The Line In The Sand - Bad Hersfeld, Germany

  • Опубліковано 3 бер 2016
  • FYI: Music Changed Due To Copyright Issues. Reposted With Different Music And Some New Photos ....
    3rd Edit 2016: "The Line In The Sand" - During the Cold War we had 3 Squadrons Guarding Our Border: 1st in Fulda, 2nd in Bad Kissingen, 3rd in Bad Hersfeld. FYI Bad Means 'Spa' Not Evil - By G.H. Deitz 2009 & 2016. My Short Timeline: Our time with the 14th ACR in Germany standing watch on the Russian, East German border aka 'Freedom's Frontier'. Some who served during that time: Sgt Jackman, John Hathcock, Ronald Johnson, Fred Mens, Rudy Wright, Jack Holt, Art Drazin, Jim Small, Ian Seaton, Jim Protteau, Bob Honan, Robert McNeil, Alvin Smith, Delton Moore, McBride, Gary Renzi, Royal Antoine, Haring, Clarence Bivens, Lee Thorton, Vernon Mullins, Gary Strunk, Frank Eckley, Billy Box, Melvin Jackson, Jac Roberson, Marshal Splawn, Jack Harper, Andrew Gammom, Billy Box, Ira Carney, Lowrance, Larry Holden, Larry Cerrito, McLaughlin, Jack Spencer, William Wise, Walcott, Dick Hall, Pozdol, Chuck Wallen, Davis Kemp, Medcalf, Sparky, Donahue, Byrns, Urse, Jacobs, Geter, Fraley, Cavender, Hoyt, Stumpp, Torres Bryant, Moore, Burnts, Bricker, Zimmerman, Street, Stevenson, Rodrequiz, Shelton, Cossey, Poppe, Jarrard, Sorty, Knight, Boyd, Henderson, McFadden, Tucker, Guenther, Gordon, Beaver, Carter, Scheufele, Peternel, Dalton, Algrecht, Mattox, Hamdy, Nelson, McPherson, Boyd, Cole, Bramlett, Secour, Cook, Cummings, Davis, Cheatham, Maurer, Burch, Johnston, Reed, Harrington. Do you have a name I can add it to this list.


  • @yabbadabba1975
    @yabbadabba1975 6 років тому +4

    I was stationed in Bad Hersfeld 1982-1985. 3/11th ACR, K Troop. LTC Cherie was Squadron Commander, now BG Cherie,retired. His exit interview from the Army is online. Very serious mission, Outpost India and Romeo (?). Hohenfels, Graf, Wildflecken, REFORGER. I actually lived in a house in Sorga, up the hill past the motorpool. Loved the country, the comraderie. Really hard work, but had made for great memories: driving or riding the train to Frankfurt to eat at Wendy's LOL. Hauptbahnhof. About ready to retire from working and making serious plans to go back to tour and show my wife and son what we did, and where we did it. Thank you so much for refreshing my memory and confirming the memories I retain.

  • @theDeitz
    @theDeitz  8 років тому +4

    Juss Bignose A very good Video. I'm a German male born and living near Hersfeld. I served in the Bundeswehr in Kassel und Schwarzenborn from 1987-88 in der Instandsetzung for SPZ Marder & ABC Stuff. It was interesting to watch your vid. I was born in 1966 the time you served in Hersfeld. I remind myself of the celebrations the 4th of July on the motor pool ground in the 70s & 80s. I have only good memories of the US-Servicemen in Hersfeld.The best wishes from Germany by a former German corporal

  • @theDeitz
    @theDeitz  6 років тому +2

    If you like this video please subscribe, comment and share, thanks

  • @theDeitz
    @theDeitz  8 років тому

    sdlonewolf 2 years ago Excellent job! Served in Ledward Kaserne, Schweinfurt and Fiori Kaserne, Ascahaffenburg 1991-92, and then lived as a civilian in Alzenau, Germany on and off through the 90's early 2000's. Thanks!
    Recon One 2 years ago sdlonewolf Thanks for your service and input.

  • @theDeitz
    @theDeitz  8 років тому

    wayne simmons 1 year ago I was with the 2nd Squdn Bad Kissingen 71-73.
    Recon One 1 year ago Wayne, great hearing from another Bad Village lol ... Wished I had visited your Kaserne during my time in BH :-(

  • @theDeitz
    @theDeitz  8 років тому +2

    William Huther 1 year ago I was there from 1972 until 1975. Remember "Pops" and "Big Judy". Had lots of good times there. "Halb haenchen, bitte, mit pommes frit". and lots of "flippies".
    Recon One 1 year ago William Hunter I posted your comment via my 3rd Sqdn Facebook page, one of the guys wanted to know what was your MOS, Troop etc you were assigned to? My emails address via my web page

  • @theDeitz
    @theDeitz  8 років тому +1

    Robert Long 1 year ago Allons 1/11 1986 -

  • @semifirstclass
    @semifirstclass 7 років тому +2

    Very< >nice made video,thanx°-°

  • @theDeitz
    @theDeitz  8 років тому

    Recon One 3 years ago impactdemolition My thanks to you and I hope we meet again - soon

  • @theDeitz
    @theDeitz  8 років тому

    GenPatton0043 2 years ago It's a shame videos like this only receive 6500 views. Great job!
    Recon One 2 years ago GenPatton0043 Thanks, comments like yours are worth at least a thousand views ....

  • @theDeitz
    @theDeitz  8 років тому +1

    Dan S 1 month ago 3/8 Cav squadron (attached to the 8th ID) in 1985-86, right on 11ACR's flank in the Fulda gap. We had M60A3's and M113s (Dragons and ITVs).
    Recon One 1 month ago Dan S Dan what town was the 3/8 Cav Sqdn in?
    Dan S 1 month ago Recon One Coleman Barracks in Mannheim

  • @theDeitz
    @theDeitz  8 років тому

    cavman1980 3 years ago Thanks for your Duty at the Fortier of Freedom! Great Video.
    Recon One 3 years ago cavman1980 Thanks and thanks for watching.....

  • @theDeitz
    @theDeitz  8 років тому

    Herb Walker 2 years ago I just made a Facebook page called: U.S.Army Scouts & Tankers of the Cold War Years, I'll post this video there ok? Thanks, Scouts OUT!!
    Recon One 2 years ago Herb, roger your last, Thanks BTW where were you stationed? over.

  • @theDeitz
    @theDeitz  8 років тому

    impactdemolition 4 years ago Thanks Gaither! Awesome!
    Recon One 4 years ago Norbert Mayr @MayrN .. vielen Dank thedeitz . com

  • @theDeitz
    @theDeitz  8 років тому

    Recon One 3 months ago Juss Bignose - Thanks for checking 'dank sehr' - Ich habe Deutschen und Amerikanischen Freunden leben in Hersfeld (young & old) I was in Hersfeld in 2005 and 2009 on holiday. Be safe and when you have time visit my Cold War Web page: Bis spater

  • @theDeitz
    @theDeitz  8 років тому

    Davewb6ouj 1 year ago great Vid, 3/11 ACR HWB Commo 31v