@@salvatoresalamone3804 Tell me one thing, just one, that Q was right about? You've been fooled buddie, fooled in to sitting on your hands and doing nothing.
@Mike Rotchburns Q was right about a lot of things, almost everything they said beforehand happened in the future, like red October they had the Disney clock pointed to 10 and 4 which is when trump faked getting COVID October 4th, to actually take down high elites
That’s right! I don’t know about you but I am more than willing to lay my life on the line to protect the theocratic Islamic dictatorship of Kuwait. Clearly plenty of other Americans feel just as passionate about the sovereignty of Kuwait and the authoritarian rule of the Sabah family. Long live Kuwait and Emir Jabber!!!
When I was ten, I watched this. My godfather, a veteran of WWII, Korea, Vietnam, and Laos/Cambodia described in great detail what was about to happen, he then opined that the president was correct, that given the current political climate we would be back in ten years, not five. He was off by two years. Then, when our teachers gathered us all in the gymnasium to explain what our country going to war would mean, and I shuddered as lights flickered ominously above they told us that no, there would be no nuclear attacks, and that we would always be safe in America. We sang songs and wrote letters thanking people we'd never meet for our safety. Ten years later, I learned that those teachers were wrong. However, it was also there, in that gym, that I knew, no idea how or why, but that I'd be in Iraq someday. And I was. I celebrated four birthdays there. No more.
Thank you very much for telling your story. While I'm not American, I too knew as a child that one day I would join the army. In two weeks time I am drafting. Godspeed and God bless.
of course there would be no nuclear war, how the hell could saddam hussein wage a nuclear war with NO WMD'S whatsoever? are you still sound asleep after all these years? everything you've ever been told even up to the present day has been a LIE. wake up already geez
I was ten years old when this came on the television, and I still remember it. I also remember the incredible amount of patriotic propaganda that filled American society at the time. The first school day after the war broke out all of a sudden, right after the pledge of allegiance, they played "God bless the U.S.A." by Lee Greenwood over the PA system. Every single morning for the entire rest of the school year we had to listen to that song and then observe a moment of silence. Our morning class started with assignments to collect newspaper clippings and discuss how the war was progressing. It really was an interesting time in this country.
My brother had recently graduated from the Marine corps bootcamp at the time and right after AIT he was immediately deployed to the gulf.. he told me what he saw in those streets of Kuwait is something he wishes he can erase from his memories.. burned and dismembered bodies hanged from street posts, destroyed vehicles with people still in them dead and tons of acid rain from the destroyed oil towers
I wholeheartedly thank your bother for his service (coming from a Kuwaiti) yesterday was the anniversary for the war and the tragedy of it still hunts us. But we advanced a lot sense then we will never forget the help of all the nation that saved out land💕🇰🇼
I heard this speech while sitting in my flightline support vehicle on the flightline at Prince Sultan Air Base waiting for our aircraft to return and hoping they'd all make it back.
I remember being in elementary school 4th or 5th grade. One of the students mother came up with a song honoring the soldiers that went to war. The entire school had to memorize it and sing it in the auditorium. Those where scary times.
What he said between 6:53 and 7:13 was huge to me at the time, a young Marine watching on the TV in our berthing area aboard the USS Okinawa in the Persian Gulf. I still remember it to this day. Makes all the difference to those actually in theater.
@Unnamed Warrior You need to look into 9/11.... you will see what the Bush family is REALLY about... Look up Kevin Shipp. He is former CIA who knows EXACTLY why they wanted war!!! 9/11 was planned. Bush Administration KNEW it was going to happen. He not only sacrificed my fellow Americans... he murdered innocent Iraqi/Afghanistani people INCLUDING CHILDREN... ALL FOR MONEY. Obama MURDERED the SEAL Team that killed bin Laden! He sold them to the Enemy for money. He gave them our intelligence so they would know where they were. both Bush's, Clinton and Obama are Deep State Puppets!
@Unnamed Warrior Also... Iran used to be a beautiful country.... Had a Royal Family who cared about their people... women dressed like everyone else. They went to college & were educated...Then the cabal invaded. And turned Iran into what it is today. They control EVERYONE & EVERYTHING! I pray for the Iranian people daily. That you will fight & take your country back from the tyrannical government that has invaded your country... we are all free under God/Allah. I have done enough research to know that the Muslim religion is not a evil one, but the cabal twisted its teachings to move forward their agenda... a religion war to make us hate one another. Patriots all over the world including The Middle East are rising up & fighting back.... please... research those who you praise. They're NOT good people!
@G D look up how the Bush fortune was actually made by profiting from Nazi Germany. The Bush dynasty was essentially created through then being Nazi collaborators
I'll be 50 on Tuesday. Disabled veteran since 1996. That whole month in 1991 is very sharp in my mind. I turned 18, was looking forward to college and normal things. Between this speech, and I ended up in the principals office telling me I needed a GED because my old school did not align with my new one. I figured my life was destroyed...I joined the military for war time. It was in fact destroyed. Not only that, I had to deal with a friend who was also veteran, committing suicide.. and the damn middle east did not end for 30 more years. That 22 a day stuff. Total plague of the mind. Anyway, Bush senior.. my first commander in chief.
Deliberately? I’m pretty sure it’s just his accent. Besides it doesn’t really matter, Saddam Hussein was like Hitler-Junior, I can live with a mispronunciation.
You really don't understand wtf has been going on in American history if this is who you deem a "bad @$$." You really have a narrow view of things if you take anything he said for face value....well except the part about the New World Order because that is really all this is about. Not saving some country from another one.
This has been going on for thousands of years. The beast system (NWO) is old news. Satan knows his time is short. Gods new world order is coming!!! Believe in Jesus
“[The Gulf Crisis] has to do with a new world order. And that new world order is only going to be enhanced if this newly activated peacekeeping function of the United Nations proves to be effective.”- President George H. W. Bush, January 9, 1991 Press Conference
Your dad was used as a tool by Bush to fight an unnecessary war. Your dad’s life was not considered by this man. I was 8 at the time and I remember all of the lies and the “babies being taken out of incubators.” Bush gave Sadaam permission to invade Kuwait. Iraq never would have invaded had we told him not to. We were all played and lied to by this scumbag and the others in the government. It’s tragic that your dad was used and his life risked (while having a 7 year old child) to fight in a manufactured war. Our military should only be used to defend America or our allies and as a last resort.
