Maestro, lei rimarrà sempre una delle mie più grandi ispirazioni. Che la tua anima possa ancora gioire nella musica e con la musica. La tua musica vivrà in eterno. Grazie
Di Pollini me ne parlò il mio maestro Ernesto Esposito al Conservatorio di Milano, anche lui allievo di Carlo Vidusso e purtroppo scomparso. In questi bei anni di immersione nello studio del pianoforte , scopri con incanto la meraviglia di perfezione degli studi di Chopin, delle sonate di Beethoven. Non avevo mai ascoltato queste interviste di Pollini una persona alla fine semplice e gentile. Ne riconosco la serieta intellettuale, l'onesta e nello stesso tempo umiltà che si apprendeva nella scuola pianistica milanese. Ambiente assai diverso di quello sperimentato nei miei primi anni all"Ecole Normale Alfred Cortot di Parigi dove regnava un po piu di legereté quasi letteraria e preziosità parigina. Un ricordo commovente a Maurizio Pollini che ha accompagnato questi anni di giovinezza con le sue magnifiche interpretazioni di Bach, Chopin, Beethoven. Grazie maestro per aver reso questo mondo un pò piu bello!
For me personally, after decades of listening with devotion to Horowitz, Richter, Argerich, Perahia, and many others, I am so thankful for this, also my favorite pianists' filmmaker's account, of Maurizio Pollini, the ultimate master of the volcanic, big-picture performance.
Grazie per questo bellissimo documento su questo straordinario pianista, grande artisticamente, grande umanamente e dotato di una rara umiltà. Rimarrà sempre nei cuori di tutti coloro che amano la Grande Musica ❤
As with Busoni and Toscanini, we never turned to Pollini to be charmed, to be seduced , to be ravished. All three of those giants - spiritual descendants of the Italian Renaissance - sought and achieved clarity, reason, truth. Toscanini’s highest compliment was to say that a performance was “like reading the score.”Critics called that mechanical. For Toscanini it was reaching for the ideal. In their time everyone agreed that Busoni and Toscanini had immense personalities. In our more superficial time Pollini was called cold. There was nothing cold about the High Renaissance. And the Mannerist artists who followed - even the late Michelangelo of The Last Judgement - were not greater for their melodrama. Pollini at his best - and like all artists he was variable - did not perform. He revealed. I heard him live only once, in 1974. Along with Richter’s four years earlier, one of the greatest recitals of my life. Rest in peace.
A wonderful profile. In the 1980's I used to go hear him play every year at Carnegie Hall and Lincoln Center. It was the musical highlight of the year. What a gift he gave, and continues to give, all of us.
Décidément Bruno Monsaingeon a le génie pour nous faire mieux connaître tous ces grands interprëtes que nous aimons. Ses documentaires nous font découvrir beaucoup choses , d’histoires , de details mais au fond on y retrouve les traits de personnalité qu’on decèle quand on les écoutent jouer.. Pour arriver à ça il faut une grande sensibilité et un amour de la musique et des musiciens. Merci Bruno Monsaingeon.
I can't say enough how this documentary helped me understand what the pianist's life is like and the extent to which the musical scope of the pianist can expand. Thank you so much for sharing this.
Pollini est non seulement un IMMENSE pianiste, qui a apporté des heures et des heures d'émotion et de joie profonde, mais ce reportage confirme qu'il est en outre un homme très attachant, doté d'un charme fou, et d'une modestie presque inhumaine. Quel grand homme! Et quel scandale de voir que si peu d'Internautes ont regardé ce reportage..
What a wonderful portrait of an amazing man! I so enjoyed seeing how his personality melts into his playing. Intellectual, thoughtful but convicted, elegant, no cheap thrills...His restraint has never bothered me, as I can still hear his very deep emotions in his interpretations. Just a unique person and musician, that to me is a giant!
Many years ago I discovered this phenomenal pianist when I was comparing several recordings of the Chopin Scherzi, and his was the best! Then I learned that he ventured into some of the most difficult piano pieces with ease, clarity, and such beauty. Truly he is in a league with the very most gifted and accomplished pianists; Horowitz, Arrau, Hamelin, etc.
Ascoltare questi brani della sua vita mi ha emozionata molto. ascoltarlo mentre spiega e mette in atto la spiegazione è veramente un gran privilegio.come ripeto ,il suo ascolto m'emoziona.
Ho avuto l'occasione di sentirla suonare al San Carlo di Napoli. Ero in un palco e potevo vedere le sue mani. Lei continuerà ad accompagnarmi, per la gioia che mi ha dato allora e ogni volta che ascolto una sua esecuzione, finché avrò vita.
