This was such a good Ted talk - I can´t believe it hasn´t more views. We are facing a crisis, and we need to change systems. Part of that transition definetely needs to happen in finance and what we are investing in.
If we fail to maintain investment in reliable energy and squander our resources on unreliable "green" energy we will increasingly be freezing in the dark. That's a realistic basis for gloom.
@@ddwieland "If we fail to maintain investment in reliable energy and squander our resources on unreliable "green" energy we will increasingly be freezing in the dark. That's a realistic basis for gloom." If we continue burning fossil fuels, the consequences will be increasingly catastrophic, so we must transition off of it as fast as possible while keeping the lights on. We already have the technology we need to keep the lights on with a combination of solar, wind, geothermal, heat pumps, hydro, storage, and conservation.
@@HealingLifeKwikly You've been convinced to believe that the energy source that has enabled the most remarkable human progress in history and is fostering increased greening of the planet is a dire threat. I thought there was something to the concern about CO2 until I bothered to investigate the claims. Climatism is a damaging religion.
@@ddwieland "You've been convinced to believe that the energy source that has enabled the most remarkable human progress in history ..." That's true, but MANY things that provide short term benefits backfire spectacularly in the long run, and the whole time we were making all that progress for our own living standards, we were simultaneously destroying the web of life that makes our lives and civilization possible. Yeah, in my 20s, I made incredible "progress" in my living standards by charging things to a high interest credit card, but eventually the bill comes due, and you are forever poorer for it. Humans and the Earth will forever be poorer because we turned to fossil fuels and burned so much of them. Powerful? Sure, but incredibly destructive too. Take care.
This is so sad, not that there's a climate crisis but that so many educated people are gullible to the doomsters. The real crisis is in the discouragement of critical thinking and scientific data. Doubly sad is that many scientists have allowed themselves to provide at least tacit support to misinformation.
@@amykastelin7381 So Seattle temperatures keep rising? Have you checked the recorded temperatures over the past century? We're told lots of things, some of which are true and others are imagined but apparently indisputable. I wish more people would insist on big picture reality instead of believing the view through a little lens is the whole.
one person can do this: every monday morning send an email to your mp or congress representative, saying "i won't vote for you until your party publishes a radical program for climate recovery." tell all your contacts to do the same. if humanity is to survive, we must all stand up and demand action.
@@karljonsson5577 The G-7 are all social-democracies, including the USA, ( interstate highways, the main electrical grid, hospitals, public education, and corporate bail-outs were all social policies paid for by the public)
Quit eating meat. And if you eat meat: eat less and buy organic. It also helps to cut down on dairy products. Buy organic food. Cotton is one of the most important crops worldwide. Stop buying "fast" fashion - made of cotton and otherwise. Buy less garments and buy organic and sustainably produced. Avoid flying. Join car sharing to drive to work. Consider living in a smaller house or appartment. We need a lot of energy for heating, and then there is the grey energy of building the houses AND the infrastructure. So the individual family home IS very energy consuming.
it's more important to get a lot of people to reduce their meat intake (even just by a little) rather than getting only a few people to go vegan. So: Please, just eat less meat (for now)!
if a person were to cut out all red meat from their diet, it'd have the same effect on their carbon footprint as not using fossil fuels for that year. Chicken is better for you anyway!!
If I choose to act on fighting fossil fuels, I would (acting on consumption cause): 1. Invest in LED bulbs in my house, office, kindergarden, schools, municipalities, 2. Use less hot water and show others how to do this 3. Stop using flights and agitate for teleconferences or "hololens" type interactions, 4. Stop buying non-local products and campaign for other people to do the same 5. Stop using transport/vehicles, that depend on fossil fuel and educate others to do the same 6. Buy electricity from renewable sources and hint my friends to do so 7. Stop using products from "China" - produced in other side of the Earth or Moon, ... There are so many things to do right now to contribute to co2 reduction as compared to simply declare your support and let the others do your bidding...
Fossil fuel consumption from all sources such as cars, trucks, buses, ships and planes etc causes 12% of the global greenhouse gasses. The main contributor is power generation (yeah, we burn lot of coal) and the next major source is animal agriculture (18%.... really!! more than cars .....). Be vegan its easy and healthy, everyone can do it. Every vegan is 2.5 times greener, less polluting compared to their omnivore counterparts.
According to Oxford university study (that involved 40,000 farms in 119 countries) avoiding meat and dairy is the biggest single way to reduce and individuals climate impact. Animal agriculture is devastating the world beyond just CO2 which is bad but also leading cause of methane emissions, deforestation, ocean deadzones, species extinction, ocean plastic pollution, water use etc. etc. Why is veganism always excluded on people’s lists ? You aren’t living in a jungle, there’s no excuse to not be vegan if you get your food from a supermarket- it’s a moral obligation. We grow enough crops to feed humans in countries where people are starving to death but we send the grains to feed captive animals. I don’t know why veganism is so hard.
Individual action is almost meaningless. Vote for representatives who have a clean energy policy. Only when we start taking action at the national and global level to shut down polluting energy production will we be able to bring down our carbon emissions.
Giles Mitchell thank you for putting this out there, people are scared to tell people that giving up meat might save the planet, I’m grateful you had the courage.
Precipice Head We are nearly 9 billion individuals on this planet. Individual action includes voting with awareness along with reducing your carbon footprint.
Thank you for this Ted Talk. Recently started investing in my Roth IRA and was informed that a lot of companies are fueling fossil fuel companies. Now I try my best to research companies that have no to very little funding in these companies. I think a lot more should know they can help with climate change by how and where they invest. Also, changing banks is a huge step.
In the beginning i thought the cliff is a mere type as usual. But upon listening, I felt i would have lose much had i snubbed it. Its inspiring and I think i can spare my time to join the 350 org in Nigeria if its arm is extended in developing countries.
She is a great communicator and speaks just at the right pace. Probably you don't know about it, but there's a huge difference in the level of comprehension of what a person says if the person knows how to let it sink, not just to rush through it, but to really understand. By the way, she doesn't even talk slow lmao.
We speak very quickly here is Ireland, so great tip Aviation E thanks . I changed the setting to 1.5 and its perfect speed as she is very annoying at normal speed. Some brains think and speak more quickly then others.(no judgement). I would have just exited and not listened to her at ll if I had not seen your comment first.
What you can do to fight climate change and conservation of ecosystem of planet: 1. Refuse, reduce, repair, refurbish or recycle 2. Reduce & conserve energy by Investing in LED bulbs in my house, office, kindergarten, schools, municipalities, Buy energy efficient goods and machinery. Adopt Goods Manufacturing Practices. 2. Save water indoors and outdoors Adopt low flow faucets in toilets. Use Water harvesting and recycling methods. Use good farming and management and irrigation practices 3. Stop using flights and agitate for teleconferences or "hololens" type interactions, 4. Think global, Act local, buy local products, goods and services as far as feasible and campaign for other people to do the same. Adopt small, local, decentralized, need based, resources oriented economy 5. Stop using transport/vehicles that depend on fossil fuel and educate others to do the same. Start using public transport, sharing transport or car pools instead of individual vehicle 6. Use renewable sources of energy, Generate electrical energy form clean coal technology, bio-fuel, Energy form solar, wind, tidal wave, biodiesel, geothermal, nuclear 7. Stop using products from "China" - produced in other side of the Earth or Moon, ... 8. Reduce your food and water eco-footprint 9. Go vegan diet as far as possible 10. Protect & conserve trees, forest, mangroves, oceans, water bodies, bio diversity, soil, air, energy, 11 Save paper, Use products with low ecofootprints i.e. products marked with EcoGreen footprint labels 12. Support biodivrerse natural or organic farming to mono culture industrial farming practices. Discourage factory processed or produces foods, Support family farmers by purchasing form farmers market instead of buying form malls. Prefer freshly prepared or cooked foods to packaged and processed foods in factories or central kitchens
Really? LED lights and reusing stuff is going to solve this massive pollution problem? I don't think so. Individual action is almost meaningless. Vote for representatives who have a clean energy policy. Only when we start taking action at the national and global level to shut down polluting energy production will we be able to bring down our carbon emissions.
