The terms "Palestinian people", "Palestine" and "the Palestinian state" have entered the political and diplomatic discourse, as factual concepts that cannot be challenged. Arab propaganda claims that the Land of Israel has always been the 'Arab homeland' (and not just after the Arab conquest in the seventh century). According to them the Canaanites, the Amorites, the Philistines and the Jebusites were all Arabs. The rule of the Jews in the Land of Israel was for a short time during the reigns of David and Solomon, and they disappeared and were absorbed into the Arab nation. If so, according to them, the Jews of today are not the descendants of the original Jews. It must be agreed that there is no need to refer to all fiction and imagination. But at the same time, due to the entrenchment of the lies that aim to negate the connection of the people of Israel to their country - and thereby the legitimacy of the Zionist movement and the return of the people of Israel to their country - we will conduct a factual historical review of the history of these concepts, from the time of the Bible to the present day: (A) Philistines / the land of the Philistines: a people and a region from the biblical period, mentioned both in the patriarchal period and in the period of occupation and settlement. The study identifies the Philistines with the Mycenaean (pre-Greek) culture. Their name is derived from the root פ.ל.ש in hebrew which means "invade", which indicates the custom of the 'sea peoples', to invade by sea, into lands that do not belong to them, to conquer them and settle in them. The Philistines lived mainly in the cities of the southern coast of the Land of Israel, and in fact controlled a large part of the sea route ( Via Maris), known in the Bible (Exodus 13:17): 'the way of the land of the Philistines'. During the occupation and settlement period, the Philistines made attempts to conquer the mountain ridge avenue of the western Land of Israel, until they were subdued by King David. After the defeat of Assyria and Egypt in the battle of Carchemish (605 BC), the Philistines were exiled by Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, to Mesopotamia. From 604 BC, the Philistine entity was banished from the stage of history. (B) Judah and Israel: During the biblical period, the Land of Israel was divided for a large part of the time into the Kingdom of Judah and the Kingdom of Israel, and these are its nicknames. Needless to say that besides the biblical testimony, the archaeological find also confirms the existence of these two kingdoms. (C) province of Trans-Euphratia ("Beyond the river"): during the return of Zion after the fall of Babylon and the rise of Cyrus, king of Persia (539 BCE), the administrative district west of the Euphrates is called (Ezra, 5:3): 'Province beyond the river'. This refers to the entire area that extends southwest of the Euphrates and the Egyptian Committee. (D) Judah Province: It was in the days of the return of Zion (the beginning of the Second Temple period - the sixth and fifth centuries BCE), an independent administrative region within the province beyond the river. The ruler from the Persian rule if this piece of land was called (Hagai 1,1): Juda's provncive. (E) Palestine - according to Herodotus: the Greek historian Herodotus, who lived in the 5th century BC, and recorded, among other things, the Persian-Greek wars, calls the Land of Israel 'Palestine' and the Syrians 'Palestinians' in his writings, as it was customary to call the This land among the Greeks: "Phoenicia up to the borders of the city of Caditis, the land belongs to the Syrians who are called Palestinians". This region of Syria, and all that extends to Egypt, is called Palestine." (F) Koila Syria (Blad al-Sham): The death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC, resulted in the tearing of his kingdom into four parts. Two of them fought over the territory of the Land of Israel: the Seleucid kingdom from the north and the Ptolemaic House from the south. Their wars over the Land of Israel They lasted throughout the 3rd century BC, and are known as the 'Syrian Wars'. The Seleucids, who saw the Land of Israel as part of their kingdom, call the whole area 'beyond the river', 'Koila Syria'. A name that expresses a geographical demarcation of the regions of the country around the Syrian-African fault, which creates a kind of bowl around it. The pan-Arab idea of 'Greater Syria' (Syria al-Kubra, Balad Isham), which the Balad party, among other things, takes, is based on this geographical definition, and strives to establish a single sovereign entity, on the territory where Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Israel are located today. (G) Judah in the days of the Second Temple: during the Hellenistic, Hasmonean periods, as well as under Roman rule from Pompey to Hadrian, the political and geographic entity in the Land of Israel is referred to as: "Judah", "the cities of Judah", "the province of Judah". None of the districts in the Land of Israel on either side of it, It was not called 'Palestine' during this period, after the suppression of the Holocaust rebellion, the Romans minted a series of commemorative coins bearing the inscription IVDEA CAPTA, Captive Judah. (H) Syria Palestine: After the great revolt (73-66 AD), the Roman government made several moves to tattoo the Jewish nation, the religious decrees, building a pagan temple on the ruins of the temple and even changing the name of Jerusalem to Ilia Capitolina. Changing the name of Jerusalem was part of a reshaping of consciousness, as those who want to say: There is no Jerusalem and there never will be. According to the Roman historian Cassius Dio, this move led to the outbreak of the Bar Kochba Rebellion (132-135 AD) whose slogan was 'for the freedom of Jerusalem'. Emperor Hadrian, who was forced to bring here the best of his legions, and even lost one of them in the battles, was not satisfied with the brutal suppression of the rebellion, even though it was a suppression that was reflected in the destruction of the infrastructure of the Jewish settlement in the Judean region and about half a million dead. After the revolt, Hadrian deletes the name 'Judah' and changes its name to 'Syria Palestine', with the intention of erasing the entity of Judah and the Jewish nation. It is worth noting that one of the most significant flourishing periods of Judaism developed precisely in this period after the revolt - the period of the sages of the Usha generation. The days of the creation of the Mishna and the Halachic sermons and the formation of the Oral Torah. It is worth emphasizing that the predatory Roman move of changing the name of 'Judah' was carried out at a time when the majority of the inhabitants of the land were Jews, and the rest were Hellenistic Syrians or Samaritans. The Arabs invaded 'Syria Palestine', only 500 years later. (I) The Province of Palestine: The name Palestine as a territorial district, existed in various forms for the entire Byzantine Roman period, part of the early Arab period (638-1099 AD), the Mamluk period (1260-1516 AD) and even under the Ottoman rule (1516-1917 AD) ). However, a national or ethnic group called 'Palestinians' has never been defined. There were Jews, Arabs, Christians, Turks and others, who lived in the Land of Israel and who were the ones who called it 'Palestine', the name Hadrian gave to this land, when he sought to erase the memory of Judah and the Jews. (J) Palestine - Land of Israel: At the end of the First World War and with the establishment of British rule in the Land of Israel, the British established the name Palestine. All the citizens of the country were called Palestinians, Palestinian Arabs and Palestinian Jews. At the same time, in many documents as well as on coins, the name Palestine - א"י (ארץ ישראל Land of Israel) was written. The Arab organizations that arose especially following the Balfour Declaration, called themselves names such as: "The Arab Executive Committee" (founded in 1920) and "The Supreme Arab Committee" (founded in 1936), without even a hint of 'Palestine'. Even the Nazi mufti, Haj Amin al-Husseini, who is considered to be the originator of the 'Palestinian movement', calls himself the "President of the Islamic Nation" in international meetings themselves as Arabs and their organization as part of the organization of the Arab nation. It seems that even Hassan al-Bana, the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, did not recognize a political entity called 'Palestine' or a 'Palestinian' people. In the 'Letter to the Light' published in October 1936, he writes about the body which was led by the Nazi mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini: "and the Supreme Islamic Council, in southern Syria". For them, Palestine was not an element of national identity. An exception is a newspaper published in Jaffa in 1911, which gave itself the name 'Palestine', under the influence of National movements that arose in Muslim neighbors such as Turkey and Egypt. (K) Palestinians: factually, the political and diplomatic use of the terms Palestinians and Palestine began mainly after the establishment of the State of Israel. It is a political propaganda that sought to create out of nothing, a people and a nation state that never existed. While adopting a Roman move that took place 1800 years earlier, in which the emperor Hadrian sought to erase Judah's connection to the Jews, by changing the name of the land to 'Syria Palestine'. By using the borrowed name, the Palestine Liberation Organization - PLO was founded in 1964 by the Egyptian-born terrorist leader Yasser Arafat, and this despite the fact that, ironically, Arabs are unable to pronounce the name of their invented 'homeland', because in the Arabic language the consonant P is stressed at all Does not exist.
