We have a very special relationship .I love him so much ,hes my best mate and wouldn't care if he never found another truffle .I know i will lose him one day an the thought of that is heart breaking.
@@jere6803 Were still getting out during the winter months for a cheeky truffle hunt ,he's 11 now an still in good health but slowing as we all will when were that age .I feel like we've had a million adventures an still well up at the thought of life with out him.
What a lovely dog! He seems to have lots of fun searching for truffles. And he knows exactly what to do e.g stepping away from the spot so that you can search.
Its all about the training.He had his first taste of a truffle at 11 weeks old.Give you dog bags of love and training and he'll reward you.I don't care if he never found another truffle would still love him all the same
+TheSkyedoggy hi skye doggy I own a lab retriever nice dog constantly sniffing his fav ball out and retrieving it from any hidden place . ive always been fascinatedby the skill of truffle dogs also me being a horticulralisti would be gratefull on any training tips/advice on how too train my 11 mth old lab "cheeky"thank s.love the vid.ROB W.CARDIFF SOUTH WALES.
Hi there, Sounds like you could have a prime candidate for a good truffle dog there.Just have read of a few of there other posts iv told people . Few have asked on tips how to train their dogs ,so there's a few good pointers for you in the comments below. good luck.
This guy is seriously cool and knows his stuff! I have just had a conversation with the man and have learnt a lot as a result he was really helpfull and down to earth and is very passionate about truffles. The best person I've spoken to about the subject yet! A real nice guy thank you Skyedoggy for your time.
Hey Skyedoggy yeah it's coming on good I'm just getting to the point of burying the scent and getting him to find it. He loves the search so I'm sure he'll be good. The main thing is he loves it so I can't wait to be working with him good crack to be had for sure. Thanks again Skye if me and my hairy boy find one I'll be ringing ya there and then. You proper inspired me to do this and it breaks up throwing a ball for him this is a lot more engaging for him cheers Skye.
That puppy is awesome👍 he finds $$$ for you and in return he gets his favourite treats and a belly scratch. You can tell he has fun digging and sniffing along😋
Whether the dog is trained to do that or not, he looks like he’s having a great time.. his tail is like a pendulum, and he’s so gentle when he digs, almost like he knows to be careful not to damage the truffles.. awesome!
This is my idea of heaven,one man and his dog on the hunt working together. I have a 1 year old working/show cross cocker who im training to find truffles,we have a pot with truffles/oil in bags we use and i started him off almost straight away at about 10 weeks old,he finds them all every single time but we've not found any wild truffles yet. Off season we search for gold balls ,we have hundreds :) My boy knows "find it " and "show me" just like OPs ,i KNOW he will be great at it ,we just need to find that first wild one.I honestly cant think of a better past time than being out with your best mate hunting. Seeing as this video is 8 years old now i wonder if your boy is still around and hunting? i hope so :) Thanks for the vid.
Who was watching this video like, are you high? I mean if you reached the end of the video because in a normal mental state I would do next but high in magic truffles you can really see the talent on this guy, is not just a truffle hunter he’s a comedian as well hahaha and the best one because doesn’t need an inspiration based in what the other are doing wrong
Great video. I really enjoyed it, especially watching the lovely relationship with your dog. What truffles are you finding in this video? Summer Truffles? I think I might have truffles in a nearby wood, lots of little animal dig marks, so I should get scraping. :)
Really enjoyed the video. I'm doing some cooking with Truffle videos. Just got some Whitish Borchii truffles to play with and will put up a video soon. I love truffles. Do you ever find other truffle varieties?
New sub here I like the video and the channel I live in the Willamette Valley in Oregon we have them here too but I don't have the dog to go look for them we pick other mushrooms King Boletus chanterelles and others
Amazing trip bro, I love finding truffles but in the Middle East we found them easier than Europe because its appears clearly on desert than woods good luck. Btw nice dog I wish I had one
Hi there. Yes you can find truffles with out the dog.Some years when weathers been just right the truffles can break though the surface,on poor years where the weathers been hot and dry they tend to be buried in the soil an a few inchs down or even more.The other way to find them is buy finding a truffle fly.This very small fly just loves the truffles that are close to the surface.It locates the truffles by perfume and lays a small egg on the truffle which hatches into a small grub. Theses small magots can decimate a large truffle in days.Find the fly and you find truffles.The way to find the fly is to use a small thin hazel cane , and gently brush the forest floor and the surrounding areas where you think truffles could be.Sunlight may help you see theses little critters fly up if disturbed. Google truffle fly to see what they look like.Funny really I grew a fly once in a jar just to see what they really looked like.I found a grub infested truffle an thought surly there's got to be a truffle fly maggot in that lot,low an behold ofter a week or so in the jar truffle flys,so now im sure if I disturb one I know what they look like..Anyway high ph soil is you main concern , thats the first step in finding the black Diamond. Truffles thrive in theses conditions.Tip of the day,follow the light through the tree's. The truffle loves to growb in damp warm sunlight preferably on the edge of beech forests.They also love deep leaf litter as a sort of growing medium , natural compost.If conditions are right early in spring ,damp but also warm ,wait and start looking around September for those which will brake through the surface ,or small earthy mounds appear where the truffle begins to grow and give off that perfume .All so a tell tail sign of truffles are small animal scrapings in the soil.Rabbits,badgers,squirrels also love them .Iv been asked in the past why truffles give of such a perfume. It simple ,for their survival. The truffle doesn't always have this pungent aroma in their early growing stages .As the truffle comes to ripeness it gives off this aroma as an attraction to small animals to be found and consumed ,passed through the animal and spawns spread .Another question im asked is how big are they ,well truffles can vary in size ,from the tiny to large tennis ball size .We usually say grams .My personal best is 460 grams ,large enough to hold in two hands. Large don't always mean good. Its all about the aroma. The restaurants tend to like small very round truffles as theses look pleasing to the eye when shaved on dishes. The larger ones usually end up chopped and made into a truffle puree or some sort of garnish or even a sauce.
