Iron Maiden "Fear of the Dark" Vocal Analysis | where the heck does he get the energy?!
- Опубліковано 18 гру 2024
- Today's video is a vocal analysis of Iron Maiden's "Fear of the Dark". I honestly don't know where Bruce pulls the energy from because this song packs a performance punch and still requires a lot of him vocally.
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Original Video: • Iron Maiden - Fear Of ...
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My sophomore year in high school, my English teacher borrowed my Powerslave cassette tape for her classes to study “Rime of the Ancient Mariner”. We need more teachers like this!
For my HS senior year British Lit class we read the poem and my teacher let me bring in the song and play it for class. She was really getting into it. Such a cool teacher.
We obviously need to pay teachers better so they can afford their own records! (edit: but to be clear: that album was part of the reason I went to study English Lit; oh the regret is real)
@@gwaptiva Coming from the husband of a current teacher, I can completely agree with that statement 100%! She deserves much more than she is compensated. I would imagine there are many more that were led to English lit because of that album.
I'm younger than you, so I made my English teacher look it up on UA-cam during class back in my sophomore year in 2010 or so lol. She loved it
@@opticFPV You are about the same age as my oldest daughter. I took her to her first Maiden concert back in October, along with my youngest.. Maiden gained two new fans that night.
Fear of the Dark is possibly my most favourite live tune, ever. What you won't know is that, he doesn't always introduce it as he did in Rio, but on literally the first guitar note, the crowd knows, and starts, and my god, what an experience it is to be a part of it. Magical doesn't even start to describe it.
Bruce's work out programme? He's always kept fit. He was a top 10 Great Britain foil fencer in the late 1980s and competed in the Commonwealth Vetrans Champs last summer. How do I know? The bastard knocked me out! 🤣🤣🤣 First time we'd fenced since 1989. And I won that one 😉
I just saw them live in october.... they are STILL hammering it home and haven't lost a beat (And I've been listening to them since '85)
I started listening in '85, too. I was 7.
They certainly are, it boggles the mind, they don’t need the money - and even if they did they wouldn’t need to give the full performance that they’re known for for most fans to be happy but somehow they seem to keep the same energy and professionalism as they did 30 years ago. It’s amazing, frankly.
Saw them live in October as well, absolutely amazing! I've been a fan since mid 80s and first show I got to see. I really loved how they had fans in the single digits and fans in their 70s present. Absolutely mind blowing how much energy they have being in their mid 60s. More so than bands half (or less) their age.
Me too. I saw them in Hamilton, ON. How about you?
Been a fan since 83’ and finally got to see them in September
Bruce was asked in an interview "Is singing physical?" He answered "It is the way I do it."
I don't know if he studied theater or not but he has also said that he makes big movements so that people in the back can see him moving and get a part of the show.
@@biglew1161 Yep, he did study theatre during his educational years. It's why he performs the way he does. 😉
@@biglew1161 I remember seeing that interview.
Singing IS very physical I could give you links to two examples of singers singing songs from musicals standing relatively static onstage who put so much effort into the final note they are literally left gasping for air!
Yeah, no shit, that man was jumping around, running around and didn't ever sound breathy in his singing even at the 13'th song.
I have been to so many Maiden concerts and while he's not got the same voice these days, I still fucking love it.
I'm old ... original Metal head. I've seen Maiden live SO many times! I have NEVER heard Bruce sound any different. He is the most consistent vocalist I've ever witnessed. And THE BEST front man you can imagine! Perfection.
One of the best audience participating songs of Maiden's. Other to check out live - Rime of the Ancient Mariner, Dance of Death, The Clansman, and Blood Brothers.
Yeah those are the best ones to react to for sure.
For a vocal reaction, I'd put talisman up there as well. The version from the en vivo concert
@@markparkin5372 Yes I totally agree. I am just tired of recommending it. No one ever actually reacts to it.
ohhh yes! Blood Brothers is awesome!!
