7 Full Moons Waiting is Finally Over | Vespa Sprint Veloce
- Опубліковано 8 лют 2025
- This is a continuation of the previous restoration video, the 1976 Vespa Sprint Veloce which has passed seven full moons, this project is finally finished.
I hope you are happy and release the longing of all friends who have been waiting for the Vespa restoration video for a long time on this channel.
Thank you for being loyal :)
Thank you for watching, enjoy..!!
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Another "1st class" Vespa restorasi by Fahrur from "Garasi Paintwork". I can't speak highly enough of the meticulous restorasi work that Fahrur produces. His attention to detail far exceeds any others in Indonesia doing Vespa restoration. The body preparation that he carries out, is 2nd to none..!! After stripping the bike back to bare metal, he then coats it in Red oxide rust proof primer. Then two types of body filler are applied where necessary, a coarse and a fine filler. After sanding the filler back to a smooth surface all over, he then sprays the bike with a coat of "surface FILLER primer" followed by another coat of undercoat surface primer. Then the bike is spayed with top quality Belkote base coat, (fabulous choice of colours) followed by several coats of Belkote clear kote. The bike is then polished to a glass like shine. I highly recommend BELKOTE products, they make top quality automotive products. A LOT of other vespa restorers in Indonesia do NOT go to the extent that Fahrur does in his body preparation, they leave out the red oxide rust proof primer that Fahrur puts on, also in most cases they just apply one or two coats of "surface primer" undercoat ontop of the bare metal. This is a quick, cheap job. If you want the best restorasi job done on your vespa, where you know the paint job will last for many, many years. Take your vespa to Fahrur at Garasi paintwork in Berastagi. I highly recommend him..!! Mr john, Perth Western Australia.
Great ads from my friend Mr John, thank you 🙏😁
Sir I really love ur entire work on vespa I am from India 👍👍👍
cakep banget Vespanya bang, pengen restorasi Vespa gw juga 😁
Nice colour and pure clear coat nice
Thank you my friend
Luar biasa 🙏ngiler liatnya
Keren rekk.... puingin nemen
panutan ini..sukses selalu bg ozie👍
Terimakasih bg, sama sama sukses 🤝
Tontonan yang memanjakan mata .,
Ttp semangat bang smoga chanel nya tmbh sukses.,
Aamiin.. Sama2 bg
Muantap mas brow. Sukses selalu. Salam mesin kanan
Idolaku 🔥🔥🔥
Makasi support nya bg gimi 🙏🔥
Nice Work Bro. ❤️from India
Sadiiiiis kali bang Fahrur👏🏻
Makasi nan.. 😁🙏
Jadi pengen beli vespa Gara Gara liat ini
Excellent Job !!!!! Thank you for sharing 👍😄
Klo tambahin model cantik buat bantu cakep tuhh...
Motor.nya suka cwe.nya juga
Keren bangett..👍
Semngat bikin videonya,,biar rajin upload 😂
manis bener om
tetap karbu pwk 28,no banjir",piston ninja custom,porting,membran rx king 😇
Siap bg, ini cuma buat nongkrong aja, bukan kebut2 ✌
Jos gandos mrekocos konyos konyos iki ,
Klo boleh tw warna nya apa itu mas ,??
Banyakin video restorasi vespanya om. kalo ada restorasi vespa px / ps yang pake sein tolong di video in juga om😭🙏
Siap om, nnti kalau ada bahan nya ya
Bang kpn2 bikin vidio yg fokus ke detailing nat nat nya vespa donk
Ada saran bg, ygseperti apa 🙏
고생했어요 멋지네요 화이팅입니다 ^^
Mantap 👍👍
Sebenarnya pengen sih sprint bagol 😅tapi dah lumayan harga nya
Bagus serius
Salam NK13 bang dari bali 😂
Izin tanya bang biaya perkiraan berapa untuk restorasi bang?
Semangat ngedit videonya bang wkwkwkwk
Gokil sih hasilnya biaya restorasi vespa excel kena berapa mas ?
tanks vidio restorasinya sangat terkesan saya bang,alamatnya di mana ini bang,
Berastagi Sumut
Boleh tanya biaya restorasi body vespa brapaan bang..
Suwe ora jamu yo kang
Kasih tau buget restorasinya dong bang 🙏 please..
Cat velg cb150r depan belakang brp bang?
Habis brpa ya restorasi total.dan lokasi dimna ini
Clear coat abis brp ml, Bang?
Bang itu ban nya pake merk apa
Mohon jawab om. Ini verde pastello solid apa metalic?
ini solid bg
@@GarasiPaintwork makasih bg
warna apa ini ya bang?
Habis berapa mas kalo restorasi seperti ini ?
Itu warna apa namanya om, merek cet dan kodenya sharing bang
Biaya restorasi gitu, Habis berapa Bajetnya Om!
apa harga ngcat di daerah sna sma di jakarta sma om?
Sepertinya lebih mahal di ibukota om 🙏
berapa biaya keseluruhannya bang
Bang bisa pesen warnanya?
Like 491
Bang spill nama warna cat nya sama belinya dimana ? Makasih seblumnya
Warna nya verde pastelo bg, belinya di IG nya om alpinolo
Habis berapa om
Suka warnanya bang, kalo boleh tau warna apa itu bang?
Itu bg di thumbnailnya.. Verde pastello
@@GarasiPaintwork oalah siap siap terimakasi bang 🙏
Ini garasinya mana bang... Alamatnya
Berastagi Sumut bg
Ini nama warnanya apa om ?
Boss....dimana alamat Garasi Paintwork ?
Saya di berastagi Sumut bg
@@GarasiPaintwork aduhh...jauh kali. Awak di Jakarta Barat. Tapi mama aku di Sukaraja-Polonia.
Bang boleh tau apa nama catnya
Warna kai e bang?
itu di thumbnailnya udah ditulis bg
Kalo kaya gitu brp om
Lokasi mana bang
Berastagi sumut bg
Itu warna apa mas
Di thumbnailnya bg
Bng itu ijonya, ijo apa ya ?
Itu bg di thumbnail nya
Klo green relax itu beda / sama, bng dengan yg di thumbnail ?
Your dress is not suitable thus bike you will formal dress
Ok, thanks
Ini warna apa bang
Warna apa namanya ni om?