(12) Palestine that never was - things in the name of who say so: in moments of frankness, Arab leaders admit that 'Palestine' and 'Palestinians' are a false political invention without foundation. Below is a transcript of the words of the Hezbollah spy, intellectual and former MK Dr. Azmi Bashara, when he was interviewed in fluent Hebrew by Yaron London on Channel 2: Azmi Bashara - There is no Palestinian people: "I don't think there is a Palestinian nation at all, I think there is an Arab nation and I've always thought that way. I haven't changed my mind either and I don't think there is a Palestinian nation, I think it's a colonial invention, when were there Palestinians? Where did that come from? I think there is an Arab nation. Although My determined struggle against the occupation never made me a Palestinian nationalist. I think that until the end of the 19th century, Palestine was the great south of Syria." Hamas interior minister admits so too: Personally, half my family is Egyptian. We are all like that. More than 30 families in the Gaza Strip are called Al-Masri ["Egyptian"]. Brothers, half of the Palestinians are Egyptians and the other half are Saudis. Who are the Palestinians? We have many families called Al-Masri, whose roots are Egyptian. Egyptian! They may be from Alexandria, from Cairo, from Dumietta, from the North, from Aswan, from Upper Egypt. We are Egyptians. We are Arabs. We are Muslims. We are a part of you. (13) The rewriting of history - the 'Palestinians' are the descendants of the Canaanites: As mentioned, in an effort to deny the historical right of the Jewish people to their land, the 'Palestinian' lie industry invents its own history. The chairman of the Palestinian Authority, Abu Mazen, stood before the UN Security Council in February 2018, and without blinking an eye he wrote history with false delusions: "We are the native citizens of the land - for 5,000 years the Palestinians have been on this land, the Palestinians are the descendants of the Canaanites," and he He continues confidently: "This is the historical truth and no one will change it or rewrite it." When it comes to Jerusalem, the 'Palestinians' undergo an upgrade - they are no longer just Canaanites, they are the Hibbuses, the people from whom, according to the Bible (Samuel 2:5), David conquered Jerusalem, the capital of his kingdom. The attempt to root this lie was heard even in the Knesset plenary hearings from his mouth of MK Taleb Alsana: Talev Elsanae (RAM-Taal): "Also the Jebusites - you know, this is Kfar Salem. That's the name of the Jebusites. Who are these Jebusites? These are the Palestinians, who were here all the time. This is a historical fact. 6,000 years ago the Palestinians were here." . When A MK Michael Ben Ari went up to speak after him, he answered him: Michael Ben-Ari (National Union): "They are rewriting history, they don't have a history. Knesset member Talev Alsana will come and tell where his history is. When he searches for history and he writes: "Canaanites", where does he get that from? From the Bible of The Jews! One day he is a Canaanite, the next he is a Jebusite." On another occasion, he asked to find out with Alsana the nature of the Jebusite heritage that he claimed to be carrying, he asked: "Sir, maybe you know one word in Jebusite? What Jebusite custom do you keep at home?" But it turns out that historical facts are for the weak. On the other hand, the lie is a legitimate and desirable weapon in the battle to shape the mind. One of the founders of this lie is none other than Sheikh Dr. Yusuf al-Qaradawi, who preached the execution of terrorist attacks against Jews of all kinds, and the destruction of Israel. In his book, 'Jerusalem is the concern of every Muslim' he lays the foundations for the imagined world of lies. According to him, the Arabs They are the Canaanites, while the land is not Canaan but Palestine: The Canaanite Arabs and others lived in Palestine generations upon generations before the arrival of Abraham from Iraq, together with his wife Sarah, when she was seventy-five years old. When he was one hundred years old, Isaac was born to him, he died at the age of one hundred and seventy-five years without having a handbreadth (land) in Palestine. This fiction, which seeks to deny the legitimacy of the State of Israel, has become part of the curriculum of Arab students in the State of Israel. In response to an urgent query by MK Mohammad Baraka regarding: "Disqualification of a history book that includes the Palestinian narrative at the 'Shaar Hanegev' high school", Minister of Education Gideon Sa'ar cited the 'narrative' they are taught in Arab state education: "The Arabs - the Hebrews preceded the Jews, And when King David, peace be upon him, conquered Jerusalem, he emptied Jebus of its inhabitants." (14) The Land of Israel in Islam and the Koran: Since the beginning of the Zionist movement, some of the main Islamic scholars have been engaged in denying the connection between the people of Israel and the Land, while denying history and rewriting it. As mentioned, the most prominent among them is Sheikh Dr. Yosef Al-Qardawi, in his book 'Jerusalem is the business of every Muslim', denies the connection of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel, and accuses that the Jews "usurped our land, the land of Islam, by exterminating its original inhabitants". Similar statements can be found in Sheikh Dr. Ahmed Alsharabatsi, one of the senior lecturers at Al Azhar, who writes in a Halacha ruling that the Jews are considered enemies of Islam and must be fought because they have usurped Islamic Arab Palestine. In the Hamas charter drafted by Ahmed Yassin, he wrote, among other things: "Palestine is a sacred Islamic property (waqf) until the end of time [...] Every Muslim must wage jihad until the land is redeemed." These emphatic statements are in complete contradiction to the Quran and Islamic traditions. About ten times the Koran refers to the Holy Land, and in most cases it is determined that it was intended for the people of Israel. On the other hand, there is no statement or hint in the Koran that the land was intended for Muslims or 'Palestinians'. A clear example can be found in Sura 7 (The Children of the Wall), in which it is said: "(137) We assigned to the people who were persecuted the east and west of the land on which we gave our blessing, and the good word of your Lord concerning Israel was fully fulfilled, this as a reward for their standing in the strength of the Spirit."18 And the commentator of the Koran Muhammad Kartavi, explains: "The children of Israel inherited Alsham [...] Allah gave Alsham an inheritance to the children of Israel [...] and the good word of your Lord about the children of Israel, which promised to establish them in the land [...] was fully fulfilled." The connection of the people of Israel to what the Koran calls the 'Holy Land' and in Islamic traditions is known as 'Al-Sham', appears again and again in the Koran and in the Islamic traditions of many of the Islamic scholars. It goes without saying that the terms 'Palestine' and 'Palestinians' were unknown to the Koran or the Islamic scholars, until the revival of the Zionist movement at the beginning of the 20th century.
@yessy-yn6sw Jews DNA shows that the Jews are all related and originated from the land of Israel. You can Google it on Wikipedia. I'm a Iraqi/Persian Jew and my DNA goes back to the cannanites. You can deny the Jewish people all you want. It doesn't change the fact that you are denying history.
