When people have discussion about the book of Enoch and the book of Jubilee.They often conclude that some Angels came from the heavens and began mixing with humans.This is because both books use the following words and expressions [ወረዱ፡መላእክተ፡እግዚአብሔር] which translates into english as the Angels of God.Another word both the book of Enoch and the book of Jubilee use is ትጉሃነ or ትጉሃን which means the pure, the righteous humans. Unfortunetly, this very word was mistranslated as "the watchers". Which further led non ge'ez speakers into thinking that actual fallen Angels mixed with mankind who they think are the nephilim/the giants. The question is who are these angels that descended on to the earth that the book of Enoch and the book of jubilee talks about.Specificaly the book of jubilee says the following [ወረዱ፡መላእክተ፡እግዚአብሔር]. The Amharic translation states that they are the descendant of Seth. Seth being the replacement of Abel who was murdered by his brother Cain. The descendants of Seth were at the time the purest people on earth. They kept God's laws. Here is the book of Jubilee in Ge'ez ወበካልእ፡ሱባዔ፡ዘዓሥር፡ኢዮቤልዩ ፡ነሥአ፡ሎቱ፡መላልኤል፡ዲናሃ፡ወለተ፡በራክሔል፡ወለተ፡እኅተ፡አቡሁ፡ሎቱ፡ብእሲተ፡ወወለደት፡ሎቱ ፡ወልደ ፡በሱባዔ፡ሣልስ፡በሳድስ፡ዓመቱ፡ወጸውዐ፡ስሞ፡ያሬድሃ።እስመ፡በመዋዕሊሁ፡[ወረዱ፡መላእክተ ፡እግዚአብሔር]፡ውስተ፡ምድር፡እለ፡ተሰምዩ፡[ትጉሃነ]፡ከመ፡ይምሀርዎሙ፡ለደቂቀ፡እጓለ፡እመሕያው ፡ ይግበሩ፡ፍትሐ፡ወርትዐ፡በዲበ፡ምድር። Here is the Amharic translation. በአሥረኛው ኢዮቤልዩ በሁለተኛው ዓመት መላልኤል ሚስት ትሆነው ዘንድ የአባቱን ወንድም የበራኪሂልን ልጅ ዲናን አገባ። በሦስተኛው ሱባዔ በስድስተኛው ዓመት ወንድ ልጅ ወለደችለት ስሙንም ያሮድ አለው። [በዘመኑ ትጉሃን የተባሉ የእግዚአብሔር አገልጋዮች የሚሆኑ የሴት ልጆች] በዚህ ዓለም የቀና ሥራንና ፍርድን ያደርጉ ዘንድ ለሰው ልጆች ሊያስተምሩአቸው ወደ ምድር ወርደዋልና። In the book of Enoch it uses the expession [መላእክት፡ውሉደ፡ሰማያት] which the translates into angels sons of heaven.The Amharic translation shines some lights on who these "angels sons of heaven" really are. It says there are (ደቂቀ ሴት) which means the children of Seth. Here is the book of Enoch in Ge'ez and below i have posted the book of Enoch in Amharic. ወርእዩ፡ኪያሆን፡[መላእክት፡ውሉደ፡ሰማያት]፡ወፈተውዎን፡ወይቤሉ፡በበይናቲሆሙ፡ንዑ፡ንኅረይ፡ለነ፡አንስተ፡እምውሉደ፡ሰብእ፡ወንለድ፡ለነ፡ውሉደ። [የሰው ልጆች] ከበዙ በኋላ እንዲህ ሆነ። በዚያ ወራትም መልክ መልካሞች ደመ ግቡዎች ልጆች ተወለዱላቸው በደብር ቅዱስ ያሉ [ደቂቀ ሴትም] እነሱን አይተው ወደዷቸው። እሰበሳቸውም ኑ ለኛ [ከቃየል ልጆች ሴቸችን እንምረጥ] ለኛ ልጆችን አንውለድ አሉ።
Shame on you.... ስለ፡እውነት፡ከተወያየን፡ወንድሜ፡በቃላት፡ብዙዎቻችን፡ሲወድቁ፡እናያለን።ለምሳሌ፡መላእክት፡ወይንም፡መለአክ፡የሚለውን፡ቃል፡ስንመለከት።ፕሮቴስታንቱ፡እነሚካኤልን፡ይጠቁማል።ነገር፡ግን፡መለአክ፡የሚለው፡ቃል፡ሌሎች፡ትርጉሞች፡አሉት።By the way this misunderstanding led many to think the book Henok wasn't truthfull because they thought it said Angels has children with human beings. Just because the word መልአክ was used but it didn't mean angel. What is Etymology? et·y·mol·o·gy is a noun and it means the study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history. _________________________________________________________________ Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh,the Geez መልአክ and the Amharic መልአክ are put for debate. malakhim is the plural form in hebrew while መላእክት is the plural form of መልአክ in both Geez and in Amharic. ________________________________ _________________________________ Angels in Judaism For other uses, see Malach. In Judaism an angel (Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh, plural malakhim) is a messenger of God, an angelic envoy or an angel in general who appears throughout the Hebrew Bible, Rabbinic literature, and traditional Jewish liturgy. Angels in Judaism are categorized in different hierarchies. Etymology Hebrew "mal'akh" (מַלְאָךְ) is the standard Hebrew Bible word for "messenger", [both human and divine], though it is less used for human messengers in Modern Hebrew[1] as the latter is usually denoted by the term shaliyah (שליח). Here are the evidences below. ክርስቲያን ነን ትላላችሁ ነገር ግን መላዕክት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር የግብረ ሥጋ ግንኙነት ይፈጽማሉ የሚለውን ሃሳብ ትደግፋላችሁ። ይህ ትምህርት የክርስቶስን ተአምራዊ ልደት ያዳክማል። ያልኩበት ምክንያት እግዚአብሔር በቅድስት ድንግል ማርያም በኩል ከሰው ልጆች ጋር አንድ በመሆኑ ነው። ይህ በእግዚአብሔር እና በሰው መካከል ያለው አንድነት ያልተለመደ ክስተት ሆኖ ተመዝግቧል። ነገር ግን መላእክት ከእግዚአብሔር በፊት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር ተደባልቀው ነበር ማለቱ የኢየሱስን መወለድ በእርግጥ ይጎዳል። በመጀመሪያ ደረጃ, መላእክት የመራቢያ አካላት የላቸውም. መላእክት የማይራቡበት ምክንያት የዘላለም ሕይወት ስላላቸው ነው። እኛ ሰዎች ፣ ሟቾች ነን ፣ ግን መላእክት አይሞቱም። በዚህ ምክንያት ነው የምንባዛው. የቪዲዮው ደራሲ በጣም አስከፊ ስህተት ሰርቷል። መልአክ የሚለውን ቃል ፍቺ አላጠናም። በዕብራይስጥም በግእዝና በአማርኛም መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ሦስት ትርጉም አለው። መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ለሰው ልጆች ጥቅም ላይ ሊውል ይችላል. አንድ ሰው የቤተ ክርስቲያን መሪ ከሆነ መልአክ ተብሎ ይጠራል። ሚካኤል ወይም ገብርኤል መላእክት ይባላሉ። ሦስተኛው ትርጉም መልእክተኞች መሆን ነው። ለምሳሌ የነቢዩ ሚልክያስ ስም የመጣው መልአክ ከሚለው ቃል ነው።አሁን ከመጽሐፍ ቅዱስ ላሳይ። ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ:ምዕራፍ፴፮:፩ወመጽኡ መላእክተ:ነገደ:ቤተ:አቡሁ:ለገላአድ:ወልደ ማኪር:ወልደ:መናሴ:ዘእምነገደ:ደቂቀ:ዮሴፍ:ወይቤሉ:ቅድመ:ሙሴ:ወቅድመ:እልዓዛር:ካህን:ወቅድመ:[መላእክተ:]አብያተ:አበዊሆሙ:ለደቂቀ:እስራኤል ። ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ ምዕራፍ ፴፮:፩ከዮሴፍ ልጆች:ወገኖች:የምናሴ:ልጅ:የማኪር:ልጅ የገለዓድ:ልጆች:ወገን:አለቆች:ቀረቡ፥በሙሴና:በእስራኤልም:ልጆች:አባቶች:[አለቆች]:ፊት:ተናገሩ፤ ____________________________________________ ኦሪት:ዘጸአት:ምዕራፍ:፮:፲፬ ወእሉ:እሙንቱ:[መላእክት]:በበ:ቤተ:አበዊሆሙ፤ደቂቀ:ሮቤል:በኵሩ:ለእስራኤል:ሄኖኅ:ወፍሉሶ:ወአስሮን:ወከርሚ:ዝውእቱ:ትውልዲሁ:ለሮቤል። ኦሪት:ዘጸአት:ምዕራፍ:፮:፲፬ የአባታቸውም:ቤት:[አለቆች]:እነዚህ:ናቸው።የእስራኤል:የበኵር:ልጅ:የሮቤል:ልጆች፤ሄኖኅ፥ፈሉስ፥አስሮን፥ከርሚ፤እነዚህ:የሮቤል:ወገኖች:ናቸው። ____________________________________________ መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩ ወእሉ፡እሙንቱ[መላእክተ]አበዊሆሙ፡ እለ፡ ተኈለቁ፡ይዕርጉ፡ምስሌየ፡በመንግሥተ፡አርተሰስታ፡ንጉሥ፡እምባቢሎን። መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩በንጉሡ:በአርጤክስስ:መንግሥት:ከእኔ:ጋር:ከባቢሎን: የወጡ:የአባቶች:ቤቶች:[አለቆች]እነዚህ:ናቸው:ትውልዳቸውም:ይህ:ነው፤ __________________________________________________________________ Mezmure dawit 68 in Geez "27በጽሑ፡መላእክት፡ወቦሙ፡መዘምራነ ፤ማእከለ፡ደናግል፡ዘባጥያተ፡ከበሮ። 28በማኅበር፡ባርክዎ፡ለእግዚአብሔር፤ወለአማላክነ፡በአንቅዕተ፡እስራኤል። 29ህየ፡ብንያም፡ወሬዛ፡በኀይሉ፡ 30መላእክተ፡ይሁዳ፡ወመሳፍንቲሆሙ፤መላእክተ፡ዛብሉን፡መላእክተ፡ንፍታሌም። Mezmure dawit 68 in Amharic 25አለቆች:ቀደሙ፥መዘምራንም:ተከተሉ፤ ከበሮን:በሚመቱ:በቈነጃጅት:መካከል። 26እግዚአብሔርን:በጉባኤ፥ጌታችንንም: በእስራኤል:ምንጭ:አመስግኑት። 27ወጣቱ:ብንያም:በጕልበቱ:በዚያ:አለ፥ ገዦቻቸው:የይሁዳ:አለቆች:የዛብሎን:አለቆችና:የንፍታሌምም:አለቆች። Mezmure dawit 68 in English 26Bless ye God in the congregations, even the Lord, from the fountain of Israel. 27There is little Benjamin with their ruler, the princes of Judah and their council, the princes of Zebulun, and the princes of Naphtali. 28Thy God hath commanded thy strength: strengthen, O God, that which thou hast wrought for us. A)መላእክተ፡ይሁዳ= in geez B)የይሁዳ አለቆች = in Amharic C)Judah and their council All 3 are not talking about flying angels. Geez Revelation2:1ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያን፡ዘኤፌሶን፡ከመዝ፡ይቤለከ፡ዘያጸንዕ፡ሰብዐተ፡ኮከበ፡በየማኑ፡ዘየሐውር፡በማእከለ፡ስብዑ፡መኃትው፡ዘወርቅ። Amharic Revelation2:1በኤፌሶን:ወዳለው:ወደ ቤተ:ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ።በቀኝ:እጁ:ሰባቱን:ከዋክብት:የያዘው:በሰባቱም:የወርቅ:መቅረዞች:መካከል:የሚሄደው:እንዲህ:ይላል። English Revelation 2:1Unto the [angel of the church of Ephesus] write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks Geez Rev3:1ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያናት፡ዘሰርዴስ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ዘቦ፡ሰብዐተ፡መንፈስ፡ዘእምኀበ፡እግዚአብሔር፡ወሰብዐተ፡ኮከበ ። Amharic Rev3:1በሰርዴስም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ: ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ። ሰባቱ:የእግዚአብሔር:መናፍስትና:ሰባቱ: ከዋክብት:ያሉት:እንዲህ:ይላል።ሥራህን አውቃለሁ:ሕያው:እንደ:መሆንህ:ስም:አለህ:ሞተህማል። Geez Rev3:7ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ ክርስቲያን፡ዘፊልድልፍያ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ቅዱስ፡ወጻድቅ፡ዘኀቤሁ፡ይነብር፡ኵሉ፡መራኁተ ፡ ቤተ፡ዳዊት። Amharic Revelation3:7በፊልድልፍያም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ:ክርስቲያን[መልአክ]እንዲህ ብለህ:ጻፍ።የዳዊት:መክፈቻ:ያለው፤የሚከፍት፥የሚዘጋም:የሌለ፤የሚዘጋ፥የሚከፍትም:የሌለ፤g። Anak[ עֲנָק] in Hebrew it means Giant Anakim[עֲנָקִים] in Hebrew it means Giants If Anak means Giant and Nephilim means Giants why do people make such error in thinking it means fallen angels? The answer is simple the hebrew word Nephilim looks like the word Nophlim when writen in Hebrew like so Nephilim[נְפִילִים]vsNophelim[נֹפְלִים] . They are similar words at first glance but they have very different spelling and pronunciation. Example of Nophelim in the Bible. Deut22:4Thou shalt not see thy brother's ass or his ox fall downby the way, and hide thyself from them: thou shalt surely help him to lift them up again. ד לֹא-תִרְאֶה אֶת-חֲמוֹר אָחִיךָ אוֹ שׁוֹרוֹ, [נֹפְלִים] בַּדֶּרֶךְ, וְהִתְעַלַּמְתָּ, מֵהֶם: הָקֵם תָּקִים, עִמּוֹ. Also it is important to notice that there is a colon between Nephilim and Anak even in the Amharic translation. As you know a colon is used to describe what is already mentioned in the sentence.
Shame on you.... ስለ፡እውነት፡ከተወያየን፡ወንድሜ፡በቃላት፡ብዙዎቻች፡ሲወድቁ፡እናያለን።ለምሳሌ፡መላእክት፡ወይንም፡መለአክ፡የሚለውን፡ቃል፡ስንመለከት።ፕሮቴስታንቱ፡እነሚካኤልን፡ይጠቁማል።ነገር፡ግን፡መለአክ፡የሚለው፡ቃል፡ሌሎች፡ትርጉሞች፡አሉት።By the way this misunderstanding led many to think the book Henok wasn't truthfull because they thought it said Angels has children with human beings. Just because the word መልአክ was used but it didn't mean angel. What is Etymology? et·y·mol·o·gy is a noun and it means the study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history. _________________________________________________________________ Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh,the Geez መልአክ and the Amharic መልአክ are put for debate. malakhim is the plural form in hebrew while መላእክት is the plural form of መልአክ in both Geez and in Amharic. ________________________________ _________________________________ Angels in Judaism For other uses, see Malach. In Judaism an angel (Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh, plural malakhim) is a messenger of God, an angelic envoy or an angel in general who appears throughout the Hebrew Bible, Rabbinic literature, and traditional Jewish liturgy. Angels in Judaism are categorized in different hierarchies. Etymology Hebrew "mal'akh" (מַלְאָךְ) is the standard Hebrew Bible word for "messenger", [both human and divine], though it is less used for human messengers in Modern Hebrew[1] as the latter is usually denoted by the term shaliyah (שליח). Here are the evidences below. ክርስቲያን ነን ትላላችሁ ነገር ግን መላዕክት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር የግብረ ሥጋ ግንኙነት ይፈጽማሉ የሚለውን ሃሳብ ትደግፋላችሁ። ይህ ትምህርት የክርስቶስን ተአምራዊ ልደት ያዳክማል። ያልኩበት ምክንያት እግዚአብሔር በቅድስት ድንግል ማርያም በኩል ከሰው ልጆች ጋር አንድ በመሆኑ ነው። ይህ በእግዚአብሔር እና በሰው መካከል ያለው አንድነት ያልተለመደ ክስተት ሆኖ ተመዝግቧል። ነገር ግን መላእክት ከእግዚአብሔር በፊት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር ተደባልቀው ነበር ማለቱ የኢየሱስን መወለድ በእርግጥ ይጎዳል። በመጀመሪያ ደረጃ, መላእክት የመራቢያ አካላት የላቸውም. መላእክት የማይራቡበት ምክንያት የዘላለም ሕይወት ስላላቸው ነው። እኛ ሰዎች ፣ ሟቾች ነን ፣ ግን መላእክት አይሞቱም። በዚህ ምክንያት ነው የምንባዛው. የቪዲዮው ደራሲ በጣም አስከፊ ስህተት ሰርቷል። መልአክ የሚለውን ቃል ፍቺ አላጠናም። በዕብራይስጥም በግእዝና በአማርኛም መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ሦስት ትርጉም አለው። መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ለሰው ልጆች ጥቅም ላይ ሊውል ይችላል. አንድ ሰው የቤተ ክርስቲያን መሪ ከሆነ መልአክ ተብሎ ይጠራል። ሚካኤል ወይም ገብርኤል መላእክት ይባላሉ። ሦስተኛው ትርጉም መልእክተኞች መሆን ነው። ለምሳሌ የነቢዩ ሚልክያስ ስም የመጣው መልአክ ከሚለው ቃል ነው።አሁን ከመጽሐፍ ቅዱስ ላሳይ። ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ:ምዕራፍ፴፮:፩ወመጽኡ መላእክተ:ነገደ:ቤተ:አቡሁ:ለገላአድ:ወልደ ማኪር:ወልደ:መናሴ:ዘእምነገደ:ደቂቀ:ዮሴፍ:ወይቤሉ:ቅድመ:ሙሴ:ወቅድመ:እልዓዛር:ካህን:ወቅድመ:[መላእክተ:]አብያተ:አበዊሆሙ:ለደቂቀ:እስራኤል ። ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ ምዕራፍ ፴፮:፩ከዮሴፍ ልጆች:ወገኖች:የምናሴ:ልጅ:የማኪር:ልጅ የገለዓድ:ልጆች:ወገን:አለቆች:ቀረቡ፥በሙሴና:በእስራኤልም:ልጆች:አባቶች:[አለቆች]:ፊት:ተናገሩ፤ ____________________________________________ ኦሪት:ዘጸአት:ምዕራፍ:፮:፲፬ ወእሉ:እሙንቱ:[መላእክት]:በበ:ቤተ:አበዊሆሙ፤ደቂቀ:ሮቤል:በኵሩ:ለእስራኤል:ሄኖኅ:ወፍሉሶ:ወአስሮን:ወከርሚ:ዝውእቱ:ትውልዲሁ:ለሮቤል። ኦሪት:ዘጸአት:ምዕራፍ:፮:፲፬ የአባታቸውም:ቤት:[አለቆች]:እነዚህ:ናቸው።የእስራኤል:የበኵር:ልጅ:የሮቤል:ልጆች፤ሄኖኅ፥ፈሉስ፥አስሮን፥ከርሚ፤እነዚህ:የሮቤል:ወገኖች:ናቸው። ____________________________________________ መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩ ወእሉ፡እሙንቱ[መላእክተ]አበዊሆሙ፡ እለ፡ ተኈለቁ፡ይዕርጉ፡ምስሌየ፡በመንግሥተ፡አርተሰስታ፡ንጉሥ፡እምባቢሎን። መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩በንጉሡ:በአርጤክስስ:መንግሥት:ከእኔ:ጋር:ከባቢሎን: የወጡ:የአባቶች:ቤቶች:[አለቆች]እነዚህ:ናቸው:ትውልዳቸውም:ይህ:ነው፤ __________________________________________________________________ Mezmure dawit 68 in Geez "27በጽሑ፡መላእክት፡ወቦሙ፡መዘምራነ ፤ማእከለ፡ደናግል፡ዘባጥያተ፡ከበሮ። 28በማኅበር፡ባርክዎ፡ለእግዚአብሔር፤ወለአማላክነ፡በአንቅዕተ፡እስራኤል። 29ህየ፡ብንያም፡ወሬዛ፡በኀይሉ፡ 30መላእክተ፡ይሁዳ፡ወመሳፍንቲሆሙ፤መላእክተ፡ዛብሉን፡መላእክተ፡ንፍታሌም። Mezmure dawit 68 in Amharic 25አለቆች:ቀደሙ፥መዘምራንም:ተከተሉ፤ ከበሮን:በሚመቱ:በቈነጃጅት:መካከል። 26እግዚአብሔርን:በጉባኤ፥ጌታችንንም: በእስራኤል:ምንጭ:አመስግኑት። 27ወጣቱ:ብንያም:በጕልበቱ:በዚያ:አለ፥ ገዦቻቸው:የይሁዳ:አለቆች:የዛብሎን:አለቆችና:የንፍታሌምም:አለቆች። Mezmure dawit 68 in English 26Bless ye God in the congregations, even the Lord, from the fountain of Israel. 27There is little Benjamin with their ruler, the princes of Judah and their council, the princes of Zebulun, and the princes of Naphtali. 28Thy God hath commanded thy strength: strengthen, O God, that which thou hast wrought for us. A)መላእክተ፡ይሁዳ= in geez B)የይሁዳ አለቆች = in Amharic C)Judah and their council All 3 are not talking about flying angels. Geez Revelation2:1ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያን፡ዘኤፌሶን፡ከመዝ፡ይቤለከ፡ዘያጸንዕ፡ሰብዐተ፡ኮከበ፡በየማኑ፡ዘየሐውር፡በማእከለ፡ስብዑ፡መኃትው፡ዘወርቅ። Amharic Revelation2:1በኤፌሶን:ወዳለው:ወደ ቤተ:ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ።በቀኝ:እጁ:ሰባቱን:ከዋክብት:የያዘው:በሰባቱም:የወርቅ:መቅረዞች:መካከል:የሚሄደው:እንዲህ:ይላል። English Revelation 2:1Unto the [angel of the church of Ephesus] write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks Geez Rev3:1ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያናት፡ዘሰርዴስ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ዘቦ፡ሰብዐተ፡መንፈስ፡ዘእምኀበ፡እግዚአብሔር፡ወሰብዐተ፡ኮከበ ። Amharic Rev3:1በሰርዴስም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ: ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ። ሰባቱ:የእግዚአብሔር:መናፍስትና:ሰባቱ: ከዋክብት:ያሉት:እንዲህ:ይላል።ሥራህን አውቃለሁ:ሕያው:እንደ:መሆንህ:ስም:አለህ:ሞተህማል። Geez Rev3:7ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ ክርስቲያን፡ዘፊልድልፍያ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ቅዱስ፡ወጻድቅ፡ዘኀቤሁ፡ይነብር፡ኵሉ፡መራኁተ ፡ ቤተ፡ዳዊት። Amharic Revelation3:7በፊልድልፍያም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ:ክርስቲያን[መልአክ]እንዲህ ብለህ:ጻፍ።የዳዊት:መክፈቻ:ያለው፤የሚከፍት፥የሚዘጋም:የሌለ፤የሚዘጋ፥የሚከፍትም:የሌለ፤g። Anak[ עֲנָק] in Hebrew it means Giant Anakim[עֲנָקִים] in Hebrew it means Giants If Anak means Giant and Nephilim means Giants why do people make such error in thinking it means fallen angels? The answer is simple the hebrew word Nephilim looks like the word Nophlim when writen in Hebrew like so Nephilim[נְפִילִים]vsNophelim[נֹפְלִים] . They are similar words at first glance but they have very different spelling and pronunciation. Example of Nophelim in the Bible. Deut22:4Thou shalt not see thy brother's ass or his ox fall downby the way, and hide thyself from them: thou shalt surely help him to lift them up again. ד לֹא-תִרְאֶה אֶת-חֲמוֹר אָחִיךָ אוֹ שׁוֹרוֹ, [נֹפְלִים] בַּדֶּרֶךְ, וְהִתְעַלַּמְתָּ, מֵהֶם: הָקֵם תָּקִים, עִמּוֹ. Also it is important to notice that there is a colon between Nephilim and Anak even in the Amharic translation. As you know a colon is used to describe what is already mentioned in the sentence.
Shame on you.... ስለ፡እውነት፡ከተወያየን፡ወንድሜ፡በቃላት፡ብዙዎቻችን፡ሲወድቁ፡እናያለን።ለምሳሌ፡መላእክት፡ወይንም፡መለአክ፡የሚለውን፡ቃል፡ስንመለከት።ፕሮቴስታንቱ፡እነሚካኤልን፡ይጠቁማል።ነገር፡ግን፡መለአክ፡የሚለው፡ቃል፡ሌሎች፡ትርጉሞች፡አሉት።By the way this misunderstanding led many to think the book Henok wasn't truthfull because they thought it said Angels has children with human beings. Just because the word መልአክ was used but it didn't mean angel. What is Etymology? et·y·mol·o·gy is a noun and it means the study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history. _________________________________________________________________ Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh,the Geez መልአክ and the Amharic መልአክ are put for debate. malakhim is the plural form in hebrew while መላእክት is the plural form of መልአክ in both Geez and in Amharic. ________________________________ _________________________________ Angels in Judaism For other uses, see Malach. In Judaism an angel (Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh, plural malakhim) is a messenger of God, an angelic envoy or an angel in general who appears throughout the Hebrew Bible, Rabbinic literature, and traditional Jewish liturgy. Angels in Judaism are categorized in different hierarchies. Etymology Hebrew "mal'akh" (מַלְאָךְ) is the standard Hebrew Bible word for "messenger", [both human and divine], though it is less used for human messengers in Modern Hebrew[1] as the latter is usually denoted by the term shaliyah (שליח). Here are the evidences below. ክርስቲያን ነን ትላላችሁ ነገር ግን መላዕክት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር የግብረ ሥጋ ግንኙነት ይፈጽማሉ የሚለውን ሃሳብ ትደግፋላችሁ። ይህ ትምህርት የክርስቶስን ተአምራዊ ልደት ያዳክማል። ያልኩበት ምክንያት እግዚአብሔር በቅድስት ድንግል ማርያም በኩል ከሰው ልጆች ጋር አንድ በመሆኑ ነው። ይህ በእግዚአብሔር እና በሰው መካከል ያለው አንድነት ያልተለመደ ክስተት ሆኖ ተመዝግቧል። ነገር ግን መላእክት ከእግዚአብሔር በፊት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር ተደባልቀው ነበር ማለቱ የኢየሱስን መወለድ በእርግጥ ይጎዳል። በመጀመሪያ ደረጃ, መላእክት የመራቢያ አካላት የላቸውም. መላእክት የማይራቡበት ምክንያት የዘላለም ሕይወት ስላላቸው ነው። እኛ ሰዎች ፣ ሟቾች ነን ፣ ግን መላእክት አይሞቱም። በዚህ ምክንያት ነው የምንባዛው. የቪዲዮው ደራሲ በጣም አስከፊ ስህተት ሰርቷል። መልአክ የሚለውን ቃል ፍቺ አላጠናም። በዕብራይስጥም በግእዝና በአማርኛም መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ሦስት ትርጉም አለው። መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ለሰው ልጆች ጥቅም ላይ ሊውል ይችላል. አንድ ሰው የቤተ ክርስቲያን መሪ ከሆነ መልአክ ተብሎ ይጠራል። ሚካኤል ወይም ገብርኤል መላእክት ይባላሉ። ሦስተኛው ትርጉም መልእክተኞች መሆን ነው። ለምሳሌ የነቢዩ ሚልክያስ ስም የመጣው መልአክ ከሚለው ቃል ነው።አሁን ከመጽሐፍ ቅዱስ ላሳይ። ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ:ምዕራፍ፴፮:፩ወመጽኡ መላእክተ:ነገደ:ቤተ:አቡሁ:ለገላአድ:ወልደ ማኪር:ወልደ:መናሴ:ዘእምነገደ:ደቂቀ:ዮሴፍ:ወይቤሉ:ቅድመ:ሙሴ:ወቅድመ:እልዓዛር:ካህን:ወቅድመ:[መላእክተ:]አብያተ:አበዊሆሙ:ለደቂቀ:እስራኤል ። ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ ምዕራፍ ፴፮:፩ከዮሴፍ ልጆች:ወገኖች:የምናሴ:ልጅ:የማኪር:ልጅ የገለዓድ:ልጆች:ወገን:አለቆች:ቀረቡ፥በሙሴና:በእስራኤልም:ልጆች:አባቶች:[አለቆች]:ፊት:ተናገሩ፤ ____________________________________________ ኦሪት:ዘጸአት:ምዕራፍ:፮:፲፬ ወእሉ:እሙንቱ:[መላእክት]:በበ:ቤተ:አበዊሆሙ፤ደቂቀ:ሮቤል:በኵሩ:ለእስራኤል:ሄኖኅ:ወፍሉሶ:ወአስሮን:ወከርሚ:ዝውእቱ:ትውልዲሁ:ለሮቤል። ኦሪት:ዘጸአት:ምዕራፍ:፮:፲፬ የአባታቸውም:ቤት:[አለቆች]:እነዚህ:ናቸው።የእስራኤል:የበኵር:ልጅ:የሮቤል:ልጆች፤ሄኖኅ፥ፈሉስ፥አስሮን፥ከርሚ፤እነዚህ:የሮቤል:ወገኖች:ናቸው። ____________________________________________ መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩ ወእሉ፡እሙንቱ[መላእክተ]አበዊሆሙ፡ እለ፡ ተኈለቁ፡ይዕርጉ፡ምስሌየ፡በመንግሥተ፡አርተሰስታ፡ንጉሥ፡እምባቢሎን። መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩በንጉሡ:በአርጤክስስ:መንግሥት:ከእኔ:ጋር:ከባቢሎን: የወጡ:የአባቶች:ቤቶች:[አለቆች]እነዚህ:ናቸው:ትውልዳቸውም:ይህ:ነው፤ __________________________________________________________________ Mezmure dawit 68 in Geez "27በጽሑ፡መላእክት፡ወቦሙ፡መዘምራነ ፤ማእከለ፡ደናግል፡ዘባጥያተ፡ከበሮ። 28በማኅበር፡ባርክዎ፡ለእግዚአብሔር፤ወለአማላክነ፡በአንቅዕተ፡እስራኤል። 29ህየ፡ብንያም፡ወሬዛ፡በኀይሉ፡ 30መላእክተ፡ይሁዳ፡ወመሳፍንቲሆሙ፤መላእክተ፡ዛብሉን፡መላእክተ፡ንፍታሌም። Mezmure dawit 68 in Amharic 25አለቆች:ቀደሙ፥መዘምራንም:ተከተሉ፤ ከበሮን:በሚመቱ:በቈነጃጅት:መካከል። 26እግዚአብሔርን:በጉባኤ፥ጌታችንንም: በእስራኤል:ምንጭ:አመስግኑት። 27ወጣቱ:ብንያም:በጕልበቱ:በዚያ:አለ፥ ገዦቻቸው:የይሁዳ:አለቆች:የዛብሎን:አለቆችና:የንፍታሌምም:አለቆች። Mezmure dawit 68 in English 26Bless ye God in the congregations, even the Lord, from the fountain of Israel. 27There is little Benjamin with their ruler, the princes of Judah and their council, the princes of Zebulun, and the princes of Naphtali. 28Thy God hath commanded thy strength: strengthen, O God, that which thou hast wrought for us. A)መላእክተ፡ይሁዳ= in geez B)የይሁዳ አለቆች = in Amharic C)Judah and their council All 3 are not talking about flying angels. Geez Revelation2:1ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያን፡ዘኤፌሶን፡ከመዝ፡ይቤለከ፡ዘያጸንዕ፡ሰብዐተ፡ኮከበ፡በየማኑ፡ዘየሐውር፡በማእከለ፡ስብዑ፡መኃትው፡ዘወርቅ። Amharic Revelation2:1በኤፌሶን:ወዳለው:ወደ ቤተ:ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ።በቀኝ:እጁ:ሰባቱን:ከዋክብት:የያዘው:በሰባቱም:የወርቅ:መቅረዞች:መካከል:የሚሄደው:እንዲህ:ይላል። English Revelation 2:1Unto the [angel of the church of Ephesus] write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks Geez Rev3:1ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያናት፡ዘሰርዴስ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ዘቦ፡ሰብዐተ፡መንፈስ፡ዘእምኀበ፡እግዚአብሔር፡ወሰብዐተ፡ኮከበ ። Amharic Rev3:1በሰርዴስም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ: ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ። ሰባቱ:የእግዚአብሔር:መናፍስትና:ሰባቱ: ከዋክብት:ያሉት:እንዲህ:ይላል።ሥራህን አውቃለሁ:ሕያው:እንደ:መሆንህ:ስም:አለህ:ሞተህማል። Geez Rev3:7ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ ክርስቲያን፡ዘፊልድልፍያ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ቅዱስ፡ወጻድቅ፡ዘኀቤሁ፡ይነብር፡ኵሉ፡መራኁተ ፡ ቤተ፡ዳዊት። Amharic Revelation3:7በፊልድልፍያም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ:ክርስቲያን[መልአክ]እንዲህ ብለህ:ጻፍ።የዳዊት:መክፈቻ:ያለው፤የሚከፍት፥የሚዘጋም:የሌለ፤የሚዘጋ፥የሚከፍትም:የሌለ፤g። Anak[ עֲנָק] in Hebrew it means Giant Anakim[עֲנָקִים] in Hebrew it means Giants If Anak means Giant and Nephilim means Giants why do people make such error in thinking it means fallen angels? The answer is simple the hebrew word Nephilim looks like the word Nophlim when writen in Hebrew like so Nephilim[נְפִילִים]vsNophelim[נֹפְלִים] . They are similar words at first glance but they have very different spelling and pronunciation. Example of Nophelim in the Bible. Deut22:4Thou shalt not see thy brother's ass or his ox fall downby the way, and hide thyself from them: thou shalt surely help him to lift them up again. ד לֹא-תִרְאֶה אֶת-חֲמוֹר אָחִיךָ אוֹ שׁוֹרוֹ, [נֹפְלִים] בַּדֶּרֶךְ, וְהִתְעַלַּמְתָּ, מֵהֶם: הָקֵם תָּקִים, עִמּוֹ. Also it is important to notice that there is a colon between Nephilim and Anak even in the Amharic translation. As you know a colon is used to describe what is already mentioned in the sentence.
@@martakassahun3062 Shame on you.... ስለ፡እውነት፡ከተወያየን፡ወንድሜ፡በቃላት፡ብዙዎቻችን፡ሲወድቁ፡እናያለን።ለምሳሌ፡መላእክት፡ወይንም፡መለአክ፡የሚለውን፡ቃል፡ስንመለከት።ፕሮቴስታንቱ፡እነሚካኤልን፡ይጠቁማል።ነገር፡ግን፡መለአክ፡የሚለው፡ቃል፡ሌሎች፡ትርጉሞች፡አሉት።By the way this misunderstanding led many to think the book Henok wasn't truthfull because they thought it said Angels has children with human beings. Just because the word መልአክ was used but it didn't mean angel. What is Etymology? et·y·mol·o·gy is a noun and it means the study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history. _________________________________________________________________ Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh,the Geez መልአክ and the Amharic መልአክ are put for debate. malakhim is the plural form in hebrew while መላእክት is the plural form of መልአክ in both Geez and in Amharic. ________________________________ _________________________________ Angels in Judaism For other uses, see Malach. In Judaism an angel (Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh, plural malakhim) is a messenger of God, an angelic envoy or an angel in general who appears throughout the Hebrew Bible, Rabbinic literature, and traditional Jewish liturgy. Angels in Judaism are categorized in different hierarchies. Etymology Hebrew "mal'akh" (מַלְאָךְ) is the standard Hebrew Bible word for "messenger", [both human and divine], though it is less used for human messengers in Modern Hebrew[1] as the latter is usually denoted by the term shaliyah (שליח). Here are the evidences below. ክርስቲያን ነን ትላላችሁ ነገር ግን መላዕክት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር የግብረ ሥጋ ግንኙነት ይፈጽማሉ የሚለውን ሃሳብ ትደግፋላችሁ። ይህ ትምህርት የክርስቶስን ተአምራዊ ልደት ያዳክማል። ያልኩበት ምክንያት እግዚአብሔር በቅድስት ድንግል ማርያም በኩል ከሰው ልጆች ጋር አንድ በመሆኑ ነው። ይህ በእግዚአብሔር እና በሰው መካከል ያለው አንድነት ያልተለመደ ክስተት ሆኖ ተመዝግቧል። ነገር ግን መላእክት ከእግዚአብሔር በፊት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር ተደባልቀው ነበር ማለቱ የኢየሱስን መወለድ በእርግጥ ይጎዳል። በመጀመሪያ ደረጃ, መላእክት የመራቢያ አካላት የላቸውም. መላእክት የማይራቡበት ምክንያት የዘላለም ሕይወት ስላላቸው ነው። እኛ ሰዎች ፣ ሟቾች ነን ፣ ግን መላእክት አይሞቱም። በዚህ ምክንያት ነው የምንባዛው. የቪዲዮው ደራሲ በጣም አስከፊ ስህተት ሰርቷል። መልአክ የሚለውን ቃል ፍቺ አላጠናም። በዕብራይስጥም በግእዝና በአማርኛም መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ሦስት ትርጉም አለው። መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ለሰው ልጆች ጥቅም ላይ ሊውል ይችላል. አንድ ሰው የቤተ ክርስቲያን መሪ ከሆነ መልአክ ተብሎ ይጠራል። ሚካኤል ወይም ገብርኤል መላእክት ይባላሉ። ሦስተኛው ትርጉም መልእክተኞች መሆን ነው። ለምሳሌ የነቢዩ ሚልክያስ ስም የመጣው መልአክ ከሚለው ቃል ነው።አሁን ከመጽሐፍ ቅዱስ ላሳይ። ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ:ምዕራፍ፴፮:፩ወመጽኡ መላእክተ:ነገደ:ቤተ:አቡሁ:ለገላአድ:ወልደ ማኪር:ወልደ:መናሴ:ዘእምነገደ:ደቂቀ:ዮሴፍ:ወይቤሉ:ቅድመ:ሙሴ:ወቅድመ:እልዓዛር:ካህን:ወቅድመ:[መላእክተ:]አብያተ:አበዊሆሙ:ለደቂቀ:እስራኤል ። ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ ምዕራፍ ፴፮:፩ከዮሴፍ ልጆች:ወገኖች:የምናሴ:ልጅ:የማኪር:ልጅ የገለዓድ:ልጆች:ወገን:አለቆች:ቀረቡ፥በሙሴና:በእስራኤልም:ልጆች:አባቶች:[አለቆች]:ፊት:ተናገሩ፤ ____________________________________________ ኦሪት:ዘጸአት:ምዕራፍ:፮:፲፬ ወእሉ:እሙንቱ:[መላእክት]:በበ:ቤተ:አበዊሆሙ፤ደቂቀ:ሮቤል:በኵሩ:ለእስራኤል:ሄኖኅ:ወፍሉሶ:ወአስሮን:ወከርሚ:ዝውእቱ:ትውልዲሁ:ለሮቤል። ኦሪት:ዘጸአት:ምዕራፍ:፮:፲፬ የአባታቸውም:ቤት:[አለቆች]:እነዚህ:ናቸው።የእስራኤል:የበኵር:ልጅ:የሮቤል:ልጆች፤ሄኖኅ፥ፈሉስ፥አስሮን፥ከርሚ፤እነዚህ:የሮቤል:ወገኖች:ናቸው። ____________________________________________ መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩ ወእሉ፡እሙንቱ[መላእክተ]አበዊሆሙ፡ እለ፡ ተኈለቁ፡ይዕርጉ፡ምስሌየ፡በመንግሥተ፡አርተሰስታ፡ንጉሥ፡እምባቢሎን። መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩በንጉሡ:በአርጤክስስ:መንግሥት:ከእኔ:ጋር:ከባቢሎን: የወጡ:የአባቶች:ቤቶች:[አለቆች]እነዚህ:ናቸው:ትውልዳቸውም:ይህ:ነው፤ __________________________________________________________________ Mezmure dawit 68 in Geez "27በጽሑ፡መላእክት፡ወቦሙ፡መዘምራነ ፤ማእከለ፡ደናግል፡ዘባጥያተ፡ከበሮ። 28በማኅበር፡ባርክዎ፡ለእግዚአብሔር፤ወለአማላክነ፡በአንቅዕተ፡እስራኤል። 29ህየ፡ብንያም፡ወሬዛ፡በኀይሉ፡ 30መላእክተ፡ይሁዳ፡ወመሳፍንቲሆሙ፤መላእክተ፡ዛብሉን፡መላእክተ፡ንፍታሌም። Mezmure dawit 68 in Amharic 25አለቆች:ቀደሙ፥መዘምራንም:ተከተሉ፤ ከበሮን:በሚመቱ:በቈነጃጅት:መካከል። 26እግዚአብሔርን:በጉባኤ፥ጌታችንንም: በእስራኤል:ምንጭ:አመስግኑት። 27ወጣቱ:ብንያም:በጕልበቱ:በዚያ:አለ፥ ገዦቻቸው:የይሁዳ:አለቆች:የዛብሎን:አለቆችና:የንፍታሌምም:አለቆች። Mezmure dawit 68 in English 26Bless ye God in the congregations, even the Lord, from the fountain of Israel. 27There is little Benjamin with their ruler, the princes of Judah and their council, the princes of Zebulun, and the princes of Naphtali. 28Thy God hath commanded thy strength: strengthen, O God, that which thou hast wrought for us. A)መላእክተ፡ይሁዳ= in geez B)የይሁዳ አለቆች = in Amharic C)Judah and their council All 3 are not talking about flying angels. Geez Revelation2:1ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያን፡ዘኤፌሶን፡ከመዝ፡ይቤለከ፡ዘያጸንዕ፡ሰብዐተ፡ኮከበ፡በየማኑ፡ዘየሐውር፡በማእከለ፡ስብዑ፡መኃትው፡ዘወርቅ። Amharic Revelation2:1በኤፌሶን:ወዳለው:ወደ ቤተ:ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ።በቀኝ:እጁ:ሰባቱን:ከዋክብት:የያዘው:በሰባቱም:የወርቅ:መቅረዞች:መካከል:የሚሄደው:እንዲህ:ይላል። English Revelation 2:1Unto the [angel of the church of Ephesus] write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks Geez Rev3:1ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያናት፡ዘሰርዴስ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ዘቦ፡ሰብዐተ፡መንፈስ፡ዘእምኀበ፡እግዚአብሔር፡ወሰብዐተ፡ኮከበ ። Amharic Rev3:1በሰርዴስም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ: ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ። ሰባቱ:የእግዚአብሔር:መናፍስትና:ሰባቱ: ከዋክብት:ያሉት:እንዲህ:ይላል።ሥራህን አውቃለሁ:ሕያው:እንደ:መሆንህ:ስም:አለህ:ሞተህማል። Geez Rev3:7ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ ክርስቲያን፡ዘፊልድልፍያ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ቅዱስ፡ወጻድቅ፡ዘኀቤሁ፡ይነብር፡ኵሉ፡መራኁተ ፡ ቤተ፡ዳዊት። Amharic Revelation3:7በፊልድልፍያም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ:ክርስቲያን[መልአክ]እንዲህ ብለህ:ጻፍ።የዳዊት:መክፈቻ:ያለው፤የሚከፍት፥የሚዘጋም:የሌለ፤የሚዘጋ፥የሚከፍትም:የሌለ፤g። Anak[ עֲנָק] in Hebrew it means Giant Anakim[עֲנָקִים] in Hebrew it means Giants If Anak means Giant and Nephilim means Giants why do people make such error in thinking it means fallen angels? The answer is simple the hebrew word Nephilim looks like the word Nophlim when writen in Hebrew like so Nephilim[נְפִילִים]vsNophelim[נֹפְלִים] . They are similar words at first glance but they have very different spelling and pronunciation. Example of Nophelim in the Bible. Deut22:4Thou shalt not see thy brother's ass or his ox fall downby the way, and hide thyself from them: thou shalt surely help him to lift them up again. ד לֹא-תִרְאֶה אֶת-חֲמוֹר אָחִיךָ אוֹ שׁוֹרוֹ, [נֹפְלִים] בַּדֶּרֶךְ, וְהִתְעַלַּמְתָּ, מֵהֶם: הָקֵם תָּקִים, עִמּוֹ. Also it is important to notice that there is a colon between Nephilim and Anak even in the Amharic translation. As you know a colon is used to describe what is already mentioned in the sentence.
Shame on you.... ስለ፡እውነት፡ከተወያየን፡ወንድሜ፡በቃላት፡ብዙዎቻችን፡ሲወድቁ፡እናያለን።ለምሳሌ፡መላእክት፡ወይንም፡መለአክ፡የሚለውን፡ቃል፡ስንመለከት።ፕሮቴስታንቱ፡እነሚካኤልን፡ይጠቁማል።ነገር፡ግን፡መለአክ፡የሚለው፡ቃል፡ሌሎች፡ትርጉሞች፡አሉት።By the way this misunderstanding led many to think the book Henok wasn't truthfull because they thought it said Angels has children with human beings. Just because the word መልአክ was used but it didn't mean angel. What is Etymology? et·y·mol·o·gy is a noun and it means the study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history. _________________________________________________________________ Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh,the Geez መልአክ and the Amharic መልአክ are put for debate. malakhim is the plural form in hebrew while መላእክት is the plural form of መልአክ in both Geez and in Amharic. ________________________________ _________________________________ Angels in Judaism For other uses, see Malach. In Judaism an angel (Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh, plural malakhim) is a messenger of God, an angelic envoy or an angel in general who appears throughout the Hebrew Bible, Rabbinic literature, and traditional Jewish liturgy. Angels in Judaism are categorized in different hierarchies. Etymology Hebrew "mal'akh" (מַלְאָךְ) is the standard Hebrew Bible word for "messenger", [both human and divine], though it is less used for human messengers in Modern Hebrew[1] as the latter is usually denoted by the term shaliyah (שליח). Here are the evidences below. ክርስቲያን ነን ትላላችሁ ነገር ግን መላዕክት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር የግብረ ሥጋ ግንኙነት ይፈጽማሉ የሚለውን ሃሳብ ትደግፋላችሁ። ይህ ትምህርት የክርስቶስን ተአምራዊ ልደት ያዳክማል። ያልኩበት ምክንያት እግዚአብሔር በቅድስት ድንግል ማርያም በኩል ከሰው ልጆች ጋር አንድ በመሆኑ ነው። ይህ በእግዚአብሔር እና በሰው መካከል ያለው አንድነት ያልተለመደ ክስተት ሆኖ ተመዝግቧል። ነገር ግን መላእክት ከእግዚአብሔር በፊት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር ተደባልቀው ነበር ማለቱ የኢየሱስን መወለድ በእርግጥ ይጎዳል። በመጀመሪያ ደረጃ, መላእክት የመራቢያ አካላት የላቸውም. መላእክት የማይራቡበት ምክንያት የዘላለም ሕይወት ስላላቸው ነው። እኛ ሰዎች ፣ ሟቾች ነን ፣ ግን መላእክት አይሞቱም። በዚህ ምክንያት ነው የምንባዛው. የቪዲዮው ደራሲ በጣም አስከፊ ስህተት ሰርቷል። መልአክ የሚለውን ቃል ፍቺ አላጠናም። በዕብራይስጥም በግእዝና በአማርኛም መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ሦስት ትርጉም አለው። መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ለሰው ልጆች ጥቅም ላይ ሊውል ይችላል. አንድ ሰው የቤተ ክርስቲያን መሪ ከሆነ መልአክ ተብሎ ይጠራል። ሚካኤል ወይም ገብርኤል መላእክት ይባላሉ። ሦስተኛው ትርጉም መልእክተኞች መሆን ነው። ለምሳሌ የነቢዩ ሚልክያስ ስም የመጣው መልአክ ከሚለው ቃል ነው።አሁን ከመጽሐፍ ቅዱስ ላሳይ። ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ:ምዕራፍ፴፮:፩ወመጽኡ መላእክተ:ነገደ:ቤተ:አቡሁ:ለገላአድ:ወልደ ማኪር:ወልደ:መናሴ:ዘእምነገደ:ደቂቀ:ዮሴፍ:ወይቤሉ:ቅድመ:ሙሴ:ወቅድመ:እልዓዛር:ካህን:ወቅድመ:[መላእክተ:]አብያተ:አበዊሆሙ:ለደቂቀ:እስራኤል ። ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ ምዕራፍ ፴፮:፩ከዮሴፍ ልጆች:ወገኖች:የምናሴ:ልጅ:የማኪር:ልጅ የገለዓድ:ልጆች:ወገን:አለቆች:ቀረቡ፥በሙሴና:በእስራኤልም:ልጆች:አባቶች:[አለቆች]:ፊት:ተናገሩ፤ ____________________________________________ ኦሪት:ዘጸአት:ምዕራፍ:፮:፲፬ ወእሉ:እሙንቱ:[መላእክት]:በበ:ቤተ:አበዊሆሙ፤ደቂቀ:ሮቤል:በኵሩ:ለእስራኤል:ሄኖኅ:ወፍሉሶ:ወአስሮን:ወከርሚ:ዝውእቱ:ትውልዲሁ:ለሮቤል። ኦሪት:ዘጸአት:ምዕራፍ:፮:፲፬ የአባታቸውም:ቤት:[አለቆች]:እነዚህ:ናቸው።የእስራኤል:የበኵር:ልጅ:የሮቤል:ልጆች፤ሄኖኅ፥ፈሉስ፥አስሮን፥ከርሚ፤እነዚህ:የሮቤል:ወገኖች:ናቸው። ____________________________________________ መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩ ወእሉ፡እሙንቱ[መላእክተ]አበዊሆሙ፡ እለ፡ ተኈለቁ፡ይዕርጉ፡ምስሌየ፡በመንግሥተ፡አርተሰስታ፡ንጉሥ፡እምባቢሎን። መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩በንጉሡ:በአርጤክስስ:መንግሥት:ከእኔ:ጋር:ከባቢሎን: የወጡ:የአባቶች:ቤቶች:[አለቆች]እነዚህ:ናቸው:ትውልዳቸውም:ይህ:ነው፤ __________________________________________________________________ Mezmure dawit 68 in Geez "27በጽሑ፡መላእክት፡ወቦሙ፡መዘምራነ ፤ማእከለ፡ደናግል፡ዘባጥያተ፡ከበሮ። 28በማኅበር፡ባርክዎ፡ለእግዚአብሔር፤ወለአማላክነ፡በአንቅዕተ፡እስራኤል። 29ህየ፡ብንያም፡ወሬዛ፡በኀይሉ፡ 30መላእክተ፡ይሁዳ፡ወመሳፍንቲሆሙ፤መላእክተ፡ዛብሉን፡መላእክተ፡ንፍታሌም። Mezmure dawit 68 in Amharic 25አለቆች:ቀደሙ፥መዘምራንም:ተከተሉ፤ ከበሮን:በሚመቱ:በቈነጃጅት:መካከል። 26እግዚአብሔርን:በጉባኤ፥ጌታችንንም: በእስራኤል:ምንጭ:አመስግኑት። 27ወጣቱ:ብንያም:በጕልበቱ:በዚያ:አለ፥ ገዦቻቸው:የይሁዳ:አለቆች:የዛብሎን:አለቆችና:የንፍታሌምም:አለቆች። Mezmure dawit 68 in English 26Bless ye God in the congregations, even the Lord, from the fountain of Israel. 27There is little Benjamin with their ruler, the princes of Judah and their council, the princes of Zebulun, and the princes of Naphtali. 28Thy God hath commanded thy strength: strengthen, O God, that which thou hast wrought for us. A)መላእክተ፡ይሁዳ= in geez B)የይሁዳ አለቆች = in Amharic C)Judah and their council All 3 are not talking about flying angels. Geez Revelation2:1ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያን፡ዘኤፌሶን፡ከመዝ፡ይቤለከ፡ዘያጸንዕ፡ሰብዐተ፡ኮከበ፡በየማኑ፡ዘየሐውር፡በማእከለ፡ስብዑ፡መኃትው፡ዘወርቅ። Amharic Revelation2:1በኤፌሶን:ወዳለው:ወደ ቤተ:ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ።በቀኝ:እጁ:ሰባቱን:ከዋክብት:የያዘው:በሰባቱም:የወርቅ:መቅረዞች:መካከል:የሚሄደው:እንዲህ:ይላል። English Revelation 2:1Unto the [angel of the church of Ephesus] write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks Geez Rev3:1ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያናት፡ዘሰርዴስ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ዘቦ፡ሰብዐተ፡መንፈስ፡ዘእምኀበ፡እግዚአብሔር፡ወሰብዐተ፡ኮከበ ። Amharic Rev3:1በሰርዴስም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ: ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ። ሰባቱ:የእግዚአብሔር:መናፍስትና:ሰባቱ: ከዋክብት:ያሉት:እንዲህ:ይላል።ሥራህን አውቃለሁ:ሕያው:እንደ:መሆንህ:ስም:አለህ:ሞተህማል። Geez Rev3:7ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ ክርስቲያን፡ዘፊልድልፍያ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ቅዱስ፡ወጻድቅ፡ዘኀቤሁ፡ይነብር፡ኵሉ፡መራኁተ ፡ ቤተ፡ዳዊት። Amharic Revelation3:7በፊልድልፍያም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ:ክርስቲያን[መልአክ]እንዲህ ብለህ:ጻፍ።የዳዊት:መክፈቻ:ያለው፤የሚከፍት፥የሚዘጋም:የሌለ፤የሚዘጋ፥የሚከፍትም:የሌለ፤g። Anak[ עֲנָק] in Hebrew it means Giant Anakim[עֲנָקִים] in Hebrew it means Giants If Anak means Giant and Nephilim means Giants why do people make such error in thinking it means fallen angels? The answer is simple the hebrew word Nephilim looks like the word Nophlim when writen in Hebrew like so Nephilim[נְפִילִים]vsNophelim[נֹפְלִים] . They are similar words at first glance but they have very different spelling and pronunciation. Example of Nophelim in the Bible. Deut22:4Thou shalt not see thy brother's ass or his ox fall downby the way, and hide thyself from them: thou shalt surely help him to lift them up again. ד לֹא-תִרְאֶה אֶת-חֲמוֹר אָחִיךָ אוֹ שׁוֹרוֹ, [נֹפְלִים] בַּדֶּרֶךְ, וְהִתְעַלַּמְתָּ, מֵהֶם: הָקֵם תָּקִים, עִמּוֹ. Also it is important to notice that there is a colon between Nephilim and Anak even in the Amharic translation. As you know a colon is used to describe what is already mentioned in the sentence.
Shame on all Ethiopian orthodox christians who agree with this video blindly.The book Henok never said Angels mixed with humans. The book of Enoch is consistent with what Jesus said when answering the pharisees. They had asked him about marriage with many women(polygamy) and divorce.Jesus response was it was not so (from the begining). Meaning that poligamous relationships started out from the descendants of Cain who were cursed due to various sins. As opposed to the descendents of Seth who were the hope for this world.Hence "children of God" or "children of heaven" much like today a person who has received faith and baptism is considered a child of God free from the everlasting curse mentioned in deut28:44-46. The christian is saved from the everlasting curse or born again is another expression used in the bible. However, sin exists in 3 forms. 1)everlasting curse 2) Daily sin 3) Unforgiveable sin The christian has been saved from the everlasting curse via baptism and faith. The christian can be saved from daily sins via repentance but he cannot be saved from the unforgivable sin. The unforgiven sin is blasphemy of the holy spirit. If a person uses the holy spirit as a pretext to advance a false doctrine it become basphemy because one is not to use the name of God invain. Unfirtunetly many say it "my calling" that false under unforgiven sin. Now about the book of Enoch. Now the book of Enoch and the Book of Jubilee were preserved in the Ge'ez language better known in the western world as Ethiopic. In Ge'ez language an angel in single form is መልአክ while angels is መላእክት and when you want to say [angels of...] the last letter in መላእክ[ት] becomes መላእክ[ተ] Now i will give various examples where the word መላእክት was used in the bible and it was translated as Chief or leader and not as a heavenly creature. In addition to the above 2 books Moses wrote in Genesis6:2ውሉደ:እግዚአብሔር which means the sons of God."ወሶበ፡ርእዩ፡[ውሉደ፡እግዚአብሔር]፡አዋልደ፡ሰብእ፡ከመ፡ሠናያት፡እማንቱ፡ነሥኡ፡እምኔሆን፡አንስትያ፡ዘኀረዩ፡ወዘአፍቀሩ። Gen6:22That [the sons of God] saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose Example #1 In the book of Numbers36:1 the word መላእክተ is seen twice in the verse and it was translated as [the chief] ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ:ምዕራፍ፴፮:፩ወመጽኡ [መላእክተ]:ነገደ:ቤተ:አቡሁ:ለገላአድ:ወልደ ማኪር:ወልደ:መናሴ:ዘእምነገደ:ደቂቀ:ዮሴፍ:ወይቤሉ:ቅድመ:ሙሴ:ወቅድመ:እልዓዛር:ካህን:ወቅድመ:[መላእክተ:]አብያተ:አበዊሆሙ:ለደቂቀ:እስራኤል ። Numbers 36:1And [the chief] fathers of the families of the children of Gilead, the son of Machir, the son of Manasseh, of the families of the sons of Joseph, came near, and spake before Moses, and before the princes, [the chief] fathers of the children of Israel: ______________________________________________ Example #2 In Exodus 6:14 the word መላእክት was translated as "the heads" as in leaders... ኦሪት:ዘጸአት:ምዕራፍ:፮:፲፬ ወእሉ:እሙንቱ:[መላእክት]:በበ:ቤተ:አበዊሆሙ፤ደቂቀ:ሮቤል:በኵሩ:ለእስራኤል:ሄኖኅ:ወፍሉሶ:ወአስሮን:ወከርሚ:ዝውእቱ:ትውልዲሁ:ለሮቤል። Exod6:14These be the heads of their fathers' houses: The sons of Reuben the firstborn of Israel; Hanoch, and Pallu, Hezron, and Carmi: these be the families of Reuben. Again we see the word(መላእክት) really meaning the heads (the leaders) ______________________________ Example #3 In the book of Ezra 8:1 the word መላእክተ was translated as "The heads of" መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩ ወእሉ፡እሙንቱ[መላእክተ]አበዊሆሙ፡ እለ፡ ተኈለቁ፡ይዕርጉ፡ምስሌየ፡በመንግሥተ፡አርተሰስታ፡ንጉሥ፡እምባቢሎን። Ezra 8:1 These are now the heads of their fathers' houses, and this is the genealogy of them that went up with me from Babylon, in the reign of Artaxerxes the king. ____________________________________ Example #4 Psalm 68 the word [መላእክተ] several times and each time it was translated as [Rulers of or Prince of] Mezmure dawit 68 in Geez "27በጽሑ፡መላእክት፡ወቦሙ፡መዘምራነ ፤ማእከለ፡ደናግል፡ዘባጥያተ፡ከበሮ። 28በማኅበር፡ባርክዎ፡ለእግዚአብሔር፤ወለአማላክነ፡በአንቅዕተ፡እስራኤል። 29ህየ፡ብንያም፡ወሬዛ፡በኀይሉ፡ 30[መላእክተ]፡ይሁዳ፡ወመሳፍንቲሆሙ፤[መላእክተ]፡ዛብሉን፡[መላእክተ]፡ንፍታሌም። Psalm 68 26Bless ye God in the congregations, even the Lord, from the fountain of Israel. 27There is little Benjamin with their ruler, the princes of Judah and their council, the princes of Zebulun, and the princes of Naphtali. 28Thy God hath commanded thy strength: strengthen, O God, that which thou hast wrought for us. Example#5 In the book of Revelation2:1 the word መልአከ which is angel in singular form.This word was translated as Angel. Angel of the church is understood by all christians that it means the Bishop or leader of the church and not a referrence to a heavenly ctreature with wings. Revelation2:1ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለ[መልአከ]፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያን፡ዘኤፌሶን፡ከመዝ፡ይቤለከ፡ዘያጸንዕ፡ሰብዐተ፡ኮከበ፡በየማኑ፡ዘየሐውር፡በማእከለ፡ስብዑ፡መኃትው፡ዘወርቅ። Revelation 2:1Unto the [angel of the church of Ephesus] write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks Brothers and sisters, let me give you another source. We are now going to look at it from the Hebrew language.anakim עֲנָקִים means giants.anak עֲנָק giant. If Anak means Giant and Nephilim means Giants why do people make such error in thinking it means fallen angels? The answer is simple the hebrew word Nephilim looks like the word Nophlim when writen in Hebrew like so Nephilim[נְפִילִים]vsNophelim[נֹפְלִים] you can see how these 2 Hebrew words can look similar to a non hebrew speaker. However they do not mean the same things. Let us take a look in the bible. Example of Nophelim in the Bible. Deut22:4Thou shalt not see thy brother's ass or his ox [fall down]by the way, and hide thyself from them: thou shalt surely help him to lift them up again. ד לֹא-תִרְאֶה אֶת-חֲמוֹר אָחִיךָ אוֹ שׁוֹרוֹ, [נֹפְלִים] בַּדֶּרֶךְ, וְהִתְעַלַּמְתָּ, מֵהֶם: הָקֵם תָּקִים, עִמּוֹ. So nophlim is related to the verb falling while nephelim is an adjective describing size. When it comes to doctrine only Jesus the word of God in flesh is to be the only one who can come from essence into existence and take human flesh in his mirraculous birth. Angels have everlasting life therefore no reproductive organs like the mortal humans. Saying angels mixed with human is directly undermines the birth of christ, and baptism which related to the crucifixion. We are baptized in his death. This video suggested that the ethiopian orthodox received the book of Enoch from the Falashas.That is ofcourse another false information.
Shame on you.... ስለ፡እውነት፡ከተወያየን፡ወንድሜ፡በቃላት፡ብዙዎቻችን፡ሲወድቁ፡እናያለን።ለምሳሌ፡መላእክት፡ወይንም፡መለአክ፡የሚለውን፡ቃል፡ስንመለከት።ፕሮቴስታንቱ፡እነሚካኤልን፡ይጠቁማል።ነገር፡ግን፡መለአክ፡የሚለው፡ቃል፡ሌሎች፡ትርጉሞች፡አሉት።By the way this misunderstanding led many to think the book Henok wasn't truthfull because they thought it said Angels has children with human beings. Just because the word መልአክ was used but it didn't mean angel. What is Etymology? et·y·mol·o·gy is a noun and it means the study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history. _________________________________________________________________ Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh,the Geez መልአክ and the Amharic መልአክ are put for debate. malakhim is the plural form in hebrew while መላእክት is the plural form of መልአክ in both Geez and in Amharic. ________________________________ _________________________________ Angels in Judaism For other uses, see Malach. In Judaism an angel (Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh, plural malakhim) is a messenger of God, an angelic envoy or an angel in general who appears throughout the Hebrew Bible, Rabbinic literature, and traditional Jewish liturgy. Angels in Judaism are categorized in different hierarchies. Etymology Hebrew "mal'akh" (מַלְאָךְ) is the standard Hebrew Bible word for "messenger", [both human and divine], though it is less used for human messengers in Modern Hebrew[1] as the latter is usually denoted by the term shaliyah (שליח). Here are the evidences below. ክርስቲያን ነን ትላላችሁ ነገር ግን መላዕክት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር የግብረ ሥጋ ግንኙነት ይፈጽማሉ የሚለውን ሃሳብ ትደግፋላችሁ። ይህ ትምህርት የክርስቶስን ተአምራዊ ልደት ያዳክማል። ያልኩበት ምክንያት እግዚአብሔር በቅድስት ድንግል ማርያም በኩል ከሰው ልጆች ጋር አንድ በመሆኑ ነው። ይህ በእግዚአብሔር እና በሰው መካከል ያለው አንድነት ያልተለመደ ክስተት ሆኖ ተመዝግቧል። ነገር ግን መላእክት ከእግዚአብሔር በፊት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር ተደባልቀው ነበር ማለቱ የኢየሱስን መወለድ በእርግጥ ይጎዳል። በመጀመሪያ ደረጃ, መላእክት የመራቢያ አካላት የላቸውም. መላእክት የማይራቡበት ምክንያት የዘላለም ሕይወት ስላላቸው ነው። እኛ ሰዎች ፣ ሟቾች ነን ፣ ግን መላእክት አይሞቱም። በዚህ ምክንያት ነው የምንባዛው. የቪዲዮው ደራሲ በጣም አስከፊ ስህተት ሰርቷል። መልአክ የሚለውን ቃል ፍቺ አላጠናም። በዕብራይስጥም በግእዝና በአማርኛም መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ሦስት ትርጉም አለው። መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ለሰው ልጆች ጥቅም ላይ ሊውል ይችላል. አንድ ሰው የቤተ ክርስቲያን መሪ ከሆነ መልአክ ተብሎ ይጠራል። ሚካኤል ወይም ገብርኤል መላእክት ይባላሉ። ሦስተኛው ትርጉም መልእክተኞች መሆን ነው። ለምሳሌ የነቢዩ ሚልክያስ ስም የመጣው መልአክ ከሚለው ቃል ነው።አሁን ከመጽሐፍ ቅዱስ ላሳይ። ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ:ምዕራፍ፴፮:፩ወመጽኡ መላእክተ:ነገደ:ቤተ:አቡሁ:ለገላአድ:ወልደ ማኪር:ወልደ:መናሴ:ዘእምነገደ:ደቂቀ:ዮሴፍ:ወይቤሉ:ቅድመ:ሙሴ:ወቅድመ:እልዓዛር:ካህን:ወቅድመ:[መላእክተ:]አብያተ:አበዊሆሙ:ለደቂቀ:እስራኤል ። ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ ምዕራፍ ፴፮:፩ከዮሴፍ ልጆች:ወገኖች:የምናሴ:ልጅ:የማኪር:ልጅ የገለዓድ:ልጆች:ወገን:አለቆች:ቀረቡ፥በሙሴና:በእስራኤልም:ልጆች:አባቶች:[አለቆች]:ፊት:ተናገሩ፤ ____________________________________________ ኦሪት:ዘጸአት:ምዕራፍ:፮:፲፬ ወእሉ:እሙንቱ:[መላእክት]:በበ:ቤተ:አበዊሆሙ፤ደቂቀ:ሮቤል:በኵሩ:ለእስራኤል:ሄኖኅ:ወፍሉሶ:ወአስሮን:ወከርሚ:ዝውእቱ:ትውልዲሁ:ለሮቤል። ኦሪት:ዘጸአት:ምዕራፍ:፮:፲፬ የአባታቸውም:ቤት:[አለቆች]:እነዚህ:ናቸው።የእስራኤል:የበኵር:ልጅ:የሮቤል:ልጆች፤ሄኖኅ፥ፈሉስ፥አስሮን፥ከርሚ፤እነዚህ:የሮቤል:ወገኖች:ናቸው። ____________________________________________ መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩ ወእሉ፡እሙንቱ[መላእክተ]አበዊሆሙ፡ እለ፡ ተኈለቁ፡ይዕርጉ፡ምስሌየ፡በመንግሥተ፡አርተሰስታ፡ንጉሥ፡እምባቢሎን። መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩በንጉሡ:በአርጤክስስ:መንግሥት:ከእኔ:ጋር:ከባቢሎን: የወጡ:የአባቶች:ቤቶች:[አለቆች]እነዚህ:ናቸው:ትውልዳቸውም:ይህ:ነው፤ __________________________________________________________________ Mezmure dawit 68 in Geez "27በጽሑ፡መላእክት፡ወቦሙ፡መዘምራነ ፤ማእከለ፡ደናግል፡ዘባጥያተ፡ከበሮ። 28በማኅበር፡ባርክዎ፡ለእግዚአብሔር፤ወለአማላክነ፡በአንቅዕተ፡እስራኤል። 29ህየ፡ብንያም፡ወሬዛ፡በኀይሉ፡ 30መላእክተ፡ይሁዳ፡ወመሳፍንቲሆሙ፤መላእክተ፡ዛብሉን፡መላእክተ፡ንፍታሌም። Mezmure dawit 68 in Amharic 25አለቆች:ቀደሙ፥መዘምራንም:ተከተሉ፤ ከበሮን:በሚመቱ:በቈነጃጅት:መካከል። 26እግዚአብሔርን:በጉባኤ፥ጌታችንንም: በእስራኤል:ምንጭ:አመስግኑት። 27ወጣቱ:ብንያም:በጕልበቱ:በዚያ:አለ፥ ገዦቻቸው:የይሁዳ:አለቆች:የዛብሎን:አለቆችና:የንፍታሌምም:አለቆች። Mezmure dawit 68 in English 26Bless ye God in the congregations, even the Lord, from the fountain of Israel. 27There is little Benjamin with their ruler, the princes of Judah and their council, the princes of Zebulun, and the princes of Naphtali. 28Thy God hath commanded thy strength: strengthen, O God, that which thou hast wrought for us. A)መላእክተ፡ይሁዳ= in geez B)የይሁዳ አለቆች = in Amharic C)Judah and their council All 3 are not talking about flying angels. Geez Revelation2:1ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያን፡ዘኤፌሶን፡ከመዝ፡ይቤለከ፡ዘያጸንዕ፡ሰብዐተ፡ኮከበ፡በየማኑ፡ዘየሐውር፡በማእከለ፡ስብዑ፡መኃትው፡ዘወርቅ። Amharic Revelation2:1በኤፌሶን:ወዳለው:ወደ ቤተ:ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ።በቀኝ:እጁ:ሰባቱን:ከዋክብት:የያዘው:በሰባቱም:የወርቅ:መቅረዞች:መካከል:የሚሄደው:እንዲህ:ይላል። English Revelation 2:1Unto the [angel of the church of Ephesus] write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks Geez Rev3:1ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያናት፡ዘሰርዴስ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ዘቦ፡ሰብዐተ፡መንፈስ፡ዘእምኀበ፡እግዚአብሔር፡ወሰብዐተ፡ኮከበ ። Amharic Rev3:1በሰርዴስም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ: ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ። ሰባቱ:የእግዚአብሔር:መናፍስትና:ሰባቱ: ከዋክብት:ያሉት:እንዲህ:ይላል።ሥራህን አውቃለሁ:ሕያው:እንደ:መሆንህ:ስም:አለህ:ሞተህማል። Geez Rev3:7ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ ክርስቲያን፡ዘፊልድልፍያ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ቅዱስ፡ወጻድቅ፡ዘኀቤሁ፡ይነብር፡ኵሉ፡መራኁተ ፡ ቤተ፡ዳዊት። Amharic Revelation3:7በፊልድልፍያም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ:ክርስቲያን[መልአክ]እንዲህ ብለህ:ጻፍ።የዳዊት:መክፈቻ:ያለው፤የሚከፍት፥የሚዘጋም:የሌለ፤የሚዘጋ፥የሚከፍትም:የሌለ፤g። Anak[ עֲנָק] in Hebrew it means Giant Anakim[עֲנָקִים] in Hebrew it means Giants If Anak means Giant and Nephilim means Giants why do people make such error in thinking it means fallen angels? The answer is simple the hebrew word Nephilim looks like the word Nophlim when writen in Hebrew like so Nephilim[נְפִילִים]vsNophelim[נֹפְלִים] . They are similar words at first glance but they have very different spelling and pronunciation. Example of Nophelim in the Bible. Deut22:4Thou shalt not see thy brother's ass or his ox fall downby the way, and hide thyself from them: thou shalt surely help him to lift them up again. ד לֹא-תִרְאֶה אֶת-חֲמוֹר אָחִיךָ אוֹ שׁוֹרוֹ, [נֹפְלִים] בַּדֶּרֶךְ, וְהִתְעַלַּמְתָּ, מֵהֶם: הָקֵם תָּקִים, עִמּוֹ. Also it is important to notice that there is a colon between Nephilim and Anak even in the Amharic translation. As you know a colon is used to describe what is already mentioned in the sentence.
