@@donuttt2636 Triple S yeah. It was trending everywhere in Asia because of GD’s customization, and it expanded to the West. Man is way ahead of his time, he rocked Thomas Browne and Chrome Heart almost a decade ago. Now, celebrities are catching up 😂
aliran fashion song mino yg out of the box lainnya yaitu doi pake apron koh buat style dia sehari hari dan aku personally belum pernah liat idol lain pake apron buat fashion, cuma dia yg berani pake
Bener, nih analisanya kalau MINO memang suka pakai yang baggy. Di-confirmed sama HOONY di Youth Over Flowers dengan beliin MINO celana ukuran 6XL dan pas dipake sama dia entah kenapa jatohnya bagus, padahal celana beli di Target. Nice video content, by the way. Thank you.
Gue lebih suka style nya Mino kak. Why? soalnya tinggi gue sama sama mino, mino yang ngebuat gue jadi percaya diri buat pake celana segombrang itu, awalnya gue kira orang tinggi ngga cocok pake celana yang lebar, ternyata cocok dan bahkan jauh lebih nyaman dipake ketimbang skinny jeans yang sering gue pake biasanya
Jidi sih pasti, karena dr dlu pertama kali taunya gd. Yg bikin suka banget tuh sense of art nya GD ituloh yang ga bisa kita tiru meskipun sekedar cuma coret coret doang.
I prefer GD because his style is like a chameleon always changes...he can wear anything...choose any color and yet still looks good on him. GD HIMSELF IS A FASHION BRAND!!!! Well...Mino's style is also nice tho' but I personally prefer GD.
did you know that GD made the e-boy trend? in his collab with 88 seconds he made a simple striped sweatshirt that got popular in japan because of his influence after that it went mainstream when it reached america and got popular thru tik tok.
Jujur kalo milih sih susaahh bangeett.. style GD dan mino itu kalo dibawa ke orang lain kadang nggak dapet vibe yang sama.. mungkin karena bentuk tubuh, warna kulit, tinggi badan, dll... tapi emang waktu di mapo hipster kan dijelasin juga kalo style mino kadang orang nggak berani coba karena terlalu banyak detail yang bagus di mino tapi agak sungkan dipakai orang awam.. tapi untuk referensi outfit “normal” nyaa ya aku lebih condong ke mino kurasa.. Tapi GD juga baguuuusss bangeeeettt.... 💙💙💙💙💙💙
G-Dragon ! Karena sering banget aku niruin fashionnya dia yg masih bisa aku tiru (gk coret” tas hermes), kaya sepatu Vans Old Skool, kan GD sering banget tuh pake itu sampe dicoret” bikin Flower + Love, aku tiruin juga di sepatuku.
Another obvious way to tell that those two have different body figures is the fact that Mino walked the runway for LV during Paris Men’s Fashion Week. Btw, nice content with good and detailed analysis 👌🏻
morpheus My point is, Mino walked the runway, which means he’s on the tall side. Just proving the statement in this video on how Mino is taller than GD. Nothing to do about their brand engagement.
Wow this video is really detailed. People who think that GD and Mino have the same style should watch this. Their style is quite opposite but what makes them similar is that their fashion style is FREE.
You are being unfair and making hyunsuk look bad. You can not compare a legend to a newbie when they haven’t even debuted yet. There needs to be a far playing field.
I always thought that GD and MINO style were similar. After watching this video, my mind has changed! Turned out that their style was so different. Super unique on their own AND only them can pull it off ✨ I love BOTH! 💛💙 #YGstansAllTheWay 😂
You explain it so well. Thank you!! I hope the viewers understand the whole point of this video and leave their objective thoughts and avoid being shady cuz that's so unnecessary. Instead, share you stories~ why you prefer this style and not the other style, it would be lovely to read!