Everyone keeps forgetting that the simplest and most far-reaching way to reduce one’s carbon footprint is to not procreate. Nothing else can begin to compare. A giant personal footprint of someone with no kids is ultimately far less impactful (less damaging) than the footprint of someone who does all the speaker suggests, and more, to reduce their footprint yet has a few kids, who have a few kids, who have a few kids, who have a few kids, add infinitum. If the goal is to preserve life on earth as we’ve known it, the most impactful thing that can possibly be done is to curtail the relentless growth of the human population.
Where do you get your resources from? When scientists talk about the overpopulation problem, they do not mean quantity as in "too many people"; they mean quality as in "stop consuming so damn much". Research has shown that if everyone lived like royal consumers such as e.g. Europeans, we would need 2.5 more planet Earths. And for the record, nearly all our Western consumerist lifestyles are based on exploitation of developing countries and a massive involvement in the climate crisis. There is only one real solution: stop fossil fuels IMMEDIATELY.
Jovonna Hey! We’re going to need people to populate Mars and beyond. No need to cut the population. Aside from that nature tends to create population decreases as needed.
Firstly, as an American and to whom it may concern, thanks for the Hamburg-er (although lately I've learned eating them might not be great for the planet)... Secondly, I want anyone reading this to remember that we still have the opportunity to prevent the worst of climate catastrophe if we, as a society, act in time, and to make life better for many people in the process. In the USA, where our per-capita emissions are among the highest in the world, even if it's hard and impractical to live a zero-emissions lifestyle, you can get involved in several different organizations, with political flavors to choose from. There's: Citizens' Climate Lobby (personal favorite) 350 Extinction Rebellion Sunrise Movement RepublicEN American Conservation Coalition Climate Leadership Council and literally dozens more, which you might find just by Googling "American climate organizations" Also, check out the Podcasts "How to Save a Planet", "No Place Like Home", "A Matter of Degrees", "Outside/In" and more available on Spotify, if this is really your beat! We can do this! We must.
"When the divestment movement began, I knew that Apartheid had to end." -South African President de Klerk. Too bad he didn't think that Apartheid had to end for ethical reasons! Good job Ella. I'll try to get the Royal Bank of Canada to stop funding the Dakota Access Pipeline...we'll see... : - )
Not "less kids", but better kids :-) If your kid is planting trees, engaging for reforestation, for restoration of wet zones like moors (marshes), for transforming the industry to fossil free, for complete compensation of the personal CO2 (i.e. helping to transform to fossil free in the third world) etc. - then one more kid like this will reduce CO2, not increase.
Well said Ella. The only thing I ask is that you take a close, objective look at carbon free nuclear power as part of the solution. You mentioned renewables but nuclear power, particularly the new generation IV designs, can not only provide electrical power but also artificial fuels, desalinization, processing heat, and fertilizers for crop production. It is available 24/7 and minimizes our impact on the natural environment.
Martin, Nuclear is great! However instead of putting a possibly unmanageable gas into the atmosphere like out current method of energy generation you are creating a waste that is not manageable in fact there is not currently a way to dispose of nuclear waste. Nuclear energy is based on an elements that are also finite so really Nuclear is a band aid that will rip off an unhealed wound that probably won't heal until we manage our energy and develop a way to generate energy that has no toxic by products.
One of the ways we can be part in slowing down climate change is when we stop our behavior of IMPULSIVE SHOPPING (Shopping for greed and not the need). It takes 2700 litres of water to manufacture a T-Shirt. Hold the fashion industry accountable, STOP THE GREED, STOP IMPRESSING PEOPLE AROUND YOU WITH IMPULVE & IRRESPONSIBLE SHOPPING.
My question would be: what would be the next step? If fuel companies all die what's the alternative of producing, transfering, travelling, heating, cooling, building... in the world? How we can use their money to change the world? I mean this presentation seems too simple and too nice to me. I would love this solution if I could see what happens next?
1. We should lower the speed limit on freeways to 55 mph or slower. That would reduce emissions by a massive amount immediately. 2. Replace car travel with bus, subway and bike systems. In many parts of the country there is no mass transit at all. You can't exist without a car now. 3. Get a hybrid electric or electric car if you have to drive. 4. Get some sweaters and lower your thermostats in the wintertime. 5. Open your windows at night in the summer and close them when you get up rather than running the air conditioner. 6. If you live a long distance from work, consider moving closer. 7. Plant lots and lots of trees. They say that bamboo makes the most 02 and takes up the most CO2, can be used for food and construction materials and merely grows back when cut down. Think about growing fruit or nut trees. We might have food shortages. The extra fruit could come in handy. 8. Live in a well insulated small house rather than a sprawling big one. 9. Get solar panels and lithium batteries to run your appliances. 10. Stop using plastic bags and single serve beverage containers.
@@miriamvoortman9654 Being strictly vegan is a tough act to pull off, especially as our food supply diminishes. How about replacing beef with lamb as a protein source as sheep fart less than cows?
Refrigeration, population, deforestation, electricity production, food consumption. Improving these issues will go a long way to solve the climate crisis.
Something I find funny whilst watching climate change TEDx speeches, if I was one of these speakers, I would request for all unnecessary stage lighting to be turned off
Divestment mainly targets private oil companies, wouldn't this cause them to cede their market share to national oil companies which are far more polluting, thus increasing their carbon footprint even more? Surely stopping fossil fuel subsidies and heavily taxing carbon would be a better alternative as it could generate enough funds to scale-up renewables and encourage energy storage.
Her premise of "divesting" in companies that produce fuel/energy will reduce use is ridiculous! Demand drives production, not public ownership of shares in companies. 7.5 billion people want cheap, easily usable forms of energy. Wind and solar are NOT the answer due to high cost per KW and high negative impact on the environment. Nuclear can replace most coal fired electrical generation but hydrocarbon fuels are almost impossible to replace for most transportation needs. -"Scalar" energy technology is the answer to all!
She gives the example of S Africa, and as a S African, I can tell you that it is a good strategy (along with many other measures already mentioned in the comments). You are incorrect on the costs of solar and wind - radical reductions in costs over the last few years, now on par with coal and this is not event counting the social, health and environmental costs of fossil fuels that we all pay.
And so we hear from a woman that lives in a country that is projected to manufacture over 6 million automobiles this year. Will you be divesting from Audi, BMW, and Daimler-Benz and throwing half the country out of work?
The automobile manufacturers are rapidly innovating electric vehicles, thanks to Tesla's remarkable disruption of an industry that has changed little in 100 years. So don't worry, it is likely that your German car industry will be ok, if they innovate fast enough. Cars running on petroleum will quickly disappear. I'm sure no one wants to be the Blackberry of the car industry.
@@PrecipiceHead So you think you can run aluminium smelters with wind power? This woman's country is now sliding into recession due in great part to high energy prices linked to renewables. All heavy industry will increasingly leave Germany to set up in countries where electricity is still affordable, countries where environmental laws are often lax. On top of that they have shut down nuclear in favor of coal and co2 emissions have gone up. She wants her pension to be clean? She'll be lucky to have a pension at all. The fossil fuel industry invests heavily in renewables and research into renewables. I thought Germans were more intelligent than that.
Using cruise control during urban driving whenever possible, reducing and increasing speed using the cruise control helps my hybrid to get 40 to 50 MPG. On freeways, setting the cruise to 65 increases MPG because above 65 the wind resistance increases exponentially. A depressing development from the Oval Office crime family was overturning 58 MPG in new cars, already put into law by the reality-focused Obama. Ms. Laga's comments are accurate and worth considering.
Great talk. About electric cars, they are better than ICE cars even in the worst grid. But you still want your electricity to come from a renewable source.
The Norwegian souvereign fund is still heavily invested in oil and gas. The climate gas released through that ownership is larger than domestic release in Norway. So you can take that fund out of your list.