Both of you guys are my favorite people! You make me feel closer to Israel and Jesus’ Coming Back! PRAISE YESHUA ❤ God is so good & is protecting all of Israel. I pray every day for every one of you and I am thankful for the TRUTH that you all are getting out and I share on my FB profile weekly. Shalom from New Jersey 🕊️
@yessy-yn6sw The brits never confiscated their land. Jewish people were BUYING the land from the arabs and then the Nakba happened because the surrounding ARAB COUNTRIES (EGYPT, LEBANON, SYRIA, ETC) told the arabs in Israel to leave so that they won't get hurt when they attack Israel, which they did. And they still somehow one country.
@yessy-yn6sw Do you want me to give you the source? The Arabs are fighting because they've always hated Jews, it's in their Quran. Im not lying and can give you the historical source of the Arabs selling their land to the Jews and also the verse from the Quran that tells muslims to go fight the jews because they don't believe in Allah?
@@czadeen195 There was no buying of land. According to the settler authorities the Negev was a desert. Golda Meir raised funds in America, up to 15 billion to settle Jews in Israel. Just watching a documentary on her life. She was Ukrainian that never experienced the hardship my own Ancestors as Orthodox Christians experienced during the Holomodor. She didn't even experience the Holocaust as she was safe in occupied America and Palestine at the time. First female Prime Minister of Israel she fitted in well with the men as in my opinion she looked like one.
@@HolySpiritGuidedChristian Nothing of what you said even remotely challenged the fact that Jewish people WERE BUYING LAND OFF ARABS. All you mentioned was Golda Meir who raised money so Jews could actually have a chance of getting to Israel and live life, but you still ignored the fact that the JEWS WERE LEGALLY BUYING LAND OFF ARABS. Do you want me to give you the sources? Also, how does being a christian who experiences hardship have anything to do with the land of Israel. Your acting like Jewish people didn't experience hardship, because of of the 10 million jews, 6 MILLION WERE KILLED IN THE HOLOCAUST! Are you okay? I'm a Christian as well, but that doesn't mean you just ignore facts. What I'm saying has nothing to do with the government of Israel right now, but I'm saying that they were the owners of the land well before ARABS EVEN EXISTED, and you legally regained their land back. Why are you ignoring that the ARAB population was given more than half of the Israel land in 1948 but then lost it because they decided to participate in a 6vs1 war against Israel (with literally ALL SURROUNDING ARAB NATIONS) and all of them still somehow managed to lose to one country, a country that had only been founded for a year???
Shalom Matti , Yari , TBN Team thank you for excellent Faith Documentation of Faith History to Present day Holyland Isreal. Look forwards to visit theses sites again with family member in the distance future. Prays for Freedom of All Hostages , Prays for the Peace of Jerusalem , Prays for Peace of Israel Amen . U.K.
Beautiful show to watch. Hopefully TPN Israel will educate the world about the diversity and acceptance of Israel. Looking forward to learning more about the country. 💝🕊️🌿
The war is over. The war has been lost, and so what is next? Exactly no one has a clue, but obviously Israel will live in fear for decades due to retaliation. What a pathetic church broadcasting network showing war and ☠️ asking for money while celebrating the IDF who is part of the problem. Strange world we live in. Israel is a disaster with a criminal running the asylum. Bibi will be brought to justice for his fraud! Want proof? Trump is currently a convicted felon! Instead of praying step into REALITY. Trump even sold bibles to steal more cash. Is anyone awake?
This was a very interesting segment. Israel is such a diverse country. To appreciate it, one must know every aspect of this spiritual/ secular/ innovative land. Thank you! Am Yisroel Chai!
My mother had the opportunity to visit " THE HOLY LANDS" as she called JERUSALEM....she came back a different woman , calm and with a deep spiritual sense ❤ When she passed away I put the cloth she brought back from JERUSALEM, with her .... Now she and my father, God rest their souls, are my guardian angels looking over me and my family. As a Greek Orthodox wife and mother I pray every night for the safety of all the citizens of Israel, but also for all those fighting for Isreal❤
@yessy-yn6sw Absolutely correct. I'm in the middle of watching a documentary on the life of Golda Meir. To my surprise, she was Ukrainian born in Kyiv and the generation of my Great, Great Grandparents who fled the Holomodor although she was never there to experience it. My Ancestors were Orthodox Christians and suffered more than she ever did, yet she became Prime Minister of Israel. She also changed her name from a Slavic name to what it became in America.
I long to go to Israel, where our Lord Jesus Christ was born and raised! How wonderful that would be! I pray for Israel, the hostages, the IDF and all their families! God be with you in your time of need!! 🙏
Thank you Brothers, very happy to see and understand all things.. God bless you guys wherever you guys maybe. Well done we appreciated both to do all this video. May Elohim blessed Jerusalem. May the peace of Elohim upon Jerusalem.
Love this so much I’ve always wanted to go to the Montessori here in Ferdinand, Indiana. John the Baptist is in my top three with Jesus and Peter and my prayer room is in the shower and at the kitchen sink. Thanks for this awesome adventure.❤❤❤🇮🇱🙏
Beautiful land! Thank you, Mati, for sharing with us this video of historical significance! God bless all TBN Israel staff! Shalom, Jerusalem and Israel!
I really like your field trips Mati, and this one about the Monasteries, being separate, being sanctified, and being holy, for our God is Holy...and actually living out a solo life unto God in a religious Castle so to speak is very inspiring and intriguing...thanks again brother...God rules and Jesus is Lord!
Thank you for this wonderful insight, to see the land I pray for, the people I pray for, not only Jews but Christians as well treating each other with so much respect, loving the land that God gave Israel with genuine humility, my heart is full. Thank you, bless you.
Thank you, Mati. It is so heart-warming and uplifting to follow you and the meaningful mission introduced to us, the lovers n disciples of JESUS CHRIST, YESHUA. loving you and your cool personality from Australia 🇦🇺 ❤❤❤. Stay strong and safe. PRAYING FOR ETERNAL PEACE FOR JERUSALEM OUR MOTHER LAND N HOLY GROUNDS.
Fascinating insight into monastic life in Israel. I loved listening to the role that the Persians and Caliphate had in creating religious knights and their orders as they pushed west into Europe for their safety. It came full circle with the Christian crusaders. I would love to dive deeper into that, i hadn't really made that connection before. Loved this episode, and those tou interviewed. i wish it was longer. Thank you for a contemplative and informative post ❤
Prayers for Israel. Lord hear my prayers. I’m so discouraged as a single mother trying to make it on my own both of my sons are special needs. Jesus help me. I’m constantly struggling to buy groceries, struggling to pay bills I’m overwhelmed Lord but with you by my side Lord I cannot fail. So as I continue to struggle to provide for my children, I keep faith and know a blessing is on the way.❤️💕
Mabuhay! From the Philippine Islands. It is like spiritual “off-grid” separate oneself from the corrupt & evil system of the world to focus on the Word.
Believe in Jesus and have faith in Him through His holy word and keep God’s ten commandments, including the fourth commandments, keeping Seventh-day Sabbath as the Holy day of worship. 🇵🇬 🇮🇱
@sagigunib8239 we keep the Sabbath holy as a memorial of God’s creation, and only God deserves praise, honour, and glory, and He is the creator of Heaven and earth.