I once found a truffle in a hole probably dug by a fox or a dog before it got scared off or called away, some guy with his dog saw me with it and bought it off me for £50, I was around 8 and regret having the chance to bring it home and let my stepdad cook with it 😂
How do you keep him fixated on the Truffles throughout the rest of the year? Such an interesting, symbiotic relationship between Man, Dog and Mycology! EDIT- I realise you're now finding them all Year! Good bloody job!
He's just a normal dog most of the year ,come september when the hunt starts ,all i have to do is show him our truffle collction bag an he goes wild.He just loves the hunt.Its just another great pastime we do togeather.He also loves to go kayaking with me .He has his own life jacket ,were never apart .Hes my best mate for sure
Hi there. Because there wild truffles ,I've had particular interest from the French .Their very interested in producing the British truffles ,well trying to grow our truffles on their trees.The wild British truffle has much more in delicate aroma with a rich nutty and leaf litter earthy flavours. In my opinion some of the best that nature can produce. Unlike some of the other truffle hunters out there ,that find their truffles in one place ,I can travel as much as two hundred miles a week in peak season just to find that special truffle.As these truffle are found from various secret locations ,they all have their own little difference. I have a few regular customers, but I like the policy, first come first served. season for me if weather's been just right ,warm and damp starts about July ,August ,but mainly September. White summer truffles ,with their pungent perfume to start with later the more darker truffles stronger earthy flavour with great marble centre. All enquiries welcome.
hi there, I have a fascination with fungi and noticed one of my dogs has starting collecting the odd mushroom while out on walks, on your video I notice the ground is quite dry did you make this video recently? and what are the chances of still finding these wonderful truffles in Hampshire?
Hi there,that day I was out was Christmas eve ,just gone.Although it looked dry it was wet under an inch or two down.This year has been poor for the hunt as we have had one of the driest summers for some time.You need sunny but damp springs and summers for the truffle to get a good start as they take about three to six months to grow.Truffles love beech trees and chalk soil.Their found under other trees but mainly under beech in our areas. You can still find truffles until the end of feb.I have found you can find them most of the year as the season are becoming warmer.
I’m loving it, outside with dog like that…my grandfather used to sell blue leg mushrooms to the local shops …but truffles wow …how much per pound. Amazing.
Hi there ,thanks for your comment ,truffle prices here in the uk tend to fluctuate depending on the seasons good or bad ,but average price here is about £600 a kilo 2.2 pounds to you so half that .
Hi there,Thanks for the comment .If you read some of the replies iv made i have explained to many how to train your dog to find the elusive and wonderful truffle .Many thanks.
Can you only find 1 truffle in any certain location then? Seems strange not to search around for anymore in the same hole.. Apologies, I'm new to this but great stuff.
Hi there, You very rarely find two truffles in the same hole ,side by side yes. If you can imagine a long root like fungus that's attached to the tree root spreading a few inches or even deeper .At the end of each fungus brach theres a fruiting body ,this is the truffle.The truffle spawn attaches it's self to the tree root at it begging stages of its development. The truffle gets much needed sugars and various minerals from the tree ,and the same for the tree from the truffle.They both need each other .Perfect symbiotic partnership.
Hi there, looking to start training my dog in this. how long would it take a clever dog to learn? any tips for traing vids on here please? thanks a lot mate. Colm
Hello ,If you read previous posts ,iv explained the very simple process how to train your dog ,but i would add it helps if the dog is much younger or even a pup to get a good truffle hunter .They're much easier to educate to what the task that you want them to do.This process has to be made fun for them to do an not just a job ,an defiantly not a tool for us .