Shame on you.... ስለ፡እውነት፡ከተወያየን፡ወንድሜ፡በቃላት፡ብዙዎቻችን፡ሲወድቁ፡እናያለን።ለምሳሌ፡መላእክት፡ወይንም፡መለአክ፡የሚለውን፡ቃል፡ስንመለከት።ፕሮቴስታንቱ፡እነሚካኤልን፡ይጠቁማል።ነገር፡ግን፡መለአክ፡የሚለው፡ቃል፡ሌሎች፡ትርጉሞች፡አሉት።By the way this misunderstanding led many to think the book Henok wasn't truthfull because they thought it said Angels has children with human beings. Just because the word መልአክ was used but it didn't mean angel. What is Etymology? et·y·mol·o·gy is a noun and it means the study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history. _________________________________________________________________ Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh,the Geez መልአክ and the Amharic መልአክ are put for debate. malakhim is the plural form in hebrew while መላእክት is the plural form of መልአክ in both Geez and in Amharic. ________________________________ _________________________________ Angels in Judaism For other uses, see Malach. In Judaism an angel (Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh, plural malakhim) is a messenger of God, an angelic envoy or an angel in general who appears throughout the Hebrew Bible, Rabbinic literature, and traditional Jewish liturgy. Angels in Judaism are categorized in different hierarchies. Etymology Hebrew "mal'akh" (מַלְאָךְ) is the standard Hebrew Bible word for "messenger", [both human and divine], though it is less used for human messengers in Modern Hebrew[1] as the latter is usually denoted by the term shaliyah (שליח). Here are the evidences below. ክርስቲያን ነን ትላላችሁ ነገር ግን መላዕክት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር የግብረ ሥጋ ግንኙነት ይፈጽማሉ የሚለውን ሃሳብ ትደግፋላችሁ። ይህ ትምህርት የክርስቶስን ተአምራዊ ልደት ያዳክማል። ያልኩበት ምክንያት እግዚአብሔር በቅድስት ድንግል ማርያም በኩል ከሰው ልጆች ጋር አንድ በመሆኑ ነው። ይህ በእግዚአብሔር እና በሰው መካከል ያለው አንድነት ያልተለመደ ክስተት ሆኖ ተመዝግቧል። ነገር ግን መላእክት ከእግዚአብሔር በፊት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር ተደባልቀው ነበር ማለቱ የኢየሱስን መወለድ በእርግጥ ይጎዳል። በመጀመሪያ ደረጃ, መላእክት የመራቢያ አካላት የላቸውም. መላእክት የማይራቡበት ምክንያት የዘላለም ሕይወት ስላላቸው ነው። እኛ ሰዎች ፣ ሟቾች ነን ፣ ግን መላእክት አይሞቱም። በዚህ ምክንያት ነው የምንባዛው. የቪዲዮው ደራሲ በጣም አስከፊ ስህተት ሰርቷል። መልአክ የሚለውን ቃል ፍቺ አላጠናም። በዕብራይስጥም በግእዝና በአማርኛም መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ሦስት ትርጉም አለው። መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ለሰው ልጆች ጥቅም ላይ ሊውል ይችላል. አንድ ሰው የቤተ ክርስቲያን መሪ ከሆነ መልአክ ተብሎ ይጠራል። ሚካኤል ወይም ገብርኤል መላእክት ይባላሉ። ሦስተኛው ትርጉም መልእክተኞች መሆን ነው። ለምሳሌ የነቢዩ ሚልክያስ ስም የመጣው መልአክ ከሚለው ቃል ነው።አሁን ከመጽሐፍ ቅዱስ ላሳይ። ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ:ምዕራፍ፴፮:፩ወመጽኡ መላእክተ:ነገደ:ቤተ:አቡሁ:ለገላአድ:ወልደ ማኪር:ወልደ:መናሴ:ዘእምነገደ:ደቂቀ:ዮሴፍ:ወይቤሉ:ቅድመ:ሙሴ:ወቅድመ:እልዓዛር:ካህን:ወቅድመ:[መላእክተ:]አብያተ:አበዊሆሙ:ለደቂቀ:እስራኤል ። ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ ምዕራፍ ፴፮:፩ከዮሴፍ ልጆች:ወገኖች:የምናሴ:ልጅ:የማኪር:ልጅ የገለዓድ:ልጆች:ወገን:አለቆች:ቀረቡ፥በሙሴና:በእስራኤልም:ልጆች:አባቶች:[አለቆች]:ፊት:ተናገሩ፤ ____________________________________________ ኦሪት:ዘጸአት:ምዕራፍ:፮:፲፬ ወእሉ:እሙንቱ:[መላእክት]:በበ:ቤተ:አበዊሆሙ፤ደቂቀ:ሮቤል:በኵሩ:ለእስራኤል:ሄኖኅ:ወፍሉሶ:ወአስሮን:ወከርሚ:ዝውእቱ:ትውልዲሁ:ለሮቤል። ኦሪት:ዘጸአት:ምዕራፍ:፮:፲፬ የአባታቸውም:ቤት:[አለቆች]:እነዚህ:ናቸው።የእስራኤል:የበኵር:ልጅ:የሮቤል:ልጆች፤ሄኖኅ፥ፈሉስ፥አስሮን፥ከርሚ፤እነዚህ:የሮቤል:ወገኖች:ናቸው። ____________________________________________ መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩ ወእሉ፡እሙንቱ[መላእክተ]አበዊሆሙ፡ እለ፡ ተኈለቁ፡ይዕርጉ፡ምስሌየ፡በመንግሥተ፡አርተሰስታ፡ንጉሥ፡እምባቢሎን። መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩በንጉሡ:በአርጤክስስ:መንግሥት:ከእኔ:ጋር:ከባቢሎን: የወጡ:የአባቶች:ቤቶች:[አለቆች]እነዚህ:ናቸው:ትውልዳቸውም:ይህ:ነው፤ __________________________________________________________________ Mezmure dawit 68 in Geez "27በጽሑ፡መላእክት፡ወቦሙ፡መዘምራነ ፤ማእከለ፡ደናግል፡ዘባጥያተ፡ከበሮ። 28በማኅበር፡ባርክዎ፡ለእግዚአብሔር፤ወለአማላክነ፡በአንቅዕተ፡እስራኤል። 29ህየ፡ብንያም፡ወሬዛ፡በኀይሉ፡ 30መላእክተ፡ይሁዳ፡ወመሳፍንቲሆሙ፤መላእክተ፡ዛብሉን፡መላእክተ፡ንፍታሌም። Mezmure dawit 68 in Amharic 25አለቆች:ቀደሙ፥መዘምራንም:ተከተሉ፤ ከበሮን:በሚመቱ:በቈነጃጅት:መካከል። 26እግዚአብሔርን:በጉባኤ፥ጌታችንንም: በእስራኤል:ምንጭ:አመስግኑት። 27ወጣቱ:ብንያም:በጕልበቱ:በዚያ:አለ፥ ገዦቻቸው:የይሁዳ:አለቆች:የዛብሎን:አለቆችና:የንፍታሌምም:አለቆች። Mezmure dawit 68 in English 26Bless ye God in the congregations, even the Lord, from the fountain of Israel. 27There is little Benjamin with their ruler, the princes of Judah and their council, the princes of Zebulun, and the princes of Naphtali. 28Thy God hath commanded thy strength: strengthen, O God, that which thou hast wrought for us. A)መላእክተ፡ይሁዳ= in geez B)የይሁዳ አለቆች = in Amharic C)Judah and their council All 3 are not talking about flying angels. Geez Revelation2:1ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያን፡ዘኤፌሶን፡ከመዝ፡ይቤለከ፡ዘያጸንዕ፡ሰብዐተ፡ኮከበ፡በየማኑ፡ዘየሐውር፡በማእከለ፡ስብዑ፡መኃትው፡ዘወርቅ። Amharic Revelation2:1በኤፌሶን:ወዳለው:ወደ ቤተ:ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ።በቀኝ:እጁ:ሰባቱን:ከዋክብት:የያዘው:በሰባቱም:የወርቅ:መቅረዞች:መካከል:የሚሄደው:እንዲህ:ይላል። English Revelation 2:1Unto the [angel of the church of Ephesus] write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks Geez Rev3:1ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያናት፡ዘሰርዴስ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ዘቦ፡ሰብዐተ፡መንፈስ፡ዘእምኀበ፡እግዚአብሔር፡ወሰብዐተ፡ኮከበ ። Amharic Rev3:1በሰርዴስም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ: ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ። ሰባቱ:የእግዚአብሔር:መናፍስትና:ሰባቱ: ከዋክብት:ያሉት:እንዲህ:ይላል።ሥራህን አውቃለሁ:ሕያው:እንደ:መሆንህ:ስም:አለህ:ሞተህማል። Geez Rev3:7ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ ክርስቲያን፡ዘፊልድልፍያ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ቅዱስ፡ወጻድቅ፡ዘኀቤሁ፡ይነብር፡ኵሉ፡መራኁተ ፡ ቤተ፡ዳዊት። Amharic Revelation3:7በፊልድልፍያም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ:ክርስቲያን[መልአክ]እንዲህ ብለህ:ጻፍ።የዳዊት:መክፈቻ:ያለው፤የሚከፍት፥የሚዘጋም:የሌለ፤የሚዘጋ፥የሚከፍትም:የሌለ፤g። Anak[ עֲנָק] in Hebrew it means Giant Anakim[עֲנָקִים] in Hebrew it means Giants If Anak means Giant and Nephilim means Giants why do people make such error in thinking it means fallen angels? The answer is simple the hebrew word Nephilim looks like the word Nophlim when writen in Hebrew like so Nephilim[נְפִילִים]vsNophelim[נֹפְלִים] . They are similar words at first glance but they have very different spelling and pronunciation. Example of Nophelim in the Bible. Deut22:4Thou shalt not see thy brother's ass or his ox fall downby the way, and hide thyself from them: thou shalt surely help him to lift them up again. ד לֹא-תִרְאֶה אֶת-חֲמוֹר אָחִיךָ אוֹ שׁוֹרוֹ, [נֹפְלִים] בַּדֶּרֶךְ, וְהִתְעַלַּמְתָּ, מֵהֶם: הָקֵם תָּקִים, עִמּוֹ. Also it is important to notice that there is a colon between Nephilim and Anak even in the Amharic translation. As you know a colon is used to describe what is already mentioned in the sentence.
@@habeshawethemi9345 Shame on you.... ስለ፡እውነት፡ከተወያየን፡ወንድሜ፡በቃላት፡ብዙዎቻችን፡ሲወድቁ፡እናያለን።ለምሳሌ፡መላእክት፡ወይንም፡መለአክ፡የሚለውን፡ቃል፡ስንመለከት።ፕሮቴስታንቱ፡እነሚካኤልን፡ይጠቁማል።ነገር፡ግን፡መለአክ፡የሚለው፡ቃል፡ሌሎች፡ትርጉሞች፡አሉት።By the way this misunderstanding led many to think the book Henok wasn't truthfull because they thought it said Angels has children with human beings. Just because the word መለአክ was used but it didn't mean angel. What is Etymology? et·y·mol·o·gy is a noun and it means the study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history. _________________________________________________________________ Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh,the Geez መልአክ and the Amharic መልአክ are put for debate. malakhim is the plural form in hebrew while መላእክት is the plural form of መልአክ in both Geez and in Amharic. ________________________________ _________________________________ Angels in Judaism For other uses, see Malach. In Judaism an angel (Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh, plural malakhim) is a messenger of God, an angelic envoy or an angel in general who appears throughout the Hebrew Bible, Rabbinic literature, and traditional Jewish liturgy. Angels in Judaism are categorized in different hierarchies. Etymology Hebrew "mal'akh" (מַלְאָךְ) is the standard Hebrew Bible word for "messenger", [both human and divine], though it is less used for human messengers in Modern Hebrew[1] as the latter is usually denoted by the term shaliyah (שליח). Here are the evidences below. ክርስቲያን ነን ትላላችሁ ነገር ግን መላዕክት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር የግብረ ሥጋ ግንኙነት ይፈጽማሉ የሚለውን ሃሳብ ትደግፋላችሁ። ይህ ትምህርት የክርስቶስን ተአምራዊ ልደት ያዳክማል። ያልኩበት ምክንያት እግዚአብሔር በቅድስት ድንግል ማርያም በኩል ከሰው ልጆች ጋር አንድ በመሆኑ ነው። ይህ በእግዚአብሔር እና በሰው መካከል ያለው አንድነት ያልተለመደ ክስተት ሆኖ ተመዝግቧል። ነገር ግን መላእክት ከእግዚአብሔር በፊት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር ተደባልቀው ነበር ማለቱ የኢየሱስን መወለድ በእርግጥ ይጎዳል። በመጀመሪያ ደረጃ, መላእክት የመራቢያ አካላት የላቸውም. መላእክት የማይራቡበት ምክንያት የዘላለም ሕይወት ስላላቸው ነው። እኛ ሰዎች ፣ ሟቾች ነን ፣ ግን መላእክት አይሞቱም። በዚህ ምክንያት ነው የምንባዛው. የቪዲዮው ደራሲ በጣም አስከፊ ስህተት ሰርቷል። መልአክ የሚለውን ቃል ፍቺ አላጠናም። በዕብራይስጥም በግእዝና በአማርኛም መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ሦስት ትርጉም አለው። መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ለሰው ልጆች ጥቅም ላይ ሊውል ይችላል. አንድ ሰው የቤተ ክርስቲያን መሪ ከሆነ መልአክ ተብሎ ይጠራል። ሚካኤል ወይም ገብርኤል መላእክት ይባላሉ። ሦስተኛው ትርጉም መልእክተኞች መሆን ነው። ለምሳሌ የነቢዩ ሚልክያስ ስም የመጣው መልአክ ከሚለው ቃል ነው።አሁን ከመጽሐፍ ቅዱስ ላሳይ። ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ:ምዕራፍ፴፮:፩ወመጽኡ መላእክተ:ነገደ:ቤተ:አቡሁ:ለገላአድ:ወልደ ማኪር:ወልደ:መናሴ:ዘእምነገደ:ደቂቀ:ዮሴፍ:ወይቤሉ:ቅድመ:ሙሴ:ወቅድመ:እልዓዛር:ካህን:ወቅድመ:[መላእክተ:]አብያተ:አበዊሆሙ:ለደቂቀ:እስራኤል ። ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ ምዕራፍ ፴፮:፩ከዮሴፍ ልጆች:ወገኖች:የምናሴ:ልጅ:የማኪር:ልጅ የገለዓድ:ልጆች:ወገን:አለቆች:ቀረቡ፥በሙሴና:በእስራኤልም:ልጆች:አባቶች:[አለቆች]:ፊት:ተናገሩ፤ __________________________________________________________________ ኦሪት:ዘጸአት:ምዕራፍ:፮:፲፬ ወእሉ:እሙንቱ:[መላእክት]:በበ:ቤተ:አበዊሆሙ፤ደቂቀ:ሮቤል:በኵሩ:ለእስራኤል:ሄኖኅ:ወፍሉሶ:ወአስሮን:ወከርሚ:ዝውእቱ:ትውልዲሁ:ለሮቤል። ኦሪት:ዘጸአት:ምዕራፍ:፮:፲፬ የአባታቸውም:ቤት:[አለቆች]:እነዚህ:ናቸው።የእስራኤል:የበኵር:ልጅ:የሮቤል:ልጆች፤ሄኖኅ፥ፈሉስ፥አስሮን፥ከርሚ፤እነዚህ:የሮቤል:ወገኖች:ናቸው። __________________________________________________________________ መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩ ወእሉ፡እሙንቱ[መላእክተ]አበዊሆሙ፡ እለ፡ ተኈለቁ፡ይዕርጉ፡ምስሌየ፡በመንግሥተ፡አርተሰስታ፡ንጉሥ፡እምባቢሎን። መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩በንጉሡ:በአርጤክስስ:መንግሥት:ከእኔ:ጋር:ከባቢሎን: የወጡ:የአባቶች:ቤቶች:[አለቆች]እነዚህ:ናቸው:ትውልዳቸውም:ይህ:ነው፤ __________________________________________________________________ Mezmure dawit 68 in Geez "27በጽሑ፡መላእክት፡ወቦሙ፡መዘምራነ ፤ማእከለ፡ደናግል፡ዘባጥያተ፡ከበሮ። 28በማኅበር፡ባርክዎ፡ለእግዚአብሔር፤ወለአማላክነ፡በአንቅዕተ፡እስራኤል። 29ህየ፡ብንያም፡ወሬዛ፡በኀይሉ፡ 30መላእክተ፡ይሁዳ፡ወመሳፍንቲሆሙ፤መላእክተ፡ዛብሉን፡መላእክተ፡ንፍታሌም። Mezmure dawit 68 in Amharic 25አለቆች:ቀደሙ፥መዘምራንም:ተከተሉ፤ ከበሮን:በሚመቱ:በቈነጃጅት:መካከል። 26እግዚአብሔርን:በጉባኤ፥ጌታችንንም: በእስራኤል:ምንጭ:አመስግኑት። 27ወጣቱ:ብንያም:በጕልበቱ:በዚያ:አለ፥ ገዦቻቸው:የይሁዳ:አለቆች:የዛብሎን:አለቆችና:የንፍታሌምም:አለቆች። Mezmure dawit 68 in English 26Bless ye God in the congregations, even the Lord, from the fountain of Israel. 27There is little Benjamin with their ruler, the princes of Judah and their council, the princes of Zebulun, and the princes of Naphtali. 28Thy God hath commanded thy strength: strengthen, O God, that which thou hast wrought for us. A)መላእክተ፡ይሁዳ= in geez B)የይሁዳ አለቆች = in Amharic C)Judah and their council All 3 are not talking about flying angels. Geez Revelation2:1ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያን፡ዘኤፌሶን፡ከመዝ፡ይቤለከ፡ዘያጸንዕ፡ሰብዐተ፡ኮከበ፡በየማኑ፡ዘየሐውር፡በማእከለ፡ስብዑ፡መኃትው፡ዘወርቅ። Amharic Revelation2:1በኤፌሶን:ወዳለው:ወደ ቤተ:ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ።በቀኝ:እጁ:ሰባቱን:ከዋክብት:የያዘው:በሰባቱም:የወርቅ:መቅረዞች:መካከል:የሚሄደው:እንዲህ:ይላል። English Revelation 2:1Unto the [angel of the church of Ephesus] write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks Geez Rev3:1ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያናት፡ዘሰርዴስ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ዘቦ፡ሰብዐተ፡መንፈስ፡ዘእምኀበ፡እግዚአብሔር፡ወሰብዐተ፡ኮከበ ። Amharic Rev3:1በሰርዴስም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ: ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ። ሰባቱ:የእግዚአብሔር:መናፍስትና:ሰባቱ: ከዋክብት:ያሉት:እንዲህ:ይላል።ሥራህን አውቃለሁ:ሕያው:እንደ:መሆንህ:ስም:አለህ:ሞተህማል። Geez Rev3:7ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ ክርስቲያን፡ዘፊልድልፍያ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ቅዱስ፡ወጻድቅ፡ዘኀቤሁ፡ይነብር፡ኵሉ፡መራኁተ ፡ ቤተ፡ዳዊት። Amharic Revelation3:7በፊልድልፍያም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ:ክርስቲያን[መልአክ]እንዲህ ብለህ:ጻፍ።የዳዊት:መክፈቻ:ያለው፤የሚከፍት፥የሚዘጋም:የሌለ፤የሚዘጋ፥የሚከፍትም:የሌለ፤g።
Shame on you.... ስለ፡እውነት፡ከተወያየን፡ወንድሜ፡በቃላት፡ብዙዎቻችን፡ሲወድቁ፡እናያለን።ለምሳሌ፡መላእክት፡ወይንም፡መለአክ፡የሚለውን፡ቃል፡ስንመለከት።ፕሮቴስታንቱ፡እነሚካኤልን፡ይጠቁማል።ነገር፡ግን፡መለአክ፡የሚለው፡ቃል፡ሌሎች፡ትርጉሞች፡አሉት።By the way this misunderstanding led many to think the book Henok wasn't truthfull because they thought it said Angels has children with human beings. Just because the word መልአክ was used but it didn't mean angel. What is Etymology? et·y·mol·o·gy is a noun and it means the study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history. _________________________________________________________________ Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh,the Geez መልአክ and the Amharic መልአክ are put for debate. malakhim is the plural form in hebrew while መላእክት is the plural form of መልአክ in both Geez and in Amharic. ________________________________ _________________________________ Angels in Judaism For other uses, see Malach. In Judaism an angel (Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh, plural malakhim) is a messenger of God, an angelic envoy or an angel in general who appears throughout the Hebrew Bible, Rabbinic literature, and traditional Jewish liturgy. Angels in Judaism are categorized in different hierarchies. Etymology Hebrew "mal'akh" (מַלְאָךְ) is the standard Hebrew Bible word for "messenger", [both human and divine], though it is less used for human messengers in Modern Hebrew[1] as the latter is usually denoted by the term shaliyah (שליח). Here are the evidences below. ክርስቲያን ነን ትላላችሁ ነገር ግን መላዕክት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር የግብረ ሥጋ ግንኙነት ይፈጽማሉ የሚለውን ሃሳብ ትደግፋላችሁ። ይህ ትምህርት የክርስቶስን ተአምራዊ ልደት ያዳክማል። ያልኩበት ምክንያት እግዚአብሔር በቅድስት ድንግል ማርያም በኩል ከሰው ልጆች ጋር አንድ በመሆኑ ነው። ይህ በእግዚአብሔር እና በሰው መካከል ያለው አንድነት ያልተለመደ ክስተት ሆኖ ተመዝግቧል። ነገር ግን መላእክት ከእግዚአብሔር በፊት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር ተደባልቀው ነበር ማለቱ የኢየሱስን መወለድ በእርግጥ ይጎዳል። በመጀመሪያ ደረጃ, መላእክት የመራቢያ አካላት የላቸውም. መላእክት የማይራቡበት ምክንያት የዘላለም ሕይወት ስላላቸው ነው። እኛ ሰዎች ፣ ሟቾች ነን ፣ ግን መላእክት አይሞቱም። በዚህ ምክንያት ነው የምንባዛው. የቪዲዮው ደራሲ በጣም አስከፊ ስህተት ሰርቷል። መልአክ የሚለውን ቃል ፍቺ አላጠናም። በዕብራይስጥም በግእዝና በአማርኛም መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ሦስት ትርጉም አለው። መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ለሰው ልጆች ጥቅም ላይ ሊውል ይችላል. አንድ ሰው የቤተ ክርስቲያን መሪ ከሆነ መልአክ ተብሎ ይጠራል። ሚካኤል ወይም ገብርኤል መላእክት ይባላሉ። ሦስተኛው ትርጉም መልእክተኞች መሆን ነው። ለምሳሌ የነቢዩ ሚልክያስ ስም የመጣው መልአክ ከሚለው ቃል ነው።አሁን ከመጽሐፍ ቅዱስ ላሳይ። ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ:ምዕራፍ፴፮:፩ወመጽኡ መላእክተ:ነገደ:ቤተ:አቡሁ:ለገላአድ:ወልደ ማኪር:ወልደ:መናሴ:ዘእምነገደ:ደቂቀ:ዮሴፍ:ወይቤሉ:ቅድመ:ሙሴ:ወቅድመ:እልዓዛር:ካህን:ወቅድመ:[መላእክተ:]አብያተ:አበዊሆሙ:ለደቂቀ:እስራኤል ። ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ ምዕራፍ ፴፮:፩ከዮሴፍ ልጆች:ወገኖች:የምናሴ:ልጅ:የማኪር:ልጅ የገለዓድ:ልጆች:ወገን:አለቆች:ቀረቡ፥በሙሴና:በእስራኤልም:ልጆች:አባቶች:[አለቆች]:ፊት:ተናገሩ፤ ____________________________________________ ኦሪት:ዘጸአት:ምዕራፍ:፮:፲፬ ወእሉ:እሙንቱ:[መላእክት]:በበ:ቤተ:አበዊሆሙ፤ደቂቀ:ሮቤል:በኵሩ:ለእስራኤል:ሄኖኅ:ወፍሉሶ:ወአስሮን:ወከርሚ:ዝውእቱ:ትውልዲሁ:ለሮቤል። ኦሪት:ዘጸአት:ምዕራፍ:፮:፲፬ የአባታቸውም:ቤት:[አለቆች]:እነዚህ:ናቸው።የእስራኤል:የበኵር:ልጅ:የሮቤል:ልጆች፤ሄኖኅ፥ፈሉስ፥አስሮን፥ከርሚ፤እነዚህ:የሮቤል:ወገኖች:ናቸው። ____________________________________________ መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩ ወእሉ፡እሙንቱ[መላእክተ]አበዊሆሙ፡ እለ፡ ተኈለቁ፡ይዕርጉ፡ምስሌየ፡በመንግሥተ፡አርተሰስታ፡ንጉሥ፡እምባቢሎን። መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩በንጉሡ:በአርጤክስስ:መንግሥት:ከእኔ:ጋር:ከባቢሎን: የወጡ:የአባቶች:ቤቶች:[አለቆች]እነዚህ:ናቸው:ትውልዳቸውም:ይህ:ነው፤ __________________________________________________________________ Mezmure dawit 68 in Geez "27በጽሑ፡መላእክት፡ወቦሙ፡መዘምራነ ፤ማእከለ፡ደናግል፡ዘባጥያተ፡ከበሮ። 28በማኅበር፡ባርክዎ፡ለእግዚአብሔር፤ወለአማላክነ፡በአንቅዕተ፡እስራኤል። 29ህየ፡ብንያም፡ወሬዛ፡በኀይሉ፡ 30መላእክተ፡ይሁዳ፡ወመሳፍንቲሆሙ፤መላእክተ፡ዛብሉን፡መላእክተ፡ንፍታሌም። Mezmure dawit 68 in Amharic 25አለቆች:ቀደሙ፥መዘምራንም:ተከተሉ፤ ከበሮን:በሚመቱ:በቈነጃጅት:መካከል። 26እግዚአብሔርን:በጉባኤ፥ጌታችንንም: በእስራኤል:ምንጭ:አመስግኑት። 27ወጣቱ:ብንያም:በጕልበቱ:በዚያ:አለ፥ ገዦቻቸው:የይሁዳ:አለቆች:የዛብሎን:አለቆችና:የንፍታሌምም:አለቆች። Mezmure dawit 68 in English 26Bless ye God in the congregations, even the Lord, from the fountain of Israel. 27There is little Benjamin with their ruler, the princes of Judah and their council, the princes of Zebulun, and the princes of Naphtali. 28Thy God hath commanded thy strength: strengthen, O God, that which thou hast wrought for us. A)መላእክተ፡ይሁዳ= in geez B)የይሁዳ አለቆች = in Amharic C)Judah and their council All 3 are not talking about flying angels. Geez Revelation2:1ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያን፡ዘኤፌሶን፡ከመዝ፡ይቤለከ፡ዘያጸንዕ፡ሰብዐተ፡ኮከበ፡በየማኑ፡ዘየሐውር፡በማእከለ፡ስብዑ፡መኃትው፡ዘወርቅ። Amharic Revelation2:1በኤፌሶን:ወዳለው:ወደ ቤተ:ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ።በቀኝ:እጁ:ሰባቱን:ከዋክብት:የያዘው:በሰባቱም:የወርቅ:መቅረዞች:መካከል:የሚሄደው:እንዲህ:ይላል። English Revelation 2:1Unto the [angel of the church of Ephesus] write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks Geez Rev3:1ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያናት፡ዘሰርዴስ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ዘቦ፡ሰብዐተ፡መንፈስ፡ዘእምኀበ፡እግዚአብሔር፡ወሰብዐተ፡ኮከበ ። Amharic Rev3:1በሰርዴስም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ: ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ። ሰባቱ:የእግዚአብሔር:መናፍስትና:ሰባቱ: ከዋክብት:ያሉት:እንዲህ:ይላል።ሥራህን አውቃለሁ:ሕያው:እንደ:መሆንህ:ስም:አለህ:ሞተህማል። Geez Rev3:7ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ ክርስቲያን፡ዘፊልድልፍያ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ቅዱስ፡ወጻድቅ፡ዘኀቤሁ፡ይነብር፡ኵሉ፡መራኁተ ፡ ቤተ፡ዳዊት። Amharic Revelation3:7በፊልድልፍያም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ:ክርስቲያን[መልአክ]እንዲህ ብለህ:ጻፍ።የዳዊት:መክፈቻ:ያለው፤የሚከፍት፥የሚዘጋም:የሌለ፤የሚዘጋ፥የሚከፍትም:የሌለ፤g። Anak[ עֲנָק] in Hebrew it means Giant Anakim[עֲנָקִים] in Hebrew it means Giants If Anak means Giant and Nephilim means Giants why do people make such error in thinking it means fallen angels? The answer is simple the hebrew word Nephilim looks like the word Nophlim when writen in Hebrew like so Nephilim[נְפִילִים]vsNophelim[נֹפְלִים] . They are similar words at first glance but they have very different spelling and pronunciation. Example of Nophelim in the Bible. Deut22:4Thou shalt not see thy brother's ass or his ox fall downby the way, and hide thyself from them: thou shalt surely help him to lift them up again. ד לֹא-תִרְאֶה אֶת-חֲמוֹר אָחִיךָ אוֹ שׁוֹרוֹ, [נֹפְלִים] בַּדֶּרֶךְ, וְהִתְעַלַּמְתָּ, מֵהֶם: הָקֵם תָּקִים, עִמּוֹ. Also it is important to notice that there is a colon between Nephilim and Anak even in the Amharic translation. As you know a colon is used to describe what is already mentioned in the sentence.
@Ermi yes I do know what i am talking about.Do you want me to explain it to you? I suggest you read the entire text.The book of Henok never said that angels had mixed with humans. This notion came from the misunderstanding of the word angel (መልአክ) which isn't limited to angelic beings like Michael and Gabriel The word (መልአክ) can be used for human beings as well. In fact, the Bible makes use of this word (መልአክ) when speaking of human beings. I gave the verses in my other post. So to translate the book of Henok as a book that talks about angelic being mixing with human beings is a serious error. Let me give you few examples directly from the bible. Let us read in Ge'ez Revelation2:1ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለ[መልአከ፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያን]፡ዘኤፌሶን፡ከመዝ፡ይቤለከ፡ዘያጸንዕ፡ሰብዐተ፡ኮከበ፡በየማኑ፡ዘየሐውር፡በማእከለ፡ስብዑ፡መኃትው፡ዘወርቅ። Let us read the above verse in Amharic Revelation2:1በኤፌሶን:ወዳለው:ወደ ቤተ:ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ።በቀኝ:እጁ:ሰባቱን:ከዋክብት:የያዘው:በሰባቱም:የወርቅ:መቅረዞች:መካከል:የሚሄደው:እንዲህ:ይላል። Clearly "መልአከ፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያን" is a human being not an angelic being.The head of the church is referred to as አለቃ or መልአክ Example 2 Let us read in Ge'ez ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ:ምዕራፍ፴፮:፩ወመጽኡ መላእክተ:ነገደ:ቤተ:አቡሁ:ለገላአድ:ወልደ ማኪር:ወልደ:መናሴ:ዘእምነገደ:ደቂቀ:ዮሴፍ:ወይቤሉ:ቅድመ:ሙሴ:ወቅድመ:እልዓዛር:ካህን:ወቅድመ:[መላእክተ:]አብያተ:አበዊሆሙ:ለደቂቀ:እስራኤል ። Let us read the same verse in Amharic ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ ምዕራፍ ፴፮:፩ከዮሴፍ ልጆች:ወገኖች:የምናሴ:ልጅ:የማኪር:ልጅ የገለዓድ:ልጆች:ወገን:አለቆች:ቀረቡ፥በሙሴና:በእስራኤልም:ልጆች:አባቶች:[አለቆች]:ፊት:ተናገሩ፤ Clearly መላእክተ:አብያተ:አበዊሆሙ was translated as አባቶች:አለቆች and not as angelic beings. If you have doubts let us read the above verse in English 🙂 Numb36:1And the chief fathers of the families of the children of Gilead, the son of Machir, the son of Manasseh, of the families of the sons of Joseph, came near, and spake before Moses, and before the princes, the chieffathers of the children of Israel: (Chief fathers are human beings) Example 3 Let us read in Ge'ez ኦሪት:ዘጸአት:ምዕራፍ:፮:፲፬ ወእሉ:እሙንቱ:[መላእክት]:በበ:ቤተ:አበዊሆሙ፤ደቂቀ:ሮቤል:በኵሩ:ለእስራኤል:ሄኖኅ:ወፍሉሶ:ወአስሮን:ወከርሚ:ዝውእቱ:ትውልዲሁ:ለሮቤል። Let us read the same verse in Amharic ኦሪት:ዘጸአት:ምዕራፍ:፮:፲፬ የአባታቸውም:ቤት:[አለቆች]:እነዚህ:ናቸው።የእስራኤል:የበኵር:ልጅ:የሮቤል:ልጆች፤ሄኖኅ፥ፈሉስ፥አስሮን፥ከርሚ፤እነዚህ:የሮቤል:ወገኖች:ናቸው። Exod6:14These be the heads of their fathers' houses: The sons of Reuben the firstborn of Israel; Hanoch, and Pallu, Hezron, and Carmi: these be the families of Reuben. Again we see the word(መላእክት) really meaning the heads (the leaders) Ermi, let me know if you understood the above message or am I moving too fast for you?🙂 Because if you have doubts that I am telling the true let us look at the book Henok itself to make sure if he is talking about "humans" and not "angelic beings". ሄኖክ። chapter 2 2:1የሰው፡ልጆች፡ከበዙ፡በኋላ፡እንዲህ፡ሆነ። 2:1After humans increased in number this happened. 2:2በዚያ፡ወራትም፡መልከ፡መልካሞች፡ደመ፡ግብዎች፡ልጆች፡ተወለዱላቸው፡በደብር፡ቅዱስ፡ያሉ፡ደቂቀ፡ሴትም፡እነሱን፡አይተው፡ወደዷቸው። 2:2In those (months/days) good looking children were born to them. The children of Seth, who lived at the holy mountain saw them and fell in love with them. (Ermi, Seth is the 3rd son of Adam and his descendants are humans not angelic beings) 2:3እርስ፡በርሳቸውም፡ኑ፡ለኛ፡ከቃየል፡ልጆች፡ሴቶችን፡እንምረጥ፡ለኛ፡ልጆች፡እንውለድ፡አሉ። 2:3They said amongst each others come let's choose women from amongst the children of (kael/Kain). (Ermi, the children of Seth lusted over the children of kain. kain is the son of Adam not an angelic being. His descendants are fruitof polygamous marriages which made them unclean in the eyes of God) 2:4አለቃቸው፡የሆነ፡ስማዝያ፡እኔስ፡ይህ፡ሥራ፡ይሠራ፡ዘንድ፡አትወዱም፡ብዬ፡እነሆ፡እፈራለሁ፡የዚችም፡የፀናች፡ኃጢአት፡ፍዳ፡እምቀበል፡እኔ፡ብቻ፡እሆናለሁ፡አላቸው። 2:4Their leader Semazia said to them, because you wouldn't like the outcome of this great sin only I will receive the punishment. 2:5ይችን፡ምክር፡እዳንለውጣት፡ይችንም፡ምክር፡ቁም፡ነገር፡እንድናደርጋት፡ሁላችን፡ተለያይተን፡እርስ፡በርሳችን፡ማላን፡እንማማል፡ብሉው፡ሁሉም፡መለሱለት። 2:5They replied saying, in order for us to keep this advice true, all of us must disperse ourselves and give our Word. 2:6ያን፡ጊዜ፡ሁሉም፡አንድ፡ሆነው፡ሁሉም፡እርስ፡በርሳቸው፡ተለያይተው፡ማሉበት፡ሁሉም፡ሁለት፡መቶ፡ሆኑ። 2:6At that time all of them were 200 ,they gathered as one and dispersed and swore to keep their agreement. 2:7አርዲስ:ወደሚባል:ቦታም:ወረዱ:ይኸውም:የአርሞንኤል:ተራራ:ራስ:ነው:እርስ:በርሳቸው:ተለያይተው:ምለውበታል:እና:የአርሞንኤምንም፡ተራራ፡በማላ፡ተራራ፡ብለው፡ጠሩት። 2:7They went down towards a place called Ardis.That's at the top of Mount Armoel.They swore to keep their word individually and because of that they named that place Mont Armoel.Kain. 2:8አለቆቻቸውም፡ስማቸው፡ይህን፡ነው፡መጀመሪያ፡አለቃቸው፡ስማዝያ፡ነው፡ ሁለተኛው፡ዑራኪበራምኤል፡ ሦስተኛው፡አኪቢኤል፡ አራተኛው፡ጣምኤል፡ አምስተኛው፡ራሙኤል፡ ስድስተኛው፡ዳንኤል፡ ሰባተኛው፡ኢዜቃኤል፡ ስምንተኛው፡ሱሩቃያል፡ ዘጠነኛው፡አስኤል፡ አሥረኛው፡አርሞርስ፡ አሥራ፡አንደኛው፡በጥርኤል፡ አሥራ፡ሁለተኛው፡አናንኤል፡ አሥራ፡ሦስተኛው:ዘቂቢ: አሥራ፡አራተኛው፡ሳምሳፒኤል፡ አሥራ፡አምስተኛው፡ስርትኤል፡ አስራ፡ስድስተኛው፡ጡሩኤልዮም፡ አሥራ፡ሰባተኛው፡ያኤል፡ አሥራ፡ስምንተኛው፡አራዚያል፡ነው፤የሁሉት፡መቶ፡አለቆች፡አለቆቻቸው፡እኒህ፡ናቸው፡ሌሎችም፡ሁሉ፡ከነሱ፡ጋራ፡አሉ። 2:8 and their leaders name are as follow: 1) Semazia 2)Urakibramel 3)Akibiel 4)Tomel 5)Ramuel 6)Daniel 7)Izekael 8)Surukayal 9)Assel 10)Armors 11)Betrel 12)Ananel 13)Zekibi 14)Samsapiel 15)Sirtiel 16)Turelyom 17)Yael 18)Arazial None of the names listed above are angelic beings but they are leaders therefore they are መላእክት"angels"=አለቆች humans in a position of power and not angelic beings They are the leaders of the 200, these are their leaders and all others were with them. 2:9ከነሳቸው፡ሚስት፡አገቡ፡ሁሉም፡ለየራሱ፡አንዳንዲቱ፡መረጠ። 2:9 From them they all got married, each one of them picked one woman as a wife. For instance the word Nephilim[נְפִילִים]vsNophelim[נֹפְלִים] . They are similar words at first glance but they have very different. Example of Nophelim in the Bible. Deut22:4Thou shalt not see thy brother's ass or his ox (fall down)by the way, and hide thyself from them: thou shalt surely help him to lift them up again. ד לֹא-תִרְאֶה אֶת-חֲמוֹר אָחִיךָ אוֹ שׁוֹרוֹ, (נֹפְלִים) בַּדֶּרֶךְ, וְהִתְעַלַּמְתָּ, מֵהֶם: הָקֵם תָּקִים, עִמּוֹ. No angelic creature here.Only an Ox falling down. One means Giants while they other means fallen. Consequently, the word Angel in the book of Henok(Enoch) was misunderstood and mistranslated. The book never said Angels mixed with humans. The word Angel has 3 separate meaning. 1)Messenger 2)Ruler 3)The creature (Michael, Gebriel...) The book of Henok wasn't talking about the creature. Yet we keep hearing about "Fallen Angels" Nephilim which is absolutely incorrect.
Shame on you.... ስለ፡እውነት፡ከተወያየን፡ወንድሜ፡በቃላት፡ብዙዎቻችን፡ሲወድቁ፡እናያለን።ለምሳሌ፡መላእክት፡ወይንም፡መለአክ፡የሚለውን፡ቃል፡ስንመለከት።ፕሮቴስታንቱ፡እነሚካኤልን፡ይጠቁማል።ነገር፡ግን፡መለአክ፡የሚለው፡ቃል፡ሌሎች፡ትርጉሞች፡አሉት።By the way this misunderstanding led many to think the book Henok wasn't truthfull because they thought it said Angels has children with human beings. Just because the word መልአክ was used but it didn't mean angel. What is Etymology? et·y·mol·o·gy is a noun and it means the study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history. _________________________________________________________________ Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh,the Geez መልአክ and the Amharic መልአክ are put for debate. malakhim is the plural form in hebrew while መላእክት is the plural form of መልአክ in both Geez and in Amharic. ________________________________ _________________________________ Angels in Judaism For other uses, see Malach. In Judaism an angel (Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh, plural malakhim) is a messenger of God, an angelic envoy or an angel in general who appears throughout the Hebrew Bible, Rabbinic literature, and traditional Jewish liturgy. Angels in Judaism are categorized in different hierarchies. Etymology Hebrew "mal'akh" (מַלְאָךְ) is the standard Hebrew Bible word for "messenger", [both human and divine], though it is less used for human messengers in Modern Hebrew[1] as the latter is usually denoted by the term shaliyah (שליח). Here are the evidences below. ክርስቲያን ነን ትላላችሁ ነገር ግን መላዕክት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር የግብረ ሥጋ ግንኙነት ይፈጽማሉ የሚለውን ሃሳብ ትደግፋላችሁ። ይህ ትምህርት የክርስቶስን ተአምራዊ ልደት ያዳክማል። ያልኩበት ምክንያት እግዚአብሔር በቅድስት ድንግል ማርያም በኩል ከሰው ልጆች ጋር አንድ በመሆኑ ነው። ይህ በእግዚአብሔር እና በሰው መካከል ያለው አንድነት ያልተለመደ ክስተት ሆኖ ተመዝግቧል። ነገር ግን መላእክት ከእግዚአብሔር በፊት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር ተደባልቀው ነበር ማለቱ የኢየሱስን መወለድ በእርግጥ ይጎዳል። በመጀመሪያ ደረጃ, መላእክት የመራቢያ አካላት የላቸውም. መላእክት የማይራቡበት ምክንያት የዘላለም ሕይወት ስላላቸው ነው። እኛ ሰዎች ፣ ሟቾች ነን ፣ ግን መላእክት አይሞቱም። በዚህ ምክንያት ነው የምንባዛው. የቪዲዮው ደራሲ በጣም አስከፊ ስህተት ሰርቷል። መልአክ የሚለውን ቃል ፍቺ አላጠናም። በዕብራይስጥም በግእዝና በአማርኛም መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ሦስት ትርጉም አለው። መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ለሰው ልጆች ጥቅም ላይ ሊውል ይችላል. አንድ ሰው የቤተ ክርስቲያን መሪ ከሆነ መልአክ ተብሎ ይጠራል። ሚካኤል ወይም ገብርኤል መላእክት ይባላሉ። ሦስተኛው ትርጉም መልእክተኞች መሆን ነው። ለምሳሌ የነቢዩ ሚልክያስ ስም የመጣው መልአክ ከሚለው ቃል ነው።አሁን ከመጽሐፍ ቅዱስ ላሳይ። ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ:ምዕራፍ፴፮:፩ወመጽኡ መላእክተ:ነገደ:ቤተ:አቡሁ:ለገላአድ:ወልደ ማኪር:ወልደ:መናሴ:ዘእምነገደ:ደቂቀ:ዮሴፍ:ወይቤሉ:ቅድመ:ሙሴ:ወቅድመ:እልዓዛር:ካህን:ወቅድመ:[መላእክተ:]አብያተ:አበዊሆሙ:ለደቂቀ:እስራኤል ። ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ ምዕራፍ ፴፮:፩ከዮሴፍ ልጆች:ወገኖች:የምናሴ:ልጅ:የማኪር:ልጅ የገለዓድ:ልጆች:ወገን:አለቆች:ቀረቡ፥በሙሴና:በእስራኤልም:ልጆች:አባቶች:[አለቆች]:ፊት:ተናገሩ፤ ____________________________________________ ኦሪት:ዘጸአት:ምዕራፍ:፮:፲፬ ወእሉ:እሙንቱ:[መላእክት]:በበ:ቤተ:አበዊሆሙ፤ደቂቀ:ሮቤል:በኵሩ:ለእስራኤል:ሄኖኅ:ወፍሉሶ:ወአስሮን:ወከርሚ:ዝውእቱ:ትውልዲሁ:ለሮቤል። ኦሪት:ዘጸአት:ምዕራፍ:፮:፲፬ የአባታቸውም:ቤት:[አለቆች]:እነዚህ:ናቸው።የእስራኤል:የበኵር:ልጅ:የሮቤል:ልጆች፤ሄኖኅ፥ፈሉስ፥አስሮን፥ከርሚ፤እነዚህ:የሮቤል:ወገኖች:ናቸው። ____________________________________________ መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩ ወእሉ፡እሙንቱ[መላእክተ]አበዊሆሙ፡ እለ፡ ተኈለቁ፡ይዕርጉ፡ምስሌየ፡በመንግሥተ፡አርተሰስታ፡ንጉሥ፡እምባቢሎን። መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩በንጉሡ:በአርጤክስስ:መንግሥት:ከእኔ:ጋር:ከባቢሎን: የወጡ:የአባቶች:ቤቶች:[አለቆች]እነዚህ:ናቸው:ትውልዳቸውም:ይህ:ነው፤ __________________________________________________________________ Mezmure dawit 68 in Geez "27በጽሑ፡መላእክት፡ወቦሙ፡መዘምራነ ፤ማእከለ፡ደናግል፡ዘባጥያተ፡ከበሮ። 28በማኅበር፡ባርክዎ፡ለእግዚአብሔር፤ወለአማላክነ፡በአንቅዕተ፡እስራኤል። 29ህየ፡ብንያም፡ወሬዛ፡በኀይሉ፡ 30መላእክተ፡ይሁዳ፡ወመሳፍንቲሆሙ፤መላእክተ፡ዛብሉን፡መላእክተ፡ንፍታሌም። Mezmure dawit 68 in Amharic 25አለቆች:ቀደሙ፥መዘምራንም:ተከተሉ፤ ከበሮን:በሚመቱ:በቈነጃጅት:መካከል። 26እግዚአብሔርን:በጉባኤ፥ጌታችንንም: በእስራኤል:ምንጭ:አመስግኑት። 27ወጣቱ:ብንያም:በጕልበቱ:በዚያ:አለ፥ ገዦቻቸው:የይሁዳ:አለቆች:የዛብሎን:አለቆችና:የንፍታሌምም:አለቆች። Mezmure dawit 68 in English 26Bless ye God in the congregations, even the Lord, from the fountain of Israel. 27There is little Benjamin with their ruler, the princes of Judah and their council, the princes of Zebulun, and the princes of Naphtali. 28Thy God hath commanded thy strength: strengthen, O God, that which thou hast wrought for us. A)መላእክተ፡ይሁዳ= in geez B)የይሁዳ አለቆች = in Amharic C)Judah and their council All 3 are not talking about flying angels. Geez Revelation2:1ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያን፡ዘኤፌሶን፡ከመዝ፡ይቤለከ፡ዘያጸንዕ፡ሰብዐተ፡ኮከበ፡በየማኑ፡ዘየሐውር፡በማእከለ፡ስብዑ፡መኃትው፡ዘወርቅ። Amharic Revelation2:1በኤፌሶን:ወዳለው:ወደ ቤተ:ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ።በቀኝ:እጁ:ሰባቱን:ከዋክብት:የያዘው:በሰባቱም:የወርቅ:መቅረዞች:መካከል:የሚሄደው:እንዲህ:ይላል። English Revelation 2:1Unto the [angel of the church of Ephesus] write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks Geez Rev3:1ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያናት፡ዘሰርዴስ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ዘቦ፡ሰብዐተ፡መንፈስ፡ዘእምኀበ፡እግዚአብሔር፡ወሰብዐተ፡ኮከበ ። Amharic Rev3:1በሰርዴስም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ: ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ። ሰባቱ:የእግዚአብሔር:መናፍስትና:ሰባቱ: ከዋክብት:ያሉት:እንዲህ:ይላል።ሥራህን አውቃለሁ:ሕያው:እንደ:መሆንህ:ስም:አለህ:ሞተህማል። Geez Rev3:7ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ ክርስቲያን፡ዘፊልድልፍያ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ቅዱስ፡ወጻድቅ፡ዘኀቤሁ፡ይነብር፡ኵሉ፡መራኁተ ፡ ቤተ፡ዳዊት። Amharic Revelation3:7በፊልድልፍያም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ:ክርስቲያን[መልአክ]እንዲህ ብለህ:ጻፍ።የዳዊት:መክፈቻ:ያለው፤የሚከፍት፥የሚዘጋም:የሌለ፤የሚዘጋ፥የሚከፍትም:የሌለ፤g። Anak[ עֲנָק] in Hebrew it means Giant Anakim[עֲנָקִים] in Hebrew it means Giants If Anak means Giant and Nephilim means Giants why do people make such error in thinking it means fallen angels? The answer is simple the hebrew word Nephilim looks like the word Nophlim when writen in Hebrew like so Nephilim[נְפִילִים]vsNophelim[נֹפְלִים] . They are similar words at first glance but they have very different spelling and pronunciation. Example of Nophelim in the Bible. Deut22:4Thou shalt not see thy brother's ass or his ox fall downby the way, and hide thyself from them: thou shalt surely help him to lift them up again. ד לֹא-תִרְאֶה אֶת-חֲמוֹר אָחִיךָ אוֹ שׁוֹרוֹ, [נֹפְלִים] בַּדֶּרֶךְ, וְהִתְעַלַּמְתָּ, מֵהֶם: הָקֵם תָּקִים, עִמּוֹ. Also it is important to notice that there is a colon between Nephilim and Anak even in the Amharic translation. As you know a colon is used to describe what is already mentioned in the sentence.
@@mollaabate7220 Shame on you.... ስለ፡እውነት፡ከተወያየን፡ወንድሜ፡በቃላት፡ብዙዎቻችን፡ሲወድቁ፡እናያለን።ለምሳሌ፡መላእክት፡ወይንም፡መለአክ፡የሚለውን፡ቃል፡ስንመለከት።ፕሮቴስታንቱ፡እነሚካኤልን፡ይጠቁማል።ነገር፡ግን፡መለአክ፡የሚለው፡ቃል፡ሌሎች፡ትርጉሞች፡አሉት።By the way this misunderstanding led many to think the book Henok wasn't truthfull because they thought it said Angels has children with human beings. Just because the word መልአክ was used but it didn't mean angel. What is Etymology? et·y·mol·o·gy is a noun and it means the study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history. _________________________________________________________________ Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh,the Geez መልአክ and the Amharic መልአክ are put for debate. malakhim is the plural form in hebrew while መላእክት is the plural form of መልአክ in both Geez and in Amharic. ________________________________ _________________________________ Angels in Judaism For other uses, see Malach. In Judaism an angel (Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh, plural malakhim) is a messenger of God, an angelic envoy or an angel in general who appears throughout the Hebrew Bible, Rabbinic literature, and traditional Jewish liturgy. Angels in Judaism are categorized in different hierarchies. Etymology Hebrew "mal'akh" (מַלְאָךְ) is the standard Hebrew Bible word for "messenger", [both human and divine], though it is less used for human messengers in Modern Hebrew[1] as the latter is usually denoted by the term shaliyah (שליח). Here are the evidences below. ክርስቲያን ነን ትላላችሁ ነገር ግን መላዕክት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር የግብረ ሥጋ ግንኙነት ይፈጽማሉ የሚለውን ሃሳብ ትደግፋላችሁ። ይህ ትምህርት የክርስቶስን ተአምራዊ ልደት ያዳክማል። ያልኩበት ምክንያት እግዚአብሔር በቅድስት ድንግል ማርያም በኩል ከሰው ልጆች ጋር አንድ በመሆኑ ነው። ይህ በእግዚአብሔር እና በሰው መካከል ያለው አንድነት ያልተለመደ ክስተት ሆኖ ተመዝግቧል። ነገር ግን መላእክት ከእግዚአብሔር በፊት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር ተደባልቀው ነበር ማለቱ የኢየሱስን መወለድ በእርግጥ ይጎዳል። በመጀመሪያ ደረጃ, መላእክት የመራቢያ አካላት የላቸውም. መላእክት የማይራቡበት ምክንያት የዘላለም ሕይወት ስላላቸው ነው። እኛ ሰዎች ፣ ሟቾች ነን ፣ ግን መላእክት አይሞቱም። በዚህ ምክንያት ነው የምንባዛው. የቪዲዮው ደራሲ በጣም አስከፊ ስህተት ሰርቷል። መልአክ የሚለውን ቃል ፍቺ አላጠናም። በዕብራይስጥም በግእዝና በአማርኛም መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ሦስት ትርጉም አለው። መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ለሰው ልጆች ጥቅም ላይ ሊውል ይችላል. አንድ ሰው የቤተ ክርስቲያን መሪ ከሆነ መልአክ ተብሎ ይጠራል። ሚካኤል ወይም ገብርኤል መላእክት ይባላሉ። ሦስተኛው ትርጉም መልእክተኞች መሆን ነው። ለምሳሌ የነቢዩ ሚልክያስ ስም የመጣው መልአክ ከሚለው ቃል ነው።አሁን ከመጽሐፍ ቅዱስ ላሳይ። ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ:ምዕራፍ፴፮:፩ወመጽኡ መላእክተ:ነገደ:ቤተ:አቡሁ:ለገላአድ:ወልደ ማኪር:ወልደ:መናሴ:ዘእምነገደ:ደቂቀ:ዮሴፍ:ወይቤሉ:ቅድመ:ሙሴ:ወቅድመ:እልዓዛር:ካህን:ወቅድመ:[መላእክተ:]አብያተ:አበዊሆሙ:ለደቂቀ:እስራኤል ። ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ ምዕራፍ ፴፮:፩ከዮሴፍ ልጆች:ወገኖች:የምናሴ:ልጅ:የማኪር:ልጅ የገለዓድ:ልጆች:ወገን:አለቆች:ቀረቡ፥በሙሴና:በእስራኤልም:ልጆች:አባቶች:[አለቆች]:ፊት:ተናገሩ፤ ____________________________________________ ኦሪት:ዘጸአት:ምዕራፍ:፮:፲፬ ወእሉ:እሙንቱ:[መላእክት]:በበ:ቤተ:አበዊሆሙ፤ደቂቀ:ሮቤል:በኵሩ:ለእስራኤል:ሄኖኅ:ወፍሉሶ:ወአስሮን:ወከርሚ:ዝውእቱ:ትውልዲሁ:ለሮቤል። ኦሪት:ዘጸአት:ምዕራፍ:፮:፲፬ የአባታቸውም:ቤት:[አለቆች]:እነዚህ:ናቸው።የእስራኤል:የበኵር:ልጅ:የሮቤል:ልጆች፤ሄኖኅ፥ፈሉስ፥አስሮን፥ከርሚ፤እነዚህ:የሮቤል:ወገኖች:ናቸው። ____________________________________________ መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩ ወእሉ፡እሙንቱ[መላእክተ]አበዊሆሙ፡ እለ፡ ተኈለቁ፡ይዕርጉ፡ምስሌየ፡በመንግሥተ፡አርተሰስታ፡ንጉሥ፡እምባቢሎን። መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩በንጉሡ:በአርጤክስስ:መንግሥት:ከእኔ:ጋር:ከባቢሎን: የወጡ:የአባቶች:ቤቶች:[አለቆች]እነዚህ:ናቸው:ትውልዳቸውም:ይህ:ነው፤ __________________________________________________________________ Mezmure dawit 68 in Geez "27በጽሑ፡መላእክት፡ወቦሙ፡መዘምራነ ፤ማእከለ፡ደናግል፡ዘባጥያተ፡ከበሮ። 28በማኅበር፡ባርክዎ፡ለእግዚአብሔር፤ወለአማላክነ፡በአንቅዕተ፡እስራኤል። 29ህየ፡ብንያም፡ወሬዛ፡በኀይሉ፡ 30መላእክተ፡ይሁዳ፡ወመሳፍንቲሆሙ፤መላእክተ፡ዛብሉን፡መላእክተ፡ንፍታሌም። Mezmure dawit 68 in Amharic 25አለቆች:ቀደሙ፥መዘምራንም:ተከተሉ፤ ከበሮን:በሚመቱ:በቈነጃጅት:መካከል። 26እግዚአብሔርን:በጉባኤ፥ጌታችንንም: በእስራኤል:ምንጭ:አመስግኑት። 27ወጣቱ:ብንያም:በጕልበቱ:በዚያ:አለ፥ ገዦቻቸው:የይሁዳ:አለቆች:የዛብሎን:አለቆችና:የንፍታሌምም:አለቆች። Mezmure dawit 68 in English 26Bless ye God in the congregations, even the Lord, from the fountain of Israel. 27There is little Benjamin with their ruler, the princes of Judah and their council, the princes of Zebulun, and the princes of Naphtali. 28Thy God hath commanded thy strength: strengthen, O God, that which thou hast wrought for us. A)መላእክተ፡ይሁዳ= in geez B)የይሁዳ አለቆች = in Amharic C)Judah and their council All 3 are not talking about flying angels. Geez Revelation2:1ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያን፡ዘኤፌሶን፡ከመዝ፡ይቤለከ፡ዘያጸንዕ፡ሰብዐተ፡ኮከበ፡በየማኑ፡ዘየሐውር፡በማእከለ፡ስብዑ፡መኃትው፡ዘወርቅ። Amharic Revelation2:1በኤፌሶን:ወዳለው:ወደ ቤተ:ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ።በቀኝ:እጁ:ሰባቱን:ከዋክብት:የያዘው:በሰባቱም:የወርቅ:መቅረዞች:መካከል:የሚሄደው:እንዲህ:ይላል። English Revelation 2:1Unto the [angel of the church of Ephesus] write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks Geez Rev3:1ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያናት፡ዘሰርዴስ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ዘቦ፡ሰብዐተ፡መንፈስ፡ዘእምኀበ፡እግዚአብሔር፡ወሰብዐተ፡ኮከበ ። Amharic Rev3:1በሰርዴስም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ: ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ። ሰባቱ:የእግዚአብሔር:መናፍስትና:ሰባቱ: ከዋክብት:ያሉት:እንዲህ:ይላል።ሥራህን አውቃለሁ:ሕያው:እንደ:መሆንህ:ስም:አለህ:ሞተህማል። Geez Rev3:7ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ ክርስቲያን፡ዘፊልድልፍያ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ቅዱስ፡ወጻድቅ፡ዘኀቤሁ፡ይነብር፡ኵሉ፡መራኁተ ፡ ቤተ፡ዳዊት። Amharic Revelation3:7በፊልድልፍያም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ:ክርስቲያን[መልአክ]እንዲህ ብለህ:ጻፍ።የዳዊት:መክፈቻ:ያለው፤የሚከፍት፥የሚዘጋም:የሌለ፤የሚዘጋ፥የሚከፍትም:የሌለ፤g። Anak[ עֲנָק] in Hebrew it means Giant Anakim[עֲנָקִים] in Hebrew it means Giants If Anak means Giant and Nephilim means Giants why do people make such error in thinking it means fallen angels? The answer is simple the hebrew word Nephilim looks like the word Nophlim when writen in Hebrew like so Nephilim[נְפִילִים]vsNophelim[נֹפְלִים] . They are similar words at first glance but they have very different spelling and pronunciation. Example of Nophelim in the Bible. Deut22:4Thou shalt not see thy brother's ass or his ox fall downby the way, and hide thyself from them: thou shalt surely help him to lift them up again. ד לֹא-תִרְאֶה אֶת-חֲמוֹר אָחִיךָ אוֹ שׁוֹרוֹ, [נֹפְלִים] בַּדֶּרֶךְ, וְהִתְעַלַּמְתָּ, מֵהֶם: הָקֵם תָּקִים, עִמּוֹ. Also it is important to notice that there is a colon between Nephilim and Anak even in the Amharic translation. As you know a colon is used to describe what is already mentioned in the sentence.
Shame on you.... ስለ፡እውነት፡ከተወያየን፡ወንድሜ፡በቃላት፡ብዙዎቻችን፡ሲወድቁ፡እናያለን።ለምሳሌ፡መላእክት፡ወይንም፡መለአክ፡የሚለውን፡ቃል፡ስንመለከት።ፕሮቴስታንቱ፡እነሚካኤልን፡ይጠቁማል።ነገር፡ግን፡መለአክ፡የሚለው፡ቃል፡ሌሎች፡ትርጉሞች፡አሉት።By the way this misunderstanding led many to think the book Henok wasn't truthfull because they thought it said Angels has children with human beings. Just because the word መልአክ was used but it didn't mean angel. What is Etymology? et·y·mol·o·gy is a noun and it means the study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history. _________________________________________________________________ Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh,the Geez መልአክ and the Amharic መልአክ are put for debate. malakhim is the plural form in hebrew while መላእክት is the plural form of መልአክ in both Geez and in Amharic. ________________________________ _________________________________ Angels in Judaism For other uses, see Malach. In Judaism an angel (Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh, plural malakhim) is a messenger of God, an angelic envoy or an angel in general who appears throughout the Hebrew Bible, Rabbinic literature, and traditional Jewish liturgy. Angels in Judaism are categorized in different hierarchies. Etymology Hebrew "mal'akh" (מַלְאָךְ) is the standard Hebrew Bible word for "messenger", [both human and divine], though it is less used for human messengers in Modern Hebrew[1] as the latter is usually denoted by the term shaliyah (שליח). Here are the evidences below. ክርስቲያን ነን ትላላችሁ ነገር ግን መላዕክት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር የግብረ ሥጋ ግንኙነት ይፈጽማሉ የሚለውን ሃሳብ ትደግፋላችሁ። ይህ ትምህርት የክርስቶስን ተአምራዊ ልደት ያዳክማል። ያልኩበት ምክንያት እግዚአብሔር በቅድስት ድንግል ማርያም በኩል ከሰው ልጆች ጋር አንድ በመሆኑ ነው። ይህ በእግዚአብሔር እና በሰው መካከል ያለው አንድነት ያልተለመደ ክስተት ሆኖ ተመዝግቧል። ነገር ግን መላእክት ከእግዚአብሔር በፊት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር ተደባልቀው ነበር ማለቱ የኢየሱስን መወለድ በእርግጥ ይጎዳል። በመጀመሪያ ደረጃ, መላእክት የመራቢያ አካላት የላቸውም. መላእክት የማይራቡበት ምክንያት የዘላለም ሕይወት ስላላቸው ነው። እኛ ሰዎች ፣ ሟቾች ነን ፣ ግን መላእክት አይሞቱም። በዚህ ምክንያት ነው የምንባዛው. የቪዲዮው ደራሲ በጣም አስከፊ ስህተት ሰርቷል። መልአክ የሚለውን ቃል ፍቺ አላጠናም። በዕብራይስጥም በግእዝና በአማርኛም መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ሦስት ትርጉም አለው። መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ለሰው ልጆች ጥቅም ላይ ሊውል ይችላል. አንድ ሰው የቤተ ክርስቲያን መሪ ከሆነ መልአክ ተብሎ ይጠራል። ሚካኤል ወይም ገብርኤል መላእክት ይባላሉ። ሦስተኛው ትርጉም መልእክተኞች መሆን ነው። ለምሳሌ የነቢዩ ሚልክያስ ስም የመጣው መልአክ ከሚለው ቃል ነው።አሁን ከመጽሐፍ ቅዱስ ላሳይ። ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ:ምዕራፍ፴፮:፩ወመጽኡ መላእክተ:ነገደ:ቤተ:አቡሁ:ለገላአድ:ወልደ ማኪር:ወልደ:መናሴ:ዘእምነገደ:ደቂቀ:ዮሴፍ:ወይቤሉ:ቅድመ:ሙሴ:ወቅድመ:እልዓዛር:ካህን:ወቅድመ:[መላእክተ:]አብያተ:አበዊሆሙ:ለደቂቀ:እስራኤል ። ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ ምዕራፍ ፴፮:፩ከዮሴፍ ልጆች:ወገኖች:የምናሴ:ልጅ:የማኪር:ልጅ የገለዓድ:ልጆች:ወገን:አለቆች:ቀረቡ፥በሙሴና:በእስራኤልም:ልጆች:አባቶች:[አለቆች]:ፊት:ተናገሩ፤ ____________________________________________ ኦሪት:ዘጸአት:ምዕራፍ:፮:፲፬ ወእሉ:እሙንቱ:[መላእክት]:በበ:ቤተ:አበዊሆሙ፤ደቂቀ:ሮቤል:በኵሩ:ለእስራኤል:ሄኖኅ:ወፍሉሶ:ወአስሮን:ወከርሚ:ዝውእቱ:ትውልዲሁ:ለሮቤል። ኦሪት:ዘጸአት:ምዕራፍ:፮:፲፬ የአባታቸውም:ቤት:[አለቆች]:እነዚህ:ናቸው።የእስራኤል:የበኵር:ልጅ:የሮቤል:ልጆች፤ሄኖኅ፥ፈሉስ፥አስሮን፥ከርሚ፤እነዚህ:የሮቤል:ወገኖች:ናቸው። ____________________________________________ መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩ ወእሉ፡እሙንቱ[መላእክተ]አበዊሆሙ፡ እለ፡ ተኈለቁ፡ይዕርጉ፡ምስሌየ፡በመንግሥተ፡አርተሰስታ፡ንጉሥ፡እምባቢሎን። መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩በንጉሡ:በአርጤክስስ:መንግሥት:ከእኔ:ጋር:ከባቢሎን: የወጡ:የአባቶች:ቤቶች:[አለቆች]እነዚህ:ናቸው:ትውልዳቸውም:ይህ:ነው፤ __________________________________________________________________ Mezmure dawit 68 in Geez "27በጽሑ፡መላእክት፡ወቦሙ፡መዘምራነ ፤ማእከለ፡ደናግል፡ዘባጥያተ፡ከበሮ። 28በማኅበር፡ባርክዎ፡ለእግዚአብሔር፤ወለአማላክነ፡በአንቅዕተ፡እስራኤል። 29ህየ፡ብንያም፡ወሬዛ፡በኀይሉ፡ 30መላእክተ፡ይሁዳ፡ወመሳፍንቲሆሙ፤መላእክተ፡ዛብሉን፡መላእክተ፡ንፍታሌም። Mezmure dawit 68 in Amharic 25አለቆች:ቀደሙ፥መዘምራንም:ተከተሉ፤ ከበሮን:በሚመቱ:በቈነጃጅት:መካከል። 26እግዚአብሔርን:በጉባኤ፥ጌታችንንም: በእስራኤል:ምንጭ:አመስግኑት። 27ወጣቱ:ብንያም:በጕልበቱ:በዚያ:አለ፥ ገዦቻቸው:የይሁዳ:አለቆች:የዛብሎን:አለቆችና:የንፍታሌምም:አለቆች። Mezmure dawit 68 in English 26Bless ye God in the congregations, even the Lord, from the fountain of Israel. 27There is little Benjamin with their ruler, the princes of Judah and their council, the princes of Zebulun, and the princes of Naphtali. 28Thy God hath commanded thy strength: strengthen, O God, that which thou hast wrought for us. A)መላእክተ፡ይሁዳ= in geez B)የይሁዳ አለቆች = in Amharic C)Judah and their council All 3 are not talking about flying angels. Geez Revelation2:1ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያን፡ዘኤፌሶን፡ከመዝ፡ይቤለከ፡ዘያጸንዕ፡ሰብዐተ፡ኮከበ፡በየማኑ፡ዘየሐውር፡በማእከለ፡ስብዑ፡መኃትው፡ዘወርቅ። Amharic Revelation2:1በኤፌሶን:ወዳለው:ወደ ቤተ:ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ።በቀኝ:እጁ:ሰባቱን:ከዋክብት:የያዘው:በሰባቱም:የወርቅ:መቅረዞች:መካከል:የሚሄደው:እንዲህ:ይላል። English Revelation 2:1Unto the [angel of the church of Ephesus] write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks Geez Rev3:1ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያናት፡ዘሰርዴስ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ዘቦ፡ሰብዐተ፡መንፈስ፡ዘእምኀበ፡እግዚአብሔር፡ወሰብዐተ፡ኮከበ ። Amharic Rev3:1በሰርዴስም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ: ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ። ሰባቱ:የእግዚአብሔር:መናፍስትና:ሰባቱ: ከዋክብት:ያሉት:እንዲህ:ይላል።ሥራህን አውቃለሁ:ሕያው:እንደ:መሆንህ:ስም:አለህ:ሞተህማል። Geez Rev3:7ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ ክርስቲያን፡ዘፊልድልፍያ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ቅዱስ፡ወጻድቅ፡ዘኀቤሁ፡ይነብር፡ኵሉ፡መራኁተ ፡ ቤተ፡ዳዊት። Amharic Revelation3:7በፊልድልፍያም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ:ክርስቲያን[መልአክ]እንዲህ ብለህ:ጻፍ።የዳዊት:መክፈቻ:ያለው፤የሚከፍት፥የሚዘጋም:የሌለ፤የሚዘጋ፥የሚከፍትም:የሌለ፤g። Anak[ עֲנָק] in Hebrew it means Giant Anakim[עֲנָקִים] in Hebrew it means Giants If Anak means Giant and Nephilim means Giants why do people make such error in thinking it means fallen angels? The answer is simple the hebrew word Nephilim looks like the word Nophlim when writen in Hebrew like so Nephilim[נְפִילִים]vsNophelim[נֹפְלִים] . They are similar words at first glance but they have very different spelling and pronunciation. Example of Nophelim in the Bible. Deut22:4Thou shalt not see thy brother's ass or his ox fall downby the way, and hide thyself from them: thou shalt surely help him to lift them up again. ד לֹא-תִרְאֶה אֶת-חֲמוֹר אָחִיךָ אוֹ שׁוֹרוֹ, [נֹפְלִים] בַּדֶּרֶךְ, וְהִתְעַלַּמְתָּ, מֵהֶם: הָקֵם תָּקִים, עִמּוֹ. Also it is important to notice that there is a colon between Nephilim and Anak even in the Amharic translation. As you know a colon is used to describe what is already mentioned in the sentence.
