it is a wired bouquet so it will last up to a day, if you want to store it or make it a day before the wedding use a fresh flower bag. you can find these at
Hi Joanna, For a bridal bouquet max. 24 hours is enough to stay fresh. with the technique I used that will not be a problem. to make it easier for your self you can also use a fresh flower bag when you make the bouquet the day before the wedding
Adorable and amazing 😊
If you were a florist 40 plus years ago, you always wired and taped a bouquet, this one is lovely!
thank you so much christine! I am sad now and than that we are loosing our more complexed techniques due to the time and budgets
Really helpful to see close ups of the wiring of the different flowers. A superb bouquet with rich colours and textures.
thank you so much for the compliment, as a craftsman i am proud of using the techniques in the right way
Love it flowers are georgous.THanks on video.
thank you so much
It is cool !!! And very, very, very nice!!!Thank you very much !!!
thank you for your kind reaction
Troppo bello 💕😍💕😍
thank you
Nice video
Is it spatifillo?
what do you like about the bouquet the most?
nice to hear
thank you
thanks, if you want to share our video's on your channel, you are welcome
خیلی زیبا بود،چرا از خود ساقه گل استفاده نشد؟
Beautiful!! How do you keep them hydrated? How long will they last?
it is a wired bouquet so it will last up to a day, if you want to store it or make it a day before the wedding use a fresh flower bag.
you can find these at
Ohne Wasserversorgung?
Das hält doch nicht lange
Hi Joanna, For a bridal bouquet max. 24 hours is enough to stay fresh. with the technique I used that will not be a problem. to make it easier for your self you can also use a fresh flower bag when you make the bouquet the day before the wedding
@@Bloomtube ich kann leider kein englisch
@@joannaprzybyla5712 I am so sorry, I do understand german, but can not write it. maybe you can translate it with google translate?