And Julia was there talking out supporting the girls and the main mad who was bringing ut to the publics attention? Oh no she was not was she. Happy to throw TR under the bus
Julia , you’ve just simplified what so many of us have been thinking but couldn’t quite put into words. We’ve been groomed, gaslit, and trapped in a coercive, controlling relationship with a government that exploits and endangers us while silencing any dissent. Every time we advocate for something, they do the exact opposite. It’s beyond frustrating, it’s a deliberate strategy. Enough is enough. It’s time for real change. What a fantastic episode . I feel a movement, just not sure who heading it yet.
A question for all women, especially those with a liberal worldview: is your enemy the one who restricts some reproductive rights or the one who enables mass rapes with lenient sentences for perpetrators, even without deportation? Time to decide whose side you are on...
Absolutely agree that Julia is so honest and expressive of how so many feel. I’m a retired headteacher and I was involved in a few cases is child neglect ( fortunately not abuse) and I can’t express the frustration at the whole process of removing children from potential harm. At a multi professional meeting I’ve seen a male social worker crying , a police officer frustrated and myself distraught. The chairman in one incident said parents should ensure that drugs were kept out of reach of the children!! It beggared belief 30 years ago . Recently I’ve been horrified about the grooming gangs but not surprised by how it was handled by different agencies
Is it that? I really don't think it is it's much more calculated and drilled than that. Why is every country in the west all opening up their borders wide open and encouraging migrant flows? Than set up in hotels and eventually social housing. Phones, clothes and money, £1000 towards driving lessons. No, this is a whole scale implementation of some project. How do I know this? Because it's happening to every country in the west at the same time. Question is why? Why is it all these investigative journalists, UA-camrs, sub stack investigators are clearly unable to find out the real motive?
Tommy Robinson at great personal cost, kept the issue alive. He's the reason influential voices like Elon Musk and Jordan Peterson know about the gangs.
Meanwhile, Leftist media like Triggernometry and Piers Morgan STILL refuse to give that hero his credit for being the only one with the courage to speak up for those girls. Neither Triggernometry, nor Piers Morgan have the courage to even talk to Tommy Robinson about what he's been through for merely mentioning what's been going on since it started. Congrats to this Julia and Triggernometry for FINALLY acknowledging in 2025 that it's possible there's a problem.
@@Alan-l8g5o Law and order didn't stand down, the police worked with the gangs for decades to facilitate. The gangs and the police (i.e. the UK government) were partners-in-crime
Paris. A 14 year old boy stabbed to death for his telephone. The 2 killers were free, waiting to know their sentence from past violent acts (here, between the moment when you are presented to justice and the moment of the sentence, you have 8 months, if you are a minor). The police knew them, the local mayor knew them, they were known for violence. They were free , but... being "followed " with "talking groups" and this kind of BS paid with our taxes. And the program was a "success" according to the local mayor! In the meanwhile, they killed the boy, a Saturday, he was leaving his football training. Well, the city of Paris launched a campaign with leaflets explaining that knives are dangerous. What's next? Hammers are dangerous? No more forks?
Actually these kinds of grooming gang issue is there in Pakistan as well.. last year over 1000 non Muslim teenage girls have been reported to have been abused.. therefore, it is a cultural problem in Pakistan itself.
This seems to be a tribal cultural Pakistani and Pashtun issue (which is also why the Taliban are the way they are.) they are also known for abusing boys as well so I think there’s some strange thing going on of repeating the cycle of trauma or thinking they place all their guilt on the child victims and they are still in their minds honorable.
Not importing this pervasive cultural problem would be a good start. Firing those in power who gaslight us about the benefits of multiculturalism would be even better.
Well if UK gets them in the name of multiculturalism, they will inherit the problems and they have to solve that somehow @@iDGAFF-1. U cant add black pepper to icecream and expect the icteam to taste nice.. if u have added black pepper, then u should remove black pepper
It's not incompetence. These government workers are malicious towards their constituents, and the lack of imagination to envision how truly evil they are will inevitably be paid by more innocent people. where is "genocide whatch" and all the so called global do gooders.. ..nowhere to be found as usual... ...the correct victims weren't victimized..
As much as I would like to agree with Julia. She behaves in the exact same way towards Tommy Robinson that she denounces the MSM elites for. Can we not please forget Tommy is the only voice that has been highlighting these issues consistently for over 20 years.
Well said . She comes across as a snobby liberal who keeps talking about being a member of the free speech union but only if it’s her free speech and not Tommy’s speech.
But you don't understand she's classless and democracy doesn't mean you always get what you want. It's just a lack of good examples, and tommy's a bad example as he's not classy.
@@Romdormeryou’ll find a few ugly ones spoke about it but they were treated the same way as female MP Anne Cryer and the Maggie the ex cop, ignored belittled and hounded out of office. Just a normal day for the women who stand up to this shit. Maybe if some people paid attention 15 years ago……….
Are these the same authorities that spent years persecuting and imprisoning the man who kept trying to expose that they were doing nothing about this? They did worse than nothing. They intentionally maintained an environment where it could keep happening, and silenced dissent so no one could get help.
Julia is pretending this was a failure and a mistake. It was NOT a mistake. The authorities and the gangs worked as partners to achieve this genocidal goal.
