@@sycamoreknox9419 back in 2003!!!! And then people are surprised by the protests now and outrage. Not condoning looting or violence yet Im surprised it didnt explode sooner
I'm watching it in 2020. I think his answer (at about 1:51) to someone who opposes socialism because it diminishes some peoples freedom (to oppress others) is great.
JJ Stanford is very trustworthy seat of higher learning. It is not that conservative. No university of any name in America is. They proved Zinn was a liar.
5 років тому+1
we have plenty. They just can't be found due to our adjusted understanding of free speech as approved by our government and their bosses...(not us)...
Every American, or those living here, ought to take the time to listen it this insight..... especially now. Thank you Professor Zinn, Charles Lamb, and Book TV .... and the person who posted this.
So much intellect on the left. Zinn and Chomsky have no equals. They can articulate these topics so calmly and rationally, we’re a better country for them.
@Randolph Hearst well he wasn't a hater - like you. His aim was to tell us the truth about our history but he never tried to dictate to people - like clearly the people you are listening to, are.
@@b.bailey8244 Who is dictating? As an adult, you have a mind to confirm or rebuke. You choose the latter. James Baldwin said, "If you can't deal with reality, how can you face it." American History is a compilation of the good, the bad, the ugly. Why do people uphold the former and negate the latter? Union General, Senator from Missouri, Carl Schurz said, "My country, right or wrong, if right, to be kept right, if wrong, to be set right." Randolph Hearst is an example of the good, the bad, the ugly. There are few saints in the world, he was not one!
A beautiful human that is greatly missed. No way to know who you are or what you're capable of when ya don't know your history and it does very little to know your history when ya can't think about it or the world around you critically or apply skepticism to everything.
I'm a Vietnam Vet, eight years in the bowels of hell, and barely survived. I don't have a lovely home, but I hate war, horror! The suits have no idea, especially when they say, I thank you for service.
Richard Drinnon was a contemporary of Zinn's who also made huge contributions to US history, including his bio of Emma Goldman "Rebel in Paradise," his bio "White Savage" about John Dunne Hunter who was raised by Native people and tried to found a non-racist "nation" on the frontier; and his major opus, "Facing West: The Metaphysics of Indian-Hating and Empire-Building." Get hold of those, you'll never regret it!
Thank you.This is what I do. If I find anyone with a wholesome mind, I mention them. This has to be another way of redeeming the Mind. The human mind. Jiddu Krishnamurti has taught me how important this is for me in the challenge of change. Please listen to his public talks or discussions. JK society has posted and continues to post talks that are really rich for man. That man who is interested in understanding what they have not had time or incline to do so. Two years late but I do wish you well.
@@willmpet Lucky you! Drinnon was an intrepid groundbreaker and friendly as could be---like another of their great contemporaries Francis Jennings ("The Invasion of America" and other masterpieces). They all had rooted their feet in the fine-tooth primary documents and were not afraid to write and say what they found---unafraid to go beyond the stagnant imperialist histories that had ruled before them. They all deserve millions of readers.
Morality: Sense needs rational thought, reality is manoeuvering the best ideas to preserve democracy and rights of man. Progress is gradual; it takes ethics and rigorous arguments to maintain the integrity for declaration of independence. Thank you Prof Howard Zinn.
Glad to hear Howard points out the 2 main components of a state, its ideology which form the government and its economic system which forms the compensation for people which affects the growth and true development of it's society.
I wish I heard this discussion earlier. His view on American society is so poignant to what's happening today. How ironic that Louisville Kentucky was and still is today a topic of racial disparity .
Yes, all he says is relevant today. It pains me that he is so correct to be mistrustful of authority and that "the people" are the proper legitimisers of authority and power, and the proper expression of the collective power & will of the people is our government, and yet (the pain) is that our current governments (the world over) are run by the oligarchs and kleptocrats and do not one iota express the will of the people. It pains me to think what suffering we will all go through to turn this around and seize back government for the people by the people through mass social movements. It pains me that so many reactionaries use the objective incompetence of current governments to spread the propaganda that _all conceivable government_ is evil and should not exist, when in truth the evil of private corporations is still far, far worse, by orders of magnitude.
