Who do you really follow? Scriptures tells us to follow the example of our Messiah: 1Pe 2:21 For to this you were called, because Messiah also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that you should follow His steps, Followers of Jesus, the Greek Messiah: Pagan Names For the Father and Son(Lord/Jesus); Sunday rest; Pagan feasts of Easter and Christmas; popes; nuns; holy water; sacraments; or any separation of Messiah’s body into a “priesthood” and “laity”; eat pork(unclean foods). (None found In the Scripture) Followers of Yahusha, the Hebrew Messiah: Call the Father a Son by the Sacred Name Yahuah and Yahusha; 7th day Sabbath rest; Keep the Torah and Scriptural feasts of Lev 23; eat Kosher; circumcised and wear Tzitzits. (all found in the Scripture) Do you follow the belief ABOUT the Messiah or OF the Messiah? In other words, if you follow Jesus, you received the one who came in his own name: Joh 5:43 “I have come in My Father’s Name and you do not receive Me, if another comes in his own name, him you would receive. But if you Follow Messiah Yahusha, you will love Him and guard His Commands: Joh 14:15 “If you love Me, you shall guard My commands. You are of the one you obey: Rom 6:16 Do you not know that to whom you present yourselves servants for obedience, you are servants of the one whom you obey, whether of sin to death, or of obedience to righteousness? The error of the Christian church who believes they are the new chosen and replaced the Jews/Yahudim, here is our Father's answer to that: Rev 2:9 “I know your works, and pressure, and poverty - yet you are rich - and the blasphemy of those who say they are Yahuḏim and are not, but are a congregation of Satan.
@BBALLISBEST That will come back to haunt you when you stand before the Lord God on judgement day.Accept the Lord Jesus While you still can!!! Look at the world around you and be in awe of The Lord God!
Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord. We walk by faith and not by sight. You can't see the oxygen you breath, but you still inhale and exhale and would die without it and you believe IT exists!! I pray that your hearts will soften and you will confess Jesus is Lord before it is too late. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Jennifer Johnson Standard reply 1: God Vs Air Air 1. We can see the effect air has. 2. We can perform chemical analysis to see what the air contains and in what quantities. 3. We can measure the force (pressure) exerted by the air. 4. We can and have formed predictive models for air and its effects on our environment. These tested positively 5. We CAN see air by reducing its temperature. God. 1. Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Well, we have this old book..............
+Gav Tatu God 1. We have nature and the created world (which would include air). 2. We have THE BIBLE, God's written and inspired and inexhaustible Word, (not some “old book”). 3. Also, Christianity, historically, has been from the beginning of the world; it has always stood in whatever country (yes, less in some country's, but not not gone), in whatever century, etc. All the other religions of the world have wavered throughout the years. Want to know why? Because it's true! And if you can't see that, you're blind; the God of this world (Satan) has you in his hands. Repent and believe the gospel. It'll change you're life. See His beauty; the steadfast love of the Lord is better than life. Taste it.
+Diego Grimaldo Science is beautiful because God's infinitely more beautiful. Don't you get it? There wouldn't be science without the Creator of science. And where's you're proof for evolution? “In the beginning there was a blob. And this blob blobbed into a bigger blob. Then - bam - there was a human.” Wow. Just wow. Science is a great gift from God - but it can't save you. Only Jesus can. Heck you guys (doctors) can't even cure cancer yet.
@@starsinthesky3053 see how many Near Death Experiences you can find out there on the internet where people have seen any hindu gods, Allah or Buddha in their NDE's. I've been researching NDE's for weeks now and I am yet to find a single one who doesn't feel, see or sense Jesus Christ or come back totally different people and know the love of God.
@@starsinthesky3053 Hindu gods may seem nice but they are demons and they hide their horrible evil characteristics and will reveal them soon or later. there is only one true God And it's Jesus, all other gods are demons. Jesus is the only one whose all Good all Holy all Perfect and Faithful and Just, He is the only one who came to save us from hell and from sin, no other did because they aren't God. Jesus whom is the one and only true God and Creator came to earth 2000+ years ago to go to the cross to pay our sin debt in full. His sacrifice was sufficient to pay the penalty for the sins of the world (1 John 2:2). A created being could not pay the infinite penalty required for sin against an infinite God. Only God could pay such an infinite penalty. Only God could take on the sins of the world (2 Corinthians 5:21), die, and be resurrected, proving His victory over sin and death and that true and only God is JESUS! And He did all that because He loves us and wants to save us and have a relationship with us. Jesus is waiting for you to come to Him, He's the only way to Heaven, only He can save us from sin and from hell ( John 14, Romans 6:23, Luke 13:3). He won't cast you away from Himself if you come to Him. He calls us all to repentance, He loves us and wants to save us. believe and have faith in God then the Holy Spirit will come in and lead you to repent of your sins and God will forgive you of your sins and cleanse you by the blood of Jesus and you'll get born again by His Holy Spirit (John 3:3-19).
+meplusDavid I'm terribly sorry, but that's utter nonsense, and remarkably shallow because it shows you can't see beyond your own perspective! Just because you feel that gives *you* purpose, it doesn't mean that everyone who doesn't believe in your religion does *not* have a purpose in their lives. I've been an atheist all my life, and I find plenty of purpose in life. Family, Friends, love, work, acheivments, etc It's a strange myth that atheists have nothing to live for. It'#s the opposite.... we have nothing to *die* for.... we have to *live* for, and I'm not going to spend my life on my knees begging for forgiveness for something I've not done by a 'possible' deity that has a reputation for mass murder.
Cliffjumper24 True. Yet those who believe in God and Jesus have their purpose changed. I feel like I have more life. I feel more at peace, loved, and filled with an inner joy. You see the world differently. Jesus says we are made new and we ARE. It's really something... wonderful. And before you go on about mass murder... how many people did Hitler kill off? Man doesn't seem to do much better. In fact, God wants us to worship Him and He wants us to love our neighbor. If we did that, things would be a lot better but humans just can't seem to do that. Might as well turn to a God who DOES love you and DOES want you. Instead of destroying humans when Adam and Eve messed up, God sent them out of Eden. That is mercy. He surely could have destroyed us right then and there. We live on this planet that God created. Look around you, the stuff man hasn't messed up is wonderful. The canyons, the waterfalls, the rain... all these come from God. And you don't spend your life on your knees. You do spend a lot of time being thankful. And are you going to try to tell me that you haven't messed up in some way today? (sorry this is 2 years late) ;)
sara nader I agree that things would be a lot better if we loved our neighbor, or more generally respected and empathized with others. Not clear how worshiping any number of imagined beings makes the world any better, though. You are tapping into the same feelings of connection and euphoria that other religions and cults do. But those feelings don't make your story any truer than any of the others. Take god out of everything you said and the humility and empathy are still as advisable, because these dictates either have value in themselves or they are arbitrary dictates of an unknowable being, who could be evil for all we know.
In these last days, God is revealing himself to people around the world. When the Gospel has reached the whole world, then the end of the world will come.
It is amazing to me how many testimonies there are out there from Muslims who are converting to Christianity and how many Jewish rabbi's and synagogue presidents etc, or just Jewish people in general, are starting to believe in Jesus Christ (Yeshua).
@Folk Aart I've already taken care of that. What is missing in your life that would make you act this way? I mean realistically you could have walked past, but you stopped. Why? What are you searching for? What is missing in your life and why are you so angry?
Who do you really follow? Scriptures tells us to follow the example of our Messiah: 1Pe 2:21 For to this you were called, because Messiah also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that you should follow His steps, Followers of Jesus, the Greek Messiah: Pagan Names For the Father and Son(Lord/Jesus); Sunday rest; Pagan feasts of Easter and Christmas; popes; nuns; holy water; sacraments; or any separation of Messiah’s body into a “priesthood” and “laity”; eat pork(unclean foods). (None found In the Scripture) Followers of Yahusha, the Hebrew Messiah: Call the Father a Son by the Sacred Name Yahuah and Yahusha; 7th day Sabbath rest; Keep the Torah and Scriptural feasts of Lev 23; eat Kosher; circumcised and wear Tzitzits. (all found in the Scripture) Do you follow the belief ABOUT the Messiah or OF the Messiah? In other words, if you follow Jesus, you received the one who came in his own name: Joh 5:43 “I have come in My Father’s Name and you do not receive Me, if another comes in his own name, him you would receive. But if you Follow Messiah Yahusha, you will love Him and guard His Commands: Joh 14:15 “If you love Me, you shall guard My commands. You are of the one you obey: Rom 6:16 Do you not know that to whom you present yourselves servants for obedience, you are servants of the one whom you obey, whether of sin to death, or of obedience to righteousness? The error of the Christian church who believes they are the new chosen and replaced the Jews/Yahudim, here is our Father's answer to that: Rev 2:9 “I know your works, and pressure, and poverty - yet you are rich - and the blasphemy of those who say they are Yahuḏim and are not, but are a congregation of Satan.
@@jacobtack1945I am a follower of Jesus Christ who is God Almighty. In the beginning was the Word. The Word was with God and the Word was God. I know that the Church(Bride of Christ) does not replace Israel. The Gentiles are the wild olive branch that has been grafted into the olive tree. God has given ALL His New Blood Covenant to “whosoever shall believe in Christ Jesus”. God said in the Torah that He is bringing a new covenant; an everlasting covenant. The Old Covenant was not complete and animal sacrifices had to be repeated over and over because those rituals were not sufficient to satisfy God for our sin-debt. The Law of Moses revealed our sinfulness. The Law cannot and does not justify you. Only the blood of a pure and spotless lamb. No one can earn their salvation or bribe God for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. God says that no one is good except Christ Jesus. God will not be mocked. Israel will be redeemed according to God’s promise when they “look upon the One whom they pierced.”(Zechariah 12:10). The Church(Body of Christ)has already been redeemed by faith in Jesus Christ. Israel rejected the Cornerstone; the stone the builders rejected. Sadly, for those who reject Jesus Christ, “The Time of Jacob’s Trouble” will come. This is specifically for the redemption of Israel. All have been called but few are chosen. Israel was first called but rejected Jesus. God then called the Gentiles. All who seek God and put their faith in Christ Jesus, alone, are His chosen. Only those whose faith is in Christ Jesus will be saved from the wrath of God to come upon this Christ-rejecting world. I love the Jewish nation of Israel and pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Please accept Jesus Christ and receive His atoning Sacrifice for your sins. Jesus is the Lamb of God who was worthy to be slain. Jesus paid our sin-debt, in full! God’s grace was displayed by the atoning Sacrifice of Christ Jesus on the cross. Be washed and cleansed by His blood and be born again from above! Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. Through no other can one get to the Father.
Jesus said , "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. If a person belongs to Christ or if he is calling them into the family of God , they will hear his voice .
How awesome, same here, i thought i was a real christian, little did i know i was so blinded i was lukewarm. One day after looking at Angelica Zambrano's video a voice told me believe her, it is true, it's the Word of God. So i believed, that little believe brought upon me God's Holy Spirit, I know because it lead me straight to Read my bible, Matthew, John, Genesis, Revelation....I just suddenly Love Jesus Christ more than anyone! Then I fasted and feel closer to God than ever and have an amazing new Knowledge. I can now tell the difference between a False Teacher and the real Word, a luke warm from a true christian, The Truth does set you Free! God bless!
Who do you really follow? Scriptures tells us to follow the example of our Messiah: 1Pe 2:21 For to this you were called, because Messiah also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that you should follow His steps, Followers of Jesus, the Greek Messiah: Pagan Names For the Father and Son(Lord/Jesus); Sunday rest; Pagan feasts of Easter and Christmas; popes; nuns; holy water; sacraments; or any separation of Messiah’s body into a “priesthood” and “laity”; eat pork(unclean foods). (None found In the Scripture) Followers of Yahusha, the Hebrew Messiah: Call the Father a Son by the Sacred Name Yahuah and Yahusha; 7th day Sabbath rest; Keep the Torah and Scriptural feasts of Lev 23; eat Kosher; circumcised and wear Tzitzits. (all found in the Scripture) Do you follow the belief ABOUT the Messiah or OF the Messiah? In other words, if you follow Jesus, you received the one who came in his own name: Joh 5:43 “I have come in My Father’s Name and you do not receive Me, if another comes in his own name, him you would receive. But if you Follow Messiah Yahusha, you will love Him and guard His Commands: Joh 14:15 “If you love Me, you shall guard My commands. You are of the one you obey: Rom 6:16 Do you not know that to whom you present yourselves servants for obedience, you are servants of the one whom you obey, whether of sin to death, or of obedience to righteousness? The error of the Christian church who believes they are the new chosen and replaced the Jews/Yahudim, here is our Father's answer to that: Rev 2:9 “I know your works, and pressure, and poverty - yet you are rich - and the blasphemy of those who say they are Yahuḏim and are not, but are a congregation of Satan.
That was an absolutely beautiful story. I was an atheist for over 40 years, and recently became Christian. But my conversion story in no way compares to Heidi's. She is a sweetheart and God has seriously blessed her.
So I watch this and I listen carefully and I conclude based on this woman's words that after she received Jesus Christ as her personal Savior she (1) became a better wife (2) became a better mom (3) created a better marriage and a better family for her children to grow up in (4) regarding her husband...listen at 5:10 and you will see according to her, her husband never left and the implication is everything is better in her home now, they are happier and it is Jesus Christ that made the difference. I've got to tell you...I don't see the downside here!
Marriage is based on equality and mutual respect as I believe Jesus would expect. Jesus gave dignity to women. She doesn't say if her husband actually left her and what made him change his mind to return to her.
Too bad she has become a hater of LGBTQ and is now against gun control, free healthcare for the poor and now supports Trump and the Jan 6 insurrection.
My 14 year old daughter is an atheist and this made me cry. I have hope now that she might change and her heart might soften. Thank you so much for this testimony.