I love you Julia. And agree with you on a lot, but please reassess your view of Tommy. He is the first to admit he's not perfect and has made mistakes, but he is a force for good. We need the strong voices that are on the side of the west to unite ! 💪❤️
Julia reflects what I feel. I suspect she reflects what thousands if not millions of people feel too. Thank goodness we’re still able to hear these discussions here on this platform while public service broadcasting 🤡such as the BBC wouldn’t touch this with a barge pole.
I was living in England from 2007-2013 and NEVER heard about the grooming gangs on the news. Not one outlet ever covered any part of it. I didn’t know about them until last year when I came across Tommy Robinson and his stand against them. 25:42 I stand by Tommy and as I see it, I believe him to be the one who exposed the crimes and the corruption. He took a stand against them and put his reputation and safety on the line to bring it to light, not some reporter sat behind a desk.
It's easy for Julia to sound off from her ivory tower, never having had to live with this. She doesn't have to walk around neighbourhoods where grooming, drugs, and violence is on display. KK is the same. They're good people, but they have no idea - except from an intellectual standpoint.
PLEASE interview Raja Miha. He speaks eloquently and with authority. He is 2nd generation British Muslim and has been persecuted for his revelations of the truth in Oldham.
Konstantin, " I can't reconcile this with the fact that.... when I meet politicians...the reason they got into politics..they are well intentioned, and they really want to help, they really want to make things better, I can't reconcile that with this...(the grooming)". It's actually quite simple - the problem doe not lie in the intentions, the intelligence, the competence, but in the order of people's values. The "belief system" - the value hierarchy. That is literally the difference between Cain and Abel - success and failure, Heaven and Hell - will you pay the price....or not? The quality of your life and its contents depends on what you are prepared to pay.
Well intentioned? And he believes them? What a brainlet. Then again, it might be better to ask, _what_ or _who_ do they want to 'help'? In what way, and for whom, do they want to make things 'better'? What are their REAL motives, intentions, and goals? Who do they really serve?
6:00 Carl Benjamin did a great video on the differences between two strands of governance that can explain what we're living though. It goes all the way back to Plato and Aristotle and their differing views of the city state. Your rulers have an idea and that idea must succeed, no matter what. In the UK, your rulers decided that multiculturalism is your strength and any evidence to the contrary will be hidden and locked away. There is actually no amount of young girls that will be groomed and destroyed that will deter them from their stance. They're much like communists in that regard. The State cannot be wrong.
On the right track. When they say that "Diversity is our strength," they're not lying. Only makes sense when you grasp that the rulers see themselves as a separate and distinct class, with no relation whatsoever to the ruled. _Our_ strength - not _yours,_ peasant. Same thing when they say _our_ democracy. It's theirs, not yours, pleb.
I don’t remember Julia talking about grooming gangs 15 years ago. She’s a snob sneering at Tommy Robinson because of his accent and not wanting to be seen to agreeing with someone working class.
Tommy may not have been the first journalist to bring 'diversity' issues to the fore but he sure persisted above and beyond, which is why he is a folk hero. And he is the only reason I have known about many of the UKs problems from out here in Australia. The way he is treated with disdain by ALL spheres is beyond belief. Even Reform are despicable in not acquainting themselves with facts of his history and instead lazily prefer the propaganda media messaging as if they are grovelling for the idiot media to like them.
You bring an excellent point about renewable energy. Humanity is not at the point where renewable energy can be relied upon by the common man. Investing in developments in renewable energy is good. Switching to renewable energy and forcing other countries to switch is unfeasible and dangerous in the present.
To say our authorities failed is to assume their aims were the same as ours. If their aim is to get as many potential Labour voters into the country and keep them happy at any cost then job done.
As an American, he was the first red pill moment for me. He was standing in front of a court telling the truth that I could not believe- “oh sure, I thought he is lying.”. He was arrested on the spot. I thought: this can’t be true I know he’s lying, but then I did just a little digging and I found out that what he was saying was TRUE. It was the truth. This story should have been a front page story in the USA. But our news buried the story. No more of this. Change this forever. Stop this from ever happening again.
It sits in my craw and makes me so MAD! Why are they so scared to give Tommy any credit!!? If they are still 'afraid' of Tommy's so called 'taint' then, deep down, they are exposing their lingering anti working class bias!! Its like they just can't get over the finish line! I find it maddening and can't help losing respect for people who I mainly agree with. So fn irritating!!!
The correct diagnosis of the problem is critical, and then the willingness to put one’s own self on the line to see the truthful solution implemented. Truth, discernment and bravery. Necessary.
@@GjVj She sold her soul for the lifestyle. Not a godly thing to do. Selling your soul has no place in religious belief. If you think it has, then please explain.
@ Ah! That depends entirely on the religious belief in question, and the god (or gods) one worships, doesn't it? Correct me if I'm wrong, but you sound like you're approaching this from a Christian perspective. Well, whatever else she is, Esther ISN'T.
@@stegwiseyou mean the Labour/Muslim run boroughs, police, health services, civil service, judiciary, media & the Tories but how dare you blame the rest of us, being cancelled, even imprisoned. Ppl still in prison for showing their disgust as you type out your nonsense. Shame on them too? Shame on you.
She’s totally wrong about Trump. Trump actually loves his country and is trying to preserve its once core values. No potential UK leader gives 2 shits about the future of their country.