Mr. Maurizio Pollini : many many thanks! What a great film , to be advised for everyone to completely listen and view from beginning till the end ! Great musician , character and communicative professional , constantly adapting to never ending change in circumstances and requirements ❤️🥰👏👏👏
Had the pleasure of attending a performance by Maestro Pollini years ago at the RFH, London. Technique always in the service of the music and effortless interpretation. I still rate his Brahms 2 as the finest around and the yardstick for all others.
That he is one of the greats is indisputable; but what was so lovely to learn was what a charming, almost self-effacing, gentleman he is! Thank you for posting this video documentary. Brought back beautiful memories of his concerts I attended in London some years back.
At first I thought he has false modesty and by the end of the documentary I came to love his simplicity and the humane honesty he shines outwardly. Thanks for sharing as it enriched my life, this documentary.
😢😢😢 riposa in pace gigante buono 😢😢😢 condoglianze alla famiglia 😢😢😢il Re è morto, lunga vita al Re😢😢😢 spettacolare documentario, commovente...una ispirazione infinita per i giovani musicisti di oggi 🎉❤🎉
Спасибо Вам большое за возможность увидеть этот фильм. Ведь,он так необходим и нам живущим,и следующим поколениям,которые обязательно полюбят музыку в его исполнении,и это будет продолжением его жизни. ВЕЧНАЯ жизнь уготована тому,кто служил красоте и добру на нашей земле. 31.03.2024.
В 1978- м Поллини приезжал в Москву. Я слушал его сольный концерт в Большом зале конс ерватории. Среди прочего он играл 32 сонату Бетховена - очень свободно, феноменально технически и всячески подчеркивая, выявляя черточки будущего во второй части. Помню что после биса ("Порыв" Шумана) многие бросились в артистическую поблагодарить лично и взять автограф. Маурицио выглядел очень возбужденным, видно, что очень волновался, и не совсем довольным. Я тоже просочился в артистическую, пожал ему руку и сказал "Грацио ,Сеньоре". Но Многим музыкантам очень не понравилась, что он перед Беховеном играл Шенберга и вариации Веберна. Это сочли за эпатаж в стиле Гульда, тем более что в СССР никто никогда такого не делал. Но критики всё-же отдали должное уровню пианизма и великолепному таланту Поллини
Does he still play Bartok #2 he is advanced age playing it here . Amazing !!! and its memorized so difficult a work ? One of the few really big pianists to play living composers well they were alive when he played them dont know what he does now saw him more than 20 years ago 5 Beeth sonatas and op. 89 was the really exciting one comception and sound immediately grabbed you . His Beethoven !
general orchestral musicians have the score to look at, but how do Pollini and other pianist commit to memory their entire part? Its amazing. Watching opera too, those singers and that memory... it takes me months to remember my phone number.
J Barry. During an interview, and despite his modesty, Pollini agrees : indeed he has a phenomenal memory ! It’s the journalist who says the word « phenomenal » and Pollini simply answers « Yes ». And he adds : « It helped me a lot » !
Великолепная школа этого музыканта форма куда он вкладывает своё неформальное содержание , что соответствует замыслу Творца и композитора , которого он исполняет . Очень интересный разговор о балансе естественного , натурального и разумного - все это должно быть единым Целым . Браво , маэстро Поллини!
Maestro, hoy acaba de partir de este mundo. Pero su música estará presente para siempre en nuestra memoria. ¡Gracias!
Rest in peace to such a legendary pianist.
Maestro, lei rimarrà sempre una delle mie più grandi ispirazioni. Che la tua anima possa ancora gioire nella musica e con la musica.
La tua musica vivrà in eterno.
Di Pollini me ne parlò il mio maestro Ernesto Esposito al Conservatorio di Milano, anche lui allievo di Carlo Vidusso e purtroppo scomparso. In questi bei anni di immersione nello studio del pianoforte , scopri con incanto la meraviglia di perfezione degli studi di Chopin, delle sonate di Beethoven. Non avevo mai ascoltato queste interviste di Pollini una persona alla fine semplice e gentile. Ne riconosco la serieta intellettuale, l'onesta e nello stesso tempo umiltà che si apprendeva nella scuola pianistica milanese. Ambiente assai diverso di quello sperimentato nei miei primi anni all"Ecole Normale Alfred Cortot di Parigi dove regnava un po piu di legereté quasi letteraria e preziosità parigina. Un ricordo commovente a Maurizio Pollini che ha accompagnato questi anni di giovinezza con le sue magnifiche interpretazioni di Bach, Chopin, Beethoven. Grazie maestro per aver reso questo mondo un pò piu bello!