I am in complete agreement…..I am not American but happen to live here….my last visit to Cuba was enthralling and enlightening…. I hope to return soon for an extended time to teach music theory and mathematics on a volunteer basis. Necessary subjects for every child’s intellectual development. Thank you for your post. Miss Jenny
-2:41:00 where I come from they say the mad man call the other man mad. Are we all mad yet we all go out to look for the mad one? This from the point of view of war and violence in general. Well said.
@1:49:00 Perhaps the only place where Zinn is factually critically wrong. Universal programs funded by government Treasury can be funded by raw fiscal injection (marking up bank accounts). No taxation is required. Tax does not fund government programs. It's the other way around: FIRST government must spend, then later tax back some of that spending to limit inflation, but government _never needs_ to tax _all_ of it's spending back, the residual is called the government deficit, but "the deficit" is only information in an account statement, and if this residual is not too inflationary then it has no great economic impact. A negative number on a ledger book or bank account of a money issuer does not hurt anyone. Huge tax receipts are only required if what is being taxed is getting over-used and in danger of being depleted. Other than that, the imposition of tax liabilities at inception is what creates unemployment and a demand for the issued currency, and so if tax receipts become too excessive the evidence is unemployment, and the correct policy would be to cut taxes or raise government spending to directly create jobs. Universal healthcare significantly lowers business costs, and so is highly deflationary _at least when first introduced,_ and the correct adjustment is therefore not to raise taxes in the false belief this "pays for" the healthcare, but instead to lower taxes or increase other spending to avoid crippling deflation (deflation places a huge burden upon those who are in debt). What pays for the healthcare is government Treasury simply using a computer (at the Fed) to mark-up the bank accounts of the physicians, nurses, and medical suppliers --- no tax payer is in sight when that happens, no borrowing is needed. If economic activity heats up and booms as a result of this net fiscal injection, then progressive tax rates will automatically delete enough money out of the economy to reduce inflation risk, this is called an automatic stabilizer mechanism, it is not a "pay for" it is a stabilization offset for the net fiscal spending, and it happens automatically provided tax rates are progressive (i.e., tax receipts automatically increase when economic activity increases, with zero change to the tax code needed). The problem in the USA is that present tax structure is neutral or even regressive, so that the fiscal offset of tax receipts are not correctly automatically offsetting government spending: the middle class are paying more (as a percent of their income) of the offset than the upper class. Y'all should probably pressure your law makers to change that! Then you will find Medicare For All is totally possible without causing any inflation risk and no extra middle class indebtedness.
You can't pressure politicians who are puppets to their Masters who are comfortably settled. The American people have been dumb-down via the educational system. In Reagan's time in the 1980s, he appointed William Bennett, the Secretary of Education, and he got rid of the teaching of civics in schools. Young people should know something about the operation of their government. When people are ignorant and sheep in a manner it's easier to control them. The tax system is not for people it serves Corporations, Banks, Investors, Property Owners, and Entrepreneurs. They can avail the appropriate loopholes ( incentives ). I understand, as you do, the stage is not big enough for all! Unless people assimilate into the categories aforementioned above, they will have to tolerate inequality. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps is not relevant today. It's contingent on who you know and what you know.
People who hear and read Zinn surely have a right not to be silenced by the government; that is how the 1st Amendment works. What his biggest detractors don't say (or don't know) is that, when it comes to public education, a majority of educators and school boards in America determined that Zinn's contribution to American History should be included in high schools and universities.
NPR initially poo-poo'd on his passing, people didn't like it. In 2020 now at least Trump stands impeached. But the Property Party (A1-A1 prime) is the same as it ever was.
👍 listen again 👍thumbs up Comment, even if 👍 is all you’ve got time for!!! Or if all you can think of is…. 👍 again! All of these things… not just this one!
what year is this video from? I've gathered it's from after 9/11 from their discussion of the war on terror, but more specific than that I don't know. I don't think there's any discussion of the Iraq War so possibly 2002?