I see a lot of disgruntled atheists -- no matter, as God always wins. The reason being for the derogatory comments from unbelievers here, folks is, for every atheist, agnostic, or unbeliever who turns to Jesus brings doubt onto the atheist that they're not as correct as they believe themselves to be. It's a strike against their *pride*, as most people loathe being *wrong*. I used to be an atheist myself, for many years, even to the point of being a militant one from time to time, but it's pointless to argue with an atheist due to their hardening and unrepentant heart. They only seek to look down on others, while elevating themselves as being better -- that's what pride does, and they're blind to it. The Holy Spirit opens your eyes when you repent your sins, leaving them to be dealt with at the Cross. This, Christians, is why we can see and sense things that many others cannot. If it were in our own power, we would be like the atheists here, who claim to have read the entire Word with understanding, only to still be in darkness and ignorance. "And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not." - John 1:5 It's great to see God softening her heart, so she may ask for the free gift of salvation, and lead unbelievers and backsliders to the Cross.
Zach Bos don't look for proof, start to go to church again and gain faith. Just as I did as a former atheist. It took me 8 months of church to gain faith.
Jesus died for every human being. He is pure love, and if you've ever loved, then you've experienced a taste of Him. To believe in Him takes the Holy Spirit quickening your spirit. Unfortunately, there are some who have hardened their hearts to accept Him in their hearts. He still loves you and waits patiently for you. There's a void in every human being's spirit that's only made for their creator and until you find Jesus, you'll never be completely content and at peace. He's coming back very soon. Heaven and hell are real.
To me, this bit of bible thumping seems as gormless as this: Santa has presents for every child. He is pure merriment and if you've ever felt Christmas cheer then you've experienced a taste of him. Unfortunately, there are children who are naughty and won't get a present. Never fear, he will still bring you a present if you are nice. There is a void in every child's heart that cannot be filled until they've experienced the wonder of receiving a gift from Santa at Christmas. Your life will never be complete unless, as a child, you experience the joy of Christmas morning knowing that there's a gift from Santa under the tree. Santa and his base at the North Pole are for real kids.
You are entitled to your own opinion, but let me caution you about mocking the God that holds your every breathe in the palm of His hands my friend. The One and Only God that created even the devil. He loves you and is willing to accept you in His arms, but will never force Himself to you. I pray that you'll find His love before its too late!
sonofdog1 Christmas was built on the bones of paganism and lies. It is something Christians might want to reconsider celebrating. I no longer do. It is for the very reasons you said. Isn't it funny how satan worked to coopt everything that is God and make it be about him instead? Maybe start reading revelations.
Son of Northern Darkness We have to be forgiven for our sins and we have to believe in God. When we do, we change. Our former selves die. We become better. More loving. More forgiving. We can discern better too. He becomes a HUGE part of our lives. Something that I am VERY grateful for. Be careful you don't post something that is NOT going to go well for you.
David Sumrell I say you should read your bible more. John 8:7 and Matthew 7:1 Or do you think you are without sin? Of course, I'm an atheist, so it doesn't matter to me. What makes me laugh, is that Christians never seem to notice how the scripture is so bad, that according to Genesis, god conspired to introduce sin and death to the world. and set Adam and Eve up to fail.
In the Bible you would see that Satan tricked Adam and Eve and that Adam and Even chose sin over obeying God. That is why all humans are sinful. Because our race is fallen from that fall from God.
Wow!! This is inspiring. God bless you!! Your testimony is powerful. Tell it to more people and I bet they will accept Jesus in their heart. God has saved us all from our sin and thought process of his existence. Praise be to him forever and ever
May the Lord bless you and keep you from all these hateful comments on here! Jesus knows you and loves you and all the mockery will stop:-) praise! Praise the lord oh my soul and I will magnify His name! Sweet sweet JESUS
This was me when I was younger. both my parents were catholic, but I just thought the bible was another novel on the bookshelves. I was saved by the power of the Holy Spirit. Looking at some of the comments its funny. So many atheists were upset at how they were represented in the movie #Godsnotdead but the comments below show just how accurate it really was.
I love testimonies from people who professed atheism, then for one reason or another find themselves a Christian of all things. The only actual religion that atheist seem to really go after is Christianity, then their obsession changes, and becomes the obsession once battled. I cannot get enough, so I am off to another atheist who loses his religion video.
We all have some level obsession, that could vary from health,wealth, religion, or anti-theism. We should check our lives, and prioritize what and Who matters. If we are Christian, then we should be obsessed with the LORD and His ways.
SuperCal I'm one of them. Acts chapter 17 will tell you where I got my username (DamarisSeeks). Don't worry about the other commenter, because he's here too lol.
My teenage son can to me, because he was questioning his faith. I told him that it was about time that he questioned his beliefs, and decide for himself if Christianity is true. I began a UA-cam apologetics playlists called YGOD, and he would read my arguments with atheists. Intelligent Design and a Creator are obvious, but I would confess my sin, and how I need a Savior. Our faith has never been stronger.
Benedict resigned because of child rape!!! the first Pope in hundreds of years to resign. the new Pope is mad OK with homosexuality, he has no choice. "who is he to judge" when he is head of the largest international boy rape organization that has ever existed on the earth. name one organization that could compete for the title! fuck YOU!!! 💩Bishop💩 Stika💩 fuck you for the restraining orders! fuck you for harboring my son's abusers! fuck you for silencing me!! fuck the dozens of employees of your diocese who refuse to even take my report of abuse!!!.
David Webb I am so sorry about your son and the pain that they caused you. I am a born-again Christian, and I want to say that no matter what denomination, church, or credentials someone has, they are hell-spawns if they rape. They are the lowest caliber of hell-spawns if they rape children. I pray the grace of God would reach you. I pray you would see that these men who do these things are controlled by Satan. I pray you would see that God is not the perpetrator of these acts, it is rebelling against Him that do them.
Thanks 316, really appreciate your sympathy. However, there is no Satan and there is no God. Don't be blind, follow your eyes and mind. Do you really think there a magical guy living underneath the earth in some magical place that some other magical guy made, to punish the magical parts of humans?! Crazy right? I was willing to buy all the bs from the Bible. It took seeing sick and evil actions of his followers to convince me that if there is a God, then he is a Prick. There is NO God, never had been, never will be. Please give a one star Google review to the Roman Catholic churches in Knoxville Tennessee.
David Webb I apologize for not responding sooner. I am a motion graphic artist and I had major jobs to complete. But I wanted to get back to you. God is real. God is not a figment of people's imagination. I can give you the top intellectual reasons why I believe the God of the Bible is true: - Evidence for Design in the Origin of Life - Evidence for Design in the Development of Biological Complexity (irreducible complexity) - Manuscript Evidence - Archaeological Evidence - Eyewitness Accounts - Corroborating Accounts - Literary Consistency - Prophetic Consistency - Expert Scrutiny but the greatest is changed lives. I came to Christ reading "The Cross and the Switchblade", a story about how Christ changed a cold blooded killer into a great gentle kind man. I was a depressed, borderline suicidal preteen who was going down, fast. Christ transformed me into a man of hope, who helps others find hope. I have seen Jesus transform addicts into clean and sober people; killers and kind people,those who can't be trusted into the trusted people, and skeptics into believers. I pray God reveals this to you Mr. Webb. God bless!
@@316production6 Hindu gods seem more loving and they have many testimonies with them. And we have evidence where life came from, evolution, your god s as real as allah you can literally say the same things
GREAT testimony! I’m happy you found Christ! I hope your story leads others to Christ Jesus. He wants nothing more than to have a relationship with us. He just wants us to be happy! God bless ❤️
Lost my wife a few months ago. As an ex atheist the moment I gave my heart to Jesus I didn't want to get married. I wanted to serve God. My heart was content & at peace. But even so God gave me a beautiful & a wonderful bride who was a woman of my dreams. Now that she's gone Home & I miss her. I need your prayers as I am at my wits end, not knowing how I'm going to go on. Never seen my heart go through so many contrasting things in a day.
@@juliabailey7304 Thank you. Really appreciate your kind gesture. I'm something like a hardcore Christian. I don't crack up easily, but I've been through what seems like a furnace experience for many years. So you saw me beaten & banged up in my comment above. I've got nothing, but Jesus. He's everything to me. The Bible says that when you're in trouble - pray. So that's what i was asking. Just felt like adding that in this world we go through momentary trials, & their afflictions are MOMENTARY. It's not a lifetime of trials. Just momentary, because our Lord is faithful & He won't allow us to be tested or tempted more than we can bear. The analogy of base ball was good. It does seem like that when people start out afresh with the Lord. But tests & trials expose what they're made of. We need to pray that we will all have the heart of the 4th person in the Parable of the Sower - the good & noble heart; that perseveres & overcomes no matter what. I think God made me & each of us that way when He saved us. We just need to lay down our lives & surrender to Him each time we come to a cross road. Thanks once again & God bless. TC
Benedict resigned because of child rape!!! the first Pope in hundreds of years to resign. the new Pope is mad OK with homosexuality, he has no choice. "who is he to judge" when he is head of the largest international boy rape organization that has ever existed on the earth. name one organization that could compete for the title! fuck YOU!!! 💩Bishop💩 Stika💩 fuck you for the restraining orders! fuck you for harboring my son's abusers! fuck you for silencing me!! fuck the dozens of employees of your diocese who refuse to even take my report of abuse!!!
David Webb Catholicism is false religion. There are no priests, Popes, or pedeophile in the Bible. Jesus came to set us free and does not cover up anything. All man's sins (including pedeophile priest's) will one day be uncovered when God the righteous judge pronounces final judgement. I am sorry for any suffering you or your family had and still go through and I hope you get justice on earth too. I pray God gives you and your family healing.
for all you atheists who do not believe in God, you can have many arguments but there's only one truth. May that truth sets you free and may you come to know His love for yourself someday. He loves you dearly, always.
Dogma Disputant Psalm 14:1, only the fool says in his heart there is no God, if you favor a foolish,greedy little Leprechauns over the one true God who loves you and want's to give you eternal life, be my guest because if you steal that Leprechauns pot of gold it will hunt you down and kill you. Jesus wants to give eternal life and your own pot of gold in your place he made for you where you gold will last forever so who's the more awsom?
Jd Wright Only the fool says in their heart that there is no god; It's the thinking rational person who says it out loud! They are both imaginary. Gods and leprechauns! The glaring fact about belief and faith, in a religious context, is that it is by definition only an assertion based upon nothing but puerile wishful thinking and tradition. If there was empirical evidence to back any religious claims, beginning with their god, it would be considered knowledge not faith or a belief. Of course, there is no such evidence. God is an invention of the superstitious and illogical mind that cannot even substantiate or observe its own supposed creation. All gods are imaginary. That's what we label things that haven't any empirical evidence to support their existence. Until something can be proven to exist, it's labeled as imaginary or unknown to exist. It's a simple matter ones honesty and integrity. It stands to reason that If a person claims to know that a particular god exists, they're being woefully dishonest. Those who pretend to believe in a particular gods existence, are also being woefully dishonest. However, If a person says that they honestly believe in a particular god, well... then they're simply woefully delusional. Which one are you? Furthermore, as an adult, what is your excuse for still having the gullibility and analytical skills of a toddler?
+Dogma Disputant Look in the lady's eyes and see the twinkle. God's love has been poured into her heart. Open yours and seek the truth. Jesus does change lives.
clearly this woman has found amazing happiness from Jesus, whether we believe or not cant be just be happy for her. she is trying to share something amazing that has happened to her. I am truly happy for you and am so glad that you have found Jesus. Things may get difficult when you become a Christian but I truly don't know what id do without Jesus.
That was beautiful. The moment I opened up the New Testament, I fell in love with Jesus Christ as a kid. I then backslide as a teenager (13) to adulthood til the age of 27 when I felt a strong. Urge in my soul to come out of this system of sinful living in America. And like only God can do it. I started dropping addictive lifestyles which people do years and years of counseling for just to be readdicted. But I knew it was the Holy Spirit changing me from within. And then I just kept remembering the words of Jesus Christ that I use to read as a child. And how it started to reanimate my soul. And. This year on Good Friday. I came back to the Lord accepted him. This time for Good and since then I have been on fire and more in love then ever. And my life radically changed. There is power in the Love of Jesus Christ. His love truly overcomes all fear. And he will free you from sin if you simply turn from it with a broken heart. I hope my short testimony touches all who read this. Both believers and non believers( Jesus is REAL)
Today, there are so many people who just want to argue and put their views on people with force and violence. Yet the woman in this video came to faith through loving patience.
It does not matter whether she was or was not. She had no evidence for god existing before, and she has no evidence for god existing now. She has simply decided to be more gullible and believe things for no good reason.
Nicholas Flamel According to your logic you could go up to any random atheist and turn them into a Christian.... which doesn't happen, they all resist.
Those are all baseless claims. You have ZERO evidence that your god exists. You can show no difference between your "god" and your over-active imagination. Stop PRETENDING to know things you do not know.
You REALLY need to look up the definition of COINCIDENCE and CONFIRMATION BIAS. You have no evidence for your god. You already believed what you were conditioned to believe when you were young, and you are gullibly taking ANYTHING as a confirmation of that preconceived belief. We KNOW you are lying when you say you "went to science" because you have NO CLUE what constitutes evidence, or the faintest notion of how logic works. Go look up your two new words, and then ask yourself if you actually have any EVIDENCE for your invisible god apart from your IMAGINATION. So far you do not, you only have confirmation bias and gullibility.
Praise God! This is so similar to my story but I came out of the New Age. My husband is atheistic and is not happy about his new wife. I am trying to be that submissive wife but he is very agitated by my new beliefs and he provokes me a lot, judges, mocks. I keep praying to God to guide me but I keep ending up in spiritual battles with my husband. The biggest spiritual battle I am in is the one with the devil for my husband's soul which I plead with Jesus to save! It feels impossible most days, and I also worry about how I can have a strong Christian influence on my babies with so much adversity against me, but I believe and have faith that God is able to do a work on my husband's heart. I keep telling Jesus that Hell is not an option for my family, that we are meant to be a saved Christian family that can glorify His Name! I sure pray that this woman's husband comes to know Christ as well! Amen.
it is funny how there are so many atheists in the comment sections either they really want to troll the true believers or are still lost and want to find the answer in the religious topics either way sad bunch of people :/ i hope they find their way to God
Ivan Drago, were you ever in the army? I am aware that Ivan Drago is Dolph Lundgren's characters name in Rocky IV, but believe it or not, my 2/17 battalion commander's name was Ivan Drago.