Yess beda banget, mungkin karna faktor "WAJAH"nya yg mirip jadi org nganggep apa yg dipake mino mirip sama apa yg dipake gd. Pdhal banyak idol yg ngikutin fashion gd tapi krnapa yag ngehatenya ke mino lol.
it feels like.. MINO: (talk to GD) daddy, i like fashion just like u, but oversizing it is my comfort zone GD: (take his cigar and sitting on cough) Gu-Re, take my fashion as ur base and play with it son.. me: ( suddenly waking up from a dream land) 😂
They are equally have a great fashion sense. I guess it will just depend on your personal preference or styling. These two made many trends in fashion. They also achieve something in fashion world. GD was the first asian to be an ambassador by a high end clothing line, Chanel. And been a VIP for years. While Mino is the first ever korean idol to walk in the runway of Paris fashion week. Not to mention, he was personally chosen by the designer himself Virgil Abloh.
sebenernya klo dari looks lebih suka MINO🌻 sih outfitnya main warna karna celananya juga baggy fit gak suka aja sm celana skinny fit klo GD🌼 sukanya baggy fit kynya lebih suka GD🌼 tapi GD🌼 menang di aksesoris sumpah keren plus unik ..
When you first glance at them, you think that their styles are very similar but once you break it down into detail like that, you realize how different they are... for me, GD wins, but that's because I'm a huge fan of the glam rock style.. and GD himself🌼🐉❤🖤
Orang yang tau hanya gd atau mino pasti bilang sama. Padahal dari segi musik, rap dan fashion beda banget. Yang sama antara mereka itu bikin lagu temanya banyakan patah hati, ditinggal kekasih wkwkwk. Kesan fashion mino lebih manly ditunjang dg bentuk badannya dan wajahnya. Kalo gd agak feminim, perpaduan antara manly dan feminim. Sebenarnya suka duaduanya, tapi kalo disuruh milih aku pilih mino soalnya mino pd banget wkwkwk
Dr segi lagu pun sbnry mino lebih yg ke modelan seksi 18+, yah dia pernah ngomong di radio kalo ya lagunya dia emang begituan. Smpe disebuah radio oernah ditanya gimana kok bisa menghindari rate 18+ pdhl lagu nya uhuk. Tp musti sih di 1 album, ada 1 2 lagu yg galau.
Love this video! Is it triplets?😂😂 Ada yang pernah bilang- tapi ini konteksnya lebih ke rambut, kalo jangan coba-coba ngikutin style rambut Mino, karena kalo di orang biasa bakal jelek, Mino berbeda karna dia tampan. Wkwk
when you don't speak bahasa indonesia but you have watched the whole video hahaha i really liked it ❤️🙌🏻 for me, i prefer mino's style coz i feel more confident wearing that hip hopish streetwear fashion. i think both styles are really unique and i feel like only them can pull it off 😂😂 anyways, love the video and waiting for the eng subs 🙏🏻✨
Sebagai cewek dan penggemar rock dari SD taon 90an awal, aku lebih tertarik ama look si Mino karena ampir semua Style GD udah tamat hattam hafal luar kepala liatin artist rock lawas. Dan emang pada dasarnya, musik GD itu lebih ke arah metal. Sedangkan Mino mo diliat dari mana pun, gesture n vibe pembawaan dirinya udah dasar hiphop. Bahkan waktu dia pakai pakaian sederhana kaos oblong item polos ama velana pendek n sendal jepit pun ttp kliatan hiphop. Aku pilih Mino bukan karena genre hiphop nya tapi mungkin buatku yah spti dirimu bilang, lebih manly. Btw, soal manly.. Aku jadi keinget ada salah satu acara di Korea sono yg salah satu episode nya bahas ttg fashion. Dan salah satu art director fashion yg juga mantan top model itu khusus bahas fashion nya anak Winner. Kl gak salah inget tuh kisaran 2018, lagi hot banget tuh si Winner. Ada salah satu pernyataan beliau yg menarik yaitu ttg