No Red Head Kids

  • Опубліковано 26 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 1,3 тис.

  • @SnugglesTheSnuggle
    @SnugglesTheSnuggle 2 роки тому +843

    As a redhead, what offends me most is the fact that she dyed her son hair to please another man. That's beyond disgusting and utterly cowardly.

    • @remove574
      @remove574 2 роки тому +21

      I love red hair, so many different shades

    • @Mr.Rogers91
      @Mr.Rogers91 2 роки тому +23

      That was extremely gross to hear her say that.

    • @colezy14
      @colezy14 2 роки тому +4


    • @mlungisidlamini9864
      @mlungisidlamini9864 2 роки тому +8

      I don't think she really did, I think she was just pushing his buttons.

    • @mollywright9148
      @mollywright9148 2 роки тому +11

      I agree, Judge should of turned to her after talking to him and said "and it's disgusting that you even entertained the idea, let alone followed through with it."

  • @countrygirlxo7188
    @countrygirlxo7188 4 роки тому +963

    Poor kid 😔 I hope he never watches this. Every child deserves love

    • @mylifeinanutshell6931
      @mylifeinanutshell6931 3 роки тому +28

      This channels has skits based on Texas family law to teach others. Not real.....are actors.

    • @screty2479
      @screty2479 3 роки тому +26

      @@mylifeinanutshell6931 This is still more entertaining then any soap opera 🧼

    • @mylifeinanutshell6931
      @mylifeinanutshell6931 3 роки тому +3

      @@screty2479 oh yes!

    • @gearnazi9168
      @gearnazi9168 3 роки тому +10

      How can anyone watch this and think it real the acting is horrible

    • @mylifeinanutshell6931
      @mylifeinanutshell6931 3 роки тому +6

      @@gearnazi9168 not suppose to be real.....called acting to show different situations. This lawyer is good and showing different situations and possible outcomes based on Texas Family Laws. Read the description.

  • @sharonbowers9929
    @sharonbowers9929 Рік тому +137

    Academy award goes to this man! Great performance! No one throws a better tantrum.

    • @Dit1160
      @Dit1160 10 місяців тому +3

      But she choose a weed farmer

  • @joann13
    @joann13 Рік тому +233

    I’m adopted and hearing him say this BREAKS MY HEART. He should be ASHAMED.

    • @mariahillenbrand8396
      @mariahillenbrand8396 Рік тому

      Evidently because the child doesn't fish, that means that he's not worthy of his father's love!! Divorced twice?? I see a few more divorced in his future - if he can even find a woman who wants him!!! What a joke!!! Make him pay Judge!!

    • @joannegregory3024
      @joannegregory3024 10 місяців тому

      Same 😢

    • @marykiely5523
      @marykiely5523 8 місяців тому

      What an idiot!

    • @kwakuemma4357
      @kwakuemma4357 8 місяців тому

      ​@@mariahillenbrand8396 but he is NOT the father

    • @castroarogo7416
      @castroarogo7416 8 місяців тому

  • @missgrace97
    @missgrace97 2 роки тому +173

    I was adopted within my family at age 4. My bio parents were homeless and on drugs, so I went with my bio aunt and her husband. When I was 7 they divorced, my dad had to pay a good chunk of money each month but never complained. Eventually I ended up living with him, we are not blood but he is my dad and has always treated me like such. Even though my bio dad stole and lied a lot to him, he’s always treated me like a princess😩

    • @TannerisSmol97
      @TannerisSmol97 Рік тому +1

      Nobody cares or asked

    • @anniealwi8073
      @anniealwi8073 Рік тому +3

      Good experience n i like it❤

    • @kioschy1
      @kioschy1 8 місяців тому +2

      hi :) I care - your dad is great !

    • @noorkazi7268
      @noorkazi7268 6 місяців тому +1

      I care too. I'm happy you found yours ❤ Much love

    • @joem7787
      @joem7787 5 місяців тому

      @@TannerisSmol97your a douche.

  • @heatherward5053
    @heatherward5053 3 роки тому +323

    I LOVE Judge Vonda!!! She has me cracking up. “Maybe you should dye your hair red” 😂😂

  • @MrQwiksix21
    @MrQwiksix21 4 роки тому +398

    He's a WEED FARMER

    • @christiandilday7543
      @christiandilday7543 3 роки тому +13

      I thought so too

    • @tulips1083
      @tulips1083 3 роки тому +4

      Or meth

    • @G.F.B.T.M
      @G.F.B.T.M Рік тому

      Medical Marijuana helps alot of conditions & alot of people. At the same time this guy IS a total jackass !!!