Great video inspired me to go dig for some too but I would like to ask how much u sell them for a pound, how many you find for example in one hour and can I harvest them all the way from November to February?
high there, Iv been hunting the allusive truffle for quite a few years now . I'll be honest with you , it took many years of research into what soil their most happy growing in , the areas they particularly were prominently likely to be , hours of map reserch looking at the right forests.In particularly the right age of the right tree that will produce a truffle .Put all that all that together and train your self, and your dog and you might find a truffle within a year. As for the price , it can vary as to the condition can dictate its price and that growing years conditions. ie if its been just right that year to start the growing process off,early spring damp and warm would be right to produce a good chemistry for a good truffle season. On the other hand dry season wouldn't produce the right amount of moisture to in courage the fungus to grow.Which brings me back to price , good season loads about , price can vary from £180 a kg to £300 kg for top quality. Poor season not many about , prices can rise considerably . As for how many you can find can also vary . I've personally traveled 300 miles around to just collect a kilo because theres been such a great demand .Obviously the price was high as its not worth it.Iv now found closer to home secret locations that I don't have to travel that far too.You can be lucky and find the right location and find a kilo in a hour or only a few grams . I say I don't do it for the money but it does help pay for dog food as I have a few and vet bills . I'll be honest and say you could never make a living out of truffle hunting.I just love to be out with my boy rooting about seeing and finding new and beautiful locations. happy hunting.
Hi there. The best way to start is to introduce your dog to the truffle perfume, ie truffle oil .The modern truffle oil is just a chemical mixed with virgin olive oil.They do make organic oil but very expensive and don't last as long. To start put a few drops of synthetic truffle oil on a small cotton wall ball about , or just under golf ball size.Wrap this up in a small dark , preferably black material with bit of string to elastic band just to hold togeather,like a small pom pom.Cut any extra material off so it fits nicely in your hand.At a later stage you need to make a few of theses . Now introduce the pom pom to the dog.stick it under his nose , get him used to playing wth it,through and fetch.This is just to get the dog associated with the perfume and play.Its very important to prase the dog if he pick up or fetches the truffle ball.just get him used to that item. When he's fetching , picking up start to through it further .If in the house behind the sofa , where he can see it but he has to work just that bit harder.Remember to make more of these truffle oil balls so the perfumes always at its strongest. When you've mastered that move on outside in the garden.Do the same but through it in long grass so he has to work and find it .Remember to give loads of fuss and prase when he finds.Now when he find it give all the fuss and get him to sit and introduce him to a treat as a reward everytime he finds.Make him find,through deeper into bushes , flowerbeds ect. You don't have to do this just at home,everytime you go for a walk , take that truffle ball with you and make it a game whilst out .Remember huge fuss treats .All the time your just moving him closer to his goal , play the game in the woodland or nearby forest.If he can find your truffle ball in the forest with all thoughs other earthy pungent aromas you can now start the hunt. Truffles are very particular where they like to grow.They love chalky soil and limestone. They grow under and around the roots of several different species of British treets but its always been the good old beech that iv had most of the luck.Iv aways found that truffles like damp and warm , so around the edges of beech forest where the sunlight shines in.You can find truffles in the middle but not many. The weather has a huge impact on truffle.e growth here in the uk.2014 was poor because it was hot for the spring months.You need a combination of warm and damp springs to yield a good truffle season. Iv been studying maps and soil from all over the middle and lower south areas , and have built up a very complex truffle collection region. There are other truffle hunters out there and some that have been lucky enough to find huge hoards of truffles on their land , but im sure im the only one that collect wild british truffles from such a massive area. Im toying with other truffle training videos .Truffle dog traing your self is easy you just need patients. There are truffle dog schools out there but nothing you can't do yourself. Its all good and well training your dog to sit at the sound of a clicker when he finds a truffle de coy .A dog should be left to be a dog ,to enjoy just been with you and the game of play. A good truffle dog should have an insatiable appetite for truffles. I let my dog eat the smaller truffles its a great reward for him .The uks smaller summer white truffles have a huge aroma compared to the later autumn and winter species .My dog goes mad for them. He just breathes the air and he's off .Truffle hunting with a good dog is all about using the elements .Use the wind ,be always down wind of your truffle sites .Let the perfume travel to you and your dog. I like to hunt after its rained .This makes everything fresh and the perfume seams to be much stronger. After a while you get so used to the aroma that at times you can be digging one up and smell another close by if your close to the forest floor.If your not sure your digging one up just sniff a handful of the soil ,or sniff the soil in the hole ,you'll know .
+TheSkyedoggy hi you have given me more tips about training than any other vid I have seen so far, getting a lagotto soon " I hope " I'm in Hampshire amongst beech woods, cant wait !!
That's adorable, I have never had a dog, we keep find stray cats that don't belong to anyone anymore and it hurts me on the inside that people would give up their cats and that some of them ran away only a few months old, and they are not dirty cats. I find 5 stray cats and 0 stray dogs. When did you get your dog and what type is he?
That's adorable, I have never had a dog, we keep find stray cats that don't belong to anyone anymore and it hurts me on the inside that people would give up their cats and that some of them ran away only a few months old, and they are not dirty cats. I find 5 stray cats and 0 stray dogs. When did you get your dog and what type is he?
