Lessons From the Vegans - Denise Minger (AHS14)

  • Опубліковано 27 вер 2024


  • @TheCompleteGuitarist
    @TheCompleteGuitarist 6 років тому +46

    I spent most of my life on very low fat very high carbs (as a vegetarian) and ended up almost narcoleptic after meals to the point where I could not work or function. It probably was in the less than 15% region if not lower. I was never fat or obese always if anything marginally underweight. Intermittent fasting helped me start to fix that but after a year and still mainting fasting the effect started to wear off. I had to extend my fasting periods from 16 to 20 to start seeing any decent effect. I have decided to try to kick my carbohydrate addiction in favour of more animal fat and protein.
    If I recall, in the book the Fasting Cure, the author experimented with a lot of different diets including only raw vegetables and eventually settled on eating meat as the one that helped maintain energy levels and optimum health.

    • @modernrider1398
      @modernrider1398 4 роки тому

      That's interesting. I remember a study where they put people on a fast for three days and the GH started sharply rising about the 16-24 hours all three days. The second day it went almost double the first and third day though.

    • @susangrande8142
      @susangrande8142 4 роки тому +7

      Christopher Har V Why are you even bothering to write this? Are you so full of bile that you have to spew it in a forum like this in order to feel better? Try to be nicer; it’ll do your heart good.

    • @kayallen7603
      @kayallen7603 3 роки тому


    • @kayallen7603
      @kayallen7603 3 роки тому +1

      @@susangrande8142 Might it be due to his diet?

    • @adriangrozavu1632
      @adriangrozavu1632 2 роки тому

      Fasting will make you crash further, be warned

  • @dragonarms77
    @dragonarms77 4 роки тому +10

    as a vegan i nearly killed myself,mentaly and fysically. carnivore now and blood tests finally perfect.health perfect,

  • @davidyager208
    @davidyager208 10 років тому +16

    Excellent presentation Denise, filled with humor and pictures. I wonder if the amazing healing that the low fat vegans achieved was due to limiting pufa or polyunsaturated fat and monosaturated fat, because they limited all fat together. Most of the evidence shows that saturated fat, e.g. coconut oil and butterfat, is not disease causing and can prevent heart disease. So you wonder if they could achieve the same wonderful results just limiting unsaturated fats.

    • @olivermitevski
      @olivermitevski 4 роки тому +1

      NO. The low fat whole food plant based diet necessarily means that these people will have a lot better Omega 6/3 ratio. That means PUFAs namely ALA from spinach, kale etc. That explains higher EPA/DHA levels these people, because the conversion from ALA can work flawlessly. No Omega 6s to compete for the elongating enzymes. You cannot twist this to mean that saturated fats are in anyway good in this case, or any for that matter. On the high fat spectrum, the EPA/DHA is directly obtained.

    • @modernrider1398
      @modernrider1398 4 роки тому +5

      Remember they also cut out Wheat which is HUGE. And do say nothing of their Lectin consumption. To me it makes sense that humans would have eaten fruit for a couple days if available through times when they couldn't get meat. Especially in the tropics. Certain plant roots have carbs as well which defiantly would have been eaten if available if there was no meat that day.

    • @kayallen7603
      @kayallen7603 3 роки тому +3

      @@olivermitevski NO humans do not 'flawlessly' convert ALA. Do not be seduced by epidemiology.

    • @olwill1
      @olwill1 11 місяців тому

      @@olivermitevski Check your reading comprehension, please. davidyager didn't twist anything. I'll help you. He said, "Most of the evidence shows..."

  • @robinlillian9471
    @robinlillian9471 7 років тому +55

    If you eat a whole lot of sugar and not much else, you will lose weight, BUT that doesn't mean it's healthy. This was discovered in the days of sailing ships. Sailors who were shipwrecked and turned to the sugar in their holds as their only food supply became emaciated and died faster than if they had eaten nothing. This is because the body that eats nothing but sugar has to use up its store of nutrients to process the sugar. On the other hand, food + too much sugar causes weight gain. Think of it this way. Food + sugar = mild starvation of nutrients & the body slows metabolism to try to be frugal with what it has. Sugar and/or zero food= severe starvation to the point that the body can NOT compensate and you starve/lose weight to the point of emaciation and death. Does this remind you of a whole lot of super skinny teens who live on sugar and not much else? It should.

    • @tnvol5331
      @tnvol5331 5 років тому +2

      The diet was healthy for those in the trials.It saved their lives.So rice and sugar cant be all that unhealthy.

    • @andseraf8544
      @andseraf8544 5 років тому +12

      Robin Lillian they say sugar causes cavities because of bacteria, another way to look at it is your body is pulling the minerals from the teeth to survive.. just look a meth mouth

    • @NoOne-uh9vu
      @NoOne-uh9vu 4 роки тому +3

      @@andseraf8544 It is known now that tooth rot comes from the inside and occurs due to demineralzation

    • @lizicadumitru9683
      @lizicadumitru9683 4 роки тому +1

      @@NoOne-uh9vu Fo realz?!

