very well-structured set of questions by the interviewer. I like that he asks one question from one of the DevOps tools and for the next question he goes directly to one the services of AWS, this causes confusion. Lastly, he could have guided the applicant about remote repo and how CICD pipeline started. With little guidence, he could have given a proper answer.
very well-structured set of questions by the interviewer. I like that he asks one question from one of the DevOps tools and for the next question he goes directly to one the services of AWS, this causes confusion. Lastly, he could have guided the applicant about remote repo and how CICD pipeline started. With little guidence, he could have given a proper answer.
W commad used for which user/users access the machine and their processes
Chsh is the command to change the shell
Candidate needs to study more... He completely missed how jenkins works
Telnet use port number 23 ,ssh uses Port number 22