    • @beeharbour
      @beeharbour 10 місяців тому +4

      That's what I understood.

    • @SalvadorCastillo-n4r
      @SalvadorCastillo-n4r 10 місяців тому +1

      LOL 🤣

  • @johntruax
    @johntruax 2 роки тому +364

    This hits me hard as I was adopted by my mother's second husband. Since I wasn't blood I've never been excepted or acknowledged by family as a family member. Family gatherings were a nightmare. So I really feel for this child.

    • @Dimensionalalteration
      @Dimensionalalteration 2 роки тому +8

      That's absolutely horrible, some people don't understand what adoption is supposed to be ,no one should be messed around like that being told that they are now family but not really ,like they are subhuman.
      That's why I'm a Karen on people who talk about adoption only to satisfy their own needs ,like -we want a kid but our bio bits are malfunctioning so let's adopt for our needs only ,or people with white saviour syndrome trying to adopt coloured or disabled kids who's entire indentity and normal world they destroy, and then there are people who moan about not wanting difficult or special needs kids ,not understanding what the kids are going through.Then there are the romantic gesture adoptions like the one we just watched ,where the parents spouse/f*ckbuddy or whatever just goes- yeah I want to adopt your kid ,not giving a single f*ck about the kid who now thinks that they are loved so much that they were chosen as family,but keep on getting rejected

    • @haleynash762
      @haleynash762 2 роки тому +5

      Same here. My aunt had even told my grandmother that I shouldn't inherit my father's land after he passes because I "am not blood related". And when I called her out on it she played the victim.

    • @badgurl5758
      @badgurl5758 2 роки тому +4

      IMO your stepdad should have told his people, he is my son and if you dont accept & treat my son as my blood, its a direct disrespect to me and I will not be around PERIOD!

    • @kaytaylor4698
      @kaytaylor4698 2 роки тому +4

      sorry to hear that my brother is adopted (8 months older than me) and we also have 3 older sisters..once he had kids he wanted to find his bio parents..which he did and they are married and have 2 more sons (so he has 2 brothers)..when we have family gatherings we all show up and have great conversations and time together..thats the way it should be..sorry you had to go through that

    • @VampiraVonGhoulscout
      @VampiraVonGhoulscout 2 роки тому +1

      Wasn't adopted, but I did spend six years in care. I was treated differently from the kids who were blood related like nephews and grandkids.

  • @dustindailey
    @dustindailey 3 роки тому +436

    someone shared this video on twitter and now i’m about to binge all of your videos lol. i love the no nonsense approach you have!

    • @megaomega13
      @megaomega13 3 роки тому +17

      literally im obsessed with her now because of tiktok

    • @chyb9265
      @chyb9265 3 роки тому +11

      Same! I’ve been in my bed all Sunday watching and learning!

    • @amriellemc
      @amriellemc 3 роки тому +6

      I’ve been doing it all day 😭

    • @tiavantemcneal6965
      @tiavantemcneal6965 3 роки тому +5


    • @psr003
      @psr003 3 роки тому +6

      I have for two hours I can’t stop

  • @anjv3885
    @anjv3885 3 роки тому +138


  • @analyciawilliams1791
    @analyciawilliams1791 3 роки тому +66

    She said ohhh ohh you need the ambulance?? 😂😂😂😂😂

    • @ninabtha1
      @ninabtha1 2 роки тому


  • @blackitalianlombardinyc3993
    @blackitalianlombardinyc3993 3 роки тому +216

    I could never sit in that court room I would be cracking tf up 🤣 This judge comebacks are great and hilarious I couldn’t sit there

    • @brendafizer6444
      @brendafizer6444 Рік тому +4

      I couldn't either, because the way I 😂, the bailiff would be escorting me out the courtroom.

  • @Tsitak420
    @Tsitak420 2 роки тому +41

    My cousins adopted a little girl, he dated her mother and raised her since the moment she was born and they spilt up when she was a few years old, and now she’s 7 and that’s her dad and that’s his daughter. My family doesn’t acknowledge her as his kid but I count her as my cousin because he says that’s his daughter, so she’s family.

    • @juanitabanks6352
      @juanitabanks6352 2 роки тому +6

      Please look after her and protect her from those who don’t accept her.

