I used to be 7th Day Adventist for +25 years and I followed the vegetarian doctrine only eating vegetables and grains, no animal products other than eggs and dairy products, my four children growed up with this diet, I ended up being a fat and sick person, I quited the religion and found and follow the paleo diet, I adopted this diet and in three months I went to my 20's waigth and the inflamation disapeared and obtained incedible health, buy now I couldn't re-educated my children, this is now my biggest trouble I need to resolve
Good for you for breaking out of such an unhealthy dietary regimen and finding your health. I'm a strict carnivore and I love it. No more gut or joint pains. More flattering body composition. And have trimmed down.
If McDonald's went back to using beef tallow instead of vegetable oils it would have a positive effect on obesity in America. Replacing all veg oils and high fructose corn syrup would be one of the best things to happen to the American diet.
@@harrymills2770 same! I was on high-school in the 70's and before the "low fat" craze and replaced real fats with processed fats food actually tasted good and there wasn't near the levels of obesity we see now.
Nina - just ran into your vids yesterday. I try and follow the science behind all this, as much as I can grasp anyway. Gotta say, your presentations are down to earth and so comprehensive. Thanks for all the work you put in.
It's a simple fact:- _anyone_ who thinks animal husbandry/livestock-raising is bad for the land, and monocrop-agriculture good, has never been a farmer! At least in Australia, and any country with a similar climate and similarly poor topsoils, will know that after you pasture a herd in a field, another can generally be pastured on the same field immediately (assuming you're not over-stocking). This is simply not so with crops. One _must_ leave one's fields fallow for several seasons between crops; and the fastest way to replenish the field is to pasture a herd on it. There is simply no comparison to what a herd of ruminants will bring to a field. Indeed, they can turn a dead claypan with no remaining topsoil, into a lush pasture in a few short years, even just with intermittent grazing (and no cropping); and with long-term grazing, they do so even more rapidly. And that's in a climate with less than 15 inches of rainfall a year (where 15" would be a good year!). The most successful farmers in my region are the ones with the largest acreage so that they may leave their crop-fields fallow for _four or five years_ between planting, _and_ who also run sheep, that can replenish the land between crops (wheat is the primary local crop, with some canola as the seasons allow; with sheep the primary livestock, most of which are raised for meat and standard wools, but ultrafine merino are raised locally too, with some cattle). The land must be rested between crops; and unless you pasture a herd on it (sometimes even if you do), it will have to be rested for a _long_ time after a harvesting a crop. There is no grey area on these facts -- even the gentlest methods of crop-agriculture are an environmental disaster! While livestock-raising simply is not. So eat meat or don't - that's up to you and no one else cares - but you cannot deny reality:- if you choose to live on agricultural-crops, fine, but don't fool yourself that your doing so will 'save the planet' because the very opposite is true. _Your_ food-choice creates an environmental disaster in its wake; that of meat-eaters does not. And you need not take my word for it -- just look at everywhere humans have raised cereal crops throughout history -- the dead, dry, so-called 'Fertile' Cresent comes immediately to mind; as does India, as does the Sahara Desert. Compare the vast, deep-soiled prairies of north America (and I think we all know the simply enormous numbers of bison, deer, bear and wolves, and other animals, predators and prey, they historically supported). Or better yet, talk to a farmer.
Farmers know this, not only in Australia but all over the world! It's amazing how few people (apart from farmers) are aware of the facts you've presented here, which is just a measure of deliberate misinformation on the subject in our media. Our journalists are no longer real journalists but merely the stenographers of power, whether it be corporate or immediate political power.
Democrats in the USA, and Leftists in general, are immune to facts. Proof>>Despite zero evidence, they actually believe that CO2 is harmful. It's a cult
It is best to let the pasture replenish itself after the herd has been there. Most regenerative ranchers let at least two months between when they bring the animals onto a piece of land they were on before. By then, the dung they had released would have been absorbed and the grass would have grown enough for the animals to get good nutrition. If we want to save our planet, eating grass-fed meats, milk, etc. as well as pasture-raised pork, eggs, chicken, etc. is VERY helpful.
Brilliant lecture. An eye-opener for me as a medical doctor as it motivates one to pay closer attention to the scientific data behind the current dietary “guidelines”, irrespective of the institutions which endorses them.
If anyone worries about the production of red meat causing damage to the planet, I recommend they listen to Allen Savory and Joel Salatin, two world-renowned leaders in the revolution against what America knows as traditional beef farming. They have taken land nearly turned to desert by wrong farming practices, and turned those areas lush and green. How? By introducing herbivores, and managing them correctly. Within only a few years, this kind of farming can produce far more food, from marginal land, than conventional farming can from prime land. And all this, while healing the planet. Just do a UA-cam search for each of those names, and take time to listen. It will completely change your perspective on farming.
I agree. I've been looking into regenerative agriculture for the last 10 months and decided to limit my meat to grass-fed beef and lamb; pasture-raised pork, chicken, and eggs; and milk, butter, and cheese from grass-fed cows. I can't believe how much more delicious these foods are. I recently got a grass-fed filet mignon, always risky because I'm the one doing the cooking, but it was the best tasting steak I can ever remember having. BTW, grass-fed meat generally will cook at a lower temperature than factory-farmed meats. Supporting regenerative agriculture with my dollars can make a difference in a whole range of issues. I totally recommend it. I found this talk extremely interesting. It made me feel like my choice was valid, based on science, and good for the planet. I thought about being a vegan for a while but then when I found out they didn't eat honey because it was an "animal excretion," I thought this is too much for me. It's good to eat honey since it helps the beekeepers and farmers both. At any rate, I'm happy to see that more and more of these products are showing up in stores from regular supermarkets to Trader Joe's to Sprouts and various health-food stores. And btw, the bacon is simply heavenly!
I had the thought that epidemiological studies should only be used as hypothesis generators; ten mins before she said it herself... I'm sold. Lol VERY solid information here! 👍 Docs should pay attention.
I love the research done by journalists...they seem to be the only ones putting truth out there, any longer...thank you so much for your courageous research...I love you...thank you
Since animals are much more capable of properly digesting vegetables, feed all of them to the animals, they get a better diet than the all grain diet, and we get a healthier cow and better meat.
@@Kitiwake read this the other day, and it's apparently also true of some primates. On the surface, they seem to be fueled off of primarily vegetation. However it's what happens inside that is the interesting part. As you stated with the cattle, that vegetation is actually converted to primarily fatty acids. Thus a number of primates are actually fat burners.
Many man in my church and women too are overweight, some are obese. As a rule eating animal products is not recommended, instead we eat lots of soy products almost daily and mock meat. We also have many incidents of diabetes and low energy people. After this conference I'm beginning to connect some dots.😪😪😪
Soy is such a powerful plant estrogen that it's recommended to replace estrogen loss in post menopausal women. Yet, they feed it to babies! No wonder males are becoming generally more effeminate... and girls are now menstruating earlier than ever! Ever wonder where 'man-boobs' come from? Yep. Too much estrogen! Also, estrogen contributes to weight gain.
@Sudo Nim yes, keep in mind all legumes are heavy on digestion. Boiled at low fire for long hours with a little piece of Kombu makes it easier to be digested, especially for the not so young.
@@giuseppebonatici7169 I have to ask, did you watch? Her argument is that the government started pushing high Carb Low Fat in the 80s, on a lack of scientific data. She wants the science. And yes, she is very much aware of how the science is corrupted by big industry money. She has a whole book about that and a lot of videos also.
It wasn't called sugar diabetes because of any dietary cause. It was causes sugar diabetes but cause sugar was in the urine. The other type was called water diabetes, which is a problem with the hormone that controls urination (nothing to do with blood sugar levels or the flushing of glucose through the urine).
@@paperinik69 been keto carnivore for 2 yrs.... blood pressure is now perfect... 22 bmi... never crave never crash.. ever... if Im busy and forget to eat... no big deal .. Takes time to change programming away from the processed crap american diet
Please don't get me wrong John. I love Nina and her message, but she's not the best spokesperson for our cause. She's a little like Gary Taubes. She needs to lose all the umms and don't use evolution to argue our case for god's sake. You alienate a large portion of potential supporters. She's not the only low-carb-er to make this mistake. Evolution is not real science. It's a belief, just like a vegan diet. If you don't like hearing me say it imagine how our Christian siblings hear the opposition view being thrown into the conversation for no good reason. We have an airtight case. Please don't weaken it. Love you Nina. I will always watch your videos even if I can't share them with anyone.
@@MrBoomie00 - First of all, it wouldn't matter what we evolved to eat. The question is, what can we eat? Or what should we eat? We have an airtight argument. We don't need to go off in the weeds. If you want to discuss evolution, discuss evolution. But don't randomly interject it needlessly into every other discussion. It's almost like some kind of virus. Evolution is a belief just like "Eat less move more." And that's fine. You can still use it as long as it isn't used as a fact. In true science, there are no facts. Everything is open for discussion. An honest scientific debate would always start with the word suppose. Evolutionary arguments are always circular. Not only that but claiming you know that life sprung magically from a big-bang x number of years ago is really stretching the imagination. How could we possibly know that? It isn't logical. And it doesn't match our observations. Then you need countless assumptions and miracles to get to our present existence. Evolution doesn't help our argument. The fact that so many of us think it does shows the level of programming and cognitive dissonance surrounding evolution and the archaeological record. We KNOW very little about things we believe happened 200 years ago, pass 500 years, and anything goes. Google Marco Polo or how Roman aqueducts ended up South America?
At about 4 minutes in, the two meat consumption charts do not jibe with each other. One shows total meat consumption going up, the other shows it going down.
Nina continues to hit it out of the park with her research and her presentation of that material. She has done us all a wonderful favor with her focused nutritional presentations. Much thanks to Nina! Wonder if she’s working on another best selling book?? Hope so!!!
She obviously ignorant of the plain science of saturated fats and diabetes connection. If you understand the concept of intramyocellular lipids aka fat inside cells, and how this interferes with insulin sensitivity, you'll clearly see the disconnect in the so called facts presented here. The solution is whole food plant based diet and this has been proven beyond any reasonable doubt to stop, control and reverse lifestyle diseases. How else can you explain Dr Dean ornish lifestyle medicine reimbursement by insurance if it did not work? Wake up people! Your health, your choice, your responsibility. Do not let industry interests decide what is good for you. They are only interested in maintaining their profits if not increase and that at the expense of your health.
Benchmark Pharmacy : Did you read her book? If not, maybe you should. It's addressed. And why does the Inuit in the Arctic have no " lifestyle diseases " and yet their diets are 60 to 70 percent saturated fat? Can't really answer that, can you!
I have changed my diet i want to say thank you & gary taubes i lot over 50 pounds I cut out carbs and sugar and most processed foods . I hope something really can change with the food industry The pyramid is all wrong my child in school and now I am sending her with a lunch healthier meals
Richard Feynman (Nobel Prize in Physics 1965 on fundamental work in quantum electrodynamics) said, "I have approximate answers and possible beliefs in different degrees of certainty about different things, but I’m not absolutely sure of anything." Proof in scientific research is more like a correlation of occurrence within stringent levels of significance. A research paper usually recommends areas needing further study. I have read Ms. Teicholz's book and it is part of my validation that a Carnivore way of eating is beneficial for my continued health.
