@@matheusguerrascheffer6518. That is your opinion, and you are entitled to it, of course. I respectfully disagree, as I love playing with the FCM t50 and the AMX CDC - lol
If WG ever introduced rain/hail into the game, it would penetrate the armor of the CDC, and it wouldn't be hard to miss it because it is the size of a Maus. :)
Surprised the IS-6 wasn't included. Perfect example of a old school premium power crept to the point of being useless. Yes if you're lucky to get top tier you can perform but most of the time you will be up against Tier 8 and 9. Was the first Tier 8 premium I bought but I don't even bother playing it now.
Yeah the IS-6's penetration is so pathetic in the modern meta. I feel like the IS-6 is probably worse than the IS-5 and the IS-5 was the first mention.
wow, thank you for this. i was gonna buy the is6B at the bond store... more of a collection thing cause i got a schwartzpanzer. but hot damn, those gun stats are unbelievable. its a heavy with a light tank gun, and a bad one at that. I guess ill skip this one and the T34B.
If those outdated tanks were all significantly buffed, then we'd be talking about some serious success. Otherwise, today's meta tanks would have to be nerfed in order to balance the meta. It's really annoying getting one or two shotted as a tier VI in tier VIII match as well as getting hit for 800 as a tier X from tier VIII premium tank. Yes, I'm looking at you BZ-176.... B O U N C E as always
wargaming will never buff outdated tanks, if they want to buff standard tier 8s, all tier 6s and 7s will suffer too, which means they'd have to buff them as wel, and hence tier 5s etc. It's too much work for those lazy developers and the only way going forward is to nerf all OP tanks
WG wont nerf the meta tanks, because they don't have to. In few years, BZ-176 and Iron Arnie and T-832 will be also shit because game will have even more powerful premium tanks. Remember how good Defender and Patriot were a few years ago? Well now they are bad. FCM 50t was the king of the game once. AMX CDC was once considered among the best tier 8 tanks in the game.
Power creep is a serious problem in this game. I have serveral older premiums and nothing newer than the Defender. I have (in the past) spent a lot of money on tanks and continue to support the game with a premium account. Back in the day a paid for tank was a crew/credit trainer/earner. I think that ethos has been lost and replaced by FOMO and speed. My last thought is that, this game was partly based on chess - a game of learning, skill and patience. Now, press 2 instantly become a better player.
powercreep is not the issue, mm is. nowadays tier 8 tanks face much more often tier 9-10 tanks than before so if ur prem tank isnt op, its useless against those tiers
I remember when I got Emil 1951 from the boxes, and the first thought that went into my empty brain was "why the heck I even bought those boxes, it's like throwing money into the bottomless pit".
Yeah wargaming is trying to make the newer unbalanced tanks seem even more desirable through manufactured scarcity. They only give you the opportunity to buy old garbage tanks most of the time, so when the new ones come back on sale people flock to buy while they can.
@@domm6812 Bourrasque was only 3 Times on Sale since it was implemented (i dont even count the Xmas Boxes as a Sale) and its in the Game quite a while.
Panther 8,8 was a disgrace for WG, they sold it and tried to make it work with multiple buffs, and they ended refunding all who asked for that, because it was impossible to make that tank decent. That's why they never sold it again. There's an article on that on the net.
@@vasiledragos2115 A long long time ago, I remember my Panther 8.8 was able to rip a the Tier 9 sowjet T 54 appart, when the T 54 was the best med. of the sowjet Techtree... My winrate was over 52% with the Panther at that time, I stopped to play the Tank when meta changed and made it unplayable( Tank winrate dropped to 50%) 😢
@@zordiark9673really now? I regularly see the bourrasque in the shop store its too commonly sold and definitely more than 3 times since it was first available
Hey skill, I personally like the Skoda T27. Is it a worse Progetto? Yes. Is it a worse Borrasque? Yes. But the gun handling on it is quite nice, it's surprisingly accurate, and the tank overall is pretty nice to play if you use it right. It definitely is underpowered but can be fun!
The problem it has is that you can't really wait with 1-2 shells in the mag like with the Progetto, which you don't know how many shells there are left, this tank requires you always reload after firing once or twice. The alpha is low for its tier. One thing must be mentioned: The reload time was nerfed by 4 seconds a couple of days before it was released. It was a stealth nerf that came between the supertest and the official selling.
POV: You've been around since day one collecting premium tanks. By now you probably have 95% in the garage. So of course you are also the proud owner of almost every vehicle mentioned in this great video. Thank you Skill for your effort, the good explanations and your humor. Keep it up!
once KV-5 had relatable armour and even i felt like gun was meh platoon of these driving down the hill in malinovka gave me so much fun.... not playeable nowadays
I was affraid you won't mention T34 but fortunately you did it at the end. That tank omg. It takes 5 minutes to arrive to the battle then you aim one minute to miss the target which is 10m from you. And it is not that you miss an elc from 500m but you miss a Type 5 heavy from 50m. You shoot on Ensk and your shell goes to Prokhorovka. And my gun accuracy is 0,28 on my T34. But it feels worse than any arty gun.
@@johnalt4792 while your frontal plate is pathetic and even some Tier6 can penetrate you with some hi-rolls on stock ammo, and fairly reliably with gold one. And you have massive weakspot there to increase the effect. While rooftop can be overmatched by almost any heavy you face.
I had my last straw with T34 today. I got hull down, peeking with turret only. T103 gets me 3 times with regular ap through the roof, and i miss 2 times and cant penetrate with gold 3rd time. This crap goes to trade-in
I found out recently that the Vipera can overmatch the 4202's plate above the gun with AP, hilariously. It's so easy to kill with TDs that you don't even need to load gold.
skieeeeeeeel you missed the ballbreaker. anyway, short story. once upon a time, vk 168 01 aka ballbreaker was tested with 12.8cm and the 15 cm, both hitting for 490 and 750 respectively, the 15cm had ap 208pen and 250 gold pen. before it got released, it was castrated and the 12.8cm 's alpha got nerfed to 440, the 15cm was straight out removed because of that terrifying alpha. the tank was horridly slow (20kmph without equipment 2.0) had shit ton of weakspots.the 15cm was propsed and historically identical to the e100's 15cm. years later, wg says screw you and bz176s comes with 800 alpha with 225pen. and the cherry on the cake, it has 320+ turret armor and rocket boosters.