    • @koryshepard770
      @koryshepard770 11 місяців тому

      No she is not

    • @tinkeramma
      @tinkeramma 3 місяці тому +1

      I adore you for this. My dad is my mom's second husband. His family accepted me as one of their own. That didn't change when he and my mother divorced 25 years ago.
      A child can never have too many people who love them.

  • @jenniferrodriguez8987
    @jenniferrodriguez8987 3 роки тому +94

    What's crazy is that she even thought to take him back after talking about her child like that! He would've had me fucked up!

    • @zachariahpictures
      @zachariahpictures 2 роки тому +4

      I don’t think she was being serious. Just pointing out to him that either he could shut up and pay the child support or do the only legal thing open to him to stop paying.

  • @gustavogomez463
    @gustavogomez463 3 роки тому +55

    When she said “dye your hair red” I laughed so hard I farted lol

  • @brad2718
    @brad2718 Рік тому +19

    “Do you need an ambulance sir?”
    “Sure, an ambulance may help”
    “Well don’t you worry, I’m about to help you with these numbers” 😭😂

  • @michelledaniels-qj6gj
    @michelledaniels-qj6gj 10 місяців тому +24

    Shame on mum for dyeing her son's hair 🤬

  • @ElderDigiDestined
    @ElderDigiDestined 3 роки тому +203

    The ex-wife was petty when she gave him that comb! 😭😭😭🤣🤣🤣🤣

    • @willbracken2367
      @willbracken2367 3 роки тому +13

      It was worth his reaction.

    • @ifanmorgan8070
      @ifanmorgan8070 3 роки тому

      What ? That was hilarious ! He thoroughly deserved it

    • @goatlord7310
      @goatlord7310 3 роки тому +14

      Not as petty as his hatred for a child based on hair colour

    • @yvettaroberts6709
      @yvettaroberts6709 2 роки тому +5

      That part was to funny 🤣🤣🤣

    • @ninabtha1
      @ninabtha1 2 роки тому +3


  • @michelledaniels-qj6gj
    @michelledaniels-qj6gj 10 місяців тому +10

    No way would I allow him to speak about my child like this 🤬🤬

  • @totitelevisionshow
    @totitelevisionshow 2 роки тому +40

    i’m adopted, and this hurts. real bad.

    • @frankwoods4532
      @frankwoods4532 2 роки тому +5

      Don't let someone else's Stupidity make you feel bad. And why would you feel bad?

    • @marievonderheyde7243
      @marievonderheyde7243 2 роки тому +6

      Please don't let some idiot define your worth. Someone longed for you and made you a home and family.

    • @tamiaperkins9138
      @tamiaperkins9138 2 роки тому +4

      I'm sorry this makes you feel bad smh

  • @kiarasimone123
    @kiarasimone123 3 роки тому +65

    God bless every child that has the privilege of you to speak up for them and get them the right amount of care they need financial wise ❤️

  • @margaritajackson5794
    @margaritajackson5794 5 років тому +34

    Poor baby no child deserves to be unwanted no matter the hair color or whatever problem a child have

  • @justme-gg9ei
    @justme-gg9ei 2 роки тому +54

    The mother of the kid was willing to let such a POS back into her child's life!? Unbelievable...

    • @christine0701
      @christine0701 8 місяців тому

      i don't think she was. i think she was just proving a point of how ridiculous he sounds

    • @kwakuemma4357
      @kwakuemma4357 8 місяців тому

      She wanted money

    • @joantucker329
      @joantucker329 8 місяців тому +1

      You do realize these are actors acting out real cases and then that part could’ve just been added?

    • @patriciamorris5492
      @patriciamorris5492 6 місяців тому


  • @1wmnofpraze
    @1wmnofpraze 6 років тому +188

    He said let his own father adopt him back. Wow

  • @stephanieslack726
    @stephanieslack726 5 років тому +23

    I'm speaking for everyone. We love you and all the great info you give us. To the scammers and to the potential victims.

  • @a.b.d.3974
    @a.b.d.3974 5 років тому +65

    This judge is so freakin awesome

    • @mylifeinanutshell6931
      @mylifeinanutshell6931 3 роки тому

      Judge is a real attorney teaching Texas family law using actors. Great idea!