A wonderful documentary about this great pianist and musician. His integrity shines through, and there is a delightful ease and lightness as well.
What a guy. I have admired him for a long time. The more I learn, the more I respect him and his approach to music. RIP my friend
For me personally, after decades of listening with devotion to Horowitz, Richter, Argerich, Perahia, and many others, I am so thankful for this, also my favorite pianists' filmmaker's account, of Maurizio Pollini, the ultimate master of the volcanic, big-picture performance.
A wonderful way to describe Pollini’s unique gift as an interpreter.
Thank you, maestro, for all your dedication to music. Your music filled my life. Rest in peace.
Grazie per questo bellissimo documento su questo straordinario pianista, grande artisticamente, grande umanamente e dotato di una rara umiltà. Rimarrà sempre nei cuori di tutti coloro che amano la Grande Musica ❤
Everything he says, like everything he plays, expresses something very true. Such a unique gift...
As with Busoni and Toscanini, we never turned to Pollini to be charmed, to be seduced , to be ravished. All three of those giants - spiritual descendants of the Italian Renaissance - sought and achieved clarity, reason, truth. Toscanini’s highest compliment was to say that a performance was “like reading the score.”Critics called that mechanical. For Toscanini it was reaching for the ideal. In their time everyone agreed that Busoni and Toscanini had immense personalities. In our more superficial time Pollini was called cold. There was nothing cold about the High Renaissance. And the Mannerist artists who followed - even the late Michelangelo of The Last Judgement - were not greater for their melodrama. Pollini at his best - and like all artists he was variable - did not perform. He revealed. I heard him live only once, in 1974. Along with Richter’s four years earlier, one of the greatest recitals of my life. Rest in peace.
Bellísimo y necesario documental. GRACIAS maestro por su música.
Grazie maestro,per la sua cultura ,la sua sobrietà,la sua modestia umana e soprattutto per la sue interpretazioni.
One of the greatest masters of the piano! A beautiful human being and a profound Artist! 💚🤍❤️
Magnifique reportage émouvant merci bel hommage 🙏🏻
Amazing, thank you
An admirably humble man. Being confident of himself, he doesn't need to brag. His Beethoven concertos with Karl Boehm are my favorites.
Bellissimo filmato, bello sentire da lui stesso il racconto della sua vita e vedere e ascoltare molti video della sua giovinezza.
I absolutely love this man... a powerful & powerfully poignant pianist. ❤❤❤
A wonderful profile. In the 1980's I used to go hear him play every year at Carnegie Hall and Lincoln Center. It was the musical highlight of the year. What a gift he gave, and continues to give, all of us.
So, we were there ... together? Beautiful. Unforgettable nights.
Décidément Bruno Monsaingeon a le génie pour nous faire mieux connaître tous ces grands interprëtes que nous aimons.
Ses documentaires nous font découvrir beaucoup choses , d’histoires , de details mais au fond on y retrouve les traits de personnalité qu’on decèle quand on les écoutent jouer.. Pour arriver à ça il faut une grande sensibilité et un amour de la musique et des musiciens.
Merci Bruno Monsaingeon.
Maurizio Pollini e Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli: due grandissimi artisti.
One of the most interesting documentaries on classical music! One of the most interesting musicians!
Documentario straordinario su uno tra i più grandi pianisti e musicisti di tutti i tempi!!!
I can't say enough how this documentary helped me understand what the pianist's life is like and the extent to which the musical scope of the pianist can expand. Thank you so much for sharing this.
Pollini est non seulement un IMMENSE pianiste, qui a apporté des heures et des heures d'émotion et de joie profonde, mais ce reportage confirme qu'il est en outre un homme très attachant, doté d'un charme fou, et d'une modestie presque inhumaine. Quel grand homme! Et quel scandale de voir que si peu d'Internautes ont regardé ce reportage..
hadri011 commentaire très juste et pertinent ! Profitons nous qui savons...
totally agreed..
Well, 244.878 registrations is not bad for a classical musician.
Grazie di tutto Maestro Pollini❤️
Possa riposare in pace in eterno con la sua musica amen 🙏❤️🕊️🌹
Uno dei più grandi pianisti in assoluto! La mia passione per il pianoforte è dovuta molto anche a lui
What a wonderful portrait of an amazing man! I so enjoyed seeing how his personality melts into his playing. Intellectual, thoughtful but convicted, elegant, no cheap thrills...His restraint has never bothered me, as I can still hear his very deep emotions in his interpretations. Just a unique person and musician, that to me is a giant!
