Why use the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible?

  • Опубліковано 8 вер 2024
  • Dr. Hovind explains why the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible is the actual preserved Word of God in the English language. He also points out many omissions and errors in the other versions of the Bible.
    Heaven or Hell? Are you 100% Sure? goo.gl/LWBTPs
    TRUTH IN GENESIS BOOK: a.co/d/fy96Doq

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  • @higiniomorales459
    @higiniomorales459 6 років тому +599

    I don't know about you but, when I first got saved. The LORD lured me to the KJV bible, I was originally planning on buying a NIV bible. Since it was the easiest one I found to read and follow but, there was something about the KJV that gripped my attention and it gripped hard. I haven't own any other version since and never will, I'm a KJV only kinda man.
    Edit: I wasn't raised in no church, so I'm not bias on my KJV only preference because of my parents or pastor or church family. I was a die-hard God hating atheist up until February 2016. To God be the glory and God bless.

    • @freesalvation7
      @freesalvation7 6 років тому +1

      Higinio Morales Very happy you came to Christ, if you would like a tremendous Bible help, buy the "Way of life Encyclopedia of the Bible" this is a KJV bassed encyclopedia 648 pages. You will love it!!! Written by David Cloud
      1 866 295 4143

    • @arthurschamne
      @arthurschamne 6 років тому

      Read the bible and you will be back to being an atheist, that is if you ever actually were as us atheist don't hate God we just don't believe he is anything more than a fairy tale.

    • @freesalvation7
      @freesalvation7 6 років тому +12

      Arthur Schamne you are prejudiced against God because you want to be the master of your own life and keep your sin.
      Title: Unbelievers fully convinced after death
      SCRIPTURE READING: Luke 16:19-31 "There was a certain rich man, which was clothed in purple and fine linen, and fared sumptuously every day: And there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, which was laid at his gate, full of sores,
      And desiring to be fed with the crumbs which fell from the rich man's table: moreover the dogs came and licked his sores. And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried;
      And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom. And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame.
      But Abraham said, Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things: but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented. And beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence. Then he said, I pray thee therefore, father, that thou wouldest send him to my father's house: For I have five brethren; that he may testify unto them, lest they also come into this place of torment.
      Abraham saith unto him, They have Moses and the prophets; let them hear them. And he said, Nay, father Abraham: but if one went unto them from the dead, they will repent. And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.
      SCRIPTURE TEXT: Luke 16:23 "And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments..."
      PROPOSITION: to use this text and others to show that what sinners refuse to believe in this life, they do believe at the moment of death. they become fully convinced of Gods greatness, severty, majesty, mighty power and their own depravity and the need of repentance. and also to show that those who do believe in this life are assured of eternal life through Gods only begotten Son.
      1.) In what way are sinners fully convinced of the truths of Gods word in the world to come.
      A. They are fully convinced of their depravity and that a refusal to repent brought them to Hell and will bring others to join them.
      Luke 16:30 "And he said, Nay, father Abraham: but if one went unto them from the dead, they will repent."
      B. They are fully convinced that they deserve the infinite misery and despair that they now experience in the torments of hell. Luke 16:25 "But Abraham said, Son, remember that thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things: but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented."
      C. They are fully convinced that God is real, Hell is real, and that their churchianity, religiosity, and all their righteousness was unable to deliver them from that lake of burning brimstone.
      Luke 16:23 "And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom."
      D. They are fully convinced that heaven is a gift given NOT to those who deserve it but to those who receive it by faith. Luke 16:25 "...now he is comforted, and thou art tormented."
      Ephesians 2:8-9 "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
      Not of works, lest any man should boast"
      E. They are fully convinced by what they see, feel and hear. often an evil and adulterous generation seek a sign because of the hardness of their heart, however when unregenerate men see their destruction it will be a sign that will torment them in their loathsome condition throughout eternity. Luke 16:24 "And he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his finger in water, and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame."
      Deuteronomy 7:10 "And repayeth them that hate him to their face, to destroy them: he will not be slack to him that hateth him, he will repay him to his face."
      2.) Why do worldlings, pseudo-Christians, and cult members refuse to be convinced by the love of the truth?
      A. Because they take pleasure in unrightousness and when a sinner takes pleasure in unrighteousness he becomes so deluded that he will believe a cleverly disguised lie and choose a cult over true Christianity.
      2 Thessalonians 2:10-12 "And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness."
      B. Because they are blind "ever learning but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth". The elect will always obtain salvation and the rest will allways be blinded.
      Romans 11:7 "What then? Israel hath not obtained that which he seeketh for; but the election hath obtained it, and the rest were blinded."
      3.) Why is it that sinners who come to Christ are convinced of the eternal realities that they cannot see.
      A. Because those who are born again have Gods Spirit to illuminate and enlighten them,
      1 Corinthians 2:9-10 "But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him. But God hath REVEALED THEM UNTO US BY HIS SPIRIT: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God."
      CONCLUSION: There are millions of people who will die in their sin, unwilling to believe the only one true gospel but at the moment of their death they will be fully convinced of eternal realities. but for those who believe that "God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son" to die in our place and be raised from the dead for our justification, and have trusted him ALONE are fully convinced and "persuaded that he is able to keep that which" we "have committed unto him against that day."
      Romans 4:24-25 "But for us also, to whom it shall be imputed, if we believe on him that raised up Jesus our Lord from the dead; Who was delivered for our offences, and was raised again for our justification."

    • @ernieclark
      @ernieclark 6 років тому +4

      Get a copy of my book, For Such A Time As This: Let My People Go, You End-Times Doomsday Sayers! I point out many very critical faulty interpretations in the KJV. I used the very documents that the KJV was translated from and the KJV is faulty in a very critical area. Many people criticize the Textus Receptus, but the errors are in the KJV. Caesar Augustus took a census of the Roman Empire, not the entire world, yet the KJV states "world." The Greek transliteration of the word used in the Textus Receptus is oikoumene. It always means a very limited territory. In the scriptures in the NT it means the Roman Empire, as well as the land occupied by the Jews, according to the context. Kosmos is the Greek transliteration of the Greek word that literally means the world, the planet earth. Aion is the Greek transliteration that means "age." The KJV translators inserted the word "world" in just about every instance in the NT where "aion" is used. This is a major error in the KJV. The end of the age, the New Covenant Era, is not the end of the world. The destruction of the temple and land occupied by the Jews is not the world, yet the KJV gives this false view. Hear the whole matter out before you mock and scoff. Get a copy of my book and read it. It will enlighten you to the point that you will walk on water! It is based only on scripture and historical documented facts, and not the opinions of any man.

    • @freesalvation7
      @freesalvation7 6 років тому +12

      René Koraschnigg that's exactly what the Bible says you would do.
      1 Corinthians 1:18 "For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God."
      2 Peter 3:3 "Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts,"

  • @pearl2705
    @pearl2705 3 роки тому +343

    I think one of the worst omissions is in Mark 9:29 or also Matthew 17:21. The KJV says "... And he said unto them, This kind can come forth by nothing, but by prayer and FASTING." whereas in other translations, the NIV for example, gravely omitted the Fasting. IMAGINE being concealed from you a powerful weapon and principle against the enemy and this is what happened here! They took away the weapon of Fasting!

    • @creativelycloudy3850
      @creativelycloudy3850 2 роки тому +40

      Did you know it was omitted because it’s not found in the earliest manuscripts? In other words, a scholar likely added the word “fasting” even though it was not there. Then later copies did not recognize the error and continued using it.

    • @gregdiprinzio9280
      @gregdiprinzio9280 Рік тому +42

      Did you know that earliest manuscript doesn’t equate to best?

    • @martinbaker7032
      @martinbaker7032 Рік тому +5

      @@gregdiprinzio9280 Why?

    • @scottmccall1552
      @scottmccall1552 Рік тому +2

      Lent is my FASTING....

    • @angelwings7930
      @angelwings7930 Рік тому +1

      @@gregdiprinzio9280 yeah, why ?

  • @AdamosDad
    @AdamosDad Рік тому +111

    I didn't grow up in a Church, I was saved at age 37 in 1981 out of a life of drugs and alcoholism, I learned to read and write in a small country school, I never had a problem reading The King James Bible.

    • @stephenpalmer5080
      @stephenpalmer5080 Рік тому +3

      I have commented before about our misunderstanding of Biblical Text! Let us face facts, English is just a translation of the original Hebrew and Greek!
      When the King James Bible was completed it is not as if there were no difficulties or controversies!
      Fact is, there were several decisions made to alter the original Hebrew text, mainly because there was no word to replace the Hebrew! One such omission, should be considered one of the most important Hebrew scriptures ever written, H853!
      Made up of just 2 Hebrew letters, this entry is written some 4,00 times in Hebrew; And, some 3,000 times in Greek! The surprise is that H853, isn't even a word, but it is a "signature"!
      When, Lord God, The Son of God in (Genesis 2:4) entered into His own Creation, for the purpose of the Redemption of Mankind, He once said to the Hebrew Pharisees, That He was, "Alpha Omega"! At that point, they tried to assassinate Jesus on the spot! Why?
      Jesus was claiming to be the Author of the Old Testament! By saying, He was Alpha Omega, when translated back into Hebrew we can realize that the signature, "H853" consists of only 2 Hebrew letters, the Aleph and Tav! In other words, not only is the Aleph the first letter of the written Hebrew alphabet, Tav, is the last letter!
      In other words, Yeshua, was claiming to be "First and Last!", Whom, dictated the words of the original written Hebrew Bible/Manuscripts/Scrolls!

    • @AdamosDad
      @AdamosDad Рік тому +2

      @@stephenpalmer5080 My short answer is I agree, I am not well educated but well-read and you are spot on.

    • @EmeraldPixelGamingEPG
      @EmeraldPixelGamingEPG Рік тому +1

      @@stephenpalmer5080 The original Hebrew from the 11th century Leningrad?

    • @nickshively1192
      @nickshively1192 Рік тому +2

      Amen! And Praise the Lord for His grace and mercy! 😃 I have pretty much the same testimony. The Lord said He would send the Helper. The Holy Spirit. That’s who helps us understand His Word. I speak with people all the time that say they don’t understand the KJV very well. Well, get saved first, receive the Helper and you will understand it better. 😃 God bless you my brother in Christ! 🙌✝️

    • @stanleysitarzewski9296
      @stanleysitarzewski9296 Рік тому +3

      Had a man, in a Home Depot say that he had a Holy Bible, and it was in his truck. I stated cool, he went out to his vehicle and retrieved the Book. I started to read a passage, from his K.J.V. Bible. He started to get very excited, I was teaching a B.S.F. Bible study and was a children's leader. Thank you, LORD. Cool to witness, @ man excited about reading his, Bible at Work. 10 Years ago-

    @REPENTBELIEVE 6 років тому +195

    I've used the kjv since i've been a christian and will continue to do so 'till He come .

    • @worldfamousgamer9191
      @worldfamousgamer9191 3 роки тому +12

      You and me both

    • @johnbecht3158
      @johnbecht3158 2 роки тому


    • @pro9lonewolf
      @pro9lonewolf 2 роки тому +4

      Why don't u use 21st century version, it easy to read

    • @joshuarenfro7010
      @joshuarenfro7010 2 роки тому +7

      @@pro9lonewolf that comment is not easy to read

    • @pro9lonewolf
      @pro9lonewolf 2 роки тому +1

      @@joshuarenfro7010 read 21st century edition

  • @keithrodriguez8109
    @keithrodriguez8109 2 роки тому +264

    Love this man's break-downs. Everything he's taught against evolution and for the Bible has been spot on. God bless you Dr. Hovind.

    • @betawithbrett7068
      @betawithbrett7068 Рік тому +14

      You must love science fiction.

    • @kellybramm
      @kellybramm Рік тому +21

      @@betawithbrett7068why are you watching if you think he is lying then?

    • @derekardito2032
      @derekardito2032 Рік тому

      If he taught you against evolution what he is doing is denying an observable proven fact, evolution has never been discreditted in overa 160 yrs by anyone,and it is open to any one to do so, any one that managed it would be world famous,just as any one that proved a god to be would be, all they have to do is write a thesis against all the evidential proof of evolution and forward it to be peer reviewed, why has he not done so if he is so confident all evolution EVIDENCE is bullshit?. As Dawkins said, if ( even though without some new, previously unknown evidence coming to light it's already proven impossible to) one could prove it false it would be a scientist that will do so, not an apologetic that does not even comprehend what evolution is.

    • @derekardito2032
      @derekardito2032 Рік тому

      ​@@kellybrammto show these charlatans upfor the spivs they are, and the sicko's they are that exploit people like you, the indoctrinated, the gullible and the desperate. They are selling you what is not there to sell.

    • @Lagosawee
      @Lagosawee Рік тому

      King James was a Freemason

  • @geraldjohnson8871
    @geraldjohnson8871 Рік тому +65

    I have an 8th grade education and a 100yr old KJV of the Bible led me to be saved by Gods Grace/Jesus and that was a long journey over 50yrs ago. Many days of failure to follow the teachings but Father never let me Die until l returned to my First understanding about His Salvation. AMEN and Praise The Lord for his Patience and Love. AMEN.

    • @Dale65378
      @Dale65378 Рік тому +2

      Matthew 23:14
      The false translation of the niv removed the whole words of God in Matthew 23:14 completely. Some of the translators of the niv did not like the word “damnation.” The True holy righteous words of God the Lord Jesus Christ from the Gospel of Matthew 23:14 says Matthew 23:14
      King James Version
      14 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye devour widows' houses, and for a pretence make long prayer: therefore ye shall receive the greater damnation. Amen. There are 39 verses within the True Holy righteous Gospel of Matthew chapter 23 not 38 verses as the niv displaying. By the niv removing the Gospel of Matthew chapter 23:14 it the niv is showing how it has deceived people into thinking there are 39 verses within Matthew chapter 23 when the false niv takes away just one verse out of Matthew chapter 23 it is showing it has only 38 verses not 39 verses see how the niv is very deceiving? If someone is reading the True Words of God from the King James Bible and they do not know what a word means look up the meaning of that word to find what that word truly means and you will have an easy understanding of the True holy righteous words of God Christ Jesus the Holy Ghost. ua-cam.com/video/UiZVhrYAyA4/v-deo.html... Amen.