    • @neiloza7501
      @neiloza7501 2 роки тому

      That law is stupid. He shouldn’t have to pay for the shitty kid

  • @petricedobson7836
    @petricedobson7836 4 роки тому +39

    Boi when she said I’m getting ready with this numbers I died!💀💀💀💀😂😂😂😂😭😭😭

  • @bobsgistinfo6398
    @bobsgistinfo6398 5 років тому +31

    These is the most funniest and hilarious case I have ever watched. Damn I laughed my guts out

    • @matthewschnarrs6099
      @matthewschnarrs6099 3 роки тому +2

      How is this funny that kid has an adoptive father who hates him

    • @laduke5759
      @laduke5759 3 роки тому +1

      @@matthewschnarrs6099 you know this ain’t real right. They are actors and the “judge” is a lawyer who started this channel to show scenarios of the laws in her state of Texas.

    • @matthewschnarrs6099
      @matthewschnarrs6099 3 роки тому +1

      @@laduke5759 ok course I know that I just get caught in the moment

    • @laduke5759
      @laduke5759 3 роки тому

      @@matthewschnarrs6099 LOL.

    • @tyronehuston1260
      @tyronehuston1260 2 роки тому +1

      Someone legally adopts a child whom he, is extremely prejudice and hateful towards and you find something amusing about that???

  • @rodra167
    @rodra167 2 роки тому +10

    💀💀🤣🤣🤣I was screaming at around 4:30-4:37 when he huffed and puffed and Judge Vonda did it back!!

  • @SirCraigius
    @SirCraigius 6 років тому +162

    From the comments and the title, I was expecting to side with the guy here. But I don't. He adopted the kid. Blood or not, he took over legal responsibility for the child. Nobody put a gun to his head and made him do that. Just because your divorced now that doesn't mean you get to wash your hands of your legal obligations to the child YOU agreed to adopt.
    Also, his comments about the child were frankly disgusting.

    • @MikeS-7
      @MikeS-7 3 роки тому +4

      He set himself up for what just happened. Her ex-husband is grinning ear to ear.

    • @mylifeinanutshell6931
      @mylifeinanutshell6931 3 роки тому +1

      She is an attorney showing skits based on Texas family law....the parents are actors.

    • @coreysmith2384
      @coreysmith2384 3 роки тому

      Sorry ur wrong,if it was me she would have a hole right between her eyes… just saying……

    • @cecelove2821
      @cecelove2821 3 роки тому

      @@coreysmith2384 ew I hope you end up in jail thinking like this

    • @sthomas730
      @sthomas730 2 роки тому +2

      I'm taking mental notes 📝

  • @Kris10Mel10
    @Kris10Mel10 2 роки тому +17

    Ok I’m gonna step outside the box here…. This mom is insane for wanting someone that acts and belittles a child to even take care of him: walk away, have him sign his rights away and never make that child be subjected to this vile human!

    • @koryshepard770
      @koryshepard770 11 місяців тому

      She would never do that because she is going to get money any way she could which is why the laws need to be changed she shouldn't be able to so this at all its not right

    • @kwakuemma4357
      @kwakuemma4357 8 місяців тому

      Yeah she just trapped him

  • @RMurrell31
    @RMurrell31 2 роки тому +7

    I absolutely agree. It is disgusting that she would even do something like that. I can’t even image how that child must feel.

  • @astrokat945
    @astrokat945 3 роки тому +22

    By far my favorite episode, this mans reactions were priceless 😭😭. the comb sealed the deal

  • @thepatriotpartyofamerica
    @thepatriotpartyofamerica 6 років тому +66

    If he adopted the kid, it’s his obligation

  • @cecemac988
    @cecemac988 3 роки тому +9

    Don’t marry someone with kids if you’re not prepared to continue taking care of the child in the case of a divorce. He should of looked into all the legalities before adopting a child.

  • @honeykeeper7723
    @honeykeeper7723 5 років тому +38

    I can't even imagine what it do to your child to dye their hair because you felt their natural color just wasn't good enough for you..

  • @Air51
    @Air51 3 роки тому +13

    He's the reason good fathers that experience victimisation and parental alienation are socially bullied but worse than him is the mother who dyed the kids hair to make him more acceptable?!! WTF? She's doing what he's going and making out that the child has something wrong with him!

  • @debbiej2689
    @debbiej2689 3 роки тому +14

    I love this so glad I found it on UA-cam..why isn't she on tv!!