Why are all the atheists here?? I think it’s because they’re truly searching for truth but still fighting against the Holy Spirit. If you are one of these people, simply ask God to reveal himself with you BUT keep an open mind. What’s the worst that can happen?? It turns out not to be true. Jesus said “Draw near to me and I’ll draw near to you” First youvhave to draw near THEN he’ll draw near to you... Remember, you already know what you know and think, so keep an open mindand simply experience...
Thank you for this beautiful testimony of youres ,i just whanted to cry by hearing you speak about GOD and how He shanged youre life...isn't He amazing and loving...oh how he loves us we just can't even imagine how mouch He loves us...Haleluja!
T69bonez People of other faiths say they came to believe with the same experiences. I once talked to a Muslim who said the same things. Kind Muslims answering their questions about Allah. Then after some time a peaceful presences of love coming over them as they "softened" their heart to Allah. Then having an intense wonderful experience etc. So many believers of other faiths have the same story and experieces as this. Often their "spiritual" experience is more profound than what most christians describe theirs to be. These kinds of "testimonies" are actually a dime a dozen if you listen to many believers of different faiths.
Side Burnie Oh yes, people of other faiths say they experience love, love for others, and positive results from their religion/god. To say none do is simply not paying close enough attention. This is simply not true.
Christians only believe in the God of the Bible. Any other god is not real. They are idols. If you made a pottery piece come to life, would you want it to thank someone on the TV show behind you for its life? No, you created it. The man in the TV is not its creator. God wants us to turn to him! I think that this is the same thing with God and us. HE created us, not Allah, not Vishnu, not anything else. We are HIS and His alone.
Just remember all you who post offensive posts and try to be as shocking as possible (As if we Chritians give a toss). We all have an eternity, even youy. I know where I'm going. Not bothered about the names you want to call us; just shows me we will not be sharing etermity together; so bring it on!
or, we only get this one life to live and people are just angry because people like you convinced them to waste their only life on what they now view as religious bullshit. how do you know there is a heaven? why isn't it reincarnation? how do you validate a truth claim, what's your method of coming to the conclusion of true things?
I love this testimony!!! when we choose Jesus over everything, He makes everything right. Life will still have it's stumbling blocks, but we have an advocate in Jesus Christ to get through all things!!!🙏
thanks but dont try and use fear of a afterlife to try and get me to conform to these hatefull or ways of living. im sorry if thats scary enough to make you by the bullshit. but i guess its better then acting good out of greed of wanting eternal rewards for your actions
So, she used to be a reasonable person who thought logically, and now she isn't. This is only proof that she suspended her logic to believe the unreasonable and illogical. And unbelievable for that matter.
Jahun Koo I went to a Bible college and was a Christian for over 20 years. So... yes, I read the gospel. There's no logical reason to believe the miracles happened or prophecies are real.
+g waltluv That's the misconcept you make. Going to a church or reading does not make you are a christian. Christian is being saved by Him when you accept Him as Your saviour.
SanFrancisco Love What makes you think I didn't do that? Are you unable to understand that it's just a vulnerable and suggestive state of mind we put ourselves in?
+g waltluv if you say You are Christian for more than twenty years... already you didn't understand it. Once saved, always saved. Once you are a child of God, you will always be. :)
Cynthia Perras You obviously haven’t read the part of the Old Testament where God commanded the Israelites to slaughter the Amalekites and burn their village to the ground. Or the time when he ordered them to rip the babies out of pregnant women. That’s quite a kind, benevolent god you’ve got there!
@@GameArchon215 I do not believe in your assertions. However, since you are definitely an atheist, you must be an evolutionist too, because there is no room for you to accept creation or intelligent design. That being said, your naturalistic, materialistic world view prevents you from seeing that you are borrowing on the presuppositions of the Christian world view of right and wrong, good and evil. The idea that you consider what is good or evil, right or wrong cannot exist in your naturalistic world view because with evolution you are simply a product of random, unguided, collection of chemicals and such. If your computer was just a combination of randomly assembled bits and pieces, would you trust it? I dare say you would not. So how can you even trust your own thoughts to be correct according to the evolutionist world view. Perhaps you feel inclined to disagree with God. But there is a difficulty with disagreeing with God. He is the source from which all your reasoning power comes. You could not be right and He wrong anymore than a stream can rise higher than its own source. When you are arguing against Him, you are arguing against the very power that makes you argue at all. It is like cutting off the branch that you are sitting on. So you are stealing from the Christian concept of right and wrong, because only God can reveal these ideas to you through the power that He has given you to even think those thoughts. And if there is evil in the world, there must also be good, Therefore there is a huge inconsistency in your ideology - you cannot live a true atheistic life without being incoherent. Funny that you use the Bible to attempt to prove the Bible is wrong. The critic of the Bible must use Biblical presuppositions in order to argue against the Bible. How do you decide right from wrong? Apart from the Biblical God, morality can only be relative. But people cannot and will not live that way. I don't accept your belief in naturalism. But hypothetically if naturalism were true, it would be impossible to prove anything, since there would be no laws of logic. Good? Innocent? You are attempting to argue from the position of absolute morality, which you cannot have apart from the Christian world view. I do not accept your standard because God is good and the standard of goodness. God is as good as He can be because He is the definition of what is good.
Richard Butler You don’t believe my assertions about the Bible? Here, check out these verses. And feel free to look these up for yourself, to ensure that I’m not bullshitting you. "Now go and strike Amalek and devote to destruction all that they have. Do not spare them, but kill both man and woman, child and infant, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.” - Samuel 15:3 “Samaria shall become desolate; for she hath rebelled against her God: they shall fall by the sword: their infants shall be dashed in pieces, and their women with child shall be ripped up.” - Hosea 13:16 I also forgot to point out that the Bible condones rape and slavery. “If a man find a damsel that is a virgin, which is not betrothed, and lay hold on her, and lie with her, and they be found; Then the man that lay with her shall give unto the damsel's father fifty shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife; because he hath humbled her, he may not put her away all his days.” - Deuteronomy 22:28-29 “Slaves, in reverent fear of God submit yourselves to your masters, not only to those who are good and considerate, but also to those who are harsh.” - 1 Peter 2:18 I too find it funny that I use the Bible to back my anti-theistic arguments. The most hilarious thing is, it actually works! It doesn’t prove that it’s false, but it does prove that it’s morally bankrupt. “Ha ha, you can’t prove that it’s false! That automatically means it’s true!” Not so fast. You can’t prove Santa Claus, Bigfoot, the Tooth Fairy, or Leprechauns don’t exist either. In order to thoroughly disprove ANY of those things, we’d need to search every square inch of the universe, which is impossible. Yet you don’t believe in any of those things, do you? Funny, because the Bible has no more evidence to back itself up, than any of those other childhood fantasy characters. It is not up to me to disprove your God, because it’s impossible to disprove the existence of anything. It is up to YOU to prove that the SPECIFIC God of the Bible DOES exist. As for your laughable claims that I’m like a river, trying to go upward, or a twig cutting itself off of a tree, your claim that my reasoning comes from God, has no more evidence than if a Muslim were to claim that our reasoning comes from Allah. You’ve provided zero evidence as to why I should believe any of your claims. The entirety of your comment is filled with nothing but proclamations and assertions based on nothing more than circular reasoning. You assert that the Bible is true, because you believe it’s the word of God. You assert that it’s the word of God because it says so in the Bible, and you believe it because you assert that it the Bible is true. That’s circular reasoning. You have not yet *PROVEN* that the Bible is actually correct. That means you can’t trust it, even if it claims to be the word of God. Only when you’ve found sufficient EXTERNAL evidence, can you validate the reliability of the Bible. I could just as easily write in a random notebook “This notebook is the word of God.” And if you disagree with me, well, it says so right in the notebook. So I guess that means the notebook really is the word of God. You see the problem here? That’s obviously a bullshit argument. And that’s exactly what you sound like whenever you proclaim that the Bible is true. Muslims claim that Allah created the universe, and the Quran is the word of Allah. They believe it because it says so in the Quran. They use circular reasoning as well. If that’s not enough to convince you that Islam is true, why would you think it would be enough to convince me that Christianity is true? The claim that there is no concept of right and wrong outside of Christianity has no more evidential basis than if a Muslim were to claim that there is no concept of right and wrong outside of Islam. To refute this, you might bring up the terrorists of 9/11. But they’ll just say “Oh, those weren’t REAL Muslims.” Just like if they were to bring up the KKK, the Spanish Inquisition, or the Salem Witch Trials, you’d just as hastily dismiss them as “Not real Christians.” My views on both Christianity and Islam, are exactly the same as your views on Islam. You don’t believe it, and you think it’s bullshit. I don’t believe in any religion, and I think they’re all bullshit. Even the simple fact that Christianity requires faith is a very good sign that it’s all made up. If I were to make a religion where the universe was made by a bunch of Leprechauns, and I were to force it onto the public, like Emperor Constantine did with Christianity, how would I ensure that they maintain these beliefs? Well, I could tell them that the Leprechauns demand faith. I could tell them that if they believe that the Leprechauns exist, they’ll get a pot of gold after they die. But if they refuse, THEY’LL BE TORTURED FOREVER!!!!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now the masses will too afraid to question their beliefs, because they don’t want to risk getting tortured. Even if Christianity were actually true, the system it uses is a great system for perpetuating a lie. Evolution, and all other branches of science don’t require faith, rewards, or punishments. We have actual evidence, unlike religion.
@@GameArchon215 Yahweh is no push over. It is written that only a few will make it to Heaven. Yahweh's love is embodied in the fact that He allows us to choose which path we will take. Those who turn away become tares, and will be thrown into the lake of fire. Yahweh's children - the wheat - remains. It's our choice while we are alive and breathing here on Earth.
@@JTWebsites The Flying Spaghetti Monster is no push over. It is written in my Holy Pasta Book, that only a few will make it to Pasta Heaven. The Flying Spaghetti Monster's love is embodied in the fact that He allows us to choose which path we will take. Those who turn away become tares, and will be thrown into the lake of boiling marinara sauce. The Flying Spaghetti Monster's children - the wheat - remains. It's our choice while we are alive and breathing here on Earth. If this isn't enough to convince you that the Flying Spaghetti Monster is real, why would you think it's enough to convince me that Christianity is real?
Not a very bright bulb. How do I know this? If she actually read the bible from beginning to end she would be an atheist. (I don't believe she was one in the first place) “Properly read, the Bible is the most potent force for atheism ever conceived.”― Isaac Asimov
Tomas Perez Jr. If you can read the bible and still think it came from a omniscient, omnipotent and omnibenevolent mind then you are mentally deficient. Your statement is nothing but an argument from populum fallacy as well. Notice Issac said PROPERLY read, meaning not with apologetic ad hoc rationalization books that attempt to explain away all the ridiculous nonsense the bible contains; but with an unbias skeptical eye. I find it hilarious you have 1 peter 3 15 on your profile. Its been demonstrated to be a forgery! rofl So much for the inneracy of the bible . If you think some illiterate fisherman named Peter who spoke Aramaic wrote in Greek then you are mentally deficient. The Petrine epistles were obviously written after his death rofl. They were written by a Liar for Jesus just like many other forgeries.
Tomas Perez Jr. Use of Greek and Hebrew scholars believe the author was not Peter, but an unknown author writing after Peter's death. Estimates for the date of composition range from 60 to 112 AD. Most critical scholars are skeptical that the apostle Simon Peter, the fisherman on the Sea of Galilee, actually wrote the epistle, because of the urbane cultured style of the Greek and the lack of any personal detail suggesting contact with the historical Jesus of Nazareth. The letter contains about thirty-five references to the Hebrew Bible, all of which, however, come from the Septuagint translation, an unlikely source for historical Peter the apostle, but appropriate for a Hellenized audience; thus the use of the Septuagint helps define the audience. The Septuagint was a Greek translation that had been created at Alexandria for the use of those Jews who could not easily read the Hebrew and Aramaic of the Tanakh, and for proselytes. A historical Jew in Galilee would not have heard Scripture in this form, it is argued. Pseudepigraphy written around 70-90 If the epistle is taken to be pseudepigraphal, the majority scholarly view, according to Raymond E. Brown[4] is that it should be dated to 70-90, an opinion shared by scholars such as Eric Eve (Oxford Bible Commentary, p. 1263), John H. Elliott (The Anchor Bible Dictionary, art. "First Epistle of Peter"),[5] and by Bart D. Ehrman.[6] Stephen L. Harris, on the other hand, holds that most scholars argue for an even later date, such as during the persecution of Domitian (c 95) or of Trajan (c 112).[7] Although the text identifies Peter as its author the language, dating, style, and structure of this letter has led many scholars to conclude that this letter is pseudonymous. Many scholars are convinced that Peter was not the author of this letter because the author had to have a formal education in rhetoric/philosophy and an advanced knowledge of the Greek language.[1] So much for biblical inerrancy eh? Take Issac's advice and read it properly , meaning with no bias and with skepticism instead of engaging in confirmation bias and special pleading. Have a good day I will not be responding to your nonsense apologetics because you are just a William Lame Crank fanboy. I have heard all the "arguments" already ad infinitum Crank is a sick minded human to say the least. "God had morally sufficient reasons for His judgement upon Canaan, and Israel was merely the instrument of His justice, just as centuries later God would use the pagan nations of Assyria and Babylon to judge Israel.[20][21] And: “”Moreover, if we believe, as I do, that God’s grace is extended to those who die in infancy or as small children, the death of these children was actually their salvation. We are so wedded to an earthly, naturalistic perspective that we forget that those who die are happy to quit this earth for heaven’s incomparable joy. Therefore, God does these children no wrong in taking their lives.[20][21] And: “”So whom does God wrong in commanding the destruction of the Canaanites? Not the Canaanite adults, for they were corrupt and deserving of judgement. Not the children, for they inherit eternal life.[20][21] If you agree with this nutter then you are just as sick/ And please take down your THINK wallpaper. That is ridiculous coming from a bible believer to say the least
Thomas, OP is just trying to justify their own atheism as being correct. The reason being, for every atheist, agnostic, or unbeliever who turns to Jesus, brings doubt onto the atheist that they're not as correct as they believe themselves to be. It's a strike against their pride, as most people loathe being wrong. I used to be one myself, for many years, even to the point of being a militant one from time to time, but it's pointless to argue with an atheist due to their hardening and unrepentant heart. They only seek to look down on others, while elevating themselves as being better -- that's what pride does, and they don't even realize it. God bless this woman for softening her heart, so she may ask for the free gift of salvation.