He's a plant. Look at his 500 billion dollar investment into mRNA technology. That's covid vax tech. Hmm... And how much return do you think those investors expect? Sounds like their getting ready for the next pandemic. 🤔
With only a few exceptions; it’s a ‘career’ ! They do not want to rock the boat; just slither as high up as they can ! Facing any real problems is not their speciality 😡
Agree with much of what JHB has to say but can’t get my head around her views on TR. She rolls her eyes at the Left who label everyone far right without justification then labels TR far right without justification (on her own show) and sneers at his sacrifices to expose all the things she is also angry about. Clearly a clever woman but with a huge blind spot. What they are doing to TR is a crime in itself and JHB should be reporting on this!
Why don't Politicians offer clear opportunity cost options for example; a) Spend £8million a day on housing illegal immigrants and migrants. Or, b) Spend £8million a day giving 32 houses away 'FREE' to young British people who want to start a family. ( That's 32 homes every day the government uses taxpayer contributions). Let the people vote on that proposal and deliver it.
She probably deep down agrees with him ,but to come out and say it would cost her a lucrative career. So in that respect that makes her no better than the so called "public servants" who either stayed silent or buried the ripe grooming gangs scandal to protect their careers!
Mahyar Tousi has done a YT exposé on Labour and Blair and links to this issue and the links to Fabian Society, Very interesting information going back to 50s to present all makes sense and address the Elephant in the room..
Twenty-three minutes in and Ms Hartley-Brewer is in form as always. I haven't seen her in years! I just want to thank you for not bombarding us with advertisements like you did a year or so ago. I unsubscribed and deleted your bookmark back then, but I just subscribed again, to be another one in a million.
Come on, KK, you can say his name... T, T, T (stuttering), Tommy Robinson. He's admitted his past. But he really has done a great deal of good, too. Like you all pondered, "Why can people so clever, not see?"
To hold the sentiment "I care about little girls being exploited and hurt" is totally different from actually caring, taking actual action to protect them. So if the government didn't take action, didn't literally take care, then what matter whether they felt care and concern. It's immoral to take not action. Government officials who knew, who had power to make do something about it, law enforcement who knew, truly did not care. Caring is an action word, not just some namby-pamby sentiment to be felt and not acted upon.
Almost every time, something being true is exactly why they want it silenced. I thought about this the other day. Of all the things that they have tried to censor (I'm in America) as misinformation in the past eight years.... Off the top of my head I can't think of one thing they tried to censor that didn't turn out to be true.pretty stunning record.
Don't forget that the UK government didn't proscribe "Hizb ut-Tahrir Britain" (established in the UK in the 1980s), until January 2024! Despite them already being proscribed in other countries, including musIim countries!
Not everyone is a genuine Gryffindor. In fact, the few that will literally put themselves in harms way in order to do the right thing are exactly that. Few. We need to rally behind those people and make sure no harm comes to them. And by harm I mean literally and figuratively. No cancellation, no removal and no losing their jobs. If we are not brave enough to do anything ourselves, then we can at least anonymously back up those who are. People aren't even do that at the moment ...
So far as Gen Z and democracy are concerned, demograpics cannot be ignored. What proportion of young people in UK cine from a heritage that, by definition, does not believe in democracy?/
JhB need to get your facts right, Tommy Robinson whom you obviously don't like, was reporting about Muslim gangs in 2009, Maggie Oliver 2012 just as she was getting near retiring age ?????????????
@@delver1857 good try but unfortunately everyone knows the truth, he asked the convicted how they felt about THE VERDICT the clue is in the question, they were already found guilty so how exactly do you collapse a trial that has concluded? it makes you wonder why white Leftists are so desperate to cover for child rape gangs, I know it goes against your ideology but I'm sure you can find a better quest to follow
In the words of Kyle's mom from South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut, "Horrible, deplorable violence is okay as long as no one uses any dirty words." I feel like this is the UK's current governing model.
Lots of people were highlighting the grooming gang problem including MP Ann Cryer from around 2005. But talking down TR contribution is ill informed . Times exposures only started in 2011 and Maggie Oliver was only able to raise the issue on a national scale in 2012 after resigning from Police whereas TR activism focussed on this issue from 2008-2009. TR left EDL in 2013 and worked effectively with the Moslem led Quilliam Foundation with considerable national effect raising this issue.
D'you think the Southport Stabber has got any non crime hate incidents on his file for all the stuff he did before the attack? And wasn't the first Times article that "exposed" the grooming gangs written in 2011? Because the EDL started in 2009.
It's always about 'words' and 'definitions' Julia because we are 'led' by lawyers and solicitors. They don't get out of bed until everything is interpreted or defined. Actual 'action' is the last thing on their minds. Their lives are spent in metaphorical court rooms where a simple conundrum can take months to unravel. The legend tells us that King Arthur will rise again when England is in most need of his services. Now is the time Arthur - nows your time.
There are thousands of towns & cities in the uk it's not just happening in England. I think more than 50 towns were/are involved. This can no longer be hidden.
Does the wonderful Maggie who gave up her career lose her house her businesses her liberty her marriage and have her name dragged through the mud and her family dragged into it
Majority of Americans realised that it is more logical to vote for a patriotic narcissist than to vote for a non patriotic narcissist to get them out of the dark hole they were falling into.
Not really? Unless you’re just changing definitions (which has been popular in recent years): hate intransitive verb To feel strong dislike for or hostility toward. "rivals who hate each other."
