Night Owls, What Is the Creepiest Thing That Happened to You at Night? | People Stories

  • Опубліковано 19 вер 2024


  • @kimmie_g1387
    @kimmie_g1387 2 роки тому +78

    The amount of people that don’t lock their door scares me. Maybe I’m just paranoid but I always lock the door.

    • @charles-co2vh
      @charles-co2vh 2 роки тому +6

      Omg yes worst is moving from the country to the city with elderly parents who don't lock doors luckily nothing has happened but have had friends who just enter your home to hang out and that's enough to keep the doors locked for me so glad no one I know tries this anymore.

    • @jmjedi923
      @jmjedi923 2 роки тому +6

      My roommate gets mad me for locking the door all the time. I don't really care what they think, if they don't want to get locked out they better start paying attention

  • @potatokitty
    @potatokitty 2 роки тому +110

    As a nightowl I can say the dark is so friendly it's creepy.

    • @LowkeyLance
      @LowkeyLance 2 роки тому +1

      Very true

    • @Maniacman2030
      @Maniacman2030 2 роки тому +9

      I feel the most peace at night, it's weird. During the daylight hours, I have bouts of anxiety, but at night it all sits still.

    • @Maniacman2030
      @Maniacman2030 2 роки тому

      @@OfficerHotpants I'm not sure how I should feel agreeing with this. You can vocalize your troubles without fear of judgement. Um... maybe a pet would be a better idea...

    • @reyipolanco3106
      @reyipolanco3106 2 роки тому

      It’s almost inviting…

    • @MuichiroTokitoirl1
      @MuichiroTokitoirl1 2 роки тому


  • @lesliemccormick6527
    @lesliemccormick6527 2 роки тому +41

    I have had insomnia for years.
    I live in a townhouse complex in a small city, close to downtown.
    Several times in the middle of the night I have heard the sound of horses wickering and cows lowing, a faint cowbell noise etc., quite close, and caught a faint smell of "farm". The nearest farm is MILES away. I have gone outside on my back patio and heard the sounds clearly coming from just south of my unit, in the direction of our complex's maintenance and administrative bldg./hall.
    Other tenants have had this experience, as well.
    Anyway, 5 years ago it was decided to re-do the siding on the whole complex, 29 units, plus the office along with some other renovation work. During that time the sound of farm animals increased by about double, and the smell of barnyard as well. Really weird and pretty annoying.
    Mentioned it to one of the seniors at church and she asked me what road I lived on. She and her husband are in their late 80s....turns out, my entire neighbourhood was a huge family farm from the late 1800s until the 1950s, and she knew all about it as she dated one of the farm boys back in the day, but that he and one of his brothers were killed in WW2 and then the Dad passed and the surviving son, young daughter and Mum could not keep up so sold it. It was only a farm for a few more yrs before bits got sold off and eventually it was swallowed by the town which is now a city.
    The barn would have been in the vicinity of the office.
    So, yeah, I live on a spectral farm.
    Yay, me.

  • @WallysVoid
    @WallysVoid 2 роки тому +58

    That last story is my favorite. Just imagining some poor sap thinking they have an easy target to rob and they hear a god damn sword being drawn and is like fuck that.

    • @crazycatlady1425
      @crazycatlady1425 2 роки тому +4


    • @ryansage9067
      @ryansage9067 2 роки тому +3

      I mean money is money but I ain’t trying to get chopped in half by a samurai sword 😂

  • @henrylicitra2906
    @henrylicitra2906 2 роки тому +28

    I heard what sounded like the basement door being pushed open by my cat, followed by her walking out a couple of times one night. She had died not 3 weeks earlier.

    • @kimmie_g1387
      @kimmie_g1387 2 роки тому +4

      I’ve heard that too! When I was a kid That happened to me. My dog use to come in my room all the time. It was comforting.