Altec Bluwell The famous " I use to be an atheist " ruse. Alas, another theist claiming to read minds. I don't have the slightest doubts in regards to Christianity being false. The true miracle is how any sensible person could actually believe it after a proper investigation. It has nothing to do with pride or hating to be wrong, it has to do with wanting to know the truth in regards to certain matters and Christianity utterly fails in its claims. Your entire post is just self projection and a pathetic straw man characterization of an atheist. I don't believe you were an atheist at all. Odd you mention the hardening of hearts when that's what Yahweh did to others against their wills as described in the bible. Yahweh hardened peoples hearts involuntarily ya schmuck Its rather pathetic that you try to explain away an atheists rejection of god claims by appealing to emotions and pride when the simple answer is that their is no evidence for the claims of Christianity. You actually think you know the answer to existence and have the nerve to talk about pride? Ridiculous.
If it's that easy, then any religion is fair game. Husband was about to leave, then she submits to him as to the lord, he stays. It's a win win for him.
Andre XX You Actually Believe Men Like Saint Augustine, Jerome, Thomas Aquinas, Johan Sebastian Bach, G.K. Chesterton, Cardinal Newman, Cardinal Ratzinger, Stopped Thinking Rationally In Order To Believe In Some Nonsensical Fantasy? Now Who's The One Believing In Fantasies?
Atheism is simply not believing in a god. It isn't avoidance of church. If you find Jesus, you have had the same delusional experience other people have when they find Muhammed, Allah, vishnu, Ganesha and Thor. Question the nonsense. There are much better explanations for this woman's silly delusions. Good grief!
+sweetshaman the problem is people don't find Muhammed and Allah. They find them and force them to believe. It's the complete opposite. I have never met a Muslim with a testimony of how they met God. One they have usually been indoctrinated from birth and 2 their God is impersonal mainly because no one would follow him if they knew who he really was. But I know hundreds of Christians who grew up in different backgrounds, cultures, countries and at some point all encountered Jesus (even in different languages). You cannot know for sure there is no God unless you are all knowing. But I do know God because I have somehow encountered him. I hope you do too. Have a great Christmas and New Year.
John Galt The elitist is the one who makes an empty claim and expects everyone to follow it just because he is superior to everyone else. Christians are the elitists. Not us Atheists. They claim a Jesus exists and though they have no evidence to back it up, they pound it on non-believers and criticize those who dare to question their claims. I don't know if there is a god or not - but you offer NO REASON to believe in any.
John Galt You have given no reason to believe - you are only offering old fables. Where is your evidence? This is the supposed 'father of Jesus' talking: GOD: “THE FOREIGNERS AMONG YOU SHALL BE YOUR SLAVES” “You shall purchase male and female slaves from among the foreigners who live among you, also the children..You may treat them as your property, passing them on to your children as a permanent inheritance. You may treat your slaves like this…” (Leviticus 25:44-46) If you don’t know how to be decent the Bible will not help you. If you are already decent the Bible will impede you. Religion poisons everything.
John Galt I read all of your comments and you did not prove a god exists. “You shall buy male and female slaves from among the foreigners who live among you, also the children...they are a permanent inheritance." - GOD YAHWEH (father of Jesus) (Leviticus 25:44-46) God told you to *buy slaves* and to give them to your children as a permanent inheritance. Have you followed your God's command yet? How many slaves have you bought?
+Shelby DeLisser Jesus does not survive the slightest research - as you should know. And if someone decided to plan their life around a Leprechaun wouldn't it be the kind and compassionate thing to at least let them know they should get their head examined? "Zombies rose from the dead out of their tombs and walked through Jerusalem" - Matthew 27:52. The question isn't, "Is it true?" - the proper question is, "Is it believable?" and the only answer is NO!
+Shelby DeLisser You should also do some research on prayer. Prayer is a form of meditation, and when you go into the state that your supposed to when you pray, you go into a suggestible state, where if someone says "Jesus soften her heart" that goes into a persons subconsciousness and works in the same way as hypnosis does. Watch the Derren Brown clip when he converts an Atheist. It's interesting how it is proven that woman are easier to hypnotize and more suggestible than men and more women convert to Christianity than men. If she were to apply the slightest bit of critical thinking skills to the experience that she had when she converted she would very quickly de-convert.
Shelby DeLisser So you are creating a mystery in your brain - and then you are saying 'wow - isn't this mysterious'. You are admitting it is just a fiction in your mind. All made up. Nothing of substance. Gods are inventions of humans. There is no god of any kind in real life. Unless you can prove it. Which apparently you can't.
+Shelby DeLisser Ah so you have free will to choose to believe something regardless of whether it is true or not. If you consider that justification for believing in God, then you have no interest in what is true or not as you have no way of distinguishing between one un-falsifiable claim and another. The reason to withhold belief is not because it's difficult to wrap our heads around there being a God but because there is nothing to distinguish between a world in which a God exists and a world in which a God doesn't exist, the reason to withhold belief is because we don't know if a God does or doesn't exist. As for the accusations of being evil (on the assumption we are talking about the bible God) the reason that God is accused of being evil is the horrendous acts that he condones, and the fact that he is prepared to torture people forever for not believing in something when they had no reason to do so, If you have no reason to believe in something, then belief is not really a choice, in fact it would be illogical and intellectually dishonest to believe under such circumstances. The God of the bible is evil if he thinks that withholding evidence to his existence and then torturing people forever for not believing when they do so is evil, and if you think preserving "freewill" (and I use the term freewill tenuously) is better than preventing people from being tortured forever then you are morally corrupt. Not to mention there are several passages in the Bible in which God explicitly messes with peoples free will. I am more than open to the possibility that a God or Gods may exist, but it does appear that the God of the bible is self contradictory and morally questionable. There could be all sorts of different types of God possible, which is why in most discussions it is obligatory to ask what God are we talking about and what justifications are there for believing. In general when an Atheist is making claims about their belief in God it is the Christian God that they are expressing their disbelief in as on the most part it is the only one they have been exposed to in any real depth. However if you'd like to present me with the arguments for a different kind of God or Gods and the reason as to why they might exist I will certainly consider them.
+Shelby DeLisser First you make the assumption that I was always an Atheist, this is far from the case, Up until my early 20's I was a fundamental "born again" Christian. I mean I believed it more than anything and before my de-conversion I would have taken a bullet for God, in fact at school I received many a beating for my faith. However when I got older I realized that the possibility that I only believed what I did due to childhood indoctrination, so I wanted to look further into the evidence for my claims and found that there was none, but I kept believing for a bit because of how being with Jesus made me feel, I mean I went to church and I could feel the presence of God. So I thought the same as Ty Gibson, if you try it and believe it you will know it is real, but then I found out about suggestibility and hypnosis and how the brain works, and then I knew the God I believed in didn't have a leg to stand on. Replace Go deeper into God the better you'll feel and the better you feel the more you'll want God, with Go deeper into trance and the more into trance the better you'll feel and the more you'll want to go into trance! It is all suggestibility if you believe that believing in something is going to make you feel better it will almost certainly make you feel better when you believe in that thing you are almost certainly going to feel better. Not to mention if you believe that no matter how crap your life is that some Sky Daddy is looking after you, and when you die you'll go to a happy clappy place where you'll always feel great then that is going to offer you some hope that is going to make you feel better when things are crap, however it doesn't make it true. In regard to his arguments against Richard Dawkin's, the God delusion isn't supposed to be a biology book, it is in response to the most common arguments that Theists make to justify their belief in God and Dawkin's deconstructs them all beautifully. And saying that he wouldn't believe in the God that Dawkin's describes either just shows ignorance, he is of course referring to the following quote. “The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.” However there are countless examples in the bible to prove every single one of those comments true. And his throw away statement saying that to say "God is the most unpleasant character in all of history to forget about Jack the Ripper", doesn't hold up because the God of the bible is significantly more evil than Jack the Ripper, Adolf Hitler and Paul Potts combined. If the character of God existed in a film he would be a villain. That rebuttal only takes me to about the 20 minute mark of the video and I can't be bothered watching the rest of it as I'm sure it is full of more fallacious arguments, and this comment is already way too long.
I'm Soo proud of you! Your story it's Soo touching! May God bless you and your family and Grant y'all his divine protection and blessings in Jesus name!!! You are loved!!!
One of the better testimonies I've heard. I'm a fan of videos that don't last TOO long, wish it would've continued to your husband's reaction & story. ??
beautiful i used to be an atheist also coming from an non christian family i searched for God with al my heart and i met Jesus alone in my room the 16th of May 2018!
"An atheist can never be too careful with his reading." -C.S. Lewis
Very moving testimony. I’m a grown man but I couldn’t fight my tears. I’m happy for you, sister. Be blessed.
Me too
Fills my heart with joy when a non-believer finds Jesus. Praise the LORD
Why are you so angry? If you don’t care why bother?
I love how the Christian lady's kindness drew her in! That's the power of the Holy Spirit 🕊
Who do you really follow?
Scriptures tells us to follow the example of our Messiah:
1Pe 2:21 For to this you were called, because Messiah also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that you should follow His steps,
Followers of Jesus, the Greek Messiah:
Pagan Names For the Father and Son(Lord/Jesus); Sunday rest; Pagan feasts of Easter and Christmas; popes; nuns; holy water; sacraments; or any separation of Messiah’s body into a “priesthood” and “laity”; eat pork(unclean foods).
(None found In the Scripture)
Followers of Yahusha, the Hebrew Messiah:
Call the Father a Son by the Sacred Name Yahuah and Yahusha; 7th day Sabbath rest; Keep the Torah and Scriptural feasts of Lev 23; eat Kosher; circumcised and wear Tzitzits.
(all found in the Scripture)
Do you follow the belief ABOUT the Messiah or OF the Messiah?
In other words, if you follow Jesus, you received the one who came in his own name:
Joh 5:43 “I have come in My Father’s Name and you do not receive Me, if another comes in his own name, him you would receive.
But if you Follow Messiah Yahusha, you will love Him and guard His Commands:
Joh 14:15 “If you love Me, you shall guard My commands.
You are of the one you obey:
Rom 6:16 Do you not know that to whom you present yourselves servants for obedience, you are servants of the one whom you obey, whether of sin to death, or of obedience to righteousness?
The error of the Christian church who believes they are the new chosen and replaced the Jews/Yahudim, here is our Father's answer to that:
Rev 2:9 “I know your works, and pressure, and poverty - yet you are rich - and the blasphemy of those who say they are Yahuḏim and are not, but are a congregation of Satan.
@BBALLISBEST That will come back to haunt you when you stand before the Lord God on judgement day.Accept the Lord Jesus While you still can!!! Look at the world around you and be in awe of The Lord God!
Yo, Jesus literally died for us! And he’s God himself.. God died for us! What more can you ask for?
Holy_Inferno / God never died. . .His Son did. (John 3:16).
Holy_Inferno / Wow. . .the Father of Jesus left heaven and died for us? Where is that scripture?
jebus didn't die for you he gave up his weekend for you big difference
As for Jesus DYING for us, well that is easy to do, HE CAME BACK TO LIFE SHORTLY LATER.
Holy_Inferno Thank goodness none of this appears to be actually true.
Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord. We walk by faith and not by sight. You can't see the oxygen you breath, but you still inhale and exhale and would die without it and you believe IT exists!! I pray that your hearts will soften and you will confess Jesus is Lord before it is too late. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Jennifer Johnson Standard reply 1: God Vs Air
1. We can see the effect air has.
2. We can perform chemical analysis to see what the air contains and in what quantities.
3. We can measure the force (pressure) exerted by the air.
4. We can and have formed predictive models for air and its effects on our environment. These tested positively
5. We CAN see air by reducing its temperature.
1. Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. Well, we have this old book..............
+Gav Tatu
1. We have nature and the created world (which would include air).
2. We have THE BIBLE, God's written and inspired and inexhaustible Word, (not some “old book”).
3. Also, Christianity, historically, has been from the beginning of the world; it has always stood in whatever country (yes, less in some country's, but not not gone), in whatever century, etc. All the other religions of the world have wavered throughout the years. Want to know why? Because it's true!
And if you can't see that, you're blind; the God of this world (Satan) has you in his hands. Repent and believe the gospel. It'll change you're life. See His beauty; the steadfast love of the Lord is better than life. Taste it.
Shannon Cornette so just the one specific god you believe in yeah ?
+Diego Grimaldo Science is beautiful because God's infinitely more beautiful. Don't you get it? There wouldn't be science without the Creator of science. And where's you're proof for evolution? “In the beginning there was a blob. And this blob blobbed into a bigger blob. Then - bam - there was a human.” Wow. Just wow. Science is a great gift from God - but it can't save you. Only Jesus can.
Heck you guys (doctors) can't even cure cancer yet.
Shannon Cornette lol.... you're funny !
the universe does not care about the gods of man.
Life begins when you become saved
@Bubu Nza Hindu gods seem more loving and they have many testimonies with them
@@starsinthesky3053 see how many Near Death Experiences you can find out there on the internet where people have seen any hindu gods, Allah or Buddha in their NDE's. I've been researching NDE's for weeks now and I am yet to find a single one who doesn't feel, see or sense Jesus Christ or come back totally different people and know the love of God.
