It is written, He changes not, He is the same yesterday, today and forever, He wants us to use His proper name, we wouldn't say , hey you, or hey person, no we would call people by their name, this video is so very good, I just got my International Scriptures Research Bible two days ago. 💜💜
Beautifully stated. I tried to explain this to my family saying if I wanted to get John's attention I wouldn't call for Bill and expect John to turn around. No if I want John's attention then I called John. The most high tells us to call upon his name for a reason
I have thought for a very long time that there is something not quite right about the "world religions" and that the teaching is errant but did not know why. Thank you for opening my eyes and my heart. I will pursue this line of inquiry more. Yahuah's Blessing be upon you.
Here is the Original Semitic Text. HERE IS THE REAL SAVIOR YaH The Heavenly FATHER was Who they Crucified for our sins and “HERE IS THE PROOF” From the Ancient Semitic Scroll: "Yad He Vav He" is what Moses wrote, when Moses asked YaH His Name (Exodus 3) Ancient Semitic Direct Translation Yad - "Behold The Hand" He - "Behold the Breath" Vav - "Behold The NAIL"
Finally real Truth. Almost impossible to find these days. I hope I am worthy to see you in YAHUAH'S Kingdom. For if i am worthy brother, i know exactly where to find you, by the side of Yahushua, and to thank you find you I will...
Brother Michael excellent teaching. I Always enjoy your subject matters and your devotion to staying on point with the Torah of truth. As a humble servant of Elohim Yahuah I often send links to your scripture studies to servants that are newly awakened to the true way of Yahuah. It gives them some guided direction in their scripture studies. Which is vitaly important to the those just r beginning to taste the meat of the set apart word. It is my prayer that the most high continues to bless u and your family in helping to guide his children to all truth. Shalom.
Thank you for the kind words, and your post of encouragement. HalleluYAH! On a side note though, and as per the videos, we are not teachers as we all but have one Teacher, and that is the MessiYAH YaHUsHua as per Mt. 23: 8 etc......... We are just Bereans (Acts 17: 11) who enjoy studying the Word daily with folks like you. All the best in the Name (YaHUsHua) which is above all names.
The clip at 16:50 is really shocking. I've already known the fact that the Catholic church worships gods(sun deity, ba'al...), but I didn't know that they worship "Lucifer". My sister and I are really shocked. On the other hand, I and my sister are glad to know the fact and thankful to know the true name of the creator, YAHUAH❤ and his son, YAHUSHUA❤ HalaluYAH!🎶🎵 Thank you to Mikal for making this wonderFull video which helps me and my sister know the truth. Have a YAHsome day!🥰🥰
Here is the Original Semitic Text. HERE IS THE REAL SAVIOR YaH The Heavenly FATHER was Who they Crucified for our sins and “HERE IS THE PROOF” From the Ancient Semitic Scroll: "Yad He Vav He" is what Moses wrote, when Moses asked YaH His Name (Exodus 3) Ancient Semitic Direct Translation Yad - "Behold The Hand" He - "Behold the Breath" Vav - "Behold The NAIL"
Thanks for the confirmation. I learned this awhile ago but had my doubt cause of the different way people say it. Now I feel confident calling him Yahuah and his son Yahusha!
excellent work - you make things so clear and easy to understand ! how amazing is it that going on 3 years later your video would pop up and answer someone's question!
Lucifer means carrier of derives from the Romans who named planet Venus "Lucifer* which was their morning star...Lucifer is Luce+fer* Luce= Light ..fer= carrier (transporter) that's why blood iron is called ferrous cause it's a carrier of oxygen.. ..I wish people would wake up and stop falling for the bullshit the religious institutions..fed them in the past ..The Vatican knows that Lucifer is the Holy Spirit...the reason they made us believe for thousands of yrs that Lucifer is the devil...was to keep us from the Light..from invoking that name for they can is true that many cults do many bad things in that name cause they believe it's Satan...but I can reassure you Lucifer is not Satan
@@giovannaromano3312 im a Christian saved by grace from the blood of Jesus but there are times a good energy is telling me that lucifer and satan are not one, infact Lucifer and Jesus are brothers in God because they both came from God while lucifer was created by God's hands, Jesus was born and created by God's heart. satan destroyed the name of lucifer by saying that they are one and now the religions we have are condeming lucifer because of that. i always pray to God the father that the truth prevails because even if im saved by grace i still cant help but get confused on this matter. i pray wisdom in Jesus name!
Thank you for the post but please be aware that I and those that do these Scriptural study videos are not teachers as we all but have only ONE Teacher and that is the Messiah Yahushua as per Mt. 23: 8 etc........ We are just Bereans (Acts 17: 11 etc........) that truly enjoy Scriptural studies in Scriptural words, names, and the law (Acts 18: 15 etc........) including the Scriptural calendar. All the best to you and your loved ones in the Name (Yahushua) which is above all names.
Even most friends of mine have an excuse for not calling Him by His Name but calling Yahuah by the word in most biblias.....It's very sad that they don't love His Name
HalaluYAH Wayne! All praise and esteem to the Sovereign of the ages, to the Almighy YaHUaH, our Father of Lights, who alone is wise, be respect and esteem forever and ever. (1 Timothy 1: 17) May the peace of the Almighty YaHUaH, which surpasses all understanding, guard your heart, and mind through Messiah YaHUsHua. (Philippians 4: 7) Have a YAHsome day! Tehillim / Ps. 47: 2 For YaHUaH Most High is AWEsome; A great Sovereign over all the earth.
Shua or Sha - Shocking - Pt. 2 Why Yahushua and Not Yahusha All the best in the Name (Yahushua) which is above all names.
Here is the Original Semitic Text. HERE IS THE REAL SAVIOR YaH The Heavenly FATHER was Who they Crucified for our sins and “HERE IS THE PROOF” From the Ancient Semitic Scroll: "Yad He Vav He" is what Moses wrote, when Moses asked YaH His Name (Exodus 3) Ancient Semitic Direct Translation Yad - "Behold The Hand" He - "Behold the Breath" Vav - "Behold The NAIL"
Thank you for the feedback, please understand though that we are only Bereans (Acts 17: 11) who enjoy studying Scripture with others as we all only but have one Teacher and that is the Messiah Yahushua. All the best to you and your loved ones in the Name which is above all names.
HalaluYAH, meaning praise YAH, as per Tehillim / Ps. 68: 4 etc........, All praise and esteem to the Sovereign of the ages, to the Almighy YaHUaH, our Father of Lights, who alone is wise, be respect and esteem forever and ever. (1 Timothy 1: 17) May the peace of the Almighty YaHUaH, which surpasses all understanding, guard your heart, and mind through Messiah YaHUsHua. (Philippians 4: 7) Have a YAHsome day! Tehillim / Ps. 47: 2 For YaHUaH Most High is AWEsome; A great Sovereign over all the earth.
Here is the Original Semitic Text. HERE IS THE REAL SAVIOR YaH The Heavenly FATHER was Who they Crucified for our sins and “HERE IS THE PROOF” From the Ancient Semitic Scroll: "Yad He Vav He" is what Moses wrote, when Moses asked YaH His Name (Exodus 3) Ancient Semitic Direct Translation Yad - "Behold The Hand" He - "Behold the Breath" Vav - "Behold The NAIL"
Thank you for the kind comments Roxie but on a side note so you know, we are not teachers as we ALL only have but ONE Teacher and that is the Messiah Yahushua as per Mattithyahu / Mt. 23: 8 etc......... We are just Bereans (Acts 17: 11) who enjoy testing and proving (1 Thess. 5: 21) all things with a 2 Tim. 2: 15 approach. All the best to you and your loved ones in the Name (Yahushua) which is above all names.
The reason why MANY are afraid to call on the set Apart NAME of *YAHUAH* is because they still have a heart and tongue of 'flesh' aka uncircumcised FOR it is written that none with SUCH will ever utter his name - its a deep mystery!
HalaluYAH Catherina, all the best to you and your loved ones in the Name (YaHUsHua) which is above all names, the One who "cried out" (Shua) to the Father YaHUaH for His deliverance. יהושוע / 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤔𐤅𐤏 Philippians 2: 9 - 11 𐤀𐤕 /Aleph Tau 𐤀𐤌𐤍 / Amein
HalaluYAH Kellen! All praise and esteem to the Sovereign of the ages, to the Almighy YaHUaH, our Father of Lights, who alone is wise, be respect and esteem forever and ever. (1 Timothy 1: 17) May the peace of the Almighty YaHUaH, which surpasses all understanding, guard your heart, and mind through Messiah YaHUsHua. (Philippians 4: 7) Have a YAHsome day! Tehillim / Ps. 47: 2 For YaHUaH Most High is AWEsome; A great Sovereign over all the earth. All the best to you and your loved ones in the Name (YaHUsHua) which is above all names, the One who "cried out" (Shua) to the Father YaHUaH for His deliverance. יהושוע / 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤔𐤅𐤏 Philippians 2: 9 - 11 𐤀𐤕 /Aleph Tau 𐤀𐤌𐤍 / Amein
HalaluYAH Mark! All praise and esteem to the Sovereign of the ages, to the Almighy YaHUaH, our Father of Lights, who alone is wise, be respect and esteem forever and ever. (1 Timothy 1: 17) May the peace of the Almighty YaHUaH, which surpasses all understanding, guard your heart, and mind through Messiah YaHUsHua. (Philippians 4: 7) Have a YAHsome day! Tehillim / Ps. 47: 2 For YaHUaH Most High is AWEsome; A great Sovereign over all the earth. All the best to you and your loved ones in the Name (YaHUsHua) which is above all names, the One who "cried out" (Shua) to the Father YaHUaH for His deliverance. יהושוע / 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤔𐤅𐤏 Philippians 2: 9 - 11 𐤀𐤕 /Aleph Tau 𐤀𐤌𐤍 / Amein
I have done research on all of this and you have confirmed everything I have seen or witness is correct thank you for sharing this helps to know that I have been lead by ABBA YAHUAH INTO ALL TRUTH HALLELU-YAH! I am new to a lot of ABBA OF THE SHAMAYIM TEACHINGS BUT I AM ENJOYING THE AWAKENING THE TRUE SABBATH AND HIS CALENDAR IN THE SHAMAYIM
Hi could you please tell me what you mean and what you have learn about this word : shamayim. I know is it in Bereishit 1.1 but i still lack compréhension. I would truly appreciate your view on this. Thank you. Shalom
Yah! You ARE so completely, fascinating Ly, and in every way, PERFECT! What more, pray tell, can even be said?!? Until your own captivating living language is restored, except for, "Let your will be done"! not too much! Ahmein
HalaluYAH, meaning praise YAH, as per Tehillim / Ps. 68: 4 etc........, All praise and esteem to the Sovereign of the ages, to the Almighy YaHUaH, our Father of Lights, who alone is wise, be respect and esteem forever and ever. (1 Timothy 1: 17) May the peace of the Almighty YaHUaH, which surpasses all understanding, guard your heart, and mind through Messiah YaHUsHua. (Philippians 4: 7) Have a YAHsome day! Tehillim / Ps. 47: 2 For YaHUaH Most High is AWEsome; A great Sovereign over all the earth.
HalleluYAH for Scriptural word, name and law (Acts 18: 15 etc........) studies. Yes indeed Scriptural words, names and law have always caused great commotion as the Word shares (Acts 19: 9, 23 etc........) for those still imprisoned in World Religions. This may help, if not, no worries. What is the WAY of YAHUAH - Why It's Not With or From World Religions Why World Religions are Non-Scriptural All the best to yopu and your loved ones in the Name (Yahushua) which is above all names.
It gets millions of times scarier human energy is harvested to feed non human entities society harvests fear stress and sorrow which is powerful emotions and energy
@@mbdamnit That's only part of our job description. What would have been the result if young David had said, "No, Adonai, You can deal with the filth of Goliath & his evil words. My job is merely to find the Light - You"?
Thank you for the post, and kind intentions, the UA-cam channel though never was intended to be a ministry and or part of one in the sense of religion. We are just Bereans who love to study Scripturee with others, and learn how to apply it our lives in order to have a better quality life here and now, and an opportunity into the future. All the best in the Name wich is above all names.
This may be of value as well. The Scriptural salt will always sting the pagan wounds. Pagans and their collective idol worship throughout time have fought the Almighty Father of Lights directly about His One Name. And this is why pagans utilize a non-Scriptural title for the Almighty. And why this UA-cam Channel does not promote a man - made greek - latin deity (iesous chrestos - jesus christ) that is ONLY 500 years old, and we certainly do not promote a man - made title (god) that was created for all man - made mythological deities that only those still imprisoned in world religions promote. Encyclopedia Britannica, 11th Edition, says, “GOD - the common Teutonic word for a personal object of religious worship…applied to all those superhuman beings of the heathen mythologies. The word “god” on the conversion of the Teutonic races to Christianity was adopted as the name of the one Supreme Being… These two Scriptural study videos may be of value towards Scriptural, etymological, historical and archaeological facts / evidence. Chaos of Christ or the Simplicity of the MessiYAH Is Baal Gad the Lord God of World Religions? Is Satan the Lord God? HalleluYAH that the collective pagan idol worship of world religions is obliterated with just a few Scriptural verses. The Scriptural salt does indeed sting pagan wounds. Yashayahu / Is. 42: 8 etc........ “I am YaHUaH, that is My Name, and My esteem I do not give to another, nor My praise to idols. Shemoth / Ex. 3: 15, Ya'al / Joel 2: 32, Acts 2: 21, 4?: 12, Romans 13: 10 etc........ Hazon / Revelation 22: 21 - The favour of our Master Yahushua Messiah be with the set-apart ones. Amein. All the best to you and your loved ones in the Name (Yahushua) which is above all names.
HalaluYAH Skylar! All praise and esteem to the Sovereign of the ages, to the Almighy YaHUaH, our Father of Lights, who alone is wise, be respect and esteem forever and ever. (1 Timothy 1: 17) May the peace of the Almighty YaHUaH, which surpasses all understanding, guard your heart, and mind through Messiah YaHUsHua. (Philippians 4: 7) Have a YAHsome day! Tehillim / Ps. 47: 2 For YaHUaH Most High is AWEsome; A great Sovereign over all the earth. All the best to you and your loved ones in the Name (YaHUsHua) which is above all names, the One who "cried out" (Shua) to the Father YaHUaH for His deliverance. יהושוע / 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤔𐤅𐤏 Philippians 2: 9 - 11 𐤀𐤕 /Aleph Tau 𐤀𐤌𐤍 / Amein
This is all good .. I would like you or even love it if you do a research on this (EL) in Hebrew and check it with the profits names of old time .. am sure you would love it .
We are just wrapping up that now.Here is some background. El, Eloah, Elohim, Elahin, Elyon: El (Al): Mighty One, Strength Eloah: Singular form of Elohim, has same meaning as El. Elohim: Plural of Eloah, Rulers, Messengers. Elyon, El Elyon: The Most High El. Hebrew Aramaic Eloah Elah Elyon Illaya Elohim Elahin
HalaluYAH “And this is the judgment, that the light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the light, for their works were wicked. For everyone who is practising evil matters hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his works should be exposed. But the one doing the truth comes to the light, so that his works are clearly seen, that they have been wrought in Elohim. Yoḥanan (John) 3:19-21 HalaluYAH Forevermore!
All praise and esteem to the Sovereign of the ages, to the Almighy YaHUaH, our Father of Lights, who alone is wise, be respect and esteem forever and ever. (1 Timothy 1: 17) May the peace of the Almighty YaHUaH, which surpasses all understanding, guard your heart, and mind through Messiah YaHUsHua. (Philippians 4: 7) Have a YAHsome day! Tehillim / Ps. 47: 2 For YaHUaH Most High is AWEsome; A great Sovereign over all the earth. All the best to you and your loved ones in the Name (YaHUsHua) which is above all names, the One who "cried out" (Shua) to the Father YaHUaH for His deliverance. יהושוע / 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤔𐤅𐤏 Philippians 2: 9 - 11 𐤀𐤕 /Aleph Tau 𐤀𐤌𐤍 / Amein
This UA-cam Channel does not promote a man - made greek - latin deity (iesous chrestos - jesus christ) that is ONLY 500 years old, and we certainly do not promote a man - made title (god) that was created for all man - made mythological deities that only world religions promote. Encyclopedia Britannica, 11th Edition, says, “GOD - the common Teutonic word for a personal object of religious worship…applied to all those superhuman beings of the heathen mythologies. The word “god” on the conversion of the Teutonic races to Christianity was adopted as the name of the one Supreme Being… These two Scriptural study videos may be of value towards the Scriptural subject of deliverance / salvation. Chaos of Christ or the Simplicity of the MessiYAH Is Baal Gad the Lord God of World Religions? Is Satan the Lord God? All the best to you and your loved ones in the Name (Yahushua) which is above all names.
there's power in Yhwh's name...means: I am He who is self existant..without God Jesus would not exists...Jove means "I Live"...that name is powerful.. Lucifer means Bringer of Light..Luci+fer (Latin) Light+Bringer...which describes the Holy Spirit..these are the most Holy names ..Yeshua means *the eye of Yhwh*..u wanna worship his eye?? or God??