What kind of Truffle is that? I mean, you´re in a Beech Forest and White/Black Truffle grow in Simbiosis with Oaks or other Quercus family trees. There are more truffles; any idea of the name? Not saying there are bad; probably with medicinal qualities. There must be some down here too, as we have Beech Forest; first time I see picking up. Enjoy. The waterdog too!
How do you eat them? Did you cook them any kind of way? Cuz I've never had one and curious about what do they taste like and why are they so rare that people treasure them. But for you, it seems like something regular lol
Johny Yang It's funny ,but I suppose I sort of take it for granted because I can get them anytime. You forget their very rare. l find the best way is to just shave them on pasta, eggs well almost all meats ,make truffle cream ,butter .There's no end to what there great with. Taste is very unique, sort of like earthy leafy nutty smooth but in a pleasant way.The perfume is also very unique sort of sweet. They also look very strange ,almost like man made.They are covered in small piramid like warts ,but when shaved the have the most amazingly intricate marble like centre. Very delicately formed .
Both ,but also give away to friends and people i meet on my travels hunting .Most people when i tell them think i'm a bit weird or see me trekking through the undergrowth or in forests ,when i tell them what were doing thinks its fascinating .Can't think of a better thing to do with my best mate .
Honestly I could care less about the truffles but the way he partners with his dog is lovely.
We have a very special relationship .I love him so much ,hes my best mate and wouldn't care if he never found another truffle .I know i will lose him one day an the thought of that is heart breaking.
@@TheSkyedoggy I know how you feel, but we have the time we have, you're making the most of it.
@@TheSkyedoggyhow is he doing?:)
@@jere6803 Were still getting out during the winter months for a cheeky truffle hunt ,he's 11 now an still in good health but slowing as we all will when were that age .I feel like we've had a million adventures an still well up at the thought of life with out him.
I never thought truffle hunting adventure will be this entertaining. ❤ this dog is so sweet and smart. 😍😍
Well that Dog paid his vet bills ten times over. Good Boy! Peace!
I remember my dog bringing home something that looked like a rock... I figure out it was truffle.
Damn he chewed it rip
rich dawg
Ya full a shite yah🤭
What a lovely dog! He seems to have lots of fun searching for truffles. And he knows exactly what to do e.g stepping away from the spot so that you can search.
Its all about the training.He had his first taste of a truffle at 11 weeks old.Give you dog bags of love and training and he'll reward you.I don't care if he never found another truffle would still love him all the same
+TheSkyedoggy hi skye doggy I own a lab retriever nice dog constantly sniffing his fav ball out and retrieving it from any hidden place . ive always been fascinatedby the skill of truffle dogs also me being a horticulralisti would be gratefull on any training tips/advice on how too train my 11 mth old lab "cheeky"thank s.love the vid.ROB W.CARDIFF SOUTH WALES.
Hi there,
Sounds like you could have a prime candidate for a good truffle dog there.Just have read of a few of there other posts iv told people . Few have asked on tips how to train their dogs ,so there's a few good pointers for you in the comments below.
good luck.
This guy is seriously cool and knows his stuff! I have just had a conversation with the man and have learnt a lot as a result he was really helpfull and down to earth and is very passionate about truffles. The best person I've spoken to about the subject yet! A real nice guy thank you Skyedoggy for your time.
Yo Chris.How you getting on training your pooch.chris campbell
Hey Skyedoggy yeah it's coming on good I'm just getting to the point of burying the scent and getting him to find it. He loves the search so I'm sure he'll be good. The main thing is he loves it so I can't wait to be working with him good crack to be had for sure. Thanks again Skye if me and my hairy boy find one I'll be ringing ya there and then. You proper inspired me to do this and it breaks up throwing a ball for him this is a lot more engaging for him cheers Skye.
Good to here that chris.You wait till that training pays off and you find the black Diamond. Pure magic
chris Soo, how's it going now fella?
Poss I guess lol
That dog is like a metal detector for truffles :O
*Truffle* *Detector?*
Better then a metal detector actually it will find it for you and dig also.
That puppy is awesome👍 he finds $$$ for you and in return he gets his favourite treats and a belly scratch. You can tell he has fun digging and sniffing along😋
Whether the dog is trained to do that or not, he looks like he’s having a great time.. his tail is like a pendulum, and he’s so gentle when he digs, almost like he knows to be careful not to damage the truffles.. awesome!
The dog so cute and ...it so cute when that guy teasing that dog to eat the truffle 😊😊
You have amazing dog ❤️❤️
This looks like so much fun.
mmmm good perfume
so dope right :D?
I remember, 6 months ago my dog had brought something like a stone and it smelled like perfume, and now .... I know what it is
Its a truffle
Expensive af for a mushroom but worth it.
Omg the dog is really cute😍
lovely dog and a great video, i can hear the excitement in his breathing!!really enjoyed watching and happy hunting
Your dog is sooooo adorable and soo precious...
the puppy is so clever good job👍✌️
'Where's it? Where's it?......'There it iiiiiis, There it iiiiiis look' 'My preciousssss' excellent video thanks...