And what if someone explains to you that CO2 is NOT the reason of global warming... Instead of adapting to global warming, we will spend our time and our money to eliminate fossil fuels, thus making our economy uncompetitive...:(
If the rest of the solar system is warming at the same pace as the earth then would it not be reasonable to assume that carbon dioxide is an effect of the warming and not that the warming is an effect of carbon dioxide.
Nope. Temperatures will rise globally for the centuries to come. There will be no cooling, no matter what we do. At this point we can only slow things down. there is a point of no return and we must not reach it. and hope that one day we'll be able to capture carbon from the atmosphere.
People are interested in making money. This greed will destroy all civilisations and likely make humans extinct, slowly and painfully... We richly deserve the coming misery.
Although the global warming problem seems impossible for any of us to do anything, there is something practical that all of us can do. Our addiction to beef is contributing even more than fossil fuels. How is this? To begin with: we have 19 Billion cows on the planet today. Its not only their methane exhalations, they also use the majority of farmland for grazing or feed production. And as for water! don't get me started... The Amazon has been a real victim of this. If we simply give up meat and dairy, we can have a direct impact on the climate emergency, one by one as we persuade our friends and relatives....
"Although the global warming problem seems impossible for any of us to do anything" I'm not sure why you say that: There are hundreds of things we can do about it. Drive less, fly less, spread the word about de-carbonizing, use less plastic, get a more energy-efficient car or EV, take the bus if you can, walk to the grocery store, turn the heat down in the winter, where available, get your electricity from renewables than replace your gas appliances with electric ones, vote only for candidates who are serious about the issue, lobby governments, put a bumper sticker on your car, push the message we need to change.
The Earth's climate has fluctuated to large and small degrees over time long before humans were here. These climate fluctuations will continue long after we are gone. It is interesting that people who opposed nuclear energy in the past now protest fossil fuels. Hey, we needed to build more coal and gas fired plants in order to meet the demand since nuclear plant construction halted. I agree less CO2 is a good thing. That is why I continue to support nuclear and renewables. The people that protested against nuclear are partially responsible for the increase in CO2 levels. the Same time we started burning Coal.... we proliferated Iron Plow Tillage.... agriculturally disrupting photo-synthetic carbon sequestration.... effectively Doubling the Damage.... we MIGHT be able to turn THAT around faster than anything else we can do.... EXPONENTIALLY increasing Soil Carbon Retention by adopting UBIQUITOUS no-till organic agricultural methods.... MANY beneficial 'side'-effects here... MO' Bettah Food/Mo' Bettah Money (at the GROUND-level.... where LongGreenMoney makes Mo' Bettah Benefits) & LESS money for the Manufacturers of Agri-Toxins.... where it does little but make Profit$forPoi$on.... and THERE's your trouble.... NOW we know why it's so hard to even TALK about making beneficial changes much less understanding the root Need for so doing.... even WITHOUT climate crisis.... these agri-poisons cause Air/Water/Food AND Health Pollution.... so if you should find yourselves mentally incapable of grasping a Wider Scope for this Impending Horror... understand clearly NOW.... that carcinogenic agri-chemical residues are CURRENTLY doing to your body & being what the manufacturers of those chemicals are doing to all Life in and ON Earth. It is Time to Change....
It's truly sad that such an intelligent person has chosen belief in climate crisis over a serious review of the observational data. In our time, with unprecedented ability to protect ourselves from the everlasting hazards posed by nature and with lengthening lifespans, most of the well-educated have unquestioningly fallen for lies and failed to search for truth. With such a gloomy perspective, it's no wonder that she almost cried.
...and she's covered in makeup. Women will never give up their makeup. Cosmetics is one of the most CO2-intensive industries in the world; both the chemical products and the blatant over-packaging. Such hypocrisy.
My good brother. You are sitting there just commenting while she is speaking to thousands and fighting for the good of earth, for me and you to live in a better place.
rohan shibu Ot seems to me she has a higher priority than the cause she states. That cause seems to be attracting any attention towards mutual attraction. And that’s cool, just wished she were honest about it
If this guy were to watch this other UA-cam video 'New sun-driven cooling period of Earth ‘not far off’ it totally debunks the tax raising CO2 argument WE'VE BEEN HAD FOLKS
This is pitiful. Global warming paused at 1.1°C in 1991 and has not gone higher by 2023. Earth's greenhouse effect is held in high saturation by the strong greenhouse gas water vapor to add 10°F (5.55°) to earth's average temperature and would be the same if water vapor were the only greenhouse gas in the atmosphere or the noncondensing greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane, were increased many times from their current atmospheric concentrations. All the far-inferred electromagnetic radiation from earth's surface, that is the energy in earth's greenhouse effect, that can loosely interact with the lumpy electrostatic fields of greenhouse gas molecules is considered to have been completely absorbed within 20 meters of the surface. The UN IPCC science reports when less than 200 pages long were clear and transparent provided you read the entire report they took their greenhouse gas samples at 20 THOUSAND meters altitude far into the stratosphere were water vapor is near zero. That discloser protects the authors from charges of criminal fraud from people that misuse the conclusions of these reports not realizing as any good high school science student would that at 20,000 meters altitude those gas samples are far away from where earth's greenhouse effect takes place within 20 meters of the surface from water vapor. This makes the UN IPCC a scam rather than fraud because reading what is typically called the fine print it reveals they are not dealing with active greenhouse gas behavior taking place in earth's greenhouse effect. The cause of global warming in 2023 is not known. It is unlikely to have emerged from changes in the well known and study characteristics of earth's atmosphere or from a great of studies that have been focus on changes to the earth's surface done in the early 2000s. For practical purposes global warming has been around 1°C for the last thirty years prior to 2023.
Here are some instructions on how to think. If it's hot one day - It's Man made global warming. If it's cold one day - It's climate change. If it's juuuust right for you one day - You got to be aware, because it might be man made global standard. If you can't predict the weather even 2 weeks ahead - It's just "how the weather works" If you can't make any of 12 000 climate predictions for 15 years ahead to work -It's a "pause" in the man made global warming. If it's the most snowfall in 50 years - It's because of something that has to do with... you guessed it - Man made global warming. If you don't feel guilty about breathing out co2 or to fart - you're a bad person. If it's dark at night - it's because man made distribution of people on the planet is skewed so the rotation is out of order. If it's a tsunami somewhere on the planet - It's because of co2 density buildup in the acid oceans that's pushing water ashore. If someone doubt your information - Attack If you're an mathematician and realizes it would take an 80% income tax level worldwide, and a complete consumption stop, to even scratch the surface of goals set for 2040 - You're a person that should be stoned to death as a heretic. This cult is no different from the y2k freaks who believed the world would explode. Or the 2012 Mayan doomsday preppers. Get over yourself.
I'm sorry global warming had such a profound effect on your personal well being ...the real and true enemy to the climate is not really the developed world as we know it, or as you perceive it.. but rather the explosion of populations in the un developed world...the energy needs , as well as the agri needs of these people are pushing the need for land well beyond what the planet can sustain.. hence the amazon , it's not just cattle farms, they are exporting food to hungry asian, and african markets.. the politics are tribal in these places, so enlarging the tribe is a wealth and power retention method.. there is a vested interest to maintain a's the elephant in the room nobody talks about, perhaps Ella, you could change your tack, and go to these places , and raise awareness of what effect they are having on the planet.. as collectively, they're carbon footprint dwarfs yours by a long shot.. if the climate emergency is to be addressed, population is where we must start..too many people on the planet expecting too high a standard of living.. mother nature will eventually wipe out a good portion of the population either through famine , flooding, or plague... population control is where as humans we have to start.. over population is throwing the ecosystem out of balance..
You really don't understand what you're talking about or you're intentionally pushing a completely false narrative. You really don't understand demographics or what is driving climate change.