I am not an American but I don't understand why few Americans criticize George Bush Senior? Because Operation Desert Storm was backed by UN resolution as well as Kuwait & Middle East Countries asked help from the West and before using force they applied other means for Saddam to withdraw his forces from Kuwait but he didn't. Then there is no question of criticizing Senior Bush when he used force as a last resort. And Junior Bush went to Iraq war in 2003 which was not authorized by UN so his criticism can be justified. People don't understand that criticizing a prime minister/president is easy by watching TV but things are different when someone is actually in office. Certain issues are such that there is no midway solution and President would be criticized for any one decision he takes and at that time he has to go by his heart, which sometimes could be a tough one that can make history forever! I have seen American people criticizing & calling former President Jimmy Carter weak for 'NOT' taking military action against Iran during Iran hostage crisis and they also have problem if Senior Bush took military action! Either way there job is just to criticize! Strange!
@@HonderdtachtigCC Senior Bush didn't went to war with Iraq for Weapons of Mass destruction. It was Iraq who invaded Kuwait & Saddam was not withdrawing his forces. Arab league & UN had backed this military action & it was used when every diplomatic effort failed to convince Saddam from withdrawing forces. Senior Bush did the right thing but junior Bush did a blunder, therefore I don't criticize him for operation desert storm.
@@HonderdtachtigCC Military vehicles of Iraq leaving Kuwait were attacked by the US, UK, Canadian & French Jets. Lot of armoured vehicles were destroyed on the road which was called highway of death (hope I am right)
I was ten when I saw this. Sitting on the couch with my mum and sister in florida. My father had been deployed in Operation Desert Shield... only for his family to hear this... I am so lucky and happy that he made it home in April of that year.
Indeed, you're right, it is a conspiracy of organized, combined, powerful, entrenched elites all seeking to dominate mankind under their "New World Order, " an order that International Communists and Internationalists from the New York City based Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) established.
RIP My Hero. I was born in 1990 when he was President. He is what we all aspire to be. He is the grandfather you want to have because of how nice he was. I wish he would have won in 1992. May he rest in eternity with Robin and Barbara.!
7:34 They openly reveal their plans and treachery. This us called revelation of the method or karmic retribution. By explaining what acts they will commit they absolve themselves of guilt and responsibility and the people will not rebel nor resist. It is a form of programming that is subconscious.
I was 10 years old and remember watching this on the AFRTS at Cambrai Fritsch Kaserne in Darmstadt, Germany. It was my first encounter with the idea of war. My sister's and I were watching tv one evening, and the broadcast was interrupted every two or three minutes with video of bombs dropping, guns firing, and missiles flying in the air. It was scary.
King James Bible Luke 8:17 For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad. Jesus Is Going To Judge Very Soon. Get Ready .
A true wolf in sheep’s clothing. My Grandpa gave me a book by Texe Marrs “Dark Majesty” 6 months prior, the opening paragraph was this scumbags’ initiation into the skull n bones, and went on to explain the N W O. Thirty years of watching it unfold. Make ready. It’s gonna suck.
7:40 “Liberal Rules-Based New World Order” with a “credible United Nations”. Thanks to Guillermo del Toro and his Cabinet of Curiosities (Lot 36) for reminding us of this video.
I remember the day the war started. I went up to the flight deck the day after and saw the oil field fires everywhere on the horizon. Rest In Peace Mr. President. -Boats U.S.S. Ranger CV-61 4th Division Deck Department 89-93
Respectfully your memory is flawed boats. January 17 - Operation Desert Storm began with an extensive aerial bombing campaign, 3 a.m. (January 16, 7 p.m. Eastern time). Iraq attacked Israel with seven Scud missiles. U.S. Patriot missile successfully intercepted first Scud, over Dhahran, Saudi Arabia. February 23 - Iraqis ignited an estimated 700 oil wells in Kuwait. You can see it didn't happen the next day, It happened over a month after the war started and the day before the ground assault began. U.S.S. Moosbrugger DD-980 91-94
Peace not War? Ok George, how much cash did your scumbag military industrial complex buddies acquire from your blatant bullshit lies and propaganda? Hope hell is hot, piece of shit. Anyone who defends any war criminal, from LBJ to Nixon to this piece of filth to Clinton to W and Obama can get fucked. “Commerce with all nations, alliance with none, should be our motto. Money, not morality, is the principle commerce of civilized nations. Peace, commerce and honest friendship with all nations; entangling alliances with none.” Thomas Jefferson. Live Free or Die. Unite or die. Appeal to Heaven.
This is because almost all of them are from third world countries where a large part of the population has little access to education or is directly illiterate. For example, the whole of Latin America. PS: The rest are lower class Americans with zero education or are just plain stupid.
I was a month away from my third birthday when this happened. I've been alive long enough to see several wars begin, but this one is the furthest one back that I can recall, admittedly vaguely 🤔
was 12 years old at that time, shaking in that cold winter under my blanket because of heavy bombing on Baghdad, that war had changed my entire future and i am still paying the cost till today.
George HW Bush was a patriot who cared deeply about this nation. The Persian Gulf War was the right decision to protect Kuwait from Iraq’s Hussian. Rip A Good President
I was on board the USS ATLANTA doing sound trials in the Bahamas. We received word via underwater communications. Our CO announced over the 1MC (ship wide communications) that we were engaging the Iraq military. We all wanted to head out and load up for this. However we were still undergoing trials and that is what we continued to do.
I know my parents were glad to hear his words as I was in the Gulf with an F-15 unit at that very moment. The first week was scary, I won't lie. Constant air raid sirens every time a SCUD got within 100 miles of us. Fortunately, we had the right president and commanders for the mission as it could have easily gone sideways, which is why we stopped with Kuwait.
It was incredibly naive back then to assume Iraq didn’t have WMD’s. That term doesn’t just mean nukes, it also means chemical weapons, which Saddam and his goons did use on Iran and even Iraq’s own people. The fact that Saddam refused to let the UN check if he had actually dismantled the weapons only added insult to injury. And no, I’m not saying that it was a 100% successful military operation. The initial invasion kinda achieved its objective, but it was the nation-building process (disliked by Bush Jr., supported by Cheney, Rumsfeld and a large part of the world) that was a failure. We shouldn’t blame Bush Sr, nor Jr entirely for that.