    • @NoOne-uh9vu
      @NoOne-uh9vu 4 роки тому +12

      Lizica Dumitru 4 realz. It took me by surprise too as my teeth startet to become super sensitive and transparent as a vegan despite intense oral hygiene. I was confused until I realized that no carnivore has any of those problems ever. It’s the combination of sugar and plant toxins / acids that will cause demineralization and the lack of animal fat and protein that keeps them from remineralizing. Every vegan has tooth problems if they say they don’t they are lying or they haven’t been vegan for very long. Since I went keto and then carnivore all my problems are gone and my teeth are white again

  • @alisonjane5364
    @alisonjane5364 6 років тому +3

    Denise is the ONLY researcher who is genuinely looking at ALL the information. Keto has performed miracles for me but not everyone likes fatty foods and unless you enjoy what you are eating you will fall off the wagon. It's incredible that both plant based and keto diets can achieve the same thing and we need less of a war between the two ways of eating. We need to unite against the drug companies. I would love to know if anyone has tried alternating between the two diets and what the results have been. I'm thinking like 3 months min on each diet.

  • @heidiparkin315
    @heidiparkin315 4 роки тому +17

    It was proven that Ancel Keys cherry picked his study before he presented it to the AHA so who's to say the previous men didn't manipulate their results.

    • @trotskyite1
      @trotskyite1 Рік тому

      No it wasn't at all. That's been debunked so many times. You haven't even read that study obviously

  • @Joefest99
    @Joefest99 10 років тому +16

    I love this woman! So open minded, that's so rare!!!! Everyone wants to be totally in one camp or another.

    • @taka1taka
      @taka1taka 9 років тому +2

      when as it seems,both camps might be working but maybe for different seasons or interchangeably...but with todays trade of goods and having everything available all year around, we can't practise that!

  • @Gesundheit888
    @Gesundheit888 10 років тому +15

    The American Heart Association was launched into existence by Crisco.

    • @joeschmoe1193
      @joeschmoe1193 9 років тому +7

      Gittl G. Crisco was destroyed by electricity because it was used for candles. They made up the notion that is was healthy for cooking and then damned butter and saturated fats. From what I see we're not much more intelligent these days.

    • @kenmarriott5772
      @kenmarriott5772 4 роки тому +2

      Yes. Proctor and Gamble. It had been promoting cotton seed oil as a beef tallow substitute and invested a lot of money. This was a big marketing boost.

    • @modernrider1398
      @modernrider1398 4 роки тому

      That's crazy stuff!

    • @harryviking6347
      @harryviking6347 4 роки тому

      lol! I agree totally!

  • @harryforsha3295
    @harryforsha3295 4 роки тому +3

    Your closing comment that we should seek the truth rather than try to own the truth was priceless. Worth sitting through the whole discussion just to hear that.

  • @DrRob-zt7di
    @DrRob-zt7di 9 років тому +14

    Denise, I really appreciate your presentation and your willingness to look at the data without bias. I've been around the diet and fitness world for some 40 plus years and have gone through all the many "diet of the day" phases. That being said, I've had success on both a ketogenic diet, as well as a low fat vegan diet......so, I've asked the question for many years..."how can both diets work?". In studying Pritikin as well as the Duke Rice Diet, it's obvious that white rice and carbs work to a certain degree. Also, I've traveled the Asian countries and seldom saw anyone with weight problems or chronic health issues that we deal with here in America......and, they ate tons of white rice. On the other hand, I've personally experimented with the ketogenic diet and not only did I feel great on it, my heart risk markers were very low on this diet.....SO.....I'm still a little confused and I appreciate you bringing this issue to the forefront and having the backbone to state your true beliefs given the general belief of those at the seminar you're speaking at.........I appreciate you and enjoy listening to your lectures...

    • @kayallen7603
      @kayallen7603 3 роки тому +3

      Simple: humans are dual-fueled creatures. You can be powered by sugars or you can be powered by metabolizing fats BUT NOT BOTH. In fact it is the 'mixing' of the two in the SAD that makes the SAD the world's worst diet. Think of it as mixing diesel and gasoline in the same fuel tank.

    • @ordinaryguy815
      @ordinaryguy815 3 роки тому

      @@kayallen7603 Mixing it is not a problem. Processed foods are the problem. Reductionist fail

  • @bluezoneman1592
    @bluezoneman1592 10 років тому +16

    Nathan Pritikin was not a vegan and recommended that people consume moderate amounts of skim milk and lean meat. He realized intuitively that if a diet requires supplementation (as vegan diets do of B12), there's something wrong with the diet. Most nutritional supplements did not exist until the 1940s, so any diet which requires supplements could not have been something humans practiced multigenerationally or evolved on. Also, while I can't speak to Dean Ornish's personal habits, the Ornish diet allows for fish, fish oil, skinless chicken, egg whites or Egg Beaters, and non-fat dairy. I believe Denise put a very superficial amount of research into this presentation.

    • @ScottieDOESknow1979
      @ScottieDOESknow1979 10 років тому +4

      BlueZoneMan Around 40% of the US is B12 deficient.
      Last time I checked not even 3% of the US population was vegan. If B12 was a majority vegan issue then majority of the B12 supplements would be vegan certified and marketed towards vegans. Even carnivorous animals become B12 deficient these days. Every zoo shoots up their animals or supplements via food. Fish food has B12. Cat food and dog food has B12. You can get B12 test and shots for your dog or cat at the vet. Some 90% of industrially produced B12 is used for animal agriculture.
      B12 is not a vegan problem, it's a 20th century problem. Sterilization and over sanitation kills even beneficial bacteria. On top of that, our soils have been slowly destroyed with animal agriculture and relentless monocrop farming.

    • @rabity
      @rabity 9 років тому

      So why is 40% of US deficient in b12? Regardless if youre vegan or not.. Silly.. You cant even name one deficiency strictly just from vegans..

