Nearly every mother I have met has said, “You stay home with your kids? I can’t do that. I can’t be around my kids that much. It’s amazing you can.” Is that a compliment for me or my kids? Or an insult for the person’s kids? Goodness.
Maybe they're just introverts who need alone time and don't think they'd be able to sacrifice that. Maybe they don't have a support system in place to allow that alone time. Maybe their parents treated them like a burden. Told to be seen and not heard. Maybe this, maybe that. Who knows 🤷♀️
Come to think of it, my own mother was like that. She despised the few years she had to spend at home. She wanted, needed, to be out and about. Working, being around other people who weren't her family, gardening, etc. She makes Joan Crawford look like a saint, but she's still a person with wants and needs. Some women, sadly, just don't have it in them to be SAHMs. But at least my mother tried. I give her a wee bit of credit for that, despite how much she broke us. She tried.
Wow, that's just sad. I know there were days I may have felt that way but certainly not all the time. I did raise a very difficult child and I admit it was very, very trying at times but I wanted to be home raising all of my children no matter how difficult it was at times.
Hi there! I wanted to let you know that your video today really inspired me. I too have had a lot of trauma and no support from family. I was adopted at 7 weeks old and it was 100% by the wrong family. So completely different from me, I never fit in and instead of embracing and supporting me as an individual, I was judged, put down, told me my creativity got in the way of me living a life that they expected. I turned 60 in October and it has been a long painful journey but I finally feel like I am managing in my life. Thank you for your encouragement!
I’ve been accused of being “lazy” because I don’t work outside the house. Not by my husband of course but by onlookers. My favorite is “What do you do all day?” Not to mention on top of homemaking I also spend numerous hours per week at the nursing home where my bedridden mother resides. No one but me understands that journey and emotional abuse I take on with every visit. So call me Peggy Bundy if you wish. God knows where my heart and obedience lies. I have nothing else to prove. Keep doing what you do as a homemaker no matter what society tells you!
That is so hard! About these onlookers, they clearly don't know how to be respectful. I just want to encourage you that perhaps the Lord has other people that you haven't discovered yet that He wants you spending time with. There are so many people who won't make you feel this way, who will respect you and your choices and encourage you. I used to have the same problem as you, and I started praying the Lord would remove the people that were not for me, and bring people into my life that would be true friends. He did!
I had to laugh out loud at your reference to Peggy Bundy🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. To be glib my husband refers to me as 'Peggy' to his coworkers - to make fun of THEM, not me. LOL. None of them have sahw & they are always complaining about how they have to get their own lunch & make dinner or run kids to events while their wives work. They are also always comparing themselves to what my husbands got goin' on LOL - hot lunch packed every day, a wife that gets up extra early to brew coffee for the thermos - even this she doesn't need to be up at that ungodly hour, a wife that runs the entire household when he gets sent on storm duty (he works for the power co as a mechanic). I do all the farm chores, feed the coal stove, run all errands, keep a generator going, & generally hold down the home front, while the crew is out for a week at a time, all while we don't have power! Their wives whine & complain about having to do this stuff or that "they never see them" (even tho when they have the opportunity to see their husbands they choose girls night LOL). So when his coworkers look into his lunch bag & say "it must be nice", He will say, "Yeah, Peggy, she ain't so bad." LOLOLOL We joke about it all the time. If anyone of those mens' wives followed me around for a day, they would be BEGGING to go back to work! But their husbands would wish fro them to be home
Ahh, I needed this. My husband often thinks I should be able to get more done in a day and have done it "perfectly". I started doubting myself and what I can actually do. I am going to step back and give myself grace.
I pray your husband gives you grace as well, He opens his eyes to all that you bring to the home, and YOUR rest and creativity and self-care matters too. Some days you can run all day and fel you accomplished little, and ither days you can nal it with all of the most important things you wanted to get done with ease. But that's life as a homemaker. You've ot this! God's got you!
Onemore thing. The next time he says you should be able to so it all perfectly, remind him that that there was only one perfect man who ever walked the earth, and that neither of you are him 🫠
🤔...You forgot...Keeper of the Flame!🔥That is if you have a woodstove. Hehe! Seriously, another excellent video. I wish there had been resources when I was young. In the 80's we were EXPECTED to be able to do it all and without complaint. "I can bring home the bacon...and fry it up in a pan", comes to mind!