KangSeungYoon, rekan setim Mino. Dia emang grassroots musik dia rock, folks, soul, pokoknya musik2 jadul dah jadi secara gak langsung dia punya vibe yg dl kerapkali disebut spti GD, terutama dia kurus cuman bedanya dia tinggi kayak Mino. Nah, kebetulan di salah satu MV Winner tuh ada yg mereka pake outfit leopard semua. Dan itu dibahas pernedaanya ma beliau. Mungkin dirimu mau menggali dan mengutarakan opini pribadi terkait hal itu? Karena saat itu, sang director itu bahasnya mengasyikkan dg bagaimana menjelaskan tiap member walau pun memang tetep yg paling sering disebut ma beliau yah Seungyoon ama Mino Buat beliau, mereka berdua yg paling mencolok di outfit leopard saat di mv itu. Kan biasanya ada stereotype tertentu mengenai motif leopard yg memang buatku juga bahwa gak semua orang "cocok" dg corak2 animal motives. Dan buatku, di antara Winner, KangSeungYoon yg paling cocok ama pembawaan dirinya dia juga kali yah. Aku sering anggep adakalanya atau bahkan sering dapetin vibe si Seungyoon lebih banyak mirip ama TOP cuman krn dia kurus dan rocker jd nangkepnya kayak GD. Entah apakah karena tinggi dia hanya sedikit di atas TOP jd bikin perawakan n vibe mereka lebih mirip atau bagaimana tp yg pasti aura n karisma dinginnya mereka yg mirip banget trus agak aneh juga orangnya, dimensional jokes nya.
Sukaa banget kak sama video ini 😄 Aku lebih suka style mino karena lebih cute aja warna2nya, sama mau nambahin gaya mino yg paling baru2 ini, dia suka pakai celemek/apron kemana2, dan cowo2 korea pada ngikutin 😂
This is such a great comparison between two of them. Secara personal menurutku emang bener, mereka masing-masing punya style unique yg berbeda. I’m sorry, tapi kalo disuruh milih salah satu, aku tetep bakalan milih dua-duanya. Because i think they really have a great fashion style 🖤🙌🏻
So does MINO. this almost feels like low key shade. Nobody is questioning GD's Kpop King status, it's been established his a visionary in the industry. Anyway it's ok to have a preference just don't drag other artists.
@@dhistixxi From the "BUT" that cancels out what you said before then and does feel like I stated before low key shade. If you didn't mean to then my bad, but it does seem dismissive of him tbh. Maybe reword it.
kalo dari style pilih mino, most of my item dilemari oversize 😅 tapi kalo dari color aku pilih GD karena 90% dari item yg aku punya adalah hitam 😅 nahloh bingung gak 😂😂😂
Wow, thanks for analysis. 👏 👏 A year after you uploaded this video & no 👎 comments about GD's androgynous body shape. He can literally wear anything and make it his own style. He's my favorite. Thumbs up to Mino too. His style is still evolving so a lot of experimental looks from hip-hop to business executive.
Bagiii aku, keduanya sihhh .. karena mereka emang punya fashion point yg bedaaa .. bagi yg selalu ngikutin fashion mereka sih, bakal tau banget, kalo fashion mereka tuh beda banget .. satu persamaan mereka, mereka sama" mampu membuat suatu gebrakan baru di dunia fashion k-pop .. mereka juga mampu membuat orang terpengaruh dan mengikuti style mereka .. luvvvv deh my role model's (gd & mino ) 💕💕
don't forget their flower iconic
GD : daisy 🌼
MINO : sunflower 🌻
both are my idols but I prefer MINO's style because I love colorful 🌈
MINO betrayed the blue rose 😂😂
@@mlg3323 but now mino choose cactus
Mino will probably change it again.
GD or Mino ? I think both.
cz fashion no rules 🔥🔥🔥
I love Mino, but his fashion 🙈
Both 🔥🔥
GD for me. He is a trendsetter worldwide followed by top stars even Hollywood stars.
yup he made balenciaga famous for their shoes.