This video has many errors. It is important to remember that in bible the word angel has 3 different usage. 1)Messenger 2)Ruler 3)The creature (Michael, Gebriel...) For example in the book of revelation it uses the expression "the angel of the church". This angel of the church is not a heavenly creature with wings but in fact the Bishop. Revelation 2:1Unto the [angel of the church of Ephesus] write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks Now the book of Enoch and the Book of Jubilee were preserved in the Ge'ez language better known in the western world as Ethiopic. In Ge'ez langual an angel in single form is መልአክ while angels is መላእክት and when you want to say [angels of...] the last letter in መላእክ[ት] becomes መላእክ[ተ] Now i will give various examples where the word መላእክት was used in the bible and it was translated as Chief or leader and not as a heavenly creature. In addition to the above 2 books Moses wrote in Genesis6ውሉደ:እግዚአብሔር which means the sons of God."ወሶበ፡ርእዩ፡[ውሉደ፡እግዚአብሔር]፡አዋልደ፡ሰብእ፡ከመ፡ሠናያት፡እማንቱ፡ነሥኡ፡እምኔሆን፡አንስትያ፡ዘኀረዩ፡ወዘአፍቀሩ። Example #1 In the book of Numbers36:1 the word መላእክተ is seen twice in the verse and it was translated as [the chief] ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ:ምዕራፍ፴፮:፩ወመጽኡ [መላእክተ]:ነገደ:ቤተ:አቡሁ:ለገላአድ:ወልደ ማኪር:ወልደ:መናሴ:ዘእምነገደ:ደቂቀ:ዮሴፍ:ወይቤሉ:ቅድመ:ሙሴ:ወቅድመ:እልዓዛር:ካህን:ወቅድመ:[መላእክተ:]አብያተ:አበዊሆሙ:ለደቂቀ:እስራኤል ። Numbers 36:1And [the chief] fathers of the families of the children of Gilead, the son of Machir, the son of Manasseh, of the families of the sons of Joseph, came near, and spake before Moses, and before the princes, [the chief] fathers of the children of Israel: ______________________________________________ Example #2 In Exodus 6:14 the word መላእክት was translated as "the heads" as in leaders... ኦሪት:ዘጸአት:ምዕራፍ:፮:፲፬ ወእሉ:እሙንቱ:[መላእክት]:በበ:ቤተ:አበዊሆሙ፤ደቂቀ:ሮቤል:በኵሩ:ለእስራኤል:ሄኖኅ:ወፍሉሶ:ወአስሮን:ወከርሚ:ዝውእቱ:ትውልዲሁ:ለሮቤል። Exod6:14These be the heads of their fathers' houses: The sons of Reuben the firstborn of Israel; Hanoch, and Pallu, Hezron, and Carmi: these be the families of Reuben. Again we see the word(መላእክት) really meaning the heads (the leaders) ______________________________ Example #3 In the book of Ezra 8:1 the word መላእክተ was translated as "The heads of" መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩ ወእሉ፡እሙንቱ[መላእክተ]አበዊሆሙ፡ እለ፡ ተኈለቁ፡ይዕርጉ፡ምስሌየ፡በመንግሥተ፡አርተሰስታ፡ንጉሥ፡እምባቢሎን። Ezra 8:1 These are now the heads of their fathers' houses, and this is the genealogy of them that went up with me from Babylon, in the reign of Artaxerxes the king. ____________________________________ Example #4 Psalm 68 the word [መላእክተ] several times and each time it was translated as [Rulers of or Prince of] Mezmure dawit 68 in Geez "27በጽሑ፡መላእክት፡ወቦሙ፡መዘምራነ ፤ማእከለ፡ደናግል፡ዘባጥያተ፡ከበሮ። 28በማኅበር፡ባርክዎ፡ለእግዚአብሔር፤ወለአማላክነ፡በአንቅዕተ፡እስራኤል። 29ህየ፡ብንያም፡ወሬዛ፡በኀይሉ፡ 30[መላእክተ]፡ይሁዳ፡ወመሳፍንቲሆሙ፤[መላእክተ]፡ዛብሉን፡[መላእክተ]፡ንፍታሌም። Psalm 68 26Bless ye God in the congregations, even the Lord, from the fountain of Israel. 27There is little Benjamin with their ruler, the princes of Judah and their council, the princes of Zebulun, and the princes of Naphtali. 28Thy God hath commanded thy strength: strengthen, O God, that which thou hast wrought for us. Example#5 In the book of Revelation2:1 the word መልአከ which is angel in singular form.This word was translated as Angel. Angel of the church is understood by all christians that it means the Bishop or leader of the church and not a referrence to a heavenly ctreature with wings. Revelation2:1ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለ[መልአከ]፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያን፡ዘኤፌሶን፡ከመዝ፡ይቤለከ፡ዘያጸንዕ፡ሰብዐተ፡ኮከበ፡በየማኑ፡ዘየሐውር፡በማእከለ፡ስብዑ፡መኃትው፡ዘወርቅ። Revelation 2:1Unto the [angel of the church of Ephesus] write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks When people have discussion about the book of Enoch and the book of Jubilee.They often conclude that some Angels came from the heavens and began mixing with humans.This is because both books use the following words and expressions [ወረዱ፡መላእክተ፡እግዚአብሔር] which translates into english as the Angels of God.Another word both the book of Enoch and the book of Jubilee use is ትጉሃነ or ትጉሃን which means the pure, the righteous humans. Unfortunetly, this very word was mistranslated as "the watchers". Which further led non ge'ez speakers into thinking that actual fallen Angels mixed with mankind who they think are the nephilim/the giants. The question is who are these angels that descended on to the earth that the book of Enoch and the book of jubilee talks about.Specificaly the book of jubilee says the following [ወረዱ፡መላእክተ፡እግዚአብሔር]. The Amharic translation states that they are the descendant of Seth. Seth being the replacement of Abel who was murdered by his brother Cain. The descendants of Seth were at the time the purest people on earth. They kept God's laws. Here is the book of Jubilee in Ge'ez ወበካልእ፡ሱባዔ፡ዘዓሥር፡ኢዮቤልዩ ፡ነሥአ፡ሎቱ፡መላልኤል፡ዲናሃ፡ወለተ፡በራክሔል፡ወለተ፡እኅተ፡አቡሁ፡ሎቱ፡ብእሲተ፡ወወለደት፡ሎቱ ፡ወልደ ፡በሱባዔ፡ሣልስ፡በሳድስ፡ዓመቱ፡ወጸውዐ፡ስሞ፡ያሬድሃ።እስመ፡በመዋዕሊሁ፡[ወረዱ፡መላእክተ ፡እግዚአብሔር]፡ውስተ፡ምድር፡እለ፡ተሰምዩ፡[ትጉሃነ]፡ከመ፡ይምሀርዎሙ፡ለደቂቀ፡እጓለ፡እመሕያው ፡ ይግበሩ፡ፍትሐ፡ወርትዐ፡በዲበ፡ምድር። Here is the Amharic translation. በአሥረኛው ኢዮቤልዩ በሁለተኛው ዓመት መላልኤል ሚስት ትሆነው ዘንድ የአባቱን ወንድም የበራኪሂልን ልጅ ዲናን አገባ። በሦስተኛው ሱባዔ በስድስተኛው ዓመት ወንድ ልጅ ወለደችለት ስሙንም ያሮድ አለው። [በዘመኑ ትጉሃን የተባሉ የእግዚአብሔር አገልጋዮች የሚሆኑ የሴት ልጆች] በዚህ ዓለም የቀና ሥራንና ፍርድን ያደርጉ ዘንድ ለሰው ልጆች ሊያስተምሩአቸው ወደ ምድር ወርደዋልና። In the book of Enoch it uses the expession [መላእክት፡ውሉደ፡ሰማያት] which the translates into angels sons of heaven.The Amharic translation shines some lights on who these "angels sons of heaven" really are. It says there are (ደቂቀ ሴት) which means the children of Seth. Here is the book of Enoch in Ge'ez and below i have posted the book of Enoch in Amharic. ወርእዩ፡ኪያሆን፡[መላእክት፡ውሉደ፡ሰማያት]፡ወፈተውዎን፡ወይቤሉ፡በበይናቲሆሙ፡ንዑ፡ንኅረይ፡ለነ፡አንስተ፡እምውሉደ፡ሰብእ፡ወንለድ፡ለነ፡ውሉደ። [የሰው ልጆች] ከበዙ በኋላ እንዲህ ሆነ። በዚያ ወራትም መልክ መልካሞች ደመ ግቡዎች ልጆች ተወለዱላቸው በደብር ቅዱስ ያሉ [ደቂቀ ሴትም] እነሱን አይተው ወደዷቸው። እሰበሳቸውም ኑ ለኛ [ከቃየል ልጆች ሴቸችን እንምረጥ] ለኛ ልጆችን አንውለድ አሉ።
Shame on you.... ስለ፡እውነት፡ከተወያየን፡ወንድሜ፡በቃላት፡ብዙዎቻችን፡ሲወድቁ፡እናያለን።ለምሳሌ፡መላእክት፡ወይንም፡መለአክ፡የሚለውን፡ቃል፡ስንመለከት።ፕሮቴስታንቱ፡እነሚካኤልን፡ይጠቁማል።ነገር፡ግን፡መለአክ፡የሚለው፡ቃል፡ሌሎች፡ትርጉሞች፡አሉት።By the way this misunderstanding led many to think the book Henok wasn't truthfull because they thought it said Angels has children with human beings. Just because the word መልአክ was used but it didn't mean angel. What is Etymology? et·y·mol·o·gy is a noun and it means the study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history. _________________________________________________________________ Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh,the Geez መልአክ and the Amharic መልአክ are put for debate. malakhim is the plural form in hebrew while መላእክት is the plural form of መልአክ in both Geez and in Amharic. ________________________________ _________________________________ Angels in Judaism For other uses, see Malach. In Judaism an angel (Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh, plural malakhim) is a messenger of God, an angelic envoy or an angel in general who appears throughout the Hebrew Bible, Rabbinic literature, and traditional Jewish liturgy. Angels in Judaism are categorized in different hierarchies. Etymology Hebrew "mal'akh" (מַלְאָךְ) is the standard Hebrew Bible word for "messenger", [both human and divine], though it is less used for human messengers in Modern Hebrew[1] as the latter is usually denoted by the term shaliyah (שליח). Here are the evidences below. ክርስቲያን ነን ትላላችሁ ነገር ግን መላዕክት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር የግብረ ሥጋ ግንኙነት ይፈጽማሉ የሚለውን ሃሳብ ትደግፋላችሁ። ይህ ትምህርት የክርስቶስን ተአምራዊ ልደት ያዳክማል። ያልኩበት ምክንያት እግዚአብሔር በቅድስት ድንግል ማርያም በኩል ከሰው ልጆች ጋር አንድ በመሆኑ ነው። ይህ በእግዚአብሔር እና በሰው መካከል ያለው አንድነት ያልተለመደ ክስተት ሆኖ ተመዝግቧል። ነገር ግን መላእክት ከእግዚአብሔር በፊት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር ተደባልቀው ነበር ማለቱ የኢየሱስን መወለድ በእርግጥ ይጎዳል። በመጀመሪያ ደረጃ, መላእክት የመራቢያ አካላት የላቸውም. መላእክት የማይራቡበት ምክንያት የዘላለም ሕይወት ስላላቸው ነው። እኛ ሰዎች ፣ ሟቾች ነን ፣ ግን መላእክት አይሞቱም። በዚህ ምክንያት ነው የምንባዛው. የቪዲዮው ደራሲ በጣም አስከፊ ስህተት ሰርቷል። መልአክ የሚለውን ቃል ፍቺ አላጠናም። በዕብራይስጥም በግእዝና በአማርኛም መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ሦስት ትርጉም አለው። መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ለሰው ልጆች ጥቅም ላይ ሊውል ይችላል. አንድ ሰው የቤተ ክርስቲያን መሪ ከሆነ መልአክ ተብሎ ይጠራል። ሚካኤል ወይም ገብርኤል መላእክት ይባላሉ። ሦስተኛው ትርጉም መልእክተኞች መሆን ነው። ለምሳሌ የነቢዩ ሚልክያስ ስም የመጣው መልአክ ከሚለው ቃል ነው።አሁን ከመጽሐፍ ቅዱስ ላሳይ። ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ:ምዕራፍ፴፮:፩ወመጽኡ መላእክተ:ነገደ:ቤተ:አቡሁ:ለገላአድ:ወልደ ማኪር:ወልደ:መናሴ:ዘእምነገደ:ደቂቀ:ዮሴፍ:ወይቤሉ:ቅድመ:ሙሴ:ወቅድመ:እልዓዛር:ካህን:ወቅድመ:[መላእክተ:]አብያተ:አበዊሆሙ:ለደቂቀ:እስራኤል ። ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ ምዕራፍ ፴፮:፩ከዮሴፍ ልጆች:ወገኖች:የምናሴ:ልጅ:የማኪር:ልጅ የገለዓድ:ልጆች:ወገን:አለቆች:ቀረቡ፥በሙሴና:በእስራኤልም:ልጆች:አባቶች:[አለቆች]:ፊት:ተናገሩ፤ ____________________________________________ ኦሪት:ዘጸአት:ምዕራፍ:፮:፲፬ ወእሉ:እሙንቱ:[መላእክት]:በበ:ቤተ:አበዊሆሙ፤ደቂቀ:ሮቤል:በኵሩ:ለእስራኤል:ሄኖኅ:ወፍሉሶ:ወአስሮን:ወከርሚ:ዝውእቱ:ትውልዲሁ:ለሮቤል። ኦሪት:ዘጸአት:ምዕራፍ:፮:፲፬ የአባታቸውም:ቤት:[አለቆች]:እነዚህ:ናቸው።የእስራኤል:የበኵር:ልጅ:የሮቤል:ልጆች፤ሄኖኅ፥ፈሉስ፥አስሮን፥ከርሚ፤እነዚህ:የሮቤል:ወገኖች:ናቸው። ____________________________________________ መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩ ወእሉ፡እሙንቱ[መላእክተ]አበዊሆሙ፡ እለ፡ ተኈለቁ፡ይዕርጉ፡ምስሌየ፡በመንግሥተ፡አርተሰስታ፡ንጉሥ፡እምባቢሎን። መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩በንጉሡ:በአርጤክስስ:መንግሥት:ከእኔ:ጋር:ከባቢሎን: የወጡ:የአባቶች:ቤቶች:[አለቆች]እነዚህ:ናቸው:ትውልዳቸውም:ይህ:ነው፤ __________________________________________________________________ Mezmure dawit 68 in Geez "27በጽሑ፡መላእክት፡ወቦሙ፡መዘምራነ ፤ማእከለ፡ደናግል፡ዘባጥያተ፡ከበሮ። 28በማኅበር፡ባርክዎ፡ለእግዚአብሔር፤ወለአማላክነ፡በአንቅዕተ፡እስራኤል። 29ህየ፡ብንያም፡ወሬዛ፡በኀይሉ፡ 30መላእክተ፡ይሁዳ፡ወመሳፍንቲሆሙ፤መላእክተ፡ዛብሉን፡መላእክተ፡ንፍታሌም። Mezmure dawit 68 in Amharic 25አለቆች:ቀደሙ፥መዘምራንም:ተከተሉ፤ ከበሮን:በሚመቱ:በቈነጃጅት:መካከል። 26እግዚአብሔርን:በጉባኤ፥ጌታችንንም: በእስራኤል:ምንጭ:አመስግኑት። 27ወጣቱ:ብንያም:በጕልበቱ:በዚያ:አለ፥ ገዦቻቸው:የይሁዳ:አለቆች:የዛብሎን:አለቆችና:የንፍታሌምም:አለቆች። Mezmure dawit 68 in English 26Bless ye God in the congregations, even the Lord, from the fountain of Israel. 27There is little Benjamin with their ruler, the princes of Judah and their council, the princes of Zebulun, and the princes of Naphtali. 28Thy God hath commanded thy strength: strengthen, O God, that which thou hast wrought for us. A)መላእክተ፡ይሁዳ= in geez B)የይሁዳ አለቆች = in Amharic C)Judah and their council All 3 are not talking about flying angels. Geez Revelation2:1ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያን፡ዘኤፌሶን፡ከመዝ፡ይቤለከ፡ዘያጸንዕ፡ሰብዐተ፡ኮከበ፡በየማኑ፡ዘየሐውር፡በማእከለ፡ስብዑ፡መኃትው፡ዘወርቅ። Amharic Revelation2:1በኤፌሶን:ወዳለው:ወደ ቤተ:ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ።በቀኝ:እጁ:ሰባቱን:ከዋክብት:የያዘው:በሰባቱም:የወርቅ:መቅረዞች:መካከል:የሚሄደው:እንዲህ:ይላል። English Revelation 2:1Unto the [angel of the church of Ephesus] write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks Geez Rev3:1ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያናት፡ዘሰርዴስ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ዘቦ፡ሰብዐተ፡መንፈስ፡ዘእምኀበ፡እግዚአብሔር፡ወሰብዐተ፡ኮከበ ። Amharic Rev3:1በሰርዴስም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ: ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ። ሰባቱ:የእግዚአብሔር:መናፍስትና:ሰባቱ: ከዋክብት:ያሉት:እንዲህ:ይላል።ሥራህን አውቃለሁ:ሕያው:እንደ:መሆንህ:ስም:አለህ:ሞተህማል። Geez Rev3:7ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ ክርስቲያን፡ዘፊልድልፍያ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ቅዱስ፡ወጻድቅ፡ዘኀቤሁ፡ይነብር፡ኵሉ፡መራኁተ ፡ ቤተ፡ዳዊት። Amharic Revelation3:7በፊልድልፍያም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ:ክርስቲያን[መልአክ]እንዲህ ብለህ:ጻፍ።የዳዊት:መክፈቻ:ያለው፤የሚከፍት፥የሚዘጋም:የሌለ፤የሚዘጋ፥የሚከፍትም:የሌለ፤g። Anak[ עֲנָק] in Hebrew it means Giant Anakim[עֲנָקִים] in Hebrew it means Giants If Anak means Giant and Nephilim means Giants why do people make such error in thinking it means fallen angels? The answer is simple the hebrew word Nephilim looks like the word Nophlim when writen in Hebrew like so Nephilim[נְפִילִים]vsNophelim[נֹפְלִים] . They are similar words at first glance but they have very different spelling and pronunciation. Example of Nophelim in the Bible. Deut22:4Thou shalt not see thy brother's ass or his ox fall downby the way, and hide thyself from them: thou shalt surely help him to lift them up again. ד לֹא-תִרְאֶה אֶת-חֲמוֹר אָחִיךָ אוֹ שׁוֹרוֹ, [נֹפְלִים] בַּדֶּרֶךְ, וְהִתְעַלַּמְתָּ, מֵהֶם: הָקֵם תָּקִים, עִמּוֹ. Also it is important to notice that there is a colon between Nephilim and Anak even in the Amharic translation. As you know a colon is used to describe what is already mentioned in the sentence.
@@mitakecho7534 Shame on ስለ፡እውነት፡ከተወያየን፡ወንድሜ፡በቃላት፡ብዙዎቻችን፡ሲወድቁ፡እናያለን።ለምሳሌ፡መላእክት፡ወይንም፡መለአክ፡የሚለውን፡ቃል፡ስንመለከት።ፕሮቴስታንቱ፡እነሚካኤልን፡ይጠቁማል።ነገር፡ግን፡መለአክ፡የሚለው፡ቃል፡ሌሎች፡ትርጉሞች፡አሉት።By the way this misunderstanding led many to think the book Henok wasn't truthfull because they thought it said Angels has children with human beings. Just because the word መልአክ was used but it didn't mean angel. What is Etymology? et·y·mol·o·gy is a noun and it means the study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history. _________________________________________________________________ Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh,the Geez መልአክ and the Amharic መልአክ are put for debate. malakhim is the plural form in hebrew while መላእክት is the plural form of መልአክ in both Geez and in Amharic. ________________________________ _________________________________ Angels in Judaism For other uses, see Malach. In Judaism an angel (Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh, plural malakhim) is a messenger of God, an angelic envoy or an angel in general who appears throughout the Hebrew Bible, Rabbinic literature, and traditional Jewish liturgy. Angels in Judaism are categorized in different hierarchies. Etymology Hebrew "mal'akh" (מַלְאָךְ) is the standard Hebrew Bible word for "messenger", [both human and divine], though it is less used for human messengers in Modern Hebrew[1] as the latter is usually denoted by the term shaliyah (שליח). Here are the evidences below. ክርስቲያን ነን ትላላችሁ ነገር ግን መላዕክት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር የግብረ ሥጋ ግንኙነት ይፈጽማሉ የሚለውን ሃሳብ ትደግፋላችሁ። ይህ ትምህርት የክርስቶስን ተአምራዊ ልደት ያዳክማል። ያልኩበት ምክንያት እግዚአብሔር በቅድስት ድንግል ማርያም በኩል ከሰው ልጆች ጋር አንድ በመሆኑ ነው። ይህ በእግዚአብሔር እና በሰው መካከል ያለው አንድነት ያልተለመደ ክስተት ሆኖ ተመዝግቧል። ነገር ግን መላእክት ከእግዚአብሔር በፊት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር ተደባልቀው ነበር ማለቱ የኢየሱስን መወለድ በእርግጥ ይጎዳል። በመጀመሪያ ደረጃ, መላእክት የመራቢያ አካላት የላቸውም. መላእክት የማይራቡበት ምክንያት የዘላለም ሕይወት ስላላቸው ነው። እኛ ሰዎች ፣ ሟቾች ነን ፣ ግን መላእክት አይሞቱም። በዚህ ምክንያት ነው የምንባዛው. የቪዲዮው ደራሲ በጣም አስከፊ ስህተት ሰርቷል። መልአክ የሚለውን ቃል ፍቺ አላጠናም። በዕብራይስጥም በግእዝና በአማርኛም መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ሦስት ትርጉም አለው። መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ለሰው ልጆች ጥቅም ላይ ሊውል ይችላል. አንድ ሰው የቤተ ክርስቲያን መሪ ከሆነ መልአክ ተብሎ ይጠራል። ሚካኤል ወይም ገብርኤል መላእክት ይባላሉ። ሦስተኛው ትርጉም መልእክተኞች መሆን ነው። ለምሳሌ የነቢዩ ሚልክያስ ስም የመጣው መልአክ ከሚለው ቃል ነው።አሁን ከመጽሐፍ ቅዱስ ላሳይ። ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ:ምዕራፍ፴፮:፩ወመጽኡ መላእክተ:ነገደ:ቤተ:አቡሁ:ለገላአድ:ወልደ ማኪር:ወልደ:መናሴ:ዘእምነገደ:ደቂቀ:ዮሴፍ:ወይቤሉ:ቅድመ:ሙሴ:ወቅድመ:እልዓዛር:ካህን:ወቅድመ:[መላእክተ:]አብያተ:አበዊሆሙ:ለደቂቀ:እስራኤል ። ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ ምዕራፍ ፴፮:፩ከዮሴፍ ልጆች:ወገኖች:የምናሴ:ልጅ:የማኪር:ልጅ የገለዓድ:ልጆች:ወገን:አለቆች:ቀረቡ፥በሙሴና:በእስራኤልም:ልጆች:አባቶች:[አለቆች]:ፊት:ተናገሩ፤ ____________________________________________ ኦሪት:ዘጸአት:ምዕራፍ:፮:፲፬ ወእሉ:እሙንቱ:[መላእክት]:በበ:ቤተ:አበዊሆሙ፤ደቂቀ:ሮቤል:በኵሩ:ለእስራኤል:ሄኖኅ:ወፍሉሶ:ወአስሮን:ወከርሚ:ዝውእቱ:ትውልዲሁ:ለሮቤል። ኦሪት:ዘጸአት:ምዕራፍ:፮:፲፬ የአባታቸውም:ቤት:[አለቆች]:እነዚህ:ናቸው።የእስራኤል:የበኵር:ልጅ:የሮቤል:ልጆች፤ሄኖኅ፥ፈሉስ፥አስሮን፥ከርሚ፤እነዚህ:የሮቤል:ወገኖች:ናቸው። ____________________________________________ መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩ ወእሉ፡እሙንቱ[መላእክተ]አበዊሆሙ፡ እለ፡ ተኈለቁ፡ይዕርጉ፡ምስሌየ፡በመንግሥተ፡አርተሰስታ፡ንጉሥ፡እምባቢሎን። መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩በንጉሡ:በአርጤክስስ:መንግሥት:ከእኔ:ጋር:ከባቢሎን: የወጡ:የአባቶች:ቤቶች:[አለቆች]እነዚህ:ናቸው:ትውልዳቸውም:ይህ:ነው፤ __________________________________________________________________ Mezmure dawit 68 in Geez "27በጽሑ፡መላእክት፡ወቦሙ፡መዘምራነ ፤ማእከለ፡ደናግል፡ዘባጥያተ፡ከበሮ። 28በማኅበር፡ባርክዎ፡ለእግዚአብሔር፤ወለአማላክነ፡በአንቅዕተ፡እስራኤል። 29ህየ፡ብንያም፡ወሬዛ፡በኀይሉ፡ 30መላእክተ፡ይሁዳ፡ወመሳፍንቲሆሙ፤መላእክተ፡ዛብሉን፡መላእክተ፡ንፍታሌም። Mezmure dawit 68 in Amharic 25አለቆች:ቀደሙ፥መዘምራንም:ተከተሉ፤ ከበሮን:በሚመቱ:በቈነጃጅት:መካከል። 26እግዚአብሔርን:በጉባኤ፥ጌታችንንም: በእስራኤል:ምንጭ:አመስግኑት። 27ወጣቱ:ብንያም:በጕልበቱ:በዚያ:አለ፥ ገዦቻቸው:የይሁዳ:አለቆች:የዛብሎን:አለቆችና:የንፍታሌምም:አለቆች። Mezmure dawit 68 in English 26Bless ye God in the congregations, even the Lord, from the fountain of Israel. 27There is little Benjamin with their ruler, the princes of Judah and their council, the princes of Zebulun, and the princes of Naphtali. 28Thy God hath commanded thy strength: strengthen, O God, that which thou hast wrought for us. A)መላእክተ፡ይሁዳ= in geez B)የይሁዳ አለቆች = in Amharic C)Judah and their council All 3 are not talking about flying angels. Geez Revelation2:1ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያን፡ዘኤፌሶን፡ከመዝ፡ይቤለከ፡ዘያጸንዕ፡ሰብዐተ፡ኮከበ፡በየማኑ፡ዘየሐውር፡በማእከለ፡ስብዑ፡መኃትው፡ዘወርቅ። Amharic Revelation2:1በኤፌሶን:ወዳለው:ወደ ቤተ:ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ።በቀኝ:እጁ:ሰባቱን:ከዋክብት:የያዘው:በሰባቱም:የወርቅ:መቅረዞች:መካከል:የሚሄደው:እንዲህ:ይላል። English Revelation 2:1Unto the [angel of the church of Ephesus] write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks Geez Rev3:1ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያናት፡ዘሰርዴስ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ዘቦ፡ሰብዐተ፡መንፈስ፡ዘእምኀበ፡እግዚአብሔር፡ወሰብዐተ፡ኮከበ ። Amharic Rev3:1በሰርዴስም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ: ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ። ሰባቱ:የእግዚአብሔር:መናፍስትና:ሰባቱ: ከዋክብት:ያሉት:እንዲህ:ይላል።ሥራህን አውቃለሁ:ሕያው:እንደ:መሆንህ:ስም:አለህ:ሞተህማል። Geez Rev3:7ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ ክርስቲያን፡ዘፊልድልፍያ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ቅዱስ፡ወጻድቅ፡ዘኀቤሁ፡ይነብር፡ኵሉ፡መራኁተ ፡ ቤተ፡ዳዊት። Amharic Revelation3:7በፊልድልፍያም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ:ክርስቲያን[መልአክ]እንዲህ ብለህ:ጻፍ።የዳዊት:መክፈቻ:ያለው፤የሚከፍት፥የሚዘጋም:የሌለ፤የሚዘጋ፥የሚከፍትም:የሌለ፤g። Anak[ עֲנָק] in Hebrew it means Giant Anakim[עֲנָקִים] in Hebrew it means Giants If Anak means Giant and Nephilim means Giants why do people make such error in thinking it means fallen angels? The answer is simple the hebrew word Nephilim looks like the word Nophlim when writen in Hebrew like so Nephilim[נְפִילִים]vsNophelim[נֹפְלִים] . They are similar words at first glance but they have very different spelling and pronunciation. Example of Nophelim in the Bible. Deut22:4Thou shalt not see thy brother's ass or his ox fall downby the way, and hide thyself from them: thou shalt surely help him to lift them up again. ד לֹא-תִרְאֶה אֶת-חֲמוֹר אָחִיךָ אוֹ שׁוֹרוֹ, [נֹפְלִים] בַּדֶּרֶךְ, וְהִתְעַלַּמְתָּ, מֵהֶם: הָקֵם תָּקִים, עִמּוֹ. Also it is important to notice that there is a colon between Nephilim and Anak even in the Amharic translation. As you know a colon is used to describe what is already mentioned in the sentence.
Thank you, godly beautiful people of Ethiopia for giving us the Book of Enoch! You are an ancient holy nation mentioned many times in the Holy Bible. May God Yahweh and His holy son Jesus Christ bless you and your nation always. Amen. - With love from Việt-Nam
@@reasonnot_hate2125 yes,you are correct they took a myth or mythological story and they did it as reality,first in ancient time no were white people how all the characters of you bible is white,
When people have discussion about the book of Enoch and the book of Jubilee.They often conclude that some Angels came from the heavens and began mixing with humans.This is because both books use the following words and expressions [ወረዱ፡መላእክተ፡እግዚአብሔር] which translates into english as the Angels of God.Another word both the book of Enoch and the book of Jubilee use is ትጉሃነ or ትጉሃን which means the pure, the righteous humans. Unfortunetly, this very word was mistranslated as "the watchers". Which further led non ge'ez speakers into thinking that actual fallen Angels mixed with mankind who they think are the nephilim/the giants. The question is who are these angels that descended on to the earth that the book of Enoch and the book of jubilee talks about.Specificaly the book of jubilee says the following [ወረዱ፡መላእክተ፡እግዚአብሔር]. The Amharic translation states that they are the descendant of Seth. Seth being the replacement of Abel who was murdered by his brother Cain. The descendants of Seth were at the time the purest people on earth. They kept God's laws. Here is the book of Jubilee in Ge'ez ወበካልእ፡ሱባዔ፡ዘዓሥር፡ኢዮቤልዩ ፡ነሥአ፡ሎቱ፡መላልኤል፡ዲናሃ፡ወለተ፡በራክሔል፡ወለተ፡እኅተ፡አቡሁ፡ሎቱ፡ብእሲተ፡ወወለደት፡ሎቱ ፡ወልደ ፡በሱባዔ፡ሣልስ፡በሳድስ፡ዓመቱ፡ወጸውዐ፡ስሞ፡ያሬድሃ።እስመ፡በመዋዕሊሁ፡[ወረዱ፡መላእክተ ፡እግዚአብሔር]፡ውስተ፡ምድር፡እለ፡ተሰምዩ፡[ትጉሃነ]፡ከመ፡ይምሀርዎሙ፡ለደቂቀ፡እጓለ፡እመሕያው ፡ ይግበሩ፡ፍትሐ፡ወርትዐ፡በዲበ፡ምድር። Here is the Amharic translation. በአሥረኛው ኢዮቤልዩ በሁለተኛው ዓመት መላልኤል ሚስት ትሆነው ዘንድ የአባቱን ወንድም የበራኪሂልን ልጅ ዲናን አገባ። በሦስተኛው ሱባዔ በስድስተኛው ዓመት ወንድ ልጅ ወለደችለት ስሙንም ያሮድ አለው። [በዘመኑ ትጉሃን የተባሉ የእግዚአብሔር አገልጋዮች የሚሆኑ የሴት ልጆች] በዚህ ዓለም የቀና ሥራንና ፍርድን ያደርጉ ዘንድ ለሰው ልጆች ሊያስተምሩአቸው ወደ ምድር ወርደዋልና። In the book of Enoch it uses the expession [መላእክት፡ውሉደ፡ሰማያት] which the translates into angels sons of heaven.The Amharic translation shines some lights on who these "angels sons of heaven" really are. It says there are (ደቂቀ ሴት) which means the children of Seth. Here is the book of Enoch in Ge'ez and below i have posted the book of Enoch in Amharic. ወርእዩ፡ኪያሆን፡[መላእክት፡ውሉደ፡ሰማያት]፡ወፈተውዎን፡ወይቤሉ፡በበይናቲሆሙ፡ንዑ፡ንኅረይ፡ለነ፡አንስተ፡እምውሉደ፡ሰብእ፡ወንለድ፡ለነ፡ውሉደ። [የሰው ልጆች] ከበዙ በኋላ እንዲህ ሆነ። በዚያ ወራትም መልክ መልካሞች ደመ ግቡዎች ልጆች ተወለዱላቸው በደብር ቅዱስ ያሉ [ደቂቀ ሴትም] እነሱን አይተው ወደዷቸው። እሰበሳቸውም ኑ ለኛ [ከቃየል ልጆች ሴቸችን እንምረጥ] ለኛ ልጆችን አንውለድ አሉ።
How can you say that as a christian. He just misrepresented the book of Henock and you thank him? I really really don't understand you.....the word ትጉሃን was mistranslated into english from geez as "the watchers". ትጉሃን does not mean watchers. If you knew your bible.You would not have thanked this man at all. Look at kufale chapter 8:21 the word ትጉሃን was repeated to depict the children of Seth. Children of Seth lusted over the children of Cain. There is no "angel with wings" mixing with humans here. Here is the verse in Ge'ez language. Kufale8:21 እስመ ፡ በእንተ ፡ ዝንቱ ፡ ፫ ፡ ኮነ ፡ አይኅ ፡ ላዕለ ፡ ምድር ፡ እስመ ፡ በእንተ ፡ ዝሙት ፡ ዘዘመዉ ፡ ትጉሃን ፡ እምትእዛዘ ፡ ኵነኔሆሙ ፡ በድኅረ ፡ አዋልደ ፡ ሰብእ ፡ ወነሥኡ ፡ ሎሙ ፡ አንስትያ ፡ እምኵሉ ፡ እለ ፡ ኀረዩ ፡ ገብሩ ፡ መቅድመ ፡ ርኵስ ።
When people have discussion about the book of Enoch and the book of Jubilee.They often conclude that some Angels came from the heavens and began mixing with humans.This is because both books use the following words and expressions [ወረዱ፡መላእክተ፡እግዚአብሔር] which translates into english as the Angels of God.Another word both the book of Enoch and the book of Jubilee use is ትጉሃነ or ትጉሃን which means the pure, the righteous humans. Unfortunetly, this very word was mistranslated as "the watchers". Which further led non ge'ez speakers into thinking that actual fallen Angels mixed with mankind who they think are the nephilim/the giants. The question is who are these angels that descended on to the earth that the book of Enoch and the book of jubilee talks about.Specificaly the book of jubilee says the following [ወረዱ፡መላእክተ፡እግዚአብሔር]. The Amharic translation states that they are the descendant of Seth. Seth being the replacement of Abel who was murdered by his brother Cain. The descendants of Seth were at the time the purest people on earth. They kept God's laws. Here is the book of Jubilee in Ge'ez ወበካልእ፡ሱባዔ፡ዘዓሥር፡ኢዮቤልዩ ፡ነሥአ፡ሎቱ፡መላልኤል፡ዲናሃ፡ወለተ፡በራክሔል፡ወለተ፡እኅተ፡አቡሁ፡ሎቱ፡ብእሲተ፡ወወለደት፡ሎቱ ፡ወልደ ፡በሱባዔ፡ሣልስ፡በሳድስ፡ዓመቱ፡ወጸውዐ፡ስሞ፡ያሬድሃ።እስመ፡በመዋዕሊሁ፡[ወረዱ፡መላእክተ ፡እግዚአብሔር]፡ውስተ፡ምድር፡እለ፡ተሰምዩ፡[ትጉሃነ]፡ከመ፡ይምሀርዎሙ፡ለደቂቀ፡እጓለ፡እመሕያው ፡ ይግበሩ፡ፍትሐ፡ወርትዐ፡በዲበ፡ምድር። Here is the Amharic translation. በአሥረኛው ኢዮቤልዩ በሁለተኛው ዓመት መላልኤል ሚስት ትሆነው ዘንድ የአባቱን ወንድም የበራኪሂልን ልጅ ዲናን አገባ። በሦስተኛው ሱባዔ በስድስተኛው ዓመት ወንድ ልጅ ወለደችለት ስሙንም ያሮድ አለው። [በዘመኑ ትጉሃን የተባሉ የእግዚአብሔር አገልጋዮች የሚሆኑ የሴት ልጆች] በዚህ ዓለም የቀና ሥራንና ፍርድን ያደርጉ ዘንድ ለሰው ልጆች ሊያስተምሩአቸው ወደ ምድር ወርደዋልና። In the book of Enoch it uses the expession [መላእክት፡ውሉደ፡ሰማያት] which the translates into angels sons of heaven.The Amharic translation shines some lights on who these "angels sons of heaven" really are. It says there are (ደቂቀ ሴት) which means the children of Seth. Here is the book of Enoch in Ge'ez and below i have posted the book of Enoch in Amharic. ወርእዩ፡ኪያሆን፡[መላእክት፡ውሉደ፡ሰማያት]፡ወፈተውዎን፡ወይቤሉ፡በበይናቲሆሙ፡ንዑ፡ንኅረይ፡ለነ፡አንስተ፡እምውሉደ፡ሰብእ፡ወንለድ፡ለነ፡ውሉደ። [የሰው ልጆች] ከበዙ በኋላ እንዲህ ሆነ። በዚያ ወራትም መልክ መልካሞች ደመ ግቡዎች ልጆች ተወለዱላቸው በደብር ቅዱስ ያሉ [ደቂቀ ሴትም] እነሱን አይተው ወደዷቸው። እሰበሳቸውም ኑ ለኛ [ከቃየል ልጆች ሴቸችን እንምረጥ] ለኛ ልጆችን አንውለድ አሉ።
How can you misrepresente the book of Henok like this? Shame on you!!!መጽሐፈ፡ሔኖክ ምዕራፍ ፪ ።1[የሰው ልጆች] ከበዙ በኋላ እንዲህ ሆነ። በዚያ ወራትም መልክ መልካሞች ደመ ግቡዎች ልጆች ተወለዱላቸው [በደብር ቅዱስ ያሉ ደቂቀ ሴትም] እነሱን አይተው ወደዷቸው። እሰበሳቸውም ኑ ለኛ [ከቃየል ልጆች] ሴቶችን እንምረጥ ለኛ ልጆችን አንውለድ አሉ። This is talking about the blessed children of Seth falling into temptation by looking at the children of Cain. It has nothing to do with fallen angels at all. What is Etymology? et·y·mol·o·gy is a noun and it means the study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history. _________________________________________________________________ Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh,the Geez መልአክ and the Amharic መልአክ are put for debate. malakhim is the plural form in hebrew while መላእክት is the plural form of መልአክ in both Geez and in Amharic. ________________________________ _________________________________ Angels in Judaism For other uses, see Malach. In Judaism an angel (Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh, plural malakhim) is a messenger of God, an angelic envoy or an angel in general who appears throughout the Hebrew Bible, Rabbinic literature, and traditional Jewish liturgy. Angels in Judaism are categorized in different hierarchies. Etymology Hebrew "mal'akh" (מַלְאָךְ) is the standard Hebrew Bible word for "messenger", [both human and divine], though it is less used for human messengers in Modern Hebrew[1] as the latter is usually denoted by the term shaliyah (שליח). Here are the evidences below. ክርስቲያን ነን ትላላችሁ ነገር ግን መላዕክት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር የግብረ ሥጋ ግንኙነት ይፈጽማሉ የሚለውን ሃሳብ ትደግፋላችሁ። ይህ ትምህርት የክርስቶስን ተአምራዊ ልደት ያዳክማል። ያልኩበት ምክንያት እግዚአብሔር በቅድስት ድንግል ማርያም በኩል ከሰው ልጆች ጋር አንድ በመሆኑ ነው። ይህ በእግዚአብሔር እና በሰው መካከል ያለው አንድነት ያልተለመደ ክስተት ሆኖ ተመዝግቧል። ነገር ግን መላእክት ከእግዚአብሔር በፊት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር ተደባልቀው ነበር ማለቱ የኢየሱስን መወለድ በእርግጥ ይጎዳል። በመጀመሪያ ደረጃ, መላእክት የመራቢያ አካላት የላቸውም. መላእክት የማይራቡበት ምክንያት የዘላለም ሕይወት ስላላቸው ነው። እኛ ሰዎች ፣ ሟቾች ነን ፣ ግን መላእክት አይሞቱም። በዚህ ምክንያት ነው የምንባዛው. የቪዲዮው ደራሲ በጣም አስከፊ ስህተት ሰርቷል። መልአክ የሚለውን ቃል ፍቺ አላጠናም። በዕብራይስጥም በግእዝና በአማርኛም መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ሦስት ትርጉም አለው። መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ለሰው ልጆች ጥቅም ላይ ሊውል ይችላል. አንድ ሰው የቤተ ክርስቲያን መሪ ከሆነ መልአክ ተብሎ ይጠራል። ሚካኤል ወይም ገብርኤል መላእክት ይባላሉ። ሦስተኛው ትርጉም መልእክተኞች መሆን ነው። ለምሳሌ የነቢዩ ሚልክያስ ስም የመጣው መልአክ ከሚለው ቃል ነው።አሁን ከመጽሐፍ ቅዱስ ላሳይ። ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ:ምዕራፍ፴፮:፩ወመጽኡ መላእክተ:ነገደ:ቤተ:አቡሁ:ለገላአድ:ወልደ ማኪር:ወልደ:መናሴ:ዘእምነገደ:ደቂቀ:ዮሴፍ:ወይቤሉ:ቅድመ:ሙሴ:ወቅድመ:እልዓዛር:ካህን:ወቅድመ:[መላእክተ:]አብያተ:አበዊሆሙ:ለደቂቀ:እስራኤል ። ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ ምዕራፍ ፴፮:፩ከዮሴፍ ልጆች:ወገኖች:የምናሴ:ልጅ:የማኪር:ልጅ የገለዓድ:ልጆች:ወገን:አለቆች:ቀረቡ፥በሙሴና:በእስራኤልም:ልጆች:አባቶች:[አለቆች]:ፊት:ተናገሩ፤ ____________________________________________ ኦሪት:ዘጸአት:ምዕራፍ:፮:፲፬ ወእሉ:እሙንቱ:[መላእክት]:በበ:ቤተ:አበዊሆሙ፤ደቂቀ:ሮቤል:በኵሩ:ለእስራኤል:ሄኖኅ:ወፍሉሶ:ወአስሮን:ወከርሚ:ዝውእቱ:ትውልዲሁ:ለሮቤል። ኦሪት:ዘጸአት:ምዕራፍ:፮:፲፬ የአባታቸውም:ቤት:[አለቆች]:እነዚህ:ናቸው።የእስራኤል:የበኵር:ልጅ:የሮቤል:ልጆች፤ሄኖኅ፥ፈሉስ፥አስሮን፥ከርሚ፤እነዚህ:የሮቤል:ወገኖች:ናቸው። ____________________________________________ መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩ ወእሉ፡እሙንቱ[መላእክተ]አበዊሆሙ፡ እለ፡ ተኈለቁ፡ይዕርጉ፡ምስሌየ፡በመንግሥተ፡አርተሰስታ፡ንጉሥ፡እምባቢሎን። መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩በንጉሡ:በአርጤክስስ:መንግሥት:ከእኔ:ጋር:ከባቢሎን: የወጡ:የአባቶች:ቤቶች:[አለቆች]እነዚህ:ናቸው:ትውልዳቸውም:ይህ:ነው፤ ___________________________________________ None of the above or below verses are talking about the flying angels .it is talking about human beings. Mezmure dawit 68 in Geez "27በጽሑ፡መላእክት፡ወቦሙ፡መዘምራነ ፤ማእከለ፡ደናግል፡ዘባጥያተ፡ከበሮ። 28በማኅበር፡ባርክዎ፡ለእግዚአብሔር፤ወለአማላክነ፡በአንቅዕተ፡እስራኤል። 29ህየ፡ብንያም፡ወሬዛ፡በኀይሉ፡ 30መላእክተ፡ይሁዳ፡ወመሳፍንቲሆሙ፤መላእክተ፡ዛብሉን፡መላእክተ፡ንፍታሌም። Mezmure dawit 68 in Amharic 25አለቆች:ቀደሙ፥መዘምራንም:ተከተሉ፤ ከበሮን:በሚመቱ:በቈነጃጅት:መካከል። 26እግዚአብሔርን:በጉባኤ፥ጌታችንንም: በእስራኤል:ምንጭ:አመስግኑት። 27ወጣቱ:ብንያም:በጕልበቱ:በዚያ:አለ፥ ገዦቻቸው:የይሁዳ:አለቆች:የዛብሎን:አለቆችና:የንፍታሌምም:አለቆች። Mezmure dawit 68 in English 26Bless ye God in the congregations, even the Lord, from the fountain of Israel. 27There is little Benjamin with their ruler, the princes of Judah and their council, the princes of Zebulun, and the princes of Naphtali. 28Thy God hath commanded thy strength: strengthen, O God, that which thou hast wrought for us. A)መላእክተ፡ይሁዳ= in geez B)የይሁዳ አለቆች = in Amharic C)Judah and their council All 3 are not talking about flying angels. Geez Revelation2:1ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያን፡ዘኤፌሶን፡ከመዝ፡ይቤለከ፡ዘያጸንዕ፡ሰብዐተ፡ኮከበ፡በየማኑ፡ዘየሐውር፡በማእከለ፡ስብዑ፡መኃትው፡ዘወርቅ። Amharic Revelation2:1በኤፌሶን:ወዳለው:ወደ ቤተ:ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ።በቀኝ:እጁ:ሰባቱን:ከዋክብት:የያዘው:በሰባቱም:የወርቅ:መቅረዞች:መካከል:የሚሄደው:እንዲህ:ይላል። English Revelation 2:1Unto the [angel of the church of Ephesus] write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks Geez Rev3:1ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያናት፡ዘሰርዴስ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ዘቦ፡ሰብዐተ፡መንፈስ፡ዘእምኀበ፡እግዚአብሔር፡ወሰብዐተ፡ኮከበ ። Amharic Rev3:1በሰርዴስም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ: ክርስቲያን:[መልአክ]:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ። ሰባቱ:የእግዚአብሔር:መናፍስትና:ሰባቱ: ከዋክብት:ያሉት:እንዲህ:ይላል።ሥራህን አውቃለሁ:ሕያው:እንደ:መሆንህ:ስም:አለህ:ሞተህማል። Geez Rev3:7ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ ክርስቲያን፡ዘፊልድልፍያ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ቅዱስ፡ወጻድቅ፡ዘኀቤሁ፡ይነብር፡ኵሉ፡መራኁተ፡ቤተ፡ዳዊት። Amharic Revelation3:7በፊልድልፍያም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ:ክርስቲያን[መልአክ]እንዲህ ብለህ:ጻፍ።የዳዊት:መክፈቻ:ያለው፤የሚከፍት፥የሚዘጋም:የሌለ፤የሚዘጋ፥የሚከፍትም:የሌለ፤g። Anak[ עֲנָק] in Hebrew it means Giant Anakim[עֲנָקִים] in Hebrew it means Giants If Anak means Giant and Nephilim means Giants why do people make such error in thinking it means fallen angels? The answer is simple the hebrew word Nephilim looks like the word Nophlim when writen in Hebrew like so Nephilim[נְפִילִים]vsNophelim[נֹפְלִים] . They are similar words at first glance but they have very different spelling and pronunciation. Example of Nophelim in the Bible. Deut22:4Thou shalt not see thy brother's ass or his ox fall downby the way, and hide thyself from them: thou shalt surely help him to lift them up again. ד לֹא-תִרְאֶה אֶת-חֲמוֹר אָחִיךָ אוֹ שׁוֹרוֹ, [נֹפְלִים] בַּדֶּרֶךְ, וְהִתְעַלַּמְתָּ, מֵהֶם: הָקֵם תָּקִים, עִמּוֹ. Also it is important to notice that there is a colon between Nephilim and Anak even in the Amharic translation. As you know a colon is used to describe what is already mentioned in the sentence.
@@mezmuremahlet Shame on you.... ስለ፡እውነት፡ከተወያየን፡ወንድሜ፡በቃላት፡ብዙዎቻችን፡ሲወድቁ፡እናያለን።ለምሳሌ፡መላእክት፡ወይንም፡መለአክ፡የሚለውን፡ቃል፡ስንመለከት።ፕሮቴስታንቱ፡እነሚካኤልን፡ይጠቁማል።ነገር፡ግን፡መለአክ፡የሚለው፡ቃል፡ሌሎች፡ትርጉሞች፡አሉት።By the way this misunderstanding led many to think the book Henok wasn't truthfull because they thought it said Angels has children with human beings. Just because the word መልአክ was used but it didn't mean angel. What is Etymology? et·y·mol·o·gy is a noun and it means the study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history. _________________________________________________________________ Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh,the Geez መልአክ and the Amharic መልአክ are put for debate. malakhim is the plural form in hebrew while መላእክት is the plural form of መልአክ in both Geez and in Amharic. ________________________________ _________________________________ Angels in Judaism For other uses, see Malach. In Judaism an angel (Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh, plural malakhim) is a messenger of God, an angelic envoy or an angel in general who appears throughout the Hebrew Bible, Rabbinic literature, and traditional Jewish liturgy. Angels in Judaism are categorized in different hierarchies. Etymology Hebrew "mal'akh" (מַלְאָךְ) is the standard Hebrew Bible word for "messenger", [both human and divine], though it is less used for human messengers in Modern Hebrew[1] as the latter is usually denoted by the term shaliyah (שליח). Here are the evidences below. ክርስቲያን ነን ትላላችሁ ነገር ግን መላዕክት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር የግብረ ሥጋ ግንኙነት ይፈጽማሉ የሚለውን ሃሳብ ትደግፋላችሁ። ይህ ትምህርት የክርስቶስን ተአምራዊ ልደት ያዳክማል። ያልኩበት ምክንያት እግዚአብሔር በቅድስት ድንግል ማርያም በኩል ከሰው ልጆች ጋር አንድ በመሆኑ ነው። ይህ በእግዚአብሔር እና በሰው መካከል ያለው አንድነት ያልተለመደ ክስተት ሆኖ ተመዝግቧል። ነገር ግን መላእክት ከእግዚአብሔር በፊት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር ተደባልቀው ነበር ማለቱ የኢየሱስን መወለድ በእርግጥ ይጎዳል። በመጀመሪያ ደረጃ, መላእክት የመራቢያ አካላት የላቸውም. መላእክት የማይራቡበት ምክንያት የዘላለም ሕይወት ስላላቸው ነው። እኛ ሰዎች ፣ ሟቾች ነን ፣ ግን መላእክት አይሞቱም። በዚህ ምክንያት ነው የምንባዛው. የቪዲዮው ደራሲ በጣም አስከፊ ስህተት ሰርቷል። መልአክ የሚለውን ቃል ፍቺ አላጠናም። በዕብራይስጥም በግእዝና በአማርኛም መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ሦስት ትርጉም አለው። መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ለሰው ልጆች ጥቅም ላይ ሊውል ይችላል. አንድ ሰው የቤተ ክርስቲያን መሪ ከሆነ መልአክ ተብሎ ይጠራል። ሚካኤል ወይም ገብርኤል መላእክት ይባላሉ። ሦስተኛው ትርጉም መልእክተኞች መሆን ነው። ለምሳሌ የነቢዩ ሚልክያስ ስም የመጣው መልአክ ከሚለው ቃል ነው።አሁን ከመጽሐፍ ቅዱስ ላሳይ። ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ:ምዕራፍ፴፮:፩ወመጽኡ መላእክተ:ነገደ:ቤተ:አቡሁ:ለገላአድ:ወልደ ማኪር:ወልደ:መናሴ:ዘእምነገደ:ደቂቀ:ዮሴፍ:ወይቤሉ:ቅድመ:ሙሴ:ወቅድመ:እልዓዛር:ካህን:ወቅድመ:[መላእክተ:]አብያተ:አበዊሆሙ:ለደቂቀ:እስራኤል ። ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ ምዕራፍ ፴፮:፩ከዮሴፍ ልጆች:ወገኖች:የምናሴ:ልጅ:የማኪር:ልጅ የገለዓድ:ልጆች:ወገን:አለቆች:ቀረቡ፥በሙሴና:በእስራኤልም:ልጆች:አባቶች:[አለቆች]:ፊት:ተናገሩ፤ ____________________________________________ ኦሪት:ዘጸአት:ምዕራፍ:፮:፲፬ ወእሉ:እሙንቱ:[መላእክት]:በበ:ቤተ:አበዊሆሙ፤ደቂቀ:ሮቤል:በኵሩ:ለእስራኤል:ሄኖኅ:ወፍሉሶ:ወአስሮን:ወከርሚ:ዝውእቱ:ትውልዲሁ:ለሮቤል። ኦሪት:ዘጸአት:ምዕራፍ:፮:፲፬ የአባታቸውም:ቤት:[አለቆች]:እነዚህ:ናቸው።የእስራኤል:የበኵር:ልጅ:የሮቤል:ልጆች፤ሄኖኅ፥ፈሉስ፥አስሮን፥ከርሚ፤እነዚህ:የሮቤል:ወገኖች:ናቸው። ____________________________________________ መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩ ወእሉ፡እሙንቱ[መላእክተ]አበዊሆሙ፡ እለ፡ ተኈለቁ፡ይዕርጉ፡ምስሌየ፡በመንግሥተ፡አርተሰስታ፡ንጉሥ፡እምባቢሎን። መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩በንጉሡ:በአርጤክስስ:መንግሥት:ከእኔ:ጋር:ከባቢሎን: የወጡ:የአባቶች:ቤቶች:[አለቆች]እነዚህ:ናቸው:ትውልዳቸውም:ይህ:ነው፤ __________________________________________________________________ Mezmure dawit 68 in Geez "27በጽሑ፡መላእክት፡ወቦሙ፡መዘምራነ ፤ማእከለ፡ደናግል፡ዘባጥያተ፡ከበሮ። 28በማኅበር፡ባርክዎ፡ለእግዚአብሔር፤ወለአማላክነ፡በአንቅዕተ፡እስራኤል። 29ህየ፡ብንያም፡ወሬዛ፡በኀይሉ፡ 30መላእክተ፡ይሁዳ፡ወመሳፍንቲሆሙ፤መላእክተ፡ዛብሉን፡መላእክተ፡ንፍታሌም። Mezmure dawit 68 in Amharic 25አለቆች:ቀደሙ፥መዘምራንም:ተከተሉ፤ ከበሮን:በሚመቱ:በቈነጃጅት:መካከል። 26እግዚአብሔርን:በጉባኤ፥ጌታችንንም: በእስራኤል:ምንጭ:አመስግኑት። 27ወጣቱ:ብንያም:በጕልበቱ:በዚያ:አለ፥ ገዦቻቸው:የይሁዳ:አለቆች:የዛብሎን:አለቆችና:የንፍታሌምም:አለቆች። Mezmure dawit 68 in English 26Bless ye God in the congregations, even the Lord, from the fountain of Israel. 27There is little Benjamin with their ruler, the princes of Judah and their council, the princes of Zebulun, and the princes of Naphtali. 28Thy God hath commanded thy strength: strengthen, O God, that which thou hast wrought for us. A)መላእክተ፡ይሁዳ= in geez B)የይሁዳ አለቆች = in Amharic C)Judah and their council All 3 are not talking about flying angels. Geez Revelation2:1ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያን፡ዘኤፌሶን፡ከመዝ፡ይቤለከ፡ዘያጸንዕ፡ሰብዐተ፡ኮከበ፡በየማኑ፡ዘየሐውር፡በማእከለ፡ስብዑ፡መኃትው፡ዘወርቅ። Amharic Revelation2:1በኤፌሶን:ወዳለው:ወደ ቤተ:ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ።በቀኝ:እጁ:ሰባቱን:ከዋክብት:የያዘው:በሰባቱም:የወርቅ:መቅረዞች:መካከል:የሚሄደው:እንዲህ:ይላል። English Revelation 2:1Unto the [angel of the church of Ephesus] write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks Geez Rev3:1ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያናት፡ዘሰርዴስ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ዘቦ፡ሰብዐተ፡መንፈስ፡ዘእምኀበ፡እግዚአብሔር፡ወሰብዐተ፡ኮከበ ። Amharic Rev3:1በሰርዴስም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ: ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ። ሰባቱ:የእግዚአብሔር:መናፍስትና:ሰባቱ: ከዋክብት:ያሉት:እንዲህ:ይላል።ሥራህን አውቃለሁ:ሕያው:እንደ:መሆንህ:ስም:አለህ:ሞተህማል። Geez Rev3:7ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ ክርስቲያን፡ዘፊልድልፍያ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ቅዱስ፡ወጻድቅ፡ዘኀቤሁ፡ይነብር፡ኵሉ፡መራኁተ ፡ ቤተ፡ዳዊት። Amharic Revelation3:7በፊልድልፍያም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ:ክርስቲያን[መልአክ]እንዲህ ብለህ:ጻፍ።የዳዊት:መክፈቻ:ያለው፤የሚከፍት፥የሚዘጋም:የሌለ፤የሚዘጋ፥የሚከፍትም:የሌለ፤g። Anak[ עֲנָק] in Hebrew it means Giant Anakim[עֲנָקִים] in Hebrew it means Giants If Anak means Giant and Nephilim means Giants why do people make such error in thinking it means fallen angels? The answer is simple the hebrew word Nephilim looks like the word Nophlim when writen in Hebrew like so Nephilim[נְפִילִים]vsNophelim[נֹפְלִים] . They are similar words at first glance but they have very different spelling and pronunciation. Example of Nophelim in the Bible. Deut22:4Thou shalt not see thy brother's ass or his ox fall downby the way, and hide thyself from them: thou shalt surely help him to lift them up again. ד לֹא-תִרְאֶה אֶת-חֲמוֹר אָחִיךָ אוֹ שׁוֹרוֹ, [נֹפְלִים] בַּדֶּרֶךְ, וְהִתְעַלַּמְתָּ, מֵהֶם: הָקֵם תָּקִים, עִמּוֹ. Also it is important to notice that there is a colon between Nephilim and Anak even in the Amharic translation. As you know a colon is used to describe what is already mentioned in the sentence.
Shame on you.... ስለ፡እውነት፡ከተወያየን፡ወንድሜ፡በቃላት፡ብዙዎቻችን፡ሲወድቁ፡እናያለን።ለምሳሌ፡መላእክት፡ወይንም፡መለአክ፡የሚለውን፡ቃል፡ስንመለከት።ፕሮቴስታንቱ፡እነሚካኤልን፡ይጠቁማል።ነገር፡ግን፡መለአክ፡የሚለው፡ቃል፡ሌሎች፡ትርጉሞች፡አሉት።By the way this misunderstanding led many to think the book Henok wasn't truthfull because they thought it said Angels has children with human beings. Just because the word መልአክ was used but it didn't mean angel. What is Etymology? et·y·mol·o·gy is a noun and it means the study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history. _________________________________________________________________ Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh,the Geez መልአክ and the Amharic መልአክ are put for debate. malakhim is the plural form in hebrew while መላእክት is the plural form of መልአክ in both Geez and in Amharic. ________________________________ _________________________________ Angels in Judaism For other uses, see Malach. In Judaism an angel (Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh, plural malakhim) is a messenger of God, an angelic envoy or an angel in general who appears throughout the Hebrew Bible, Rabbinic literature, and traditional Jewish liturgy. Angels in Judaism are categorized in different hierarchies. Etymology Hebrew "mal'akh" (מַלְאָךְ) is the standard Hebrew Bible word for "messenger", [both human and divine], though it is less used for human messengers in Modern Hebrew[1] as the latter is usually denoted by the term shaliyah (שליח). Here are the evidences below. ክርስቲያን ነን ትላላችሁ ነገር ግን መላዕክት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር የግብረ ሥጋ ግንኙነት ይፈጽማሉ የሚለውን ሃሳብ ትደግፋላችሁ። ይህ ትምህርት የክርስቶስን ተአምራዊ ልደት ያዳክማል። ያልኩበት ምክንያት እግዚአብሔር በቅድስት ድንግል ማርያም በኩል ከሰው ልጆች ጋር አንድ በመሆኑ ነው። ይህ በእግዚአብሔር እና በሰው መካከል ያለው አንድነት ያልተለመደ ክስተት ሆኖ ተመዝግቧል። ነገር ግን መላእክት ከእግዚአብሔር በፊት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር ተደባልቀው ነበር ማለቱ የኢየሱስን መወለድ በእርግጥ ይጎዳል። በመጀመሪያ ደረጃ, መላእክት የመራቢያ አካላት የላቸውም. መላእክት የማይራቡበት ምክንያት የዘላለም ሕይወት ስላላቸው ነው። እኛ ሰዎች ፣ ሟቾች ነን ፣ ግን መላእክት አይሞቱም። በዚህ ምክንያት ነው የምንባዛው. የቪዲዮው ደራሲ በጣም አስከፊ ስህተት ሰርቷል። መልአክ የሚለውን ቃል ፍቺ አላጠናም። በዕብራይስጥም በግእዝና በአማርኛም መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ሦስት ትርጉም አለው። መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ለሰው ልጆች ጥቅም ላይ ሊውል ይችላል. አንድ ሰው የቤተ ክርስቲያን መሪ ከሆነ መልአክ ተብሎ ይጠራል። ሚካኤል ወይም ገብርኤል መላእክት ይባላሉ። ሦስተኛው ትርጉም መልእክተኞች መሆን ነው። ለምሳሌ የነቢዩ ሚልክያስ ስም የመጣው መልአክ ከሚለው ቃል ነው።አሁን ከመጽሐፍ ቅዱስ ላሳይ። ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ:ምዕራፍ፴፮:፩ወመጽኡ መላእክተ:ነገደ:ቤተ:አቡሁ:ለገላአድ:ወልደ ማኪር:ወልደ:መናሴ:ዘእምነገደ:ደቂቀ:ዮሴፍ:ወይቤሉ:ቅድመ:ሙሴ:ወቅድመ:እልዓዛር:ካህን:ወቅድመ:[መላእክተ:]አብያተ:አበዊሆሙ:ለደቂቀ:እስራኤል ። ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ ምዕራፍ ፴፮:፩ከዮሴፍ ልጆች:ወገኖች:የምናሴ:ልጅ:የማኪር:ልጅ የገለዓድ:ልጆች:ወገን:አለቆች:ቀረቡ፥በሙሴና:በእስራኤልም:ልጆች:አባቶች:[አለቆች]:ፊት:ተናገሩ፤ ____________________________________________ ኦሪት:ዘጸአት:ምዕራፍ:፮:፲፬ ወእሉ:እሙንቱ:[መላእክት]:በበ:ቤተ:አበዊሆሙ፤ደቂቀ:ሮቤል:በኵሩ:ለእስራኤል:ሄኖኅ:ወፍሉሶ:ወአስሮን:ወከርሚ:ዝውእቱ:ትውልዲሁ:ለሮቤል። ኦሪት:ዘጸአት:ምዕራፍ:፮:፲፬ የአባታቸውም:ቤት:[አለቆች]:እነዚህ:ናቸው።የእስራኤል:የበኵር:ልጅ:የሮቤል:ልጆች፤ሄኖኅ፥ፈሉስ፥አስሮን፥ከርሚ፤እነዚህ:የሮቤል:ወገኖች:ናቸው። ____________________________________________ መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩ ወእሉ፡እሙንቱ[መላእክተ]አበዊሆሙ፡ እለ፡ ተኈለቁ፡ይዕርጉ፡ምስሌየ፡በመንግሥተ፡አርተሰስታ፡ንጉሥ፡እምባቢሎን። መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩በንጉሡ:በአርጤክስስ:መንግሥት:ከእኔ:ጋር:ከባቢሎን: የወጡ:የአባቶች:ቤቶች:[አለቆች]እነዚህ:ናቸው:ትውልዳቸውም:ይህ:ነው፤ __________________________________________________________________ Mezmure dawit 68 in Geez "27በጽሑ፡መላእክት፡ወቦሙ፡መዘምራነ ፤ማእከለ፡ደናግል፡ዘባጥያተ፡ከበሮ። 28በማኅበር፡ባርክዎ፡ለእግዚአብሔር፤ወለአማላክነ፡በአንቅዕተ፡እስራኤል። 29ህየ፡ብንያም፡ወሬዛ፡በኀይሉ፡ 30መላእክተ፡ይሁዳ፡ወመሳፍንቲሆሙ፤መላእክተ፡ዛብሉን፡መላእክተ፡ንፍታሌም። Mezmure dawit 68 in Amharic 25አለቆች:ቀደሙ፥መዘምራንም:ተከተሉ፤ ከበሮን:በሚመቱ:በቈነጃጅት:መካከል። 26እግዚአብሔርን:በጉባኤ፥ጌታችንንም: በእስራኤል:ምንጭ:አመስግኑት። 27ወጣቱ:ብንያም:በጕልበቱ:በዚያ:አለ፥ ገዦቻቸው:የይሁዳ:አለቆች:የዛብሎን:አለቆችና:የንፍታሌምም:አለቆች። Mezmure dawit 68 in English 26Bless ye God in the congregations, even the Lord, from the fountain of Israel. 27There is little Benjamin with their ruler, the princes of Judah and their council, the princes of Zebulun, and the princes of Naphtali. 28Thy God hath commanded thy strength: strengthen, O God, that which thou hast wrought for us. A)መላእክተ፡ይሁዳ= in geez B)የይሁዳ አለቆች = in Amharic C)Judah and their council All 3 are not talking about flying angels. Geez Revelation2:1ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያን፡ዘኤፌሶን፡ከመዝ፡ይቤለከ፡ዘያጸንዕ፡ሰብዐተ፡ኮከበ፡በየማኑ፡ዘየሐውር፡በማእከለ፡ስብዑ፡መኃትው፡ዘወርቅ። Amharic Revelation2:1በኤፌሶን:ወዳለው:ወደ ቤተ:ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ።በቀኝ:እጁ:ሰባቱን:ከዋክብት:የያዘው:በሰባቱም:የወርቅ:መቅረዞች:መካከል:የሚሄደው:እንዲህ:ይላል። English Revelation 2:1Unto the [angel of the church of Ephesus] write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks Geez Rev3:1ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያናት፡ዘሰርዴስ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ዘቦ፡ሰብዐተ፡መንፈስ፡ዘእምኀበ፡እግዚአብሔር፡ወሰብዐተ፡ኮከበ ። Amharic Rev3:1በሰርዴስም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ: ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ። ሰባቱ:የእግዚአብሔር:መናፍስትና:ሰባቱ: ከዋክብት:ያሉት:እንዲህ:ይላል።ሥራህን አውቃለሁ:ሕያው:እንደ:መሆንህ:ስም:አለህ:ሞተህማል። Geez Rev3:7ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ ክርስቲያን፡ዘፊልድልፍያ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ቅዱስ፡ወጻድቅ፡ዘኀቤሁ፡ይነብር፡ኵሉ፡መራኁተ ፡ ቤተ፡ዳዊት። Amharic Revelation3:7በፊልድልፍያም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ:ክርስቲያን[መልአክ]እንዲህ ብለህ:ጻፍ።የዳዊት:መክፈቻ:ያለው፤የሚከፍት፥የሚዘጋም:የሌለ፤የሚዘጋ፥የሚከፍትም:የሌለ፤g። Anak[ עֲנָק] in Hebrew it means Giant Anakim[עֲנָקִים] in Hebrew it means Giants If Anak means Giant and Nephilim means Giants why do people make such error in thinking it means fallen angels? The answer is simple the hebrew word Nephilim looks like the word Nophlim when writen in Hebrew like so Nephilim[נְפִילִים]vsNophelim[נֹפְלִים] . They are similar words at first glance but they have very different spelling and pronunciation. Example of Nophelim in the Bible. Deut22:4Thou shalt not see thy brother's ass or his ox fall downby the way, and hide thyself from them: thou shalt surely help him to lift them up again. ד לֹא-תִרְאֶה אֶת-חֲמוֹר אָחִיךָ אוֹ שׁוֹרוֹ, [נֹפְלִים] בַּדֶּרֶךְ, וְהִתְעַלַּמְתָּ, מֵהֶם: הָקֵם תָּקִים, עִמּוֹ. Also it is important to notice that there is a colon between Nephilim and Anak even in the Amharic translation. As you know a colon is used to describe what is already mentioned in the sentence.