Great video the dog and training for truffles has been noted in my 2am thoughts. :)
owner and dog are amazing he doesnt push the dog to much to search and the dog loves it to walk around in the forrest.
Myyyyyyy PRECIOUS !!!!
This is my idea of heaven,one man and his dog on the hunt working together. I have a 1 year old working/show cross cocker who im training to find truffles,we have a pot with truffles/oil in bags we use and i started him off almost straight away at about 10 weeks old,he finds them all every single time but we've not found any wild truffles yet. Off season we search for gold balls ,we have hundreds :) My boy knows "find it " and "show me" just like OPs ,i KNOW he will be great at it ,we just need to find that first wild one.I honestly cant think of a better past time than being out with your best mate hunting.
Seeing as this video is 8 years old now i wonder if your boy is still around and hunting? i hope so :)
Thanks for the vid.
The way he talks to the dog is so funny and cute.
We'd make a great couple.
hes my best mate .If he never found another truffle i wouldn't care ,we just love our friendship
@@TheSkyedoggy that's so sweet. I hope he is still well and healthy
This puppy 🐶 is better than people who went to university
glad he covers everything up 😄 doesn't leave any mess....
A modern day treasure hunter
I love truffles, had some last year, well, shavings mixed with butter and pasta!
a1 wavvey well said
he sounds like that my precious thing from Lord of the rings
all4one together4all smigol
yeh yeh yeh yeh yeh! lol
Who was watching this video like, are you high? I mean if you reached the end of the video because in a normal mental state I would do next but high in magic truffles you can really see the talent on this guy, is not just a truffle hunter he’s a comedian as well hahaha and the best one because doesn’t need an inspiration based in what the other are doing wrong
Great video. I really enjoyed it, especially watching the lovely relationship with your dog. What truffles are you finding in this video? Summer Truffles? I think I might have truffles in a nearby wood, lots of little animal dig marks, so I should get scraping. :)
Really enjoyed the video. I'm doing some cooking with Truffle videos. Just got some Whitish Borchii truffles to play with and will put up a video soon. I love truffles. Do you ever find other truffle varieties?
That dog is a good gold digger
New sub here I like the video and the channel I live in the Willamette Valley in Oregon we have them here too but I don't have the dog to go look for them we pick other mushrooms King Boletus chanterelles and others
Would love to see lots more truffle hunting videos! Love it and the angle of the camera!! :)
I definitely understand, life's busy! Great, I'm looking forward to more videos!!
Thanks very much for the interesting information/knowledge in your reply and happy hunting!!
Amazing trip bro, I love finding truffles but in the Middle East we found them easier than Europe because its appears clearly on desert than woods good luck. Btw nice dog I wish I had one
Wow, I had no idea they would grown in a much hotter climate, especially in a desert!
That’s a fine haul, Betsy!
Hi there, is possible to find them without a dog, the place i live is untouched and im pretty positive there may be plenty of them ?
Hi there.
Yes you can find truffles with out the dog.Some years when weathers been just right the truffles can break though the surface,on poor years where the weathers been hot and dry they tend to be buried in the soil an a few inchs down or even more.The other way to find them is buy finding a truffle fly.This very small fly just loves the truffles that are close to the surface.It locates the truffles by perfume and lays a small egg on the truffle which hatches into a small grub. Theses small magots can decimate a large truffle in days.Find the fly and you find truffles.The way to find the fly is to use a small thin hazel cane , and gently brush the forest floor and the surrounding areas where you think truffles could be.Sunlight may help you see theses little critters fly up if disturbed. Google truffle fly to see what they look like.Funny really I grew a fly once in a jar just to see what they really looked like.I found a grub infested truffle an thought surly there's got to be a truffle fly maggot in that lot,low an behold ofter a week or so in the jar truffle flys,so now im sure if I disturb one I know what they look like..Anyway high ph soil is you main concern , thats the first step in finding the black Diamond. Truffles thrive in theses conditions.Tip of the day,follow the light through the tree's. The truffle loves to growb in damp warm sunlight preferably on the edge of beech forests.They also love deep leaf litter as a sort of growing medium , natural compost.If conditions are right early in spring ,damp but also warm ,wait and start looking around September for those which will brake through the surface ,or small earthy mounds appear where the truffle begins to grow and give off that perfume .All so a tell tail sign of truffles are small animal scrapings in the soil.Rabbits,badgers,squirrels also love them .Iv been asked in the past why truffles give of such a perfume. It simple ,for their survival. The truffle doesn't always have this pungent aroma in their early growing stages .As the truffle comes to ripeness it gives off this aroma as an attraction to small animals to be found and consumed ,passed through the animal and spawns spread .Another question im asked is how big are they ,well truffles can vary in size ,from the tiny to large tennis ball size .We usually say grams .My personal best is 460 grams ,large enough to hold in two hands. Large don't always mean good. Its all about the aroma. The restaurants tend to like small very round truffles as theses look pleasing to the eye when shaved on dishes. The larger ones usually end up chopped and made into a truffle puree or some sort of garnish or even a sauce.
