Hi there, I am a bit confused as to why the angle for the weight was 30 and not 60? Doesn't the component of the weight in the moment equation have to be perpendicular to the beam?
It is, cos30 makes it perpendicular to the beam. It helps if you draw a line perpendicular to the beam on top of where the force is applied, instead of thinking it from the first angle. It's easier to see there that the distance between that line you just drew and the weight is 30deg using trig.
Why in the A we have 2 reaction forces?One of them is on the below?A have just horizontal reaction force?
Hi there, I am a bit confused as to why the angle for the weight was 30 and not 60? Doesn't the component of the weight in the moment equation have to be perpendicular to the beam?
It is, cos30 makes it perpendicular to the beam. It helps if you draw a line perpendicular to the beam on top of where the force is applied, instead of thinking it from the first angle. It's easier to see there that the distance between that line you just drew and the weight is 30deg using trig.
a bit confusing since we didn't immediately do mass*9.81, but still works out nicely. nice work bb
Thanks ♥️
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