    • @geraldjohnson8871
      @geraldjohnson8871 Рік тому

      @ d 65378 true they (many) translation change
      The real meaning of Gods
      Word because that is the only way they can get it on the market then they would lose their greedy purposes which is deception that Satan has hidden in his quest against our LORD and Our
      God. AMEN On the day of Judgement they will be known by fruits produced.
      Bad trees give bad fruits.

    • @the4gospelscommentary
      @the4gospelscommentary Рік тому

      So, you believe that you need to obey the Church, be baptized, not commit mortal sins, do good works, have your sins forgiven by the Priest, receive the Eucharist...? Because all these things are taught in the King James version of the Bible.

    • @Dbo_Sports
      @Dbo_Sports Рік тому +4

      ⁠​⁠@@the4gospelscommentaryBe careful… there is the Law and then there is Grace. The sins that were forgiven by the priest in the temple, when the blood of an animal was shed and presented to the Lord.. was under the Law of Moses. Under Grace… first comes faith in the Gospel of Grace and then comes works. No need to be baptized, no eucharists etc. There is a law of Moses for the Israelites and then there is Grace, for believers in Christ resurrected. Two different groups of people. The Prophets and James and Peter were talking to Israelites only. And Paul was talking to believers in the gospel of Grace.

    • @the4gospelscommentary
      @the4gospelscommentary Рік тому

      @@Dbo_Sports No, Peter, James and Paul preached the same Gospel and to the same audience, as is clear for example from 2 Peter 3:15. Dispensationalism is a false anti-biblical 17th-18th century invention.

  • @kt16621
    @kt16621 Рік тому +17

    I use NASB and KJV. NO verses are missing from my NASB copy. There are footnotes admitting how earlier versions omitted certain verses. 😮

    • @joshuamcginnis4422
      @joshuamcginnis4422 Рік тому

      Hey a very good preacher you need to look up and watch is Charles Lawson videos he is very good preacher.

    • @colonalklink14
      @colonalklink14 5 місяців тому

      NASB is yet another New World Order Bible Version.
      Many unnecessary changes.

    • @Hannah11235
      @Hannah11235 4 місяці тому +1

      Be very careful with the NASB. I was using it to and it has many errors like other modern versions. For example, Luke 2:14 is changed to imply Jesus only died for some people, not everyone. There's a calvinistic agenda behind the translation of the NASB.

    • @RegenerateSOG
      @RegenerateSOG 4 місяці тому +5

      No NASB

    • @henrylaurel1188
      @henrylaurel1188 3 місяці тому +3

      ​@@RegenerateSOGReally no KJV. Because the NASB is far better.

  • @LukeAPGibbs
    @LukeAPGibbs 8 місяців тому +9

    I Read Multiple Translations and Compare. I personally use KJV NASB and ESV... Pray For God to Speak to You and Reveal the Truth. God Bless Yall

    • @tomthumb3762
      @tomthumb3762 8 місяців тому

      Which of those versions do you think is most like the original manuscripts, eg most accurate?

    • @henrylaurel1188
      @henrylaurel1188 3 місяці тому +3

      ​@@tomthumb3762The KJV translated from less accurate manuscripts. The reason why modern translations are more accurate than the KJV. Because translated from more accurate manuscripts.

    • @tomthumb3762
      @tomthumb3762 3 місяці тому

      I agree.
      I think the kjv readers under 50 are idolaters.
      And the ones over 50 are blinded by tradition.

    • @Snookchaser007
      @Snookchaser007 2 місяці тому

      @@henrylaurel1188Just so weird that from 1611 to the mid 1900s God would allow so many people to be misled by that bad inaccurate King James that was virtually the only English translation widely available???
      Sounds like you think God allowed a huge mistake letting this be the most popular version of his word in the time period where the common man became educated enough to read. I guess it was only couple hundred years though.

  • @elitedrumlessons6174
    @elitedrumlessons6174 Рік тому +8

    Dr Michael Heiser biblical scholar said that the KJV is an excellent version for Christians, but it’s not the only good or “inspired” version. How could that be even a consideration, since it was originally written in languages other than English! Me personally I prefer the ESV because the translators included the findings of the Dead Sea scrolls, the Septuagint, and other texts to try to get even more precision in the translation

    • @Superman111181
      @Superman111181 22 дні тому +1

      Just a point of clarification, the KJV frequently uses the LXX (Septuagint) against the masoretic text. Newer translations actually use it less than kjv. One of the proverbs in the video is an example. Another one is Psalm 8. Compare the phrase "lower than the angels" (KJV) to NASB, etc. the LXX translates elohim into Angelos, just like Hebrews 2 does. Which is weird because that that means that NASB disagrees with itself in Psalm 8 and Heb 2

    • @MichaelTheophilus906
      @MichaelTheophilus906 15 днів тому

      The ESV translated John 3.16 incorrectly. It is a very bad mistake.

    • @elitedrumlessons6174
      @elitedrumlessons6174 15 днів тому

      @@MichaelTheophilus906 none of the versions are perfect, including the ESV.

  • @1unvbill
    @1unvbill 11 місяців тому +5

    What about the Geneva Bible? It was the first English Bible available to the common man. It is older than the KJV.

    • @jbone1383
      @jbone1383 3 дні тому

      Actually, the Geneva Bible followed the Great Bible of 1539, the first authorized Bible in English, which was the authorized Bible of the Church of England!

  • @danielmiller2886
    @danielmiller2886 Рік тому +17

    I dont know when this was recorded, but the English Standard Version was translates in 2016 using the same principles of translating from the correct text, not the oldest. Every wise man I trust compares multiple versions to the original language of hebrew or greek.

    • @beckysmith6375
      @beckysmith6375 Рік тому +8

      This teaching was apparently given over 2 decades ago. The most in-depth Bible study approach involves consulting the Greek and Hebrew. Bible Hub is a fantastic tool for this!

    • @paultrosclair1775
      @paultrosclair1775 7 місяців тому +12

      Incorrect. The ESV is a critical text version, not a majority text aka textus receptus version.

    • @thebuff7271
      @thebuff7271 6 місяців тому +13

      ESV is Not a Majority Text translation...it's from the Westcot/Hort

    • @KevinHammond1
      @KevinHammond1 4 місяці тому +5

      Daniel 3:25 in the ESV removed Jesus.
      Remember in Daniel when Nebuchadnezzar threw Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in the fiery furnace for not worshipping his golden idols? And he saw a 4th man in the fire who saved them? That was Jesus......
      But the ESV removed Jesus for "son of the gods". Who is the son of the gods?
      Daniel 3:25 ESV
      He answered and said, “But I see four men unbound, walking in the midst of the fire, and they are not hurt; and the appearance of the fourth is like a son of the gods.”
      Daniel 3:25 KJV
      He answered and said, Lo, I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire, and they have no hurt; and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God.

    • @user-fe9it5ll9h
      @user-fe9it5ll9h 4 місяці тому

      ​So here I have to ask you.. Did Nebuchadnezzar believe in One True God, The Lord we believe in, or did he believe in multiple gods, as the pagans did?
      And depending on your answer to that, see if him saying the Son of God makes sense, seeing as he most likely didn't believe in only one God.

  • @Jiggajsmooth89
    @Jiggajsmooth89 9 місяців тому +4

    I personally use the KJV and don’t see myself changing anytime soon, but I also realize that the language has changed drastically the past 400 years. Also these arguments we are having about the other translations are the same arguments they were having 400 years ago when the KJV Bible was being translated. They already had the Geneva Bible so why do we need another one? I personally believe (which I understand doesn’t mean much) in the next 50 years the KJV will not be used by many churches or Christians because of the drastic change in the English language. But I find comfort in the answers to these question.
    Did God’s promise of preservation stop with the King James Bible?
    No, Isaiah 40:8
    Is God powerful enough to continue to preserve His word?
    Absolutely, Matt 25:35
    Sometimes we put God in a box and don’t even realize it. God is all powerful, all knowing, and everywhere at the same time, this “issue” is not hard for God. But until then, I’ll stick with the KJV 😊

  • @Zuungie
    @Zuungie 7 місяців тому +4

    We need to read some of these verses in context, rather than taking them out of context, as the video does. For example, in Psalm 12, the first part of verse 7 most literally in English says "You, O Lord, will keep them" which do indeed refer to the words of the Lord, as the speaker says. However, the second part of verse 7 reads, "You will preserve him from this generation forever." The "him" this part is referring to is "the godly man" mentioned in verse 1. This is because this Psalm, like the others, is a poem, and the Psalms are often book-ended with the final verses tying back to the beginning verses.

  • @FingerJam12
    @FingerJam12 Рік тому +10

    Colossians 1 : 14 "through his blood" is omitted in the N.I.V. without the blood of Christ we have nothing.

    • @benanderson4118
      @benanderson4118 2 дні тому +1

      Ephesians 1:7 (NIV): In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins, in accordance with the riches of God’s grace.

  • @ethanrichard4950
    @ethanrichard4950 Рік тому +2

    The thing is, you can walk away from a kjv verse and completely not understand it, but thinking you do. That's not good. You'll find the word, conversation, in there, but it's used completely differently. There are more words like it. Instead of saying you shall not murder, it says you shall not kill. In revelation, there are passages found no where else because Erasmus didn't have what he needed. The tree of life is changed to the book of life in chapter (I think 21)
    If you're going to read it, understand that it uses words that have completely flipped its meaning, thus causing confusion.
    And it has incorrect readings.

    • @duxdawg
      @duxdawg 6 місяців тому +1


    • @dctrbrass
      @dctrbrass 2 дні тому

      As an artist, I liked the style of the KJV translation, but after finishing my MDiv, I became a scholar and actually learned how to study. This video is crazy talk. People who want to teach need to learn first. What does this guy have his Ph.D. in? Is it even related to the Bible? This doesn't represent scholarship at all.

  • @ceeece
    @ceeece 6 років тому +15

    Just a quick note to point out the context of Psalm 12 at 1:23. You also have to look at verse 5 and 8. "5 For the oppression of the poor, for the sighing of the needy, now will I arise, saith the Lord; I will set him in safety from him that puffeth at him. 6 The words of the Lord are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. 7 Thou shalt keep them, O Lord, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever. 8 The wicked walk on every side, when the vilest men are exalted." Verse 5 is talking about the oppression of the poor. Verse 8 is talking about the wicked walk on every side. Sandwiched between that is a promise of God saying He will arise, will set him in safety. Verse 6 substantiates the Words of God when He says He will protect them (Gods words are pure, we can trust them). Verse 7 in the KJV means God will KEEP (as in protect) THEM (the poor from verse 5) from this generation. Them even in the KJV refers to the poor and is not meant to refer to His words. Yes, his words will always stand the test of time, but in this particular instance the verses refer to a situation of protecting the poor and not His words. If you read it in full context (even in the KJV).

    • @Fanny_Snuffle
      @Fanny_Snuffle Рік тому +1

      Hello, yes I looked into it and the NIV seems plausible. He was taking out of context, but you could interpret it either way I think…

    • @playdiscgolf1546
      @playdiscgolf1546 Рік тому +1

      He said “the words of the lord are pure words” that applies to every instance. I think you are overthinking it. It applies to the context of the poor, but it also applies to how God works. He never lies and his word will be with us at all times.

    • @robkiviranta7671
      @robkiviranta7671 Рік тому +2

      To word "forever" can only be applied in relation to the word of God, not the poor or oppressed. The poor and oppressed will not to be need to be kept in safety forever, for obvious reasons. The word of God must be preserved as is promised in these scriptures in Psalm 12.
      There is no defense for these corrupt Bible versions. They have greatly helped produce the growing apostasy we are experiencing.

    • @AtamMardes
      @AtamMardes Рік тому

      "Religion began when the first scoundrel met the first fool." *Voltaire*

  • @nikkimeher8181
    @nikkimeher8181 3 роки тому +13

    So what about the Bible translations in other languages for people who do not speak English? Is their Bible substandard because they can’t speak or understand archaic English? Should they be taught archaic English so they can understand? Or should it be translated into their language to understand? Makes one think huh. God has and will continue to preserve his word . No matter the language

    • @GarciaNetwork2576
      @GarciaNetwork2576 3 місяці тому +3

      It's not the language translation in question....but the source of the translation. Choosing translations based on the apostate church (Simon Magus, Origen, Wescott and Hort and every other translation the Roman Catholic church has issued in the counter and opposition to the Word of God) which makes up all the new PER-versions of the Bible like the NIV, NLT, ESV, Douay Bible etc etc etc.....means you have chosen the vast array of perversions of the Word of God that Satan has issued since he failed in his attempts to destroy the Word of God and it's followers simply because God made a promise to preserve His Word.
      Knowing Church history helps in unfolding the layers of lies spread by people who claim to have the truth but their hearts are full of lies.
      The KJV has over time proven to be the best translation...simply because it has been translated from earlier manuscripts that have been faithful to the Word of God from the times of the Apostles and the Byzantine church.

    • @henrylaurel1188
      @henrylaurel1188 3 місяці тому

      ​@@GarciaNetwork2576The KJV is not translated from earlier manuscripts. But later manuscripts dedicated to the. With so many added uninspired verses. That is why the NIV is far more accurate, because it is translated from earlier more accurate manuscripts. As for the lies told about Westcott and Hort. The usual deception from the KJV cult. Especially KJV only heretic Gail Riplinger. A charlatan that Kent Hovind endorses. Anybody who recommends Gail Riplinger loses all credibility. But then KJV onlyism, is based on double standards, taught by false teachers.