@@thePVFnews Bush, other politicians as well as people such as the leader of the World Economic Forum (Klaus Schaub) & recently Biden, have openly called for "a new world order or great reset". This is basically a plan by world leaders (some we see and some behind the scenes that we don't see...) to have complete Government totalitarian control over everyone. For example, the great reset (see world economic Forum) , publicly proclaimed in the near future we will own nothing, have no oil, little or zero meat and we'll be happy. It's long been speculated that a set of diabolical "elites" are planning to basically install communism AND WORSE and Lord it over all of humanity. So, in this video from 30 yrs ago, Bush openly proclaimed they will install a "New World Order" and most people in the comments are talking about that war or other things in a patriotic way, but missing the point that most likely most if not all of the wars and other major events that are propped up by politicians & media are actually clever schemes to steer humanity in whatever direction the "elites" have preplanned for us. Covid, wars and possibly 9/11 probably weren't what they were portrayed to be. Look up the "great reset" it is a modern term for the "new world order". Bottomline, we have evil people planning things out to do horrible things and take away people's Freedom but they use various "events" to steer us down a very bad road, ON PURPOSE
@@patrioticamerican8114 Easy assumption. ANYONE who joins the MIC is ill-informed, uneducated or stupid. And it results in Cognitive Dissonance slapping them in the face with a mortar blast in the face to wake them up for the fact they are just cannon fodder for 1%'s profits. Simple knowledge.
I was 10 years old when this happened. I remember it. Now that I watch it now, I have to see how President Bush (HW#41) looks exhausted and pale. He did not have sleep for days. God bless that man.
I was GB in 91 and should have come home in 2 aluminum boxes. My fiance was my Guardian Angel and her prayers saved me from dying in pieces. Discharged in 92 honorably for wounds in the service of the USA.
Josepth Stalin & Soviets was once our ally in fight in the fight against Hitler & nazis. Yet right after the war, we became bitter enemies. So what do you figure out? Geo-politics is ain't all black & white, straight forward.
Gilgamesh, Sargon Al-Akkadi, Nebuchadnezzar Nasr, Sanchareep, Assyria, Nepal, Harun Al-Rashid, Salahuddin Al-Ayoubi, and Kodia Al-Nimrod have not forgotten the damage you and your son inflicted in Iraq.
I disagree with Bush Sr on just about everything but I always respected him. The way he handled the first gulf war should be a master class on how you do intervention. Broad coalition, clear goals and objectives, hit them with overwhelming force.
@I AM Your blind hate for the Bushes and your embracing of conspiracy theories leads to ask… Do you make your own tin foil hats or do you order them pre-made?
@@AroundSun Child Ego....Bush Jrn...has a subconsious soul.....Proof....why was he at a school when 9/11 took place.....He cant handle real hate.....He has such hurt in his soul.....Never will he speak truth....Unless.....He wants death...
He clearly didn't. All he did was give a condescending smile. Do you really think the president of the United States would make light of such terrible things in front of his whole country? Use your head, don't look too deep into this stuff. Jesus.
0:50 Constant and virtually endless diplo mad act... diplomatic..... lol.... like Bush junior: It will take time but we will restore Chaos out of Chaos lol!
George W Bush senior was a very smart President he freed Kuwait. We need more presidents like George w Bush senior and George W Bush Jr. These presidents fought against tyranny and fought for Freedom 🇺🇲
My grandparents were in Kuwait when Saddam's forces invaded. To this day, it is one of only a few things you do NOT bring up when the family gets together.
@@justinscott4503 you may be suffering from rational thought. how do you know your thoughts are rational to begin with? from consensus of others whom share the same rational thinking? what the nazis did was consider rational at the time. look how everyone got on board with the democide of a population of "undesirables" and scape goats. and all that happened long before the mass consumption of 24 hours of "news" and social media. they did have a propagandist. i don't know why people believe everything they hear you are almost like a crazy conspiracy theorist yourself. i don't really put much faith in anything anymore. i don't even believe you are real. you are nothing but words and and sentences to people. your blind worship and trust of governmental figureheads is worrisome. i really do not understand it. im not religious. but i do use a colander instead of tin foil, tin foil tends to get hot. i read you further down in this comment section.
@@justinscott4503 " No, but thanks. I prefer to be a mindless sheep who believes everything the government and media tell me, they can do no wrong" fixed it for you bro.
@@misanthrope5380 Thenks for clearing that up. Wow are you smart. I’m so envious of your power of reasoning and critical thought. When I want (or need) you to fix anything I’ll let you know. If I were you I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for me to ask.
@@justinscott4503 You really dug down deep for that pitiful excuse of a comeback, didn't you? So much rational thought there.. more like ramblings of a child. When I actually give a fuck about your pathetic existence, I'll let you know. But please hold your breath waiting for my response...
That smirk after saying when we’re successful “and we will be”
@@jamesldefore I know they won’t....WWG1WGA
Salvatore Salamone ob shut the fuck up with the Qanon bullshit read something credible like Foreign Affairs
@@salvatoresalamone3804 Tell me one thing, just one, that Q was right about?
You've been fooled buddie, fooled in to sitting on your hands and doing nothing.
@NateTheBluesMan you shut the fuck up, foreign affairs and most other things aren’t credible it’s fake news and biased
@Mike Rotchburns Q was right about a lot of things, almost everything they said beforehand happened in the future, like red October they had the Disney clock pointed to 10 and 4 which is when trump faked getting COVID October 4th, to actually take down high elites
I remember this speech. My sophomore year in high school. Watching this now, it has a totally different meaning.
Yes. Because we are now living through everything he was talking about then.
The 5th objective is currently underway.
Lol exactly
A very sinister man.
@@kelligarcia312 where was he the day JFK died again…oh right. Dallas.
"Tonight , the battle has been joined."
Epic line.
That’s right! I don’t know about you but I am more than willing to lay my life on the line to protect the theocratic Islamic dictatorship of Kuwait. Clearly plenty of other Americans feel just as passionate about the sovereignty of Kuwait and the authoritarian rule of the Sabah family. Long live Kuwait and Emir Jabber!!!
“Tonight, the Battle has been joined.” Damn that hit hard.
Basically: "Saddam, your bluff was fatally miscalculated."
@@Boltage23 that's still not your business... too far from continental us.