I think we're really omnivores, so enjoy your fruits and vegetables, too. :) But yeah, I'm all for eating meat, especially from animals privileged to live on regenerative farms, fed exclusively on excellent forage and grass finished. Yum!
@@wendyscott8425 Modern fruits are just tree candies! Humans evolved to eat fruits for at most two weeks at the end of summer to fatten up for the coming winter. Vegetables are just a garnish on my steaks ! Humans are essential carnivores and there are no essential carbohydrates needed in human diet! No grains, no fruits, no potatoes works for me . The official dietary advise has been proven factually wrong and a lie .
@@thalesnemo2841 So do you only eat fruits in season? I've thought about the whole keto thing or paleo or whatever it is you're doing, but I just couldn't imagine never having a bowl of cereal or a piece of toast in the morning, or rice with my steak, a baked potato, ice cream, etc. It just seems like life wouldn't be as fun, as delicious as grass-fed or pasture-raised meats are. Of course, there are various opinions as to whether humans are essentially carnivores or herbivores. I just think we're omnivores when you look around the world and see the vast variety of things people live on, including various bugs and even snakes! We can eat anything and it usually won't kill us. :) Well, almost anything. :)
Ironically, if they were being honest, they could easily study if red meat is a factor by comparing people on the 'standard American diet' against people on the Keto diet, which would essentially remove carbs from the equation. But they already know how that would turn out, which is why they specifically study people on the standard American diet and stay clear of people on the Keto diet. It isn't science if you are going into it with the conclusion already determined.
I did chuckle when she said she was a vegetarian.....that ate chicken and fish. I agreed with so much of it, since I went on keto, I have started feeling like a new person, meat isn't the threat, that is undoubtedly sugar.
Dear Nina: Very important analysis! Would you give us your take on Neu5Gc in red meat? According to Dr. Gabe Mirkin, on Sept 2018, he indicated researchers have identified the CMAH gene in meat, dairy, and even caviar from some fish that produces a sugar-protein called Neu5Gc, which may explain the association between eating red meat and increased risk for certain cancers (Genome Biol Evol, Jan 1, 2018;10(1):207-219). Epidemiological studies show that eating red meat (beef, pork, and lamb) is associated with an increased risk for some cancers and other diseases. Researchers followed 536,000 men and women, ages 50 to 71, for an average of 16 years and found that those who ate the most meat from mammals and processed meat had a 26 percent greater risk of dying within the study period than those who ate the least (Brit Med J, May 9, 2017). High mammal meat consumption was associated with increased rates of death from cancer, heart disease, respiratory disease, stroke, diabetes, infections, kidney disease, and liver disease. The study was supported by the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the National Cancer Institute (NCI).Neu5Gc and Risk for CancerWe do not have an explanation for the association between eating meat from mammals and various diseases in humans, but a leading theory was offered by Ajit Varki in 1982 when he discovered a sugar-protein on the surface of all cell membranes in mammals except humans. He called this sugar-protein Neu5Gc, and in 2014, he published data showing how Neu5Gc may cause cancer (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, published online April 7, 2014).He explained that when you eat red meat, the Neu5Gc from the meat is absorbed into your body and your body treats this sugar-protein in the same way that it treats germs that try to get into your cells. Your immunity recognizes germs by the sugar-proteins on the surface of their cells. If the surface proteins are the same as those on your cells, your immunity lets the protein enter your cells, but if the surface proteins on membranes are different from those on your cells, your immunity tries to kill the invading germs.The same applies to cancer cells. Every day, your body produces millions of cancer cells. Your immunity recognizes cancer cells as being different from normal cells and produces antibodies and cytokines that attach to and kill these cancer cells. This is exactly the same mechanism that your immunity uses to try to prevent germs from growing in your body. If your immunity produces large amounts of antibodies against cancer cells, you kill them and they disappear from your body. If you produce only small amounts of antibodies to cancer cells, the cancer cells can grow and spread through your body.How Neu5Gc May Cause CancerAll mammals except humans have Neu5Gc on the surface of their cells. Humans receive Neu5Gc only when they get it from eating meat or dairy products from mammals. When you eat red meat, you absorb Neu5Gc into your body, and your immunity treats the sugar-protein as a germ that is trying to attack your body. For more than 30 years, Varki has wanted to do studies to show how Neu5Gc could cause cancer, but it is illegal and immoral to do studies that cause cancer in humans. Ten years ago, a company in New Hampshire developed mice that do not have Neu5Gc for use in Varki’s experiments. Because they have no Neu5Gc, they are like humans and different from all other mammals, and their immunities recognize Neu5Gc as an invading germ. Varki took these mice and fed them Neu5Gc. The mice immunities treated Neu5Gc from red meat just as those of humans would do. Their white blood cells and cytokines attacked the Neu5Gc as if it was an invading germ. Then he gave the mice antibodies that attach to and try to destroy Neu5Gc. When he gave them low doses of antibodies against Neu5Gc, tumors developed and grew rapidly. In mice who were given high doses of antibodies, the antibodies attached to and killed the tumors. He feels that when your immunity is working properly, it produces enough antibodies to kill the cancer cells. However, if your immunity produces only small amounts of antibodies, it appears that cancer cells are able to grow and spread through your body.How Varki Found Neu5GcVarki ground up cow’s muscle and put it into a 20-foot column of gel with a positive charge on one side and a negative charge on the other. This separated out almost 1500 different protein and sugar molecules. He did the same with human muscle. He found a sugar protein in cow’s muscle that was not in human muscle and called it Neu5Gc. He explains that at one time, all mammals had Neu5Gc in their cells. However, a mutation occurred in humans that converted Neu5Gc to another sugar protein that he called Neu5Ac. Today all mammals except homo sapiens have Neu5Gc. Humans have Neu5Ac in its place.Varki’s Explanation of How Red Meat Could Cause Cancer Many studies show that people who eat red meat or dairy products have Neu5Gc in their cells. Much higher concentrations of Neu5Gc in a human’s body is found in cancer cells with the highest concentration of Neu5Gc in humans found in cancer tumors that metastasize (spread through the body and kill). If you have strong immunity, your body will produce very large amounts of antibodies against Neu5Gc and you will kill the cancer cells. However, if your immunity does not produce enough antibodies against Neu5Gc, the cancer cells can grow, and can spread through your body. Varki is now trying to cure cancers by working on ways to increase antibody production. Thanks,
It is worth mentioning that several university and commercial trials of managed grazing for livestock has produced results that prove that such grazing techniques coulld sequester more carbon than any and all other proposed methods designed to reduce carbon emissions. Of course that is essentially a moot point since we also have proof that our present increase in carbon has been a vegetation boon for our planet.
Vegetation isn't necessarily what absorbs carbon. The carbon used to be in the soil, and when managed grazing is used, the soil vastly improves, the plants are able to absorb more water when it rains, their roots can go far down into the soil to pull up nutrients, the soil microbiome becomes healthy, and the carbon is put into the soil pretty much for good. Grasslands are the best at absorbing carbon into the soil while releasing oxygen, then bushes, then trees.
Or the foods an lifestyles associated with meat intake, not the meat itself. When you eat a burger inside of white bread bun with french fries and a Coke/Pepsi, they blame the carcinogic effect and other unhealth effects on the burger not on the crap eaten with it.
Because they don’t care about you or your health, they only care about money, especially when ur just another number in their computer system. If these people had direct contact with the pissed off people who want to help themselves then it may be a different story.
@Julie Mitchell but most of those cattle still spend 4-6mos in a CAFO (concentrated animal feeding operation) to be fattened up on corn and grain that has been sprayed with agrochemicals. Many CAFOs use antibiotics as a growth strategy rather than only using them on sick cows. Some have more integrity than that and only use them on sick cows but the "factory farming" is still the reality for those last few months of a cow's life.
@Julie Mitchell They may be partially pasture raised, but most cattle is grain finished in disgusting feedlots, and this is supposed to be good for us? I don't think so. Regenerative farmers feed their cattle on pastures only, and they move them often. The only thing they add is an assortment of minerals that the animals choose from if they feel the need, which then mostly get pooped onto the pasture and goes back into the soil and into the next growth of grasses and forbs. It sure makes a difference in the taste! So yes, a lot of cattle are raised using the Columbus method. The farmer puts them out to pasture in the spring and then sees if he can discover them in the fall. This does not make for healthy cows or pastures.
Does anyone knows why does one crave sugar on a vegetarian or mainly vegetarian diet? Even when normally (not avoiding meat), one does not have a sweet tooth?
michael gregor even told a vegan/animal rights group he was lecturing that one of their challenges is to find out why vegans are more likely to be found with heart disease than meat eaters - and in another video tells us we should be vegan to avoid heart disease.
@@ApexHerbivore - You can easily find it for yourself. It's a 1 hr youtube video (or slightly longer, I forget) where he finally discloses a 10 yr study re: vegan vs meat. It turn out that yes, vegans do die of heart disease on the same level that meat eaters do. Look for the video yourself.
@@OMGaNEWBIE if it's so easy - you find it. I just scrolled thru 3 years of his videos. They are all 4-7 minutes long except his Q&As which are all around half an hour long. The first 1hr+ video I came across was from August 2016 and was a lecture about "how not to die". I'd love you to show me what you're on about. But after 7 months, the OP hasn't replied, and I doubt you will. Not with any pertinent information anyway. You're both full of shit.
this video is very interesting... it ends with a mystery about the concern for the "side-effect of cancer" for the diet that is recommended to the American public and that they couldn't figure it out. Didn't this whole mess start with the "precautionary principle" of the heart-diet hypothesis when the studies and science weren't available? Given the runaway disease today -- why isn't the same principle applied given the evidence is much stronger and studies proving the exact opposite? (I know it's largely a rhetorical question, too many interests controlling the narrative, but still...)
Teicholz states, around 40;00, "we cannot deny our evolution." This is a fair statement and I agree with it. Plant-based and vegan agenda people will argue that we've moved beyond our evolutionary past, that we are due to evolve to a higher or transcendent level. I think we all understand that biology doesn't work that way. We are a bipedal ape in a George Jetson environment. Total mismatch and incompatibility that can't be transcended. I think there are some people that can tolerate a vegan diet and remain in relatively good health long-term. But these are the remarkable exception rather than the rule. Most people are going to be damaged by practicing a vegan diet long term (many won't last "long-term"). The evidence is clear. This vegan movement is very insidious and very dangerous and it ultimately only serves the food and supplement industries.
Michael Rose (evolutionary biologist and leading expert on aging) points out that after 100 generations of an agricultural diet, many humans up to age 40 have developed a "tolerance" for agricultural products such as grain, legumes and dairy. But after that age, humans lose their tolerance for such foods that weren't part of their ancestral diet. But those races that don't have 5,000 years of consumption of agricultural products are less able to tolerate such foods. even before age 40.