It is important to remember that in bible the word angel has 3 different usage. 1)Messenger 2)Ruler 3)The creature (Michael, Gebriel...) For example in the book of revelation it uses the expression "the angel of the church". This angel of the church is not a heavenly creature with wings but in fact the Bishop. Revelation 2:1Unto the [angel of the church of Ephesus] write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks Now the book of Enoch and the Book of Jubilee were preserved in the Ge'ez language better known in the western world as Ethiopic. In Ge'ez langual an angel in single form is መልአክ while angels is መላእክት and when you want to say [angels of...] the last letter in መላእክ[ት] becomes መላእክ[ተ] Now i will give various examples where the word መላእክት was used in the bible and it was translated as Chief or leader and not as a heavenly creature. In addition to the above 2 books Moses wrote in Genesis6ውሉደ:እግዚአብሔር which means the sons of God."ወሶበ፡ርእዩ፡[ውሉደ፡እግዚአብሔር]፡አዋልደ፡ሰብእ፡ከመ፡ሠናያት፡እማንቱ፡ነሥኡ፡እምኔሆን፡አንስትያ፡ዘኀረዩ፡ወዘአፍቀሩ። Example #1 In the book of Numbers36:1 the word መላእክተ is seen twice in the verse and it was translated as [the chief] ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ:ምዕራፍ፴፮:፩ወመጽኡ [መላእክተ]:ነገደ:ቤተ:አቡሁ:ለገላአድ:ወልደ ማኪር:ወልደ:መናሴ:ዘእምነገደ:ደቂቀ:ዮሴፍ:ወይቤሉ:ቅድመ:ሙሴ:ወቅድመ:እልዓዛር:ካህን:ወቅድመ:[መላእክተ:]አብያተ:አበዊሆሙ:ለደቂቀ:እስራኤል ። Numbers 36:1And [the chief] fathers of the families of the children of Gilead, the son of Machir, the son of Manasseh, of the families of the sons of Joseph, came near, and spake before Moses, and before the princes, [the chief] fathers of the children of Israel: ______________________________________________ Example #2 In Exodus 6:14 the word መላእክት was translated as "the heads" as in leaders... ኦሪት:ዘጸአት:ምዕራፍ:፮:፲፬ ወእሉ:እሙንቱ:[መላእክት]:በበ:ቤተ:አበዊሆሙ፤ደቂቀ:ሮቤል:በኵሩ:ለእስራኤል:ሄኖኅ:ወፍሉሶ:ወአስሮን:ወከርሚ:ዝውእቱ:ትውልዲሁ:ለሮቤል። Exod6:14These be the heads of their fathers' houses: The sons of Reuben the firstborn of Israel; Hanoch, and Pallu, Hezron, and Carmi: these be the families of Reuben. Again we see the word(መላእክት) really meaning the heads (the leaders) ______________________________ Example #3 In the book of Ezra 8:1 the word መላእክተ was translated as "The heads of" መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩ ወእሉ፡እሙንቱ[መላእክተ]አበዊሆሙ፡ እለ፡ ተኈለቁ፡ይዕርጉ፡ምስሌየ፡በመንግሥተ፡አርተሰስታ፡ንጉሥ፡እምባቢሎን። Ezra 8:1 These are now the heads of their fathers' houses, and this is the genealogy of them that went up with me from Babylon, in the reign of Artaxerxes the king. ____________________________________ Example #4 Psalm 68 the word [መላእክተ] several times and each time it was translated as [Rulers of or Prince of] Mezmure dawit 68 in Geez "27በጽሑ፡መላእክት፡ወቦሙ፡መዘምራነ ፤ማእከለ፡ደናግል፡ዘባጥያተ፡ከበሮ። 28በማኅበር፡ባርክዎ፡ለእግዚአብሔር፤ወለአማላክነ፡በአንቅዕተ፡እስራኤል። 29ህየ፡ብንያም፡ወሬዛ፡በኀይሉ፡ 30[መላእክተ]፡ይሁዳ፡ወመሳፍንቲሆሙ፤[መላእክተ]፡ዛብሉን፡[መላእክተ]፡ንፍታሌም። Psalm 68 26Bless ye God in the congregations, even the Lord, from the fountain of Israel. 27There is little Benjamin with their ruler, the princes of Judah and their council, the princes of Zebulun, and the princes of Naphtali. 28Thy God hath commanded thy strength: strengthen, O God, that which thou hast wrought for us. Example#5 In the book of Revelation2:1 the word መልአከ which is angel in singular form.This word was translated as Angel. Angel of the church is understood by all christians that it means the Bishop or leader of the church and not a referrence to a heavenly ctreature with wings. Revelation2:1ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለ[መልአከ]፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያን፡ዘኤፌሶን፡ከመዝ፡ይቤለከ፡ዘያጸንዕ፡ሰብዐተ፡ኮከበ፡በየማኑ፡ዘየሐውር፡በማእከለ፡ስብዑ፡መኃትው፡ዘወርቅ። Revelation 2:1Unto the [angel of the church of Ephesus] write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks When people have discussion about the book of Enoch and the book of Jubilee.They often conclude that some Angels came from the heavens and began mixing with humans.This is because both books use the following words and expressions [ወረዱ፡መላእክተ፡እግዚአብሔር] which translates into english as the Angels of God came down.Another word both the book of Enoch and the book of Jubilee use is ትጉሃነ or ትጉሃን which means the pure, the righteous humans. Unfortunetly, this very word was mistranslated as "the watchers". Which further led non ge'ez speakers into thinking that actual fallen Angels mixed with mankind who they think are the nephilim/the giants. The question is who are these angels that descended on to the earth that the book of Enoch and the book of jubilee talks about.Specificaly the book of jubilee says the following [ወረዱ፡መላእክተ፡እግዚአብሔር]. The Amharic translation states that they are the descendant of Seth. Seth being the replacement of Abel who was murdered by his brother Cain. The descendants of Seth were at the time the purest people on earth. They kept God's laws. Here is the book of Jubilee in Ge'ez ወበካልእ፡ሱባዔ፡ዘዓሥር፡ኢዮቤልዩ ፡ነሥአ፡ሎቱ፡መላልኤል፡ዲናሃ፡ወለተ፡በራክሔል፡ወለተ፡እኅተ፡አቡሁ፡ሎቱ፡ብእሲተ፡ወወለደት፡ሎቱ ፡ወልደ ፡በሱባዔ፡ሣልስ፡በሳድስ፡ዓመቱ፡ወጸውዐ፡ስሞ፡ያሬድሃ።እስመ፡በመዋዕሊሁ፡[ወረዱ፡መላእክተ ፡እግዚአብሔር]፡ውስተ፡ምድር፡እለ፡ተሰምዩ፡[ትጉሃነ]፡ከመ፡ይምሀርዎሙ፡ለደቂቀ፡እጓለ፡እመሕያው ፡ ይግበሩ፡ፍትሐ፡ወርትዐ፡በዲበ፡ምድር። Here is the Amharic translation. በአሥረኛው ኢዮቤልዩ በሁለተኛው ዓመት መላልኤል ሚስት ትሆነው ዘንድ የአባቱን ወንድም የበራኪሂልን ልጅ ዲናን አገባ። በሦስተኛው ሱባዔ በስድስተኛው ዓመት ወንድ ልጅ ወለደችለት ስሙንም ያሮድ አለው። [በዘመኑ ትጉሃን የተባሉ የእግዚአብሔር አገልጋዮች የሚሆኑ የሴት ልጆች] በዚህ ዓለም የቀና ሥራንና ፍርድን ያደርጉ ዘንድ ለሰው ልጆች ሊያስተምሩአቸው ወደ ምድር ወርደዋልና። In the book of Enoch it uses the expession [መላእክት፡ውሉደ፡ሰማያት] which the translates into angels sons of heaven.The Amharic translation shines some lights on who these "angels sons of heaven" really are. It says there are (ደቂቀ ሴት) which means the children of Seth. Here is the book of Enoch in Ge'ez and below i have posted the book of Enoch in Amharic. ወርእዩ፡ኪያሆን፡[መላእክት፡ውሉደ፡ሰማያት]፡ወፈተውዎን፡ወይቤሉ፡በበይናቲሆሙ፡ንዑ፡ንኅረይ፡ለነ፡አንስተ፡እምውሉደ፡ሰብእ፡ወንለድ፡ለነ፡ውሉደ። [የሰው ልጆች] ከበዙ በኋላ እንዲህ ሆነ። በዚያ ወራትም መልክ መልካሞች ደመ ግቡዎች ልጆች ተወለዱላቸው በደብር ቅዱስ ያሉ [ደቂቀ ሴትም] እነሱን አይተው ወደዷቸው። እሰበሳቸውም ኑ ለኛ [ከቃየል ልጆች ሴቸችን እንምረጥ] ለኛ ልጆችን አንውለድ አሉ።
Shame on you.... ስለ፡እውነት፡ከተወያየን፡ወንድሜ፡በቃላት፡ብዙዎቻችን፡ሲወድቁ፡እናያለን።ለምሳሌ፡መላእክት፡ወይንም፡መለአክ፡የሚለውን፡ቃል፡ስንመለከት።ፕሮቴስታንቱ፡እነሚካኤልን፡ይጠቁማል።ነገር፡ግን፡መለአክ፡የሚለው፡ቃል፡ሌሎች፡ትርጉሞች፡አሉት።By the way this misunderstanding led many to think the book Henok wasn't truthfull because they thought it said Angels has children with human beings. Just because the word መልአክ was used but it didn't mean angel. What is Etymology? et·y·mol·o·gy is a noun and it means the study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history. _________________________________________________________________ Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh,the Geez መልአክ and the Amharic መልአክ are put for debate. malakhim is the plural form in hebrew while መላእክት is the plural form of መልአክ in both Geez and in Amharic. ________________________________ _________________________________ Angels in Judaism For other uses, see Malach. In Judaism an angel (Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh, plural malakhim) is a messenger of God, an angelic envoy or an angel in general who appears throughout the Hebrew Bible, Rabbinic literature, and traditional Jewish liturgy. Angels in Judaism are categorized in different hierarchies. Etymology Hebrew "mal'akh" (מַלְאָךְ) is the standard Hebrew Bible word for "messenger", [both human and divine], though it is less used for human messengers in Modern Hebrew[1] as the latter is usually denoted by the term shaliyah (שליח). Here are the evidences below. ክርስቲያን ነን ትላላችሁ ነገር ግን መላዕክት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር የግብረ ሥጋ ግንኙነት ይፈጽማሉ የሚለውን ሃሳብ ትደግፋላችሁ። ይህ ትምህርት የክርስቶስን ተአምራዊ ልደት ያዳክማል። ያልኩበት ምክንያት እግዚአብሔር በቅድስት ድንግል ማርያም በኩል ከሰው ልጆች ጋር አንድ በመሆኑ ነው። ይህ በእግዚአብሔር እና በሰው መካከል ያለው አንድነት ያልተለመደ ክስተት ሆኖ ተመዝግቧል። ነገር ግን መላእክት ከእግዚአብሔር በፊት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር ተደባልቀው ነበር ማለቱ የኢየሱስን መወለድ በእርግጥ ይጎዳል። በመጀመሪያ ደረጃ, መላእክት የመራቢያ አካላት የላቸውም. መላእክት የማይራቡበት ምክንያት የዘላለም ሕይወት ስላላቸው ነው። እኛ ሰዎች ፣ ሟቾች ነን ፣ ግን መላእክት አይሞቱም። በዚህ ምክንያት ነው የምንባዛው. የቪዲዮው ደራሲ በጣም አስከፊ ስህተት ሰርቷል። መልአክ የሚለውን ቃል ፍቺ አላጠናም። በዕብራይስጥም በግእዝና በአማርኛም መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ሦስት ትርጉም አለው። መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ለሰው ልጆች ጥቅም ላይ ሊውል ይችላል. አንድ ሰው የቤተ ክርስቲያን መሪ ከሆነ መልአክ ተብሎ ይጠራል። ሚካኤል ወይም ገብርኤል መላእክት ይባላሉ። ሦስተኛው ትርጉም መልእክተኞች መሆን ነው። ለምሳሌ የነቢዩ ሚልክያስ ስም የመጣው መልአክ ከሚለው ቃል ነው።አሁን ከመጽሐፍ ቅዱስ ላሳይ። ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ:ምዕራፍ፴፮:፩ወመጽኡ መላእክተ:ነገደ:ቤተ:አቡሁ:ለገላአድ:ወልደ ማኪር:ወልደ:መናሴ:ዘእምነገደ:ደቂቀ:ዮሴፍ:ወይቤሉ:ቅድመ:ሙሴ:ወቅድመ:እልዓዛር:ካህን:ወቅድመ:[መላእክተ:]አብያተ:አበዊሆሙ:ለደቂቀ:እስራኤል ። ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ ምዕራፍ ፴፮:፩ከዮሴፍ ልጆች:ወገኖች:የምናሴ:ልጅ:የማኪር:ልጅ የገለዓድ:ልጆች:ወገን:አለቆች:ቀረቡ፥በሙሴና:በእስራኤልም:ልጆች:አባቶች:[አለቆች]:ፊት:ተናገሩ፤ ____________________________________________ ኦሪት:ዘጸአት:ምዕራፍ:፮:፲፬ ወእሉ:እሙንቱ:[መላእክት]:በበ:ቤተ:አበዊሆሙ፤ደቂቀ:ሮቤል:በኵሩ:ለእስራኤል:ሄኖኅ:ወፍሉሶ:ወአስሮን:ወከርሚ:ዝውእቱ:ትውልዲሁ:ለሮቤል። ኦሪት:ዘጸአት:ምዕራፍ:፮:፲፬ የአባታቸውም:ቤት:[አለቆች]:እነዚህ:ናቸው።የእስራኤል:የበኵር:ልጅ:የሮቤል:ልጆች፤ሄኖኅ፥ፈሉስ፥አስሮን፥ከርሚ፤እነዚህ:የሮቤል:ወገኖች:ናቸው። ____________________________________________ መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩ ወእሉ፡እሙንቱ[መላእክተ]አበዊሆሙ፡ እለ፡ ተኈለቁ፡ይዕርጉ፡ምስሌየ፡በመንግሥተ፡አርተሰስታ፡ንጉሥ፡እምባቢሎን። መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩በንጉሡ:በአርጤክስስ:መንግሥት:ከእኔ:ጋር:ከባቢሎን: የወጡ:የአባቶች:ቤቶች:[አለቆች]እነዚህ:ናቸው:ትውልዳቸውም:ይህ:ነው፤ __________________________________________________________________ Mezmure dawit 68 in Geez "27በጽሑ፡መላእክት፡ወቦሙ፡መዘምራነ ፤ማእከለ፡ደናግል፡ዘባጥያተ፡ከበሮ። 28በማኅበር፡ባርክዎ፡ለእግዚአብሔር፤ወለአማላክነ፡በአንቅዕተ፡እስራኤል። 29ህየ፡ብንያም፡ወሬዛ፡በኀይሉ፡ 30መላእክተ፡ይሁዳ፡ወመሳፍንቲሆሙ፤መላእክተ፡ዛብሉን፡መላእክተ፡ንፍታሌም። Mezmure dawit 68 in Amharic 25አለቆች:ቀደሙ፥መዘምራንም:ተከተሉ፤ ከበሮን:በሚመቱ:በቈነጃጅት:መካከል። 26እግዚአብሔርን:በጉባኤ፥ጌታችንንም: በእስራኤል:ምንጭ:አመስግኑት። 27ወጣቱ:ብንያም:በጕልበቱ:በዚያ:አለ፥ ገዦቻቸው:የይሁዳ:አለቆች:የዛብሎን:አለቆችና:የንፍታሌምም:አለቆች። Mezmure dawit 68 in English 26Bless ye God in the congregations, even the Lord, from the fountain of Israel. 27There is little Benjamin with their ruler, the princes of Judah and their council, the princes of Zebulun, and the princes of Naphtali. 28Thy God hath commanded thy strength: strengthen, O God, that which thou hast wrought for us. A)መላእክተ፡ይሁዳ= in geez B)የይሁዳ አለቆች = in Amharic C)Judah and their council All 3 are not talking about flying angels. Geez Revelation2:1ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያን፡ዘኤፌሶን፡ከመዝ፡ይቤለከ፡ዘያጸንዕ፡ሰብዐተ፡ኮከበ፡በየማኑ፡ዘየሐውር፡በማእከለ፡ስብዑ፡መኃትው፡ዘወርቅ። Amharic Revelation2:1በኤፌሶን:ወዳለው:ወደ ቤተ:ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ።በቀኝ:እጁ:ሰባቱን:ከዋክብት:የያዘው:በሰባቱም:የወርቅ:መቅረዞች:መካከል:የሚሄደው:እንዲህ:ይላል። English Revelation 2:1Unto the [angel of the church of Ephesus] write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks Geez Rev3:1ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያናት፡ዘሰርዴስ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ዘቦ፡ሰብዐተ፡መንፈስ፡ዘእምኀበ፡እግዚአብሔር፡ወሰብዐተ፡ኮከበ ። Amharic Rev3:1በሰርዴስም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ: ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ። ሰባቱ:የእግዚአብሔር:መናፍስትና:ሰባቱ: ከዋክብት:ያሉት:እንዲህ:ይላል።ሥራህን አውቃለሁ:ሕያው:እንደ:መሆንህ:ስም:አለህ:ሞተህማል። Geez Rev3:7ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ ክርስቲያን፡ዘፊልድልፍያ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ቅዱስ፡ወጻድቅ፡ዘኀቤሁ፡ይነብር፡ኵሉ፡መራኁተ ፡ ቤተ፡ዳዊት። Amharic Revelation3:7በፊልድልፍያም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ:ክርስቲያን[መልአክ]እንዲህ ብለህ:ጻፍ።የዳዊት:መክፈቻ:ያለው፤የሚከፍት፥የሚዘጋም:የሌለ፤የሚዘጋ፥የሚከፍትም:የሌለ፤g። Anak[ עֲנָק] in Hebrew it means Giant Anakim[עֲנָקִים] in Hebrew it means Giants If Anak means Giant and Nephilim means Giants why do people make such error in thinking it means fallen angels? The answer is simple the hebrew word Nephilim looks like the word Nophlim when writen in Hebrew like so Nephilim[נְפִילִים]vsNophelim[נֹפְלִים] . They are similar words at first glance but they have very different spelling and pronunciation. Example of Nophelim in the Bible. Deut22:4Thou shalt not see thy brother's ass or his ox fall downby the way, and hide thyself from them: thou shalt surely help him to lift them up again. ד לֹא-תִרְאֶה אֶת-חֲמוֹר אָחִיךָ אוֹ שׁוֹרוֹ, [נֹפְלִים] בַּדֶּרֶךְ, וְהִתְעַלַּמְתָּ, מֵהֶם: הָקֵם תָּקִים, עִמּוֹ. Also it is important to notice that there is a colon between Nephilim and Anak even in the Amharic translation. As you know a colon is used to describe what is already mentioned in the sentence.
Shame on you.... ስለ፡እውነት፡ከተወያየን፡ወንድሜ፡በቃላት፡ብዙዎቻችን፡ሲወድቁ፡እናያለን።ለምሳሌ፡መላእክት፡ወይንም፡መለአክ፡የሚለውን፡ቃል፡ስንመለከት።ፕሮቴስታንቱ፡እነሚካኤልን፡ይጠቁማል።ነገር፡ግን፡መለአክ፡የሚለው፡ቃል፡ሌሎች፡ትርጉሞች፡አሉት።By the way this misunderstanding led many to think the book Henok wasn't truthfull because they thought it said Angels has children with human beings. Just because the word መልአክ was used but it didn't mean angel. What is Etymology? et·y·mol·o·gy is a noun and it means the study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history. _________________________________________________________________ Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh,the Geez መልአክ and the Amharic መልአክ are put for debate. malakhim is the plural form in hebrew while መላእክት is the plural form of መልአክ in both Geez and in Amharic. ________________________________ _________________________________ Angels in Judaism For other uses, see Malach. In Judaism an angel (Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh, plural malakhim) is a messenger of God, an angelic envoy or an angel in general who appears throughout the Hebrew Bible, Rabbinic literature, and traditional Jewish liturgy. Angels in Judaism are categorized in different hierarchies. Etymology Hebrew "mal'akh" (מַלְאָךְ) is the standard Hebrew Bible word for "messenger", [both human and divine], though it is less used for human messengers in Modern Hebrew[1] as the latter is usually denoted by the term shaliyah (שליח). Here are the evidences below. ክርስቲያን ነን ትላላችሁ ነገር ግን መላዕክት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር የግብረ ሥጋ ግንኙነት ይፈጽማሉ የሚለውን ሃሳብ ትደግፋላችሁ። ይህ ትምህርት የክርስቶስን ተአምራዊ ልደት ያዳክማል። ያልኩበት ምክንያት እግዚአብሔር በቅድስት ድንግል ማርያም በኩል ከሰው ልጆች ጋር አንድ በመሆኑ ነው። ይህ በእግዚአብሔር እና በሰው መካከል ያለው አንድነት ያልተለመደ ክስተት ሆኖ ተመዝግቧል። ነገር ግን መላእክት ከእግዚአብሔር በፊት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር ተደባልቀው ነበር ማለቱ የኢየሱስን መወለድ በእርግጥ ይጎዳል። በመጀመሪያ ደረጃ, መላእክት የመራቢያ አካላት የላቸውም. መላእክት የማይራቡበት ምክንያት የዘላለም ሕይወት ስላላቸው ነው። እኛ ሰዎች ፣ ሟቾች ነን ፣ ግን መላእክት አይሞቱም። በዚህ ምክንያት ነው የምንባዛው. የቪዲዮው ደራሲ በጣም አስከፊ ስህተት ሰርቷል። መልአክ የሚለውን ቃል ፍቺ አላጠናም። በዕብራይስጥም በግእዝና በአማርኛም መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ሦስት ትርጉም አለው። መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ለሰው ልጆች ጥቅም ላይ ሊውል ይችላል. አንድ ሰው የቤተ ክርስቲያን መሪ ከሆነ መልአክ ተብሎ ይጠራል። ሚካኤል ወይም ገብርኤል መላእክት ይባላሉ። ሦስተኛው ትርጉም መልእክተኞች መሆን ነው። ለምሳሌ የነቢዩ ሚልክያስ ስም የመጣው መልአክ ከሚለው ቃል ነው።አሁን ከመጽሐፍ ቅዱስ ላሳይ። ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ:ምዕራፍ፴፮:፩ወመጽኡ መላእክተ:ነገደ:ቤተ:አቡሁ:ለገላአድ:ወልደ ማኪር:ወልደ:መናሴ:ዘእምነገደ:ደቂቀ:ዮሴፍ:ወይቤሉ:ቅድመ:ሙሴ:ወቅድመ:እልዓዛር:ካህን:ወቅድመ:[መላእክተ:]አብያተ:አበዊሆሙ:ለደቂቀ:እስራኤል ። ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ ምዕራፍ ፴፮:፩ከዮሴፍ ልጆች:ወገኖች:የምናሴ:ልጅ:የማኪር:ልጅ የገለዓድ:ልጆች:ወገን:አለቆች:ቀረቡ፥በሙሴና:በእስራኤልም:ልጆች:አባቶች:[አለቆች]:ፊት:ተናገሩ፤ ____________________________________________ ኦሪት:ዘጸአት:ምዕራፍ:፮:፲፬ ወእሉ:እሙንቱ:[መላእክት]:በበ:ቤተ:አበዊሆሙ፤ደቂቀ:ሮቤል:በኵሩ:ለእስራኤል:ሄኖኅ:ወፍሉሶ:ወአስሮን:ወከርሚ:ዝውእቱ:ትውልዲሁ:ለሮቤል። ኦሪት:ዘጸአት:ምዕራፍ:፮:፲፬ የአባታቸውም:ቤት:[አለቆች]:እነዚህ:ናቸው።የእስራኤል:የበኵር:ልጅ:የሮቤል:ልጆች፤ሄኖኅ፥ፈሉስ፥አስሮን፥ከርሚ፤እነዚህ:የሮቤል:ወገኖች:ናቸው። ____________________________________________ መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩ ወእሉ፡እሙንቱ[መላእክተ]አበዊሆሙ፡ እለ፡ ተኈለቁ፡ይዕርጉ፡ምስሌየ፡በመንግሥተ፡አርተሰስታ፡ንጉሥ፡እምባቢሎን። መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩በንጉሡ:በአርጤክስስ:መንግሥት:ከእኔ:ጋር:ከባቢሎን: የወጡ:የአባቶች:ቤቶች:[አለቆች]እነዚህ:ናቸው:ትውልዳቸውም:ይህ:ነው፤ __________________________________________________________________ Mezmure dawit 68 in Geez "27በጽሑ፡መላእክት፡ወቦሙ፡መዘምራነ ፤ማእከለ፡ደናግል፡ዘባጥያተ፡ከበሮ። 28በማኅበር፡ባርክዎ፡ለእግዚአብሔር፤ወለአማላክነ፡በአንቅዕተ፡እስራኤል። 29ህየ፡ብንያም፡ወሬዛ፡በኀይሉ፡ 30መላእክተ፡ይሁዳ፡ወመሳፍንቲሆሙ፤መላእክተ፡ዛብሉን፡መላእክተ፡ንፍታሌም። Mezmure dawit 68 in Amharic 25አለቆች:ቀደሙ፥መዘምራንም:ተከተሉ፤ ከበሮን:በሚመቱ:በቈነጃጅት:መካከል። 26እግዚአብሔርን:በጉባኤ፥ጌታችንንም: በእስራኤል:ምንጭ:አመስግኑት። 27ወጣቱ:ብንያም:በጕልበቱ:በዚያ:አለ፥ ገዦቻቸው:የይሁዳ:አለቆች:የዛብሎን:አለቆችና:የንፍታሌምም:አለቆች። Mezmure dawit 68 in English 26Bless ye God in the congregations, even the Lord, from the fountain of Israel. 27There is little Benjamin with their ruler, the princes of Judah and their council, the princes of Zebulun, and the princes of Naphtali. 28Thy God hath commanded thy strength: strengthen, O God, that which thou hast wrought for us. A)መላእክተ፡ይሁዳ= in geez B)የይሁዳ አለቆች = in Amharic C)Judah and their council All 3 are not talking about flying angels. Geez Revelation2:1ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያን፡ዘኤፌሶን፡ከመዝ፡ይቤለከ፡ዘያጸንዕ፡ሰብዐተ፡ኮከበ፡በየማኑ፡ዘየሐውር፡በማእከለ፡ስብዑ፡መኃትው፡ዘወርቅ። Amharic Revelation2:1በኤፌሶን:ወዳለው:ወደ ቤተ:ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ።በቀኝ:እጁ:ሰባቱን:ከዋክብት:የያዘው:በሰባቱም:የወርቅ:መቅረዞች:መካከል:የሚሄደው:እንዲህ:ይላል። English Revelation 2:1Unto the [angel of the church of Ephesus] write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks Geez Rev3:1ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያናት፡ዘሰርዴስ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ዘቦ፡ሰብዐተ፡መንፈስ፡ዘእምኀበ፡እግዚአብሔር፡ወሰብዐተ፡ኮከበ ። Amharic Rev3:1በሰርዴስም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ: ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ። ሰባቱ:የእግዚአብሔር:መናፍስትና:ሰባቱ: ከዋክብት:ያሉት:እንዲህ:ይላል።ሥራህን አውቃለሁ:ሕያው:እንደ:መሆንህ:ስም:አለህ:ሞተህማል። Geez Rev3:7ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ ክርስቲያን፡ዘፊልድልፍያ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ቅዱስ፡ወጻድቅ፡ዘኀቤሁ፡ይነብር፡ኵሉ፡መራኁተ ፡ ቤተ፡ዳዊት። Amharic Revelation3:7በፊልድልፍያም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ:ክርስቲያን[መልአክ]እንዲህ ብለህ:ጻፍ።የዳዊት:መክፈቻ:ያለው፤የሚከፍት፥የሚዘጋም:የሌለ፤የሚዘጋ፥የሚከፍትም:የሌለ፤g። Anak[ עֲנָק] in Hebrew it means Giant Anakim[עֲנָקִים] in Hebrew it means Giants If Anak means Giant and Nephilim means Giants why do people make such error in thinking it means fallen angels? The answer is simple the hebrew word Nephilim looks like the word Nophlim when writen in Hebrew like so Nephilim[נְפִילִים]vsNophelim[נֹפְלִים] . They are similar words at first glance but they have very different spelling and pronunciation. Example of Nophelim in the Bible. Deut22:4Thou shalt not see thy brother's ass or his ox fall downby the way, and hide thyself from them: thou shalt surely help him to lift them up again. ד לֹא-תִרְאֶה אֶת-חֲמוֹר אָחִיךָ אוֹ שׁוֹרוֹ, [נֹפְלִים] בַּדֶּרֶךְ, וְהִתְעַלַּמְתָּ, מֵהֶם: הָקֵם תָּקִים, עִמּוֹ. Also it is important to notice that there is a colon between Nephilim and Anak even in the Amharic translation. As you know a colon is used to describe what is already mentioned in the sentence.
Shame on you.... ስለ፡እውነት፡ከተወያየን፡ወንድሜ፡በቃላት፡ብዙዎቻችን፡ሲወድቁ፡እናያለን።ለምሳሌ፡መላእክት፡ወይንም፡መለአክ፡የሚለውን፡ቃል፡ስንመለከት።ፕሮቴስታንቱ፡እነሚካኤልን፡ይጠቁማል።ነገር፡ግን፡መለአክ፡የሚለው፡ቃል፡ሌሎች፡ትርጉሞች፡አሉት።By the way this misunderstanding led many to think the book Henok wasn't truthfull because they thought it said Angels has children with human beings. Just because the word መልአክ was used but it didn't mean angel. What is Etymology? et·y·mol·o·gy is a noun and it means the study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history. _________________________________________________________________ Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh,the Geez መልአክ and the Amharic መልአክ are put for debate. malakhim is the plural form in hebrew while መላእክት is the plural form of መልአክ in both Geez and in Amharic. ________________________________ _________________________________ Angels in Judaism For other uses, see Malach. In Judaism an angel (Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh, plural malakhim) is a messenger of God, an angelic envoy or an angel in general who appears throughout the Hebrew Bible, Rabbinic literature, and traditional Jewish liturgy. Angels in Judaism are categorized in different hierarchies. Etymology Hebrew "mal'akh" (מַלְאָךְ) is the standard Hebrew Bible word for "messenger", [both human and divine], though it is less used for human messengers in Modern Hebrew[1] as the latter is usually denoted by the term shaliyah (שליח). Here are the evidences below. ክርስቲያን ነን ትላላችሁ ነገር ግን መላዕክት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር የግብረ ሥጋ ግንኙነት ይፈጽማሉ የሚለውን ሃሳብ ትደግፋላችሁ። ይህ ትምህርት የክርስቶስን ተአምራዊ ልደት ያዳክማል። ያልኩበት ምክንያት እግዚአብሔር በቅድስት ድንግል ማርያም በኩል ከሰው ልጆች ጋር አንድ በመሆኑ ነው። ይህ በእግዚአብሔር እና በሰው መካከል ያለው አንድነት ያልተለመደ ክስተት ሆኖ ተመዝግቧል። ነገር ግን መላእክት ከእግዚአብሔር በፊት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር ተደባልቀው ነበር ማለቱ የኢየሱስን መወለድ በእርግጥ ይጎዳል። በመጀመሪያ ደረጃ, መላእክት የመራቢያ አካላት የላቸውም. መላእክት የማይራቡበት ምክንያት የዘላለም ሕይወት ስላላቸው ነው። እኛ ሰዎች ፣ ሟቾች ነን ፣ ግን መላእክት አይሞቱም። በዚህ ምክንያት ነው የምንባዛው. የቪዲዮው ደራሲ በጣም አስከፊ ስህተት ሰርቷል። መልአክ የሚለውን ቃል ፍቺ አላጠናም። በዕብራይስጥም በግእዝና በአማርኛም መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ሦስት ትርጉም አለው። መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ለሰው ልጆች ጥቅም ላይ ሊውል ይችላል. አንድ ሰው የቤተ ክርስቲያን መሪ ከሆነ መልአክ ተብሎ ይጠራል። ሚካኤል ወይም ገብርኤል መላእክት ይባላሉ። ሦስተኛው ትርጉም መልእክተኞች መሆን ነው። ለምሳሌ የነቢዩ ሚልክያስ ስም የመጣው መልአክ ከሚለው ቃል ነው።አሁን ከመጽሐፍ ቅዱስ ላሳይ። ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ:ምዕራፍ፴፮:፩ወመጽኡ መላእክተ:ነገደ:ቤተ:አቡሁ:ለገላአድ:ወልደ ማኪር:ወልደ:መናሴ:ዘእምነገደ:ደቂቀ:ዮሴፍ:ወይቤሉ:ቅድመ:ሙሴ:ወቅድመ:እልዓዛር:ካህን:ወቅድመ:[መላእክተ:]አብያተ:አበዊሆሙ:ለደቂቀ:እስራኤል ። ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ ምዕራፍ ፴፮:፩ከዮሴፍ ልጆች:ወገኖች:የምናሴ:ልጅ:የማኪር:ልጅ የገለዓድ:ልጆች:ወገን:አለቆች:ቀረቡ፥በሙሴና:በእስራኤልም:ልጆች:አባቶች:[አለቆች]:ፊት:ተናገሩ፤ ____________________________________________ ኦሪት:ዘጸአት:ምዕራፍ:፮:፲፬ ወእሉ:እሙንቱ:[መላእክት]:በበ:ቤተ:አበዊሆሙ፤ደቂቀ:ሮቤል:በኵሩ:ለእስራኤል:ሄኖኅ:ወፍሉሶ:ወአስሮን:ወከርሚ:ዝውእቱ:ትውልዲሁ:ለሮቤል። ኦሪት:ዘጸአት:ምዕራፍ:፮:፲፬ የአባታቸውም:ቤት:[አለቆች]:እነዚህ:ናቸው።የእስራኤል:የበኵር:ልጅ:የሮቤል:ልጆች፤ሄኖኅ፥ፈሉስ፥አስሮን፥ከርሚ፤እነዚህ:የሮቤል:ወገኖች:ናቸው። ____________________________________________ መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩ ወእሉ፡እሙንቱ[መላእክተ]አበዊሆሙ፡ እለ፡ ተኈለቁ፡ይዕርጉ፡ምስሌየ፡በመንግሥተ፡አርተሰስታ፡ንጉሥ፡እምባቢሎን። መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩በንጉሡ:በአርጤክስስ:መንግሥት:ከእኔ:ጋር:ከባቢሎን: የወጡ:የአባቶች:ቤቶች:[አለቆች]እነዚህ:ናቸው:ትውልዳቸውም:ይህ:ነው፤ __________________________________________________________________ Mezmure dawit 68 in Geez "27በጽሑ፡መላእክት፡ወቦሙ፡መዘምራነ ፤ማእከለ፡ደናግል፡ዘባጥያተ፡ከበሮ። 28በማኅበር፡ባርክዎ፡ለእግዚአብሔር፤ወለአማላክነ፡በአንቅዕተ፡እስራኤል። 29ህየ፡ብንያም፡ወሬዛ፡በኀይሉ፡ 30መላእክተ፡ይሁዳ፡ወመሳፍንቲሆሙ፤መላእክተ፡ዛብሉን፡መላእክተ፡ንፍታሌም። Mezmure dawit 68 in Amharic 25አለቆች:ቀደሙ፥መዘምራንም:ተከተሉ፤ ከበሮን:በሚመቱ:በቈነጃጅት:መካከል። 26እግዚአብሔርን:በጉባኤ፥ጌታችንንም: በእስራኤል:ምንጭ:አመስግኑት። 27ወጣቱ:ብንያም:በጕልበቱ:በዚያ:አለ፥ ገዦቻቸው:የይሁዳ:አለቆች:የዛብሎን:አለቆችና:የንፍታሌምም:አለቆች። Mezmure dawit 68 in English 26Bless ye God in the congregations, even the Lord, from the fountain of Israel. 27There is little Benjamin with their ruler, the princes of Judah and their council, the princes of Zebulun, and the princes of Naphtali. 28Thy God hath commanded thy strength: strengthen, O God, that which thou hast wrought for us. A)መላእክተ፡ይሁዳ= in geez B)የይሁዳ አለቆች = in Amharic C)Judah and their council All 3 are not talking about flying angels. Geez Revelation2:1ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያን፡ዘኤፌሶን፡ከመዝ፡ይቤለከ፡ዘያጸንዕ፡ሰብዐተ፡ኮከበ፡በየማኑ፡ዘየሐውር፡በማእከለ፡ስብዑ፡መኃትው፡ዘወርቅ። Amharic Revelation2:1በኤፌሶን:ወዳለው:ወደ ቤተ:ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ።በቀኝ:እጁ:ሰባቱን:ከዋክብት:የያዘው:በሰባቱም:የወርቅ:መቅረዞች:መካከል:የሚሄደው:እንዲህ:ይላል። English Revelation 2:1Unto the [angel of the church of Ephesus] write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks Geez Rev3:1ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያናት፡ዘሰርዴስ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ዘቦ፡ሰብዐተ፡መንፈስ፡ዘእምኀበ፡እግዚአብሔር፡ወሰብዐተ፡ኮከበ ። Amharic Rev3:1በሰርዴስም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ: ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ። ሰባቱ:የእግዚአብሔር:መናፍስትና:ሰባቱ: ከዋክብት:ያሉት:እንዲህ:ይላል።ሥራህን አውቃለሁ:ሕያው:እንደ:መሆንህ:ስም:አለህ:ሞተህማል። Geez Rev3:7ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ ክርስቲያን፡ዘፊልድልፍያ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ቅዱስ፡ወጻድቅ፡ዘኀቤሁ፡ይነብር፡ኵሉ፡መራኁተ ፡ ቤተ፡ዳዊት። Amharic Revelation3:7በፊልድልፍያም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ:ክርስቲያን[መልአክ]እንዲህ ብለህ:ጻፍ።የዳዊት:መክፈቻ:ያለው፤የሚከፍት፥የሚዘጋም:የሌለ፤የሚዘጋ፥የሚከፍትም:የሌለ፤g። Anak[ עֲנָק] in Hebrew it means Giant Anakim[עֲנָקִים] in Hebrew it means Giants If Anak means Giant and Nephilim means Giants why do people make such error in thinking it means fallen angels? The answer is simple the hebrew word Nephilim looks like the word Nophlim when writen in Hebrew like so Nephilim[נְפִילִים]vsNophelim[נֹפְלִים] . They are similar words at first glance but they have very different spelling and pronunciation. Example of Nophelim in the Bible. Deut22:4Thou shalt not see thy brother's ass or his ox fall downby the way, and hide thyself from them: thou shalt surely help him to lift them up again. ד לֹא-תִרְאֶה אֶת-חֲמוֹר אָחִיךָ אוֹ שׁוֹרוֹ, [נֹפְלִים] בַּדֶּרֶךְ, וְהִתְעַלַּמְתָּ, מֵהֶם: הָקֵם תָּקִים, עִמּוֹ. Also it is important to notice that there is a colon between Nephilim and Anak even in the Amharic translation. As you know a colon is used to describe what is already mentioned in the sentence.
Shame on you.... ስለ፡እውነት፡ከተወያየን፡ወንድሜ፡በቃላት፡ብዙዎቻችን፡ሲወድቁ፡እናያለን።ለምሳሌ፡መላእክት፡ወይንም፡መለአክ፡የሚለውን፡ቃል፡ስንመለከት።ፕሮቴስታንቱ፡እነሚካኤልን፡ይጠቁማል።ነገር፡ግን፡መለአክ፡የሚለው፡ቃል፡ሌሎች፡ትርጉሞች፡አሉት።By the way this misunderstanding led many to think the book Henok wasn't truthfull because they thought it said Angels has children with human beings. Just because the word መልአክ was used but it didn't mean angel. What is Etymology? et·y·mol·o·gy is a noun and it means the study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history. _________________________________________________________________ Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh,the Geez መልአክ and the Amharic መልአክ are put for debate. malakhim is the plural form in hebrew while መላእክት is the plural form of መልአክ in both Geez and in Amharic. ________________________________ _________________________________ Angels in Judaism For other uses, see Malach. In Judaism an angel (Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh, plural malakhim) is a messenger of God, an angelic envoy or an angel in general who appears throughout the Hebrew Bible, Rabbinic literature, and traditional Jewish liturgy. Angels in Judaism are categorized in different hierarchies. Etymology Hebrew "mal'akh" (מַלְאָךְ) is the standard Hebrew Bible word for "messenger", [both human and divine], though it is less used for human messengers in Modern Hebrew[1] as the latter is usually denoted by the term shaliyah (שליח). Here are the evidences below. ክርስቲያን ነን ትላላችሁ ነገር ግን መላዕክት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር የግብረ ሥጋ ግንኙነት ይፈጽማሉ የሚለውን ሃሳብ ትደግፋላችሁ። ይህ ትምህርት የክርስቶስን ተአምራዊ ልደት ያዳክማል። ያልኩበት ምክንያት እግዚአብሔር በቅድስት ድንግል ማርያም በኩል ከሰው ልጆች ጋር አንድ በመሆኑ ነው። ይህ በእግዚአብሔር እና በሰው መካከል ያለው አንድነት ያልተለመደ ክስተት ሆኖ ተመዝግቧል። ነገር ግን መላእክት ከእግዚአብሔር በፊት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር ተደባልቀው ነበር ማለቱ የኢየሱስን መወለድ በእርግጥ ይጎዳል። በመጀመሪያ ደረጃ, መላእክት የመራቢያ አካላት የላቸውም. መላእክት የማይራቡበት ምክንያት የዘላለም ሕይወት ስላላቸው ነው። እኛ ሰዎች ፣ ሟቾች ነን ፣ ግን መላእክት አይሞቱም። በዚህ ምክንያት ነው የምንባዛው. የቪዲዮው ደራሲ በጣም አስከፊ ስህተት ሰርቷል። መልአክ የሚለውን ቃል ፍቺ አላጠናም። በዕብራይስጥም በግእዝና በአማርኛም መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ሦስት ትርጉም አለው። መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ለሰው ልጆች ጥቅም ላይ ሊውል ይችላል. አንድ ሰው የቤተ ክርስቲያን መሪ ከሆነ መልአክ ተብሎ ይጠራል። ሚካኤል ወይም ገብርኤል መላእክት ይባላሉ። ሦስተኛው ትርጉም መልእክተኞች መሆን ነው። ለምሳሌ የነቢዩ ሚልክያስ ስም የመጣው መልአክ ከሚለው ቃል ነው።አሁን ከመጽሐፍ ቅዱስ ላሳይ። ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ:ምዕራፍ፴፮:፩ወመጽኡ መላእክተ:ነገደ:ቤተ:አቡሁ:ለገላአድ:ወልደ ማኪር:ወልደ:መናሴ:ዘእምነገደ:ደቂቀ:ዮሴፍ:ወይቤሉ:ቅድመ:ሙሴ:ወቅድመ:እልዓዛር:ካህን:ወቅድመ:[መላእክተ:]አብያተ:አበዊሆሙ:ለደቂቀ:እስራኤል ። ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ ምዕራፍ ፴፮:፩ከዮሴፍ ልጆች:ወገኖች:የምናሴ:ልጅ:የማኪር:ልጅ የገለዓድ:ልጆች:ወገን:አለቆች:ቀረቡ፥በሙሴና:በእስራኤልም:ልጆች:አባቶች:[አለቆች]:ፊት:ተናገሩ፤ ____________________________________________ ኦሪት:ዘጸአት:ምዕራፍ:፮:፲፬ ወእሉ:እሙንቱ:[መላእክት]:በበ:ቤተ:አበዊሆሙ፤ደቂቀ:ሮቤል:በኵሩ:ለእስራኤል:ሄኖኅ:ወፍሉሶ:ወአስሮን:ወከርሚ:ዝውእቱ:ትውልዲሁ:ለሮቤል። ኦሪት:ዘጸአት:ምዕራፍ:፮:፲፬ የአባታቸውም:ቤት:[አለቆች]:እነዚህ:ናቸው።የእስራኤል:የበኵር:ልጅ:የሮቤል:ልጆች፤ሄኖኅ፥ፈሉስ፥አስሮን፥ከርሚ፤እነዚህ:የሮቤል:ወገኖች:ናቸው። ____________________________________________ መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩ ወእሉ፡እሙንቱ[መላእክተ]አበዊሆሙ፡ እለ፡ ተኈለቁ፡ይዕርጉ፡ምስሌየ፡በመንግሥተ፡አርተሰስታ፡ንጉሥ፡እምባቢሎን። መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩በንጉሡ:በአርጤክስስ:መንግሥት:ከእኔ:ጋር:ከባቢሎን: የወጡ:የአባቶች:ቤቶች:[አለቆች]እነዚህ:ናቸው:ትውልዳቸውም:ይህ:ነው፤ __________________________________________________________________ Mezmure dawit 68 in Geez "27በጽሑ፡መላእክት፡ወቦሙ፡መዘምራነ ፤ማእከለ፡ደናግል፡ዘባጥያተ፡ከበሮ። 28በማኅበር፡ባርክዎ፡ለእግዚአብሔር፤ወለአማላክነ፡በአንቅዕተ፡እስራኤል። 29ህየ፡ብንያም፡ወሬዛ፡በኀይሉ፡ 30መላእክተ፡ይሁዳ፡ወመሳፍንቲሆሙ፤መላእክተ፡ዛብሉን፡መላእክተ፡ንፍታሌም። Mezmure dawit 68 in Amharic 25አለቆች:ቀደሙ፥መዘምራንም:ተከተሉ፤ ከበሮን:በሚመቱ:በቈነጃጅት:መካከል። 26እግዚአብሔርን:በጉባኤ፥ጌታችንንም: በእስራኤል:ምንጭ:አመስግኑት። 27ወጣቱ:ብንያም:በጕልበቱ:በዚያ:አለ፥ ገዦቻቸው:የይሁዳ:አለቆች:የዛብሎን:አለቆችና:የንፍታሌምም:አለቆች። Mezmure dawit 68 in English 26Bless ye God in the congregations, even the Lord, from the fountain of Israel. 27There is little Benjamin with their ruler, the princes of Judah and their council, the princes of Zebulun, and the princes of Naphtali. 28Thy God hath commanded thy strength: strengthen, O God, that which thou hast wrought for us. A)መላእክተ፡ይሁዳ= in geez B)የይሁዳ አለቆች = in Amharic C)Judah and their council All 3 are not talking about flying angels. Geez Revelation2:1ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያን፡ዘኤፌሶን፡ከመዝ፡ይቤለከ፡ዘያጸንዕ፡ሰብዐተ፡ኮከበ፡በየማኑ፡ዘየሐውር፡በማእከለ፡ስብዑ፡መኃትው፡ዘወርቅ። Amharic Revelation2:1በኤፌሶን:ወዳለው:ወደ ቤተ:ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ።በቀኝ:እጁ:ሰባቱን:ከዋክብት:የያዘው:በሰባቱም:የወርቅ:መቅረዞች:መካከል:የሚሄደው:እንዲህ:ይላል። English Revelation 2:1Unto the [angel of the church of Ephesus] write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks Geez Rev3:1ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያናት፡ዘሰርዴስ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ዘቦ፡ሰብዐተ፡መንፈስ፡ዘእምኀበ፡እግዚአብሔር፡ወሰብዐተ፡ኮከበ ። Amharic Rev3:1በሰርዴስም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ: ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ። ሰባቱ:የእግዚአብሔር:መናፍስትና:ሰባቱ: ከዋክብት:ያሉት:እንዲህ:ይላል።ሥራህን አውቃለሁ:ሕያው:እንደ:መሆንህ:ስም:አለህ:ሞተህማል። Geez Rev3:7ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ ክርስቲያን፡ዘፊልድልፍያ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ቅዱስ፡ወጻድቅ፡ዘኀቤሁ፡ይነብር፡ኵሉ፡መራኁተ ፡ ቤተ፡ዳዊት። Amharic Revelation3:7በፊልድልፍያም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ:ክርስቲያን[መልአክ]እንዲህ ብለህ:ጻፍ።የዳዊት:መክፈቻ:ያለው፤የሚከፍት፥የሚዘጋም:የሌለ፤የሚዘጋ፥የሚከፍትም:የሌለ፤g። Anak[ עֲנָק] in Hebrew it means Giant Anakim[עֲנָקִים] in Hebrew it means Giants If Anak means Giant and Nephilim means Giants why do people make such error in thinking it means fallen angels? The answer is simple the hebrew word Nephilim looks like the word Nophlim when writen in Hebrew like so Nephilim[נְפִילִים]vsNophelim[נֹפְלִים] . They are similar words at first glance but they have very different spelling and pronunciation. Example of Nophelim in the Bible. Deut22:4Thou shalt not see thy brother's ass or his ox fall downby the way, and hide thyself from them: thou shalt surely help him to lift them up again. ד לֹא-תִרְאֶה אֶת-חֲמוֹר אָחִיךָ אוֹ שׁוֹרוֹ, [נֹפְלִים] בַּדֶּרֶךְ, וְהִתְעַלַּמְתָּ, מֵהֶם: הָקֵם תָּקִים, עִמּוֹ. Also it is important to notice that there is a colon between Nephilim and Anak even in the Amharic translation. As you know a colon is used to describe what is already mentioned in the sentence.
@@goapp857 Shame on you.... ስለ፡እውነት፡ከተወያየን፡ወንድሜ፡በቃላት፡ብዙዎቻችን፡ሲወድቁ፡እናያለን።ለምሳሌ፡መላእክት፡ወይንም፡መለአክ፡የሚለውን፡ቃል፡ስንመለከት።ፕሮቴስታንቱ፡እነሚካኤልን፡ይጠቁማል።ነገር፡ግን፡መለአክ፡የሚለው፡ቃል፡ሌሎች፡ትርጉሞች፡አሉት።By the way this misunderstanding led many to think the book Henok wasn't truthfull because they thought it said Angels has children with human beings. Just because the word መልአክ was used but it didn't mean angel. What is Etymology? et·y·mol·o·gy is a noun and it means the study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history. _________________________________________________________________ Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh,the Geez መልአክ and the Amharic መልአክ are put for debate. malakhim is the plural form in hebrew while መላእክት is the plural form of መልአክ in both Geez and in Amharic. ________________________________ _________________________________ Angels in Judaism For other uses, see Malach. In Judaism an angel (Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh, plural malakhim) is a messenger of God, an angelic envoy or an angel in general who appears throughout the Hebrew Bible, Rabbinic literature, and traditional Jewish liturgy. Angels in Judaism are categorized in different hierarchies. Etymology Hebrew "mal'akh" (מַלְאָךְ) is the standard Hebrew Bible word for "messenger", [both human and divine], though it is less used for human messengers in Modern Hebrew[1] as the latter is usually denoted by the term shaliyah (שליח). Here are the evidences below. ክርስቲያን ነን ትላላችሁ ነገር ግን መላዕክት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር የግብረ ሥጋ ግንኙነት ይፈጽማሉ የሚለውን ሃሳብ ትደግፋላችሁ። ይህ ትምህርት የክርስቶስን ተአምራዊ ልደት ያዳክማል። ያልኩበት ምክንያት እግዚአብሔር በቅድስት ድንግል ማርያም በኩል ከሰው ልጆች ጋር አንድ በመሆኑ ነው። ይህ በእግዚአብሔር እና በሰው መካከል ያለው አንድነት ያልተለመደ ክስተት ሆኖ ተመዝግቧል። ነገር ግን መላእክት ከእግዚአብሔር በፊት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር ተደባልቀው ነበር ማለቱ የኢየሱስን መወለድ በእርግጥ ይጎዳል። በመጀመሪያ ደረጃ, መላእክት የመራቢያ አካላት የላቸውም. መላእክት የማይራቡበት ምክንያት የዘላለም ሕይወት ስላላቸው ነው። እኛ ሰዎች ፣ ሟቾች ነን ፣ ግን መላእክት አይሞቱም። በዚህ ምክንያት ነው የምንባዛው. የቪዲዮው ደራሲ በጣም አስከፊ ስህተት ሰርቷል። መልአክ የሚለውን ቃል ፍቺ አላጠናም። በዕብራይስጥም በግእዝና በአማርኛም መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ሦስት ትርጉም አለው። መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ለሰው ልጆች ጥቅም ላይ ሊውል ይችላል. አንድ ሰው የቤተ ክርስቲያን መሪ ከሆነ መልአክ ተብሎ ይጠራል። ሚካኤል ወይም ገብርኤል መላእክት ይባላሉ። ሦስተኛው ትርጉም መልእክተኞች መሆን ነው። ለምሳሌ የነቢዩ ሚልክያስ ስም የመጣው መልአክ ከሚለው ቃል ነው።አሁን ከመጽሐፍ ቅዱስ ላሳይ። ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ:ምዕራፍ፴፮:፩ወመጽኡ መላእክተ:ነገደ:ቤተ:አቡሁ:ለገላአድ:ወልደ ማኪር:ወልደ:መናሴ:ዘእምነገደ:ደቂቀ:ዮሴፍ:ወይቤሉ:ቅድመ:ሙሴ:ወቅድመ:እልዓዛር:ካህን:ወቅድመ:[መላእክተ:]አብያተ:አበዊሆሙ:ለደቂቀ:እስራኤል ። ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ ምዕራፍ ፴፮:፩ከዮሴፍ ልጆች:ወገኖች:የምናሴ:ልጅ:የማኪር:ልጅ የገለዓድ:ልጆች:ወገን:አለቆች:ቀረቡ፥በሙሴና:በእስራኤልም:ልጆች:አባቶች:[አለቆች]:ፊት:ተናገሩ፤ ____________________________________________ ኦሪት:ዘጸአት:ምዕራፍ:፮:፲፬ ወእሉ:እሙንቱ:[መላእክት]:በበ:ቤተ:አበዊሆሙ፤ደቂቀ:ሮቤል:በኵሩ:ለእስራኤል:ሄኖኅ:ወፍሉሶ:ወአስሮን:ወከርሚ:ዝውእቱ:ትውልዲሁ:ለሮቤል። ኦሪት:ዘጸአት:ምዕራፍ:፮:፲፬ የአባታቸውም:ቤት:[አለቆች]:እነዚህ:ናቸው።የእስራኤል:የበኵር:ልጅ:የሮቤል:ልጆች፤ሄኖኅ፥ፈሉስ፥አስሮን፥ከርሚ፤እነዚህ:የሮቤል:ወገኖች:ናቸው። ____________________________________________ መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩ ወእሉ፡እሙንቱ[መላእክተ]አበዊሆሙ፡ እለ፡ ተኈለቁ፡ይዕርጉ፡ምስሌየ፡በመንግሥተ፡አርተሰስታ፡ንጉሥ፡እምባቢሎን። መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩በንጉሡ:በአርጤክስስ:መንግሥት:ከእኔ:ጋር:ከባቢሎን: የወጡ:የአባቶች:ቤቶች:[አለቆች]እነዚህ:ናቸው:ትውልዳቸውም:ይህ:ነው፤ __________________________________________________________________ Mezmure dawit 68 in Geez "27በጽሑ፡መላእክት፡ወቦሙ፡መዘምራነ ፤ማእከለ፡ደናግል፡ዘባጥያተ፡ከበሮ። 28በማኅበር፡ባርክዎ፡ለእግዚአብሔር፤ወለአማላክነ፡በአንቅዕተ፡እስራኤል። 29ህየ፡ብንያም፡ወሬዛ፡በኀይሉ፡ 30መላእክተ፡ይሁዳ፡ወመሳፍንቲሆሙ፤መላእክተ፡ዛብሉን፡መላእክተ፡ንፍታሌም። Mezmure dawit 68 in Amharic 25አለቆች:ቀደሙ፥መዘምራንም:ተከተሉ፤ ከበሮን:በሚመቱ:በቈነጃጅት:መካከል። 26እግዚአብሔርን:በጉባኤ፥ጌታችንንም: በእስራኤል:ምንጭ:አመስግኑት። 27ወጣቱ:ብንያም:በጕልበቱ:በዚያ:አለ፥ ገዦቻቸው:የይሁዳ:አለቆች:የዛብሎን:አለቆችና:የንፍታሌምም:አለቆች። Mezmure dawit 68 in English 26Bless ye God in the congregations, even the Lord, from the fountain of Israel. 27There is little Benjamin with their ruler, the princes of Judah and their council, the princes of Zebulun, and the princes of Naphtali. 28Thy God hath commanded thy strength: strengthen, O God, that which thou hast wrought for us. A)መላእክተ፡ይሁዳ= in geez B)የይሁዳ አለቆች = in Amharic C)Judah and their council All 3 are not talking about flying angels. Geez Revelation2:1ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያን፡ዘኤፌሶን፡ከመዝ፡ይቤለከ፡ዘያጸንዕ፡ሰብዐተ፡ኮከበ፡በየማኑ፡ዘየሐውር፡በማእከለ፡ስብዑ፡መኃትው፡ዘወርቅ። Amharic Revelation2:1በኤፌሶን:ወዳለው:ወደ ቤተ:ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ።በቀኝ:እጁ:ሰባቱን:ከዋክብት:የያዘው:በሰባቱም:የወርቅ:መቅረዞች:መካከል:የሚሄደው:እንዲህ:ይላል። English Revelation 2:1Unto the [angel of the church of Ephesus] write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks Geez Rev3:1ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያናት፡ዘሰርዴስ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ዘቦ፡ሰብዐተ፡መንፈስ፡ዘእምኀበ፡እግዚአብሔር፡ወሰብዐተ፡ኮከበ ። Amharic Rev3:1በሰርዴስም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ: ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ። ሰባቱ:የእግዚአብሔር:መናፍስትና:ሰባቱ: ከዋክብት:ያሉት:እንዲህ:ይላል።ሥራህን አውቃለሁ:ሕያው:እንደ:መሆንህ:ስም:አለህ:ሞተህማል። Geez Rev3:7ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ ክርስቲያን፡ዘፊልድልፍያ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ቅዱስ፡ወጻድቅ፡ዘኀቤሁ፡ይነብር፡ኵሉ፡መራኁተ ፡ ቤተ፡ዳዊት። Amharic Revelation3:7በፊልድልፍያም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ:ክርስቲያን[መልአክ]እንዲህ ብለህ:ጻፍ።የዳዊት:መክፈቻ:ያለው፤የሚከፍት፥የሚዘጋም:የሌለ፤የሚዘጋ፥የሚከፍትም:የሌለ፤g። Anak[ עֲנָק] in Hebrew it means Giant Anakim[עֲנָקִים] in Hebrew it means Giants If Anak means Giant and Nephilim means Giants why do people make such error in thinking it means fallen angels? The answer is simple the hebrew word Nephilim looks like the word Nophlim when writen in Hebrew like so Nephilim[נְפִילִים]vsNophelim[נֹפְלִים] . They are similar words at first glance but they have very different spelling and pronunciation. Example of Nophelim in the Bible. Deut22:4Thou shalt not see thy brother's ass or his ox fall downby the way, and hide thyself from them: thou shalt surely help him to lift them up again. ד לֹא-תִרְאֶה אֶת-חֲמוֹר אָחִיךָ אוֹ שׁוֹרוֹ, [נֹפְלִים] בַּדֶּרֶךְ, וְהִתְעַלַּמְתָּ, מֵהֶם: הָקֵם תָּקִים, עִמּוֹ. Also it is important to notice that there is a colon between Nephilim and Anak even in the Amharic translation. As you know a colon is used to describe what is already mentioned in the sentence.56
Shame on all Ethiopian orthodox christians who agree with this video blindly. The book of Enoch is consistent with what Jesus said when answering the pharisees. They had asked him about marriage with many women(polygamy) and divorce.Jesus response was it was not so (from the begining). Meaning that poligamous relationships started out from the descendants of Cain who were cursed due to various sins. As opposed to the descendents of Seth who were the hope for this world.Hence "children of God" or "children of heaven" much like today a person who has received faith and baptism is considered a child of God free from the everlasting curse mentioned in deut28:44-46. The christian is saved from the everlasting curse or born again is another expression used in the bible. However, sin exists in 3 forms. 1)everlasting curse 2) Daily sin 3) Unforgiveable sin The christian has been saved from the everlasting curse via baptism and faith. The christian can be saved from daily sins via repentance but he cannot be saved from the unforgivable sin. The unforgiven sin is blasphemy of the holy spirit. If a person uses the holy spirit as a pretext to advance a false doctrine it become basphemy because one is not to use the name of God invain. Unfirtunetly many say it "my calling" that false under unforgiven sin. Now about the book of Enoch. Now the book of Enoch and the Book of Jubilee were preserved in the Ge'ez language better known in the western world as Ethiopic. In Ge'ez langual an angel in single form is መልአክ while angels is መላእክት and when you want to say [angels of...] the last letter in መላእክ[ት] becomes መላእክ[ተ] Now i will give various examples where the word መላእክት was used in the bible and it was translated as Chief or leader and not as a heavenly creature. In addition to the above 2 books Moses wrote in Genesis6:2ውሉደ:እግዚአብሔር which means the sons of God."ወሶበ፡ርእዩ፡[ውሉደ፡እግዚአብሔር]፡አዋልደ፡ሰብእ፡ከመ፡ሠናያት፡እማንቱ፡ነሥኡ፡እምኔሆን፡አንስትያ፡ዘኀረዩ፡ወዘአፍቀሩ። Gen6:22That [the sons of God] saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose Example #1 In the book of Numbers36:1 the word መላእክተ is seen twice in the verse and it was translated as [the chief] ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ:ምዕራፍ፴፮:፩ወመጽኡ [መላእክተ]:ነገደ:ቤተ:አቡሁ:ለገላአድ:ወልደ ማኪር:ወልደ:መናሴ:ዘእምነገደ:ደቂቀ:ዮሴፍ:ወይቤሉ:ቅድመ:ሙሴ:ወቅድመ:እልዓዛር:ካህን:ወቅድመ:[መላእክተ:]አብያተ:አበዊሆሙ:ለደቂቀ:እስራኤል ። Numbers 36:1And [the chief] fathers of the families of the children of Gilead, the son of Machir, the son of Manasseh, of the families of the sons of Joseph, came near, and spake before Moses, and before the princes, [the chief] fathers of the children of Israel: ______________________________________________ Example #2 In Exodus 6:14 the word መላእክት was translated as "the heads" as in leaders... ኦሪት:ዘጸአት:ምዕራፍ:፮:፲፬ ወእሉ:እሙንቱ:[መላእክት]:በበ:ቤተ:አበዊሆሙ፤ደቂቀ:ሮቤል:በኵሩ:ለእስራኤል:ሄኖኅ:ወፍሉሶ:ወአስሮን:ወከርሚ:ዝውእቱ:ትውልዲሁ:ለሮቤል። Exod6:14These be the heads of their fathers' houses: The sons of Reuben the firstborn of Israel; Hanoch, and Pallu, Hezron, and Carmi: these be the families of Reuben. Again we see the word(መላእክት) really meaning the heads (the leaders) ______________________________ Example #3 In the book of Ezra 8:1 the word መላእክተ was translated as "The heads of" መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩ ወእሉ፡እሙንቱ[መላእክተ]አበዊሆሙ፡ እለ፡ ተኈለቁ፡ይዕርጉ፡ምስሌየ፡በመንግሥተ፡አርተሰስታ፡ንጉሥ፡እምባቢሎን። Ezra 8:1 These are now the heads of their fathers' houses, and this is the genealogy of them that went up with me from Babylon, in the reign of Artaxerxes the king. ____________________________________ Example #4 Psalm 68 the word [መላእክተ] several times and each time it was translated as [Rulers of or Prince of] Mezmure dawit 68 in Geez "27በጽሑ፡መላእክት፡ወቦሙ፡መዘምራነ ፤ማእከለ፡ደናግል፡ዘባጥያተ፡ከበሮ። 28በማኅበር፡ባርክዎ፡ለእግዚአብሔር፤ወለአማላክነ፡በአንቅዕተ፡እስራኤል። 29ህየ፡ብንያም፡ወሬዛ፡በኀይሉ፡ 30[መላእክተ]፡ይሁዳ፡ወመሳፍንቲሆሙ፤[መላእክተ]፡ዛብሉን፡[መላእክተ]፡ንፍታሌም። Psalm 68 26Bless ye God in the congregations, even the Lord, from the fountain of Israel. 27There is little Benjamin with their ruler, the princes of Judah and their council, the princes of Zebulun, and the princes of Naphtali. 28Thy God hath commanded thy strength: strengthen, O God, that which thou hast wrought for us. Example#5 In the book of Revelation2:1 the word መልአከ which is angel in singular form.This word was translated as Angel. Angel of the church is understood by all christians that it means the Bishop or leader of the church and not a referrence to a heavenly ctreature with wings. Revelation2:1ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለ[መልአከ]፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያን፡ዘኤፌሶን፡ከመዝ፡ይቤለከ፡ዘያጸንዕ፡ሰብዐተ፡ኮከበ፡በየማኑ፡ዘየሐውር፡በማእከለ፡ስብዑ፡መኃትው፡ዘወርቅ። Revelation 2:1Unto the [angel of the church of Ephesus] write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks Brothers and sisters, let me give you another source. We are now going to look at it from the Hebrew language.anakim עֲנָקִים means giants.anak עֲנָק giant. If Anak means Giant and Nephilim means Giants why do people make such error in thinking it means fallen angels? The answer is simple the hebrew word Nephilim looks like the word Nophlim when writen in Hebrew like so Nephilim[נְפִילִים]vsNophelim[נֹפְלִים] you can see how these 2 Hebrew words can look similar to a non hebrew speaker. However they do not mean the same things. Let us take a look in the bible. Example of Nophelim in the Bible. Deut22:4Thou shalt not see thy brother's ass or his ox [fall down]by the way, and hide thyself from them: thou shalt surely help him to lift them up again. ד לֹא-תִרְאֶה אֶת-חֲמוֹר אָחִיךָ אוֹ שׁוֹרוֹ, [נֹפְלִים] בַּדֶּרֶךְ, וְהִתְעַלַּמְתָּ, מֵהֶם: הָקֵם תָּקִים, עִמּוֹ. So nophlim is related to the verb falling while nephelim is an adjective describing size. When it comes to doctrine only Jesus the word of God in flesh is to be the only one who can come from essence into existence and take human flesh in his mirraculous birth. Angels have everlasting life therefore no reproductive organs like the mortal humans. Saying angels mixed with human is directly undermines the birth of christ, and baptism which related to the crucifixion. We are baptized in his death. This video suggested that the ethiopian orthodox received the book of Enoch from the Falashas.That is ofcourse another false information.
Shame on you.... ስለ፡እውነት፡ከተወያየን፡ወንድሜ፡በቃላት፡ብዙዎቻችን፡ሲወድቁ፡እናያለን።ለምሳሌ፡መላእክት፡ወይንም፡መለአክ፡የሚለውን፡ቃል፡ስንመለከት።ፕሮቴስታንቱ፡እነሚካኤልን፡ይጠቁማል።ነገር፡ግን፡መለአክ፡የሚለው፡ቃል፡ሌሎች፡ትርጉሞች፡አሉት።By the way this misunderstanding led many to think the book Henok wasn't truthfull because they thought it said Angels has children with human beings. Just because the word መልአክ was used but it didn't mean angel. What is Etymology? et·y·mol·o·gy is a noun and it means the study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history. _________________________________________________________________ Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh,the Geez መልአክ and the Amharic መልአክ are put for debate. malakhim is the plural form in hebrew while መላእክት is the plural form of መልአክ in both Geez and in Amharic. ________________________________ _________________________________ Angels in Judaism For other uses, see Malach. In Judaism an angel (Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh, plural malakhim) is a messenger of God, an angelic envoy or an angel in general who appears throughout the Hebrew Bible, Rabbinic literature, and traditional Jewish liturgy. Angels in Judaism are categorized in different hierarchies. Etymology Hebrew "mal'akh" (מַלְאָךְ) is the standard Hebrew Bible word for "messenger", [both human and divine], though it is less used for human messengers in Modern Hebrew[1] as the latter is usually denoted by the term shaliyah (שליח). Here are the evidences below. ክርስቲያን ነን ትላላችሁ ነገር ግን መላዕክት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር የግብረ ሥጋ ግንኙነት ይፈጽማሉ የሚለውን ሃሳብ ትደግፋላችሁ። ይህ ትምህርት የክርስቶስን ተአምራዊ ልደት ያዳክማል። ያልኩበት ምክንያት እግዚአብሔር በቅድስት ድንግል ማርያም በኩል ከሰው ልጆች ጋር አንድ በመሆኑ ነው። ይህ በእግዚአብሔር እና በሰው መካከል ያለው አንድነት ያልተለመደ ክስተት ሆኖ ተመዝግቧል። ነገር ግን መላእክት ከእግዚአብሔር በፊት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር ተደባልቀው ነበር ማለቱ የኢየሱስን መወለድ በእርግጥ ይጎዳል። በመጀመሪያ ደረጃ, መላእክት የመራቢያ አካላት የላቸውም. መላእክት የማይራቡበት ምክንያት የዘላለም ሕይወት ስላላቸው ነው። እኛ ሰዎች ፣ ሟቾች ነን ፣ ግን መላእክት አይሞቱም። በዚህ ምክንያት ነው የምንባዛው. የቪዲዮው ደራሲ በጣም አስከፊ ስህተት ሰርቷል። መልአክ የሚለውን ቃል ፍቺ አላጠናም። በዕብራይስጥም በግእዝና በአማርኛም መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ሦስት ትርጉም አለው። መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ለሰው ልጆች ጥቅም ላይ ሊውል ይችላል. አንድ ሰው የቤተ ክርስቲያን መሪ ከሆነ መልአክ ተብሎ ይጠራል። ሚካኤል ወይም ገብርኤል መላእክት ይባላሉ። ሦስተኛው ትርጉም መልእክተኞች መሆን ነው። ለምሳሌ የነቢዩ ሚልክያስ ስም የመጣው መልአክ ከሚለው ቃል ነው።አሁን ከመጽሐፍ ቅዱስ ላሳይ። ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ:ምዕራፍ፴፮:፩ወመጽኡ መላእክተ:ነገደ:ቤተ:አቡሁ:ለገላአድ:ወልደ ማኪር:ወልደ:መናሴ:ዘእምነገደ:ደቂቀ:ዮሴፍ:ወይቤሉ:ቅድመ:ሙሴ:ወቅድመ:እልዓዛር:ካህን:ወቅድመ:[መላእክተ:]አብያተ:አበዊሆሙ:ለደቂቀ:እስራኤል ። ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ ምዕራፍ ፴፮:፩ከዮሴፍ ልጆች:ወገኖች:የምናሴ:ልጅ:የማኪር:ልጅ የገለዓድ:ልጆች:ወገን:አለቆች:ቀረቡ፥በሙሴና:በእስራኤልም:ልጆች:አባቶች:[አለቆች]:ፊት:ተናገሩ፤ ____________________________________________ ኦሪት:ዘጸአት:ምዕራፍ:፮:፲፬ ወእሉ:እሙንቱ:[መላእክት]:በበ:ቤተ:አበዊሆሙ፤ደቂቀ:ሮቤል:በኵሩ:ለእስራኤል:ሄኖኅ:ወፍሉሶ:ወአስሮን:ወከርሚ:ዝውእቱ:ትውልዲሁ:ለሮቤል። ኦሪት:ዘጸአት:ምዕራፍ:፮:፲፬ የአባታቸውም:ቤት:[አለቆች]:እነዚህ:ናቸው።የእስራኤል:የበኵር:ልጅ:የሮቤል:ልጆች፤ሄኖኅ፥ፈሉስ፥አስሮን፥ከርሚ፤እነዚህ:የሮቤል:ወገኖች:ናቸው። ____________________________________________ መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩ ወእሉ፡እሙንቱ[መላእክተ]አበዊሆሙ፡ እለ፡ ተኈለቁ፡ይዕርጉ፡ምስሌየ፡በመንግሥተ፡አርተሰስታ፡ንጉሥ፡እምባቢሎን። መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩በንጉሡ:በአርጤክስስ:መንግሥት:ከእኔ:ጋር:ከባቢሎን: የወጡ:የአባቶች:ቤቶች:[አለቆች]እነዚህ:ናቸው:ትውልዳቸውም:ይህ:ነው፤ __________________________________________________________________ Mezmure dawit 68 in Geez "27በጽሑ፡መላእክት፡ወቦሙ፡መዘምራነ ፤ማእከለ፡ደናግል፡ዘባጥያተ፡ከበሮ። 28በማኅበር፡ባርክዎ፡ለእግዚአብሔር፤ወለአማላክነ፡በአንቅዕተ፡እስራኤል። 29ህየ፡ብንያም፡ወሬዛ፡በኀይሉ፡ 30መላእክተ፡ይሁዳ፡ወመሳፍንቲሆሙ፤መላእክተ፡ዛብሉን፡መላእክተ፡ንፍታሌም። Mezmure dawit 68 in Amharic 25አለቆች:ቀደሙ፥መዘምራንም:ተከተሉ፤ ከበሮን:በሚመቱ:በቈነጃጅት:መካከል። 26እግዚአብሔርን:በጉባኤ፥ጌታችንንም: በእስራኤል:ምንጭ:አመስግኑት። 27ወጣቱ:ብንያም:በጕልበቱ:በዚያ:አለ፥ ገዦቻቸው:የይሁዳ:አለቆች:የዛብሎን:አለቆችና:የንፍታሌምም:አለቆች። Mezmure dawit 68 in English 26Bless ye God in the congregations, even the Lord, from the fountain of Israel. 27There is little Benjamin with their ruler, the princes of Judah and their council, the princes of Zebulun, and the princes of Naphtali. 28Thy God hath commanded thy strength: strengthen, O God, that which thou hast wrought for us. A)መላእክተ፡ይሁዳ= in geez B)የይሁዳ አለቆች = in Amharic C)Judah and their council All 3 are not talking about flying angels. Geez Revelation2:1ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያን፡ዘኤፌሶን፡ከመዝ፡ይቤለከ፡ዘያጸንዕ፡ሰብዐተ፡ኮከበ፡በየማኑ፡ዘየሐውር፡በማእከለ፡ስብዑ፡መኃትው፡ዘወርቅ። Amharic Revelation2:1በኤፌሶን:ወዳለው:ወደ ቤተ:ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ።በቀኝ:እጁ:ሰባቱን:ከዋክብት:የያዘው:በሰባቱም:የወርቅ:መቅረዞች:መካከል:የሚሄደው:እንዲህ:ይላል። English Revelation 2:1Unto the [angel of the church of Ephesus] write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks Geez Rev3:1ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያናት፡ዘሰርዴስ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ዘቦ፡ሰብዐተ፡መንፈስ፡ዘእምኀበ፡እግዚአብሔር፡ወሰብዐተ፡ኮከበ ። Amharic Rev3:1በሰርዴስም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ: ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ። ሰባቱ:የእግዚአብሔር:መናፍስትና:ሰባቱ: ከዋክብት:ያሉት:እንዲህ:ይላል።ሥራህን አውቃለሁ:ሕያው:እንደ:መሆንህ:ስም:አለህ:ሞተህማል። Geez Rev3:7ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ ክርስቲያን፡ዘፊልድልፍያ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ቅዱስ፡ወጻድቅ፡ዘኀቤሁ፡ይነብር፡ኵሉ፡መራኁተ ፡ ቤተ፡ዳዊት። Amharic Revelation3:7በፊልድልፍያም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ:ክርስቲያን[መልአክ]እንዲህ ብለህ:ጻፍ።የዳዊት:መክፈቻ:ያለው፤የሚከፍት፥የሚዘጋም:የሌለ፤የሚዘጋ፥የሚከፍትም:የሌለ፤g። Anak[ עֲנָק] in Hebrew it means Giant Anakim[עֲנָקִים] in Hebrew it means Giants If Anak means Giant and Nephilim means Giants why do people make such error in thinking it means fallen angels? The answer is simple the hebrew word Nephilim looks like the word Nophlim when writen in Hebrew like so Nephilim[נְפִילִים]vsNophelim[נֹפְלִים] . They are similar words at first glance but they have very different spelling and pronunciation. Example of Nophelim in the Bible. Deut22:4Thou shalt not see thy brother's ass or his ox fall downby the way, and hide thyself from them: thou shalt surely help him to lift them up again. ד לֹא-תִרְאֶה אֶת-חֲמוֹר אָחִיךָ אוֹ שׁוֹרוֹ, [נֹפְלִים] בַּדֶּרֶךְ, וְהִתְעַלַּמְתָּ, מֵהֶם: הָקֵם תָּקִים, עִמּוֹ. Also it is important to notice that there is a colon between Nephilim and Anak even in the Amharic translation. As you know a colon is used to describe what is already mentioned in the sentence.