Thank you Mati and Yair for all the information you share. This episode in particular is close to my heart. Always interested in learning more about the monastries and churches in Israel. God bless and protect you all.
@@RBH614 Amen, not only that Jesus was born in Judea, not Israel. There was no Israel only Judea, Samaria to the north and Galilee to the north of Samaria
Am amazed with all the Christian persecution for the last 1400 years since evil is-lam took amazed we still have some Christian holy places..we and our Jewish brothers and sisters were persecuted by Mr moohammad and his evil agents for centuries...every knee will bow to our compassionate Lord one day..
That is your opinion and unfortunately you have been misled. Muslims love and respect Jesus Christ above all prophets. In fact they are waiting for him to come back just as Christians are. Let us not be divided over semantics.. Also take note of who ended the lives of the prophets. It wasn't Muslims.
Such a beautifull unieck inspired documentation! Thank you so much! It is God-breathed! It is so good to see that Israels spirituality is in The Lords hands ,.....I painted a painting 2 days before the crash on 7 okt, 2023,.; the temple-mount in Jeruzalem, bombs where falling, and angels where present to save,,. soldiers kneeling for help,........To hear from God, just start each day with giving Him just 3 min, of your time,. , I hope you will create more of this kind of amazing love-dedications of godly humans, through whom darkness is eliminated,..,. His Lordship is over Israel, for-ever!
All very interesting and educational! The settings of these monasteries are absolutely beautiful....they have, apparently, been deserts transformed into oasises! It would seem that Middle Eastern deserts have plenty of oasis areas, which are incredibly beautiful. Thank you so much, TBN, and Mati in particular, for bringing to us such beauty and inspiration! Am Yisrael Chai! Shalom, Jerusalem! 💜💙🕊💙💜🇮🇱✡️✝️🇮🇱💜💙🕊💙💜
Shabbat shalom. Free the Holy Land from Hamas, Fatah, and Hezbollah. May God keep all IDF soldiers and the whole Israel safe, united, and strong. Pray for peace and victory of Israel.
💥🔥💥🔥💥🔥💥 I, the Lord of sea and sky I have heard my people cry All who dwell in dark and sin My hand will save: I who made the stars and night I will make the darkness bright Who will bear my light to them? Whom shall I send? Here I am Lord, Is it I Lord? I have heard you calling in the night I will go Lord If you lead me I will hold your people in my heart I the Lord of snow and rain, I have borne my people's pain, I have wept for love of them, They turn away... I will break their hearts of stone Fill their hearts with love alone I will speak my word to them Whom shall I send? I, the Lord of wind and flame I will tend the poor and lame I will set a feast for them My hand will save: Finest bread I will provide Till their hearts be satisfied I will give my life to them Whom shall I send ⁉️ 👍🙌💪
A land where the enlightenment of ourselves and the Infinite began. The silent contemplation and revelation that -we are not here by accident, and that Reason and Consciousness propels us forward.. in what we call today as Christianity.
Great content Mati though different from the military focus I'm used to seeing. Isn't it wonderful and beautiful how Israeli prophets and the people Elohim chose have influenced society in very powerful ways as to influence movements that have remained for 1000s of years. I am however saddened that the monks actually came back in the Crusades and assisted to destroy the place they called home previously. I loved that cave though maybe less the paintings on the wall. I would definitely love to take some time to spend time alone with Adonai. When I was a teenager, i attended a Catholic School and I spent many days in the chapel praying and spending time reading the Bible and enjoying the presence of the Lord. This was not necessarily a result of it being the chapel, but because it was the place I chose to meet with Him because it was quiet. I also found stairwells and other quiet spaces when the chapel was being used and He met with me there also. Just last week as I was reflecting on the Torah portion and Brit Chadashah reading, I found a quote from the Lubavitcher Rebbe that was not necessarily new but very profound when I really thought about it. He believes that the 7th Millenium will be a time that is "wholly Shabbat and tranquility". Isn't that a beautiful thought? Things go so fast now that we don't get to spend nearly enough time in Adonai's Presence and in prayer, but imagine being able to rest in His Presence and getting to know Him for 1000 years? That will be nothing short of amazing. Much love and blessings to you Mati and Yair and the entire TBN Israel Team. Shabbat Shalom. Recently when Matt and Laurie were there, I suddenly remembered and missed Jan Crouch and her love for the Jewish People. May her memory always be a blessing.
I pray for peace of Jerusalem
Praying for Israel and Jerusalem stay safe, dear soldiers, the name of Jesus
❤❤❤Praying for the peace of Jerusalem❤❤❤
The terms "Palestinian people", "Palestine" and "the Palestinian state" have entered the political and diplomatic discourse, as factual concepts that cannot be challenged. Arab propaganda claims that the Land of Israel has always been the 'Arab homeland' (and not just after the Arab conquest in the seventh century). According to them the Canaanites, the Amorites, the Philistines and the Jebusites were all Arabs. The rule of the Jews in the Land of Israel was for a short time during the reigns of David and Solomon, and they disappeared and were absorbed into the Arab nation. If so, according to them, the Jews of today are not the descendants of the original Jews. It must be agreed that there is no need to refer to all fiction and imagination. But at the same time, due to the entrenchment of the lies that aim to negate the connection of the people of Israel to their country - and thereby the legitimacy of the Zionist movement and the return of the people of Israel to their country - we will conduct a factual historical review of the history of these concepts, from the time of the Bible to the present day:
(A) Philistines / the land of the Philistines: a people and a region from the biblical period, mentioned both in the patriarchal period and in the period of occupation and settlement. The study identifies the Philistines with the Mycenaean (pre-Greek) culture. Their name is derived from the root פ.ל.ש in hebrew which means "invade", which indicates the custom of the 'sea peoples', to invade by sea, into lands that do not belong to them, to conquer them and settle in them. The Philistines lived mainly in the cities of the southern coast of the Land of Israel, and in fact controlled a large part of the sea route ( Via Maris), known in the Bible (Exodus 13:17): 'the way of the land of the Philistines'. During the occupation and settlement period, the Philistines made attempts to conquer the mountain ridge avenue of the western Land of Israel, until they were subdued by King David. After the defeat of Assyria and Egypt in the battle of Carchemish (605 BC), the Philistines were exiled by Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, to Mesopotamia. From 604 BC, the Philistine entity was banished from the stage of history.
(B) Judah and Israel: During the biblical period, the Land of Israel was divided for a large part of the time into the Kingdom of Judah and the Kingdom of Israel, and these are its nicknames. Needless to say that besides the biblical testimony, the archaeological find also confirms the existence of these two kingdoms.
(C) province of Trans-Euphratia ("Beyond the river"): during the return of Zion after the fall of Babylon and the rise of Cyrus, king of Persia (539 BCE), the administrative district west of the Euphrates is called (Ezra, 5:3): 'Province beyond the river'. This refers to the entire area that extends southwest of the Euphrates and the Egyptian Committee.
(D) Judah Province: It was in the days of the return of Zion (the beginning of the Second Temple period - the sixth and fifth centuries BCE), an independent administrative region within the province beyond the river. The ruler from the Persian rule if this piece of land was called (Hagai 1,1): Juda's provncive.