Such a bad ass line
@@vittoriomarano8230shush illiterate 🤫
When I was ten, I watched this. My godfather, a veteran of WWII, Korea, Vietnam, and Laos/Cambodia described in great detail what was about to happen, he then opined that the president was correct, that given the current political climate we would be back in ten years, not five. He was off by two years.
Then, when our teachers gathered us all in the gymnasium to explain what our country going to war would mean, and I shuddered as lights flickered ominously above they told us that no, there would be no nuclear attacks, and that we would always be safe in America. We sang songs and wrote letters thanking people we'd never meet for our safety. Ten years later, I learned that those teachers were wrong.
However, it was also there, in that gym, that I knew, no idea how or why, but that I'd be in Iraq someday. And I was.
I celebrated four birthdays there.
No more.
It is time for American troops to go to Russia!
Jeb Bush 2024.
@@Embargoman 😥😥😥
Where the world 10% more just, the politicians who ordered them would form the first ranks.
Thank you very much for telling your story.
While I'm not American, I too knew as a child that one day I would join the army. In two weeks time I am drafting. Godspeed and God bless.
@@Shorthairification be well, stay safe, and keep your head down.
of course there would be no nuclear war, how the hell could saddam hussein wage a nuclear war with NO WMD'S whatsoever? are you still sound asleep after all these years? everything you've ever been told even up to the present day has been a LIE. wake up already geez
I was ten years old when this came on the television, and I still remember it. I also remember the incredible amount of patriotic propaganda that filled American society at the time. The first school day after the war broke out all of a sudden, right after the pledge of allegiance, they played "God bless the U.S.A." by Lee Greenwood over the PA system. Every single morning for the entire rest of the school year we had to listen to that song and then observe a moment of silence. Our morning class started with assignments to collect newspaper clippings and discuss how the war was progressing. It really was an interesting time in this country.
FacepalmDaily wow you were brainwashed like some North Korea shit
@Mortified Max Some prisons hold no bars...
@Bandera's Greatest Disciple I'm sure the Japanese thought that as well
@Bandera's Greatest Disciple yes America makes everything grate just ask Trump make America grate again right lol
@Bandera's Greatest Disciple and America makes everyone know they're in America by pushing us minorities around
My brother had recently graduated from the Marine corps bootcamp at the time and right after AIT he was immediately deployed to the gulf.. he told me what he saw in those streets of Kuwait is something he wishes he can erase from his memories.. burned and dismembered bodies hanged from street posts, destroyed vehicles with people still in them dead and tons of acid rain from the destroyed oil towers
I wholeheartedly thank your bother for his service (coming from a Kuwaiti) yesterday was the anniversary for the war and the tragedy of it still hunts us. But we advanced a lot sense then we will never forget the help of all the nation that saved out land💕🇰🇼
Idiots who “fought” for our country. Lmao this POS country
@@OldSoulNewLife It's only a "POS" when liberals are steering the ship!
Sorry your brother went through that. I hope he can find peace.
Grateful for his service, God bless.
7:34 NWO
Leviathan that was the moment where he showed his true colours and forfeited any chance he had at re-election
Quicksilver is that why his approval rating jumped to 90% after the Gulf War? Bush wasn’t re-elected cause of the economy and Ross Perot’s presence
@@leviathan2515 why is it horrific? What's wrong with a US led global world order???
Satanic laugh.
7.40 - New World Order - first mentioned.
@JM Rodriguez-Luis youre an idiot, the new world order has nothing to do with that look it up genius
tell you what he wasn't successful in time hes gone.
Obama mentioned it too.
@Nick just has different name
Not first. Keep researching.
Father was better speaker than the son
George W Bush completely ruined the balance created by his father
Son was a lot funnier though. HW seemed like a real president, W seemed like that cool guy from your hometown who randomly became the POTUS
Yet they’re both horrifically cringy in their own way
But not pcs of sht
I heard this speech while sitting in my flightline support vehicle on the flightline at Prince Sultan Air Base
waiting for our aircraft to return and hoping they'd all make it back.
Your a firefighter,?
No, I was a flight equipment mechanic and was at the end of the flightline in case they needed support before they took off.
George bush senior was a legend, also the US Army was the strongest ever at that time.
I remember being in elementary school 4th or 5th grade. One of the students mother came up with a song honoring the soldiers that went to war. The entire school had to memorize it and sing it in the auditorium. Those where scary times.
i was in 6th grade and my dad had to go over there. he made it back but developed a bad drinking habit afterwards.
I am Kuwaiti , and I am very thankful to Americans and president Bush for liberating my country from a brutal tyranny.
You are sadly mistaken.
@@drewpy1386and you are a supporter of autocracy
@@drewpy1386 you deny that America helped Kuwait even though a Kuwaiti said they did?
@@follower1812some people will just hate on America regardless. They’d argue that it was evil of us to retaliate against Japan and the Nazis🤣
Then 27 years later, we had a diplomat crisis from my country (🇵🇭). Like c’mon does my country looks Baathist/Saddamist to me?
I don't trust our government as far as we can throw them
Everything he told you here is exactly how it went down.
@@bingbong3643 That’s sarcasm right? The US was oil hungry and had no business being there and it was a complete failure.
But bush was right here
What he said between 6:53 and 7:13 was huge to me at the time, a young Marine watching on the TV in our berthing area aboard the USS Okinawa in the Persian Gulf. I still remember it to this day. Makes all the difference to those actually in theater.
What about from 7:40 to 8:05
@@AT-db9gu Went over most people's heads at the time in the wake of the wall coming down
@@AT-db9gu Facts
Very huge, like the bombings of Iraq, right?
@@pradyut99 the New World Order is Islamic buddy
@Hopi Six are you dumb..
@@hopisix8899 wdym the NWO is islam Lmfao its a whole different thing
@@slynxmilk5133 the NWO consists of a 1 world religion. It is government, court & currency based. Roman in origin. Look it up
Nwo is wuhan mogwai with covid
7:33 Most important part.
He is rolling in his grave right now seeing how Russia and China do whaetver they want and USa cant do anything about it.