Yeah, definitions have been changed alright. You see someone injured on the side of the road you intensely dislike, but you help them and get them to a hospital. Someone else, indifferent walks past and does nothing - which one is the hater? (You might have heard this story before)
No, dude. You're confusing hate and indifference. Words actually mean things - that's why we created them. By the by, read the poem "The Beginnings" by Kipling. You may know it as - when the English began to hate.
@tim2muntu954 no, they're emotions. How you feel. Of course words can change meaning; gay used to mean 'overtly happy'. The way we describe emotions hasn't changed in millenia - because we feel the same emotions that our ancestors felt. A huge amount of literature and poetry is dedicated to it.
How do you feel about the current state of the UK?
Globalist nightmare
I’m so incredibly frightened for the direction the government is taking the country! You are being led by a treasonous terrorist, Starmer!
*_There are no adequate words to describe the absolute state of my beloved country, sorry there isn't ..._*
It's burnt toast, sure we can scrape some off but it's not going to test right!
*_"Failed those girls" ? That's got to be the understatement of the century ..._*
They victim blamed them...
And Julia was there talking out supporting the girls and the main mad who was bringing ut to the publics attention? Oh no she was not was she. Happy to throw TR under the bus
Fail is when you try to do something and dont succeed. What is it called when you never even tried in the first place?
....I honestly think the UK's in a undeclared state of war...
Julia , you’ve just simplified what so many of us have been thinking but couldn’t quite put into words. We’ve been groomed, gaslit, and trapped in a coercive, controlling relationship with a government that exploits and endangers us while silencing any dissent. Every time we advocate for something, they do the exact opposite. It’s beyond frustrating, it’s a deliberate strategy. Enough is enough. It’s time for real change. What a fantastic episode . I feel a movement, just not sure who heading it yet.
Eloquently said ❤
Agreed. Perfect summary
A question for all women, especially those with a liberal worldview: is your enemy the one who restricts some reproductive rights or the one who enables mass rapes with lenient sentences for perpetrators, even without deportation? Time to decide whose side you are on...
Thank you for bringing Julia! One of the greatest voices of UK journalism ❤
Love her!
Love love her!
Absolutely agree that Julia is so honest and expressive of how so many feel. I’m a retired headteacher and I was involved in a few cases is child neglect ( fortunately not abuse) and I can’t express the frustration at the whole process of removing children from potential harm. At a multi professional meeting I’ve seen a male social worker crying , a police officer frustrated and myself distraught. The chairman in one incident said parents should ensure that drugs were kept out of reach of the children!! It beggared belief 30 years ago . Recently I’ve been horrified about the grooming gangs but not surprised by how it was handled by different agencies
Only a sick and wretched society would abandon its vulnerable children to the clutches of mid-evil monsters.
What Julia describes is suicidal empathy!
Is it that? I really don't think it is it's much more calculated and drilled than that. Why is every country in the west all opening up their borders wide open and encouraging migrant flows? Than set up in hotels and eventually social housing. Phones, clothes and money, £1000 towards driving lessons. No, this is a whole scale implementation of some project. How do I know this? Because it's happening to every country in the west at the same time. Question is why? Why is it all these investigative journalists, UA-camrs, sub stack investigators are clearly unable to find out the real motive?
As Gad Saad described and it will cause the fall ouf our society.
Tommy Robinson at great personal cost, kept the issue alive. He's the reason influential voices like Elon Musk and Jordan Peterson know about the gangs.
This is the “centrist” politics of this clown where he has fans who love Tommy Robinson
@@surendrasathappan8479 why you here then? I’m sure he appreciates your views and comments helping with the algorithm though 👏👏
Thank you.😢
Meanwhile, Leftist media like Triggernometry and Piers Morgan STILL refuse to give that hero his credit for being the only one with the courage to speak up for those girls.
Neither Triggernometry, nor Piers Morgan have the courage to even talk to Tommy Robinson about what he's been through for merely mentioning what's been going on since it started.
Congrats to this Julia and Triggernometry for FINALLY acknowledging in 2025 that it's possible there's a problem.
Tommy Robinson is the greatest Brit in a long long time.
I am. 90 yo. 14 years British navy. Problem is there is no fear of the consequences. Love from Canada.
So true!
@@pauleade6173 On the money ! It's almost like the forces of law and order have been intentionally stood dow?n
@@Alan-l8g5o Law and order didn't stand down, the police worked with the gangs for decades to facilitate.
The gangs and the police (i.e. the UK government) were partners-in-crime
JULIA!!! I’m so glad she is here!!!! 🎉❤❤
Endless good sense from Julia here, and very well expressed. She has reached all the same conclusions that I have reached over recent decades.
Paris. A 14 year old boy stabbed to death for his telephone. The 2 killers were free, waiting to know their sentence from past violent acts (here, between the moment when you are presented to justice and the moment of the sentence, you have 8 months, if you are a minor). The police knew them, the local mayor knew them, they were known for violence. They were free , but... being "followed " with "talking groups" and this kind of BS paid with our taxes. And the program was a "success" according to the local mayor!
In the meanwhile, they killed the boy, a Saturday, he was leaving his football training. Well, the city of Paris launched a campaign with leaflets explaining that knives are dangerous. What's next? Hammers are dangerous? No more forks?
Knife crime. The phenomenon of knives committing violent crime. JK
It’s not the knifes it’s the bloody cultures
Antiwhiteism is the culprit.
Definitely part of the mix.
Part of it but not totally. Evil, perverted men at every level are the culprits.