Remember at college in mid seventies we were given a book I think it was called black like me where a journalist/reporter made himself look black to findout how blacks were treated in u.s south in the fifties
I'm quite surprised Prof Zinn didn't mention _Rage Against The Machine_ when naming socially conscious musical artists. I have seen two videos of RATM and Noam Chomsky(good friend of Howard Zinn) RIP(Rest In Protest)
Damn, I would have loved to have gotten his point of view on the potential of a global Resource Based Economy, as proposed by Jaque Fresco of The Venus Project. Oh well, lost opportunity.
Though there might have been much difference between the Democratic and Republican parties at the time this was recorded but the Republican Party has lost it’s way in present times. 2016 through 2023!
The interviewer seems like if he was a Republican or Anti socialist.. he keeps interpreting Dr. Howard & his questions are just appalling.. what a maniac!!
Shakespeare’s not necessary reading in English at Yale but Zinn is. But he thinks he’s the outsider. Is Zinn a better writer than Shakespeare (who is, although a playwright, more accurate than Zinn’s cherry picking) Shakespeare gives insight into the human condition. Zinn rejects there is a human nature.
Zinn doesn't reject human nature, he thinks it can be better than what is. There is an insight into the human condition and also knowing it can be better. How is that a rejection? The mind and its tangents are something to marvel about.
Shakespeare is necessary reading in highschool and howard zinn is not. Most Americans do not go to college, much less yale. Also show any american politician zinns book and watch them screech and call you a communist
Huh, he referenced his wife countless times, saying she is the most influential person and reader, but he never mentions her name. Was her name "Mywife Zinn"? Or was it MRS HOWARD ZINN? Ah well, a minor detail I suppose....
@@GregMontoya1 Do you realize ( due to the Freedom of Information Act ) that the FBI had a file on Howard Zinn, 423 pages, on his life, and activities. Knowing the FBI, wouldn't you think they would leak that to the press. I understand your purpose and so does karma.
I was told at school that America was one continent, was that wrong? to me somebody decided to steal the name and rename the rest to 'south' or sub America'? whats that all about? even mr Zinn keep talking about America refering to the U.S.A. I agree with mr Lloyd wright when he refer to Usonias.
Paolo Mh Due to the fact that North and South America are connected by only a tiny piece of land, and that this connection was broken by the construction of the Panama Canal, North and South America are generally not considered the same continent, though they might be under some definitions. The term continent is not terribly well defined and applied in the first place.
@@OblateSpheroid North America is entirely in the Northern Hemisphere, South America almost entirely in the Southern Hemisphere of the Earth. It is relatively simple geography based on orientation via the heavenly bodies, the poles and compasses etc to define them accordingly. The Americas themselves considered as a whole are unimaginably vast (the whole of Europe or China is relatively small in comparison, for example) and span almost the whole length of the globe from North to South pole and bulge in two massive bodies of landmass in each hemisphere. It therefore makes perfect sense based on their geography to separate them into Northern, Central and Southern and indeed into more than one continent. The fashion of calling the USA simply 'America' in English is owed to the fact that English-speakers overwhelmingly have spoken of the USA when they spoke of 'America;' the USA dominates consciousness for English-speakers. It's just a colloquial shorthand among them; it has no technical, exact or general relevance. British and Australian people will occasionally refer to Canada with the term 'America,' kind of meaning 'over there;' the English, Spanish and Europeans generally used the term quite loosely to mean the whole Americas or the parts most relevant to them; again, in colloquial conversation, not so much technically, exactly or officially. Nowadays most people everywhere think of the USA when they hear the word for quite obvious reasons, it's a pretty dominant and impressive nation.
Amerigo Vespuci was a red haired Jew from Genoa Italy. When he made a deal during the Inquisition with the King and Queen of Spain for his expidition under the Spanish Flag, he was allowed to use his name for all lands discovered. Christopher Columbus was his Christian name.
Why should he? You can get other perspectives everywhere, like in your high school or college history classes or from your favorite libertarian stink tank.
But he doesn't claim to provide a balanced perspective in the first place so complaining he doesn't is just childish. An adult should be capable of ingesting information from multiple sources with varying perspectives and then process the information to come up with their own mind.
Who's watching Zinn in 2020? Everything he said then is still relevant today!
