Rebecca Jarvis speaks with oncologist Dr. Diana Reidy Lagunes about the type of cancer Steve Jobs had and whether his choice to delay surgery cost him his life.
I Believe This Was A Video Clip Of CBS News' The Saturday Early Show's Report On Did Steve Jobs Decision Lead To His Death? On Saturday Morning, October 22, 2011.
what he did was right else he would have suffered more with alopathic doctors n doctors would have taken him to the worst time he is smart thats why escaped the torcher from alopathic dr's as he knew that death is confirmed before birth
I guess October 5 is a cause of death... An exact year before Jobs died, my grandma died... it was sad. =(
I think those doctors were talking out if their butts
I cried when he died. ='|
I Believe This Was A Video Clip Of CBS News' The Saturday Early Show's Report On Did Steve Jobs Decision Lead To His Death? On Saturday Morning, October 22, 2011.
what he did was right else he would have suffered more with alopathic doctors n doctors would have taken him to the worst time he is smart thats why escaped the torcher from alopathic dr's as he knew that death is confirmed before birth