@@jameswhite7997 These men get nowhere without Antiwhiteism
Fantastic interview. Thanks a lot and cheers from Germany 🇩🇪🏴
Actually these kinds of grooming gang issue is there in Pakistan as well.. last year over 1000 non Muslim teenage girls have been reported to have been abused.. therefore, it is a cultural problem in Pakistan itself.
This seems to be a tribal cultural Pakistani and Pashtun issue (which is also why the Taliban are the way they are.) they are also known for abusing boys as well so I think there’s some strange thing going on of repeating the cycle of trauma or thinking they place all their guilt on the child victims and they are still in their minds honorable.
Not importing this pervasive cultural problem would be a good start. Firing those in power who gaslight us about the benefits of multiculturalism would be even better.
Thing is, even if that's true--and it likely is, it's still THEIR problem to sort out, not the UK's, or any other place for that matter.
Well if UK gets them in the name of multiculturalism, they will inherit the problems and they have to solve that somehow @@iDGAFF-1. U cant add black pepper to icecream and expect the icteam to taste nice.. if u have added black pepper, then u should remove black pepper
I agree that it is a cultural issue but there is also a religious overlap ,as they use parts of the religion to legitimise their actions.
Agree with Julia. They are so deep in ideology, they actually don't care about fate of lives who goes against their beliefs. It's evil.
The people who ignored and enabled this are evil. They are not misguided, nor ignorant. They are evil.
It's not incompetence. These government workers are malicious towards their constituents, and the lack of imagination to envision how truly evil they are will inevitably be paid by more innocent people. where is "genocide whatch" and all the so called global do gooders.. ..nowhere to be found as usual... ...the correct victims weren't victimized..
Big bloated left wing Civil Service that are not even accountable to democratically elected government ministers. Listen to Liz Truss' interviews.
Driven by GREEED!! 🖕😑
Bingo. So few seem to understand that, from the POV of the 'authorities', this was anything but a 'failure'.
As much as I would like to agree with Julia. She behaves in the exact same way towards Tommy Robinson that she denounces the MSM elites for. Can we not please forget Tommy is the only voice that has been highlighting these issues consistently for over 20 years.
Absolutely agree- she's older than him but I don't recall her fighting for those girls but Tommy did and before anyone else
Her, feminists caused this. They can solve it
Well said . She comes across as a snobby liberal who keeps talking about being a member of the free speech union but only if it’s her free speech and not Tommy’s speech.
But you don't understand she's classless and democracy doesn't mean you always get what you want. It's just a lack of good examples, and tommy's a bad example as he's not classy.
@@Nilnihithe class system is a large part of Britain's problem
Little working class girls.
Where are the Feminists ? Where have they been ?
The evidence is in.
Feminists are worthless and weak.
A bit too real and grubby for 'the activists'!
they love non wyt play doo piles and oos pl klick rr tism
@@Romdormeryou’ll find a few ugly ones spoke about it but they were treated the same way as female MP Anne Cryer and the Maggie the ex cop, ignored belittled and hounded out of office. Just a normal day for the women who stand up to this shit. Maybe if some people paid attention 15 years ago……….
They're literally everywhere all the time. Maybe didn't say a whole lot this time as intersectionality won't allow it to go against the minorities
Are these the same authorities that spent years persecuting and imprisoning the man who kept trying to expose that they were doing nothing about this?
They did worse than nothing.
They intentionally maintained an environment where it could keep happening, and silenced dissent so no one could get help.
I just LOVE how unapologetic Julia is! She’s absolutely amazing! Super knowledgeable and unafraid to call out all the dumb stuff and bullshit
Julia is pretending this was a failure and a mistake. It was NOT a mistake. The authorities and the gangs worked as partners to achieve this genocidal goal.
It isn't failure when it is on purpose.
Nailed it.
Yeah, pathetic Julia can't say this
Someone gets it. Well said, mate.
Well done Julia
Great podcast
I love you Julia. And agree with you on a lot, but please reassess your view of Tommy. He is the first to admit he's not perfect and has made mistakes, but he is a force for good. We need the strong voices that are on the side of the west to unite ! 💪❤️
Julia reflects what I feel. I suspect she reflects what thousands if not millions of people feel too. Thank goodness we’re still able to hear these discussions here on this platform while public service broadcasting 🤡such as the BBC wouldn’t touch this with a barge pole.
I think Julia is right on this: the issue is that England doesn't have any self-respect or a defined sense of self.
I was living in England from 2007-2013 and NEVER heard about the grooming gangs on the news. Not one outlet ever covered any part of it. I didn’t know about them until last year when I came across Tommy Robinson and his stand against them. 25:42 I stand by Tommy and as I see it, I believe him to be the one who exposed the crimes and the corruption. He took a stand against them and put his reputation and safety on the line to bring it to light, not some reporter sat behind a desk.
THANK you!!!
To be fair he didn't expose them. He only kept it in the face of all those corrupt bast**** for the last 14 years. Wonder why they hate him..!
It's easy for Julia to sound off from her ivory tower, never having had to live with this.
She doesn't have to walk around neighbourhoods where grooming, drugs, and violence is on display.
KK is the same.
They're good people, but they have no idea - except from an intellectual standpoint.
Tommy Robinson is in jail for exposing it.
Untrue. The times broke the story in 2011 I think.
PLEASE interview Raja Miha. He speaks eloquently and with authority. He is 2nd generation British Muslim and has been persecuted for his revelations of the truth in Oldham.