@@iiuva This may be of value. We do not promote what world religions do. Encyclopedia Britannica, 11th Edition, says, “GOD - the common Teutonic word for a personal object of religious worship…applied to all those superhuman beings of the heathen mythologies. The word “god” on the conversion of the Teutonic races to Christianity was adopted as the name of the one Supreme Being… These two Scriptural study videos may be of value towards Scriptural, etymological, historical and archaeological facts / evidence. Chaos of Christ or the Simplicity of the MessiYAH Is Baal Gad the Lord God of World Religions? Is Satan the Lord God? HalleluYAH that the collective pagan idol worship of world religions is obliterated with just a few Scriptural verses. The Scriptural salt does indeed sting pagan wounds. Yashayahu / Is. 42: 8 etc........ “I am YaHUaH, that is My Name, and My esteem I do not give to another, nor My praise to idols. Shemoth / Ex. 3: 15, Ya'al / Joel 2: 32, Acts 2: 21, 4?: 12, Romans 13: 10 etc........ Hazon / Revelation 22: 21 - The favour of our Master Yahushua Messiah be with the set-apart ones. Amein. All the best to you and your loved ones in the Name (Yahushua) which is above all names.
Elohim were the angels that Hod created before Universe and the Earth...They genetically made us.. Jesus explained how God manifested Himself thru the Elohim in the Essene Gospel of the Holy Twelve...
Meshpaca Yahudian Mikal i will eternally be grateful to YahUah for bringing this 4th, through you breadren. I am so thankful, so humbled. Thank you again brother, i love you for this lesson and never tire of watching it, and sharing it to the people. 💜💜💜💪🕊 YahUah barakah wa shalom!✴💜💜 👊
Etymologically "adonai" means "lord" and Scripturally the lord is known as Ba'al. This Scriptural study video may be of value. Why World Religions WILL NOT Call Upon the Name All the best in the Name (Yahushua) which is above all names.
I and the others that do these videos are just Bereans (Acts 17: 11), who test and prove all things (1 Thess. 5: 21), and yes we all only have but One Teacher and that is the MessiYAH Yahushua as per Mattithyahu / Mt. 23: 8 etc........ You are aware that the term "lord" is not a name, and or even the proper title for the Almighty Father who's Name is YaHUaH as per Shemoth / Ex. 3: 15 etc........ These Scriptural Study videos can be of value if you have a love the truth. Is Baal Gad the Lord God of World Religions? Is Satan the Lord God? Chaos of Christ or the Simplicity of the MessiYAH All the best to you and your loved ones in the Name (Yahushua) which is above all names.
These Scriptural Study videos can be of value if you have a love the truth. Is Baal Gad the Lord God of World Religions? Is Satan the Lord God? Chaos of Christ or the Simplicity of the MessiYAH All the best to you and your loved ones in the Name (Yahushua) which is above all names.
These Scriptural Study videos can be of value if you have a love the truth. Is Baal Gad the Lord God of World Religions? Is Satan the Lord God? Chaos of Christ or the Simplicity of the MessiYAH All the best to you and your loved ones in the Name (Yahushua) which is above all names.
Joel 2:32 TS2009 “And it shall be that everyone who calls on the Name of יהוה shall be delivered. For on Mount Tsiyon and in Yerushalayim there shall be an escape as יהוה has said, and among the survivors whom יהוה calls.
HalaluYAH, meaning praise YAH, as per Tehillim / Ps. 68: 4 etc........, All praise and esteem to the Sovereign of the ages, to the Almighy YaHUaH, our Father of Lights, who alone is wise, be respect and esteem forever and ever. (1 Timothy 1: 17) May the peace of the Almighty YaHUaH, which surpasses all understanding, guard your heart, and mind through Messiah YaHUsHua (Philippians 4: 7). Have a YAHsome day! Tehillim / Ps. 47: 2 For YaHUaH Most High is AWEsome; A great Sovereign over all the earth.
@@mikalshabbatscripturalstudies Still I wonder the pronunciation of ABBA’s Name יהוה because the four letters are all consonants. Thank you for the reply.
@@mountaintop7683 This may be of value to your excellent question. Praise YAH that HalleluYAH is Sung and Pronounced the Same in All Languages HalaluYAH, meaning praise YAH, as per Tehillim / Ps. 68: 4 etc........, All praise and esteem to the Sovereign of the ages, to the Almighy YaHUaH, our Father of Lights, who alone is wise, be respect and esteem forever and ever. (1 Timothy 1: 17) May the peace of the Almighty YaHUaH, which surpasses all understanding, guard your heart, and mind through Messiah YaHUsHua (Philippians 4: 7). Have a YAHsome day! Tehillim / Ps. 47: 2 For YaHUaH Most High is AWEsome; A great Sovereign over all the earth.
Thank you for this video. I'm on a cell phone and must get a friend to copy the chart for me. It upsets me that they would trick so many people with his true name. A Rabbi said the priest would stand in the water and whisper his true name. So they didn't tell their own people his true name in fear the name would get out. A big secret. He said it was Yahovah
Please do an etymological check on what hovah means, you will be extremely pleased on why this is so important on why there is only One Name in which we all can be delivered. Ya'al (Joel) 2: 32, Acts 2: 21, 4: 12, Romans 10: 13 etc........, Thank you to all of those Bereans who help in a 1 Thess. 5: 11 manner by encouraging others to; Do your utmost to present yourself approved to Aluahiym (the Almighty One - YaHUaH / יהוה - 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 ), a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly handling the Word of Truth. (2 Tim. 2: 15) All the best to you and your loved ones in the Name (YaHUsHua) which is above all names, יהושוע / 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤔𐤅𐤏 Philippians 2: 9 - 11 𐤀𐤕 /Aleph Tau 𐤀𐤌𐤍 / Amein
Brethern to spend time attempting to debate over what is obviously taught in the prophetic book of Mal’aḵi is like chasing the wind. Let Yahuah's Set apart word teach truth. Mal’aḵi (Malachi) 2:1-3 TS2009 “And now, O priests, this command is for you. “If you do not hear, and if you do not take it to heart, to give esteem to My Name,” said Yahuah ( יהוה ) of hosts, “I shall send a curse upon you, and I shall curse your blessings. And indeed, I have cursed them, because you do not take it to heart. “See, I shall rebuke your seed, and scatter dung before your faces, the dung of your festivals. And you shall be taken away with it. Here we can clearly see that Yahuah was angry at the priests for profaning his name and failure to show esteem to his name. These are the heretical priests of the Sanhedrin who sinned before Elohim and outlawed the verbal praise of his name. Setting his name to nothing by using Adonai. I offer this scripture in accordance to the will of Abba Yahuah. Shalom brethern.
Yermiyahu, at least you have it correct! It has taken me years to finally know this. Yes I've went through the different stages of learning " False Names " . So Revelations 12: 9 makes more sense concerning Deception. YAHUAH is His Name.
todah for your words, Yahuah baruk you and yours. you might want to check out EliYahu's channel as he has found many words that go back to pagen and idol worship that are common terms related to scripture. HalleluYah
Mikal, I've been wondering lately why the meaning of our Father's name, from paleo Hebrew translates to "hand behold nail behold" when the witnesses and evidence show our Messiah was hung on a tree. Any thoughts?
What does the Scripture share as it relates to your excellent question? Hand - Behold - Nail - Behold INDEED! Yashayahu / Is. 52: 14 - 15 14As many were astonished at You - so the disfigurement beyond any man’s and His form beyond the sons of men - 15He shall likewise startle many nations. Sovereigns shut their mouths at Him, for what had not been recounted to them they shall see, and what they had not heard they shall understand. Yashayahu / Is. 53: 1 - 8 Who has believed our report? And to whom was the arm of YaHUaH revealed? 2For He grew up before Him as a tender plant, and as a root out of dry ground. He has no form or splendour that we should look upon Him, nor appearance that we should desire Him - 3despised and rejected by men, a man of pains and knowing sickness. And as one from whom the face is hidden, being despised, and we did not consider Him. 4Truly, He has borne our sicknesses and carried our pains. Yet we reckoned Him stricken, smitten by Aluahiym (the Almighty One), and afflicted. 5But He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our crookednesses. The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed.6We all, like sheep, went astray, each one of us has turned to his own way. And YaHUaH has laid on Him the crookedness of us all. 7He was oppressed and He was afflicted, but He did not open His mouth. He was led as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before its shearers is silent, but He did not open His mouth. 8He was taken from prison and from judgment. And as for His generation, who considered that He shall be cut off from the land of the living? For the transgression of My people He was stricken. Hand - Behold - Nail - Behold INDEED! HalaluYAH!
@@mikalshabbatscripturalstudies HallaluYAH! Appreciate the quick reply! Certainly, these scriptures remind me of our Father's ultimate gift and sacrifice, through our Messiah. Though, I'm trying to resolve why our Father's name meaning includes "nail" if Yahushua was hung on a tree, as per Galations 3:13. The Christian cross appears to have origins in ancient Babylon and may have become the Christian logo via the council of nicea, supposedly to reinforce the notion our Messiah was crucified Roman-style on a cross instead of being linched from a tree. By the way, Revelations also refers to our Messiah as being dark skinned with white wooly hair contrary to popular imagery of "Jesus".
@@Gebbryrainman Yes, we do not believe it was a cross, but rather, a stake. And yes again, we believe the MessiYAH YaHUsHua was of a Hebraic origins, and not what twistianity regrettably proclaims. Have a YAHsome night!
Here is the Original Semitic Text. HERE IS THE REAL SAVIOR YaH The Heavenly FATHER was Who they Crucified for our sins and “HERE IS THE PROOF” From the Ancient Semitic Scroll: "Yad He Vav He" is what Moses wrote, when Moses asked YaH His Name (Exodus 3) Ancient Semitic Direct Translation Yad - "Behold The Hand" He - "Behold the Breath" Vav - "Behold The NAIL"
@@Praise___YaH HalleluYah kum ba Yah, our King Yahushua, is set to return soon. Have you seen the cube 🕋 that's been orbiting the sun? Looks as new Yarushalom.
@@gkeith64 The Weeds have to be gathered first before YaH can harvest His Wheat. This jesus event, is the gathering of the weeds. As the Israelites did, in the days of Egypt, go in your home and seal your door, do not go, be not deceived, do not follow them Praise YaH
@@Praise___YaH The Yahudim where raptured in 1800 and they left in chariots/ufo's after handing the keys to the kingdoms of earth to the Gentiles. There is clear evidence there was a great war and the tattered remains give indication thru buildings, bombed? Portions of land, etc. The Gebtiles have fed us the story of Revelations about Babylon/Tartariyah. Yet their demise and judgement is clear in Daniel, Joel, ObediYah, IsaiYah, ode of Solomon 38, 3 Nephi 16, Apocalypse of Gr8 elder Abraham. They gave us the Anti-MessiYAh in 1500, while fixating on an Antichrist that is not coming. The King is set ro return as written in psalms 82:1 Alahainu will judge the Gods of this realm 1st. We can see all the signs are aligning. The age of Pisces just ended in 2020. We are now in ShacharYadah = dawning ,{1st of 5 cycles}, knowledge, (aka Aquarius of the 12 ages). All things point to them soon saying as is written Jeremiah 16:19 King James Version 19 O YahUah, my strength, and my fortress, and my refuge in the day of affliction, the Gentiles shall come unto thee from the ends of the earth, and shall say, Surely our fathers have inherited lies, vanity, and things wherein there is no profit. When i 1st found out, i had an absolute fit! My thinking, "who is crazy enough to lie about the creator?😳🤔 after months in the hospital, and much pray and repentance to TMH. Ive now come to feel sorry for their stubborn irreverence of YahUahs commands. Hiding his name and giving credit to other Gods. Im so glad we arent sitting in their seats. We got ours is all i can say. They up now. Their turn. YahUah is not mocked. And their time is up for grace. They got 500 years. Father said 4 generations = 480 years. 1500 to present time. Smh
lm pausing at 5:46 because l was recently at another video...learning from "truth....777" that the Savior did not hang, on what he said is a Pagan symbol, the Cross. But was hung from a tree, like the "lost chosen Children, the enslaved black people in America were! So that "Nail Revealed" is in His name, now confuses me, as well as recalling the story of Doubting Thomas after the Messiah was raised from the dead...obviously if He was hung from a Tree, there would be no holes in His hands or feet!? Can someone please enlighten me?!
Blue Skies this is based out of black hebrew movement idealogies, and if you look at the founders of the movement, you will see the fallacies it is wroght with.
Sure Massiyah could have holes hand and foot. Trees have thick branches suitable for strike thru. But also realize the Hollywood version and Massiyah's actual method of death quite obviously may diverge drastically. Shalom.
@@naniheavens3482 Actually sir calling someone a black Hebrew is oxymoronic. Sort of like saying he or she is a oriental Japanese. All genetic ancestors of Yahudah/Yis'rael are black. See the table of nations in the Torah. As it is written in Torah prophecy Elohim is waking up his scattered children and showing us who we are. He caused us to forget now as it is written he is actively bringing us back to knowledge to the keys of life. Yirmeyahu (Jeremiah) 17:4 “And you, even of yourself, shall let go of your inheritance which I gave you. And I shall make you serve your enemies in a land which you have not known, for you have kindled a fire in My displeasure which burns forever.” One can see in the Apocrypha that Elohim planned to return the faithful remnant of Yis'rael back to the new Yerushalyim. The curses of Debarim ( Dueteronomy ) 28 to the 3rd and forth generation will end in the kingdom to come. Baruch 2:29-35 [29] If ye will not hear my voice, surely this very great multitude shall be turned into a small number among the nations, where I will scatter them. [30] For I knew that they would not hear me, because it is a stiffnecked people: but in the land of their captivities ( America, South America, Caribbean etc ) they shall remember themselves. [31] And shall know that I am Yahuah Elohim: for I will give them an heart, and ears to hear: ( Yah caused this not man. Not a movement ) [32] And they shall praise me in the land of their captivity, ( We came here as captives ) and think upon my name, ( Yahuah ) [33] And return from their stiff neck, and from their wicked deeds: for they shall remember the way of their fathers, which sinned before Elohim. [34] And I will bring them again into the land which I promised with an oath unto their fathers, Abraham, Yitzhak( Isaac,) and Ya'aqob (Jacob,) and they shall be lords of it: and I will increase them, and they shall not be diminished. [35] And I will make an everlasting covenant with them to be their El, and they shall be my people: and I will no more drive my people of Yis'rael out of the land that I have given them. That isn't a huge issue to speak on however. All that walk in the Torah of truth be they Hebrew or gentile must be about our fathers work of spreading the besorah of Massiyah Yahushua. However just as the Popes of the Whore of Babylon who created the false doctrine of Christianity there are many self servings Hebrews of wicked nature that are wolves in sheep's clothing. For example the satanic pope Alexander the IV presided over more orgies then masses. He was the Patriarch of the Mafia style Borgia crime family . His true name was Rodrigo Borgia. For all that want definitive details on the minions of Ha'Satan commonly called popes follow the link below For those that are unaware of biblical history in relation to European religious history in particular and historic events in general. These sons of Japheth conquered, hated, persecuted and enslaved the black children of Yahudah. Then they proceeded to co-opt the Way of Yahuah creating the twin beasts of the Roman Catholic cult and Christianity to feed their satanic greed for political power, carnal lusts and money. This beast was prophesied in the book of Daniel and Hazon ( Revelations ). For details of this beast follow the link below. Remember the teaching of Massiyah Yahushua. Mattithyahu (Matthew) 7:15-20 “But beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are savage wolves. “By their fruits you shall know them. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes or figs from thistles? “So every good tree yields good fruit, but a rotten tree yields wicked fruit. “A good tree is unable to yield wicked fruit, and a rotten tree to yield good fruit. “Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. “So then, by their fruits you shall know them - After u watch this video u will understand that the wicked men who fostered the false doctrine of Christianity and it's worhip of pagan helladays can't bear good fruit. Don't make the foolish error of lumping every genetic chosen seed of Yis'rael in with the very loud and sinful heretics u see spewing false doctrine and blasphemy on UA-cam. The obedient children that walk in rush and in truth r the ones no one will see or hear outside of those that know them personally. It is my prayer that when u come to learn the truth of the wicked u will seek the Torah of truth with all your heart. And that Elohim Yahuah will see your sincerity and lead u to all truth. Shalom beloved brethern.
Yirmeyahu Ben-Yahudim apologies if it seemed whatsoever to matter, the skin color of Our One True MeasiYah, bc it honestly does not make a diffence to me, and i can surely bet he was not white. Thank you for your response, and i will check out your links. I do not own a Torah but i have been wanting one and feel that this is a good deciding factor on acquiring it. Mahalo, and Aloha Nui Loa🕊
No large organization, churches being the largest, will accept fundamental change as it would create controversy and division. Maintaining their powerbase becomes the sole focus of their existence (to their destruction).
Excellent post topher2495! All praise and esteem to the Sovereign of the ages, to the Almighy YaHUaH, our Father of Lights, who alone is wise, be respect and esteem forever and ever. (1 Timothy 1: 17) May the peace of the Almighty YaHUaH, which surpasses all understanding, guard your heart, and mind through Messiah YaHUsHua (Philippians 4: 7). Have a YAHsome day! Tehillim / Ps. 47: 2 For YaHUaH Most High is AWEsome; A great Sovereign over all the earth.