    • @jasonturner6459
      @jasonturner6459 6 років тому

      @@ScottieDOESknow1979 Our soils have been depleted but...the animals who grazed in healthy plants from healthy soil is where b12 came from, right? Before we had the means to supplement.

    • @jasonturner6459
      @jasonturner6459 6 років тому +9

      @@rabity The sad diet is plant based. Wheat, corn and soy mostly. Also, if most people ate a healthy omnivorous diet, it wouldn't be as much if any issue. People live to compare vegans who have healthier lifestyles overall to junk eating omnivores who don't exercise and often smoke. A good comparison would be healthy eating omnivores vs vegans. If veganism was so easy to get nutrients, so many people wouldn't gave health issues and give it up.

    • @dana102083
      @dana102083 3 роки тому

      @@rabity grains decrease absorption of many nutrients but especially b12 and magnesium. Awful stuff for all parties. Grains should be eliminated by ALL humans regardless of the diet they follow. Lacks bioavailability as well. We have a very sick population.

  • @primavel
    @primavel 6 місяців тому

    This is one of my favorite nutrition videos. I love when someone on one side of an argument puts forth a good argument from the other side. On this she succeeds completely. This video encouraged me to start watching low-carb advocates, and I admit I've learned a lot. Believe it or not, there's actually some agreement.

  • @susangrande8142
    @susangrande8142 4 роки тому +1

    This is an interesting talk. It brings to mind my mother’s history: she decided to eat the “Forks Over Knives” low fat, vegan diet, to avoid the heart attacks that killed her father and uncle. @ 1-1/2 years after eating that way, she was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer, and she died of it 9 months after being diagnosed. I’ve begun to wonder if the high carb of the FOK vegan diet, with its stress on the pancreas, caused or hastened the cancer. (She died 3 weeks after this talk was presented.) IMO, she should have stuck with her former way of eating and risked the heart attack. Her illness, including the chemo, were terrible to witness and take care of her through. There are very few people I would wish that experience on.

    • @dana102083
      @dana102083 3 роки тому +2

      Im sorry for your loss. I eat ietogenic for 3 yrs now and diabetes throughout. My mom was gestational with me and my dads mom lost her life from amputation and gangrene. Im a nurse and seen the ravages of diabetes first hand. I saw a lot of pancreatic cancer too. My parents saw me lose 100 lbs twice..once the hard way and then i got sick and found keto 7 yrs later and dropped 100 lbs again the easy way. I tlk to my parents, give them book and more importantly tell them why we have been all wrong. I asked my mom to promise me if she became diabetic she would start keto and she agreed..but then I asked so why wont you do it to prevent it? With lifelong obesity and feeding my obese dad its treating both. We are sugar addicts. Binge eaters. The only way to treat addicts is to remove it. There arent many things I want in this life but this is one. Let their legacy live by educating others in these comments🙏🤗

  • @dawne5139
    @dawne5139 4 роки тому +3

    I ate 1200 low fat, less than 10 percent for decades. I had an extremely active job. I was fat and miserable and unhealthy. Went low carb and had massive improvements.low fat was a living he'll got me.

  • @olivermitevski
    @olivermitevski 4 роки тому +2

    The reason why DHA levels were high in low fat whole food plant based diet is not paradoxical. But interesting finding which is one reason for the success of this diet. On that diet you necessarily will have a perfect Omega 6/3 ratio because all the ALAs will come from spinach and all the veggies, as little as it may be, they will not be crowded by Omega 6s, so the desaturases and elongases enzymes can work flawlessly to convert all the ALAs into DHA.

    • @Marco-jx9rr
      @Marco-jx9rr 4 роки тому

      Interesting. Does this mean that adding fish or fish oil would reduce the conversion rate? In real populations, this kind of diet seems to work well in conjunction with sea foods.

    • @olivermitevski
      @olivermitevski 4 роки тому

      @@Marco-jx9rr It used to work and it still may work going forward, but now the fish are so terribly polluted. Also there's the problem with TMAO, so not sure it can be the best. In moderation may be ok.
      I don't think that preformed EPA/DHA would slow down own conversion, but can't be sure that there are no down-regulatory mechanisms.
      There's evidence in the junk genome that humans are more herbivores than omnivores or carnivores. #1 The Vitamin C producing gene had been deactivated, which means the diet has been plant based for a long time. #2 ALA can be converted to DHA/EPA. These 2 are reversed in lions and cats. They can produce Vitamin C internally, but cannot convert any ALA to EPA/DHA. To me this is the ultimate proof, not the existence or lack of canine teeth.

  • @DaryndaJonesOfficial
    @DaryndaJonesOfficial 2 роки тому +1

    I am very late to this, but I was fascinated with Kempner when I heard about the miraculous benefits of his program. I eventually found a book written in the 80s by one of his patients, Judy Moscovitz. She lost 140 pounds at his clinic and, as of the writing of her book, kept it off. (Being whipped for overeating is a good motivator.) What Denise reported here may be what he told people but there are a few discrepancies in what he really prescribed. First off, the patients could only have 3/4 cup of rice twice a day. That is not disputed, but the unlimited fruit and fruit juice is. According to Judy, you could have one piece of fruit for breakfast, two for lunch, and two for dinner. OR (not and) you could have fruit juice (typically in your rice) in place of the fruit. Otherwise, all beverages were to be non-caloric. So, this is essentially a very low-calorie diet (usually between 600 and 800 calories a day), that patients were bullied into following for weeks and/or months. And, yes, they were "punished" if they didn't adhere to it 100%. Of course the patients are going to lose a crap ton of weight and reduce their ailments, but can you imagine the blood sugar crashes? How horrible they must've felt? Bottom line, these people were starved and deprived of nutrients, no matter how many vitamins they took. Without fat, many were not being absorbed. Anywho, just thought it was interesting. This was a great presentation.