Thanks for the tip, thats really helpful
How do you train the dog? I have also heard of people training rats, pigs, etc. Also, where do you sell the truffles to? How big must they be?.
I once found a truffle in a hole probably dug by a fox or a dog before it got scared off or called away, some guy with his dog saw me with it and bought it off me for £50, I was around 8 and regret having the chance to bring it home and let my stepdad cook with it 😂
Why is this fascinating and scary at the same time?
Your dog is more worthy than a diamond
You have a very loyal smart dog. Good dog and very pretty. I did't know what a truffle was and where they come from but now I do.
Do truffles grow in the USA because That looks so fun!
Hi ,I know they grow in Oregon usa .
Good pupy...nice...is money...so expansive
For some reasons, I thought a man will be hiding behind a tree and holding a chainsaw!
How do you keep him fixated on the Truffles throughout the rest of the year? Such an interesting, symbiotic relationship between Man, Dog and Mycology!
EDIT- I realise you're now finding them all Year! Good bloody job!
He's just a normal dog most of the year ,come september when the hunt starts ,all i have to do is show him our truffle collction bag an he goes wild.He just loves the hunt.Its just another great pastime we do togeather.He also loves to go kayaking with me .He has his own life jacket ,were never apart .Hes my best mate for sure
Would love to see more Vids of him!
Brilliant little dog !!! What do you do with your truffles I have a restaurant and would love to support this
Hi there.
Because there wild truffles ,I've had particular interest from the French .Their very interested in producing the British truffles ,well trying to grow our truffles on their trees.The wild British truffle has much more in delicate aroma with a rich nutty and leaf litter earthy flavours. In my opinion some of the best that nature can produce.
Unlike some of the other truffle hunters out there ,that find their truffles in one place ,I can travel as much as two hundred miles a week in peak season just to find that special truffle.As these truffle are found from various secret locations ,they all have their own little difference. I have a few regular customers, but I like the policy, first come first served.
season for me if weather's been just right ,warm and damp starts about July ,August ,but mainly September. White summer truffles ,with their pungent perfume to start with later the more darker truffles stronger earthy flavour with great marble centre.
All enquiries welcome.
hi there, I have a fascination with fungi and noticed one of my dogs has starting collecting the odd mushroom while out on walks, on your video I notice the ground is quite dry did you make this video recently? and what are the chances of still finding these wonderful truffles in Hampshire?
Hi there,that day I was out was Christmas eve ,just gone.Although it looked dry it was wet under an inch or two down.This year has been poor for the hunt as we have had one of the driest summers for some time.You need sunny but damp springs and summers for the truffle to get a good start as they take about three to six months to grow.Truffles love beech trees and chalk soil.Their found under other trees but mainly under beech in our areas.
You can still find truffles until the end of feb.I have found you can find them most of the year as the season are becoming warmer.
That’s amazing, how do you get a truffle in the first place to train the dog? Awesome work you pair!
Hi there, if you read further down some of the previous comments ,iv explaned how i did this ,many thanks
This guy sounds like a kids show cartoon villain
Good boy🐶❤️
Wow Good job, very nice dog
I’m loving it, outside with dog like that…my grandfather used to sell blue leg mushrooms to the local shops …but truffles wow …how much per pound. Amazing.
Hi there ,thanks for your comment ,truffle prices here in the uk tend to fluctuate depending on the seasons good or bad ,but average price here is about £600 a kilo 2.2 pounds to you so half that .
Lovely dog
fascinating sir what a delightful gourmet dinner with the family I bet you had,thank you for sharing.
José Sosa haha i dont think he can easily make a grand with those 2 truffles
Where does he say he’ll make a grand?
Out of curiosity how come you sniff the truffle and say mmm nice perfume
You can tell how good the truffle is by the smell ,and sniffing the soil you can locate the truffle easier. The soil takes on the beautiful perfume.
The truffle contains oil and has a distinctive odor.
It is magnific!
Great video :)
oh how wonderful,,, who's name of that sweet little dog. i love to see the he look the truffle
The dog pays for itself
This must be brilliant fun on a pleasant day.
Love this sooooo much.
I love that dog..
Smart and Adorable Dog.
amazing clever dog. hoping to start training mine when I get it. is your dog a male or female? how old was it when you started training? cheers
He's a male.
He had a truffle placed under his nose the day he came home as a pup,an the rest is history.
which one is more expensive ginseng or truffles. which one is easy to cultivate. when is the maturity period??
Amazing that dog so well trained
what is that truffle?is that a kind of plants?where it come from?
I love it your dog...so clever boy :')
We have a very close bond ,hes my best friend an just loves to hunt the truffle
@@TheSkyedoggy I have 0 knowledge of dogs. How did you train him to search after these beautiful truffles??
