A Very Honest Disc Golf Vlog

  • Опубліковано 10 вер 2024


  • @iowa_alex
    @iowa_alex 2 роки тому +191

    It's gotta be pretty difficult to be discovering your own disc golf game, when the public just assumes you should know it because of Paul. Just keep showing up and competing you're doing great things and your channel is fun!

  • @Slinkysees
    @Slinkysees 2 роки тому +65

    This is honestly one of the best #discgolf related, focused vlogs I've seen. YOUR solo content is fantastic. Your personality is amazing. Keep doing the direct honest vlogs going.

  • @nathanbierle1018
    @nathanbierle1018 2 роки тому +26

    It is encouraging to see that professionals deal with the same mental and physical challenges that we do. My wife and I have been married for 6 months and disc golf is one of our go to dates. My wife has been struggling getting back into disc golf after a shoulder surgery, so seeing how you deal with the challenges has helped her keep a positive attitude when we are out playing and aren't always doing as well as we'd like. Thank you for being so real, and good luck with your upcoming events.

  • @bomby740
    @bomby740 2 роки тому +17

    You got this Hannah! It’s actually cool for us rookies to see the honest hard work and the grind. It takes that self honesty discovering your own faults to get better, but also acknowledge when you kill that drive or drain that putt exactly how you picture it in your head.
    Also- I’m a quad city native and we appreciate the support of all of the pro’s coming to our local courses! There are a lot of people working super hard to make the Quad cities a major disc golf scene.

  • @blainehock754
    @blainehock754 2 роки тому +46

    The fact that you were able to adjust to what your "Comfortable" distance was shows that you have a good mental grasp on things. Just stay within yourself and improve one thing at a time. Best of luck out there. Thanks for the content. I personally like that you showed a "down" tournament. Shows that things aren't always sunshine and rainbows for players.

  • @marcrichardson210
    @marcrichardson210 2 роки тому +10

    Hanna!! probably one of the hardest things in the world is being "real" when the camera is rolling. Your openness and honesty in your vlog was so refreshing I just can't tell you enough. Content like this will continue to separate you as your own person from your husband. You inspired me and I'm sure many others by letting us behind the curtain so much. I look forward to seeing you on the top of the podium! Keep being you!

  • @jimwagers5183
    @jimwagers5183 2 роки тому +17

    “A very honest disc golf vlog”. The title had me the moment I read it. The way you share about how you feel as well as the lessons you learn and your willingness for self discovery is inspiring. This is what reaches peoples hearts. The vulnerability you display is genuine and sincere. These are qualities that we all benefit from when we see them in action in others lives. You are letting people see into the the depths of who are and it is priceless. Please continue to share with the world through the good times, bad times and even the so-so times.

  • @dallas2013
    @dallas2013 2 роки тому +1

    Hi Hannah! Thank you for sharing your true tournament experience and not just sugar coating this vlog. I had a similar experience in a tournament this year. I tore ligaments in my ankle last fall a week before a big tournament. I had to drop out of it. I was in a wheelchair for 16-18 weeks. Fast forward to early this year after the recovery (80% healed) and reworking my game. I signed up for another smaller tournament and felt like I was as ready as I could be. The forecast called for rain by the time round two would start. Strapping a brace on my ankle I felt like I could manage an aggressive first round and play conservative in the rain during round two. My ankle did pretty well in the first round, but always on my mind. It wasn’t but two holes in on the second round I jolted my ankle on the tee pad and my round was all but over, then the downpour started almost immediately after. The rain lasted through the rest of the round, I was in a lot of pain, and I was getting quite frustrated. I too wanted to walk off the course, and like you I struggled through the rest of the round. I even remember saying to myself “just play for bogey and be happy with a par”. It was an extremely humbling experience. It might have been my worst tournament score ever that day, but I pushed through the pain and finished the round. These experiences and how we react in the moment define who we are and can make us stronger and able to endure tough challenges in the future. Thank you again for sharing your story. Be kind to yourself. 💜

  • @Gen.Admission
    @Gen.Admission 2 роки тому +22

    As someone who also deals with anxiety I know how hard it must’ve been to post something you’re insecure about. Thank you for posting anyway! We love your content

  • @AndyNotSoSmart
    @AndyNotSoSmart 2 роки тому

    The fact that this video is not "upbeat and fun" is not a negative. Such great wisdom and knowledge. Thank you Hannah.

  • @JimMc82
    @JimMc82 2 роки тому

    Dealing with injuries is apart of the learning process… having a bad throw or round and letting it roll off your back.
    I liked this because no one likes to film the downside of their life/career, but showing this kind of content helps people to know all sides of choosing that kind of life.
    The time away from family, the hotels/ vanlife, the heat/ humidity, the injuries. I like the honesty of putting things out there like that. Thx for posting this.

  • @elitaube3273
    @elitaube3273 2 роки тому +1

    Probably one of the best behind the scenes video of a disc golf tournament I've ever watched

  • @Daniel5.14
    @Daniel5.14 2 роки тому +2

    Mad respect for putting yourself out there and being vulnerable on camera for the world to see. We humans are way too hard on ourselves for things that really don’t matter in the long run. I know it’s your career and you have goals and blah blah. We all do. But in years from now you will look back at this and laugh or not even remember it at all. The more we attach our Self’s to desires and expectations the more we suffer. It doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have goals but life is beautiful and meant to be…lived. You’re playing disc golf don’t forget that. Key word: Play. Row row row your boat gently down the stream, merrily merrily merrily merrily life is but a dream

  • @discjunkiesDGT
    @discjunkiesDGT 2 роки тому

    Hannah, we need more of this, so real, all the ups and downs in preparing for your tournament, so much pressure too since you are Mrs. McBeth. Don't sweat that stuff, you will get there, all of this does build character and grit, all of which are needed.
    I had a tournament where we had to play a long long 18 holes at Oak Grove here in LA, It was hot, I did not eat well and I was just done, I made it through the 2nd 18-holes but oh my gosh, I wanted to quit, I was so exhausted and hungry, no fuel left, lesson learned, meal prep, pre-round and pre-2nd round, plus hydrate and get a pick me up like a propel or sugar free Red Bull. You rock girl!!