    • @steelbeard1780
      @steelbeard1780 Рік тому +1

      There were two protocols of the rice diet (reading from Denise's blog post). For weight loss it was called the "reduction diet" and was calorie restricted, so it was just another "low calorie bootcamp" (I am a calorie==calorie guy). For the initial therapeutic purpose, which was to treat kidney disease and hypertension, it wasn't restricted, and some people could actually gain on it (probably just fat) if they ate enough. However, some people ended up spontaneously eating less and being in caloric deficit, and losing weight, which gave the good doctor the idea to try it for weight loss. It all depends on a persons genetic satiety configuration. This diet would never work on me, because only lean protein causes me satiety, while I have a bottomless stomach for fruit and sugar... :)

  • @RonMac08
    @RonMac08 9 років тому +13

    I always thought that one size fits all diet doesn't work. I couldn't do a 80, 10, 10 diet, but my nephew is thriving on it, I'm thriving on a ketogenic diet. I seem to be very carb intolerant, above 50G a day and I start to gain weight even if my calorie intake is low. I also fast one day a week.

    • @nznige
      @nznige 9 років тому +3

      RonMac08 review that statement in 5-10 years time

    • @RonMac08
      @RonMac08 9 років тому +3

      Will do.

    • @danwebb1170
      @danwebb1170 9 років тому +1

      RonMac08 Check your food's LECTIN levels, and avoid all high lectin food's ! you just described a digestive system that has been injured by lectin's and now carbs/sugars are bonding more than amino's !

    • @joeschmoe1193
      @joeschmoe1193 9 років тому +6

      RonMac08 The 40 year experiment of a low fat high carb diet has led to pandemic rates of diabetes. In India the vegan population has a higher diabetes rate than their meat eating counterparts. The above video may good for some but we must look for the good of the whole. You cannot take a special case and apply it to the whole and that is what people like T Colin Campbell and others do in lieu of him being totally wrong to begin with. If processed meat is bad you cannot say all meat is bad. Likewise I cannot say processed vegetable oils are bad therefore do not eat any vegetables. The logic is ridiculous. Also, the dangers of carbs extends way beyond diabetes and weight gain.

    • @wheelofcheese100
      @wheelofcheese100 9 років тому +4

      I agree with you. Many people think everyone should be eating the same. When my diet was high carb/low fat, i had bloating and gas. Now I am low carb/high fat no bloating and no gas most days.

  • @hacgiaythiengia7516
    @hacgiaythiengia7516 4 роки тому +8

    The rice diet got me lmao: Lose weight by eating a restricted diet, taking supplements, and being whipped. LOL I just can't :))

  • @polyanthesis
    @polyanthesis 10 років тому +23

    ApoE4 carrier here. No I did worse on low-fat diets. Ketogenic diet brought me cognitive benefits and lower LDL and higher HDL.

    • @erastvandoren
      @erastvandoren 5 років тому

      How low did you go? Even without fatty foods or oils you will get near 10% fat.

    • @ellenorbjornsdottir1166
      @ellenorbjornsdottir1166 5 років тому


    • @ellenorbjornsdottir1166
      @ellenorbjornsdottir1166 5 років тому +1

      @@erastvandoren Hey you... you do realise that too low LDL means it's all stuck in the wall right?

    • @erastvandoren
      @erastvandoren 5 років тому

      Stuck? What does it mean, stuck? It's a complex biochemical process, there is nothing simply stuck. LDL goes through the endothelial cell via transcytosis, and then ApoB100 interacts with the elastic chondroitin fibers. It's not so simple as you think.

    • @ellenorbjornsdottir1166
      @ellenorbjornsdottir1166 5 років тому +1

      @@erastvandoren The "stuck"-ness only happens in the presence of high levels of polyunsaturated fat, which mangles the lipid contents and causes the LOX1 receptor to pick the LDL up because the normal LDLR (which releases the particle back into the bloodstream after use) doesn't have affinity for oxidised type B lipoprotein.

  • @stephenb1960
    @stephenb1960 8 років тому +14

    This was an interesting talk, presented in way that encourages us to look at evidence and do our own research. The speaker constantly reminds us that she does not have the answers and is simply presenting her findings and still looking - awesome

  • @MrDavidgonzalez1961
    @MrDavidgonzalez1961 10 років тому +1

    Jimmy Moore is my hero , he represents the paleo diet better that anybody else. That diet works so well for him , he has even managed to keep his weight. He is the full representation of healthfulness.

    • @ellenorbjornsdottir1166
      @ellenorbjornsdottir1166 5 років тому

      I'm a ketoer and I'm the first to say Moore (love the guy) made himself fat on keto. I'm sure he's debugged it by now but still. Bizarre look.

  • @heyfkldsm
    @heyfkldsm 9 років тому +9

    This is a wonderful presentation

    • @toni4729
      @toni4729 3 роки тому

      She's praising some bastard who's beating Jews during the war who no doubt after he'd finished whipping them and you're patting her on the head for it.

  • @Billy97ify
    @Billy97ify 4 роки тому +2

    I am guessing that these extreme low fat diets are taking advantage of the Randle Cycle at the other end.
    Go one way or the other, cut the carbs or the fats.