Triple S yeah. It was trending everywhere in Asia because of GD’s customization, and it expanded to the West. Man is way ahead of his time, he rocked Thomas Browne and Chrome Heart almost a decade ago. Now, celebrities are catching up 😂
GD 👑
I like how positive this comparison are 😭 thank you for bringing justice to both of them. And the comment section is so nice 👍🏻
aliran fashion song mino yg out of the box lainnya yaitu doi pake apron koh buat style dia sehari hari dan aku personally belum pernah liat idol lain pake apron buat fashion, cuma dia yg berani pake
Bener, nih analisanya kalau MINO memang suka pakai yang baggy. Di-confirmed sama HOONY di Youth Over Flowers dengan beliin MINO celana ukuran 6XL dan pas dipake sama dia entah kenapa jatohnya bagus, padahal celana beli di Target.
Nice video content, by the way. Thank you.
Awalnya aku kira bakalan kebesaran di MINO, tapi pas dipake kok cakep ya.. hahaha... 6XL 😂
Gue lebih suka style nya Mino kak. Why? soalnya tinggi gue sama sama mino, mino yang ngebuat gue jadi percaya diri buat pake celana segombrang itu, awalnya gue kira orang tinggi ngga cocok pake celana yang lebar, ternyata cocok dan bahkan jauh lebih nyaman dipake ketimbang skinny jeans yang sering gue pake biasanya
fun fact: mino's headband was actually a beanie, but he cut it off and turned it into a headband
mapo hipsterㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Mapo hipster🤭
@Kenedy Wangham stfu
@Kenedy Wangham chill babe,, she/he justa said it as a fun fact, not claimed anything
Lebih suka mino, karna permainan warna looks nya lebih kekinian
Jidi sih pasti, karena dr dlu pertama kali taunya gd. Yg bikin suka banget tuh sense of art nya GD ituloh yang ga bisa kita tiru meskipun sekedar cuma coret coret doang.
true af
One more thing Mino’s apron looks. His favourite style currently I think
Yes! I should have include that style too, my bad 😵 will be in the next gd vs mino video update in the future 💪 thank you! 🙏
Mino pabriknya PD siihh 😅 makanya bisa pull off semua style.. Itu kunci no #1
Wlwk mino bikin aku tahu siapa itu Alexanzer Na 🤣. Wkwk inget celana Na PD aku kesian jadi proyek percobaan.
Krna Mino mukanya slightly mirip GD jd sering dibanding2in, pdhl style nya beda bgt.
"baju setelan is my life" -mino 😃
I prefer GD because his style is like a chameleon always changes...he can wear anything...choose any color and yet still looks good on him. GD HIMSELF IS A FASHION BRAND!!!! Well...Mino's style is also nice tho' but I personally prefer GD.
Dua"nya Bagus cuma aku prefer ke stylenya mino
G Dragon" King of kpop"
Lejen eya teh
Style nya Mino unik sih... Baju apa aja bisa dipake sama dia😂
Gimanapun, always GD, dia mempunyai ciri khas yg bedaa bgt dri idol2 lain dgn kegilaann fashionnya
Pengen liat kak quin ngereaction fashionnya mino sama PO di mapo hipster:)
Jung Jaehyun setujuuuu
Setuju sii
Up mapo hipsternya bang
Setelah saya nonton video ini Saya lebih seneng lihat fashion nya Mino , tapi saya ngidolain GD lebih dari mino ..
no bi lah iya sama wkwk
thats exactly me omggg
yutuber lain: upload video sore untuk ngabuburit nunggu maghrib.
quin: upload video malem untuk ngabuburit nunggu sahur.
did you know that GD made the e-boy trend?
in his collab with 88 seconds he made a simple striped sweatshirt that got popular in japan because of his influence after that it went mainstream when it reached america and got popular thru tik tok.
Jujur kalo milih sih susaahh bangeett.. style GD dan mino itu kalo dibawa ke orang lain kadang nggak dapet vibe yang sama.. mungkin karena bentuk tubuh, warna kulit, tinggi badan, dll... tapi emang waktu di mapo hipster kan dijelasin juga kalo style mino kadang orang nggak berani coba karena terlalu banyak detail yang bagus di mino tapi agak sungkan dipakai orang awam.. tapi untuk referensi outfit “normal” nyaa ya aku lebih condong ke mino kurasa.. Tapi GD juga baguuuusss bangeeeettt.... 💙💙💙💙💙💙
G-Dragon !