  • @McMegahan
    @McMegahan 2 роки тому +8

    This was a great Vlog. I love the honesty and vulnerability. You are not alone, Hannah! I literally cried in the middle of my last tournament round. I was doing the quiet thing, too. After I missed 8 circle one putts in a row I walked to the next tee pad and the tears were slowly leaking out. I wasn't balling or anything, but the tears were evident and my cardmates noticed. One of them put her hand on my shoulder, which was comforting. I said something like "I'm really not this bad at disc golf!" Then another cardmate (and really great FPO disc golfer) said, "I know you are great at disc golf" and then she hugged me - I was able to avoid balling but I definitely still had tears. I wish I could say that the support made my game better, but alas, it did not. I shot the worst rated round in over a decade for me. I actually wondered why I even torture myself with the competition. I have a number of local fans (poor suckers) and the hardest part was knowing that I would have to tell them how badly I did and let them down (they think I am better than I am, lol). Of course they totally still love me, and now the silver lining is that nobody has too high of expectations for me! :-) Anyway, you really are a great disc golfer and and an even kinder person! Please keep it up! Thank you so much for sharing your story. I feel better knowing you are out there and I hope you feel the same.

  • @JupiterEH
    @JupiterEH 2 роки тому +3

    Most of the time we just get to see the top like 50 players do amazingly every weekend on coverage, and I'm gonna be honest here: It is a breath of fresh air to watch someone go through the same struggles me, and my friends, and probably like 90% of disc golfers with any aspirations have to go through just trying our best. Mad respect for putting yourself out there, and I hope everyone sees a bit of themselves in your struggle. It's gotta be scary being married to the GOAT, and not also being the best (which literally almost nobody ever will be). Keep up your grind, keep your head high, and just keep trying your best, and having fun on the course!

  • @Skamanda
    @Skamanda Рік тому

    I know it's months after you posted this, but it was so spot-on for how my last tournament went. I took a LONG time away from tournament play, and played my first one in like 15 years a few weeks ago. It was on the courses I run the league at, where I've played literally hundreds of rounds. I'd been practicing for months to build up for it, and was SUPER psyched to get back into more formal competitive play. And I absolutely. fell. apart. My confidence got so shaken, that I chained out on a 5 foot putt, and that was the moment I hit that, "I just want to go home" feeling. I finished with a +4 and +5 at courses I'm usually -4 or better at in practice. I kept thinking, "all this build up, coming back after 15 years, and THIS is how I represent myself?!" Your words of affirmation at the end of this are something I'm going to keep close to my heart in my next tournaments, because you're right. That isn't who I am, and I will be even stronger because of that tournament. Thanks!

  • @BillionFires
    @BillionFires 2 роки тому +7

    I am a pastor in southern California. I really appreciate you and Paul. I can see what a grind you're both in. I'll be praying for you!

  • @wattsdomdreads2633
    @wattsdomdreads2633 2 роки тому

    Thank You💕 Thank You💖 Thank You🥰 For All You Do and All You've Done!! You are Love, You are Light, You are All Things Nice. You are Loved by this family and I'm sure many more.. looking forward to seeing more of your story!!🌻🌄🌻

  • @aaronhighsmith2993
    @aaronhighsmith2993 2 роки тому +7

    Watching this vlog is actually very motivational! Seeing you struggle but push through is encouraging! Keep up the great content!

  • @realimjustjoshing
    @realimjustjoshing 2 роки тому

    First tournament I have ever played was last year (my first year playing disc golf). I was very competitive, though not very good, but I thought I stood a chance because I was good at the more technical shots. In the warmup round I hit my hand on a tree in my follow-through on the first tee shot. After that my practice was out the window and I just hoped it would feel better quickly. As soon as the round started I hit the same tree and shanked nearly every shot as a result. At the end of the day I finished last, which I absolutely hated, however, it taught me that sometimes you can't count on the circumstance, but you can count on a Heavenly Father who loves you no matter what life throws at you! Thanks for the honest video Hannah! It means a lot to a lot of us to see someone who practices disc golf more than I ever will that still has days of pure frustration and is a reminder that no matter what, you push through!

  • @juliachristman9533
    @juliachristman9533 2 роки тому

    I really love you being honest and open about your struggles. I know I have days on the course when I just can't seem to keep myself on the fairway and want to quit. That's where my husband comes in too. He talks me through my issues and keeps encouraging me to play on.

  • @gccgarrett
    @gccgarrett 2 роки тому

    I LOVE how honest you were. So many people only share the ups. It's great to be able to relate to you on the downs. I am sure anyone that has played tournaments has had a tourney that has them questioning "why do I spend so much time practicing, it feels like it means nothing". Thanks again for making yourself vulnerable I hope that knowing the challenging mental side affects everyone will help those thinking of hanging it up.
    Keep it up!

  • @huntercapps8136
    @huntercapps8136 2 роки тому

    Me and my girlfriend competed in our first PDGA tournament this past weekend. It was a B- tier tournament at our local course and we both took first place in our division. We both follow you and Paul really close and we appreciate all that you two do for this sport and all of the communities you come in contact with. If you have a rough tournament you have to put it behind you and come back even stronger on the next. Stay strong and carry on, we’ve all got your back!!

  • @amgatch
    @amgatch 2 роки тому +6

    As someone learning how to compete, I really appreciated your openness about the challenges you faced and your/Paul’s input on how to address them. Unfortunately things don’t always go your way, but great to see you were a good sport about it for your card and reflected on it after. Even though your practice didn’t pay their dividends this time, trust the process and they will. You definitely earned a like and sub, you rock!
    One thing that really helped me is finding a mental cue to get yourself in the present moment. Similar to meditation, I focus on my breathing before stepping up to a big shot and that helps me think clearly without worrying about outside elements (dog barking, sore back, my last missed putt).