During my days t34 wasn't rocking the hills and the sky. It just was a tier 9 heavy tank in american tech tree and was given FOR FREE to everyone who had it when WG invented m103 and t110E5. This is what t34 actually was. So as a free premium tank it's fine. But never buy it LOL
I remember buying T34 as my first premium ever as i was grinding the US heavy line in 2014, although i still fancy to play it now and then for sentimental reasons, it can still do great if you get to the right spot, yet it just feels you have do work much harder to do the dmg compared to other current t8 prem. heavy's (like Skoda...)
WZ111 and type 59 were designed for the Chinese server back then, WZ 111 used to have 300 penetration gold shell also tier VIII protection(ONLY meets tier VIII and lower same goes type 59), a higher credit ratio than other premiums, sadly got nerfed.
As far as tank destroyers, the Jg Tiger 8.8 kicks ass. I have made tons of credits with this tank, and have platooned with people and faced tier 10's and beat them, also. Plus, it does get match making, so you won't see tier 10's unless you platoon with people, like I did. I love this tank.
Thanks for giving WG ideas which tanks are gonna make the next trading caravan/black market. I would always “buy” heavies with ingame currency as possible, as they make a good discount on lights with trade in event.
Me after a lousy game in IS-6 then: Oh well, still had fun, I'll get em next time. Me after a LOUSY game in IS-6 now: Oh thank god I finally got a GOOD one.
Well Skill, i still love playing the ISU-152K. I agree, sometimes the gun works wonders to make your enemies regret their life choices. And other times it shoots about 50 meters to either side. But i have adapted to it, so it's still my fav td. And it really can punish your enemies. Even at tier 10, honourable mention. I agree the Tornvagn is a one hit wonder. It's not really that special
Also love getting into my 152K and doing some one shots. Had one game on Arctic where it was 2 against 6 and then Me against 4 and I was able to pull off the win. Did I miss 2 times doing it. Yes. Don't even know where the shell went. But when I did hit it was straight to the garage.
CDC was pretty strong back when it came out (in the hands of a good player) - but the game has changed so much! The tank was fast and there were fewer high pen HE rounds.
Mate, it's not about that. It's about plazmaguns. Guns despersions, acuracy, aiming time, etc was MUCH WORSE in general. 0,32 acuracy was GREAT back then. Intuition was different (noone used it), other premium tanks had MUCH worse penetration and so on so on. That's why CDC was a great tank. But not any more :)
@@SaintVes and there were no "EBRs" flying around. CDC was always in troubles when spotted, just it was more difficult, while in the meantime it had enough time to cause havoc. And its penetration was good in the days when there was also less of all-around heavy armor
I'd say it depends on why you bought the tank. was it to rule the field ? make tons of credits ? or to train crews ? Like the Skoda T-27 I bought as a crew trainer.. What other choice is there to train Czezh Medium tank crews ? None.. I got the T34 B to help train Heavy Crews with 2 Loaders etc. Same with the Caernarvan AX Just a ok Crew trainer not a king of the hill tank :) So on a few of them Crew training was the reason to get some tanks Not Winning :) Great Video Skill !! and good to have ya back !!
here is better solution for crew trainer for Cz meds : play Prog46 with your best Italian med crew, and USE CREDITS YOU EARNED BY PROG46 to buy Crew books for Cz med crew. It much effecient than playing a mediocre Skoda T27
Almost half of the tanks, present in this video, are present in my hangar and the rest you presented in the video, I wanted to get them in the future, thank you skill4ltu... (yes, I will use them in front line event) (no, im not so mad to use them in random battle, until they get renewed or buffed) Flashback in my mind. I saw some days ago a youtuber that said you can buy a bond tank (tier 8 heavy tank for like 8.000 bond) during the event trade-in and exchange it fro another tier 8, for a discount in gold, because you used bond not gold; rememer to check if the tank in bond is available to be sold for the new one. P.S. after you exchange the bond tank for the new one you want, you can buy again the bond tank in bond and repeit the process.
Yes id did that too. But you still are paying some amounts of gold which is still in wgs favor. But if oyu don't play the tanks any longer sometimes it worth it...
@@chrisbo5288 exactly, you take is6 black, trade for hwk 30 and pay 500 gold, or you choose theM4A1 Revalorisé and pay like 1.110, keep in mind the original price of this 2 tanks are like : 5.800 and 6.400 and a lot of discount come from bond; if you have a little patience to partecipate in the weekly tournament for solo player you can do 300 or even 700 gold for week, so you can take this tanks (trade-in and winter calendar event) almost for free.
@@matteovillani5790 NO the correct way is to buy alpentiger for 8000 bonds its the best gold you can get out of it, although is6 black is not that bad either. Alpentiger gives the most gold in exchange for another vehicle. All the other have less value except löwe but you can t get him for gold...
I am cuorious about the Alt proto AMX 30. You almost never see it in random battles, or in Frontline. Is it bad or just very rare? Charlemagne is also very rare to see in battles.
Proto AMX is decent. I would say its playstyle is the same as Leo1 but with a little derpy Gunhandling. But oh boy, every 122mm shot in your side and youre going to burn in Hell.
To the ISU part, you can have bad RNG games In every vehicle it's like saying this or that tank have better alpha rolls, it's all about luck. Also most of my go for tanks were here, but that's because I play for fun and challenge not for stats.
Su130 Gun is behaving like a bitch for me. I cant find any decent Russian TD Gun in the Game. All are missing the easiest Shots but can pixel snipe out of render reliable. Thats hilarious
i quite remember when wg released the cdc promotional video: "a very fast tank as large as a Maus!" in 2012. See the pattern? Some of the prem tanks that were op, decent before but now its luster is gone now. Tanks were op today in another 5-10 yrs now its bye bye.
AMX Cda 105 is relatively OK for me (and I am 🍅). Very good DMG for its tier. Of course, crew has to be trained at least 3 skills. Give nice amount of credits if played well.
I wish WOT makes the game credit position like World of Warships. So even after firing a decent amount of gold in a tech tree vehicle, you can make like 10-20k credits. this would also mean premiums would make much more but I think it'd be a great change. additionally, gold ammo costs are just unreasonable. Back on track, thx for the video skill
Well I don't know how about AMX Cda 105, I played with it 10 battles from rental i got in game and for me it worked fine. Maybe I had luck, but i really enjoyed this TD. About Skoda T 27 - of course Progetto is better, I am surprised Bourrasque wasn't mentioned, french mt has same clip potential, but needs only 2 seconds to make 720 damage instead 3,5 seconds as it is in Skoda case. You say it is not worth of buying it. I agree, I would never buy it for standard price, BUT there are some ways to get it way cheaper, I bought it on black market for 5600 which was minimal bid possible XD It was bargain in my opinion :D
I have the cda 105 and it's exactly like skill said for me. Sometimes if rng is fucking me it works hoe it should, but sometimes I swear tanks with like .33 dispersion have smaller aim circles.