@@aquamarine99911 this is interesting, would you happen to have a source you could point to, and I don't mean that it has to be an academic paper, I'm not politely trying to shut you down. I ask because my own personal thoughts, and that's all they are, are that this period that we can all point to examples in our own lives was more of a symptom free wearing down of the body's defences, my logic from an ancestral prospective being that in our past there must have been periods of even years where nature conspired against our optimal diet. But as I've said these are just my own personal thoughts and I would like to see other avenues in this area, regards.
Red meat causes colo rectal cancer ?!?! I survived colo rectal cancer stage 4 and before I hardly ever ate red meat just a load of processed crap grains, sugar, oils etc etc. I'm now carnivore ,red meat ,beef butter eggs, dairy and no gut issues or feeling like crap. Feel better than ever on carnivore no aches, no pains, more energy. 😉👍 ( Even with only half a digestive system ?!?! )
The last question from the audience was the most important question "Why do Vegatarians have higher rates of colon cancer? I will tell you why. All plants and grains are infected with mold! And mold spores which sprout in the colon....FACT
I add 1 oz liver to 1 lb ground beef. I get all of the wonderful benefits of liver without having to taste it, and in small amounts that my body can handle. Liver will basically liquify when processed in a blender or food processor and is easy to comine with the meat. I also add beef fat to my ground beef the same way.
My waistline is not proportional to my height I have a big waistline. How can I get rid of all the fat that accumulated on my mid section/belly fat/love handles?
You don't have to go completely keto, but low carb is adviceable. That basically means no sugar or grains. But, you can have a little bit of oats or rye if you like oatmeal for breakfast or crispbread with lots of cheese and ham or mackerel or similar. Whole fruit and verries in small amounts, but no fruit juices. Beans are allowed if not totally keto, but no more than the meat or fish you're having. Just going keto is usually much easier though.
@@gadnihasj this will never get the weight off. It might slow down the gain, at best, unless you add heavy exercise. A true weight loss program will take the weight off with only moderate activity. Get rid of all whole grains, fruit and berries until you reach your weight goal, then you might add some back carefully. Probably will need some fasting routine also. Whole grains are for fatening livestock or supplementing the inadequate diet of a work horse or a man walking behind a plow horse all day.
@@roughout But I know people whom it worked on. Probably depends a few other factors, like how messed up one's metabolism is, but a generalisation like only keto works is just as wrong as saying only cico works. Everybody is their own n=1, but low carb whether keto or not does work. How else do paleo folks manage to lose weight?
Wow. Talk about your unsung hero. Nina has done so much good for humanity by spreading these inconvenient truths, and yet hardly anyone knows who she is. One reason for this is that Funko Inc. has never seen fit to issue a Funko Pop in her likeness. Please, everyone, let's make our voices heard: WE DEMAND A NINA TEICHOLZ FUNKO POP!
Re Charles Dickens. There's a missing slide at the start - the comment at the start makes no sense. This is what Dickens had to say about an American breakfast: "In our private room the cloth could not, for any earthly consideration, have been laid for dinner without a huge glass dish of cranberries in the middle of the table; and breakfast would have been no breakfast unless the principal dish were a deformed beef-steak with a great flat bone in the centre, swimming in hot butter, and sprinkled with the very blackest of all possible pepper" "At eight o’clock, the shelves being taken down and put away and the tables joined together, everybody sat down to the tea, coffee, bread, butter, salmon, shad, liver, steak, potatoes, pickles, ham, chops, black-puddings, and sausages, all over again. Some were fond of compounding this variety, and having it all on their plates at once. As each gentleman got through his own personal amount of tea, coffee, bread, butter, salmon, shad, liver, steak, potatoes, pickles, ham, chops, black-puddings, and sausages, he rose up and walked off. When everybody had done with everything, the fragments were cleared away: and one of the waiters appearing anew in the character of a barber, shaved such of the company as desired to be shaved; while the remainder looked on, or yawned over their newspapers. Dinner was breakfast again, without the tea and coffee; and supper and breakfast were identical. "
@@wendyscott8425 The stomach will adjust (years ago, I had the same thought as you). It takes around a month to adjust to a carnivore diet, but it's better in the long run. I eat leafy greens as well, but the majority of my calories are from animal sources. My cardiac health is athletic.
@@billybbob18 Well, I was really talking about that Dickens breakfast, which seemed more like someone's last meal before an execution. LOL I'm using up all my carb-heavy food and considering going keto. Now that I've found grass-fed beef, I'll be happy to eat a lot of it and see how I feel. My son is doing that, so we could coordinate better when he comes over. Of course, his wife and kids aren't on the keto diet so I'd still have to provide some rice or something, but it would work, I'm sure.
What Nina did not mention about a pound of red meat compared to a pound of plants is that a pound of meat goes a lot further, and sustains you for far longer. Also, that growing plants does not mean going easier on the planet with all of the chemicals that go into growing these plants, the huge amounts of deforestation to grow these plants and its associated widespread slaughter of wildlife, and the lack of biodiversity that comes from mono-cropping. While cattle and sheep can live on land that is unsuitable for agriculture, and can replenish soil depleted through agriculture. The cult of vegetarianism has a lot to answer for, and not just its detrimental health effects.
AMEN! Growing corn, wheat, SOY, etc as well as INDUSTRIALLY GROWN fruit, green and other vegetables constantly being pushed on us-AHEM: growing vegetables use lots of chemicals which contribute to pollution: just think of the TONS of FUEL, FERTILIZER etc. used to bring those crops to market. More than the methane released by cattle. And cattle actually serve to benefit the pastures they graze on. But NO, Seventh Day Adventists do NOT claim that eating all meat is a SIN! Just look it up! Yes, they do indeed, discourage meat eating, but only NON-KOSHER FLESH FOOD IS A SIN! I attended SDA “ Andrews University” for a year over 40 years ago…the food was delicious but totally vegetarian. And I ended up the year perfectly healthy. My fellow students were lovely, truly good people. Of my friends-about 2 dozen delightful “ girls,” I kept track of, ALL ARE DEAD except for one and she is in a care facility. I’m nearly 90, a widow in good health who lives independently-drive my own car, etc…I’m a Type 2 diabetic, diet controlled ( Discovering Dr Akins saved/changed my life.) I EAT LOW CARB, LOTS OF MEAT! Including RED MEAT! My late husband was a Scientist ( PhD..Biology Professor at University of Michigan for 25 years and HE thought that Ancell Keyes was A NUT CASE! 😁🎶 ( PS I don’t spend much time seeing a doctor and gobbling pills. 😁)
I'm a creationist and I'm very much into evidence-based science, I just deny evolution. I do however agree with everything else Nina says! Excellent presentation, as always!
@@OMGaNEWBIE by that standard every meat eater is a vegan cause it’s not living when we eat meat either... who eats live animals? are you joking? i sense you’re joking.. but one could be silly enough to believe that logic, being a vegan and all..
@@SomethinAintRightHere - A lot of typos there Salty Bear. I could barely make out what your beef is. Pun intended. Look, we're all different. Millions of people live into their 90's eating meat, boozing it up and smoking. Millions of plant eaters die young. Only the people eating the food can determine how they feel and what their health is like eating their choice of foods. One thing I have noticed is that plant eaters, "some not all", get all testy and combative. Perhaps it's the lack of animal protein in their diet that makes them so miserable. Bottom line, each of us has to take responsibility for our own body. Peoples body needs change over time. We should get regular medical checkups and make dietary changes accordingly, regardless of what diet is in Vogue or following other peoples ideology. Merry Christmas & Happy New Year.
There are thousands of substances which are known to be carcinogenic. Don't they look for them in the food in those studies? Now if there are carcinogenic substances found what would logic impose where to look next to find a root cause? Hint: it's most likely not the food.
Look at the studies done on heart disease, say, before 1900. Almost non existent. At least according to a Dr. who's talk I listened to on the UA-cams. Second hand passed on to you all. Look it up. I did.
Full (no pun) carnivore x 2 mos. Used to be disgusted with meat’s fat. But, *knowledge* helped me to realize fat’s importance - now, fat is delicious! Mindset change.
40:00 I think that creationists understand that God said in the Bible humans should eat animals that chew the cud and has split hoof. So basically ruminants are good to eat.
Nina. Thank you for this I totally agree with you. At 40 minutes …. saying we are not meat eaters is being like a creationist…. Nina. I am a creationist I believe that God created the world in seven days. In genesis, we started out as vegetarians. Then, after Noah’s flood, God said we can eat meat. Dr. Doug Petrovich first day of creation. Great UA-cam video. Dr. Kurt Wise in-depth study of Noah’s flood. Two hours and 20 minutes. Great stuff.
Yes, thank you for saying this! That was the only part of the presentation I disagreed with. I too am a creationist and am by no means anti-science. There is no scientific method or control studies when it comes to determining evolution (which is still considered a theory by the way), much of it is purely observational & prone to bias of the observer. I am pro-true science and definitely not against red meat.
As a complete dietary idiot I’d add only one thought - a conscientious Keto diet and a conscientious vegan diet tend to have in thing in common: neither one consumes factory foods; cookies, desserts, junk foods and so on. So could some of the good results often experienced by people on either diet be due to what they DON’T eat?
The other two big problem with the argument that a lb of grain takes less energy/water to grow than a lb of beef. The first is humans don't eat by volume they eat by calories. To get the recommended 2000kcal a day you need to eat many many more lbs of grain. This is made worse by the fact the cow eats the entire plant the human only eats the seeds. Also if you are eating high carb you are likely at least for many to over eat compared to low carb. So instantly that gap is dramatically reduced. The second and bigger problem in my opinion is that they are only talking about raising the grain or animal. If you take an end to end process the grain would I believe take much more. For example even buying meat from a big supermarket in the UK the chances are the meat was raised in the UK, so it hasn't traveled very far. The only processing is the slaughter and butchering, this means there is minimal infrastructure/power etc required to process the product so uses much less fuel/water and pollutes less. If you get your meat from a good local butcher it has likely traveled only a few miles, and comes with little to no packaging (plastic). However, when you pick a grain product off the shelf, it, or it's ingredients, has likely traveled half way around the world, and they tend to be highly processed (I consider the grinding of wheat they way it is done today, highly processed). When a cow is fed grain even in factory farming it isn't processed its the whole plant and they are usually grown on farms near to the farm (it's cheaper that way). This processing for human consumption is done in large polluting factories (it is rare, if ever that someone would find a grain product grown and processed via even vaguely traditional methods locally, like you can with meat by just going to a good local butcher). Finally inevitably grain products are wrapped in much more plastic, even worse if it comes in single serving products. By the time you take into account the air miles, the processing and the packaging etc, a plant based diet doesn't look so great for the environment.
Just to give a minor correction: humans do not even eat by calories, but by satiety (as you hinted on). The human body has no frickin idea what a calorie even is and different macronutrients have different metabolic/thermic effects. That's one big factor for why obesity exists. I experienced, first switching from SAD to 'clean eating', then to zero carb keto, then to carnivore a staged decline in consumed daily calories.