Poor Ella, she let propaganda effect her judgement and she wound up feeling guilty about something that isn't going to happen. In a few years when she realizes that her worries were imaginary she will probably pull into a cocoon and become introverted. I chose to comment on Ella's talk because it is one of the most recent TEDx talks that covers global warming but TEDx sure has had a lot of talks on the subject but most precede Ella's. Who is responsible for the propaganda of global warming? The UN, globalists like the Club of Rome and people like Al Gore who has managed to increase his net worth 10,000% exploiting this theme. The truth is that the sun is the driving force controlling global temperature and it has just started a solar minimum which the planet has not seen for the past 200 years. The planet is going to get cooler and that is more serious than any predicted heating. The planet has about 8 billion people and it relies on the food that this warm climate has produced. What is going to happen when the temperature drops? I don't don't know who funds TEDx but I suspect it is globalists.
Perhaps it would do you well to understand that you have bought in to the wrong media. Who would you rather trust? Scientists or perhaps right handed deniers? It is entirely possible for either of us to buy in to the wrong news sources. At the end of the day if she is correct we may have renewable energy, less chemicals within the atmosphere and a brighter future for future generations. Say we drop political inclinations from the argument completely. There are clear signs (globally) that climate change is undoubtedly happening around the Earth we are quite aware that excessive amounts of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and methane are unhealthy and even deadly. Maybe its time you wake up accept it and do something about it. Ignorance is bliss I suppose. Thanks for all of your help.
Donald Kade Bissel, I can't help but ask when you said ; "Maybe its time to you wake accept it and do something about it. Ignorance is a bliss". My question is: WHAT do YOU propose out of...YOUR IGNORANCE? And...let's take this a little further (if you don't mind) in a simple wy: 1. According to scientist studying volcanoes, there are many active volcano's around our Earth which are ready to erupt anytime (just not sure when) and, have nothing to do with climate change. 2. Asteroid collision with Earth that will happen (according to scientists) just not sure when. So you see? The "ignorance" is only the one when humans think they're above all. If you can be honest within yourself, you'll realize that we, "humans" don't contribute anything at all to our planet Earth unless our actions benefit us emotionally or financilally. Don't feel bad (I AM not ATTACKING YOU!) .I take all "luxuries" I can even if I don't want to because I don't have a choice. Take care :-)
+ Me me The problem is not Climate CHANGE, or change in general: the problem is that it happens in 100 or 200 years (insane speed) - as opposed to "quickly in geological terms" = 10,000 or 100,000 years. Change in 100 - 200 years is what we have unleashed NOW. (as opposed to theoretical volcanoe and asteroide events which we do not TRIGGER).
+ Me me Asteroides: eventually one will hit the earth (if humans do not prevent this) - but that might take millions and millions of years. - W e could install a sophisticated space monitoring program in order to PROTECT the globe from such impacts. We do not want a repetition of what happened 65 million years ago. We would need to let go of the nonsense of war, and interntional hostilities. btw: 15 minutes difference and the very fast asteroide of the size of a mountain would have missed the globe. >Imagine a civilization that is able to target a huge asteroide and break it up before impact or that can give it a little nudge so that it changes course (YEARS before it even comes close to the planet) - that would be all that is needed. Plus of course detecting the damn things soon enough. I am not a "technology will save us for sure" disciple - but in that case technology really could save us. Global climate change could be the test case for mutually beneficial peaceful international cooperation. THEN we can go and allocate resources and cooperate internationally regarding the ASTEROIDE problem. (And let's not forget about desalination of water - if we solve THAT if would be game changer as well). Luckily such catastrohpic asteroide impacts are extremely RARE (every 100 million year or so). So I do not worry about them. Global warming is going to hit the next generation of humans. The question is only: How hard ? Doing intense climate research NOW will also provide helpful insights to navigate the effects of future volcanoe eruptions. There were major volcanoe erruptions in the 19th centry , and summers that were so cold that crops were impacted on a global scale (? 1883 and following, "the summer that wasn't"). Mankind can navigate such events with having food stores and a "stiff upper lip". for a year or two. If we all have at least a solid / modest middle class standard of living we can afford to pay more for food for 1 or 2 years, and to deal with rationing. They dealt with it during WW2. And after that allocate some resources to struggling farmers and to see what we can do for plant and wildlife if it was imapcted (conservationa and breeding programs for instance). Technology makes us so productive and so powerful that we can insulate ourselves from many catastrophic events AND we can also impact our enviroment in a benficial manner (being stewards who UNDERSTAND ecosystems, instead of exploiting nature) There were climate changes because volcanoes erupted over the time of 100,000 years !!! (in what is India today, an area like Texas was covered 2000 m (or miles ?) high with the lava - of course there were ALSO a lot of gases so that changed the climate). Well, if that happens again mankind will have to adapt - 100,000 year is PLENTY OF TIME to adapt. First thing: move away. 2nd thing: take care of irrigation and food production 3) carry on. We CAN control our population growth now. We CAN live even in arid or cold or hot areas and grow food there and cool or heat our buildings to have pleasant conditions (we just have to take care of water and that IS POSSIBLE). We could even live ON the ocean. We can build to withstand major storms and torrential rainfall and manage the emergencies. We CAN move inwards from the coast . Many of the larges cities of the world will be impacted by rising sea levels.
I hope little by little we all can make a change by replacing our toxic habits and realising what's truly important. Amazing video.
This was such a good Ted talk - I can´t believe it hasn´t more views. We are facing a crisis, and we need to change systems. Part of that transition definetely needs to happen in finance and what we are investing in.
If we fail to maintain investment in reliable energy and squander our resources on unreliable "green" energy we will increasingly be freezing in the dark. That's a realistic basis for gloom.
Shed head snow flake .. do your research and stop watching the main stream media ffs
@@ddwieland "If we fail to maintain investment in reliable energy and squander our resources on unreliable "green" energy we will increasingly be freezing in the dark. That's a realistic basis for gloom." If we continue burning fossil fuels, the consequences will be increasingly catastrophic, so we must transition off of it as fast as possible while keeping the lights on. We already have the technology we need to keep the lights on with a combination of solar, wind, geothermal, heat pumps, hydro, storage, and conservation.
@@HealingLifeKwikly You've been convinced to believe that the energy source that has enabled the most remarkable human progress in history and is fostering increased greening of the planet is a dire threat. I thought there was something to the concern about CO2 until I bothered to investigate the claims. Climatism is a damaging religion.
@@ddwieland "You've been convinced to believe that the energy source that has enabled the most remarkable human progress in history ..." That's true, but MANY things that provide short term benefits backfire spectacularly in the long run, and the whole time we were making all that progress for our own living standards, we were simultaneously destroying the web of life that makes our lives and civilization possible. Yeah, in my 20s, I made incredible "progress" in my living standards by charging things to a high interest credit card, but eventually the bill comes due, and you are forever poorer for it. Humans and the Earth will forever be poorer because we turned to fossil fuels and burned so much of them. Powerful? Sure, but incredibly destructive too. Take care.
The fact that its 2021 and still not many people try to do something and some don’t even care about climate change breaks my heart
same here. I am sitting here in Seattle where we are having an unprecedented heatwave.
me too it's depressing
I care. I am passionate about this topic and think about it everyday I constantly think of ways to make a change.
This is so sad, not that there's a climate crisis but that so many educated people are gullible to the doomsters. The real crisis is in the discouragement of critical thinking and scientific data. Doubly sad is that many scientists have allowed themselves to provide at least tacit support to misinformation.
@@amykastelin7381 So Seattle temperatures keep rising? Have you checked the recorded temperatures over the past century? We're told lots of things, some of which are true and others are imagined but apparently indisputable. I wish more people would insist on big picture reality instead of believing the view through a little lens is the whole.
Magnificent idea. You need to be nominated for the Humanistic Award Price.
This should be spread throughout the rich countries .
LOve you for what you are doing! Divestment is a great isea and pragmatic tool. Thanks for sharing it in the interest of Mother Earth safety!
I can’t believe there is only 41k views on this
Maybe the video was posted only a short while ago.
@@amywalker7515 yeah only 4 and a half years ago
If I divest, this does not lead to capital shortage for a company, as long as someone else invests. You have to organise a complete boycott of credit.