I use my Maus crew in my Maubrecher, If you play aggressively and wiggle a lot it performs ok when causing breakthroughs when well supported. If you try and corner snap, you are toast.
As a tank destroyer player I have to somewhat disagree when it comes to Jagdtiger 8.8 and AMX Cda 105. Jagdtiger is a tank which a lot of people really underestimate for its armor. Many people just don't know where to shoot it in order to penetrate the tank. The DPM is also very nice. The one thing I dislike about it is the gold penetration. From 212mm to 237mm of penetration is just pretty bad in todays meta. AMX Cda 105 is in my opinion better than the Kanonenjagdpanzer 105. It has a better DPM, for me mostly a better accuracy and also so much more armor than the Kanonenjagdpanzer has. The gun can treat you very badly from time to time, but it doesn't happen that often to me. That's why I enjoy the AMX more than the Kanonen. One thing I like about the Kanonen more though is the speed. It's so much fun to drive around with 70 km/h and relocate from one position to another and surprise the enemy from there.
This is why I play light tanks now. Used to be a heavy guy. Now I Swedish snipe and scout. Brawls are no good for me anymore when everything can pin you but you can’t hit Russians.
Tanks on list that I own: 0 Tanks that I formerly owned: 1 (Tornwagon) Reason for buying it: Collateral damage of xmas boxes Games played in Tornwagon: 0
FV4202.. Actually it is fun. I bought it for silver. Plays more like a slow light than a med. Don't rely on armor, but GD is good and DPM is not depressingly bad. Worse DPM than british heavies though. Edit: I also like Toad(caern. or KärnKonn) AX. T34 is fun to take out once in awhile. But it is terrible. Scorpion G is the only T8 premium i have enjoyed fully. Still laugh about bouncing a shot from JgpZ E100 :D
Skillwltu the problem with the game is the RNG at the moment even with minimal retical one shot misses, one shot doesn't penetrate, the next does damage. Next problem is that the players will not work as a team, most think it's a shootemup. It's time someone highlighted these problems.
The problem with the T34 is how much it suffers in nowadays games. The tank is clunky and the reload time is just too slow. Tanks like the Defender already represented a kick in the teeth to all those players who used to like this tank but with the T-832, Iron Arnie and especially the BZ-176...this tank is simply in the graveyard now. For it to be competitive it requires a massive buff that will never arrive. It's not unplayable like the AMX CDC because it has a decent turret but there's nothing else apart from it. The Renegade can pretty much do the same and it's a lot more competitive. Ed: After watching the video, there are 3 tanks that I would include here as well: T-103, Senlac and Revalorize. The Senlac is the only choice for crew training of the Manticore so you are kind of forced to play it for it but with the other two there are way better choices
How would i fix T34: Alpha dmg: from 400 to 430 Aim time : from 3.2 to 2.3 Frontal armour : From 101 to 135 Gun dispersion: from 14 to 18 Accuracy from 0,35 to 0,32
Id say AMX CDA is a pretty decent bushwanking tank. Good concealment and penetration/damage per shot. Can do some damage even in t10 matches and absolutely dominates in same or lower tier. In regards of the accuracy, i mean RNG is always bad so that cant be helped
As free to play player, those tanks are all I have. Skoda, Alphine, Caera AX, FV4202 & T25 pilot. Sad to realize why I am afraid to play my tier 8 tanks nowadays.
Honestly I traded the Vipera for the Vk 75.01K and it felt like I traded a Dacia for a Mercedes. The gun works fine for me, the biggest problem is the speed. Can't complain about it, I enjoy playing with mediocre tanks and make them work. Same goes for Alpine Tiger, for a while it was one of my main credit makers.
That Alpine Tiger is about as useless as tits on a Bull. All kinds of armour that gets penned by pretty much everything that comes it's way. I played 2 games in one and it's another empty garage slot now.
Skill a good short video would be what tier 8 premiums are actually worth real money ........there isnt many and when you factor in play style, that will leave you 2 or 3 choices of any class at best. Hate to admit but have more then 50 prems but only a dozen actually get played regularly, the rest boost crew when there is XP bonus but collect dust otherwise. You can say the same for the line tanks thou too, have 54 tens and again only a dozen I actually play.
@@randytessman6750 he discussed evil 90 as best T8 for scouting. IS3A is cool if youre not having regular IS3 researched. If you do i feel its a bit waste of the funds
had the alpine tiger l. bought it from bond shop. it spent in my garage 2 minutes until i traded it in for a discount on elc even 90 to acquire it for 300 gold. will do it again
Come to think of it, why didn't they just make those ISU's one tank that has like 3 or 4 different gun selections. Its annoying really to see so many of the same tanks except they have upgunned it, but then sell it as a "New vehicle".
As a medium tank player, I love my AMX CDC! The gun handling and speed is phenominal and it a lot of fun to play is pubs. It's not recommended for new players but if you play second line support the tank is gold!
Whenever I see "second line support" in a description of a tank, I take it as a warning that the tank is trash and I should stay away. Or maybe I just don't know how to play second line support xD
The VK 75.01 is not like the ISU-152K. The ISU at least is still pretty decent, but the VK has literally nothing good. Bad armour, bad mobility, bad gun depression, dispersion and gun handling are horrendous AND the DPM is bad.
Im a free to play player and half year ago with my first collected bonds i buy alpine tiger.Big mistake!I watch you on twitch and for tokens received T78 . Great tank especially with bounty equpment and 4 skill crew it is a very dangerous TD. Thank you for your good advice and lessons King Baboon!
ISU130 works for me very well, the gun feels great and somehow always managed to pen. As for t-34 yeah I felt it was rendered obsolete as I found ppl with 300 pen can pierce the gun shield reliably.
Skill, talking about the ISU-152K I initially wanted to disagree with you untill I remembered it's the Troll Cannon. The gun doesn't care if it misses. That's why it was given its name... So, yeah.... I do agree that WG made the right choice in changing the BL-10 on the ISU several years ago.
I don't think the Kirovets 1 is that bad. The gun is a little wonky but if you aim its ok. You have the armor to sit in front of all the tier 8s and aim for days.