This just dropped
Konstantin, " I can't reconcile this with the fact that.... when I meet politicians...the reason they got into politics..they are well intentioned, and they really want to help, they really want to make things better, I can't reconcile that with this...(the grooming)".
It's actually quite simple - the problem doe not lie in the intentions, the intelligence, the competence, but in the order of people's values. The "belief system" - the value hierarchy. That is literally the difference between Cain and Abel - success and failure, Heaven and Hell - will you pay the price....or not? The quality of your life and its contents depends on what you are prepared to pay.
That's a profoundly true statement. Exactly right. And the challenge to each and every one of us.
Great response, excellent point.
Well intentioned? And he believes them? What a brainlet.
Then again, it might be better to ask, _what_ or _who_ do they want to 'help'? In what way, and for whom, do they want to make things 'better'? What are their REAL motives, intentions, and goals? Who do they really serve?
First time listening to this woman and she is brilliant.
Here in Mexico, the woke are spreading like cancer. It worries me.
6:00 Carl Benjamin did a great video on the differences between two strands of governance that can explain what we're living though. It goes all the way back to Plato and Aristotle and their differing views of the city state. Your rulers have an idea and that idea must succeed, no matter what. In the UK, your rulers decided that multiculturalism is your strength and any evidence to the contrary will be hidden and locked away. There is actually no amount of young girls that will be groomed and destroyed that will deter them from their stance. They're much like communists in that regard. The State cannot be wrong.
Thats a great response, many thanks for that.
On the right track. When they say that "Diversity is our strength," they're not lying. Only makes sense when you grasp that the rulers see themselves as a separate and distinct class, with no relation whatsoever to the ruled. _Our_ strength - not _yours,_ peasant. Same thing when they say _our_ democracy. It's theirs, not yours, pleb.
"All within the state. Nothing outside the state. Nothing against the state".
no they don't care, the establishment willingly sacrifice the working class for their goals
The goals being browns colonizing the whites
Anger, frustration, cynicism, alienated, - a feeling of being ignored, subjugated and disempowered.
I don’t remember Julia talking about grooming gangs 15 years ago. She’s a snob sneering at Tommy Robinson because of his accent and not wanting to be seen to agreeing with someone working class.
My thoughts exactly. She's an elitist snob. She'd be very happy to Tommy to be in prison.
Tommy may not have been the first journalist to bring 'diversity' issues to the fore but he sure persisted above and beyond, which is why he is a folk hero. And he is the only reason I have known about many of the UKs problems from out here in Australia. The way he is treated with disdain by ALL spheres is beyond belief. Even Reform are despicable in not acquainting themselves with facts of his history and instead lazily prefer the propaganda media messaging as if they are grovelling for the idiot media to like them.
You bring an excellent point about renewable energy. Humanity is not at the point where renewable energy can be relied upon by the common man. Investing in developments in renewable energy is good. Switching to renewable energy and forcing other countries to switch is unfeasible and dangerous in the present.
The thing is, it's never renewable - or for as long as the materials used to create the things that capture that energy are not renewable.
Did Julia not support Tommy so she could go to dinner parties?
She didn't support him because he's a woman beating racist
The journalists didn’t do their jobs either
And yet they care now!
The journalists were in on it
Yes they did. And you mis-spelled 'propagandists'.
Can we all remember which brave souls put their lives and their families lives on the line to speak out
can't say his name though actually
@@stegwise Did Julia ever support him when he was almost the only person highlighting it?
Love Julia.
To say our authorities failed is to assume their aims were the same as ours. If their aim is to get as many potential Labour voters into the country and keep them happy at any cost then job done.
As an American, he was the first red pill moment for me. He was standing in front of a court telling the truth that I could not believe- “oh sure, I thought he is lying.”. He was arrested on the spot. I thought: this can’t be true I know he’s lying, but then I did just a little digging and I found out that what he was saying was TRUE. It was the truth. This story should have been a front page story in the USA. But our news buried the story.
No more of this. Change this forever. Stop this from ever happening again.
Yes!!! The brave man who never shut up about the rape gangs and who Julia lied about only the other week.
Absolutely, Tommy has been the only consistent voice highlighting these issues.
It sits in my craw and makes me so MAD! Why are they so scared to give Tommy any credit!!? If they are still 'afraid' of Tommy's so called 'taint' then, deep down, they are exposing their lingering anti working class bias!! Its like they just can't get over the finish line! I find it maddening and can't help losing respect for people who I mainly agree with. So fn irritating!!!
The correct diagnosis of the problem is critical, and then the willingness to put one’s own self on the line to see the truthful solution implemented. Truth, discernment and bravery. Necessary.
Raja Miah is on top of this one.
Heard him today. Top man.
Esther Rantzen knew what Saville was doing.
Didn't speak up.
It’s her religion
Esther Rantzen had nothing to do with religion.
@@markrymanowski719 Early Life check says otherwise.
She sold her soul for the lifestyle. Not a godly thing to do. Selling your soul has no place in religious belief.
If you think it has, then please explain.
@ Ah! That depends entirely on the religious belief in question, and the god (or gods) one worships, doesn't it? Correct me if I'm wrong, but you sound like you're approaching this from a Christian perspective. Well, whatever else she is, Esther ISN'T.
Lock down policy changed my whole perspective on politics and MSM.
Great discussion! Keep up the good work.