    • @Corinthians--nx4oz
      @Corinthians--nx4oz 16 днів тому

      The KJV has been translated to over 750 languages.

  • @steviesvideos319
    @steviesvideos319 11 місяців тому +12

    The KJV.... FLOWS! it has a harmony and rhythm to it that sings in my soul , it is utterly incredible and breathtakingly beautiful

    • @kittywilhite9583
      @kittywilhite9583 11 місяців тому +2

      Can you imagine trying to memorize verses from any other version? It would feel like blasphemy.

    • @steviesvideos319
      @steviesvideos319 11 місяців тому +1

      @@kittywilhite9583 exactly how I feel

    • @johndardi1334
      @johndardi1334 3 місяці тому

      My pastor said the reason they take the thee’s and thou’s out of the new translations is because it sounds too much like GOD

  • @Pastorjasoncox
    @Pastorjasoncox 7 місяців тому +11

    1611 kjv has 80 books
    1885 kjv has 66 books

    • @swamprat22
      @swamprat22 4 місяці тому +3

      yeah the king james translators knew the apocrypha wasnt scripture and they didnt want to put it in but they had to so thats why they put it in the middle

    • @randywheeler3914
      @randywheeler3914 4 місяці тому +3

      ​@@swamprat22so then the King James wasn't perfect from the beginning? Does that mean it's perfect now or was it perfect in the beginning and not perfect now

    • @swamprat22
      @swamprat22 4 місяці тому +2

      @@randywheeler3914 im not kjv only. but in their defense the apocrypha was never a part of the king james, they were forced to put it in

    • @CharleneMelania1231
      @CharleneMelania1231 17 днів тому

      Jesus and the Apostles quoted from the Deuterocanicals 68 times. Here are 10:
      1. Matthew 6:19-20 is from Sirach 29:11
      2. Matthew 16:18 is from Wisdom 16:13
      3. Matthew 24:15 is from I Maccabees 1:54 and II Maccabees 8:17
      4. Mark 4:5 and 16-17 is from or follows Sirach 40:15
      5. Mark 9:48 references Judith 16:1
      6. Luke 21:24 follows Sirach 28:18
      7. Acts 17:29 follows Wisdom 13:1
      8. James 1:19 follows Sirach 5:11
      9. Romans 9:21 follows Wisdom 15:7
      10. James 5:3 follows Sirach 29:10
      The Deuterocanicals were taken out of the Protestant Bibles in 1827. They were a part of the Bible for 1500+ years.

    • @irkairenka8552
      @irkairenka8552 11 днів тому

      Very interestning!​@@CharleneMelania1231

  • @justinlowder2173
    @justinlowder2173 Рік тому +115

    The Lord has led me to read The KJV. I sure do enjoy reading The Lord’s Word!

    • @BB-rh2ml
      @BB-rh2ml Рік тому

      Fictional stories are often enjoyable to read

    • @IbelongtoJesusChrist
      @IbelongtoJesusChrist Рік тому +3

      Same here, my Uncle gave his Bible to my mom, and she gave it to me. KJV is all I’ve ever known. No coincidence there🙏🙏
      May the Lord bless you all

    • @AtamMardes
      @AtamMardes 11 місяців тому +7

      Only a superficial and stubborn fool who obviously lacks critical thinking choses to keep his eyes shut would believe and considers as sacred the contents of a book just because the book claims itself to be the holy truth.

    • @ThetennisDr
      @ThetennisDr 11 місяців тому +8

      @@AtamMardes “the biggest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he doesn’t exist”

    • @ThetennisDr
      @ThetennisDr 11 місяців тому +2

      @@IbelongtoJesusChrist “the biggest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he doesn’t exist”

  • @Brayguanzo
    @Brayguanzo 2 місяці тому +2

    I think this man is a great teacher and Christian, but some food for thought.
    This is from the translators' notes of the NET
    The third person plural pronominal suffix on the verb is masculine, referring back to the "oppressed" and "needy" in v.5 (both of those nouns are plural in form), suggesting that the verb means "protect" here. The suffix does not refer to "words" in v. 6, because that term is feminine gender.
    Right or wrong, the modern translations didn't mess up this verse by accident, they made a conscious decision to correct it, in their judgment. We can't learn the original language, but we can hear from people who do.
    I love the KJV and am not a fan of the NIV, but my personal opinion is to be open and do research when it comes to discrepancies. I think it's fine to only read KJV, but I always remind myself that it's not the medium that matters. It's the Word.

  • @asyriahb9538
    @asyriahb9538 Рік тому +3

    Believe on Christ to be saved.Ephesians2.8-9 "For by grace are ye saved through faith, not of yourselves it is the gift of God. Not of works lest any man should boast." A life without belief in Christ is meaningless. Jesus has died for you, trust in His blood.

    • @johnbreslin6242
      @johnbreslin6242 Рік тому

      If you believe in sola scriptura, what did you do before the Bible existed? We are saved by faith and good works. Without good works, your faith is dead. See St. James.

  • @jbarr12345
    @jbarr12345 Рік тому +6

    Your salvation will not depend on the KJV, but on the blood of Jesus and your faith and obedience to Him. Diligently use a trusted translation that helps you get there best. NASB, ESV, CSB are best NIV and NLT are still serviceable. NKJV and KJV are somewhere between them.

    • @maeannnaya
      @maeannnaya 10 місяців тому

      Their are other people like me who wants to understand the bible from genesis to revelation and every details of it we prefer kjv, and put it to practice, like fasting to get closer to God and somehow other versions of the bible doesn't include that in their translation which is significant in your relationship to God and to make your faith stronger. but if you read other versions and read the wrong translation and have believe in it and share to other people then i hope their faith in the cross and in Jesus will not change but also making effort in knowing the word of truth and apply it in your christian life will make your faith stronger and not be shaken by satan.

    • @drummerjstone
      @drummerjstone 6 місяців тому

      I guess you didn't watch the video

  • @josephduray6331
    @josephduray6331 Рік тому +2

    I passed on posting a lengthy response here, but the gist is this: verse 7 in Psalm 12 refers to verse 5, NOT verse 6. If you study the active use of God ‘preserving’ throughout the Psalms, people or living creatures are the object. If the object of ‘preserve’ in Psalm 12 were the word of God, it would be in the form found in the ‘this generation’ referred to and its application to that ‘version’ would then be “for ever,” not to a version that wouldn’t be created until 1611.
    I believe that the KJV is all round the finest and best version to use, but let that argument rest on manuscript/text proofs, not on a misapplied verse.

  • @DKA1951
    @DKA1951 Рік тому +6

    The original King James 1611 had issues like translation mistakes and in complete thus the New King James but the NASB and ESV are excellent translation !

    • @fredmckinney8933
      @fredmckinney8933 Рік тому

      I remember reading once where one of the NASB translators felt like he was in big trouble with God after completing his work. That raises questions in my mind if it's OK or not. As for the ESV, I used to use that until learning that they came out with a Catholic version. I have a HUGE problem with that, as it grossly adds to the word of God, which Revelations warns against.
      As for the KJV, it went through revisions, too. And, it did, at one time, include the apocrypha, which was later removed (and needed to be). Moreover, the 1611 KJV used V's in place of where we would use U's today. The KJV that we use today, the final edition, dates from 1769.

  • @robertmsimpsonjr7455
    @robertmsimpsonjr7455 Рік тому +4

    There are other word for word translations. Nasb, esv, nkjv, I like the esv I use to be a king James only until I found out it was not the only word for word translation. The KJV got a lot from the Geneva Bible

  • @Starrboy94
    @Starrboy94 10 місяців тому +2

    One thing that I think needs to clarified is that we don’t have 5,000 ancient copies of THE BIBLE. We have over 5,000 MANUSCRIPTS which may include single pages/ or not a full copy. And to be clear these are all in GREEK.
    So if anyone is going to argue the KJV is the only real Bible it means all the Greek, Latin, Coptic, and all the English/Spanish/French/German translations that were created prior to the KJV are… what?
    What I have come to conclude is the whole KJV only crowd is typically made up of older people who grew up in a time where the KJV was a very popular and good translation for the masses. But as scholarship in manuscript study improved better translations were a legitimate thing to do. But because of copy write laws, there is a convenient skapegoat for those who are not educated enough to understand that their beloved version is, although perfectly fine, in need of improvement.
    Also, which KJV are we talking? Because there is more than one edition.

  • @leonbarroso
    @leonbarroso Рік тому +3

    The Brazilian NIV (NVI) bring all those missing/different texts and clarify on foot note with "some old manuscripts don't bring this text", but, at least, the text is there, tuere are no missing verses

  • @DanielJohnson-ec8rk
    @DanielJohnson-ec8rk Рік тому +3

    I use the NASB. Don’t believe the KJV is as accurate as the actual original Greek but NASB is better

  • @ClanToreador
    @ClanToreador 4 місяці тому +19

    The KJV is not hard to read, it’s this world that “dumbs down” everything…. KJV is THEE best ❤

    • @mark9531
      @mark9531 4 місяці тому +1

      Good morning ClanToreador. You said "The KJV is not hard to read"
      Then can you completely explain Romans 11.11-31, without using a commentary. And without referring to modern translations.

    • @JGR_OnlineSocialMedia
      @JGR_OnlineSocialMedia Місяць тому +3

      @@mark9531 I read it and understood it. Anyone can read the Bible, but no one can understand it unless they're guided and taught by the Holy Spirit. Bible is not just a book that you read from left to right you have to cross reference scriptures and study word vocabulary text (Hebrew, Latin, Greek). KJV is the only English Bible, I read. Just like any other type of studies it takes time, patience, and dedication. The outcome is a reward and to freely give someone an explanation of what something means is an insult. Do the work. Study

    • @michaelbruscino2799
      @michaelbruscino2799 21 день тому +1


    • @craigcherrington2002
      @craigcherrington2002 15 днів тому

      It means that some Israelites had fallen and were culled out of God’s tree like dead branches. But their fall means that there were openings for gentiles to come in and be grafted onto the tree. It’s a chance for those fallen to see with new insight. Just as the original believers fell, so can the new believers fall. But either way, the tree is now open to everybody who chooses to believe and be grafted on. Everybody has the opportunity now to thrive.

  • @lukewagner8871
    @lukewagner8871 Рік тому +20

    The Strongs Concordance is only keyed to the king James version. That concordance is very helpful in studying the Word of God.

    • @billyvillacis9975
      @billyvillacis9975 7 місяців тому +1

      Thanks brother, as soon as I read your comment I felt the spirit move me and bought the concordance immediately. I've been a believer all my life, but somehow never had one.

    • @gavinknight8754
      @gavinknight8754 7 місяців тому

      The Young's Literally Translation YLT Bible is good to.But I like KJV

    • @scottmedhaug4107
      @scottmedhaug4107 6 місяців тому

      if you know Greek

  • @alexisrealtalk
    @alexisrealtalk Рік тому +82

    Very true ❤ Lord Jesus sent me the KJV Bible ( it was given to me by a stranger) and I wasn’t Christian at the time but somehow it was traveling with me for years before I got saved by our beloved Lord Jesus Christ ❤ and once I got saved I already had a gift from him. Thank you Jesus

    • @BB-rh2ml
      @BB-rh2ml Рік тому +2

      @alexisrealtalk So a stranger gave you the KJV not Jesus.
      Thanks for clearing that up.

    • @AtamMardes
      @AtamMardes Рік тому +6

      "Religion began when the first scoundrel met the first fool."
      "It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere."
      ------ Voltaire

    • @AtamMardes
      @AtamMardes Рік тому +5

      A general simple question: Animals want to live their lives just like You do. You thank God for giving life to you & also for giving life to animals for you to take their lives & eat them. Don't you see how they've tricked you to believe in an imaginary God by fooling you to arrogantly ignoring your hypocrisy & narcissism? Just asking.

    • @davidward3991
      @davidward3991 11 місяців тому

      You do know that the KJV was not translated out of Hebrew, Aramaic for the Old Testament and Greek for the New Testament. It used the Latin Vulgate and that is were Lucifer came out of. Lux Ferro meaning light mover.

    • @ThetennisDr
      @ThetennisDr 11 місяців тому +1

      “the biggest trick the devil ever pulled was convincing the world he doesn’t exist”

  • @jordanscharphorn6344
    @jordanscharphorn6344 4 місяці тому +1

    Got as far as talking about psalms. He completely takes that verse out of context. The entire 12th chapter of Psalms is speaking specifically about keeping poor and needy protected. The psalmist writes that God spoke in verse 5, so verses 6 and 7 are showing that His words are a promise to keep His people. Verse 8 even talks about how wicked people prowl after His people.

  • @davidbrock4104
    @davidbrock4104 Рік тому +5

    If he was a serious scholar, he would consult Greek and Hebrew scholars to determine what the text actually says. It is a fallacious argument to set the KJV up as the standard against which all other translations are judged.

    • @dctrbrass
      @dctrbrass 2 дні тому

      Very fallacious. This isn't a serious scholar.

  • @heels-villeshoerepairs8613
    @heels-villeshoerepairs8613 Рік тому +86

    Hallelujah! Finally a man that explains simply and concisely what I've been trying to do, using far less words. You are a blessing.

    • @Dale65378
      @Dale65378 Рік тому +4

      Matthew 23:14
      The false translation of the niv removed the whole words of God in Matthew 23:14 completely. Some of the translators of the niv did not like the word “damnation.” The True holy righteous words of God the Lord Jesus Christ from the Gospel of Matthew 23:14 says Matthew 23:14
      King James Version
      14 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye devour widows' houses, and for a pretence make long prayer: therefore ye shall receive the greater damnation. Amen. There are 39 verses within the True Holy righteous Gospel of Matthew chapter 23 not 38 verses as the niv displaying. By the niv removing the Gospel of Matthew chapter 23:14 it the niv is showing how it has deceived people into thinking there are 39 verses within Matthew chapter 23 when the false niv takes away just one verse out of Matthew chapter 23 it is showing it has only 38 verses not 39 verses see how the niv is very deceiving? If someone is reading the True Words of God from the King James Bible and they do not know what a word means look up the meaning of that word to find what that word truly means and you will have an easy understanding of the True holy righteous words of God Christ Jesus the Holy Ghost. ua-cam.com/video/UiZVhrYAyA4/v-deo.html... Amen.