    • @asarcadyn2414
      @asarcadyn2414 3 роки тому +1

      My immediate reaction was she was talking about the Randle Cycle without actually naming it. Eat mainly carbohydrates for energy or fat for energy but not a mix of the two.

    • @aspiresk8boarding
      @aspiresk8boarding 2 місяці тому

      No. That is how you fuel an eating disorder.
      The body will always be burning fat and glucose no matter what macro split we eat. Cells can’t burn them simultaneously but cells in other parts of the body will uptake glucose if the other won’t

  • @GTE_Channel
    @GTE_Channel 5 років тому +2

    Good presentation respecting both sides. Its high fat for me however people should do whatever fits them best without forcing there believes on others

  • @kenmarriott5772
    @kenmarriott5772 4 роки тому +1

    Is it possible if the diet satisfies, you stop eating for a while? Fasting? Most didn't eat constantly those days. The few that did, had diabetes and weight problems. Maybe the eliminating of snacking was the important factor in keeping your insulin level down. Thus, making you insulin sensitive despite the sugar spike. What do you think?

  • @KimPerrycnm
    @KimPerrycnm 10 років тому

    As a nurse midwife and maternal newborn RN would have loved to have heard the final question! Very interesting talk, glad to see the discussion opening up on these questions. This somewhat reminds me of the interview content that Dr. McDougall covered with Dr. Atkins. Both noted the other had interesting results that couldn't be entirely explained, if I recall correctly.

  • @Alex-Defatte
    @Alex-Defatte 8 років тому +8

    I want to hug you! Cutest girl presenting one of the coolest studies!

    • @ty88
      @ty88 3 роки тому


    • @Alex-Defatte
      @Alex-Defatte 3 роки тому +2

      @@ty88 Sorry you're not attracted to women? I can adore whom I want. And you, I feel sorry for. Keep spreading hate though. Do what you have to to cope with your life : )

    • @ty88
      @ty88 3 роки тому

      @@Alex-Defatte go back to r/atheism

    • @Alex-Defatte
      @Alex-Defatte 3 роки тому +2

      @@ty88 Sorry strangers on the internet can bother you so much and bring out your inner negativity. Hope you find your zen.

    • @ty88
      @ty88 3 роки тому


  • @healthyvegcoach
    @healthyvegcoach 10 років тому +3

    Very interesting presentation. I am surprised that you did not mention Dr. T. Colin Campbell, one of the "fathers" of plant-based nutrition, other than to discount his work in the China study. Also, although there is definitely tension between Dr. Fuhrman and some of the others, it's not fair to dismiss him and his body of work, including several published books that are very well-referenced. While it's true that he does not advocate a low fat version of the plant--based diet, his work, like that all of the others mentioned, has helped countless people to reclaim their health by losing excess weight and eliminating the need for medications. I have personally seen so many people, including my own 77 year old father, reverse medical conditions by eliminating animal products and eating whole plant foods. I don't see how anyone could dismiss what is right in front of them, regardless of what the scientific studies do or don't say.

    • @asarcadyn2414
      @asarcadyn2414 3 роки тому +1

      Two points.
      1. Denise Minger made her name by totally debunking over several years the China Study by Campbell. She avoided talking about him so as to break new ground.
      2. Your father succeeded (👍) by moving to one end of the spectrum (low fat, high carb). He could just as easily succeeded by moving to the other (high fat, low carb). That was exactly the point of this presentation.

  • @AntiDoctor-cx2jd
    @AntiDoctor-cx2jd 4 роки тому

    So fats is like summer food, and carbs is like winter food, because starchy tubers can store a long time. So we are adapted to go back and forth, but not get both at the same time? I know that you aren't supposed to eat starch and protein at the same time.

  • @Shendify
    @Shendify 7 років тому +8

    I'll stick with meat and lower fat. No plants for this gal. Plants would kill my gut.

    • @dana102083
      @dana102083 3 роки тому

      You burn body fat for fats being in ketosis. And by calorie unless super lean like chicken breast, there's still a lot of calories by fat. Most carnivores For weight loss eat more 70% cals from f/30%p or 50f/50p and burning body fat for the last 20% or so. Remember the proportion shifts to falsely look like high protein but may not eat more protein than you normally would. Its important to play around with fat amounts to find a happy spot. 🖖

  • @ptptpt123
    @ptptpt123 4 роки тому +3

    She is charming! Also the presentation, good.

  • @Marcinmd1
    @Marcinmd1 10 років тому +13

    I have been saying for a number of years that alteration between high fat ( hunting good) and vegan ( buffalo gone) is the most natural rhythm for humans and what we might be best adapted to in my rank amateur opinion.
    This way of eating was forced on me when I converted to Eastern Orthodox Christianity ( Dr. Chris Masterjohn is also Orthodox btw). Orthodox faithful "fast" about 45% of the year. Some fasts like Christmas and Easter are about 50 days longs. Others are a couple of weeks and most ordinary weeks we fast Wednesday and Friday.. The fast is vegan with the exception of seafood with no backbone ( shrimp crab etc.) sometimes regular fish is ok, some days wine and oil is okay.
    I attended a lecture at the Society of Insurance Actuaries ("Im not an actuary, just an insurance agent) where the lead researcher for the "Blue Zones" longevity project spoke Dan Beuttner. He said they were about to investigate a Greek island where people had unusually long life spans.. i jumped up and pointed out that the people living there must be Orthodox and that he should look into the pattern of fasting they use... He said hmmm a lot but I have notice that they did look at this,
    Another Blue Zone is Mt. Athos and isolated peninsula in Greece with nothing but Orthodox Monasteries on it. They too live usually long lives and fast three days per week and eat lots of fish and oil in between..Of course being a monk has lots of other confounders like no kids car taxes mortgage newspapers....etc. :)
    So Denise may be on to something. The feast and famine routine makes logical sense within the template of Hunter Gatherer lifestyles. I hope this is investigated more

    • @mathieug6136
      @mathieug6136 10 років тому +3

      Interesting stuff! I also think seasonal diet is probably great for the metabolism. I tend to eat more carbs during summer and more fat during winter (even going ketogenic sometime).