  • @dewaynenelson3189
    @dewaynenelson3189 2 роки тому +14

    I've all ways been a night owl. I live in very rural Alabama, it was a while ago, I would sit outside in my truck at night to talk to my girlfriend because it's the only way to get privacy with a big family, well I'm sitting out there, doors closed, no lights on, and i hear footsteps outside behind my truck, but I can't see anything, so I freeze, duck down and wait, I hear someone walking away, no one other then family lives within miles of us and most of them are 70+ so I don't know who it was, freaked me out a little, well about 2 weeks later I'm in my room, it's about 2am and there's not a light on in the whole house, and i hear the sound of the tool box on my truck close, I hop up and peak through the blinds and against the moon light I see someone looking in the bed of my truck and then my step dads truck, I know it's got to be a thief, so I grab some stuff to go confront him, so out onto the porch steps a 17 year old 6' 3" 220 pound football player with a 12 gauge shotgun, a spot light, and an 120 pound pitbull, and i call him out, I hear more then see him drop the stuff he was stealing and bolt down the drive way, I don't go after him, but chaos (the pitbull) does, I hear a scream and when I catch up to chaos he has a pair of shorts with a little blood and a bite out of the left back part, no person, so if anyone knows someone with a big dog bite scar on their left butt cheek or that showed up with an dog bite on their left butt cheek and no pants in June of 2016, let me know

  • @BRIDINC1972
    @BRIDINC1972 2 роки тому +37

    Living in the countryside in ireland, the nightsounds are foxes.sound just like a woman screaming in agony.

    • @vespermoirai975
      @vespermoirai975 2 роки тому +4

      *don't say it dont say it* WHAT DOES THE FOX SAY!?

    • @theducklinghomesteadandgar6639
      @theducklinghomesteadandgar6639 2 роки тому

      I wanna answer but I've only ever heard the song maybe 10 times maximum, but more realistically 5 times, AND I have poor hearing, so I don't wanna embarrass myself by putting what I think the song says the fox says...smh & LMBO!!!

    • @vespermoirai975
      @vespermoirai975 2 роки тому +1

      @@theducklinghomesteadandgar6639 looool

  • @kst3463
    @kst3463 Рік тому +2

    Being a night owl, 2 am to 3 am is probably the quietest hour and also a bit eerie. You can almost hear your own breathing sound. It gives me the creeps when everything is dead silent. I hear weird noises during that time and I have to try to figure out if it’s real or just my mind playing tricks.

  • @courtneypaquette3475
    @courtneypaquette3475 2 роки тому +3

    Auditory hallucinations are real shit... A few years ago my husband was on a short deployment overseas. It was the first time I would be home alone with our first child (just a baby at the time) for a number of weeks. We live in a relatively safe area, but my husband still made sure the shotgun was accessible and reminded me to lock the doors & windows.
    On one of the first days I was exhausted from work and laid on my bed to rest in the summer evening air after getting the kiddo down for the night. I was so relaxed and just drifting off when I heard what sounded like my son's bedroom window opening over the baby monitor. The next thing I knew I was standing in my bedroom, hand on the shotgun. Before I could even process the noise I had lept out of bed and went straight for the gun. I sort of snapped back into reality and realized I had just locked his window a few minutes before. Still got up and double checked just to be sure.
    Later found out the pharmacy down the street and several cars had been broken into in our neighborhood by drug addicts that night.

  • @jordyncastelli5693
    @jordyncastelli5693 2 роки тому +5

    Everybody gangsta until its 3 am and u either hear a knock at your door, or a doorbell ring

  • @emilyfogerty6438
    @emilyfogerty6438 2 роки тому +4

    I always feel like sounds give me the creeps more than anything else. Sirens and certain animal calls (like fisher cats) in particular literally send me into panic if I'm alone.