    • @the4gospelscommentary
      @the4gospelscommentary Рік тому +7

      This video is filled with errors,, if not straight out lies. You are very deceived.

    • @lewis2553
      @lewis2553 Рік тому +3

      I don't know about less words, but he certainly takes less time to say them. I love to listen to him. He goes through a subject like a hot knife going through butter. And he's correct. As with Jesus, though, people who reject the truth are those whom God foreknew would reject it, and therefore, he left them blind, deaf, and slow of understanding. Some don't understand and others just reject what Brother Hovind is saying, because of their ignorance or because God, knowing their hearts, has hid understanding from them. His critics may have studied, but they haven't studied to show themselves approved of God. If they had, they'd know the truth, too.

    • @lewis2553
      @lewis2553 Рік тому

      @@belfastblue7489 Well, he has been "numbered among the transgressors", just like Jesus was. Did that make Jesus guilty of any crime?

    • @MasculineVitality
      @MasculineVitality Рік тому

      @@the4gospelscommentarywhat about what he said is a lie?

  • @CharlesSeraphDrums
    @CharlesSeraphDrums 3 місяці тому +2

    As regards Psalm 12, neither the KJV nor the NIV are wrong. You are in reading that passage that way. The promise of the Lord is to keep His covenant people safe and His word is pure as regards His promise. It has nothing to do with Bible translation.

    • @captainkrajick
      @captainkrajick Місяць тому

      So even if the NIV gives the devil the titles of Jesus Christ it's pure?
      Revelation 22:16 KJV
      [16] I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.
      Compare morning star in the following:
      Isaiah 14:12 KJV
      [12] How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!
      Isaiah 14:12 NIV
      [12] How you have fallen from heaven, morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations!
      Both given by God? Or is one clearly inspired by a different spirit?

  • @PAHighlander24
    @PAHighlander24 Рік тому +4

    There have been over a thousand revisions to the KJV since it's original translation in 1611. Which one are you advocating is the true, best translation?

    • @duxdawg
      @duxdawg 6 місяців тому


    • @Ssethtzeentach_enjoyer
      @Ssethtzeentach_enjoyer 2 місяці тому +1

      That's a stupid question. Everyone who is KJV only uses the 1769 Cambridge or Oxford editions, but the original 1611 is also great to use. The only difference between those 3 versions are typos and capitalizations.

  • @bradleykirkland247
    @bradleykirkland247 2 роки тому +29

    I have begun using the KJV as my primary version. Let us remember that whatever Bible translation we use does not make us better than anyone else. I am seeing why many ppl use the KJV as their primary version, but let us remember to not cause dissension in the world-wide church. We should ALWAYS preach truth. Just don't put your pride in what Bible translation you use.

    • @RevelationMinistries114
      @RevelationMinistries114 Рік тому +2


    • @njiomonansichristianfreder6374
      @njiomonansichristianfreder6374 Рік тому +13

      You can't preach The Truth with a corrupted source, and certainly not with a corrupted spirit.
      Therefore, it is not about being prideful as it pertains to the KJV, but confident in that it is indeed The infallible Word of Jesus Christ i.e. God, therefore to be relied upon in order to preach sound doctrine.

    • @bradleykirkland247
      @bradleykirkland247 Рік тому +7

      @@njiomonansichristianfreder6374 I appreciate your attachment to the authority to the inherent Word of God. Many call themselves Christians, yet are not willing to claim all of Scripture to be God-breathed and to be proven true.
      The problem I have with holding so tightly to the KJV as the only version worth considering is that, if I am willing to hold so tightly to the KJV, I would have to no longer listen to teachers/preachers who do not use the KJV. Don't get me wrong. There are reasons why I use the KJV for myself, but I do not believe I am to be so extremely pro-KJV that I do not listen to other godly counsel who may use other versions. Obviously, I am to test everything I read myself to the Word, but I don't believe I am to discount the impact some preachers/teachers have had that don't use the KJV as their primary text. Mike Winger, Paul Washer, Ray Comfort, Voddie Baucham, and others have been preachers/teachers I routinely listen to who I can tell desire to represent the Bible in the best way possible, yet they don't use the KJV.

    • @playdiscgolf1546
      @playdiscgolf1546 Рік тому +8

      Revelation 22, the very last chapter
      18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:
      19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

    • @joshgellock
      @joshgellock Рік тому +3

      ​@@njiomonansichristianfreder6374I've heard this argument so often. Come now: do you think God who is all powerful would allow different sources without a reason? One version of the Scripture isn't better than another. He allowed this to keep us humble. He is still all powerful and doctrine can't be made on controversial verses. Sound doctrines can be interpreted from any version of Scripture: Jesus Christ is the Messiah, He died for our sins according to the Scriptures, He was raised on the third day, He will return again in glory, communion is for believers, believers should be baptized, etc.

  • @faithcontending16
    @faithcontending16 Рік тому +1

    As with most kjvo arguments he begins by begging the question. If you actually read Psalm 12 from the beginning you realize that the prayer is one asking the Lord to protect and care for the needy and the oppressed. The end of the chapter is a confirmation that it is the Lord who will ultimately protect them from the wicked.
    These are the kinds of arguments that fall apart under their own assumptions.

  • @duaneking2699
    @duaneking2699 Рік тому +6

    Ugh! Yes, the NIV is a broken wheel, but KJV is just a translation. I've used the KJV for 40 years. It's a great translation, but not the 'only good translation'. The NASB 1997 is an excellent translation as well.

  • @FreedomKat
    @FreedomKat 9 років тому +153

    I agree. The KJV IS The Bible!

    • @FreedomKat
      @FreedomKat 9 років тому +10

      I don't need a history lesson. I already am well aware of how the Bible was formed. If you look up the Dead sea Scrolls they are pretty much Identical. And the is extremely further back. The Bible KJV is NOT the one Martin Luther made. You might want to d some research next time.

    • @dmaster254
      @dmaster254 9 років тому +5

      Dan K no it isn't. But the canon used in the modern KJV is the canon of Martin Luther. And further, the KJV is nowhere near identical to the DSS. Besides that, they were not Greek texts. The Greek texts used in the time of Christ and quoted by Christ have more books. We know because Christ quoted then

    • @tjmooremusic
      @tjmooremusic 6 років тому +1

      William Sculley
      Christ Jesus spoke Aramaic.
      Not Greek..
      Just sayin....
      The KJV Is missing books.
      ..Those books supported doctrine that Luther didn't agree with...
      They remain in the Catholic Bible...you know, the original..
      Compiled by the Catholic church...even of one takes the KJV and ( yes it is beautifully written)
      One has to accept that it is a version of the Bible of the Church...
      You know. The one that was started by Jesus...
      Peter. Keys to the kingdom. The authority to bind or loosen sins...all that stuff..

    • @thebiblestudyhelper9389
      @thebiblestudyhelper9389 6 років тому +2

      tjmooremusic the sermon on the mount proves that Jesus was familiar with the Greek Bible .

    • @XXRolando2008
      @XXRolando2008 6 років тому

      An Old Bible.

  • @jacobbatcheller7403
    @jacobbatcheller7403 Рік тому +2

    Dig deeper, everyone. King James Bible was still written by men thousands of years after Christ. Even the documents we pull ANY version from were written by humans. If you take it back to true "written" origins and manuscripts, we would all have to be well-versed in Aramaic and Greek. When you take "inspired word" out of scripture we go against scripture itself. what about 1599 Geneva Bible? Why stop with King James? Specifically authorized by King James I for the church of England. Heavy on the sole authorization of King James I and the Bishops of the church of England. It also went through many translations and subtractions from original manuscripts. I have KJV, 1599 Geneva, NSAB, NIV (many different release years), but my version of choice is the NKJV, followed by ESV. There is no reason to split hairs over this issue for a new Christian. The Geneva predates the KJV, so King James had issue bc it was not "his" version. Very self-righteous. Unfortunately, this is how most people who claim the KJV is the only "real", "true", or "authorized" version treat all other versions... with said self-righteousness. KJV has issues of its own.

  • @jimford1256
    @jimford1256 21 день тому +3

    This is a word salad. First, the reason why the other bibles show a difference to the King James is really simple. The KJV never used the oldest Scriptures, it used over nine other bibles to translate from. Case in point in the KJV you can find the word Easter, However, Easter celebration came many many centuries after the writings of the early Christian texts were written. Also he stated the disciples' were writing, well they were illiterate. The newer bible versions go back to the oldest manuscripts' and then they translate. The KJV is a translation of a translation of a translation, etc. Just do some research and you will find this to be true. Those pastors who claim the only true bible is the KJV shows their ignorance and lack of real theological knowledge. I would suggest you need to find a church who has a trained pastor in hermeneutics,

    • @TheNationOfTexas
      @TheNationOfTexas 19 днів тому +2

      Also many of the criticisms he makes is basically that the other versions are wrong simply because they used the literal translation of a word instead of the words and phrases that the KJV translators took the liberty to add. He also took verses out of context. This video is riddled with errors.

  • @NewyorkRicanSoulPodcast
    @NewyorkRicanSoulPodcast Рік тому +54

    It makes sense. I stayed away due to the old English but since it was painstakingly kept as close to the original as possible without any corruption or monetary influence. I will embrace it. Thank you for the explanation.

    • @Mephis93
      @Mephis93 Рік тому +11

      Monetary influence? The king didn't like the previous Bible, The Geneva Bible, so he payed people to make him one he liked 😂

    • @stetsonguy
      @stetsonguy Рік тому +1

      @@Mephis93 And your proof of this is?

    • @B1rdTheW0rd
      @B1rdTheW0rd Рік тому

      Perfectly said, brother. That’s the exact journey I had with it also. Because in the end, it doesn’t matter if it’s difficult. It’s the only translation that’s retained the integrity of God’s word.

    • @johnhennessy8903
      @johnhennessy8903 Рік тому

      hi c me chanel

    • @joshgellock
      @joshgellock Рік тому +2

      You know they made the NKJV, right?

  • @exaucemayunga22
    @exaucemayunga22 Рік тому +2

    If you're already saying that one version is "wrong" and the other is right, you're already claiming that the "right" one could also be wrong because it's also not an original text. There is no perfect version of the Bible. They're all copies of copies of copies that have been edited for centuries (and still being edited today)
    What most of these "teachers" forget is that English is not the only language in the world. What about everyone else? Should they all read the Bible in English? This is ridiculous 😂😂

  • @betawithbrett7068
    @betawithbrett7068 Рік тому +5

    10:00 64,000 Greek manuscripts huh Kent? Where did you get your information? Today we have over 5800 NT Greek manuscripts. In Erasmus' day of creating the Greek eclectic text later named the Textus Receptus from what is named Miniscule 2 and Miniscule 1 which are both dated to 12th century AD and maybe half a dozen other manuscripts around the same age, he did not have access to many, and he used the Latin Vulgate some as well. This was the underlying Greek text for the 1611 KJV.

    • @dancahill9585
      @dancahill9585 Рік тому

      He got the information where Kent Hovind gets all his info. I'll give you a hint, it is from a place that is dark and smelly. The KJV only crowd just illustrates the embrace of ignorance that Fundamentalists are so famous for. They seem to be on a mission to turn the clock back to pre-enlightenment, pre-Renaissance, dark age days.

    • @rwatson2609
      @rwatson2609 Рік тому

      Yea, I saw the same thing and a Myriad of other mistakes. Maybe Kent should take a textual criticism course or two before He talks. Daniel B. Wallace has a good online one.

    • @ntkmw8058
      @ntkmw8058 9 місяців тому

      @@rwatson2609 you and this other guy must have a phd in textual criticism

    • @rwatson2609
      @rwatson2609 9 місяців тому +1

      @ntkmw8058 No, I don't. I just took an online textual Critism corse. It's a course with about 36 videos of 30 minutes each and as a Christian, they are kinda hard to swallow since we are looking at the Bible with a critical eye. The authour, Daniel Wallace, is currently the professor of New Testament studies at the Dallas Theological Seminary. The course is well done, but you should form your own views of what's going on in light of the material presented. I do have enough Greek from just being self taught to get through this stuff though.

  • @HumbleHeartMinistry
    @HumbleHeartMinistry Рік тому +6

    My pastor teaches out of the KJV, yet in every pew there is a NIV. If I could make them disappear I would! Knowing nothing as a young Christian back in early 90’s, God laid on my heart big time to use nothing but the KJV. So that’s all I have ever used to this day! The thing is, if you change, add, or subtract any words from any writings, you can change the whole context of it into something it does not say!

    • @nigelmcculloch3746
      @nigelmcculloch3746 Рік тому

      It is important to get your head around that Jesus would of been brought up and taught with the manuscripts that were on hand at the Jewish place of worship, as such he would of used the everyday language of the time when he read from them or taught others about God.

    • @HumbleHeartMinistry
      @HumbleHeartMinistry Рік тому

      @@nigelmcculloch3746 That is why I use the closest translation we have in the English language the KJV, and not variations of it. Satans #1 way he lies, is by using the truth of the scriptures, and twisting the truth into something it’s not saying, by simply adding to it, or subtracting from it. Thus we have doctrines being taught and believed that sound right, but led countless into a false hope.

