ahādith - I am not a Quranist only at all - But nothing trumps the quran … Idc about how man, the isnad, matn, etc….
Quran Doesn't Contradict Sahih Hadiths‼️
why didn't the prophet (saw) or sahaba make a tafsir or a sahih hadith collection if it was so important?
They did, Abu Hanifa is from the salaf and studied under anas ibn malik, also even if they didn't it wouldn't mean a single thing.
@@apexinn you said they did. where is it?
why would it not be a problem?
@@trappedinexistence What do you mean where is it? Mota' Malik? The ahadith of Abu Hanifa? The Tafasir of both? also them narrating the ahadith and doing tafsir is condoning the making of tafsir book and hadith.
Why would it not be a problem? If collecting the quran was so important why didn't the prophet or the first 2 caliphs do it?
that doesn't answer my question. where is the tafsir of the quran FROM THE PROPHET himself or FROM THE SAHABA themselves? I didn't ask you if LATER PEOPLE wrote tafsir or collected ahadith.
but they did? the sahaba literally collected, protected and controlled the quran and the pronunciation. however they didn't bother to take these types of measures for the ahadith. when the people who knew the quran died they took precautions. however when the people who knew the ahadith died they did not take precautions. todays muslims claim ahadith are ESSENTIAL to understand the Quran. but the prophet or the sahaba didn't treat ahadith as an ESSENTIAL source for the quran like today's muslims do. otherwise they would have protected them from day one like they did with the quran. please explain why this is not an issue.
Ok a number of issues here. The prophet ﷺ was ummi(untaught how to write) by anyone. The prophet ﷺ in the earlier days of revelation prohibited the sahabah from writing down his sayings so they wouldn’t be confused with the Quran. Then , He ﷺ comman them to do so. Most notable among the sahabah who wrote down hadith were Sayyiduna Abu hurayra and Sayyiduna Ali amongst others. These sahabah had students who narrated from them directly what the prophet said along side the Quran. They wrote them down simultaneously and like that from generation to generation Hadith was handed down in the same way the Quran reached us. The earliest Hadith collection today we have is the muwatta of imam malik who learned under Ibn shihab azuhri , azuhri learned from the children of the same sahabah who transmitted the Quran. Imam Malik also was the student of imam nafi3 who was the direct student of abdullah ibn umar (one of the greatest sahabah). Keep in mind that writing isn’t the most important form of preservation, it’s transmission in large numbers orally. most of human history was passed down orally.
Shadee, why won’t you come out and retract the false claim you made at 0:57?
0:57 - This claim regarding the Maliki Madhab is unsubstantiated and simply false. This is your madhab supposedly, you should be familiar with the Usool of your madhab. A single narration can most definitely be used as an exception to a general ruling in the Quran according to the vast majority of your Madhab’s legal theorists (in fact, I was unable to find a single legal theorist from your madhab that stated otherwise; the closest opinion to that that I could find from a Maliki scholar was that of Baqillani who took a neutral position [وقف] regarding the issue).
Qadi Ibn Al-Arabi Al-Maliki, one of the giants of the Maliki madhab, stated in his classical work on legal theory “المحصول":
اخْتلف النَّاس فِي جَوَاز تَخْصِيص عُمُوم الْكتاب بِخَبَر الْوَاحِد فمنعت مِنْهُ الْمُعْتَزلَة لِأَن الْقُرْآن مَقْطُوع بِهِ وَخبر الْوَاحِد مظنون وَقَالَ القَاضِي أَنا أتوقف فِيهِ وَمَال الْفُقَهَاء بأجمعهم إِلَى جَوَاز تَخْصِيصه بِهِ
أما الْمُعْتَزلَة فَقَالُوا لما كَانَ الْقُرْآن مَقْطُوعًا بِهِ وَخبر الْوَاحِد مظنون لم يجز أَن يخصص المظنون وَهَذَا لَا يَصح فَإِن الْقُرْآن وَإِن كَانَ مَقْطُوعًا بِأَصْلِهِ فَإِن فحواه مظنون كَخَبَر الْوَاحِد فيتساويان
“The people have differed regarding the permissibility of the specification of the general statements of the book (i.e. the Quran) by a singular narration. The Mu’tazilites forbid it for (according to them) the Quran is certain and the singular narration is speculative (in nature). And the Qadi (i.e Imam Al-Baqillani) stated: ‘I take no position regarding it.’ And the jurists in their (near) totality leaned towards the permissibility of specification by it (i.e. a singular narration).
As for the Mu’tazilites they stated: ‘Since the Quran is certain whilst singular narration are speculative (in nature), it is not acceptable that the speculative specifies.’ And this is incorrect, as even if the Quran is certain in terms of its origins, its meaning is speculative just as the singular narration, so they are equal.”