Hold the people involved to account!!!!
the people involved are the entire nation of English men and women who didn't put a stop to it because you all knew.
@@stegwise The people involved were the so called 'experts' who's job it was to protect these girls
@@stegwise Yeah not the men doing it
@ THOSE in particular but also the wise monkeys who should have kept those girls safe!
@@stegwiseyou mean the Labour/Muslim run boroughs, police, health services, civil service, judiciary, media & the Tories but how dare you blame the rest of us, being cancelled, even imprisoned. Ppl still in prison for showing their disgust as you type out your nonsense. Shame on them too? Shame on you.
She’s totally wrong about Trump. Trump actually loves his country and is trying to preserve its once core values. No potential UK leader gives 2 shits about the future of their country.
I think Rupert Lowe, Ben Habib and Matt Goodwin do
He's a plant.
Look at his 500 billion dollar investment into mRNA technology.
That's covid vax tech.
And how much return do you think those investors expect?
Sounds like their getting ready for the next pandemic. 🤔
With only a few exceptions; it’s a ‘career’ ! They do not want to rock the boat; just slither as high up as they can ! Facing any real problems is not their speciality 😡
Strong truthful woman! Love her strong principled positions
Agree with much of what JHB has to say but can’t get my head around her views on TR. She rolls her eyes at the Left who label everyone far right without justification then labels TR far right without justification (on her own show) and sneers at his sacrifices to expose all the things she is also angry about. Clearly a clever woman but with a huge blind spot. What they are doing to TR is a crime in itself and JHB should be reporting on this!
Can never get enough of Julia Hartley Brewer
Julia Hartley-Brewer is Britain's Megyn Kelly, and I'm loving it!
Yes. Thank you for stand up Julia!
Why don't Politicians offer clear opportunity cost options for example;
a) Spend £8million a day on housing illegal immigrants and migrants.
b) Spend £8million a day giving 32 houses away 'FREE' to young British people who want to start a family. ( That's 32 homes every day the government uses taxpayer contributions).
Let the people vote on that proposal and deliver it.
You know why
they already give away hundreds of millions on single mothers so they can stay home and have more kids
It's not faliure it's COMPLICITY wake up Britons
Everything Julia said was correct so why is she so against Tommy Robinson. Is it because she's ordered to lie about him ?
She probably deep down agrees with him ,but to come out and say it would cost her a lucrative career. So in that respect that makes her no better than the so called "public servants" who either stayed silent or buried the ripe grooming gangs scandal to protect their careers!
Good question. Gatekeeping... controlled opposition..?
Mahyar Tousi has done a YT exposé on Labour and Blair and links to this issue and the links to Fabian Society, Very interesting information going back to 50s to present all makes sense and address the Elephant in the room..
Twenty-three minutes in and Ms Hartley-Brewer is in form as always. I haven't seen her in years! I just want to thank you for not bombarding us with advertisements like you did a year or so ago. I unsubscribed and deleted your bookmark back then, but I just subscribed again, to be another one in a million.
The class system is alive and well in the UK
*in every country
@@Madonnalitta1 Social mobility is decreasing in this country though. And it was never great to begin with.
Overclass/Underclass, and no middle. Neo-Feudalism. Welcome to the future.
Come on, KK, you can say his name... T, T, T (stuttering), Tommy Robinson.
He's admitted his past. But he really has done a great deal of good, too. Like you all pondered, "Why can people so clever, not see?"
What a brilliant woman. Such energy!
To hold the sentiment "I care about little girls being exploited and hurt" is totally different from actually caring, taking actual action to protect them. So if the government didn't take action, didn't literally take care, then what matter whether they felt care and concern. It's immoral to take not action. Government officials who knew, who had power to make do something about it, law enforcement who knew, truly did not care. Caring is an action word, not just some namby-pamby sentiment to be felt and not acted upon.
Julia speaks such common sense.
The nature of evil is one of the core questions for me in these cases
Julia, there’s something so grounding and comforting hearing you speak such common sense. Much love from the land of Koalas
New rule: Nothing may be deemed ‘hate speech’ if it is demonstrably *true*
Almost every time, something being true is exactly why they want it silenced.
I thought about this the other day.
Of all the things that they have tried to censor (I'm in America) as misinformation in the past eight years....
Off the top of my head I can't think of one thing they tried to censor that didn't turn out to be true.pretty stunning record.
Don't forget that the UK government didn't proscribe "Hizb ut-Tahrir Britain" (established in the UK in the 1980s), until January 2024!
Despite them already being proscribed in other countries, including musIim countries!
Didn't prescribe them as what? Presumably terrorists?
Not everyone is a genuine Gryffindor. In fact, the few that will literally put themselves in harms way in order to do the right thing are exactly that. Few. We need to rally behind those people and make sure no harm comes to them. And by harm I mean literally and figuratively. No cancellation, no removal and no losing their jobs. If we are not brave enough to do anything ourselves, then we can at least anonymously back up those who are. People aren't even do that at the moment ...
Government has let the children down for decades and never been held accountable
Time for change
Will the two of you have Tommy Robinsons on now ?? The man has been fighting this fight forever. I believe you owe it to your audience, to be honest.
He's in prison at the moment. I hope he gets out.
They don't want that little racist orc on. He's a grifter that beats women
Mike Yeadon was the 'T Robinson' of the Covid era. I'll at least credit Julia for having him on albeit briefly.