@@taurusgirl2238 You can find many by switching your location to mainly Hindu or Buddhist countries. But they'll be in different languages
@@starsinthesky3053 Hindu gods may seem nice but they are demons and they hide their horrible evil characteristics and will reveal them soon or later. there is only one true God And it's Jesus, all other gods are demons. Jesus is the only one whose all Good all Holy all Perfect and Faithful and Just, He is the only one who came to save us from hell and from sin, no other did because they aren't God. Jesus whom is the one and only true God and Creator came to earth 2000+ years ago to go to the cross to pay our sin debt in full. His sacrifice was sufficient to pay the penalty for the sins of the world (1 John 2:2). A created being could not pay the infinite penalty required for sin against an infinite God. Only God could pay such an infinite penalty. Only God could take on the sins of the world (2 Corinthians 5:21), die, and be resurrected, proving His victory over sin and death and that true and only God is JESUS! And He did all that because He loves us and wants to save us and have a relationship with us. Jesus is waiting for you to come to Him, He's the only way to Heaven, only He can save us from sin and from hell ( John 14, Romans 6:23, Luke 13:3). He won't cast you away from Himself if you come to Him. He calls us all to repentance, He loves us and wants to save us. believe and have faith in God then the Holy Spirit will come in and lead you to repent of your sins and God will forgive you of your sins and cleanse you by the blood of Jesus and you'll get born again by His Holy Spirit
(John 3:3-19).
Without Jesus Christ there is no hope, and there is no meaning of life! Jesus Christ brings joy, and peace to our hearts :D.
+meplusDavid I'm terribly sorry, but that's utter nonsense, and remarkably shallow because it shows you can't see beyond your own perspective!
Just because you feel that gives *you* purpose, it doesn't mean that everyone who doesn't believe in your religion does *not* have a purpose in their lives.
I've been an atheist all my life, and I find plenty of purpose in life. Family, Friends, love, work, acheivments, etc
It's a strange myth that atheists have nothing to live for. It'#s the
opposite.... we have nothing to *die* for.... we have to *live* for, and I'm not going to spend my life on my knees begging for forgiveness for something I've not done by a 'possible' deity that has a reputation for mass murder.
VianeyValentino30 ... Amen
Cliffjumper24 True. Yet those who believe in God and Jesus have their purpose changed. I feel like I have more life. I feel more at peace, loved, and filled with an inner joy. You see the world differently. Jesus says we are made new and we ARE. It's really something... wonderful. And before you go on about mass murder... how many people did Hitler kill off? Man doesn't seem to do much better. In fact, God wants us to worship Him and He wants us to love our neighbor. If we did that, things would be a lot better but humans just can't seem to do that. Might as well turn to a God who DOES love you and DOES want you. Instead of destroying humans when Adam and Eve messed up, God sent them out of Eden. That is mercy. He surely could have destroyed us right then and there. We live on this planet that God created. Look around you, the stuff man hasn't messed up is wonderful. The canyons, the waterfalls, the rain... all these come from God. And you don't spend your life on your knees. You do spend a lot of time being thankful. And are you going to try to tell me that you haven't messed up in some way today? (sorry this is 2 years late) ;)
VeePhoenix0823 Amen
sara nader I agree that things would be a lot better if we loved our neighbor, or more generally respected and empathized with others. Not clear how worshiping any number of imagined beings makes the world any better, though. You are tapping into the same feelings of connection and euphoria that other religions and cults do. But those feelings don't make your story any truer than any of the others. Take god out of everything you said and the humility and empathy are still as advisable, because these dictates either have value in themselves or they are arbitrary dictates of an unknowable being, who could be evil for all we know.
In these last days, God is revealing himself to people around the world. When the Gospel has reached the whole world, then the end of the world will come.
Agree. I've read about it in the Holly Bible.
I was a Hindu in India..I received Christ as my saviour ..He transformed my Life..I fell in love with Him and Iam married to my Christ😇
It is amazing to me how many testimonies there are out there from Muslims who are converting to Christianity and how many Jewish rabbi's and synagogue presidents etc, or just Jewish people in general, are starting to believe in Jesus Christ (Yeshua).
@Folk Aart Are you here because you want people to pray for you? Because that is what is going to happen.
@Folk Aart I've already taken care of that. What is missing in your life that would make you act this way? I mean realistically you could have walked past, but you stopped. Why? What are you searching for? What is missing in your life and why are you so angry?
Jesus is Our Saviour ... His Love for us has no boundaries 🌷🌷🌷
Who do you really follow?
Scriptures tells us to follow the example of our Messiah:
1Pe 2:21 For to this you were called, because Messiah also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that you should follow His steps,
Followers of Jesus, the Greek Messiah:
Pagan Names For the Father and Son(Lord/Jesus); Sunday rest; Pagan feasts of Easter and Christmas; popes; nuns; holy water; sacraments; or any separation of Messiah’s body into a “priesthood” and “laity”; eat pork(unclean foods).
(None found In the Scripture)
Followers of Yahusha, the Hebrew Messiah:
Call the Father a Son by the Sacred Name Yahuah and Yahusha; 7th day Sabbath rest; Keep the Torah and Scriptural feasts of Lev 23; eat Kosher; circumcised and wear Tzitzits.
(all found in the Scripture)
Do you follow the belief ABOUT the Messiah or OF the Messiah?
In other words, if you follow Jesus, you received the one who came in his own name:
Joh 5:43 “I have come in My Father’s Name and you do not receive Me, if another comes in his own name, him you would receive.
But if you Follow Messiah Yahusha, you will love Him and guard His Commands:
Joh 14:15 “If you love Me, you shall guard My commands.
You are of the one you obey:
Rom 6:16 Do you not know that to whom you present yourselves servants for obedience, you are servants of the one whom you obey, whether of sin to death, or of obedience to righteousness?
The error of the Christian church who believes they are the new chosen and replaced the Jews/Yahudim, here is our Father's answer to that:
Rev 2:9 “I know your works, and pressure, and poverty - yet you are rich - and the blasphemy of those who say they are Yahuḏim and are not, but are a congregation of Satan.
@@jacobtack1945I am a follower of Jesus Christ who is God Almighty. In the beginning was the Word. The Word was with God and the Word was God. I know that the Church(Bride of Christ) does not replace Israel. The Gentiles are the wild olive branch that has been grafted into the olive tree. God has given ALL His New Blood Covenant to “whosoever shall believe in Christ Jesus”. God said in the Torah that He is bringing a new covenant; an everlasting covenant. The Old Covenant was not complete and animal sacrifices had to be repeated over and over because those rituals were not sufficient to satisfy God for our sin-debt. The Law of Moses revealed our sinfulness. The Law cannot and does not justify you. Only the blood of a pure and spotless lamb. No one can earn their salvation or bribe God for all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. God says that no one is good except Christ Jesus. God will not be mocked. Israel will be redeemed according to God’s promise when they “look upon the One whom they pierced.”(Zechariah 12:10). The Church(Body of Christ)has already been redeemed by faith in Jesus Christ. Israel rejected the Cornerstone; the stone the builders rejected. Sadly, for those who reject Jesus Christ, “The Time of Jacob’s Trouble” will come. This is specifically for the redemption of Israel. All have been called but few are chosen. Israel was first called but rejected Jesus. God then called the Gentiles. All who seek God and put their faith in Christ Jesus, alone, are His chosen. Only those whose faith is in Christ Jesus will be saved from the wrath of God to come upon this Christ-rejecting world. I love the Jewish nation of Israel and pray for the peace of Jerusalem. Please accept Jesus Christ and receive His atoning Sacrifice for your sins. Jesus is the Lamb of God who was worthy to be slain. Jesus paid our sin-debt, in full! God’s grace was displayed by the atoning Sacrifice of Christ Jesus on the cross. Be washed and cleansed by His blood and be born again from above! Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life. Through no other can one get to the Father.
Jesus said , "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. If a person belongs to Christ or if he is calling them into the family of God , they will hear his voice .
Good for her, she found peace and a purpose. Stop hating on her because she's a peace
How awesome, same here, i thought i was a real christian, little did i know i was so blinded i was lukewarm. One day after looking at Angelica Zambrano's video a voice told me believe her, it is true, it's the Word of God. So i believed, that little believe brought upon me God's Holy Spirit, I know because it lead me straight to Read my bible, Matthew, John, Genesis, Revelation....I just suddenly Love Jesus Christ more than anyone! Then I fasted and feel closer to God than ever and have an amazing new Knowledge. I can now tell the difference between a False Teacher and the real Word, a luke warm from a true christian, The Truth does set you Free! God bless!
God restored my health suddenle and Opened my eyes to the Truth!
+Candy Cantu god for u!!!
+Candy Cantu n the Truth set u Free!!!!!
Lukewarm vs Real Christian? Oh, you must mean Reasonable vs Extremist.
How long did you fast for and what did you do? Praise Jesus! 🙏✝
these kind of testimonies always wanna make me cry...Glory and praises to God
Who do you really follow?
Scriptures tells us to follow the example of our Messiah:
1Pe 2:21 For to this you were called, because Messiah also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that you should follow His steps,
Followers of Jesus, the Greek Messiah:
Pagan Names For the Father and Son(Lord/Jesus); Sunday rest; Pagan feasts of Easter and Christmas; popes; nuns; holy water; sacraments; or any separation of Messiah’s body into a “priesthood” and “laity”; eat pork(unclean foods).
(None found In the Scripture)
Followers of Yahusha, the Hebrew Messiah:
Call the Father a Son by the Sacred Name Yahuah and Yahusha; 7th day Sabbath rest; Keep the Torah and Scriptural feasts of Lev 23; eat Kosher; circumcised and wear Tzitzits.
(all found in the Scripture)
Do you follow the belief ABOUT the Messiah or OF the Messiah?
In other words, if you follow Jesus, you received the one who came in his own name:
Joh 5:43 “I have come in My Father’s Name and you do not receive Me, if another comes in his own name, him you would receive.
But if you Follow Messiah Yahusha, you will love Him and guard His Commands:
Joh 14:15 “If you love Me, you shall guard My commands.
You are of the one you obey:
Rom 6:16 Do you not know that to whom you present yourselves servants for obedience, you are servants of the one whom you obey, whether of sin to death, or of obedience to righteousness?
The error of the Christian church who believes they are the new chosen and replaced the Jews/Yahudim, here is our Father's answer to that:
Rev 2:9 “I know your works, and pressure, and poverty - yet you are rich - and the blasphemy of those who say they are Yahuḏim and are not, but are a congregation of Satan.
Bless this woman's heart! Great testimony! May God bless you and yours.
Hallelujah!!! Thank you God!! Thank you Jesus Christ!! God bless you sister for this beautiful testimony of yours!!
That was an absolutely beautiful story. I was an atheist for over 40 years, and recently became Christian. But my conversion story in no way compares to Heidi's. She is a sweetheart and God has seriously blessed her.
So I watch this and I listen carefully and I conclude based on this woman's words that after she received Jesus Christ as her personal Savior she (1) became a better wife (2) became a better mom (3) created a better marriage and a better family for her children to grow up in (4) regarding her husband...listen at 5:10 and you will see according to her, her husband never left and the implication is everything is better in her home now, they are happier and it is Jesus Christ that made the difference. I've got to tell you...I don't see the downside here!
I heard that!
Marriage is based on equality and mutual respect as I believe Jesus would expect. Jesus gave dignity to women. She doesn't say if her husband actually left her and what made him change his mind to return to her.
Too bad she has become a hater of LGBTQ and is now against gun control, free healthcare for the poor and now supports Trump and the Jan 6 insurrection.
My 14 year old daughter is an atheist and this made me cry. I have hope now that she might change and her heart might soften. Thank you so much for this testimony.
Watchwoman I pray she does.
How is your daughter?
I see a lot of disgruntled atheists -- no matter, as God always wins. The reason being for the derogatory comments from unbelievers here, folks is, for every atheist, agnostic, or unbeliever who turns to Jesus brings doubt onto the atheist that they're not as correct as they believe themselves to be. It's a strike against their *pride*, as most people loathe being *wrong*.
I used to be an atheist myself, for many years, even to the point of being a militant one from time to time, but it's pointless to argue with an atheist due to their hardening and unrepentant heart. They only seek to look down on others, while elevating themselves as being better -- that's what pride does, and they're blind to it.
The Holy Spirit opens your eyes when you repent your sins, leaving them to be dealt with at the Cross. This, Christians, is why we can see and sense things that many others cannot. If it were in our own power, we would be like the atheists here, who claim to have read the entire Word with understanding, only to still be in darkness and ignorance.
"And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not." - John 1:5
It's great to see God softening her heart, so she may ask for the free gift of salvation, and lead unbelievers and backsliders to the Cross.
I am not militant or hard of heart. In fact, I would love to believe again. But I have yet to find a good argument for the existence of god.
through how God transform our lives. through His deep love that could only be experienced when you open your heart to Him.
Altec Bluwell This is one of the best comments I've ever seen!
Zach Bos don't look for proof, start to go to church again and gain faith. Just as I did as a former atheist. It took me 8 months of church to gain faith.
Altec Bluwell Every word you say here is true. Atheists are always looking down on believers
I never knew what love and peace were until Jesus came into my heart.
Jesus died for every human being. He is pure love, and if you've ever loved, then you've experienced a taste of Him. To believe in Him takes the Holy Spirit quickening your spirit. Unfortunately, there are some who have hardened their hearts to accept Him in their hearts. He still loves you and waits patiently for you. There's a void in every human being's spirit that's only made for their creator and until you find Jesus, you'll never be completely content and at peace. He's coming back very soon. Heaven and hell are real.
+Mimsy Shaw Amen!!!
To me, this bit of bible thumping seems as gormless as this:
Santa has presents for every child. He is pure merriment and if you've ever felt Christmas cheer then you've experienced a taste of him. Unfortunately, there are children who are naughty and won't get a present. Never fear, he will still bring you a present if you are nice. There is a void in every child's heart that cannot be filled until they've experienced the wonder of receiving a gift from Santa at Christmas. Your life will never be complete unless, as a child, you experience the joy of Christmas morning knowing that there's a gift from Santa under the tree. Santa and his base at the North Pole are for real kids.