Nice list king baboon! Funny how most of the older permiums are just way too outdated now (even the ones you did not mention, because they are still playable). Recently I played a lot with T34 85 and it was a nightmare playing against the new tier 8 (they feel like tier 8,5-9 really) premiums. Of course it's fun to play them when you have them, but it still messes up the game balance. Guess they will be kinda weak in a few years as well. :D Sidenote: The AMX Cda really scks indeed, but the Kanone 105 is a nice alternative. :)
As T92 was INTRODUCED it had the MOST PRECISE GUN, it could fire on the run.... CDC was the first Tank with -10* Gundepression... back in the Times as MAPS where not FLAT...
Hello Unfortunately I managed to get FV 4202 before watch your video. I bought it, because they gave me coupon to use, but I didn't saw anything from newer tanks in group from which one I was picking up (maybe I simply should buy premium time). Definitely this tank doesn't match in games where there is so many vechicles who can slap without any problems. But from time to time I am still able to bounce something while hiding my hull or even had one game when sidescrapping was working before I get gang banged, because lack of support from teammates (I was pretty much on my own on flank). Regardless still I am having some fun with playing this tank. Anyway, thanks for this clip, I will know which tanks I should avoid 🙂
I know they want to make some of them look realistic like the 59 patton which is good but why not make the tumor a none hit box? As for fv4202 you can get it for free in recruitment missions and I don't mind it. It's a good crew trainer and does bouce quite a few shots in certain situations. I do agree with Skill though don't spend gold on it. I love my Skoda T27, I have around 60% win rate in it. My progetto mod 46 is barley at 50%.
Avoid the BZ-176, Borrasque, FL 75, LT432 and Progetto.
ty for the excellent recap!
You should also avoid shrek and t56
if the ebr/ferrari is going on the shop i would instantly buy it.
@@GRyder261 honorable mention to Scorpions, WZ120 TD and strv S1. Those, one should also avoid :D
Ahaha yeah avoid all competitive tanks
You know a tank has to be awful if they are outlining its high ammo capacity 😆
Yes, but the AMX CDC is fun to play - lol 😂
@@wotaddictglobal no, it's not.
That is your opinion, and you are entitled to it, of course. I respectfully disagree, as I love playing with the FCM t50 and the AMX CDC - lol
Thanks - lol
If WG ever introduced rain/hail into the game, it would penetrate the armor of the CDC, and it wouldn't be hard to miss it because it is the size of a Maus. :)
Surprised the IS-6 wasn't included. Perfect example of a old school premium power crept to the point of being useless. Yes if you're lucky to get top tier you can perform but most of the time you will be up against Tier 8 and 9. Was the first Tier 8 premium I bought but I don't even bother playing it now.
Yeah the IS-6's penetration is so pathetic in the modern meta. I feel like the IS-6 is probably worse than the IS-5 and the IS-5 was the first mention.
And even with the IS-6 pen buff to 190mm doesn’t have the same pen value as the IS-5.
Agreed don't understand why they still sell it. Just a trap for new paying customer to get screwed over
I use to love playing my IS6 I tried to play it lately holy fucking shit. Get rect
wow, thank you for this. i was gonna buy the is6B at the bond store... more of a collection thing cause i got a schwartzpanzer. but hot damn, those gun stats are unbelievable. its a heavy with a light tank gun, and a bad one at that. I guess ill skip this one and the T34B.
If those outdated tanks were all significantly buffed, then we'd be talking about some serious success. Otherwise, today's meta tanks would have to be nerfed in order to balance the meta. It's really annoying getting one or two shotted as a tier VI in tier VIII match as well as getting hit for 800 as a tier X from tier VIII premium tank. Yes, I'm looking at you BZ-176.... B O U N C E as always
wargaming will never buff outdated tanks, if they want to buff standard tier 8s, all tier 6s and 7s will suffer too, which means they'd have to buff them as wel, and hence tier 5s etc. It's too much work for those lazy developers and the only way going forward is to nerf all OP tanks
Ugh... Hate that tank (BZ-176) so much when fighting one. It will kick you back to the garage.
Wargaming won't buff a thing. Their idea is "you want to be better? buy it".
WG wont nerf the meta tanks, because they don't have to. In few years, BZ-176 and Iron Arnie and T-832 will be also shit because game will have even more powerful premium tanks. Remember how good Defender and Patriot were a few years ago? Well now they are bad. FCM 50t was the king of the game once. AMX CDC was once considered among the best tier 8 tanks in the game.
@@OneHandleToHandleThemAll Indeed. Why bother nerfing some tanks? Time will do? Why bother buffing old tanks? Buy new ones. WG works like that.
5600 for the gold ammo on the T92? And 150 damage? WOW!!! I didnt know that,what the hell? Thats crazy
That 90 shell capacity really catch me off guard 🤣
Same here:):)
Power creep is a serious problem in this game. I have serveral older premiums and nothing newer than the Defender. I have (in the past) spent a lot of money on tanks and continue to support the game with a premium account. Back in the day a paid for tank was a crew/credit trainer/earner. I think that ethos has been lost and replaced by FOMO and speed.
My last thought is that, this game was partly based on chess - a game of learning, skill and patience. Now, press 2 instantly become a better player.
powercreep is not the issue, mm is. nowadays tier 8 tanks face much more often tier 9-10 tanks than before so if ur prem tank isnt op, its useless against those tiers
I remember when I got Emil 1951 from the boxes, and the first thought that went into my empty brain was "why the heck I even bought those boxes, it's like throwing money into the bottomless pit".
Pretty sure its from frontline one of the seasons from frontline.
@@maxillae2874 it is, but Emil was in the boxes as well
well it's rare and never sold separately is only trait in this tank
Learn to play with it then xd...
Emil 1951 is sic af.
Even my wife laughed at "stick your gun up the enemy's booty and still miss". Too funny. Cheers mate.
lol yeah that was epic - 😂
That's too homoerotic
looks like your wife is a keeper
LOL I died laughing 😂
In my JPZ E100 I had HE loaded for a scout and I saw a CDC so I shot it and took it from full health to 0 lol. It was amazing.
Good to know CDC brings enjoyment to someone :)
I was playing with mutz and got ammo racked full hp bar by isu 152k
Did you noticed almost all of these vehicles was at store at least one time last two years but Panther 8.8?