Shame on you.... ስለ፡እውነት፡ከተወያየን፡ወንድሜ፡በቃላት፡ብዙዎቻችን፡ሲወድቁ፡እናያለን።ለምሳሌ፡መላእክት፡ወይንም፡መለአክ፡የሚለውን፡ቃል፡ስንመለከት።ፕሮቴስታንቱ፡እነሚካኤልን፡ይጠቁማል።ነገር፡ግን፡መለአክ፡የሚለው፡ቃል፡ሌሎች፡ትርጉሞች፡አሉት።By the way this misunderstanding led many to think the book Henok wasn't truthfull because they thought it said Angels has children with human beings. Just because the word መልአክ was used but it didn't mean angel. What is Etymology? et·y·mol·o·gy is a noun and it means the study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history. _________________________________________________________________ Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh,the Geez መልአክ and the Amharic መልአክ are put for debate. malakhim is the plural form in hebrew while መላእክት is the plural form of መልአክ in both Geez and in Amharic. ________________________________ _________________________________ Angels in Judaism For other uses, see Malach. In Judaism an angel (Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh, plural malakhim) is a messenger of God, an angelic envoy or an angel in general who appears throughout the Hebrew Bible, Rabbinic literature, and traditional Jewish liturgy. Angels in Judaism are categorized in different hierarchies. Etymology Hebrew "mal'akh" (מַלְאָךְ) is the standard Hebrew Bible word for "messenger", [both human and divine], though it is less used for human messengers in Modern Hebrew[1] as the latter is usually denoted by the term shaliyah (שליח). Here are the evidences below. ክርስቲያን ነን ትላላችሁ ነገር ግን መላዕክት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር የግብረ ሥጋ ግንኙነት ይፈጽማሉ የሚለውን ሃሳብ ትደግፋላችሁ። ይህ ትምህርት የክርስቶስን ተአምራዊ ልደት ያዳክማል። ያልኩበት ምክንያት እግዚአብሔር በቅድስት ድንግል ማርያም በኩል ከሰው ልጆች ጋር አንድ በመሆኑ ነው። ይህ በእግዚአብሔር እና በሰው መካከል ያለው አንድነት ያልተለመደ ክስተት ሆኖ ተመዝግቧል። ነገር ግን መላእክት ከእግዚአብሔር በፊት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር ተደባልቀው ነበር ማለቱ የኢየሱስን መወለድ በእርግጥ ይጎዳል። በመጀመሪያ ደረጃ, መላእክት የመራቢያ አካላት የላቸውም. መላእክት የማይራቡበት ምክንያት የዘላለም ሕይወት ስላላቸው ነው። እኛ ሰዎች ፣ ሟቾች ነን ፣ ግን መላእክት አይሞቱም። በዚህ ምክንያት ነው የምንባዛው. የቪዲዮው ደራሲ በጣም አስከፊ ስህተት ሰርቷል። መልአክ የሚለውን ቃል ፍቺ አላጠናም። በዕብራይስጥም በግእዝና በአማርኛም መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ሦስት ትርጉም አለው። መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ለሰው ልጆች ጥቅም ላይ ሊውል ይችላል. አንድ ሰው የቤተ ክርስቲያን መሪ ከሆነ መልአክ ተብሎ ይጠራል። ሚካኤል ወይም ገብርኤል መላእክት ይባላሉ። ሦስተኛው ትርጉም መልእክተኞች መሆን ነው። ለምሳሌ የነቢዩ ሚልክያስ ስም የመጣው መልአክ ከሚለው ቃል ነው።አሁን ከመጽሐፍ ቅዱስ ላሳይ። ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ:ምዕራፍ፴፮:፩ወመጽኡ መላእክተ:ነገደ:ቤተ:አቡሁ:ለገላአድ:ወልደ ማኪር:ወልደ:መናሴ:ዘእምነገደ:ደቂቀ:ዮሴፍ:ወይቤሉ:ቅድመ:ሙሴ:ወቅድመ:እልዓዛር:ካህን:ወቅድመ:[መላእክተ:]አብያተ:አበዊሆሙ:ለደቂቀ:እስራኤል ። ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ ምዕራፍ ፴፮:፩ከዮሴፍ ልጆች:ወገኖች:የምናሴ:ልጅ:የማኪር:ልጅ የገለዓድ:ልጆች:ወገን:አለቆች:ቀረቡ፥በሙሴና:በእስራኤልም:ልጆች:አባቶች:[አለቆች]:ፊት:ተናገሩ፤ ____________________________________________ ኦሪት:ዘጸአት:ምዕራፍ:፮:፲፬ ወእሉ:እሙንቱ:[መላእክት]:በበ:ቤተ:አበዊሆሙ፤ደቂቀ:ሮቤል:በኵሩ:ለእስራኤል:ሄኖኅ:ወፍሉሶ:ወአስሮን:ወከርሚ:ዝውእቱ:ትውልዲሁ:ለሮቤል። ኦሪት:ዘጸአት:ምዕራፍ:፮:፲፬ የአባታቸውም:ቤት:[አለቆች]:እነዚህ:ናቸው።የእስራኤል:የበኵር:ልጅ:የሮቤል:ልጆች፤ሄኖኅ፥ፈሉስ፥አስሮን፥ከርሚ፤እነዚህ:የሮቤል:ወገኖች:ናቸው። ____________________________________________ መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩ ወእሉ፡እሙንቱ[መላእክተ]አበዊሆሙ፡ እለ፡ ተኈለቁ፡ይዕርጉ፡ምስሌየ፡በመንግሥተ፡አርተሰስታ፡ንጉሥ፡እምባቢሎን። መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩በንጉሡ:በአርጤክስስ:መንግሥት:ከእኔ:ጋር:ከባቢሎን: የወጡ:የአባቶች:ቤቶች:[አለቆች]እነዚህ:ናቸው:ትውልዳቸውም:ይህ:ነው፤ __________________________________________________________________ Mezmure dawit 68 in Geez "27በጽሑ፡መላእክት፡ወቦሙ፡መዘምራነ ፤ማእከለ፡ደናግል፡ዘባጥያተ፡ከበሮ። 28በማኅበር፡ባርክዎ፡ለእግዚአብሔር፤ወለአማላክነ፡በአንቅዕተ፡እስራኤል። 29ህየ፡ብንያም፡ወሬዛ፡በኀይሉ፡ 30መላእክተ፡ይሁዳ፡ወመሳፍንቲሆሙ፤መላእክተ፡ዛብሉን፡መላእክተ፡ንፍታሌም። Mezmure dawit 68 in Amharic 25አለቆች:ቀደሙ፥መዘምራንም:ተከተሉ፤ ከበሮን:በሚመቱ:በቈነጃጅት:መካከል። 26እግዚአብሔርን:በጉባኤ፥ጌታችንንም: በእስራኤል:ምንጭ:አመስግኑት። 27ወጣቱ:ብንያም:በጕልበቱ:በዚያ:አለ፥ ገዦቻቸው:የይሁዳ:አለቆች:የዛብሎን:አለቆችና:የንፍታሌምም:አለቆች። Mezmure dawit 68 in English 26Bless ye God in the congregations, even the Lord, from the fountain of Israel. 27There is little Benjamin with their ruler, the princes of Judah and their council, the princes of Zebulun, and the princes of Naphtali. 28Thy God hath commanded thy strength: strengthen, O God, that which thou hast wrought for us. A)መላእክተ፡ይሁዳ= in geez B)የይሁዳ አለቆች = in Amharic C)Judah and their council All 3 are not talking about flying angels. Geez Revelation2:1ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያን፡ዘኤፌሶን፡ከመዝ፡ይቤለከ፡ዘያጸንዕ፡ሰብዐተ፡ኮከበ፡በየማኑ፡ዘየሐውር፡በማእከለ፡ስብዑ፡መኃትው፡ዘወርቅ። Amharic Revelation2:1በኤፌሶን:ወዳለው:ወደ ቤተ:ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ።በቀኝ:እጁ:ሰባቱን:ከዋክብት:የያዘው:በሰባቱም:የወርቅ:መቅረዞች:መካከል:የሚሄደው:እንዲህ:ይላል። English Revelation 2:1Unto the [angel of the church of Ephesus] write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks Geez Rev3:1ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያናት፡ዘሰርዴስ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ዘቦ፡ሰብዐተ፡መንፈስ፡ዘእምኀበ፡እግዚአብሔር፡ወሰብዐተ፡ኮከበ ። Amharic Rev3:1በሰርዴስም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ: ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ። ሰባቱ:የእግዚአብሔር:መናፍስትና:ሰባቱ: ከዋክብት:ያሉት:እንዲህ:ይላል።ሥራህን አውቃለሁ:ሕያው:እንደ:መሆንህ:ስም:አለህ:ሞተህማል። Geez Rev3:7ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ ክርስቲያን፡ዘፊልድልፍያ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ቅዱስ፡ወጻድቅ፡ዘኀቤሁ፡ይነብር፡ኵሉ፡መራኁተ ፡ ቤተ፡ዳዊት። Amharic Revelation3:7በፊልድልፍያም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ:ክርስቲያን[መልአክ]እንዲህ ብለህ:ጻፍ።የዳዊት:መክፈቻ:ያለው፤የሚከፍት፥የሚዘጋም:የሌለ፤የሚዘጋ፥የሚከፍትም:የሌለ፤g። Anak[ עֲנָק] in Hebrew it means Giant Anakim[עֲנָקִים] in Hebrew it means Giants If Anak means Giant and Nephilim means Giants why do people make such error in thinking it means fallen angels? The answer is simple the hebrew word Nephilim looks like the word Nophlim when writen in Hebrew like so Nephilim[נְפִילִים]vsNophelim[נֹפְלִים] . They are similar words at first glance but they have very different spelling and pronunciation. Example of Nophelim in the Bible. Deut22:4Thou shalt not see thy brother's ass or his ox fall downby the way, and hide thyself from them: thou shalt surely help him to lift them up again. ד לֹא-תִרְאֶה אֶת-חֲמוֹר אָחִיךָ אוֹ שׁוֹרוֹ, [נֹפְלִים] בַּדֶּרֶךְ, וְהִתְעַלַּמְתָּ, מֵהֶם: הָקֵם תָּקִים, עִמּוֹ. Also it is important to notice that there is a colon between Nephilim and Anak even in the Amharic translation. As you know a colon is used to describe what is already mentioned in the sentence.
በጣም በዙ ፍፊልሞችን ድራማዎችን ስበከቶችን ደግሜ ደጋግሜ አይቻለሁ አዳምጫለሁ ነገር ግን በቁጥር ብዛት እንደዚህ እንደመፅሀፈ ሔኖክ የደጋገምኩት የለም አቀራረቡ ክላሲካሉ ብቻ ሁሉ ነገሩ ከምድር እርቀን በምእናብ ወደሀያሉ ቅዱሱ እግዚአብሔር ይወስደኛል ልቤም አይምሮዬም ወደእርሱ ይወስደኛል እግዚአብሔር አምላክ በኪነጥበቡ ሀገራችንን ከክፍ ከመከራ ይታደግልን
እግዚአብሔር ይመስገን ይህን ቅዱስ የመፅሀፉ ንባብ እንድሰማ ለረዳኝ ጌታ ክብር ምስጋና ይግባው አሜን አሜን አሜን ቃለ ህይወት ያሰማልን አሜን እባክህን ጌታ ሆይ የሰማሁትን በልቤ አሳድረው አውለው ልቤም በአንተ ይፅና 🙏🙏🙏
አቤቱ ስራህ ረቂቅ ነዉ ፣አባቴ ሆይ አንተን ብቻ የግል ጠባቂዬ አድርጌ እቀበላለሁ ፣ከቤትህ እንዳልወጣ አንተ እርዳኝ፣ፍቅርህ ለዘላለም በዉስጤ ይስረፅ ፣ይህ ይሆን ዘንድ እናቴ ወላዲተ አምላክ አንች አማልጅን ከልጅሽም አስታርቂኝ አሜን
መፅሀፈ ሄኖክ እጅግ ወሳኝ መፅሀፍ ነው:: ስላቀረባችሁልን እናመሰግናለን:: የሳጥናኤል ጎል ኢትዮጵያንም በሚደንቅ መልኩ ነው የተረካችሁት:: የተረገሙት ሰዎች ያሉትን ሀሉ በቀጥታ የሰማን ያህል ነበር ::ሌሎች የተረኩት ቢኖርም ዜና ነው የሚመስለው:: አድናቆቴን ለመስጠትና ቀጣዩንም እንድትተርኩልን ለማለት ነው:: እግዜአብሔር ይባርካችሁ!
እግዚያብሔር ያበርታልን ቃለህይወትን ያሰማልን
When people have discussion about the book of Enoch and the book of Jubilee.They often conclude that some Angels came from the heavens and began mixing with humans.This is because both books use the following words and expressions [ወረዱ፡መላእክተ፡እግዚአብሔር] which translates into english as the Angels of God.Another word both the book of Enoch and the book of Jubilee use is ትጉሃነ or ትጉሃን which means the pure, the righteous humans. Unfortunetly, this very word was mistranslated as "the watchers". Which further led non ge'ez speakers into thinking that actual fallen Angels mixed with mankind who they think are the nephilim/the giants.
The question is who are these angels that descended on to the earth that the book of Enoch and the book of jubilee talks about.Specificaly the book of jubilee says the following [ወረዱ፡መላእክተ፡እግዚአብሔር].
The Amharic translation states that they are the descendant of Seth. Seth being the replacement of Abel who was murdered by his brother Cain. The descendants of Seth were at the time the purest people on earth. They kept God's laws. Here is the book of Jubilee in Ge'ez
ወበካልእ፡ሱባዔ፡ዘዓሥር፡ኢዮቤልዩ ፡ነሥአ፡ሎቱ፡መላልኤል፡ዲናሃ፡ወለተ፡በራክሔል፡ወለተ፡እኅተ፡አቡሁ፡ሎቱ፡ብእሲተ፡ወወለደት፡ሎቱ ፡ወልደ ፡በሱባዔ፡ሣልስ፡በሳድስ፡ዓመቱ፡ወጸውዐ፡ስሞ፡ያሬድሃ።እስመ፡በመዋዕሊሁ፡[ወረዱ፡መላእክተ ፡እግዚአብሔር]፡ውስተ፡ምድር፡እለ፡ተሰምዩ፡[ትጉሃነ]፡ከመ፡ይምሀርዎሙ፡ለደቂቀ፡እጓለ፡እመሕያው ፡ ይግበሩ፡ፍትሐ፡ወርትዐ፡በዲበ፡ምድር።
Here is the Amharic translation.
በአሥረኛው ኢዮቤልዩ በሁለተኛው ዓመት መላልኤል ሚስት ትሆነው ዘንድ የአባቱን ወንድም የበራኪሂልን ልጅ ዲናን አገባ። በሦስተኛው ሱባዔ በስድስተኛው ዓመት ወንድ ልጅ ወለደችለት ስሙንም ያሮድ አለው። [በዘመኑ ትጉሃን የተባሉ የእግዚአብሔር አገልጋዮች የሚሆኑ የሴት ልጆች] በዚህ ዓለም የቀና ሥራንና ፍርድን ያደርጉ ዘንድ ለሰው ልጆች ሊያስተምሩአቸው ወደ ምድር ወርደዋልና።
In the book of Enoch it uses the expession
[መላእክት፡ውሉደ፡ሰማያት] which the translates into angels sons of heaven.The Amharic translation shines some lights on who these "angels sons of heaven" really are. It says there are (ደቂቀ ሴት) which means the children of Seth.
Here is the book of Enoch in Ge'ez and below i have posted the book of Enoch in Amharic.
[የሰው ልጆች] ከበዙ በኋላ እንዲህ ሆነ። በዚያ ወራትም መልክ መልካሞች ደመ ግቡዎች ልጆች ተወለዱላቸው በደብር ቅዱስ ያሉ [ደቂቀ ሴትም] እነሱን አይተው ወደዷቸው። እሰበሳቸውም ኑ ለኛ [ከቃየል ልጆች ሴቸችን እንምረጥ] ለኛ ልጆችን አንውለድ አሉ።
በጣም ደስ ይላል ይህንን ወደ አፕልኬሽን ብጽፈው ደስ ይላል
አቤቱ አንተ የወደድከውን ምግባር እንድትመራኝ እለምንሀለሁ ተሰፉዬ አምባመጠጊዬ ሁን ንፁህ ልብ ፍጠርልኝ ኢርህራሄህም አይለየኝ
በጣም ቆንጆ በሆነ ሁኔታ በማብራራት መጵሃፋን ላነበብክልን እግዚአብሔር የሄኖክ አምላክ መንግስተ ሰማይ ያውርስህ አሜን ።
እንዴት እንደማገኝ አስብ ነበር፡፡ ተባረክ ፣ የአማልክቶች አምላክ፣የጌቶቹ ጌታ፣ትልቅ እግዝአብሐር፣ኃያልና የሚስፈራ፣የማያዳላ እግዝአብሔር ይባርክህ፡፡
Shame on you....
ስለ፡እውነት፡ከተወያየን፡ወንድሜ፡በቃላት፡ብዙዎቻችን፡ሲወድቁ፡እናያለን።ለምሳሌ፡መላእክት፡ወይንም፡መለአክ፡የሚለውን፡ቃል፡ስንመለከት።ፕሮቴስታንቱ፡እነሚካኤልን፡ይጠቁማል።ነገር፡ግን፡መለአክ፡የሚለው፡ቃል፡ሌሎች፡ትርጉሞች፡አሉት።By the way this misunderstanding led many to think the book Henok wasn't truthfull because they thought it said Angels has children with human beings. Just because the word መልአክ was used but it didn't mean angel.
What is Etymology?
et·y·mol·o·gy is a noun and it means the study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history.
Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh,the Geez መልአክ and the Amharic መልአክ are put for debate. malakhim is the plural form in hebrew while መላእክት is the plural form of መልአክ in both Geez and in Amharic.
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Angels in Judaism For other uses, see Malach. In Judaism an angel (Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh, plural malakhim) is a messenger of God, an angelic envoy or an angel in general who appears throughout the Hebrew Bible, Rabbinic literature, and traditional Jewish liturgy. Angels in Judaism are categorized in different hierarchies. Etymology Hebrew "mal'akh" (מַלְאָךְ) is the standard Hebrew Bible word for "messenger", [both human and divine], though it is less used for human messengers in Modern Hebrew[1] as the latter is usually denoted by the term shaliyah (שליח).
Here are the evidences below.
ክርስቲያን ነን ትላላችሁ ነገር ግን መላዕክት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር የግብረ ሥጋ ግንኙነት ይፈጽማሉ የሚለውን ሃሳብ ትደግፋላችሁ። ይህ ትምህርት የክርስቶስን ተአምራዊ ልደት ያዳክማል። ያልኩበት ምክንያት እግዚአብሔር በቅድስት ድንግል ማርያም በኩል ከሰው ልጆች ጋር አንድ በመሆኑ ነው። ይህ በእግዚአብሔር እና በሰው መካከል ያለው አንድነት ያልተለመደ ክስተት ሆኖ ተመዝግቧል። ነገር ግን መላእክት ከእግዚአብሔር በፊት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር ተደባልቀው ነበር ማለቱ የኢየሱስን መወለድ በእርግጥ ይጎዳል። በመጀመሪያ ደረጃ, መላእክት የመራቢያ አካላት የላቸውም. መላእክት የማይራቡበት ምክንያት የዘላለም ሕይወት ስላላቸው ነው። እኛ ሰዎች ፣ ሟቾች ነን ፣ ግን መላእክት አይሞቱም። በዚህ ምክንያት ነው የምንባዛው. የቪዲዮው ደራሲ በጣም አስከፊ ስህተት ሰርቷል። መልአክ የሚለውን ቃል ፍቺ አላጠናም። በዕብራይስጥም በግእዝና በአማርኛም መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ሦስት ትርጉም አለው። መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ለሰው ልጆች ጥቅም ላይ ሊውል ይችላል. አንድ ሰው የቤተ ክርስቲያን መሪ ከሆነ መልአክ ተብሎ ይጠራል። ሚካኤል ወይም ገብርኤል መላእክት ይባላሉ። ሦስተኛው ትርጉም መልእክተኞች መሆን ነው። ለምሳሌ የነቢዩ ሚልክያስ ስም የመጣው መልአክ ከሚለው ቃል ነው።አሁን ከመጽሐፍ ቅዱስ ላሳይ።
ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ:ምዕራፍ፴፮:፩ወመጽኡ መላእክተ:ነገደ:ቤተ:አቡሁ:ለገላአድ:ወልደ ማኪር:ወልደ:መናሴ:ዘእምነገደ:ደቂቀ:ዮሴፍ:ወይቤሉ:ቅድመ:ሙሴ:ወቅድመ:እልዓዛር:ካህን:ወቅድመ:[መላእክተ:]አብያተ:አበዊሆሙ:ለደቂቀ:እስራኤል ።
ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ ምዕራፍ ፴፮:፩ከዮሴፍ ልጆች:ወገኖች:የምናሴ:ልጅ:የማኪር:ልጅ የገለዓድ:ልጆች:ወገን:አለቆች:ቀረቡ፥በሙሴና:በእስራኤልም:ልጆች:አባቶች:[አለቆች]:ፊት:ተናገሩ፤
መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩ ወእሉ፡እሙንቱ[መላእክተ]አበዊሆሙ፡ እለ፡ ተኈለቁ፡ይዕርጉ፡ምስሌየ፡በመንግሥተ፡አርተሰስታ፡ንጉሥ፡እምባቢሎን።
መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩በንጉሡ:በአርጤክስስ:መንግሥት:ከእኔ:ጋር:ከባቢሎን: የወጡ:የአባቶች:ቤቶች:[አለቆች]እነዚህ:ናቸው:ትውልዳቸውም:ይህ:ነው፤
Mezmure dawit 68 in Geez
"27በጽሑ፡መላእክት፡ወቦሙ፡መዘምራነ ፤ማእከለ፡ደናግል፡ዘባጥያተ፡ከበሮ።
Mezmure dawit 68 in Amharic
25አለቆች:ቀደሙ፥መዘምራንም:ተከተሉ፤ ከበሮን:በሚመቱ:በቈነጃጅት:መካከል። 26እግዚአብሔርን:በጉባኤ፥ጌታችንንም: በእስራኤል:ምንጭ:አመስግኑት።
27ወጣቱ:ብንያም:በጕልበቱ:በዚያ:አለ፥ ገዦቻቸው:የይሁዳ:አለቆች:የዛብሎን:አለቆችና:የንፍታሌምም:አለቆች።
Mezmure dawit 68 in English
26Bless ye God in the congregations, even the Lord, from the fountain of Israel. 27There is little Benjamin with their ruler, the princes of Judah and their council, the princes of Zebulun, and the princes of Naphtali. 28Thy God hath commanded thy strength: strengthen, O God, that which thou hast wrought for us.
A)መላእክተ፡ይሁዳ= in geez B)የይሁዳ አለቆች = in Amharic C)Judah and their council All 3 are not talking about flying angels.
Revelation2:1በኤፌሶን:ወዳለው:ወደ ቤተ:ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ።በቀኝ:እጁ:ሰባቱን:ከዋክብት:የያዘው:በሰባቱም:የወርቅ:መቅረዞች:መካከል:የሚሄደው:እንዲህ:ይላል።
Revelation 2:1Unto the [angel of the church of Ephesus] write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks
Rev3:1ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያናት፡ዘሰርዴስ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ዘቦ፡ሰብዐተ፡መንፈስ፡ዘእምኀበ፡እግዚአብሔር፡ወሰብዐተ፡ኮከበ ።
Rev3:1በሰርዴስም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ: ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ። ሰባቱ:የእግዚአብሔር:መናፍስትና:ሰባቱ: ከዋክብት:ያሉት:እንዲህ:ይላል።ሥራህን አውቃለሁ:ሕያው:እንደ:መሆንህ:ስም:አለህ:ሞተህማል።
Rev3:7ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ ክርስቲያን፡ዘፊልድልፍያ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ቅዱስ፡ወጻድቅ፡ዘኀቤሁ፡ይነብር፡ኵሉ፡መራኁተ ፡ ቤተ፡ዳዊት።
Revelation3:7በፊልድልፍያም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ:ክርስቲያን[መልአክ]እንዲህ ብለህ:ጻፍ።የዳዊት:መክፈቻ:ያለው፤የሚከፍት፥የሚዘጋም:የሌለ፤የሚዘጋ፥የሚከፍትም:የሌለ፤g።
Anak[ עֲנָק] in Hebrew it means Giant
Anakim[עֲנָקִים] in Hebrew it means Giants
If Anak means Giant and Nephilim means Giants why do people make such error in thinking it means fallen angels? The answer is simple the hebrew word Nephilim looks like the word Nophlim when writen in Hebrew like so
. They are similar words at first glance but they have very different spelling and pronunciation.
Example of Nophelim in the Bible.
Deut22:4Thou shalt not see thy brother's ass or his ox fall downby the way, and hide thyself from them: thou shalt surely help him to lift them up again.
ד לֹא-תִרְאֶה אֶת-חֲמוֹר אָחִיךָ אוֹ שׁוֹרוֹ, [נֹפְלִים] בַּדֶּרֶךְ, וְהִתְעַלַּמְתָּ, מֵהֶם: הָקֵם תָּקִים, עִמּוֹ.
Also it is important to notice that there is a colon between Nephilim and Anak even in the Amharic translation. As you know a colon is used to describe what is already mentioned in the sentence.
እግዚአብሔር ይመስገን አሜን አወ ይመመስገን ብዙ መፅሀፍት እንብቤ አቃለው ይሄ ግን ይለያል አሁን ያለንበትን ዘመን ነው ያሳየኝ አቤቱ አምላኬ ሆይ ወደ ቤትህ መልሰን ልባችንን አንፃው ትረካው በጣም ደስ ይላል እናመሰግናለን
Shame on you....
ስለ፡እውነት፡ከተወያየን፡ወንድሜ፡በቃላት፡ብዙዎቻች፡ሲወድቁ፡እናያለን።ለምሳሌ፡መላእክት፡ወይንም፡መለአክ፡የሚለውን፡ቃል፡ስንመለከት።ፕሮቴስታንቱ፡እነሚካኤልን፡ይጠቁማል።ነገር፡ግን፡መለአክ፡የሚለው፡ቃል፡ሌሎች፡ትርጉሞች፡አሉት።By the way this misunderstanding led many to think the book Henok wasn't truthfull because they thought it said Angels has children with human beings. Just because the word መልአክ was used but it didn't mean angel.
What is Etymology?
et·y·mol·o·gy is a noun and it means the study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history.
Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh,the Geez መልአክ and the Amharic መልአክ are put for debate. malakhim is the plural form in hebrew while መላእክት is the plural form of መልአክ in both Geez and in Amharic.
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Angels in Judaism For other uses, see Malach. In Judaism an angel (Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh, plural malakhim) is a messenger of God, an angelic envoy or an angel in general who appears throughout the Hebrew Bible, Rabbinic literature, and traditional Jewish liturgy. Angels in Judaism are categorized in different hierarchies. Etymology Hebrew "mal'akh" (מַלְאָךְ) is the standard Hebrew Bible word for "messenger", [both human and divine], though it is less used for human messengers in Modern Hebrew[1] as the latter is usually denoted by the term shaliyah (שליח).
Here are the evidences below.
ክርስቲያን ነን ትላላችሁ ነገር ግን መላዕክት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር የግብረ ሥጋ ግንኙነት ይፈጽማሉ የሚለውን ሃሳብ ትደግፋላችሁ። ይህ ትምህርት የክርስቶስን ተአምራዊ ልደት ያዳክማል። ያልኩበት ምክንያት እግዚአብሔር በቅድስት ድንግል ማርያም በኩል ከሰው ልጆች ጋር አንድ በመሆኑ ነው። ይህ በእግዚአብሔር እና በሰው መካከል ያለው አንድነት ያልተለመደ ክስተት ሆኖ ተመዝግቧል። ነገር ግን መላእክት ከእግዚአብሔር በፊት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር ተደባልቀው ነበር ማለቱ የኢየሱስን መወለድ በእርግጥ ይጎዳል። በመጀመሪያ ደረጃ, መላእክት የመራቢያ አካላት የላቸውም. መላእክት የማይራቡበት ምክንያት የዘላለም ሕይወት ስላላቸው ነው። እኛ ሰዎች ፣ ሟቾች ነን ፣ ግን መላእክት አይሞቱም። በዚህ ምክንያት ነው የምንባዛው. የቪዲዮው ደራሲ በጣም አስከፊ ስህተት ሰርቷል። መልአክ የሚለውን ቃል ፍቺ አላጠናም። በዕብራይስጥም በግእዝና በአማርኛም መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ሦስት ትርጉም አለው። መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ለሰው ልጆች ጥቅም ላይ ሊውል ይችላል. አንድ ሰው የቤተ ክርስቲያን መሪ ከሆነ መልአክ ተብሎ ይጠራል። ሚካኤል ወይም ገብርኤል መላእክት ይባላሉ። ሦስተኛው ትርጉም መልእክተኞች መሆን ነው። ለምሳሌ የነቢዩ ሚልክያስ ስም የመጣው መልአክ ከሚለው ቃል ነው።አሁን ከመጽሐፍ ቅዱስ ላሳይ።
ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ:ምዕራፍ፴፮:፩ወመጽኡ መላእክተ:ነገደ:ቤተ:አቡሁ:ለገላአድ:ወልደ ማኪር:ወልደ:መናሴ:ዘእምነገደ:ደቂቀ:ዮሴፍ:ወይቤሉ:ቅድመ:ሙሴ:ወቅድመ:እልዓዛር:ካህን:ወቅድመ:[መላእክተ:]አብያተ:አበዊሆሙ:ለደቂቀ:እስራኤል ።
ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ ምዕራፍ ፴፮:፩ከዮሴፍ ልጆች:ወገኖች:የምናሴ:ልጅ:የማኪር:ልጅ የገለዓድ:ልጆች:ወገን:አለቆች:ቀረቡ፥በሙሴና:በእስራኤልም:ልጆች:አባቶች:[አለቆች]:ፊት:ተናገሩ፤
መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩ ወእሉ፡እሙንቱ[መላእክተ]አበዊሆሙ፡ እለ፡ ተኈለቁ፡ይዕርጉ፡ምስሌየ፡በመንግሥተ፡አርተሰስታ፡ንጉሥ፡እምባቢሎን።
መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩በንጉሡ:በአርጤክስስ:መንግሥት:ከእኔ:ጋር:ከባቢሎን: የወጡ:የአባቶች:ቤቶች:[አለቆች]እነዚህ:ናቸው:ትውልዳቸውም:ይህ:ነው፤
Mezmure dawit 68 in Geez
"27በጽሑ፡መላእክት፡ወቦሙ፡መዘምራነ ፤ማእከለ፡ደናግል፡ዘባጥያተ፡ከበሮ።
Mezmure dawit 68 in Amharic
25አለቆች:ቀደሙ፥መዘምራንም:ተከተሉ፤ ከበሮን:በሚመቱ:በቈነጃጅት:መካከል። 26እግዚአብሔርን:በጉባኤ፥ጌታችንንም: በእስራኤል:ምንጭ:አመስግኑት።
27ወጣቱ:ብንያም:በጕልበቱ:በዚያ:አለ፥ ገዦቻቸው:የይሁዳ:አለቆች:የዛብሎን:አለቆችና:የንፍታሌምም:አለቆች።
Mezmure dawit 68 in English
26Bless ye God in the congregations, even the Lord, from the fountain of Israel. 27There is little Benjamin with their ruler, the princes of Judah and their council, the princes of Zebulun, and the princes of Naphtali. 28Thy God hath commanded thy strength: strengthen, O God, that which thou hast wrought for us.
A)መላእክተ፡ይሁዳ= in geez B)የይሁዳ አለቆች = in Amharic C)Judah and their council All 3 are not talking about flying angels.
Revelation2:1በኤፌሶን:ወዳለው:ወደ ቤተ:ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ።በቀኝ:እጁ:ሰባቱን:ከዋክብት:የያዘው:በሰባቱም:የወርቅ:መቅረዞች:መካከል:የሚሄደው:እንዲህ:ይላል።
Revelation 2:1Unto the [angel of the church of Ephesus] write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks
Rev3:1ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያናት፡ዘሰርዴስ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ዘቦ፡ሰብዐተ፡መንፈስ፡ዘእምኀበ፡እግዚአብሔር፡ወሰብዐተ፡ኮከበ ።
Rev3:1በሰርዴስም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ: ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ። ሰባቱ:የእግዚአብሔር:መናፍስትና:ሰባቱ: ከዋክብት:ያሉት:እንዲህ:ይላል።ሥራህን አውቃለሁ:ሕያው:እንደ:መሆንህ:ስም:አለህ:ሞተህማል።
Rev3:7ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ ክርስቲያን፡ዘፊልድልፍያ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ቅዱስ፡ወጻድቅ፡ዘኀቤሁ፡ይነብር፡ኵሉ፡መራኁተ ፡ ቤተ፡ዳዊት።
Revelation3:7በፊልድልፍያም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ:ክርስቲያን[መልአክ]እንዲህ ብለህ:ጻፍ።የዳዊት:መክፈቻ:ያለው፤የሚከፍት፥የሚዘጋም:የሌለ፤የሚዘጋ፥የሚከፍትም:የሌለ፤g።
Anak[ עֲנָק] in Hebrew it means Giant
Anakim[עֲנָקִים] in Hebrew it means Giants
If Anak means Giant and Nephilim means Giants why do people make such error in thinking it means fallen angels? The answer is simple the hebrew word Nephilim looks like the word Nophlim when writen in Hebrew like so
. They are similar words at first glance but they have very different spelling and pronunciation.
Example of Nophelim in the Bible.
Deut22:4Thou shalt not see thy brother's ass or his ox fall downby the way, and hide thyself from them: thou shalt surely help him to lift them up again.
ד לֹא-תִרְאֶה אֶת-חֲמוֹר אָחִיךָ אוֹ שׁוֹרוֹ, [נֹפְלִים] בַּדֶּרֶךְ, וְהִתְעַלַּמְתָּ, מֵהֶם: הָקֵם תָּקִים, עִמּוֹ.
Also it is important to notice that there is a colon between Nephilim and Anak even in the Amharic translation. As you know a colon is used to describe what is already mentioned in the sentence.
ቃለ ህይወት ያሰማልን ወንድሜ ያልገባኝን ነገር ነዉ ያብራራኸዉ 🙏
Sifeligew yenberewun mesthafe zare semahut ቸሩ መድሃኒያለም እንደ ስራዬ ሳይሆን እንደ ምህረቱ ህልጥያቴን ይቅር ይበለኝ
ክብር ለእግዚአብሔር ይሁን ክብር ለመሲሁ ላስታረቀን በደሙ አጢያታችንን ላጠበልን በሞቱ ከአብ ጋር ላስታረቀን ለነገስታት ንጉስ ለጌታዎች ጌታ ቅዱስ የእግዚአብሔር ልጅ እየሱስ ከርስቶስ ክብር ምስጋና አምልኮና ስግደት ለስምህ ይሁን አልፋ ኦሜጋ ፊተኛውና ዋለኛ በክብር የምትመለስ የይሁዳ አንበሳ ሞትን ድል አድርገህ የሞትና የሲኦል መክፈቻ በእጅህ የያዝክ አምላካችንና ንጉሳችን መምጣትህን ሁሌ እንናፍቃለን ማራናታ ጌታ እየሱስ ሆይ ቶሎ ና አሜን
ኣሜን ጌታችን ሆይ ቶሎ ና
በጣም ደስ የሚል መፅሀፍ ነው ሂወትን ያድሳል በጣም ለብዙ ጊዜ ትረካውን ሰምቸዋለሁ ተራኪው በርታልን በጣም ገራሚ ትረካ ነው ሌላም የመፅሀፍ ቅድስ ታሪክ አብብ
ማን ያዉጋ የነበረ ማን ያርዳ የቀበረ ሆነና ነገሩ ሠዉ የተባለ ፍጡር ጌታ እስትንፋስ ከዘራበት ሴኮንድና ደቂቃ አንስቶ የሰይጣን ተጠቂ በመሆኑ ሕይወቱ ሙሉ ወደ ጥፋትና ክፋት መንገድ እየተጓዘ ለክብሩ ሳይበቃ ይቀጠፋል በአብዛኛዉ የኢሉምናቲ አባሉ ብሩስም መፅሐፉን ወስዶ አዛብቶ የሠዉን ልጅ እሚያሳስቱ መማሪያ መፅሐፎችንም እንዲቀረፅ ቢያደርግ የምድርን እንጂ የዓለምን ጌታ ቃል አይለዉጠዉም እኛ ኢትዮጵያኖች የጌታ መወለድን ቅድሚያ እንደሰማን ሁላ ጄምስ ወስዶ ባበላሸዉ ሔኖክ መፅሐፍ ልንደነቅ አይገባንም ባይ ነኝ ለምን በእርግጠኝነት ትክክለኛዉ ቅጂ ኦርቶዶክስ ተዋሕዶ የላትም ብዬ አላምንምና ዋናዉና ሊሰመርበት እሚገባዉ ንሰሃ መግባትና ኦርቶዶክስን አጥብቆ ከያዙ እርሶም እንደ ሔኖክ ይቀርብሆታል ባይ ነኝ ከኛ ወጥቶ ያመለጠ አንድም መፅሐፍ የለም
በጣም ቆንጆ በሆነ ሁኔታ ማብራሪት መጽሐፍ ላይብ ክልል እግዚአብሔር የሄኖክ አምላክ መንግሰተ ሰማያት ያዋርስልን ቃለ ህይወት ያሰማልን ያሰማልን አሜን አሜን ኢትዮጲያ ለዘላለም ትኑር የሄኖክ አምላክ ይጠብቃት አሜን አሜን
እግዚአብሔር ይስጣችሁ እጅግ ላዳምጠው ወይም ላነበው የምፈልገው መፅሀፍ ነበር እናመሰግናለን እግዚአብሔር የበራ ልብ ማስተዋሉን ያድለን የምንሰማውን በልቡናችን ያሳድርብን ።
አሜን አሜን አሜን 🙏🙏🙏
እግዚአብሔር ይስጥልን
እግዛብሄር የሰስጣችሁ❤❤❤
ይህን ያህል ስዓት ወስደህ አዘጋጅተህ ማቅረብህ በጣም ይገርማል አንዳንድ ቦታ ላይ የሰጠሀቸው መላምቶችን ብታርማቸው ጥሩ ነው
ቃለ ህይመት ያሰማልን ተባረክ
አቦ ፡ ሰላማችሁን ፡ ያብዛላችሁ ፡ ቀጥሉበት ፡ አነቃቁን ፡ ለኔ ፡ አንደኞች ፡ ናችሁ ፡
💛💛 🕊 ሰላም 🕊 💛💛
Shame on you....
ስለ፡እውነት፡ከተወያየን፡ወንድሜ፡በቃላት፡ብዙዎቻችን፡ሲወድቁ፡እናያለን።ለምሳሌ፡መላእክት፡ወይንም፡መለአክ፡የሚለውን፡ቃል፡ስንመለከት።ፕሮቴስታንቱ፡እነሚካኤልን፡ይጠቁማል።ነገር፡ግን፡መለአክ፡የሚለው፡ቃል፡ሌሎች፡ትርጉሞች፡አሉት።By the way this misunderstanding led many to think the book Henok wasn't truthfull because they thought it said Angels has children with human beings. Just because the word መልአክ was used but it didn't mean angel.
What is Etymology?
et·y·mol·o·gy is a noun and it means the study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history.
Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh,the Geez መልአክ and the Amharic መልአክ are put for debate. malakhim is the plural form in hebrew while መላእክት is the plural form of መልአክ in both Geez and in Amharic.
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Angels in Judaism For other uses, see Malach. In Judaism an angel (Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh, plural malakhim) is a messenger of God, an angelic envoy or an angel in general who appears throughout the Hebrew Bible, Rabbinic literature, and traditional Jewish liturgy. Angels in Judaism are categorized in different hierarchies. Etymology Hebrew "mal'akh" (מַלְאָךְ) is the standard Hebrew Bible word for "messenger", [both human and divine], though it is less used for human messengers in Modern Hebrew[1] as the latter is usually denoted by the term shaliyah (שליח).
Here are the evidences below.
ክርስቲያን ነን ትላላችሁ ነገር ግን መላዕክት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር የግብረ ሥጋ ግንኙነት ይፈጽማሉ የሚለውን ሃሳብ ትደግፋላችሁ። ይህ ትምህርት የክርስቶስን ተአምራዊ ልደት ያዳክማል። ያልኩበት ምክንያት እግዚአብሔር በቅድስት ድንግል ማርያም በኩል ከሰው ልጆች ጋር አንድ በመሆኑ ነው። ይህ በእግዚአብሔር እና በሰው መካከል ያለው አንድነት ያልተለመደ ክስተት ሆኖ ተመዝግቧል። ነገር ግን መላእክት ከእግዚአብሔር በፊት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር ተደባልቀው ነበር ማለቱ የኢየሱስን መወለድ በእርግጥ ይጎዳል። በመጀመሪያ ደረጃ, መላእክት የመራቢያ አካላት የላቸውም. መላእክት የማይራቡበት ምክንያት የዘላለም ሕይወት ስላላቸው ነው። እኛ ሰዎች ፣ ሟቾች ነን ፣ ግን መላእክት አይሞቱም። በዚህ ምክንያት ነው የምንባዛው. የቪዲዮው ደራሲ በጣም አስከፊ ስህተት ሰርቷል። መልአክ የሚለውን ቃል ፍቺ አላጠናም። በዕብራይስጥም በግእዝና በአማርኛም መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ሦስት ትርጉም አለው። መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ለሰው ልጆች ጥቅም ላይ ሊውል ይችላል. አንድ ሰው የቤተ ክርስቲያን መሪ ከሆነ መልአክ ተብሎ ይጠራል። ሚካኤል ወይም ገብርኤል መላእክት ይባላሉ። ሦስተኛው ትርጉም መልእክተኞች መሆን ነው። ለምሳሌ የነቢዩ ሚልክያስ ስም የመጣው መልአክ ከሚለው ቃል ነው።አሁን ከመጽሐፍ ቅዱስ ላሳይ።
ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ:ምዕራፍ፴፮:፩ወመጽኡ መላእክተ:ነገደ:ቤተ:አቡሁ:ለገላአድ:ወልደ ማኪር:ወልደ:መናሴ:ዘእምነገደ:ደቂቀ:ዮሴፍ:ወይቤሉ:ቅድመ:ሙሴ:ወቅድመ:እልዓዛር:ካህን:ወቅድመ:[መላእክተ:]አብያተ:አበዊሆሙ:ለደቂቀ:እስራኤል ።
ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ ምዕራፍ ፴፮:፩ከዮሴፍ ልጆች:ወገኖች:የምናሴ:ልጅ:የማኪር:ልጅ የገለዓድ:ልጆች:ወገን:አለቆች:ቀረቡ፥በሙሴና:በእስራኤልም:ልጆች:አባቶች:[አለቆች]:ፊት:ተናገሩ፤
መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩ ወእሉ፡እሙንቱ[መላእክተ]አበዊሆሙ፡ እለ፡ ተኈለቁ፡ይዕርጉ፡ምስሌየ፡በመንግሥተ፡አርተሰስታ፡ንጉሥ፡እምባቢሎን።
መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩በንጉሡ:በአርጤክስስ:መንግሥት:ከእኔ:ጋር:ከባቢሎን: የወጡ:የአባቶች:ቤቶች:[አለቆች]እነዚህ:ናቸው:ትውልዳቸውም:ይህ:ነው፤
Mezmure dawit 68 in Geez
"27በጽሑ፡መላእክት፡ወቦሙ፡መዘምራነ ፤ማእከለ፡ደናግል፡ዘባጥያተ፡ከበሮ።
Mezmure dawit 68 in Amharic
25አለቆች:ቀደሙ፥መዘምራንም:ተከተሉ፤ ከበሮን:በሚመቱ:በቈነጃጅት:መካከል። 26እግዚአብሔርን:በጉባኤ፥ጌታችንንም: በእስራኤል:ምንጭ:አመስግኑት።
27ወጣቱ:ብንያም:በጕልበቱ:በዚያ:አለ፥ ገዦቻቸው:የይሁዳ:አለቆች:የዛብሎን:አለቆችና:የንፍታሌምም:አለቆች።
Mezmure dawit 68 in English
26Bless ye God in the congregations, even the Lord, from the fountain of Israel. 27There is little Benjamin with their ruler, the princes of Judah and their council, the princes of Zebulun, and the princes of Naphtali. 28Thy God hath commanded thy strength: strengthen, O God, that which thou hast wrought for us.
A)መላእክተ፡ይሁዳ= in geez B)የይሁዳ አለቆች = in Amharic C)Judah and their council All 3 are not talking about flying angels.
Revelation2:1በኤፌሶን:ወዳለው:ወደ ቤተ:ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ።በቀኝ:እጁ:ሰባቱን:ከዋክብት:የያዘው:በሰባቱም:የወርቅ:መቅረዞች:መካከል:የሚሄደው:እንዲህ:ይላል።
Revelation 2:1Unto the [angel of the church of Ephesus] write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks
Rev3:1ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያናት፡ዘሰርዴስ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ዘቦ፡ሰብዐተ፡መንፈስ፡ዘእምኀበ፡እግዚአብሔር፡ወሰብዐተ፡ኮከበ ።
Rev3:1በሰርዴስም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ: ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ። ሰባቱ:የእግዚአብሔር:መናፍስትና:ሰባቱ: ከዋክብት:ያሉት:እንዲህ:ይላል።ሥራህን አውቃለሁ:ሕያው:እንደ:መሆንህ:ስም:አለህ:ሞተህማል።
Rev3:7ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ ክርስቲያን፡ዘፊልድልፍያ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ቅዱስ፡ወጻድቅ፡ዘኀቤሁ፡ይነብር፡ኵሉ፡መራኁተ ፡ ቤተ፡ዳዊት።
Revelation3:7በፊልድልፍያም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ:ክርስቲያን[መልአክ]እንዲህ ብለህ:ጻፍ።የዳዊት:መክፈቻ:ያለው፤የሚከፍት፥የሚዘጋም:የሌለ፤የሚዘጋ፥የሚከፍትም:የሌለ፤g።
Anak[ עֲנָק] in Hebrew it means Giant
Anakim[עֲנָקִים] in Hebrew it means Giants
If Anak means Giant and Nephilim means Giants why do people make such error in thinking it means fallen angels? The answer is simple the hebrew word Nephilim looks like the word Nophlim when writen in Hebrew like so
. They are similar words at first glance but they have very different spelling and pronunciation.
Example of Nophelim in the Bible.
Deut22:4Thou shalt not see thy brother's ass or his ox fall downby the way, and hide thyself from them: thou shalt surely help him to lift them up again.
ד לֹא-תִרְאֶה אֶת-חֲמוֹר אָחִיךָ אוֹ שׁוֹרוֹ, [נֹפְלִים] בַּדֶּרֶךְ, וְהִתְעַלַּמְתָּ, מֵהֶם: הָקֵם תָּקִים, עִמּוֹ.
Also it is important to notice that there is a colon between Nephilim and Anak even in the Amharic translation. As you know a colon is used to describe what is already mentioned in the sentence.
Shame on you....
ስለ፡እውነት፡ከተወያየን፡ወንድሜ፡በቃላት፡ብዙዎቻችን፡ሲወድቁ፡እናያለን።ለምሳሌ፡መላእክት፡ወይንም፡መለአክ፡የሚለውን፡ቃል፡ስንመለከት።ፕሮቴስታንቱ፡እነሚካኤልን፡ይጠቁማል።ነገር፡ግን፡መለአክ፡የሚለው፡ቃል፡ሌሎች፡ትርጉሞች፡አሉት።By the way this misunderstanding led many to think the book Henok wasn't truthfull because they thought it said Angels has children with human beings. Just because the word መልአክ was used but it didn't mean angel.
What is Etymology?
et·y·mol·o·gy is a noun and it means the study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history.
Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh,the Geez መልአክ and the Amharic መልአክ are put for debate. malakhim is the plural form in hebrew while መላእክት is the plural form of መልአክ in both Geez and in Amharic.
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Angels in Judaism For other uses, see Malach. In Judaism an angel (Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh, plural malakhim) is a messenger of God, an angelic envoy or an angel in general who appears throughout the Hebrew Bible, Rabbinic literature, and traditional Jewish liturgy. Angels in Judaism are categorized in different hierarchies. Etymology Hebrew "mal'akh" (מַלְאָךְ) is the standard Hebrew Bible word for "messenger", [both human and divine], though it is less used for human messengers in Modern Hebrew[1] as the latter is usually denoted by the term shaliyah (שליח).
Here are the evidences below.
ክርስቲያን ነን ትላላችሁ ነገር ግን መላዕክት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር የግብረ ሥጋ ግንኙነት ይፈጽማሉ የሚለውን ሃሳብ ትደግፋላችሁ። ይህ ትምህርት የክርስቶስን ተአምራዊ ልደት ያዳክማል። ያልኩበት ምክንያት እግዚአብሔር በቅድስት ድንግል ማርያም በኩል ከሰው ልጆች ጋር አንድ በመሆኑ ነው። ይህ በእግዚአብሔር እና በሰው መካከል ያለው አንድነት ያልተለመደ ክስተት ሆኖ ተመዝግቧል። ነገር ግን መላእክት ከእግዚአብሔር በፊት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር ተደባልቀው ነበር ማለቱ የኢየሱስን መወለድ በእርግጥ ይጎዳል። በመጀመሪያ ደረጃ, መላእክት የመራቢያ አካላት የላቸውም. መላእክት የማይራቡበት ምክንያት የዘላለም ሕይወት ስላላቸው ነው። እኛ ሰዎች ፣ ሟቾች ነን ፣ ግን መላእክት አይሞቱም። በዚህ ምክንያት ነው የምንባዛው. የቪዲዮው ደራሲ በጣም አስከፊ ስህተት ሰርቷል። መልአክ የሚለውን ቃል ፍቺ አላጠናም። በዕብራይስጥም በግእዝና በአማርኛም መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ሦስት ትርጉም አለው። መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ለሰው ልጆች ጥቅም ላይ ሊውል ይችላል. አንድ ሰው የቤተ ክርስቲያን መሪ ከሆነ መልአክ ተብሎ ይጠራል። ሚካኤል ወይም ገብርኤል መላእክት ይባላሉ። ሦስተኛው ትርጉም መልእክተኞች መሆን ነው። ለምሳሌ የነቢዩ ሚልክያስ ስም የመጣው መልአክ ከሚለው ቃል ነው።አሁን ከመጽሐፍ ቅዱስ ላሳይ።
ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ:ምዕራፍ፴፮:፩ወመጽኡ መላእክተ:ነገደ:ቤተ:አቡሁ:ለገላአድ:ወልደ ማኪር:ወልደ:መናሴ:ዘእምነገደ:ደቂቀ:ዮሴፍ:ወይቤሉ:ቅድመ:ሙሴ:ወቅድመ:እልዓዛር:ካህን:ወቅድመ:[መላእክተ:]አብያተ:አበዊሆሙ:ለደቂቀ:እስራኤል ።
ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ ምዕራፍ ፴፮:፩ከዮሴፍ ልጆች:ወገኖች:የምናሴ:ልጅ:የማኪር:ልጅ የገለዓድ:ልጆች:ወገን:አለቆች:ቀረቡ፥በሙሴና:በእስራኤልም:ልጆች:አባቶች:[አለቆች]:ፊት:ተናገሩ፤
መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩ ወእሉ፡እሙንቱ[መላእክተ]አበዊሆሙ፡ እለ፡ ተኈለቁ፡ይዕርጉ፡ምስሌየ፡በመንግሥተ፡አርተሰስታ፡ንጉሥ፡እምባቢሎን።
መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩በንጉሡ:በአርጤክስስ:መንግሥት:ከእኔ:ጋር:ከባቢሎን: የወጡ:የአባቶች:ቤቶች:[አለቆች]እነዚህ:ናቸው:ትውልዳቸውም:ይህ:ነው፤
Mezmure dawit 68 in Geez
"27በጽሑ፡መላእክት፡ወቦሙ፡መዘምራነ ፤ማእከለ፡ደናግል፡ዘባጥያተ፡ከበሮ።
Mezmure dawit 68 in Amharic
25አለቆች:ቀደሙ፥መዘምራንም:ተከተሉ፤ ከበሮን:በሚመቱ:በቈነጃጅት:መካከል። 26እግዚአብሔርን:በጉባኤ፥ጌታችንንም: በእስራኤል:ምንጭ:አመስግኑት።
27ወጣቱ:ብንያም:በጕልበቱ:በዚያ:አለ፥ ገዦቻቸው:የይሁዳ:አለቆች:የዛብሎን:አለቆችና:የንፍታሌምም:አለቆች።
Mezmure dawit 68 in English
26Bless ye God in the congregations, even the Lord, from the fountain of Israel. 27There is little Benjamin with their ruler, the princes of Judah and their council, the princes of Zebulun, and the princes of Naphtali. 28Thy God hath commanded thy strength: strengthen, O God, that which thou hast wrought for us.
A)መላእክተ፡ይሁዳ= in geez B)የይሁዳ አለቆች = in Amharic C)Judah and their council All 3 are not talking about flying angels.
Revelation2:1በኤፌሶን:ወዳለው:ወደ ቤተ:ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ።በቀኝ:እጁ:ሰባቱን:ከዋክብት:የያዘው:በሰባቱም:የወርቅ:መቅረዞች:መካከል:የሚሄደው:እንዲህ:ይላል።
Revelation 2:1Unto the [angel of the church of Ephesus] write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks
Rev3:1ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያናት፡ዘሰርዴስ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ዘቦ፡ሰብዐተ፡መንፈስ፡ዘእምኀበ፡እግዚአብሔር፡ወሰብዐተ፡ኮከበ ።
Rev3:1በሰርዴስም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ: ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ። ሰባቱ:የእግዚአብሔር:መናፍስትና:ሰባቱ: ከዋክብት:ያሉት:እንዲህ:ይላል።ሥራህን አውቃለሁ:ሕያው:እንደ:መሆንህ:ስም:አለህ:ሞተህማል።
Rev3:7ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ ክርስቲያን፡ዘፊልድልፍያ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ቅዱስ፡ወጻድቅ፡ዘኀቤሁ፡ይነብር፡ኵሉ፡መራኁተ ፡ ቤተ፡ዳዊት።
Revelation3:7በፊልድልፍያም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ:ክርስቲያን[መልአክ]እንዲህ ብለህ:ጻፍ።የዳዊት:መክፈቻ:ያለው፤የሚከፍት፥የሚዘጋም:የሌለ፤የሚዘጋ፥የሚከፍትም:የሌለ፤g።
Anak[ עֲנָק] in Hebrew it means Giant
Anakim[עֲנָקִים] in Hebrew it means Giants
If Anak means Giant and Nephilim means Giants why do people make such error in thinking it means fallen angels? The answer is simple the hebrew word Nephilim looks like the word Nophlim when writen in Hebrew like so
. They are similar words at first glance but they have very different spelling and pronunciation.
Example of Nophelim in the Bible.
Deut22:4Thou shalt not see thy brother's ass or his ox fall downby the way, and hide thyself from them: thou shalt surely help him to lift them up again.
ד לֹא-תִרְאֶה אֶת-חֲמוֹר אָחִיךָ אוֹ שׁוֹרוֹ, [נֹפְלִים] בַּדֶּרֶךְ, וְהִתְעַלַּמְתָּ, מֵהֶם: הָקֵם תָּקִים, עִמּוֹ.
Also it is important to notice that there is a colon between Nephilim and Anak even in the Amharic translation. As you know a colon is used to describe what is already mentioned in the sentence.
እግዚአብሔር ይመስገን ክብርና ምስጋና አምልኮት እና ዉዳሴ ለአንተ ይሁን
ቃለ ሒወት ያሰማልን በእውነት ይገርማል እኛ እውነቱ የተጋርደብን ትውልድ እግዚአብሔር አዚሙን ከላያችን ላይ ያሳልን ምንም ትርጉም የሌለው ነገር ላይ እድሜያችንን ጊዜያችንን ስናባክን ኖርን ለማይርባ ፋልስፍና የማይጠቅመንን ስናበዛ መጨርሻችን ይሄው እርስ በርሳችን ተባልተን አለቅን ጌታ ሆይ ወደ አንተ መልሰን ያባቶቻችንን በርከት ለኛም ይደርግልን አዕምሮዎችንን ክፈትልን ኤፍታህ
ለነበቡልን ፀጋውን ያብዛልን
Shame on you....
ስለ፡እውነት፡ከተወያየን፡ወንድሜ፡በቃላት፡ብዙዎቻችን፡ሲወድቁ፡እናያለን።ለምሳሌ፡መላእክት፡ወይንም፡መለአክ፡የሚለውን፡ቃል፡ስንመለከት።ፕሮቴስታንቱ፡እነሚካኤልን፡ይጠቁማል።ነገር፡ግን፡መለአክ፡የሚለው፡ቃል፡ሌሎች፡ትርጉሞች፡አሉት።By the way this misunderstanding led many to think the book Henok wasn't truthfull because they thought it said Angels has children with human beings. Just because the word መልአክ was used but it didn't mean angel.
What is Etymology?
et·y·mol·o·gy is a noun and it means the study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history.
Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh,the Geez መልአክ and the Amharic መልአክ are put for debate. malakhim is the plural form in hebrew while መላእክት is the plural form of መልአክ in both Geez and in Amharic.
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Angels in Judaism For other uses, see Malach. In Judaism an angel (Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh, plural malakhim) is a messenger of God, an angelic envoy or an angel in general who appears throughout the Hebrew Bible, Rabbinic literature, and traditional Jewish liturgy. Angels in Judaism are categorized in different hierarchies. Etymology Hebrew "mal'akh" (מַלְאָךְ) is the standard Hebrew Bible word for "messenger", [both human and divine], though it is less used for human messengers in Modern Hebrew[1] as the latter is usually denoted by the term shaliyah (שליח).
Here are the evidences below.
ክርስቲያን ነን ትላላችሁ ነገር ግን መላዕክት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር የግብረ ሥጋ ግንኙነት ይፈጽማሉ የሚለውን ሃሳብ ትደግፋላችሁ። ይህ ትምህርት የክርስቶስን ተአምራዊ ልደት ያዳክማል። ያልኩበት ምክንያት እግዚአብሔር በቅድስት ድንግል ማርያም በኩል ከሰው ልጆች ጋር አንድ በመሆኑ ነው። ይህ በእግዚአብሔር እና በሰው መካከል ያለው አንድነት ያልተለመደ ክስተት ሆኖ ተመዝግቧል። ነገር ግን መላእክት ከእግዚአብሔር በፊት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር ተደባልቀው ነበር ማለቱ የኢየሱስን መወለድ በእርግጥ ይጎዳል። በመጀመሪያ ደረጃ, መላእክት የመራቢያ አካላት የላቸውም. መላእክት የማይራቡበት ምክንያት የዘላለም ሕይወት ስላላቸው ነው። እኛ ሰዎች ፣ ሟቾች ነን ፣ ግን መላእክት አይሞቱም። በዚህ ምክንያት ነው የምንባዛው. የቪዲዮው ደራሲ በጣም አስከፊ ስህተት ሰርቷል። መልአክ የሚለውን ቃል ፍቺ አላጠናም። በዕብራይስጥም በግእዝና በአማርኛም መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ሦስት ትርጉም አለው። መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ለሰው ልጆች ጥቅም ላይ ሊውል ይችላል. አንድ ሰው የቤተ ክርስቲያን መሪ ከሆነ መልአክ ተብሎ ይጠራል። ሚካኤል ወይም ገብርኤል መላእክት ይባላሉ። ሦስተኛው ትርጉም መልእክተኞች መሆን ነው። ለምሳሌ የነቢዩ ሚልክያስ ስም የመጣው መልአክ ከሚለው ቃል ነው።አሁን ከመጽሐፍ ቅዱስ ላሳይ።
ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ:ምዕራፍ፴፮:፩ወመጽኡ መላእክተ:ነገደ:ቤተ:አቡሁ:ለገላአድ:ወልደ ማኪር:ወልደ:መናሴ:ዘእምነገደ:ደቂቀ:ዮሴፍ:ወይቤሉ:ቅድመ:ሙሴ:ወቅድመ:እልዓዛር:ካህን:ወቅድመ:[መላእክተ:]አብያተ:አበዊሆሙ:ለደቂቀ:እስራኤል ።
ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ ምዕራፍ ፴፮:፩ከዮሴፍ ልጆች:ወገኖች:የምናሴ:ልጅ:የማኪር:ልጅ የገለዓድ:ልጆች:ወገን:አለቆች:ቀረቡ፥በሙሴና:በእስራኤልም:ልጆች:አባቶች:[አለቆች]:ፊት:ተናገሩ፤
መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩ ወእሉ፡እሙንቱ[መላእክተ]አበዊሆሙ፡ እለ፡ ተኈለቁ፡ይዕርጉ፡ምስሌየ፡በመንግሥተ፡አርተሰስታ፡ንጉሥ፡እምባቢሎን።
መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩በንጉሡ:በአርጤክስስ:መንግሥት:ከእኔ:ጋር:ከባቢሎን: የወጡ:የአባቶች:ቤቶች:[አለቆች]እነዚህ:ናቸው:ትውልዳቸውም:ይህ:ነው፤
Mezmure dawit 68 in Geez
"27በጽሑ፡መላእክት፡ወቦሙ፡መዘምራነ ፤ማእከለ፡ደናግል፡ዘባጥያተ፡ከበሮ።
Mezmure dawit 68 in Amharic
25አለቆች:ቀደሙ፥መዘምራንም:ተከተሉ፤ ከበሮን:በሚመቱ:በቈነጃጅት:መካከል። 26እግዚአብሔርን:በጉባኤ፥ጌታችንንም: በእስራኤል:ምንጭ:አመስግኑት።
27ወጣቱ:ብንያም:በጕልበቱ:በዚያ:አለ፥ ገዦቻቸው:የይሁዳ:አለቆች:የዛብሎን:አለቆችና:የንፍታሌምም:አለቆች።
Mezmure dawit 68 in English
26Bless ye God in the congregations, even the Lord, from the fountain of Israel. 27There is little Benjamin with their ruler, the princes of Judah and their council, the princes of Zebulun, and the princes of Naphtali. 28Thy God hath commanded thy strength: strengthen, O God, that which thou hast wrought for us.
A)መላእክተ፡ይሁዳ= in geez B)የይሁዳ አለቆች = in Amharic C)Judah and their council All 3 are not talking about flying angels.
Revelation2:1በኤፌሶን:ወዳለው:ወደ ቤተ:ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ።በቀኝ:እጁ:ሰባቱን:ከዋክብት:የያዘው:በሰባቱም:የወርቅ:መቅረዞች:መካከል:የሚሄደው:እንዲህ:ይላል።
Revelation 2:1Unto the [angel of the church of Ephesus] write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks
Rev3:1ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያናት፡ዘሰርዴስ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ዘቦ፡ሰብዐተ፡መንፈስ፡ዘእምኀበ፡እግዚአብሔር፡ወሰብዐተ፡ኮከበ ።
Rev3:1በሰርዴስም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ: ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ። ሰባቱ:የእግዚአብሔር:መናፍስትና:ሰባቱ: ከዋክብት:ያሉት:እንዲህ:ይላል።ሥራህን አውቃለሁ:ሕያው:እንደ:መሆንህ:ስም:አለህ:ሞተህማል።
Rev3:7ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ ክርስቲያን፡ዘፊልድልፍያ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ቅዱስ፡ወጻድቅ፡ዘኀቤሁ፡ይነብር፡ኵሉ፡መራኁተ ፡ ቤተ፡ዳዊት።
Revelation3:7በፊልድልፍያም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ:ክርስቲያን[መልአክ]እንዲህ ብለህ:ጻፍ።የዳዊት:መክፈቻ:ያለው፤የሚከፍት፥የሚዘጋም:የሌለ፤የሚዘጋ፥የሚከፍትም:የሌለ፤g።
Anak[ עֲנָק] in Hebrew it means Giant
Anakim[עֲנָקִים] in Hebrew it means Giants
If Anak means Giant and Nephilim means Giants why do people make such error in thinking it means fallen angels? The answer is simple the hebrew word Nephilim looks like the word Nophlim when writen in Hebrew like so
. They are similar words at first glance but they have very different spelling and pronunciation.
Example of Nophelim in the Bible.
Deut22:4Thou shalt not see thy brother's ass or his ox fall downby the way, and hide thyself from them: thou shalt surely help him to lift them up again.
ד לֹא-תִרְאֶה אֶת-חֲמוֹר אָחִיךָ אוֹ שׁוֹרוֹ, [נֹפְלִים] בַּדֶּרֶךְ, וְהִתְעַלַּמְתָּ, מֵהֶם: הָקֵם תָּקִים, עִמּוֹ.
Also it is important to notice that there is a colon between Nephilim and Anak even in the Amharic translation. As you know a colon is used to describe what is already mentioned in the sentence.
አምላኬ ሆይ ከፊትህ እንዳልጠፋ ጠበቀኝ እመቤቴ በገባሸው ቃል ኪዳን ለምኝልኝ በጣም ደሥ የሚል ትርካ ነው አሜን አሜን አሜን
Shame on all Ethiopian orthodox christians who agree with this video blindly.The book Henok never said Angels mixed with humans.
The book of Enoch is consistent with what Jesus said when answering the pharisees. They had asked him about marriage with many women(polygamy) and divorce.Jesus response was it was not so (from the begining). Meaning that poligamous relationships started out from the descendants of Cain who were cursed due to various sins. As opposed to the descendents of Seth who were the hope for this world.Hence "children of God" or "children of heaven" much like today a person who has received faith and baptism is considered a child of God free from the everlasting curse mentioned in deut28:44-46. The christian is saved from the everlasting curse or born again is another expression used in the bible. However, sin exists in 3 forms.
1)everlasting curse
2) Daily sin
3) Unforgiveable sin
The christian has been saved from the everlasting curse via baptism and faith.
The christian can be saved from daily sins via repentance but he cannot be saved from the unforgivable sin. The unforgiven sin is blasphemy of the holy spirit. If a person uses the holy spirit as a pretext to advance a false doctrine it become basphemy because one is not to use the name of God invain. Unfirtunetly many say it "my calling" that false under unforgiven sin.
Now about the book of Enoch.
Now the book of Enoch and the Book of Jubilee were preserved in the Ge'ez language better known in the western world as Ethiopic.