(E) Palestine - according to Herodotus: the Greek historian Herodotus, who lived in the 5th century BC, and recorded, among other things, the Persian-Greek wars, calls the Land of Israel 'Palestine' and the Syrians 'Palestinians' in his writings, as it was customary to call the This land among the Greeks: "Phoenicia up to the borders of the city of Caditis, the land belongs to the Syrians who are called Palestinians". This region of Syria, and all that extends to Egypt, is called Palestine."
(F) Koila Syria (Blad al-Sham): The death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC, resulted in the tearing of his kingdom into four parts. Two of them fought over the territory of the Land of Israel: the Seleucid kingdom from the north and the Ptolemaic House from the south. Their wars over the Land of Israel They lasted throughout the 3rd century BC, and are known as the 'Syrian Wars'. The Seleucids, who saw the Land of Israel as part of their kingdom, call the whole area 'beyond the river', 'Koila Syria'. A name that expresses a geographical demarcation of the regions of the country around the Syrian-African fault, which creates a kind of bowl around it. The pan-Arab idea of 'Greater Syria' (Syria al-Kubra, Balad Isham), which the Balad party, among other things, takes, is based on this geographical definition, and strives to establish a single sovereign entity, on the territory where Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Israel are located today.
(G) Judah in the days of the Second Temple: during the Hellenistic, Hasmonean periods, as well as under Roman rule from Pompey to Hadrian, the political and geographic entity in the Land of Israel is referred to as: "Judah", "the cities of Judah", "the province of Judah". None of the districts in the Land of Israel on either side of it, It was not called 'Palestine' during this period, after the suppression of the Holocaust rebellion, the Romans minted a series of commemorative coins bearing the inscription IVDEA CAPTA, Captive Judah.
(H) Syria Palestine: After the great revolt (73-66 AD), the Roman government made several moves to tattoo the Jewish nation, the religious decrees, building a pagan temple on the ruins of the temple and even changing the name of Jerusalem to Ilia Capitolina. Changing the name of Jerusalem was part of a reshaping of consciousness, as those who want to say: There is no Jerusalem and there never will be. According to the Roman historian Cassius Dio, this move led to the outbreak of the Bar Kochba Rebellion (132-135 AD) whose slogan was 'for the freedom of Jerusalem'. Emperor Hadrian, who was forced to bring here the best of his legions, and even lost one of them in the battles, was not satisfied with the brutal suppression of the rebellion, even though it was a suppression that was reflected in the destruction of the infrastructure of the Jewish settlement in the Judean region and about half a million dead. After the revolt, Hadrian deletes the name 'Judah' and changes its name to 'Syria Palestine', with the intention of erasing the entity of Judah and the Jewish nation. It is worth noting that one of the most significant flourishing periods of Judaism developed precisely in this period after the revolt - the period of the sages of the Usha generation. The days of the creation of the Mishna and the Halachic sermons and the formation of the Oral Torah. It is worth emphasizing that the predatory Roman move of changing the name of 'Judah' was carried out at a time when the majority of the inhabitants of the land were Jews, and the rest were Hellenistic Syrians or Samaritans. The Arabs invaded 'Syria Palestine', only 500 years later.
(I) The Province of Palestine: The name Palestine as a territorial district, existed in various forms for the entire Byzantine Roman period, part of the early Arab period (638-1099 AD), the Mamluk period (1260-1516 AD) and even under the Ottoman rule (1516-1917 AD) ). However, a national or ethnic group called 'Palestinians' has never been defined. There were Jews, Arabs, Christians, Turks and others, who lived in the Land of Israel and who were the ones who called it 'Palestine', the name Hadrian gave to this land, when he sought to erase the memory of Judah and the Jews.
(J) Palestine - Land of Israel: At the end of the First World War and with the establishment of British rule in the Land of Israel, the British established the name Palestine. All the citizens of the country were called Palestinians, Palestinian Arabs and Palestinian Jews. At the same time, in many documents as well as on coins, the name Palestine - א"י (ארץ ישראל Land of Israel) was written. The Arab organizations that arose especially following the Balfour Declaration, called themselves names such as: "The Arab Executive Committee" (founded in 1920) and "The Supreme Arab Committee" (founded in 1936), without even a hint of 'Palestine'. Even the Nazi mufti, Haj Amin al-Husseini, who is considered to be the originator of the 'Palestinian movement', calls himself the "President of the Islamic Nation" in international meetings themselves as Arabs and their organization as part of the organization of the Arab nation. It seems that even Hassan al-Bana, the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, did not recognize a political entity called 'Palestine' or a 'Palestinian' people. In the 'Letter to the Light' published in October 1936, he writes about the body which was led by the Nazi mufti Haj Amin al-Husseini: "and the Supreme Islamic Council, in southern Syria". For them, Palestine was not an element of national identity. An exception is a newspaper published in Jaffa in 1911, which gave itself the name 'Palestine', under the influence of National movements that arose in Muslim neighbors such as Turkey and Egypt.
(K) Palestinians: factually, the political and diplomatic use of the terms Palestinians and Palestine began mainly after the establishment of the State of Israel. It is a political propaganda that sought to create out of nothing, a people and a nation state that never existed. While adopting a Roman move that took place 1800 years earlier, in which the emperor Hadrian sought to erase Judah's connection to the Jews, by changing the name of the land to 'Syria Palestine'. By using the borrowed name, the Palestine Liberation Organization - PLO was founded in 1964 by the Egyptian-born terrorist leader Yasser Arafat, and this despite the fact that, ironically, Arabs are unable to pronounce the name of their invented 'homeland', because in the Arabic language the consonant P is stressed at all Does not exist.
(12) Palestine that never was - things in the name of who say so: in moments of frankness, Arab leaders admit that 'Palestine' and 'Palestinians' are a false political invention without foundation. Below is a transcript of the words of the Hezbollah spy, intellectual and former MK Dr. Azmi Bashara, when he was interviewed in fluent Hebrew by Yaron London on Channel 2:
Azmi Bashara - There is no Palestinian people:
"I don't think there is a Palestinian nation at all, I think there is an Arab nation and I've always thought that way. I haven't changed my mind either and I don't think there is a Palestinian nation, I think it's a colonial invention, when were there Palestinians? Where did that come from? I think there is an Arab nation. Although My determined struggle against the occupation never made me a Palestinian nationalist. I think that until the end of the 19th century, Palestine was the great south of Syria."
Hamas interior minister admits so too:
Personally, half my family is Egyptian. We are all like that. More than 30 families in the Gaza Strip are called Al-Masri ["Egyptian"]. Brothers, half of the Palestinians are Egyptians and the other half are Saudis.
Who are the Palestinians? We have many families called Al-Masri, whose roots are Egyptian. Egyptian! They may be from Alexandria, from Cairo, from Dumietta, from the North, from Aswan, from Upper Egypt. We are Egyptians. We are Arabs. We are Muslims. We are a part of you.
(13) The rewriting of history - the 'Palestinians' are the descendants of the Canaanites: As mentioned, in an effort to deny the historical right of the Jewish people to their land, the 'Palestinian' lie industry invents its own history. The chairman of the Palestinian Authority, Abu Mazen, stood before the UN Security Council in February 2018, and without blinking an eye he wrote history with false delusions: "We are the native citizens of the land - for 5,000 years the Palestinians have been on this land, the Palestinians are the descendants of the Canaanites," and he He continues confidently: "This is the historical truth and no one will change it or rewrite it." When it comes to Jerusalem, the 'Palestinians' undergo an upgrade - they are no longer just Canaanites, they are the Hibbuses, the people from whom, according to the Bible (Samuel 2:5), David conquered Jerusalem, the capital of his kingdom. The attempt to root this lie was heard even in the Knesset plenary hearings from his mouth of MK Taleb Alsana:
Talev Elsanae (RAM-Taal): "Also the Jebusites - you know, this is Kfar Salem. That's the name of the Jebusites. Who are these Jebusites? These are the Palestinians, who were here all the time. This is a historical fact. 6,000 years ago the Palestinians were here." .