I may not be Christian or identify with a single religion, but No matter if you correctly translated and even if completely accurate remember my people sitting and praying in holy places, in their homes, and children’s nightly/ daily prayers are not worshipping Lucifer. They worship God as they openly describe him on a personal level/ relationship and the devil is their enemy. This larger more powerful message is taught by the same church that you directly translate scripture to degrade and speculate hidden devil worship. Action speaks louder than words. Thank you Catholics for feeding a starving world and delivering Christmas to households every year. Your actions speak volumes more about the message you want to portray over the words of the hymn translated by the poster.
Thank you for your post. Based on your response this Scriptural study video may be of value. Atheists, Religion, & Christmas - A Toxic Mix Thank you to all of those Bereans who help in a 1 Thess. 5: 11 manner by encouraging others to; Do your utmost to present yourself approved to Aluahiym (the Almighty One - YaHUaH / יהוה - 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 ), a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly handling the Word of Truth. (2 Tim. 2: 15) All the best to you and your loved ones in the Name (YaHUsHua) which is above all names, the One who "cried out" (Shua) to the Father YaHUaH for His deliverance. יהושוע / 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤔𐤅𐤏 Philippians 2: 9 - 11 𐤀𐤕 /Aleph Tau 𐤀𐤌𐤍 / Amein
Here is the reason the Catholic church utilizes Aleluia, but not HalaluYAH. Please remember the etymological fact, that all Catholic praise god, and the lord, which originate from pagan Ba'al worship systems throughout antiquity. Why World Religions WILL NOT Call Upon the Name HalaluYAH, meaning praise YAH, as per Tehillim / Ps. 68: 4 etc........, All praise and esteem to the Sovereign of the ages, to the Almighy YaHUaH, our Father of Lights, who alone is wise, be respect and esteem forever and ever. (1 Timothy 1: 17) May the peace of the Almighty YaHUaH, which surpasses all understanding, guard your heart, and mind through Messiah YaHUsHua. (Philippians 4: 7) Have a YAHsome day! Tehillim / Ps. 47: 2 For YaHUaH Most High is AWEsome; A great Sovereign over all the earth.
Exodus 3:15 "And God said moreover unto Moses, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, The Lord God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath sent me unto you: this is my name for ever, and this is my memorial unto all generations." Hay Yod Hay, HAYAH, Strong's H1961
This may truly help with your post above. Is Baal Gad the Lord God of World Religions? Is Satan the Lord God? Why World Religions WILL NOT Call Upon the Name All the best in the Name which is above all names.
I am the bright and morning star!(the sun) The son of the bright and morning star! (The moon) Same from ages to ages! Same arguments! Good and bad! God and Satan! Yin and chin ! Day and night! Black and white! Hell and heaven! Peace and war! Male and female! Hmmmmmmm!
As requested. What is "The Sign of the Cross"? Shocking! Have a YAHsome day!
Hello, this is beautiful, thank you. 1. Regarding Exodus 3:14 & 15, “I am”. Would one look at the Hebrew “eheyeh” or Aramaic “ayah”? Do studies suggest Yahushua spoke Hebrew or Aramaic? 2. Aside from the ISR version, where can one find a reliable source of all the other books (Jubilees, Maccabees, etc). 3. Lastly, is there an email address available for questions? Thank you once again!
HalaluYAH (praise be to YAH) for your email Leryn. The Aramaic language is a sister language of the original Hebrew (Ibrim). We can be reached at at a time of your convenience. All praise and esteem to the Sovereign of the ages, to the Almighy YaHUaH, our Father of Lights, who alone is wise, be respect and esteem forever and ever. (1 Timothy 1: 17) May the peace of the Almighty YaHUaH, which surpasses all understanding, guard your heart, and mind through Messiah YaHUsHua. (Philippians 4: 7) Have a YAHsome day! Tehillim / Ps. 47: 2 For YaHUaH Most High is AWEsome; A great Sovereign over all the earth.
In other words, THEY, or He, twisted every thing, under the sun, that was ever allowed to be known or taught. The first essential requirement is therefore to flush and delete, everything, we thought we knew, and start fresh, from scratch, like a child, worthy of entering the Kingdom that will rule all other governments, that already had more than enough time to prove just how incapable of ruling, they really were. Ahmein, and let His own perfect justice prevail for all. And let those who have eyes within, use them.
Glory to Yahua! Thank you so much for clarifying the almighty’s name. Please tell me, where does the name Yawe or YHW come in? What does it mean? Jews say this name does not appear anywhere in the Bible, where does it come from? Is it ok to use it? Thank you in anticipation.
The Tetragrammaton, referred to in rabbinic literature as HaShem (The Name) or Shem Hameforash (The Special Name), is the word used to refer to the four-letter word, yod-hey-uau-hey (יהוה), that is the name for our Almighty Father in Heaven used in the Hebrew Scriptures. The name, which Bereans pronounce as YaHUaH, appears 5,410 times in the Scriptures (1,419 of those in the Torah). And the Scriptures are clear on what we are to do with the Name of our Father in heaven. Love His Name (Tehillim / Ps. 69: 36) Know His Name (Yashayahu / Is. 52: 6, 16: 21) Bless (Baruk) His Name (Tehillim / Ps. 96: 2) Sing Praises to His Name (Tehillim / Ps. 68: 4) Call upon His Name (Tehillim / Ps. 145: 18) Give Esteem to His Name (Malaki 2: 2) Give thanks to His Name (Tehillim / Ps. 105: 1) Think upon His Name (Malaki 3: 16) Boast in His Set-Apart Name (Tehillim / Ps. 105: 3) Trust in His Name (Tehillim / Ps. 33: 21) Exalt His Name (Tehillim / Ps. 34: 3) HalaluYAH, meaning praise YAH, as per Tehillim / Ps. 68: 4 etc........, All praise and esteem to the Sovereign of the ages, to the Almighy YaHUaH, our Father of Lights, who alone is wise, be respect and esteem forever and ever. (1 Timothy 1: 17) May the peace of the Almighty YaHUaH, which surpasses all understanding, guard your heart, and mind through Messiah YaHUsHua. (Philippians 4: 7) Have a YAHsome day! Tehillim / Ps. 47: 2 For YaHUaH Most High is AWEsome; A great Sovereign over all the earth.
The Scriptural salt will always sting the pagan wounds. Pagans and their collective idol worship throughout time have fought the Almighty Father of Lights directly about His One Name. And this is why pagans utilize a non-Scriptural title for the Almighty. And why this UA-cam Channel does not promote a man - made greek - latin deity (iesous chrestos - jesus christ) that is ONLY 500 years old, and we certainly do not promote a man - made title (god) that was created for all man - made mythological deities that only those still imprisoned in world religions promote. Encyclopedia Britannica, 11th Edition, says, “GOD - the common Teutonic word for a personal object of religious worship…applied to all those superhuman beings of the heathen mythologies. The word “god” on the conversion of the Teutonic races to Christianity was adopted as the name of the one Supreme Being… These two Scriptural study videos may be of value towards Scriptural, etymological, historical and archaeological facts / evidence. Chaos of Christ or the Simplicity of the MessiYAH Is Baal Gad the Lord God of World Religions? Is Satan the Lord God? HalleluYAH that the collective pagan idol worship of world religions is obliterated with just a few Scriptural verses. The Scriptural salt does indeed sting pagan wounds. Yashayahu / Is. 42: 8 etc........ “I am YaHUaH, that is My Name, and My esteem I do not give to another, nor My praise to idols. Shemoth / Ex. 3: 15, Ya'al / Joel 2: 32, Acts 2: 21, 4?: 12, Romans 13: 10 etc........ Hazon / Revelation 22: 21 - The favour of our Master Yahushua Messiah be with the set-apart ones. Amein. All the best to you and your loved ones in the Name (Yahushua) which is above all names.
Praise Yahuah Our Father Original HOly name from Hebrew languages as our languages of creation.and HIs Son Yahusha HaMashiach is Son our Savior and His Ruach ha'Kodesh Holy Spirit .Shalom evryone.
HalleluYAH for Yahushua. Shua or Sha - Shocking - Pt. 2 This may be of value as well. Are We to be "Holy", or "Set Apart"? Is There a Difference? All the best to you and your loved ones in the Name (Yahushua) which is above all names.
I have looked up in χριστός and it's root online to get nothing more really than "anointed" or the name of the churchianity's Christ. I guess it was created, in Greek, at the time of Sha'ul cause online search 🔍 doesn't recognize any more history than that.? Do you have references I can look into? I don't have the money 💰 to buy an expensive book either, thank you.
Rickie, may we ask what you are looking for in particular? HalaluYAH! All praise and esteem to the Sovereign of the ages, to the Almighy YaHUaH, our Father of Lights, who alone is wise, be respect and esteem forever and ever. (1 Timothy 1: 17) May the peace of the Almighty YaHUaH, which surpasses all understanding, guard your heart, and mind through Messiah YaHUsHua (Philippians 4: 7). Have a YAHsome day! Tehillim / Ps. 47: 2 For YaHUaH Most High is AWEsome; A great Sovereign over all the earth.
Great incite and more so as you encourage those to seek out information about what you are speaking.... the truth how it was and was to stay...obiviously we have been taught more evil than good from the bible as lucifer has downtrodden mankind thru generations...more must wake and see the truth and not continue to live the way they do because its what they know and have been taught....
Yes I used to regrettably say the same Valerie when I was Christian because the church did not share the truth that the letter "j" didn't exist until the (prior) 14th century. HalaluYAH that we now have the opportunity to share this fact with others, have a YAHsome day love, my better 3/4's says hello! Have a YAHsome day!
@@mikalshabbatscripturalstudies 🔥Yess!!🔥 🔥HalleluYHWH!!🔥Christianity is a branch off of RCC/ paganism! As well as prodisyn, orthodox, seven day adventist among many other religions & denominations!! Thank You 🔥Holy Father🔥 🔥YAHUAH 🔥for waking us up to REAL TRUTH!!... "COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE!!"
First of all, I really appreciate this effort to spread the Truth and serve the socalled saints. Question: the name above all names u keep saying that its Yahuah, but is it not supposed to be Yahushua?? In all kindness
Great Scriptural question. Isn't it true that the Son, the MessiYAH YaHUsHua came in His Father Name as per Yahuchannon / Jn. 5: 43? YaHUsHua literally means "YaHUaH delivers / saves", and as such, the MessiYAH Himself cried out on the stake to His Father (YaHUaH) for His own deliverance. If you believe I am missing something here as it relates top your question and or the Scriptures please feel free to share. Thank you to all of those Bereans who help in a 1 Thess. 5: 11 manner by encouraging others to; Do your utmost to present yourself approved to Aluahiym (the Almighty One - YaHUaH / יהוה - 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 ), a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly handling the Word of Truth. (2 Tim. 2: 15) All the best to you and your loved ones in the Name (YaHUsHua) which is above all names, יהושוע / 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤔𐤅𐤏 Philippians 2: 9 - 11 𐤀𐤕 /Aleph Tau 𐤀𐤌𐤍 / Amein
@Jabez These Scriptural studies may be of value. Is Satan the Lord God? Is Jesus Christ an Anti-Messiah? Jesus 666 Exposed HalaluYAH! May the peace of the Almighty YaHUaH, which surpasses all understanding, guard your heart, and mind through Messiah YaHUsHua (Phil. 4: 7). Have a YAHsome day! Tehillim / Ps. 47: 2 For YaHUaH Most High is AWEsome; A great Sovereign over all the earth.
May we suggest you verify the historical basic etymological information on the letter "w". The shape we now see as "V" was the Latin sound we hear as "U", and they inherited the sound and V shape from the Greek UPSILON, which looked like this: Y. The shape Y in ancient Hebrew is the sixth letter of the Hebrew letters, not "waw", but UAU. The Greeks inherited their Upsilon form Hebrew. When the letter Upsilon (Y) went into Latin, the lower stem was dropped, an it was simply shaped V - and used in Latin words like GLADIVS - the V sounding like our letter U. These 4 Latin letters stand for 4 Hebrew letters, Yod Hay Uau Hay This Name is used at least 6,823 times in the TaNaKh, and is the ONLY NAME used by our Creator - He established all His Covenants in this ONE NAME. Other terms people confuse to be names are really pronouns or titles. Letter shapes changed over time, and so have their sounds. The letters U, V, and W are next to one another for a reason: they all spring from the same letter, U, and became other sounds later. The controversial Hebrew letter often referred to as “WAW” sounds as our modern letter “U”, and the ancient form of this letter’s appearance was retained by the Greek: Y. It is NOT our modern English letter “Y”, but rather our “U”. It became the Greek “UPSILON”, or “U”. Going into Latin, this “Y” shaped Greek letter lost the vertical stem, and was written “V”. Again, this is NOT our modern English letter “VEE”, but still the sound of our letter “U”. This is the progression over time for the letter we use today for U: The Latin word for “sword” is: GLADIUS. GLADIVS is the original way the word appeared in Latin letters, but remember to retain the original sound of the Latin “V” as our modern letter “U”. Please do not impose your modern “VEE” upon this letter. Because this was done, words like “JEHOVAH” have been improperly understood today. The sound of these letters in the mind of people living over 400 years ago was more accurately “YAHOUAH” because the “OV” our really our “OU”. The “J” was sounded as our modern letter “Y”, not “JAY” as we commonly perceive it today. They were not pronouncing it “DJA-HO-VAH”, but “YAHUAH”. UU = VV, W: The letter “W” (double-U) is another story, since it is a very new letter also derived from the Hebrew UAU, never having existed prior to the 13th century. May YaHUaH keep and guard you, and may the MessiYAH Yahushua be in everything you say and do.
Baruch brother, with respect, may I suggest that the second and third letters/characters of our Father's Name is pronounced as ah as in ar not hey as in ay or it would be pronounced yay hoo ay not YAH HOO AH. Thank you for your study. Baruch haba b'shem Yahuah!
Yes indeed, this is how we pronounce it as well. Thank you for your feedback. All the best to you and your loved ones in the Name (YaHUsHua) which is above all names, יהושוע / 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤔𐤅𐤏 Philippians 2: 9 - 11 𐤀𐤕 /Aleph Tau 𐤀𐤌𐤍 / Amein
however...i came across that el may have reference to the moon god. Elohim...I came across Nazirene excuse me if im spelling that wrong but he pointed out to me the actual term is Aliyahom i maybe spelling that wrong as well
Thank you for your post, the historical, and archaeological record provies that Allah is associated to the moon god Sin. HalaluYAH, meaning praise YAH, as per Tehillim / Ps. 68: 4 etc........, All praise and esteem to the Sovereign of the ages, to the Almighy YaHUaH, our Father of Lights, who alone is wise, be respect and esteem forever and ever. (1 Timothy 1: 17) May the peace of the Almighty YaHUaH, which surpasses all understanding, guard your heart, and mind through Messiah YaHUsHua. (Philippians 4: 7) Have a YAHsome day! Tehillim / Ps. 47: 2 For YaHUaH Most High is AWEsome; A great Sovereign over all the earth.