Can you imagine a world without evil beings at the top.....what a wonderful world that would be. World peace can never be achieved with them here
The antichrist will be the ruler of the "peaceful" new world order but Jesus is coming back to defeat him
You are ignorant..foolish
@@andrewjollycody729 Joe Biden is the anti-Christ
I owe him my life .. thanks to you mr.president for liberating kuwait . And kuwait will never forget this . 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇰🇼🇰🇼🇰🇼
Unnamed Warrior ..nooooo hell no ❌ .. that freak invaded my home country and the US liberated us from him
Unnamed Warrior .. yeah they did the same in kuwait . 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸💙
@Unnamed Warrior You need to look into 9/11.... you will see what the Bush family is REALLY about... Look up Kevin Shipp. He is former CIA who knows EXACTLY why they wanted war!!!
9/11 was planned. Bush Administration KNEW it was going to happen. He not only sacrificed my fellow Americans... he murdered innocent Iraqi/Afghanistani people INCLUDING CHILDREN... ALL FOR MONEY. Obama MURDERED the SEAL Team that killed bin Laden! He sold them to the Enemy for money. He gave them our intelligence so they would know where they were.
both Bush's, Clinton and Obama are Deep State Puppets!
@Unnamed Warrior Also... Iran used to be a beautiful country.... Had a Royal Family who cared about their people... women dressed like everyone else. They went to college & were educated...Then the cabal invaded. And turned Iran into what it is today. They control EVERYONE & EVERYTHING! I pray for the Iranian people daily. That you will fight & take your country back from the tyrannical government that has invaded your country... we are all free under God/Allah. I have done enough research to know that the Muslim religion is not a evil one, but the cabal twisted its teachings to move forward their agenda... a religion war to make us hate one another. Patriots all over the world including The Middle East are rising up & fighting back.... please... research those who you praise. They're NOT good people!
Here is the truth....
Meet Kevin Shipp former CIA....
I was in my M1A1 ABRAMS half asleep when we were awoken by jets flying over us toward Iraq, that is when we knew the war started.
I remember being a kid playing in the snow when my mother came outside to tell me we're at war. I watched cnn non stop.
Here ya are now,see how brain washed we are?🍻🍺
reminds me of 9/11
I hope you're not still watching The Communist News Network.
@@reneep9972 true
I was 9 years old when the 1st Persian Gulf War Started I remember watching the War on T.V I also Remember watching the 2nd Gulf War in 2003
I don't know why more people aren't talking about 7:34 to 8:05 more. That's the MOST important part of this videos.
This man wanted a one world government ruled over by the anti christ
Satan spoke through him.
Lots of folks talk about it. Especially today.
@G D look up how the Bush fortune was actually made by profiting from Nazi Germany. The Bush dynasty was essentially created through then being Nazi collaborators
His smile and demeanor is so eerie. Chilling.
I'll be 50 on Tuesday. Disabled veteran since 1996. That whole month in 1991 is very sharp in my mind. I turned 18, was looking forward to college and normal things. Between this speech, and I ended up in the principals office telling me I needed a GED because my old school did not align with my new one. I figured my life was destroyed...I joined the military for war time. It was in fact destroyed. Not only that, I had to deal with a friend who was also veteran, committing suicide.. and the damn middle east did not end for 30 more years. That 22 a day stuff. Total plague of the mind. Anyway, Bush senior.. my first commander in chief.
Beautifully written
Bush senior, one of the best commander’s-in-chief of American history
New World Order @7:34
Thank you so much for that timestamp!
That would be Hollywood Hulk Hogan, Razor Ramon Scott Hall, and the legendary Kevin Nash.
I like how President Bush repeatedly and deliberately mispronounced Saddam Hussein’s name, calling him “Sadim.”
Deliberately? I’m pretty sure it’s just his accent. Besides it doesn’t really matter, Saddam Hussein was like Hitler-Junior, I can live with a mispronunciation.
@@yourfriend8052 FYI: The Arabic translation of the word "sadim" means "shoe shine boy."
@@Michael-et2ujThat's pretty hilarious whether or not it was intentional on his part
I was a 30 year old sailor in the Red Sea. I will never forget this time in my life
That's 1974
Unforgettable in existence
Take a shot everytime he said
“While the world waited”
this guy was probably the most badass usa president ever,man had guts,he wasnt a coward!
Absolutely, probably the last president to serve in ww2 and barely escaped getting eaten by some Japanese soldiers!
You really don't understand wtf has been going on in American history if this is who you deem a "bad @$$." You really have a narrow view of things if you take anything he said for face value....well except the part about the New World Order because that is really all this is about. Not saving some country from another one.
Boy this is creepy and spicy, I didnt know the UN was ruling us this whole time
@@universalpsychic32 exaxtly
@InMouths0fMadness yeah they are? What do you call the build back better bullshit coming from europe to the U.S.?
This has been going on for thousands of years. The beast system (NWO) is old news. Satan knows his time is short. Gods new world order is coming!!! Believe in Jesus
@@justinscott4503 SEE!
My brother's in the US.Marines took care of bussiness !! Semper Fi.
Steamrolled through Saddam’s boys. God bless the troops that got it done
Watching this exactly 31 years later. I was 17 back then.
I was born in 2005 how do you feel now😂
“[The Gulf Crisis] has to do with a new world order. And that new world order is only going to be enhanced if this newly activated peacekeeping function of the United Nations proves to be effective.”- President George H. W. Bush, January 9, 1991 Press Conference
New world order fuck that conspiracy theory bro
@@snipercow861 It's real.
@@JoshuaFreakyVenomFan okay then what is it?
@@snipercow861 it's not real, HOWEVER it doesn't take away what happen in 1963 in Dallas Texas....
My dad served in this war, I was 7 at the time...
Alexcia Fay Imes he will go hell very soon
@shehzad Khan who will be going to hell? I hope your not referring to my father..
@@shehzadkhan7661 Saddam Hussain invaded Kuwait. Kuwaiti people wanted independence.
@@alexciafayimes302 it's a troll comment bro leave it.
Your dad was used as a tool by Bush to fight an unnecessary war. Your dad’s life was not considered by this man. I was 8 at the time and I remember all of the lies and the “babies being taken out of incubators.” Bush gave Sadaam permission to invade Kuwait. Iraq never would have invaded had we told him not to. We were all played and lied to by this scumbag and the others in the government. It’s tragic that your dad was used and his life risked (while having a 7 year old child) to fight in a manufactured war. Our military should only be used to defend America or our allies and as a last resort.
Mark of the beast and great Tribulation is coming. Stay strong in Jesus Christ
Back when US presidents had eloquence and gravitas....and brains.
fuck off, idiot.