It certainly explains the logic of the Marxist movements we see and the strategies they employ to demonize the current system of values.
The caller at 40:00 is from Louisville and brings up police brutality, including his brother being killed by the police.
@@sycamoreknox9419 back in 2003!!!! And then people are surprised by the protests now and outrage. Not condoning looting or violence yet Im surprised it didnt explode sooner
I'm watching it in 2020. I think his answer (at about 1:51) to someone who opposes socialism because it diminishes some peoples freedom (to oppress others) is great.
Yes! And the comments on police brutality are timely.
I've been hearing Zinn for decades & still watching Him in Sept / 2020.
Great men like Mr Zinn are so badly needed in these troubling times.We miss and love you Mr.Zinn.
See my channel.
@@howardzinnprovedbigwrongby873 WTF ?
Bane See my videos.
JJ Stanford is very trustworthy seat of higher learning. It is not that conservative. No university of any name in America is. They proved Zinn was a liar.
we have plenty. They just can't be found due to our adjusted understanding of free speech as approved by our government and their bosses...(not us)...
A person who spends his entire adult life trying to help the members of society who have no voice is a noble man.
@Ken Brown have you read anything else besides Ayn Rand?
You are a simpleton.
@@b.bailey8244 I guess you don't understand sarcasm.
@@bertwesler1181 Or possibly the irony went right over your head, lol
@@dreamingrightnow1174 No. ZIN IS A COMMUNIST SHITBAG. Always.
Every American, or those living here, ought to take the time to listen it this insight..... especially now. Thank you Professor Zinn, Charles Lamb, and Book TV .... and the person who posted this.
No American should listen to this Communist Propaganda.
@@quarters-eye8922 Why are you listening?
@@mattja52 he's obviously a closeted Commie comrade. Give him time
I'm still watching and learning from Howard Zinn. What he said yesterday is very relevant today. We need him today!
Thank you for posting this interview. He was a big influence on my life and I remember watching this one saturday morning.
So much intellect on the left. Zinn and Chomsky have no equals. They can articulate these topics so calmly and rationally, we’re a better country for them.
@Randolph Hearst well he wasn't a hater - like you. His aim was to tell us the truth about our history but he never tried to dictate to people - like clearly the people you are listening to, are.
@@b.bailey8244 Who is dictating? As an adult, you have a mind to confirm or rebuke. You choose the latter. James Baldwin said, "If you can't deal with reality, how can you face it." American History is a compilation of the good, the bad, the ugly. Why do people uphold the former and negate the latter? Union General, Senator from Missouri, Carl Schurz said, "My country, right or wrong, if right, to be kept right, if wrong, to be set right." Randolph Hearst is an example of the good, the bad, the ugly. There are few saints in the world, he was not one!
A beautiful human that is greatly missed. No way to know who you are or what you're capable of when ya don't know your history and it does very little to know your history when ya can't think about it or the world around you critically or apply skepticism to everything.
I have found being a History major myself that I have not been told many of the important facts of history!
The brilliant Howard Zinn, a must for anyone and everyone to learn the true history of the US
Zinn: I probably committed war crimes as a bombardier.
Interviewer: You have a lovely home.
Hard hitting journalism there.
Journalists and intellectuals always miss the point, it is as amazing as it is disgusting.
I'm a Vietnam Vet, eight years in the bowels of hell, and barely survived. I don't have a lovely home, but I hate war, horror! The suits have no idea, especially when they say, I thank you for service.
Richard Drinnon was a contemporary of Zinn's who also made huge contributions to US history, including his bio of Emma Goldman "Rebel in Paradise," his bio "White Savage" about John Dunne Hunter who was raised by Native people and tried to found a non-racist "nation" on the frontier; and his major opus, "Facing West: The Metaphysics of Indian-Hating and Empire-Building." Get hold of those, you'll never regret it!
Thank you.This is what I do. If I find anyone with a wholesome mind, I mention them. This has to be another way of redeeming the Mind. The human mind. Jiddu Krishnamurti has taught me how important this is for me in the challenge of change. Please listen to his public talks or discussions. JK society has posted and continues to post talks that are really rich for man. That man who is interested in understanding what they have not had time or incline to do so. Two years late but I do wish you well.