You are entitled to your own opinion, but let me caution you about mocking the God that holds your every breathe in the palm of His hands my friend. The One and Only God that created even the devil. He loves you and is willing to accept you in His arms, but will never force Himself to you. I pray that you'll find His love before its too late!
sonofdog1 Christmas was built on the bones of paganism and lies. It is something Christians might want to reconsider celebrating. I no longer do. It is for the very reasons you said. Isn't it funny how satan worked to coopt everything that is God and make it be about him instead? Maybe start reading revelations.
Son of Northern Darkness We have to be forgiven for our sins and we have to believe in God. When we do, we change. Our former selves die. We become better. More loving. More forgiving. We can discern better too. He becomes a HUGE part of our lives. Something that I am VERY grateful for. Be careful you don't post something that is NOT going to go well for you.
the fool hath said in his heart,there is no God.psalm 53
+David Sumrell "but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire" Matthew 5:11!
+Cliffjumper24 that's probably a warning to people who are hypocrites,living in sin themselves,while. condemning others? what sayest thou? 😀
David Sumrell
I say you should read your bible more.
John 8:7 and Matthew 7:1
Or do you think you are without sin?
Of course, I'm an atheist, so it doesn't matter to me.
What makes me laugh, is that Christians never seem to notice how the scripture is so bad, that according to Genesis, god conspired to introduce sin and death to the world. and set Adam and Eve up to fail.
In the Bible you would see that Satan tricked Adam and Eve and that Adam and Even chose sin over obeying God. That is why all humans are sinful. Because our race is fallen from that fall from God.
Hindu gods seem more loving and they have many testimonies with them
Wow!! This is inspiring. God bless you!! Your testimony is powerful. Tell it to more people and I bet they will accept Jesus in their heart. God has saved us all from our sin and thought process of his existence. Praise be to him forever and ever
All glory to the Most High!!!! Jesus is the KING of kings.
Amen ✝️ .
May the Lord bless you and keep you from all these hateful comments on here! Jesus knows you and loves you and all the mockery will stop:-) praise! Praise the lord oh my soul and I will magnify His name! Sweet sweet JESUS
This was me when I was younger. both my parents were catholic, but I just thought the bible was another novel on the bookshelves. I was saved by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Looking at some of the comments its funny. So many atheists were upset at how they were represented in the movie #Godsnotdead but the comments below show just how accurate it really was.
I love testimonies from people who professed atheism, then for one reason or another find themselves a Christian of all things. The only actual religion that atheist seem to really go after is Christianity, then their obsession changes, and becomes the obsession once battled. I cannot get enough, so I am off to another atheist who loses his religion video.
SuperCal Obsessed much?
We all have some level obsession, that could vary from health,wealth, religion, or anti-theism. We should check our lives, and prioritize what and Who matters. If we are Christian, then we should be obsessed with the LORD and His ways.
I'm one of them. Acts chapter 17 will tell you where I got my username (DamarisSeeks). Don't worry about the other commenter, because he's here too lol.
My teenage son can to me, because he was questioning his faith. I told him that it was about time that he questioned his beliefs, and decide for himself if Christianity is true. I began a UA-cam apologetics playlists called YGOD, and he would read my arguments with atheists. Intelligent Design and a Creator are obvious, but I would confess my sin, and how I need a Savior. Our faith has never been stronger.
SuperCal as the default religion of white, first world people, xtianty is obviously gonna be the one they go to. its just geographical !
Thank God for your testimony. It has helped me a lot. God bless you.
Benedict resigned because of child rape!!!
the first Pope in hundreds of years to resign.
the new Pope is mad OK with homosexuality, he has no choice.
"who is he to judge"
when he is head of the largest international boy rape organization that has ever existed on the earth. name one organization that could compete for the title!
fuck YOU!!!
💩Bishop💩 Stika💩
fuck you for the restraining orders!
fuck you for harboring my son's abusers!
fuck you for silencing me!!
fuck the dozens of employees of your diocese who refuse to even take my report of abuse!!!.
David Webb
I am so sorry about your son and the pain that they caused you. I am a born-again Christian, and I want to say that no matter what denomination, church, or credentials someone has, they are hell-spawns if they rape. They are the lowest caliber of hell-spawns if they rape children.
I pray the grace of God would reach you. I pray you would see that these men who do these things are controlled by Satan. I pray you would see that God is not the perpetrator of these acts, it is rebelling against Him that do them.
Thanks 316, really appreciate your sympathy. However, there is no Satan and there is no God. Don't be blind, follow your eyes and mind. Do you really think there a magical guy living underneath the earth in some magical place that some other magical guy made, to punish the magical parts of humans?! Crazy right? I was willing to buy all the bs from the Bible. It took seeing sick and evil actions of his followers to convince me that if there is a God, then he is a Prick. There is NO God, never had been, never will be. Please give a one star Google review to the Roman Catholic churches in Knoxville Tennessee.
David Webb
I apologize for not responding sooner. I am a motion graphic artist and I had major jobs to complete. But I wanted to get back to you. God is real. God is not a figment of people's imagination.
I can give you the top intellectual reasons why I believe the God of the Bible is true:
- Evidence for Design in the Origin of Life
- Evidence for Design in the Development of Biological Complexity (irreducible complexity)
- Manuscript Evidence
- Archaeological Evidence
- Eyewitness Accounts
- Corroborating Accounts
- Literary Consistency
- Prophetic Consistency
- Expert Scrutiny
but the greatest is changed lives. I came to Christ reading "The Cross and the Switchblade", a story about how Christ changed a cold blooded killer into a great gentle kind man. I was a depressed, borderline suicidal preteen who was going down, fast. Christ transformed me into a man of hope, who helps others find hope. I have seen Jesus transform addicts into clean and sober people; killers and kind people,those who can't be trusted into the trusted people, and skeptics into believers.
I pray God reveals this to you Mr. Webb.
God bless!
@@316production6 Hindu gods seem more loving and they have many testimonies with them. And we have evidence where life came from, evolution, your god s as real as allah you can literally say the same things
We all Need Jesus, more than food,success,notoriety,health. We need the Son of the Living God. He is Love embodied in the express image of God.
It's okay if you do. Doesn't mean "we all" do.
+Zach Bos We ALL do....just not everyone realizes it yet.
Yes, WE all do but most don't know it.
You need jesus more than food is the kind of sentence that makes people laugh at religion lol 😁
When you know who provides all your needs, you care less about what other people think.
This testimony is so anointed, it is a blessing to here a woman of such a strong belief. May God continue to bless your life.
GREAT testimony! I’m happy you found Christ! I hope your story leads others to Christ Jesus. He wants nothing more than to have a relationship with us. He just wants us to be happy!
God bless ❤️
Halleluiah!! you are amazing, that you came back to our Lord Yeshua & may God bless you & you're family always.
Look at her face so glowing 😍
Lost my wife a few months ago. As an ex atheist the moment I gave my heart to Jesus I didn't want to get married. I wanted to serve God. My heart was content & at peace. But even so God gave me a beautiful & a wonderful bride who was a woman of my dreams. Now that she's gone Home & I miss her. I need your prayers as I am at my wits end, not knowing how I'm going to go on. Never seen my heart go through so many contrasting things in a day.
Thank you. Really appreciate your kind gesture.
I'm something like a hardcore Christian. I don't crack up easily, but I've been through what seems like a furnace experience for many years. So you saw me beaten & banged up in my comment above. I've got nothing, but Jesus. He's everything to me. The Bible says that when you're in trouble - pray. So that's what i was asking.
Just felt like adding that in this world we go through momentary trials, & their afflictions are MOMENTARY. It's not a lifetime of trials. Just momentary, because our Lord is faithful & He won't allow us to be tested or tempted more than we can bear.
The analogy of base ball was good. It does seem like that when people start out afresh with the Lord. But tests & trials expose what they're made of. We need to pray that we will all have the heart of the 4th person in the Parable of the Sower - the good & noble heart; that perseveres & overcomes no matter what. I think God made me & each of us that way when He saved us. We just need to lay down our lives & surrender to Him each time we come to a cross road. Thanks once again & God bless. TC
Praise the Lord. What a wonderful testimony! God bless you sister.
Benedict resigned because of child rape!!!
the first Pope in hundreds of years to resign.
the new Pope is mad OK with homosexuality, he has no choice.
"who is he to judge"
when he is head of the largest international boy rape organization that has ever existed on the earth. name one organization that could compete for the title!
fuck YOU!!!
💩Bishop💩 Stika💩
fuck you for the restraining orders!
fuck you for harboring my son's abusers!
fuck you for silencing me!!
fuck the dozens of employees of your diocese who refuse to even take my report of abuse!!!
David Webb Catholicism is false religion. There are no priests, Popes, or pedeophile in the Bible. Jesus came to set us free and does not cover up anything. All man's sins (including pedeophile priest's) will one day be uncovered when God the righteous judge pronounces final judgement. I am sorry for any suffering you or your family had and still go through and I hope you get justice on earth too. I pray God gives you and your family healing.
+Michael NewZealand its already been uncovered have u heard of pizza gate?
You made me cry. God Bless you! I pray God will open up my daughter's eyes and soften her heart, too.
for all you atheists who do not believe in God, you can have many arguments but there's only one truth. May that truth sets you free and may you come to know His love for yourself someday. He loves you dearly, always.
Jesus is awsome!!!!!
Leprechauns are more awesome!!!!!
Leprechauns don't give you eternal life. They only give you a pot of gold which soon will go to waste.
Dogma Disputant Psalm 14:1, only the fool says in his heart there is no God, if you favor a foolish,greedy little Leprechauns over the one true God who loves you and want's to give you eternal life, be my guest because if you steal that Leprechauns pot of gold it will hunt you down and kill you. Jesus wants to give eternal life and your own pot of gold in your place he made for you where you gold will last forever so who's the more awsom?
Jd Wright Only the fool says in their heart that there is no god; It's the thinking rational person who says it out loud!
They are both imaginary. Gods and leprechauns! The glaring fact about belief and faith, in a religious context, is that it is by definition only an assertion based upon nothing but puerile wishful thinking and tradition. If there was empirical evidence to back any religious claims, beginning with their god, it would be considered knowledge not faith or a belief. Of course, there is no such evidence. God is an invention of the superstitious and illogical mind that cannot even substantiate or observe its own supposed creation. All gods are imaginary. That's what we label things that haven't any empirical evidence to support their existence. Until something can be proven to exist, it's labeled as imaginary or unknown to exist. It's a simple matter ones honesty and integrity. It stands to reason that If a person claims to know that a particular god exists, they're being woefully dishonest. Those who pretend to believe in a particular gods existence, are also being woefully dishonest. However, If a person says that they honestly believe in a particular god, well... then they're simply woefully delusional. Which one are you? Furthermore, as an adult, what is your excuse for still having the gullibility and analytical skills of a toddler?
+Dogma Disputant Look in the lady's eyes and see the twinkle. God's love has been poured into her heart. Open yours and seek the truth. Jesus does change lives.
Jesus is my life and the true meaning of love 😍 I don’t know what I would do without him 🙏🏻
Thank you for posting your testimony, it is very inspirational.
clearly this woman has found amazing happiness from Jesus, whether we believe or not cant be just be happy for her. she is trying to share something amazing that has happened to her. I am truly happy for you and am so glad that you have found Jesus. Things may get difficult when you become a Christian but I truly don't know what id do without Jesus.
taylor asd You would LOVE the Fireproof movie because it has a couple who fix their marriage by coming to Christ.
Beautiful touching testimony Welcome to Being Born again and saved Sister, JESUS worked in your heart
That was beautiful. The moment I opened up the New Testament, I fell in love with Jesus Christ as a kid. I then backslide as a teenager (13) to adulthood til the age of 27 when I felt a strong. Urge in my soul to come out of this system of sinful living in America. And like only God can do it. I started dropping addictive lifestyles which people do years and years of counseling for just to be readdicted. But I knew it was the Holy Spirit changing me from within. And then I just kept remembering the words of Jesus Christ that I use to read as a child. And how it started to reanimate my soul. And. This year on Good Friday. I came back to the Lord accepted him. This time for Good and since then I have been on fire and more in love then ever. And my life radically changed. There is power in the Love of Jesus Christ. His love truly overcomes all fear. And he will free you from sin if you simply turn from it with a broken heart. I hope my short testimony touches all who read this. Both believers and non believers( Jesus is REAL)
Amen great testimony sister! hope that lord continues to bless you and your family
superb,beautiful,awesome testimony,how can we not love jesus he died for us,each and every single one of us,what a role model and lord he truely is..
Thank you for sharing such a wonderful testimony.
Jesus rules!!
Today, there are so many people who just want to argue and put their views on people with force and violence. Yet the woman in this video came to faith through loving patience.
HalleluYahweh !!!
Thanks so much for allowing this to go out on the Net for God to use to plant and water in the lives of OTHERS!
people keep saying she wasn't a true atheist as if they get to decide
It does not matter whether she was or was not. She had no evidence for god existing before, and she has no evidence for god existing now. She has simply decided to be more gullible and believe things for no good reason.
Nicholas Flamel According to your logic you could go up to any random atheist and turn them into a Christian.... which doesn't happen, they all resist.
Those are all baseless claims. You have ZERO evidence that your god exists. You can show no difference between your "god" and your over-active imagination. Stop PRETENDING to know things you do not know.
Are you claiming YOU have found god? What evidence do YOU have that your invisible god exists?
You REALLY need to look up the definition of COINCIDENCE and CONFIRMATION BIAS. You have no evidence for your god. You already believed what you were conditioned to believe when you were young, and you are gullibly taking ANYTHING as a confirmation of that preconceived belief. We KNOW you are lying when you say you "went to science" because you have NO CLUE what constitutes evidence, or the faintest notion of how logic works. Go look up your two new words, and then ask yourself if you actually have any EVIDENCE for your invisible god apart from your IMAGINATION. So far you do not, you only have confirmation bias and gullibility.