Singing along in a crowd like this is a chilling ... energising experience ... brought tears to my eyes ... saw them 2 times at Graspop in Belgium. The main rule for the crowd of Iron Maiden: you are part of the band, so sing
More Maiden is always the answer to everything! I am so glad you are returning after doing Hallowed. I am coming up on my 40th show & Fear of the dark is always a blast live! Rime of the Ancient Mariner gets the next vote, but if you want something different that other reviewers haven’t hit yet I will throw out The Book of Souls & The Talisman.
….Or Revelations from 2008 in Australia now that I think of it 😊
I couldn't recommend their song dance of death live more, you'd love it!
Second that.
Absolutely.. The performance from Chile is the best one I've seen. I'd love to see Julia analyze this version..
yes. En vivo version,,, probably one of Bruce's best performances
The en vivo version at Chile during their final frontier tour. Its perhaps one of the most dramatic performances Bruce has ever done
Bruce is amazing. He recently released 2 "behind the scenes" videos where he talks about what he does between and sometimes during songs, including voice care. Might check it out.
Yes. I was going to suggest that as well.
I like the part where he talks about all the warm water he drinks during the show, and how much fluids he loses during the show.
I think she would also appreciate the parts where he talks about how he calms himself and slows his breathing to relax his throat backstage. And how he explains why and demonstrates the difference.
And Lord of the Lost. The band Iron Maiden took with them last and next tour
Julia, the comment that you typed out in this video about it being worth seeing Maiden live because you get so much more that just a song is "spot on". They are just as active on stage today as they were years ago. Saw them live this past October and it was the best concert I've experienced live.
Also let’s not forget, Bruce is becoming 65 this year and recovered from a cancerous tumor at the back of his tongue (2015) making a full recovery after 7 weeks of chemotherapy .. The stamina and energy he still can produce to this day, is fenomenal, and many metal vocalists can learn a thing or 2 from this man! 🤘🏼🤪🤘🏼 Up the Irons ❤
19 de Janeiro de 2001. Eu estava lá. Era praticamente impossível ficar parado nesse show. Mesmo se você não quisesse pular, a multidão obrigava você a pular junto. A energia era tamanha, que eu fiquei com essa vibração durante dias após essa noite. Simplesmente, o melhor show da minha vida.
They have over 120 songs this good, the greatest band ever, they never disapoint, hope you do them more regularly. Great video
Probably the best reaction to this song I have seen , This is an amazing song one of my all time favorites ! Thank you .
About the crowd singing the melody:
It IS magical, after being an Iron Maiden fan for 16 years at that point, I watched them live in 2016, and when this song started everyone at the venue started singing: The feeling of taking part in something that big (There were 16.000 people that night) is a memory that I'll never forget, I immediately started crying to the point that my friends were worried about me.
Great reaction as as always, if you want to keep going, I will recommend "Dance of death" or "Blood Brothers"
I had the same experience. those first note always rush me straight back to that sweaty crowd with all 20000 singing along. One of those things I really feel lucky to have been part of.
They are magical… I am almost 50 and they have been my fav since 12. It’s not music… it’s an experience. Thank you so much for you smile when you heard them…. It said it all. Thank you for this.
Seen them twice, and going to see them again next year. Their show is like modern opera; Great music and composition, stories they tells and on live they can arrange songs to create complete act or songs wrap around theme, and then the setup and the performance. It is like full show of everything i love. And the feeling you get when you are among the others who love them as much as you. So incredible band.
Bruce Dickinson has to be one of the best singers of all times, all genres included.
Metall Singers are allways underrated, no matter iif male or female..
The big three are: Bruce Dickinson, Rob Halford and of course Ronnie James Dio
Adding another three: Mike Patton,Devin Townsend and Mikado Akerfeldt.