@@marcelwindpassinger5572 true, but if we are going to measure how much an average human eats we measure that in calories. If we are going to make a counter argument we need to be able to quantify the amount and saying to satiety is not quantifiable therefore gives us no way to argue the point. KIilo Calories is the unit of measurement we use to measure how much humans eat. We can then take the average of that in kilo calories and do the math from their. The math should work in our favor because meat is far more calorie dense and because a human will be satiated far quicker eating meat. When I say humans eat by calories that admittedly was not quite what I meant, what I meant was, that calories or more accurately kilo calories is the unit of measurement we use to calculate the amount of energy a human consumes from their food, we do not measure the weight of food. because the weight of the food in no way is meaningful, potentially the volume is as stomach stretch will help signal satiety but not weight. If the mechanisms to signal satiety are working correctly the amount an individual human eats over time should remain fairly constant. Which allows us to do the math. Saying it that way isn't quite as snappy as saying humans eat calories not not kg!
@@serenitygoodwyn Fine, we need to be able to quantitative measures of nutrition. But why choose an ineffective one; one that does not mechanistically relate well to nutrition and does not have great predictive power as soon as we want to talk about different diets? I don't care what narrative benefits from using calories, I care about accuracy and truth. Burning things and measuring their heat production is a terrible tool in that endeavour.
@@serenitygoodwyn Metabolic rate responses as well as endocrinology effects of macro-nutrient combinations. Calories are useful if you're talking about differences in quantity in one diet only. As soon as the aforementioned factors vary due to entirely different dietary approaches, we need to talk about those first.
I am more interested in what they are going to substitute for the hot dogs after they are banned. Carb/Grain rich food or some other healthy meat or fish? That answer will tell us a lot about the intent.
1:52 - claims cuz she was a journalist that she had no preconceptions - this is a common mis-perception among journalists - they think they have overcome bias - yet they demonstrate bias in almost any controversial subject - she no doubt brought a vegetarian perspective with her into her study of diet - what's significant is not that she was "objective" in the subject - but that she had a vegetarian bias - and was turned about by her research 40:00 - "to say we are not meat eaters like like being a creationist" - great observation
What about grass fed vs grain finished beef? We had some great grass fed beef in Oregon but where I live now the grass fed quarter of a beef we ordered from a local rancher was tasteless. My husband said it tasted like liver which in our household isn't a compliment.
grass fed usually has lower fat (usually means less taste). I remember that it has a diferent proportion of cholesterol (but that means nothing). I'm not sure but I think that it could have more omega 3 (my memory is fussy, i'm not sure). Grass fed might be better for one reason: grass fed is more natural (cows do not eat tons of grains), so it could have less inflamatory factors in the meat, in the same way that grains induces higher inflamation factors in humans, but I do not know if they get digested or something. that's it. unless you really care about protein per x calories. if you want to take the healthiest option: eat more liver (no bias here, I really hate the taste, odour and texture of liver). it's the best source of the most bio-scarce micronutrient: iron. unless you have genetic tendencies of hematocromatosis, of course. and try to avoid to consume it with phytate-bearing stuff for optimal results (like beans, nuts and grains, fermentation is the only thing that destroys phytates). that's applies to everything, really. Also, citric acid reduces b12 absortion in the intestine so try to avoid to consume citrics with meat in the same meal. in the other hand, citric acid increases the bioavaliability of iron of non-heme sources, so you should try to pair citrics with vegetables and so. nutrition in complicated. there are millions of combinations, buts and exceptions.
Was the beef from a regenerative farm? If you watch Greg Judy's videos, his completely grass-fed cows are fat and tasty. If the farmer just lets the cattle out and doesn't manage their grazing properly, it's quite possible the meat won't be very good. Most of the grass-fed beef I've had has been delicious! Better than the other stuff in the supermarket.
@@giuseppebonatici7169 It's only less tasty if the animals weren't fattened properly on regenerative ranches through managed grazing. There's nothing as tasty as a well-marbled grass-fed steak.
People aren't involved with heavy work like a former generation. I'm 70 years old and my father's generation worked harder than most people do in 2019. So, they don't need as much meat in their diet. I remember eating more organ meats like liver and kidneys and chicken hearts and and gizzards smothered with onions than people do to today. That was when I was growing up in the 1950s and 1960s. We didn't have that much beef, more lamb, pork, goat and chicken. In fact we raised our own chickens and pork.
The whole presentation is just a pseudoscience garbage with studies to support a particular narrative... which makes money thesedays apparently. Pritikin would be rolling in his grave if he ever heard this ua-cam.com/video/qOj4rzSkqok/v-deo.htmlm52s
@@TB1M1 I wonder why you call this sudo science, there is a lot of evidence to debunk the work of Ancil Kies (sorry no idea on the spelling ) and he is the lynch pin of the modern carb focused diet, I stand to be corrected on this. Regards
She went into it with no preconceived ideas (she was actually vegetarian), not trying to push an agenda, not supported by any food lobbyists. She just goes where the data takes her. That says it all.
There are way too many uncontrolled variables with these studies. Is the meat grass fed? Are the grains and legumes organic and/or non-GMO? And then you get into the characteristics of the populations being tested and compared, as the last male questioner pointed out. Really, we're still dealing with theory, with insufficient data to prove anything - a Mueller report for the most important issue of our time. And still the most plausible theory is that we should eat the ancestral, pre-agriculture diet of homo sapiens. That makes the most sense to me (but I do sneak in some goat yoghurt - with Chia seeds).
The idea that fats and meat can raise your blood glucose is as insane and the police pulling you over drunk driving and ask if you've been eating steak or butter.
Not much of scientific value is to be attached to this series of videos as the person who claims to have investigated and researched the subject of the various types of diet and food items is not a qualified dietician or medical person. Even with professionals there is absolutely no consensus related to the safest, most healthy diet. No one but on one to my knowledge has ever investigated the only aspect that could be of real importance and relevance. What is the natural diet of humans? Is there in fact such a diet? Each species of animal, bird, fish and reptile has its own special diet. I would dearly like to know if there has been any serious or scientific investigation or even attempt at such to determine the natural diet of humans. My family has consumed vegetable oil for as long as the family history goes back to some three hundred years, this was exclusively sesame seed oil and none of us suffered from cancer or heart disease. I discontinued eating meat some fifty years ago, a decision not based on dietary or health considerations but due to the intense person reaction of revulsion upon witnessing the slaughter of animals for food . T he method was that adopted by Jews and Muslims and must be decidedly the most cruel, inhumane, barbarous, horrendous method for killing animals. No human possessed of a normal sense of kindness or even rudimentary sensitivity can continue to eat meat after witnessing the slaughter of animals by the Halal method or by any other method . I am now well past my ninth decade and no signs of slowing down in any way.
I used to be 7th Day Adventist for +25 years and I followed the vegetarian doctrine only eating vegetables and grains, no animal products other than eggs and dairy products, my four children growed up with this diet, I ended up being a fat and sick person, I quited the religion and found and follow the paleo diet, I adopted this diet and in three months I went to my 20's waigth and the inflamation disapeared and obtained incedible health, buy now I couldn't re-educated my children, this is now my biggest trouble I need to resolve
I admire your courage.
Good for you for breaking out of such an unhealthy dietary regimen and finding your health. I'm a strict carnivore and I love it. No more gut or joint pains. More flattering body composition. And have trimmed down.
the will see your lifestyle and might follow your example. I have the same problem with my grown children.
Meat is the best thing for the mind and body. I never felt better since I starting carnivore diet.
If McDonald's went back to using beef tallow instead of vegetable oils it would have a positive effect on obesity in America. Replacing all veg oils and high fructose corn syrup would be one of the best things to happen to the American diet.
I used to love their fries as a kid. Then they switched and I never liked 'em since.
@@harrymills2770 same! I was on high-school in the 70's and before the "low fat" craze and replaced real fats with processed fats food actually tasted good and there wasn't near the levels of obesity we see now.
They're pandering to the vegans.
True, but if McDonald's went away completely, that would solve quite a lot of issues, and not just health issues
@@leehowson440 that is actually a much better solution! 😁
Nina - just ran into your vids yesterday. I try and follow the science behind all this, as much as I can grasp anyway. Gotta say, your presentations are down to earth and so comprehensive. Thanks for all the work you put in.
It's a simple fact:- _anyone_ who thinks animal husbandry/livestock-raising is bad for the land, and monocrop-agriculture good, has never been a farmer!
At least in Australia, and any country with a similar climate and similarly poor topsoils, will know that after you pasture a herd in a field, another can generally be pastured on the same field immediately (assuming you're not over-stocking).
This is simply not so with crops. One _must_ leave one's fields fallow for several seasons between crops; and the fastest way to replenish the field is to pasture a herd on it. There is simply no comparison to what a herd of ruminants will bring to a field. Indeed, they can turn a dead claypan with no remaining topsoil, into a lush pasture in a few short years, even just with intermittent grazing (and no cropping); and with long-term grazing, they do so even more rapidly. And that's in a climate with less than 15 inches of rainfall a year (where 15" would be a good year!). The most successful farmers in my region are the ones with the largest acreage so that they may leave their crop-fields fallow for _four or five years_ between planting, _and_ who also run sheep, that can replenish the land between crops (wheat is the primary local crop, with some canola as the seasons allow; with sheep the primary livestock, most of which are raised for meat and standard wools, but ultrafine merino are raised locally too, with some cattle).
The land must be rested between crops; and unless you pasture a herd on it (sometimes even if you do), it will have to be rested for a _long_ time after a harvesting a crop. There is no grey area on these facts -- even the gentlest methods of crop-agriculture are an environmental disaster! While livestock-raising simply is not.
So eat meat or don't - that's up to you and no one else cares - but you cannot deny reality:- if you choose to live on agricultural-crops, fine, but don't fool yourself that your doing so will 'save the planet' because the very opposite is true. _Your_ food-choice creates an environmental disaster in its wake; that of meat-eaters does not.
And you need not take my word for it -- just look at everywhere humans have raised cereal crops throughout history -- the dead, dry, so-called 'Fertile' Cresent comes immediately to mind; as does India, as does the Sahara Desert. Compare the vast, deep-soiled prairies of north America (and I think we all know the simply enormous numbers of bison, deer, bear and wolves, and other animals, predators and prey, they historically supported).
Or better yet, talk to a farmer.
Well said ;o)
Farmers know this, not only in Australia but all over the world! It's amazing how few people (apart from farmers) are aware of the facts you've presented here, which is just a measure of deliberate misinformation on the subject in our media. Our journalists are no longer real journalists but merely the stenographers of power, whether it be corporate or immediate political power.
Great reply!! That's for the insight
Democrats in the USA, and Leftists in general, are immune to facts.
Proof>>Despite zero evidence, they actually believe that CO2 is harmful.