So I am watching your video, I thought Wow, you are right. My greatest aspiration was to be a homemaker and a mama. When I was in high school it was shoved down my throat to go to college, I never ever wanted to, I tried 1 semester and was like why, just why... My value is from heavenly Father and I always knew the most important thing I could I ever do was be a Mom and homemaker. Without a home and family people are soooo lonely, sad, angry, depressed, the whole gambit. I never got paid with money, I got paid with unconditional love and the most beautiful moments in my life. I get to keep those forever and ever, not money it comes and goes like water through your fingers. Thanks this was a great video..luv Karyann
I am so glad you made this video! I've been a homemaker for 10 years and I'm homeschooling my two boys (6 and 8). My mom is so against it though. She's always making comments about how I have no ambition in life, my kids won't be able to go to college due to being home schooled and that I'll be ruined when my husband leaves me; when, not if. We've been together 20 years, married for 17. My dad forced hero stay home. She can't understand how she raised a daughter that would willingly be a homemaker. My husband and I 100% believe that we made the right decision for our family and I can honestly say I've never been happier in my life. The negative comments can be a bit much though. I really needed this video today!
Stacey, I'm sorry you have been dealing with this! Your mother sounds extremely intrusive, negative and toxic. I had a family member like this. Although I loved them very much I stepped away from them for around 10 years or more, having limited exposure to them. As they got older, they mellowed and we were able to resume a sweet relationship just before they passed away. I do not regret having stepped away from them for a time. I see situations like your's where as the kids get older, the people who think they have the right to have opinions about how you should be raising your family begin to meddle with the kids and drive wedges between the children and parents and cause problems. If your mother cannot be respectful of your family, I just want you to know there are plenty of people out there who you can invest time in that will be. I'll pray for you in this situation!
When you consider what it would cost to hire out all of the things you are doing every day, it definitely helps put everything in perspective, doesn't it!
@ absolutely. i was a cop for 7 years before being a stay at home mom...this is much harder. but more rewarding. everyone needs to thank SAHMs more. 🙏🏻🖤
This was excellent and thank you for the recipe! I’ve always wanted to make these. I’ve wanted to be a homemaker my whole life. I saw how my mom stayed home with me and I needed that. I wasn’t homeschoolied, but I homeschool. It’s the greatest holy work we will ever do.
thanks for another lovely video - your voice is quite calming! maybe our moms weren't able to totally hold up the homemaking model but we can change that for our daughters!
Thank you for this!! It’s easy to feel defeated and under-appreciated… and as if you’re doing the same things over and over and over again. This is such a valuable video! So much truth. Refreshing. Much love from a fellow homeschool mama. ♥️
The Lord gave me this video, in just the right moment. As I have been feeling overwhelmed as a homeschool Mama to four, two being twin toddlers, I needed this reminder that what I’m doing is impacting something so much larger than myself. Our voice becoming the inner dialogue for our children is such a beautiful truth and gives me encouragement to repent of my selfish desires and to move forward with my ministry to my children and husband. The spring rolls looks fabulous as well.
What a fabulous video! I listened to your list twice and I would add Accounts Payable/Receivable. I know you had bookkeeping and finance but I also pay all of the bills in my home and manage the finances when my husband's paychecks come in. And as you know, it can be quite stressful when money is tight. We went through that for many years when my children were young. 😵💫
I love your videos! I don't have support from my family for the most part, and have had a rough few years but still filled with joy in the midst of it. Your videos bring me joy and help me focus on the important things. I am very thankful for a husband who understands the value of me being home with the kids ❤.
Thank you for sharing. I've been a SAHM for 14 years (shorts amount of time back to office work) with 8 kids. I never thought I would do this as I used to think when I was younger that all my own mom was doing was being a "homemaker". I wanted to be climbing the corporate ladder when I was an adult. I did work for many years and got a college degree while working full time. But I am meant to be here with my kiddos. Just as you say, it isn't easy. Life is really hard. I feel like staying at home with kids is harder work than going to an office job, but there is so much more to being here with your children and raising them. Often though, people make comments like "you have enough children" or "you're done having children, right?". These are from very close family members. They look more at the financial side of things. We do struggle financially, but we are just doing what we believe God is calling us to do. It is hard when you feel like you are all alone doing the homemaker thing with a big family. I find some living the same life around here, but mostly I find others like us online.