This may help with the proper title of of our Father of Lights YaHUaH Himself. 1. Intent of Title Name study • Is the true title of our Father in heaven YaHUaH Himself, Elohim, Aluahiym, and or Alahim? • Is this confusion just a further possibility how world religions will converge further in the future under the guise of Allah? 2. Present Title (s) in Question from Incorrect Translations El or Al? Which is more correct, Jeho, Yeho, or Yahu? We can thank the “Masoretes” (7th - 11th century “tradition-keepers”) for inventing “vowel points” to guide all Yahudim in the uniform pronunciation of Hebrew words. This man-made system secured one major objective: to keep the pronunciation of the Name and Title of the Creator from everyone’s lips (and ears). Imagine that instead of reading the words “Judah” or even “Yehudah”, you plainly read “Yahudah” as it really says, with “Yah” in the expression without the Masoretic vowel deceptions? So again, Elohim or Alahim? Think Israel, it is actually Yashra’al. Please refer to our last Scriptural assembly studies. Think Joel, it is actually Ya’al. Etymology of the name Joel The name Joel is most commonly interpreted to be a combination of two elements. The first element is יה (Yah) = יהו (Yahu) = יו (Yu), which is the commonly accepted abbreviated form of יהוה, which is YHUH. This very short abbreviation also occurs in the Scriptural names Joab and Jochebed. The second element of the name Joel is אל (Al), which regrettably became applied to what is known as the God of Israel today, or the common abbreviation of Elohim, the genus God which shamefully has obliterated any understanding of the true Name and or title of YaHUaH. El or Al? אל • אל ('al), which is the Hebrew transliteration of the Arabic article that survives in English in words like alcohol and algebra. There are some words in the Hebrew Bible that are transliterations of Arabic words, which contain this article. • אל ('al), particle of negation; not, no, neither. • אל ('el) preposition that expresses motion towards someone or something; unto, into, besides, in reference to. • אל ('el), which is a truncated form of אלה ('eleh), meaning these (see below). אלה • אלה ('eleh), meaning these. • אלה ('ala), to swear; derivative אלה ('ala) means oath. • אלה ('ala), to wail. • אלה ('alla), oak, from the assumed and unused root אלל ('ll). • אלה ('ela), terebinth, from the root אול ('wl). 3. Present Name Definition El/ AL, Eloah / Aloah, Elohim / Alohim, Elahin / Alahin, Elyon / Alyon: ??? El (Al): Mighty One, Strength Eloah / Aloah: Singular form of Elohim / Alahim, has same meaning as El / Al. Elohim / Alohim: Plural of Eloah / Aloah, Rulers, Messengers. Elyon, El Elyon: The Most High El / Al. Hebrew Aramaic Eloah Elah - Alah Elyon Illaya Elohim Elahin - Alahin 4. Original Scriptural Title The word “El” is a very ancient Semitic term. Among Semitic languages it is one of the most used terms for greatness, strength or deity. In Hebrew usage it does not denote a proper name but is used as a title. Used for the Creator’s superiority over all other as a generic term in Daniel 11:36 “...the El of elahin...” El, Eloah, What is interesting with the 1998 ISR version is that when you copy from the text it always place Al in the printed version. In other words it corrects its own version from El. It even spells Daniel as Dani’al. DANI’ÂL 11: 36 - 37 36“And the sovereign shall do as he pleases, and exalt himself and show himself to be great above every mighty one, and speak incredible matters against the Âl of mighty ones, and shall prosper until the wrath has been accomplished - for what has been decreed shall be done - 37and have no regard for the mighty ones of his fathers nor for the desire of women, nor have regard for any mighty one, but exalt himself above them all. Elohim is used to refer to the Creator, but also applied to rulers, messengers and persons. (Referring to Moshah in Shemoth 4:16, “And it shall be that he shall be a mouth for you, and you shall be an elohim for him.”) Also Psalms / Teh. 82:1. Elyon is translated as Most High. Used in Psalms / Tehillim 7:17 “And praise the Name of YaHUaH (Elyon) Most High.” The term “Eli” (my El) used by Messiah in the Messianic Writings in Mark 15:34 “Eli, Eli lamah shebaqtani.” The word ELI is accepted with open arms, and yet it is spelled ALEF-LAMED-YOD; the Arabic is ALI. Which is it - Eli, or Ali? Yahushua cried out the first verse of Psalm 22, “Ali, Ali, lama sabakthani?” in Syraic Aramiac; not “Eli, Eli.” How do we know? Some believe it is because the Masoretes had not yet corrupted the vocalization. This is a contentious subject, and the rabbit hole is extremely deep. Allah or Elohim? - Q&A with Michael Rood & Nehemia Gordon For the record, I do not trust both Nehemia Gordon and or Michael Rood as they both have made considerable amounts of money off of the Word and thus have kept their studies in the safe zone so to speak in order to keep membership ratings high. Scriptural truth may not be at the forefront of what they entirely share. 5. Original Scriptural Name Defintion There are those that believe YAHUAH ALAHIM fully translated means: "I WAS, I AM, I WILL BE (your) MIGHTY ONE." 6. Scriptural Back Up (Provide two, three or more passages in Old / Renewed Covenants) Please see Scriptural quotes throughout this study. 7. Etymological, H410 אל - Strong's Hebrew Lexicon Number אל 'êl - Pronounced - ale Shortened from H352; strength; as adjective mighty; especially the Almighty (but used also of any deity) H433 אלהּ אלוהּ - Strong's Hebrew Lexicon Number אלהּ אלוהּ 'ĕlôahh 'ĕlôahh el-o'-ah, el-o'-ah (The second form is rare); probably prolonged (emphatically) from H410; a deity or the deity Brown-Driver-Briggs' Hebrew Definitions 1. God 2. false god 8. Historical, 9. Archaeological Back Up (Provide resource links / articles / books) The moon / star symbol of Allah representing the deity worshipped by Islam is also found in many other pagan sources. The Hindu trinity calls that deity Sheba (or Shiva), the destroyer: 10. List the Scriptural negative impact (s) of incorrect translation. People overlook how the Arabs (not the religion Islam) use many Hebrew words unaltered by dispersions and Masoretic tinkering. They too are Hebrews, descendants of Eber, and Abrahim, the father of nations. YishmaAl is a Hebrew word, and a name. The Arabs name their children Yusef, Daud, Ashah (woman), Danial, Nabi, Tamar, and many other Hebrew names. Yes the pronoun, Alahin, is used in the book of Danial over and over. WARNING: The Islamic "Allah" is not YaHUaH, but Allah is known as “god”, and many today from all world religions possibly will have no problem in the future accepting this. 11. List negative impact (s) of incorrect translation as it relates to our lives here and now. The Islam pagan deity Allah is not the Scriptural Aluah as we read in the book of Dani’al. As such the world and its world religions bow down to titles, symbols or objects representing the host of heaven (names of days and months), and as such confusion abounds. As an example, the airline EL-AL means "to go" + "upward." The Hebrew root "AL" (ALEF-LAMED) became "EL." This root is not a name of any kind, it is a pronoun implying lofty, upward, highness, strength, mightiness, etc. The airline EL-AL means "to go" + "upward." YAHUAH ALUAHIYM fully translated means "I WAS, I AM, I WILL BE (your) MIGHTY ONE." We must remember, Islam and their Allah is the same as the old religion of Babel, Nimrod, Semiramis, and Tammuz. Again the Hindu trinity reveals Allah as Shiva, the destroyer. 12. List negative impact (s) of incorrect translation as it relates to our inheritance. ZAKARYAH/Zechariah 13:2 "On that day, I will Banish the Names of the idols from the land, and they will be remembered No more," Declares YAHUAH ALUAH/Almighty. "I will remove both the prophets and the spirit of impurity from the land. Shamuth/Exodus 23:13 Shamuth/Exodus 23:13 "Be Careful to do everything I have said to you. Do not invoke the Names of other mighty-ones; do not let them be heard on your Lips. TAHALYM/Psalms 16:4 The sorrows of those will increase who run after other deities. I will not pour out their libations of blood or take up their names on my lips. HalaluYAH, meaning praise YAH, as per Tehillim / Ps. 68: 4 etc........, All praise and esteem to the Sovereign of the ages, to the Almighy YaHUaH, our Father of Lights, who alone is wise, be respect and esteem forever and ever. (1 Timothy 1: 17) May the peace of the Almighty YaHUaH, which surpasses all understanding, guard your heart, and mind through Messiah YaHUsHua. (Philippians 4: 7) Have a YAHsome day! Tehillim / Ps. 47: 2 For YaHUaH Most High is AWEsome; A great Sovereign over all the earth.
@@mikalshabbatscripturalstudies thank u see all this...and I had made a step to learn u can understand more...I aware that is also ancient languages such as Latin, Arabic, Aramaic, all these play apart of translating what we know as words roday... al lot of words definitions has changed of time..which is y we are directed to be mindful of our u know we don't only speak words but we SPELL them...indicating they have effect more than 1 know..including sound, and vibrations...much to know and utilize...but peace and blessings thank for responding and enlightenment
Thank u...I will note that yes that's the name I pray unto...I agree that misinterpreting, misguidance, and misleading is among us...I appreciate your leads and will follow up with them...I see what we doing is iron sharpening iron in a sense...with that said...I cant help but to notice or the intent to put the dots together...can it be considered that all these teachings as far as Muslim, Chiristainity, and several others adopted all there beliefs from Egypt and then renamed? Like it says in scripture...I have bout you UP out of Egypt? So it's safe to consider that alot of teachings as far as Science, Mathematics Civilization, Religion practices came from ancient societies such as Kemet, Crete, Nubia, Samaria,...all these pioneers were taking by Greece though true ancient Greece civilization was built by the original people who are now called black, moors, etc...sad to say the true Israelites gotten lost when captured by Babylon....only thing I ask what about the copper colored Aboriginals...that inherited the Americas in the BC said that that America and Africa is not the true name of these places...this is information related from the FOI..just sayin they entirely lost and they are our relatives as well...which is I think is described through Isaac and Ishmael...knowledge is infinite and we can go on for lifetimes...but let's proceed...peace on to u
Actually Jamie in the original Hebraic texts of Yashayahu / Isaiah, Lucifer / Satan (the Adversary) is known as Helel properly spelled Halal. Yashayahu / Is. 14: 12 12“How you have fallen from the heavens, O HÃlÃl, u son of the morning! You ave been cut down to the ground, you who laid low the gentiles! Helel properly spelled Halal literally is defined as the following; Strongs Hebrew Concordance - #1966. helel helel: a shining one Original Word: הֵילֵל Part of Speech: Noun Masculine Transliteration: helel Phonetic Spelling: (hay-lale') Short Definition: morning And why a complete study on many Scriptural translations will reveal the following; Isaiah 14:12 HEB: נָפַ֥לְתָּ מִשָּׁמַ֖יִם הֵילֵ֣ל בֶּן־ שָׁ֑חַר NAS: from heaven, O star of the morning, son KJV: from heaven, O Lucifer, son INT: have fallen heaven star son of the dawn
Thank you for your post, but based on the research, Amein, and Amen are two entirely different things. Gods of the Egyptians, vol. 2, ch. 1 This AMEN was originally the Theban "hidden god who is in heaven", "the hidden one, meaning hidden sun". Funk and Wagnalls, Standard College Dictionary, describes it, "AMEN: In Egyptian mythology, the god of life and procreation ... later identified with the Sun-god as the supreme deity, and called 'Amen-Ra'." James Bonwick, Egyptian Belief and Modern Thought, repeatedly and frankly calls the Sun-deity of Egypt by its correct name: AMEN. He states on pp. 123-125, "AMEN ... is in a sense, the chief deity of Egypt - supreme divinity. Whatever else he be, he must be accepted as the sun ... the hidden god, the solar aspect is clear ... there is the disk of the sun ... the sun Amen ... His identification with Baal ... establishes him as a solar deity ...." Smith's Bible Dictionary expresses AMEN as, "an Egyptian divinity ... He was worshiped ... as Amen-Ra, or 'Amen the Sun'." Bible Lexicons Old Testament Hebrew Lexical Dictionary Entry for Strong's #543 - אָמֵן Transliteration 'âmên Phonetics aw-mane' (amein) Word Definition [ Brown-Drivers-Briggs | Strong ] Brown-Driver-Briggs' Definition 1) verily, truly, so be it Hazon / Revelation 22: 21 - The favour of our Master Yahushua Messiah be with the set-apart ones. Amein. Yashayahu / Is. 42: 8 etc........ “I am YaHUaH, that is My Name, and My esteem I do not give to another, nor My praise to idols. Shemoth / Ex. 3: 15, Ya'al / Joel 2: 32, Acts 2: 21, 4?: 12, Romans 13: 10 etc........ All the best to you and your loved ones in the Name (Yahushua) which is above all names. This also may be of value based on your response. Chaos of Christ or the Simplicity of the MessiYAH Thank you to all of those Bereans who help in a 1 Thess. 5: 11 manner by encouraging others to; Do your utmost to present yourself approved to Aluahiym (the Almighty One - YaHUaH / יהוה - 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 ), a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly handling the Word of Truth. (2 Tim. 2: 15) All the best to you and your loved ones in the Name (YaHUsHua) which is above all names, יהושוע / 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤔𐤅𐤏 Philippians 2: 9 - 11 𐤀𐤕 /Aleph Tau 𐤀𐤌𐤍 / Amein
Can you explain YAHAWA and YAHAWASHI? I learned that the early Hebrew didn't have all those sounds and letters. Each letter had the sound 'ah' at the end, as in ah bah dah, ect. with the exception of the ai, I sound. Ya Ha Wa - Shi. It was my understanding that YAH is the name for GOD and all His children will be called by his name. Jeremiah, Isaiah, ect... HalleluYah means Praise YAH!! Also in my reseach i saw that the scriptures state that the first name He was called was ELOHIM in the Bible. In the beginning Elohim created...
As for the MessiYAH and His Name this may be of value. Shua or Sha - Shocking - Pt. 2 Why Yahushua and Not Yahusha
The Scriptural salt will always sting the pagan wounds. Pagans and their collective idol worship throughout time have fought the Almighty Father of Lights directly about His One Name. And this is why pagans utilize a non-Scriptural title for the Almighty. And why this UA-cam Channel does not promote a man - made greek - latin deity (iesous chrestos - jesus christ) that is ONLY 500 years old, and we certainly do not promote a man - made title (god) that was created for all man - made mythological deities that only those still imprisoned in world religions promote. Encyclopedia Britannica, 11th Edition, says, “GOD - the common Teutonic word for a personal object of religious worship…applied to all those superhuman beings of the heathen mythologies. The word “god” on the conversion of the Teutonic races to Christianity was adopted as the name of the one Supreme Being… These two Scriptural study videos may be of value towards Scriptural, etymological, historical and archaeological facts / evidence. Chaos of Christ or the Simplicity of the MessiYAH Is Baal Gad the Lord God of World Religions? Is Satan the Lord God? HalleluYAH that the collective pagan idol worship of world religions is obliterated with just a few Scriptural verses. The Scriptural salt does indeed sting pagan wounds. Yashayahu / Is. 42: 8 etc........ “I am YaHUaH, that is My Name, and My esteem I do not give to another, nor My praise to idols. Shemoth / Ex. 3: 15, Ya'al / Joel 2: 32, Acts 2: 21, 4?: 12, Romans 13: 10 etc........ Hazon / Revelation 22: 21 - The favour of our Master Yahushua Messiah be with the set-apart ones. Amein. All the best to you and your loved ones in the Name (Yahushua) which is above all names.
It is written, He changes not, He is the same yesterday, today and forever, He wants us to use His proper name, we wouldn't say , hey you, or hey person, no we would call people by their name, this video is so very good, I just got my International Scriptures Research Bible two days ago. 💜💜
HalaluYAH Cheryl!
Beautifully stated. I tried to explain this to my family saying if I wanted to get John's attention I wouldn't call for Bill and expect John to turn around. No if I want John's attention then I called John. The most high tells us to call upon his name for a reason
I have thought for a very long time that there is something not quite right about the "world religions" and that the teaching is errant but did not know why. Thank you for opening my eyes and my heart. I will pursue this line of inquiry more. Yahuah's Blessing be upon you.
I think you have more likes, but it is staying at 2. I love this so much. Thank you for making His Name known to everyone.
Beautifully done, so basic. It is so sad that traditions has caused a strong delusion on Yahuah's people.
Here is the Original Semitic Text. HERE IS THE REAL SAVIOR
YaH The Heavenly FATHER was Who they Crucified for our sins and “HERE IS THE PROOF”
From the Ancient Semitic Scroll:
"Yad He Vav He" is what Moses wrote, when Moses asked YaH His Name (Exodus 3)
Ancient Semitic Direct Translation
Yad - "Behold The Hand"
He - "Behold the Breath"
Vav - "Behold The NAIL"
@@Praise___YaH Excellent research. Toda rabbah... ahav
satans plan to confuse us and not say the proper name.
Finally real Truth. Almost impossible to find these days. I hope I am worthy to see you in YAHUAH'S Kingdom. For if i am worthy brother, i know exactly where to find you, by the side of Yahushua, and to thank you find you I will...
Brother Michael excellent teaching. I Always enjoy your subject matters and your devotion to staying on point with the Torah of truth. As a humble servant of Elohim Yahuah I often send links to your scripture studies to servants that are newly awakened to the true way of Yahuah. It gives them some guided direction in their scripture studies. Which is vitaly important to the those just r beginning to taste the meat of the set apart word. It is my prayer that the most high continues to bless u and your family in helping to guide his children to all truth. Shalom.
Thank you for the kind words, and your post of encouragement. HalleluYAH!
On a side note though, and as per the videos, we are not teachers as we all but have one Teacher, and that is the MessiYAH YaHUsHua as per Mt. 23: 8 etc.........
We are just Bereans (Acts 17: 11) who enjoy studying the Word daily with folks like you.
All the best in the Name (YaHUsHua) which is above all names.
I thought Elohim was incorrect
The clip at 16:50 is really shocking. I've already known the fact that the Catholic church worships gods(sun deity, ba'al...), but I didn't know that they worship "Lucifer". My sister and I are really shocked. On the other hand, I and my sister are glad to know the fact and thankful to know the true name of the creator, YAHUAH❤ and his son, YAHUSHUA❤ HalaluYAH!🎶🎵 Thank you to Mikal for making this wonderFull video which helps me and my sister know the truth. Have a YAHsome day!🥰🥰
So Very much good. Exelent!
Praise YAHUAH!!!
HalaluYAHUAH!!! HalaluYAH!!!
Jéssica Oliveira I like that you have the correct way of spelling halaluyah
Thank you sir, I've been seeing these things for some time now. But your level of research and thought helps tremendously.
Here is the Original Semitic Text. HERE IS THE REAL SAVIOR
YaH The Heavenly FATHER was Who they Crucified for our sins and “HERE IS THE PROOF”
From the Ancient Semitic Scroll:
"Yad He Vav He" is what Moses wrote, when Moses asked YaH His Name (Exodus 3)
Ancient Semitic Direct Translation
Yad - "Behold The Hand"
He - "Behold the Breath"
Vav - "Behold The NAIL"
Extremely insightful and very interesting.