  • @alanmoberly64
    @alanmoberly64 2 роки тому

    Sometimes when you are feeling your least your are showing the most maturity. Being honest about the way you are feeling is showing a strength many do not possess. Keep it up.

  • @OlddogPG
    @OlddogPG 2 роки тому

    I'm primarily a volleyball player and coach, but I got into disc golf a couple years ago. Something I had to learn myself is playing through the pain. In going through this myself, I learned it's not about playing through it and trying to be at the same level as usual. As you said, this is something that is out of your control. I give all the players that I coach, the you have to give 100% at all times speech, but with one little difference from the norm. You may not always have 100% to give, but you have to give 100% of what you have. You may be injured in a way that hinders your abilities, but isn't detrimental enough to cause you to be completely out. At this point you have to re-evaluate your abilities and adjust to maximize what you can give under the current conditions your body is in. You did say too, accepting that 240' was your new max. Tough to do when you know you're capable of so much more, but trying to compete at the same level of ideal condition when you're not there, always ends bad. Step back, accept the new reality of the current condition and do what you can to optimize that level. Then regroup and recover for the next time to get back to where you know you can be.

  • @bryanfellenbaum9250
    @bryanfellenbaum9250 2 роки тому

    I think what you said about having to push through those challenges that are completely out of your hands again in the future is the absolute best thing you can do. It reminds me a lot of what happened to Jennifer Allen a few weeks ago when she hurt her back and basically had to change her game mid round.
    I also think it's admirable that you can put your thoughts and feelings out there for people to see, because i would bet many people (myself included) have the same thoughts and feelings. So in a way it's comforting to know others relate and have found ways to keep going.

  • @joelreynolds6251
    @joelreynolds6251 2 роки тому

    It must be tough to be this open, honest, and vulnerable to a bunch of strangers online. I applaud your bravery, and honesty. You could’ve very easily trashed this content, when the tourney didn’t go as planned! But you chose to be vulnerable, and that is amazing! The positive side of having a terrible tournament, the next one is almost certainly going to be better!!

  • @codybee
    @codybee 2 роки тому

    Total understand and it is great to know I am not the only one that goes through this.
    Played a round last week and went +6 on the first 4 holes. I hit my leg on a fence that bruised and cut my ankle. Texted my wife the same thing I just want to quit and go home. Kept going and ended with a +10 which I was super happy with given how I started. I ended up making one of the island holes for the first time and got a birdie. That was enough to make me feel better about the day and that I stuck it out.
    Great video! It was relatable and fun to watch.

  • @mattgarcia3199
    @mattgarcia3199 2 роки тому

    This is growth! Being able to identify that there is an issue with my body, my mental state, my mind etc and working to change that. It never happens easy but awareness is a good first step. Just try to get your mind right. For me, I’ll just put on some good worship music, and just learn to loosen up. Also realizing this isn’t the end of the world if I don’t play well. Still have my wife, my kids, my life etc. A little harder for you all since this is your life. Praying for you and Paul. You are a huge inspiration.

  • @HelloKitty-gn1du
    @HelloKitty-gn1du 2 роки тому +3

    Hey Hannah, I just wanted to say I am enjoying your vlog and wanted to give you some advice. I don't want to go against Paul, I look up to him so much, but when it comes to blisters the best thing you can do is put what they call Liquid Bandaid on your sore. It is much lighter and breathable and less harsh on your skin and in my opinion holds a whole lot better. You are a great disc golf player! You have the drive even when it's tough and you are growing the sport which is great. You are awesome! Keep it going and stay positive.

  • @smpettyjohn
    @smpettyjohn 2 роки тому +5

    Love the honesty! Life isn't always bright and shiny. It probably took a lot of courage to make this despite those feelings. Thanks for sharing.

  • @IVIemorized
    @IVIemorized 2 роки тому

    I want to say that personal growth like this comes in time. Put less thought into how you should perceive your own game due to Paul and focus on getting 1% better every day.
    That 1% better over the course of a year means so much, and it's not always in disc golf. It could be mentality, health, relationships and sponsorships, etc. I think the true and raw emotion from this type of vlog speaks to many people with the ambition to be more and perform anything at a top tier level. This is really what it looks like, in the "trenches" and working to get to the next level.
    I had to stop throwing due to a shoulder injury and had to come to terms with it a while back in the peak of my journey and rekindled my love in other sports/facets of my life where disc golf was so dominant. I can remember tournaments where I left birdies on the course, had a bad attitude, and put myself down a lot. I tended to remember more about the bad times than the good, because my expectation was for the good to happen that it wasn't memorable. My mindset and growth this year comes from the understanding that even experienced players make mistakes and have mental lapses, and it's about how we grow from them. Even from a young age Paul was mentally so well put together (at least it seemed) that his battles on the course weren't with competitors but how well he could maintain himself. Focus on your own growth and journey and focus on what you do well and be happy when you execute.
    Sorry for the long rant, but I'm currently coming from some losses and self growth where this wasn't just a notice to you but a reminder to myself. Cheers and happy throwing!

  • @techranger8418
    @techranger8418 2 роки тому

    You pretty much described how my last 3 tournaments have been. I put in all the field work, putting every day and feel really good about you game. Then show up to a tournament and it’s 35-40 mph wind where it’s so random how the disc can react. The man next one I just can’t throw a shot that actually felt good, or you completely how to mechanically putt. It really makes you question why you are putting so much time into it. Then you remember a total cliche statement of “a bad day on the course is better then a good day off the course” and realize it TRUE!!
    Keep the head up and enjoy the process!!