Pollini! Meister des Meisters! Bravo. Wunderbar!
Elegance, modesty, sophistication ... what a great, great man.
Thank you for posting this.
Many years ago I discovered this phenomenal pianist when I was comparing several recordings of the Chopin Scherzi, and his was the best! Then I learned that he ventured into some of the most difficult piano pieces with ease, clarity, and such beauty. Truly he is in a league with the very most gifted and accomplished pianists; Horowitz, Arrau, Hamelin, etc.
His Stravinsky PETRUSKA is the recording that made me listen to him. To say he is an intellect of the highest order is an understatement.
I started with his Scherzi too!
Un grand artiste. Et le plus merveilleux c'est qu'il joue encore aujourd'hui.
Oui enfin... Il joue, mais ce n'est pas comme antan. Loin de là...
Thanks for this. The best Player of Chopin I have ever experienced
Maestro Maurizio Pollini 🙏😩
Rip maestro ❤
Ascoltare questi brani della sua vita mi ha emozionata molto. ascoltarlo mentre spiega e mette in atto la spiegazione è veramente un gran privilegio.come ripeto ,il suo ascolto m'emoziona.
Ho avuto l'occasione di sentirla suonare al San Carlo di Napoli. Ero in un palco e potevo vedere le sue mani.
Lei continuerà ad accompagnarmi, per la gioia che mi ha dato allora e ogni volta che ascolto una sua esecuzione, finché avrò vita.
What a treasure this is! Thanks so much for sharing it.
Wonderful. I'm so glad this crossed my path today, and that I had (and took) the time to watch it.
Mr. Maurizio Pollini : many many thanks!
What a great film , to be advised for everyone to completely listen and view from beginning till the end ! Great musician , character and communicative professional , constantly adapting to never ending change in circumstances and requirements ❤️🥰👏👏👏
Had the pleasure of attending a performance by Maestro Pollini years ago at the RFH, London. Technique always in the service of the music and effortless interpretation. I still rate his Brahms 2 as the finest around and the yardstick for all others.
I love at 13:04 he pauses and bows and slowly shakes Rubenstein's hand with such a reverence. Class.
That he is one of the greats is indisputable; but what was so lovely to learn was what a charming, almost self-effacing, gentleman he is! Thank you for posting this video documentary. Brought back beautiful memories of his concerts I attended in London some years back.
Thank you so much for uploading this!
At first I thought he has false modesty and by the end of the documentary I came to love his simplicity and the humane honesty he shines outwardly. Thanks for sharing as it enriched my life, this documentary.
Thank you so much for posting this gem!
so true, I think it's on a DVD as well?
Great documentary. He really knows himself well, which I believe makes him an even greater musician.
Precious Documentary!
one of my favorite pianists... and... one of my favorite personalities... what a guy!
I like how in interviews he always calls our attention to modern master composers like Karlheinz Stockhausen, for example.
AUGURI di cuore❗🇮🇹 Maestro Pollini !!! Grazie infinite
So touching. Not only a genuis. He is a very smpathic person.
Grazie. È un documentario meraviglioso, che ho avuto molto piacere di vedere ed ascoltare.
Marvellous! Beautiful! It's indeed rare to learn something about this extraordinary gentle man.
Thank you so much.
c'est un vrai cadeau.Un pianiste modeste et un homme très humain!
I love Pollini so much, his playing sounds so cool, haven't heard anything like his playing
Excellent segment on an extraordinary man.
The greatest. Everything he touches turns into gold.
Oops! Just forwarded this video to you. . .I see you've already viewed it! Apt comment!
@Katarina Hernandez ?? In what way?
J'aime cet artiste...❤
Che grande uomo oltre un grande pianista
Thanks so much for posting this. I’ve always loved his playing, but I’ve learned a lot more about MP from this documentary.
I enjoyed this. I like him as a person. Enjoy his pianism, too, of course
yeah he is cool
😢😢😢 riposa in pace gigante buono 😢😢😢 condoglianze alla famiglia 😢😢😢il Re è morto, lunga vita al Re😢😢😢 spettacolare documentario, commovente...una ispirazione infinita per i giovani musicisti di oggi 🎉❤🎉
Un documental ilustrativo del gran hombre y del gran músico que es Pollini… Et un film de Bruno Monsaingeon exemplaire. Un vrai ravissement !
