Mario Ancona - A tanto amor - La Favorita - Donizetti

  • Опубліковано 10 вер 2024
  • Mario Ancona (1860 - 1931) was one of the most beautiful baritone voices in history. Once again we hear perfectly balanced vocal registration, clear vowels, balanced chiaroscuro, and very little constriction. The role of Silvio from Leoncavallo's Pagliacci was written for him. This is a true bel canto voice based on the true bel canto principles of balanced vocal registration. Enjoy!


  • @BookofNote
    @BookofNote 10 місяців тому +1

    An excellent rare combination of technique and delivery, so rarely found.

  • @UncleNathan
    @UncleNathan 13 років тому +3

    Gorgeous singing, completely without stress or strain., and with a beautiful sense of repose. Only Battistini's recording comes close to this. And will someone please slap the person who clicked "dislike"??!!!

  • @numetutelare
    @numetutelare 7 років тому +4

    Che fluidità e morbidezza di suono, e che respirazione da manuale.... perfetto!

  • @legatofancier
    @legatofancier 14 років тому +1

    One of the most elegant baritones that it has ever been my pleasure to hear. If there is anyone singing like this in the early 21st century, than I am not aware of them.

  • @pietrodi1
    @pietrodi1 10 років тому +4

    di tutte le meraviglie che l'opera ci ha offerto e ci offre ancora oggi si può dire che la scuola dei baritoni italiani dall' 800 fino alla prima metà del '900 sia, forse, la più fulgida? difficile scegliere tra tanto ben di Dio, e poi perché dovremmo? Qui ci si abbandona ad un canto paradisiaco dove la classe e la signorilità del cantante emergono sovrane... grazie per il post e la condivisione!

  • @CurzonRoad
    @CurzonRoad 14 років тому +2

    Thank you! Years ago this version was my introduction to 'A tanto amor' and it remains a true favorite!

  • @carlissima28
    @carlissima28 16 років тому +1

    what a beautiful voice! so elegant, too.

  • @giuseppinascapparone5912
    @giuseppinascapparone5912 4 роки тому +1


  • @bodiloto
    @bodiloto 9 років тому +2

    magnifico .

  • @MrGer2295
    @MrGer2295 13 років тому

    It is known that the family of Mario was very musical, his father played the double bass. Mario, who initially planned to be a lawyer, and even began working as a diplomat, at the same time studied the art of singing, first in his hometown of Livorno, and after - in Milan (Milan). Soon his voice (baritone) scored the necessary power and beauty, and Mario Ancona eventually learned how one of the greatest Italian opera baritone.
    Molto Bello!!! Thank you for sharing this video.

  • @hashatz
    @hashatz 8 років тому

    So much has already been said, I need only add a heartfelt Amen.

  • @SilverSingingMethod
    @SilverSingingMethod  14 років тому +2

    @seektheforce Any constriction is bad and the greatest singers had the least amount of it. He doesn't have much at all which is amazing.

  • @purisermonisamator
    @purisermonisamator 2 роки тому

    Я думаю, что Анкона - баритон для знатоков. Почему? Он не является фено

    • @purisermonisamator
      @purisermonisamator 2 роки тому

      Он не является обладателем феноменального голоса, как Руффо, не имеет столь неповторимого тембра, как Батьистини или Страччари, но он с удивительным мастерством и отточенностью делает исполнение эталонным, не допуская ни единого промаха, ни малейшей неряшливости, "Вот как надо петь эту арию!"- словно говорит он и " A tanto amor", и в "Eri tu" - вообще везде. Его средства наброски, его вкус идеален. Чтобы это оценить, нужен опыт слушателя.

    • @purisermonisamator
      @purisermonisamator 2 роки тому +1

      Разумеется, "Баттистини".