Liberators or Occupiers?

  • Опубліковано 22 лис 2009
    Bulgaria and Russia are marching in one column under the banner of labour..." goes this song. The march was a favourite of the Soviet Army Group in Bulgaria.
    In September 1944 the Red Army crossed the Danube and entered Bulgaria.
    It ignored the announcement of the Bulgarian government that it was withdrawing unilaterally from the Axis, pulling its troops out of Greece and Yugoslavia, and then declared war on Germany, hoping to avoid a Soviet occupation.
    By the time the Red Army entered Sofia on 16th September 1944, the Bulgarian capital was already firmly in the hands of Communists militias. The army presence enabled the Bulgarian Communists to later seize power and establish a Communist state.
    One of the first tasks for Soviet Power in Bulgaria was to establish continuity between the XIX Century Russian presence in Bulgaria and its new rulers. The myth of the "Dual Liberators" was born.
    The new administration was equally harsh towards all within Bulgaria's borders. Thousands of "White Russians" lived in Bulgaria after the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution. Legally, they were not Soviet citizens, some of them had Bulgarian passports, others the so called "Nansen Passports" (as stateless people in need of protection), issued by the League of Nations.
    Similarly to the post-1945 practice across Eastern Europe, some of those Russians were taken to the Soviet Union, others to Bulgaria's Forced Labour Camps: first the Kutsiyan Mine near the town of Pernik, later to Bulgaria's largest "Gulag" on the Danubian island of Persin.


  • @BulgariaXXVek
    @BulgariaXXVek  14 років тому

    (1 year ago)

  • @BulgariaXXVek
    @BulgariaXXVek  14 років тому

    (7 months ago)
    tak vot kak vy k nam otnosites

  • @BulgariaXXVek
    @BulgariaXXVek  14 років тому +1

    (1 year ago)

  • @BulgariaXXVek
    @BulgariaXXVek  14 років тому

    (6 months ago)
    Запутывание России с Советским Союзом, "классовый подход", к лучшему пониманию Восточной Европы не приведёт.

  • @BulgariaXXVek
    @BulgariaXXVek  14 років тому

    (10 months ago)
    nikoga otnovo !

  • @BulgariaXXVek
    @BulgariaXXVek  14 років тому

    (1 year ago)
    This is the truth, all Bulgarians know that, OK!
    Russia is "The Empire of Evil" as The Communist Conqueror called the KGB State!

  • @BulgariaXXVek
    @BulgariaXXVek  14 років тому

    ...Similarly to the post-1945 practice across Eastern Europe, some of those Russians were taken to the Soviet Union, others to Bulgaria's Forced Labour Camps: first the Kutsiyan Mine near the town of Pernik, later to Bulgaria's largest "Gulag" on the Danubian island of Persin.

  • @BulgariaXXVek
    @BulgariaXXVek  14 років тому

    (6 months ago)
    Думаю, мой прапрадед зря проливал свою кровь в Болгарии. Не зря говорил Достоевский, что не будет у России, и никогда еще не было,
    таких ненавистников, завистников, клеветников и даже явных врагов,
    как все эти славянские племена, чуть только их Россия освободит.

  • @BulgariaXXVek
    @BulgariaXXVek  14 років тому

    (1 year ago)
    Rusians a worst ocupators of Bulgaria !

  • @pav400
    @pav400 14 років тому +1


  • @BulgariaXXVek
    @BulgariaXXVek  14 років тому

    не верь тем кто говорит, что русские для болгар оккупанты, в России тоже масса дерьмоедов, это же не значит, что русские думают так, как они в постах пишут

  • @BulgariaXXVek
    @BulgariaXXVek  14 років тому

    (2 months ago)
    In 1977-78 the Russian army was a liberator. In 1944 Red Army occupies. The Soviet Union declared war on Bulgaria, occupied, overthrew a sovereign Bulgarian government and put at the head of the Bulgarian state of their agents. Simple historical truth. The rest is stinking propaganda.

  • @BulgariaXXVek
    @BulgariaXXVek  14 років тому

    (1 year ago)
    The first time russians came to Bulgaria, they were liberators. Thanks God that they came.
    The second time they came as occupiers.

  • @BulgariaXXVek
    @BulgariaXXVek  14 років тому

    (1 month ago)
    daaaa vot eto da.ti prov sevas.
    well so we were occupators?well thx for ur good words.that should be a good lesson for us in the future

  • @BulgariaXXVek
    @BulgariaXXVek  14 років тому

    (4 weeks ago)
    Soviets were invaders in Bulgaria as well as in Baltic States. What kind of liberator is that who takes over the independent country using brute force and does terrible atrocities against the population? If Russians call those kind of actions a liberation...

  • @BulgariaXXVek
    @BulgariaXXVek  14 років тому

    (3 months ago)
    komunisti nesu rusi ja san iz zo slovakie a najviac zla nam spravili nasi vlastny komunisti ...a tak ako smo my trpeli pod komunistami tak rovnako rusi trpeli pod svojimi komustami ...aj rusi umierali v gulagoch ....ceskoslovensko neokupovali rusi ale komunisticke cervene svine ,,,,inak aj bulhari tu boli

  • @BulgariaXXVek
    @BulgariaXXVek  14 років тому

    NB ... Thousands of "White Russians" lived in Bulgaria after the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution. Legally, they were not Soviet citizens, some of them had Bulgarian passports, others the so called "Nansen Passports" (as stateless people in need of protection), issued by the League of Nations.