    • @nigelmcculloch3746
      @nigelmcculloch3746 Рік тому

      @@HumbleHeartMinistry true, satan is a real person, a fallen powerful angel who did not stand fast in the truth but had and has no hold on Jesus

    • @HumbleHeartMinistry
      @HumbleHeartMinistry Рік тому

      @@nigelmcculloch3746 Yes, whom we are repeatedly warned about as our enemy in the scriptures, who we through Christ will have the victory, if we stand fast in the faith unto the end. Jesus said he who overcomes shall inherit the kingdom.

    • @00vTv00
      @00vTv00 Рік тому

      ​@@nigelmcculloch3746Lol. JESUS is God in the flesh, why would anyone think God needed to learn his own text from the synagogue of Satan?

  • @f2mel2
    @f2mel2 10 місяців тому +1

    Taken out of context. The word them, refers to the people in the previous verse. "Because of the oppressions of the weak and the groaning of the needy, I will now arise" says the Lord." I will protect THEM from those who maligne THEM ." Vers 6 is states in our modern idiom that the Lord's word is his bond and that his word not only is as good as gold, to refer to another idiom, but that the quality of the gold is of the highest grade.
    II Timothy 2:19 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

  • @rickyregisterkjv1611
    @rickyregisterkjv1611 Рік тому +23

    Praise God for this video! We need more preachers and teachers like this man today!!…
    So many perversions fooling good people

    • @samlawrence2695
      @samlawrence2695 Рік тому

      What perversions are they ? What is fooling the people is the KJV only deception. With false teachers and KJV only heretics. Especially pathological liar Gail Riplinger. Not mention other deluded KJV only deceivers. Sam Gipp, Will Kinney, Steven Anderson to mention a few. Thank God he has blessed us with more accurate modern translations.

    • @AtamMardes
      @AtamMardes Рік тому

      Modern Western laws are NOT based on Christians values, otherwise slavery would still be a moral practice. The Bible assumes slavery is a moral practice and it teaches how to buy, sell & beat the slaves. No Bible verse indicates slavery should be abolished.

    • @AtamMardes
      @AtamMardes Рік тому +6

      "Religion began when the first scoundrel met the first fool." *Voltaire*

    • @user-ry1vi1jc7o
      @user-ry1vi1jc7o 11 місяців тому

      AtamMardes - That doesn't even make any sense. Unfortunately, people have been parroting the inane comments of mockers for centuries.
      Let me tell you what I am seeing: You are on here mocking God and Christians because you hate Jesus, the one you say is made up. If you truly believed he were made up, you wouldn't bother with us anymore than you would be railing against Bigfoot or Santa Claus.
      Don't think so? Let me ask you a question: Are you doing the same thing on Islamic videos or Hindu videos or Buddhist videos? Why not? Because in your heart, you know that they have no truth at all. But you come here because you hate the one you know in your heart to be true, namely Jesus Christ, whom you will shortly meet.

    • @darthboromir
      @darthboromir 11 місяців тому

      Yes, the NIV makes mistakes, but if you really want to get into which translation is more accurate overall, the KJV has a ridiculous amount of translation errors. It was an amazing accomplishment, but it pales in comparison now in terms of accuracy. And his claim about the copyright thing is just not true. That is a flat out lie. Look it up.

  • @mojo9761
    @mojo9761 5 років тому +19

    My family were not church goers and the first Bible I received was from my secondary school in 1971, I am so pleased that it was the Authorised King James Bible, it was the only one I read for many, many years. I tried a copy of the NIV and I did get the new King James Version, but I missed the beauty of the AKJV. When I was a teenager I was ill (I had a breakdown) The Lord gave me St. John Gospel chapter 14 and they talk of the Holy Spirit as 'The Comforter ' and I think it is the best and most appropriate name for the third and equally important person in the God Head as I received so much genuine comfort, I am so grateful to the Lord that he came and helped me when I really needed it.
    If there is anyone thinking of getting a Bible the beauty of the language used in the AKJV goes all the way from Genesis to Revelation!!!!

    • @xceptamanbbornagainnokingd5836
      @xceptamanbbornagainnokingd5836 3 роки тому +3

      there is more to it then that, the right doctrine and how it does not contradict.
      the modern bibles contradict because they are man's words and not God's words

    • @playdiscgolf1546
      @playdiscgolf1546 Рік тому +1

      The NKJV removes the word hell 66 times

    • @AtamMardes
      @AtamMardes Рік тому +12

      "Religion began when the first scoundrel met the first fool." *Voltaire*

    • @bonniewilliams9171
      @bonniewilliams9171 Рік тому

      John 14 is beautiful, I say John 14-17 is the heart of the gospel.

    • @AtamMardes
      @AtamMardes Рік тому +10

      "It (Bible) is full of interest. It has noble poetry in it; and some clever fables; and some blood-drenched history; and some good morals; and a wealth of obscenity; and upwards of a thousand lies." *Mark Twain*

  • @mikewood62
    @mikewood62 Рік тому +1

    Read all of psalm 12. “Them” is referring to the oppressed poor and needy in v. 5 God said you have my word and my words are pure words and I will keep my word and preserve these oppressed and poor and needy and mistreated people. You have my word on it.

  • @ROCdave5861
    @ROCdave5861 Рік тому +8

    Many English words now have a different meaning than they did 412 years ago, and our knowledge of Greek and Hebrew is much better now; in fact, the Authorised Version, as it's called in England (because it was authorized for use in the services of the Church of England) was first translated from the Vulgate, then "revised" to more closely match what little was known of the Greek and Hebrew originals.

    • @garyteeters-ok3hc
      @garyteeters-ok3hc Рік тому

      The English we speak today is slang,and we use words we don't even know the meaning of or where to apply them ,look up the word read, or educate,or deny and we are not supposed to be interpreting or translating, we are to be doing the Word applying it to our own lives,not trying to make it fit our twisted ideas

    • @kamnyechukwuekene
      @kamnyechukwuekene Рік тому +1

      Kjv was translated directly out of the Hebrew and greek manuscripts by 54 of the best european scholars. The latin vulgate was forced upon the people by the catholic church.

    • @garyteeters-ok3hc
      @garyteeters-ok3hc Рік тому +1

      The Authorised Word is a Living person ,He is the God of all God's, King of all Kings, Lord of all Lords, and His name is Jesus the Christ.There is no other book of man's opinions that has Eternal Life in it, weather you believe it or not it will be what judges you for all eternity ,imagine that.

    • @ROCdave5861
      @ROCdave5861 11 місяців тому

      Actually the KJV is based on Tyndal/Wycliffe translations from the Vulgate, edited to more closely approximate the Hebrew and Greek.@@kamnyechukwuekene

    • @kamnyechukwuekene
      @kamnyechukwuekene 11 місяців тому

      @@ROCdave5861 again, not from the vulgate. The vulgate is a translations from the hebrew and greek into latin. Tyndale translated it directly from the hebrew and greek texts. Then KING JAMES l came and assembled around 54 of the best european scollars and devided them into 3 groups to translate hebrew and greek texts.
      The latin vulgate was set by the catholic church to keep the people in bondage bcs they couldn’t understand the hebrew and greek neither could latin. They’d have to learn how to read latin. Thats the whole point of william tyndale dying bcs having a bible in english would be forbiden by the catholic church. Why would he translate hebrew and greek from the latin vulgate wich was translated from the hebrew and greek? Makes no sense.
      Thats the whole point of william doing what he did.

  • @skipdegraff6547
    @skipdegraff6547 6 років тому +80

    PRAISE GOD for preserving the WORD

    • @AtamMardes
      @AtamMardes Рік тому +6

      "Religion began when the first scoundrel met the first fool." *Voltaire*

    • @AtamMardes
      @AtamMardes Рік тому +4

      Only a fool believes the content of a book just because the book claims itself to be the holy truth.

    • @ryanpowell9003
      @ryanpowell9003 Рік тому

      ​​​@@AtamMardesBro is spending his limited free time combating a God he doesn't believe exists, yet others are the fool? Doesn't mean much for a fool to call someone foolish. I've seen you post this same quote by someone you never met under several comments. Talk about 'blindly following'.
      We used to institutionalize people who tried to fight things that they didn't believe were real. Thank God for grace and tolerance taught by Christians
      What's next? Are you going to wage a battle against unicorns and pixies? Or are you just obsessed with God?

    • @AtamMardes
      @AtamMardes Рік тому

      @@ryanpowell9003 Please answer this simple question honestly. *FACT:* Theists thank God (especially on thanksgiving) for giving life to them & also for giving life to animals for them to take their lives & eat them. *SIMPLE QUESTION:* Are you unable to see how theologians have tricked the theists to believe in an imaginary God by fooling them to arrogantly ignoring their hypocrisy & narcissism??

    • @ryanpowell9003
      @ryanpowell9003 Рік тому +1

      @@AtamMardes Simple answer. The animals that we eat were designed by God to be food for us just as they are food for each other. That's why it commonly makes you sick to eat animals that weren't designed for human consumption (especially before the advent of antibiotics). This is called zoonotic illness.
      The fact that you think that busts theism is hilarious and shows exactly where you're at intellectually. You're as confused as they get. An actual caricature for atheism. I laughed irl
      I bet you're one of those who believe in the big bang and don't realize that it was created by a Catholic in order to theorize creation.
      Now I have a simple question for you. How did the Ancient Israelites know how germ theory worked thousands of years before it was discovered by Robert Koch in the 19th century?
      Follow up question. Why are you obsessed with a being that you don't believe exists? Make it make sense.

  • @ScriptureResearchCentre
    @ScriptureResearchCentre 12 днів тому +1

    Before speaking, I wanna say that I use the Authorised King James Version. It is my favourite complete translation of the Scriptures, and I use it primarily in my study. However, I take issue with the way Dr. Hovind presented Acts 8:37. However, it is not just Westcott-Hort that omit that verse.
    Griesbach (1805), Lachmann (1842-1850), Tischendorft 8th ed. (18965-1872), Tregelles (1857-1872), Alford (1862-1871), Westcott-Hort of course (1881) and the Nestle-Aland 27th edition (1993) all did not retain this reading in their critical Greek texts,
    In fact, the Textus Receptus, also called the Stephen's Text of 1550, and the Wordsworth (1870) text are the only two in agreement. Now you could even spend your own individual time looking into it from a Greek manuscript apparatus or something, but you will find is that there is little evidence to suggest that Acts 8:37 is an original divinely-inspired Scripture.
    I would also like to know, which edition of the Authorised King James Version is the actual preserved Word of God? Today, most Authorised King James Versions are the 1769. To be clear, msot people, as in 99% of people, do not used the original 1611 King James Bible. What are some of these differences though?
    I John 5:12 (1611): Hee that hath the Sonne, hath life; and hee that hath not the Sonne, hath not life.
    I John 5:12 (1769): He that hath the Son hath life; and he that hath not the Son of God hath not life.
    Are the words "of God" of vital importance?
    I Corinthians 15:6 (1611): And that hee was seene of aboue fiue hundred brethren at once: of whom the greater part remaine vnto this present, but some are fallen asleepe.
    I Corinthians 15:6 (1769): After that, he was seen of above five hundred brethren at once; of whom the greater part remain unto this present, but some are fallen asleep.
    Was he seen "after that" or is it "and that", a coordinating conjunction?
    Changes from the 1611 to the 1769 edition can be seen in other places like Joshua 3:11; II Kings 11:10; Isaiah 49:13; Jeremiah 31:14; 51:30; Ezekiel 6:8; 24:7; 48:8; Daniel 3:15; Matthew 14:9 and I Corinthians 12:28.

    • @chepecheapy308
      @chepecheapy308 4 дні тому

      Why are you comparing the original KJV to the authorized version? What are you trying to get at?

    • @ScriptureResearchCentre
      @ScriptureResearchCentre 4 дні тому

      @@chepecheapy308 I am just trying to show that while I love the 1769 KJV, and I use it as my primary reading Bible, I have come to recognise that there are places where the text is mistranslated due to manuscript problems or just plain translators' issue. And there are some who claim that the King James Version IS the Word of God with the same level of authority that which was originally inspired to God's holy prophets and apostles. But they never stipulate which version of the King James Bible was the perfect translation of God's Word.

    • @ScriptureResearchCentre
      @ScriptureResearchCentre 4 дні тому

      @@chepecheapy308 In simpler terms, if someone tells me that the King James Version is God's Word perfectly preserved, then I would like to know which version and why? If you mean the original version, then do you read that version? If you mean the 1769 edition, then why do you believe that version is perfect? These are the types of things I am talking about.

    • @chepecheapy308
      @chepecheapy308 3 дні тому

      Thanks bro​@@ScriptureResearchCentre

  • @Matthew-qy7op
    @Matthew-qy7op 7 років тому +8

    Be Careful to do your own research.
    So many teachers will tell you one way or another. If Kent Hovind is right or wrong is not the point. The point is, if you continue to use one version blindly, are you doing your due duty to intelligent research to believe yourselves?
    Be a Berean.
    Study for your own understanding.

    • @ZoidsXtwonine
      @ZoidsXtwonine 6 років тому +1

      Matthew633 I love your username!

  • @revelation20232
    @revelation20232 Рік тому +8

    Another point to consider in the debate over preserving the KJV for my fellow Anglo-Saxons is that the KJV translation is a part of our cultural heritage. In modern times people of European descent are taught to basically forget your cultural heritage but it's important we preserve it. It's not nearly as important as preserving the word of God but with the KJV we can do both.

    • @duxdawg
      @duxdawg 6 місяців тому

      WRONG! Don't use the KJV. It is a HORRIBLE translation. Many errors. Really bad.

  • @donsavinsky2251
    @donsavinsky2251 9 місяців тому +2


  • @20B4ME
    @20B4ME 10 років тому +33

    If this is true that KJV is the best translation than the proof should come from the Bible itself. Acts 8:37 says that Jesus is the Son of God. 1 John 4:1-3 teaches us exactly how to test the doctrine: "1Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. 2Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: 3And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world." The removal of Acts 8:37 from ANY translation is the work of the spirit of the Antichrist according to 1 John 4:1-3.