This video should have reached a million views as well as likes!
WE need to make this happen
one person can do this: every monday morning send an email to your mp or congress representative, saying "i won't vote for you until your party publishes a radical program for climate recovery." tell all your contacts to do the same. if humanity is to survive, we must all stand up and demand action.
@stapme Yes, the sun is important but it is not the driver of current temperature increase.
Yeah bring socialism!!
karl Jönsson and ask the lower income Venezuelan how that dog meat tastes.
@@Krusty-kl5ej Taste like hot dogs
@@karljonsson5577 The G-7 are all social-democracies, including the USA, ( interstate highways, the main electrical grid, hospitals, public education, and corporate bail-outs were all social policies paid for by the public)
Quit eating meat. And if you eat meat: eat less and buy organic. It also helps to cut down on dairy products. Buy organic food. Cotton is one of the most important crops worldwide. Stop buying "fast" fashion - made of cotton and otherwise. Buy less garments and buy organic and sustainably produced. Avoid flying. Join car sharing to drive to work. Consider living in a smaller house or appartment. We need a lot of energy for heating, and then there is the grey energy of building the houses AND the infrastructure.
So the individual family home IS very energy consuming.
it's more important to get a lot of people to reduce their meat intake (even just by a little) rather than getting only a few people to go vegan. So: Please, just eat less meat (for now)!
if a person were to cut out all red meat from their diet, it'd have the same effect on their carbon footprint as not using fossil fuels for that year. Chicken is better for you anyway!!
If I choose to act on fighting fossil fuels, I would (acting on consumption cause):
1. Invest in LED bulbs in my house, office, kindergarden, schools, municipalities,
2. Use less hot water and show others how to do this
3. Stop using flights and agitate for teleconferences or "hololens" type interactions,
4. Stop buying non-local products and campaign for other people to do the same
5. Stop using transport/vehicles, that depend on fossil fuel and educate others to do the same
6. Buy electricity from renewable sources and hint my friends to do so
7. Stop using products from "China" - produced in other side of the Earth or Moon,
There are so many things to do right now to contribute to co2 reduction as compared to simply declare your support and let the others do your bidding...
Fossil fuel consumption from all sources such as cars, trucks, buses, ships and planes etc causes 12% of the global greenhouse gasses. The main contributor is power generation (yeah, we burn lot of coal) and the next major source is animal agriculture (18%.... really!! more than cars .....). Be vegan its easy and healthy, everyone can do it. Every vegan is 2.5 times greener, less polluting compared to their omnivore counterparts.
According to Oxford university study (that involved 40,000 farms in 119 countries) avoiding meat and dairy is the biggest single way to reduce and individuals climate impact. Animal agriculture is devastating the world beyond just CO2 which is bad but also leading cause of methane emissions, deforestation, ocean deadzones, species extinction, ocean plastic pollution, water use etc. etc. Why is veganism always excluded on people’s lists ? You aren’t living in a jungle, there’s no excuse to not be vegan if you get your food from a supermarket- it’s a moral obligation. We grow enough crops to feed humans in countries where people are starving to death but we send the grains to feed captive animals. I don’t know why veganism is so hard.
Individual action is almost meaningless. Vote for representatives who have a clean energy policy. Only when we start taking action at the national and global level to shut down polluting energy production will we be able to bring down our carbon emissions.
Giles Mitchell thank you for putting this out there, people are scared to tell people that giving up meat might save the planet, I’m grateful you had the courage.
Precipice Head We are nearly 9 billion individuals on this planet. Individual action includes voting with awareness along with reducing your carbon footprint.
So important talk, it opened my eyes!!
thank you so much. Knowing and learning by you.
Thank you for this Ted Talk. Recently started investing in my Roth IRA and was informed that a lot of companies are fueling fossil fuel companies. Now I try my best to research companies that have no to very little funding in these companies. I think a lot more should know they can help with climate change by how and where they invest. Also, changing banks is a huge step.
That's a very brave talk she just gave. What a hero!
Great talk and no listeners, we can imagine how serious we are. Dangerous.
Thank you for your inspiring talk. As record temperatures are scorching Europe this summer, action is needed more than ever.
Precipice Head and as we freeze our nuts off in our usual Manitoba winter,why would we be worried about a hot weather period somewhere else?
In the beginning i thought the cliff is a mere type as usual. But upon listening, I felt i would have lose much had i snubbed it. Its inspiring and I think i can spare my time to join the 350 org in Nigeria if its arm is extended in developing countries.
Just stay home, learn to enjoy the beauty of everything around you and care for it. Want not waste not.
Tip: Watch at 1.5 speed; she talks super slow
1.25 is perfect
Amazing and true
I love you for that advice
She is a great communicator and speaks just at the right pace. Probably you don't know about it, but there's a huge difference in the level of comprehension of what a person says if the person knows how to let it sink, not just to rush through it, but to really understand. By the way, she doesn't even talk slow lmao.
We speak very quickly here is Ireland, so great tip Aviation E thanks . I changed the setting to 1.5 and its perfect speed as she is very annoying at normal speed. Some brains think and speak more quickly then others.(no judgement). I would have just exited and not listened to her at ll if I had not seen your comment first.
What you can do to fight climate change and conservation of ecosystem of planet:
1. Refuse, reduce, repair, refurbish or recycle
2. Reduce & conserve energy by Investing in LED bulbs in my house, office, kindergarten, schools, municipalities, Buy energy efficient goods and machinery. Adopt Goods Manufacturing Practices.
2. Save water indoors and outdoors Adopt low flow faucets in toilets. Use Water harvesting and recycling methods. Use good farming and management and irrigation practices
3. Stop using flights and agitate for teleconferences or "hololens" type interactions,
4. Think global, Act local, buy local products, goods and services as far as feasible and campaign for other people to do the same. Adopt small, local, decentralized, need based, resources oriented economy
5. Stop using transport/vehicles that depend on fossil fuel and educate others to do the same. Start using public transport, sharing transport or car pools instead of individual vehicle
6. Use renewable sources of energy, Generate electrical energy form clean coal technology, bio-fuel, Energy form solar, wind, tidal wave, biodiesel, geothermal, nuclear
7. Stop using products from "China" - produced in other side of the Earth or Moon, ...
8. Reduce your food and water eco-footprint
9. Go vegan diet as far as possible
10. Protect & conserve trees, forest, mangroves, oceans, water bodies, bio diversity, soil, air, energy,
11 Save paper, Use products with low ecofootprints i.e. products marked with EcoGreen footprint labels
12. Support biodivrerse natural or organic farming to mono culture industrial farming practices. Discourage factory processed or produces foods, Support family farmers by purchasing form farmers market instead of buying form malls. Prefer freshly prepared or cooked foods to packaged and processed foods in factories or central kitchens
Really? LED lights and reusing stuff is going to solve this massive pollution problem? I don't think so. Individual action is almost meaningless. Vote for representatives who have a clean energy policy. Only when we start taking action at the national and global level to shut down polluting energy production will we be able to bring down our carbon emissions.
@@PrecipiceHead For me, politics has no credibility. It is the personal attitude that has the solution, I think.
Thanks a lot sir..
Janak Shah Thank you so much for taking the time to do this!!
Everyone keeps forgetting that the simplest and most far-reaching way to reduce one’s carbon footprint is to not procreate. Nothing else can begin to compare. A giant personal footprint of someone with no kids is ultimately far less impactful (less damaging) than the footprint of someone who does all the speaker suggests, and more, to reduce their footprint yet has a few kids, who have a few kids, who have a few kids, who have a few kids, add infinitum. If the goal is to preserve life on earth as we’ve known it, the most impactful thing that can possibly be done is to curtail the relentless growth of the human population.
This comment deserves so many more likes
Where do you get your resources from?
When scientists talk about the overpopulation problem, they do not mean quantity as in "too many people"; they mean quality as in "stop consuming so damn much".
Research has shown that if everyone lived like royal consumers such as e.g. Europeans, we would need 2.5 more planet Earths.