In Ge'ez language an angel in single form is መልአክ while angels is መላእክት and when you want to say [angels of...] the last letter in መላእክ[ት] becomes መላእክ[ተ]
Now i will give various examples where the word መላእክት was used in the bible and it was translated as Chief or leader and not as a heavenly creature. In addition to the above 2 books Moses wrote in Genesis6:2ውሉደ:እግዚአብሔር which means the sons of God."ወሶበ፡ርእዩ፡[ውሉደ፡እግዚአብሔር]፡አዋልደ፡ሰብእ፡ከመ፡ሠናያት፡እማንቱ፡ነሥኡ፡እምኔሆን፡አንስትያ፡ዘኀረዩ፡ወዘአፍቀሩ።
Gen6:22That [the sons of God] saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose
Example #1 In the book of Numbers36:1 the word መላእክተ is seen twice in the verse and it was translated as [the chief]
ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ:ምዕራፍ፴፮:፩ወመጽኡ [መላእክተ]:ነገደ:ቤተ:አቡሁ:ለገላአድ:ወልደ ማኪር:ወልደ:መናሴ:ዘእምነገደ:ደቂቀ:ዮሴፍ:ወይቤሉ:ቅድመ:ሙሴ:ወቅድመ:እልዓዛር:ካህን:ወቅድመ:[መላእክተ:]አብያተ:አበዊሆሙ:ለደቂቀ:እስራኤል ።
Numbers 36:1And [the chief] fathers of the families of the children of Gilead, the son of Machir, the son of Manasseh, of the families of the sons of Joseph, came near, and spake before Moses, and before the princes, [the chief] fathers of the children of Israel:
Example #2 In Exodus 6:14 the word መላእክት was translated as "the heads" as in leaders...
Exod6:14These be the heads of their fathers' houses: The sons of Reuben the firstborn of Israel; Hanoch, and Pallu, Hezron, and Carmi: these be the families of Reuben.
Again we see the word(መላእክት) really meaning the heads (the leaders)
Example #3 In the book of Ezra 8:1 the word መላእክተ was translated as "The heads of"
መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩ ወእሉ፡እሙንቱ[መላእክተ]አበዊሆሙ፡ እለ፡ ተኈለቁ፡ይዕርጉ፡ምስሌየ፡በመንግሥተ፡አርተሰስታ፡ንጉሥ፡እምባቢሎን።
Ezra 8:1
These are now the heads of their fathers' houses, and this is the genealogy of them that went up with me from Babylon, in the reign of Artaxerxes the king.
Example #4 Psalm 68 the word [መላእክተ] several times and each time it was translated as [Rulers of or Prince of]
Mezmure dawit 68 in Geez
"27በጽሑ፡መላእክት፡ወቦሙ፡መዘምራነ ፤ማእከለ፡ደናግል፡ዘባጥያተ፡ከበሮ።
Psalm 68
26Bless ye God in the congregations, even the Lord, from the fountain of Israel. 27There is little Benjamin with their ruler, the princes of Judah and their council, the princes of Zebulun, and the princes of Naphtali. 28Thy God hath commanded thy strength: strengthen, O God, that which thou hast wrought for us.
Example#5 In the book of Revelation2:1 the word መልአከ which is angel in singular form.This word was translated as Angel.
Angel of the church is understood by all christians that it means the Bishop or leader of the church and not a referrence to a heavenly ctreature with wings.
Revelation 2:1Unto the [angel of the church of Ephesus] write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks
Brothers and sisters, let me give you another source.
We are now going to look at it from the Hebrew language.anakim עֲנָקִים means giants.anak עֲנָק giant.
If Anak means Giant and Nephilim means Giants why do people make such error in thinking it means fallen angels? The answer is simple the hebrew word Nephilim looks like the word Nophlim when writen in Hebrew like so
Nephilim[נְפִילִים]vsNophelim[נֹפְלִים] you can see how these 2 Hebrew words can look similar to a non hebrew speaker. However they do not mean the same things. Let us take a look in the bible.
Example of Nophelim in the Bible.
Deut22:4Thou shalt not see thy brother's ass or his ox [fall down]by the way, and hide thyself from them: thou shalt surely help him to lift them up again.
ד לֹא-תִרְאֶה אֶת-חֲמוֹר אָחִיךָ אוֹ שׁוֹרוֹ, [נֹפְלִים] בַּדֶּרֶךְ, וְהִתְעַלַּמְתָּ, מֵהֶם: הָקֵם תָּקִים, עִמּוֹ.
So nophlim is related to the verb falling while nephelim is an adjective describing size.
When it comes to doctrine only Jesus the word of God in flesh is to be the only one who can come from essence into existence and take human flesh in his mirraculous birth. Angels have everlasting life therefore no reproductive organs like the mortal humans. Saying angels mixed with human is directly undermines the birth of christ, and baptism which related to the crucifixion. We are baptized in his death.
This video suggested that the ethiopian orthodox received the book of Enoch from the Falashas.That is ofcourse another false information.
እግዚአብሔር አብ ፀጋውን ይብዛላችሁ ድንቅ ትምህርት ነው ቃል ህይወት ያስማልን። በዕድሜ በጤና ይጠብቅልን ። አሜን አሜን አሜን ይቆየን (፫)
Shame on you....
ስለ፡እውነት፡ከተወያየን፡ወንድሜ፡በቃላት፡ብዙዎቻችን፡ሲወድቁ፡እናያለን።ለምሳሌ፡መላእክት፡ወይንም፡መለአክ፡የሚለውን፡ቃል፡ስንመለከት።ፕሮቴስታንቱ፡እነሚካኤልን፡ይጠቁማል።ነገር፡ግን፡መለአክ፡የሚለው፡ቃል፡ሌሎች፡ትርጉሞች፡አሉት።By the way this misunderstanding led many to think the book Henok wasn't truthfull because they thought it said Angels has children with human beings. Just because the word መልአክ was used but it didn't mean angel.
What is Etymology?
et·y·mol·o·gy is a noun and it means the study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history.
Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh,the Geez መልአክ and the Amharic መልአክ are put for debate. malakhim is the plural form in hebrew while መላእክት is the plural form of መልአክ in both Geez and in Amharic.
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Angels in Judaism For other uses, see Malach. In Judaism an angel (Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh, plural malakhim) is a messenger of God, an angelic envoy or an angel in general who appears throughout the Hebrew Bible, Rabbinic literature, and traditional Jewish liturgy. Angels in Judaism are categorized in different hierarchies. Etymology Hebrew "mal'akh" (מַלְאָךְ) is the standard Hebrew Bible word for "messenger", [both human and divine], though it is less used for human messengers in Modern Hebrew[1] as the latter is usually denoted by the term shaliyah (שליח).
Here are the evidences below.
ክርስቲያን ነን ትላላችሁ ነገር ግን መላዕክት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር የግብረ ሥጋ ግንኙነት ይፈጽማሉ የሚለውን ሃሳብ ትደግፋላችሁ። ይህ ትምህርት የክርስቶስን ተአምራዊ ልደት ያዳክማል። ያልኩበት ምክንያት እግዚአብሔር በቅድስት ድንግል ማርያም በኩል ከሰው ልጆች ጋር አንድ በመሆኑ ነው። ይህ በእግዚአብሔር እና በሰው መካከል ያለው አንድነት ያልተለመደ ክስተት ሆኖ ተመዝግቧል። ነገር ግን መላእክት ከእግዚአብሔር በፊት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር ተደባልቀው ነበር ማለቱ የኢየሱስን መወለድ በእርግጥ ይጎዳል። በመጀመሪያ ደረጃ, መላእክት የመራቢያ አካላት የላቸውም. መላእክት የማይራቡበት ምክንያት የዘላለም ሕይወት ስላላቸው ነው። እኛ ሰዎች ፣ ሟቾች ነን ፣ ግን መላእክት አይሞቱም። በዚህ ምክንያት ነው የምንባዛው. የቪዲዮው ደራሲ በጣም አስከፊ ስህተት ሰርቷል። መልአክ የሚለውን ቃል ፍቺ አላጠናም። በዕብራይስጥም በግእዝና በአማርኛም መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ሦስት ትርጉም አለው። መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ለሰው ልጆች ጥቅም ላይ ሊውል ይችላል. አንድ ሰው የቤተ ክርስቲያን መሪ ከሆነ መልአክ ተብሎ ይጠራል። ሚካኤል ወይም ገብርኤል መላእክት ይባላሉ። ሦስተኛው ትርጉም መልእክተኞች መሆን ነው። ለምሳሌ የነቢዩ ሚልክያስ ስም የመጣው መልአክ ከሚለው ቃል ነው።አሁን ከመጽሐፍ ቅዱስ ላሳይ።
ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ:ምዕራፍ፴፮:፩ወመጽኡ መላእክተ:ነገደ:ቤተ:አቡሁ:ለገላአድ:ወልደ ማኪር:ወልደ:መናሴ:ዘእምነገደ:ደቂቀ:ዮሴፍ:ወይቤሉ:ቅድመ:ሙሴ:ወቅድመ:እልዓዛር:ካህን:ወቅድመ:[መላእክተ:]አብያተ:አበዊሆሙ:ለደቂቀ:እስራኤል ።
ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ ምዕራፍ ፴፮:፩ከዮሴፍ ልጆች:ወገኖች:የምናሴ:ልጅ:የማኪር:ልጅ የገለዓድ:ልጆች:ወገን:አለቆች:ቀረቡ፥በሙሴና:በእስራኤልም:ልጆች:አባቶች:[አለቆች]:ፊት:ተናገሩ፤
መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩ ወእሉ፡እሙንቱ[መላእክተ]አበዊሆሙ፡ እለ፡ ተኈለቁ፡ይዕርጉ፡ምስሌየ፡በመንግሥተ፡አርተሰስታ፡ንጉሥ፡እምባቢሎን።
መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩በንጉሡ:በአርጤክስስ:መንግሥት:ከእኔ:ጋር:ከባቢሎን: የወጡ:የአባቶች:ቤቶች:[አለቆች]እነዚህ:ናቸው:ትውልዳቸውም:ይህ:ነው፤
Mezmure dawit 68 in Geez
"27በጽሑ፡መላእክት፡ወቦሙ፡መዘምራነ ፤ማእከለ፡ደናግል፡ዘባጥያተ፡ከበሮ።
Mezmure dawit 68 in Amharic
25አለቆች:ቀደሙ፥መዘምራንም:ተከተሉ፤ ከበሮን:በሚመቱ:በቈነጃጅት:መካከል። 26እግዚአብሔርን:በጉባኤ፥ጌታችንንም: በእስራኤል:ምንጭ:አመስግኑት።
27ወጣቱ:ብንያም:በጕልበቱ:በዚያ:አለ፥ ገዦቻቸው:የይሁዳ:አለቆች:የዛብሎን:አለቆችና:የንፍታሌምም:አለቆች።
Mezmure dawit 68 in English
26Bless ye God in the congregations, even the Lord, from the fountain of Israel. 27There is little Benjamin with their ruler, the princes of Judah and their council, the princes of Zebulun, and the princes of Naphtali. 28Thy God hath commanded thy strength: strengthen, O God, that which thou hast wrought for us.
A)መላእክተ፡ይሁዳ= in geez B)የይሁዳ አለቆች = in Amharic C)Judah and their council All 3 are not talking about flying angels.
Revelation2:1በኤፌሶን:ወዳለው:ወደ ቤተ:ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ።በቀኝ:እጁ:ሰባቱን:ከዋክብት:የያዘው:በሰባቱም:የወርቅ:መቅረዞች:መካከል:የሚሄደው:እንዲህ:ይላል።
Revelation 2:1Unto the [angel of the church of Ephesus] write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks
Rev3:1ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያናት፡ዘሰርዴስ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ዘቦ፡ሰብዐተ፡መንፈስ፡ዘእምኀበ፡እግዚአብሔር፡ወሰብዐተ፡ኮከበ ።
Rev3:1በሰርዴስም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ: ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ። ሰባቱ:የእግዚአብሔር:መናፍስትና:ሰባቱ: ከዋክብት:ያሉት:እንዲህ:ይላል።ሥራህን አውቃለሁ:ሕያው:እንደ:መሆንህ:ስም:አለህ:ሞተህማል።
Rev3:7ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ ክርስቲያን፡ዘፊልድልፍያ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ቅዱስ፡ወጻድቅ፡ዘኀቤሁ፡ይነብር፡ኵሉ፡መራኁተ ፡ ቤተ፡ዳዊት።
Revelation3:7በፊልድልፍያም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ:ክርስቲያን[መልአክ]እንዲህ ብለህ:ጻፍ።የዳዊት:መክፈቻ:ያለው፤የሚከፍት፥የሚዘጋም:የሌለ፤የሚዘጋ፥የሚከፍትም:የሌለ፤g።
Anak[ עֲנָק] in Hebrew it means Giant
Anakim[עֲנָקִים] in Hebrew it means Giants
If Anak means Giant and Nephilim means Giants why do people make such error in thinking it means fallen angels? The answer is simple the hebrew word Nephilim looks like the word Nophlim when writen in Hebrew like so
. They are similar words at first glance but they have very different spelling and pronunciation.
Example of Nophelim in the Bible.
Deut22:4Thou shalt not see thy brother's ass or his ox fall downby the way, and hide thyself from them: thou shalt surely help him to lift them up again.
ד לֹא-תִרְאֶה אֶת-חֲמוֹר אָחִיךָ אוֹ שׁוֹרוֹ, [נֹפְלִים] בַּדֶּרֶךְ, וְהִתְעַלַּמְתָּ, מֵהֶם: הָקֵם תָּקִים, עִמּוֹ.
Also it is important to notice that there is a colon between Nephilim and Anak even in the Amharic translation. As you know a colon is used to describe what is already mentioned in the sentence.
እግዚአብሔር ይመስግን ቅዱስ ሚካኤል አባቴ የስውረን አሜን አሜን አሜን መመህር ፈጣሪ አምላክ ያከብርልን ደስ የሚልተምርት ነውቃልሂውት ያስማልን አሜን አሜን አሜን
Shame on you....
ስለ፡እውነት፡ከተወያየን፡ወንድሜ፡በቃላት፡ብዙዎቻችን፡ሲወድቁ፡እናያለን።ለምሳሌ፡መላእክት፡ወይንም፡መለአክ፡የሚለውን፡ቃል፡ስንመለከት።ፕሮቴስታንቱ፡እነሚካኤልን፡ይጠቁማል።ነገር፡ግን፡መለአክ፡የሚለው፡ቃል፡ሌሎች፡ትርጉሞች፡አሉት።By the way this misunderstanding led many to think the book Henok wasn't truthfull because they thought it said Angels has children with human beings. Just because the word መልአክ was used but it didn't mean angel.
What is Etymology?
et·y·mol·o·gy is a noun and it means the study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history.
Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh,the Geez መልአክ and the Amharic መልአክ are put for debate. malakhim is the plural form in hebrew while መላእክት is the plural form of መልአክ in both Geez and in Amharic.
________________________________ _________________________________
Angels in Judaism For other uses, see Malach. In Judaism an angel (Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh, plural malakhim) is a messenger of God, an angelic envoy or an angel in general who appears throughout the Hebrew Bible, Rabbinic literature, and traditional Jewish liturgy. Angels in Judaism are categorized in different hierarchies. Etymology Hebrew "mal'akh" (מַלְאָךְ) is the standard Hebrew Bible word for "messenger", [both human and divine], though it is less used for human messengers in Modern Hebrew[1] as the latter is usually denoted by the term shaliyah (שליח).
Here are the evidences below.
ክርስቲያን ነን ትላላችሁ ነገር ግን መላዕክት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር የግብረ ሥጋ ግንኙነት ይፈጽማሉ የሚለውን ሃሳብ ትደግፋላችሁ። ይህ ትምህርት የክርስቶስን ተአምራዊ ልደት ያዳክማል። ያልኩበት ምክንያት እግዚአብሔር በቅድስት ድንግል ማርያም በኩል ከሰው ልጆች ጋር አንድ በመሆኑ ነው። ይህ በእግዚአብሔር እና በሰው መካከል ያለው አንድነት ያልተለመደ ክስተት ሆኖ ተመዝግቧል። ነገር ግን መላእክት ከእግዚአብሔር በፊት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር ተደባልቀው ነበር ማለቱ የኢየሱስን መወለድ በእርግጥ ይጎዳል። በመጀመሪያ ደረጃ, መላእክት የመራቢያ አካላት የላቸውም. መላእክት የማይራቡበት ምክንያት የዘላለም ሕይወት ስላላቸው ነው። እኛ ሰዎች ፣ ሟቾች ነን ፣ ግን መላእክት አይሞቱም። በዚህ ምክንያት ነው የምንባዛው. የቪዲዮው ደራሲ በጣም አስከፊ ስህተት ሰርቷል። መልአክ የሚለውን ቃል ፍቺ አላጠናም። በዕብራይስጥም በግእዝና በአማርኛም መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ሦስት ትርጉም አለው። መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ለሰው ልጆች ጥቅም ላይ ሊውል ይችላል. አንድ ሰው የቤተ ክርስቲያን መሪ ከሆነ መልአክ ተብሎ ይጠራል። ሚካኤል ወይም ገብርኤል መላእክት ይባላሉ። ሦስተኛው ትርጉም መልእክተኞች መሆን ነው። ለምሳሌ የነቢዩ ሚልክያስ ስም የመጣው መልአክ ከሚለው ቃል ነው።አሁን ከመጽሐፍ ቅዱስ ላሳይ።
ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ:ምዕራፍ፴፮:፩ወመጽኡ መላእክተ:ነገደ:ቤተ:አቡሁ:ለገላአድ:ወልደ ማኪር:ወልደ:መናሴ:ዘእምነገደ:ደቂቀ:ዮሴፍ:ወይቤሉ:ቅድመ:ሙሴ:ወቅድመ:እልዓዛር:ካህን:ወቅድመ:[መላእክተ:]አብያተ:አበዊሆሙ:ለደቂቀ:እስራኤል ።
ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ ምዕራፍ ፴፮:፩ከዮሴፍ ልጆች:ወገኖች:የምናሴ:ልጅ:የማኪር:ልጅ የገለዓድ:ልጆች:ወገን:አለቆች:ቀረቡ፥በሙሴና:በእስራኤልም:ልጆች:አባቶች:[አለቆች]:ፊት:ተናገሩ፤
መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩ ወእሉ፡እሙንቱ[መላእክተ]አበዊሆሙ፡ እለ፡ ተኈለቁ፡ይዕርጉ፡ምስሌየ፡በመንግሥተ፡አርተሰስታ፡ንጉሥ፡እምባቢሎን።
መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩በንጉሡ:በአርጤክስስ:መንግሥት:ከእኔ:ጋር:ከባቢሎን: የወጡ:የአባቶች:ቤቶች:[አለቆች]እነዚህ:ናቸው:ትውልዳቸውም:ይህ:ነው፤
Mezmure dawit 68 in Geez
"27በጽሑ፡መላእክት፡ወቦሙ፡መዘምራነ ፤ማእከለ፡ደናግል፡ዘባጥያተ፡ከበሮ።
Mezmure dawit 68 in Amharic
25አለቆች:ቀደሙ፥መዘምራንም:ተከተሉ፤ ከበሮን:በሚመቱ:በቈነጃጅት:መካከል። 26እግዚአብሔርን:በጉባኤ፥ጌታችንንም: በእስራኤል:ምንጭ:አመስግኑት።
27ወጣቱ:ብንያም:በጕልበቱ:በዚያ:አለ፥ ገዦቻቸው:የይሁዳ:አለቆች:የዛብሎን:አለቆችና:የንፍታሌምም:አለቆች።
Mezmure dawit 68 in English
26Bless ye God in the congregations, even the Lord, from the fountain of Israel. 27There is little Benjamin with their ruler, the princes of Judah and their council, the princes of Zebulun, and the princes of Naphtali. 28Thy God hath commanded thy strength: strengthen, O God, that which thou hast wrought for us.
A)መላእክተ፡ይሁዳ= in geez B)የይሁዳ አለቆች = in Amharic C)Judah and their council All 3 are not talking about flying angels.
Revelation2:1በኤፌሶን:ወዳለው:ወደ ቤተ:ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ።በቀኝ:እጁ:ሰባቱን:ከዋክብት:የያዘው:በሰባቱም:የወርቅ:መቅረዞች:መካከል:የሚሄደው:እንዲህ:ይላል።
Revelation 2:1Unto the [angel of the church of Ephesus] write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks
Rev3:1ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያናት፡ዘሰርዴስ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ዘቦ፡ሰብዐተ፡መንፈስ፡ዘእምኀበ፡እግዚአብሔር፡ወሰብዐተ፡ኮከበ ።
Rev3:1በሰርዴስም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ: ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ። ሰባቱ:የእግዚአብሔር:መናፍስትና:ሰባቱ: ከዋክብት:ያሉት:እንዲህ:ይላል።ሥራህን አውቃለሁ:ሕያው:እንደ:መሆንህ:ስም:አለህ:ሞተህማል።
Rev3:7ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ ክርስቲያን፡ዘፊልድልፍያ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ቅዱስ፡ወጻድቅ፡ዘኀቤሁ፡ይነብር፡ኵሉ፡መራኁተ ፡ ቤተ፡ዳዊት።
Revelation3:7በፊልድልፍያም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ:ክርስቲያን[መልአክ]እንዲህ ብለህ:ጻፍ።የዳዊት:መክፈቻ:ያለው፤የሚከፍት፥የሚዘጋም:የሌለ፤የሚዘጋ፥የሚከፍትም:የሌለ፤g።
Anak[ עֲנָק] in Hebrew it means Giant
Anakim[עֲנָקִים] in Hebrew it means Giants
If Anak means Giant and Nephilim means Giants why do people make such error in thinking it means fallen angels? The answer is simple the hebrew word Nephilim looks like the word Nophlim when writen in Hebrew like so
. They are similar words at first glance but they have very different spelling and pronunciation.
Example of Nophelim in the Bible.
Deut22:4Thou shalt not see thy brother's ass or his ox fall downby the way, and hide thyself from them: thou shalt surely help him to lift them up again.
ד לֹא-תִרְאֶה אֶת-חֲמוֹר אָחִיךָ אוֹ שׁוֹרוֹ, [נֹפְלִים] בַּדֶּרֶךְ, וְהִתְעַלַּמְתָּ, מֵהֶם: הָקֵם תָּקִים, עִמּוֹ.
Also it is important to notice that there is a colon between Nephilim and Anak even in the Amharic translation. As you know a colon is used to describe what is already mentioned in the sentence.
ምልክትንሁሉ ለምትሰጠን አቤቱ ምን እንከፍልሀለን ተመስጠን አሜን አሜን አሜን አባታችን መንግስተ ሰማያት ያዉርስልን አሜን
እግዚአብሔር ያክብራቺሁ እኛም የምንሠማበት አስተዋይ ልቦና ይስጠን አሜን ፫
Shame on you....
ስለ፡እውነት፡ከተወያየን፡ወንድሜ፡በቃላት፡ብዙዎቻችን፡ሲወድቁ፡እናያለን።ለምሳሌ፡መላእክት፡ወይንም፡መለአክ፡የሚለውን፡ቃል፡ስንመለከት።ፕሮቴስታንቱ፡እነሚካኤልን፡ይጠቁማል።ነገር፡ግን፡መለአክ፡የሚለው፡ቃል፡ሌሎች፡ትርጉሞች፡አሉት።By the way this misunderstanding led many to think the book Henok wasn't truthfull because they thought it said Angels has children with human beings. Just because the word መለአክ was used but it didn't mean angel.
What is Etymology?
et·y·mol·o·gy is a noun and it means the study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history.
Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh,the Geez መልአክ and the Amharic መልአክ are put for debate. malakhim is the plural form in hebrew while መላእክት is the plural form of መልአክ in both Geez and in Amharic.
________________________________ _________________________________
Angels in Judaism For other uses, see Malach. In Judaism an angel (Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh, plural malakhim) is a messenger of God, an angelic envoy or an angel in general who appears throughout the Hebrew Bible, Rabbinic literature, and traditional Jewish liturgy. Angels in Judaism are categorized in different hierarchies. Etymology Hebrew "mal'akh" (מַלְאָךְ) is the standard Hebrew Bible word for "messenger", [both human and divine], though it is less used for human messengers in Modern Hebrew[1] as the latter is usually denoted by the term shaliyah (שליח).
Here are the evidences below.
ክርስቲያን ነን ትላላችሁ ነገር ግን መላዕክት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር የግብረ ሥጋ ግንኙነት ይፈጽማሉ የሚለውን ሃሳብ ትደግፋላችሁ። ይህ ትምህርት የክርስቶስን ተአምራዊ ልደት ያዳክማል። ያልኩበት ምክንያት እግዚአብሔር በቅድስት ድንግል ማርያም በኩል ከሰው ልጆች ጋር አንድ በመሆኑ ነው። ይህ በእግዚአብሔር እና በሰው መካከል ያለው አንድነት ያልተለመደ ክስተት ሆኖ ተመዝግቧል። ነገር ግን መላእክት ከእግዚአብሔር በፊት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር ተደባልቀው ነበር ማለቱ የኢየሱስን መወለድ በእርግጥ ይጎዳል። በመጀመሪያ ደረጃ, መላእክት የመራቢያ አካላት የላቸውም. መላእክት የማይራቡበት ምክንያት የዘላለም ሕይወት ስላላቸው ነው። እኛ ሰዎች ፣ ሟቾች ነን ፣ ግን መላእክት አይሞቱም። በዚህ ምክንያት ነው የምንባዛው. የቪዲዮው ደራሲ በጣም አስከፊ ስህተት ሰርቷል። መልአክ የሚለውን ቃል ፍቺ አላጠናም። በዕብራይስጥም በግእዝና በአማርኛም መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ሦስት ትርጉም አለው። መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ለሰው ልጆች ጥቅም ላይ ሊውል ይችላል. አንድ ሰው የቤተ ክርስቲያን መሪ ከሆነ መልአክ ተብሎ ይጠራል። ሚካኤል ወይም ገብርኤል መላእክት ይባላሉ። ሦስተኛው ትርጉም መልእክተኞች መሆን ነው። ለምሳሌ የነቢዩ ሚልክያስ ስም የመጣው መልአክ ከሚለው ቃል ነው።አሁን ከመጽሐፍ ቅዱስ ላሳይ።
ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ:ምዕራፍ፴፮:፩ወመጽኡ መላእክተ:ነገደ:ቤተ:አቡሁ:ለገላአድ:ወልደ ማኪር:ወልደ:መናሴ:ዘእምነገደ:ደቂቀ:ዮሴፍ:ወይቤሉ:ቅድመ:ሙሴ:ወቅድመ:እልዓዛር:ካህን:ወቅድመ:[መላእክተ:]አብያተ:አበዊሆሙ:ለደቂቀ:እስራኤል ።
ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ ምዕራፍ ፴፮:፩ከዮሴፍ ልጆች:ወገኖች:የምናሴ:ልጅ:የማኪር:ልጅ የገለዓድ:ልጆች:ወገን:አለቆች:ቀረቡ፥በሙሴና:በእስራኤልም:ልጆች:አባቶች:[አለቆች]:ፊት:ተናገሩ፤
መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩ ወእሉ፡እሙንቱ[መላእክተ]አበዊሆሙ፡ እለ፡ ተኈለቁ፡ይዕርጉ፡ምስሌየ፡በመንግሥተ፡አርተሰስታ፡ንጉሥ፡እምባቢሎን።
መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩በንጉሡ:በአርጤክስስ:መንግሥት:ከእኔ:ጋር:ከባቢሎን: የወጡ:የአባቶች:ቤቶች:[አለቆች]እነዚህ:ናቸው:ትውልዳቸውም:ይህ:ነው፤
Mezmure dawit 68 in Geez
"27በጽሑ፡መላእክት፡ወቦሙ፡መዘምራነ ፤ማእከለ፡ደናግል፡ዘባጥያተ፡ከበሮ።
Mezmure dawit 68 in Amharic
25አለቆች:ቀደሙ፥መዘምራንም:ተከተሉ፤ ከበሮን:በሚመቱ:በቈነጃጅት:መካከል። 26እግዚአብሔርን:በጉባኤ፥ጌታችንንም: በእስራኤል:ምንጭ:አመስግኑት።
27ወጣቱ:ብንያም:በጕልበቱ:በዚያ:አለ፥ ገዦቻቸው:የይሁዳ:አለቆች:የዛብሎን:አለቆችና:የንፍታሌምም:አለቆች።
Mezmure dawit 68 in English
26Bless ye God in the congregations, even the Lord, from the fountain of Israel. 27There is little Benjamin with their ruler, the princes of Judah and their council, the princes of Zebulun, and the princes of Naphtali. 28Thy God hath commanded thy strength: strengthen, O God, that which thou hast wrought for us.
A)መላእክተ፡ይሁዳ= in geez B)የይሁዳ አለቆች = in Amharic C)Judah and their council All 3 are not talking about flying angels.
Revelation2:1በኤፌሶን:ወዳለው:ወደ ቤተ:ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ።በቀኝ:እጁ:ሰባቱን:ከዋክብት:የያዘው:በሰባቱም:የወርቅ:መቅረዞች:መካከል:የሚሄደው:እንዲህ:ይላል።
Revelation 2:1Unto the [angel of the church of Ephesus] write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks
Rev3:1ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያናት፡ዘሰርዴስ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ዘቦ፡ሰብዐተ፡መንፈስ፡ዘእምኀበ፡እግዚአብሔር፡ወሰብዐተ፡ኮከበ ።
Rev3:1በሰርዴስም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ: ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ። ሰባቱ:የእግዚአብሔር:መናፍስትና:ሰባቱ: ከዋክብት:ያሉት:እንዲህ:ይላል።ሥራህን አውቃለሁ:ሕያው:እንደ:መሆንህ:ስም:አለህ:ሞተህማል።
Rev3:7ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ ክርስቲያን፡ዘፊልድልፍያ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ቅዱስ፡ወጻድቅ፡ዘኀቤሁ፡ይነብር፡ኵሉ፡መራኁተ ፡ ቤተ፡ዳዊት።
Revelation3:7በፊልድልፍያም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ:ክርስቲያን[መልአክ]እንዲህ ብለህ:ጻፍ።የዳዊት:መክፈቻ:ያለው፤የሚከፍት፥የሚዘጋም:የሌለ፤የሚዘጋ፥የሚከፍትም:የሌለ፤g።
መፀሐፈ ሔኖክ ምርጥ መፀሐፍ ነው። አስራ ስምንተኛው ክፍለ ዘመን ላይ ሰይጣኗ የእንግሊዝ ንግስት ልካው ጄምስ ብሩስ ከሀገረ እግዚአብሔር ኢትዮጵያ የሰረቀውን ኮፒ ቫቲካን ላይ ይዘው የዲያብሎስ ልጆች ምዕራባውያኑ በአመት ሁለት ጊዜ ስብሰባ ይቀመጣሉ።
Shame on you....
ስለ፡እውነት፡ከተወያየን፡ወንድሜ፡በቃላት፡ብዙዎቻችን፡ሲወድቁ፡እናያለን።ለምሳሌ፡መላእክት፡ወይንም፡መለአክ፡የሚለውን፡ቃል፡ስንመለከት።ፕሮቴስታንቱ፡እነሚካኤልን፡ይጠቁማል።ነገር፡ግን፡መለአክ፡የሚለው፡ቃል፡ሌሎች፡ትርጉሞች፡አሉት።By the way this misunderstanding led many to think the book Henok wasn't truthfull because they thought it said Angels has children with human beings. Just because the word መልአክ was used but it didn't mean angel.
What is Etymology?
et·y·mol·o·gy is a noun and it means the study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history.
Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh,the Geez መልአክ and the Amharic መልአክ are put for debate. malakhim is the plural form in hebrew while መላእክት is the plural form of መልአክ in both Geez and in Amharic.
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Angels in Judaism For other uses, see Malach. In Judaism an angel (Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh, plural malakhim) is a messenger of God, an angelic envoy or an angel in general who appears throughout the Hebrew Bible, Rabbinic literature, and traditional Jewish liturgy. Angels in Judaism are categorized in different hierarchies. Etymology Hebrew "mal'akh" (מַלְאָךְ) is the standard Hebrew Bible word for "messenger", [both human and divine], though it is less used for human messengers in Modern Hebrew[1] as the latter is usually denoted by the term shaliyah (שליח).
Here are the evidences below.
ክርስቲያን ነን ትላላችሁ ነገር ግን መላዕክት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር የግብረ ሥጋ ግንኙነት ይፈጽማሉ የሚለውን ሃሳብ ትደግፋላችሁ። ይህ ትምህርት የክርስቶስን ተአምራዊ ልደት ያዳክማል። ያልኩበት ምክንያት እግዚአብሔር በቅድስት ድንግል ማርያም በኩል ከሰው ልጆች ጋር አንድ በመሆኑ ነው። ይህ በእግዚአብሔር እና በሰው መካከል ያለው አንድነት ያልተለመደ ክስተት ሆኖ ተመዝግቧል። ነገር ግን መላእክት ከእግዚአብሔር በፊት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር ተደባልቀው ነበር ማለቱ የኢየሱስን መወለድ በእርግጥ ይጎዳል። በመጀመሪያ ደረጃ, መላእክት የመራቢያ አካላት የላቸውም. መላእክት የማይራቡበት ምክንያት የዘላለም ሕይወት ስላላቸው ነው። እኛ ሰዎች ፣ ሟቾች ነን ፣ ግን መላእክት አይሞቱም። በዚህ ምክንያት ነው የምንባዛው. የቪዲዮው ደራሲ በጣም አስከፊ ስህተት ሰርቷል። መልአክ የሚለውን ቃል ፍቺ አላጠናም። በዕብራይስጥም በግእዝና በአማርኛም መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ሦስት ትርጉም አለው። መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ለሰው ልጆች ጥቅም ላይ ሊውል ይችላል. አንድ ሰው የቤተ ክርስቲያን መሪ ከሆነ መልአክ ተብሎ ይጠራል። ሚካኤል ወይም ገብርኤል መላእክት ይባላሉ። ሦስተኛው ትርጉም መልእክተኞች መሆን ነው። ለምሳሌ የነቢዩ ሚልክያስ ስም የመጣው መልአክ ከሚለው ቃል ነው።አሁን ከመጽሐፍ ቅዱስ ላሳይ።
ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ:ምዕራፍ፴፮:፩ወመጽኡ መላእክተ:ነገደ:ቤተ:አቡሁ:ለገላአድ:ወልደ ማኪር:ወልደ:መናሴ:ዘእምነገደ:ደቂቀ:ዮሴፍ:ወይቤሉ:ቅድመ:ሙሴ:ወቅድመ:እልዓዛር:ካህን:ወቅድመ:[መላእክተ:]አብያተ:አበዊሆሙ:ለደቂቀ:እስራኤል ።
ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ ምዕራፍ ፴፮:፩ከዮሴፍ ልጆች:ወገኖች:የምናሴ:ልጅ:የማኪር:ልጅ የገለዓድ:ልጆች:ወገን:አለቆች:ቀረቡ፥በሙሴና:በእስራኤልም:ልጆች:አባቶች:[አለቆች]:ፊት:ተናገሩ፤
መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩ ወእሉ፡እሙንቱ[መላእክተ]አበዊሆሙ፡ እለ፡ ተኈለቁ፡ይዕርጉ፡ምስሌየ፡በመንግሥተ፡አርተሰስታ፡ንጉሥ፡እምባቢሎን።
መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩በንጉሡ:በአርጤክስስ:መንግሥት:ከእኔ:ጋር:ከባቢሎን: የወጡ:የአባቶች:ቤቶች:[አለቆች]እነዚህ:ናቸው:ትውልዳቸውም:ይህ:ነው፤
Mezmure dawit 68 in Geez
"27በጽሑ፡መላእክት፡ወቦሙ፡መዘምራነ ፤ማእከለ፡ደናግል፡ዘባጥያተ፡ከበሮ።
Mezmure dawit 68 in Amharic
25አለቆች:ቀደሙ፥መዘምራንም:ተከተሉ፤ ከበሮን:በሚመቱ:በቈነጃጅት:መካከል። 26እግዚአብሔርን:በጉባኤ፥ጌታችንንም: በእስራኤል:ምንጭ:አመስግኑት።
27ወጣቱ:ብንያም:በጕልበቱ:በዚያ:አለ፥ ገዦቻቸው:የይሁዳ:አለቆች:የዛብሎን:አለቆችና:የንፍታሌምም:አለቆች።
Mezmure dawit 68 in English
26Bless ye God in the congregations, even the Lord, from the fountain of Israel. 27There is little Benjamin with their ruler, the princes of Judah and their council, the princes of Zebulun, and the princes of Naphtali. 28Thy God hath commanded thy strength: strengthen, O God, that which thou hast wrought for us.
A)መላእክተ፡ይሁዳ= in geez B)የይሁዳ አለቆች = in Amharic C)Judah and their council All 3 are not talking about flying angels.
Revelation2:1በኤፌሶን:ወዳለው:ወደ ቤተ:ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ።በቀኝ:እጁ:ሰባቱን:ከዋክብት:የያዘው:በሰባቱም:የወርቅ:መቅረዞች:መካከል:የሚሄደው:እንዲህ:ይላል።
Revelation 2:1Unto the [angel of the church of Ephesus] write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks
Rev3:1ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያናት፡ዘሰርዴስ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ዘቦ፡ሰብዐተ፡መንፈስ፡ዘእምኀበ፡እግዚአብሔር፡ወሰብዐተ፡ኮከበ ።
Rev3:1በሰርዴስም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ: ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ። ሰባቱ:የእግዚአብሔር:መናፍስትና:ሰባቱ: ከዋክብት:ያሉት:እንዲህ:ይላል።ሥራህን አውቃለሁ:ሕያው:እንደ:መሆንህ:ስም:አለህ:ሞተህማል።
Rev3:7ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ ክርስቲያን፡ዘፊልድልፍያ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ቅዱስ፡ወጻድቅ፡ዘኀቤሁ፡ይነብር፡ኵሉ፡መራኁተ ፡ ቤተ፡ዳዊት።
Revelation3:7በፊልድልፍያም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ:ክርስቲያን[መልአክ]እንዲህ ብለህ:ጻፍ።የዳዊት:መክፈቻ:ያለው፤የሚከፍት፥የሚዘጋም:የሌለ፤የሚዘጋ፥የሚከፍትም:የሌለ፤g።
Anak[ עֲנָק] in Hebrew it means Giant
Anakim[עֲנָקִים] in Hebrew it means Giants
If Anak means Giant and Nephilim means Giants why do people make such error in thinking it means fallen angels? The answer is simple the hebrew word Nephilim looks like the word Nophlim when writen in Hebrew like so
. They are similar words at first glance but they have very different spelling and pronunciation.
Example of Nophelim in the Bible.
Deut22:4Thou shalt not see thy brother's ass or his ox fall downby the way, and hide thyself from them: thou shalt surely help him to lift them up again.
ד לֹא-תִרְאֶה אֶת-חֲמוֹר אָחִיךָ אוֹ שׁוֹרוֹ, [נֹפְלִים] בַּדֶּרֶךְ, וְהִתְעַלַּמְתָּ, מֵהֶם: הָקֵם תָּקִים, עִמּוֹ.
Also it is important to notice that there is a colon between Nephilim and Anak even in the Amharic translation. As you know a colon is used to describe what is already mentioned in the sentence.
@@bereshitbaraelohim9471 do you even know what you're talking about?
@Ermi yes I do know what i am talking about.Do you want me to explain it to you?
I suggest you read the entire text.The book of Henok never said that angels had mixed with humans. This notion came from the misunderstanding of the word angel (መልአክ) which isn't limited to angelic beings like Michael and Gabriel The word (መልአክ) can be used for human beings as well. In fact, the Bible makes use of this word (መልአክ) when speaking of human beings. I gave the verses in my other post. So to translate the book of Henok as a book that talks about angelic being mixing with human beings is a serious error.
Let me give you few examples directly from the bible.
Let us read in Ge'ez Revelation2:1ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለ[መልአከ፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያን]፡ዘኤፌሶን፡ከመዝ፡ይቤለከ፡ዘያጸንዕ፡ሰብዐተ፡ኮከበ፡በየማኑ፡ዘየሐውር፡በማእከለ፡ስብዑ፡መኃትው፡ዘወርቅ።
Let us read the above verse in Amharic
Revelation2:1በኤፌሶን:ወዳለው:ወደ ቤተ:ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ።በቀኝ:እጁ:ሰባቱን:ከዋክብት:የያዘው:በሰባቱም:የወርቅ:መቅረዞች:መካከል:የሚሄደው:እንዲህ:ይላል።
Clearly "መልአከ፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያን" is a human being not an angelic being.The head of the church is referred to as አለቃ or መልአክ
Example 2
Let us read in Ge'ez
ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ:ምዕራፍ፴፮:፩ወመጽኡ መላእክተ:ነገደ:ቤተ:አቡሁ:ለገላአድ:ወልደ ማኪር:ወልደ:መናሴ:ዘእምነገደ:ደቂቀ:ዮሴፍ:ወይቤሉ:ቅድመ:ሙሴ:ወቅድመ:እልዓዛር:ካህን:ወቅድመ:[መላእክተ:]አብያተ:አበዊሆሙ:ለደቂቀ:እስራኤል ።
Let us read the same verse in Amharic
ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ ምዕራፍ ፴፮:፩ከዮሴፍ ልጆች:ወገኖች:የምናሴ:ልጅ:የማኪር:ልጅ የገለዓድ:ልጆች:ወገን:አለቆች:ቀረቡ፥በሙሴና:በእስራኤልም:ልጆች:አባቶች:[አለቆች]:ፊት:ተናገሩ፤
Clearly መላእክተ:አብያተ:አበዊሆሙ was translated as አባቶች:አለቆች and not as angelic beings.
If you have doubts let us read the above verse in English 🙂
Numb36:1And the chief fathers of the families of the children of Gilead, the son of Machir, the son of Manasseh, of the families of the sons of Joseph, came near, and spake before Moses, and before the princes, the chieffathers of the children of Israel:
(Chief fathers are human beings)
Example 3
Let us read in Ge'ez
Let us read the same verse in Amharic
Exod6:14These be the heads of their fathers' houses: The sons of Reuben the firstborn of Israel; Hanoch, and Pallu, Hezron, and Carmi: these be the families of Reuben.
Again we see the word(መላእክት) really meaning the heads (the leaders)
Ermi, let me know if you understood the above message or am I moving too fast for you?🙂
Because if you have doubts that I am telling the true let us look at the book Henok itself to make sure if he is talking about "humans" and not "angelic beings".
ሄኖክ። chapter 2
2:1After humans increased in number this happened.
2:2In those (months/days) good looking children were born to them. The children of Seth, who lived at the holy mountain saw them and fell in love with them.
(Ermi, Seth is the 3rd son of Adam and his descendants are humans not angelic beings)
2:3They said amongst each others come let's choose women from amongst the children of (kael/Kain).
(Ermi, the children of Seth lusted over the children of kain.
kain is the son of Adam not an angelic being. His descendants are fruitof polygamous marriages which made them unclean in the eyes of God)
2:4Their leader Semazia said to them, because you wouldn't like the outcome of this great sin only I will receive the punishment.
2:5They replied saying, in order for us to keep this advice true, all of us must disperse ourselves and give our Word.
2:6At that time all of them were 200 ,they gathered as one and dispersed and swore to keep their agreement.
2:7They went down towards a place called Ardis.That's at the top of Mount Armoel.They swore to keep their word individually and because of that they named that place Mont Armoel.Kain.
2:8 and their leaders name are as follow:
1) Semazia
None of the names listed above are angelic beings but they are leaders therefore they are መላእክት"angels"=አለቆች humans in a position of power and not angelic beings
They are the leaders of the 200, these are their leaders and all others were with them.
2:9 From them they all got married, each one of them picked one woman as a wife.
For instance the word Nephilim[נְפִילִים]vsNophelim[נֹפְלִים]
. They are similar words at first glance but they have very different.
Example of Nophelim in the Bible.
Deut22:4Thou shalt not see thy brother's ass or his ox (fall down)by the way, and hide thyself from them: thou shalt surely help him to lift them up again.
ד לֹא-תִרְאֶה אֶת-חֲמוֹר אָחִיךָ אוֹ שׁוֹרוֹ, (נֹפְלִים) בַּדֶּרֶךְ, וְהִתְעַלַּמְתָּ, מֵהֶם: הָקֵם תָּקִים, עִמּוֹ.
No angelic creature here.Only an Ox falling down.
One means Giants while they other means fallen. Consequently, the word Angel in the book of Henok(Enoch) was misunderstood and mistranslated. The book never said Angels mixed with humans. The word Angel has 3 separate meaning.
3)The creature (Michael, Gebriel...)
The book of Henok wasn't talking about the creature. Yet we keep hearing about "Fallen Angels" Nephilim which is absolutely incorrect.
Where do you get the book for you to read it? You said you read it.
ቃለ ሂወት ያሠማልን ፈጣሪ እነደ ሥራችን ክፋት ሳይሆን እንደቸርነትህ ብዛት ይቅር በለን አሜን
እግዜር ይስጥህ ወንድሜ ድምፅህ እና አተራረክህ ውብ ነው እግዚአብሔር ፀጋውን ይጨምርልህ።
እናም የዮሐንስ ዕራይን በዚህ መልኩ ብታቀርበው ምነኛ ውብ እና አስተማሪ ነበር።
እግዜር በድሜ በፀጋ ይጠብቅህ አሜን አሜን አሜን።
selamh ybza
Shame on you....
ስለ፡እውነት፡ከተወያየን፡ወንድሜ፡በቃላት፡ብዙዎቻችን፡ሲወድቁ፡እናያለን።ለምሳሌ፡መላእክት፡ወይንም፡መለአክ፡የሚለውን፡ቃል፡ስንመለከት።ፕሮቴስታንቱ፡እነሚካኤልን፡ይጠቁማል።ነገር፡ግን፡መለአክ፡የሚለው፡ቃል፡ሌሎች፡ትርጉሞች፡አሉት።By the way this misunderstanding led many to think the book Henok wasn't truthfull because they thought it said Angels has children with human beings. Just because the word መልአክ was used but it didn't mean angel.
What is Etymology?
et·y·mol·o·gy is a noun and it means the study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history.
Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh,the Geez መልአክ and the Amharic መልአክ are put for debate. malakhim is the plural form in hebrew while መላእክት is the plural form of መልአክ in both Geez and in Amharic.
________________________________ _________________________________
Angels in Judaism For other uses, see Malach. In Judaism an angel (Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh, plural malakhim) is a messenger of God, an angelic envoy or an angel in general who appears throughout the Hebrew Bible, Rabbinic literature, and traditional Jewish liturgy. Angels in Judaism are categorized in different hierarchies. Etymology Hebrew "mal'akh" (מַלְאָךְ) is the standard Hebrew Bible word for "messenger", [both human and divine], though it is less used for human messengers in Modern Hebrew[1] as the latter is usually denoted by the term shaliyah (שליח).
Here are the evidences below.
ክርስቲያን ነን ትላላችሁ ነገር ግን መላዕክት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር የግብረ ሥጋ ግንኙነት ይፈጽማሉ የሚለውን ሃሳብ ትደግፋላችሁ። ይህ ትምህርት የክርስቶስን ተአምራዊ ልደት ያዳክማል። ያልኩበት ምክንያት እግዚአብሔር በቅድስት ድንግል ማርያም በኩል ከሰው ልጆች ጋር አንድ በመሆኑ ነው። ይህ በእግዚአብሔር እና በሰው መካከል ያለው አንድነት ያልተለመደ ክስተት ሆኖ ተመዝግቧል። ነገር ግን መላእክት ከእግዚአብሔር በፊት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር ተደባልቀው ነበር ማለቱ የኢየሱስን መወለድ በእርግጥ ይጎዳል። በመጀመሪያ ደረጃ, መላእክት የመራቢያ አካላት የላቸውም. መላእክት የማይራቡበት ምክንያት የዘላለም ሕይወት ስላላቸው ነው። እኛ ሰዎች ፣ ሟቾች ነን ፣ ግን መላእክት አይሞቱም። በዚህ ምክንያት ነው የምንባዛው. የቪዲዮው ደራሲ በጣም አስከፊ ስህተት ሰርቷል። መልአክ የሚለውን ቃል ፍቺ አላጠናም። በዕብራይስጥም በግእዝና በአማርኛም መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ሦስት ትርጉም አለው። መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ለሰው ልጆች ጥቅም ላይ ሊውል ይችላል. አንድ ሰው የቤተ ክርስቲያን መሪ ከሆነ መልአክ ተብሎ ይጠራል። ሚካኤል ወይም ገብርኤል መላእክት ይባላሉ። ሦስተኛው ትርጉም መልእክተኞች መሆን ነው። ለምሳሌ የነቢዩ ሚልክያስ ስም የመጣው መልአክ ከሚለው ቃል ነው።አሁን ከመጽሐፍ ቅዱስ ላሳይ።
ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ:ምዕራፍ፴፮:፩ወመጽኡ መላእክተ:ነገደ:ቤተ:አቡሁ:ለገላአድ:ወልደ ማኪር:ወልደ:መናሴ:ዘእምነገደ:ደቂቀ:ዮሴፍ:ወይቤሉ:ቅድመ:ሙሴ:ወቅድመ:እልዓዛር:ካህን:ወቅድመ:[መላእክተ:]አብያተ:አበዊሆሙ:ለደቂቀ:እስራኤል ።
ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ ምዕራፍ ፴፮:፩ከዮሴፍ ልጆች:ወገኖች:የምናሴ:ልጅ:የማኪር:ልጅ የገለዓድ:ልጆች:ወገን:አለቆች:ቀረቡ፥በሙሴና:በእስራኤልም:ልጆች:አባቶች:[አለቆች]:ፊት:ተናገሩ፤
መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩ ወእሉ፡እሙንቱ[መላእክተ]አበዊሆሙ፡ እለ፡ ተኈለቁ፡ይዕርጉ፡ምስሌየ፡በመንግሥተ፡አርተሰስታ፡ንጉሥ፡እምባቢሎን።
መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩በንጉሡ:በአርጤክስስ:መንግሥት:ከእኔ:ጋር:ከባቢሎን: የወጡ:የአባቶች:ቤቶች:[አለቆች]እነዚህ:ናቸው:ትውልዳቸውም:ይህ:ነው፤
Mezmure dawit 68 in Geez
"27በጽሑ፡መላእክት፡ወቦሙ፡መዘምራነ ፤ማእከለ፡ደናግል፡ዘባጥያተ፡ከበሮ።
Mezmure dawit 68 in Amharic
25አለቆች:ቀደሙ፥መዘምራንም:ተከተሉ፤ ከበሮን:በሚመቱ:በቈነጃጅት:መካከል። 26እግዚአብሔርን:በጉባኤ፥ጌታችንንም: በእስራኤል:ምንጭ:አመስግኑት።
27ወጣቱ:ብንያም:በጕልበቱ:በዚያ:አለ፥ ገዦቻቸው:የይሁዳ:አለቆች:የዛብሎን:አለቆችና:የንፍታሌምም:አለቆች።
Mezmure dawit 68 in English
26Bless ye God in the congregations, even the Lord, from the fountain of Israel. 27There is little Benjamin with their ruler, the princes of Judah and their council, the princes of Zebulun, and the princes of Naphtali. 28Thy God hath commanded thy strength: strengthen, O God, that which thou hast wrought for us.
A)መላእክተ፡ይሁዳ= in geez B)የይሁዳ አለቆች = in Amharic C)Judah and their council All 3 are not talking about flying angels.
Revelation2:1በኤፌሶን:ወዳለው:ወደ ቤተ:ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ።በቀኝ:እጁ:ሰባቱን:ከዋክብት:የያዘው:በሰባቱም:የወርቅ:መቅረዞች:መካከል:የሚሄደው:እንዲህ:ይላል።
Revelation 2:1Unto the [angel of the church of Ephesus] write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks
Rev3:1ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያናት፡ዘሰርዴስ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ዘቦ፡ሰብዐተ፡መንፈስ፡ዘእምኀበ፡እግዚአብሔር፡ወሰብዐተ፡ኮከበ ።
Rev3:1በሰርዴስም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ: ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ። ሰባቱ:የእግዚአብሔር:መናፍስትና:ሰባቱ: ከዋክብት:ያሉት:እንዲህ:ይላል።ሥራህን አውቃለሁ:ሕያው:እንደ:መሆንህ:ስም:አለህ:ሞተህማል።
Rev3:7ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ ክርስቲያን፡ዘፊልድልፍያ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ቅዱስ፡ወጻድቅ፡ዘኀቤሁ፡ይነብር፡ኵሉ፡መራኁተ ፡ ቤተ፡ዳዊት።
Revelation3:7በፊልድልፍያም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ:ክርስቲያን[መልአክ]እንዲህ ብለህ:ጻፍ።የዳዊት:መክፈቻ:ያለው፤የሚከፍት፥የሚዘጋም:የሌለ፤የሚዘጋ፥የሚከፍትም:የሌለ፤g።
Anak[ עֲנָק] in Hebrew it means Giant
Anakim[עֲנָקִים] in Hebrew it means Giants
If Anak means Giant and Nephilim means Giants why do people make such error in thinking it means fallen angels? The answer is simple the hebrew word Nephilim looks like the word Nophlim when writen in Hebrew like so
. They are similar words at first glance but they have very different spelling and pronunciation.
Example of Nophelim in the Bible.
Deut22:4Thou shalt not see thy brother's ass or his ox fall downby the way, and hide thyself from them: thou shalt surely help him to lift them up again.
ד לֹא-תִרְאֶה אֶת-חֲמוֹר אָחִיךָ אוֹ שׁוֹרוֹ, [נֹפְלִים] בַּדֶּרֶךְ, וְהִתְעַלַּמְתָּ, מֵהֶם: הָקֵם תָּקִים, עִמּוֹ.
Also it is important to notice that there is a colon between Nephilim and Anak even in the Amharic translation. As you know a colon is used to describe what is already mentioned in the sentence.
Shame on you....
ስለ፡እውነት፡ከተወያየን፡ወንድሜ፡በቃላት፡ብዙዎቻችን፡ሲወድቁ፡እናያለን።ለምሳሌ፡መላእክት፡ወይንም፡መለአክ፡የሚለውን፡ቃል፡ስንመለከት።ፕሮቴስታንቱ፡እነሚካኤልን፡ይጠቁማል።ነገር፡ግን፡መለአክ፡የሚለው፡ቃል፡ሌሎች፡ትርጉሞች፡አሉት።By the way this misunderstanding led many to think the book Henok wasn't truthfull because they thought it said Angels has children with human beings. Just because the word መልአክ was used but it didn't mean angel.
What is Etymology?
et·y·mol·o·gy is a noun and it means the study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history.
Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh,the Geez መልአክ and the Amharic መልአክ are put for debate. malakhim is the plural form in hebrew while መላእክት is the plural form of መልአክ in both Geez and in Amharic.
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Angels in Judaism For other uses, see Malach. In Judaism an angel (Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh, plural malakhim) is a messenger of God, an angelic envoy or an angel in general who appears throughout the Hebrew Bible, Rabbinic literature, and traditional Jewish liturgy. Angels in Judaism are categorized in different hierarchies. Etymology Hebrew "mal'akh" (מַלְאָךְ) is the standard Hebrew Bible word for "messenger", [both human and divine], though it is less used for human messengers in Modern Hebrew[1] as the latter is usually denoted by the term shaliyah (שליח).
Here are the evidences below.
ክርስቲያን ነን ትላላችሁ ነገር ግን መላዕክት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር የግብረ ሥጋ ግንኙነት ይፈጽማሉ የሚለውን ሃሳብ ትደግፋላችሁ። ይህ ትምህርት የክርስቶስን ተአምራዊ ልደት ያዳክማል። ያልኩበት ምክንያት እግዚአብሔር በቅድስት ድንግል ማርያም በኩል ከሰው ልጆች ጋር አንድ በመሆኑ ነው። ይህ በእግዚአብሔር እና በሰው መካከል ያለው አንድነት ያልተለመደ ክስተት ሆኖ ተመዝግቧል። ነገር ግን መላእክት ከእግዚአብሔር በፊት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር ተደባልቀው ነበር ማለቱ የኢየሱስን መወለድ በእርግጥ ይጎዳል። በመጀመሪያ ደረጃ, መላእክት የመራቢያ አካላት የላቸውም. መላእክት የማይራቡበት ምክንያት የዘላለም ሕይወት ስላላቸው ነው። እኛ ሰዎች ፣ ሟቾች ነን ፣ ግን መላእክት አይሞቱም። በዚህ ምክንያት ነው የምንባዛው. የቪዲዮው ደራሲ በጣም አስከፊ ስህተት ሰርቷል። መልአክ የሚለውን ቃል ፍቺ አላጠናም። በዕብራይስጥም በግእዝና በአማርኛም መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ሦስት ትርጉም አለው። መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ለሰው ልጆች ጥቅም ላይ ሊውል ይችላል. አንድ ሰው የቤተ ክርስቲያን መሪ ከሆነ መልአክ ተብሎ ይጠራል። ሚካኤል ወይም ገብርኤል መላእክት ይባላሉ። ሦስተኛው ትርጉም መልእክተኞች መሆን ነው። ለምሳሌ የነቢዩ ሚልክያስ ስም የመጣው መልአክ ከሚለው ቃል ነው።አሁን ከመጽሐፍ ቅዱስ ላሳይ።
ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ:ምዕራፍ፴፮:፩ወመጽኡ መላእክተ:ነገደ:ቤተ:አቡሁ:ለገላአድ:ወልደ ማኪር:ወልደ:መናሴ:ዘእምነገደ:ደቂቀ:ዮሴፍ:ወይቤሉ:ቅድመ:ሙሴ:ወቅድመ:እልዓዛር:ካህን:ወቅድመ:[መላእክተ:]አብያተ:አበዊሆሙ:ለደቂቀ:እስራኤል ።
ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ ምዕራፍ ፴፮:፩ከዮሴፍ ልጆች:ወገኖች:የምናሴ:ልጅ:የማኪር:ልጅ የገለዓድ:ልጆች:ወገን:አለቆች:ቀረቡ፥በሙሴና:በእስራኤልም:ልጆች:አባቶች:[አለቆች]:ፊት:ተናገሩ፤
መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩ ወእሉ፡እሙንቱ[መላእክተ]አበዊሆሙ፡ እለ፡ ተኈለቁ፡ይዕርጉ፡ምስሌየ፡በመንግሥተ፡አርተሰስታ፡ንጉሥ፡እምባቢሎን።
መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩በንጉሡ:በአርጤክስስ:መንግሥት:ከእኔ:ጋር:ከባቢሎን: የወጡ:የአባቶች:ቤቶች:[አለቆች]እነዚህ:ናቸው:ትውልዳቸውም:ይህ:ነው፤
Mezmure dawit 68 in Geez
"27በጽሑ፡መላእክት፡ወቦሙ፡መዘምራነ ፤ማእከለ፡ደናግል፡ዘባጥያተ፡ከበሮ።
Mezmure dawit 68 in Amharic
25አለቆች:ቀደሙ፥መዘምራንም:ተከተሉ፤ ከበሮን:በሚመቱ:በቈነጃጅት:መካከል። 26እግዚአብሔርን:በጉባኤ፥ጌታችንንም: በእስራኤል:ምንጭ:አመስግኑት።
27ወጣቱ:ብንያም:በጕልበቱ:በዚያ:አለ፥ ገዦቻቸው:የይሁዳ:አለቆች:የዛብሎን:አለቆችና:የንፍታሌምም:አለቆች።
Mezmure dawit 68 in English
26Bless ye God in the congregations, even the Lord, from the fountain of Israel. 27There is little Benjamin with their ruler, the princes of Judah and their council, the princes of Zebulun, and the princes of Naphtali. 28Thy God hath commanded thy strength: strengthen, O God, that which thou hast wrought for us.
A)መላእክተ፡ይሁዳ= in geez B)የይሁዳ አለቆች = in Amharic C)Judah and their council All 3 are not talking about flying angels.
Revelation2:1በኤፌሶን:ወዳለው:ወደ ቤተ:ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ።በቀኝ:እጁ:ሰባቱን:ከዋክብት:የያዘው:በሰባቱም:የወርቅ:መቅረዞች:መካከል:የሚሄደው:እንዲህ:ይላል።
Revelation 2:1Unto the [angel of the church of Ephesus] write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks
Rev3:1ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያናት፡ዘሰርዴስ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ዘቦ፡ሰብዐተ፡መንፈስ፡ዘእምኀበ፡እግዚአብሔር፡ወሰብዐተ፡ኮከበ ።
Rev3:1በሰርዴስም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ: ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ። ሰባቱ:የእግዚአብሔር:መናፍስትና:ሰባቱ: ከዋክብት:ያሉት:እንዲህ:ይላል።ሥራህን አውቃለሁ:ሕያው:እንደ:መሆንህ:ስም:አለህ:ሞተህማል።
Rev3:7ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ ክርስቲያን፡ዘፊልድልፍያ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ቅዱስ፡ወጻድቅ፡ዘኀቤሁ፡ይነብር፡ኵሉ፡መራኁተ ፡ ቤተ፡ዳዊት።
Revelation3:7በፊልድልፍያም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ:ክርስቲያን[መልአክ]እንዲህ ብለህ:ጻፍ።የዳዊት:መክፈቻ:ያለው፤የሚከፍት፥የሚዘጋም:የሌለ፤የሚዘጋ፥የሚከፍትም:የሌለ፤g።
Anak[ עֲנָק] in Hebrew it means Giant
Anakim[עֲנָקִים] in Hebrew it means Giants
If Anak means Giant and Nephilim means Giants why do people make such error in thinking it means fallen angels? The answer is simple the hebrew word Nephilim looks like the word Nophlim when writen in Hebrew like so
. They are similar words at first glance but they have very different spelling and pronunciation.
Example of Nophelim in the Bible.
Deut22:4Thou shalt not see thy brother's ass or his ox fall downby the way, and hide thyself from them: thou shalt surely help him to lift them up again.
ד לֹא-תִרְאֶה אֶת-חֲמוֹר אָחִיךָ אוֹ שׁוֹרוֹ, [נֹפְלִים] בַּדֶּרֶךְ, וְהִתְעַלַּמְתָּ, מֵהֶם: הָקֵם תָּקִים, עִמּוֹ.
Also it is important to notice that there is a colon between Nephilim and Anak even in the Amharic translation. As you know a colon is used to describe what is already mentioned in the sentence.
እጅግ በጣም የሚበረታታ ስራ ነው ሆኖም ግን በኢትዮጵያ ኦርቶዶክስ ምፅሐፍት ዙሪያ ብዙ መሰራት ይቀረዋል እነ መፅሐፈ ኩፋሌንም እንደምታቀርቡልን ተስፋ አረጋለሁ።
እግዚአብሔር ያክብራችሁ ቃለ ሕይወት ያሰማልን በርቱ 💒💒💒🙏🙏🙏
Shame on you....
ስለ፡እውነት፡ከተወያየን፡ወንድሜ፡በቃላት፡ብዙዎቻችን፡ሲወድቁ፡እናያለን።ለምሳሌ፡መላእክት፡ወይንም፡መለአክ፡የሚለውን፡ቃል፡ስንመለከት።ፕሮቴስታንቱ፡እነሚካኤልን፡ይጠቁማል።ነገር፡ግን፡መለአክ፡የሚለው፡ቃል፡ሌሎች፡ትርጉሞች፡አሉት።By the way this misunderstanding led many to think the book Henok wasn't truthfull because they thought it said Angels has children with human beings. Just because the word መልአክ was used but it didn't mean angel.
What is Etymology?
et·y·mol·o·gy is a noun and it means the study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history.
Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh,the Geez መልአክ and the Amharic መልአክ are put for debate. malakhim is the plural form in hebrew while መላእክት is the plural form of መልአክ in both Geez and in Amharic.
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Angels in Judaism For other uses, see Malach. In Judaism an angel (Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh, plural malakhim) is a messenger of God, an angelic envoy or an angel in general who appears throughout the Hebrew Bible, Rabbinic literature, and traditional Jewish liturgy. Angels in Judaism are categorized in different hierarchies. Etymology Hebrew "mal'akh" (מַלְאָךְ) is the standard Hebrew Bible word for "messenger", [both human and divine], though it is less used for human messengers in Modern Hebrew[1] as the latter is usually denoted by the term shaliyah (שליח).
Here are the evidences below.
ክርስቲያን ነን ትላላችሁ ነገር ግን መላዕክት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር የግብረ ሥጋ ግንኙነት ይፈጽማሉ የሚለውን ሃሳብ ትደግፋላችሁ። ይህ ትምህርት የክርስቶስን ተአምራዊ ልደት ያዳክማል። ያልኩበት ምክንያት እግዚአብሔር በቅድስት ድንግል ማርያም በኩል ከሰው ልጆች ጋር አንድ በመሆኑ ነው። ይህ በእግዚአብሔር እና በሰው መካከል ያለው አንድነት ያልተለመደ ክስተት ሆኖ ተመዝግቧል። ነገር ግን መላእክት ከእግዚአብሔር በፊት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር ተደባልቀው ነበር ማለቱ የኢየሱስን መወለድ በእርግጥ ይጎዳል። በመጀመሪያ ደረጃ, መላእክት የመራቢያ አካላት የላቸውም. መላእክት የማይራቡበት ምክንያት የዘላለም ሕይወት ስላላቸው ነው። እኛ ሰዎች ፣ ሟቾች ነን ፣ ግን መላእክት አይሞቱም። በዚህ ምክንያት ነው የምንባዛው. የቪዲዮው ደራሲ በጣም አስከፊ ስህተት ሰርቷል። መልአክ የሚለውን ቃል ፍቺ አላጠናም። በዕብራይስጥም በግእዝና በአማርኛም መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ሦስት ትርጉም አለው። መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ለሰው ልጆች ጥቅም ላይ ሊውል ይችላል. አንድ ሰው የቤተ ክርስቲያን መሪ ከሆነ መልአክ ተብሎ ይጠራል። ሚካኤል ወይም ገብርኤል መላእክት ይባላሉ። ሦስተኛው ትርጉም መልእክተኞች መሆን ነው። ለምሳሌ የነቢዩ ሚልክያስ ስም የመጣው መልአክ ከሚለው ቃል ነው።አሁን ከመጽሐፍ ቅዱስ ላሳይ።
ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ:ምዕራፍ፴፮:፩ወመጽኡ መላእክተ:ነገደ:ቤተ:አቡሁ:ለገላአድ:ወልደ ማኪር:ወልደ:መናሴ:ዘእምነገደ:ደቂቀ:ዮሴፍ:ወይቤሉ:ቅድመ:ሙሴ:ወቅድመ:እልዓዛር:ካህን:ወቅድመ:[መላእክተ:]አብያተ:አበዊሆሙ:ለደቂቀ:እስራኤል ።
ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ ምዕራፍ ፴፮:፩ከዮሴፍ ልጆች:ወገኖች:የምናሴ:ልጅ:የማኪር:ልጅ የገለዓድ:ልጆች:ወገን:አለቆች:ቀረቡ፥በሙሴና:በእስራኤልም:ልጆች:አባቶች:[አለቆች]:ፊት:ተናገሩ፤
መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩ ወእሉ፡እሙንቱ[መላእክተ]አበዊሆሙ፡ እለ፡ ተኈለቁ፡ይዕርጉ፡ምስሌየ፡በመንግሥተ፡አርተሰስታ፡ንጉሥ፡እምባቢሎን።
መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩በንጉሡ:በአርጤክስስ:መንግሥት:ከእኔ:ጋር:ከባቢሎን: የወጡ:የአባቶች:ቤቶች:[አለቆች]እነዚህ:ናቸው:ትውልዳቸውም:ይህ:ነው፤
Mezmure dawit 68 in Geez
"27በጽሑ፡መላእክት፡ወቦሙ፡መዘምራነ ፤ማእከለ፡ደናግል፡ዘባጥያተ፡ከበሮ።
Mezmure dawit 68 in Amharic
25አለቆች:ቀደሙ፥መዘምራንም:ተከተሉ፤ ከበሮን:በሚመቱ:በቈነጃጅት:መካከል። 26እግዚአብሔርን:በጉባኤ፥ጌታችንንም: በእስራኤል:ምንጭ:አመስግኑት።
27ወጣቱ:ብንያም:በጕልበቱ:በዚያ:አለ፥ ገዦቻቸው:የይሁዳ:አለቆች:የዛብሎን:አለቆችና:የንፍታሌምም:አለቆች።
Mezmure dawit 68 in English
26Bless ye God in the congregations, even the Lord, from the fountain of Israel. 27There is little Benjamin with their ruler, the princes of Judah and their council, the princes of Zebulun, and the princes of Naphtali. 28Thy God hath commanded thy strength: strengthen, O God, that which thou hast wrought for us.
A)መላእክተ፡ይሁዳ= in geez B)የይሁዳ አለቆች = in Amharic C)Judah and their council All 3 are not talking about flying angels.
Revelation2:1በኤፌሶን:ወዳለው:ወደ ቤተ:ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ።በቀኝ:እጁ:ሰባቱን:ከዋክብት:የያዘው:በሰባቱም:የወርቅ:መቅረዞች:መካከል:የሚሄደው:እንዲህ:ይላል።
Revelation 2:1Unto the [angel of the church of Ephesus] write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks
Rev3:1ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያናት፡ዘሰርዴስ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ዘቦ፡ሰብዐተ፡መንፈስ፡ዘእምኀበ፡እግዚአብሔር፡ወሰብዐተ፡ኮከበ ።
Rev3:1በሰርዴስም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ: ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ። ሰባቱ:የእግዚአብሔር:መናፍስትና:ሰባቱ: ከዋክብት:ያሉት:እንዲህ:ይላል።ሥራህን አውቃለሁ:ሕያው:እንደ:መሆንህ:ስም:አለህ:ሞተህማል።
Rev3:7ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ ክርስቲያን፡ዘፊልድልፍያ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ቅዱስ፡ወጻድቅ፡ዘኀቤሁ፡ይነብር፡ኵሉ፡መራኁተ ፡ ቤተ፡ዳዊት።
Revelation3:7በፊልድልፍያም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ:ክርስቲያን[መልአክ]እንዲህ ብለህ:ጻፍ።የዳዊት:መክፈቻ:ያለው፤የሚከፍት፥የሚዘጋም:የሌለ፤የሚዘጋ፥የሚከፍትም:የሌለ፤g።
Anak[ עֲנָק] in Hebrew it means Giant
Anakim[עֲנָקִים] in Hebrew it means Giants
If Anak means Giant and Nephilim means Giants why do people make such error in thinking it means fallen angels? The answer is simple the hebrew word Nephilim looks like the word Nophlim when writen in Hebrew like so
. They are similar words at first glance but they have very different spelling and pronunciation.
Example of Nophelim in the Bible.
Deut22:4Thou shalt not see thy brother's ass or his ox fall downby the way, and hide thyself from them: thou shalt surely help him to lift them up again.
ד לֹא-תִרְאֶה אֶת-חֲמוֹר אָחִיךָ אוֹ שׁוֹרוֹ, [נֹפְלִים] בַּדֶּרֶךְ, וְהִתְעַלַּמְתָּ, מֵהֶם: הָקֵם תָּקִים, עִמּוֹ.