    • @cccortines
      @cccortines 9 років тому +6


    • @tommacdonald6070
      @tommacdonald6070 6 років тому +3

      But there are many Greek manuscripts that do not include it. Some do. The text from which the King James was translated does, but how do you know it was in the original?

    • @prodigalpaul1227
      @prodigalpaul1227 6 років тому +6

      There is no way to know that it was in the original. Most evidence indicates that it was not, and was therefore added to the word of God. That is why all responsible Bible translations put it in brackets, and give a footnote stating that it does not appear in any early manuscript.

    • @gentlehuman2003
      @gentlehuman2003 6 років тому

      1 tried reading Acts 8:37 in the ESV, and it wasn't there, but it was in the KJV and NKJV.
      Then I read 1 John 4:1-3. It is more clearly stated in the (N)KJV, and seemed to be contradictory in the ESV. After rereading the ESV I realized that it isn't contradictory, but can appear to be that way at a quick reading thereof.

    • @anonymousperson6462
      @anonymousperson6462 6 років тому +4

      Fabio Caris if kjvonlyism is true, then the bible should say that. So where does God say (in context) that the kjv is his only Word and none other? You've got over 1100 chapters to find that verse in, so hop to it. If it's true, then it shouldn't be too hard.

  • @americanfamilyestatepreser5376

    Wait (10:50), how can the earliest manuscripts take something out that hasn't even been written yet (later manuscripts). Chronologically, that is impossible. It's impossible to take out something that hasn't yet been written. The later manuscripts, which is what the KJV is based on, HAD to have added verses. Right? Or am I missing something?

    • @paultrosclair1775
      @paultrosclair1775 7 місяців тому +2

      You are missing something

    • @garyhull5617
      @garyhull5617 6 місяців тому

      "We have one that can think!".....Good for you.

    • @philipwheeler7317
      @philipwheeler7317 2 місяці тому

      Yes you're missing the fact. They're not the same book. There are two streams of Bibles out there.
      There is the majority text type. The Bibles that were used by Christians all over. And the alexandrian text type.
      This was used by gnostics, that flipped the gospel around, and believed in secret or esoteric knowledge. Their "Bible" got much less use. So, they lasted longer, we're not as widespread. And therefore create an alternative Bible. They are the source of the critical text.
      That's if you even accept, that they are actually older. Because that is being brought into question, as the Vatican, is historically known, for creating fraudulent documents. Which is the source, of most of these, "older documents". In fact, one of the documents in question, at the time of its release to Bible translators, was claimed, to be an accidental forgery, by a famous bible scholar of the day. Of course this was swept under the rug. All of these things can be found, with some simple research.
      The real core question, is this. Did God preserve his word? Through all time, to all generations, so that all that could be saved, were saved? Or, was it hidden, for almost 2,000 years, so that whole generations, died without a true knowledge of God. And that his Bible is a lie?

  • @fightthegoodfightoffaithmi8676

    Psalms 9:13
    Have mercy upon me, O LORD; consider my trouble which I suffer of them that hate me, thou that liftest me up from the gates of death:

  • @mrmeach1967
    @mrmeach1967 Рік тому +2

    Where is his full presentation of this topic? This video very clearly stops short of his full message.

  • @jjpenny1
    @jjpenny1 Місяць тому +3

    With the interlinear bibles available and translations like the ESV, NASB, and NKJV being more accurate there is no point in using the KJV in this day and age for any serious study unless your blindly worshipping the KJV.

    • @Brainfryjoe
      @Brainfryjoe Місяць тому

      It’s strange how after the new translations came out the church has been declining rapidly. Also how are the new translations better?

    • @jjpenny1
      @jjpenny1 Місяць тому

      @Brainfryjoe It's a false argument to try and connect the two positions but nice try. As far as why they are better, you need to do your homework. Start with the fact that the KJV actually added numerous passages that are not in the original text.

    • @Brainfryjoe
      @Brainfryjoe Місяць тому

      @@jjpenny1 wrong. he clearly explains in the video that the so called ‘older’ manuscripts removed them. The king James manuscripts are much more numerous and complete with all the original manuscripts in. What is more likely- someone removed verses they did not like ? Or somehow all the authorized manuscript’s authors agreed in secret to add new verses that weren’t in the original bibles?

    • @jjpenny1
      @jjpenny1 Місяць тому

      @@Brainfryjoe The NT writers quoted from the Septuigint 340 times. The KJV was translated by from the Massoretic text. The KJV is translated by text we know are corrupted and that weren't even used by Christ and the apostles.

    • @TheNationOfTexas
      @TheNationOfTexas 19 днів тому

      @@Brainfryjoe Churches are declining rapidly for many reasons, but one thing I've noticed is that all the different KJV only denominations are what's declining the most. I believe that is because they teach their own traditions based off their misunderstanding of KJV text. When you try to show them why they're wrong with the original Greek and Hebrew definitions, they're unwilling to entertain the idea that they could possibly be wrong. They don't have a teachable spirit. They read the bible in a way that validates their belief system instead of reading it to find out what they should believe. This causes them to unknowingly teach untruths and I believe that's why the church is declining.

  • @winesdelight
    @winesdelight Рік тому +2

    I have to disagree (with Love) on the example of Psalm 12:6-7. Without context we cannot understand The Word and verses 1-8 (especially Verse 5) reveals a lot in this text.
    Verse 5 says "For the oppression of the poor, for the sighing of the needy, now will I arise, saith the LORD; I will set him in safety from him that puffeth at him.”
    The Lord promises safety for the Godly Man against the oppression of the Children of Men( v1-4)
    V6 is a testament that when The Lord says something he's gonna do it!
    Therefore the "Them" in V7 couldn't be The Lords Words but is the Godly man(described as Needy in V5) being preserved from the Wicked.

    • @winesdelight
      @winesdelight Рік тому +1

      PLEASE, Don't take my word for it, read it yourself and make an assessment.
      Id love to hear some feedback on this.

  • @captainobvious2380
    @captainobvious2380 6 років тому +15

    The pope wanted to change the Lord's prayer. What does that tell you about the pope?

    • @crollinsphoto
      @crollinsphoto 5 років тому +13

      The pope also said that if homosexuals would follow their heart they would go to heaven..when scripture is plain that NO homosexual will inherit the kingdom.

    • @kennatux8324
      @kennatux8324 4 роки тому +8

      Hahah the pope is a joke

    • @xceptamanbbornagainnokingd5836
      @xceptamanbbornagainnokingd5836 3 роки тому +3

      sounds like he and the modern bibles have some things in common

    • @EminentSeafarerGIO
      @EminentSeafarerGIO 5 місяців тому

      To the reasonable-minded folks it tells a lot. mainly, this expression, "the pope", is his term and that of his cronies in the Vatican. in fact ALL the Reformers were congruent and spot on in one flamboyant unison ( and so is te Bible, of course), that this so-called "pope" is none other, than the Antichrist and Beast of the Book of Revelation. English and Scottish Reformers who werethe Geneva Bible translators remarked in their notes, that, "the pope is that beast who comes from the bottomless pit and has his power straight from hell". It tell sme, personally, that we, as genuine folks of The Lord, must have a lot on our plate to continue the works of the first reformers, mainly, advancing te Kingdom of Light and recognising our true enemy

  • @nicholasbrandl8990
    @nicholasbrandl8990 Рік тому +7

    Jesus left behind a church, he didn't leave a Bible.

    • @garycooper9055
      @garycooper9055 11 місяців тому +2

      I'm just curious, do you not read and follow a Bible ?

    • @drummerjstone
      @drummerjstone 6 місяців тому +1

      And yet the "church" has added in a whole plethora of pagan ideologies and rituals found nowhere in biblical scripture. Thus proving that the church goes astray without the word being the truth.

    • @rotoscopik
      @rotoscopik 5 місяців тому

      Sanctify THEM by Thy truth
      Thy WORD is truth

  • @lurx2024
    @lurx2024 4 місяці тому +2

    Biblical scholars have long recognized problems and errors in the way that the KJV was translated and revised. Perhaps at the time it was a good faith effort in providing the closest version of the original Greek texts, but modern scholars have a lot more reliable resources to go on than were available to those that created the KJV.

    • @dctrbrass
      @dctrbrass 2 дні тому +1

      Yeah people need to start giving credence to the majority scholar views. Plus it's common sense that scholar knowledge grows over time in any area of study. Of course we have better knowledge and translations since the 1600s lol. This kjv position is illogical. I don't feel that this vid should be taken seriously. 😊

  • @TruSciencePro
    @TruSciencePro Рік тому +11

    You can tell the KJV is full of God’s spirit.

    • @markenge9348
      @markenge9348 Рік тому +3

      I believe John 6:63 has application here. God's word not only has a spirit, His words ARE spirit. Don't get hung up on the "flesh", that is the material manifestation of his Spirit that is His word. As this verse says, this is not profitable. It is the Spirit that gives life. When I became born again, the Bible became different to me. The words became alive and leaped off the page and into my heart. I for the first time, knew them as Spirit.

  • @gailmaylenehill
    @gailmaylenehill Рік тому +15

    I actually asked the Lord which bible version he wanted me to read after spending years reading the NIV and NLT in particular. I felt lead to read the KJV and that’s the version I’ll continue to read from now on, you can trust it! This is a great explanation, I enjoyed watching this video. Thank you. 😊👏🏽

    • @BB-rh2ml
      @BB-rh2ml Рік тому +1

      So the lord didn’t answer you and you just went with your feelings. Cool

    • @eisbeinGermany
      @eisbeinGermany 11 місяців тому +1

      if u have a computer install E-sword on it, best way to red bible, Its KJV ,

    • @BB-rh2ml
      @BB-rh2ml 11 місяців тому

      @@eisbeinGermany If you have a computer, it’s best to realize that the bible is a book of fairytales.

    • @eisbeinGermany
      @eisbeinGermany 11 місяців тому

      only if u believe in fairytales then yes, @@BB-rh2ml

    • @brilliant13675
      @brilliant13675 11 місяців тому +2

      How did he respond to your question? If you heard a voice, seek a psychiatric assessment immediately.

  • @ChristopherAlsruhe-si9ff
    @ChristopherAlsruhe-si9ff 9 місяців тому +2

    Being fluent in biblical Hebrew, I can say that the text in genesis says one day, not the first day.

    • @mrcubsfan97
      @mrcubsfan97 4 місяці тому

      That's because dinosaurs are a lie

    • @JR-lg7fd
      @JR-lg7fd Місяць тому

      Do you want a cookie or what.

  • @hauahmisshellychaitram6547
    @hauahmisshellychaitram6547 6 років тому +17

    I had a disagreeement with one of my muslim cousin about something written in the Bible but then in the middle of this she asked what kind of Bible I have both on my phone and a real book type is the King James version red lettered Holy Bible. My point is why the disbeliever most know the version of the matters and most believes don't even have one

    • @Mateusz-bn8md
      @Mateusz-bn8md 2 місяці тому

      since 2 years with god and i didnt even read it past page 10... i know so many verses but i just never had time or was to lazy to really sit down and study the bible, i just KNOW Christ is the way to salvation.

  • @lshndrcolbert1
    @lshndrcolbert1 5 років тому +12

    I was reading a scripture from my daily online NIV Bible Philippians4: 13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength. But in the kjv I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. Philippians 4:13. Christ was tooken out an replaced with him. Him could be any body.

    • @No_auto_toon
      @No_auto_toon 2 роки тому

      @@martinbaker7032 The same goes to you too. I am not kjv only, but am surrounded by them and this is not how to treat them.

    • @sonoftherighthand1843
      @sonoftherighthand1843 Рік тому +2

      The word used in Greek is “endynamoō” which is directly translated as “Him who strengthens”.
      “Christ” was inserted there in the King James to clarify who was being referenced but is not the actual translation of the word used. “Christus” isn’t used anywhere in that verse and would have had to in order for the King James version to be the proper translation in this instance.

    • @brianmatthews4323
      @brianmatthews4323 Рік тому +1

      But the NIV is actually stronger in calling Christ GOD in some places, believe it or not.
      KJV: 2Pe 1:1 Simon Peter, a servant and an apostle of Jesus Christ, to them that have obtained like precious faith with us through the righteousness of God and our Saviour Jesus Christ:
      NIV: 2Pe 1:1 Simon Peter, a servant and apostle of Jesus Christ, To those who through the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ have received a faith as precious as ours:

    • @duxdawg
      @duxdawg 6 місяців тому

      "Him"" could absolutely NOT "be any body". The context is OBVIOUS and CLEAR. Your inability to understand language, grammar, etc does NOT make one translation better than another.

  • @edkoehler281
    @edkoehler281 Рік тому +2

    Notice he doesn’t read the entire 12th Psalm. The KJV and NIV actually do say the same thing. Hovind’s exegesis of verse 7 is flawed.

  • @remirgoicoechea4527
    @remirgoicoechea4527 Рік тому +3

    “How is satan gonna use these new versions towards bringing in his new world order?
    This one, the new age bible versions is a good one…”
    So… We’re just gonna swim pass that like he did not just say that.