Bruce Dickinson is great as a heavy metal vocalist with a Shure SM58 GLXD BetaA handset microphone in his hand being amplified through several kilowatts of amplification and a sound engineer mixing the sound (Even I've done that with a professional live band!). The sound here is recorded during the live event and then mixed in a recording studio afterwards. But he would be lost trying to project his voice while singing the aria "Recondita Armonia" from Giacomo Puccini's opera "Tosca" over an orchestra into the 2,256 seat auditorium of the Royal Opera House in London (I took lessons from a member of the Scottish opera chorus for 2 years and pretty much know this aria back to front and inside out and I'm not stupid enough to try that because the largest theatre I have sung unamplified in had a capacity of around 1,100 seats. This is Jonas Kaufmann singing at The Royal Opera House (He probably has a small discrete microphone in his hair to pick up his voice for the TV broadcast.):
Bruce probably doesn't record Iron Maiden's albums while standing in the middle of a full orchestra with the microphone that is recording his vocals several feet in front of him! This is Jonas Kaufmann recording the famous aria "Nessun Dorma" from Giacomo Puccini's final opera "Turandot" (I know this aria as well and the high B4 followed by the high A4 at the end takes concentration and a lot of energy after you've sung everything before them!):
For Your Information: It takes at least 5 years of training to sing as well as this and that only happens if you're accepted into an academy, conservatoire or school of music!
@@PhilipChilvers try to listen to him performing in Canterbury cathedral (unamplified) with Ian Anderson.
It might change your opinion 😏
Dance of Death, the En Vivo version. If you like story telling and the way the vocals tell the story it is an essential Iron Maiden song. One of their most theatrical.
My two favorite parts of this performance are the crowd participation with them singing a lot of the melodies and Bruce riding the camera trolley. Lol
That's fkn badass riding the trolley while singing 🤘
I highly recommend reading Bruce's autobiography "What Does This Button Do?". Very interesting story and it's written in a way that it's almost like he's there with you telling stories. It also explains how he can do what he does on stage.
It's one of my this year's christmas presents I got. Very well written and readable.
Bruce reads the audiobook from memory
I got a signed exemplary 😎😎 yeah I'm flexing
@@yannvalera1495 I would be too 😂
Theater of the mind…… 😉
The whole of Rock in Rio concert is extraordinary. Amazing band. and they still have it after all these years. And you sure don't miss much, Julia. No way to fake that, and the way you produce and present your reactions... You are really good at this. One of the very best. More!
About the crowd....Brazil, honey, we put our hearts in the shows.
I have been fortunate enough to have attended a half dozen or so Iron Maiden concerts. The spectacle and theatrics are truly incredible. What's mind blowing is that unlike Kiss or some of the other spectacle bands... this band is filled with so much talent 1-6 in the band. The music this band makes should be taught in colleges. I don't think I will be seeing them again as the prices are insane now for us mere mortals, but I can tell you as a fan for 35-40 years now... they are better in 2022 than they were whe I saw them on the Fear Of The Dark album tour in 89-90? They are a must see!
My cheeks hurt from smiling throughout the whole video. Your awe and joy experiencing this was absolutely palpable.
Bruce is an avid fencer, amongst other physical activities, which is in part how he stays in shape and maintains his stamina! You can see it in the springiness of his steps, he definitely has a fencers footwork in his structure!.
Maiden never fails to amaze and entertain. From the awesome lyrics to Bruce's power and delivery to the riffs, every song is an experience in excellence. Great reaction and keep rocking.
Always a pleasure to watch your smiling eyes in these fantastic reactions
That song made me cry several times ago, Ive been listening to this song since I was 7. Your reactions are the best.
The documentary Iron Maiden made for this tour is a great watch. The South/Central American leg of the tour gives you chills listening to crowd engage with Bruce. I wish I could have seen them tour in their prime. Bruce is an incredible showman and his vocal style is all his own. I can't remember if I've ever seen an interview where they talk specifically talk about his signing background and how he uses that to develop these sounds into the epics they are.
Iron Maiden have always been in their prime...
Being in an Iron Maiden crowd is always a great experience but South/Central American fans just seem to be completely off the hook. The dedication these people throw in the mix at rock/metal concerts is mind blowing.
They still sound great, definitely check them out if you can
HA HA!!! I was at that show in 2001!!! I'm from Rio and you're invited for a beer and a barbecue when you come here!! Thank you very much for more Maiden!!! GREAT!! 😘😘
What currently most impresses me about Bruce's voice is actually how he's still able to do such powerful live performances like this despite having previously battled with throat cancer. Something that so easily could be career ending for vocalists who rely so much on their throats yet he's come out of it still able to make such effective use of his voice and still with such energy, as if it all never even happened despite how difficult it must have been. Just goes to show how skilled he is as a singer. Plus he's in his 60s too but still has all that energy and ability.