I don't have many children, which is often a regret of mine. But even with only 2 kids I heard those comments. When i announced my 2nd pregnancy to my own mother, she made a comment about how would I afford it, kids are soooo expensive? why would I have another kid? And my husband's aunt, when seeing me pregnant for the 2nd time, said, "I thought you were going to do something permanent to prevent THAT from happening again." hurtful. So it doesn't really matter how many kids you have, people have weird ideas about it. On the other hand, I got a ton of pressure from my MIL to have MORE kids. She would badger me WHILE STILL PREGNANT about when did I think I was going to have another baby! I asked if "I could finish cooking this one first"? When she found out that, due to medical reasons, I had my tubes tied she lit into me about only having 2 girls & what if her son wanted a boy???? I told her that he was free to go have a boy with someone else if it was that big of an issue. LOLOLOL My MIL is not included in our life anymore. Now the weird thing is is that my mom had 4 kids & came from a family of 10 - so you would think big families would be a no brainer & she seemed to really like little kids (she was a pre-k aid for years). her negative opinions about her OWN kids having kids hasn't turned out too well for her. She really enjoyed being a grandma, but she has dissuaded (by her negative attitude) 2 out of her 4 kids to not have ANY. I only had 2 & my sister only had 2. So she cheated herself out of a lot of potential grandkids. & my MIL had 4 kids, her daughter had 6 & they all hate their kids. Why would someone who hated taking care of their kids wish for you to keep having them? misery loves company, I guess LOL. and disclaimer * we did struggle with $, but weren't begging off of anyone else & I did suffer from some mental health issues early on in our marriage - none of that ever impacted how well we took care of our kids & no one else had to step up to the plate, so they should have kept their opinions to themselves. Our kids turned out great!
Hello! Happy to see another great video from you! I always tought that, but never complimented you on having such a nice taste in music, there are often very interesting and beautiful tunes that add another layer of beauty to your videos. Thank you for creating this amazing content 🙏💕
6:35 Its hard work 😅 Yes! Finally, I've made the bed once every one gets up... then my toddler and husband roll and wrestle over it... Finally, the baisens are empy... soon to be filled with a recently eaten, delicious meal's plates😅 But this is a cycle! We live, we eat, we have fun and we need to clean often. I am thankful my husband supports us at home. We made sacrifices (no car yet, homeschool, less eating out) to be where we are but we dont regeret it. We choose what we teach and we love it!
Your amazing thank you mama let’s continue to do Gods work because we were graced to do it, and chosen at such a time as this in these ends times to raise the future leaders at home this planet desperately needs so to all my Christian home making moms let’s go!! ❤❤❤❤
Id also add, travel and vacation planner, core memory maker, holiday coordinator! I often bring up the fact that I believe Govts should be paying or subsidising homemakers and child rearers, (just as many other positions in society are financially rewarded) we work and dedicate many years of our lives raising the next generation and upholding the fabric of family and society.
Hi! Whenever I try to look something up on your channel I can't! I tried so many different ways to get your printable tea book and I sadly couldn't! Can you send me s PDF to my email or something??? Love your channel🤗
I was a syay at home mom. But mostly, it was my desire, which my husband allowed but struggled with. Then, when they left the nest, I got a job, one I loved! But at that point, my husband asked for me to come home 😊 I now am as busy as ever. I care for my disabled husband and one set of grandchildren. Plus, another set lives with their parents at my home. There is still so much to do. I hope you are finding your place also.