  • @durrmoment291
    @durrmoment291 Рік тому +3

    In my "study to prove thyselves worthy", the history I found was a little different regarding the new translations. What I found was that in the late 30's early 40's there was a group of secular scholars that publicly announced that they were going to prove the Bible was just written by man and not inspired by God. Because anything written by man would be full of inconsistencies, contradictions and outright mistakes and they were using the most widely used Bible at the time, The King James. They were never heard from again. But shortly after there was a push to take the "thees" and the "thous' out to make it easier to read. But unlike King James, who took his top scholars and gave them a copy of the original Hebrew text and charged them to produce the most accurate translation under penalty of death, these spiritual leaders just took the King James to a publishing company and asked them to take them out. Problem was that none of these publishing companies were Christian and no one supervised the process. And Satan stepped in. And with America using mostly new translations today, if another group of secular scholars were to challenge the authenticity of the Bible using the new translations, they would have plenty of ammunition to discredit it and many Christian's faith would be crushed. Other things I found in my "study to prove thyselves worthy" are... Most bibles say for the Fourth Commandment "Keep the Sabbath day holy" which many take as Sunday (Emperor Constantine's contribution in 300AD), others think it can be any day as long as you take a day off. My King James says "Keep "my" Sabbath day holy" which to me, wanting to be one of the few that enter, means we observe the Sabbath when God observed the Sabbath, which he specifically laid out as Friday sundown to Saturday sundown, either Mount Saini time or Jerusalem time if he was thinking ahead, still working that one out. But, that means that Mount Saini time or Jerusalem time having an hour difference in their sundown times would make it 11am to 12 Eastern standard time Friday as of last week. You can find sundown times for both Mount Saini and Jerusalem online along with the time differences to each time zone here... One more easy one. OMG IS taking the Lord thy God's name in vain. Boycott it online, wash your or your kids mouth out with soap if said.

    • @ByTheSpirit84
      @ByTheSpirit84 Рік тому +3

      Matthew 23:24 applies to you quite accurately I think

    • @durrmoment291
      @durrmoment291 Рік тому +1

      Ignorance is bliss only to the ignorant. Is your comment backed up by your own research or do you blindly follow others. God said for YOU to study to prove yourself worthy, not just listen to others who have studied. My comments were to create a debate with the author of this video, possibly to exchange research that educated either one of us, not to be berated by those not in the know.@@ByTheSpirit84

    • @SpaceCadet4Jesus
      @SpaceCadet4Jesus Рік тому

      ​@@durrmoment291This video is 20 years old. The author is not responding to ANYONE'S comments let alone yours buried in an obscure post.
      No one's going to learn anything, except that Hovind is a charlatan, a felon, and a con man who makes arguments out of non sequiturs and misrepresented information. He's an outcast from the Seventh Day Adventist, even my Seventh Day Adventist brother in law says he's nuts.

    • @bonniewilliams9171
      @bonniewilliams9171 Рік тому +1

      Thank you for that. I agree. It's from Genesis to Revelation. And man thinks it can be changed. All that matters is What sayeth the LORD?

    • @greghillmusic
      @greghillmusic 10 місяців тому

      ​@@durrmoment291brother look at you, thinking you're going to Hell if you can't figure out when exactly to observe the sabbath. Well, you are...unless you accept the salvation being offered to you by grace through faith.
      John 3:16, 5:24, 6:40

  • @olympicsportsrule
    @olympicsportsrule Рік тому +1

    The KJV translates with biases in it. Example synagogues vs church which both mean assembly.
    The best translation is learning the Hebrew language and learning to read it for yourself.
    You miss a lot reading the Bible in English. The Bible has 70 layers that you don’t see in the English version.

  • @Dragontron20
    @Dragontron20 Рік тому +8

    ESV is the one I read. NIV is the one I listen to simply because of the reader's awesome voice (in the Bible app). And KJV I use if I want to quote a Bible verse for something like a wedding invitation or birthday card. It has that old-timey, classical appeal to it. Stay blessed my brothers.

    • @sethkube3607
      @sethkube3607 Рік тому +7

      ESV is great

    • @KeyofDavid5778
      @KeyofDavid5778 Рік тому

      The KJV is the closest to the Hebrew and Greek manuscripts go to Ezekiel 13 verses 18 through 21 in the KJV where God hates the Rapture Theory teaching and he hates it when fake teachers hunt souls to make people fly where the NIV and the new King James version talk about birds flying in Charmed in those versus cuz Satan's Children in Matthew 13 verse 38 and 39 have changed the Bibles

    • @tomthomasiii1169
      @tomthomasiii1169 Рік тому

      Listen to this presentation....the ESV and NIV are corrupt manuscripts. Focus

    • @ingodwetrust.
      @ingodwetrust. Рік тому +2

      Re-watch the video, and stop using False versions of God's real Words.

    • @stephenhowe4107
      @stephenhowe4107 Рік тому

      @@ingodwetrust.None, bar none, are the real words of God. No translation is.
      The Old Testament is in Hebrew & Aramaic. So the Biblica Hebraica from Stuttgart, 4th edition from the various fragments and codexes is the correct thing. And the 5th edition takes into account the Dead Sea scrolls.
      Just for your knowledge, the KJV Old Testament is based on the Masoretic text. And that is dated to 900AD. Well the Dead Sea Scrolls has copies of Isaiah, dating back to 200BC. That is 1100 years earlier. So that is more authentic than what was available to the KJV translators.
      The New Testament is in Koine Greek. And the Novum Testamentum Graece, 28th edition by Nestle & Aland (or any of the other 6 authors) is what is used as a base document for new translations.
      It is known fact that Erasmus lacked the last 6 verses of Revelation. So he back translated from the Latin Vulgate to Greek and that became the Textus Receptus.
      So translators today, have superior base documents compared to the KJV translators. And the base document in the original Hebrew, Aramaic & Greek *ARE* the Bible and not any translation.
      And every year, more old biblical source manuscripts are discovered. But they make no difference if newer than what we have. The exciting moment is when a few discovered and they are older than what we have.
      Note: I am from London, England and I really don't understand why Americans treat the KJV as if it superior. It is not. I would throw it in the bin.

  • @docbrown7513
    @docbrown7513 Рік тому +3

    Seems like he is misrepresenting NIV/NASB to justify his KJV theology.

    • @henrylaurel1188
      @henrylaurel1188 3 місяці тому

      All KJV only cultists misrepresent other translations, to try and justify their deception.

  • @captainobvious8983
    @captainobvious8983 3 дні тому +2

    Don't forget that King James was actually gay! And that he had 4 male lovers in his life, the second one being murdered by the church so that King James could continue being seen as a holy figure. Also the King James version is probably one of the worst simply because it added a lot of words that didn't exist in the original texts. People think newer versions omit certain words or phrases but the truth is the King James version is the one that omits them and the newer versions are closer to the original texts.

  • @YouthPastorAndrew
    @YouthPastorAndrew Рік тому +4

    I agree KJV is good but I don’t agree it’s the only good English translation. ESV and LSB are both very good translations as well. I always recommend and personally use all three of them.

    • @PureEternalFlame
      @PureEternalFlame Рік тому

      Esv is also guilty of these claims, how’s it then a good translation

  • @Tim_Wiebe
    @Tim_Wiebe Рік тому +10

    I was raised in the NIV, and have no problems with my walk with God, none.

    • @ByTheSpirit84
      @ByTheSpirit84 Рік тому +7

      Amazing how God can use just about any translation of scripture to speak to us still huh? God bless you for being a voice of reason here

    • @lupelo8819
      @lupelo8819 Рік тому +4


    • @ByTheSpirit84
      @ByTheSpirit84 Рік тому +3

      @@lupelo8819 I used to believe that too, thankfully God opened my eyes to other possibilities

    • @lupelo8819
      @lupelo8819 Рік тому +2

      @ByTheSpirit84 God showed me personally the King James is his WORD.

    • @ByTheSpirit84
      @ByTheSpirit84 Рік тому +4

      @@lupelo8819 well, then you are deceived 🤷

  • @dylanjdante
    @dylanjdante Рік тому +2

    The Psalms 12:6-7 verses are explained completely wrong by Hovind here. Read the chapter in FULL CONTEXT.
    When you read verse 6 and 7 alone, it sounds like David is talking about the words of God and preserving the Bible forever.
    But if you ACTUALLY READ the FULL chapter. David is clearly talking about the men in the generation that have lost faith, and David is praying for the protection over the men that still have faith.
    Psm 12:1 Help, Lord, for the godly man ceases!
    Verses 1-3 is about a prideful generation.
    Verse 4 are words from the prideful.
    Verse 5 are words from the Lord.
    Verse 6 is David saying how pure ALL words of the Lord are.
    Verse 7 is David saying that since the Lords words are pure and true, he prays that the Lord will keep and preserve the faithful men from a wretched generation.
    Verse 8 goes back to talking about the proud.
    Yes... Verse 6 is also about how the Word is pure and purified. But verse 7 is NOT about the preservation of the Word, but a prayer for the preservation of faithful men.
    Personal note:
    Im a NKJV person, but looking into the NIV and NLT, they actually explain it better and in proper context (in this case)
    NIV Psm 12:7
    You, LORD, will keep the needy safe and will protect us forever from the wicked.
    We have to make sure we are actually studying the scriptures correctly without narrow lenses. KJV is complex compared to the new translations. So we must view it in a more complex manner, making sure we dont see it in a shallow way, like taking single verses out of context. This is why the new translations exist, because people take scriptures out of context (naturally). The new translations put context into scripture, so people dont read it the wrong way.

  • @citizen1981
    @citizen1981 Рік тому +9

    moral of the story: Use as many versions as you can to study God's word.

    • @Tim_Wiebe
      @Tim_Wiebe Рік тому +1


    • @citizen1981
      @citizen1981 Рік тому

      @@willcwoo where you see confusion, I see clarity.

    • @citizen1981
      @citizen1981 Рік тому +1

      @@willcwoo it would be strange for God to call nations and tribes and yet only sanction the KJV....be serious

    • @SpaceCadet4Jesus
      @SpaceCadet4Jesus Рік тому +1

      ​@@citizen1981Willcowoo the weasel has deleted yet another of his late night drunken stupor responses of idiocy. 😂

    • @citizen1981
      @citizen1981 Рік тому +3

      @@SpaceCadet4Jesus of course. The KJV only position might as well say God only wants to redeem people who speak English.

  • @marcrmzfromoc
    @marcrmzfromoc Рік тому +5

    I went out and got me a King James bible! 🗡️🛡️✝️

  • @AirsoftTeamOSMD
    @AirsoftTeamOSMD Рік тому +2

    Read the entire chapter of Psalm 12 for yourself. It isn't talking about the word of God. It is talking about God saving the righteous. Hovind isn't reading the context. All versions are right. the "them" in the KJV is the righteous ones, not His promises/words. NIV says the same. NLT says the same, NASB says the same. God does keep his word/revelation clear through the ages but only if you read the entire chapter and ask yourself what is the point of the chapter.

  • @stanleysitarzewski9296
    @stanleysitarzewski9296 Рік тому +32

    GOD BLESS THIS MAN OF GOD. prior biology teacher, now living for the LORD- 100% LOVE OF JESUS

    • @seekinggodfirst754
      @seekinggodfirst754 Рік тому +3

      Can't you be a biology teacher and still serve the Lord?

    • @waynerenee3809
      @waynerenee3809 Рік тому

      If you are teaching young minds that humans evolved from apes the answer is no. Or that a cell formed in a pond on a primordial planet, knowing full well that scientists can’t make a living cell today even when given all the parts of it. If so, you would be doing work for the other side. Only a reprobate mind would think otherwise. Feeding children lies isn’t the work God expects. You wouldn’t be educating them, you would be sending them on their way to a wide gate.
      When you look with your own eyes at the activity going on inside a human cell, it’s very clear that nature didn’t produce it. Nor can nature produce itself.

    • @seekinggodfirst754
      @seekinggodfirst754 Рік тому

      @@fredthe47th what lie specifically are you referring to?

    • @oliverwilson9983
      @oliverwilson9983 Рік тому +2

      @@seekinggodfirst754probably evolution

    • @KnightofSnowdonia
      @KnightofSnowdonia Рік тому +1

      ​@seekinggodfirst754 my wife is a biology teacher and she belives in certain aspects of evolution as it's all around us.

  • @KingArtexerxes
    @KingArtexerxes Рік тому +6

    I grew up with the KJ version, but I’ve never liked it. I’m 70, btw. In mid life I switched to the NKJ. I liked it better, but many things were still a bit difficult to understand. Today, I prefer the NIV. Plus I occasionally use other versions to make comparisons. In KJ version days when it was written, knowledge of the original manuscripts wasn’t known as it is today. KJ isn’t original English, it was copied and modified from earlier versions. I’ll take the 2011 NIV as the version I trust and understand the best. Also note, newer versions don’t just rely upon one manuscript, but use all of those available.

    • @garyteeters-ok3hc
      @garyteeters-ok3hc Рік тому

      If you don't love the Authorised Bible you don't love Jesus they one and the same Jesus is the Word make flesh

    • @KingArtexerxes
      @KingArtexerxes Рік тому

      That’s definable not true.

    • @garyteeters-ok3hc
      @garyteeters-ok3hc Рік тому

      @KingArtexerxes but if you dont love the the Authorised Bible and its author, you are an unbeliever and love lies ,it's called willfully blindness.

    • @KingArtexerxes
      @KingArtexerxes Рік тому

      I know it’s difficult for you to understand. Just because some attached the word authorized to a bible version, doesn’t make it authorized by God. Just think about the hundreds of other languages the Bible has been translated into. Just because they don’t learn old English and read the “authorized” King James Version doesn’t mean they can’t know God. I know God very well. And I know Him even better by studying His word in many English versions, thereby gaining that extra boost of understanding. There are probably many King James only people out there, and I used to be one of them, but my understanding of scripture has immensely expanded due to all the additional versions and comparisons. The NIV actually is much closer to the original manuscripts than most other versions. None of the versions are perfect, so a reading of varied versions is beneficial. I love God and His Son (also God) very very much. They are my whole life.

    • @garyteeters-ok3hc
      @garyteeters-ok3hc Рік тому

      @KingArtexerxes if you don't love the Authorised Word, you don't love the Author ,Jesus and His Authorised Word are one and the same,in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God,Jesus's Words they are Spirit and they are Life it's not an intellectual book it's the book of life ,the organ for believing is not the brains, it's with the heart man believes unto righteousness and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.