It's a cult
It is best to let the pasture replenish itself after the herd has been there. Most regenerative ranchers let at least two months between when they bring the animals onto a piece of land they were on before. By then, the dung they had released would have been absorbed and the grass would have grown enough for the animals to get good nutrition. If we want to save our planet, eating grass-fed meats, milk, etc. as well as pasture-raised pork, eggs, chicken, etc. is VERY helpful.
Brilliant lecture. An eye-opener for me as a medical doctor as it motivates one to pay closer attention to the scientific data behind the current dietary “guidelines”, irrespective of the institutions which endorses them.
It is so refreshing to hear a Doctor say this!
Nina is amazing, one of the brightest minds on earth!
Never underestimate the potential Power of an Intelligent and HONEST Journalist.. -cheers
I wouldn't go that far.
She is having you for a dope. Keep up the good work.
I have started some kind of Keto diet. And what I realized is that I could sleep better now.
Six months ago I was sleeping an average 5 hours, six months on keto, an average of 8. Is it through no sugar? Not sure.
If anyone worries about the production of red meat causing damage to the planet, I recommend they listen to Allen Savory and Joel Salatin, two world-renowned leaders in the revolution against what America knows as traditional beef farming. They have taken land nearly turned to desert by wrong farming practices, and turned those areas lush and green. How? By introducing herbivores, and managing them correctly. Within only a few years, this kind of farming can produce far more food, from marginal land, than conventional farming can from prime land. And all this, while healing the planet.
Just do a UA-cam search for each of those names, and take time to listen. It will completely change your perspective on farming.
Savory Maybe but his group seems to be a bit pro green
@@chiledoug Is that a bad thing?
I agree. I've been looking into regenerative agriculture for the last 10 months and decided to limit my meat to grass-fed beef and lamb; pasture-raised pork, chicken, and eggs; and milk, butter, and cheese from grass-fed cows. I can't believe how much more delicious these foods are. I recently got a grass-fed filet mignon, always risky because I'm the one doing the cooking, but it was the best tasting steak I can ever remember having. BTW, grass-fed meat generally will cook at a lower temperature than factory-farmed meats.
Supporting regenerative agriculture with my dollars can make a difference in a whole range of issues. I totally recommend it. I found this talk extremely interesting. It made me feel like my choice was valid, based on science, and good for the planet. I thought about being a vegan for a while but then when I found out they didn't eat honey because it was an "animal excretion," I thought this is too much for me. It's good to eat honey since it helps the beekeepers and farmers both. At any rate, I'm happy to see that more and more of these products are showing up in stores from regular supermarkets to Trader Joe's to Sprouts and various health-food stores. And btw, the bacon is simply heavenly!
the climate change part
@@wendyscott8425 just woke up not ready to explain what I mean some people said a few things that bothered me
Nina is a gem of gems!
I really loved your book and how you go about your business. Keep looking for and talking about the need for evidence.
She's one of the best at breaking down the science. Thanks for the presentation!
I had the thought that epidemiological studies should only be used as hypothesis generators; ten mins before she said it herself... I'm sold. Lol
VERY solid information here! 👍
Docs should pay attention.
I love the research done by journalists...they seem to be the only ones putting truth out there, any longer...thank you so much for your courageous research...I love you...thank you
Trust me, red meat is not healthy. I looked at steak prices at the grocery store today and I almost had a heart attack.
Meat freezes well, buy it on sale.
Very funny. :)
I'm in your future now. It has gotten worse! I'm still healthier as a carnivore.😉
When all you eat is meat you save a lot of money! 😋
Since animals are much more capable of properly digesting vegetables, feed all of them to the animals, they get a better diet than the all grain diet, and we get a healthier cow and better meat.
Those animals convert their vegetarian diets into fats. Therefore it's fats that give them energy.
@@Kitiwake read this the other day, and it's apparently also true of some primates. On the surface, they seem to be fueled off of primarily vegetation. However it's what happens inside that is the interesting part. As you stated with the cattle, that vegetation is actually converted to primarily fatty acids. Thus a number of primates are actually fat burners.
Great job. Everybody should listen to it. Thanks a lot. I admire you.
"Meat causes death when a vegan comes along and stabs you in the chest" ..... biggest laugh I have had in a while. Thank you, Ms. Teicholz!
lol it is curious how some vegans care more about animals than other human beings.
Many man in my church and women too are overweight, some are obese.
As a rule eating animal products is not recommended, instead we eat lots of soy products almost daily and mock meat.
We also have many incidents of diabetes and low energy people.
After this conference I'm beginning to connect some dots.😪😪😪
Soy is such a powerful plant estrogen that it's recommended to replace estrogen loss in post menopausal women.
Yet, they feed it to babies!
No wonder males are becoming generally more effeminate... and girls are now menstruating earlier than ever!
Ever wonder where 'man-boobs' come from? Yep. Too much estrogen!
Also, estrogen contributes to weight gain.
And men are not ment to have a Lot of soy leads to testicular cancer brought some read that and tipped it down the Drain 😏
@Sudo Nim yes, keep in mind all legumes are heavy on digestion. Boiled at low fire for long hours with a little piece of Kombu makes it easier to be digested, especially for the not so young.
If you are just starting low carb high fat there are a million more dots to find
Please watch: Chris Knobbe 'Diseases of Civilization' and share with your congregation. God Bless you!
Amerix thank you
Amerix brought me here too
Me too
I like this lady
She does good work.
Very thorough and well researched
Except the studies cited are bought and paid for by industry.
@@TB1M1 Which studies are those?
@@TB1M1 the big carb/vegan activism industry xD
And shes cute to look at :)
@@giuseppebonatici7169 I have to ask, did you watch? Her argument is that the government started pushing high Carb Low Fat in the 80s, on a lack of scientific data. She wants the science. And yes, she is very much aware of how the science is corrupted by big industry money. She has a whole book about that and a lot of videos also.
This woman is incredible
You became vegan after that I guess. N Teicholz is a massive shill working for the meat and dairy lobbies.
@@goku445 prove it?
@@andreasmelkersson3592 Just do a little research maybe? keyword "conflict of interest"
Typical vacuous vegan reply!
Back in the 70s when i was growing up they called it SUGAR DIABETES even back then we knew what caused diabetes.
It wasn't called sugar diabetes because of any dietary cause. It was causes sugar diabetes but cause sugar was in the urine. The other type was called water diabetes, which is a problem with the hormone that controls urination (nothing to do with blood sugar levels or the flushing of glucose through the urine).
I've been on a 100% carnivore diet for about 2 months, and I'm already healthier than I've ever been! Go meat!
Wow a whole 2 months, then who needs science
@@paperinik69 been keto carnivore for 2 yrs.... blood pressure is now perfect... 22 bmi... never crave never crash.. ever... if Im busy and forget to eat... no big deal ..
Takes time to change programming away from the processed crap american diet
I love Nina.Love listening to her too.She's a brave woman ,who has become a great advocate and speaker for healthy eating.
Please don't get me wrong John. I love Nina and her message, but she's not the best spokesperson for our cause. She's a little like Gary Taubes. She needs to lose all the umms and don't use evolution to argue our case for god's sake. You alienate a large portion of potential supporters. She's not the only low-carb-er to make this mistake. Evolution is not real science. It's a belief, just like a vegan diet. If you don't like hearing me say it imagine how our Christian siblings hear the opposition view being thrown into the conversation for no good reason. We have an airtight case. Please don't weaken it. Love you Nina. I will always watch your videos even if I can't share them with anyone.
@@rawmilkmike but evolution is science. How else do you discuss science?
@@MrBoomie00 - First of all, it wouldn't matter what we evolved to eat. The question is, what can we eat? Or what should we eat? We have an airtight argument. We don't need to go off in the weeds.
If you want to discuss evolution, discuss evolution. But don't randomly interject it needlessly into every other discussion. It's almost like some kind of virus.
Evolution is a belief just like "Eat less move more." And that's fine. You can still use it as long as it isn't used as a fact. In true science, there are no facts. Everything is open for discussion. An honest scientific debate would always start with the word suppose. Evolutionary arguments are always circular.
Not only that but claiming you know that life sprung magically from a big-bang x number of years ago is really stretching the imagination. How could we possibly know that? It isn't logical. And it doesn't match our observations. Then you need countless assumptions and miracles to get to our present existence.
Evolution doesn't help our argument. The fact that so many of us think it does shows the level of programming and cognitive dissonance surrounding evolution and the archaeological record. We KNOW very little about things we believe happened 200 years ago, pass 500 years, and anything goes. Google Marco Polo or how Roman aqueducts ended up South America?
What about IGF1?
At about 4 minutes in, the two meat consumption charts do not jibe with each other. One shows total meat consumption going up, the other shows it going down.
The charts have different starting dates. If you compare the second chart starting at 1900 to the first chart, they are the same.
Great presentation!!
Thank you for this video!! Very educational!!
Nina continues to hit it out of the park with her research and her presentation of that material. She has done us all a wonderful favor with her focused nutritional presentations. Much thanks to Nina! Wonder if she’s working on another best selling book?? Hope so!!!
She obviously ignorant of the plain science of saturated fats and diabetes connection. If you understand the concept of intramyocellular lipids aka fat inside cells, and how this interferes with insulin sensitivity, you'll clearly see the disconnect in the so called facts presented here. The solution is whole food plant based diet and this has been proven beyond any reasonable doubt to stop, control and reverse lifestyle diseases. How else can you explain Dr Dean ornish lifestyle medicine reimbursement by insurance if it did not work? Wake up people! Your health, your choice, your responsibility. Do not let industry interests decide what is good for you. They are only interested in maintaining their profits if not increase and that at the expense of your health.
All the studies are biased look at the funding source in small print...
Benchmark Pharmacy : Did you read her book? If not, maybe you should. It's addressed. And why does the Inuit in the Arctic have no " lifestyle diseases " and yet their diets are 60 to 70 percent saturated fat? Can't really answer that, can you!
and obviously you are a person that is vegan orientated bias.
Her reading of research, not ‘her research’
I have changed my diet i want to say thank you & gary taubes i lot over 50 pounds I cut out carbs and sugar and most processed foods . I hope something really can change with the food industry The pyramid is all wrong my child in school and now I am sending her with a lunch healthier meals
Richard Feynman (Nobel Prize in Physics 1965 on fundamental work in quantum electrodynamics)
said, "I have approximate answers and possible beliefs in different degrees of certainty about different things, but I’m not absolutely sure of anything." Proof in scientific research is more like a correlation of occurrence within stringent levels of significance. A research paper usually recommends areas needing further study. I have read Ms. Teicholz's book and it is part of my validation that a Carnivore way of eating is beneficial for my continued health.
I think we're really omnivores, so enjoy your fruits and vegetables, too. :) But yeah, I'm all for eating meat, especially from animals privileged to live on regenerative farms, fed exclusively on excellent forage and grass finished. Yum!
Modern fruits are just tree candies! Humans evolved to eat fruits for at most two weeks at the end of summer to fatten up for the coming winter. Vegetables are just a garnish on my steaks ! Humans are essential carnivores and there are no essential carbohydrates needed in human diet! No grains, no fruits, no potatoes works for me . The official dietary advise has been proven factually wrong and a lie .