Source for further context:
Imam Al Qaraafi (perhaps the foremost legal theorist [Usuuli] of the Maliki Madhab) stated in his classical textbook “سرح تنقيح الأصول”:
"ويجوز عندنا وعند الشافعي وأبي حنيفة تخصيص الكتاب بخبر الواحد وفصَّل ابن أبان والكرخي كما تقدمن وقيل لا يجوز مطلقاً، وتوقف القاضي فيه"
The specification of the book (i.e the Quran) by a singular narration is permissible according to us and also according to Shafi’ and Abu Hanifa. And Ibn Abaan (an early Hanafi scholar) and Kharkhi elaborated, as was mentioned before, and said: ‘It is categorically impermissible’. And the Qadi (Baqillani) took no position regarding it.”
Source for further context:
Ibn Haajib (yet another prominent Maliki legal theorist) stated in one of the most widely commented upon Maliki Usool books "مختصر المنتهى الأصولي":
"يجوز تخصيص القران بالخبر الواحد وقال به الأئمة الأربعة وبالتواتر اتفاقا."
“The specification of the Quran by a singular narration is permissible, and the four Imams opined this, and it’s specification by a mass reported narration is permissible by consensus.”
Source for further context:
Page 74
Note: You can find the commentary of Iiji, Taftazani, and Jizawi underneath the text of the author.
Abu Waleed Al-Baaji, a star amongst the Maliki scholars, stated in his great work "إحكام الفصول”:
"يجوز تخصيص عموم القران بخبر الواحد هذا قول جماعة أصحابنا و أصحاب الشافعي"
“It is permissible to specify the general statements in the Quran with singular narrations, this is the opinion of a large group of our companions and the companions of Shafi’i.”
Source for further context:
Page 167
@@MMGA3 Jazakallahu Khair. I am stunned at how Shadee disseminates misinformation so confidently, he tends to ignore my messages, but at the very least, if he is sincere, he should admit that he made a mistake, as there is no excuse for stating such blatant falsities.
If a madhab clashes with sahih hadeeth, I'm going with the hadith. When you know something is wrong you should accept it.
Seems like you didn't watch the video carefully
So you are a literal person. Lots of issues you will have.
He maybe will have issues with ppl like you and others but maybe Allah will be pleased with his sincere.
What if Allah wouldnt be pleased with your phylosophy
You have to understand that there are thousand of hadiths and sometimes they even seemingly clash. The reason is because you have to know the context of why it was said etc. Theres sahih hadith that I gaurantee you dont follow because a scholar said so even as a salafi
@@jb_4379Allah would be pleased with his philosophy bcoz it isn’t his philosophy. He is following 1 of great 4 Imams who rank very high in the court of Allah. The OG comment says I am going with, who r u compared to the 4 great imams?
I’m not going to lie mufti Abu Layth shut down this student of knowledge
Shut down who ?
@@ren.8137 type in Abu layth shadee. Shadee wanted no parts of Abu layth once he responded to shadee
Someone send me the source where imam Malik stated or implied that the sunnah of the prophet ﷺ was to pray with his hands down
عن الإمام مالك أنه سُئِلَ عن السَّدلِ فقال
”رأيتُ من يُقْتَدى بفعلِهِ، عبد الله بن الحسن، يَفْعَلَهُ.“
(وهو سليلُ أهل بيت النبوة الامام القدوة عبد الله بن الحسن بن علي بن أبي طالب.)
المعيار الجديد 1:294
Imam Malik was asked about sadl and said, “I saw one who should be taken as an example, ‘Abd Allah b. al-Hasan, doing this.” This was the sone of Hasan b. ‘Ali b. Abi Talib.
(Wazzani, Al-Mi‘yar al-Jadid)
جاء في المدوتة، قال ابن القاسم: قال مالك في وضع اليمنى على اليسرى في الصلاة
”لا أعرفُ ذلك في الفريضة، ولكن في النوافل لابأس بذلك، يعين به على نفسه.“
المدونة 1:79
Malik said about placing the right on the left: “I do not know about doing this in the obligatory prayer, but in the nafila, this is okay to help himself stay up.”
(Sahnun, Mudawwana)
@@mrcounterpack these are narrations but not of RasoolAllah ﷺ . There’s overwhelming evidence from the sahaba in narrations about the way RasoolAllah ﷺ prayed and the only thing they differed about is if the hands were on the naval or up closer to the chest. So dont bring me these narrations about ppl other than the prophet ﷺ . It’s not a valid daleel when there is several sahih ahadith which clearly say otherwise.
@@Kay-sd1fw you asked about where Malik mentioned the sadl, not The Prophet ﷺ. You’re moving the goal post.