Beautiful testimony. Your husband will come around soon by God's grace.
C.S. Lewis has a great testimony similar to this one.
John Tatum bingo
John Tatum he wasn’t even a Christian
Mel Thomas yes he was. He was a member of the Anglican Church.
When the Lord calls you, no other can take you away from his presence. Praise be our Lord Jesus Christ!
Praise God! This is so similar to my story but I came out of the New Age. My husband is atheistic and is not happy about his new wife. I am trying to be that submissive wife but he is very agitated by my new beliefs and he provokes me a lot, judges, mocks. I keep praying to God to guide me but I keep ending up in spiritual battles with my husband. The biggest spiritual battle I am in is the one with the devil for my husband's soul which I plead with Jesus to save! It feels impossible most days, and I also worry about how I can have a strong Christian influence on my babies with so much adversity against me, but I believe and have faith that God is able to do a work on my husband's heart. I keep telling Jesus that Hell is not an option for my family, that we are meant to be a saved Christian family that can glorify His Name! I sure pray that this woman's husband comes to know Christ as well! Amen.
e g Praying for you
Father Please hear our prayers. Thank you. In Jesus Christ Holy name. Amen. 🙏
Bless you and thank you for sharing!
Praise God!!!
or dogs
You are great! Jesus is with you :)
So glorious🙏❤
Thank you for this! You are so encouraging!
it is funny how there are so many atheists in the comment sections either they really want to troll the true believers or are still lost and want to find the answer in the religious topics either way sad bunch of people :/ i hope they find their way to God
She glows! It's amazing.
Great for you
A beautiful testimony and a beautiful family. You can look at her and tell she is genuinely at peace and happy.
I can look at a Buddhist monk and see that.
Welcome to Jesus family sister.
Ivan Drago, were you ever in the army? I am aware that Ivan Drago is Dolph Lundgren's characters name in Rocky IV, but believe it or not, my 2/17 battalion commander's name was Ivan Drago.
wow, this is so inspiring!
Why are all the atheists here?? I think it’s because they’re truly searching for truth but still fighting against the Holy Spirit. If you are one of these people, simply ask God to reveal himself with you BUT keep an open mind. What’s the worst that can happen?? It turns out not to be true. Jesus said “Draw near to me and I’ll draw near to you” First youvhave to draw near THEN he’ll draw near to you... Remember, you already know what you know and think, so keep an open mindand simply experience...
*simply ask God to reveal himself to you
Im here beacuse im bored.
God is Beautiful 🙏
God wins+++
I’m an atheist
Absolutely astonishing what the Lord did for you!.he's so worthy to be praised 🙏🏼
I seriously doubt this story. She was ignorant and not just an atheist.
By the way, they misspelled atheist in the beginning.
Thank you for this beautiful testimony of youres ,i just whanted to cry by hearing you speak about GOD and how He shanged youre life...isn't He amazing and loving...oh how he loves us we just can't even imagine how mouch He loves us...Haleluja!
But if she said she fell in love with Vishnu, the Christians would go crazy!
exactly, i think some of these testimonies are fake
T69bonez People of other faiths say they came to believe with the same experiences. I once talked to a Muslim who said the same things. Kind Muslims answering their questions about Allah. Then after some time a peaceful presences of love coming over them as they "softened" their heart to Allah. Then having an intense wonderful experience etc. So many believers of other faiths have the same story and experieces as this. Often their "spiritual" experience is more profound than what most christians describe theirs to be. These kinds of "testimonies" are actually a dime a dozen if you listen to many believers of different faiths.
Side Burnie Oh yes, people of other faiths say they experience love, love for others, and positive results from their religion/god. To say none do is simply not paying close enough attention. This is simply not true.
One is the true God, the others are fake.
Christians only believe in the God of the Bible. Any other god is not real. They are idols. If you made a pottery piece come to life, would you want it to thank someone on the TV show behind you for its life? No, you created it. The man in the TV is not its creator. God wants us to turn to him! I think that this is the same thing with God and us. HE created us, not Allah, not Vishnu, not anything else. We are HIS and His alone.
Wow, the power of the living God. A wonderful testimony you have.
Just remember all you who post offensive posts and try to be as shocking as possible (As if we Chritians give a toss). We all have an eternity, even youy. I know where I'm going. Not bothered about the names you want to call us; just shows me we will not be sharing etermity together; so bring it on!
or, we only get this one life to live and people are just angry because people like you convinced them to waste their only life on what they now view as religious bullshit.
how do you know there is a heaven? why isn't it reincarnation? how do you validate a truth claim, what's your method of coming to the conclusion of true things?
Bubu Nza, you would say the same thing about vishnu if you were born in nepal.
I love this testimony!!! when we choose Jesus over everything, He makes everything right. Life will still have it's stumbling blocks, but we have an advocate in Jesus Christ to get through all things!!!🙏
as soon as she said she learned to be submissive to my husband, i cringed and remembered all the hate in the bible
thanks but dont try and use fear of a afterlife to try and get me to conform to these hatefull or ways of living. im sorry if thats scary enough to make you by the bullshit. but i guess its better then acting good out of greed of wanting eternal rewards for your actions
sorry fear isnt how i make my life decisions, and im a nihilist there is no purpose to life
William Harding thats a very depressing way to live.I pray that you find hope and love through Jesus Christ!
quarteisha beasley not letting fear run my life is depressing?
saying there is no purpose to life is depressing
Whhow...,! that was just amazing ! Such a beautiful testimony . God bless you
God bless everybody ! Praise God !💞👏
Powerful testimony, and to God be the glory! May you and your family continue to know the Lord and be blessed.
So, she used to be a reasonable person who thought logically, and now she isn't. This is only proof that she suspended her logic to believe the unreasonable and illogical. And unbelievable for that matter.
Jahun Koo I went to a Bible college and was a Christian for over 20 years. So... yes, I read the gospel. There's no logical reason to believe the miracles happened or prophecies are real.
+g waltluv That's the misconcept you make. Going to a church or reading does not make you are a christian. Christian is being saved by Him when you accept Him as Your saviour.
SanFrancisco Love What makes you think I didn't do that? Are you unable to understand that it's just a vulnerable and suggestive state of mind we put ourselves in?
+g waltluv if you say You are Christian for more than twenty years... already you didn't understand it. Once saved, always saved. Once you are a child of God, you will always be. :)
SanFrancisco Love Some people wake up from that dream world. Some people get tired of pretending that it's real. Faith is what adults call pretending.
Wow. So much power in this testimony. Praise the Lord! Thank you for sharing. Truly inspiring.
Try reading the Old Testament.
Cynthia Perras You obviously haven’t read the part of the Old Testament where God commanded the Israelites to slaughter the Amalekites and burn their village to the ground. Or the time when he ordered them to rip the babies out of pregnant women. That’s quite a kind, benevolent god you’ve got there!
@@GameArchon215 I do not believe in your assertions. However, since you are definitely an atheist, you must be an evolutionist too, because there is no room for you to accept creation or intelligent design. That being said, your naturalistic, materialistic world view prevents you from seeing that you are borrowing on the presuppositions of the Christian world view of right and wrong, good and evil. The idea that you consider what is good or evil, right or wrong cannot exist in your naturalistic world view because with evolution you are simply a product of random, unguided, collection of chemicals and such. If your computer was just a combination of randomly assembled bits and pieces, would you trust it? I dare say you would not. So how can you even trust your own thoughts to be correct according to the evolutionist world view. Perhaps you feel inclined to disagree with God. But there is a difficulty with disagreeing with God. He is the source from which all your reasoning power comes. You could not be right and He wrong anymore than a stream can rise higher than its own source. When you are arguing against Him, you are arguing against the very power that makes you argue at all. It is like cutting off the branch that you are sitting on. So you are stealing from the Christian concept of right and wrong, because only God can reveal these ideas to you through the power that He has given you to even think those thoughts. And if there is evil in the world, there must also be good, Therefore there is a huge inconsistency in your ideology - you cannot live a true atheistic life without being incoherent. Funny that you use the Bible to attempt to prove the Bible is wrong. The critic of the Bible must use Biblical presuppositions in order to argue against the Bible. How do you decide right from wrong? Apart from the Biblical God, morality can only be relative. But people cannot and will not live that way. I don't accept your belief in naturalism. But hypothetically if naturalism were true, it would be impossible to prove anything, since there would be no laws of logic. Good? Innocent? You are attempting to argue from the position of absolute morality, which you cannot have apart from the Christian world view. I do not accept your standard because God is good and the standard of goodness. God is as good as He can be because He is the definition of what is good.
Richard Butler You don’t believe my assertions about the Bible? Here, check out these verses. And feel free to look these up for yourself, to ensure that I’m not bullshitting you.
"Now go and strike Amalek and devote to destruction all that they have. Do not spare them, but kill both man and woman, child and infant, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.” - Samuel 15:3
“Samaria shall become desolate; for she hath rebelled against her God: they shall fall by the sword: their infants shall be dashed in pieces, and their women with child shall be ripped up.” - Hosea 13:16
I also forgot to point out that the Bible condones rape and slavery.
“If a man find a damsel that is a virgin, which is not betrothed, and lay hold on her, and lie with her, and they be found;
Then the man that lay with her shall give unto the damsel's father fifty shekels of silver, and she shall be his wife; because he hath humbled her, he may not put her away all his days.” - Deuteronomy 22:28-29
“Slaves, in reverent fear of God submit yourselves to your masters, not only to those who are good and considerate, but also to those who are harsh.” - 1 Peter 2:18
I too find it funny that I use the Bible to back my anti-theistic arguments. The most hilarious thing is, it actually works! It doesn’t prove that it’s false, but it does prove that it’s morally bankrupt.
“Ha ha, you can’t prove that it’s false! That automatically means it’s true!”
Not so fast. You can’t prove Santa Claus, Bigfoot, the Tooth Fairy, or Leprechauns don’t exist either. In order to thoroughly disprove ANY of those things, we’d need to search every square inch of the universe, which is impossible. Yet you don’t believe in any of those things, do you? Funny, because the Bible has no more evidence to back itself up, than any of those other childhood fantasy characters. It is not up to me to disprove your God, because it’s impossible to disprove the existence of anything. It is up to YOU to prove that the SPECIFIC God of the Bible DOES exist.
As for your laughable claims that I’m like a river, trying to go upward, or a twig cutting itself off of a tree, your claim that my reasoning comes from God, has no more evidence than if a Muslim were to claim that our reasoning comes from Allah.
You’ve provided zero evidence as to why I should believe any of your claims. The entirety of your comment is filled with nothing but proclamations and assertions based on nothing more than circular reasoning.
You assert that the Bible is true, because you believe it’s the word of God. You assert that it’s the word of God because it says so in the Bible, and you believe it because you assert that it the Bible is true.
That’s circular reasoning. You have not yet *PROVEN* that the Bible is actually correct. That means you can’t trust it, even if it claims to be the word of God. Only when you’ve found sufficient EXTERNAL evidence, can you validate the reliability of the Bible.
I could just as easily write in a random notebook “This notebook is the word of God.” And if you disagree with me, well, it says so right in the notebook. So I guess that means the notebook really is the word of God. You see the problem here? That’s obviously a bullshit argument. And that’s exactly what you sound like whenever you proclaim that the Bible is true.
Muslims claim that Allah created the universe, and the Quran is the word of Allah. They believe it because it says so in the Quran. They use circular reasoning as well. If that’s not enough to convince you that Islam is true, why would you think it would be enough to convince me that Christianity is true?
The claim that there is no concept of right and wrong outside of Christianity has no more evidential basis than if a Muslim were to claim that there is no concept of right and wrong outside of Islam.
To refute this, you might bring up the terrorists of 9/11. But they’ll just say “Oh, those weren’t REAL Muslims.”
Just like if they were to bring up the KKK, the Spanish Inquisition, or the Salem Witch Trials, you’d just as hastily dismiss them as “Not real Christians.”
My views on both Christianity and Islam, are exactly the same as your views on Islam. You don’t believe it, and you think it’s bullshit. I don’t believe in any religion, and I think they’re all bullshit.
Even the simple fact that Christianity requires faith is a very good sign that it’s all made up.
If I were to make a religion where the universe was made by a bunch of Leprechauns, and I were to force it onto the public, like Emperor Constantine did with Christianity, how would I ensure that they maintain these beliefs?
Well, I could tell them that the Leprechauns demand faith. I could tell them that if they believe that the Leprechauns exist, they’ll get a pot of gold after they die. But if they refuse, THEY’LL BE TORTURED FOREVER!!!!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now the masses will too afraid to question their beliefs, because they don’t want to risk getting tortured.
Even if Christianity were actually true, the system it uses is a great system for perpetuating a lie.
Evolution, and all other branches of science don’t require faith, rewards, or punishments. We have actual evidence, unlike religion.
@@GameArchon215 Yahweh is no push over. It is written that only a few will make it to Heaven. Yahweh's love is embodied in the fact that He allows us to choose which path we will take. Those who turn away become tares, and will be thrown into the lake of fire. Yahweh's children - the wheat - remains. It's our choice while we are alive and breathing here on Earth.
The Flying Spaghetti Monster is no push over. It is written in my Holy Pasta Book, that only a few will make it to Pasta Heaven. The Flying Spaghetti Monster's love is embodied in the fact that He allows us to choose which path we will take. Those who turn away become tares, and will be thrown into the lake of boiling marinara sauce. The Flying Spaghetti Monster's children - the wheat - remains. It's our choice while we are alive and breathing here on Earth.
If this isn't enough to convince you that the Flying Spaghetti Monster is real, why would you think it's enough to convince me that Christianity is real?
God bless her! Jesus bless her!
Not a very bright bulb. How do I know this? If she actually read the bible from beginning to end she would be an atheist. (I don't believe she was one in the first place)
“Properly read, the Bible is the most potent force for atheism ever conceived.”― Isaac Asimov
Tomas Perez Jr.