And for the record, nearly all our Western consumerist lifestyles are based on exploitation of developing countries and a massive involvement in the climate crisis.
There is only one real solution: stop fossil fuels IMMEDIATELY.
Jovonna Hey! We’re going to need people to populate Mars and beyond. No need to cut the population. Aside from that nature tends to create population decreases as needed.
Am really thrilled with this presentation!
Thanks for sharing the information. Good Initiative
This is extremely good!
Firstly, as an American and to whom it may concern, thanks for the Hamburg-er (although lately I've learned eating them might not be great for the planet)...
Secondly, I want anyone reading this to remember that we still have the opportunity to prevent the worst of climate catastrophe if we, as a society, act in time, and to make life better for many people in the process. In the USA, where our per-capita emissions are among the highest in the world, even if it's hard and impractical to live a zero-emissions lifestyle, you can get involved in several different organizations, with political flavors to choose from.
Citizens' Climate Lobby (personal favorite)
Extinction Rebellion
Sunrise Movement
American Conservation Coalition
Climate Leadership Council
and literally dozens more, which you might find just by Googling "American climate organizations"
Also, check out the Podcasts "How to Save a Planet", "No Place Like Home", "A Matter of Degrees", "Outside/In" and more available on Spotify, if this is really your beat!
We can do this! We must.
Thanks for sharing your ideas with us. Keep up the good work!!
Well done. Thank you from a Canadian.
Canadian: a courageous admission, given Canada's record on the environment
These words are gold.
Congrats, Ella.
@stapme I think someone else might be clueless ...
What a sensitive good woman. The world tends to crush people like her.
Going vegan is the biggest thing we can do and it's so simple !
Yeah, only it sucks to eat nothing but vegetables.
Sad to come back to this and realize not much has changed since '16
wow thats amazing. when im back at work im gonna find out where our Betriebsrente puts its money in
"When the divestment movement began, I knew that Apartheid had to end." -South African President de Klerk. Too bad he didn't think that Apartheid had to end for ethical reasons! Good job Ella. I'll try to get the Royal Bank of Canada to stop funding the Dakota Access Pipeline...we'll see... : - )
Less kids
Less shopping
Less travelling
Less waste.
Not "less kids", but better kids :-)
If your kid is planting trees, engaging for reforestation, for restoration of wet zones like moors (marshes), for transforming the industry to fossil free, for complete compensation of the personal CO2 (i.e. helping to transform to fossil free in the third world) etc. - then one more kid like this will reduce CO2, not increase.
@@pensulo Better than all of these issues is to talk about the climate crisis with your loved ones, all the time.
5 years later, Germany gets flooded and south Europe burns…. This video should get more views
Four years since this show, almost nothing done to tackle climate change. Guy Mc Pherson with "only love remains" got it right we are gooners.
Well said Ella. The only thing I ask is that you take a close, objective look at carbon free nuclear power as part of the solution. You mentioned renewables but nuclear power, particularly the new generation IV designs, can not only provide electrical power but also artificial fuels, desalinization, processing heat, and fertilizers for crop production. It is available 24/7 and minimizes our impact on the natural environment.
Martin, Nuclear is great! However instead of putting a possibly unmanageable gas into the atmosphere like out current method of energy generation you are creating a waste that is not manageable in fact there is not currently a way to dispose of nuclear waste. Nuclear energy is based on an elements that are also finite so really Nuclear is a band aid that will rip off an unhealed wound that probably won't heal until we manage our energy and develop a way to generate energy that has no toxic by products.
One of the ways we can be part in slowing down climate change is when we stop our behavior of IMPULSIVE SHOPPING (Shopping for greed and not the need). It takes 2700 litres of water to manufacture a T-Shirt. Hold the fashion industry accountable, STOP THE GREED, STOP IMPRESSING PEOPLE AROUND YOU WITH IMPULVE & IRRESPONSIBLE SHOPPING.
It's great idea
My question would be: what would be the next step? If fuel companies all die what's the alternative of producing, transfering, travelling, heating, cooling, building... in the world? How we can use their money to change the world? I mean this presentation seems too simple and too nice to me. I would love this solution if I could see what happens next?
1. We should lower the speed limit on freeways to 55 mph or slower. That would reduce emissions by a massive amount immediately.
2. Replace car travel with bus, subway and bike systems. In many parts of the country there is no mass transit at all. You can't exist without a car now.
3. Get a hybrid electric or electric car if you have to drive.
4. Get some sweaters and lower your thermostats in the wintertime.
5. Open your windows at night in the summer and close them when you get up rather than running the air conditioner.
6. If you live a long distance from work, consider moving closer.
7. Plant lots and lots of trees. They say that bamboo makes the most 02 and takes up the most CO2, can be used for food and construction materials and merely grows back when cut down. Think about growing fruit or nut trees. We might have food shortages. The extra fruit could come in handy.
8. Live in a well insulated small house rather than a sprawling big one.
9. Get solar panels and lithium batteries to run your appliances.
10. Stop using plastic bags and single serve beverage containers.
You're forgetting a really important one: go vegan :)
@@miriamvoortman9654 Being strictly vegan is a tough act to pull off, especially as our food supply diminishes. How about replacing beef with lamb as a protein source as sheep fart less than cows?
@@amywalker7515 If more people were vegan we wouldn't have to feed so much grain to cattle and we could use that food for human consumption.
Refrigeration, population, deforestation, electricity production, food consumption. Improving these issues will go a long way to solve the climate crisis.
Something I find funny whilst watching climate change TEDx speeches, if I was one of these speakers, I would request for all unnecessary stage lighting to be turned off
James R If it’s solar run then what’s the issue?
Divestment mainly targets private oil companies, wouldn't this cause them to cede their market share to national oil companies which are far more polluting, thus increasing their carbon footprint even more? Surely stopping fossil fuel subsidies and heavily taxing carbon would be a better alternative as it could generate enough funds to scale-up renewables and encourage energy storage.
Her premise of "divesting" in companies that produce fuel/energy will reduce use is ridiculous! Demand drives production, not public ownership of shares in companies. 7.5 billion people want cheap, easily usable forms of energy. Wind and solar are NOT the answer due to high cost per KW and high negative impact on the environment. Nuclear can replace most coal fired electrical generation but hydrocarbon fuels are almost impossible to replace for most transportation needs. -"Scalar" energy technology is the answer to all!
She gives the example of S Africa, and as a S African, I can tell you that it is a good strategy (along with many other measures already mentioned in the comments). You are incorrect on the costs of solar and wind - radical reductions in costs over the last few years, now on par with coal and this is not event counting the social, health and environmental costs of fossil fuels that we all pay.
Sadly people are only interested in Entertainment channels and not these kinds of videos. I wish people become more aware!!
And so we hear from a woman that lives in a country that is projected to manufacture over 6 million automobiles this year. Will you be divesting from Audi, BMW, and Daimler-Benz and throwing half the country out of work?
The automobile manufacturers are rapidly innovating electric vehicles, thanks to Tesla's remarkable disruption of an industry that has changed little in 100 years. So don't worry, it is likely that your German car industry will be ok, if they innovate fast enough. Cars running on petroleum will quickly disappear. I'm sure no one wants to be the Blackberry of the car industry.
@stapme Not if clean energy is used, and the only thing stopping that is government inaction
@@PrecipiceHead So you think you can run aluminium smelters with wind power? This woman's country is now sliding into recession due in great part to high energy prices linked to renewables. All heavy industry will increasingly leave Germany to set up in countries where electricity is still affordable, countries where environmental laws are often lax. On top of that they have shut down nuclear in favor of coal and co2 emissions have gone up. She wants her pension to be clean? She'll be lucky to have a pension at all. The fossil fuel industry invests heavily in renewables and research into renewables. I thought Germans were more intelligent than that.
Precipice Head I agree. Tesla is boing to make the difference. Elon is determined and is putting his money where his mouth is!
"The planet will be boiled..." Hmmm (9:30 - 9:46).