Karena sering banget aku niruin fashionnya dia yg masih bisa aku tiru (gk coret” tas hermes), kaya sepatu Vans Old Skool, kan GD sering banget tuh pake itu sampe dicoret” bikin Flower + Love, aku tiruin juga di sepatuku.
Pake apaan di lukis nya?
iskandar 45 Pake cat acrylic
@@bimohendrawan294 no drop
@@iskandar4590 avitex
@@zaa7530 trivago
Obviously GD❤️ because before Mino wasn't even in k-pop industry GD was slaying it👑❤️ through his style and everything
Another obvious way to tell that those two have different body figures is the fact that Mino walked the runway for LV during Paris Men’s Fashion Week.
Btw, nice content with good and detailed analysis 👌🏻
Gd is one of the house ambassador of channel😂
morpheus My point is, Mino walked the runway, which means he’s on the tall side. Just proving the statement in this video on how Mino is taller than GD. Nothing to do about their brand engagement.
Both are very expressive! I prefer Jiyong's style, he really is the trendsetter in kpop whose influenced transcended into luxury fashion too.
Kalo saya ngikutin GD
Atasan oversized
Celana skinny
Malah jadi jamet:v
namanya juga nasib 😆
Itu karena kamu senasib sama saya
Rambutnya atasin, joget ding ding oa ding ding
kunci fashion: yg penting pd😹
Candy Satrio kalo jamet tuh oversized ny lebih ke dasteran 😂
Wow this video is really detailed. People who think that GD and Mino have the same style should watch this. Their style is quite opposite but what makes them similar is that their fashion style is FREE.
But people dont understand. See those comments in here now.
3 orang yang aku suka fashionnya di YG : GD, Mino and Jennie
B.I bagus juga tuh kalau diliat liat yg paling enak di tiruin sih B.I
Kim L y n x betul b.i kaya lebih ke style teenager gitu 😂
The next YG fashionista is Choi Hyunsuk from TREASURE
Exlesia Sukma of course!
no offense but his fashion style is meh at best
to be fair dude nearly debuted , he hasn’t showed anything yet chill
You are being unfair and making hyunsuk look bad. You can not compare a legend to a newbie when they haven’t even debuted yet. There needs to be a far playing field.
That's true
I prefer mino style hehe. It looks good on him.
I always thought that GD and MINO style were similar. After watching this video, my mind has changed! Turned out that their style was so different. Super unique on their own AND only them can pull it off ✨ I love BOTH! 💛💙 #YGstansAllTheWay 😂
Hmm ok
You explain it so well. Thank you!!
I hope the viewers understand the whole point of this video and leave their objective thoughts and avoid being shady cuz that's so unnecessary.
Instead, share you stories~ why you prefer this style and not the other style, it would be lovely to read!
gd: bulldog clip
mino: polaroid di dada
aquin: polaroid di jepit pake bulldog clip :)
Btw, kadang orang suka mikir MINO sosoan ngikutin GD. Padahal kalau diliat2 emang beda banget😭😭
Yess beda banget, mungkin karna faktor "WAJAH"nya yg mirip jadi org nganggep apa yg dipake mino mirip sama apa yg dipake gd. Pdhal banyak idol yg ngikutin fashion gd tapi krnapa yag ngehatenya ke mino lol.
@@yaepoxumi6790 AGREED😭
Karena vibe nya mirip, swag swag "nekat" 😂😂 jadi kayak yg ngikutin padahal emang punya ciri khas masing masing
@@windabudiariyanti5212 ya vibe nya mirip sama karisma nya, cuman beda nya MINO lebih pabo🤣🤣 love them🖤
It's gd for me. His accessories always look so iconic
I know your not done with Eng subs yet and I really appreciate the effort in making sure there are Eng subs..Thank You so much
Theyre both unique in their own ways :)
Idk Im just a YG stan
Mino p.o di mapo hipster kak, karna 180 derajat beredaaaa. Fashion p.o yang manis dan boyfriend look patut dibahas
Kalo aku lebih pilih style nya mino,
Soalnya lebih senang pakai oversize, dan setelan
it feels like..