    • @stevebates9497
      @stevebates9497 10 років тому +1

      Just one problem with that: wild animals are very lean. So hunting season = high protein, not high fat. You won't find many concentrated sources of fat in nature besides nuts and seeds.

    • @mathieug6136
      @mathieug6136 10 років тому +2

      Steve Bates Some organs like brain or certain meat cuts, eggs or fish are fattier. Of course if you rely on deer muscle meat, you won't find that much fat in it. I think it is natural to rely on fat during hunting season where fasting must have been more common.

    • @Marcinmd1
      @Marcinmd1 10 років тому +5

      Human babies grow.. thanks for the insight. They are also ketogenic from birth and will stay that way until someone gives them a bagel to chew on....Ketotsis is a natural way of getting energy.

    • @ijohnny.
      @ijohnny. 10 років тому

      Your comment may be impy link or justification to the :instincto" diet, but in a looser less nutty way. Times of year I could go for animal foods, other times it's easy to be vegan. Either way I am a carb eater, like it or not.

  • @sabby123456789
    @sabby123456789 2 роки тому

    24:08 - Don't people with ApoE4 also have trouble with high carbohydrate diets too?

  • @johncfp23
    @johncfp23 10 років тому +3

    Obviously we're meant to run on fat. That's why we store it for fuel. But this talk is very interesting. I could see going on a honey-based diet and could imagine that happening in our ancestral past. Honey rice? Sounds kinda good. Maybe honey/garlic/ginger/lemon. Might have to try that. I lost a lot of weight on an Atkin's type diet. If honey rice made me 'husky' again at least I know how to shed pounds.

    • @jjjenkin
      @jjjenkin 10 років тому

      Obviously? Why? Many people run great on fat.

    • @joshjenkins6428
      @joshjenkins6428 9 років тому

      ***** humans have the capability to produce ATP derived from breakdown of fat, protein and carbohydrate. Fat and protein breakdown in the krebs cycle is most efficient. Dietary glucose is the only non-essential dietary need for humans, as we are capable of creating glucose ourselves.

    • @aspiresk8boarding
      @aspiresk8boarding 2 місяці тому

      @@joshjenkins6428Nah glucose is more efficient. Fat is best fuel in stress states to slow our metabolism

  • @cruise2kx
    @cruise2kx 10 років тому

    I really like Denise Minger's presentations, even when I don't agree. Can't wait for the next one.

    • @erastvandoren
      @erastvandoren 5 років тому

      Why not? Low fat (the real low fat) diet burns out the intramuscular/intrahepatic fat which causes lipotoxicity and insulin resistance. The biochemistry behind these results is well known.

    • @ellenorbjornsdottir1166
      @ellenorbjornsdottir1166 5 років тому

      @@erastvandoren High fat (as in a weight-loss keto diet, lower in fat than maintenance) does the thing you think low fat does - it blows out the first fat your body wants rid of.

  • @Appleblade
    @Appleblade 6 років тому

    Great talk and theme ... and I appreciate her charity in interpreting other's comments in the best light.

  • @krisvq
    @krisvq 6 років тому +8

    She cites a 60 year old study to prove a point that has been disprove dozens of times since...

  • @AI-vs7sm
    @AI-vs7sm 4 місяці тому

    Interesting to listen to this talk nine years later, knowing alot more now about low carb, and in particular about the Randle Cycle, which explains the 10%,10%,80% . Either low carb or low fat will work, but, which is more optimal? Obviously, which ever one coincides with my paycheck! Big pharmacy funds very, very few low carb diet benefits. Medicated does not equal healthy.

  • @celticlarper9679
    @celticlarper9679 4 роки тому +2

    Rice diet sounds like Chinese sweat shop worker diet

  • @LTPottenger
    @LTPottenger 4 роки тому +2

    With little protein and fat it is essentially a starvation diet and would ultimately kill you. It would have been healthier to fast a few days a week instead if you are going to eat that low of protein.Physiologically you also can't really store much fat without eating fat either, but again this is not a diet you can stay on your whole life let alone be healthy on long term.

  • @daebob
    @daebob 8 років тому +6

    I was 10% fat diet and my diabetes got worse.

    • @lisanloves
      @lisanloves 8 років тому +3

      +k lz What were you eating, and for how long were you doing this?

    • @justusstern9125
      @justusstern9125 8 років тому +1

      Because ur "Diabetes" isn`t a "Sugar-Problem". But a Mitrochondial-Problem !

    • @tomjones2157
      @tomjones2157 5 років тому

      @Sam V Why would he? It made him sick.

    • @cl9826
      @cl9826 5 років тому

      That diet is TRASH

  • @Profit187
    @Profit187 10 років тому

    Another good talk from Denise and with Magic!