Yeah wargaming is trying to make the newer unbalanced tanks seem even more desirable through manufactured scarcity. They only give you the opportunity to buy old garbage tanks most of the time, so when the new ones come back on sale people flock to buy while they can.
@@domm6812 Bourrasque was only 3 Times on Sale since it was implemented (i dont even count the Xmas Boxes as a Sale) and its in the Game quite a while.
Panther 8,8 was a disgrace for WG, they sold it and tried to make it work with multiple buffs, and they ended refunding all who asked for that, because it was impossible to make that tank decent. That's why they never sold it again. There's an article on that on the net.
@@vasiledragos2115 A long long time ago, I remember my Panther 8.8 was able to rip a the Tier 9 sowjet T 54 appart, when the T 54 was the best med. of the sowjet Techtree... My winrate was over 52% with the Panther at that time, I stopped to play the Tank when meta changed and made it unplayable( Tank winrate dropped to 50%) 😢
@@zordiark9673really now? I regularly see the bourrasque in the shop store its too commonly sold and definitely more than 3 times since it was first available
Hey skill, I personally like the Skoda T27. Is it a worse Progetto? Yes. Is it a worse Borrasque? Yes. But the gun handling on it is quite nice, it's surprisingly accurate, and the tank overall is pretty nice to play if you use it right. It definitely is underpowered but can be fun!
The problem it has is that you can't really wait with 1-2 shells in the mag like with the Progetto, which you don't know how many shells there are left, this tank requires you always reload after firing once or twice. The alpha is low for its tier. One thing must be mentioned: The reload time was nerfed by 4 seconds a couple of days before it was released. It was a stealth nerf that came between the supertest and the official selling.
@@juanjodpr Oh certainly, the alpha is a problem. I never knew that about it being nerfed, but I would love to play it with a 16 second reload!
Can we take a bow to appreciate this baboon king working so hard and making really honest content. Thanks so much my man.
FCM was released so long ago I can’t remember when, but believe it or not it was actually competitive back then.
POV: You've been around since day one collecting premium tanks. By now you probably have 95% in the garage. So of course you are also the proud owner of almost every vehicle mentioned in this great video. Thank you Skill for your effort, the good explanations and your humor. Keep it up!
Damn man, you collect pixels?
once KV-5 had relatable armour and even i felt like gun was meh platoon of these driving down the hill in malinovka gave me so much fun.... not playeable nowadays
I was affraid you won't mention T34 but fortunately you did it at the end. That tank omg. It takes 5 minutes to arrive to the battle then you aim one minute to miss the target which is 10m from you. And it is not that you miss an elc from 500m but you miss a Type 5 heavy from 50m. You shoot on Ensk and your shell goes to Prokhorovka. And my gun accuracy is 0,28 on my T34. But it feels worse than any arty gun.
It's the long reload. DPM is horrible, but if you are alone against a med he will get two or three shots to your one
@@johnalt4792 while your frontal plate is pathetic and even some Tier6 can penetrate you with some hi-rolls on stock ammo, and fairly reliably with gold one. And you have massive weakspot there to increase the effect. While rooftop can be overmatched by almost any heavy you face.
🤣🤣🤣 " You shoot on Ensk and your shell goes to Prokhorovka. " 🤣🤣🤣
I had my last straw with T34 today. I got hull down, peeking with turret only. T103 gets me 3 times with regular ap through the roof, and i miss 2 times and cant penetrate with gold 3rd time. This crap goes to trade-in
I found out recently that the Vipera can overmatch the 4202's plate above the gun with AP, hilariously. It's so easy to kill with TDs that you don't even need to load gold.
skieeeeeeeel you missed the ballbreaker. anyway, short story. once upon a time, vk 168 01 aka ballbreaker was tested with 12.8cm and the 15 cm, both hitting for 490 and 750 respectively, the 15cm had ap 208pen and 250 gold pen. before it got released, it was castrated and the 12.8cm 's alpha got nerfed to 440, the 15cm was straight out removed because of that terrifying alpha. the tank was horridly slow (20kmph without equipment 2.0) had shit ton of weakspots.the 15cm was propsed and historically identical to the e100's 15cm. years later, wg says screw you and bz176s comes with 800 alpha with 225pen. and the cherry on the cake, it has 320+ turret armor and rocket boosters.
well shit, if the ballbreaker had that 15cm i'd buy it
A candle for every CDC Holder 🕯
I like mine ;-)
@@flx8667 🕯
During my days t34 wasn't rocking the hills and the sky. It just was a tier 9 heavy tank in american tech tree and was given FOR FREE to everyone who had it when WG invented m103 and t110E5. This is what t34 actually was. So as a free premium tank it's fine. But never buy it LOL
Panther 8.8
M48 RPz
T25 Pilot 1
M46 KR
P.Victoria/Strv 81
Škoda T 27
JgTig 8.8
Turtle I
AMX Cda 105 ?
VK 75.01 K
Mauerbrecher/VK 168.01 P
WZ-111/Alpine Tiger
FCM 50 t
EMIL 1951
Caernarvon AX ?
I remember buying T34 as my first premium ever as i was grinding the US heavy line in 2014, although i still fancy to play it now and then for sentimental reasons, it can still do great if you get to the right spot, yet it just feels you have do work much harder to do the dmg compared to other current t8 prem. heavy's (like Skoda...)
1:15 Light-Tanks
2:25 Phanter 8.8
3:02 Räumpanzer
3:28 T25 Pilot
3:58 T95E2
4:20 M46 Patton
4:47 CDC
6:50 59-Patton
7:27 Primo Victoria / STRV 81
8:48 FV4202
9:46 Skoda T 27
10:44 Chief T95
12:10 Kanonenjagtpanzer (NON 105 version)
12:52 JgTiger 8.8
13:21 Turtel MK.1
14:32 ISU-130
15:07 ISU-152K
16:35 KV-4 KTTS
17:10 CDC 105 (Tankt Destroyer)
18:07 VK 75.01
18:54 Mauerbrecher
19:30 IS-5
20:33 Kirovets-1
21:38 Alpine Tiger / WZ-111
22:20 FCM 50T
23:30 Tornvagen
24:36 EMIL 1951
25:43 T-34
27:30 Caernavron AX
Nicely done Memphis.
Out of that list I only have the VK 75 😄
It's not a great tank but I do like it. I traded it for the Obj T44.