  • @innerpeacesocal7100
    @innerpeacesocal7100 3 роки тому +10

    Jude Vonda, I give you much and great respect. His comments show he’s a not a fit parent or person at all. I pray that kid is doing fine.🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾

    • @laduke5759
      @laduke5759 3 роки тому +1

      you know this ain’t real right. They are actors and the “judge” is a lawyer who started this channel to show scenarios of the laws in her state of Texas.

  • @sandralofgren8266
    @sandralofgren8266 Рік тому +4

    Loved the "who makes your food" "I pay for my food" SAVAGE! And what a disgusting man, that that woman was willing to take him back was beneath her. I hope she finds a good man.

  • @marc-andreservant201
    @marc-andreservant201 3 роки тому +62

    Relinquishing parental rights because the child was adopted by someone else is a valid legal argument.
    Relinquishing parental rights because the kid has red hair is NOT a valid legal argument. You adopt the kid = you're responsible for the kid.

  • @noah5941
    @noah5941 3 місяці тому +1

    That's a man who for the first time in his life got consequences for his actions.

  • @jenniferkilbane7137
    @jenniferkilbane7137 2 роки тому +4

    This is terrible! 🙈that poor child! I hope they don’t see this. He shouldn’t feel bad because this is insane.

  • @Dnay-yy9kv
    @Dnay-yy9kv 9 місяців тому

    Watching these episodes made me apply to put my son’s dad on child support, I never knew the ends and outs of the situation but watching these videos gives me the strength to make him pay.

  • @Kris10Mel10
    @Kris10Mel10 2 роки тому +22

    She is apparently a few screws short to even speak of dying a child’s hair. This man is vile and a despicable human but mom needs to boss up and make sure her child doesn’t ever get slandered, belittled, and bashed by an adult!

  • @susanstrudwick6275
    @susanstrudwick6275 10 місяців тому +2

    You are the bomb 💣 judge Vonda!! 👊👏👏👏👏

  • @PhonePhone-bz2ql
    @PhonePhone-bz2ql 3 роки тому +3

    This man should be deeply ashamed. The child is blameless.

  • @heskeyns
    @heskeyns Рік тому +3

    6:55 ''here give that to wife maybe she comb your hair'' phahahaah hahahah hahaahha hahahah ah hahahahahaahahahahaha h h aah ha ah aha a!!!

  • @lisahudson5915
    @lisahudson5915 2 роки тому +2

    Wow I got a min into this case and it breaks my heart what he is saying about HIS SON!!!! Smh omg he don’t want the kid! I wanna cry for this child! I can’t believe he is saying this about this child

  • @krobinson8692
    @krobinson8692 Рік тому +3

    3:19 His relief when she says she would rather not go in to detail about what “farmer” means 😂

  • @chouaibsasmr
    @chouaibsasmr Рік тому +1

    The amount I learned about Texas law and I'm not even an American nor do I live in the U.S lol I love these videos watched probably over 50 already and here's to 50 more

  • @tommulchy1
    @tommulchy1 2 роки тому +5

    Sad, situation. Honestly I can’t believe she actually said to the man “ you can remarry me and you don’t have to pay” what the hell. They are both wrong both probably not the best parents for a child? Sad

  • @lutesales7666
    @lutesales7666 2 роки тому +1

    This guys is a real piece of work!

  • @thehoodservative
    @thehoodservative 6 років тому +81

    If you can opt out of your own child, how can you be forced to pay for another man's kid?

    • @JudgeVondaB
      @JudgeVondaB  6 років тому +27

      David Monroe Thank you for tuning in! There was an adoption so he is now legally the father.
      Be sure to subscribe!

    • @josephs3973
      @josephs3973 6 років тому +8

      Some other poor simp first needs to step in and adopt the kid before the current provider can relinquish his "rights".

    • @MzDivaToU
      @MzDivaToU 6 років тому +1

      Support Court with Judge Vonda B. Can terminate his rights for the adopted child.

    • @sierratree93
      @sierratree93 6 років тому +10

      That's a separate legal issue. He'd have to file a different motion to give up parental rights, and then he'd have to request a change to the support agreement.

    • @lindastorey6685
      @lindastorey6685 6 років тому +13

      Typical man !trying to shirk parental liability.He adopted the child so he should pay up .

  • @michaelthurber3234
    @michaelthurber3234 9 місяців тому +1

    You are an amazing judge!

  • @alexstauch5107
    @alexstauch5107 3 роки тому +8

    Who is here from tiktok? Lol loving the show!!