Hi there,Thanks for the comment .If you read some of the replies iv made i have explained to many how to train your dog to find the elusive and wonderful truffle .Many thanks.
Can you only find 1 truffle in any certain location then? Seems strange not to search around for anymore in the same hole.. Apologies, I'm new to this but great stuff.
Hi there,
You very rarely find two truffles in the same hole ,side by side yes.
If you can imagine a long root like fungus that's attached to the tree root spreading a few inches or even deeper .At the end of each fungus brach theres a fruiting body ,this is the truffle.The truffle spawn attaches it's self to the tree root at it begging stages of its development. The truffle gets much needed sugars and various minerals from the tree ,and the same for the tree from the truffle.They both need each other .Perfect symbiotic partnership.
In Saudi Arabia we use truffle as a medicine for eye diseases.
So awesome! What a great companion!
He is a very good boy. He needs a stake dinner. And I now you take very good care of him too.
how do you clean them?
give it a gud ole licky lick
Hi there, looking to start training my dog in this. how long would it take a clever dog to learn? any tips for traing vids on here please? thanks a lot mate. Colm
Hi there,just read some of the previous comments iv answered on this subject. Or look up truffle dog training.
Can you tell me how to train my dog same like your dog to get a truffle?
Hello ,If you read previous posts ,iv explained the very simple process how to train your dog ,but i would add it helps if the dog is much younger or even a pup to get a good truffle hunter .They're much easier to educate to what the task that you want them to do.This process has to be made fun for them to do an not just a job ,an defiantly not a tool for us .
Great video inspired me to go dig for some too but I would like to ask how much u sell them for a pound, how many you find for example in one hour and can I harvest them all the way from November to February?
high there,
Iv been hunting the allusive truffle for quite a few years now . I'll be honest with you , it took many years of research into what soil their most happy growing in , the areas they particularly were prominently likely to be , hours of map reserch looking at the right forests.In particularly the right age of the right tree that will produce a truffle .Put all that all that together and train your self, and your dog and you might find a truffle within a year.
As for the price , it can vary as to the condition can dictate its price and that growing years conditions. ie if its been just right that year to start the growing process off,early spring damp and warm would be right to produce a good chemistry for a good truffle season. On the other hand dry season wouldn't produce the right amount of moisture to in courage the fungus to grow.Which brings me back to price , good season loads about , price can vary from £180 a kg to £300 kg for top quality. Poor season not many about , prices can rise considerably .
As for how many you can find can also vary . I've personally traveled 300 miles around to just collect a kilo because theres been such a great demand .Obviously the price was high as its not worth it.Iv now found closer to home secret locations that I don't have to travel that far too.You can be lucky and find the right location and find a kilo in a hour or only a few grams .
I say I don't do it for the money but it does help pay for dog food as I have a few and vet bills . I'll be honest and say you could never make a living out of truffle hunting.I just love to be out with my boy rooting about seeing and finding new and beautiful locations.
happy hunting.
How do you train dogs to truffle hunt?
Hi there.
The best way to start is to introduce your dog to the truffle perfume, ie truffle oil .The modern truffle oil is just a chemical mixed with virgin olive oil.They do make organic oil but very expensive and don't last as long.
To start put a few drops of synthetic truffle oil on a small cotton wall ball about , or just under golf ball size.Wrap this up in a small dark , preferably black material with bit of string to elastic band just to hold togeather,like a small pom pom.Cut any extra material off so it fits nicely in your hand.At a later stage you need to make a few of theses .
Now introduce the pom pom to the dog.stick it under his nose , get him used to playing wth it,through and fetch.This is just to get the dog associated with the perfume and play.Its very important to prase the dog if he pick up or fetches the truffle ball.just get him used to that item.
When he's fetching , picking up start to through it further .If in the house behind the sofa , where he can see it but he has to work just that bit harder.Remember to make more of these truffle oil balls so the perfumes always at its strongest. When you've mastered that move on outside in the garden.Do the same but through it in long grass so he has to work and find it .Remember to give loads of fuss and prase when he finds.Now when he find it give all the fuss and get him to sit and introduce him to a treat as a reward everytime he finds.Make him find,through deeper into bushes , flowerbeds ect.
You don't have to do this just at home,everytime you go for a walk , take that truffle ball with you and make it a game whilst out .Remember huge fuss treats .All the time your just moving him closer to his goal , play the game in the woodland or nearby forest.If he can find your truffle ball in the forest with all thoughs other earthy pungent aromas you can now start the hunt.
Truffles are very particular where they like to grow.They love chalky soil and limestone. They grow under and around the roots of several different species of British treets but its always been the good old beech that iv had most of the luck.Iv aways found that truffles like damp and warm , so around the edges of beech forest where the sunlight shines in.You can find truffles in the middle but not many.