Wow lots of "experts" on this thread..
Yeah right...? :/
Thanks so much for sharing your strategy. Please let me know how to contact you.
Ted talk should either have its own channel on mainstream TV or put on TV at prime times because these views are disappearing!
That's an amazing idea, I wish they had a channel
she's talking about global warming. Change the title, it's misleading.
Using cruise control during urban driving whenever possible, reducing and increasing speed using the cruise control helps my hybrid to get 40 to 50 MPG. On freeways, setting the cruise to 65 increases MPG because above 65 the wind resistance increases exponentially. A depressing development from the Oval Office crime family was overturning 58 MPG in new cars, already put into law by the reality-focused Obama. Ms. Laga's comments are accurate and worth considering.
Ban pesticide spraying worldwide !
Great talk. About electric cars, they are better than ICE cars even in the worst grid. But you still want your electricity to come from a renewable source.
The Norwegian souvereign fund is still heavily invested in oil and gas. The climate gas released through that ownership is larger than domestic release in Norway. So you can take that fund out of your list.
And what if someone explains to you that CO2 is NOT the reason of global warming... Instead of adapting to global warming, we will spend our time and our money to eliminate fossil fuels, thus making our economy uncompetitive...:(
See roger Hallam on how to quickly! initiate divestment through Civil disobedience.
Weather Modification History
Promising title. Poor content.
If all you do is send emails to companies, you're not making yourself truly responsible.
If the rest of the solar system is warming at the same pace as the earth then would it not be reasonable to assume that carbon dioxide is an effect of the warming and not that the warming is an effect of carbon dioxide.
There are 100 ways to skin a cat. And what's about an imminent small ice age. It could also happen.
Nope. Temperatures will rise globally for the centuries to come. There will be no cooling, no matter what we do. At this point we can only slow things down. there is a point of no return and we must not reach it. and hope that one day we'll be able to capture carbon from the atmosphere.
Germany said 'Nien Danke' to nuclear, so their electricity is wedded to coal, or iportaing from 40% nuclear France
I cooperate. In 1 yr energy conservation and minimizing co2 emission, it is a big help even though im the only one or we are the only one doing it.
People are interested in making money. This greed will destroy all civilisations and likely make humans extinct, slowly and painfully... We richly deserve the coming misery.
Although the global warming problem seems impossible for any of us to do anything, there is something practical that all of us can do. Our addiction to beef is contributing even more than fossil fuels. How is this? To begin with: we have 19 Billion cows on the planet today. Its not only their methane exhalations, they also use the majority of farmland for grazing or feed production. And as for water! don't get me started... The Amazon has been a real victim of this. If we simply give up meat and dairy, we can have a direct impact on the climate emergency, one by one as we persuade our friends and relatives....
"Although the global warming problem seems impossible for any of us to do anything" I'm not sure why you say that: There are hundreds of things we can do about it. Drive less, fly less, spread the word about de-carbonizing, use less plastic, get a more energy-efficient car or EV, take the bus if you can, walk to the grocery store, turn the heat down in the winter, where available, get your electricity from renewables than replace your gas appliances with electric ones, vote only for candidates who are serious about the issue, lobby governments, put a bumper sticker on your car, push the message we need to change.
This didn’t age well. Now Germany is an energy crisis because they foolishly went green even though all the MATH said it wasn’t possible!
The Earth's climate has fluctuated to large and small degrees over time long before humans were here. These climate fluctuations will continue long after we are gone. It is interesting that people who opposed nuclear energy in the past now protest fossil fuels. Hey, we needed to build more coal and gas fired plants in order to meet the demand since nuclear plant construction halted. I agree less CO2 is a good thing. That is why I continue to support nuclear and renewables. The people that protested against nuclear are partially responsible for the increase in CO2 levels. the Same time we started burning Coal.... we proliferated Iron Plow Tillage.... agriculturally disrupting photo-synthetic carbon sequestration.... effectively Doubling the Damage.... we MIGHT be able to turn THAT around faster than anything else we can do.... EXPONENTIALLY increasing Soil Carbon Retention by adopting UBIQUITOUS no-till organic agricultural methods.... MANY beneficial 'side'-effects here... MO' Bettah Food/Mo' Bettah Money (at the GROUND-level.... where LongGreenMoney makes Mo' Bettah Benefits) & LESS money for the Manufacturers of Agri-Toxins.... where it does little but make Profit$forPoi$on.... and THERE's your trouble.... NOW we know why it's so hard to even TALK about making beneficial changes much less understanding the root Need for so doing.... even WITHOUT climate crisis.... these agri-poisons cause Air/Water/Food AND Health Pollution.... so if you should find yourselves mentally incapable of grasping a Wider Scope for this Impending Horror... understand clearly NOW.... that carcinogenic agri-chemical residues are CURRENTLY doing to your body & being what the manufacturers of those chemicals are doing to all Life in and ON Earth. It is Time to Change....
It's truly sad that such an intelligent person has chosen belief in climate crisis over a serious review of the observational data. In our time, with unprecedented ability to protect ourselves from the everlasting hazards posed by nature and with lengthening lifespans, most of the well-educated have unquestioningly fallen for lies and failed to search for truth. With such a gloomy perspective, it's no wonder that she almost cried.
...and she's covered in makeup.
Women will never give up their makeup. Cosmetics is one of the most CO2-intensive industries in the world; both the chemical products and the blatant over-packaging. Such hypocrisy.
My good brother. You are sitting there just commenting while she is speaking to thousands and fighting for the good of earth, for me and you to live in a better place.
@@rohanshibu6240 I fight for the good of earth every day, way better than her. I am not your brother.
@@NoTaboos Ok I'm glad you are 😊
rohan shibu Ot seems to me she has a higher priority than the cause she states.
That cause seems to be attracting any attention towards mutual attraction.
And that’s cool, just wished she were honest about it
If this guy were to watch this other UA-cam video 'New sun-driven cooling period of Earth ‘not far off’ it totally debunks the tax raising CO2 argument WE'VE BEEN HAD FOLKS
People like eating steak and driving cars, you can't stop that like you can apartheid!
So whats your email? Contact?
I hope Americans won't vote for Donald Trump until he educate himself about global warming....
It's climate change, not global warming. Stopped watching right there. And to think this is a TED talk.
Nuclear is the future! Or atleast a big part of it
Pay lots of taxes?
Who is here after amazon forest fire
This is pitiful. Global warming paused at 1.1°C in 1991 and has not gone higher by 2023. Earth's greenhouse effect is held in high saturation by the strong greenhouse gas water vapor to add 10°F (5.55°) to earth's average temperature and would be the same if water vapor were the only greenhouse gas in the atmosphere or the noncondensing greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and methane, were increased many times from their current atmospheric concentrations. All the far-inferred electromagnetic radiation from earth's surface, that is the energy in earth's greenhouse effect, that can loosely interact with the lumpy electrostatic fields of greenhouse gas molecules is considered to have been completely absorbed within 20 meters of the surface.
The UN IPCC science reports when less than 200 pages long were clear and transparent provided you read the entire report they took their greenhouse gas samples at 20 THOUSAND meters altitude far into the stratosphere were water vapor is near zero. That discloser protects the authors from charges of criminal fraud from people that misuse the conclusions of these reports not realizing as any good high school science student would that at 20,000 meters altitude those gas samples are far away from where earth's greenhouse effect takes place within 20 meters of the surface from water vapor. This makes the UN IPCC a scam rather than fraud because reading what is typically called the fine print it reveals they are not dealing with active greenhouse gas behavior taking place in earth's greenhouse effect. The cause of global warming in 2023 is not known. It is unlikely to have emerged from changes in the well known and study characteristics of earth's atmosphere or from a great of studies that have been focus on changes to the earth's surface done in the early 2000s. For practical purposes global warming has been around 1°C for the last thirty years prior to 2023.
Quick IQ test...
Solve: 4, 5, 14, 185, ...
Whoa, did you see that?? She was sitting in a taxi, omg lets blame carbon dioxide.