  • @JesusChristislord99
    @JesusChristislord99 2 роки тому +2

    I was waiting for the "he's not my son"
    Once you sign them papers is it💯✍🏾

  • @gerryjackwagon5115
    @gerryjackwagon5115 2 роки тому +4

    The comb killed me 😂🤣😂🤣

  • @denitarenee7554
    @denitarenee7554 3 роки тому +55

    I love seeing a black women doing this, it brings seasoning to the business😭❤️

  • @jilldietrich179
    @jilldietrich179 3 роки тому +18

    This has me going. My son is a red head and everyone loves him.

    • @austinjt4264
      @austinjt4264 Рік тому

      I don't think red head is the issue. He probably pointing it out to just to say that he is not real father.
      He talking about child being sissy...

    • @ericrivera8410
      @ericrivera8410 Рік тому +1

      @@austinjt4264 I love ginger's they're so unique

    • @darcy5761
      @darcy5761 11 місяців тому

      As a redhead I've had people hate me simply because of the color of my hair.

  • @michaelmackinnon4115
    @michaelmackinnon4115 2 роки тому +1

    I love you videos so real and honest I learn about your laws in Texas thank you....your great friend from Edmonton alberta

  • @afroatheist-isnowafroantit6154
    @afroatheist-isnowafroantit6154 4 роки тому +6

    I am so glad that I don't have to do this, anymore. And, he should be ashamed.

  • @mikemesser4326
    @mikemesser4326 2 роки тому

    Thank God these are actors. I must say though that these did a great job. In so many of these episodes I actually forget that they ARE actors.

  • @lea9977
    @lea9977 2 роки тому +3

    This just shows just because you marry a man, doesn’t mean he will love your children. This man never did, because was quick to say such horrible things about the kid.

  • @247kingdomwoman
    @247kingdomwoman 3 роки тому +1

    Mannnnb, I have been watching this for hours. Judge V. Is HILARIOUS. U know what, you came to waste my time. We’re not going to do that today!! Man🤯😂😂😂. I cracked up when she gave him that comb 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️😂😂😂😂

  • @SuperTlilly
    @SuperTlilly 5 років тому +45

    You legally adopted the child so your RESPONSIBLE

    • @walterhicks5520
      @walterhicks5520 5 років тому +5

      Lol....all he has to do is sign away his rights.

    • @SuperTlilly
      @SuperTlilly 5 років тому +1


    • @xiqikxx8967
      @xiqikxx8967 5 років тому

      @@walterhicks5520 yes..but he would need the biological father to SIGN the request to regain parent rights.....which I bet he won't even accept it

  • @rachaeleigh
    @rachaeleigh 3 місяці тому +1

    Funny thing is when he gets older and wants someone to take care of him I'll bet he'll be be calling that red head.

  • @Brother--X
    @Brother--X 5 років тому +8

    Although funny and not a real case I did learn to never fall for the adoption trap and I thank you!

  • @geraldinecollins821
    @geraldinecollins821 Рік тому

    Judge , with all do absolutely respect!! Half of time u are so entertaining and i b laughing so hard i forget 2 give u a thumbs up. But, I go back.where were u whn I needed u judge.

  • @prettyana
    @prettyana 3 роки тому +5

    I see the other guest in the back 😂`THE WIFE ‘ IF YKYK

  • @agnesstokes1078
    @agnesstokes1078 Рік тому

    I've been watching Judge Vonda for awhile but this is the craziest one yet. When he said "He hated red heads" Lord have mercy!!!!!

  • @MikeS-7
    @MikeS-7 3 роки тому +8

    Pay attention boys... You've been educated.

  • @ashleyshiba8380
    @ashleyshiba8380 Рік тому +1

    I am a redhead my mother never loved me and her first husband adopted me and built a shed and attached it to the house trailer and that is where I slept while their kid got my room and hers'. This man is a creep and so is this child's mother wanting to get back with him and even dying her child's hair for him. My prayers to this child.

  • @jamesallen5591
    @jamesallen5591 6 років тому +50

    Yeah, same thing happened to my brother. His first mistake was marrying that nut job and his second mistake was adopting her daughter (from a previous relationship). He and his wife are now divorced. She got the house (of course) and he pays child support (which is, really, ex-wife support).

    • @JudgeVondaB
      @JudgeVondaB  6 років тому +7

      James Allen Thank you for tuning in and be sure to subscribe!
      This is the very reason for the show. People need to know their rights.

    • @marcellastaunton621
      @marcellastaunton621 6 років тому +9

      No one forced him.