  • @lazwardazure716
    @lazwardazure716 2 роки тому +7

    Worst thing that happened to me is that the power went out

  • @williamepler2901
    @williamepler2901 2 роки тому +11

    The first story, that creature is very clearly SCP-096

  • @ImNotCreativeEnoughToMakeUser
    @ImNotCreativeEnoughToMakeUser Рік тому +2

    3:24 I can confirm. Every sound a peacock makes sounds like person being murdered. The sound they make when they're spooked can only be compared to a demon rapidly blasting a bugle and a kazoo at the same time.
    15:53 Don't ever do that. Someone cound be crouching, and ready to rush you when the door opens. Also, accoriding to old writings and records, don't open the dorr for someone you can't see. If you do, a spirit may enter and infest your house.

  • @dragonpee
    @dragonpee 2 роки тому +5

    I was on Yahoo messenger when I was 15 or so and was talking to random people. While in a conversation the other person's Webcam turned on and there was a peice of paper on a table. The person put thumbtacks on the paper and then started slamming their hand onto the thumbtacks. Then then let their hand bleed onto the peice of paper. The person I was talking to said that it wasn't them doing that and couldn't see what I was seeing and that I was "freaking them out" as I was describing it as it was happening. This was like a one on one chat so I'm sure it was them but it was still very bizarre no matter who was doing it.

  • @beastmaster0934
    @beastmaster0934 Рік тому +1

    The amount of animals that sound like a person being brutally murdered is astounding.

  • @jacobprice8769
    @jacobprice8769 2 роки тому +4

    Once I was at a cabin in arkansas in the middle of the woods with my family. I was up hours later than everyone else and I was sleeping on the couch in the lowest level with a massive screen door opening into the woods. Out of nowhere I started hearing what sounded like human screams on and off for like an hour. Still have no clue what that was but I couldn’t stop staring out the screen door till the sun started coming up

  • @anonymous-sus406
    @anonymous-sus406 2 роки тому +6

    I watched The Ring late at night. Was not scared one bit. I slept so peacefully that night

    • @jarrarwinks8470
      @jarrarwinks8470 2 роки тому +1

      Cause it isn’t scary....... But it’s not bad.

  • @TYC7343
    @TYC7343 2 роки тому +1

    Once I pulled a all nighter, me and my bros were playing apex, warzone, fortnite, etc. Then out of nowhere I here screaming outside my front door, (me being the only one up and being creeped out) I shut everything off and stayed silent, for 30 - 40 minutes I heard agonizing screams, as if someone was being shot or stabbed. I went back on and I shrugged it off, then the next morning, when I was taking out trash, there was a few spots of some type of dried up liquid. I Never Forget That Night.
    Edit: I live in a ghetto-ish neighborhood, so I still stay up at night thinking about what may happened..

  • @lostaudio
    @lostaudio 2 роки тому +9

    I am also one who listens to scary stories as I go to sleep lol.

  • @yogsothoth8389
    @yogsothoth8389 2 роки тому +1

    I have a delayed circadian rhythm (it’s an actual medical diagnosis), and my usual bedtime is approx. 3: 00 - 4: 00 am. One night I was taking out the garbage and as I’m walking past my building’s main entrance, there’s a dude inside the security door (y’know, the “airlock”), screaming and pounding on the glass. My neighborhood is sketchy and there is a lot of drug use around here. I could tell this guy was on something that was making him quite violent. Anyway, he pounded on the glass and screamed “LET ME IN! LET ME INNNNNNN!!” I’m thinking “Frick no,” and kept on walking. I heard him yell “B***H!!!” I’m a dude. I walked straight back to my apartment without taking out the garbage that night.

    • @emilyfogerty6438
      @emilyfogerty6438 2 роки тому +1

      Wait... please tell me more about the circadian rhythm thing. I need to know. Everyone is always telling me to get on a schedule and I tell them that I am, it's just not theirs. I usually stay up all night and sleep when the sun comes up (around 6-7am, then wake up around 3pm.) Pretty consistent if I don't force otherwise.