Wonderful, so enlightening. Thank you!
I geni dovrebbero essere immortali! ❤️
Documentario straordinario. Intravedere la personalità dell' uomo dà un significato vero alla percezione dell' artista
This is a glimpse of what Italy actually is. Not just pizza etc. Greetings from Italian-American Boston.
His chopin etudes are brilliant.
@@agamaz5650 no he didn't sorry
@@giuseppetarabella4018 rubinstein and rachmaninoff didnt make any bro
@@giuseppetarabella4018 what is the best version in your opinion?
Agamaz Pollini’s Ocean and double thirds are extremely good
@@agamaz5650 the best recording of the op.25 is the sokolov's one.
Un gran Maestro, cómo pocos han habido o habrán, un Grande. Gracias por Subir es grandioso documental. Gran Trabajo!!
Grazie. ❤
phenomenal! the best interpretation of Chopin's concerto 1 ever!!!!!!
Niente da dire…Il vero Maestro Italiano。
Che meravigliosa persona! Titani della musica.!
My favorite interpreter of the Moonlight Sonata...His playing has the most wonderful singing tone and phrasing throughout....extraordinary really.
Perfect directing. As pollini says the piano is a singing instrument, they cut to him using his side of the hand for clusters.
The segue into the end credits along with the final movement of Op. 90 was also well done.
What is the piece at 1:30?
Beethoven, sonata "Les Adieux".
Graham Jeacocke was thinking exactly the same, lol
Bellissimo documentario. Grazie
Спасибо Вам большое за возможность увидеть
этот фильм.
Ведь,он так необходим и нам
живущим,и следующим поколениям,которые
обязательно полюбят
музыку в его исполнении,и это будет продолжением его жизни.
ВЕЧНАЯ жизнь уготована тому,кто
служил красоте и добру на нашей земле.
Wonderful ly supportive that he still plays Stockhausen Stucke X!!!
Wow, this is great. "Obviously, I had some aptitude." Master of the obvious.
В 1978- м Поллини приезжал в Москву. Я слушал его сольный концерт в Большом зале конс ерватории. Среди прочего он играл 32 сонату Бетховена - очень свободно, феноменально технически и всячески подчеркивая, выявляя черточки будущего во второй части. Помню что после биса ("Порыв" Шумана) многие бросились в артистическую поблагодарить лично и взять автограф. Маурицио выглядел очень возбужденным, видно, что очень волновался, и не совсем довольным. Я тоже просочился в артистическую, пожал ему руку и сказал "Грацио ,Сеньоре". Но Многим музыкантам очень не понравилась, что он перед Беховеном играл Шенберга и вариации Веберна. Это сочли за эпатаж в стиле Гульда, тем более что в СССР никто никогда такого не делал. Но критики всё-же отдали должное уровню пианизма и великолепному таланту Поллини
Italy had and has many virtuosos.
45:16 Major lesson learned. Thank you Mr. Pollini
Does he still play Bartok #2 he is advanced age playing it here . Amazing !!! and its memorized so difficult a work ? One of the few really big pianists to play living composers well they were alive when he played them dont know what he does now saw him more than 20 years ago 5 Beeth sonatas and op. 89 was the really exciting one comception and sound immediately grabbed you . His Beethoven !
che artista straordinario....
A mensch. What an extraordinary pianist and human being!
a marvelous artist!
general orchestral musicians have the score to look at, but how do Pollini and other pianist commit to memory their entire part? Its amazing. Watching opera too, those singers and that memory... it takes me months to remember my phone number.
J Barry. During an interview, and despite his modesty, Pollini agrees : indeed he has a phenomenal memory ! It’s the journalist who says the word « phenomenal » and Pollini simply answers « Yes ». And he adds : « It helped me a lot » !
grande uomo. grazie di esistere, Maestro Pollini, Maurizio.
gran documental. !!!
If you are referring to the seconds 0,29 - 0,31, he was playing a famous Stockausen opus, and the "pounding" is exactly required by the score
Великолепная школа этого музыканта
форма куда он вкладывает своё неформальное содержание , что соответствует замыслу Творца и композитора , которого он исполняет .
Очень интересный разговор о балансе естественного , натурального и разумного - все это должно быть единым Целым .
Браво , маэстро Поллини!
@ 1:30 he has a book on Paul Klee. Klee.....
!mrdunn brucvald Klimt too
Merci à vous maestro
Maestro, rest in peace....🙏😩
Com de costum, molt bon documental d'ARTE.