I'm entering this stage myself & find myself busier than ever. I still have all the housework, gardening, & farm chores - those NEVER go away LOL. But I have more & more bits of time to help my neighbors. My 'adopted' in laws live & farm up the road a mile. I go help with barn chores & cook meals for my MIL as she struggles to stay on her feet. I assist my next door neighbor by playing with her kids & teaching her new skills (cooking, gardening, homeschooling). I have more time for my own personal interests, once my work is done for the day. & I keep adding new ones LOL. I volunteer at a food bank. I started a women's group at my church & find myself doing things I haven't had to worry about for 20 years🙄 emails, phone calls, newsletters, fundraising/event org. I am REALLY rusty on that stuff, so it has stretched my skill level! I don't have grandkids yet, but I don't intend on babysitting any of them for a job & I have already made that known to both daughters. I have many reasons for that after watching it in action around me, too many to go into here. But I WILL enjoy hanging out with grandkids if I am so blessed to have them. And if I am not blessed with grandkids, I currently just go 'steal' my younger friends' little ones to bake cookies, do crafts or play in the snow. My husband & I bought a Harley Davidson & spend time tooling around in the summer & now we find that we can actually afford the time &$ to go out to supper for fun. My husband has zero interest in me finding a job & honestly I am too busy to even look for one LOLOLOLOL
My husband was the one who taught me the importance of a homemaker, he was the one who told me it was a legitimate job. ❤
That is awesome, what a guy!!
Nearly every mother I have met has said, “You stay home with your kids? I can’t do that. I can’t be around my kids that much. It’s amazing you can.” Is that a compliment for me or my kids? Or an insult for the person’s kids? Goodness.
I've had the same experience. I always took it as the mother didn't have enough patience to have her kids around 24/7...
Maybe they're just introverts who need alone time and don't think they'd be able to sacrifice that. Maybe they don't have a support system in place to allow that alone time. Maybe their parents treated them like a burden. Told to be seen and not heard. Maybe this, maybe that. Who knows 🤷♀️
Come to think of it, my own mother was like that. She despised the few years she had to spend at home. She wanted, needed, to be out and about. Working, being around other people who weren't her family, gardening, etc. She makes Joan Crawford look like a saint, but she's still a person with wants and needs. Some women, sadly, just don't have it in them to be SAHMs. But at least my mother tried. I give her a wee bit of credit for that, despite how much she broke us. She tried.
Wow, that's just sad. I know there were days I may have felt that way but certainly not all the time. I did raise a very difficult child and I admit it was very, very trying at times but I wanted to be home raising all of my children no matter how difficult it was at times.
It’s called the lie of the enemy via feminism
Hi there! I wanted to let you know that your video today really inspired me. I too have had a lot of trauma and no support from family. I was adopted at 7 weeks old and it was 100% by the wrong family. So completely different from me, I never fit in and instead of embracing and supporting me as an individual, I was judged, put down, told me my creativity got in the way of me living a life that they expected. I turned 60 in October and it has been a long painful journey but I finally feel like I am managing in my life. Thank you for your encouragement!
Thank you for sharing your story with me. It's an honor to connect with you, and I'm so glad you found this video encouraging!
I’ve been accused of being “lazy” because I don’t work outside the house. Not by my husband of course but by onlookers. My favorite is “What do you do all day?” Not to mention on top of homemaking I also spend numerous hours per week at the nursing home where my bedridden mother resides. No one but me understands that journey and emotional abuse I take on with every visit. So call me Peggy Bundy if you wish. God knows where my heart and obedience lies. I have nothing else to prove. Keep doing what you do as a homemaker no matter what society tells you!
That is so hard! About these onlookers, they clearly don't know how to be respectful. I just want to encourage you that perhaps the Lord has other people that you haven't discovered yet that He wants you spending time with. There are so many people who won't make you feel this way, who will respect you and your choices and encourage you. I used to have the same problem as you, and I started praying the Lord would remove the people that were not for me, and bring people into my life that would be true friends. He did!
I had to laugh out loud at your reference to Peggy Bundy🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣. To be glib my husband refers to me as 'Peggy' to his coworkers - to make fun of THEM, not me. LOL. None of them have sahw & they are always complaining about how they have to get their own lunch & make dinner or run kids to events while their wives work. They are also always comparing themselves to what my husbands got goin' on LOL - hot lunch packed every day, a wife that gets up extra early to brew coffee for the thermos - even this she doesn't need to be up at that ungodly hour, a wife that runs the entire household when he gets sent on storm duty (he works for the power co as a mechanic). I do all the farm chores, feed the coal stove, run all errands, keep a generator going, & generally hold down the home front, while the crew is out for a week at a time, all while we don't have power! Their wives whine & complain about having to do this stuff or that "they never see them" (even tho when they have the opportunity to see their husbands they choose girls night LOL). So when his coworkers look into his lunch bag & say "it must be nice", He will say, "Yeah, Peggy, she ain't so bad." LOLOLOL We joke about it all the time. If anyone of those mens' wives followed me around for a day, they would be BEGGING to go back to work! But their husbands would wish fro them to be home
Ahh, I needed this. My husband often thinks I should be able to get more done in a day and have done it "perfectly". I started doubting myself and what I can actually do. I am going to step back and give myself grace.