Thank you for this in depth information.
Nice to meet you brother. Praise YaH
Praise the Name of YAH continuously and always.
Much respect to you brother, may your blessing be abundant.
I been studying this and you have covered many things that I've researched and it's right on target :) thanks
Mais oui mon ami ,I trust this man.So be it.
Thanks for the confirmation. I learned this awhile ago but had my doubt cause of the different way people say it. Now I feel confident calling him Yahuah and his son Yahusha!
Yahushua my brother. Mike corrects this also 😊
Alleluyah for educating us!
excellent work - you make things so clear and easy to understand ! how amazing is it that going on 3 years later your video would pop up and answer someone's question!
Lucifer means carrier of derives from the Romans who named planet Venus "Lucifer* which was their morning star...Lucifer is Luce+fer* Luce= Light ..fer= carrier (transporter) that's why blood iron is called ferrous cause it's a carrier of oxygen.. ..I wish people would wake up and stop falling for the bullshit the religious institutions..fed them in the past ..The Vatican knows that Lucifer is the Holy Spirit...the reason they made us believe for thousands of yrs that Lucifer is the devil...was to keep us from the Light..from invoking that name for they can is true that many cults do many bad things in that name cause they believe it's Satan...but I can reassure you Lucifer is not Satan
@@giovannaromano3312 im a Christian saved by grace from the blood of Jesus but there are times a good energy is telling me that lucifer and satan are not one, infact Lucifer and Jesus are brothers in God because they both came from God while lucifer was created by God's hands, Jesus was born and created by God's heart. satan destroyed the name of lucifer by saying that they are one and now the religions we have are condeming lucifer because of that. i always pray to God the father that the truth prevails because even if im saved by grace i still cant help but get confused on this matter. i pray wisdom in Jesus name!
Thank you! I needed a well written video to teach people truth.
Thank you for the post but please be aware that I and those that do these Scriptural study videos are not teachers as we all but have only ONE Teacher and that is the Messiah Yahushua as per Mt. 23: 8 etc........
We are just Bereans (Acts 17: 11 etc........) that truly enjoy Scriptural studies in Scriptural words, names, and the law (Acts 18: 15 etc........) including the Scriptural calendar.
All the best to you and your loved ones in the Name (Yahushua) which is above all names.
YHUH bless you brother.
Even most friends of mine have an excuse for not calling Him by His Name but calling Yahuah by the word in most biblias.....It's very sad that they don't love His Name
Wow! Thank you for great teaching videos while still alive. Facts will change opinions, indeed no matter when.
Thank you. Peace and good will to you. 🙏❤️😁
HalaluYAH Wayne!
All praise and esteem to the Sovereign of the ages, to the Almighy YaHUaH, our Father of Lights, who alone is wise, be respect and esteem forever and ever.
(1 Timothy 1: 17)
May the peace of the Almighty YaHUaH, which surpasses all understanding, guard your heart, and mind through Messiah YaHUsHua.
(Philippians 4: 7)
Have a YAHsome day!
Tehillim / Ps. 47: 2
For YaHUaH Most High is AWEsome; A great Sovereign over all the earth.
Shua or Sha - Shocking - Pt. 2
Why Yahushua and Not Yahusha
All the best in the Name (Yahushua) which is above all names.
That was Beautiful!!.
To take that from us,
But now we know
Here is the Original Semitic Text. HERE IS THE REAL SAVIOR
YaH The Heavenly FATHER was Who they Crucified for our sins and “HERE IS THE PROOF”
From the Ancient Semitic Scroll:
"Yad He Vav He" is what Moses wrote, when Moses asked YaH His Name (Exodus 3)
Ancient Semitic Direct Translation
Yad - "Behold The Hand"
He - "Behold the Breath"
Vav - "Behold The NAIL"
Thanks for this information. Now I can see things clearly now. Im Roman Catholic.
Yes we came out of Roman Catholism as well.
Have a YAHsome day!
Not any more if you want to be saved
I love all your videos.... Yah bless you
Have a YAHsome evening.
Great video you clear a loot of thing up for me
Thank you so much, so good teaching
Thank you for the feedback, please understand though that we are only Bereans (Acts 17: 11) who enjoy studying Scripture with others as we all only but have one Teacher and that is the Messiah Yahushua. All the best to you and your loved ones in the Name which is above all names.
Gracefully done ! As always
HalaluYAH, meaning praise YAH, as per Tehillim / Ps. 68: 4 etc........,
All praise and esteem to the Sovereign of the ages, to the Almighy YaHUaH, our Father of Lights, who alone is wise, be respect and esteem forever and ever.
(1 Timothy 1: 17)
May the peace of the Almighty YaHUaH, which surpasses all understanding, guard your heart, and mind through Messiah YaHUsHua.
(Philippians 4: 7)
Have a YAHsome day!
Tehillim / Ps. 47: 2
For YaHUaH Most High is AWEsome; A great Sovereign over all the earth.
thank you achy
for shared the pdf
have a YAHsome day
You are more than welcome, have a YAHsome day!
Wow, awesome teaching, and so informative. Thank you. May our Father YAHUAH bless you abundantly. Regards
Here is the Original Semitic Text. HERE IS THE REAL SAVIOR
YaH The Heavenly FATHER was Who they Crucified for our sins and “HERE IS THE PROOF”
From the Ancient Semitic Scroll:
"Yad He Vav He" is what Moses wrote, when Moses asked YaH His Name (Exodus 3)
Ancient Semitic Direct Translation
Yad - "Behold The Hand"
He - "Behold the Breath"
Vav - "Behold The NAIL"
Thank you for a wonderful lesson tonight thank you for the real name
Thank you for the kind comments Roxie but on a side note so you know, we are not teachers as we ALL only have but ONE Teacher and that is the Messiah Yahushua as per Mattithyahu / Mt. 23: 8 etc.........
We are just Bereans (Acts 17: 11) who enjoy testing and proving (1 Thess. 5: 21) all things with a 2 Tim. 2: 15 approach.
All the best to you and your loved ones in the Name (Yahushua) which is above all names.
Check this out
Thank you for the scriptural studies even more intense than some bible school, and your penetrating energy is so passionate. Thank you.
The reason why MANY are afraid to call on the set Apart NAME of *YAHUAH* is because they still have a heart and tongue of 'flesh' aka uncircumcised FOR it is written that none with SUCH will ever utter his name - its a deep mystery!
HalaluYAH for the Scriptural process and joy and privilege of coming out of this world, have a YAHsome week!
@@mikalshabbatscripturalstudies 🔥HalleluYAH!🔥
Shabbot Shalom may Yahuah Baruch you always and keep you Kodesh brother I love the truth
Well done. So whoever shell call in the Name of the Existing One shell be saved. OR hand behold, nail behold. Joel 2.32.
YaHUaH - "I Am He who is Self Existent".
I'm yet again enriched and enlightened. Thank you.
HalaluYAH Darryl, have a YAHsome day!
I love this with all my heart.
HalaluYAH Catherina, all the best to you and your loved ones in the Name (YaHUsHua) which is above all names, the One who "cried out" (Shua) to the Father YaHUaH for His deliverance.
יהושוע / 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤔𐤅𐤏
Philippians 2: 9 - 11
𐤀𐤕 /Aleph Tau
𐤀𐤌𐤍 / Amein
This channel is incredible.
HalaluYAH Kellen!
All praise and esteem to the Sovereign of the ages, to the Almighy YaHUaH, our Father of Lights, who alone is wise, be respect and esteem forever and ever.
(1 Timothy 1: 17)
May the peace of the Almighty YaHUaH, which surpasses all understanding, guard your heart, and mind through Messiah YaHUsHua.
(Philippians 4: 7)
Have a YAHsome day!
Tehillim / Ps. 47: 2
For YaHUaH Most High is AWEsome; A great Sovereign over all the earth.
All the best to you and your loved ones in the Name (YaHUsHua) which is above all names, the One who "cried out" (Shua) to the Father YaHUaH for His deliverance.
יהושוע / 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤔𐤅𐤏
Philippians 2: 9 - 11
𐤀𐤕 /Aleph Tau
𐤀𐤌𐤍 / Amein
I get flack from using the NAME.I truly appreciate what you are doing! So be it.
HalaluYAH Mark!
All praise and esteem to the Sovereign of the ages, to the Almighy YaHUaH, our Father of Lights, who alone is wise, be respect and esteem forever and ever.
(1 Timothy 1: 17)
May the peace of the Almighty YaHUaH, which surpasses all understanding, guard your heart, and mind through Messiah YaHUsHua.
(Philippians 4: 7)
Have a YAHsome day!
Tehillim / Ps. 47: 2
For YaHUaH Most High is AWEsome; A great Sovereign over all the earth.
All the best to you and your loved ones in the Name (YaHUsHua) which is above all names, the One who "cried out" (Shua) to the Father YaHUaH for His deliverance.
יהושוע / 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤔𐤅𐤏
Philippians 2: 9 - 11
𐤀𐤕 /Aleph Tau
𐤀𐤌𐤍 / Amein
@@mikalshabbatscripturalstudies So be it.
I have done research on all of this and you have confirmed everything I have seen or witness is correct thank you for sharing this helps to know that I have been lead by ABBA YAHUAH INTO ALL TRUTH HALLELU-YAH! I am new to a lot of ABBA OF THE SHAMAYIM TEACHINGS BUT I AM ENJOYING THE AWAKENING THE TRUE SABBATH AND HIS CALENDAR IN THE SHAMAYIM
Hi could you please tell me what you mean and what you have learn about this word : shamayim.
I know is it in Bereishit 1.1 but i still lack compréhension. I would truly appreciate your view on this.
Thank you. Shalom
Good to see more malak coming forward
Messenger of Yahuah, what do you mean...good tu see melak coming forward.
51,000 VIEWS 09-21-19
Yah! You ARE so completely, fascinating Ly, and in every way, PERFECT! What more, pray tell, can even be said?!? Until your own captivating living language is restored, except for, "Let your will be done"! not too much! Ahmein
HalaluYAH, meaning praise YAH, as per Tehillim / Ps. 68: 4 etc........,
All praise and esteem to the Sovereign of the ages, to the Almighy YaHUaH, our Father of Lights, who alone is wise, be respect and esteem forever and ever.
(1 Timothy 1: 17)
May the peace of the Almighty YaHUaH, which surpasses all understanding, guard your heart, and mind through Messiah YaHUsHua.
(Philippians 4: 7)
Have a YAHsome day!
Tehillim / Ps. 47: 2
For YaHUaH Most High is AWEsome; A great Sovereign over all the earth.
Thank you brother,,, "HALLELU-YAH",
Thank you
I am scared now how we are being deceived. It’s awful
HalleluYAH for Scriptural word, name and law (Acts 18: 15 etc........) studies.
Yes indeed Scriptural words, names and law have always caused great commotion as the Word shares (Acts 19: 9, 23 etc........) for those still imprisoned in World Religions.
This may help, if not, no worries.
What is the WAY of YAHUAH - Why It's Not With or From World Religions
Why World Religions are Non-Scriptural
All the best to yopu and your loved ones in the Name (Yahushua) which is above all names.
It gets millions of times scarier human energy is harvested to feed non human entities society harvests fear stress and sorrow which is powerful emotions and energy
Human energy can be in the form of adrenochrome.
I want to puke every time I see that word. 😳😤
That's only part of our job description. What would have been the result if young David had said, "No, Adonai, You can deal with the filth of Goliath & his evil words. My job is merely to find the Light - You"?
@@mbdamnit and to pray for those who are spiritual sick!!!!!!
I like your videos my brother, I love you in YHWH, I pray for your ministry
Thank you for the post, and kind intentions, the UA-cam channel though never was intended to be a ministry and or part of one in the sense of religion. We are just Bereans who love to study Scripturee with others, and learn how to apply it our lives in order to have a better quality life here and now, and an opportunity into the future. All the best in the Name wich is above all names.
wow praise our Lord Jesus
evrybody who turns to the lord the veil is taken away
thanks for the Video
This may be of value as well.
The Scriptural salt will always sting the pagan wounds. Pagans and their collective idol worship throughout time have fought the Almighty Father of Lights directly about His One Name.
And this is why pagans utilize a non-Scriptural title for the Almighty.
And why this UA-cam Channel does not promote a man - made greek - latin deity (iesous chrestos - jesus christ) that is ONLY 500 years old, and we certainly do not promote a man - made title (god) that was created for all man - made mythological deities that only those still imprisoned in world religions promote.
Encyclopedia Britannica, 11th Edition, says, “GOD - the common Teutonic word for a personal object of religious worship…applied to all those superhuman beings of the heathen mythologies. The word “god” on the conversion of the Teutonic races to Christianity was adopted as the name of the one Supreme Being…
These two Scriptural study videos may be of value towards Scriptural, etymological, historical and archaeological facts / evidence.
Chaos of Christ or the Simplicity of the MessiYAH
Is Baal Gad the Lord God of World Religions? Is Satan the Lord God?
HalleluYAH that the collective pagan idol worship of world religions is obliterated with just a few Scriptural verses.
The Scriptural salt does indeed sting pagan wounds.
Yashayahu / Is. 42: 8 etc........ “I am YaHUaH, that is My Name, and My esteem I do not give to another, nor My praise to idols.
Shemoth / Ex. 3: 15, Ya'al / Joel 2: 32, Acts 2: 21, 4?: 12, Romans 13: 10 etc........
Hazon / Revelation 22: 21 - The favour of our Master Yahushua Messiah be with the set-apart ones. Amein.
All the best to you and your loved ones in the Name (Yahushua) which is above all names.
Watching this in 2021 and all I can say is praise yah.
HalaluYAH Skylar!
All praise and esteem to the Sovereign of the ages, to the Almighy YaHUaH, our Father of Lights, who alone is wise, be respect and esteem forever and ever.
(1 Timothy 1: 17)
May the peace of the Almighty YaHUaH, which surpasses all understanding, guard your heart, and mind through Messiah YaHUsHua.
(Philippians 4: 7)
Have a YAHsome day!
Tehillim / Ps. 47: 2
For YaHUaH Most High is AWEsome; A great Sovereign over all the earth.
All the best to you and your loved ones in the Name (YaHUsHua) which is above all names, the One who "cried out" (Shua) to the Father YaHUaH for His deliverance.
יהושוע / 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤔𐤅𐤏
Philippians 2: 9 - 11
𐤀𐤕 /Aleph Tau
𐤀𐤌𐤍 / Amein
This is all good .. I would like you or even love it if you do a research on this (EL) in Hebrew and check it with the profits names of old time .. am sure you would love it .
We are just wrapping up that now.Here is some background.
El, Eloah, Elohim, Elahin, Elyon:
El (Al): Mighty One, Strength
Eloah: Singular form of Elohim, has same meaning as El.
Elohim: Plural of Eloah, Rulers, Messengers.
Elyon, El Elyon: The Most High El.
Hebrew Aramaic
Eloah Elah
Elyon Illaya
Elohim Elahin
“And this is the judgment, that the light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the light, for their works were wicked. For everyone who is practising evil matters hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his works should be exposed. But the one doing the truth comes to the light, so that his works are clearly seen, that they have been wrought in Elohim.
Yoḥanan (John) 3:19-21
HalaluYAH Forevermore!
All praise and esteem to the Sovereign of the ages, to the Almighy YaHUaH, our Father of Lights, who alone is wise, be respect and esteem forever and ever.
(1 Timothy 1: 17)
May the peace of the Almighty YaHUaH, which surpasses all understanding, guard your heart, and mind through Messiah YaHUsHua.
(Philippians 4: 7)
Have a YAHsome day!
Tehillim / Ps. 47: 2
For YaHUaH Most High is AWEsome; A great Sovereign over all the earth.
All the best to you and your loved ones in the Name (YaHUsHua) which is above all names, the One who "cried out" (Shua) to the Father YaHUaH for His deliverance.
יהושוע / 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤔𐤅𐤏
Philippians 2: 9 - 11
𐤀𐤕 /Aleph Tau
𐤀𐤌𐤍 / Amein
There’s power in his name. That’s what they fear!!
Simon Sizzle ur fried bro
@@cybinshroom9598 so says the man who eats magic that third eye and see which demon jumps into your brain
This UA-cam Channel does not promote a man - made greek - latin deity (iesous chrestos - jesus christ) that is ONLY 500 years old, and we certainly do not promote a man - made title (god) that was created for all man - made mythological deities that only world religions promote.
Encyclopedia Britannica, 11th Edition, says, “GOD - the common Teutonic word for a personal object of religious worship…applied to all those superhuman beings of the heathen mythologies. The word “god” on the conversion of the Teutonic races to Christianity was adopted as the name of the one Supreme Being…
These two Scriptural study videos may be of value towards the Scriptural subject of deliverance / salvation.
Chaos of Christ or the Simplicity of the MessiYAH
Is Baal Gad the Lord God of World Religions? Is Satan the Lord God?
All the best to you and your loved ones in the Name (Yahushua) which is above all names.
there's power in Yhwh's name...means:
I am He who is self existant..without God Jesus would not exists...Jove means "I Live"...that name is powerful..