I remember this song from my own youth. So iconic, every Iron Maiden is iconic and so melodic. Love it
His voice always gives me goosebumps, when we get to certain parts of the song I feel the hairs stand on end. One of my all time favourite songs.
So true I have never seen them live until recently. The moment Bruce started singing I got instant chills. He is literally even better live than studio recorded!
Really glad you reacted to this song by iron maiden,remember listening it 🎧 at high school,still same from Greece.
was my dream to see Maiden live, this summer my dad took me to Ullevi in Gothengurg, Sweden, just an epic concert!
I saw them in October and it was such a good show! So much energy!
I have been to 7 Iron Maiden concerts so far and they are without fault the best live band I have seen , I’m 63 year’s old and I’ve seen a lot of great bands live. Maiden will always be my top choice.
This version is so incredible. 250K people in the crowd during this performance.
This is my favorite live video. You almost get the same feeling as being there in person. The crowd. The energy.
Great reaction Julia... couldn't have picked one of the better bands for this style. Kudos.
Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath, Rodney James Dio, Judas Priest are all bands that have experienced this type of intensity and showmanship in a concert performance.
No way! ^^
I am very happy with this.
For me that is the best performance of iron maiden. Not only because i am brazilian, but that happens on a great moment of my life.
So is very special for me.
And see you react this performance put a big smile in my face and make the last day of my year mutch better. \o/
I love your videos and this is my favorite now. ("Ghost love score" is the second now)
Happy new year.
And may your 2023 be amazing.
I feel like seeing Iron Maiden live you are paying for more than just a concert. It's an actual show. This past tour, Bruce had flame throwers he was using and there were constant set changes. Almost felt like a show rather than a concert. Absolutely incredible group live.
The music and delivery is expressing the anxiousness, uncertain, fear when in a dark place.
I was at that show, Rock in Rio 2001 was 17 years old and it was a simply sensational day, I remember that day very well, I miss the good times so much. I was one of 250,000 people! a hug from Brazil!
Makes you wanna cry it’s so beautiful
The energy they put into their performances even at their age shows how they truly love what they are doing.
Even the energy they put into their performances when they were Younger was something else. So few bands were that full of energy and active.
Bruce is a phenomenon. And not because of his voice. Survived cancer, won silver with his fencing team in 2022 while representing Great Britain at the Veteran European Championships - after hip surgery in 2021...This man is full of energy.
He is also a seasoned pilot who flew the band around the world
@@TheRadFactor Also, Bruce has a Fokker D1 replica. Yes, red, like von Richthofen /he was the Red Baron/.
Iron maiden concerts are way more than just the band; they've always encouraged audience participation, and it's grown over the years to the point where everyone knows & sings along to every musical line & lyric. It's so far beyond magical when you're there...
Nice reaction, as always. All the best for 2023.
Iron Maiden. Every song is a story, adventure or a history lesson. Just brilliant.
My first concert 1983! Steve Harris (bassist) writes most of the songs. He is a master at it and Bruce delivers it great!
Bruce is a beast who has been doing this for a very long time. I love this band! xx
Rime of the Ancient Mariner. you MUST review this. SO EPIC
Sometimes I kind of forget how incredibly awesome Iron Maiden is because they have been around for so long. Their live shows are amazing because obviously they have their music down to a T, but more because they really seem to LOVE to play it and LOVE it when the audience is along for the ride.
Not flashy at all. Just great music and energy. It's such a fun experience.
Im an old fart and i saw Maiden a dozen times throughout the 80's & early 90's starting with Number of the Beast (Beast on the Road Tour) and to this day, they are a top 2 band for me both musically and for live entertainment at shows. My favorite concert was in 85' for their Power Slave album (World Slavery Tour). I had first row left side of the stage and when they did Rime of the Ancient Mariner, i was mind blown because that song is nearly 15 minutes long and with all the theatrics, it just seemed like its own show. Much love and keep up the great work!! IRONS UP!!!!! \m/
My favorite Maiden song. I love seeing them live, the best crowd interaction.
