Not a great use of your $$ . very few people are likely to purchase this poorly thought out but hardcore alaska tough car. Low resale value from what ive seen, but its a great and reliable beater with a heater for years. Any company that designs a car that requires you to remove the entire front grill to change 1 headlight bulb should consider getting a new team together for the next time...or just stick to bikes
Отличная машина. Жаль недолго продавалась. Тойота "попросила" видать Сузуковцев не выпускать её. Достойный конкурент хайлэндера тех годов была машина
Мы её сняли с продажи катаемся дальше… но если интересно купить можем договориться
Not a great use of your $$ . very few people are likely to purchase this poorly thought out but hardcore alaska tough car. Low resale value from what ive seen, but its a great and reliable beater with a heater for years. Any company that designs a car that requires you to remove the entire front grill to change 1 headlight bulb should consider getting a new team together for the next time...or just stick to bikes
Машину продали?
Готовься цепи менять, а так норм, сам на такой 7 лет уже катаюсь в Киеве
Каптива с кадилаковским движком и дешёвым пластиком