  • @PrimalChiro
    @PrimalChiro 5 років тому +1

    Can we really increase glucose tolerance? And why should we? To me it's just the water rising meaning the dam hasn't broken yet. Hans Seyle stress theory.

  • @Pilarfitvegas
    @Pilarfitvegas 10 років тому

    Love this talk- go Denise!!!!!!
    I've done Keto but am enjoying 80/10/10 much more

  • @TotoTitus
    @TotoTitus 5 років тому

    It's very difficult to know what to eat. I went down from 23 BMI to about 20.5 by cutting calories and bad carbohydrates. I don't to keto, my macros are about 45% fat, 35% and the rest protein. I eat even high-sugar fruits such as bananas when I feel the need, I sometimes cut bread, sometimes load up on bread & butter while slowly cutting away at my existing 19-20% body fat (I want to reach 15%). Do you have to lean on a specific food dogma? IMHO, no...my numbers (lipids, glucose, Hb1ac) have all improved.

    • @dana102083
      @dana102083 3 роки тому

      Whats your insulin, hdl and trigs?

  • @Sunshine-gv2gv
    @Sunshine-gv2gv 8 років тому

    She always has great things to say.🌸

  • @TheIronMaiden222
    @TheIronMaiden222 5 років тому +20

    lol "i've been vegan for the past 3 hours"

    • @cypriano8763
      @cypriano8763 4 роки тому

      to get the truth not the industry funded drivel, minger pushes, got to see the channel PLANT POSITIVE, see if your views hold up, they wont!

    • @Scrapegoat
      @Scrapegoat 4 роки тому

      *extends arm to wave furiously in the air* 👋🏻

    • @ghipsandrew
      @ghipsandrew 4 роки тому +4

      @@cypriano8763 industry funded drivel... that would be the vegan propaganda from Kellog's and all other sugar vendors, but ok.

    • @cypriano8763
      @cypriano8763 4 роки тому +1

      @@ghipsandrew no one ever said that refined sugar and processed carbs are any better that meat or dairy for health. We are talking whole foods here: fruits, vegetables, whole starches( potates, wheat, rice, barley, etc), beans, nuts and seeds. I believe that the WFPD is optimal for human health and the balance of nutritional science reseach backs that up. No one said dont ever eat meat or dairy, minimize, realize it not the best for your healt, like a big mac

    • @cypriano8763
      @cypriano8763 4 роки тому +1

      @@ghipsandrew meat and dairy are trillion dollar industries? Dont think they fund, all, of the science the low carb crew uses to back thier claims. Industry funded, jesus man your head is deep in the sand here. To deny that cholesterol has a causal link with arterosclerosis is criminal, it kills people , no just misinformed but evil

  • @user-vx8ks9wl6f
    @user-vx8ks9wl6f 6 років тому

    I love the info. Thank you!. In the last 4 years, I have developed post prandial hypoglycemia only when I have a meal with high sugar/and or refined carbs. I am scared to try this type of diet due to this issue. What are your thoughts?

    • @kayallen7603
      @kayallen7603 3 роки тому

      You don't have to eat carbohydrates if your liver and pancreas are still working properly. It sounds like you might be carb-sensitive or a bit insulin-resistant. Get your HbA1c level checked and avoid carbs. Any family history of diabetes? If so, be very careful. It is a horrible disease when not reversed.

  • @cutabove9046
    @cutabove9046 6 років тому

    Denise confused the two Kempner diets. His original diet was about 2,000 to 2, 400 calories. This is what he started with to cure people of high blood pressure. These folks did not lose any weight. In fact the diet was designed to have his patients maintain their weight. Later he started working with obese patients and came up with a basic weight loss diet that averaged between 800 and 1,200 calories using the same food as those on his basic higher calorie diet. And as to Keys his diet wasn't low fat. He believed that saturated fat was the enemy. However, he maintained that olive oil was healthy and didn't need to be limited. He pointed out that in the Med region there were pockets of healthy long lived people who ate 40% of their diet as fat, but it was in the form of olive or other plant oils. And considering that he followed his own beliefs he managed to live until the age of 100.

    • @asarcadyn2414
      @asarcadyn2414 3 роки тому

      I wonder if Keys knew that Olive Oil is 14% saturated fat?

  • @komoru
    @komoru Рік тому

    The last woman to ask a question just couldn't spit it out. I was waiting for Adam Sandler to say "Ta-ta-ta-TODAY JUNIOR" and lo and behold, the M.C. cut her off as she was stumbling to find the words to formulate her question. Great ending!

  • @timjosling9298
    @timjosling9298 4 роки тому

    Read the book "Beyond Pritikin" for details of the deficiencies his diet caused. I was on the Pritikin diet for many years and had many problems. I see Ornish has added Fish Oil to partly ameliorate some of these problems. After 15 years I was so weak I could not lift a sledgehammer. I developed osteoporosis in my 50s. Also cancer. Uncontrollable hunger due to cravings for the nutrients I was missing. Growing abdominal fat
    What these studies miss is a complete picture of health - yes on a very low fat diet heart attacks may fall but other problems arise as I found.

    • @alpha7ization
      @alpha7ization 4 роки тому

      Low fat you tube docs are very anti fat.....but a plant based diet should include healthy fats and vegetables along with some complex carbs

    • @asarcadyn2414
      @asarcadyn2414 3 роки тому

      Denise stressed looking at all cause mortality at the end of her talk.

  • @fuq1nutube
    @fuq1nutube 4 роки тому +4

    How long can someone live on 10 percent fat diet. Would they get enough fat soluble vitamins.