  • @hënry_zenin
    @hënry_zenin 2 роки тому +1

    As a nightowl I can say that the darkness is comfortable
    But what's in the darkness can be rather unfriendly

  • @bobblebardsley
    @bobblebardsley 20 днів тому

    10:37 I had one pretty similar to this. Saw flashing blue lights (UK here) on my bedroom wall one night, looked out front, there's a fire engine right outside my house and they're running a hose up the neighbour's drive (semi-detached under the same roof). I go to look out the back window and the neighbour's garden shed is fully on fire, but he has gas cylinders in there so they're trying to get it under control before those explode. Watched for awhile then went downstairs to see if my parents were awake. Found them watching TV completely oblivious to it all, they hadn't noticed the flashing blue lights on the wall and hadn't heard anything over the noise of the TV. If I hadn't gone down to tell them, they wouldn't have known anything until morning. Turned out to be an arson attack by a would-be burglar who was frustrated they couldn't break the lock on the shed door. We found their broken bolt-cutters halfway down my parents' garden along with some poop-filled underwear, which the police declined to take into evidence.

  • @theducklinghomesteadandgar6639
    @theducklinghomesteadandgar6639 2 роки тому +1

    I (50f) have lived most of my like in the country. I am more of a cross between a 2nd and 3rd shift person picking up energy around 3pm. Unless I had company over, my siblings and I were "camping out" in the yard, or I was spending the night somewhere, then we would stay up all night, with our regular bedtime being 9pm until we hit HS. I have never really encountered anything after dark that I can recall as being freaky or paranormal.
    There was this one time we stayed the night with our cousins, though this wasn't freaky or such, we did get an adrenaline rush and a different kind of scared though. My sister, myself and my cousin my age chose to sleep in the yard this night. He lived next door to a couple who were in a motorcycle club(gang?) 1978ish anyway, several of their friends were over with bikes parked all over their yard with a privacy fence between the two pards. They were outside drinking and were pretty lit, so to mess with them we tossed pebbles over the fence. They couldn't figure out what they were hearing or where it was coming from.... then a pebble accidentally hit, I think it was a tailpipe, ping!!!! Now they knew the sounds were coming from over by us. they crept over to try and figure things out. They decided to look over the fence and see if someone was pranking them hiding there. We jumped down into our bags, closed our eyes and were as still as stone. They bought it and hushed one another and guessed it could've been a coon.
    Same people same night.... needless to say, we didn't throw anymore pebbles. We really weren't trying to cause damage...anyway, the couple was inside later on and go into an argument, up in each other's faces, yelling cussing, but they didn't physical with each other. However, to show she was putting her foot down and he better listen or leave, she picked up the full refrigerator and kind of shoved it into his space so he had to step back and she left it between them, so she didn't have to talk to or look at him!!!
    One of our best nights growing up!!!

  • @georgefeser6483
    @georgefeser6483 2 роки тому +2

    I thought that I saw the ghost of my great granddad George. He was a World War 2 vet.

  • @erikforgie7923
    @erikforgie7923 2 роки тому +4

    Why does it seem like all reddit users have self defense swords lol

    • @zamonolita
      @zamonolita 2 роки тому +1

      As a redditor
      *we do*

  • @alkabissvyvorant573
    @alkabissvyvorant573 2 роки тому +3

    7:42 yeah and I keep a wooden bat next to my bed 'cause my mom wants me to have something ready for an intruder if she's out of the house. Is it not normal to have a weapon near your bed? Of course, you could always go grab a butchers or steak knife outta the kitchen, but the bat's closer. I mean, we literally had somebody CAMPING in our front yard about a week ago.

    • @jmjedi923
      @jmjedi923 2 роки тому

      I mean, I keep a taser and a handgun on my computer desk idk if I'm the right person to say....

  • @Stiv64_
    @Stiv64_ 4 місяці тому

    As a German, my brain can in no way process even the idea of leaving your door unlocked...

  • @Tarantulawl
    @Tarantulawl 2 роки тому +1

    The moral to most of these stories is to lock your front door!

  • @STALKER953
    @STALKER953 2 роки тому +1

    How do people live without locking their fucking doors? Like, what happened that you don't think fucked up people will just fucking walk in?