@@Hardtruth11 lul i traded him also for sta-1 only tank they left for me that "somehow" ok
WZ111 and type 59 were designed for the Chinese server back then, WZ 111 used to have 300 penetration gold shell also tier VIII protection(ONLY meets tier VIII and lower same goes type 59), a higher credit ratio than other premiums, sadly got nerfed.
21:11 tell me Vivi was there next to you without telling me Vivi was there with you.....
son of the banana!
As far as tank destroyers, the Jg Tiger 8.8 kicks ass. I have made tons of credits with this tank, and have platooned with people and faced tier 10's and beat them, also. Plus, it does get match making, so you won't see tier 10's unless you platoon with people, like I did. I love this tank.
Huh, you get tier 9 armour, 7-8 tier gun, and you can get downtiered to 6 tiers? Hold my money WG
Thanks for giving WG ideas which tanks are gonna make the next trading caravan/black market. I would always “buy” heavies with ingame currency as possible, as they make a good discount on lights with trade in event.
I did bought an IS2 (Russian) premium tank for 5m credits on caravan once.
@@killertruth186 did the same, but tier 7 aint worth much gold, so its expensive too trade in with lower tiers then 8.
Me after a lousy game in IS-6 then: Oh well, still had fun, I'll get em next time.
Me after a LOUSY game in IS-6 now: Oh thank god I finally got a GOOD one.
And they still sell it in-game...
@@DonJohn87_YT With bonds and or money/gold.
Well Skill, i still love playing the ISU-152K. I agree, sometimes the gun works wonders to make your enemies regret their life choices. And other times it shoots about 50 meters to either side. But i have adapted to it, so it's still my fav td. And it really can punish your enemies. Even at tier 10, honourable mention. I agree the Tornvagn is a one hit wonder. It's not really that special
Also love getting into my 152K and doing some one shots. Had one game on Arctic where it was 2 against 6 and then Me against 4 and I was able to pull off the win. Did I miss 2 times doing it. Yes. Don't even know where the shell went. But when I did hit it was straight to the garage.
Cheers Skill, this was a brutally honest overview of premium tanks and it was needed. Cheers, I'm selling another 5 tanks.
CDC was pretty strong back when it came out (in the hands of a good player) - but the game has changed so much! The tank was fast and there were fewer high pen HE rounds.
Mate, it's not about that. It's about plazmaguns. Guns despersions, acuracy, aiming time, etc was MUCH WORSE in general. 0,32 acuracy was GREAT back then. Intuition was different (noone used it), other premium tanks had MUCH worse penetration and so on so on. That's why CDC was a great tank. But not any more :)
@@SaintVes and there were no "EBRs" flying around. CDC was always in troubles when spotted, just it was more difficult, while in the meantime it had enough time to cause havoc. And its penetration was good in the days when there was also less of all-around heavy armor
I've played with FV4202, I made its armor work but yeah, the gun is very sluggish
If the dpm and the gun handling would be buffed, the tank would actually be pretty decent, but not op.
Cent 5/1 is better brawler and overall. 4202 just has sliiiightly better gun handling imo. I got both, regret getting the 4202
I'd say it depends on why you bought the tank. was it to rule the field ? make tons of credits ? or to train crews ? Like the Skoda T-27 I bought as a crew trainer.. What other choice is there to train Czezh Medium tank crews ? None.. I got the T34 B to help train Heavy Crews with 2 Loaders etc. Same with the Caernarvan AX Just a ok Crew trainer not a king of the hill tank :) So on a few of them Crew training was the reason to get some tanks Not Winning :) Great Video Skill !! and good to have ya back !!
here is better solution for crew trainer for Cz meds : play Prog46 with your best Italian med crew, and USE CREDITS YOU EARNED BY PROG46 to buy Crew books for Cz med crew. It much effecient than playing a mediocre Skoda
Just grind credits with other tanks and buy crew books with credits from the store, then you wouldn't need to play any bad tank as crew trainer
Almost half of the tanks, present in this video, are present in my hangar and the rest you presented in the video, I wanted to get them in the future, thank you skill4ltu...
(yes, I will use them in front line event)
(no, im not so mad to use them in random battle, until they get renewed or buffed)
Flashback in my mind.
I saw some days ago a youtuber that said you can buy a bond tank (tier 8 heavy tank for like 8.000 bond) during the event trade-in and exchange it fro another tier 8, for a discount in gold, because you used bond not gold; rememer to check if the tank in bond is available to be sold for the new one.
P.S. after you exchange the bond tank for the new one you want, you can buy again the bond tank in bond and repeit the process.
I doit when buying elc and hwk :). Almost free
Yes id did that too. But you still are paying some amounts of gold which is still in wgs favor. But if oyu don't play the tanks any longer sometimes it worth it...
@@chrisbo5288 exactly, you take is6 black, trade for hwk 30 and pay 500 gold, or you choose theM4A1 Revalorisé and pay like 1.110, keep in mind the original price of this 2 tanks are like : 5.800 and 6.400 and a lot of discount come from bond; if you have a little patience to partecipate in the weekly tournament for solo player you can do 300 or even 700 gold for week, so you can take this tanks (trade-in and winter calendar event) almost for free.
@@matteovillani5790 NO the correct way is to buy alpentiger for 8000 bonds its the best gold you can get out of it, although is6 black is not that bad either. Alpentiger gives the most gold in exchange for another vehicle. All the other have less value except löwe but you can t get him for gold...
@@chrisbo5288 ah ok, because i saw a video recently that showed this method with the is6 black
The VK 75.01K I did get was not only for credits, to help boost my 5 men crews.
That CDC description really made me LOL
I am cuorious about the Alt proto AMX 30. You almost never see it in random battles, or in Frontline. Is it bad or just very rare? Charlemagne is also very rare to see in battles.
Proto AMX is decent. I would say its playstyle is the same as Leo1 but with a little derpy Gunhandling. But oh boy, every 122mm shot in your side and youre going to burn in Hell.
21:12 i see a hand whit a pipe ahaaa.
Cheers mate! Nice video
At 13:11 i was smoking some weed outside, watching on my phone and i wondered how i could hear an error from my computer xD
Thanks Skill... I wish you'd put this out while premium tank exchange was on! I'll bookmark it for the next time.
Or just save your money, no matter what you get it's gonna be useless in a year or two.
To the ISU part, you can have bad RNG games In every vehicle it's like saying this or that tank have better alpha rolls, it's all about luck. Also most of my go for tanks were here, but that's because I play for fun and challenge not for stats.