    • @hyudoin5597
      @hyudoin5597 2 роки тому

      Yea no. Not adopting anyone else’s child. Makes me responsible financially even if a divorce happens. Sad.

    • @austinjt4264
      @austinjt4264 Рік тому

      @@marcellastaunton621 Actually, most people get forced. Because if you don't adopt their kids, they will usually don't let you hear the end of it.
      Because these kind of mothers are usually in for a scam, they know if their kids are not formerly adopted, the kids will never be entitled to anything.
      So for you to say, no one forced him... it's a JOKE!
      Go ask people with children from other marriage, 9/10, it's Wife that brought up the adoption.
      And only 1/10 father would be the first to suggest it.

    • @austinjt4264
      @austinjt4264 Рік тому

      @@JudgeVondaB Simplest way... Don't ever get married or have any legal kids.

  • @ArtemensiaK
    @ArtemensiaK 8 місяців тому

    I love the two people in his background. They are just so flabbergasted, it's hilarious. I mean: Rightfully so! He is ridiculous :D

  • @ritadraille5488
    @ritadraille5488 2 роки тому +3

    I honestly fear for the safety of that child

  • @bkchutney59
    @bkchutney59 Місяць тому

    I love Judge Vonda "shut em down" Bailey!!!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

  • @ellebailey5358
    @ellebailey5358 4 роки тому +3

    Why would she want her child to be around this creep? I would be worried about his safety around him.

  • @elizabetholiviaclark
    @elizabetholiviaclark Рік тому +2

    A decent step-dad would dye his own hair red.

  • @neshlove9436
    @neshlove9436 3 роки тому +5

    I was rolling when I he passed out when she read those numbers

  • @pedrobraga5976
    @pedrobraga5976 Рік тому +2

    "dye your hair red" had me 💀

  • @starrbaby3832
    @starrbaby3832 5 років тому +8

    Mrs. Vonda not playing. She is very fair and to the point. Great job on your show Mrs. Vonda and many blessings. ❤❤new subscriber

  • @JoeLunsford99
    @JoeLunsford99 Рік тому +2

    1:08 this is probably one of the most disgusting things I’ve ever heard

  • @marshe3034
    @marshe3034 3 роки тому +61

    this man- the fact he went after the poor kid bc hes a redhead😀 like cmon i thought it was a joke hating on those guys😭

    • @hakimdaaloul9886
      @hakimdaaloul9886 3 роки тому

      It's not about the hair or the kid, he feels like she tricked him. Married him, a promise he likely expected would stand forever, convinced him to adopt the kid and then ran out on him. And now he has to pay child-support for a kid he likely never had a chance to truly connect with. Filling the shoes of a missing father is very hard and their divorce made it impossible. He feels like she used him and discarded him for his paycheck. It's not about the kid it's about her. There's nothing he can do legally so his only chance at revenge is to attack the child because he knows that's what's going to hurt her. He's bassically saying "I'll pay for the little sucker but i sure as hell won't raise him."
      Notice how no one asked the mother *any* questions about her previous marriage and why her last baby daddy was so eager to run ?
      The likely answer is that she's problematic somehow, what's for sure is that she has a terrible track record with men and is likely bad at making decisions. I don't know if she works or not but the fact she knowingly refused to go into detail about her affairs is a bad sign. My thought is that she's a deadbeat trying to pawn her kid away, the same as her original husband. Which means this farmer is perhaps the only ligth at the end of the tunnel for this kid...and he hates his mother too much to give him a shot. Truly tragic. When you see people saying crazy shit like "my other kids aren't redheads", there's usually way more behind the scenes than is let on. That being said he still adopted the kid and does have a financial responsibility.

    • @marshe3034
      @marshe3034 3 роки тому +1

      @@hakimdaaloul9886 what😭 hes just a dickhead. the mom and that little boy deserved better, and thats why they left😭😭😭

  • @Lilchuckle2
    @Lilchuckle2 9 місяців тому +1

    I promise he will never go out with his friends again

  • @johntingle455
    @johntingle455 6 років тому +13

    The guy is stupid to think that he has no obligation to support his adopted child......he wasn't forced to adopt her son......saying the child has red hair as if it should erase his obligation is ludicrous. He a blond.....need I say more?

    • @laduke5759
      @laduke5759 3 роки тому

      you know this ain’t real right. They are actors and the “judge” is a lawyer who started this channel to show scenarios of the laws in her state of Texas. Or do you not understand. Ya know us true blondes know the dumb ones are the brunettes who inhaled the bleach to long.