  • @jacobbaack646
    @jacobbaack646 2 роки тому

    It's always good to see the pros we look up to candidly share their struggles. Helps to know that I'm not the only one who has bad days on the course

  • @matreames
    @matreames 2 роки тому +3

    I can relate to everything falling apart even when you start feeling good. One thing that you need to remember is that you are Hannah. Even though your husband is Paul, you always think different, play different, and live different. And that’s not a bad thing. You have not fully come into your own as a player because your husband casts such a massive shadow. But God knows how he designed your body to function, your mind to think, if you keep putting in this work, you will find who you are on a disc golf course. You will develop your own personality and identity that is different and unique. You have an amazing personality, and a fantastic honesty that people need. Keep putting in the work, and keep trusting in yourself and in God.
    As for me, I recently played a charity tournament in my local course, and after the first nine I was doing really well. I was probably the top half of the division which for me is good, but in the second half I sank quickly. I ended up near the bottom because everything I did suddenly went wrong. But the day after I was out on the disc golf course with my friends having a good time. I shot the same course and did eight strokes better. It was tempting to beat myself up but then my friends simply just celebrated the round I was having that day. I needed that

  • @karatemomma
    @karatemomma 2 роки тому

    I appreciate your transparency and I fully understand. I am WAY hard on myself. I have to sometimes reset every single hole. Sometimes every single shot. I've been dealing with injuries a lot this season and not living up to the standards I've set for myself. When I can birdie a hole during practice round and tournament day get a double. I am trying to learn to be as patient with myself as I am with others. I also put this extra expectation on my attitude because I claim Christ and want to represent Him well. But, sometimes I throw tantrums in my head. Anyway - thank you for opening up and sharing - it is so nice to know even pros struggle sometimes. ❤️

  • @agentp4554
    @agentp4554 2 роки тому +2

    Take it one shot and one hole at a time. Try not to let the hole you played before affect your current play and don't worry about the next hole until you get there. We can only change what we do now, not before. Chin up McBeth. Paul chose you for a reason.

  • @kalen1702
    @kalen1702 2 роки тому

    This was the best video I watched all week. Not just the content quality and editing, but also just you being yourself and not holding back no matter how rough you were feeling. Just great, real stuff, thank you!

  • @williamappelquist2648
    @williamappelquist2648 2 роки тому

    First things first, thank you for coming to the QC to play with us! As a rec player, I can't really give you advice as far as high end tactics. I still subscribe to the pick a line and throw it as hard as possible tactics. My first tourney I ever did was this year. There was a moment where I chucked a disc ob, and couldn't find it. Not a big deal normally, except I don't have a lot of disc's... so that one was pretty important. It forced me way outside of my comfort zone and made me do things I wouldn't normally do. I learned a lot from that moment. And I think you will learn a lot from this. It's only one moment in time and all we can do is try to take something useful from it. You are an amazing player and a lot of us look up to your game as something to strive for. Being a human being is not a cause for alarm. Looking forward to the next one!

  • @jwoellhof
    @jwoellhof 2 роки тому

    Props for finishing this one and putting this vlog out there for us. I had a tourney like this earlier this year. I finished the second round 30 strokes back, when I normally would have been tied with them at worst. No clue what happened with my game those first two rounds, no injuries, only one bad roll, lots of good tree kicks and I made a lot of good shots, but I was dropping shots on every hole. I tried to be the best card mate I could be, and I let the guys know that I had a two hour drive home and I probably wouldn't make it back for the last round. I didn't make it back the next morning, but I've played with all those same guys again since then, and everyone was very supportive, I think because I didnt do or say anything stupid while I was so disappointed with myself in that earlier tourney. It was just a bad tourney. I've got a win and a couple of second place finishes since then. Looking forward to your next vlog and the next one. I bet you win one, too.

  • @kylechristenberry9061
    @kylechristenberry9061 2 роки тому

    i haven't specifically had a situation like this happen to me in a tournament round, but i can still offer my words of wisdom. I often think to myself that the most fulfilling thing i can do on the course is shoot to my potential, but what i have actually found is that the most fulfilling thing i can do is to be as supportive of my card mates as i can be (even if im battling with them for the win) because those make the happiest and best memories. It often leads to making friends, and the more encouraging a card is, the better everyone seems to play. So i've actually found that supporting others wholeheartedly who are doing better than me is a surprising way to improve both my emotional perspective of the experience, and also the level of my play, because it improves my mentality. I look forward to seeing more vlogs!

  • @glennriser4834
    @glennriser4834 2 роки тому +1

    Just remember that you are blessed, and try to enjoy the journey. We started playing disc golf to have fun, so never take it too seriously. I just had the worst round this year, but I know you can’t always play great. Looking forward to seeing you and Paul together again, lifting each other up🙏🏻👍🏻🥏

  • @wesleysturgis7356
    @wesleysturgis7356 2 роки тому

    Thank you for being so open. Remember, whatever happens, let it be OK. Hugs.

  • @kerrder1
    @kerrder1 2 роки тому +3

    Hannah, keep being yourself in these vlogs. Although it wasn’t what you wanted, it sounds like there was good things to build on in the tourney. Take 3x good things to build on and 3x things to learn from and move on. Take care, we appreciate you sharing.

  • @bsartias7737
    @bsartias7737 2 роки тому +7

    I love how real and honest this vlog is. Keep making more please.

  • @jon-sverrestli9140
    @jon-sverrestli9140 2 роки тому

    Thanks, Hannah!
    This is probably one of the most important DG-videos on yt, imho. It takes so much strength and courage to be dare to be "weak" and show it, all walks of life.
    You rock, Hannah! Keep it up and the better and good days are bound to come soon!

  • @esmeraldasmith958
    @esmeraldasmith958 2 роки тому

    Hi Hannah, i just started playing disc golf about 2 years ago and this year i signed up for my first tournaments so I’m just experiencing that feeling of “i can do better” or “i know i should have made it i practice 4 hrs yesterday”. Those moments can be hard but I’m glad you’re still about to vlog about this especially being Pauls wife. I’m sure a lot of people expect you to play like a pro but you’re Hannah and i enjoy watching your UA-cam videos. Can’t wait to see you at Beaver State Fling this weekend!