I pray your husband gives you grace as well, He opens his eyes to all that you bring to the home, and YOUR rest and creativity and self-care matters too. Some days you can run all day and fel you accomplished little, and ither days you can nal it with all of the most important things you wanted to get done with ease. But that's life as a homemaker. You've ot this! God's got you!
Onemore thing. The next time he says you should be able to so it all perfectly, remind him that that there was only one perfect man who ever walked the earth, and that neither of you are him 🫠
🤔...You forgot...Keeper of the Flame!🔥That is if you have a woodstove. Hehe!
Seriously, another excellent video. I wish there had been resources when I was young. In the 80's we were EXPECTED to be able to do it all and without complaint. "I can bring home the bacon...and fry it up in a pan", comes to mind!
Haha, love it! Thank you so much! Yes, I remember that from the 80's!
So I am watching your video, I thought Wow, you are right. My greatest aspiration was to be a homemaker and a mama. When I was in high school it was shoved down my throat to go to college, I never ever wanted to, I tried 1 semester and was like why, just why... My value is from heavenly Father and I always knew the most important thing I could I ever do was be a Mom and homemaker. Without a home and family people are soooo lonely, sad, angry, depressed, the whole gambit. I never got paid with money, I got paid with unconditional love and the most beautiful moments in my life. I get to keep those forever and ever, not money it comes and goes like water through your fingers. Thanks this was a great video..luv Karyann
This comment actually brought me to tears. I love how you expressed how we as sahm homemakers do get paid. 🥰 Beautifully said, Karyann.
I am so glad you made this video! I've been a homemaker for 10 years and I'm homeschooling my two boys (6 and 8). My mom is so against it though. She's always making comments about how I have no ambition in life, my kids won't be able to go to college due to being home schooled and that I'll be ruined when my husband leaves me; when, not if. We've been together 20 years, married for 17. My dad forced hero stay home. She can't understand how she raised a daughter that would willingly be a homemaker. My husband and I 100% believe that we made the right decision for our family and I can honestly say I've never been happier in my life. The negative comments can be a bit much though. I really needed this video today!
Stacey, I'm sorry you have been dealing with this! Your mother sounds extremely intrusive, negative and toxic. I had a family member like this. Although I loved them very much I stepped away from them for around 10 years or more, having limited exposure to them. As they got older, they mellowed and we were able to resume a sweet relationship just before they passed away. I do not regret having stepped away from them for a time.
I see situations like your's where as the kids get older, the people who think they have the right to have opinions about how you should be raising your family begin to meddle with the kids and drive wedges between the children and parents and cause problems. If your mother cannot be respectful of your family, I just want you to know there are plenty of people out there who you can invest time in that will be. I'll pray for you in this situation!
my husband needs to watch this. lol we are under appreciated 💀
When you consider what it would cost to hire out all of the things you are doing every day, it definitely helps put everything in perspective, doesn't it!
@ absolutely. i was a cop for 7 years before being a stay at home mom...this is much harder. but more rewarding. everyone needs to thank SAHMs more. 🙏🏻🖤
I try to have the mentality of "I'm flattered you think I can fit all that in a single day." Followed by "bless your heart" 😂
This was excellent and thank you for the recipe! I’ve always wanted to make these. I’ve wanted to be a homemaker my whole life. I saw how my mom stayed home with me and I needed that. I wasn’t homeschoolied, but I homeschool. It’s the greatest holy work we will ever do.
Thank you so much for sharing, I love hearing your experience!
I am a home maker and feel very blessed to be that,thank you for your certainly is not easy 💕
Love this. ❤️ Yes. Being a homemaker is important to our family.