Lucifer means Bringer of Light..Luci+fer (Latin) Light+Bringer...which describes the Holy Spirit..these are the most Holy names ..Yeshua means *the eye of Yhwh*..u wanna worship his eye?? or God??
@@iiuva This may be of value.
We do not promote what world religions do.
Encyclopedia Britannica, 11th Edition, says, “GOD - the common Teutonic word
for a personal object of religious worship…applied to all those superhuman beings of the heathen mythologies. The word “god” on the conversion of the Teutonic
races to Christianity was adopted as the name of the one Supreme Being…
These two Scriptural study videos may be of value towards Scriptural,
etymological, historical and archaeological facts / evidence.
Chaos of Christ or the Simplicity of the MessiYAH
Is Baal Gad the Lord God of World Religions? Is Satan the Lord God?
HalleluYAH that the collective pagan idol worship of world religions is obliterated with just a few Scriptural verses.
The Scriptural salt does indeed sting pagan wounds.
Yashayahu / Is. 42: 8 etc........ “I am YaHUaH, that is My Name, and My esteem I
do not give to another, nor My praise to idols.
Shemoth / Ex. 3: 15, Ya'al / Joel 2: 32, Acts 2: 21, 4?: 12, Romans 13: 10 etc........
Hazon / Revelation 22: 21 - The favour of our Master Yahushua Messiah be with
the set-apart ones. Amein.
All the best to you and your loved ones in the Name (Yahushua) which is above all names.
'Elohim' literally translates as 'Gods' (plural) not "Almight One' [23:30]. Perhaps you can do a video on that?
Elohim were the angels that Hod created before Universe and the Earth...They genetically made us..
Jesus explained how God manifested Himself thru the Elohim in the Essene Gospel of the Holy Twelve...
Meshpaca Yahudian Mikal i will eternally be grateful to YahUah for bringing this 4th, through you breadren. I am so thankful, so humbled. Thank you again brother, i love you for this lesson and never tire of watching it, and sharing it to the people. 💜💜💜💪🕊
YahUah barakah wa shalom!✴💜💜 👊
HalaluYAH Keith.
Have a YAHsome day!
Praise Adonai that He kept me from the RCC & brought me out of Protestantism!
I'll pray about it & look up the various things here. Thank you.
Etymologically "adonai" means "lord" and Scripturally the lord is known as Ba'al.
This Scriptural study video may be of value.
Why World Religions WILL NOT Call Upon the Name
All the best in the Name (Yahushua) which is above all names.
Praise to you who speak in the the name of the Lord.
I and the others that do these videos are just Bereans (Acts 17: 11), who test and prove all things (1 Thess. 5: 21), and yes we all only have but One Teacher and that is the MessiYAH Yahushua as per Mattithyahu / Mt. 23: 8 etc........
You are aware that the term "lord" is not a name, and or even the proper title for the Almighty Father who's Name is YaHUaH as per Shemoth / Ex. 3: 15 etc........
These Scriptural Study videos can be of value if you have a love the truth.
Is Baal Gad the Lord God of World Religions? Is Satan the Lord God?
Chaos of Christ or the Simplicity of the MessiYAH
All the best to you and your loved ones in the Name (Yahushua) which is above all names.
The Lord has spoken to me about your work a minister of God to do. Forgive my assumption praise to you.
These Scriptural Study videos can be of value if you have a love the truth.
Is Baal Gad the Lord God of World Religions? Is Satan the Lord God?
Chaos of Christ or the Simplicity of the MessiYAH
All the best to you and your loved ones in the Name (Yahushua) which is above all names.
These Scriptural Study videos can be of value if you have a love the truth.
Is Baal Gad the Lord God of World Religions? Is Satan the Lord God?
Chaos of Christ or the Simplicity of the MessiYAH
All the best to you and your loved ones in the Name (Yahushua) which is above all names.
Joel 2:32 TS2009
“And it shall be that everyone who calls on the Name of יהוה shall be delivered. For on Mount Tsiyon and in Yerushalayim there shall be an escape as יהוה has said, and among the survivors whom יהוה calls.
HalaluYAH, meaning praise YAH, as per Tehillim / Ps. 68: 4 etc........,
All praise and esteem to the Sovereign of the ages, to the Almighy YaHUaH, our Father of Lights, who alone is wise, be respect and esteem forever and ever.
(1 Timothy 1: 17)
May the peace of the Almighty YaHUaH, which surpasses all understanding, guard your heart, and mind through Messiah YaHUsHua
(Philippians 4: 7).
Have a YAHsome day!
Tehillim / Ps. 47: 2
For YaHUaH Most High is AWEsome; A great Sovereign over all the earth.
Still I wonder the pronunciation of ABBA’s Name יהוה
because the four letters are all consonants.
Thank you for the reply.
This may be of value to your excellent question.
Praise YAH that HalleluYAH is Sung and Pronounced the Same in All Languages
HalaluYAH, meaning praise YAH, as per Tehillim / Ps. 68: 4 etc........,
All praise and esteem to the Sovereign of the ages, to the Almighy YaHUaH, our Father of Lights, who alone is wise, be respect and esteem forever and ever.
(1 Timothy 1: 17)
May the peace of the Almighty YaHUaH, which surpasses all understanding, guard your heart, and mind through Messiah YaHUsHua
(Philippians 4: 7).
Have a YAHsome day!
Tehillim / Ps. 47: 2
For YaHUaH Most High is AWEsome; A great Sovereign over all the earth.
Thank you for this video. I'm on a cell phone and must get a friend to copy the chart for me. It upsets me that they would trick so many people with his true name. A Rabbi said the priest would stand in the water and whisper his true name. So they didn't tell their own people his true name in fear the name would get out. A big secret. He said it was Yahovah
Please do an etymological check on what hovah means, you will be extremely pleased on why this is so important on why there is only One Name in which we all can be delivered.
Ya'al (Joel) 2: 32, Acts 2: 21, 4: 12, Romans 10: 13 etc........,
Thank you to all of those Bereans who help in a 1 Thess. 5: 11 manner by encouraging others to;
Do your utmost to present yourself approved to Aluahiym
(the Almighty One - YaHUaH / יהוה - 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 ), a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly handling the Word of Truth.
(2 Tim. 2: 15)
All the best to you and your loved ones in the Name (YaHUsHua) which is above all names,
יהושוע / 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤔𐤅𐤏
Philippians 2: 9 - 11
𐤀𐤕 /Aleph Tau
𐤀𐤌𐤍 / Amein
Brethern to spend time attempting to debate over what is obviously taught in the prophetic book of Mal’aḵi is like chasing the wind.
Let Yahuah's Set apart word teach truth.
Mal’aḵi (Malachi) 2:1-3 TS2009
“And now, O priests, this command is for you. “If you do not hear, and if you do not take it to heart, to give esteem to My Name,” said Yahuah ( יהוה ) of hosts, “I shall send a curse upon you, and I shall curse your blessings. And indeed, I have cursed them, because you do not take it to heart. “See, I shall rebuke your seed, and scatter dung before your faces, the dung of your festivals. And you shall be taken away with it.
Here we can clearly see that Yahuah was angry at the priests for profaning his name and failure to show esteem to his name.
These are the heretical priests of the Sanhedrin who sinned before Elohim and outlawed the verbal praise of his name. Setting his name to nothing by using Adonai.
I offer this scripture in accordance to the will of Abba Yahuah.
Shalom brethern.
Yermiyahu, at least you have it correct! It has taken me years to finally know this. Yes I've went through the different stages of learning " False Names " . So Revelations 12: 9 makes more sense concerning Deception. YAHUAH is His Name.
Thank you!!
The God Culture has some great videos on this subject. Yahuah Bless
Yahsome! Praise YaHUaH!
HalaluYAH Timothy!
todah for your words, Yahuah baruk you and yours. you might want to check out EliYahu's channel as he has found many words that go back to pagen and idol worship that are common terms related to scripture. HalleluYah
They already were, years ago, when i got to see another video... A Easter one! At the Vatican, where his bride, dwells.
Hallelujah - hail the (el)god jah . We can sing together and praise in a big echoey "Hall" to "El" god jah (I Am)
Mikal, I've been wondering lately why the meaning of our Father's name, from paleo Hebrew translates to "hand behold nail behold" when the witnesses and evidence show our Messiah was hung on a tree. Any thoughts?
What does the Scripture share as it relates to your excellent question?
Hand - Behold - Nail - Behold
Yashayahu / Is. 52: 14 - 15
14As many were astonished at You - so the disfigurement beyond any man’s and His form beyond the sons of men - 15He shall likewise startle many nations.
Sovereigns shut their mouths at Him, for what had not been recounted to them they shall see, and what they had not heard they shall understand.
Yashayahu / Is. 53: 1 - 8
Who has believed our report? And to whom was the arm of YaHUaH revealed? 2For He grew up before Him as a tender plant, and as a root out of dry ground. He
has no form or splendour that we should look upon Him, nor appearance that we should desire Him - 3despised and rejected by men, a man of
pains and knowing sickness. And as one from whom the face is hidden, being despised, and we did not consider Him. 4Truly, He has borne our sicknesses and carried our pains. Yet we reckoned Him stricken, smitten by Aluahiym (the Almighty One), and afflicted. 5But He was pierced for our transgressions, He was crushed for our crookednesses. The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are
healed.6We all, like sheep, went astray, each
one of us has turned to his own way. And YaHUaH has laid on Him the crookedness of us all. 7He was oppressed and He was afflicted, but He did not open His mouth. He was led as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before its shearers is silent, but He did not open His mouth. 8He was taken from prison and from judgment. And as for His generation, who considered that He shall be cut off from the land of the living? For the transgression of My people He was stricken.
Hand - Behold - Nail - Behold
HallaluYAH! Appreciate the quick reply! Certainly, these scriptures remind me of our Father's ultimate gift and sacrifice, through our Messiah. Though, I'm trying to resolve why our Father's name meaning includes "nail" if Yahushua was hung on a tree, as per Galations 3:13. The Christian cross appears to have origins in ancient Babylon and may have become the Christian logo via the council of nicea, supposedly to reinforce the notion our Messiah was crucified Roman-style on a cross instead of being linched from a tree. By the way, Revelations also refers to our Messiah as being dark skinned with white wooly hair contrary to popular imagery of "Jesus".
Yes, we do not believe it was a cross, but rather, a stake. And yes again, we believe the MessiYAH YaHUsHua was of a Hebraic origins, and not what twistianity regrettably proclaims.
Have a YAHsome night!
Psalms 83:18
Psalms 83:18
Praise Jehovah in all your tounges.
Are you not aware of what Jevoah means?
Show me the way Yah
Where did you get the chart at 8:30 from?
Very wELl done Yahudean kin.........
Amen in Khemetic means hidden or to hide! There are 5 cycles, khephre..dawning, is the cycle we are in now!
Here is the Original Semitic Text. HERE IS THE REAL SAVIOR
YaH The Heavenly FATHER was Who they Crucified for our sins and “HERE IS THE PROOF”
From the Ancient Semitic Scroll:
"Yad He Vav He" is what Moses wrote, when Moses asked YaH His Name (Exodus 3)
Ancient Semitic Direct Translation
Yad - "Behold The Hand"
He - "Behold the Breath"
Vav - "Behold The NAIL"
@@Praise___YaH HalleluYah kum ba Yah, our King Yahushua, is set to return soon. Have you seen the cube 🕋 that's been orbiting the sun? Looks as new Yarushalom.
I have and I “believe” this “jesus rapture” lie is any day now and many are about to run to their destruction.
The Weeds have to be gathered first before YaH can harvest His Wheat.
This jesus event, is the gathering of the weeds. As the Israelites did, in the days of Egypt, go in your home and seal your door, do not go, be not deceived, do not follow them
Praise YaH
@@Praise___YaH The Yahudim where raptured in 1800 and they left in chariots/ufo's after handing the keys to the kingdoms of earth to the Gentiles. There is clear evidence there was a great war and the tattered remains give indication thru buildings, bombed? Portions of land, etc. The Gebtiles have fed us the story of Revelations about Babylon/Tartariyah. Yet their demise and judgement is clear in Daniel, Joel, ObediYah, IsaiYah, ode of Solomon 38, 3 Nephi 16, Apocalypse of Gr8 elder Abraham. They gave us the Anti-MessiYAh in 1500, while fixating on an Antichrist that is not coming. The King is set ro return as written in psalms 82:1 Alahainu will judge the Gods of this realm 1st. We can see all the signs are aligning. The age of Pisces just ended in 2020. We are now in ShacharYadah = dawning ,{1st of 5 cycles}, knowledge, (aka Aquarius of the 12 ages). All things point to them soon saying as is written
Jeremiah 16:19
King James Version
19 O YahUah, my strength, and my fortress, and my refuge in the day of affliction, the Gentiles shall come unto thee from the ends of the earth, and shall say, Surely our fathers have inherited lies, vanity, and things wherein there is no profit.
When i 1st found out, i had an absolute fit! My thinking, "who is crazy enough to lie about the creator?😳🤔 after months in the hospital, and much pray and repentance to TMH. Ive now come to feel sorry for their stubborn irreverence of YahUahs commands. Hiding his name and giving credit to other Gods. Im so glad we arent sitting in their seats. We got ours is all i can say. They up now. Their turn. YahUah is not mocked. And their time is up for grace. They got 500 years. Father said 4 generations = 480 years. 1500 to present time. Smh
lm pausing at 5:46 because l was recently at another video...learning from "truth....777" that the Savior did not hang, on what he said is a Pagan symbol, the Cross. But was hung from a tree, like the "lost chosen Children, the enslaved black people in America were! So that "Nail Revealed" is in His name, now confuses me, as well as recalling the story of Doubting Thomas after the Messiah was raised from the dead...obviously if He was hung from a Tree, there would be no holes in His hands or feet!? Can someone please enlighten me?!
Blue Skies this is based out of black hebrew movement idealogies, and if you look at the founders of the movement, you will see the fallacies it is wroght with.
Sure Massiyah could have holes hand and foot. Trees have thick branches suitable for strike thru.
But also realize the Hollywood version and Massiyah's actual method of death quite obviously may diverge drastically. Shalom.
@@naniheavens3482 Actually sir calling someone a black Hebrew is oxymoronic.
Sort of like saying he or she is a oriental Japanese. All genetic ancestors of Yahudah/Yis'rael are black. See the table of nations in the Torah. As it is written in Torah prophecy Elohim is waking up his scattered children and showing us who we are. He caused us to forget now as it is written he is actively bringing us back to knowledge to the keys of life.
Yirmeyahu (Jeremiah) 17:4
“And you, even of yourself, shall let go of your inheritance which I gave you. And I shall make you serve your enemies in a land which you have not known, for you have kindled a fire in My displeasure which burns forever.”
One can see in the Apocrypha that Elohim planned to return the faithful remnant of Yis'rael back to the new Yerushalyim. The curses of Debarim ( Dueteronomy ) 28 to the 3rd and forth generation will end in the kingdom to come.
Baruch 2:29-35
[29] If ye will not hear my voice, surely this very great multitude shall be turned into a small number among the nations, where I will scatter them.
[30] For I knew that they would not hear me, because it is a stiffnecked people: but in the land of their captivities ( America, South America, Caribbean etc ) they shall remember themselves.
[31] And shall know that I am Yahuah Elohim: for I will give them an heart, and ears to hear: ( Yah caused this not man. Not a movement )
[32] And they shall praise me in the land of their captivity, ( We came here as captives ) and think upon my name, ( Yahuah )
[33] And return from their stiff neck, and from their wicked deeds: for they shall remember the way of their fathers, which sinned before Elohim.
[34] And I will bring them again into the land which I promised with an oath unto their fathers, Abraham, Yitzhak( Isaac,) and Ya'aqob (Jacob,) and they shall be lords of it: and I will increase them, and they shall not be diminished.
[35] And I will make an everlasting covenant with them to be their El, and they shall be my people: and I will no more drive my people of Yis'rael out of the land that I have given them.
That isn't a huge issue to speak on however. All that walk in the Torah of truth be they Hebrew or gentile must be about our fathers work of spreading the besorah of Massiyah Yahushua.
However just as the Popes of the Whore of Babylon who created the false doctrine of Christianity there are many self servings Hebrews of wicked nature that are wolves in sheep's clothing. For example the satanic pope Alexander the IV presided over more orgies then masses. He was the Patriarch of the Mafia style Borgia crime family . His true name was Rodrigo Borgia. For all that want definitive details on the minions of Ha'Satan commonly called popes follow the link below
For those that are unaware of biblical history in relation to European religious history in particular and historic events in general. These sons of Japheth conquered, hated, persecuted and enslaved the black children of Yahudah. Then they proceeded to co-opt the Way of Yahuah creating the twin beasts of the Roman Catholic cult and Christianity to feed their satanic greed for political power, carnal lusts and money. This beast was prophesied in the book of Daniel and Hazon ( Revelations ).
For details of this beast follow the link below.
Remember the teaching of Massiyah Yahushua.