  • @0hn0haha
    @0hn0haha 4 місяці тому +1

    That first quotation is ripping God's word out of context.
    That whole Psalm is about the Godly but poor and needy, under the wicked/in a wicked world. To do this, it does contrast the righteous speech of God to the words of vanity and blasphemy of the wicked - but that is not the main point, and verse 7 is not about the words. It is talking about how " the faithful fail" and "They speak vanity" and blaspheme, saying "who is lord over us". God responds, saying - " For the oppression of the poor, for the sighing of the needy, now will I arise, saith the Lord" in verse 5. Then verse 6 comforts the reader, reminding him that "The words of the Lord are pure words", that they are "purified seven times". Then verse 7 returns to the subject of the whole psalm "Thou shalt keep them, O Lord, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever" What, them the words? No, God says - " For the oppression of the poor, for the sighing of the needy" - that is why he will arise! The 8th verse then makes sense, saying "The wicked walk on every side, when the vilest men are exalted." Otherwise, if verses 6 and 7 refer to one another, 8 becomes a non-sequitur, not because of God, but because of Dr Hovind's poor reading comprehension. Verse 6 is a self contained thought, and can survive that way in context, as an aside, an aside which is still in context and referes to the words spoken in verse 5. Verse 7 and 8 relate to each other - the LORD promises to keep them preserved from this generation, that is the faithful, even when the wicked abound, when the lowliest, vilest men are exalted.
    The whole psalm is numbered in 2s, actually - the first two verses relate to each other, the first one calling to God for help, the 2nd making it clearer why, then the 3rd saying what the LORD will do in response, and the 4th explaining to whom this will happen (1& 2 are one sentence, 3&4 are as well), then the 5th the LORD states further what the LORD God will do, and the 6th assures the reader/listener that the words of verse 5 are true, reassures them with the knowledge of God's goodness, verse 7 returns to the topic at hand, responding to God's promise in verse 5 with confirmation of that promise, and the 8th verse ties it off explaining from what generation the faithful need to be protected.

  • @Mr.Sir...3
    @Mr.Sir...3 Рік тому +3

    People should read the original translators preface to the KJV

    • @acciaacilius6875
      @acciaacilius6875 Рік тому

      Seriously I don't know why the people who actually translated the KJV never get a say

  • @baebbee2814
    @baebbee2814 6 років тому +5

    All I have to say is,,( KJV )

    • @duxdawg
      @duxdawg 6 місяців тому

      Don't use the KJV it is a HORRIBLE translation.

    • @duxdawg
      @duxdawg 6 місяців тому

      The KJV has MANY inacuracies and mistranslations. Clear violations of Rev 22:18!!!

    • @edoardo_roncelli
      @edoardo_roncelli 6 місяців тому

      ​@@duxdawgRSV, NIV, ASV NKJV etc. are Devil's translations.

  • @DanielJohnson-ec8rk
    @DanielJohnson-ec8rk Рік тому +2

    The problem here he is comparing but using the KJV as the standard for being correct. Go back from the KJV to the Greek and use what came before the KJV

  • @chirho2642
    @chirho2642 Рік тому +9

    Love the word of God. King James bible reader ONLY here. God bless brother Hovind.

    • @davidward3991
      @davidward3991 11 місяців тому

      You do know that the KJV was not translated out of Hebrew, Aramaic for the Old Testament and Greek for the New Testament. It used the Latin Vulgate and that is were Lucifer came out of. Lux Ferro meaning light mover.

    • @chirho2642
      @chirho2642 11 місяців тому

      Love the word of God. King James ONLY here. God bless brother Hovind.@@davidward3991

    • @ntkmw8058
      @ntkmw8058 9 місяців тому

      @@davidward3991then why does it have the verses that are missing from the versions made from the Latin vulgate?

    • @duxdawg
      @duxdawg 6 місяців тому

      Don't use the KJV. It is a HORRIBLE translation.

    • @chirho2642
      @chirho2642 6 місяців тому

      Wow. You have such a HORRIBLE spirit 😳@@duxdawg

  • @Gimo76
    @Gimo76 Рік тому +12

    During my years of ministry I had collected about 30 Bibles all older than 1950 and found them intriguing. My favorite has always been the KJV. Just a few years ago I read Genesis 1 again and realized I just skimmed over it because we all know the creation story but I was shown something amazing. It said that Go created the sun moon n stars n set them in the firmament. I never paid attention to the word firmament so I did as I always do and started my study and research. By the time I finished my research I heard this still quiet voice telling me …. You are making it to complicated. Instead ask two questions . According to the Word of God does the sun move? According to the Word of God does the earth move? I laughed and said …You always make it simple thank You Lord.

    • @padenvan
      @padenvan Рік тому

      The Earth is a sphere

    • @Gimo76
      @Gimo76 Рік тому

      @@padenvan you didn’t look up the verses. Here are about half of what I already found. Believe what your eyes see.
      Eccl 1 1:5. The sun also ariseth and the sun goes down an hasteth to his place where he arose.
      15:12: ” and when the sun was going down “
      15:17: ” when the sun went down “
      19:23: “The sun was risen upon the earth.”
      28:11: ” because the sun was set. “
      32:31: ” the sun rose. ”
      17:12: ” until the going down of the sun. “
      22:3: ” if the sun be risen upon him. “
      22:26…. ” the sun goeth down. ”
      Leviticus 22:7: ” And when the sun is down. ”
      Numbers 2:3:.. ” toward the rising of the sun. ”
      11:30: ” the way where the sun goeth down. “
      16:6:. ” at the going down of the sun. “
      23:11: ” when the sun is down. “
      24:13: ” when the sun goeth down. “
      24:15: ” neither shall the sun go down. ”
      1:4: ” the going down of the sun. “
      8:29… ” as soon as the sun was down. “
      10:12.. ” Sun, stand thou still upon Gibeon. “
      10:13.. ” and the sun stood still. “
      10:27.. ” the time of the going down of the sun. “
      12:1…. ” toward the rising of the sun. ”

    • @padenvan
      @padenvan Рік тому +1

      @@Gimo76 all of these verses work equally well in a model where the Earth is a sphere. Much of the Bible is written poetically, which is why it’s so beautiful to read. To deny the obvious truth of natural revelation is to deny the glory of God’s Creation. With so much evidence of the Earth being round, your denial implicates God as a trickster who would create false evidence into tricking us that it’s spherical. My God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, is not a trickster. Your belief of the nature of God is heresy, and believing the world is flat is blasphemous and heretical. I implore you to rethink why you really believe this, and pray for the mercy of the Lord.

    • @Gimo76
      @Gimo76 Рік тому

      @@padenvan if you want to spiritualize away the Bible that is your choice. I didn’t just one day say the earth is flat. It took years of research. There is a documentary that took 7 yrs to finish they went and checked the level of the water and found it all flat. I saw that in 2018. It is from Brazil and of course that would never be run by our media. Operation Fishbowl where they tried to nuke the dome. Operation Highjump where Adm Byrd flew a plane over the ice wall surrounding us and found more land. Capt Cook who first found the ice wall followed it looking for an inlet and never found one in 60,000 miles. The failures in the late 1600’s where 6 different groups of people could not measure how fast the earth was going. You have no idea of who I am yet out of ignorance you will call me a heretic. Right now HAARP is using the dome to triangulate the weather and have it hit where they want and they are causing floods, fires and a bunch of other disasters. But how could they cause this without a dome to target off of. In most of my getting scriptures for a topic the most I might get that are on the same topic is about two pages in my journal. I have found 7 pages of scriptures about our earth. So if you want to believe the lies of NASA that is your choice. I believe the word of God. Oh n wait till you see the holograms of Jesus that they will use the dome like a TV screen. Get ready it is coming faster than we can imagine.

    • @Delphius-
      @Delphius- Рік тому

      Take the log out of your eye. The same argument can be made against you. Your indoctrination and narcissism is showing.

  • @christina166
    @christina166 Рік тому +1

    We don’t force other language groups to use a language they don’t understand why not have an English version that is readily understood. King James commissioned the Bible to be in the language of the people, a language that has changed a lot since Shakespeare’s time when it was written.

  • @conradstevens2806
    @conradstevens2806 6 років тому +14

    What scripture says to only use the KJV?

    • @calebforbes7855
      @calebforbes7855 6 років тому

      True that.

    • @annafebland4460
      @annafebland4460 5 років тому +3

      Conrad Stevens what scripture says to use the NIV or any other version?

    • @roddumlauf9241
      @roddumlauf9241 5 років тому +1

      @@annafebland4460 Correct, Anna, use any of the major translations in English and you will do fine. Another Question: What Scripture text tells us which books should be in the Bible ? We just have to trust that the Catholics and Orthodox got it right because they are the ones who gave us the canon of Scripture.

    • @annafebland4460
      @annafebland4460 5 років тому

      Rodd Umlauf it all depends on personal beliefs. In the same way Christians trust the apostles, and in the same way Muslims trust Muhammed. It depends on who each Christian trusts.

    • @JasonX00
      @JasonX00 5 років тому +8

      The Holy Spirit will guide you to the truth.

  • @johnnyvans_77
    @johnnyvans_77 2 місяці тому +5

    i believe that God use english language now to spread his word to the whole world kjv is the pure word of God🔥✝️

    • @YoungAstronomicalReaserc-zf8zy
      @YoungAstronomicalReaserc-zf8zy Місяць тому

      wut? God has no language, he speaks to all through the Holy Spirit.

    • @johnnyvans_77
      @johnnyvans_77 Місяць тому +1

      @@YoungAstronomicalReaserc-zf8zy not all bible translations are correct I am a Filipino but my tagalog bible is corrupted so God guided me to read the kjv bible Jesus say preach the gospel not a translate

    • @johnnyvans_77
      @johnnyvans_77 Місяць тому

      @@YoungAstronomicalReaserc-zf8zy not all bible translations are correct I am a Filipino but my tagalog bible is corrupted so God guided me to read the kjv bible. Jesus say preach the gospel not to translate and you know the English is universal language and i believe that God use now english language every races is the english is second language.

    • @YoungAstronomicalReaserc-zf8zy
      @YoungAstronomicalReaserc-zf8zy Місяць тому

      @@johnnyvans_77 I'm sorry, but "second language"? Not at all. English is spoken as a main, or second language in western nations with american influences, such as your philippines. Literally every other nation doesn't.

    • @johnnyvans_77
      @johnnyvans_77 Місяць тому +1

      @@YoungAstronomicalReaserc-zf8zy english is universal language.

  • @JimDoubleYa
    @JimDoubleYa Рік тому +2

    I truly love the KJV, but this argument is a gross over simplification of a complex topic and there are so many things he said that are flat out untrue. I want to believe this man is a brother and has good intent, but what he’s saying is only partial truth at best. If you’re interested in a respectful opposing view I recommend reading, “The King James Version Debate: A Plea for Realism,” by D.A. Carson. Also, James White is a wonderful conservative scholar on this subject. There is also a book called, “How We Get Our English Bible,” by Robert Picirilli . Please read from every angle and especially from theologically conservative Hebrew and Greek Biblical scholarship.

  • @bigsidrealprisontalk9173
    @bigsidrealprisontalk9173 3 роки тому +26

    KJV is the Best!!

    • @duxdawg
      @duxdawg 6 місяців тому +1

      FALSE! Don't use the KJV. It is a HORRIBLE translation. Many errors. Many missing verses. Very bad.

    • @raymondgloba6461
      @raymondgloba6461 3 місяці тому

      Fitting like a glove! Not just horrible, but edited by a high ranking freemason which led to crass distortion of some key verses and even insult towards the Lord. The Geneva translation is one of the best, and the principal key versionn the kjv project relied on as paragon for its compilation

  • @hangryturtle9006
    @hangryturtle9006 Рік тому +5

    I know this much, I was a christian for over 10 years, reading the NIV and the NLT, and I was given a 1611 KJV. After getting used to reading it, I was so convicted, and now, having been a Christian for 23 years, my KJV Bible still convicts me, challenges me, and makes me afraid for my soul in a serious way. Those other translations just never had that kind of profound affect on me. Just my 2 cents.

    • @Tim_Wiebe
      @Tim_Wiebe Рік тому

      I doubt that very much

    • @Tim_Wiebe
      @Tim_Wiebe Рік тому

      I can’t stand the KJV

    • @oriraykai3610
      @oriraykai3610 Рік тому

      "afraid for my soul in a serious way"? Yikes.

    • @hangryturtle9006
      @hangryturtle9006 Рік тому

      @@oriraykai3610 yes. I realize how much sin I do have living in me; ego, lust, selfishness, greed, and I have a looong way to go to be like Jesus

    • @SpaceCadet4Jesus
      @SpaceCadet4Jesus Рік тому

      I seriously doubt you were given the 1611 version of the KJV. I don't think it's even in distribution print, nor could you afford it.
      Evidently the scholars of 1611 thought it had so many errors, based on a translation by Tyndale, that it was revised 4 more times. Nor are you using the other KJV of 1629, 1638, 1762 versions.
      Plenty of scholarship since the 1700's has proven and shown the inaccuracy and limited knowledge of the translators of the KJV, which version was heavily redacted.
      Much more reasonable that you are using the KJV 1769.

  • @bonnielucas3244
    @bonnielucas3244 Рік тому +1

    After some troubling discoveries at a King James only church recently, I am not going to be militant about it. I definitely use it more than any other version, but I am not going to apologize for looking at some newer, painstakingly produced versions from time to time.

    • @duxdawg
      @duxdawg 6 місяців тому

      Don't use the KJV. It is a HORRIBLE translation.

  • @simonhuffa9885
    @simonhuffa9885 Рік тому +11

    I have never come Accross such interesting teaching. Never noticed missing verses in my niv. Bit like a street directory with streets missing that actually exist. Thankyou

    • @glorifythyname7777
      @glorifythyname7777 4 місяці тому

      Pastor Mike Hoggard has an excellent series on the King James 😇