@@thalesnemo2841 So do you only eat fruits in season? I've thought about the whole keto thing or paleo or whatever it is you're doing, but I just couldn't imagine never having a bowl of cereal or a piece of toast in the morning, or rice with my steak, a baked potato, ice cream, etc. It just seems like life wouldn't be as fun, as delicious as grass-fed or pasture-raised meats are. Of course, there are various opinions as to whether humans are essentially carnivores or herbivores. I just think we're omnivores when you look around the world and see the vast variety of things people live on, including various bugs and even snakes! We can eat anything and it usually won't kill us. :) Well, almost anything. :)
Ironically, if they were being honest, they could easily study if red meat is a factor by comparing people on the 'standard American diet' against people on the Keto diet, which would essentially remove carbs from the equation. But they already know how that would turn out, which is why they specifically study people on the standard American diet and stay clear of people on the Keto diet. It isn't science if you are going into it with the conclusion already determined.
Interesting presentation, but the "umms" and "ahs" are a significant distraction.
I did chuckle when she said she was a vegetarian.....that ate chicken and fish. I agreed with so much of it, since I went on keto, I have started feeling like a new person, meat isn't the threat, that is undoubtedly sugar.
Dear Nina:
Very important analysis! Would you give us your take on Neu5Gc in red meat?
According to Dr. Gabe Mirkin, on Sept 2018, he indicated researchers have identified the CMAH gene in meat, dairy, and even caviar from some fish that produces a sugar-protein called Neu5Gc, which may explain the association between eating red meat and increased risk for certain cancers (Genome Biol Evol, Jan 1, 2018;10(1):207-219). Epidemiological studies show that eating red meat (beef, pork, and lamb) is associated with an increased risk for some cancers and other diseases. Researchers followed 536,000 men and women, ages 50 to 71, for an average of 16 years and found that those who ate the most meat from mammals and processed meat had a 26 percent greater risk of dying within the study period than those who ate the least (Brit Med J, May 9, 2017). High mammal meat consumption was associated with increased rates of death from cancer, heart disease, respiratory disease, stroke, diabetes, infections, kidney disease, and liver disease. The study was supported by the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the National Cancer Institute (NCI).Neu5Gc and Risk for CancerWe do not have an explanation for the association between eating meat from mammals and various diseases in humans, but a leading theory was offered by Ajit Varki in 1982 when he discovered a sugar-protein on the surface of all cell membranes in mammals except humans. He called this sugar-protein Neu5Gc, and in 2014, he published data showing how Neu5Gc may cause cancer (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, published online April 7, 2014).He explained that when you eat red meat, the Neu5Gc from the meat is absorbed into your body and your body treats this sugar-protein in the same way that it treats germs that try to get into your cells. Your immunity recognizes germs by the sugar-proteins on the surface of their cells. If the surface proteins are the same as those on your cells, your immunity lets the protein enter your cells, but if the surface proteins on membranes are different from those on your cells, your immunity tries to kill the invading germs.The same applies to cancer cells. Every day, your body produces millions of cancer cells. Your immunity recognizes cancer cells as being different from normal cells and produces antibodies and cytokines that attach to and kill these cancer cells. This is exactly the same mechanism that your immunity uses to try to prevent germs from growing in your body. If your immunity produces large amounts of antibodies against cancer cells, you kill them and they disappear from your body. If you produce only small amounts of antibodies to cancer cells, the cancer cells can grow and spread through your body.How Neu5Gc May Cause CancerAll mammals except humans have Neu5Gc on the surface of their cells. Humans receive Neu5Gc only when they get it from eating meat or dairy products from mammals. When you eat red meat, you absorb Neu5Gc into your body, and your immunity treats the sugar-protein as a germ that is trying to attack your body. For more than 30 years, Varki has wanted to do studies to show how Neu5Gc could cause cancer, but it is illegal and immoral to do studies that cause cancer in humans. Ten years ago, a company in New Hampshire developed mice that do not have Neu5Gc for use in Varki’s experiments. Because they have no Neu5Gc, they are like humans and different from all other mammals, and their immunities recognize Neu5Gc as an invading germ. Varki took these mice and fed them Neu5Gc. The mice immunities treated Neu5Gc from red meat just as those of humans would do. Their white blood cells and cytokines attacked the Neu5Gc as if it was an invading germ. Then he gave the mice antibodies that attach to and try to destroy Neu5Gc. When he gave them low doses of antibodies against Neu5Gc, tumors developed and grew rapidly. In mice who were given high doses of antibodies, the antibodies attached to and killed the tumors. He feels that when your immunity is working properly, it produces enough antibodies to kill the cancer cells. However, if your immunity produces only small amounts of antibodies, it appears that cancer cells are able to grow and spread through your body.How Varki Found Neu5GcVarki ground up cow’s muscle and put it into a 20-foot column of gel with a positive charge on one side and a negative charge on the other. This separated out almost 1500 different protein and sugar molecules. He did the same with human muscle. He found a sugar protein in cow’s muscle that was not in human muscle and called it Neu5Gc. He explains that at one time, all mammals had Neu5Gc in their cells. However, a mutation occurred in humans that converted Neu5Gc to another sugar protein that he called Neu5Ac. Today all mammals except homo sapiens have Neu5Gc. Humans have Neu5Ac in its place.Varki’s Explanation of How Red Meat Could Cause Cancer Many studies show that people who eat red meat or dairy products have Neu5Gc in their cells. Much higher concentrations of Neu5Gc in a human’s body is found in cancer cells with the highest concentration of Neu5Gc in humans found in cancer tumors that metastasize (spread through the body and kill). If you have strong immunity, your body will produce very large amounts of antibodies against Neu5Gc and you will kill the cancer cells. However, if your immunity does not produce enough antibodies against Neu5Gc, the cancer cells can grow, and can spread through your body. Varki is now trying to cure cancers by working on ways to increase antibody production.
She's amazing! 🙏🏻 I love her work.
It is worth mentioning that several university and commercial trials of managed grazing for livestock has produced results that prove that such grazing techniques coulld sequester more carbon than any and all other proposed methods designed to reduce carbon emissions. Of course that is essentially a moot point since we also have proof that our present increase in carbon has been a vegetation boon for our planet.
Vegetation isn't necessarily what absorbs carbon. The carbon used to be in the soil, and when managed grazing is used, the soil vastly improves, the plants are able to absorb more water when it rains, their roots can go far down into the soil to pull up nutrients, the soil microbiome becomes healthy, and the carbon is put into the soil pretty much for good. Grasslands are the best at absorbing carbon into the soil while releasing oxygen, then bushes, then trees.
@@wendyscott8425 Absolutely. That is pretty recent science and completely ignored by the climate change alarmist and industrial AG.
Still better than naturally occurring plant toxins
Or the foods an lifestyles associated with meat intake, not the meat itself.
When you eat a burger inside of white bread bun with french fries and a Coke/Pepsi, they blame the carcinogic effect and other unhealth effects on the burger not on the crap eaten with it.
If red meat consumption is dropping why don’t they get rid of the factory 🏭 farms that produce low quality beef?
Coz they need the land to grow all the fruit and veggies people are consuming, where do you think that stuff comes from the moon?
Because they don’t care about you or your health, they only care about money, especially when ur just another number in their computer system. If these people had direct contact with the pissed off people who want to help themselves then it may be a different story.
@Julie Mitchell but most of those cattle still spend 4-6mos in a CAFO (concentrated animal feeding operation) to be fattened up on corn and grain that has been sprayed with agrochemicals. Many CAFOs use antibiotics as a growth strategy rather than only using them on sick cows. Some have more integrity than that and only use them on sick cows but the "factory farming" is still the reality for those last few months of a cow's life.
@Julie Mitchell They may be partially pasture raised, but most cattle is grain finished in disgusting feedlots, and this is supposed to be good for us? I don't think so. Regenerative farmers feed their cattle on pastures only, and they move them often. The only thing they add is an assortment of minerals that the animals choose from if they feel the need, which then mostly get pooped onto the pasture and goes back into the soil and into the next growth of grasses and forbs. It sure makes a difference in the taste! So yes, a lot of cattle are raised using the Columbus method. The farmer puts them out to pasture in the spring and then sees if he can discover them in the fall. This does not make for healthy cows or pastures.
Because less profit for big ag.
How much have u studied kidney disease
Does anyone knows why does one crave sugar on a vegetarian or mainly vegetarian diet? Even when normally (not avoiding meat), one does not have a sweet tooth?
I eat rib eyes every day. Never felt better!
Where is the chart from at 33:59?
Vit B12 is produced by soil bacteria. Meat factories must add it to the animal feed.
michael gregor even told a vegan/animal rights group he was lecturing that one of their challenges is to find out why vegans are more likely to be found with heart disease than meat eaters - and in another video tells us we should be vegan to avoid heart disease.
Link please?
I'm not a fan of Michael Gregor either.
@@ApexHerbivore - You can easily find it for yourself. It's a 1 hr youtube video (or slightly longer, I forget) where he finally discloses a 10 yr study re: vegan vs meat. It turn out that yes, vegans do die of heart disease on the same level that meat eaters do. Look for the video yourself.
@@OMGaNEWBIE bullshit
@@OMGaNEWBIE if it's so easy - you find it. I just scrolled thru 3 years of his videos. They are all 4-7 minutes long except his Q&As which are all around half an hour long. The first 1hr+ video I came across was from August 2016 and was a lecture about "how not to die".
I'd love you to show me what you're on about. But after 7 months, the OP hasn't replied, and I doubt you will. Not with any pertinent information anyway.
You're both full of shit.
this video is very interesting... it ends with a mystery about the concern for the "side-effect of cancer" for the diet that is recommended to the American public and that they couldn't figure it out. Didn't this whole mess start with the "precautionary principle" of the heart-diet hypothesis when the studies and science weren't available? Given the runaway disease today -- why isn't the same principle applied given the evidence is much stronger and studies proving the exact opposite? (I know it's largely a rhetorical question, too many interests controlling the narrative, but still...)
Teicholz states, around 40;00, "we cannot deny our evolution." This is a fair statement and I agree with it. Plant-based and vegan agenda people will argue that we've moved beyond our evolutionary past, that we are due to evolve to a higher or transcendent level. I think we all understand that biology doesn't work that way. We are a bipedal ape in a George Jetson environment. Total mismatch and incompatibility that can't be transcended.
I think there are some people that can tolerate a vegan diet and remain in relatively good health long-term. But these are the remarkable exception rather than the rule. Most people are going to be damaged by practicing a vegan diet long term (many won't last "long-term"). The evidence is clear. This vegan movement is very insidious and very dangerous and it ultimately only serves the food and supplement industries.
Martin, You are dead right. Well said.
It's good to know that people still have good sense to them. Thanks for the comment, man.
Michael Rose (evolutionary biologist and leading expert on aging) points out that after 100 generations of an agricultural diet, many humans up to age 40 have developed a "tolerance" for agricultural products such as grain, legumes and dairy. But after that age, humans lose their tolerance for such foods that weren't part of their ancestral diet. But those races that don't have 5,000 years of consumption of agricultural products are less able to tolerate such foods. even before age 40.