Mattithyahu (Matthew) 7:15-20
“But beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are savage wolves. “By their fruits you shall know them. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes or figs from thistles? “So every good tree yields good fruit, but a rotten tree yields wicked fruit. “A good tree is unable to yield wicked fruit, and a rotten tree to yield good fruit. “Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. “So then, by their fruits you shall know them -
After u watch this video u will understand that the wicked men who fostered the false doctrine of Christianity and it's worhip of pagan helladays can't bear good fruit.
Don't make the foolish error of lumping every genetic chosen seed of Yis'rael in with the very loud and sinful heretics u see spewing false doctrine and blasphemy on UA-cam. The obedient children that walk in rush and in truth r the ones no one will see or hear outside of those that know them personally.
It is my prayer that when u come to learn the truth of the wicked u will seek the Torah of truth with all your heart. And that Elohim Yahuah will see your sincerity and lead u to all truth.
Shalom beloved brethern.
Yirmeyahu Ben-Yahudim apologies if it seemed whatsoever to matter, the skin color of Our One True MeasiYah, bc it honestly does not make a diffence to me, and i can surely bet he was not white.
Thank you for your response, and i will check out your links. I do not own a Torah but i have been wanting one and feel that this is a good deciding factor on acquiring it.
Mahalo, and Aloha Nui Loa🕊
Lol one teacher indeed 🙏🙏🙏
No large organization, churches being the largest, will accept fundamental change as it would create controversy and division. Maintaining their powerbase becomes the sole focus of their existence (to their destruction).
Excellent post topher2495!
All praise and esteem to the Sovereign of the ages, to the Almighy YaHUaH, our Father of Lights, who alone is wise, be respect and esteem forever and ever.
(1 Timothy 1: 17)
May the peace of the Almighty YaHUaH, which surpasses all understanding, guard your heart, and mind through Messiah YaHUsHua
(Philippians 4: 7).
Have a YAHsome day!
Tehillim / Ps. 47: 2
For YaHUaH Most High is AWEsome; A great Sovereign over all the earth.
I may not be Christian or identify with a single religion, but No matter if you correctly translated and even if completely accurate remember my people sitting and praying in holy places, in their homes, and children’s nightly/ daily prayers are not worshipping Lucifer. They worship God as they openly describe him on a personal level/ relationship and the devil is their enemy. This larger more powerful message is taught by the same church that you directly translate scripture to degrade and speculate hidden devil worship. Action speaks louder than words. Thank you Catholics for feeding a starving world and delivering Christmas to households every year. Your actions speak volumes more about the message you want to portray over the words of the hymn translated by the poster.
Thank you for your post.
Based on your response this Scriptural study video may be of value.
Atheists, Religion, & Christmas - A Toxic Mix
Thank you to all of those Bereans who help in a
1 Thess. 5: 11 manner by encouraging others to;
Do your utmost to present yourself approved to Aluahiym
(the Almighty One - YaHUaH / יהוה - 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 ), a worker who does not need to be ashamed,
rightly handling the Word of Truth.
(2 Tim. 2: 15)
All the best to you and your loved ones in the Name (YaHUsHua) which is above all names, the One who "cried out" (Shua) to the Father YaHUaH for His deliverance.
יהושוע / 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤔𐤅𐤏
Philippians 2: 9 - 11
𐤀𐤕 /Aleph Tau
𐤀𐤌𐤍 / Amein
HalaluYAH 4 YAH!
Cool real truth
Why does the Catholic Church use Hallelujah too?
Here is the reason the Catholic church utilizes Aleluia, but not HalaluYAH.
Please remember the etymological fact, that all Catholic praise god, and the lord, which originate from pagan Ba'al worship systems throughout antiquity.
Why World Religions WILL NOT Call Upon the Name
HalaluYAH, meaning praise YAH, as per Tehillim / Ps. 68: 4 etc........,
All praise and esteem to the Sovereign of the ages, to the Almighy YaHUaH, our Father of Lights, who alone is wise, be respect and esteem forever and ever.
(1 Timothy 1: 17)
May the peace of the Almighty YaHUaH, which surpasses all understanding, guard your heart, and mind through Messiah YaHUsHua.
(Philippians 4: 7)
Have a YAHsome day!
Tehillim / Ps. 47: 2
For YaHUaH Most High is AWEsome; A great Sovereign over all the earth.
Exodus 3:15
"And God said moreover unto Moses, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, The Lord God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath sent me unto you: this is my name for ever, and this is my memorial unto all generations."
Hay Yod Hay, HAYAH, Strong's H1961
This may truly help with your post above.
Is Baal Gad the Lord God of World Religions? Is Satan the Lord God?
Why World Religions WILL NOT Call Upon the Name
All the best in the Name which is above all names.
I am the bright and morning star!(the sun)
The son of the bright and morning star! (The moon)
Same from ages to ages! Same arguments!
Good and bad!
God and Satan!
Yin and chin !
Day and night!
Black and white!
Hell and heaven!
Peace and war!
Male and female!
Hello brother... Please make. A video on yahushua...did he die on a literal cross or stake
As requested.
What is "The Sign of the Cross"? Shocking!
Have a YAHsome day!
Hello, this is beautiful, thank you.
1. Regarding Exodus 3:14 & 15, “I am”. Would one look at the Hebrew “eheyeh” or Aramaic “ayah”? Do studies suggest Yahushua spoke Hebrew or Aramaic?
2. Aside from the ISR version, where can one find a reliable source of all the other books (Jubilees, Maccabees, etc).
3. Lastly, is there an email address available for questions?
Thank you once again!
HalaluYAH (praise be to YAH) for your email Leryn.
The Aramaic language is a sister language of the original Hebrew (Ibrim).
We can be reached at at a time of your convenience.
All praise and esteem to the Sovereign of the ages, to the Almighy YaHUaH, our Father of Lights, who alone is wise, be respect and esteem forever and ever.
(1 Timothy 1: 17)
May the peace of the Almighty YaHUaH, which surpasses all understanding, guard your heart, and mind through Messiah YaHUsHua.
(Philippians 4: 7)
Have a YAHsome day!
Tehillim / Ps. 47: 2
For YaHUaH Most High is AWEsome; A great Sovereign over all the earth.
Great video Michael
Do you have this information in a PDF format?
Mikal Shabbat Scriptural Studies might have slipped back in the World.MIA
In other words, THEY, or He, twisted every thing, under the sun, that was ever allowed to be known or taught.
The first essential requirement is therefore to flush and delete, everything, we thought we knew, and start fresh, from scratch, like a child, worthy of entering the Kingdom that will rule all other governments, that already had more than enough time to prove just how incapable of ruling, they really were. Ahmein, and let His own perfect justice prevail for all.
And let those who have eyes within, use them.
Glory to Yahua! Thank you so much for clarifying the almighty’s name. Please tell me, where does the name Yawe or YHW come in? What does it mean? Jews say this name does not appear anywhere in the Bible, where does it come from? Is it ok to use it? Thank you in anticipation.
The Tetragrammaton, referred to in rabbinic literature as HaShem (The Name) or Shem Hameforash (The Special Name), is the word used to refer to the four-letter word, yod-hey-uau-hey (יהוה), that is the name for our Almighty Father in Heaven used in the Hebrew Scriptures.
The name, which Bereans pronounce as YaHUaH, appears 5,410 times in the Scriptures (1,419 of those in the Torah).
And the Scriptures are clear on what we are to do with the Name of our Father in heaven.
Love His Name (Tehillim / Ps. 69: 36)
Know His Name (Yashayahu / Is. 52: 6, 16: 21)
Bless (Baruk) His Name (Tehillim / Ps. 96: 2)
Sing Praises to His Name (Tehillim / Ps. 68: 4)
Call upon His Name (Tehillim / Ps. 145: 18)
Give Esteem to His Name (Malaki 2: 2)
Give thanks to His Name (Tehillim / Ps. 105: 1)
Think upon His Name (Malaki 3: 16)
Boast in His Set-Apart Name (Tehillim / Ps. 105: 3)
Trust in His Name (Tehillim / Ps. 33: 21)
Exalt His Name (Tehillim / Ps. 34: 3)
HalaluYAH, meaning praise YAH, as per Tehillim / Ps. 68: 4 etc........,
All praise and esteem to the Sovereign of the ages, to the Almighy YaHUaH, our Father of Lights, who alone is wise, be respect and esteem forever and ever.
(1 Timothy 1: 17)
May the peace of the Almighty YaHUaH, which surpasses all understanding, guard your heart, and mind through Messiah YaHUsHua.
(Philippians 4: 7)
Have a YAHsome day!
Tehillim / Ps. 47: 2
For YaHUaH Most High is AWEsome; A great Sovereign over all the earth.
You made a tiny error, you put two ys' @ 8:26.
Wish you would have put a link to video one(suggested) in the description box..... !?!
Excellent feedback, thank you.
Mikal Shabbat Scriptural Studies no problem I found the video anyhow some may have not tried though....
The Scriptural salt will always sting the pagan wounds. Pagans and their collective idol worship throughout time have fought the Almighty Father of Lights directly about His One Name.
And this is why pagans utilize a non-Scriptural title for the Almighty.
And why this UA-cam Channel does not promote a man - made greek - latin deity (iesous chrestos - jesus christ) that is ONLY 500 years old, and we certainly do not promote a man - made title (god) that was created for all man - made mythological deities that only those still imprisoned in world religions promote.
Encyclopedia Britannica, 11th Edition, says, “GOD - the common Teutonic word for a personal object of religious worship…applied to all those superhuman beings of the heathen mythologies. The word “god” on the conversion of the Teutonic races to Christianity was adopted as the name of the one Supreme Being…
These two Scriptural study videos may be of value towards Scriptural, etymological, historical and archaeological facts / evidence.
Chaos of Christ or the Simplicity of the MessiYAH
Is Baal Gad the Lord God of World Religions? Is Satan the Lord God?
HalleluYAH that the collective pagan idol worship of world religions is obliterated with just a few Scriptural verses.
The Scriptural salt does indeed sting pagan wounds.
Yashayahu / Is. 42: 8 etc........ “I am YaHUaH, that is My Name, and My esteem I do not give to another, nor My praise to idols.
Shemoth / Ex. 3: 15, Ya'al / Joel 2: 32, Acts 2: 21, 4?: 12, Romans 13: 10 etc........
Hazon / Revelation 22: 21 - The favour of our Master Yahushua Messiah be with the set-apart ones. Amein.
All the best to you and your loved ones in the Name (Yahushua) which is above all names.
Praise Yahuah Our Father Original HOly name from Hebrew languages as our languages of creation.and HIs Son Yahusha HaMashiach is Son our Savior and His Ruach ha'Kodesh Holy Spirit .Shalom evryone.
HalleluYAH for Yahushua.
Shua or Sha - Shocking - Pt. 2
This may be of value as well.
Are We to be "Holy", or "Set Apart"? Is There a Difference?
All the best to you and your loved ones in the Name (Yahushua) which is above all names.
@ 20:47 you say the original Hebrew word " Aw Meen ".
I thought it was " Aw Mein " ?
Please clarify.
I have looked up in χριστός and it's root online to get nothing more really than "anointed" or the name of the churchianity's Christ. I guess it was created, in Greek, at the time of Sha'ul cause online search 🔍 doesn't recognize any more history than that.? Do you have references I can look into? I don't have the money 💰 to buy an expensive book either, thank you.
Rickie, may we ask what you are looking for in particular?
All praise and esteem to the Sovereign of the ages, to the Almighy YaHUaH, our Father of Lights, who alone is wise, be respect and esteem forever and ever.
(1 Timothy 1: 17)
May the peace of the Almighty YaHUaH, which surpasses all understanding, guard your heart, and mind through Messiah YaHUsHua
(Philippians 4: 7).
Have a YAHsome day!
Tehillim / Ps. 47: 2
For YaHUaH Most High is AWEsome; A great Sovereign over all the earth.
Great incite and more so as you encourage those to seek out information about what you are speaking.... the truth how it was and was to stay...obiviously we have been taught more evil than good from the bible as lucifer has downtrodden mankind thru generations...more must wake and see the truth and not continue to live the way they do because its what they know and have been taught....
Christians say Hallelujah
Yes I used to regrettably say the same Valerie when I was Christian because the church did not share the truth that the letter "j" didn't exist until the (prior) 14th century.
HalaluYAH that we now have the opportunity to share this fact with others, have a YAHsome day love, my better 3/4's says hello!
Have a YAHsome day!
@@mikalshabbatscripturalstudies 🔥Yess!!🔥
🔥HalleluYHWH!!🔥Christianity is a branch off of RCC/ paganism! As well as prodisyn, orthodox, seven day adventist among many other religions & denominations!! Thank You 🔥Holy Father🔥
🔥YAHUAH 🔥for waking us up to REAL TRUTH!!... "COME OUT OF HER MY PEOPLE!!"
First of all, I really appreciate this effort to spread the Truth and serve the socalled saints.
Question: the name above all names u keep saying that its Yahuah, but is it not supposed to be Yahushua?? In all kindness
Great Scriptural question.
Isn't it true that the Son, the MessiYAH YaHUsHua came in His Father Name as per Yahuchannon / Jn. 5: 43?
YaHUsHua literally means "YaHUaH delivers / saves", and as such, the MessiYAH Himself cried out on the stake to His Father (YaHUaH) for His own deliverance.
If you believe I am missing something here as it relates top your question and or the Scriptures please feel free to share.
Thank you to all of those Bereans who help in a 1 Thess. 5: 11 manner by encouraging others to;
Do your utmost to present yourself approved to Aluahiym (the Almighty One - YaHUaH / יהוה - 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 ), a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly handling the Word of Truth.
(2 Tim. 2: 15)
All the best to you and your loved ones in the Name (YaHUsHua) which is above all names,
יהושוע / 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤔𐤅𐤏
Philippians 2: 9 - 11
𐤀𐤕 /Aleph Tau
𐤀𐤌𐤍 / Amein
These Scriptural studies may be of value.
Is Satan the Lord God?
Is Jesus Christ an Anti-Messiah?
Jesus 666 Exposed
May the peace of the Almighty YaHUaH, which surpasses all understanding, guard your heart, and mind through Messiah YaHUsHua (Phil. 4: 7).
Have a YAHsome day!
Tehillim / Ps. 47: 2
For YaHUaH Most High is AWEsome; A great Sovereign over all the earth.
Brother, the paleo Hebrew is YAHAWA. Yahuah is based on the masoretic vowel points.
May we suggest you verify the historical basic etymological information on the letter "w".
The shape we now see as "V" was the Latin sound we hear as "U", and they inherited the sound and V shape from the Greek UPSILON, which looked like this: Y. The shape Y in ancient Hebrew is the sixth letter of the Hebrew letters, not "waw", but UAU.
The Greeks inherited their Upsilon form Hebrew.
When the letter Upsilon (Y) went into Latin, the lower stem was dropped, an it was simply shaped V - and used in Latin words like GLADIVS - the V sounding like our letter U.
These 4 Latin letters stand for 4 Hebrew letters, Yod Hay Uau Hay
This Name is used at least 6,823 times in the TaNaKh, and is the ONLY NAME used by our Creator - He established all His Covenants in this ONE NAME. Other terms people confuse to be names are really pronouns or titles.
Letter shapes changed over time, and so have their sounds. The letters U, V, and W are next to one another for a reason: they all spring from the same letter, U, and became other sounds later.
The controversial Hebrew letter often referred to as “WAW” sounds as our modern letter “U”, and the ancient form of this letter’s appearance was retained by the Greek: Y. It is NOT our modern English letter “Y”, but rather our “U”. It became the Greek “UPSILON”, or “U”. Going into Latin, this “Y” shaped Greek letter lost the vertical stem, and was written “V”. Again, this is NOT our modern English letter “VEE”, but still the sound of our letter “U”.
This is the progression over time for the letter we use today for U:
The Latin word for “sword” is: GLADIUS.
GLADIVS is the original way the word appeared in Latin letters,
but remember to retain the original sound of the Latin “V” as our modern letter “U”. Please do not impose your modern “VEE” upon this letter. Because this was done, words like “JEHOVAH” have been improperly understood today. The sound of these letters in the mind of people living over 400 years ago was more accurately “YAHOUAH”
because the “OV” our really our “OU”. The “J” was sounded as our modern letter “Y”, not “JAY” as we commonly perceive it today.
They were not pronouncing it “DJA-HO-VAH”, but “YAHUAH”.
UU = VV, W: The letter “W” (double-U) is another story, since it is a very new letter also derived from the Hebrew UAU, never having existed prior to the 13th century.
May YaHUaH keep and guard you, and may the MessiYAH Yahushua be in everything you say and do.
Baruch brother, with respect, may I suggest that the second and third letters/characters of our Father's Name is pronounced as ah as in ar not hey as in ay or it would be pronounced yay hoo ay not YAH HOO AH.
Thank you for your study.
Baruch haba b'shem Yahuah!
Yes indeed, this is how we pronounce it as well.
Thank you for your feedback.
All the best to you and your loved ones in the Name (YaHUsHua) which is above all names,
יהושוע / 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤔𐤅𐤏
Philippians 2: 9 - 11
𐤀𐤕 /Aleph Tau
𐤀𐤌𐤍 / Amein
however...i came across that el may have reference to the moon god. Elohim...I came across Nazirene excuse me if im spelling that wrong but he pointed out to me the actual term is Aliyahom i maybe spelling that wrong as well
Thank you for your post, the historical, and archaeological record provies that Allah is associated to the moon god Sin.