  • @discgolfdetails9889
    @discgolfdetails9889 2 роки тому

    -The super glue like you saw can crack so it can be a pain if you need to reapply it/ rip it off and add new. The best I've found for me is the cloth or fabric type of athletic tape. You can get use to the feeling with some practice of the cloth and it's not so bad. Lots of the tapes are a little thicker and I don't like those, almost plastic type. The thinner and more cloth like the better for feel. They are harder to find and you may need to order online.
    I keep a roll in my bag because I tend to have finger problems sometimes as well, I think we all do at some point if we play enough.
    -That is a very good tip to remember as well about reaching out instead of back! A++++
    -As far as mentally on the course you can listen to or read books about that subject which can really help. I like Zen Golf and Bob Rotella stuff. Especially if you are driving a lot it's a good thing to listen to and pass the time and then work on in practice and during the event.

  • @Morphowl
    @Morphowl 2 роки тому

    I think you hit the nail on the head when you said just be the best card mate you can. When I'm throwing bad or have something going on with me physically, I just try to get really into my cardmates' game and be a supporter for them. I love disc golf, both playing and watching, so if I'm not doing well, I want to enjoy their rounds.

  • @RC-cr7hg
    @RC-cr7hg 2 роки тому

    Thanks so much for showing us the Downs as well as the positives of touring. It takes a lot of inner strength to share your vulnerabilities with everyone. Things will improve. Wish you lots of Positive Vibes and Good Times

  • @ErisianThreeFourteen
    @ErisianThreeFourteen 2 роки тому

    Didn't know this was something I needed to see.
    Played a stretch of 5 holes to +8 yesterday, and was feeling quite a mix of negativity over the ordeal. Hearing your tale of working through it with the added weight of being a disc golf celebrity helped me let go of my own self doubt about that awful performance.
    Also, the little "cooking complete" Zelda tune brought such a smile to my face, thank you!

  • @mitchellellison2109
    @mitchellellison2109 2 роки тому

    Hey Hannah, my name is Mitch. I actually live in Moline, IL. Don’t let this tourney discourage you from coming back! If you’re ever back by yourself and feeling lonely, you can reach out to myself or the owners of the local disc shop (Iron Lion), the disc golf community here in the Quad Cities is second to none. A very welcoming and comforting community! Love seeing players like yourself coming to tourneys here in our area! Keep on chuckin! Remember why you started playing, enjoy yourself! 🤜🏻🤛🏻

  • @donkeller4037
    @donkeller4037 2 роки тому +2

    Thank you for posting honest content. I feel like most of what we see on social media is the best of the best, or doctored images to make us believe something happened when in reality it did not. This gives everyone unrealistic expectations on what it is like. In the end it is nearly impossible to be great every day. For me I spent my first two years of tournaments trying to do what everyone else was doing. It was working for them, so it had to work for me. I would attempt those shots and fail because my body was not used to throwing those shots. This year, I decided to play my game no matter how different it may have been from the norm. It took a few tournaments to adjust, but the last two I have played, have made me feel great. I think for me, when you feel great, are having a fun time, and have ample energy, the results just fall in place. Its hard, but you really can't let one bad spit out or one bad hole affect you, or for me, it seems to torment your whole round. There is something to be said for things like proper nutrition, meditation, and the power of positivity.

  • @WBCHelpSaint
    @WBCHelpSaint 2 роки тому

    Thank you Hannah for sharing even though this wasnt the fun lighthearted VLOG you set out for it to me. That is one of the things we all love about you, you share the struggles you face in your game with us. Remember, one round or one tournament does not define you and who you are. I had to remember that recently in a just for fun doubles tourney I was playing with a buddy, I was just having an absolutely horrid round, lost 2 discs, almost lost a 3rd, and then got to a hole that had a "longest putt" and had the thought on the tee "that would be cool to win even though this round is garbage" and ended up being about 100 feet to the pin for par, I thought man I got this, even joked with the rest of the card "Ok I am just gonna drain this now", stepped up to it, when it left my hand it was dead center all the way to the basket, right at the last minute it got a little air bounce on the breeze and hit band. So sure even though the round was terrible overall, the round itself doesnt define me and I was able to at least find one thing, even if it was small in the grand scheme of the round, to take joy in and then put the rest of the round behind me when I left the course.

  • @palletwizard
    @palletwizard 2 роки тому +1

    I didn’t know I wasn’t subscribed. What you said about people showing you things and how your body was comfortable with how you throw. That makes sense to me. People showing me new things and it kinda erases what your comfortable doing. Maybe things are harder for me since I’m left handed. But with your attitude I can learn a lot from you! Can’t wait to see the next adventure! 😇

  • @krevgan3925
    @krevgan3925 2 роки тому

    I totally get where you are at. Last two tournaments I felt really confident going into it. The first one my practice round was -9 and like 980 rated but then my first round of the tournament was +8. Putting in work every day for hours just to not see any rewards on the rounds that matter is extremely frustrating. My rating is like 960 and I have shot 1000 rated but when your latest tournaments average 900 with one round being 830 is so irritating and gets to your head. I just keep telling myself that comfort will come with repetition. The more times I finish a tournament terribly is another one I can learn something from. A quote when I was younger was "failure is only failure if you fail to learn from it" I've stuck with that and it keeps me motivated. I know you are amazing at disc golf and you've always been supportive every day that you came to practice (I'm on the liberty team) so don't let a tournament or a few weeks get you down I know how much of an encouragement you can be and I want to give that back

  • @starchyldd
    @starchyldd 2 роки тому

    Love the transparency and honesty... yes, please continue!!!! And you can do this. Sometimes it feels like the world is telling you no, but in your heart keep telling yourself yes!! There is nothing in this world you can't accomplish. Finger be damned, you did it and finished, nest time you'll know how to handle it best for you. Keep pushing, make your way, and true love no matter how long you're away, will prevail.. you and Paul are awesome!! Cheers to you!!