MINO: (talk to GD) daddy, i like fashion just like u, but oversizing it is my comfort zone
GD: (take his cigar and sitting on cough) Gu-Re, take my fashion as ur base and play with it son..
me: ( suddenly waking up from a dream land) 😂
I think they both have their own style and I love both ❤️
dari sini aku liat look mino cocok untuk yg syar'i syar'i :""))))
next bikin react fashion mino po yg di mapo hipster pls
They are equally have a great fashion sense. I guess it will just depend on your personal preference or styling. These two made many trends in fashion. They also achieve something in fashion world.
GD was the first asian to be an ambassador by a high end clothing line, Chanel. And been a VIP for years. While Mino is the first ever korean idol to walk in the runway of Paris fashion week. Not to mention, he was personally chosen by the designer himself Virgil Abloh.
Berat bgt ni kalo mntk dipilih ,aku milih mino . Krna suka berpakain yg berwarna
sebenernya klo dari looks lebih suka MINO🌻 sih outfitnya main warna karna celananya juga baggy fit gak suka aja sm celana skinny fit klo GD🌼 sukanya baggy fit kynya lebih suka GD🌼 tapi GD🌼 menang di aksesoris sumpah keren plus unik ..
These days Mino used to wear an apron for fashion as well 😄
When you first glance at them, you think that their styles are very similar but once you break it down into detail like that, you realize how different they are... for me, GD wins, but that's because I'm a huge fan of the glam rock style.. and GD himself🌼🐉❤🖤
No one:
Literally no one:
Quin : update pagi hari bentet
Thank you for working hard to editing ko🤗
Orang yang tau hanya gd atau mino pasti bilang sama. Padahal dari segi musik, rap dan fashion beda banget. Yang sama antara mereka itu bikin lagu temanya banyakan patah hati, ditinggal kekasih wkwkwk. Kesan fashion mino lebih manly ditunjang dg bentuk badannya dan wajahnya. Kalo gd agak feminim, perpaduan antara manly dan feminim. Sebenarnya suka duaduanya, tapi kalo disuruh milih aku pilih mino soalnya mino pd banget wkwkwk
Dr segi lagu pun sbnry mino lebih yg ke modelan seksi 18+, yah dia pernah ngomong di radio kalo ya lagunya dia emang begituan. Smpe disebuah radio oernah ditanya gimana kok bisa menghindari rate 18+ pdhl lagu nya uhuk. Tp musti sih di 1 album, ada 1 2 lagu yg galau.
pengen koh quin collab sm kak ria sw tau meskipun kontennya beda bangett, tp sebagai sama" gd-mino inspired gituu
Love this video! Is it triplets?😂😂 Ada yang pernah bilang- tapi ini konteksnya lebih ke rambut, kalo jangan coba-coba ngikutin style rambut Mino, karena kalo di orang biasa bakal jelek, Mino berbeda karna dia tampan. Wkwk
Part 2 dong seru sumpah wkwk
Keep up the good work! You're such an inspiration for many people!
💯 GD
Boy has natural style, from his hair right down to his toes.
Gatau knapa sneng banget kalo liat kak Quin😂 Jdi bisa liat GD sama Mino versi indo 😂 smngt trs kak! Hehe
GD + mino = aquinaldo adrian😂
ini orang gak maju...meniru aja style gd....tolol sampe tatoo copying
DILZ OFFICIAL wait what?u know what is role model means?
@@tmfadhil3914 lu lebih tolol, ga tau role model
when you don't speak bahasa indonesia but you have watched the whole video hahaha i really liked it ❤️🙌🏻
for me, i prefer mino's style coz i feel more confident wearing that hip hopish streetwear fashion.
i think both styles are really unique and i feel like only them can pull it off 😂😂
anyways, love the video and waiting for the eng subs 🙏🏻✨
Thanks tho 🤣🙏 i add english subs, hope u enjoy this vid!