  • @warningloudnoiseahead
    @warningloudnoiseahead 2 роки тому +1

    Noway that man should be anywhere near that child he straight out said he HATES red haired kids the mother had to witness in that marriage the torture he subjected that boy through and still willing at the end to accept him back into the boys life looks like she don't give a darn either.

  • @dadofmine9957
    @dadofmine9957 6 років тому +4

    That is some real expensive cat lol

  • @JesusChristislord99
    @JesusChristislord99 2 роки тому +2

    I love it judge now you handled this well 💯

  • @mastermind0981
    @mastermind0981 6 років тому +31

    He should be able to relinquish his rights to this child as well.

    • @josephs3973
      @josephs3973 6 років тому +2

      He can but only if yet another simp comes along to pay the bills first.

    • @RaenbowBlight
      @RaenbowBlight 6 років тому

      Yeah the first guy didn't get to just say he didn't feel like paying. The biological father was able to sign over his rights and no longer be financially responsible because this man was willing to take on that responsibility and they offered bio dad that option.
      Now if the mother had another man willing to take on the child in the same way and a judge allowed it, he could give up rights.
      All of this would have been thoroughly explained and discussed before the presiding court finalized the adoption. Well.. this is all hypothetical speculation of course, since this is scripted, but if this were real, he knew, and would be a fool to proceed if he didn't care about the child independently from the mother.

    • @flipsidelimited6560
      @flipsidelimited6560 4 роки тому

      He can if another dumbass is willing to pay the bill and adopt

  • @Julie-vg4vq
    @Julie-vg4vq 10 місяців тому

    oh I love this judge. Straight forwad, on point👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 this dude is reminded me of someone.

  • @nataliegoodison4734
    @nataliegoodison4734 6 років тому +13

    Doe you didnt know he was a red head when you adopt him he automatically becomes your child. Read on adoption before you go adopt, Dam fools you dye the child hair. He is such a drama king.

  • @ziconajm4670
    @ziconajm4670 4 місяці тому +1

    Why would the mother wants a guy who is not the father who doesn’t love her child pay her money to raise her son what a shame

  • @angelsarereal6003
    @angelsarereal6003 6 років тому +30

    She looks like Caitlyn Jenner.

    • @JudgeVondaB
      @JudgeVondaB  6 років тому

      Chaos Cosmetics Thank you for tuning in and be sure to subscribe!

    • @sarahleroy465
      @sarahleroy465 5 років тому +2

      Bruce Jenner

    • @bellakind602
      @bellakind602 4 роки тому

      ali mcgraw

    • @bellakind602
      @bellakind602 4 роки тому

      and him? David Carridine from the old Kung Fu Television show.

  • @danielsimpson6885
    @danielsimpson6885 2 роки тому +2

    I'm heart broken for this child, his biological parents gave him up now his adoptive dad gave him up and his adoptive mother covered his beautiful red hair blond.

  • @kevinstuffels
    @kevinstuffels 2 роки тому +3

    The end with the comb made me laugh so hard

  • @stephlane7685
    @stephlane7685 2 роки тому +2

    My son was adopted by my husband 17 years ago because his Sperm donor didn’t want him and my husband loves him like the 2 kids we had after him. But my husbands family never excepted him as their real family so guess what? We haven’t spoke to them since and they don’t get to know our other kids either

  • @SpicyMartina
    @SpicyMartina 6 років тому +10

    😂 I know that ending was petty but I loved it. Red head really. Talk about looks has he looked in the mirror 🤦‍♀️ he should be greatly he was able to adopt the child many people can't. I'm totally hooked!

    • @jessegrider5301
      @jessegrider5301 6 років тому

      Martina Star what do you mean, Look in the mirror? I don't think my mirror is as mean to me as yours is to you!

  • @soozeelaw5057
    @soozeelaw5057 Рік тому +1

    🫤😕🙄 This guy's a piece of work! What terrible things he said about the kid. This guy wants us to believe that he was forced to adopt the child?? SMH This Lady dodged a bullet by getting divorced! I hope the kid never sees this. I feel so bad for him!!

  • @CSGray-nf2hx
    @CSGray-nf2hx 3 роки тому +3

    No wonder the man didn't wanna pay the child support, he’s a child himself. My toddler nephews have better reactions to being told no and I've seen them be told No quite a bit.