@@Del_Monico is that you sadaam?
@@Del_Monico ah, so it's you Melania. I should have known by your comments that it was the intellectual of the family...
@@Del_Monico your English is not bad for a Russian.
@@GodOfVictory501 quiet, twat. Go find a socialist to admire.
Gulf War Vet. USS Seattle. Thank You, Sir. And I will miss you.
I am not an American but I don't understand why few Americans criticize George Bush Senior? Because Operation Desert Storm was backed by UN resolution as well as Kuwait & Middle East Countries asked help from the West and before using force they applied other means for Saddam to withdraw his forces from Kuwait but he didn't. Then there is no question of criticizing Senior Bush when he used force as a last resort. And Junior Bush went to Iraq war in 2003 which was not authorized by UN so his criticism can be justified. People don't understand that criticizing a prime minister/president is easy by watching TV but things are different when someone is actually in office. Certain issues are such that there is no midway solution and President would be criticized for any one decision he takes and at that time he has to go by his heart, which sometimes could be a tough one that can make history forever! I have seen American people criticizing & calling former President Jimmy Carter weak for 'NOT' taking military action against Iran during Iran hostage crisis and they also have problem if Senior Bush took military action! Either way there job is just to criticize! Strange!
@@ankitpatel5093 Bush Is dead I like that he is an Idiot "Weapon Of Mass destruction" Still Lokking for them??
@@HonderdtachtigCC Senior Bush didn't went to war with Iraq for Weapons of Mass destruction. It was Iraq who invaded Kuwait & Saddam was not withdrawing his forces. Arab league & UN had backed this military action & it was used when every diplomatic effort failed to convince Saddam from withdrawing forces. Senior Bush did the right thing but junior Bush did a blunder, therefore I don't criticize him for operation desert storm.
@@ankitpatel5093 no they commited alot of war Crimes Raped Childeren Woman and do you know the story of the highway of Death ?
@@HonderdtachtigCC Military vehicles of Iraq leaving Kuwait were attacked by the US, UK, Canadian & French Jets. Lot of armoured vehicles were destroyed on the road which was called highway of death (hope I am right)
I was ten when I saw this. Sitting on the couch with my mum and sister in florida. My father had been deployed in Operation Desert Shield... only for his family to hear this... I am so lucky and happy that he made it home in April of that year.
My mother died because of this war I remember when we were. Just sitting there watching the ucl
Black ops 6 👀👀
Hell yeah
the illuminati is just a conspiracy huh
Indeed, you're right, it is a conspiracy of organized, combined, powerful, entrenched elites all seeking to dominate mankind under their "New World Order, " an order that International Communists and Internationalists from the New York City based Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) established.
This is the Illuminati
The antichrist will be the ruler of the new world order the bible predicted this
@@niojackson938 no we’re not 😂
@@niojackson938 I know everything about this stuff trust me.....can’t go any deeper
My mom served during this war and I served in Iraq twice 07/08 and 09/10
Thanks to both of you I also served in Desert Shield/Desert Storm
Fuck you for destroying iraq
RIP My Hero. I was born in 1990 when he was President. He is what we all aspire to be. He is the grandfather you want to have because of how nice he was. I wish he would have won in 1992. May he rest in eternity with Robin and Barbara.!
Got my first job at 17 in 1990 when H.W. was President and I had alot of fun back then. He OWNED Saddam back then and got out outta there. Smart Man
....again he was a piece of lying shit
Smh - Good ol Grandpop! God is teaching ppl Truth now. Don’t forget what you learn and teach it to your children -
he is a corrupt pos
There are no heroes in this world. They're all satanic Freemasons
Say what you will about Bush, I think he was a good president.
TrueLightningStriker17 he was a great president!
For his Ziionist Puppetmasters I would say yes. He and his son to follow MOST assuredly were...
TrueLightningStriker17 he was a really good president. His legacy is only increasing
the man destabilized the whole world to give oil money to his closest allies.worst president ever !
7:34 They openly reveal their plans and treachery. This us called revelation of the method or karmic retribution. By explaining what acts they will commit they absolve themselves of guilt and responsibility and the people will not rebel nor resist. It is a form of programming that is subconscious.
I was 10 years old and remember watching this on the AFRTS at Cambrai Fritsch Kaserne in Darmstadt, Germany. It was my first encounter with the idea of war.
My sister's and I were watching tv one evening, and the broadcast was interrupted every two or three minutes with video of bombs dropping, guns firing, and missiles flying in the air.
It was scary.
I was 24 when this happened. It is hard to believe it's been more than 32 years since!
King James Bible
Luke 8:17
For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither any thing hid, that shall not be known and come abroad.
Jesus Is Going To Judge Very Soon. Get Ready .
A true wolf in sheep’s clothing. My Grandpa gave me a book by Texe Marrs “Dark Majesty” 6 months prior, the opening paragraph was this scumbags’ initiation into the skull n bones, and went on to explain the N W O. Thirty years of watching it unfold. Make ready. It’s gonna suck.
Yup. It’s here.
The urgency to spread the gospel is now more than ever.
7:40 “Liberal Rules-Based New World Order” with a “credible United Nations”. Thanks to Guillermo del Toro and his Cabinet of Curiosities (Lot 36) for reminding us of this video.
I remember the day the war started. I went up to the flight deck the day after and saw the oil field fires everywhere on the horizon. Rest In Peace Mr. President.
U.S.S. Ranger CV-61
4th Division Deck Department
Respectfully your memory is flawed boats.
January 17 - Operation Desert Storm began with an extensive aerial bombing campaign, 3 a.m. (January 16, 7 p.m. Eastern time). Iraq attacked Israel with seven Scud missiles. U.S. Patriot missile successfully intercepted first Scud, over Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.
February 23 - Iraqis ignited an estimated 700 oil wells in Kuwait.
You can see it didn't happen the next day, It happened over a month after the war started and the day before the ground assault began.
U.S.S. Moosbrugger DD-980
Fuck goerge bush sr and Jr.
Peace not War? Ok George, how much cash did your scumbag military industrial complex buddies acquire from your blatant bullshit lies and propaganda? Hope hell is hot, piece of shit. Anyone who defends any war criminal, from LBJ to Nixon to this piece of filth to Clinton to W and Obama can get fucked.
“Commerce with all nations, alliance with none, should be our motto. Money, not morality, is the principle commerce of civilized nations. Peace, commerce and honest friendship with all nations; entangling alliances with none.” Thomas Jefferson.