Are you serious? Omg with the people like you, who expect people who actually do much more than you to be saints.
Learn to print WEGO bricks.
Here are some instructions on how to think.
If it's hot one day - It's Man made global warming.
If it's cold one day - It's climate change.
If it's juuuust right for you one day - You got to be aware, because it might be man made global standard.
If you can't predict the weather even 2 weeks ahead - It's just "how the weather works"
If you can't make any of 12 000 climate predictions for 15 years ahead to work -It's a "pause" in the man made global warming.
If it's the most snowfall in 50 years - It's because of something that has to do with... you guessed it - Man made global warming.
If you don't feel guilty about breathing out co2 or to fart - you're a bad person.
If it's dark at night - it's because man made distribution of people on the planet is skewed so the rotation is out of order.
If it's a tsunami somewhere on the planet - It's because of co2 density buildup in the acid oceans that's pushing water ashore.
If someone doubt your information - Attack
If you're an mathematician and realizes it would take an 80% income tax level worldwide, and a complete consumption stop, to even scratch the surface of goals set for 2040 - You're a person that should be stoned to death as a heretic.
This cult is no different from the y2k freaks who believed the world would explode. Or the 2012 Mayan doomsday preppers.
Get over yourself.
Best reply ever.
I see ... this happens when ppl don't understand science but think they're super smart
I'm sorry global warming had such a profound effect on your personal well being ...the real and true enemy to the climate is not really the developed world as we know it, or as you perceive it.. but rather the explosion of populations in the un developed world...the energy needs , as well as the agri needs of these people are pushing the need for land well beyond what the planet can sustain.. hence the amazon , it's not just cattle farms, they are exporting food to hungry asian, and african markets.. the politics are tribal in these places, so enlarging the tribe is a wealth and power retention method.. there is a vested interest to maintain a's the elephant in the room nobody talks about, perhaps Ella, you could change your tack, and go to these places , and raise awareness of what effect they are having on the planet.. as collectively, they're carbon footprint dwarfs yours by a long shot.. if the climate emergency is to be addressed, population is where we must start..too many people on the planet expecting too high a standard of living..
mother nature will eventually wipe out a good portion of the population either through famine , flooding, or plague... population control is where as humans we have to start.. over population is throwing the ecosystem out of balance..
You really don't understand what you're talking about or you're intentionally pushing a completely false narrative. You really don't understand demographics or what is driving climate change.
More mythology
Poor Ella, she let propaganda effect her judgement and she wound up feeling guilty about something that isn't going to happen. In a few years when she realizes that her worries were imaginary she will probably pull into a cocoon and become introverted. I chose to comment on Ella's talk because it is one of the most recent TEDx talks that covers global warming but TEDx sure has had a lot of talks on the subject but most precede Ella's. Who is responsible for the propaganda of global warming? The UN, globalists like the Club of Rome and people like Al Gore who has managed to increase his net worth 10,000% exploiting this theme. The truth is that the sun is the driving force controlling global temperature and it has just started a solar minimum which the planet has not seen for the past 200 years. The planet is going to get cooler and that is more serious than any predicted heating. The planet has about 8 billion people and it relies on the food that this warm climate has produced. What is going to happen when the temperature drops? I don't don't know who funds TEDx but I suspect it is globalists.
You tell truth Roy.
Perhaps it would do you well to understand that you have bought in to the wrong media. Who would you rather trust? Scientists or perhaps right handed deniers? It is entirely possible for either of us to buy in to the wrong news sources. At the end of the day if she is correct we may have renewable energy, less chemicals within the atmosphere and a brighter future for future generations. Say we drop political inclinations from the argument completely. There are clear signs (globally) that climate change is undoubtedly happening around the Earth we are quite aware that excessive amounts of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and methane are unhealthy and even deadly. Maybe its time you wake up accept it and do something about it. Ignorance is bliss I suppose. Thanks for all of your help.
Donald Kade Bissel, I can't help but ask when you said ; "Maybe its time to you wake accept it and do something about it. Ignorance is a bliss".
My question is:
WHAT do YOU propose out of...YOUR IGNORANCE?
And...let's take this a little further (if you don't mind) in a simple wy:
1. According to scientist studying volcanoes, there are many active volcano's around our Earth which are ready to erupt anytime (just not sure when) and, have nothing to do with climate change.
2. Asteroid collision with Earth that will happen (according to scientists) just not sure when.
So you see? The "ignorance" is only the one when humans think they're above all.
If you can be honest within yourself, you'll realize that we, "humans" don't contribute anything at all to our planet Earth unless our actions benefit us emotionally or financilally.
Don't feel bad (I AM not ATTACKING YOU!) .I take all "luxuries" I can even if I don't want to because I don't have a choice.
Take care :-)
+ Me me The problem is not Climate CHANGE, or change in general: the problem is that it happens in 100 or 200 years (insane speed) - as opposed to "quickly in geological terms" = 10,000 or 100,000 years. Change in 100 - 200 years is what we have unleashed NOW. (as opposed to theoretical volcanoe and asteroide events which we do not TRIGGER).
+ Me me Asteroides: eventually one will hit the earth (if humans do not prevent this) - but that might take millions and millions of years. - W e could install a sophisticated space monitoring program in order to PROTECT the globe from such impacts.
We do not want a repetition of what happened 65 million years ago.
We would need to let go of the nonsense of war, and interntional hostilities.
btw: 15 minutes difference and the very fast asteroide of the size of a mountain would have missed the globe.
>Imagine a civilization that is able to target a huge asteroide and break it up before impact or that can give it a little nudge so that it changes course (YEARS before it even comes close to the planet) - that would be all that is needed.
Plus of course detecting the damn things soon enough.
I am not a "technology will save us for sure" disciple - but in that case technology really could save us.
Global climate change could be the test case for mutually beneficial peaceful international cooperation. THEN we can go and allocate resources and cooperate internationally regarding the ASTEROIDE problem. (And let's not forget about desalination of water - if we solve THAT if would be game changer as well).
Luckily such catastrohpic asteroide impacts are extremely RARE (every 100 million year or so). So I do not worry about them.
Global warming is going to hit the next generation of humans. The question is only: How hard ?
Doing intense climate research NOW will also provide helpful insights to navigate the effects of future volcanoe eruptions.
There were major volcanoe erruptions in the 19th centry , and summers that were so cold that crops were impacted on a global scale (? 1883 and following, "the summer that wasn't").
Mankind can navigate such events with having food stores and a "stiff upper lip". for a year or two. If we all have at least a solid / modest middle class standard of living we can afford to pay more for food for 1 or 2 years, and to deal with rationing. They dealt with it during WW2. And after that allocate some resources to struggling farmers and to see what we can do for plant and wildlife if it was imapcted (conservationa and breeding programs for instance).
Technology makes us so productive and so powerful that we can insulate ourselves from many catastrophic events AND we can also impact our enviroment in a benficial manner (being stewards who UNDERSTAND ecosystems, instead of exploiting nature)
There were climate changes because volcanoes erupted over the time of 100,000 years !!! (in what is India today, an area like Texas was covered 2000 m (or miles ?) high with the lava - of course there were ALSO a lot of gases so that changed the climate).
Well, if that happens again mankind will have to adapt - 100,000 year is PLENTY OF TIME to adapt. First thing: move away. 2nd thing: take care of irrigation and food production 3) carry on.
We CAN control our population growth now.
We CAN live even in arid or cold or hot areas and grow food there and cool or heat our buildings to have pleasant conditions (we just have to take care of water and that IS POSSIBLE). We could even live ON the ocean.
We can build to withstand major storms and torrential rainfall and manage the emergencies. We CAN move inwards from the coast . Many of the larges cities of the world will be impacted by rising sea levels.
This woman is badly in need of therapy. She is a nutcase.
Unintended consiquences. You ended apartide resulting in something worse for South Africa. Maybe it would be better if you left global warming alone?
What an idiotic and false logic.
Isn’t the technology she is using made from fossil fuels?
Wow really ?