Su130 Gun is behaving like a bitch for me. I cant find any decent Russian TD Gun in the Game. All are missing the easiest Shots but can pixel snipe out of render reliable. Thats hilarious
i quite remember when wg released the cdc promotional video: "a very fast tank as large as a Maus!" in 2012. See the pattern? Some of the prem tanks that were op, decent before but now its luster is gone now. Tanks were op today in another 5-10 yrs now its bye bye.
AMX Cda 105 is relatively OK for me (and I am 🍅). Very good DMG for its tier. Of course, crew has to be trained at least 3 skills. Give nice amount of credits if played well.
I laughed my ass off at the AMX CDC and I also laugh with you Skill4ltu haha
I wish WOT makes the game credit position like World of Warships. So even after firing a decent amount of gold in a tech tree vehicle, you can make like 10-20k credits. this would also mean premiums would make much more but I think it'd be a great change. additionally, gold ammo costs are just unreasonable.
Back on track, thx for the video skill
?????? One of the BIGGEST problem the player base has is the gold spam and you’re out here advocating for a increase in viability for shooting it????
2:55 I hate that the panther type tanks are so huge in this game, they were about the same size like t 34 85 in real life. Just look at some photos
Well I don't know how about AMX Cda 105, I played with it 10 battles from rental i got in game and for me it worked fine. Maybe I had luck, but i really enjoyed this TD.
About Skoda T 27 - of course Progetto is better, I am surprised Bourrasque wasn't mentioned, french mt has same clip potential, but needs only 2 seconds to make 720 damage instead 3,5 seconds as it is in Skoda case. You say it is not worth of buying it. I agree, I would never buy it for standard price, BUT there are some ways to get it way cheaper, I bought it on black market for 5600 which was minimal bid possible XD It was bargain in my opinion :D
I have the cda 105 and it's exactly like skill said for me. Sometimes if rng is fucking me it works hoe it should, but sometimes I swear tanks with like .33 dispersion have smaller aim circles.
I use my Maus crew in my Maubrecher, If you play aggressively and wiggle a lot it performs ok when causing breakthroughs when well supported. If you try and corner snap, you are toast.
15:53 So, "Aby mieć pewność że nie spudłujemy, lufę karabinu wkładamy kosmicie w dupę" does not quite work here
As a tank destroyer player I have to somewhat disagree when it comes to Jagdtiger 8.8 and AMX Cda 105.
Jagdtiger is a tank which a lot of people really underestimate for its armor. Many people just don't know where to shoot it in order to penetrate the tank.
The DPM is also very nice. The one thing I dislike about it is the gold penetration. From 212mm to 237mm of penetration is just pretty bad in todays meta.
AMX Cda 105 is in my opinion better than the Kanonenjagdpanzer 105. It has a better DPM, for me mostly a better accuracy and also so much more armor than the Kanonenjagdpanzer has.
The gun can treat you very badly from time to time, but it doesn't happen that often to me. That's why I enjoy the AMX more than the Kanonen.
One thing I like about the Kanonen more though is the speed. It's so much fun to drive around with 70 km/h and relocate from one position to another and surprise the enemy from there.
This is why I play light tanks now. Used to be a heavy guy. Now I Swedish snipe and scout. Brawls are no good for me anymore when everything can pin you but you can’t hit Russians.
You didnt discuss only medium apart from Progetto which is still good in 2023: Borat (Bourrasque). And what about Defender these days?
I would argue that Lis is at least playable
AMX Cda 105 for me not suppose to be on the list. Its a great TD with excellent shell velocity and good penetration . Works for me almost every time
Tanks on list that I own: 0
Tanks that I formerly owned: 1 (Tornwagon)
Reason for buying it: Collateral damage of xmas boxes
Games played in Tornwagon: 0
Actually it is fun. I bought it for silver. Plays more like a slow light than a med. Don't rely on armor, but GD is good and DPM is not depressingly bad. Worse DPM than british heavies though.
Edit: I also like Toad(caern. or KärnKonn) AX.
T34 is fun to take out once in awhile. But it is terrible.
Scorpion G is the only T8 premium i have enjoyed fully. Still laugh about bouncing a shot from JgpZ E100 :D
In my opinion, Škoda was a good choice when was the trade event in the wot, but only if u havent any other auto loader medium tank in a garage
Skillwltu the problem with the game is the RNG at the moment even with minimal retical one shot misses, one shot doesn't penetrate, the next does damage. Next problem is that the players will not work as a team, most think it's a shootemup. It's time someone highlighted these problems.
The problem with the T34 is how much it suffers in nowadays games. The tank is clunky and the reload time is just too slow. Tanks like the Defender already represented a kick in the teeth to all those players who used to like this tank but with the T-832, Iron Arnie and especially the BZ-176...this tank is simply in the graveyard now. For it to be competitive it requires a massive buff that will never arrive. It's not unplayable like the AMX CDC because it has a decent turret but there's nothing else apart from it. The Renegade can pretty much do the same and it's a lot more competitive.
Ed: After watching the video, there are 3 tanks that I would include here as well: T-103, Senlac and Revalorize. The Senlac is the only choice for crew training of the Manticore so you are kind of forced to play it for it but with the other two there are way better choices
How would i fix T34:
Alpha dmg: from 400 to 430
Aim time : from 3.2 to 2.3
Frontal armour : From 101 to 135
Gun dispersion: from 14 to 18
Accuracy from 0,35 to 0,32
I would add few tanks to this list: T77, M-IV-Y, WZ-114, M6A2E1, AP AMX 30.
Id say AMX CDA is a pretty decent bushwanking tank. Good concealment and penetration/damage per shot. Can do some damage even in t10 matches and absolutely dominates in same or lower tier. In regards of the accuracy, i mean RNG is always bad so that cant be helped
I didn't know it had good concealment. I believe it's the largest medium tank in the game.
As free to play player, those tanks are all I have.
Skoda, Alphine, Caera AX, FV4202 & T25 pilot.
Sad to realize why
I am afraid to play my tier 8 tanks nowadays.
Honestly I traded the Vipera for the Vk 75.01K and it felt like I traded a Dacia for a Mercedes. The gun works fine for me, the biggest problem is the speed. Can't complain about it, I enjoy playing with mediocre tanks and make them work. Same goes for Alpine Tiger, for a while it was one of my main credit makers.
That Alpine Tiger is about as useless as tits on a Bull. All kinds of armour that gets penned by pretty much everything that comes it's way. I played 2 games in one and it's another empty garage slot now.