  • @nathancobrea6331
    @nathancobrea6331 2 роки тому

    I loved how real you are and how you brought us along on your journey through the real life rollercoaster. You’ll keep improving and the mental game will only improve.

  • @robertsoliz6821
    @robertsoliz6821 2 роки тому

    It's cool of you to be so open and vulnerable about this struggle. I haven't had anything nearly that bad, but I did have a tournament where it was Uber cold outside (I live in Texas and not used to that) and I just could not make a putt unless I could reach out and tap it in. It was mentally exhausting because I know I'm a good putter most days and I just couldn't open my hand on time or even when a putt felt good it stuck to my hand and missed right. It's hard when you're your own worst critic and too hard on yourself. In those moments it def helps to just let loose and try to have fun and encourage your cardmates.

  • @dwightrexjoshua
    @dwightrexjoshua 2 роки тому

    Thanks for being vulnerable. I appreciate the openness. I’m excited to see your progress and be a part of the journey. Best of luck!!

  • @revpgesqredux
    @revpgesqredux 2 роки тому +1

    With wooded courses, aiming point always needs to be the closest gap.... Work visually backward from the basket or landing area to the closest gap and then visualize the spot and tilt of the disc as it goes through that gap. Pick the right disc for the shot and let it rip

  • @brandeegonzalez7337
    @brandeegonzalez7337 2 роки тому

    This is great Hannah! I'm so glad you did this. You are an amazing person and I am so glad I got to meet you! Just remember we are human, there will be great rounds and tough ones. Keep your head up, smile, and keep pushing. One single round can make you feel you lost it all but thats not true, just 1 small thing is off. knowing it and correcting it are 2 totally different things. You got THIS!! LETS GOOOO!!❤😊❤

  • @huntgordy
    @huntgordy 2 роки тому

    I appreciate the honest insight and relate in some ways… as a competitor it is easy to find your value in results and you summed it up very well. Disc golf is what you do not who you are, and your value was never meant to be found in earthly things or activities. All the best to you!

  • @antknees
    @antknees 2 роки тому +5

    Would love to win the pack but I’m a starter and just frustrated with lack of discs to practice with so I can get out and start throwing on a course this summer.
    Thanks for being raw and real. You’re awesome and so is Paul. I think I speak for all of us by saying we hope your finger gets better and you’re good to go soon. Don’t beat yourself up and get out there and have as much fun as you can!

  • @beanieboowildkat4286
    @beanieboowildkat4286 2 роки тому

    This really helps me feel better in my own journey as an amateur disc golfer. Today I practiced here in Phoenix and wasn’t doing so well. I ended up quitting early, due to feeling overwhelmed by the heat. I am glad that others struggle sometimes too.

  • @nicholaswopperer5092
    @nicholaswopperer5092 2 роки тому +1

    Loved the breath of the wild cooking sound! Lol.

  • @italiangirl1113
    @italiangirl1113 2 роки тому

    This was happening to me at USWDGC, but at a much lower level of play. Honestly, one of the things that got me through was seeing that you were also struggling and knowing that you are a badass and allowed to struggle, therefore, I should extend the same grace to me. I'm glad you're open about this; imposter syndrome is real and it's important to acknowledge that a bad round or a bad streak doesn't mean we aren't worthy.

  • @romearising
    @romearising 2 роки тому +27

    Whenever i've doubted my game, i've always gone for the "Easy par strategy" don't play for Birdie, just picture the hole as how do i do the easiest par, after a few holes of achieving the easiest par, then i tend to have rebuilt my confidence enough to actually stop doubting myself and go for it, and it tends to work out, all of my aces so far have come on my objectively shittiest rounds.

    • @fathomz
      @fathomz 2 роки тому +1

      weird. this is how i always play. birdies and better just reinforce why i continue to love the game ;D

    • @HaikesXO
      @HaikesXO 2 роки тому +1

      I do this as well

  • @Joshy-ix3nx
    @Joshy-ix3nx 2 роки тому

    I resonated so much with this video! I've had tournaments where I've done great and tournaments where I struggled but was still able to smile and have fun with my card. But every once in a while I have a tournament where nothing is going right and I hate everything about the way that I'm playing. Drives, upshots, putts, just nothing is working and nothing is going right. I break down and I just can't bring a single positive thought to my head. For the rest of the round I'm just fighting myself in my head, insulting my throws, my form, my putts and just being downright nasty to myself. A lot of it comes from my anxiety and depression and it just escalates whatever bad thoughts and experiences I'm having. I know I'm being a bad player, but more importantly, I'm being a bad card mate and I hate that. Like you said, I'm not throwing things or yelling or anything but I'm just not myself when this happens. Every single time, without fail, after these rounds I will just go to my car and cry for a while and just let myself do it because I just don't know what else to do. I think this is a video I'm going to watch while I cry next time I have this kind of round. Knowing that this happens to everyone and that I'm not alone when it happens. It's so easy to hear that it happens to everyone but physically being able to see you talk through as it's happening and how you get through it is going to help so much. It's really helpful seeing you be honest and vulnerable about your struggles because it honestly helps me so much whenever I watch your videos. Thank you for uploading this, and thank you for making my future awful rounds a little better! Truly, thank you.

  • @tmoz1017
    @tmoz1017 2 роки тому

    Nothing worse, in any sport, than just knowing you can do better, and still are struggling. So, it isn't just you, and you are dealing with it just fine! Stay the course, focus on what you can control, and let the rest roll off your back. Your vlog was honest and genuine and you have another subscriber as a result! :)

  • @dinorider8902
    @dinorider8902 2 роки тому +1

    I appreciate seeing the human side of the professional disc golf scene. I have just discovered the game in the last year or two. Seeing the pros play is cool but also seems unrealistic. Listening to you as you struggle through adversity, both physical and mental, and coming through it with a positive attitude is incredible. Thanks so much for the video!

