Dimash Kudaibergen - Qairan Elim | Reaction Димаш Кудайбергенов

  • Опубліковано 9 вер 2024


  • @vasilerohac3107
    @vasilerohac3107 4 роки тому

    Господи, какой глубокий Димаш, что он творит только задумайтесь! Бывает такое в
    жизни: кто-нибудь скажет пару слов, одну фразу всего лишь, а в них такая глубина, столько смысла, что иной и в тысячу страниц не сумеет передать. Это безусловно талант. Не зря и фамилия его Кудайберген- говорят что в переводе означает "Богом
    данный". Про себя Димаша я прозвал "Мистер пауза". Много музыки слышал за свою
    жизнь: и классику, и народную, и современную, разные стили и направления, но не припомню кто сумел бы так мастерски использовать паузы как он. Вкратце, с Вашего позволения добавлю ещё пару слов: в моей жизни был такой человек с которым я мог
    идти под осенним дождём почти не разговаривая, молча, при этом испытывал
    такое моральное и душевное удовлетворение что и описать трудно. Речь конечно не
    о близости ,просто, с хорошим собеседником бывает очень приятно помолчать. Кстати, я не молчун, жизнерадостный оптимист просто. Димаш сейчас как лицо, как рупор
    своего народа, своего края, он этим гордится и воспевает его . Казахстан воспитал
    достойного сына и может этим гордиться. Хвала его родителям и близким его семьи!
    Пару слов и в твой адрес, Ева. Во-первых , после небольшой паузы что тебя не было видно в интернете, ты заметно изменилась, похорошела заметно. Твои комментарии
    стали более объёмными, да и ты, по-моему стала более жизнерадостна. Регулярно наблюдаю твои комментарии с большим интересом- в них искренность и профессионализм. Хотел поделиться с Вами двумя-тремя словами, а получился роман
    целый. Всем здоровья , удачи, любви, мира и благополучия!

  • @vasilerohac3107
    @vasilerohac3107 4 роки тому

    P.S. Димаш с каждым днём, с каждой песней становится взрослей, понятливей и
    более многогранным...

  • @fatidear1604
    @fatidear1604 2 роки тому

    Thank you for pointing out real art, Dimash is unique in all the history of the world!!! ,, 🙏 Thank you for contacting Dimash

  • @janhendriktromp7723
    @janhendriktromp7723 4 роки тому +1

    Dimash a wake up to the world to love their culture and root

  • @brianjoffin4132
    @brianjoffin4132 4 роки тому +2

    Very interesting that Dimash only faces forward three times, each time his face shows unbearable pain but also that quality of being tempered, or strengthened that he mentions in the lyrics. At all other times he is facing the heavens in prayer and supplication. The other fascinating moment is when he lets out a single cry of agony which turns into a bolt of lightning shooting across the sky, such a powerful image! He is a master of arrangement and choreography as co-director of this stunning work of art! I mean literally stunning as it leaves one without words to explain it...