HalaluYAH, meaning praise YAH, as per Tehillim / Ps. 68: 4 etc........,
All praise and esteem to the Sovereign of the ages, to the Almighy YaHUaH, our Father of Lights, who alone is wise, be respect and esteem forever and ever.
(1 Timothy 1: 17)
May the peace of the Almighty YaHUaH, which surpasses all understanding, guard your heart, and mind through Messiah YaHUsHua.
(Philippians 4: 7)
Have a YAHsome day!
Tehillim / Ps. 47: 2
For YaHUaH Most High is AWEsome; A great Sovereign over all the earth.
This may help with the proper title of of our Father of Lights YaHUaH Himself.
1. Intent of Title Name study
• Is the true title of our Father in heaven YaHUaH Himself, Elohim, Aluahiym, and or Alahim?
• Is this confusion just a further possibility how world religions will converge further in the future under the guise of Allah?
2. Present Title (s) in Question from Incorrect Translations
El or Al?
Which is more correct, Jeho, Yeho, or Yahu?
We can thank the “Masoretes” (7th - 11th century “tradition-keepers”) for inventing “vowel points” to guide all Yahudim in the uniform pronunciation of Hebrew words. This man-made system secured one major objective: to keep the pronunciation of the Name and Title of the Creator from everyone’s lips (and ears).
Imagine that instead of reading the words “Judah” or even “Yehudah”, you plainly read “Yahudah” as it really says, with “Yah” in the expression without the Masoretic vowel deceptions?
So again, Elohim or Alahim?
Think Israel, it is actually Yashra’al.
Please refer to our last Scriptural assembly studies.
Think Joel, it is actually Ya’al.
Etymology of the name Joel
The name Joel is most commonly interpreted to be a combination of two elements. The first element is יה (Yah) = יהו (Yahu) = יו (Yu), which is the commonly accepted abbreviated form of יהוה, which is YHUH. This very short abbreviation also occurs in the Scriptural names Joab and Jochebed.
The second element of the name Joel is אל (Al), which regrettably became applied to what is known as the God of Israel today, or the common abbreviation of Elohim, the genus God which shamefully has obliterated any understanding of the true Name and or title of YaHUaH.
El or Al?
• אל ('al), which is the Hebrew transliteration of the Arabic article that survives in English in words like alcohol and algebra. There are some words in the Hebrew Bible that are transliterations of Arabic words, which contain this article.
• אל ('al), particle of negation; not, no, neither.
• אל ('el) preposition that expresses motion towards someone or something; unto, into, besides, in reference to.
• אל ('el), which is a truncated form of אלה ('eleh), meaning these (see below).
• אלה ('eleh), meaning these.
• אלה ('ala), to swear; derivative אלה ('ala) means oath.
• אלה ('ala), to wail.
• אלה ('alla), oak, from the assumed and unused root אלל ('ll).
• אלה ('ela), terebinth, from the root אול ('wl).
3. Present Name Definition
El/ AL, Eloah / Aloah, Elohim / Alohim,
Elahin / Alahin, Elyon / Alyon: ???
El (Al): Mighty One, Strength Eloah / Aloah: Singular form of Elohim / Alahim, has same meaning as El / Al.
Elohim / Alohim: Plural of Eloah / Aloah, Rulers, Messengers.
Elyon, El Elyon: The Most High El / Al.
Hebrew Aramaic
Eloah Elah - Alah
Elyon Illaya
Elohim Elahin - Alahin
4. Original Scriptural Title
The word “El” is a very ancient Semitic term.
Among Semitic languages it is one of the most used terms for greatness, strength or deity.
In Hebrew usage it does not denote a proper name but is used as a title.
Used for the Creator’s superiority over all other as a generic term in Daniel 11:36 “...the El of elahin...”
El, Eloah,
What is interesting with the 1998 ISR version is that when you copy from the text it always place Al in the printed version. In other words it corrects its own version from El. It even spells Daniel as Dani’al.
DANI’ÂL 11: 36 - 37
36“And the sovereign shall do as he pleases, and exalt himself and show himself to be great above every mighty one, and speak incredible matters against the Âl of mighty ones, and shall prosper until the wrath has been accomplished - for what
has been decreed shall be done - 37and have no regard for the mighty ones of his fathers nor for the desire of women, nor have regard for any mighty one, but exalt himself above them all.
Elohim is used to refer to the Creator, but also applied to rulers, messengers and persons. (Referring to Moshah in Shemoth 4:16, “And it shall be that he shall be a mouth for you, and you shall be an elohim for him.”)
Also Psalms / Teh. 82:1. Elyon is translated as Most High. Used in Psalms / Tehillim 7:17 “And praise the Name of YaHUaH (Elyon) Most High.”
The term “Eli” (my El) used by Messiah in the Messianic Writings in Mark 15:34
“Eli, Eli lamah shebaqtani.”
The word ELI is accepted with open arms, and yet it is spelled ALEF-LAMED-YOD; the Arabic is ALI.
Which is it - Eli, or Ali?
Yahushua cried out the first verse of Psalm 22, “Ali, Ali, lama sabakthani?” in Syraic Aramiac; not “Eli, Eli.”
How do we know?
Some believe it is because the Masoretes had not yet corrupted the vocalization.
This is a contentious subject, and the rabbit hole is extremely deep.
Allah or Elohim? - Q&A with Michael Rood & Nehemia Gordon
For the record, I do not trust both Nehemia Gordon and or Michael Rood as they both have made considerable amounts of money off of the Word and thus have kept their studies in the safe zone so to speak in order to keep membership ratings high. Scriptural truth may not be at the forefront of what they entirely share.
5. Original Scriptural Name Defintion
There are those that believe YAHUAH ALAHIM fully translated means:
6. Scriptural Back Up
(Provide two, three or more passages in Old / Renewed Covenants)
Please see Scriptural quotes throughout this study.
7. Etymological,
H410 אל - Strong's Hebrew Lexicon Number
'êl - Pronounced - ale
Shortened from H352; strength; as adjective mighty; especially the Almighty (but used also of any deity)
H433 אלהּ אלוהּ - Strong's Hebrew Lexicon Number
אלהּ אלוהּ
'ĕlôahh 'ĕlôahh
el-o'-ah, el-o'-ah
(The second form is rare); probably prolonged (emphatically) from H410; a deity or the deity
Brown-Driver-Briggs' Hebrew Definitions
1. God
2. false god
8. Historical, 9. Archaeological Back Up (Provide resource links / articles / books)
The moon / star symbol of Allah representing the deity worshipped by Islam is also found in many other pagan sources. The Hindu trinity calls that deity Sheba (or Shiva), the destroyer:
10. List the Scriptural negative impact (s) of incorrect translation.
People overlook how the Arabs (not the religion Islam) use many Hebrew words unaltered by dispersions and Masoretic tinkering. They too are Hebrews, descendants of Eber, and Abrahim, the father of nations. YishmaAl is a Hebrew word, and a name. The Arabs name their children Yusef, Daud, Ashah (woman), Danial, Nabi, Tamar, and many other Hebrew names. Yes the pronoun, Alahin, is used in the book of Danial over and over.
WARNING: The Islamic "Allah" is not YaHUaH, but Allah is known as “god”, and many today from all world religions possibly will have no problem in the future accepting this.
11. List negative impact (s) of incorrect translation as it relates to our lives here and now.
The Islam pagan deity Allah is not the Scriptural Aluah as we read in the book of Dani’al.
As such the world and its world religions bow down to titles, symbols or objects representing the host of heaven (names of days and months), and as such confusion abounds.
As an example, the airline EL-AL means "to go" + "upward."
The Hebrew root "AL" (ALEF-LAMED) became "EL." This root is not a name of any kind, it is a pronoun implying lofty, upward, highness, strength, mightiness, etc.
The airline EL-AL means "to go" + "upward."
YAHUAH ALUAHIYM fully translated means "I WAS, I AM, I WILL BE (your) MIGHTY ONE."
We must remember, Islam and their Allah is the same as the old religion of Babel, Nimrod, Semiramis, and Tammuz. Again the Hindu trinity reveals Allah as Shiva, the destroyer.
12. List negative impact (s) of incorrect translation as it relates to our inheritance.
ZAKARYAH/Zechariah 13:2 "On that day, I will Banish the Names of the idols from the land, and they will be remembered No more," Declares YAHUAH ALUAH/Almighty. "I will remove both the prophets and the spirit of impurity from the land.
Shamuth/Exodus 23:13 Shamuth/Exodus 23:13 "Be Careful to do everything I have said to you. Do not invoke the Names of other mighty-ones; do not let them be heard on your Lips.
TAHALYM/Psalms 16:4 The sorrows of those will increase who run after other deities. I will not pour out their libations of blood or take up their names on my lips.
HalaluYAH, meaning praise YAH, as per Tehillim / Ps. 68: 4 etc........,
All praise and esteem to the Sovereign of the ages, to the Almighy YaHUaH, our Father of Lights, who alone is wise, be respect and esteem forever and ever.
(1 Timothy 1: 17)
May the peace of the Almighty YaHUaH, which surpasses all understanding, guard your heart, and mind through Messiah YaHUsHua.
(Philippians 4: 7)
Have a YAHsome day!
Tehillim / Ps. 47: 2
For YaHUaH Most High is AWEsome; A great Sovereign over all the earth.
@@mikalshabbatscripturalstudies thank u see all this...and I had made a step to learn u can understand more...I aware that is also ancient languages such as Latin, Arabic, Aramaic, all these play apart of translating what we know as words roday... al lot of words definitions has changed of time..which is y we are directed to be mindful of our u know we don't only speak words but we SPELL them...indicating they have effect more than 1 know..including sound, and vibrations...much to know and utilize...but peace and blessings thank for responding and enlightenment
Thank u...I will note that yes that's the name I pray unto...I agree that misinterpreting, misguidance, and misleading is among us...I appreciate your leads and will follow up with them...I see what we doing is iron sharpening iron in a sense...with that said...I cant help but to notice or the intent to put the dots together...can it be considered that all these teachings as far as Muslim, Chiristainity, and several others adopted all there beliefs from Egypt and then renamed? Like it says in scripture...I have bout you UP out of Egypt? So it's safe to consider that alot of teachings as far as Science, Mathematics Civilization, Religion practices came from ancient societies such as Kemet, Crete, Nubia, Samaria,...all these pioneers were taking by Greece though true ancient Greece civilization was built by the original people who are now called black, moors, etc...sad to say the true Israelites gotten lost when captured by Babylon....only thing I ask what about the copper colored Aboriginals...that inherited the Americas in the BC said that that America and Africa is not the true name of these places...this is information related from the FOI..just sayin they entirely lost and they are our relatives as well...which is I think is described through Isaac and Ishmael...knowledge is infinite and we can go on for lifetimes...but let's proceed...peace on to u
"Lucifer" in Latin means "dawn", "morning", "light bringer".
Actually Jamie in the original Hebraic texts of Yashayahu / Isaiah, Lucifer / Satan (the Adversary) is known as Helel properly spelled Halal.
Yashayahu / Is. 14: 12
12“How you have fallen from the heavens, O HÃlÃl, u son of the morning! You ave been cut down to the ground, you who laid low the gentiles!
Helel properly spelled Halal literally is defined as the following;
Strongs Hebrew Concordance - #1966. helel
helel: a shining one
Original Word: הֵילֵל
Part of Speech: Noun Masculine
Transliteration: helel
Phonetic Spelling: (hay-lale')
Short Definition: morning
And why a complete study on many Scriptural translations will reveal the following;
Isaiah 14:12
HEB: נָפַ֥לְתָּ מִשָּׁמַ֖יִם הֵילֵ֣ל בֶּן־ שָׁ֑חַר
NAS: from heaven, O star of the morning, son
KJV: from heaven, O Lucifer, son
INT: have fallen heaven star son of the dawn
It was Early Church Father Eusebius who took out Hillel and placed it with Lucifer, A Man's Name!!!
My KJV bible in Rev 19:1 says alleluia and amen, what? The trickery runs deep with word games..What is Elohim and why not say it in the video?
Thank you for your post, but based on the research, Amein, and Amen are two entirely different things.
Gods of the Egyptians, vol. 2, ch. 1
This AMEN was originally the Theban "hidden god who is in heaven", "the hidden one, meaning hidden sun".
Funk and Wagnalls, Standard College Dictionary, describes it, "AMEN: In Egyptian mythology, the god of life and procreation ... later identified with the Sun-god as the supreme deity, and called 'Amen-Ra'."
James Bonwick, Egyptian Belief and Modern Thought, repeatedly and frankly calls the Sun-deity of Egypt by its correct name: AMEN. He states on pp. 123-125, "AMEN ... is in a sense, the chief deity of Egypt - supreme divinity. Whatever else he be, he must be accepted as the sun ... the hidden god, the solar aspect is clear ... there is the disk of the sun ... the sun Amen ... His identification with Baal ... establishes him as a solar deity ...."
Smith's Bible Dictionary expresses AMEN as, "an Egyptian divinity ... He was worshiped ... as Amen-Ra, or 'Amen the Sun'."
Bible Lexicons Old Testament Hebrew Lexical Dictionary Entry for Strong's #543 - אָמֵן Transliteration 'âmên Phonetics aw-mane' (amein)
Word Definition [ Brown-Drivers-Briggs | Strong ] Brown-Driver-Briggs' Definition 1) verily, truly, so be it
Hazon / Revelation 22: 21 - The favour of our Master Yahushua Messiah be with the set-apart ones. Amein.
Yashayahu / Is. 42: 8 etc........ “I am YaHUaH, that is My Name, and My esteem I do not give to another, nor My praise to idols.
Shemoth / Ex. 3: 15, Ya'al / Joel 2: 32, Acts 2: 21, 4?: 12, Romans 13: 10 etc........
All the best to you and your loved ones in the Name (Yahushua) which is above all names.
This also may be of value based on your response.
Chaos of Christ or the Simplicity of the MessiYAH
Thank you to all of those Bereans who help in a
1 Thess. 5: 11 manner by encouraging others to;
Do your utmost to present yourself approved to Aluahiym
(the Almighty One - YaHUaH / יהוה - 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤄 ), a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly handling the Word of Truth.
(2 Tim. 2: 15)
All the best to you and your loved ones in the Name (YaHUsHua) which is above all names,
יהושוע / 𐤉𐤄𐤅𐤔𐤅𐤏
Philippians 2: 9 - 11
𐤀𐤕 /Aleph Tau
𐤀𐤌𐤍 / Amein
Can you explain YAHAWA and YAHAWASHI? I learned that the early Hebrew didn't have all those sounds and letters. Each letter had the sound 'ah' at the end, as in ah bah dah, ect. with the exception of the ai, I sound. Ya Ha Wa - Shi. It was my understanding that YAH is the name for GOD and all His children will be called by his name. Jeremiah, Isaiah, ect... HalleluYah means Praise YAH!! Also in my reseach i saw that the scriptures state that the first name He was called was ELOHIM in the Bible. In the beginning Elohim created...
As for the MessiYAH and His Name this may be of value.
Shua or Sha - Shocking - Pt. 2
Why Yahushua and Not Yahusha
Where can I get the Seven Scriptural Witnesses of the Name which is above all names chart?
Please email us at and we will send.
All the best in the Name (Yahushua) which is above all names.
The Bible tells us in Acts 4, the NAME ABOVE ALL NAMES IS JESUS CHRIST
The Scriptural salt will always sting the pagan wounds. Pagans and their collective idol worship throughout time have fought the Almighty Father of Lights directly about His One Name.
And this is why pagans utilize a non-Scriptural title for the Almighty.
And why this UA-cam Channel does not promote a man - made greek - latin deity (iesous chrestos - jesus christ) that is ONLY 500 years old, and we certainly do not promote a man - made title (god) that was created for all man - made mythological deities that only those still imprisoned in world religions promote.
Encyclopedia Britannica, 11th Edition, says, “GOD - the common Teutonic word for a personal object of religious worship…applied to all those superhuman beings of the heathen mythologies. The word “god” on the conversion of the Teutonic races to Christianity was adopted as the name of the one Supreme Being…
These two Scriptural study videos may be of value towards Scriptural, etymological, historical and archaeological facts / evidence.
Chaos of Christ or the Simplicity of the MessiYAH
Is Baal Gad the Lord God of World Religions? Is Satan the Lord God?
HalleluYAH that the collective pagan idol worship of world religions is obliterated with just a few Scriptural verses.
The Scriptural salt does indeed sting pagan wounds.
Yashayahu / Is. 42: 8 etc........ “I am YaHUaH, that is My Name, and My esteem I do not give to another, nor My praise to idols.
Shemoth / Ex. 3: 15, Ya'al / Joel 2: 32, Acts 2: 21, 4?: 12, Romans 13: 10 etc........
Hazon / Revelation 22: 21 - The favour of our Master Yahushua Messiah be with the set-apart ones. Amein.
All the best to you and your loved ones in the Name (Yahushua) which is above all names.