I really like both of them fashion coz, they're have they own vibes.
Sebagai cewek dan penggemar rock dari SD taon 90an awal, aku lebih tertarik ama look si Mino karena ampir semua Style GD udah tamat hattam hafal luar kepala liatin artist rock lawas. Dan emang pada dasarnya, musik GD itu lebih ke arah metal. Sedangkan Mino mo diliat dari mana pun, gesture n vibe pembawaan dirinya udah dasar hiphop. Bahkan waktu dia pakai pakaian sederhana kaos oblong item polos ama velana pendek n sendal jepit pun ttp kliatan hiphop. Aku pilih Mino bukan karena genre hiphop nya tapi mungkin buatku yah spti dirimu bilang, lebih manly.
Btw, soal manly.. Aku jadi keinget ada salah satu acara di Korea sono yg salah satu episode nya bahas ttg fashion. Dan salah satu art director fashion yg juga mantan top model itu khusus bahas fashion nya anak Winner. Kl gak salah inget tuh kisaran 2018, lagi hot banget tuh si Winner. Ada salah satu pernyataan beliau yg menarik yaitu ttg KangSeungYoon, rekan setim Mino. Dia emang grassroots musik dia rock, folks, soul, pokoknya musik2 jadul dah jadi secara gak langsung dia punya vibe yg dl kerapkali disebut spti GD, terutama dia kurus cuman bedanya dia tinggi kayak Mino. Nah, kebetulan di salah satu MV Winner tuh ada yg mereka pake outfit leopard semua. Dan itu dibahas pernedaanya ma beliau. Mungkin dirimu mau menggali dan mengutarakan opini pribadi terkait hal itu? Karena saat itu, sang director itu bahasnya mengasyikkan dg bagaimana menjelaskan tiap member walau pun memang tetep yg paling sering disebut ma beliau yah Seungyoon ama Mino
Buat beliau, mereka berdua yg paling mencolok di outfit leopard saat di mv itu. Kan biasanya ada stereotype tertentu mengenai motif leopard yg memang buatku juga bahwa gak semua orang "cocok" dg corak2 animal motives. Dan buatku, di antara Winner, KangSeungYoon yg paling cocok ama pembawaan dirinya dia juga kali yah. Aku sering anggep adakalanya atau bahkan sering dapetin vibe si Seungyoon lebih banyak mirip ama TOP cuman krn dia kurus dan rocker jd nangkepnya kayak GD. Entah apakah karena tinggi dia hanya sedikit di atas TOP jd bikin perawakan n vibe mereka lebih mirip atau bagaimana tp yg pasti aura n karisma dinginnya mereka yg mirip banget trus agak aneh juga orangnya, dimensional jokes nya.
Mino can pull off genderless fashion look too. I wish I could insert pics on UA-cam comments....he has a big influence on genderless fashion
Btw Gd dan Mino bener bener beeeedddaa bangent. Karna satu agensi dan wajahnya mirip jadinya di kait kaitkan. Fashion mereka beddaa bannget
Sukaa banget kak sama video ini 😄
Aku lebih suka style mino karena lebih cute aja warna2nya, sama mau nambahin gaya mino yg paling baru2 ini, dia suka pakai celemek/apron kemana2, dan cowo2 korea pada ngikutin 😂
They both from different era
You should compare from the same year
Aku lebih ngikutin ke fashion Mino karena suka yg gombrong2 juga dari dulu.
This is such a great comparison between two of them. Secara personal menurutku emang bener, mereka masing-masing punya style unique yg berbeda. I’m sorry, tapi kalo disuruh milih salah satu, aku tetep bakalan milih dua-duanya. Because i think they really have a great fashion style 🖤🙌🏻
bakalan di-play berkali” ni sampai sahur 😂
what language is he speaking ?it sounds good 😍
GD is an icon, MINO is becoming a one 💛💙
Bahasa... Indonesian language
@@chalista2471 hahahaplease be honest, do i look like a stalker ?