  • @esterrabi2085
    @esterrabi2085 4 роки тому +3

    Greetings to the owner and guests of this channel…! And my heartfelt gratitude to reactors and commentators worldwide for your great help and service, so that artists can improve and or develop their talents and gifts at their best in order to serve better the listening public.
    Dimash new piece = QAIRAN ELIM is a prayer: A song dedicated not only to Dimash's homeland - Kazakhstan, but also to the entire planet Earth, and covid victims, it introduces us to a new and a deep image of thoughts to ponder with. It is a heavy content music which is very important in our life. In my own reflection upon watching the initial background images at the start of this music video clip, it seems it gives me a glimpse to understand a little bit… of what message this song conveys.
    In my own understanding, I come to realize that it seems it talks about our: LOVE, CARE, PROTECTION, AND GREAT RESPECT TO OUR PLANET EARTH AND TO OUR DEAR MOTHERLAND. The deep message and meaning of this music moves our minds and hearts to see through, our own attitudes and relationships to these two great important natural resources, which is very much closely connected to our human social life towards our planet earth and to our dear mother land, a place where we are born, live, grow, develop, fed and sustain of our various human and spiritual needs.
    In truth, the existence and creation of these natural resources: our planet earth including our motherland and its richness within it, is beyond our human capacity, and this indeed purely Gods gratuitous love and generosity for his people. Furthermore, the great service it gives to mankind astounded us and it is beyond our human understanding as well. In all of these gifts, that God gave us…Is there a way for us to repay Gods love and generosity..? Yes, I believe there is, and that is: TO CARE, TO RESPECT AND TO PROTECT PLANET EARTH AND OUR MOTHERLAND, so that it will continue to support and supply mankind’s needs for all eternity. Loving God, loving others and loving ourselves: means not hurting them and not destroying them. God’s creation which is PLANET EARTH makes one package deal for all of these. . This is Gods absolute demand for all of us to live in our lives His great commandments of love, so that we live all together in true and lasting happiness.
    MUSIC VIDEO FOCUS: At the start of this song, when Kazakh native musical instrument was being played and all the natures images background running through it, it was really beautiful, because it brings us a narrative scene as a background of the story, deep thoughts and a sense of mystery that was going to happen.
    I cannot guess what it is, it is a suspense thriller for me, and I am curious what’s next… And when Dimash start to sing, and slowly English lyrics appears on screen, this particular scene allows me to enter into that internal journey and story behind the song.
    The shocking and moving scene for me is when the burning fire appears on piano keys and Dimash was on fire singing at the top of it, and the pianist also was burned and falls into the water, and at the end, drops of blood flows into the musical instrument, then there, I come to realized the heart and message of this song for it flashes into my mind : THE LIVES OF HOLY PEOPLE AND PEOPLE OF GOOD WILL, WHO ARE THE GREAT HEROES AND HEROINES OF OUR MOTHER LAND AND PLANET EARTH, who give their untiring service and voluntarily accept humbly any sacrifice that comes their way and even shed their blood for the love of God’s creation: Planet Earth and Motherland, defending at all costs the rights of the people and of their country’s freedom, security, peace and justice .
    To our dear holy people and people of good will: alive or dead… who are heroes in many ways, indeed my deepest gratitude, respect, honor and appreciation for all the good things you have done for planet earth and for your country and people. I feel that words are not enough how grateful we are to you. For sure, in this world we cannot really pay you back in complete justice of your goodness to us, but in due time, God who is just, will reward you in full, in His kingdom of the service you have done to His creation ( planet earth ) and to your country and people (mother land).
    In like manner, I am deeply sad of the difficulties and various life circumstances that these heroes and heroines faces in defending and protecting highly the planet earth and their motherland. To which in some cases it cost to end up their lives untimely. Though they died prematurely of whatever causes and cases it maybe, but their noble purpose and credible witness in utmost charity of giving up their own lives for the common good of the people is always of great worth and truest value. And in this regard, their legacy lives on forever. The fruits of their exceptional dedication and conviction to life’s purpose and just cause are really praiseworthy at all times.
    Furthermore, I read that Dimash produced and perform this short music video clip. I sense that, his 21 years of cultivating and developing his talents in music cost much something in his life. He even goes; to many and far away countries to participate, develop and improve his talents at his best. Dimash high energy, strength, courage and perseverance in reaching the heights and peak of his professional career and talent development are for me are great heroic acts. His hard works for years pays off greatly now, because every time he performs his music is indeed of a high quality and in an outstanding performance. I think Dimash purpose in developing fully well his talent is not only to get the peoples wows and popularity, the public applause and thumbs up, the trophies and the awards or to become the richest artist’s in the world etc…, but really… deeper than that… is to show his love and give a humble service to his motherland and his people on this planet earth. In this way, Dimash too in his own way, through his music and professional fields is a modern day silent heroes of our time. Dimash life, his music, and his charitable works and service to people in his own motherland proved it to the world. In fact his talents and gifts in music are at the service of his country and people. Indeed my great gratitude and appreciation to Dimash and his family for whatever contribution they did to their beloved country = KAZAKSTAN.
    As an artist, Dimash principles of life’s, is as great, strong and powerful as his voice which is firmly established in himself as a musician… way back when he was interviewed in China when he says: “I wish to get to the heart of my nation, and be well educated. I want my country to be proud of my contribution as a citizen of the land. Persons and character are important to me and they deserve to be respected no matter who they are, and whatever their profession in life would be. An artist should be someone who can be an example, so I think; I should try to do with my music which is something that is educational”. These is such a powerful words of an artist with great dignity, courage, and loyalty to his mother land and have a great respect to planet earth. Dimash powerful values and principle of life, shouts out loud to this generation and greatly challenges us all, the kind and essential values and attitudes that his music brings into this world. Finally, as a public audience, in obedience to this artist desire, dreams and hope, I did try in every way possible that my piece of comments fulfill his purpose. Thanks indeed for this beautiful reaction video a piece of music sung and produced by Dimash and for your great service to us. Gratefully yours, Ester Rabi, Philippines, South East Asia

    • @m.bk.3928
      @m.bk.3928 3 роки тому

      as much as your information is interesting, for the sake of people reading it, you should considerably shorten it. At such length, nobody would even bother to start reading and that would be a shame for all the effort you put into putting it together, Cheers from a 'Dear' in Vienna

  • @nancyhashiguchi8470
    @nancyhashiguchi8470 3 роки тому

    This Friday, October 9, his video Qairan Elim is broadcast on the MTV USA channel. At that time you can vote for him to support him. Enter the page to see how to vote !!!! The "dears" (fans) from all over the world are awaiting this event !!!!!!!!

  • @jimmelodyfarmervideo9548
    @jimmelodyfarmervideo9548 4 роки тому +5

    Eve...Thank you for mentioning that this is "Art" in the true sense of the word. As much as the entertainment industry & media try to mold him into a "Pop Music Sensation & Sex Symbol" Dimash himself has often humbly said that his intention is to create art and to have a positive influence on the world and people.

  • @matiaskatsaros1225
    @matiaskatsaros1225 4 роки тому

    Suscribe!! A masterpeace!

  • @jscollectionkrisadichannel4890
    @jscollectionkrisadichannel4890 4 роки тому +1


  • @jimmelodyfarmervideo9548
    @jimmelodyfarmervideo9548 4 роки тому +5

    Beautiful...It would be good for people to learn about Dimash & the history of Kazakhstan before seeing/hearing this. BTW, Eve, did you see that Dimash directed this video.

  • @user-tf6kz3gf7n
    @user-tf6kz3gf7n 4 роки тому +2