  • @justinarambasich7379
    @justinarambasich7379 2 роки тому

    Thank you for sharing. I hope you are proud of yourself for pushing through the challenging times. I sure am!

    @JIMWESTDG 2 роки тому

    I needed to hear this, honestly I did. I just got done with a B-tier tournament, my first 3 round tournament actually. On day one, rounds 1 and 2, I did fairly decent for where I'm at (I play in MA3 at the moment), I was tied for 3rd after round 1 from the short tees, and then tied for 7th after round 2 from the longs (I've never played the long tees before so that was interesting lol). But round 3 came on Sunday......my game completely fell apart. I shot a +34 on that round alone (round 1 was a +9 and round 2 was a +18) from the longs. I was hitting every tree, missing easy putts, shanking my drives, etc. and I've been feeling so low about my game and the work I've been putting into it. Seeing this vlog literally made me tear up at the end. Thank you for this. I hope your next events going forward are much more of where you want them to be 😁💯.

  • @Postermaestro
    @Postermaestro 2 роки тому +1

    Discgolf can be really hard. But one thing that is for certain is that your body still knows how to throw. It's definitely something mental. What I do is I just focus on feeling the line and angle, and keep that feeling in my mind as I pull-through, and maintain the sense of direction where I want the disc to go. And I just focus on that, and quit thinking about where my arms, legs, elbow, disc etc. is. Just my 2 cents.

  • @stephenwilkes2316
    @stephenwilkes2316 2 роки тому

    I’ve always feared tournaments. I worry that my mental game isn’t strong enough to get past setbacks. I tend to shut down and get frustrated very quickly, especially on courses that I’m familiar with. Thank you for sharing this and reminding me how to handle bad situations with class and perseverance.

  • @immabeast78
    @immabeast78 2 роки тому

    Not all days are going to be bad be sure to keep that in mind as those good days will come. Happy that you are showing the process as these vlogs are great to watch.

  • @billysaqr3253
    @billysaqr3253 2 роки тому

    Watching this made me think of some of my struggles and mistakes and then I thought of The Replacements where Keanu Reeves is talking about quick sand. When you make a mistake it can be so hard to be a gold fish and recover. That resiliency is something I’m trying to teach my 5 year old but that I wish I could remember more.
    I appreciate you sharing your struggles and how you practice. Keep at it and stay mentally tough!

  • @T_rex_Collects
    @T_rex_Collects 2 роки тому +1

    First off, love the Kirby remix music. Second, the candid video was a good reminder that not all vlogs are just high/happy energy all the time and thank you for being willing to show that side.
    It's so hard to play through an injury to your expectations. Coincidentally, today (1 day after your vlog went live), I played an A Tier in Rockford, IL and another event the week before on the WI,IL border. My shoulder and tricep were very strained from too many sidearm throws to the point that it was painful to put any real power on a throw. But one thing that helped me push through and have solid showings at the tournaments was trusting my body in 1. Knowing the magnitude of the injury and 2. Trusting that if I do everything right, while it hurt in the immediate, I'll be rewarded with an opportunity. Not every throw was great, there were many where I saw that reward. I worked hard to get to where I'm at and I felt that if I execute, even with some pain and some timid shots out of the gate, I was doing my best and eventually I would be rewarded more often than not. Sometimes it takes a little more pain physically (and mentally) in the short term to strengthen your resolve in the long term.
    Chin up, Hannah, you're great and you will come back stronger than before!

  • @Shinafey
    @Shinafey 2 роки тому

    I play ballgolf, but this is very relatable. Pulled a muscle the other day and had to play through the pain and discomfort. I always try and reflect on things like this as a learning experience, when I've calmed down a bit.

  • @greasesommelier
    @greasesommelier 2 роки тому +1

    Continually great vlogs and easily the best vlog editing in the disc golf community!
    When I have struggled at tournaments, I have found it’s best to just remind myself that this is FUN, and I’m fortunate that I can try again at as many tournaments as I’d like to whenever I’d like to. Having good cardmates really helps too, but I’m sure you bring that positivity to so many people so much of the time!

  • @brianshaw2914
    @brianshaw2914 2 роки тому

    as long as one does his/her best, nothing else matters... have fun and keep playing where your comfortable..... paul is lucky to have you.......

  • @zackjohns323
    @zackjohns323 2 роки тому

    I definitely felt this at the Farragut tournament last year. It was such a huge event. I came in as the highest rated player in MA3 and felt like people expected a lot from me. Let’s just say I let everyone including myself down in every single round. I was so far behind the lead card that people were like “what, that’s your rating?!”
    Never felt so low in my life. Huge impersonator syndrome all fall as I played horribly then too.
    This winter I remembered I don’t have any sponsors and don’t play for anyone besides my own fun and happiness. So I decided to chill out and remember why I started disc golf. To have fun and relax myself.
    My demeanor changed during tournaments and I’ve finally won some this year! I have 2 PDGA wins and 2 unsanctioned wins after having zero before this year. And my rating is the highest it’s ever been.
    TL:DR - I sucked last year, pressure was too big. Remembered to just have fun and laugh more. Now I’m finally winning.
    A fun card is so much better to play on

  • @stuart8219
    @stuart8219 Рік тому

    Awe this is definitely my favorite couple anywhere around.. They have a good attitude and good sportsmanship.. I wish we could play doubles with them. I play several times a week now and definitely look up to them!! Good luck and hope it goes better Hannah!! Hang with it your awesome!!

  • @robertmueller1138
    @robertmueller1138 2 роки тому

    I have been disc golfing for about 25 years now. The best piece of advice is no advice. I find when I take a deep breath and clear my mind, executing tends to take care if itself.