Thank you so much for this encouraging video!!
thanks for another lovely video - your voice is quite calming! maybe our moms weren't able to totally hold up the homemaking model but we can change that for our daughters!
Thank you! It's definitely a very important thing to model for our daughters and sons too I believe.
My new fav channel! I looooove your kitchen 😍
Thank you so much! 😊
Thank you for this!! It’s easy to feel defeated and under-appreciated… and as if you’re doing the same things over and over and over again. This is such a valuable video! So much truth. Refreshing. Much love from a fellow homeschool mama. ♥️
I'm so glad you found it helpful! Thank you for letting me know.
The Lord gave me this video, in just the right moment. As I have been feeling overwhelmed as a homeschool Mama to four, two being twin toddlers, I needed this reminder that what I’m doing is impacting something so much larger than myself. Our voice becoming the inner dialogue for our children is such a beautiful truth and gives me encouragement to repent of my selfish desires and to move forward with my ministry to my children and husband. The spring rolls looks fabulous as well.
I am so glad I found you and I love your channel. Thank you!
Thank you for sharing this and being here!
What a fabulous video! I listened to your list twice and I would add Accounts Payable/Receivable. I know you had bookkeeping and finance but I also pay all of the bills in my home and manage the finances when my husband's paychecks come in. And as you know, it can be quite stressful when money is tight. We went through that for many years when my children were young. 😵💫
Yes, that's a big one! It's definitely a lot to handle when finances are tight. We have been low income our entire journey so I agree 100%.
I love your videos! I don't have support from my family for the most part, and have had a rough few years but still filled with joy in the midst of it. Your videos bring me joy and help me focus on the important things. I am very thankful for a husband who understands the value of me being home with the kids ❤.
We finally used Azure standard because of you and now we are affiliates! Thank you so much for all you do and all the knowledge you provide!😊
That’s so awesome! Thank you for letting me know!
Thank you for sharing. I've been a SAHM for 14 years (shorts amount of time back to office work) with 8 kids. I never thought I would do this as I used to think when I was younger that all my own mom was doing was being a "homemaker". I wanted to be climbing the corporate ladder when I was an adult. I did work for many years and got a college degree while working full time. But I am meant to be here with my kiddos.
Just as you say, it isn't easy. Life is really hard. I feel like staying at home with kids is harder work than going to an office job, but there is so much more to being here with your children and raising them. Often though, people make comments like "you have enough children" or "you're done having children, right?". These are from very close family members. They look more at the financial side of things. We do struggle financially, but we are just doing what we believe God is calling us to do. It is hard when you feel like you are all alone doing the homemaker thing with a big family. I find some living the same life around here, but mostly I find others like us online.
I don't have many children, which is often a regret of mine. But even with only 2 kids I heard those comments. When i announced my 2nd pregnancy to my own mother, she made a comment about how would I afford it, kids are soooo expensive? why would I have another kid? And my husband's aunt, when seeing me pregnant for the 2nd time, said, "I thought you were going to do something permanent to prevent THAT from happening again." hurtful. So it doesn't really matter how many kids you have, people have weird ideas about it.
On the other hand, I got a ton of pressure from my MIL to have MORE kids. She would badger me WHILE STILL PREGNANT about when did I think I was going to have another baby! I asked if "I could finish cooking this one first"? When she found out that, due to medical reasons, I had my tubes tied she lit into me about only having 2 girls & what if her son wanted a boy???? I told her that he was free to go have a boy with someone else if it was that big of an issue. LOLOLOL My MIL is not included in our life anymore.
Now the weird thing is is that my mom had 4 kids & came from a family of 10 - so you would think big families would be a no brainer & she seemed to really like little kids (she was a pre-k aid for years). her negative opinions about her OWN kids having kids hasn't turned out too well for her. She really enjoyed being a grandma, but she has dissuaded (by her negative attitude) 2 out of her 4 kids to not have ANY. I only had 2 & my sister only had 2. So she cheated herself out of a lot of potential grandkids. & my MIL had 4 kids, her daughter had 6 & they all hate their kids. Why would someone who hated taking care of their kids wish for you to keep having them? misery loves company, I guess LOL. and disclaimer * we did struggle with $, but weren't begging off of anyone else & I did suffer from some mental health issues early on in our marriage - none of that ever impacted how well we took care of our kids & no one else had to step up to the plate, so they should have kept their opinions to themselves. Our kids turned out great!