  • @LadyTarasque
    @LadyTarasque 2 роки тому +1

    Opened my window one summer night, on screenless side for some reason (both sides have screens now. Nothing to do with incident lol, just got new windows). As I did so, I heard a loud thud, and so I stuck my head out and looked in direction of sound, out of curiousity. I see this dark figure drop off the roof into a crouch, paused, before disappearing behind neighbor's yard (theirs wasn't fenced in). Being a complete moron, I didn't clue in to what happened til I brought it up to people years later (didn't even tell either parent until like.. last year ^^;) .. Like I legit thought I just witnessed something supernatural (hearing sound before seeing figure drop off roof) and just thought it was weird. Now I know that the sound was from something the person droppped which gave them away, hence them dropping off the roof and the pause before they took off. Oh well.. calling police wouldn't have done anything if the person got away from the area before they arrived, since I couldn't see any details..

  • @BlindStarLily
    @BlindStarLily 2 роки тому +1

    Not anything supernatural at all, but it nearly made me fall out of bed
    I was just hanging out, probably trying to push through my writer’s block. My window was open and my light was off, and I suddenly heard this loud, high pitched shrieking sound right outside my window. It turned out to be just a car out in my neighbors’ yard, but it sounded and felt like there was some demon thing or fking Sirenhead screaming at me through my window

  • @commanderfoxtrot
    @commanderfoxtrot 2 роки тому

    19:52 is the kinda shit you encounter during the nightly barrage in Darkwood.

  • @lilyawoodburn
    @lilyawoodburn 2 роки тому +2

    Currently watching this before I go to bed. Why do I do this to myself.

    • @deerecoyote2040
      @deerecoyote2040 2 роки тому +3

      I'm an idiot. I fear everything, I don't know why I do this lol

    • @emilyfogerty6438
      @emilyfogerty6438 2 роки тому

      Doing that right now.

  • @Jack3cs
    @Jack3cs Місяць тому

    I was home on college break. My parents live in the middle of nowhere on highway 20 west of Vale, Oregon It was 3am and I'm watching the old black and white version of The Mummy starring Boris Karloff. Just as the Mummy grabbed the man's throat there was a knock at the door. Scared me half to death. A family moving to Corvallis, Oregon had a flat tire and he walked to the nearest house for help because their Jack wouldn't lift the trailer. Scared me half to death.

  • @articusramos808
    @articusramos808 2 роки тому

    Driving home from work when the damn Hurricane closed down the road I take home. Had to take the route back in a massive Forrested area without street lights and barely any power. I swear I seen some shifting shadows but I was just tired I think.

  • @mocha8996
    @mocha8996 2 роки тому +1

    Sleep paralysis and anxiety is the worst combination on this earth

  • @ThatChargerPursuitGuy
    @ThatChargerPursuitGuy 2 роки тому +1

    I did my first playthough of Doki Doki Literature club during my first allnighter...... A blind playthough.....

  • @kendoruslink7017
    @kendoruslink7017 2 роки тому

    Not a night owl but one night I got up and found one of the stove elements still on. I hadn't turned it off.

  • @kbell_1478
    @kbell_1478 2 роки тому

    The original floors sounding like gunshots and chips being crushed at any given time and house settling or the door that had been replaced that when the vent turns on it moves like it’s being opened.

  • @fangirlapocalypse
    @fangirlapocalypse 2 роки тому

    two or three am. binging fanfics on my PC, getting tired. Deciding I should probably go sleep soon, then I hear this FUCKING screech that's hella lowed. It sounded something like a parrot and it went "WOAFHDSJLFHAF" three times before it disappeared. I have no idea what that was and I don't want to know.

  • @emilyfogerty6438
    @emilyfogerty6438 2 роки тому

    Once, in the dead of night, I went to the bathroom and heard what sounded like a baby crying through the open window. Went on for a while. Turns out it was a fisher cat. Super friggin creepy, man.