I lived near Richard Drinnon when I was quite young. He would come every night to work with his retriever on our lakeshore!
@@willmpet Lucky you! Drinnon was an intrepid groundbreaker and friendly as could be---like another of their great contemporaries Francis Jennings ("The Invasion of America" and other masterpieces). They all had rooted their feet in the fine-tooth primary documents and were not afraid to write and say what they found---unafraid to go beyond the stagnant imperialist histories that had ruled before them. They all deserve millions of readers.
wow listening to this today is insane
Morality: Sense needs rational thought, reality is manoeuvering the best ideas to preserve democracy and rights of man. Progress is gradual; it takes ethics and rigorous arguments to maintain the integrity for declaration of independence. Thank you Prof Howard Zinn.
Glad to hear Howard points out the 2 main components of a state, its ideology which form the government and its economic system which forms the compensation for people which affects the growth and true development of it's society.
When you are honest you allow debate on your point of view, and you don't distort facts. This is what makes your books important to me.
One of my favorite people! Love him and miss him.
Information is still available, but it has ALWAYS been a situation in which: You Know What You’re Looking For!
I wish I heard this discussion earlier. His view on American society is so poignant to what's happening today. How ironic that Louisville Kentucky was and still is today a topic of racial disparity .
Yes, all he says is relevant today. It pains me that he is so correct to be mistrustful of authority and that "the people" are the proper legitimisers of authority and power, and the proper expression of the collective power & will of the people is our government, and yet (the pain) is that our current governments (the world over) are run by the oligarchs and kleptocrats and do not one iota express the will of the people. It pains me to think what suffering we will all go through to turn this around and seize back government for the people by the people through mass social movements. It pains me that so many reactionaries use the objective incompetence of current governments to spread the propaganda that _all conceivable government_ is evil and should not exist, when in truth the evil of private corporations is still far, far worse, by orders of magnitude.
I am from Cuba and do know Amercan history. A society is a reflection of equaliy and intellect and which in America does not exist.
I am in complete agreement…..I am not American but happen to live here….my last visit to Cuba was enthralling and enlightening…. I hope to return soon for an extended time to teach music theory and mathematics on a volunteer basis. Necessary subjects for every child’s intellectual development. Thank you for your post. Miss Jenny
-2:41:00 where I come from they say the mad man call the other man mad. Are we all mad yet we all go out to look for the mad one? This from the point of view of war and violence in general. Well said.
Thank you CSPAN
Knowledge is power
Lovely man,lovely caller
I never was told that LaGuardia spent time in Congress before being Mayor of New York-where he was made famous by reading the newspaper on the air.
What an amazing teacher. he sounds like Christopher Walken lol
Albert Tremblay the reverse is true
@1:49:00 Perhaps the only place where Zinn is factually critically wrong. Universal programs funded by government Treasury can be funded by raw fiscal injection (marking up bank accounts). No taxation is required. Tax does not fund government programs. It's the other way around: FIRST government must spend, then later tax back some of that spending to limit inflation, but government _never needs_ to tax _all_ of it's spending back, the residual is called the government deficit, but "the deficit" is only information in an account statement, and if this residual is not too inflationary then it has no great economic impact. A negative number on a ledger book or bank account of a money issuer does not hurt anyone.
Huge tax receipts are only required if what is being taxed is getting over-used and in danger of being depleted. Other than that, the imposition of tax liabilities at inception is what creates unemployment and a demand for the issued currency, and so if tax receipts become too excessive the evidence is unemployment, and the correct policy would be to cut taxes or raise government spending to directly create jobs.
Universal healthcare significantly lowers business costs, and so is highly deflationary _at least when first introduced,_ and the correct adjustment is therefore not to raise taxes in the false belief this "pays for" the healthcare, but instead to lower taxes or increase other spending to avoid crippling deflation (deflation places a huge burden upon those who are in debt). What pays for the healthcare is government Treasury simply using a computer (at the Fed) to mark-up the bank accounts of the physicians, nurses, and medical suppliers --- no tax payer is in sight when that happens, no borrowing is needed. If economic activity heats up and booms as a result of this net fiscal injection, then progressive tax rates will automatically delete enough money out of the economy to reduce inflation risk, this is called an automatic stabilizer mechanism, it is not a "pay for" it is a stabilization offset for the net fiscal spending, and it happens automatically provided tax rates are progressive (i.e., tax receipts automatically increase when economic activity increases, with zero change to the tax code needed).