Happy to see another great video from you!
I always tought that, but never complimented you on having such a nice taste in music, there are often very interesting and beautiful tunes that add another layer of beauty to your videos.
Thank you for creating this amazing content 🙏💕
Important topic! Thank you.
You’re welcome! 🙏
This video came at the perfect time! Thank you!
You are most welcome!
Agreed with all of this. Being a housewife has been very looked down upon and it is sad!
Yes. It is better now than it used to be, but still not embraced as it should be.
Great words, Mama!
Thank you! 🙏
We are also musicians/singers. Countless lullabies and jam sessions!
I love being a homemaker.
6:35 Its hard work 😅 Yes!
Finally, I've made the bed once every one gets up... then my toddler and husband roll and wrestle over it...
Finally, the baisens are empy... soon to be filled with a recently eaten, delicious meal's plates😅
But this is a cycle! We live, we eat, we have fun and we need to clean often.
I am thankful my husband supports us at home. We made sacrifices (no car yet, homeschool, less eating out) to be where we are but we dont regeret it.
We choose what we teach and we love it!
I wish I had done things differently in my younger years. Staying home was a dream of mine
Your amazing thank you mama let’s continue to do Gods work because we were graced to do it, and chosen at such a time as this in these ends times to raise the future leaders at home this planet desperately needs so to all my Christian home making moms let’s go!! ❤❤❤❤
I love this, yes, let's go!!
Thank you!
What is the closing song you use? It sounds so familiar. Thank you! =)
You are welcome!
Merci ❤❤❤
Happy New Year ❤
Happy New Year to you too!
Id also add, travel and vacation planner, core memory maker, holiday coordinator!
I often bring up the fact that I believe Govts should be paying or subsidising homemakers and child rearers, (just as many other positions in society are financially rewarded) we work and dedicate many years of our lives raising the next generation and upholding the fabric of family and society.
Did you mention Librarian? Because, that is a huge part of homemaking
*Btw, an iron deficiency can be an additional cause for depression.
Hi! Whenever I try to look something up on your channel I can't! I tried so many different ways to get your printable tea book and I sadly couldn't! Can you send me s PDF to my email or something??? Love your channel🤗
I hate the question what i did all day lol
Someone talk to me about being a homemaker after your kids have all left the nest. I don't ever really see this touched on.
Hello! I've touched on that in a couple videos, this is one.
I was a syay at home mom. But mostly, it was my desire, which my husband allowed but struggled with. Then, when they left the nest, I got a job, one I loved! But at that point, my husband asked for me to come home 😊
I now am as busy as ever. I care for my disabled husband and one set of grandchildren. Plus, another set lives with their parents at my home. There is still so much to do. I hope you are finding your place also.
I'm entering this stage myself & find myself busier than ever. I still have all the housework, gardening, & farm chores - those NEVER go away LOL. But I have more & more bits of time to help my neighbors. My 'adopted' in laws live & farm up the road a mile. I go help with barn chores & cook meals for my MIL as she struggles to stay on her feet. I assist my next door neighbor by playing with her kids & teaching her new skills (cooking, gardening, homeschooling). I have more time for my own personal interests, once my work is done for the day. & I keep adding new ones LOL. I volunteer at a food bank. I started a women's group at my church & find myself doing things I haven't had to worry about for 20 years🙄 emails, phone calls, newsletters, fundraising/event org. I am REALLY rusty on that stuff, so it has stretched my skill level! I don't have grandkids yet, but I don't intend on babysitting any of them for a job & I have already made that known to both daughters. I have many reasons for that after watching it in action around me, too many to go into here. But I WILL enjoy hanging out with grandkids if I am so blessed to have them. And if I am not blessed with grandkids, I currently just go 'steal' my younger friends' little ones to bake cookies, do crafts or play in the snow. My husband & I bought a Harley Davidson & spend time tooling around in the summer & now we find that we can actually afford the time &$ to go out to supper for fun. My husband has zero interest in me finding a job & honestly I am too busy to even look for one LOLOLOLOL