*G-dragon was, is and will be the best thing that could happen to kpop* 🐲👑✨
Waah research nya mantep!! Bener banget yah kl diperhatiin
for me g dragon is in god level when it comes to fashion but i respect mino fashion sense too😎😎😎
I love gd but a human cannot be leveled to God. Thats a sin
@@junkyucheeksismynewfavorit8111 god not real
@@triplej8666 God is real thats why u are alive today
Both are an artist on their own but GD is a visioner. He doesn't wear fashion, he creates it :)
Hi. I think make and create has the same meaning. U mean to say "fashion doesnt define gd. Instead gd defines fashion" right? Thank you.
Mohammad Hassan Camid yes i meant to say wear sorry my bad
So does MINO. this almost feels like low key shade.
Nobody is questioning GD's Kpop King status, it's been established his a visionary in the industry.
Anyway it's ok to have a preference just don't drag other artists.
MGH istantalent did i drag mino? 🤔
@@dhistixxi From the "BUT" that cancels out what you said before then and does feel like I stated before low key shade.
If you didn't mean to then my bad, but it does seem dismissive of him tbh. Maybe reword it.
Sumpahh kak Aquin detailllll banget ngejelasinnyaaa, kerennn♥️♥️
kalo dari style pilih mino, most of my item dilemari oversize 😅 tapi kalo dari color aku pilih GD karena 90% dari item yg aku punya adalah hitam 😅 nahloh bingung gak 😂😂😂
Dude, that's MINO FATHER.😂😂
Bang Quin, sering2 bikin gini ya. Seru aja gitu bahas2 fashion ny idol, semangat!
ini detailll banget sih bandinginnyaa, gilaaa
appreciate effortnya bngett ngettt
thanks kak Aquin
Coba kalo review fashion artist hollywood bang,contohnya harry styles,atau justin bieber atau siapa gitu lagi,thx 🙏
Alex turner,brooklyn beckham,zayn malik,harry styles dll hehe,
Yasss thnk god it wasn’t comparing them , love the differences that u pointed out
I like Mino and his style. You have good taste in fashion. 💙🌻🤘👉🐻
Aku suka dua2 nya sih. Cuma kalo buat refrensi lebih ke Mino. Soalnya jadi tau banyak mix and match baju oversize yg bisa bagus di pakai.
mino himself is art, THEY'RE himself is art!
Ttep setia sm bang Naga 💕😁
Suka aja liat caranya padu padan baju sampe ke pernak perniknya..
Kayak ada cmpran antra *fashion dan seni*
I like GD fashion because i love daisy 🌼
Yang penting dua duanya YG family :)
YG stan??
@@naziraparsa4609 Yes
Enjoy Aja ko aquin :), Healty First!! Di upload nya tengah malem dong😂. Thanks a lot for U👍
Bahas street style nya Lisa Jennie Jisoo sama Rosé dong, ditunggu.
Wow, thanks for analysis. 👏 👏
A year after you uploaded this video & no 👎 comments about GD's androgynous body shape. He can literally wear anything and make it his own style. He's my favorite. Thumbs up to Mino too. His style is still evolving so a lot of experimental looks from hip-hop to business executive.
Akhirnya, keluar juga video ini :v
nice review...you nailed their fashion choices
I never can choose between mino and gd
Bagiii aku, keduanya sihhh .. karena mereka emang punya fashion point yg bedaaa .. bagi yg selalu ngikutin fashion mereka sih, bakal tau banget, kalo fashion mereka tuh beda banget .. satu persamaan mereka, mereka sama" mampu membuat suatu gebrakan baru di dunia fashion k-pop .. mereka juga mampu membuat orang terpengaruh dan mengikuti style mereka .. luvvvv deh my role model's (gd & mino ) 💕💕
Suka kontennya ngga ngasal bener-bener dicari tau sampe dalem 😁👍 cara nyampeinnya juga enak jd gampang ngerti
GD, no questions, everything about his looks is always more then fashion