I must admit I've avoided JHB like the plague in the past, having heard one or two rants in passing, but have to say she made some good points here.
So far as Gen Z and democracy are concerned, demograpics cannot be ignored. What proportion of young people in UK cine from a heritage that, by definition, does not believe in democracy?/
It's not incompetence. It's intentional malevolence.
JhB need to get your facts right, Tommy Robinson whom you obviously don't like, was reporting about Muslim gangs in 2009, Maggie Oliver 2012 just as she was getting near retiring age ?????????????
It’s difficult for her to relate to working class issues when you earn £400,000 a year.
one question mark is enough
Tommy Ten Names has not exposed a single grooming gang, in fact, he has risked collapsing a grooming gang trial though
@@delver1857 good try but unfortunately everyone knows the truth, he asked the convicted how they felt about THE VERDICT the clue is in the question, they were already found guilty so how exactly do you collapse a trial that has concluded?
it makes you wonder why white Leftists are so desperate to cover for child rape gangs, I know it goes against your ideology but I'm sure you can find a better quest to follow
In the words of Kyle's mom from South Park: Bigger, Longer, and Uncut, "Horrible, deplorable violence is okay as long as no one uses any dirty words." I feel like this is the UK's current governing model.
As Julia says, everything our elected representatives mandate is insane, utterly insane. This has been the case on almost every issue since 1997.
There's method in the madness. Only _seems_ insane if you're clinging to an inaccurate paradigm.
Lots of people were highlighting the grooming gang problem including MP Ann Cryer from around 2005. But talking down TR contribution is ill informed . Times exposures only started in 2011 and Maggie Oliver was only able to raise the issue on a national scale in 2012 after resigning from Police whereas TR activism focussed on this issue from 2008-2009. TR left EDL in 2013 and worked effectively with the Moslem led Quilliam Foundation with considerable national effect raising this issue.
How long can we chalk all of this to failure and incompetence? Seems to me they know exactly what they are doing and succeeding for the most part
Yup. Keep saying it until the penny drops. It's an uphill battle, but what is there left to lose?
I am fully aware of the seriousness of this conversation!!
Every time she says, hurty words, it makes me giggle.
God will judge these people who failed to protect our children one day he will know why they did it and their souls will pay the price
D'you think the Southport Stabber has got any non crime hate incidents on his file for all the stuff he did before the attack? And wasn't the first Times article that "exposed" the grooming gangs written in 2011? Because the EDL started in 2009.
"Evil people are quite clever at covering up their evil deeds" Very true!
Good on her.
She was happy to throw TR under the bus when he brough it to our attention?
Great interview. Love Julia !
So true, they haven't identified the problem, so how can they solve the problem?
And during all that Lammy went to a Children’s care complex in Bulgaria to launch an international Children’s Care campaign across the globe.
It's always about 'words' and 'definitions' Julia because we are 'led' by lawyers and solicitors. They don't get out of bed until everything is interpreted or defined. Actual 'action' is the last thing on their minds. Their lives are spent in metaphorical court rooms where a simple conundrum can take months to unravel.
The legend tells us that King Arthur will rise again when England is in most need of his services. Now is the time Arthur - nows your time.
Raja Miah for PM. Whatever you think the man's got balls!
Love Julia's attitude.
She’s also slated Tommy Robinson on air, thinks differently in her private life.
Its so sad whats going on to the native born brits..i hope you guys get a good leader to pull your country up again to what it used to be
Love JHB she is a national treasure
In the USA she would be a Karen.
There are thousands of towns & cities in the uk it's not just happening in England. I think more than 50 towns were/are involved. This can no longer be hidden.
And what was the religious demographic ? Oh yeh 🤔 the religion of peace ! 😡
Does the wonderful Maggie who gave up her career lose her house her businesses her liberty her marriage and have her name dragged through the mud and her family dragged into it
Once again she has her little dig at Tommy Robinson!...
Righteous Julia always hits the point.
DEI is the problem....
And immigration
Dei is much more of an American thing, yes we have diversity stuff in the uk it's not as big as us dei
@@awonisgreat9708 Oh it is a big problem in the UK, it's just well hidden.
Majority of Americans realised that it is more logical to vote for a patriotic narcissist than to vote for a non patriotic narcissist to get them out of the dark hole they were falling into.
So it seems
Possibly my most favourite interview you’ve done ever
To "Hate" does NOT mean to have intense feeling of dislike for someone or something, but to not care ENOUGH. THAT IS THE DEFINITION OF HATE.
Not really? Unless you’re just changing definitions (which has been popular in recent years):
intransitive verb
To feel strong dislike for or hostility toward.
"rivals who hate each other."
Yeah, definitions have been changed alright.
You see someone injured on the side of the road you intensely dislike, but you help them and get them to a hospital. Someone else, indifferent walks past and does nothing - which one is the hater? (You might have heard this story before)
No, dude. You're confusing hate and indifference.
Words actually mean things - that's why we created them.
By the by, read the poem "The Beginnings" by Kipling. You may know it as - when the English began to hate.
Words change meaning with time & culture. Hate and Love are not primarily feelings (reactions) but actions.
@tim2muntu954 no, they're emotions. How you feel.
Of course words can change meaning; gay used to mean 'overtly happy'.
The way we describe emotions hasn't changed in millenia - because we feel the same emotions that our ancestors felt.
A huge amount of literature and poetry is dedicated to it.