If you can read the bible and still think it came from a omniscient, omnipotent and omnibenevolent mind then you are mentally deficient. Your statement is nothing but an argument from populum fallacy as well. Notice Issac said PROPERLY read, meaning not with apologetic ad hoc rationalization books that attempt to explain away all the ridiculous nonsense the bible contains; but with an unbias skeptical eye.
I find it hilarious you have 1 peter 3 15 on your profile. Its been demonstrated to be a forgery! rofl So much for the inneracy of the bible . If you think some illiterate fisherman named Peter who spoke Aramaic wrote in Greek then you are mentally deficient. The Petrine epistles were obviously written after his death rofl.
They were written by a Liar for Jesus just like many other forgeries.
Tomas Perez Jr.
Use of Greek and Hebrew
scholars believe the author was not Peter, but an unknown author writing after Peter's death. Estimates for the date of composition range from 60 to 112 AD. Most critical scholars are skeptical that the apostle Simon Peter, the fisherman on the Sea of Galilee, actually wrote the epistle, because of the urbane cultured style of the Greek and the lack of any personal detail suggesting contact with the historical Jesus of Nazareth. The letter contains about thirty-five references to the Hebrew Bible, all of which, however, come from the Septuagint translation, an unlikely source for historical Peter the apostle, but appropriate for a Hellenized audience; thus the use of the Septuagint helps define the audience. The Septuagint was a Greek translation that had been created at Alexandria for the use of those Jews who could not easily read the Hebrew and Aramaic of the Tanakh, and for proselytes. A historical Jew in Galilee would not have heard Scripture in this form, it is argued.
Pseudepigraphy written around 70-90
If the epistle is taken to be pseudepigraphal, the majority scholarly view, according to Raymond E. Brown[4] is that it should be dated to 70-90, an opinion shared by scholars such as Eric Eve (Oxford Bible Commentary, p. 1263), John H. Elliott (The Anchor Bible Dictionary, art. "First Epistle of Peter"),[5] and by Bart D. Ehrman.[6] Stephen L. Harris, on the other hand, holds that most scholars argue for an even later date, such as during the persecution of Domitian (c 95) or of Trajan (c 112).[7]
Although the text identifies Peter as its author the language, dating, style, and structure of this letter has led many scholars to conclude that this letter is pseudonymous. Many scholars are convinced that Peter was not the author of this letter because the author had to have a formal education in rhetoric/philosophy and an advanced knowledge of the Greek language.[1]
So much for biblical inerrancy eh?
Take Issac's advice and read it properly , meaning with no bias and with skepticism instead of engaging in confirmation bias and special pleading.
Have a good day
I will not be responding to your nonsense apologetics because you are just a William Lame Crank fanboy. I have heard all the "arguments" already ad infinitum
Crank is a sick minded human to say the least.
"God had morally sufficient reasons for His judgement upon Canaan, and Israel was merely the instrument of His justice, just as centuries later God would use the pagan nations of Assyria and Babylon to judge Israel.[20][21]
“”Moreover, if we believe, as I do, that God’s grace is extended to those who die in infancy or as small children, the death of these children was actually their salvation. We are so wedded to an earthly, naturalistic perspective that we forget that those who die are happy to quit this earth for heaven’s incomparable joy. Therefore, God does these children no wrong in taking their lives.[20][21]
“”So whom does God wrong in commanding the destruction of the Canaanites? Not the Canaanite adults, for they were corrupt and deserving of judgement. Not the children, for they inherit eternal life.[20][21]
If you agree with this nutter then you are just as sick/ And please take down your THINK wallpaper. That is ridiculous coming from a bible believer to say the least
Thomas, OP is just trying to justify their own atheism as being correct. The reason being, for every atheist, agnostic, or unbeliever who turns to Jesus, brings doubt onto the atheist that they're not as correct as they believe themselves to be. It's a strike against their pride, as most people loathe being wrong.
I used to be one myself, for many years, even to the point of being a militant one from time to time, but it's pointless to argue with an atheist due to their hardening and unrepentant heart. They only seek to look down on others, while elevating themselves as being better -- that's what pride does, and they don't even realize it.
God bless this woman for softening her heart, so she may ask for the free gift of salvation.
Tomas Perez Jr. That's up to you then, but about the "casting pearls before swine," is what prevents me in most cases to ignore atheists.
Altec Bluwell
The famous " I use to be an atheist " ruse.
Alas, another theist claiming to read minds. I don't have the slightest doubts in regards to Christianity being false. The true miracle is how any sensible person could actually believe it after a proper investigation. It has nothing to do with pride or hating to be wrong, it has to do with wanting to know the truth in regards to certain matters and Christianity utterly fails in its claims.
Your entire post is just self projection and a pathetic straw man characterization of an atheist. I don't believe you were an atheist at all. Odd you mention the hardening of hearts when that's what Yahweh did to others against their wills as described in the bible. Yahweh hardened peoples hearts involuntarily ya schmuck Its rather pathetic that you try to explain away an atheists rejection of god claims by appealing to emotions and pride when the simple answer is that their is no evidence for the claims of Christianity. You actually think you know the answer to existence and have the nerve to talk about pride? Ridiculous.
If it's that easy, then any religion is fair game. Husband was about to leave, then she submits to him as to the lord, he stays. It's a win win for him.
I like it how ditching your husband for the religion and basically ruining the kids lives is more important. Nice Christian values there.
+David Butler She didn't ditch him or her kids. They're still together.
Hazel May Lebrun I doubt it.
Why dont u read what Jesus says about those who have left family to serve him.
Sarah Stewart Because he's dead, and Jesus never said anything that got written down.
***** Yes I watched the vid. I was only tryin to make a point. Obviously, u missed it.
oh - i pray he has come to faith - what an amazing story x
Another vacuous mind devoid of any rational thought.
Andre XX
You Actually Believe Men Like Saint Augustine, Jerome, Thomas Aquinas, Johan Sebastian Bach, G.K. Chesterton, Cardinal Newman, Cardinal Ratzinger, Stopped Thinking Rationally In Order To Believe In Some Nonsensical Fantasy?
Now Who's The One Believing In Fantasies?
Keep living in your carefree sin filled lifestyle and see where that leads you... every knee will bow.
psalm 37:13 -" but the Lord laughs at the wicked, for he knows their day is coming."
Just pray to the Living God. Watch China Cry...you will find it interesting.
@@dogcomb47 Hindu gods seem more loving and they have many testimonies with them
ayeeeeee!!!! I love this! Jesus is so good!
Atheism is simply not believing in a god. It isn't avoidance of church. If you find Jesus, you have had the same delusional experience other people have when they find Muhammed, Allah, vishnu, Ganesha and Thor.
Question the nonsense. There are much better explanations for this woman's silly delusions. Good grief!
+sweetshaman the problem is people don't find Muhammed and Allah. They find them and force them to believe. It's the complete opposite. I have never met a Muslim with a testimony of how they met God. One they have usually been indoctrinated from birth and 2 their God is impersonal mainly because no one would follow him if they knew who he really was. But I know hundreds of Christians who grew up in different backgrounds, cultures, countries and at some point all encountered Jesus (even in different languages). You cannot know for sure there is no God unless you are all knowing. But I do know God because I have somehow encountered him. I hope you do too. Have a great Christmas and New Year.
Michael NewZealand I didn't say there is no god.
Atheism means I do not believe in Gods.
You have shown no evidence for any gods..
John Galt The elitist is the one who makes an empty claim and expects everyone to follow it just because he is superior to everyone else.
Christians are the elitists. Not us Atheists.
They claim a Jesus exists and though they have no evidence to back it up, they pound it on non-believers and criticize those who dare to question their claims.
I don't know if there is a god or not - but you offer NO REASON to believe in any.
John Galt You have given no reason to believe - you are only offering old fables.
Where is your evidence?
This is the supposed 'father of Jesus' talking:
“You shall purchase male and female slaves from among the foreigners who live among you, also the children..You may treat them as your property, passing them on to your children as a permanent inheritance. You may treat your slaves like this…”
(Leviticus 25:44-46)
If you don’t know how to be decent the Bible will not help you.
If you are already decent the Bible will impede you.
Religion poisons everything.
John Galt I read all of your comments and you did not prove a god exists.
“You shall buy male and female slaves from among the foreigners who live among you, also the children...they are a permanent inheritance." - GOD YAHWEH (father of Jesus)
(Leviticus 25:44-46)
God told you to *buy slaves* and to give them to your children as a permanent inheritance.
Have you followed your God's command yet?
How many slaves have you bought?
Amen! And AMEN! Praise God! He is using your testimony!
Oh wow
The definition of delusion.
+Shelby DeLisser Jesus does not survive the slightest research - as you should know. And if someone decided to plan their life around a Leprechaun wouldn't it be the kind and compassionate thing to at least let them know they should get their head examined?
"Zombies rose from the dead out of their tombs and walked through Jerusalem" - Matthew 27:52.
The question isn't, "Is it true?" - the proper question is, "Is it believable?" and the only answer is NO!
+Shelby DeLisser You should also do some research on prayer. Prayer is a form of meditation, and when you go into the state that your supposed to when you pray, you go into a suggestible state, where if someone says "Jesus soften her heart" that goes into a persons subconsciousness and works in the same way as hypnosis does.
Watch the Derren Brown clip when he converts an Atheist.
It's interesting how it is proven that woman are easier to hypnotize and more suggestible than men and more women convert to Christianity than men.
If she were to apply the slightest bit of critical thinking skills to the experience that she had when she converted she would very quickly de-convert.
Shelby DeLisser So you are creating a mystery in your brain - and then you are saying 'wow - isn't this mysterious'.
You are admitting it is just a fiction in your mind. All made up. Nothing of substance.
Gods are inventions of humans. There is no god of any kind in real life.
Unless you can prove it. Which apparently you can't.
+Shelby DeLisser Ah so you have free will to choose to believe something regardless of whether it is true or not. If you consider that justification for believing in God, then you have no interest in what is true or not as you have no way of distinguishing between one un-falsifiable claim and another.
The reason to withhold belief is not because it's difficult to wrap our heads around there being a God but because there is nothing to distinguish between a world in which a God exists and a world in which a God doesn't exist, the reason to withhold belief is because we don't know if a God does or doesn't exist.
As for the accusations of being evil (on the assumption we are talking about the bible God) the reason that God is accused of being evil is the horrendous acts that he condones, and the fact that he is prepared to torture people forever for not believing in something when they had no reason to do so,
If you have no reason to believe in something, then belief is not really a choice, in fact it would be illogical and intellectually dishonest to believe under such circumstances.
The God of the bible is evil if he thinks that withholding evidence to his existence and then torturing people forever for not believing when they do so is evil, and if you think preserving "freewill" (and I use the term freewill tenuously) is better than preventing people from being tortured forever then you are morally corrupt.
Not to mention there are several passages in the Bible in which God explicitly messes with peoples free will.
I am more than open to the possibility that a God or Gods may exist, but it does appear that the God of the bible is self contradictory and morally questionable.
There could be all sorts of different types of God possible, which is why in most discussions it is obligatory to ask what God are we talking about and what justifications are there for believing.
In general when an Atheist is making claims about their belief in God it is the Christian God that they are expressing their disbelief in as on the most part it is the only one they have been exposed to in any real depth.
However if you'd like to present me with the arguments for a different kind of God or Gods and the reason as to why they might exist I will certainly consider them.
+Shelby DeLisser First you make the assumption that I was always an Atheist, this is far from the case, Up until my early 20's I was a fundamental "born again" Christian. I mean I believed it more than anything and before my de-conversion I would have taken a bullet for God, in fact at school I received many a beating for my faith.
However when I got older I realized that the possibility that I only believed what I did due to childhood indoctrination, so I wanted to look further into the evidence for my claims and found that there was none, but I kept believing for a bit because of how being with Jesus made me feel, I mean I went to church and I could feel the presence of God.
So I thought the same as Ty Gibson, if you try it and believe it you will know it is real, but then I found out about suggestibility and hypnosis and how the brain works, and then I knew the God I believed in didn't have a leg to stand on.
Replace Go deeper into God the better you'll feel and the better you feel the more you'll want God, with Go deeper into trance and the more into trance the better you'll feel and the more you'll want to go into trance!
It is all suggestibility if you believe that believing in something is going to make you feel better it will almost certainly make you feel better when you believe in that thing you are almost certainly going to feel better.
Not to mention if you believe that no matter how crap your life is that some Sky Daddy is looking after you, and when you die you'll go to a happy clappy place where you'll always feel great then that is going to offer you some hope that is going to make you feel better when things are crap, however it doesn't make it true.
In regard to his arguments against Richard Dawkin's, the God delusion isn't supposed to be a biology book, it is in response to the most common arguments that Theists make to justify their belief in God and Dawkin's deconstructs them all beautifully.
And saying that he wouldn't believe in the God that Dawkin's describes either just shows ignorance, he is of course referring to the following quote.
“The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully.”
However there are countless examples in the bible to prove every single one of those comments true. And his throw away statement saying that to say "God is the most unpleasant character in all of history to forget about Jack the Ripper", doesn't hold up because the God of the bible is significantly more evil than Jack the Ripper, Adolf Hitler and Paul Potts combined.
If the character of God existed in a film he would be a villain.
That rebuttal only takes me to about the 20 minute mark of the video and I can't be bothered watching the rest of it as I'm sure it is full of more fallacious arguments, and this comment is already way too long.
Praise the Lord. Awesome testimony!!
Amen and amen. The truth will always set a person free.
This is awesome
I'm Soo proud of you! Your story it's Soo touching! May God bless you and your family and Grant y'all his divine protection and blessings in Jesus name!!! You are loved!!!
One of the better testimonies I've heard. I'm a fan of videos that don't last TOO long, wish it would've continued to your husband's reaction & story. ??
To God be the glory!!
beautiful i used to be an atheist also coming from an non christian family i searched for God with al my heart and i met Jesus alone in my room the 16th of May 2018!