The weather has a huge impact on truffle.e growth here in the uk.2014 was poor because it was hot for the spring months.You need a combination of warm and damp springs to yield a good truffle season. Iv been studying maps and soil from all over the middle and lower south areas , and have built up a very complex truffle collection region. There are other truffle hunters out there and some that have been lucky enough to find huge hoards of truffles on their land , but im sure im the only one that collect wild british truffles from such a massive area.
Im toying with other truffle training videos .Truffle dog traing your self is easy you just need patients. There are truffle dog schools out there but nothing you can't do yourself. Its all good and well training your dog to sit at the sound of a clicker when he finds a truffle de coy .A dog should be left to be a dog ,to enjoy just been with you and the game of play. A good truffle dog should have an insatiable appetite for truffles. I let my dog eat the smaller truffles its a great reward for him .The uks smaller summer white truffles have a huge aroma compared to the later autumn and winter species .My dog goes mad for them. He just breathes the air and he's off .Truffle hunting with a good dog is all about using the elements .Use the wind ,be always down wind of your truffle sites .Let the perfume travel to you and your dog. I like to hunt after its rained .This makes everything fresh and the perfume seams to be much stronger. After a while you get so used to the aroma that at times you can be digging one up and smell another close by if your close to the forest floor.If your not sure your digging one up just sniff a handful of the soil ,or sniff the soil in the hole ,you'll know .
Thank you, helps lots & very informative
+TheSkyedoggy hi you have given me more tips about training than any other vid I have seen so far, getting a lagotto soon " I hope " I'm in Hampshire amongst beech woods, cant wait !!
Good for you my friend.Need any more tip on training , don't hesitate to ask.let me know when you get pup.Just love my boy , .
+TheSkyedoggy thanks sky i'll do just that
Best dog ever! 😉
Excellent vid fella
U have a brilliant dog sir , 🍻
Your dog is so cute, he's like my kitten but he is a dog, although, my kitten does play fetch. :)
I love him to bits, dont care if he never found another truffle he's still special to me.
That's adorable, I have never had a dog, we keep find stray cats that don't belong to anyone anymore and it hurts me on the inside that people would give up their cats and that some of them ran away only a few months old, and they are not dirty cats. I find 5 stray cats and 0 stray dogs.
When did you get your dog and what type is he?
That's adorable, I have never had a dog, we keep find stray cats that don't belong to anyone anymore and it hurts me on the inside that people would give up their cats and that some of them ran away only a few months old, and they are not dirty cats. I find 5 stray cats and 0 stray dogs.
When did you get your dog and what type is he?
This is like asmrrrrr omg it's so nice
What kind of Truffle is that?
I mean, you´re in a Beech Forest and White/Black Truffle grow in Simbiosis with Oaks or other Quercus family trees.
There are more truffles; any idea of the name?
Not saying there are bad; probably with medicinal qualities.
There must be some down here too, as we have Beech Forest; first time I see picking up.
Enjoy. The waterdog too!
Clever little pup.
Most valuable dog
Good parfume. Means you smell money...a lot of it😎🤑
How much can you get for those things?
Truffles sell per kg and depending on the variety ...it can cost between (1000 to Unknown) .
How much did you make from all those
omg truffles are so good ....
if its that good ,farmer would keep it for themself
Wow. That’s doggggg. How smart he is.
Nice vid
End nice dog you heve
Well the only truffles I find are in the white truffle olive oil my mom buys
Awesome experience! Thanks for sharing with us! May I ask what did you do with the truffles afterward?
Most of them got eaten by me, and a few given to friends
How do you eat them? Did you cook them any kind of way? Cuz I've never had one and curious about what do they taste like and why are they so rare that people treasure them. But for you, it seems like something regular lol
Johny Yang
It's funny ,but I suppose I sort of take it for granted because I can get them anytime. You forget their very rare.
l find the best way is to just shave them on pasta, eggs well almost all meats ,make truffle cream ,butter .There's no end to what there great with.
Taste is very unique, sort of like earthy leafy nutty smooth but in a pleasant way.The perfume is also very unique sort of sweet.
They also look very strange ,almost like man made.They are covered in small piramid like warts ,but when shaved the have the most amazingly intricate marble like centre. Very delicately formed .
That's so amazing! I'm grateful for your time and patient replying me. I hope the goodness always come along with you:)
Good dog, is he still alive right now? I hope so.
Great video!!
He's like the character in Shaun the sheep
What do you do with these? Sell them to restaurants? Or eat them? Or both
Both ,but also give away to friends and people i meet on my travels hunting .Most people when i tell them think i'm a bit weird or see me trekking through the undergrowth or in forests ,when i tell them what were doing thinks its fascinating .Can't think of a better thing to do with my best mate .
a think a large influence of bedlington terrier and defo in the northeast welldone m8 ! wish we could meet up??
If you wont to build a house you get a good builder ,won't to find a truffle get a lagotto
no wonder why truffles is the most expensive mushroom just because its very hard to find....unlike other mushroom that you can culture it....
You can farm a few types of truffle
How much is a kilo worth? I have some to sell to a local chef but i think he's trying to rip me off with 40 quid for a quarter kilo