This song is wonderfull, I prefer 'flight of icarus', but Iron has a lot of good songs ( sorry for my inglish ).
This was the first Iron Maiden album I ever heard like 20 years ago, and I immediately realized I had a lot of catching up to do 😁. I absolutely love this performance, the audience is incredible.
For more story telling from them, you should check out "Dance of Death" live (the version with more views in youtube would do).
If you want to see energy and physicality, check out Iron Maiden - THE TROOPER (Live), it's arguably one of their most iconic songs, and Bruce runs all over the place waving the flag, usually dressed in the red coat.
The list of their good songs is almost endless, but I really feel like you'd enjoy The Trooper and it is a great example of the band. You'll like the catchy riffs and melody in that too.
Also, Bruce still has it, but I'd love to see you do a review of them live when Bruce was younger.
I really enjoyed watching you having a good time enjoying one my favourite metal band performing one of their best song. For the story, Bruce Dickinson is the lead vocalist of Iron Maiden but he's also a fully qualified airline captain. And I remember flying with him as a passenger, not knowing he was the captain of the flight until the unboarding, when I recognized him when leaving the plane. The moment was so short, but it is an unforgettable moment to meet such a legend as an ordinary captain.
I used to watch 9 to 15 live bands a week (I was a live sound engineer) and I've seen Maiden live. By far the best live performance I've ever seen. Wherever you look on stage, you will be entertained, and that's before you include the music.
In regards to Bruce's voice performances live and studio, Bruce protects his voice on the road, and his studio performances are him going all out to get the effects he wants from his instrument.
Bruce also has a very varied love of music, and has said he uses classical and musical theatre vocal techniques to help protect his voice.
Love your reactions Thank you Julia
I've been an Iron Maiden fan since they're first album and I was skeptical at first of Bruce Dickinson but OMG..! He is a human air raid siren. Amazing vocalist a true Entertainer and somebody if you have the chance to see them as I have five times.. do it! They are amazing every time. Up the irons!
You MUST see them live. Absolutely amazing!!
Love the channel so far I loved the reaction to hallowed be thy name
One of those concert where I would go if I had time machine😎 Great analysis, thanks! You are so lovely😍
Watched them live in Florida in September. They still rock super hard and his voice is still amazing. Love them.
The crowd participation & energy at a Maiden show is just such an experience... Bruce and the whole band just bring you along on the journey. Bruce has been doing a speaking tour over the last few years, telling stories about his life, family and as a musician. His storytelling as a singer shows up in those shows to, highly recommend if he comes to your area, Maiden fan or not, just a really interesting life.
22 years ago...I was there! UP THE IRONS!
I envy you.
For what it's worth, I've now seen Maiden live 5 times, I've probably watched this DVD 5x that number, and still, this song, and this version in particular, never fails to put a chill up my spine.
I saw these guys live in October 22. Having seen literally 100s of rock/metal bands in every setting and venue. The show was in a smaller stadium and EVERY aspect of the show from Audio quality to stage show to overall performance was 10x beyond anything I've EVER seen. Being near 70 yrs old the energy, commitment, Excitement and just pure enjoyment in what they do melted my brain...I'm literally still processing what I experienced. #1 show I've ever seen and it's not close☝️
Iron Maiden is still one of my favourite bands of all time (they share the #1 spot with SLAYER!). Great to see you cover them, and Bruce, again, Julia. :)
Those South American audiences, and it seems Brazil especially, are always wild. Every video I see filmed there is like this. For your own amusement, check out Rush's "YYZ" live in Rio, to see thousands of people sing along with an instrumental. It's awesome.
Bruce is the king of stage performance been lucky enough to see him live twice
Some of my favorites from Maiden...that I'd recommend reacting to, in no particular order;
- The Clansman
- Rime of the Ancient Mariner
- Run to the Hills
- The Trooper
- Be Quick or Be Dead
- Caught Somewhere in Time
- Aces High
- and their entire Seventh Son of a Seventh Son album (because it was my introduction to the band)
But if you choose just 2-3 I'd say go with Rime of the Ancient Mariner, Run to the Hills and The Clansman.