Live Free or Die.
Unite or die.
Appeal to Heaven.
you missed the lies leading you to war eh?
Eww fuck the bushes
I remember my mom crying at the kitchen table that Saddam had nuclear weapons hidden away. My dad reassured her he didn't. I was 14 years old.
Dad was right.
@@drewpy1386 Another False Flag war, to enrich warmongers and the pentagon. We believed our Presidents back then. Lesson learned. No-Wars-Trump 2024
Watching this exactly 30 years later
I think people are confusing George H.W. Bush and the Gulf War with George W. Bush and the Iraq War
This is because almost all of them are from third world countries where a large part of the population has little access to education or is directly illiterate.
For example, the whole of Latin America.
PS: The rest are lower class Americans with zero education or are just plain stupid.
The world accelerated to a more dangerous place after this war.
@@ShaunC29 fact
@@ShaunC29lol you clearly never picked up a book about world atrocities/war or plagues 😂😂
@slaktheking69 not true ,wigger
@@ShaunC29 na after 911
Cod black ops 6?
I was a month away from my third birthday when this happened. I've been alive long enough to see several wars begin, but this one is the furthest one back that I can recall, admittedly vaguely 🤔
“We have before us the opportunity to implement a Satanic world government.”
We will overcome, Good beats evil
Somebody say my name?
Ah tin foil hatters. Sees their conspiracy in everything.
@@epa2349 name calling is a sign of someone who lacks that mental capacity to engage in intelligent discourse.
@@satan3950 LMAO 🤣
was 12 years old at that time, shaking in that cold winter under my blanket because of heavy bombing on Baghdad, that war had changed my entire future and i am still paying the cost till today.
I’m so sorry you went through that 😢. Absolutely horrible.
Poor blanket
The tables have turned, by 2025 they will be in your shoes (when you were 12).
@@BoqPrecision keep dreaming
@@BoqPrecisionGood luck with that.
George HW Bush was a patriot who cared deeply about this nation. The Persian Gulf War was the right decision to protect Kuwait from Iraq’s Hussian. Rip A Good President
You're fooled
Protect Oil fields 😂Coccain trade 😅😢
I was an Army Reservist and went active duty not long after for 6 years. The best decision I ever made.
Long live the states 🇺🇲 ❤💙⭐
I was on board the USS ATLANTA doing sound trials in the Bahamas. We received word via underwater communications. Our CO announced over the 1MC (ship wide communications) that we were engaging the Iraq military. We all wanted to head out and load up for this. However we were still undergoing trials and that is what we continued to do.
It’s amazing watching this (I remember watching it live) and realize everything that has happened between then and now it’s surreal
I know my parents were glad to hear his words as I was in the Gulf with an F-15 unit at that very moment. The first week was scary, I won't lie. Constant air raid sirens every time a SCUD got within 100 miles of us. Fortunately, we had the right president and commanders for the mission as it could have easily gone sideways, which is why we stopped with Kuwait.
What F-15 unit? I was with the 4th TFW with F-15E Strike Eagles.
Haha, you were at Al's Garage with me! I was with the C models of the 53rd TFS out of Bitburg.@@sreggird60
I remember this speech on the news channels. I was only 8 years old.
It was surely nice to have a president who could actually complete a full sentence
His name in Skull and Bones was Magog, no surprise….New World Order is Satan’s plan…
It was incredibly naive back then to assume Iraq didn’t have WMD’s. That term doesn’t just mean nukes, it also means chemical weapons, which Saddam and his goons did use on Iran and even Iraq’s own people. The fact that Saddam refused to let the UN check if he had actually dismantled the weapons only added insult to injury. And no, I’m not saying that it was a 100% successful military operation. The initial invasion kinda achieved its objective, but it was the nation-building process (disliked by Bush Jr., supported by Cheney, Rumsfeld and a large part of the world) that was a failure. We shouldn’t blame Bush Sr, nor Jr entirely for that.
Who else is watching this for school?
All "History" is a lie. Rewritten by the DS. What happened to Tartaria? Ewaranon
7:34 he was the first president to say this publicly. We all know it's been in their plans since Washington
Yes and his "New World Order" or "Great Reset" is NOT a good thing. Yet if you read these comments, people are still asleep
@A Guy Exactly and they think they're "woke" 🤣
@@Teller580 can you explain? I belive it but not well educated on the subject.
@@thePVFnews Bush, other politicians as well as people such as the leader of the World Economic Forum (Klaus Schaub) & recently Biden, have openly called for "a new world order or great reset". This is basically a plan by world leaders (some we see and some behind the scenes that we don't see...) to have complete Government totalitarian control over everyone. For example, the great reset (see world economic Forum) , publicly proclaimed in the near future we will own nothing, have no oil, little or zero meat and we'll be happy. It's long been speculated that a set of diabolical "elites" are planning to basically install communism AND WORSE and Lord it over all of humanity. So, in this video from 30 yrs ago, Bush openly proclaimed they will install a "New World Order" and most people in the comments are talking about that war or other things in a patriotic way, but missing the point that most likely most if not all of the wars and other major events that are propped up by politicians & media are actually clever schemes to steer humanity in whatever direction the "elites" have preplanned for us. Covid, wars and possibly 9/11 probably weren't what they were portrayed to be. Look up the "great reset" it is a modern term for the "new world order". Bottomline, we have evil people planning things out to do horrible things and take away people's Freedom but they use various "events" to steer us down a very bad road, ON PURPOSE
I don't think it has been planned ever since Washington. I think it had been planned much later
Wow I was only 25-years old when I first heard & volunteered for all of this... (starts having Desert Shield & Storm flashbacks)
you were one of the dumb ones eh?
@@pohakumana damn bro.
@@patrioticamerican8114 FACT you have to be an idiot to join the insanity.
@@pohakumana What did I do to you??? You assumed that he was dumb.
@@patrioticamerican8114 Easy assumption. ANYONE who joins the MIC is ill-informed, uneducated or stupid.
And it results in Cognitive Dissonance slapping them in the face with a mortar blast in the face to wake them up for the fact they are just cannon fodder for 1%'s profits.
Simple knowledge.
I was 10 years old when this happened. I remember it. Now that I watch it now, I have to see how President Bush (HW#41) looks exhausted and pale. He did not have sleep for days.