  • @brokengamer2378
    @brokengamer2378 2 роки тому

    The one ten mins in….
    That could’ve been someone shooting an area to see if anyone’s awake to see if the could steal stuff, the police showing up probably deterred them.

  • @lukedawg8178
    @lukedawg8178 2 роки тому

    The one in Syracuse ny spooked me the most because I live like an hour away from there and am a night owl

  • @supervision4137
    @supervision4137 2 роки тому

    Saw some dude sprinting through my backyard while being chased by police. Turned out he murdered someone that night

  • @Leezie76
    @Leezie76 Рік тому

    I sometimes heard what sounded like hard rocks hit my widow, there is a tree out side the window but the rock sounded like an extremely fast rock I still never figured out what it was

  • @adragonlover-2023
    @adragonlover-2023 Рік тому

    here's a kind of short story that happened to me
    your at your grandmas house and your watching a show called "paranormal caught on camera" while playing a video game at the same time hollow knight to be exact and when the time comes you go to sleep or get ready to you have to sleep on a tiny couch because your grandma does not have anything bigger or better for you to sleep on with your dog while your dog and your grandma are asleep you have trouble closing your eyes so you then feel like getting a water because its hot and you are thirsty maybe that's why your having trouble going to sleep you look out and see what appears to be a person but...different this "person" seems pale he has white skin and you can only see his head and hands he seems to be using your computer that shouldn't work because the internet isn't working he has lifeless black eyes and he seems hollow somehow like you can see through him for the next lets say 1 to 2 hours you just stare at him he occasionally looks at you and then goes back to looking at your computer soon you go back to sleep in the morning you sigh in relief as the figure disapeared you shrug it off as a dream until your grandma says something to your uncle that scares the crap out of you "he was looking at something last night it seemed he was dreaming or something" your grandma couldn't have seen it if something was their because she was on her chair the whole night and there is a wall blocking her view but she could see YOU looking at something you think of any dead relative you know of only to realize that there is no familiar face who has died that fits this image you never see it again but the thought lingers in your mind...what was that. to this day I still think I might have been hallucinating but the thought bothers me "what if I wasn't".

  • @nft_screenshoter5735
    @nft_screenshoter5735 2 роки тому

    the ghost car.
    there was noise and lights and everything else, but its never there. even now, it just passed right now.

  • @sonianevermind1232
    @sonianevermind1232 2 роки тому

    That story about the doorbell, how did her parents and little brother not hear it?

  • @maomaomi5434
    @maomaomi5434 2 роки тому

    26:00 that sounds like a squatter

  • @margaretobrien229
    @margaretobrien229 2 роки тому

    Thanksgiving 7 years ago I heard a voice in my head I want to spend thanksgiving with you..there was a flash of light in the dining room and a blonde hair blue eyed man was standing in my living room ..he was beautiful and looked like an angel..he said he has herpes wanted free sex and bought girlfriends. He said he was an air force pilot. He vanished into thin air

  • @vincentender1486
    @vincentender1486 2 роки тому

    What is it with sleep paralysis and back sleeping?

  • @AltecOnTwitch
    @AltecOnTwitch 2 роки тому

    Wolves or Coyotes fought outside my window

  • @I_Love_Cats_Alot.
    @I_Love_Cats_Alot. 2 роки тому

    In 5th grade someone saw that someone was waching them through the school computer camera so all computer cameras had to be taped so you cant see through the camera... weird.

  • @godofchaos9571
    @godofchaos9571 Рік тому

    Why don't people lock their doors?

  • @cosmichappenings6674
    @cosmichappenings6674 Рік тому

    what is the music I beg of you please tell me

  • @kagekun1198
    @kagekun1198 2 роки тому

    Now I want a sword for my room

  • @pianomanhere
    @pianomanhere 2 роки тому

    Story at ~ 19:00 -- b.s. -- complete fiction

  • @somerandomguy9406
    @somerandomguy9406 2 роки тому

    Bruh, why would you start a reddit story with TL;DR?