When A MK Michael Ben Ari went up to speak after him, he answered him:
Michael Ben-Ari (National Union): "They are rewriting history, they don't have a history. Knesset member Talev Alsana will come and tell where his history is. When he searches for history and he writes: "Canaanites", where does he get that from? From the Bible of The Jews! One day he is a Canaanite, the next he is a Jebusite."
On another occasion, he asked to find out with Alsana the nature of the Jebusite heritage that he claimed to be carrying, he asked: "Sir, maybe you know one word in Jebusite? What Jebusite custom do you keep at home?" But it turns out that historical facts are for the weak. On the other hand, the lie is a legitimate and desirable weapon in the battle to shape the mind. One of the founders of this lie is none other than Sheikh Dr. Yusuf al-Qaradawi, who preached the execution of terrorist attacks against Jews of all kinds, and the destruction of Israel. In his book, 'Jerusalem is the concern of every Muslim' he lays the foundations for the imagined world of lies. According to him, the Arabs They are the Canaanites, while the land is not Canaan but Palestine:
The Canaanite Arabs and others lived in Palestine generations upon generations before the arrival of Abraham from Iraq, together with his wife Sarah, when she was seventy-five years old. When he was one hundred years old, Isaac was born to him, he died at the age of one hundred and seventy-five years without having a handbreadth (land) in Palestine.
This fiction, which seeks to deny the legitimacy of the State of Israel, has become part of the curriculum of Arab students in the State of Israel. In response to an urgent query by MK Mohammad Baraka regarding: "Disqualification of a history book that includes the Palestinian narrative at the 'Shaar Hanegev' high school", Minister of Education Gideon Sa'ar cited the 'narrative' they are taught in Arab state education: "The Arabs - the Hebrews preceded the Jews, And when King David, peace be upon him, conquered Jerusalem, he emptied Jebus of its inhabitants."
(14) The Land of Israel in Islam and the Koran: Since the beginning of the Zionist movement, some of the main Islamic scholars have been engaged in denying the connection between the people of Israel and the Land, while denying history and rewriting it. As mentioned, the most prominent among them is Sheikh Dr. Yosef Al-Qardawi, in his book 'Jerusalem is the business of every Muslim', denies the connection of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel, and accuses that the Jews "usurped our land, the land of Islam, by exterminating its original inhabitants". Similar statements can be found in Sheikh Dr. Ahmed Alsharabatsi, one of the senior lecturers at Al Azhar, who writes in a Halacha ruling that the Jews are considered enemies of Islam and must be fought because they have usurped Islamic Arab Palestine. In the Hamas charter drafted by Ahmed Yassin, he wrote, among other things: "Palestine is a sacred Islamic property (waqf) until the end of time [...] Every Muslim must wage jihad until the land is redeemed."
These emphatic statements are in complete contradiction to the Quran and Islamic traditions. About ten times the Koran refers to the Holy Land, and in most cases it is determined that it was intended for the people of Israel. On the other hand, there is no statement or hint in the Koran that the land was intended for Muslims or 'Palestinians'.
A clear example can be found in Sura 7 (The Children of the Wall), in which it is said: "(137) We assigned to the people who were persecuted the east and west of the land on which we gave our blessing, and the good word of your Lord concerning Israel was fully fulfilled, this as a reward for their standing in the strength of the Spirit."18 And the commentator of the Koran Muhammad Kartavi, explains: "The children of Israel inherited Alsham [...] Allah gave Alsham an inheritance to the children of Israel [...] and the good word of your Lord about the children of Israel, which promised to establish them in the land [...] was fully fulfilled." The connection of the people of Israel to what the Koran calls the 'Holy Land' and in Islamic traditions is known as 'Al-Sham', appears again and again in the Koran and in the Islamic traditions of many of the Islamic scholars. It goes without saying that the terms 'Palestine' and 'Palestinians' were unknown to the Koran or the Islamic scholars, until the revival of the Zionist movement at the beginning of the 20th century.
@yessy-yn6sw Jews DNA shows that the Jews are all related and originated from the land of Israel. You can Google it on Wikipedia. I'm a Iraqi/Persian Jew and my DNA goes back to the cannanites. You can deny the Jewish people all you want. It doesn't change the fact that you are denying history.
Thank you Mati, Yair, an TBN. I'm really enjoying this.😅
Both of you guys are my favorite people!
You make me feel closer to Israel and Jesus’ Coming Back!
God is so good & is protecting all of Israel.
I pray every day for every one of you and I am thankful for the TRUTH that you all are getting out and I share on my FB profile weekly.
Shalom from New Jersey 🕊️
God Bless Israel
Thank you Mati/Yair,the holy land is where God speaks to His people, I feel blessed. God bless Yisrael and its people 🙏
Thank you Lord my God the stunning beuty of Land of Israel 🕊️
We always pray for the peace of Jerusalem and the protection of all Israeli.
@yessy-yn6sw The brits never confiscated their land. Jewish people were BUYING the land from the arabs and then the Nakba happened because the surrounding ARAB COUNTRIES (EGYPT, LEBANON, SYRIA, ETC) told the arabs in Israel to leave so that they won't get hurt when they attack Israel, which they did. And they still somehow one country.
@yessy-yn6sw Do you want me to give you the source? The Arabs are fighting because they've always hated Jews, it's in their Quran. Im not lying and can give you the historical source of the Arabs selling their land to the Jews and also the verse from the Quran that tells muslims to go fight the jews because they don't believe in Allah?
@@czadeen195 There was no buying of land. According to the settler authorities the Negev was a desert. Golda Meir raised funds in America, up to 15 billion to settle Jews in Israel. Just watching a documentary on her life. She was Ukrainian that never experienced the hardship my own Ancestors as Orthodox Christians experienced during the Holomodor. She didn't even experience the Holocaust as she was safe in occupied America and Palestine at the time. First female Prime Minister of Israel she fitted in well with the men as in my opinion she looked like one.
@@HolySpiritGuidedChristian Nothing of what you said even remotely challenged the fact that Jewish people WERE BUYING LAND OFF ARABS. All you mentioned was Golda Meir who raised money so Jews could actually have a chance of getting to Israel and live life, but you still ignored the fact that the JEWS WERE LEGALLY BUYING LAND OFF ARABS. Do you want me to give you the sources? Also, how does being a christian who experiences hardship have anything to do with the land of Israel. Your acting like Jewish people didn't experience hardship, because of of the 10 million jews, 6 MILLION WERE KILLED IN THE HOLOCAUST! Are you okay? I'm a Christian as well, but that doesn't mean you just ignore facts. What I'm saying has nothing to do with the government of Israel right now, but I'm saying that they were the owners of the land well before ARABS EVEN EXISTED, and you legally regained their land back. Why are you ignoring that the ARAB population was given more than half of the Israel land in 1948 but then lost it because they decided to participate in a 6vs1 war against Israel (with literally ALL SURROUNDING ARAB NATIONS) and all of them still somehow managed to lose to one country, a country that had only been founded for a year???