The problem in the USA is that present tax structure is neutral or even regressive, so that the fiscal offset of tax receipts are not correctly automatically offsetting government spending: the middle class are paying more (as a percent of their income) of the offset than the upper class. Y'all should probably pressure your law makers to change that! Then you will find Medicare For All is totally possible without causing any inflation risk and no extra middle class indebtedness.
You can't pressure politicians who are puppets to their Masters who are comfortably settled. The American people have been dumb-down via the educational system. In Reagan's time in the 1980s, he appointed William Bennett, the Secretary of Education, and he got rid of the teaching of civics in schools. Young people should know something about the operation of their government. When people are ignorant and sheep in a manner it's easier to control them. The tax system is not for people it serves Corporations, Banks, Investors, Property Owners, and Entrepreneurs. They can avail the appropriate loopholes ( incentives ). I understand, as you do, the stage is not big enough for all! Unless people assimilate into the categories aforementioned above, they will have to tolerate inequality. Pull yourself up by your bootstraps is not relevant today. It's contingent on who you know and what you know.
Thank you for posting this.
Louisville. Damn. RIP to this man’s brother. And RIP Breonna Taylor.
People who hear and read Zinn surely have a right not to be silenced by the government; that is how the 1st Amendment works. What his biggest detractors don't say (or don't know) is that, when it comes to public education, a majority of educators and school boards in America determined that Zinn's contribution to American History should be included in high schools and universities.
You're correct, don't tell the Heritage Foundation, corrupting the minds of the youth, unbelievable!
And look at where we are now 2018.
NPR initially poo-poo'd on his passing, people didn't like it. In 2020 now at least Trump stands impeached. But the Property Party (A1-A1 prime) is the same as it ever was.
@@robertrichard6107 National Petroleum Radio.
Dickens' England worked poor women, children and animals beyond endurance. All the workers' decendants require renumeration for their mass suffering
👍 listen again
👍thumbs up
Comment, even if 👍 is all you’ve got time for!!!
Or if all you can think of is…. 👍 again!
All of these things… not just this one!
what year is this video from? I've gathered it's from after 9/11 from their discussion of the war on terror, but more specific than that I don't know. I don't think there's any discussion of the Iraq War so possibly 2002?
A date on an email was 9/1/02, so I guess it was about then it was aired live.
That's also confirmed by the time frame discussed with the caller from Louisville, Kentucky.
Love this man.
Remember at college in mid seventies we were given a book I think it was called black like me where a journalist/reporter made himself look black to findout how blacks were treated in u.s south in the fifties
What would Dr.Zinn think about the state of affairs of the U.S. of A. Today?
He would not be surprised.
I'm quite surprised Prof Zinn didn't mention _Rage Against The Machine_ when naming socially conscious musical artists.
I have seen two videos of RATM and Noam Chomsky(good friend of Howard Zinn)
RIP(Rest In Protest)
Bruce McCloud! There can only be ONE!
Damn, I would have loved to have gotten his point of view on the potential of a global Resource Based Economy, as proposed by Jaque Fresco of The Venus Project. Oh well, lost opportunity.
Check out Michael Parenti
Though there might have been much difference between the Democratic and Republican parties at the time this was recorded but the Republican Party has lost it’s way in present times. 2016 through 2023!
long live zinn
19:20 I think the interviewer missed the joke
Reporter changes the subject after howard told about the bombing using napalm after the war in europe had ended
Hello, I was wondering if you could please upload the cspan in depth interview with peggy noonan from march 2002. Thank you.
Zinn is one of the very few American historians recommend people to read. I am unhappy right wingers lie all the time about his works.
I love this very knowledgeable guy! His death is an exponential loss to society.