Also it is important to notice that there is a colon between Nephilim and Anak even in the Amharic translation. As you know a colon is used to describe what is already mentioned in the sentence.
አቤቱ አምላኬ ከፊትህ እዳልጠፋ ጠብቀኝ 😥😥😥🙏🙏🙏
This video has many errors.
It is important to remember that in bible the word angel has 3 different usage.
3)The creature (Michael, Gebriel...)
For example in the book of revelation it uses the expression "the angel of the church". This angel of the church is not a heavenly creature with wings but in fact the Bishop. Revelation 2:1Unto the [angel of the church of Ephesus] write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks
Now the book of Enoch and the Book of Jubilee were preserved in the Ge'ez language better known in the western world as Ethiopic.
In Ge'ez langual an angel in single form is መልአክ while angels is መላእክት and when you want to say [angels of...] the last letter in መላእክ[ት] becomes መላእክ[ተ]
Now i will give various examples where the word መላእክት was used in the bible and it was translated as Chief or leader and not as a heavenly creature. In addition to the above 2 books Moses wrote in Genesis6ውሉደ:እግዚአብሔር which means the sons of God."ወሶበ፡ርእዩ፡[ውሉደ፡እግዚአብሔር]፡አዋልደ፡ሰብእ፡ከመ፡ሠናያት፡እማንቱ፡ነሥኡ፡እምኔሆን፡አንስትያ፡ዘኀረዩ፡ወዘአፍቀሩ።
Example #1 In the book of Numbers36:1 the word መላእክተ is seen twice in the verse and it was translated as [the chief]
ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ:ምዕራፍ፴፮:፩ወመጽኡ [መላእክተ]:ነገደ:ቤተ:አቡሁ:ለገላአድ:ወልደ ማኪር:ወልደ:መናሴ:ዘእምነገደ:ደቂቀ:ዮሴፍ:ወይቤሉ:ቅድመ:ሙሴ:ወቅድመ:እልዓዛር:ካህን:ወቅድመ:[መላእክተ:]አብያተ:አበዊሆሙ:ለደቂቀ:እስራኤል ።
Numbers 36:1And [the chief] fathers of the families of the children of Gilead, the son of Machir, the son of Manasseh, of the families of the sons of Joseph, came near, and spake before Moses, and before the princes, [the chief] fathers of the children of Israel:
Example #2 In Exodus 6:14 the word መላእክት was translated as "the heads" as in leaders...
Exod6:14These be the heads of their fathers' houses: The sons of Reuben the firstborn of Israel; Hanoch, and Pallu, Hezron, and Carmi: these be the families of Reuben.
Again we see the word(መላእክት) really meaning the heads (the leaders)
Example #3 In the book of Ezra 8:1 the word መላእክተ was translated as "The heads of"
መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩ ወእሉ፡እሙንቱ[መላእክተ]አበዊሆሙ፡ እለ፡ ተኈለቁ፡ይዕርጉ፡ምስሌየ፡በመንግሥተ፡አርተሰስታ፡ንጉሥ፡እምባቢሎን።
Ezra 8:1
These are now the heads of their fathers' houses, and this is the genealogy of them that went up with me from Babylon, in the reign of Artaxerxes the king.
Example #4 Psalm 68 the word [መላእክተ] several times and each time it was translated as [Rulers of or Prince of]
Mezmure dawit 68 in Geez
"27በጽሑ፡መላእክት፡ወቦሙ፡መዘምራነ ፤ማእከለ፡ደናግል፡ዘባጥያተ፡ከበሮ።
Psalm 68
26Bless ye God in the congregations, even the Lord, from the fountain of Israel. 27There is little Benjamin with their ruler, the princes of Judah and their council, the princes of Zebulun, and the princes of Naphtali. 28Thy God hath commanded thy strength: strengthen, O God, that which thou hast wrought for us.
Example#5 In the book of Revelation2:1 the word መልአከ which is angel in singular form.This word was translated as Angel.
Angel of the church is understood by all christians that it means the Bishop or leader of the church and not a referrence to a heavenly ctreature with wings.
Revelation 2:1Unto the [angel of the church of Ephesus] write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks
When people have discussion about the book of Enoch and the book of Jubilee.They often conclude that some Angels came from the heavens and began mixing with humans.This is because both books use the following words and expressions [ወረዱ፡መላእክተ፡እግዚአብሔር] which translates into english as the Angels of God.Another word both the book of Enoch and the book of Jubilee use is ትጉሃነ or ትጉሃን which means the pure, the righteous humans. Unfortunetly, this very word was mistranslated as "the watchers". Which further led non ge'ez speakers into thinking that actual fallen Angels mixed with mankind who they think are the nephilim/the giants.
The question is who are these angels that descended on to the earth that the book of Enoch and the book of jubilee talks about.Specificaly the book of jubilee says the following [ወረዱ፡መላእክተ፡እግዚአብሔር].
The Amharic translation states that they are the descendant of Seth. Seth being the replacement of Abel who was murdered by his brother Cain. The descendants of Seth were at the time the purest people on earth. They kept God's laws. Here is the book of Jubilee in Ge'ez
ወበካልእ፡ሱባዔ፡ዘዓሥር፡ኢዮቤልዩ ፡ነሥአ፡ሎቱ፡መላልኤል፡ዲናሃ፡ወለተ፡በራክሔል፡ወለተ፡እኅተ፡አቡሁ፡ሎቱ፡ብእሲተ፡ወወለደት፡ሎቱ ፡ወልደ ፡በሱባዔ፡ሣልስ፡በሳድስ፡ዓመቱ፡ወጸውዐ፡ስሞ፡ያሬድሃ።እስመ፡በመዋዕሊሁ፡[ወረዱ፡መላእክተ ፡እግዚአብሔር]፡ውስተ፡ምድር፡እለ፡ተሰምዩ፡[ትጉሃነ]፡ከመ፡ይምሀርዎሙ፡ለደቂቀ፡እጓለ፡እመሕያው ፡ ይግበሩ፡ፍትሐ፡ወርትዐ፡በዲበ፡ምድር።
Here is the Amharic translation.
በአሥረኛው ኢዮቤልዩ በሁለተኛው ዓመት መላልኤል ሚስት ትሆነው ዘንድ የአባቱን ወንድም የበራኪሂልን ልጅ ዲናን አገባ። በሦስተኛው ሱባዔ በስድስተኛው ዓመት ወንድ ልጅ ወለደችለት ስሙንም ያሮድ አለው። [በዘመኑ ትጉሃን የተባሉ የእግዚአብሔር አገልጋዮች የሚሆኑ የሴት ልጆች] በዚህ ዓለም የቀና ሥራንና ፍርድን ያደርጉ ዘንድ ለሰው ልጆች ሊያስተምሩአቸው ወደ ምድር ወርደዋልና።
In the book of Enoch it uses the expession
[መላእክት፡ውሉደ፡ሰማያት] which the translates into angels sons of heaven.The Amharic translation shines some lights on who these "angels sons of heaven" really are. It says there are (ደቂቀ ሴት) which means the children of Seth.
Here is the book of Enoch in Ge'ez and below i have posted the book of Enoch in Amharic.
[የሰው ልጆች] ከበዙ በኋላ እንዲህ ሆነ። በዚያ ወራትም መልክ መልካሞች ደመ ግቡዎች ልጆች ተወለዱላቸው በደብር ቅዱስ ያሉ [ደቂቀ ሴትም] እነሱን አይተው ወደዷቸው። እሰበሳቸውም ኑ ለኛ [ከቃየል ልጆች ሴቸችን እንምረጥ] ለኛ ልጆችን አንውለድ አሉ።
ቃል ህወት ያሰማልን እድሜና ጤና ያብዛልን አምላኬ ሆይ ይህን እድሰማ ስለፈቀድክልኝ ክብር ምስጋና ይገባሀን
Shame on you....
ስለ፡እውነት፡ከተወያየን፡ወንድሜ፡በቃላት፡ብዙዎቻችን፡ሲወድቁ፡እናያለን።ለምሳሌ፡መላእክት፡ወይንም፡መለአክ፡የሚለውን፡ቃል፡ስንመለከት።ፕሮቴስታንቱ፡እነሚካኤልን፡ይጠቁማል።ነገር፡ግን፡መለአክ፡የሚለው፡ቃል፡ሌሎች፡ትርጉሞች፡አሉት።By the way this misunderstanding led many to think the book Henok wasn't truthfull because they thought it said Angels has children with human beings. Just because the word መልአክ was used but it didn't mean angel.
What is Etymology?
et·y·mol·o·gy is a noun and it means the study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history.
Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh,the Geez መልአክ and the Amharic መልአክ are put for debate. malakhim is the plural form in hebrew while መላእክት is the plural form of መልአክ in both Geez and in Amharic.
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Angels in Judaism For other uses, see Malach. In Judaism an angel (Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh, plural malakhim) is a messenger of God, an angelic envoy or an angel in general who appears throughout the Hebrew Bible, Rabbinic literature, and traditional Jewish liturgy. Angels in Judaism are categorized in different hierarchies. Etymology Hebrew "mal'akh" (מַלְאָךְ) is the standard Hebrew Bible word for "messenger", [both human and divine], though it is less used for human messengers in Modern Hebrew[1] as the latter is usually denoted by the term shaliyah (שליח).
Here are the evidences below.
ክርስቲያን ነን ትላላችሁ ነገር ግን መላዕክት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር የግብረ ሥጋ ግንኙነት ይፈጽማሉ የሚለውን ሃሳብ ትደግፋላችሁ። ይህ ትምህርት የክርስቶስን ተአምራዊ ልደት ያዳክማል። ያልኩበት ምክንያት እግዚአብሔር በቅድስት ድንግል ማርያም በኩል ከሰው ልጆች ጋር አንድ በመሆኑ ነው። ይህ በእግዚአብሔር እና በሰው መካከል ያለው አንድነት ያልተለመደ ክስተት ሆኖ ተመዝግቧል። ነገር ግን መላእክት ከእግዚአብሔር በፊት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር ተደባልቀው ነበር ማለቱ የኢየሱስን መወለድ በእርግጥ ይጎዳል። በመጀመሪያ ደረጃ, መላእክት የመራቢያ አካላት የላቸውም. መላእክት የማይራቡበት ምክንያት የዘላለም ሕይወት ስላላቸው ነው። እኛ ሰዎች ፣ ሟቾች ነን ፣ ግን መላእክት አይሞቱም። በዚህ ምክንያት ነው የምንባዛው. የቪዲዮው ደራሲ በጣም አስከፊ ስህተት ሰርቷል። መልአክ የሚለውን ቃል ፍቺ አላጠናም። በዕብራይስጥም በግእዝና በአማርኛም መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ሦስት ትርጉም አለው። መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ለሰው ልጆች ጥቅም ላይ ሊውል ይችላል. አንድ ሰው የቤተ ክርስቲያን መሪ ከሆነ መልአክ ተብሎ ይጠራል። ሚካኤል ወይም ገብርኤል መላእክት ይባላሉ። ሦስተኛው ትርጉም መልእክተኞች መሆን ነው። ለምሳሌ የነቢዩ ሚልክያስ ስም የመጣው መልአክ ከሚለው ቃል ነው።አሁን ከመጽሐፍ ቅዱስ ላሳይ።
ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ:ምዕራፍ፴፮:፩ወመጽኡ መላእክተ:ነገደ:ቤተ:አቡሁ:ለገላአድ:ወልደ ማኪር:ወልደ:መናሴ:ዘእምነገደ:ደቂቀ:ዮሴፍ:ወይቤሉ:ቅድመ:ሙሴ:ወቅድመ:እልዓዛር:ካህን:ወቅድመ:[መላእክተ:]አብያተ:አበዊሆሙ:ለደቂቀ:እስራኤል ።
ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ ምዕራፍ ፴፮:፩ከዮሴፍ ልጆች:ወገኖች:የምናሴ:ልጅ:የማኪር:ልጅ የገለዓድ:ልጆች:ወገን:አለቆች:ቀረቡ፥በሙሴና:በእስራኤልም:ልጆች:አባቶች:[አለቆች]:ፊት:ተናገሩ፤
መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩ ወእሉ፡እሙንቱ[መላእክተ]አበዊሆሙ፡ እለ፡ ተኈለቁ፡ይዕርጉ፡ምስሌየ፡በመንግሥተ፡አርተሰስታ፡ንጉሥ፡እምባቢሎን።
መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩በንጉሡ:በአርጤክስስ:መንግሥት:ከእኔ:ጋር:ከባቢሎን: የወጡ:የአባቶች:ቤቶች:[አለቆች]እነዚህ:ናቸው:ትውልዳቸውም:ይህ:ነው፤
Mezmure dawit 68 in Geez
"27በጽሑ፡መላእክት፡ወቦሙ፡መዘምራነ ፤ማእከለ፡ደናግል፡ዘባጥያተ፡ከበሮ።
Mezmure dawit 68 in Amharic
25አለቆች:ቀደሙ፥መዘምራንም:ተከተሉ፤ ከበሮን:በሚመቱ:በቈነጃጅት:መካከል። 26እግዚአብሔርን:በጉባኤ፥ጌታችንንም: በእስራኤል:ምንጭ:አመስግኑት።
27ወጣቱ:ብንያም:በጕልበቱ:በዚያ:አለ፥ ገዦቻቸው:የይሁዳ:አለቆች:የዛብሎን:አለቆችና:የንፍታሌምም:አለቆች።
Mezmure dawit 68 in English
26Bless ye God in the congregations, even the Lord, from the fountain of Israel. 27There is little Benjamin with their ruler, the princes of Judah and their council, the princes of Zebulun, and the princes of Naphtali. 28Thy God hath commanded thy strength: strengthen, O God, that which thou hast wrought for us.
A)መላእክተ፡ይሁዳ= in geez B)የይሁዳ አለቆች = in Amharic C)Judah and their council All 3 are not talking about flying angels.
Revelation2:1በኤፌሶን:ወዳለው:ወደ ቤተ:ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ።በቀኝ:እጁ:ሰባቱን:ከዋክብት:የያዘው:በሰባቱም:የወርቅ:መቅረዞች:መካከል:የሚሄደው:እንዲህ:ይላል።
Revelation 2:1Unto the [angel of the church of Ephesus] write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks
Rev3:1ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያናት፡ዘሰርዴስ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ዘቦ፡ሰብዐተ፡መንፈስ፡ዘእምኀበ፡እግዚአብሔር፡ወሰብዐተ፡ኮከበ ።
Rev3:1በሰርዴስም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ: ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ። ሰባቱ:የእግዚአብሔር:መናፍስትና:ሰባቱ: ከዋክብት:ያሉት:እንዲህ:ይላል።ሥራህን አውቃለሁ:ሕያው:እንደ:መሆንህ:ስም:አለህ:ሞተህማል።
Rev3:7ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ ክርስቲያን፡ዘፊልድልፍያ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ቅዱስ፡ወጻድቅ፡ዘኀቤሁ፡ይነብር፡ኵሉ፡መራኁተ ፡ ቤተ፡ዳዊት።
Revelation3:7በፊልድልፍያም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ:ክርስቲያን[መልአክ]እንዲህ ብለህ:ጻፍ።የዳዊት:መክፈቻ:ያለው፤የሚከፍት፥የሚዘጋም:የሌለ፤የሚዘጋ፥የሚከፍትም:የሌለ፤g።
Anak[ עֲנָק] in Hebrew it means Giant
Anakim[עֲנָקִים] in Hebrew it means Giants
If Anak means Giant and Nephilim means Giants why do people make such error in thinking it means fallen angels? The answer is simple the hebrew word Nephilim looks like the word Nophlim when writen in Hebrew like so
. They are similar words at first glance but they have very different spelling and pronunciation.
Example of Nophelim in the Bible.
Deut22:4Thou shalt not see thy brother's ass or his ox fall downby the way, and hide thyself from them: thou shalt surely help him to lift them up again.
ד לֹא-תִרְאֶה אֶת-חֲמוֹר אָחִיךָ אוֹ שׁוֹרוֹ, [נֹפְלִים] בַּדֶּרֶךְ, וְהִתְעַלַּמְתָּ, מֵהֶם: הָקֵם תָּקִים, עִמּוֹ.
Also it is important to notice that there is a colon between Nephilim and Anak even in the Amharic translation. As you know a colon is used to describe what is already mentioned in the sentence.
እጅግ ፡ በጣም ፡ የሚደንቅ ፡ ነገር ፡ ነዉ ።
💛💛 🕊 ሰላም 🕊 💛💛
እግዚአብሔር። አምላኬ ሆይ በህይውቴ ፍቃድህ ብቻ ይፍጸም ዘንድ እርዳኝ ከክፍ ነገር አርቀኝ
ክብርና ምስጋና ለዘለዓለማዊው ቅዱስ እግዚአብሔር ይሁን።
Amen Amen Amen
Shame on
ስለ፡እውነት፡ከተወያየን፡ወንድሜ፡በቃላት፡ብዙዎቻችን፡ሲወድቁ፡እናያለን።ለምሳሌ፡መላእክት፡ወይንም፡መለአክ፡የሚለውን፡ቃል፡ስንመለከት።ፕሮቴስታንቱ፡እነሚካኤልን፡ይጠቁማል።ነገር፡ግን፡መለአክ፡የሚለው፡ቃል፡ሌሎች፡ትርጉሞች፡አሉት።By the way this misunderstanding led many to think the book Henok wasn't truthfull because they thought it said Angels has children with human beings. Just because the word መልአክ was used but it didn't mean angel.
What is Etymology?
et·y·mol·o·gy is a noun and it means the study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history.
Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh,the Geez መልአክ and the Amharic መልአክ are put for debate. malakhim is the plural form in hebrew while መላእክት is the plural form of መልአክ in both Geez and in Amharic.
________________________________ _________________________________
Angels in Judaism For other uses, see Malach. In Judaism an angel (Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh, plural malakhim) is a messenger of God, an angelic envoy or an angel in general who appears throughout the Hebrew Bible, Rabbinic literature, and traditional Jewish liturgy. Angels in Judaism are categorized in different hierarchies. Etymology Hebrew "mal'akh" (מַלְאָךְ) is the standard Hebrew Bible word for "messenger", [both human and divine], though it is less used for human messengers in Modern Hebrew[1] as the latter is usually denoted by the term shaliyah (שליח).
Here are the evidences below.
ክርስቲያን ነን ትላላችሁ ነገር ግን መላዕክት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር የግብረ ሥጋ ግንኙነት ይፈጽማሉ የሚለውን ሃሳብ ትደግፋላችሁ። ይህ ትምህርት የክርስቶስን ተአምራዊ ልደት ያዳክማል። ያልኩበት ምክንያት እግዚአብሔር በቅድስት ድንግል ማርያም በኩል ከሰው ልጆች ጋር አንድ በመሆኑ ነው። ይህ በእግዚአብሔር እና በሰው መካከል ያለው አንድነት ያልተለመደ ክስተት ሆኖ ተመዝግቧል። ነገር ግን መላእክት ከእግዚአብሔር በፊት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር ተደባልቀው ነበር ማለቱ የኢየሱስን መወለድ በእርግጥ ይጎዳል። በመጀመሪያ ደረጃ, መላእክት የመራቢያ አካላት የላቸውም. መላእክት የማይራቡበት ምክንያት የዘላለም ሕይወት ስላላቸው ነው። እኛ ሰዎች ፣ ሟቾች ነን ፣ ግን መላእክት አይሞቱም። በዚህ ምክንያት ነው የምንባዛው. የቪዲዮው ደራሲ በጣም አስከፊ ስህተት ሰርቷል። መልአክ የሚለውን ቃል ፍቺ አላጠናም። በዕብራይስጥም በግእዝና በአማርኛም መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ሦስት ትርጉም አለው። መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ለሰው ልጆች ጥቅም ላይ ሊውል ይችላል. አንድ ሰው የቤተ ክርስቲያን መሪ ከሆነ መልአክ ተብሎ ይጠራል። ሚካኤል ወይም ገብርኤል መላእክት ይባላሉ። ሦስተኛው ትርጉም መልእክተኞች መሆን ነው። ለምሳሌ የነቢዩ ሚልክያስ ስም የመጣው መልአክ ከሚለው ቃል ነው።አሁን ከመጽሐፍ ቅዱስ ላሳይ።
ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ:ምዕራፍ፴፮:፩ወመጽኡ መላእክተ:ነገደ:ቤተ:አቡሁ:ለገላአድ:ወልደ ማኪር:ወልደ:መናሴ:ዘእምነገደ:ደቂቀ:ዮሴፍ:ወይቤሉ:ቅድመ:ሙሴ:ወቅድመ:እልዓዛር:ካህን:ወቅድመ:[መላእክተ:]አብያተ:አበዊሆሙ:ለደቂቀ:እስራኤል ።
ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ ምዕራፍ ፴፮:፩ከዮሴፍ ልጆች:ወገኖች:የምናሴ:ልጅ:የማኪር:ልጅ የገለዓድ:ልጆች:ወገን:አለቆች:ቀረቡ፥በሙሴና:በእስራኤልም:ልጆች:አባቶች:[አለቆች]:ፊት:ተናገሩ፤
መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩ ወእሉ፡እሙንቱ[መላእክተ]አበዊሆሙ፡ እለ፡ ተኈለቁ፡ይዕርጉ፡ምስሌየ፡በመንግሥተ፡አርተሰስታ፡ንጉሥ፡እምባቢሎን።
መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩በንጉሡ:በአርጤክስስ:መንግሥት:ከእኔ:ጋር:ከባቢሎን: የወጡ:የአባቶች:ቤቶች:[አለቆች]እነዚህ:ናቸው:ትውልዳቸውም:ይህ:ነው፤
Mezmure dawit 68 in Geez
"27በጽሑ፡መላእክት፡ወቦሙ፡መዘምራነ ፤ማእከለ፡ደናግል፡ዘባጥያተ፡ከበሮ።
Mezmure dawit 68 in Amharic
25አለቆች:ቀደሙ፥መዘምራንም:ተከተሉ፤ ከበሮን:በሚመቱ:በቈነጃጅት:መካከል። 26እግዚአብሔርን:በጉባኤ፥ጌታችንንም: በእስራኤል:ምንጭ:አመስግኑት።
27ወጣቱ:ብንያም:በጕልበቱ:በዚያ:አለ፥ ገዦቻቸው:የይሁዳ:አለቆች:የዛብሎን:አለቆችና:የንፍታሌምም:አለቆች።
Mezmure dawit 68 in English
26Bless ye God in the congregations, even the Lord, from the fountain of Israel. 27There is little Benjamin with their ruler, the princes of Judah and their council, the princes of Zebulun, and the princes of Naphtali. 28Thy God hath commanded thy strength: strengthen, O God, that which thou hast wrought for us.
A)መላእክተ፡ይሁዳ= in geez B)የይሁዳ አለቆች = in Amharic C)Judah and their council All 3 are not talking about flying angels.
Revelation2:1በኤፌሶን:ወዳለው:ወደ ቤተ:ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ።በቀኝ:እጁ:ሰባቱን:ከዋክብት:የያዘው:በሰባቱም:የወርቅ:መቅረዞች:መካከል:የሚሄደው:እንዲህ:ይላል።
Revelation 2:1Unto the [angel of the church of Ephesus] write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks
Rev3:1ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያናት፡ዘሰርዴስ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ዘቦ፡ሰብዐተ፡መንፈስ፡ዘእምኀበ፡እግዚአብሔር፡ወሰብዐተ፡ኮከበ ።
Rev3:1በሰርዴስም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ: ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ። ሰባቱ:የእግዚአብሔር:መናፍስትና:ሰባቱ: ከዋክብት:ያሉት:እንዲህ:ይላል።ሥራህን አውቃለሁ:ሕያው:እንደ:መሆንህ:ስም:አለህ:ሞተህማል።
Rev3:7ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ ክርስቲያን፡ዘፊልድልፍያ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ቅዱስ፡ወጻድቅ፡ዘኀቤሁ፡ይነብር፡ኵሉ፡መራኁተ ፡ ቤተ፡ዳዊት።
Revelation3:7በፊልድልፍያም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ:ክርስቲያን[መልአክ]እንዲህ ብለህ:ጻፍ።የዳዊት:መክፈቻ:ያለው፤የሚከፍት፥የሚዘጋም:የሌለ፤የሚዘጋ፥የሚከፍትም:የሌለ፤g።
Anak[ עֲנָק] in Hebrew it means Giant
Anakim[עֲנָקִים] in Hebrew it means Giants
If Anak means Giant and Nephilim means Giants why do people make such error in thinking it means fallen angels? The answer is simple the hebrew word Nephilim looks like the word Nophlim when writen in Hebrew like so
. They are similar words at first glance but they have very different spelling and pronunciation.
Example of Nophelim in the Bible.
Deut22:4Thou shalt not see thy brother's ass or his ox fall downby the way, and hide thyself from them: thou shalt surely help him to lift them up again.
ד לֹא-תִרְאֶה אֶת-חֲמוֹר אָחִיךָ אוֹ שׁוֹרוֹ, [נֹפְלִים] בַּדֶּרֶךְ, וְהִתְעַלַּמְתָּ, מֵהֶם: הָקֵם תָּקִים, עִמּוֹ.
Also it is important to notice that there is a colon between Nephilim and Anak even in the Amharic translation. As you know a colon is used to describe what is already mentioned in the sentence.
አንባቢው ፀጋውን ያብዛልህ💕
Thank you, godly beautiful people of Ethiopia for giving us the Book of Enoch! You are an ancient holy nation mentioned many times in the Holy Bible. May God Yahweh and His holy son Jesus Christ bless you and your nation always. Amen.
- With love from Việt-Nam
Amen🙏 God bless you too
Amhara’s always love FANTACY!!! Fiction and Elite Egyptians Priest Fabrication!!!
@@reasonnot_hate2125 What? What did you say?
@@reasonnot_hate2125 yes,you are correct they took a myth or mythological story and they did it as reality,first in ancient time no were white people how all the characters of you bible is white,
Don't mind him, he is one of those racist atheists who want to insult the bible based on race.
እግዚአብሔር ይህንን ቴክኖሉጂ በሰው ልጅ አማካኝነት ያመጣው ሁል ግዜ ስለ ሄኖክ መፅሐፍ ትረካ መስማት ቻልን
ቃል ሂወት ያሰማልን እግዚአብሔር ፅጋን ያብዛሎት 🙏🙏🙏
በጣም እፈልገው ነበር። እግዚአብሔር ፀጋውን ያብዛልህ
እግዚአብሔር የምናስብበት ልቦና ይስጠን
አቤቱ አመምላኬ ጠብቀን🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏😢😢😢
Thank you
ብጣም የሚገርም ትረካ ነው እናመሰግናለን እንደዚ ኣድርገህ ስለ ኣቅረብክለን እግዚአብሔር ይስጥህ ብ
በረከተ አበው ይደርብን!
እግዚያብሔር ይስጥህ መፀሐፈ ሔኖክን እስካሁን አላነበብኩም ነበረ
ለብዙሃኑ እንዲደርስ ስላደረጋችሁ እናመሰግናለን
ተራኪ ተስፋ ፅዮን ዳንኤል በርታ
When people have discussion about the book of Enoch and the book of Jubilee.They often conclude that some Angels came from the heavens and began mixing with humans.This is because both books use the following words and expressions [ወረዱ፡መላእክተ፡እግዚአብሔር] which translates into english as the Angels of God.Another word both the book of Enoch and the book of Jubilee use is ትጉሃነ or ትጉሃን which means the pure, the righteous humans. Unfortunetly, this very word was mistranslated as "the watchers". Which further led non ge'ez speakers into thinking that actual fallen Angels mixed with mankind who they think are the nephilim/the giants.
The question is who are these angels that descended on to the earth that the book of Enoch and the book of jubilee talks about.Specificaly the book of jubilee says the following [ወረዱ፡መላእክተ፡እግዚአብሔር].
The Amharic translation states that they are the descendant of Seth. Seth being the replacement of Abel who was murdered by his brother Cain. The descendants of Seth were at the time the purest people on earth. They kept God's laws. Here is the book of Jubilee in Ge'ez
ወበካልእ፡ሱባዔ፡ዘዓሥር፡ኢዮቤልዩ ፡ነሥአ፡ሎቱ፡መላልኤል፡ዲናሃ፡ወለተ፡በራክሔል፡ወለተ፡እኅተ፡አቡሁ፡ሎቱ፡ብእሲተ፡ወወለደት፡ሎቱ ፡ወልደ ፡በሱባዔ፡ሣልስ፡በሳድስ፡ዓመቱ፡ወጸውዐ፡ስሞ፡ያሬድሃ።እስመ፡በመዋዕሊሁ፡[ወረዱ፡መላእክተ ፡እግዚአብሔር]፡ውስተ፡ምድር፡እለ፡ተሰምዩ፡[ትጉሃነ]፡ከመ፡ይምሀርዎሙ፡ለደቂቀ፡እጓለ፡እመሕያው ፡ ይግበሩ፡ፍትሐ፡ወርትዐ፡በዲበ፡ምድር።
Here is the Amharic translation.
በአሥረኛው ኢዮቤልዩ በሁለተኛው ዓመት መላልኤል ሚስት ትሆነው ዘንድ የአባቱን ወንድም የበራኪሂልን ልጅ ዲናን አገባ። በሦስተኛው ሱባዔ በስድስተኛው ዓመት ወንድ ልጅ ወለደችለት ስሙንም ያሮድ አለው። [በዘመኑ ትጉሃን የተባሉ የእግዚአብሔር አገልጋዮች የሚሆኑ የሴት ልጆች] በዚህ ዓለም የቀና ሥራንና ፍርድን ያደርጉ ዘንድ ለሰው ልጆች ሊያስተምሩአቸው ወደ ምድር ወርደዋልና።
In the book of Enoch it uses the expession
[መላእክት፡ውሉደ፡ሰማያት] which the translates into angels sons of heaven.The Amharic translation shines some lights on who these "angels sons of heaven" really are. It says there are (ደቂቀ ሴት) which means the children of Seth.
Here is the book of Enoch in Ge'ez and below i have posted the book of Enoch in Amharic.
[የሰው ልጆች] ከበዙ በኋላ እንዲህ ሆነ። በዚያ ወራትም መልክ መልካሞች ደመ ግቡዎች ልጆች ተወለዱላቸው በደብር ቅዱስ ያሉ [ደቂቀ ሴትም] እነሱን አይተው ወደዷቸው። እሰበሳቸውም ኑ ለኛ [ከቃየል ልጆች ሴቸችን እንምረጥ] ለኛ ልጆችን አንውለድ አሉ።
እኔን የሚገርመኝ መፅሀፍ ቅዱስ መቼም አንብበን የማንጨርሰው ሁሌም አዲስ መገለጥ ያለበት እያለ ለምንድነው ይህኛው በደንብ ይገልጠዋል እያልን በሌላ መፅሀፎች የምንደነቀው መጀመሪያ የተሰጠንን እውነተኛ ህይወት ያለበትን የሚጠቅመንን ምንም ጭማሪ የማያስፈልገው የእግዚአብሔር ቃል የሆነውን ብቻ እናንብብ እውነት አርነት ያወጣል።
Ena metshafe henok ye egziabher kal adelem !!!🤔
@@redmv4776 ይሄ ከ መፅሐፍ ቅዱስ አይደለም
@@feletad7108 tesasiteshal sile henok mawek yitebekibishal
ከቅዱሳን ጋር አትዳፈሪ መምከክረር ነወው በበጎ እዪው
ቃለ ሕይወትን ያሰማልን በጣም እናመሠግናለን 🙏🙏🙏
እግዚአብሔር ያከብርልን ለብየሜጠገን ተመርት ነው አሜን አሜን አሜን አሜን
ቃለ ህይዎት ያሰማልን።
አሜን ቃለ ህይወት ያሰማልን
ፀጋውን ያብዛልን እድሜና ጤና ይሰጥልን!!!
How can you say that as a christian. He just misrepresented the book of Henock and you thank him? I really really don't understand you.....the word ትጉሃን was mistranslated into english from geez as "the watchers".
ትጉሃን does not mean watchers. If you knew your bible.You would not have thanked this man at all. Look at kufale chapter 8:21 the word ትጉሃን was repeated to depict the children of Seth. Children of Seth lusted over the children of Cain. There is no "angel with wings" mixing with humans here. Here is the verse in Ge'ez language.
Kufale8:21 እስመ ፡ በእንተ ፡ ዝንቱ ፡ ፫ ፡ ኮነ ፡ አይኅ ፡ ላዕለ ፡ ምድር ፡ እስመ ፡ በእንተ ፡ ዝሙት ፡ ዘዘመዉ ፡ ትጉሃን ፡ እምትእዛዘ ፡ ኵነኔሆሙ ፡ በድኅረ ፡ አዋልደ ፡ ሰብእ ፡ ወነሥኡ ፡ ሎሙ ፡ አንስትያ ፡ እምኵሉ ፡ እለ ፡ ኀረዩ ፡ ገብሩ ፡ መቅድመ ፡ ርኵስ ።
እግዚአብሔር አምላክ ይስጥልን እየተነተንክ ስላነበብክልን እናምሰግናለን ውንድማችን ፍጣሪ ይጠብቅልን እግዚአብሔር አምላክ የሚያስታውል ልቦና ይስጠን
እመ ብራን ዘመ ህን ትባርክልን
ቃለ ህይወት ያሰማልን እግዚአብሔር ይስጥልን እናመሰግናለን
When people have discussion about the book of Enoch and the book of Jubilee.They often conclude that some Angels came from the heavens and began mixing with humans.This is because both books use the following words and expressions [ወረዱ፡መላእክተ፡እግዚአብሔር] which translates into english as the Angels of God.Another word both the book of Enoch and the book of Jubilee use is ትጉሃነ or ትጉሃን which means the pure, the righteous humans. Unfortunetly, this very word was mistranslated as "the watchers". Which further led non ge'ez speakers into thinking that actual fallen Angels mixed with mankind who they think are the nephilim/the giants.
The question is who are these angels that descended on to the earth that the book of Enoch and the book of jubilee talks about.Specificaly the book of jubilee says the following [ወረዱ፡መላእክተ፡እግዚአብሔር].
The Amharic translation states that they are the descendant of Seth. Seth being the replacement of Abel who was murdered by his brother Cain. The descendants of Seth were at the time the purest people on earth. They kept God's laws. Here is the book of Jubilee in Ge'ez
ወበካልእ፡ሱባዔ፡ዘዓሥር፡ኢዮቤልዩ ፡ነሥአ፡ሎቱ፡መላልኤል፡ዲናሃ፡ወለተ፡በራክሔል፡ወለተ፡እኅተ፡አቡሁ፡ሎቱ፡ብእሲተ፡ወወለደት፡ሎቱ ፡ወልደ ፡በሱባዔ፡ሣልስ፡በሳድስ፡ዓመቱ፡ወጸውዐ፡ስሞ፡ያሬድሃ።እስመ፡በመዋዕሊሁ፡[ወረዱ፡መላእክተ ፡እግዚአብሔር]፡ውስተ፡ምድር፡እለ፡ተሰምዩ፡[ትጉሃነ]፡ከመ፡ይምሀርዎሙ፡ለደቂቀ፡እጓለ፡እመሕያው ፡ ይግበሩ፡ፍትሐ፡ወርትዐ፡በዲበ፡ምድር።
Here is the Amharic translation.
በአሥረኛው ኢዮቤልዩ በሁለተኛው ዓመት መላልኤል ሚስት ትሆነው ዘንድ የአባቱን ወንድም የበራኪሂልን ልጅ ዲናን አገባ። በሦስተኛው ሱባዔ በስድስተኛው ዓመት ወንድ ልጅ ወለደችለት ስሙንም ያሮድ አለው። [በዘመኑ ትጉሃን የተባሉ የእግዚአብሔር አገልጋዮች የሚሆኑ የሴት ልጆች] በዚህ ዓለም የቀና ሥራንና ፍርድን ያደርጉ ዘንድ ለሰው ልጆች ሊያስተምሩአቸው ወደ ምድር ወርደዋልና።
In the book of Enoch it uses the expession
[መላእክት፡ውሉደ፡ሰማያት] which the translates into angels sons of heaven.The Amharic translation shines some lights on who these "angels sons of heaven" really are. It says there are (ደቂቀ ሴት) which means the children of Seth.
Here is the book of Enoch in Ge'ez and below i have posted the book of Enoch in Amharic.
[የሰው ልጆች] ከበዙ በኋላ እንዲህ ሆነ። በዚያ ወራትም መልክ መልካሞች ደመ ግቡዎች ልጆች ተወለዱላቸው በደብር ቅዱስ ያሉ [ደቂቀ ሴትም] እነሱን አይተው ወደዷቸው። እሰበሳቸውም ኑ ለኛ [ከቃየል ልጆች ሴቸችን እንምረጥ] ለኛ ልጆችን አንውለድ አሉ።
በጨነቀኝ ሠአት ሠማ ውት ደሥም አለኝ ተመሥገን ቃለ ኽይወት ያሠማልን አሜን
How can you misrepresente the book of Henok like this? Shame on you!!!መጽሐፈ፡ሔኖክ ምዕራፍ ፪ ።1[የሰው ልጆች] ከበዙ በኋላ እንዲህ ሆነ። በዚያ ወራትም መልክ መልካሞች ደመ ግቡዎች ልጆች ተወለዱላቸው [በደብር ቅዱስ ያሉ ደቂቀ ሴትም] እነሱን አይተው ወደዷቸው። እሰበሳቸውም ኑ ለኛ [ከቃየል ልጆች] ሴቶችን እንምረጥ ለኛ ልጆችን አንውለድ አሉ።
This is talking about the blessed children of Seth falling into temptation by looking at the children of Cain. It has nothing to do with fallen angels at all.
What is Etymology?
et·y·mol·o·gy is a noun and it means the study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history.
Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh,the Geez መልአክ and the Amharic መልአክ are put for debate. malakhim is the plural form in hebrew while መላእክት is the plural form of መልአክ in both Geez and in Amharic.
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Angels in Judaism For other uses, see Malach. In Judaism an angel (Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh, plural malakhim) is a messenger of God, an angelic envoy or an angel in general who appears throughout the Hebrew Bible, Rabbinic literature, and traditional Jewish liturgy. Angels in Judaism are categorized in different hierarchies. Etymology Hebrew "mal'akh" (מַלְאָךְ) is the standard Hebrew Bible word for "messenger", [both human and divine], though it is less used for human messengers in Modern Hebrew[1] as the latter is usually denoted by the term shaliyah (שליח).
Here are the evidences below.
ክርስቲያን ነን ትላላችሁ ነገር ግን መላዕክት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር የግብረ ሥጋ ግንኙነት ይፈጽማሉ የሚለውን ሃሳብ ትደግፋላችሁ። ይህ ትምህርት የክርስቶስን ተአምራዊ ልደት ያዳክማል። ያልኩበት ምክንያት እግዚአብሔር በቅድስት ድንግል ማርያም በኩል ከሰው ልጆች ጋር አንድ በመሆኑ ነው። ይህ በእግዚአብሔር እና በሰው መካከል ያለው አንድነት ያልተለመደ ክስተት ሆኖ ተመዝግቧል። ነገር ግን መላእክት ከእግዚአብሔር በፊት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር ተደባልቀው ነበር ማለቱ የኢየሱስን መወለድ በእርግጥ ይጎዳል። በመጀመሪያ ደረጃ, መላእክት የመራቢያ አካላት የላቸውም. መላእክት የማይራቡበት ምክንያት የዘላለም ሕይወት ስላላቸው ነው። እኛ ሰዎች ፣ ሟቾች ነን ፣ ግን መላእክት አይሞቱም። በዚህ ምክንያት ነው የምንባዛው. የቪዲዮው ደራሲ በጣም አስከፊ ስህተት ሰርቷል። መልአክ የሚለውን ቃል ፍቺ አላጠናም። በዕብራይስጥም በግእዝና በአማርኛም መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ሦስት ትርጉም አለው። መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ለሰው ልጆች ጥቅም ላይ ሊውል ይችላል. አንድ ሰው የቤተ ክርስቲያን መሪ ከሆነ መልአክ ተብሎ ይጠራል። ሚካኤል ወይም ገብርኤል መላእክት ይባላሉ። ሦስተኛው ትርጉም መልእክተኞች መሆን ነው። ለምሳሌ የነቢዩ ሚልክያስ ስም የመጣው መልአክ ከሚለው ቃል ነው።አሁን ከመጽሐፍ ቅዱስ ላሳይ።
ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ:ምዕራፍ፴፮:፩ወመጽኡ መላእክተ:ነገደ:ቤተ:አቡሁ:ለገላአድ:ወልደ ማኪር:ወልደ:መናሴ:ዘእምነገደ:ደቂቀ:ዮሴፍ:ወይቤሉ:ቅድመ:ሙሴ:ወቅድመ:እልዓዛር:ካህን:ወቅድመ:[መላእክተ:]አብያተ:አበዊሆሙ:ለደቂቀ:እስራኤል ።
ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ ምዕራፍ ፴፮:፩ከዮሴፍ ልጆች:ወገኖች:የምናሴ:ልጅ:የማኪር:ልጅ የገለዓድ:ልጆች:ወገን:አለቆች:ቀረቡ፥በሙሴና:በእስራኤልም:ልጆች:አባቶች:[አለቆች]:ፊት:ተናገሩ፤
መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩ ወእሉ፡እሙንቱ[መላእክተ]አበዊሆሙ፡ እለ፡ ተኈለቁ፡ይዕርጉ፡ምስሌየ፡በመንግሥተ፡አርተሰስታ፡ንጉሥ፡እምባቢሎን።
መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩በንጉሡ:በአርጤክስስ:መንግሥት:ከእኔ:ጋር:ከባቢሎን: የወጡ:የአባቶች:ቤቶች:[አለቆች]እነዚህ:ናቸው:ትውልዳቸውም:ይህ:ነው፤
None of the above or below verses are talking about the flying angels .it is talking about human beings.
Mezmure dawit 68 in Geez
"27በጽሑ፡መላእክት፡ወቦሙ፡መዘምራነ ፤ማእከለ፡ደናግል፡ዘባጥያተ፡ከበሮ።
Mezmure dawit 68 in Amharic
25አለቆች:ቀደሙ፥መዘምራንም:ተከተሉ፤ ከበሮን:በሚመቱ:በቈነጃጅት:መካከል። 26እግዚአብሔርን:በጉባኤ፥ጌታችንንም: በእስራኤል:ምንጭ:አመስግኑት።
27ወጣቱ:ብንያም:በጕልበቱ:በዚያ:አለ፥ ገዦቻቸው:የይሁዳ:አለቆች:የዛብሎን:አለቆችና:የንፍታሌምም:አለቆች።
Mezmure dawit 68 in English
26Bless ye God in the congregations, even the Lord, from the fountain of Israel. 27There is little Benjamin with their ruler, the princes of Judah and their council, the princes of Zebulun, and the princes of Naphtali. 28Thy God hath commanded thy strength: strengthen, O God, that which thou hast wrought for us.
A)መላእክተ፡ይሁዳ= in geez B)የይሁዳ አለቆች = in Amharic C)Judah and their council All 3 are not talking about flying angels.
Revelation2:1በኤፌሶን:ወዳለው:ወደ ቤተ:ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ።በቀኝ:እጁ:ሰባቱን:ከዋክብት:የያዘው:በሰባቱም:የወርቅ:መቅረዞች:መካከል:የሚሄደው:እንዲህ:ይላል።
Revelation 2:1Unto the [angel of the church of Ephesus] write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks
Rev3:1ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያናት፡ዘሰርዴስ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ዘቦ፡ሰብዐተ፡መንፈስ፡ዘእምኀበ፡እግዚአብሔር፡ወሰብዐተ፡ኮከበ ።
Rev3:1በሰርዴስም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ: ክርስቲያን:[መልአክ]:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ። ሰባቱ:የእግዚአብሔር:መናፍስትና:ሰባቱ: ከዋክብት:ያሉት:እንዲህ:ይላል።ሥራህን አውቃለሁ:ሕያው:እንደ:መሆንህ:ስም:አለህ:ሞተህማል።
Rev3:7ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ ክርስቲያን፡ዘፊልድልፍያ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ቅዱስ፡ወጻድቅ፡ዘኀቤሁ፡ይነብር፡ኵሉ፡መራኁተ፡ቤተ፡ዳዊት።
Revelation3:7በፊልድልፍያም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ:ክርስቲያን[መልአክ]እንዲህ ብለህ:ጻፍ።የዳዊት:መክፈቻ:ያለው፤የሚከፍት፥የሚዘጋም:የሌለ፤የሚዘጋ፥የሚከፍትም:የሌለ፤g።
Anak[ עֲנָק] in Hebrew it means Giant
Anakim[עֲנָקִים] in Hebrew it means Giants
If Anak means Giant and Nephilim means Giants why do people make such error in thinking it means fallen angels? The answer is simple the hebrew word Nephilim looks like the word Nophlim when writen in Hebrew like so
. They are similar words at first glance but they have very different spelling and pronunciation.
Example of Nophelim in the Bible.
Deut22:4Thou shalt not see thy brother's ass or his ox fall downby the way, and hide thyself from them: thou shalt surely help him to lift them up again.
ד לֹא-תִרְאֶה אֶת-חֲמוֹר אָחִיךָ אוֹ שׁוֹרוֹ, [נֹפְלִים] בַּדֶּרֶךְ, וְהִתְעַלַּמְתָּ, מֵהֶם: הָקֵם תָּקִים, עִמּוֹ.
Also it is important to notice that there is a colon between Nephilim and Anak even in the Amharic translation. As you know a colon is used to describe what is already mentioned in the sentence.
ቃለ ህይወትን ያሰማልን እግዚአብሄር በቸርነቱ ኢትዩጵያችንን ይጠብቅልን የሳጥናኤል አሳልፎ አይሰጠንም እንጅ እነሱ እሚያሴሩት ሴራ በጣም ከባድ ነው ወገኖች ስለሀገራችን እንፀልይ
Shame on you....
ስለ፡እውነት፡ከተወያየን፡ወንድሜ፡በቃላት፡ብዙዎቻችን፡ሲወድቁ፡እናያለን።ለምሳሌ፡መላእክት፡ወይንም፡መለአክ፡የሚለውን፡ቃል፡ስንመለከት።ፕሮቴስታንቱ፡እነሚካኤልን፡ይጠቁማል።ነገር፡ግን፡መለአክ፡የሚለው፡ቃል፡ሌሎች፡ትርጉሞች፡አሉት።By the way this misunderstanding led many to think the book Henok wasn't truthfull because they thought it said Angels has children with human beings. Just because the word መልአክ was used but it didn't mean angel.
What is Etymology?
et·y·mol·o·gy is a noun and it means the study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history.
Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh,the Geez መልአክ and the Amharic መልአክ are put for debate. malakhim is the plural form in hebrew while መላእክት is the plural form of መልአክ in both Geez and in Amharic.
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Angels in Judaism For other uses, see Malach. In Judaism an angel (Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh, plural malakhim) is a messenger of God, an angelic envoy or an angel in general who appears throughout the Hebrew Bible, Rabbinic literature, and traditional Jewish liturgy. Angels in Judaism are categorized in different hierarchies. Etymology Hebrew "mal'akh" (מַלְאָךְ) is the standard Hebrew Bible word for "messenger", [both human and divine], though it is less used for human messengers in Modern Hebrew[1] as the latter is usually denoted by the term shaliyah (שליח).
Here are the evidences below.
ክርስቲያን ነን ትላላችሁ ነገር ግን መላዕክት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር የግብረ ሥጋ ግንኙነት ይፈጽማሉ የሚለውን ሃሳብ ትደግፋላችሁ። ይህ ትምህርት የክርስቶስን ተአምራዊ ልደት ያዳክማል። ያልኩበት ምክንያት እግዚአብሔር በቅድስት ድንግል ማርያም በኩል ከሰው ልጆች ጋር አንድ በመሆኑ ነው። ይህ በእግዚአብሔር እና በሰው መካከል ያለው አንድነት ያልተለመደ ክስተት ሆኖ ተመዝግቧል። ነገር ግን መላእክት ከእግዚአብሔር በፊት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር ተደባልቀው ነበር ማለቱ የኢየሱስን መወለድ በእርግጥ ይጎዳል። በመጀመሪያ ደረጃ, መላእክት የመራቢያ አካላት የላቸውም. መላእክት የማይራቡበት ምክንያት የዘላለም ሕይወት ስላላቸው ነው። እኛ ሰዎች ፣ ሟቾች ነን ፣ ግን መላእክት አይሞቱም። በዚህ ምክንያት ነው የምንባዛው. የቪዲዮው ደራሲ በጣም አስከፊ ስህተት ሰርቷል። መልአክ የሚለውን ቃል ፍቺ አላጠናም። በዕብራይስጥም በግእዝና በአማርኛም መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ሦስት ትርጉም አለው። መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ለሰው ልጆች ጥቅም ላይ ሊውል ይችላል. አንድ ሰው የቤተ ክርስቲያን መሪ ከሆነ መልአክ ተብሎ ይጠራል። ሚካኤል ወይም ገብርኤል መላእክት ይባላሉ። ሦስተኛው ትርጉም መልእክተኞች መሆን ነው። ለምሳሌ የነቢዩ ሚልክያስ ስም የመጣው መልአክ ከሚለው ቃል ነው።አሁን ከመጽሐፍ ቅዱስ ላሳይ።
ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ:ምዕራፍ፴፮:፩ወመጽኡ መላእክተ:ነገደ:ቤተ:አቡሁ:ለገላአድ:ወልደ ማኪር:ወልደ:መናሴ:ዘእምነገደ:ደቂቀ:ዮሴፍ:ወይቤሉ:ቅድመ:ሙሴ:ወቅድመ:እልዓዛር:ካህን:ወቅድመ:[መላእክተ:]አብያተ:አበዊሆሙ:ለደቂቀ:እስራኤል ።
ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ ምዕራፍ ፴፮:፩ከዮሴፍ ልጆች:ወገኖች:የምናሴ:ልጅ:የማኪር:ልጅ የገለዓድ:ልጆች:ወገን:አለቆች:ቀረቡ፥በሙሴና:በእስራኤልም:ልጆች:አባቶች:[አለቆች]:ፊት:ተናገሩ፤
መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩ ወእሉ፡እሙንቱ[መላእክተ]አበዊሆሙ፡ እለ፡ ተኈለቁ፡ይዕርጉ፡ምስሌየ፡በመንግሥተ፡አርተሰስታ፡ንጉሥ፡እምባቢሎን።
መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩በንጉሡ:በአርጤክስስ:መንግሥት:ከእኔ:ጋር:ከባቢሎን: የወጡ:የአባቶች:ቤቶች:[አለቆች]እነዚህ:ናቸው:ትውልዳቸውም:ይህ:ነው፤
Mezmure dawit 68 in Geez
"27በጽሑ፡መላእክት፡ወቦሙ፡መዘምራነ ፤ማእከለ፡ደናግል፡ዘባጥያተ፡ከበሮ።
Mezmure dawit 68 in Amharic
25አለቆች:ቀደሙ፥መዘምራንም:ተከተሉ፤ ከበሮን:በሚመቱ:በቈነጃጅት:መካከል። 26እግዚአብሔርን:በጉባኤ፥ጌታችንንም: በእስራኤል:ምንጭ:አመስግኑት።
27ወጣቱ:ብንያም:በጕልበቱ:በዚያ:አለ፥ ገዦቻቸው:የይሁዳ:አለቆች:የዛብሎን:አለቆችና:የንፍታሌምም:አለቆች።
Mezmure dawit 68 in English
26Bless ye God in the congregations, even the Lord, from the fountain of Israel. 27There is little Benjamin with their ruler, the princes of Judah and their council, the princes of Zebulun, and the princes of Naphtali. 28Thy God hath commanded thy strength: strengthen, O God, that which thou hast wrought for us.
A)መላእክተ፡ይሁዳ= in geez B)የይሁዳ አለቆች = in Amharic C)Judah and their council All 3 are not talking about flying angels.
Revelation2:1በኤፌሶን:ወዳለው:ወደ ቤተ:ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ።በቀኝ:እጁ:ሰባቱን:ከዋክብት:የያዘው:በሰባቱም:የወርቅ:መቅረዞች:መካከል:የሚሄደው:እንዲህ:ይላል።
Revelation 2:1Unto the [angel of the church of Ephesus] write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks
Rev3:1ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያናት፡ዘሰርዴስ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ዘቦ፡ሰብዐተ፡መንፈስ፡ዘእምኀበ፡እግዚአብሔር፡ወሰብዐተ፡ኮከበ ።
Rev3:1በሰርዴስም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ: ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ። ሰባቱ:የእግዚአብሔር:መናፍስትና:ሰባቱ: ከዋክብት:ያሉት:እንዲህ:ይላል።ሥራህን አውቃለሁ:ሕያው:እንደ:መሆንህ:ስም:አለህ:ሞተህማል።
Rev3:7ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ ክርስቲያን፡ዘፊልድልፍያ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ቅዱስ፡ወጻድቅ፡ዘኀቤሁ፡ይነብር፡ኵሉ፡መራኁተ ፡ ቤተ፡ዳዊት።
Revelation3:7በፊልድልፍያም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ:ክርስቲያን[መልአክ]እንዲህ ብለህ:ጻፍ።የዳዊት:መክፈቻ:ያለው፤የሚከፍት፥የሚዘጋም:የሌለ፤የሚዘጋ፥የሚከፍትም:የሌለ፤g።
Anak[ עֲנָק] in Hebrew it means Giant
Anakim[עֲנָקִים] in Hebrew it means Giants
If Anak means Giant and Nephilim means Giants why do people make such error in thinking it means fallen angels? The answer is simple the hebrew word Nephilim looks like the word Nophlim when writen in Hebrew like so
. They are similar words at first glance but they have very different spelling and pronunciation.
Example of Nophelim in the Bible.
Deut22:4Thou shalt not see thy brother's ass or his ox fall downby the way, and hide thyself from them: thou shalt surely help him to lift them up again.
ד לֹא-תִרְאֶה אֶת-חֲמוֹר אָחִיךָ אוֹ שׁוֹרוֹ, [נֹפְלִים] בַּדֶּרֶךְ, וְהִתְעַלַּמְתָּ, מֵהֶם: הָקֵם תָּקִים, עִמּוֹ.
Also it is important to notice that there is a colon between Nephilim and Anak even in the Amharic translation. As you know a colon is used to describe what is already mentioned in the sentence.
አድምጡ እጅግ ገንቢ መጽሃፉ ነው።
እግዚአብሔር ይስጥልን
በጣም በጣም ማስታወቅያ በዛበት 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍
ቃለ ሕይወት ያሰማልኝ ያገልግሎት ዘመንህን ይባርክልን
አቤቱ ማረን ሁሉም ይቻልሀል እግዚዮ
በእውነት ቃለሂዎትን ያሰማልን አሜን አሜን አሜን🙏🙏🙏
ማቅረብህ መልካም ነው ። ስህተትህ ግን ሔኖክ መጀመሪያ የጻፈው በግእዝ ነው።
Thank you for sharing this with us. What a blessed and chosen country Ethiopia is.
እግዚኣብሔር ቃለህዎት ያሰማልን
ፈጣሪ ዘመንህን ይባርከው
እግዚአብሔረ ይስጥልን ቃለሂወት ያሰማልን
ቃለሂወት ያሰማልን ይጠብቅህ🥰🥰🤘🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲
እግዚ አብሔር ይባርካችሁ ይህን የመሰለ የእግዚ አብሔር ቃል ስላቀረባችሁል ቃለ ህይወትን ያሰማልን አሜን
Shame on you....
ስለ፡እውነት፡ከተወያየን፡ወንድሜ፡በቃላት፡ብዙዎቻችን፡ሲወድቁ፡እናያለን።ለምሳሌ፡መላእክት፡ወይንም፡መለአክ፡የሚለውን፡ቃል፡ስንመለከት።ፕሮቴስታንቱ፡እነሚካኤልን፡ይጠቁማል።ነገር፡ግን፡መለአክ፡የሚለው፡ቃል፡ሌሎች፡ትርጉሞች፡አሉት።By the way this misunderstanding led many to think the book Henok wasn't truthfull because they thought it said Angels has children with human beings. Just because the word መልአክ was used but it didn't mean angel.
What is Etymology?
et·y·mol·o·gy is a noun and it means the study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history.
Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh,the Geez መልአክ and the Amharic መልአክ are put for debate. malakhim is the plural form in hebrew while መላእክት is the plural form of መልአክ in both Geez and in Amharic.
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Angels in Judaism For other uses, see Malach. In Judaism an angel (Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh, plural malakhim) is a messenger of God, an angelic envoy or an angel in general who appears throughout the Hebrew Bible, Rabbinic literature, and traditional Jewish liturgy. Angels in Judaism are categorized in different hierarchies. Etymology Hebrew "mal'akh" (מַלְאָךְ) is the standard Hebrew Bible word for "messenger", [both human and divine], though it is less used for human messengers in Modern Hebrew[1] as the latter is usually denoted by the term shaliyah (שליח).
Here are the evidences below.
ክርስቲያን ነን ትላላችሁ ነገር ግን መላዕክት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር የግብረ ሥጋ ግንኙነት ይፈጽማሉ የሚለውን ሃሳብ ትደግፋላችሁ። ይህ ትምህርት የክርስቶስን ተአምራዊ ልደት ያዳክማል። ያልኩበት ምክንያት እግዚአብሔር በቅድስት ድንግል ማርያም በኩል ከሰው ልጆች ጋር አንድ በመሆኑ ነው። ይህ በእግዚአብሔር እና በሰው መካከል ያለው አንድነት ያልተለመደ ክስተት ሆኖ ተመዝግቧል። ነገር ግን መላእክት ከእግዚአብሔር በፊት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር ተደባልቀው ነበር ማለቱ የኢየሱስን መወለድ በእርግጥ ይጎዳል። በመጀመሪያ ደረጃ, መላእክት የመራቢያ አካላት የላቸውም. መላእክት የማይራቡበት ምክንያት የዘላለም ሕይወት ስላላቸው ነው። እኛ ሰዎች ፣ ሟቾች ነን ፣ ግን መላእክት አይሞቱም። በዚህ ምክንያት ነው የምንባዛው. የቪዲዮው ደራሲ በጣም አስከፊ ስህተት ሰርቷል። መልአክ የሚለውን ቃል ፍቺ አላጠናም። በዕብራይስጥም በግእዝና በአማርኛም መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ሦስት ትርጉም አለው። መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ለሰው ልጆች ጥቅም ላይ ሊውል ይችላል. አንድ ሰው የቤተ ክርስቲያን መሪ ከሆነ መልአክ ተብሎ ይጠራል። ሚካኤል ወይም ገብርኤል መላእክት ይባላሉ። ሦስተኛው ትርጉም መልእክተኞች መሆን ነው። ለምሳሌ የነቢዩ ሚልክያስ ስም የመጣው መልአክ ከሚለው ቃል ነው።አሁን ከመጽሐፍ ቅዱስ ላሳይ።
ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ:ምዕራፍ፴፮:፩ወመጽኡ መላእክተ:ነገደ:ቤተ:አቡሁ:ለገላአድ:ወልደ ማኪር:ወልደ:መናሴ:ዘእምነገደ:ደቂቀ:ዮሴፍ:ወይቤሉ:ቅድመ:ሙሴ:ወቅድመ:እልዓዛር:ካህን:ወቅድመ:[መላእክተ:]አብያተ:አበዊሆሙ:ለደቂቀ:እስራኤል ።
ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ ምዕራፍ ፴፮:፩ከዮሴፍ ልጆች:ወገኖች:የምናሴ:ልጅ:የማኪር:ልጅ የገለዓድ:ልጆች:ወገን:አለቆች:ቀረቡ፥በሙሴና:በእስራኤልም:ልጆች:አባቶች:[አለቆች]:ፊት:ተናገሩ፤
መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩ ወእሉ፡እሙንቱ[መላእክተ]አበዊሆሙ፡ እለ፡ ተኈለቁ፡ይዕርጉ፡ምስሌየ፡በመንግሥተ፡አርተሰስታ፡ንጉሥ፡እምባቢሎን።
መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩በንጉሡ:በአርጤክስስ:መንግሥት:ከእኔ:ጋር:ከባቢሎን: የወጡ:የአባቶች:ቤቶች:[አለቆች]እነዚህ:ናቸው:ትውልዳቸውም:ይህ:ነው፤
Mezmure dawit 68 in Geez
"27በጽሑ፡መላእክት፡ወቦሙ፡መዘምራነ ፤ማእከለ፡ደናግል፡ዘባጥያተ፡ከበሮ።
Mezmure dawit 68 in Amharic
25አለቆች:ቀደሙ፥መዘምራንም:ተከተሉ፤ ከበሮን:በሚመቱ:በቈነጃጅት:መካከል። 26እግዚአብሔርን:በጉባኤ፥ጌታችንንም: በእስራኤል:ምንጭ:አመስግኑት።
27ወጣቱ:ብንያም:በጕልበቱ:በዚያ:አለ፥ ገዦቻቸው:የይሁዳ:አለቆች:የዛብሎን:አለቆችና:የንፍታሌምም:አለቆች።
Mezmure dawit 68 in English
26Bless ye God in the congregations, even the Lord, from the fountain of Israel. 27There is little Benjamin with their ruler, the princes of Judah and their council, the princes of Zebulun, and the princes of Naphtali. 28Thy God hath commanded thy strength: strengthen, O God, that which thou hast wrought for us.
A)መላእክተ፡ይሁዳ= in geez B)የይሁዳ አለቆች = in Amharic C)Judah and their council All 3 are not talking about flying angels.
Revelation2:1በኤፌሶን:ወዳለው:ወደ ቤተ:ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ።በቀኝ:እጁ:ሰባቱን:ከዋክብት:የያዘው:በሰባቱም:የወርቅ:መቅረዞች:መካከል:የሚሄደው:እንዲህ:ይላል።
Revelation 2:1Unto the [angel of the church of Ephesus] write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks
Rev3:1ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያናት፡ዘሰርዴስ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ዘቦ፡ሰብዐተ፡መንፈስ፡ዘእምኀበ፡እግዚአብሔር፡ወሰብዐተ፡ኮከበ ።
Rev3:1በሰርዴስም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ: ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ። ሰባቱ:የእግዚአብሔር:መናፍስትና:ሰባቱ: ከዋክብት:ያሉት:እንዲህ:ይላል።ሥራህን አውቃለሁ:ሕያው:እንደ:መሆንህ:ስም:አለህ:ሞተህማል።
Rev3:7ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ ክርስቲያን፡ዘፊልድልፍያ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ቅዱስ፡ወጻድቅ፡ዘኀቤሁ፡ይነብር፡ኵሉ፡መራኁተ ፡ ቤተ፡ዳዊት።
Revelation3:7በፊልድልፍያም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ:ክርስቲያን[መልአክ]እንዲህ ብለህ:ጻፍ።የዳዊት:መክፈቻ:ያለው፤የሚከፍት፥የሚዘጋም:የሌለ፤የሚዘጋ፥የሚከፍትም:የሌለ፤g።
Anak[ עֲנָק] in Hebrew it means Giant
Anakim[עֲנָקִים] in Hebrew it means Giants
If Anak means Giant and Nephilim means Giants why do people make such error in thinking it means fallen angels? The answer is simple the hebrew word Nephilim looks like the word Nophlim when writen in Hebrew like so
. They are similar words at first glance but they have very different spelling and pronunciation.
Example of Nophelim in the Bible.
Deut22:4Thou shalt not see thy brother's ass or his ox fall downby the way, and hide thyself from them: thou shalt surely help him to lift them up again.
ד לֹא-תִרְאֶה אֶת-חֲמוֹר אָחִיךָ אוֹ שׁוֹרוֹ, [נֹפְלִים] בַּדֶּרֶךְ, וְהִתְעַלַּמְתָּ, מֵהֶם: הָקֵם תָּקִים, עִמּוֹ.
Also it is important to notice that there is a colon between Nephilim and Anak even in the Amharic translation. As you know a colon is used to describe what is already mentioned in the sentence.
ወንድማችን ቃለ ህይወት ያሠማልን
አይገርምም ኢትዮጵያዊ በመሆኔ እራሴን እድለኛ አድርጌ ቆጠርኩት🇪🇹🇪🇹🇪🇹
It is important to remember that in bible the word angel has 3 different usage.
3)The creature (Michael, Gebriel...)
For example in the book of revelation it uses the expression "the angel of the church". This angel of the church is not a heavenly creature with wings but in fact the Bishop. Revelation 2:1Unto the [angel of the church of Ephesus] write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks
Now the book of Enoch and the Book of Jubilee were preserved in the Ge'ez language better known in the western world as Ethiopic.
In Ge'ez langual an angel in single form is መልአክ while angels is መላእክት and when you want to say [angels of...] the last letter in መላእክ[ት] becomes መላእክ[ተ]
Now i will give various examples where the word መላእክት was used in the bible and it was translated as Chief or leader and not as a heavenly creature. In addition to the above 2 books Moses wrote in Genesis6ውሉደ:እግዚአብሔር which means the sons of God."ወሶበ፡ርእዩ፡[ውሉደ፡እግዚአብሔር]፡አዋልደ፡ሰብእ፡ከመ፡ሠናያት፡እማንቱ፡ነሥኡ፡እምኔሆን፡አንስትያ፡ዘኀረዩ፡ወዘአፍቀሩ።
Example #1 In the book of Numbers36:1 the word መላእክተ is seen twice in the verse and it was translated as [the chief]
ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ:ምዕራፍ፴፮:፩ወመጽኡ [መላእክተ]:ነገደ:ቤተ:አቡሁ:ለገላአድ:ወልደ ማኪር:ወልደ:መናሴ:ዘእምነገደ:ደቂቀ:ዮሴፍ:ወይቤሉ:ቅድመ:ሙሴ:ወቅድመ:እልዓዛር:ካህን:ወቅድመ:[መላእክተ:]አብያተ:አበዊሆሙ:ለደቂቀ:እስራኤል ።
Numbers 36:1And [the chief] fathers of the families of the children of Gilead, the son of Machir, the son of Manasseh, of the families of the sons of Joseph, came near, and spake before Moses, and before the princes, [the chief] fathers of the children of Israel:
Example #2 In Exodus 6:14 the word መላእክት was translated as "the heads" as in leaders...
Exod6:14These be the heads of their fathers' houses: The sons of Reuben the firstborn of Israel; Hanoch, and Pallu, Hezron, and Carmi: these be the families of Reuben.
Again we see the word(መላእክት) really meaning the heads (the leaders)
Example #3 In the book of Ezra 8:1 the word መላእክተ was translated as "The heads of"
መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩ ወእሉ፡እሙንቱ[መላእክተ]አበዊሆሙ፡ እለ፡ ተኈለቁ፡ይዕርጉ፡ምስሌየ፡በመንግሥተ፡አርተሰስታ፡ንጉሥ፡እምባቢሎን።
Ezra 8:1
These are now the heads of their fathers' houses, and this is the genealogy of them that went up with me from Babylon, in the reign of Artaxerxes the king.
Example #4 Psalm 68 the word [መላእክተ] several times and each time it was translated as [Rulers of or Prince of]
Mezmure dawit 68 in Geez
"27በጽሑ፡መላእክት፡ወቦሙ፡መዘምራነ ፤ማእከለ፡ደናግል፡ዘባጥያተ፡ከበሮ።
Psalm 68
26Bless ye God in the congregations, even the Lord, from the fountain of Israel. 27There is little Benjamin with their ruler, the princes of Judah and their council, the princes of Zebulun, and the princes of Naphtali. 28Thy God hath commanded thy strength: strengthen, O God, that which thou hast wrought for us.
Example#5 In the book of Revelation2:1 the word መልአከ which is angel in singular form.This word was translated as Angel.
Angel of the church is understood by all christians that it means the Bishop or leader of the church and not a referrence to a heavenly ctreature with wings.
Revelation 2:1Unto the [angel of the church of Ephesus] write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks
When people have discussion about the book of Enoch and the book of Jubilee.They often conclude that some Angels came from the heavens and began mixing with humans.This is because both books use the following words and expressions [ወረዱ፡መላእክተ፡እግዚአብሔር] which translates into english as the Angels of God came down.Another word both the book of Enoch and the book of Jubilee use is ትጉሃነ or ትጉሃን which means the pure, the righteous humans. Unfortunetly, this very word was mistranslated as "the watchers". Which further led non ge'ez speakers into thinking that actual fallen Angels mixed with mankind who they think are the nephilim/the giants.
The question is who are these angels that descended on to the earth that the book of Enoch and the book of jubilee talks about.Specificaly the book of jubilee says the following [ወረዱ፡መላእክተ፡እግዚአብሔር].
The Amharic translation states that they are the descendant of Seth. Seth being the replacement of Abel who was murdered by his brother Cain. The descendants of Seth were at the time the purest people on earth. They kept God's laws. Here is the book of Jubilee in Ge'ez
ወበካልእ፡ሱባዔ፡ዘዓሥር፡ኢዮቤልዩ ፡ነሥአ፡ሎቱ፡መላልኤል፡ዲናሃ፡ወለተ፡በራክሔል፡ወለተ፡እኅተ፡አቡሁ፡ሎቱ፡ብእሲተ፡ወወለደት፡ሎቱ ፡ወልደ ፡በሱባዔ፡ሣልስ፡በሳድስ፡ዓመቱ፡ወጸውዐ፡ስሞ፡ያሬድሃ።እስመ፡በመዋዕሊሁ፡[ወረዱ፡መላእክተ ፡እግዚአብሔር]፡ውስተ፡ምድር፡እለ፡ተሰምዩ፡[ትጉሃነ]፡ከመ፡ይምሀርዎሙ፡ለደቂቀ፡እጓለ፡እመሕያው ፡ ይግበሩ፡ፍትሐ፡ወርትዐ፡በዲበ፡ምድር።
Here is the Amharic translation.
በአሥረኛው ኢዮቤልዩ በሁለተኛው ዓመት መላልኤል ሚስት ትሆነው ዘንድ የአባቱን ወንድም የበራኪሂልን ልጅ ዲናን አገባ። በሦስተኛው ሱባዔ በስድስተኛው ዓመት ወንድ ልጅ ወለደችለት ስሙንም ያሮድ አለው። [በዘመኑ ትጉሃን የተባሉ የእግዚአብሔር አገልጋዮች የሚሆኑ የሴት ልጆች] በዚህ ዓለም የቀና ሥራንና ፍርድን ያደርጉ ዘንድ ለሰው ልጆች ሊያስተምሩአቸው ወደ ምድር ወርደዋልና።
In the book of Enoch it uses the expession
[መላእክት፡ውሉደ፡ሰማያት] which the translates into angels sons of heaven.The Amharic translation shines some lights on who these "angels sons of heaven" really are. It says there are (ደቂቀ ሴት) which means the children of Seth.
Here is the book of Enoch in Ge'ez and below i have posted the book of Enoch in Amharic.