@yessy-yn6sw Palestinians do not exist.
Shalom Matti , Yari , TBN Team thank you for excellent Faith Documentation of Faith History to Present day Holyland Isreal. Look forwards to visit theses sites again with family member in the distance future. Prays for Freedom of All Hostages , Prays for the Peace of Jerusalem , Prays for Peace of Israel Amen . U.K.
What a wonderful historical informative video. Thank you Mati! God Bless you. Praying for Israel & the peace to Jerusalem 🙏🙏🙏
Beautiful show to watch.
Hopefully TPN Israel will educate the world about the diversity and acceptance of Israel.
Looking forward to learning more about the country.
The war is over. The war has been lost, and so what is next? Exactly no one has a clue, but obviously Israel will live in fear for decades due to retaliation. What a pathetic church broadcasting network showing war and ☠️ asking for money while celebrating the IDF who is part of the problem. Strange world we live in. Israel is a disaster with a criminal running the asylum. Bibi will be brought to justice for his fraud! Want proof? Trump is currently a convicted felon! Instead of praying step into REALITY. Trump even sold bibles to steal more cash. Is anyone awake?
This was a very interesting segment. Israel is such a diverse country. To appreciate it, one must know every aspect of this spiritual/ secular/ innovative land. Thank you! Am Yisroel Chai!
Am yisrael chai 🇮🇱 alwatys . Thank you, matti and yairfor the education and knowledge you share .
We must Defend the sacred History of our saviour !
Pray for peace of Jerusalem.
Thank you Matti and Yair, you make me feel closer to Israel, where our Lord Jesus Christ was born and raised!
We are prayer for Jerusalem. Shalom🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
God of lsrael from age to age, l love You Lord Jesus Christ.
What a blessing.
Thank You Jesus for keeping Israel safe, in Your Holy name I pray 💙🤍💙
My mother had the opportunity to visit " THE HOLY LANDS" as she called JERUSALEM....she came back a different woman , calm and with a deep spiritual sense ❤
When she passed away I put the cloth she brought back from JERUSALEM, with her ....
Now she and my father, God rest their souls, are my guardian angels looking over me and my family. As a Greek Orthodox wife and mother I pray every night for the safety of all the citizens of Israel, but also for all those fighting for Isreal❤
You should also be praying for all of humanity. When did Christianity become so hateful of other people, especially Orthodox Christians.
@yessy-yn6sw Absolutely correct. I'm in the middle of watching a documentary on the life of Golda Meir. To my surprise, she was Ukrainian born in Kyiv and the generation of my Great, Great Grandparents who fled the Holomodor although she was never there to experience it. My Ancestors were Orthodox Christians and suffered more than she ever did, yet she became Prime Minister of Israel. She also changed her name from a Slavic name to what it became in America.
@yessy-yn6sw Understandable that they fought back.
@yessy-yn6swyou should do better homework. Palestina was the jewish homeand before it was called Israel
Same happened to me when I visited Israel 2015. 🇳🇬
Incredible video. Beautifully produced. It has expanded my view and appreciation for the land of Israel. Thank you.
That was very informative. I had no idea. Thank you. Blessings on these places of dedicated worship to God.
I long to go to Israel, where our Lord Jesus Christ was born and raised! How wonderful that would be! I pray for Israel, the hostages, the IDF and all their families! God be with you in your time of need!! 🙏
Please go
And dont com back
Oh yes, I would love that too. Not only the historical side but the Christian as well
Israel is awesome.🙏🇮🇱❤❤✝️
How amazingly interesting. Thanks Mati!
Thank you Brothers, very happy to see and understand all things.. God bless you guys wherever you guys maybe. Well done we appreciated both to do all this video. May Elohim blessed Jerusalem. May the peace of Elohim upon Jerusalem.
Thank you gentlemen. May God be with you.
Love this so much I’ve always wanted to go to the Montessori here in Ferdinand, Indiana. John the Baptist is in my top three with Jesus and Peter and my prayer room is in the shower and at the kitchen sink. Thanks for this awesome adventure.❤❤❤🇮🇱🙏
Beautiful land! Thank you, Mati, for sharing with us this video of historical significance! God bless all TBN Israel staff! Shalom, Jerusalem and Israel!
This was fascinating. Beautiful monasteries!
אלוהים ברוך ישראל 🤍♥️🤍
I really like your field trips Mati, and this one about the Monasteries, being separate, being sanctified, and being holy, for our God is Holy...and actually living out a solo life unto God in a religious Castle so to speak is very inspiring and intriguing...thanks again brother...God rules and Jesus is Lord!
Thank you.
Veni Sancte Spiritus 🤍🕊🤍
Beautiful 🙏
Thank you for this wonderful insight, to see the land I pray for, the people I pray for, not only Jews but Christians as well treating each other with so much respect, loving the land that God gave Israel with genuine humility, my heart is full. Thank you, bless you.
Jesus was born in Judea, not Israel. There was no Israel only Judea, Samaria to the north and Galilee to the north of Samaria.
@HolyInspiredOrthodoxChristian yes holy evil 😈 the Bible lies ipocrita christian
Thank you for such a fascinating documentary! It's always interesting to see these unique places in Israel.
Thank you, Mati. It is so heart-warming and uplifting to follow you and the meaningful mission introduced to us, the lovers n disciples of JESUS CHRIST, YESHUA. loving you and your cool personality from Australia 🇦🇺 ❤❤❤. Stay strong and safe. PRAYING FOR ETERNAL PEACE FOR JERUSALEM OUR MOTHER LAND N HOLY GROUNDS.
God Bless ISRAEL 🇮🇱💙🤍🙏🇺🇸!!!!!
Which god bless genocide?
@@Truth1991 your God satan allah corrupts thus planet go Away Mohammad boy😥😥😥
@@Truth1991 go Away Mohammad boy😥😥😥
God bless Israel ❤️
Awesome story about the life of Jesus. God almighty doing God be the glory
Outstanding production. Kudos!
Very heart touching
What a beautiful documentary. I feel I am there all the time!
Fascinating insight into monastic life in Israel. I loved listening to the role that the Persians and Caliphate had in creating religious knights and their orders as they pushed west into Europe for their safety. It came full circle with the Christian crusaders. I would love to dive deeper into that, i hadn't really made that connection before.
Loved this episode, and those tou interviewed. i wish it was longer. Thank you for a contemplative and informative post ❤
Outstanding piece! Bravo TBN
WOW!! THANK YOU for your report Mati Shoshani!! Sun City West Arizona USA
Prayers for Israel. Lord hear my prayers. I’m so discouraged as a single mother trying to make it on my own both of my sons are special needs. Jesus help me. I’m constantly struggling to buy groceries, struggling to pay bills I’m overwhelmed Lord but with you by my side Lord I cannot fail. So as I continue to struggle to provide for my children, I keep faith and know a blessing is on the way.❤️💕
Stay strong. I have special needs sons. There are good spec needs schools available.
bro prayer for Palestine you khown that how isreal crises on gazaa
It's a revelation to realise that these monasteries are named in honour of Jewish followers of Yeshua! I find that incredibly amazing!
Praying for the peace of Israel 🇮🇱.🇳🇬
This was a beautiful program. Thank you.