  • @joseph3303
    @joseph3303 2 роки тому

    I’m glad you put this video out it makes me at least feel less alone. It makes even pros seems like real people that feel too. Thank you I hope it gets better

  • @robertmachnica9100
    @robertmachnica9100 2 роки тому +8

    Hang in there, Hannah. Everyone does have days, or even weeks, like that. Do the best you can, with what you got. Great content. Keep it up!

  • @russellprestwich2442
    @russellprestwich2442 2 роки тому

    I follow Paul (and now you) and have enjoyed your editing and story telling. The talent it takes to fully produce content like you do is 1000+ rated.

  • @grimmsop4209
    @grimmsop4209 2 роки тому

    Thank you for sharing this. Anyone can put out content that showcases all the the highlights of who they are. It takes tremendous courage to publish content where you're opening up and talking about difficulties you might be having. I can relate to feeling lost in the struggle when things don't go right during a tournament. I haven't been able to play an event in quite some time but, one of the last ones I did play in; I started birdie, birdie, in route to the 3rd hole it began to rain... I wasn't properly prepared and didn't have any real experience playing in the rain. I'm sad to say that I went from having a shot at finishing in the top 5-10 to finishing almost dead last. Had it not been for a couple of DNF players I would've finished in dead last place. The important thing that I took away from it is that I finished the tournament and I kept pushing forward. I will get back to playing in tournaments soon if not this year and I hope to carry that attitude and the things I learned from that experience forward when I do. I look forward to watching more content from you and watching you grow as a player. Awesome job, High Five, You can do it!!! 😁

  • @johnson90512
    @johnson90512 2 роки тому

    Honestly, one of my favorite disc golf vlogs. Showing the real side, I played the worst tournament I've ever played and was feeling pretty upset about it. Like you I get quite when I'm upset with myself. I just kept playing and had to reset and instead of going for a good score just try to play safe. 2 holes left in the tournament and I hit my first ace ever. Still was kinda in a funk, but had to remind myself that I still want to have fun. Once I started having fun again the score started getting better. Hopefully it worked, I've got one tomorrow.

  • @malamala421
    @malamala421 2 роки тому

    Super appreciate the honest vlog! It’s so hard to have a bad round and keep up the good vibes. I had a rough 3 rounds in 2days tournament recently and learned a lot about how to keep pushing myself or when to just let it go and enjoy being out with amazing people. I had a wonderful time with the gals I played with and learned a lot for the next tournament 💪 Keep it up! Good rounds and bad rounds happen to everyone. It’s how you learn from it that makes you a better player! 🧡

  • @JarrettWBass
    @JarrettWBass 2 роки тому

    No need to explain yourself Hannah! I'm all a 2 week road trip with my dad and siblings. I really miss my wife and kids, but its a once in a life time trip before my dad gets too old. I really miss my wife but 1 week to go. You'll be fine! God Bless yall

  • @AlanS_DGC
    @AlanS_DGC 2 роки тому

    This is real life. You are taking what most people use to make their life look glamorous and perfect to just be yourself. This is the best kind of content. Thank you Hannah. You are a blessing and God loves you! 😇

  • @Catalyst8487
    @Catalyst8487 2 роки тому

    I've got my first tournament in a week after a number of setbacks... I've rehabbed a knee, a shoulder, and a hip over the last two years. I'm traveling for work the week before so my practice will be on a course in SF, and while I have played the course the tournament is on, they are moving all the pins so it'll be a brand new course in a sense. I love knowing that these same struggles exist for pros too, and I wish more pros were doing vlogs like yours to see beyond the Jomez/GK/CCDG coverage. Keep doing you, love the coverage!

  • @dwmichaels
    @dwmichaels 2 роки тому

    Good for you for posting the vlog. That's tough to share when you're not on top like you want to be. I can say that the more you play, the more scenarios you run across, the better you get at adapting and the better you are at adapting, the easier it'll be to reframe yourself mentally. Personally, I'd have gone with tape over the finger as well to give it some protection. They also have gloves for disc golf which I thought would feel weird, but really worked well for me this last winter (in VA). As others have said, the editing is great and the experience from a production standpoint is top-notch. Good luck in your next tourney!

  • @skyhawk637
    @skyhawk637 2 роки тому +1

    Thank you Hannah! For all of us who dream of playing the tour, it's refreshing to see the honest take on the daily, weekly, and monthly challenges athletes like yourself and Paul have both on and off the course. It seems like it can be especially tough when married. Thank you for your honesty and for continuing to make it work. I really hope the rest of the month goes better and the blister calluses over quickly. You earned a new sub today.

  • @phillipebutler3796
    @phillipebutler3796 2 роки тому

    appreciate the honesty and openness with these vlogs, it's not always the good times and I'm sure most, if not all of us can relate!

  • @eli14eli14
    @eli14eli14 2 роки тому

    Hey Hannah, this was a great video thank you for your honesty. The superglue is definitely a lifesaver. One extra step that I’ve used when playing guitar as well as disc golf with similar types of injuries is to build up layers of superglue but then also to use a nail file the metal tape in very lightly go over it which will remove all of the hard edges of the superglue and essentially sand it down smooth so that you still get the benefits of a super glue layer but without the bumpiness and sharpness it also thins out the superglue near the edges of the injury which mean that it’s not quite as thick and less likely to catch on things. I was going to call this a pro tip but considering you are a pro and of course Paul is the pro, and I am a lowly 930 rated player, just consider this an AM tip 😂😅

  • @conniewilkins7694
    @conniewilkins7694 2 роки тому

    Hey Hannah. I play disc golf but only for fun. Never in tournaments. I so appreciate your honesty and your heart. 😊 I, too am a believer and I love watching you and Paul playing DG. I am 56 and getting arthritis in my hands so I kind of understand the frustration of not being able to throw as well as you’d like because of pain or discomfort. I just subscribed to your channel because I love what you guys do and Who and what you stand up for. Blessings to you both. Keep looking UP when those hard days come. 😎💕