God bless that man.
God bless that man for the countless lives lost in the wars initiated by him and his dickless family just for precious oil and big money!
Wake up, Keldon. He's burning in hell for eternity with all the other bush family members.
@@a_squuared7530 Fuck off. He's a better man than you'll ever be.
Agreed. One of the best presidents in history.
@@josephmannion1714 I wonder how this comment will age? Satan appreciates your words though! Your tribulation is incoming. Best of luck, brother.
BROAH! Spoilers for history class
7:33 - NWO/UNO
I was GB in 91 and should have come home in 2 aluminum boxes. My fiance was my Guardian Angel and her prayers saved me from dying in pieces. Discharged in 92 honorably for wounds in the service of the USA.
You will always be Missed President Bush 41 may you Rest In Peace 😢😢😢😢😢
@@Th3Siam Fuck all of them. They're all satanic Freemasons
Yeah he will surely be missed... jk he will not. Fuck evil.
Rosalee Zephier 🤦♂️ you are one of the most brainwashed people I've ever seen.
The only legit war we've fought since world war 2
dictator of IRak was their allie try to figure that out.
Ah yes, IRak.
"Saddam is a son a bitch!... but he's "our" son of a bitch!" - Donald Rumsfeld
Josepth Stalin & Soviets was once our ally in fight in the fight against Hitler & nazis. Yet right after the war, we became bitter enemies. So what do you figure out? Geo-politics is ain't all black & white, straight forward.
@@epa2349 it's all about bag stabbing.
Having the Balls for the Job is an underrated quality these days.
Gilgamesh, Sargon Al-Akkadi, Nebuchadnezzar Nasr, Sanchareep, Assyria, Nepal, Harun Al-Rashid, Salahuddin Al-Ayoubi, and Kodia Al-Nimrod have not forgotten the damage you and your son inflicted in Iraq.
If you put close attention, you can hear Putin screaming at 7:49 ... 'Hold my Vodka!..'
He doesn't, for one second, look at the camera, only reads from it.
Yea u want him to remember all that or not?
Withdraw from Kuwait… or face the coalition
@@nofun121what part of the video is this
@@chrisandtygaming142 dawg… what?
@@nofun121 like what part of the video does george bush say that
@@chrisandtygaming142 I actually don’t know
I disagree with Bush Sr on just about everything but I always respected him. The way he handled the first gulf war should be a master class on how you do intervention. Broad coalition, clear goals and objectives, hit them with overwhelming force.
There is nothing to respect. He is a liar and a snake. Plus buddy buddy with Obama.
10.50 - '...chart the course of history for the next hundred years !'
He is talking about the NWO this whole video, not just at 7:34...
"family of nations" code for new world order
Aleister Crowley must be proud of these bushes
A satanist occultist who is family to the Bush family
@I AM that's a lie. This conspiracy began circa 2006 as an April Fools Joke. Leave it to the conspiracy fool to be fooled.
@I AM Your blind hate for the Bushes and your embracing of conspiracy theories leads to ask…
Do you make your own tin foil hats or do you order them pre-made?
AH!! you have read that also!?
He laughs at 3:45 when he says raped, pillaged, and plundered a tiny nation.
yea whats up with that
Haha, yeah. I think he knows how asleep everyone and figures hes gonna get away with it .
@@AroundSun Child Ego....Bush Jrn...has a subconsious soul.....Proof....why was he at a school when 9/11 took place.....He cant handle real hate.....He has such hurt in his soul.....Never will he speak truth....Unless.....He wants death...
He clearly didn't. All he did was give a condescending smile. Do you really think the president of the United States would make light of such terrible things in front of his whole country? Use your head, don't look too deep into this stuff. Jesus.
@@AndrewJoseph-c9q This guy was initiated into a secret society laying in a coffin. Maybe you should use your head and look deeper into this stuff.
0:50 Constant and virtually endless diplo mad act... diplomatic..... lol.... like Bush junior: It will take time but we will restore Chaos out of Chaos lol!
*tonight the battle has been joined* Perfect!!
I remember watching this as a kid when it happend
Hi do you know who Bill Cooper is?
George W Bush senior was a very smart President he freed Kuwait. We need more presidents like George w Bush senior and George W Bush Jr. These presidents fought against tyranny and fought for Freedom 🇺🇲
7:34 Beelzebub's plan to take over the world 👹
Lmao he said peace loving nation, as we over throw any government that doesn't play ball
how suprising that such a war hero would bring a war criminal!
Uhm, I think he was pulling the strings on his son.
Ooooh it’s the beginning of the NWO 👀
07:33 NWO
My grandparents were in Kuwait when Saddam's forces invaded. To this day, it is one of only a few things you do NOT bring up when the family gets together.
Learn Gematria and see through the Lies and Propaganda
No, but thanks for the suggestion. I prefer rational thought
@@justinscott4503 you may be suffering from rational thought. how do you know your thoughts are rational to begin with? from consensus of others whom share the same rational thinking? what the nazis did was consider rational at the time. look how everyone got on board with the democide of a population of "undesirables" and scape goats. and all that happened long before the mass consumption of 24 hours of "news" and social media. they did have a propagandist. i don't know why people believe everything they hear you are almost like a crazy conspiracy theorist yourself. i don't really put much faith in anything anymore. i don't even believe you are real. you are nothing but words and and sentences to people. your blind worship and trust of governmental figureheads is worrisome. i really do not understand it. im not religious. but i do use a colander instead of tin foil, tin foil tends to get hot. i read you further down in this comment section.
@@justinscott4503 " No, but thanks. I prefer to be a mindless sheep who believes everything the government and media tell me, they can do no wrong" fixed it for you bro.
@@misanthrope5380 Thenks for clearing that up. Wow are you smart. I’m so envious of your power of reasoning and critical thought.
When I want (or need) you to fix anything I’ll let you know.
If I were you I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for me to ask.
@@justinscott4503 You really dug down deep for that pitiful excuse of a comeback, didn't you? So much rational thought there.. more like ramblings of a child. When I actually give a fuck about your pathetic existence, I'll let you know. But please hold your breath waiting for my response...
9:00 Thesee are the times that try mens souls the Summer Soldier and the Sunshine Patriot WILL SHRINK at the cause of THEIR country
never realised till now but Saddam was fighting the evil United Nations
I agree
@ALL IN You're right