Mabuhay! From the Philippine Islands. It is like spiritual “off-grid” separate oneself from the corrupt & evil system of the world to focus on the Word.
Its crazy that the world doesn't expect Israel to do anything to protect these holy places
What a beautiful country with so much faith and history that dates back since of the beginning of time.❤ Amen
Great video. Very historical and gives us a glimpse of what life was like for the ancient Monks. Thanks for sharing this with us. 😊❤
Great show! God bless.
Thank you Mati, what beautiful places and people, truly incredible. Sending love and prayers from England to you all 🇮🇱🙏🇬🇧
Beautiful documentary. Thank you.
Excelent video! 👏🏻
Believe in Jesus and have faith in Him through His holy word and keep God’s ten commandments, including the fourth commandments, keeping Seventh-day Sabbath as the Holy day of worship. 🇵🇬 🇮🇱
Why Seventh-day Sabbath?
@sagigunib8239 we keep the Sabbath holy as a memorial of God’s creation, and only God deserves praise, honour, and glory, and He is the creator of Heaven and earth.
இயேசுவின் வருகை சீக்கிரம்....ஜெபத்தில் ஆயத்தமாவோம்..JESUS IS COMING VERY VERY SOON BE PREPARED BY VIGILANT IN PRAYER
AMEN 🙏 🙏 🙏
Nice documentary, thank you. 👍💙✡️💙✝️
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem and Salvation of Israel 🇮🇱
Thank you Mati and Yair for all the information you share. This episode in particular is close to my heart. Always interested in learning more about the monastries and churches in Israel. God bless and protect you all.
God bless Israel 🙏🇮🇱♥️
Fascinating - I was not aware of the extent of the monastic community in Israel.
@@RBH614 Amen, not only that Jesus was born in Judea, not Israel. There was no Israel only Judea, Samaria to the north and Galilee to the north of Samaria
@@HolySpiritGuidedChristian yes holy evil 😈 the Bible lies to as
@@HolySpiritGuidedChristian, poor bot.
Am amazed with all the Christian persecution for the last 1400 years since evil is-lam took amazed we still have some Christian holy places..we and our Jewish brothers and sisters were persecuted by Mr moohammad and his evil agents for centuries...every knee will bow to our compassionate Lord one day..
That is your opinion and unfortunately you have been misled. Muslims love and respect Jesus Christ above all prophets. In fact they are waiting for him to come back just as Christians are. Let us not be divided over semantics.. Also take note of who ended the lives of the prophets. It wasn't Muslims.
@@HolySpiritGuidedChristian, 😂😂😂
I enjoyed this.
God is forever with Israel always.
You spelled satan wrong
@@checo8187That's your god.
@@checo8187you are real evil 😈
@joanncota21 Remind me again who are the lunatics who walk around calling themselves “chosen” while openly rejecting Jesus?
@@checo8187 Oh that would be you. You go around preaching so high and mighty but you're so full of hate it's pathetic.
Looking forward to going back soon. Jerusalem feels like my hometown even though I was born in Australia. ✝️✝️✝️
Such a beautifull unieck inspired documentation! Thank you so much! It is God-breathed! It is so good to see that Israels spirituality is in The Lords hands ,.....I painted a painting 2 days before the crash on 7 okt, 2023,.; the temple-mount in Jeruzalem, bombs where falling, and angels where present to save,,. soldiers kneeling for help,........To hear from God, just start each day with giving Him just 3 min, of your time,. , I hope you will create more of this kind of amazing love-dedications of godly humans, through whom darkness is eliminated,..,. His Lordship is over Israel, for-ever!
Interesting look at desert monastaries and the monastic life.
All very interesting and educational! The settings of these monasteries are absolutely beautiful....they have, apparently, been deserts transformed into oasises! It would seem that Middle Eastern deserts have plenty of oasis areas, which are incredibly beautiful.
Thank you so much, TBN, and Mati in particular, for bringing to us such beauty and inspiration!
Am Yisrael Chai!
Shalom, Jerusalem! 💜💙🕊💙💜🇮🇱✡️✝️🇮🇱💜💙🕊💙💜
thank you for sharing♥️
This is awesome thankyou
Shabbat shalom.
Free the Holy Land from Hamas, Fatah, and Hezbollah.
May God keep all IDF soldiers and the whole Israel safe, united, and strong.
Pray for peace and victory of Israel.
Amen 🙏🙏🙏
Add radical european converts to the list.
@@checo8187 Troll bot
@@checo8187evil 😈 demon 😈 you are is sad
Very interesting, God is powerful.
Great video - good questions and answers.
Love this ❤ thank you guys!
Thank you for this information. I enjoy it so much.
This is very interesting thanks so much for sharing this gentleman wisdom ❤
❤from Croatia
I, the Lord of sea and sky
I have heard my people cry
All who dwell in dark and sin
My hand will save:
I who made the stars and night
I will make the darkness bright
Who will bear my light to them?
Whom shall I send?
Here I am Lord, Is it I Lord?
I have heard you calling in the night
I will go Lord If you lead me
I will hold your people in my heart
I the Lord of snow and rain,
I have borne my people's pain,
I have wept for love of them,
They turn away...
I will break their hearts of stone
Fill their hearts with love alone
I will speak my word to them
Whom shall I send?
I, the Lord of wind and flame
I will tend the poor and lame
I will set a feast for them
My hand will save:
Finest bread I will provide
Till their hearts be satisfied
I will give my life to them
Whom shall I send ⁉️
Love this song!🎶
A beautiful and pleasant pleace 👍
Beautiful reporting 👌
Thank you
interesting history
Such a good video ❤ 🙏🏼🇮🇱
A land where the enlightenment of ourselves and the Infinite began. The silent contemplation and revelation that -we are not here by accident, and that Reason and Consciousness propels us forward.. in what we call today as Christianity.
Very interesting
Great content Mati though different from the military focus I'm used to seeing. Isn't it wonderful and beautiful how Israeli prophets and the people Elohim chose have influenced society in very powerful ways as to influence movements that have remained for 1000s of years. I am however saddened that the monks actually came back in the Crusades and assisted to destroy the place they called home previously. I loved that cave though maybe less the paintings on the wall. I would definitely love to take some time to spend time alone with Adonai. When I was a teenager, i attended a Catholic School and I spent many days in the chapel praying and spending time reading the Bible and enjoying the presence of the Lord. This was not necessarily a result of it being the chapel, but because it was the place I chose to meet with Him because it was quiet. I also found stairwells and other quiet spaces when the chapel was being used and He met with me there also. Just last week as I was reflecting on the Torah portion and Brit Chadashah reading, I found a quote from the Lubavitcher Rebbe that was not necessarily new but very profound when I really thought about it. He believes that the 7th Millenium will be a time that is "wholly Shabbat and tranquility". Isn't that a beautiful thought? Things go so fast now that we don't get to spend nearly enough time in Adonai's Presence and in prayer, but imagine being able to rest in His Presence and getting to know Him for 1000 years? That will be nothing short of amazing. Much love and blessings to you Mati and Yair and the entire TBN Israel Team. Shabbat Shalom. Recently when Matt and Laurie were there, I suddenly remembered and missed Jan Crouch and her love for the Jewish People. May her memory always be a blessing.
Wow very nice Video God bless you Mati and Yair 🙏🇮🇱❤️