Depends what kind of "plant based" diet you are talking about. There are thousands of types a lot include meat and dairy.
@@aquamarine99911 this is interesting, would you happen to have a source you could point to, and I don't mean that it has to be an academic paper, I'm not politely trying to shut you down. I ask because my own personal thoughts, and that's all they are, are that this period that we can all point to examples in our own lives was more of a symptom free wearing down of the body's defences, my logic from an ancestral prospective being that in our past there must have been periods of even years where nature conspired against our optimal diet. But as I've said these are just my own personal thoughts and I would like to see other avenues in this area, regards.
Red meat causes colo rectal cancer ?!?! I survived colo rectal cancer stage 4 and before I hardly ever ate red meat just a load of processed crap grains, sugar, oils etc etc. I'm now carnivore ,red meat ,beef butter eggs, dairy and no gut issues or feeling like crap. Feel better than ever on carnivore no aches, no pains, more energy. 😉👍 ( Even with only half a digestive system ?!?! )
10:40 John
18:17 25:44 David Klurfeld wrote about red meat 33:59 red meat is nutrient, particularly liver
The last question from the audience was the most important question "Why do Vegatarians have higher rates of colon cancer?
I will tell you why.
All plants and grains are infected with mold! And mold spores which sprout in the colon....FACT
Love your work!
I add 1 oz liver to 1 lb ground beef. I get all of the wonderful benefits of liver without having to taste it, and in small amounts that my body can handle. Liver will basically liquify when processed in a blender or food processor and is easy to comine with the meat. I also add beef fat to my ground beef the same way.
My waistline is not proportional to my height I have a big waistline. How can I get rid of all the fat that accumulated on my mid section/belly fat/love handles?
mikedfelix just don’t eat sugar, bread, icecream, pasta, pizza, fast food and start the low carb. In 3 years you will be safe.
You don't have to go completely keto, but low carb is adviceable. That basically means no sugar or grains. But, you can have a little bit of oats or rye if you like oatmeal for breakfast or crispbread with lots of cheese and ham or mackerel or similar. Whole fruit and verries in small amounts, but no fruit juices. Beans are allowed if not totally keto, but no more than the meat or fish you're having.
Just going keto is usually much easier though.
You have choices. Fasting, keto, carnivore. Preferably all three.
@@gadnihasj this will never get the weight off. It might slow down the gain, at best, unless you add heavy exercise. A true weight loss program will take the weight off with only moderate activity. Get rid of all whole grains, fruit and berries until you reach your weight goal, then you might add some back carefully. Probably will need some fasting routine also. Whole grains are for fatening livestock or supplementing the inadequate diet of a work horse or a man walking behind a plow horse all day.
@@roughout But I know people whom it worked on. Probably depends a few other factors, like how messed up one's metabolism is, but a generalisation like only keto works is just as wrong as saying only cico works. Everybody is their own n=1, but low carb whether keto or not does work. How else do paleo folks manage to lose weight?
ruminant animals are the healthiest meats you can eat
(and fatty oily fish, but that’s not related this presentation)
Wow. Talk about your unsung hero. Nina has done so much good for humanity by spreading these inconvenient truths, and yet hardly anyone knows who she is. One reason for this is that Funko Inc. has never seen fit to issue a Funko Pop in her likeness. Please, everyone, let's make our voices heard: WE DEMAND A NINA TEICHOLZ FUNKO POP!
Re Charles Dickens. There's a missing slide at the start - the comment at the start makes no sense. This is what Dickens had to say about an American breakfast:
"In our private room the cloth could not, for any earthly consideration, have been laid for dinner without a huge glass dish of cranberries in the middle of the table; and breakfast would have been no breakfast unless the principal dish were a deformed beef-steak with a great flat bone in the centre, swimming in hot butter, and sprinkled with the very blackest of all possible pepper"
"At eight o’clock, the shelves being taken down and put away and the tables joined together, everybody sat down to the tea, coffee, bread, butter, salmon, shad, liver, steak, potatoes, pickles, ham, chops, black-puddings, and sausages, all over again. Some were fond of compounding this variety, and having it all on their plates at once. As each gentleman got through his own personal amount of tea, coffee, bread, butter, salmon, shad, liver, steak, potatoes, pickles, ham, chops, black-puddings, and sausages, he rose up and walked off. When everybody had done with everything, the fragments were cleared away: and one of the waiters appearing anew in the character of a barber, shaved such of the company as desired to be shaved; while the remainder looked on, or yawned over their newspapers. Dinner was breakfast again, without the tea and coffee; and supper and breakfast were identical.
Galahad Threepwood thank you!
Wow. I can't imagine eating all that stuff for breakfast!
The stomach will adjust (years ago, I had the same thought as you). It takes around a month to adjust to a carnivore diet, but it's better in the long run. I eat leafy greens as well, but the majority of my calories are from animal sources. My cardiac health is athletic.
@@billybbob18 Well, I was really talking about that Dickens breakfast, which seemed more like someone's last meal before an execution. LOL I'm using up all my carb-heavy food and considering going keto. Now that I've found grass-fed beef, I'll be happy to eat a lot of it and see how I feel. My son is doing that, so we could coordinate better when he comes over. Of course, his wife and kids aren't on the keto diet so I'd still have to provide some rice or something, but it would work, I'm sure.
What Nina did not mention about a pound of red meat compared to a pound of plants is that a pound of meat goes a lot further, and sustains you for far longer. Also, that growing plants does not mean going easier on the planet with all of the chemicals that go into growing these plants, the huge amounts of deforestation to grow these plants and its associated widespread slaughter of wildlife, and the lack of biodiversity that comes from mono-cropping. While cattle and sheep can live on land that is unsuitable for agriculture, and can replenish soil depleted through agriculture. The cult of vegetarianism has a lot to answer for, and not just its detrimental health effects.
AMEN! Growing corn, wheat, SOY, etc as well as INDUSTRIALLY GROWN fruit, green and other vegetables constantly being pushed on us-AHEM: growing vegetables use lots of chemicals which contribute to pollution: just think of the TONS of FUEL, FERTILIZER etc. used to bring those crops to market. More than the methane released by cattle. And cattle actually serve to benefit the pastures they graze on.
But NO, Seventh Day Adventists do NOT claim that eating all meat is a SIN! Just look it up! Yes, they do indeed, discourage meat eating, but only NON-KOSHER FLESH FOOD IS A SIN! I attended SDA “ Andrews University” for a year over 40 years ago…the food was delicious but totally vegetarian. And I ended up the year perfectly healthy. My fellow students were lovely, truly good people. Of my friends-about 2 dozen delightful “ girls,” I kept track of, ALL ARE DEAD except for one and she is in a care facility. I’m nearly 90, a widow in good health who lives independently-drive my own car, etc…I’m a Type 2 diabetic, diet controlled ( Discovering Dr Akins saved/changed my life.) I EAT LOW CARB, LOTS OF MEAT! Including RED MEAT! My late husband was a Scientist ( PhD..Biology Professor at University of Michigan for 25 years and HE thought that Ancell Keyes was A NUT CASE! 😁🎶 ( PS I don’t spend much time seeing a doctor and gobbling pills. 😁)
I'm a creationist and I'm very much into evidence-based science, I just deny evolution. I do however agree with everything else Nina says! Excellent presentation, as always!
I'm in. Lets do same research for Soy..pretty please.
Radio Waves, gmo foods, vaccines. The increase in these things, is relative to the increasing of disease.
It is high carbs with high seed oils that is the worst combination.i .e. standard American diet.
Correction to link at 10:35 Full Critique of Epidemiology: www.swissre.com/institute/conferences/food_for_thought_bmj.html
2:11 - Spoiler alert: If you eat chicken and fish flesh, you're NOT a vegetarian.
so irritating when people say they’re veggie but eat fish. you know that’s a living animal right? wow
@@SomethinAintRightHere - It's not living when we eat it.
@@OMGaNEWBIE by that standard every meat eater is a vegan cause it’s not living when we eat meat either... who eats live animals? are you joking? i sense you’re joking.. but one could be silly enough to believe that logic, being a vegan and all..
@@SomethinAintRightHere - A lot of typos there Salty Bear. I could barely make out what your beef is. Pun intended.
Look, we're all different. Millions of people live into their 90's eating meat, boozing it up and smoking.
Millions of plant eaters die young.
Only the people eating the food can determine how they feel and what their health is like eating their choice of foods.
One thing I have noticed is that plant eaters, "some not all", get all testy and combative. Perhaps it's the lack of animal protein in their diet that makes them so miserable.
Bottom line, each of us has to take responsibility for our own body. Peoples body needs change over time. We should get regular medical checkups and make dietary changes accordingly, regardless of what diet is in Vogue or following other peoples ideology.
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year.
@@OMGaNEWBIE Same to you! cheers
Brilliant info based on actual science. Unfortunately most speakers ruin their presentation by repeatedly saying uuum and eeeer in every sentence !
Just wondering, is she sponsored by the cattle industry ? ❤
There are thousands of substances which are known to be carcinogenic. Don't they look for them in the food in those studies?
Now if there are carcinogenic substances found what would logic impose where to look next to find a root cause? Hint: it's most likely not the food.
I'm actually eating a yummy fatty tbone steak as I watch this. Nom nom nom. Yay Carnivore diet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
MsMandymoo5 , I just finished a ribeye..... yum yum
Need to dip in Ghee butter. OMG!
Bacon and eggs with collagen in my tea!!!
Pork rinds with sour cream
Where are the links to the researchers and data you refer to in your talk?
Excellent information 🙂👍 #Yes2Meat. #MeatHeals. 🐄🥩🦴🦌🦀🍤🐟🦐🐑🦞🥚 😋
Look at the studies done on heart disease, say, before 1900. Almost non existent. At least according to a Dr. who's talk I listened to on the UA-cams. Second hand passed on to you all. Look it up. I did.
Okay meatbot
Full (no pun) carnivore x 2 mos. Used to be disgusted with meat’s fat. But, *knowledge* helped me to realize fat’s importance - now, fat is delicious! Mindset change.
I was a vegetarian, but I ate chicken and fish...love it.
Do book review on emfs and toxins and cancer vs food
40:00 I think that creationists understand that God said in the Bible humans should eat animals that chew the cud and has split hoof. So basically ruminants are good to eat.
Nina. Thank you for this I totally agree with you.
At 40 minutes …. saying we are not meat eaters is being like a creationist….
Nina. I am a creationist I believe that God created the world in seven days.
In genesis, we started out as vegetarians.
Then, after Noah’s flood, God said we can eat meat.
Dr. Doug Petrovich first day of creation. Great UA-cam video.
Dr. Kurt Wise in-depth study of Noah’s flood. Two hours and 20 minutes. Great stuff.
Yes, thank you for saying this! That was the only part of the presentation I disagreed with. I too am a creationist and am by no means anti-science. There is no scientific method or control studies when it comes to determining evolution (which is still considered a theory by the way), much of it is purely observational & prone to bias of the observer. I am pro-true science and definitely not against red meat.