The interviewer seems like if he was a Republican or Anti socialist.. he keeps interpreting Dr. Howard & his questions are just appalling.. what a maniac!!
-2:50:00you are have changed someone.
A great % of Americans dont know their own history.
2:31:07 what a racist lunatic lmao
That guy was/is totally psychotic.
Shakespeare’s not necessary reading in English at Yale but Zinn is. But he thinks he’s the outsider. Is Zinn a better writer than Shakespeare (who is, although a playwright, more accurate than Zinn’s cherry picking) Shakespeare gives insight into the human condition. Zinn rejects there is a human nature.
Zinn doesn't reject human nature, he thinks it can be better than what is. There is an insight into the human condition and also knowing it can be better. How is that a rejection? The mind and its tangents are something to marvel about.
Shakespeare is necessary reading in highschool and howard zinn is not. Most Americans do not go to college, much less yale. Also show any american politician zinns book and watch them screech and call you a communist
whats he talking ABOUT?
Huh, he referenced his wife countless times, saying she is the most influential person and reader, but he never mentions her name. Was her name "Mywife Zinn"? Or was it MRS HOWARD ZINN? Ah well, a minor detail I suppose....
"Roslyn" 1:40:32
He was a notorious philanderer.
@@GregMontoya1 Do you realize ( due to the Freedom of Information Act ) that the FBI had a file on Howard Zinn, 423 pages, on his life, and activities. Knowing the FBI, wouldn't you think they would leak that to the press. I understand your purpose and so does karma.
The ad acknowledgment correspondingly provide because loss characteristically smell throughout a seemly sailboat. cheerful, shocking archeology
This interviewer is abysmal.
I was told at school that America was one continent, was that wrong? to me somebody decided to steal the name and rename the rest to 'south' or sub America'? whats that all about? even mr Zinn keep talking about America refering to the U.S.A. I agree with mr Lloyd wright when he refer to Usonias.
Paolo Mh
Due to the fact that North and South America are connected by only a tiny piece of land, and that this connection was broken by the construction of the Panama Canal, North and South America are generally not considered the same continent, though they might be under some definitions. The term continent is not terribly well defined and applied in the first place.
@@OblateSpheroid North America is entirely in the Northern Hemisphere, South America almost entirely in the Southern Hemisphere of the Earth. It is relatively simple geography based on orientation via the heavenly bodies, the poles and compasses etc to define them accordingly. The Americas themselves considered as a whole are unimaginably vast (the whole of Europe or China is relatively small in comparison, for example) and span almost the whole length of the globe from North to South pole and bulge in two massive bodies of landmass in each hemisphere. It therefore makes perfect sense based on their geography to separate them into Northern, Central and Southern and indeed into more than one continent. The fashion of calling the USA simply 'America' in English is owed to the fact that English-speakers overwhelmingly have spoken of the USA when they spoke of 'America;' the USA dominates consciousness for English-speakers. It's just a colloquial shorthand among them; it has no technical, exact or general relevance. British and Australian people will occasionally refer to Canada with the term 'America,' kind of meaning 'over there;' the English, Spanish and Europeans generally used the term quite loosely to mean the whole Americas or the parts most relevant to them; again, in colloquial conversation, not so much technically, exactly or officially. Nowadays most people everywhere think of the USA when they hear the word for quite obvious reasons, it's a pretty dominant and impressive nation.
@@OblateSpheroid Example Asia, and/or Europe or actually Eurasia?
Amerigo Vespuci was a red haired Jew from Genoa Italy. When he made a deal during the Inquisition with the King and Queen of Spain for his expidition under the Spanish Flag, he was allowed to use his name for all lands discovered. Christopher Columbus was his Christian name.
Amerigo Vespucci and Christopher Columbus were distinct historical persons.
Zinn is not interested in providing a balanced perspective.
Why should he? You can get other perspectives everywhere, like in your high school or college history classes or from your favorite libertarian stink tank.
But he doesn't claim to provide a balanced perspective in the first place so complaining he doesn't is just childish. An adult should be capable of ingesting information from multiple sources with varying perspectives and then process the information to come up with their own mind.
You're right he should of spent half the book focusing on the perspective of America's real victims like rockefeller or jp morgan