[የሰው ልጆች] ከበዙ በኋላ እንዲህ ሆነ። በዚያ ወራትም መልክ መልካሞች ደመ ግቡዎች ልጆች ተወለዱላቸው በደብር ቅዱስ ያሉ [ደቂቀ ሴትም] እነሱን አይተው ወደዷቸው። እሰበሳቸውም ኑ ለኛ [ከቃየል ልጆች ሴቸችን እንምረጥ] ለኛ ልጆችን አንውለድ አሉ።
እግዚአብሔር ይመስገን::
የኦርቶዶክስ ተዋህዶ ልጆች subscribe አርጉኝ መዝሙር ያገኛሉ፡
እጅግ በጣም አስተማሪ የሆነ ትረካ ነው በረከታቸው ይደርብን እናመሰግናለን ወንድማችን ቃለ ህይዎትን ያሰማልን
Shame on you....
ስለ፡እውነት፡ከተወያየን፡ወንድሜ፡በቃላት፡ብዙዎቻችን፡ሲወድቁ፡እናያለን።ለምሳሌ፡መላእክት፡ወይንም፡መለአክ፡የሚለውን፡ቃል፡ስንመለከት።ፕሮቴስታንቱ፡እነሚካኤልን፡ይጠቁማል።ነገር፡ግን፡መለአክ፡የሚለው፡ቃል፡ሌሎች፡ትርጉሞች፡አሉት።By the way this misunderstanding led many to think the book Henok wasn't truthfull because they thought it said Angels has children with human beings. Just because the word መልአክ was used but it didn't mean angel.
What is Etymology?
et·y·mol·o·gy is a noun and it means the study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history.
Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh,the Geez መልአክ and the Amharic መልአክ are put for debate. malakhim is the plural form in hebrew while መላእክት is the plural form of መልአክ in both Geez and in Amharic.
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Angels in Judaism For other uses, see Malach. In Judaism an angel (Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh, plural malakhim) is a messenger of God, an angelic envoy or an angel in general who appears throughout the Hebrew Bible, Rabbinic literature, and traditional Jewish liturgy. Angels in Judaism are categorized in different hierarchies. Etymology Hebrew "mal'akh" (מַלְאָךְ) is the standard Hebrew Bible word for "messenger", [both human and divine], though it is less used for human messengers in Modern Hebrew[1] as the latter is usually denoted by the term shaliyah (שליח).
Here are the evidences below.
ክርስቲያን ነን ትላላችሁ ነገር ግን መላዕክት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር የግብረ ሥጋ ግንኙነት ይፈጽማሉ የሚለውን ሃሳብ ትደግፋላችሁ። ይህ ትምህርት የክርስቶስን ተአምራዊ ልደት ያዳክማል። ያልኩበት ምክንያት እግዚአብሔር በቅድስት ድንግል ማርያም በኩል ከሰው ልጆች ጋር አንድ በመሆኑ ነው። ይህ በእግዚአብሔር እና በሰው መካከል ያለው አንድነት ያልተለመደ ክስተት ሆኖ ተመዝግቧል። ነገር ግን መላእክት ከእግዚአብሔር በፊት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር ተደባልቀው ነበር ማለቱ የኢየሱስን መወለድ በእርግጥ ይጎዳል። በመጀመሪያ ደረጃ, መላእክት የመራቢያ አካላት የላቸውም. መላእክት የማይራቡበት ምክንያት የዘላለም ሕይወት ስላላቸው ነው። እኛ ሰዎች ፣ ሟቾች ነን ፣ ግን መላእክት አይሞቱም። በዚህ ምክንያት ነው የምንባዛው. የቪዲዮው ደራሲ በጣም አስከፊ ስህተት ሰርቷል። መልአክ የሚለውን ቃል ፍቺ አላጠናም። በዕብራይስጥም በግእዝና በአማርኛም መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ሦስት ትርጉም አለው። መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ለሰው ልጆች ጥቅም ላይ ሊውል ይችላል. አንድ ሰው የቤተ ክርስቲያን መሪ ከሆነ መልአክ ተብሎ ይጠራል። ሚካኤል ወይም ገብርኤል መላእክት ይባላሉ። ሦስተኛው ትርጉም መልእክተኞች መሆን ነው። ለምሳሌ የነቢዩ ሚልክያስ ስም የመጣው መልአክ ከሚለው ቃል ነው።አሁን ከመጽሐፍ ቅዱስ ላሳይ።
ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ:ምዕራፍ፴፮:፩ወመጽኡ መላእክተ:ነገደ:ቤተ:አቡሁ:ለገላአድ:ወልደ ማኪር:ወልደ:መናሴ:ዘእምነገደ:ደቂቀ:ዮሴፍ:ወይቤሉ:ቅድመ:ሙሴ:ወቅድመ:እልዓዛር:ካህን:ወቅድመ:[መላእክተ:]አብያተ:አበዊሆሙ:ለደቂቀ:እስራኤል ።
ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ ምዕራፍ ፴፮:፩ከዮሴፍ ልጆች:ወገኖች:የምናሴ:ልጅ:የማኪር:ልጅ የገለዓድ:ልጆች:ወገን:አለቆች:ቀረቡ፥በሙሴና:በእስራኤልም:ልጆች:አባቶች:[አለቆች]:ፊት:ተናገሩ፤
መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩ ወእሉ፡እሙንቱ[መላእክተ]አበዊሆሙ፡ እለ፡ ተኈለቁ፡ይዕርጉ፡ምስሌየ፡በመንግሥተ፡አርተሰስታ፡ንጉሥ፡እምባቢሎን።
መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩በንጉሡ:በአርጤክስስ:መንግሥት:ከእኔ:ጋር:ከባቢሎን: የወጡ:የአባቶች:ቤቶች:[አለቆች]እነዚህ:ናቸው:ትውልዳቸውም:ይህ:ነው፤
Mezmure dawit 68 in Geez
"27በጽሑ፡መላእክት፡ወቦሙ፡መዘምራነ ፤ማእከለ፡ደናግል፡ዘባጥያተ፡ከበሮ።
Mezmure dawit 68 in Amharic
25አለቆች:ቀደሙ፥መዘምራንም:ተከተሉ፤ ከበሮን:በሚመቱ:በቈነጃጅት:መካከል። 26እግዚአብሔርን:በጉባኤ፥ጌታችንንም: በእስራኤል:ምንጭ:አመስግኑት።
27ወጣቱ:ብንያም:በጕልበቱ:በዚያ:አለ፥ ገዦቻቸው:የይሁዳ:አለቆች:የዛብሎን:አለቆችና:የንፍታሌምም:አለቆች።
Mezmure dawit 68 in English
26Bless ye God in the congregations, even the Lord, from the fountain of Israel. 27There is little Benjamin with their ruler, the princes of Judah and their council, the princes of Zebulun, and the princes of Naphtali. 28Thy God hath commanded thy strength: strengthen, O God, that which thou hast wrought for us.
A)መላእክተ፡ይሁዳ= in geez B)የይሁዳ አለቆች = in Amharic C)Judah and their council All 3 are not talking about flying angels.
Revelation2:1በኤፌሶን:ወዳለው:ወደ ቤተ:ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ።በቀኝ:እጁ:ሰባቱን:ከዋክብት:የያዘው:በሰባቱም:የወርቅ:መቅረዞች:መካከል:የሚሄደው:እንዲህ:ይላል።
Revelation 2:1Unto the [angel of the church of Ephesus] write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks
Rev3:1ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያናት፡ዘሰርዴስ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ዘቦ፡ሰብዐተ፡መንፈስ፡ዘእምኀበ፡እግዚአብሔር፡ወሰብዐተ፡ኮከበ ።
Rev3:1በሰርዴስም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ: ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ። ሰባቱ:የእግዚአብሔር:መናፍስትና:ሰባቱ: ከዋክብት:ያሉት:እንዲህ:ይላል።ሥራህን አውቃለሁ:ሕያው:እንደ:መሆንህ:ስም:አለህ:ሞተህማል።
Rev3:7ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ ክርስቲያን፡ዘፊልድልፍያ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ቅዱስ፡ወጻድቅ፡ዘኀቤሁ፡ይነብር፡ኵሉ፡መራኁተ ፡ ቤተ፡ዳዊት።
Revelation3:7በፊልድልፍያም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ:ክርስቲያን[መልአክ]እንዲህ ብለህ:ጻፍ።የዳዊት:መክፈቻ:ያለው፤የሚከፍት፥የሚዘጋም:የሌለ፤የሚዘጋ፥የሚከፍትም:የሌለ፤g።
Anak[ עֲנָק] in Hebrew it means Giant
Anakim[עֲנָקִים] in Hebrew it means Giants
If Anak means Giant and Nephilim means Giants why do people make such error in thinking it means fallen angels? The answer is simple the hebrew word Nephilim looks like the word Nophlim when writen in Hebrew like so
. They are similar words at first glance but they have very different spelling and pronunciation.
Example of Nophelim in the Bible.
Deut22:4Thou shalt not see thy brother's ass or his ox fall downby the way, and hide thyself from them: thou shalt surely help him to lift them up again.
ד לֹא-תִרְאֶה אֶת-חֲמוֹר אָחִיךָ אוֹ שׁוֹרוֹ, [נֹפְלִים] בַּדֶּרֶךְ, וְהִתְעַלַּמְתָּ, מֵהֶם: הָקֵם תָּקִים, עִמּוֹ.
Also it is important to notice that there is a colon between Nephilim and Anak even in the Amharic translation. As you know a colon is used to describe what is already mentioned in the sentence.
@@bereshitbaraelohim9471 ጥያቄ አለኝ ወንድሜ በምን ላግኝክ
@@alem2334 አለሁኝ፡ጥያቄሽን፡ጻፊልኝ።እኔም፡እመልስልሻለሁ።
@@bereshitbaraelohim9471 መላዕክት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር ግብረ ስጋ ግንኙነት ይፈፅማሉ ማለት እንዴት ሆኖ ነው የየሱስን ልደት የሚያራክሰው ማርያም እኮ እየሱስን የወለደችው በድንግልና ነው የፀነሰችውም ይቅር ይበለኝና ከእግዚአብሔር ወይም ከመላዕክት ጋር ተኝታ አይደለም እንዴት ሆኖ ነው ልደቱን የሚያራክሰው
@@alem2334 እንደምታውቂው እግዚአብሔር መንፈስ ነው።መላእክትም መንፈሶች ናቸው።
አሞላክ ይስጥልን
egzabher edmen tena yehabely (qale hiwet yasemalgni)
እግዚአብሔር ይመሥገን ቃለሒወት ያሠማልን በቤቱ ያፅናልን እኛም የሠማነውን ሠላሳ ሥልሳ መቶ ፍሬ የምናፈራ ያድርገን አሜን
Shame on you....
ስለ፡እውነት፡ከተወያየን፡ወንድሜ፡በቃላት፡ብዙዎቻችን፡ሲወድቁ፡እናያለን።ለምሳሌ፡መላእክት፡ወይንም፡መለአክ፡የሚለውን፡ቃል፡ስንመለከት።ፕሮቴስታንቱ፡እነሚካኤልን፡ይጠቁማል።ነገር፡ግን፡መለአክ፡የሚለው፡ቃል፡ሌሎች፡ትርጉሞች፡አሉት።By the way this misunderstanding led many to think the book Henok wasn't truthfull because they thought it said Angels has children with human beings. Just because the word መልአክ was used but it didn't mean angel.
What is Etymology?
et·y·mol·o·gy is a noun and it means the study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history.
Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh,the Geez መልአክ and the Amharic መልአክ are put for debate. malakhim is the plural form in hebrew while መላእክት is the plural form of መልአክ in both Geez and in Amharic.
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Angels in Judaism For other uses, see Malach. In Judaism an angel (Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh, plural malakhim) is a messenger of God, an angelic envoy or an angel in general who appears throughout the Hebrew Bible, Rabbinic literature, and traditional Jewish liturgy. Angels in Judaism are categorized in different hierarchies. Etymology Hebrew "mal'akh" (מַלְאָךְ) is the standard Hebrew Bible word for "messenger", [both human and divine], though it is less used for human messengers in Modern Hebrew[1] as the latter is usually denoted by the term shaliyah (שליח).
Here are the evidences below.
ክርስቲያን ነን ትላላችሁ ነገር ግን መላዕክት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር የግብረ ሥጋ ግንኙነት ይፈጽማሉ የሚለውን ሃሳብ ትደግፋላችሁ። ይህ ትምህርት የክርስቶስን ተአምራዊ ልደት ያዳክማል። ያልኩበት ምክንያት እግዚአብሔር በቅድስት ድንግል ማርያም በኩል ከሰው ልጆች ጋር አንድ በመሆኑ ነው። ይህ በእግዚአብሔር እና በሰው መካከል ያለው አንድነት ያልተለመደ ክስተት ሆኖ ተመዝግቧል። ነገር ግን መላእክት ከእግዚአብሔር በፊት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር ተደባልቀው ነበር ማለቱ የኢየሱስን መወለድ በእርግጥ ይጎዳል። በመጀመሪያ ደረጃ, መላእክት የመራቢያ አካላት የላቸውም. መላእክት የማይራቡበት ምክንያት የዘላለም ሕይወት ስላላቸው ነው። እኛ ሰዎች ፣ ሟቾች ነን ፣ ግን መላእክት አይሞቱም። በዚህ ምክንያት ነው የምንባዛው. የቪዲዮው ደራሲ በጣም አስከፊ ስህተት ሰርቷል። መልአክ የሚለውን ቃል ፍቺ አላጠናም። በዕብራይስጥም በግእዝና በአማርኛም መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ሦስት ትርጉም አለው። መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ለሰው ልጆች ጥቅም ላይ ሊውል ይችላል. አንድ ሰው የቤተ ክርስቲያን መሪ ከሆነ መልአክ ተብሎ ይጠራል። ሚካኤል ወይም ገብርኤል መላእክት ይባላሉ። ሦስተኛው ትርጉም መልእክተኞች መሆን ነው። ለምሳሌ የነቢዩ ሚልክያስ ስም የመጣው መልአክ ከሚለው ቃል ነው።አሁን ከመጽሐፍ ቅዱስ ላሳይ።
ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ:ምዕራፍ፴፮:፩ወመጽኡ መላእክተ:ነገደ:ቤተ:አቡሁ:ለገላአድ:ወልደ ማኪር:ወልደ:መናሴ:ዘእምነገደ:ደቂቀ:ዮሴፍ:ወይቤሉ:ቅድመ:ሙሴ:ወቅድመ:እልዓዛር:ካህን:ወቅድመ:[መላእክተ:]አብያተ:አበዊሆሙ:ለደቂቀ:እስራኤል ።
ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ ምዕራፍ ፴፮:፩ከዮሴፍ ልጆች:ወገኖች:የምናሴ:ልጅ:የማኪር:ልጅ የገለዓድ:ልጆች:ወገን:አለቆች:ቀረቡ፥በሙሴና:በእስራኤልም:ልጆች:አባቶች:[አለቆች]:ፊት:ተናገሩ፤
መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩ ወእሉ፡እሙንቱ[መላእክተ]አበዊሆሙ፡ እለ፡ ተኈለቁ፡ይዕርጉ፡ምስሌየ፡በመንግሥተ፡አርተሰስታ፡ንጉሥ፡እምባቢሎን።
መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩በንጉሡ:በአርጤክስስ:መንግሥት:ከእኔ:ጋር:ከባቢሎን: የወጡ:የአባቶች:ቤቶች:[አለቆች]እነዚህ:ናቸው:ትውልዳቸውም:ይህ:ነው፤
Mezmure dawit 68 in Geez
"27በጽሑ፡መላእክት፡ወቦሙ፡መዘምራነ ፤ማእከለ፡ደናግል፡ዘባጥያተ፡ከበሮ።
Mezmure dawit 68 in Amharic
25አለቆች:ቀደሙ፥መዘምራንም:ተከተሉ፤ ከበሮን:በሚመቱ:በቈነጃጅት:መካከል። 26እግዚአብሔርን:በጉባኤ፥ጌታችንንም: በእስራኤል:ምንጭ:አመስግኑት።
27ወጣቱ:ብንያም:በጕልበቱ:በዚያ:አለ፥ ገዦቻቸው:የይሁዳ:አለቆች:የዛብሎን:አለቆችና:የንፍታሌምም:አለቆች።
Mezmure dawit 68 in English
26Bless ye God in the congregations, even the Lord, from the fountain of Israel. 27There is little Benjamin with their ruler, the princes of Judah and their council, the princes of Zebulun, and the princes of Naphtali. 28Thy God hath commanded thy strength: strengthen, O God, that which thou hast wrought for us.
A)መላእክተ፡ይሁዳ= in geez B)የይሁዳ አለቆች = in Amharic C)Judah and their council All 3 are not talking about flying angels.
Revelation2:1በኤፌሶን:ወዳለው:ወደ ቤተ:ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ።በቀኝ:እጁ:ሰባቱን:ከዋክብት:የያዘው:በሰባቱም:የወርቅ:መቅረዞች:መካከል:የሚሄደው:እንዲህ:ይላል።
Revelation 2:1Unto the [angel of the church of Ephesus] write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks
Rev3:1ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያናት፡ዘሰርዴስ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ዘቦ፡ሰብዐተ፡መንፈስ፡ዘእምኀበ፡እግዚአብሔር፡ወሰብዐተ፡ኮከበ ።
Rev3:1በሰርዴስም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ: ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ። ሰባቱ:የእግዚአብሔር:መናፍስትና:ሰባቱ: ከዋክብት:ያሉት:እንዲህ:ይላል።ሥራህን አውቃለሁ:ሕያው:እንደ:መሆንህ:ስም:አለህ:ሞተህማል።
Rev3:7ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ ክርስቲያን፡ዘፊልድልፍያ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ቅዱስ፡ወጻድቅ፡ዘኀቤሁ፡ይነብር፡ኵሉ፡መራኁተ ፡ ቤተ፡ዳዊት።
Revelation3:7በፊልድልፍያም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ:ክርስቲያን[መልአክ]እንዲህ ብለህ:ጻፍ።የዳዊት:መክፈቻ:ያለው፤የሚከፍት፥የሚዘጋም:የሌለ፤የሚዘጋ፥የሚከፍትም:የሌለ፤g።
Anak[ עֲנָק] in Hebrew it means Giant
Anakim[עֲנָקִים] in Hebrew it means Giants
If Anak means Giant and Nephilim means Giants why do people make such error in thinking it means fallen angels? The answer is simple the hebrew word Nephilim looks like the word Nophlim when writen in Hebrew like so
. They are similar words at first glance but they have very different spelling and pronunciation.
Example of Nophelim in the Bible.
Deut22:4Thou shalt not see thy brother's ass or his ox fall downby the way, and hide thyself from them: thou shalt surely help him to lift them up again.
ד לֹא-תִרְאֶה אֶת-חֲמוֹר אָחִיךָ אוֹ שׁוֹרוֹ, [נֹפְלִים] בַּדֶּרֶךְ, וְהִתְעַלַּמְתָּ, מֵהֶם: הָקֵם תָּקִים, עִמּוֹ.
Also it is important to notice that there is a colon between Nephilim and Anak even in the Amharic translation. As you know a colon is used to describe what is already mentioned in the sentence.
መፅሐፈ ሔኖክ በወሎ ክፈለ ሀገር ግሼን ማርያም ሙዜም ኦርጅናሉ እንዳለ በአንድ ወቅት ጎብኝተን የቤተክርስቲያኑ አሰጎበኝ አሰረድተውናል ሁሉ ነገር ከሀገራችን አጥፋ መርምሩ እጊዚአብሔር ከእናተ ጋር ይሁን አሜን
Shame on you....
ስለ፡እውነት፡ከተወያየን፡ወንድሜ፡በቃላት፡ብዙዎቻችን፡ሲወድቁ፡እናያለን።ለምሳሌ፡መላእክት፡ወይንም፡መለአክ፡የሚለውን፡ቃል፡ስንመለከት።ፕሮቴስታንቱ፡እነሚካኤልን፡ይጠቁማል።ነገር፡ግን፡መለአክ፡የሚለው፡ቃል፡ሌሎች፡ትርጉሞች፡አሉት።By the way this misunderstanding led many to think the book Henok wasn't truthfull because they thought it said Angels has children with human beings. Just because the word መልአክ was used but it didn't mean angel.
What is Etymology?
et·y·mol·o·gy is a noun and it means the study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history.
Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh,the Geez መልአክ and the Amharic መልአክ are put for debate. malakhim is the plural form in hebrew while መላእክት is the plural form of መልአክ in both Geez and in Amharic.
________________________________ _________________________________
Angels in Judaism For other uses, see Malach. In Judaism an angel (Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh, plural malakhim) is a messenger of God, an angelic envoy or an angel in general who appears throughout the Hebrew Bible, Rabbinic literature, and traditional Jewish liturgy. Angels in Judaism are categorized in different hierarchies. Etymology Hebrew "mal'akh" (מַלְאָךְ) is the standard Hebrew Bible word for "messenger", [both human and divine], though it is less used for human messengers in Modern Hebrew[1] as the latter is usually denoted by the term shaliyah (שליח).
Here are the evidences below.
ክርስቲያን ነን ትላላችሁ ነገር ግን መላዕክት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር የግብረ ሥጋ ግንኙነት ይፈጽማሉ የሚለውን ሃሳብ ትደግፋላችሁ። ይህ ትምህርት የክርስቶስን ተአምራዊ ልደት ያዳክማል። ያልኩበት ምክንያት እግዚአብሔር በቅድስት ድንግል ማርያም በኩል ከሰው ልጆች ጋር አንድ በመሆኑ ነው። ይህ በእግዚአብሔር እና በሰው መካከል ያለው አንድነት ያልተለመደ ክስተት ሆኖ ተመዝግቧል። ነገር ግን መላእክት ከእግዚአብሔር በፊት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር ተደባልቀው ነበር ማለቱ የኢየሱስን መወለድ በእርግጥ ይጎዳል። በመጀመሪያ ደረጃ, መላእክት የመራቢያ አካላት የላቸውም. መላእክት የማይራቡበት ምክንያት የዘላለም ሕይወት ስላላቸው ነው። እኛ ሰዎች ፣ ሟቾች ነን ፣ ግን መላእክት አይሞቱም። በዚህ ምክንያት ነው የምንባዛው. የቪዲዮው ደራሲ በጣም አስከፊ ስህተት ሰርቷል። መልአክ የሚለውን ቃል ፍቺ አላጠናም። በዕብራይስጥም በግእዝና በአማርኛም መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ሦስት ትርጉም አለው። መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ለሰው ልጆች ጥቅም ላይ ሊውል ይችላል. አንድ ሰው የቤተ ክርስቲያን መሪ ከሆነ መልአክ ተብሎ ይጠራል። ሚካኤል ወይም ገብርኤል መላእክት ይባላሉ። ሦስተኛው ትርጉም መልእክተኞች መሆን ነው። ለምሳሌ የነቢዩ ሚልክያስ ስም የመጣው መልአክ ከሚለው ቃል ነው።አሁን ከመጽሐፍ ቅዱስ ላሳይ።
ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ:ምዕራፍ፴፮:፩ወመጽኡ መላእክተ:ነገደ:ቤተ:አቡሁ:ለገላአድ:ወልደ ማኪር:ወልደ:መናሴ:ዘእምነገደ:ደቂቀ:ዮሴፍ:ወይቤሉ:ቅድመ:ሙሴ:ወቅድመ:እልዓዛር:ካህን:ወቅድመ:[መላእክተ:]አብያተ:አበዊሆሙ:ለደቂቀ:እስራኤል ።
ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ ምዕራፍ ፴፮:፩ከዮሴፍ ልጆች:ወገኖች:የምናሴ:ልጅ:የማኪር:ልጅ የገለዓድ:ልጆች:ወገን:አለቆች:ቀረቡ፥በሙሴና:በእስራኤልም:ልጆች:አባቶች:[አለቆች]:ፊት:ተናገሩ፤
መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩ ወእሉ፡እሙንቱ[መላእክተ]አበዊሆሙ፡ እለ፡ ተኈለቁ፡ይዕርጉ፡ምስሌየ፡በመንግሥተ፡አርተሰስታ፡ንጉሥ፡እምባቢሎን።
መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩በንጉሡ:በአርጤክስስ:መንግሥት:ከእኔ:ጋር:ከባቢሎን: የወጡ:የአባቶች:ቤቶች:[አለቆች]እነዚህ:ናቸው:ትውልዳቸውም:ይህ:ነው፤
Mezmure dawit 68 in Geez
"27በጽሑ፡መላእክት፡ወቦሙ፡መዘምራነ ፤ማእከለ፡ደናግል፡ዘባጥያተ፡ከበሮ።
Mezmure dawit 68 in Amharic
25አለቆች:ቀደሙ፥መዘምራንም:ተከተሉ፤ ከበሮን:በሚመቱ:በቈነጃጅት:መካከል። 26እግዚአብሔርን:በጉባኤ፥ጌታችንንም: በእስራኤል:ምንጭ:አመስግኑት።
27ወጣቱ:ብንያም:በጕልበቱ:በዚያ:አለ፥ ገዦቻቸው:የይሁዳ:አለቆች:የዛብሎን:አለቆችና:የንፍታሌምም:አለቆች።
Mezmure dawit 68 in English
26Bless ye God in the congregations, even the Lord, from the fountain of Israel. 27There is little Benjamin with their ruler, the princes of Judah and their council, the princes of Zebulun, and the princes of Naphtali. 28Thy God hath commanded thy strength: strengthen, O God, that which thou hast wrought for us.
A)መላእክተ፡ይሁዳ= in geez B)የይሁዳ አለቆች = in Amharic C)Judah and their council All 3 are not talking about flying angels.
Revelation2:1በኤፌሶን:ወዳለው:ወደ ቤተ:ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ።በቀኝ:እጁ:ሰባቱን:ከዋክብት:የያዘው:በሰባቱም:የወርቅ:መቅረዞች:መካከል:የሚሄደው:እንዲህ:ይላል።
Revelation 2:1Unto the [angel of the church of Ephesus] write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks
Rev3:1ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያናት፡ዘሰርዴስ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ዘቦ፡ሰብዐተ፡መንፈስ፡ዘእምኀበ፡እግዚአብሔር፡ወሰብዐተ፡ኮከበ ።
Rev3:1በሰርዴስም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ: ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ። ሰባቱ:የእግዚአብሔር:መናፍስትና:ሰባቱ: ከዋክብት:ያሉት:እንዲህ:ይላል።ሥራህን አውቃለሁ:ሕያው:እንደ:መሆንህ:ስም:አለህ:ሞተህማል።
Rev3:7ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ ክርስቲያን፡ዘፊልድልፍያ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ቅዱስ፡ወጻድቅ፡ዘኀቤሁ፡ይነብር፡ኵሉ፡መራኁተ ፡ ቤተ፡ዳዊት።
Revelation3:7በፊልድልፍያም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ:ክርስቲያን[መልአክ]እንዲህ ብለህ:ጻፍ።የዳዊት:መክፈቻ:ያለው፤የሚከፍት፥የሚዘጋም:የሌለ፤የሚዘጋ፥የሚከፍትም:የሌለ፤g።
Anak[ עֲנָק] in Hebrew it means Giant
Anakim[עֲנָקִים] in Hebrew it means Giants
If Anak means Giant and Nephilim means Giants why do people make such error in thinking it means fallen angels? The answer is simple the hebrew word Nephilim looks like the word Nophlim when writen in Hebrew like so
. They are similar words at first glance but they have very different spelling and pronunciation.
Example of Nophelim in the Bible.
Deut22:4Thou shalt not see thy brother's ass or his ox fall downby the way, and hide thyself from them: thou shalt surely help him to lift them up again.
ד לֹא-תִרְאֶה אֶת-חֲמוֹר אָחִיךָ אוֹ שׁוֹרוֹ, [נֹפְלִים] בַּדֶּרֶךְ, וְהִתְעַלַּמְתָּ, מֵהֶם: הָקֵם תָּקִים, עִמּוֹ.
Also it is important to notice that there is a colon between Nephilim and Anak even in the Amharic translation. As you know a colon is used to describe what is already mentioned in the sentence.
Kale hiyiwet yasemalin memhir mengisite semayatn yawersilin edime Tena yistlin betam ameseginalehu behigu lemenor egiziyabhir amilak yirdani
Great book, GOD bless you and Ethiopians like you.
Shame on you....
ስለ፡እውነት፡ከተወያየን፡ወንድሜ፡በቃላት፡ብዙዎቻችን፡ሲወድቁ፡እናያለን።ለምሳሌ፡መላእክት፡ወይንም፡መለአክ፡የሚለውን፡ቃል፡ስንመለከት።ፕሮቴስታንቱ፡እነሚካኤልን፡ይጠቁማል።ነገር፡ግን፡መለአክ፡የሚለው፡ቃል፡ሌሎች፡ትርጉሞች፡አሉት።By the way this misunderstanding led many to think the book Henok wasn't truthfull because they thought it said Angels has children with human beings. Just because the word መልአክ was used but it didn't mean angel.
What is Etymology?
et·y·mol·o·gy is a noun and it means the study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history.
Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh,the Geez መልአክ and the Amharic መልአክ are put for debate. malakhim is the plural form in hebrew while መላእክት is the plural form of መልአክ in both Geez and in Amharic.
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Angels in Judaism For other uses, see Malach. In Judaism an angel (Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh, plural malakhim) is a messenger of God, an angelic envoy or an angel in general who appears throughout the Hebrew Bible, Rabbinic literature, and traditional Jewish liturgy. Angels in Judaism are categorized in different hierarchies. Etymology Hebrew "mal'akh" (מַלְאָךְ) is the standard Hebrew Bible word for "messenger", [both human and divine], though it is less used for human messengers in Modern Hebrew[1] as the latter is usually denoted by the term shaliyah (שליח).
Here are the evidences below.
ክርስቲያን ነን ትላላችሁ ነገር ግን መላዕክት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር የግብረ ሥጋ ግንኙነት ይፈጽማሉ የሚለውን ሃሳብ ትደግፋላችሁ። ይህ ትምህርት የክርስቶስን ተአምራዊ ልደት ያዳክማል። ያልኩበት ምክንያት እግዚአብሔር በቅድስት ድንግል ማርያም በኩል ከሰው ልጆች ጋር አንድ በመሆኑ ነው። ይህ በእግዚአብሔር እና በሰው መካከል ያለው አንድነት ያልተለመደ ክስተት ሆኖ ተመዝግቧል። ነገር ግን መላእክት ከእግዚአብሔር በፊት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር ተደባልቀው ነበር ማለቱ የኢየሱስን መወለድ በእርግጥ ይጎዳል። በመጀመሪያ ደረጃ, መላእክት የመራቢያ አካላት የላቸውም. መላእክት የማይራቡበት ምክንያት የዘላለም ሕይወት ስላላቸው ነው። እኛ ሰዎች ፣ ሟቾች ነን ፣ ግን መላእክት አይሞቱም። በዚህ ምክንያት ነው የምንባዛው. የቪዲዮው ደራሲ በጣም አስከፊ ስህተት ሰርቷል። መልአክ የሚለውን ቃል ፍቺ አላጠናም። በዕብራይስጥም በግእዝና በአማርኛም መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ሦስት ትርጉም አለው። መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ለሰው ልጆች ጥቅም ላይ ሊውል ይችላል. አንድ ሰው የቤተ ክርስቲያን መሪ ከሆነ መልአክ ተብሎ ይጠራል። ሚካኤል ወይም ገብርኤል መላእክት ይባላሉ። ሦስተኛው ትርጉም መልእክተኞች መሆን ነው። ለምሳሌ የነቢዩ ሚልክያስ ስም የመጣው መልአክ ከሚለው ቃል ነው።አሁን ከመጽሐፍ ቅዱስ ላሳይ።
ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ:ምዕራፍ፴፮:፩ወመጽኡ መላእክተ:ነገደ:ቤተ:አቡሁ:ለገላአድ:ወልደ ማኪር:ወልደ:መናሴ:ዘእምነገደ:ደቂቀ:ዮሴፍ:ወይቤሉ:ቅድመ:ሙሴ:ወቅድመ:እልዓዛር:ካህን:ወቅድመ:[መላእክተ:]አብያተ:አበዊሆሙ:ለደቂቀ:እስራኤል ።
ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ ምዕራፍ ፴፮:፩ከዮሴፍ ልጆች:ወገኖች:የምናሴ:ልጅ:የማኪር:ልጅ የገለዓድ:ልጆች:ወገን:አለቆች:ቀረቡ፥በሙሴና:በእስራኤልም:ልጆች:አባቶች:[አለቆች]:ፊት:ተናገሩ፤
መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩ ወእሉ፡እሙንቱ[መላእክተ]አበዊሆሙ፡ እለ፡ ተኈለቁ፡ይዕርጉ፡ምስሌየ፡በመንግሥተ፡አርተሰስታ፡ንጉሥ፡እምባቢሎን።
መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩በንጉሡ:በአርጤክስስ:መንግሥት:ከእኔ:ጋር:ከባቢሎን: የወጡ:የአባቶች:ቤቶች:[አለቆች]እነዚህ:ናቸው:ትውልዳቸውም:ይህ:ነው፤
Mezmure dawit 68 in Geez
"27በጽሑ፡መላእክት፡ወቦሙ፡መዘምራነ ፤ማእከለ፡ደናግል፡ዘባጥያተ፡ከበሮ።
Mezmure dawit 68 in Amharic
25አለቆች:ቀደሙ፥መዘምራንም:ተከተሉ፤ ከበሮን:በሚመቱ:በቈነጃጅት:መካከል። 26እግዚአብሔርን:በጉባኤ፥ጌታችንንም: በእስራኤል:ምንጭ:አመስግኑት።
27ወጣቱ:ብንያም:በጕልበቱ:በዚያ:አለ፥ ገዦቻቸው:የይሁዳ:አለቆች:የዛብሎን:አለቆችና:የንፍታሌምም:አለቆች።
Mezmure dawit 68 in English
26Bless ye God in the congregations, even the Lord, from the fountain of Israel. 27There is little Benjamin with their ruler, the princes of Judah and their council, the princes of Zebulun, and the princes of Naphtali. 28Thy God hath commanded thy strength: strengthen, O God, that which thou hast wrought for us.
A)መላእክተ፡ይሁዳ= in geez B)የይሁዳ አለቆች = in Amharic C)Judah and their council All 3 are not talking about flying angels.
Revelation2:1በኤፌሶን:ወዳለው:ወደ ቤተ:ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ።በቀኝ:እጁ:ሰባቱን:ከዋክብት:የያዘው:በሰባቱም:የወርቅ:መቅረዞች:መካከል:የሚሄደው:እንዲህ:ይላል።
Revelation 2:1Unto the [angel of the church of Ephesus] write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks
Rev3:1ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያናት፡ዘሰርዴስ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ዘቦ፡ሰብዐተ፡መንፈስ፡ዘእምኀበ፡እግዚአብሔር፡ወሰብዐተ፡ኮከበ ።
Rev3:1በሰርዴስም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ: ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ። ሰባቱ:የእግዚአብሔር:መናፍስትና:ሰባቱ: ከዋክብት:ያሉት:እንዲህ:ይላል።ሥራህን አውቃለሁ:ሕያው:እንደ:መሆንህ:ስም:አለህ:ሞተህማል።
Rev3:7ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ ክርስቲያን፡ዘፊልድልፍያ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ቅዱስ፡ወጻድቅ፡ዘኀቤሁ፡ይነብር፡ኵሉ፡መራኁተ ፡ ቤተ፡ዳዊት።
Revelation3:7በፊልድልፍያም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ:ክርስቲያን[መልአክ]እንዲህ ብለህ:ጻፍ።የዳዊት:መክፈቻ:ያለው፤የሚከፍት፥የሚዘጋም:የሌለ፤የሚዘጋ፥የሚከፍትም:የሌለ፤g።
Anak[ עֲנָק] in Hebrew it means Giant
Anakim[עֲנָקִים] in Hebrew it means Giants
If Anak means Giant and Nephilim means Giants why do people make such error in thinking it means fallen angels? The answer is simple the hebrew word Nephilim looks like the word Nophlim when writen in Hebrew like so
. They are similar words at first glance but they have very different spelling and pronunciation.
Example of Nophelim in the Bible.
Deut22:4Thou shalt not see thy brother's ass or his ox fall downby the way, and hide thyself from them: thou shalt surely help him to lift them up again.
ד לֹא-תִרְאֶה אֶת-חֲמוֹר אָחִיךָ אוֹ שׁוֹרוֹ, [נֹפְלִים] בַּדֶּרֶךְ, וְהִתְעַלַּמְתָּ, מֵהֶם: הָקֵם תָּקִים, עִמּוֹ.
Also it is important to notice that there is a colon between Nephilim and Anak even in the Amharic translation. As you know a colon is used to describe what is already mentioned in the sentence.
Shame on you....
ስለ፡እውነት፡ከተወያየን፡ወንድሜ፡በቃላት፡ብዙዎቻችን፡ሲወድቁ፡እናያለን።ለምሳሌ፡መላእክት፡ወይንም፡መለአክ፡የሚለውን፡ቃል፡ስንመለከት።ፕሮቴስታንቱ፡እነሚካኤልን፡ይጠቁማል።ነገር፡ግን፡መለአክ፡የሚለው፡ቃል፡ሌሎች፡ትርጉሞች፡አሉት።By the way this misunderstanding led many to think the book Henok wasn't truthfull because they thought it said Angels has children with human beings. Just because the word መልአክ was used but it didn't mean angel.
What is Etymology?
et·y·mol·o·gy is a noun and it means the study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history.
Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh,the Geez መልአክ and the Amharic መልአክ are put for debate. malakhim is the plural form in hebrew while መላእክት is the plural form of መልአክ in both Geez and in Amharic.
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Angels in Judaism For other uses, see Malach. In Judaism an angel (Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh, plural malakhim) is a messenger of God, an angelic envoy or an angel in general who appears throughout the Hebrew Bible, Rabbinic literature, and traditional Jewish liturgy. Angels in Judaism are categorized in different hierarchies. Etymology Hebrew "mal'akh" (מַלְאָךְ) is the standard Hebrew Bible word for "messenger", [both human and divine], though it is less used for human messengers in Modern Hebrew[1] as the latter is usually denoted by the term shaliyah (שליח).
Here are the evidences below.
ክርስቲያን ነን ትላላችሁ ነገር ግን መላዕክት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር የግብረ ሥጋ ግንኙነት ይፈጽማሉ የሚለውን ሃሳብ ትደግፋላችሁ። ይህ ትምህርት የክርስቶስን ተአምራዊ ልደት ያዳክማል። ያልኩበት ምክንያት እግዚአብሔር በቅድስት ድንግል ማርያም በኩል ከሰው ልጆች ጋር አንድ በመሆኑ ነው። ይህ በእግዚአብሔር እና በሰው መካከል ያለው አንድነት ያልተለመደ ክስተት ሆኖ ተመዝግቧል። ነገር ግን መላእክት ከእግዚአብሔር በፊት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር ተደባልቀው ነበር ማለቱ የኢየሱስን መወለድ በእርግጥ ይጎዳል። በመጀመሪያ ደረጃ, መላእክት የመራቢያ አካላት የላቸውም. መላእክት የማይራቡበት ምክንያት የዘላለም ሕይወት ስላላቸው ነው። እኛ ሰዎች ፣ ሟቾች ነን ፣ ግን መላእክት አይሞቱም። በዚህ ምክንያት ነው የምንባዛው. የቪዲዮው ደራሲ በጣም አስከፊ ስህተት ሰርቷል። መልአክ የሚለውን ቃል ፍቺ አላጠናም። በዕብራይስጥም በግእዝና በአማርኛም መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ሦስት ትርጉም አለው። መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ለሰው ልጆች ጥቅም ላይ ሊውል ይችላል. አንድ ሰው የቤተ ክርስቲያን መሪ ከሆነ መልአክ ተብሎ ይጠራል። ሚካኤል ወይም ገብርኤል መላእክት ይባላሉ። ሦስተኛው ትርጉም መልእክተኞች መሆን ነው። ለምሳሌ የነቢዩ ሚልክያስ ስም የመጣው መልአክ ከሚለው ቃል ነው።አሁን ከመጽሐፍ ቅዱስ ላሳይ።
ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ:ምዕራፍ፴፮:፩ወመጽኡ መላእክተ:ነገደ:ቤተ:አቡሁ:ለገላአድ:ወልደ ማኪር:ወልደ:መናሴ:ዘእምነገደ:ደቂቀ:ዮሴፍ:ወይቤሉ:ቅድመ:ሙሴ:ወቅድመ:እልዓዛር:ካህን:ወቅድመ:[መላእክተ:]አብያተ:አበዊሆሙ:ለደቂቀ:እስራኤል ።
ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ ምዕራፍ ፴፮:፩ከዮሴፍ ልጆች:ወገኖች:የምናሴ:ልጅ:የማኪር:ልጅ የገለዓድ:ልጆች:ወገን:አለቆች:ቀረቡ፥በሙሴና:በእስራኤልም:ልጆች:አባቶች:[አለቆች]:ፊት:ተናገሩ፤
መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩ ወእሉ፡እሙንቱ[መላእክተ]አበዊሆሙ፡ እለ፡ ተኈለቁ፡ይዕርጉ፡ምስሌየ፡በመንግሥተ፡አርተሰስታ፡ንጉሥ፡እምባቢሎን።
መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩በንጉሡ:በአርጤክስስ:መንግሥት:ከእኔ:ጋር:ከባቢሎን: የወጡ:የአባቶች:ቤቶች:[አለቆች]እነዚህ:ናቸው:ትውልዳቸውም:ይህ:ነው፤
Mezmure dawit 68 in Geez
"27በጽሑ፡መላእክት፡ወቦሙ፡መዘምራነ ፤ማእከለ፡ደናግል፡ዘባጥያተ፡ከበሮ።
Mezmure dawit 68 in Amharic
25አለቆች:ቀደሙ፥መዘምራንም:ተከተሉ፤ ከበሮን:በሚመቱ:በቈነጃጅት:መካከል። 26እግዚአብሔርን:በጉባኤ፥ጌታችንንም: በእስራኤል:ምንጭ:አመስግኑት።
27ወጣቱ:ብንያም:በጕልበቱ:በዚያ:አለ፥ ገዦቻቸው:የይሁዳ:አለቆች:የዛብሎን:አለቆችና:የንፍታሌምም:አለቆች።
Mezmure dawit 68 in English
26Bless ye God in the congregations, even the Lord, from the fountain of Israel. 27There is little Benjamin with their ruler, the princes of Judah and their council, the princes of Zebulun, and the princes of Naphtali. 28Thy God hath commanded thy strength: strengthen, O God, that which thou hast wrought for us.
A)መላእክተ፡ይሁዳ= in geez B)የይሁዳ አለቆች = in Amharic C)Judah and their council All 3 are not talking about flying angels.
Revelation2:1በኤፌሶን:ወዳለው:ወደ ቤተ:ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ።በቀኝ:እጁ:ሰባቱን:ከዋክብት:የያዘው:በሰባቱም:የወርቅ:መቅረዞች:መካከል:የሚሄደው:እንዲህ:ይላል።
Revelation 2:1Unto the [angel of the church of Ephesus] write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks
Rev3:1ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያናት፡ዘሰርዴስ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ዘቦ፡ሰብዐተ፡መንፈስ፡ዘእምኀበ፡እግዚአብሔር፡ወሰብዐተ፡ኮከበ ።
Rev3:1በሰርዴስም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ: ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ። ሰባቱ:የእግዚአብሔር:መናፍስትና:ሰባቱ: ከዋክብት:ያሉት:እንዲህ:ይላል።ሥራህን አውቃለሁ:ሕያው:እንደ:መሆንህ:ስም:አለህ:ሞተህማል።
Rev3:7ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ ክርስቲያን፡ዘፊልድልፍያ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ቅዱስ፡ወጻድቅ፡ዘኀቤሁ፡ይነብር፡ኵሉ፡መራኁተ ፡ ቤተ፡ዳዊት።
Revelation3:7በፊልድልፍያም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ:ክርስቲያን[መልአክ]እንዲህ ብለህ:ጻፍ።የዳዊት:መክፈቻ:ያለው፤የሚከፍት፥የሚዘጋም:የሌለ፤የሚዘጋ፥የሚከፍትም:የሌለ፤g።
Anak[ עֲנָק] in Hebrew it means Giant
Anakim[עֲנָקִים] in Hebrew it means Giants
If Anak means Giant and Nephilim means Giants why do people make such error in thinking it means fallen angels? The answer is simple the hebrew word Nephilim looks like the word Nophlim when writen in Hebrew like so
. They are similar words at first glance but they have very different spelling and pronunciation.
Example of Nophelim in the Bible.
Deut22:4Thou shalt not see thy brother's ass or his ox fall downby the way, and hide thyself from them: thou shalt surely help him to lift them up again.
ד לֹא-תִרְאֶה אֶת-חֲמוֹר אָחִיךָ אוֹ שׁוֹרוֹ, [נֹפְלִים] בַּדֶּרֶךְ, וְהִתְעַלַּמְתָּ, מֵהֶם: הָקֵם תָּקִים, עִמּוֹ.
Also it is important to notice that there is a colon between Nephilim and Anak even in the Amharic translation. As you know a colon is used to describe what is already mentioned in the sentence.56
Good luck ❤❤❤
ቃለ ህይወት ያሰማልን።
thanks a lot.
Shame on all Ethiopian orthodox christians who agree with this video blindly.
The book of Enoch is consistent with what Jesus said when answering the pharisees. They had asked him about marriage with many women(polygamy) and divorce.Jesus response was it was not so (from the begining). Meaning that poligamous relationships started out from the descendants of Cain who were cursed due to various sins. As opposed to the descendents of Seth who were the hope for this world.Hence "children of God" or "children of heaven" much like today a person who has received faith and baptism is considered a child of God free from the everlasting curse mentioned in deut28:44-46. The christian is saved from the everlasting curse or born again is another expression used in the bible. However, sin exists in 3 forms.
1)everlasting curse
2) Daily sin
3) Unforgiveable sin
The christian has been saved from the everlasting curse via baptism and faith.
The christian can be saved from daily sins via repentance but he cannot be saved from the unforgivable sin. The unforgiven sin is blasphemy of the holy spirit. If a person uses the holy spirit as a pretext to advance a false doctrine it become basphemy because one is not to use the name of God invain. Unfirtunetly many say it "my calling" that false under unforgiven sin.
Now about the book of Enoch.
Now the book of Enoch and the Book of Jubilee were preserved in the Ge'ez language better known in the western world as Ethiopic.
In Ge'ez langual an angel in single form is መልአክ while angels is መላእክት and when you want to say [angels of...] the last letter in መላእክ[ት] becomes መላእክ[ተ]
Now i will give various examples where the word መላእክት was used in the bible and it was translated as Chief or leader and not as a heavenly creature. In addition to the above 2 books Moses wrote in Genesis6:2ውሉደ:እግዚአብሔር which means the sons of God."ወሶበ፡ርእዩ፡[ውሉደ፡እግዚአብሔር]፡አዋልደ፡ሰብእ፡ከመ፡ሠናያት፡እማንቱ፡ነሥኡ፡እምኔሆን፡አንስትያ፡ዘኀረዩ፡ወዘአፍቀሩ።
Gen6:22That [the sons of God] saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose
Example #1 In the book of Numbers36:1 the word መላእክተ is seen twice in the verse and it was translated as [the chief]
ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ:ምዕራፍ፴፮:፩ወመጽኡ [መላእክተ]:ነገደ:ቤተ:አቡሁ:ለገላአድ:ወልደ ማኪር:ወልደ:መናሴ:ዘእምነገደ:ደቂቀ:ዮሴፍ:ወይቤሉ:ቅድመ:ሙሴ:ወቅድመ:እልዓዛር:ካህን:ወቅድመ:[መላእክተ:]አብያተ:አበዊሆሙ:ለደቂቀ:እስራኤል ።
Numbers 36:1And [the chief] fathers of the families of the children of Gilead, the son of Machir, the son of Manasseh, of the families of the sons of Joseph, came near, and spake before Moses, and before the princes, [the chief] fathers of the children of Israel:
Example #2 In Exodus 6:14 the word መላእክት was translated as "the heads" as in leaders...
Exod6:14These be the heads of their fathers' houses: The sons of Reuben the firstborn of Israel; Hanoch, and Pallu, Hezron, and Carmi: these be the families of Reuben.
Again we see the word(መላእክት) really meaning the heads (the leaders)
Example #3 In the book of Ezra 8:1 the word መላእክተ was translated as "The heads of"
መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩ ወእሉ፡እሙንቱ[መላእክተ]አበዊሆሙ፡ እለ፡ ተኈለቁ፡ይዕርጉ፡ምስሌየ፡በመንግሥተ፡አርተሰስታ፡ንጉሥ፡እምባቢሎን።
Ezra 8:1
These are now the heads of their fathers' houses, and this is the genealogy of them that went up with me from Babylon, in the reign of Artaxerxes the king.
Example #4 Psalm 68 the word [መላእክተ] several times and each time it was translated as [Rulers of or Prince of]
Mezmure dawit 68 in Geez
"27በጽሑ፡መላእክት፡ወቦሙ፡መዘምራነ ፤ማእከለ፡ደናግል፡ዘባጥያተ፡ከበሮ።
Psalm 68
26Bless ye God in the congregations, even the Lord, from the fountain of Israel. 27There is little Benjamin with their ruler, the princes of Judah and their council, the princes of Zebulun, and the princes of Naphtali. 28Thy God hath commanded thy strength: strengthen, O God, that which thou hast wrought for us.
Example#5 In the book of Revelation2:1 the word መልአከ which is angel in singular form.This word was translated as Angel.
Angel of the church is understood by all christians that it means the Bishop or leader of the church and not a referrence to a heavenly ctreature with wings.
Revelation 2:1Unto the [angel of the church of Ephesus] write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks
Brothers and sisters, let me give you another source.
We are now going to look at it from the Hebrew language.anakim עֲנָקִים means giants.anak עֲנָק giant.
If Anak means Giant and Nephilim means Giants why do people make such error in thinking it means fallen angels? The answer is simple the hebrew word Nephilim looks like the word Nophlim when writen in Hebrew like so
Nephilim[נְפִילִים]vsNophelim[נֹפְלִים] you can see how these 2 Hebrew words can look similar to a non hebrew speaker. However they do not mean the same things. Let us take a look in the bible.
Example of Nophelim in the Bible.
Deut22:4Thou shalt not see thy brother's ass or his ox [fall down]by the way, and hide thyself from them: thou shalt surely help him to lift them up again.
ד לֹא-תִרְאֶה אֶת-חֲמוֹר אָחִיךָ אוֹ שׁוֹרוֹ, [נֹפְלִים] בַּדֶּרֶךְ, וְהִתְעַלַּמְתָּ, מֵהֶם: הָקֵם תָּקִים, עִמּוֹ.
So nophlim is related to the verb falling while nephelim is an adjective describing size.
When it comes to doctrine only Jesus the word of God in flesh is to be the only one who can come from essence into existence and take human flesh in his mirraculous birth. Angels have everlasting life therefore no reproductive organs like the mortal humans. Saying angels mixed with human is directly undermines the birth of christ, and baptism which related to the crucifixion. We are baptized in his death.
This video suggested that the ethiopian orthodox received the book of Enoch from the Falashas.That is ofcourse another false information.
Kale hiywet yasemalin
Wendemachin Keduse
Egeziyabeher edemena Tena
Ystelin amen 🙏❤🙏❤❤🙏
ምስጋና ለአብ ::
ምስጋና ለወለድ ::
ምስጋና ለመንፈስ ቅዱሰ ::
ዛሬም ዘወትርም ለዘላለም አሜን::
ቃል ሂወት ያሰማልን አሜን አሜን አሜን 🕊🕊🕊🙏🙏🙏
Amen amen Amen Amen kale Hiwot yasemalene
ቃለሕይወት ያሰማልን አቤቱጌታሖይ አትርሳኝ የሐፃቴስራ ያስጨንቀኛልና🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🎉🎉
What I like most is the apocalyptiic voice of the narratorTesfatsion!
Shame on you....
ስለ፡እውነት፡ከተወያየን፡ወንድሜ፡በቃላት፡ብዙዎቻችን፡ሲወድቁ፡እናያለን።ለምሳሌ፡መላእክት፡ወይንም፡መለአክ፡የሚለውን፡ቃል፡ስንመለከት።ፕሮቴስታንቱ፡እነሚካኤልን፡ይጠቁማል።ነገር፡ግን፡መለአክ፡የሚለው፡ቃል፡ሌሎች፡ትርጉሞች፡አሉት።By the way this misunderstanding led many to think the book Henok wasn't truthfull because they thought it said Angels has children with human beings. Just because the word መልአክ was used but it didn't mean angel.
What is Etymology?
et·y·mol·o·gy is a noun and it means the study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history.
Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh,the Geez መልአክ and the Amharic መልአክ are put for debate. malakhim is the plural form in hebrew while መላእክት is the plural form of መልአክ in both Geez and in Amharic.
________________________________ _________________________________
Angels in Judaism For other uses, see Malach. In Judaism an angel (Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh, plural malakhim) is a messenger of God, an angelic envoy or an angel in general who appears throughout the Hebrew Bible, Rabbinic literature, and traditional Jewish liturgy. Angels in Judaism are categorized in different hierarchies. Etymology Hebrew "mal'akh" (מַלְאָךְ) is the standard Hebrew Bible word for "messenger", [both human and divine], though it is less used for human messengers in Modern Hebrew[1] as the latter is usually denoted by the term shaliyah (שליח).
Here are the evidences below.
ክርስቲያን ነን ትላላችሁ ነገር ግን መላዕክት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር የግብረ ሥጋ ግንኙነት ይፈጽማሉ የሚለውን ሃሳብ ትደግፋላችሁ። ይህ ትምህርት የክርስቶስን ተአምራዊ ልደት ያዳክማል። ያልኩበት ምክንያት እግዚአብሔር በቅድስት ድንግል ማርያም በኩል ከሰው ልጆች ጋር አንድ በመሆኑ ነው። ይህ በእግዚአብሔር እና በሰው መካከል ያለው አንድነት ያልተለመደ ክስተት ሆኖ ተመዝግቧል። ነገር ግን መላእክት ከእግዚአብሔር በፊት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር ተደባልቀው ነበር ማለቱ የኢየሱስን መወለድ በእርግጥ ይጎዳል። በመጀመሪያ ደረጃ, መላእክት የመራቢያ አካላት የላቸውም. መላእክት የማይራቡበት ምክንያት የዘላለም ሕይወት ስላላቸው ነው። እኛ ሰዎች ፣ ሟቾች ነን ፣ ግን መላእክት አይሞቱም። በዚህ ምክንያት ነው የምንባዛው. የቪዲዮው ደራሲ በጣም አስከፊ ስህተት ሰርቷል። መልአክ የሚለውን ቃል ፍቺ አላጠናም። በዕብራይስጥም በግእዝና በአማርኛም መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ሦስት ትርጉም አለው። መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ለሰው ልጆች ጥቅም ላይ ሊውል ይችላል. አንድ ሰው የቤተ ክርስቲያን መሪ ከሆነ መልአክ ተብሎ ይጠራል። ሚካኤል ወይም ገብርኤል መላእክት ይባላሉ። ሦስተኛው ትርጉም መልእክተኞች መሆን ነው። ለምሳሌ የነቢዩ ሚልክያስ ስም የመጣው መልአክ ከሚለው ቃል ነው።አሁን ከመጽሐፍ ቅዱስ ላሳይ።
ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ:ምዕራፍ፴፮:፩ወመጽኡ መላእክተ:ነገደ:ቤተ:አቡሁ:ለገላአድ:ወልደ ማኪር:ወልደ:መናሴ:ዘእምነገደ:ደቂቀ:ዮሴፍ:ወይቤሉ:ቅድመ:ሙሴ:ወቅድመ:እልዓዛር:ካህን:ወቅድመ:[መላእክተ:]አብያተ:አበዊሆሙ:ለደቂቀ:እስራኤል ።
ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ ምዕራፍ ፴፮:፩ከዮሴፍ ልጆች:ወገኖች:የምናሴ:ልጅ:የማኪር:ልጅ የገለዓድ:ልጆች:ወገን:አለቆች:ቀረቡ፥በሙሴና:በእስራኤልም:ልጆች:አባቶች:[አለቆች]:ፊት:ተናገሩ፤
መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩ ወእሉ፡እሙንቱ[መላእክተ]አበዊሆሙ፡ እለ፡ ተኈለቁ፡ይዕርጉ፡ምስሌየ፡በመንግሥተ፡አርተሰስታ፡ንጉሥ፡እምባቢሎን።
መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩በንጉሡ:በአርጤክስስ:መንግሥት:ከእኔ:ጋር:ከባቢሎን: የወጡ:የአባቶች:ቤቶች:[አለቆች]እነዚህ:ናቸው:ትውልዳቸውም:ይህ:ነው፤
Mezmure dawit 68 in Geez
"27በጽሑ፡መላእክት፡ወቦሙ፡መዘምራነ ፤ማእከለ፡ደናግል፡ዘባጥያተ፡ከበሮ።
Mezmure dawit 68 in Amharic
25አለቆች:ቀደሙ፥መዘምራንም:ተከተሉ፤ ከበሮን:በሚመቱ:በቈነጃጅት:መካከል። 26እግዚአብሔርን:በጉባኤ፥ጌታችንንም: በእስራኤል:ምንጭ:አመስግኑት።
27ወጣቱ:ብንያም:በጕልበቱ:በዚያ:አለ፥ ገዦቻቸው:የይሁዳ:አለቆች:የዛብሎን:አለቆችና:የንፍታሌምም:አለቆች።
Mezmure dawit 68 in English
26Bless ye God in the congregations, even the Lord, from the fountain of Israel. 27There is little Benjamin with their ruler, the princes of Judah and their council, the princes of Zebulun, and the princes of Naphtali. 28Thy God hath commanded thy strength: strengthen, O God, that which thou hast wrought for us.
A)መላእክተ፡ይሁዳ= in geez B)የይሁዳ አለቆች = in Amharic C)Judah and their council All 3 are not talking about flying angels.
Revelation2:1በኤፌሶን:ወዳለው:ወደ ቤተ:ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ።በቀኝ:እጁ:ሰባቱን:ከዋክብት:የያዘው:በሰባቱም:የወርቅ:መቅረዞች:መካከል:የሚሄደው:እንዲህ:ይላል።
Revelation 2:1Unto the [angel of the church of Ephesus] write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks
Rev3:1ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያናት፡ዘሰርዴስ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ዘቦ፡ሰብዐተ፡መንፈስ፡ዘእምኀበ፡እግዚአብሔር፡ወሰብዐተ፡ኮከበ ።
Rev3:1በሰርዴስም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ: ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ። ሰባቱ:የእግዚአብሔር:መናፍስትና:ሰባቱ: ከዋክብት:ያሉት:እንዲህ:ይላል።ሥራህን አውቃለሁ:ሕያው:እንደ:መሆንህ:ስም:አለህ:ሞተህማል።
Rev3:7ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ ክርስቲያን፡ዘፊልድልፍያ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ቅዱስ፡ወጻድቅ፡ዘኀቤሁ፡ይነብር፡ኵሉ፡መራኁተ ፡ ቤተ፡ዳዊት።
Revelation3:7በፊልድልፍያም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ:ክርስቲያን[መልአክ]እንዲህ ብለህ:ጻፍ።የዳዊት:መክፈቻ:ያለው፤የሚከፍት፥የሚዘጋም:የሌለ፤የሚዘጋ፥የሚከፍትም:የሌለ፤g።
Anak[ עֲנָק] in Hebrew it means Giant
Anakim[עֲנָקִים] in Hebrew it means Giants
If Anak means Giant and Nephilim means Giants why do people make such error in thinking it means fallen angels? The answer is simple the hebrew word Nephilim looks like the word Nophlim when writen in Hebrew like so
. They are similar words at first glance but they have very different spelling and pronunciation.
Example of Nophelim in the Bible.
Deut22:4Thou shalt not see thy brother's ass or his ox fall downby the way, and hide thyself from them: thou shalt surely help him to lift them up again.
ד לֹא-תִרְאֶה אֶת-חֲמוֹר אָחִיךָ אוֹ שׁוֹרוֹ, [נֹפְלִים] בַּדֶּרֶךְ, וְהִתְעַלַּמְתָּ, מֵהֶם: הָקֵם תָּקִים, עִמּוֹ.
Also it is important to notice that there is a colon between Nephilim and Anak even in the Amharic translation. As you know a colon is used to describe what is already mentioned in the sentence.
ቃህለ እይውት ያስማልን🙏
የብራና ገፅ ወንድማችን ስለ ነባቡ እናመሰግናለን አንድ ማለት የምፈልገው አጋጣሚ ሆኖ መፅሀፍ ሂኖክን አንብቢዋለሆ
እና አንተ እንደለጠፍከው ፈረንጅ አልነበረም ነጭ የተወለደው ከ ቅዶስ ሂኖክ የልጅ ልጅ ከ ማቶሳላ ነው ማቶሳላ ነጭ ህፃን ሚስቶ በወለደች ግዚ ተጨንቆ ወደ ቅዶስ ሂኖክ እንደጩህ በ መፅሀፍ ተፅፍ ይገኛል ስለዚ እባካቾ የምትለጥፍት ፍቶ መፅሀፍን ያማከለ አድርጉ
ቃለ ሕይወት ያሰማልን ቅዱስ ሄኖክን ለማበብ እንደጓጓዉ
What a Great book very good presentation God bles you its a Great Leasen for all Human Bing
ቃል ሂወት ያስማልን
ፈጣሪ በቸርነቱ ያንረን
Thanks for hidden history and anousin the best History about Amazing history mestsehafe Henok
ቃለ ህይወት ያሰማልን🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
Shame on you....
ስለ፡እውነት፡ከተወያየን፡ወንድሜ፡በቃላት፡ብዙዎቻችን፡ሲወድቁ፡እናያለን።ለምሳሌ፡መላእክት፡ወይንም፡መለአክ፡የሚለውን፡ቃል፡ስንመለከት።ፕሮቴስታንቱ፡እነሚካኤልን፡ይጠቁማል።ነገር፡ግን፡መለአክ፡የሚለው፡ቃል፡ሌሎች፡ትርጉሞች፡አሉት።By the way this misunderstanding led many to think the book Henok wasn't truthfull because they thought it said Angels has children with human beings. Just because the word መልአክ was used but it didn't mean angel.
What is Etymology?
et·y·mol·o·gy is a noun and it means the study of the origin of words and the way in which their meanings have changed throughout history.
Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh,the Geez መልአክ and the Amharic መልአክ are put for debate. malakhim is the plural form in hebrew while መላእክት is the plural form of መልአክ in both Geez and in Amharic.
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Angels in Judaism For other uses, see Malach. In Judaism an angel (Hebrew: מַלְאָךְ malakh, plural malakhim) is a messenger of God, an angelic envoy or an angel in general who appears throughout the Hebrew Bible, Rabbinic literature, and traditional Jewish liturgy. Angels in Judaism are categorized in different hierarchies. Etymology Hebrew "mal'akh" (מַלְאָךְ) is the standard Hebrew Bible word for "messenger", [both human and divine], though it is less used for human messengers in Modern Hebrew[1] as the latter is usually denoted by the term shaliyah (שליח).
Here are the evidences below.
ክርስቲያን ነን ትላላችሁ ነገር ግን መላዕክት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር የግብረ ሥጋ ግንኙነት ይፈጽማሉ የሚለውን ሃሳብ ትደግፋላችሁ። ይህ ትምህርት የክርስቶስን ተአምራዊ ልደት ያዳክማል። ያልኩበት ምክንያት እግዚአብሔር በቅድስት ድንግል ማርያም በኩል ከሰው ልጆች ጋር አንድ በመሆኑ ነው። ይህ በእግዚአብሔር እና በሰው መካከል ያለው አንድነት ያልተለመደ ክስተት ሆኖ ተመዝግቧል። ነገር ግን መላእክት ከእግዚአብሔር በፊት ከሰው ልጆች ጋር ተደባልቀው ነበር ማለቱ የኢየሱስን መወለድ በእርግጥ ይጎዳል። በመጀመሪያ ደረጃ, መላእክት የመራቢያ አካላት የላቸውም. መላእክት የማይራቡበት ምክንያት የዘላለም ሕይወት ስላላቸው ነው። እኛ ሰዎች ፣ ሟቾች ነን ፣ ግን መላእክት አይሞቱም። በዚህ ምክንያት ነው የምንባዛው. የቪዲዮው ደራሲ በጣም አስከፊ ስህተት ሰርቷል። መልአክ የሚለውን ቃል ፍቺ አላጠናም። በዕብራይስጥም በግእዝና በአማርኛም መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ሦስት ትርጉም አለው። መልአክ የሚለው ቃል ለሰው ልጆች ጥቅም ላይ ሊውል ይችላል. አንድ ሰው የቤተ ክርስቲያን መሪ ከሆነ መልአክ ተብሎ ይጠራል። ሚካኤል ወይም ገብርኤል መላእክት ይባላሉ። ሦስተኛው ትርጉም መልእክተኞች መሆን ነው። ለምሳሌ የነቢዩ ሚልክያስ ስም የመጣው መልአክ ከሚለው ቃል ነው።አሁን ከመጽሐፍ ቅዱስ ላሳይ።
ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ:ምዕራፍ፴፮:፩ወመጽኡ መላእክተ:ነገደ:ቤተ:አቡሁ:ለገላአድ:ወልደ ማኪር:ወልደ:መናሴ:ዘእምነገደ:ደቂቀ:ዮሴፍ:ወይቤሉ:ቅድመ:ሙሴ:ወቅድመ:እልዓዛር:ካህን:ወቅድመ:[መላእክተ:]አብያተ:አበዊሆሙ:ለደቂቀ:እስራኤል ።
ኦሪት:ዘኍልቍ ምዕራፍ ፴፮:፩ከዮሴፍ ልጆች:ወገኖች:የምናሴ:ልጅ:የማኪር:ልጅ የገለዓድ:ልጆች:ወገን:አለቆች:ቀረቡ፥በሙሴና:በእስራኤልም:ልጆች:አባቶች:[አለቆች]:ፊት:ተናገሩ፤
መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩ ወእሉ፡እሙንቱ[መላእክተ]አበዊሆሙ፡ እለ፡ ተኈለቁ፡ይዕርጉ፡ምስሌየ፡በመንግሥተ፡አርተሰስታ፡ንጉሥ፡እምባቢሎን።
መጽሐፈ:ዕዝራ:ምዕራፍ:፰:፩በንጉሡ:በአርጤክስስ:መንግሥት:ከእኔ:ጋር:ከባቢሎን: የወጡ:የአባቶች:ቤቶች:[አለቆች]እነዚህ:ናቸው:ትውልዳቸውም:ይህ:ነው፤
Mezmure dawit 68 in Geez
"27በጽሑ፡መላእክት፡ወቦሙ፡መዘምራነ ፤ማእከለ፡ደናግል፡ዘባጥያተ፡ከበሮ።
Mezmure dawit 68 in Amharic
25አለቆች:ቀደሙ፥መዘምራንም:ተከተሉ፤ ከበሮን:በሚመቱ:በቈነጃጅት:መካከል። 26እግዚአብሔርን:በጉባኤ፥ጌታችንንም: በእስራኤል:ምንጭ:አመስግኑት።
27ወጣቱ:ብንያም:በጕልበቱ:በዚያ:አለ፥ ገዦቻቸው:የይሁዳ:አለቆች:የዛብሎን:አለቆችና:የንፍታሌምም:አለቆች።
Mezmure dawit 68 in English
26Bless ye God in the congregations, even the Lord, from the fountain of Israel. 27There is little Benjamin with their ruler, the princes of Judah and their council, the princes of Zebulun, and the princes of Naphtali. 28Thy God hath commanded thy strength: strengthen, O God, that which thou hast wrought for us.
A)መላእክተ፡ይሁዳ= in geez B)የይሁዳ አለቆች = in Amharic C)Judah and their council All 3 are not talking about flying angels.
Revelation2:1በኤፌሶን:ወዳለው:ወደ ቤተ:ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ።በቀኝ:እጁ:ሰባቱን:ከዋክብት:የያዘው:በሰባቱም:የወርቅ:መቅረዞች:መካከል:የሚሄደው:እንዲህ:ይላል።
Revelation 2:1Unto the [angel of the church of Ephesus] write; These things saith he that holdeth the seven stars in his right hand, who walketh in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks
Rev3:1ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ክርስቲያናት፡ዘሰርዴስ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ዘቦ፡ሰብዐተ፡መንፈስ፡ዘእምኀበ፡እግዚአብሔር፡ወሰብዐተ፡ኮከበ ።
Rev3:1በሰርዴስም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ: ክርስቲያን:መልአክ:እንዲህ:ብለህ:ጻፍ። ሰባቱ:የእግዚአብሔር:መናፍስትና:ሰባቱ: ከዋክብት:ያሉት:እንዲህ:ይላል።ሥራህን አውቃለሁ:ሕያው:እንደ:መሆንህ:ስም:አለህ:ሞተህማል።
Rev3:7ወጸሐፍ፡ሎቱ፡ለመልአከ፡ቤተ፡ ክርስቲያን፡ዘፊልድልፍያ።ከመዝ፡ይቤ፡ቅዱስ፡ወጻድቅ፡ዘኀቤሁ፡ይነብር፡ኵሉ፡መራኁተ ፡ ቤተ፡ዳዊት።
Revelation3:7በፊልድልፍያም:ወዳለው:ወደ:ቤተ:ክርስቲያን[መልአክ]እንዲህ ብለህ:ጻፍ።የዳዊት:መክፈቻ:ያለው፤የሚከፍት፥የሚዘጋም:የሌለ፤የሚዘጋ፥የሚከፍትም:የሌለ፤g።
Anak[ עֲנָק] in Hebrew it means Giant
Anakim[עֲנָקִים] in Hebrew it means Giants
If Anak means Giant and Nephilim means Giants why do people make such error in thinking it means fallen angels? The answer is simple the hebrew word Nephilim looks like the word Nophlim when writen in Hebrew like so
. They are similar words at first glance but they have very different spelling and pronunciation.
Example of Nophelim in the Bible.
Deut22:4Thou shalt not see thy brother's ass or his ox fall downby the way, and hide thyself from them: thou shalt surely help him to lift them up again.
ד לֹא-תִרְאֶה אֶת-חֲמוֹר אָחִיךָ אוֹ שׁוֹרוֹ, [נֹפְלִים] בַּדֶּרֶךְ, וְהִתְעַלַּמְתָּ, מֵהֶם: הָקֵם תָּקִים, עִמּוֹ.
Also it is important to notice that there is a colon between Nephilim and Anak even in the Amharic translation. As you know a colon is used to describe what is already mentioned in the sentence.
Thank för You Thank 🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