I notice a HUGE DIFFERENCE in how I feel if I don't eat enough red meat. It's crazy. I need it and daily is best. 🎉
When I was young my favorite breakfast was Wheaties with heavy cream and lots of sugar!
As a complete dietary idiot I’d add only one thought - a conscientious Keto diet and a conscientious vegan diet tend to have in thing in common: neither one consumes factory foods; cookies, desserts, junk foods and so on. So could some of the good results often experienced by people on either diet be due to what they DON’T eat?
The other two big problem with the argument that a lb of grain takes less energy/water to grow than a lb of beef. The first is humans don't eat by volume they eat by calories. To get the recommended 2000kcal a day you need to eat many many more lbs of grain. This is made worse by the fact the cow eats the entire plant the human only eats the seeds. Also if you are eating high carb you are likely at least for many to over eat compared to low carb. So instantly that gap is dramatically reduced. The second and bigger problem in my opinion is that they are only talking about raising the grain or animal. If you take an end to end process the grain would I believe take much more. For example even buying meat from a big supermarket in the UK the chances are the meat was raised in the UK, so it hasn't traveled very far. The only processing is the slaughter and butchering, this means there is minimal infrastructure/power etc required to process the product so uses much less fuel/water and pollutes less. If you get your meat from a good local butcher it has likely traveled only a few miles, and comes with little to no packaging (plastic). However, when you pick a grain product off the shelf, it, or it's ingredients, has likely traveled half way around the world, and they tend to be highly processed (I consider the grinding of wheat they way it is done today, highly processed). When a cow is fed grain even in factory farming it isn't processed its the whole plant and they are usually grown on farms near to the farm (it's cheaper that way). This processing for human consumption is done in large polluting factories (it is rare, if ever that someone would find a grain product grown and processed via even vaguely traditional methods locally, like you can with meat by just going to a good local butcher). Finally inevitably grain products are wrapped in much more plastic, even worse if it comes in single serving products. By the time you take into account the air miles, the processing and the packaging etc, a plant based diet doesn't look so great for the environment.
Just to give a minor correction: humans do not even eat by calories, but by satiety (as you hinted on). The human body has no frickin idea what a calorie even is and different macronutrients have different metabolic/thermic effects. That's one big factor for why obesity exists.
I experienced, first switching from SAD to 'clean eating', then to zero carb keto, then to carnivore a staged decline in consumed daily calories.
@@marcelwindpassinger5572 true, but if we are going to measure how much an average human eats we measure that in calories. If we are going to make a counter argument we need to be able to quantify the amount and saying to satiety is not quantifiable therefore gives us no way to argue the point. KIilo Calories is the unit of measurement we use to measure how much humans eat. We can then take the average of that in kilo calories and do the math from their. The math should work in our favor because meat is far more calorie dense and because a human will be satiated far quicker eating meat. When I say humans eat by calories that admittedly was not quite what I meant, what I meant was, that calories or more accurately kilo calories is the unit of measurement we use to calculate the amount of energy a human consumes from their food, we do not measure the weight of food. because the weight of the food in no way is meaningful, potentially the volume is as stomach stretch will help signal satiety but not weight. If the mechanisms to signal satiety are working correctly the amount an individual human eats over time should remain fairly constant. Which allows us to do the math. Saying it that way isn't quite as snappy as saying humans eat calories not not kg!
@@serenitygoodwyn Fine, we need to be able to quantitative measures of nutrition.
But why choose an ineffective one; one that does not mechanistically relate well to nutrition and does not have great predictive power as soon as we want to talk about different diets?
I don't care what narrative benefits from using calories, I care about accuracy and truth. Burning things and measuring their heat production is a terrible tool in that endeavour.
@@marcelwindpassinger5572 What better tool would you recommend?
@@serenitygoodwyn Metabolic rate responses as well as endocrinology effects of macro-nutrient combinations.
Calories are useful if you're talking about differences in quantity in one diet only. As soon as the aforementioned factors vary due to entirely different dietary approaches, we need to talk about those first.
Banning hot dogs is a really good idea! There is wheat filler in the sausage and the bun is almost all wheat.
Banning anything is seldom a good idea.
@@marcelwindpassinger5572, so true. It didn't work for either alcohol or drugs, did it.
I am more interested in what they are going to substitute for the hot dogs after they are banned. Carb/Grain rich food or some other healthy meat or fish? That answer will tell us a lot about the intent.
1:52 - claims cuz she was a journalist that she had no preconceptions - this is a common mis-perception among journalists - they think they have overcome bias - yet they demonstrate bias in almost any controversial subject - she no doubt brought a vegetarian perspective with her into her study of diet - what's significant is not that she was "objective" in the subject - but that she had a vegetarian bias - and was turned about by her research
40:00 - "to say we are not meat eaters like like being a creationist" - great observation
I wish that i can met her forever
swissre conferences: 2018 www.swissre.com/institute/conferences/food_for_thought_bmj.html and 2020 www.swissre.com/institute/conferences/food-for-thought-bmj-2020.html
Ioannidis 2018: ua-cam.com/video/KTAbx4i8Dyg/v-deo.html
What about grass fed vs grain finished beef? We had some great grass fed beef in Oregon but where I live now the grass fed quarter of a beef we ordered from a local rancher was tasteless. My husband said it tasted like liver which in our household isn't a compliment.
grass fed usually has lower fat (usually means less taste). I remember that it has a diferent proportion of cholesterol (but that means nothing). I'm not sure but I think that it could have more omega 3 (my memory is fussy, i'm not sure). Grass fed might be better for one reason: grass fed is more natural (cows do not eat tons of grains), so it could have less inflamatory factors in the meat, in the same way that grains induces higher inflamation factors in humans, but I do not know if they get digested or something.
that's it. unless you really care about protein per x calories. if you want to take the healthiest option: eat more liver (no bias here, I really hate the taste, odour and texture of liver). it's the best source of the most bio-scarce micronutrient: iron. unless you have genetic tendencies of hematocromatosis, of course. and try to avoid to consume it with phytate-bearing stuff for optimal results (like beans, nuts and grains, fermentation is the only thing that destroys phytates). that's applies to everything, really. Also, citric acid reduces b12 absortion in the intestine so try to avoid to consume citrics with meat in the same meal. in the other hand, citric acid increases the bioavaliability of iron of non-heme sources, so you should try to pair citrics with vegetables and so. nutrition in complicated. there are millions of combinations, buts and exceptions.
Was the beef from a regenerative farm? If you watch Greg Judy's videos, his completely grass-fed cows are fat and tasty. If the farmer just lets the cattle out and doesn't manage their grazing properly, it's quite possible the meat won't be very good. Most of the grass-fed beef I've had has been delicious! Better than the other stuff in the supermarket.
@@giuseppebonatici7169 It's only less tasty if the animals weren't fattened properly on regenerative ranches through managed grazing. There's nothing as tasty as a well-marbled grass-fed steak.
0:27 to 0: 45. *WOW* 🤦🏻♂️ did we ever miss an important slide! 💥
Where does this data: ua-cam.com/video/L9ZLJI-1ifs/v-deo.html come from?
She's great!
Too many "...uuhm..." per minute but I can't help myself, I really like her work and the way she explain it...
You can't mix carbs and fats or your insulin will rise and the fat will get stored.... has to do with insulin
I'm a meat eater big time but what I do is what I do - right or wrong. I'll just say this the meat and dairy industry love this woman .
People aren't involved with heavy work like a former generation. I'm 70 years old and my father's generation worked harder than most people do in 2019. So, they don't need as much meat in their diet. I remember eating more organ meats like liver and kidneys and chicken hearts and and gizzards smothered with onions than people do to today. That was when I was growing up in the 1950s and 1960s. We didn't have that much beef, more lamb, pork, goat and chicken. In fact we raised our own chickens and pork.
"I was a vegetarian for 25 years. Well, I ate fish and chicken....."
Not sure you're understanding the definitions here!
The whole presentation is just a pseudoscience garbage with studies to support a particular narrative... which makes money thesedays apparently. Pritikin would be rolling in his grave if he ever heard this ua-cam.com/video/qOj4rzSkqok/v-deo.htmlm52s
@@TB1M1 you've got to be joking. Lololol
@@TB1M1 I wonder why you call this sudo science, there is a lot of evidence to debunk the work of Ancil Kies (sorry no idea on the spelling ) and he is the lynch pin of the modern carb focused diet, I stand to be corrected on this.
@@mdoyle403 im not sure how you can debunk the diet eaten by all centenarian populations. Keys and Stamler lived to over 100 years. No mean feat.
TB1M1 I certainly wouldn’t want to look like Ancel Keys in my later years.
Good video, very informative, but also very fragmented, and if she could try and cut down on the "urm" so much, it would be an easier listen
She went into it with no preconceived ideas (she was actually vegetarian), not trying to push an agenda, not supported by any food lobbyists. She just goes where the data takes her. That says it all.
There are way too many uncontrolled variables with these studies. Is the meat grass fed? Are the grains and legumes organic and/or non-GMO? And then you get into the characteristics of the populations being tested and compared, as the last male questioner pointed out. Really, we're still dealing with theory, with insufficient data to prove anything - a Mueller report for the most important issue of our time. And still the most plausible theory is that we should eat the ancestral, pre-agriculture diet of homo sapiens. That makes the most sense to me (but I do sneak in some goat yoghurt - with Chia seeds).
Exactly the studies are meaningless.
Food industry would love to offer beyond meat, it’s supper cheap & makes them lots more money.
The idea that fats and meat can raise your blood glucose is as insane and the police pulling you over drunk driving and ask if you've been eating steak or butter.
Not much of scientific value is to be attached to this series of videos as the person who claims to have investigated and researched the subject of the various types of diet and food items is not a qualified dietician or medical person. Even with professionals there is absolutely no consensus related to the safest, most healthy diet. No one but on one to my knowledge has ever investigated the only aspect that could be of real importance and relevance. What is the natural diet of humans? Is there in fact such a diet? Each species of animal, bird, fish and reptile has its own special diet. I would dearly like to know if there has been any serious or scientific investigation or even attempt at such to determine the natural diet of humans. My family has consumed vegetable oil for as long as the family history goes back to some three hundred years, this was exclusively sesame seed oil and none of us suffered from cancer or heart disease. I discontinued eating meat some fifty years ago, a decision not based on dietary or health considerations but due to the intense person reaction of revulsion upon witnessing the slaughter of animals for food . T he method was that adopted by Jews and Muslims and must be decidedly the most cruel, inhumane, barbarous, horrendous method for killing animals. No human possessed of a normal sense of kindness or even rudimentary sensitivity can continue to eat meat after witnessing the slaughter of animals by the Halal method or by any other method . I am now well past my ninth decade and no signs of slowing down in any way.
Good info overshadowed by all the “Umm’s & Ahhh’s” … argh … makes this next to impossible to listen too 🙄
Government run clinical trials, I smell something!!
Would corporate be better?