Was waiting for this one for a long long time.
I saw that concert in Mexico City a couple of days before they played in Rio,Maiden always has made great shows and they'll always will. I see them every time they come to the city since the early 90's, and I'm gonna see them again in nov. this year. Counting the days.💀
Fear of the dark is mine favourite in Maiden concerts. Thousands of people sining along. Amaysing!
You defenetly choosed the best version of Fear of the dark. Bruce is insane with his singing, the band is amazing even the crowd is great. Thank you for that😁🤘
They were just ON FIRE on this concert (maybe on this tour all in all), the performances of Fear of the Dark, Hallowed be thy Name, The Evil that Men do, to name a few of the "oldies" on Rock in Rio are just the better live versions ever recorded of these songs.
The number one frontman ever to walk this earth.
You are my favorite person on this planet.. I'm a metal guitarist from from the states but, can play whatever.. I sure wish we could collaborate on something!!
Looking forward to this one!
Cool to see you check out this classic!
I love this dvd, as a kid I would watch it all the time. The two dvd discs have nothing but masses of people on them both, since this crowd was around a qtr of a million people! As Maiden fans we love to chant, as if it's a superbowl game (the members of this band all play soccer together) and this brings us closer together at the shows. I've been to lots of shows but I've never been to a more powerful concert than Maiden. They've been together for so long , lots to learn from these guys
I've seen Iron Maiden 4 times and it was worth every cent everytime. The 3rd time I went alone because that's where I wanted to be and I've never felt safer within that crowd. No other band comes close to their live experience.
I went to see Iron Maiden this year live. Zagreb, Croatia the opening of the Legacy of the Beast tour. Iron Maiden is my all time favourite band and i had pretty high expectations, all of them were blown away, these guys are in their late sixties early seventies and they have so much energy and enjoy singing and playing. It was a once in a lifetime experience, don't regret a thing
So many memories from that DVD. We actually listened it a bit on christmas night with my brothers and father
I saw them this summer in the Netherlands, and Bruce keeps on sounding better each time I see them.
It was recorded in Brazil in 2001 and I was there !!! Great reaction !!
I can't easily count the number of times I've seen Maiden live. This song is an anthem. Still one of the greatest rock stage shows. Thanks for the reaction.
I always interpreted the random tempo and tone changes to be that feeling you get when something wakes you up but you're not 100% awake. Feeling like someone is there, listening for a sound that's out of place, but still in a half dream state as well.
Like you said, storytelling. The music, his vocals, everything about this song is so expressive.
This performance was in Brazil at Rock in Rio (2001), this show was so epic that they even made an entire album and a VHS of this show.
The one thing about Iron Maiden - as much as they record albums and have a great catalogue of story-telling songs - they are a live band front and center. When you go to a show you know they band will give you 110% every time. They demand the same of the fans. The interaction between the band and the fans is what makes seeing Iron Maiden live an epic event.
One of those bands that is better live than in the can feel it in the air,, as soon as reach the venue.. then it only intensifies inside
Seeing it (and singing it) live is even more beautiful, believe me.
Fun fact:: a lot of bands will record their studio albums one artist at a time and often separate from each other. The producer will then merge the tracks together into a cohesive hole. Not iron maiden. They have a reputation for recording their albums as a live performance. As in, they are all present at the studio at the same time and they play their parts together as a band at the same time and then, the producer goes in and mixes the track and fixes it for them. This is why they sound as amazing live as they do in the studio. They don’t use any fancy tricks. They are that bloody good.
You explain us by the technique why we love a song "with our ears", if I can say it like that. 😁
I have to confess I only look the videos of music I like, but anyway you're one of my favorite coach-reactor.
Nice reaction. Usually, most people will ask here for reactions to the songs they like the most. However, for you to get the most information about Bruce Dickinson's vocals, especially in his younger phase, I would suggest checking out "Children of the Damned - live Hammersmith 1982". Congratulations for the channel
They been playing for decades and they still are hype on stage!