I have tried to improve the Vk 75.01k with experimental equipment. But I need to upgrade the said equipment.
Me, with more battles in the VK16801 than the Lowe and Skorpion:
I just like the big german boxes
Skill a good short video would be what tier 8 premiums are actually worth real money ........there isnt many and when you factor in play style, that will leave you 2 or 3 choices of any class at best. Hate to admit but have more then 50 prems but only a dozen actually get played regularly, the rest boost crew when there is XP bonus but collect dust otherwise. You can say the same for the line tanks thou too, have 54 tens and again only a dozen I actually play.
I'll give you a hint: HT BZ176, MT Borat, MT Arnie, MT Progetto, TD Skorpion G or SU130 PM. Theres not much more.
@@mpc007 missed Evil 90 and personally like IS-3A as well
@@randytessman6750 he discussed evil 90 as best T8 for scouting. IS3A is cool if youre not having regular IS3 researched. If you do i feel its a bit waste of the funds
This somehow hurts because I collected prems since 2012 and have almost all of them :(
had the alpine tiger l. bought it from bond shop. it spent in my garage 2 minutes until i traded it in for a discount on elc even 90 to acquire it for 300 gold. will do it again
Wait with Alpine Tiger you can trade it for just 300 gold with ecl?
Yes Im doing it also in trade in event 300 gold + 8k bond = elc or hwk
I come back to world of tanks after like 10 years and I just want a T34 and Alaska :c
Come to think of it, why didn't they just make those ISU's one tank that has like 3 or 4 different gun selections.
Its annoying really to see so many of the same tanks except they have upgunned it, but then sell it as a "New vehicle".
I have the T34. I used to enjoy it some extent back in the day. But today it sits in my garage like in a museum, just like my IS-6.
As a medium tank player, I love my AMX CDC! The gun handling and speed is phenominal and it a lot of fun to play is pubs. It's not recommended for new players but if you play second line support the tank is gold!
Whenever I see "second line support" in a description of a tank, I take it as a warning that the tank is trash and I should stay away. Or maybe I just don't know how to play second line support xD
@skill how did you select kirovets without having it in garage or available for sell? i want to know as i can inspect some tanks more closely
add them to comparison then click preview vehicle
The VK 75.01 is not like the ISU-152K. The ISU at least is still pretty decent, but the VK has literally nothing good. Bad armour, bad mobility, bad gun depression, dispersion and gun handling are horrendous AND the DPM is bad.
One shouldn't just buy permiums under any advice/sales pitch anyway. When you can think for yourself then buy whatever you fancy.
Agree 💯
Im a free to play player and half year ago with my first collected bonds i buy alpine tiger.Big mistake!I watch you on twitch and for tokens received T78 . Great tank especially with bounty equpment and 4 skill crew it is a very dangerous TD. Thank you for your good advice and lessons King Baboon!
At least you can get the best trade-in value with the alpine tiger.
That's painful
Whose hand do we see at 21:13?
Think you are spot on in regards to most tanks! I am crying every time I am playing the T34 but have had it for 10 years anyway!
ISU130 works for me very well, the gun feels great and somehow always managed to pen. As for t-34 yeah I felt it was rendered obsolete as I found ppl with 300 pen can pierce the gun shield reliably.
How do you buy the Progetto though?
I've never seen it for sale on the Asia server
PZ-Mutz should be on that list. The Panther II and Indian-Panzer are both much better tanks.
The Caern AX: A premium tank that is just worse than it's Tech-tree tank counterpart.
I get premiums to use as crew trainers. Maybe a video from that perspective? Best crew trainers??
It's not really that important anymore because you can just grind credits and buy crew books.
Skill, talking about the ISU-152K I initially wanted to disagree with you untill I remembered it's the Troll Cannon. The gun doesn't care if it misses. That's why it was given its name... So, yeah.... I do agree that WG made the right choice in changing the BL-10 on the ISU several years ago.
AMX Can't Do Anything(CDA), I always love seeing them on the opponents team..
Can't Do Caku
my cda have laser gun lol
I don't think the Kirovets 1 is that bad. The gun is a little wonky but if you aim its ok. You have the armor to sit in front of all the tier 8s and aim for days.
"miss the barn even being inside the barn" lmao
your commentary on the ISU152k is spot on
Nice list king baboon! Funny how most of the older permiums are just way too outdated now (even the ones you did not mention, because they are still playable). Recently I played a lot with T34 85 and it was a nightmare playing against the new tier 8 (they feel like tier 8,5-9 really) premiums. Of course it's fun to play them when you have them, but it still messes up the game balance. Guess they will be kinda weak in a few years as well. :D
Sidenote: The AMX Cda really scks indeed, but the Kanone 105 is a nice alternative. :)
As T92 was INTRODUCED it had the MOST PRECISE GUN, it could fire on the run....
CDC was the first Tank with -10* Gundepression... back in the Times as MAPS where not FLAT...
i agree with you fully on the alpine tiger it look cool an that it hate that peace of junk
What ever happened to TDS missions for the T55A # 9 and # 10 ?
*i got IS-5 from bonds store and traded for ELC EVEN 90 for 2 euros and i love it*
That txt about the CDC was true when it came out. like 10 years ago.. Back then it was a tank you wanted to avoid on the battle field
Unfortunately I managed to get FV 4202 before watch your video. I bought it, because they gave me coupon to use, but I didn't saw anything from newer tanks in group from which one I was picking up (maybe I simply should buy premium time). Definitely this tank doesn't match in games where there is so many vechicles who can slap without any problems. But from time to time I am still able to bounce something while hiding my hull or even had one game when sidescrapping was working before I get gang banged, because lack of support from teammates (I was pretty much on my own on flank). Regardless still I am having some fun with playing this tank.
Anyway, thanks for this clip, I will know which tanks I should avoid 🙂
I know they want to make some of them look realistic like the 59 patton which is good but why not make the tumor a none hit box? As for fv4202 you can get it for free in recruitment missions and I don't mind it. It's a good crew trainer and does bouce quite a few shots in certain situations. I do agree with Skill though don't spend gold on it. I love my Skoda T27, I have around 60% win rate in it. My progetto mod 46 is barley at 50%.
21:11 Nice little hand on the left bottom corner.
You forget to notice, as very bad tanks, Schwarzpanzer, Mutz and P 58!
i still want thePanther 8.8 due to it being the only tier 8 german med with a 5 crew layout that matches the E50s
How do you get all these? I want the is5 but I don’t see it anywhere