    • @steelbeard1780
      @steelbeard1780 Рік тому

      If you read Denise's blog post about low fat (or her book), there are many traditional / "ancestral" populations that lived/live on very low fat diets, 5-15%. Fat in nature is rare outside of the arctic, so any hunter-gatherer style population ends up eating very low fat, 10-15%. Wild game (outside of the arctic, again) is extremely lean, leaner even than grass fed beef, and the rest of plant matter is mostly carbs. As for the arctic, that is a longer and more complicated story...

    • @steelbeard1780
      @steelbeard1780 Рік тому

      Oh, and regarding the fat soluble vitamins. We know from W Price that all these populations had intricate knowledge and hacks regarding nutrition, hunting and cherry picking specific parts of animal foods that are the richest in those vitamins - organ meats, very specific types of seafood, butter from certain parts of the year (the rural Swiss), sometimes even bugs and larvae. This knowledge has mostly been lost in our processed food, rib-eye/sirloin/skinless chicken-over-white-toast modern times. I was fortunate to get a peek into Weston Price's lost world growing up in Romania, and having rural grandparents.

  • @BrianGreco
    @BrianGreco 7 років тому

    What an amazing talk. We have a lot to discuss.

  • @johnkoh69
    @johnkoh69 3 роки тому +1

    I must try whipping.

  • @modernrider1398
    @modernrider1398 4 роки тому

    This an awesome video! I need to know why the low fat people see results. I personally think Cole Robinson through just being a gym nut and bootcamp "fat-ass" coach has stumbled across the best protocol which would be back to back 48 hour fasts. Meals earlier in the day. I want to try it as doing a near 48 hour fast seems to be the only thing that motivates me to stop drinking alcohol for at least a week. Last time I tried a 42 followed by OMAD but once again fell off the wagon. A dry fast is easiest way to boost GH and normalize hormones in my mind. Anyways wish me luck!

  • @YapLapWombat
    @YapLapWombat 4 роки тому +1

    Philip Randle / the Randle cycle ...

  • @kimnenninger7226
    @kimnenninger7226 4 роки тому +1

    Great video.

  • @davidhutchinson6377
    @davidhutchinson6377 9 років тому +5

    Who does this girl think she is? Putting herself on a level with Dr. Joel Fuhrman? Seriously? Denise, when you graduate medical school.....then you may call them by their given names, until them, give them the respect they deserve. Wow.

    • @paulverizzo6199
      @paulverizzo6199 9 років тому +13

      David Hutchinson Ah, the old "Argument from Authority." Not a valid premise. Does not mean she doesn't know what she's talking about. Otherwise, we'd all be stupid until one day, ta ta! We are now an authority.

    • @newguitarist29
      @newguitarist29 9 років тому +5

      David Hutchinson you do not need a medical degree to understand how systems work. Just intellect, logic, common sense and an interest. Look at the tech field. There are programmers, database admins, etc who have no high school diploma but are extremely successful in their work. There are plenty of doctors today who are cookie cutter symptom prescribers and too few who actually know how the body works. Don't think that just because someone has a doctorate that they are an expert. If they claim to be ask them to explain the difference between beta oxidation and ketosis or glycolosis...

    • @inculoasorata
      @inculoasorata 9 років тому +3

      David Hutchinson Fuhrman is a food nazi!

    • @joeschmoe1193
      @joeschmoe1193 9 років тому

      newguitarist29 I got a lot of great info on how the body works from a BSEE MIT systems engineer graduate named Brian Peskin. He is on the cutting edge of nutrition. He is not a doctor but a scientist.
      Here's a sample:

    • @tranquil87
      @tranquil87 9 років тому +1

      David Hutchinson It seems like she thinks she is a person who has the ability to research things. Which apparently is true, since you are on this video, and you have heard of her name. If she was incapable (as you are) she would be a nobody, just like you.

  • @kpopgrrl
    @kpopgrrl 10 років тому +2

    Is she drinking a Vitamin water?

    • @davidmoss5350
      @davidmoss5350 10 років тому +1

      But don't go vegan because you'll be deficient in vitamins.

  • @sweetpotato743
    @sweetpotato743 9 років тому +2

    best thing on youtube. why don't the ancestral people ever talk about the katavians eating 70 percent carbs they only talk about eskimos who don't eat much carbs. Its kind of cherry picking. That being said if a vegan ate a piece of wild fish it would give them angina accoring to all animal right activists.

    • @tomjones2157
      @tomjones2157 5 років тому

      katavians? What?

    • @ellenorbjornsdottir1166
      @ellenorbjornsdottir1166 5 років тому

      Kitavans are low-PUFA, so they don't get the rising blood pressures.
      They'd be in deep shit if they used soybean oil.

  • @davidbullock7973
    @davidbullock7973 10 років тому

    Incidentally, the Finish study also disproved the idea that it is the antibiotics and hormones in cattle that are what are causing health problems now, because it covered a period of time when NO HORMONES were even available to be given to cattle, and the only antibiotics around were only available to be used on wounded troops and civilians who had infections. We did not produce tons of antibiotics back then. It is true that these things make meat even more unhealthy, but all the heart attack and stroke deaths back then are purely due to saturated fats (which ARE bad for you) and excess protein, which we don't need very much of in our diets, compared to what we have been lead to believe by the lying beef and dairy industries (and under-educated internet bloggers with no training in nutrition, like the author of this video). David Bullock, D.O. Board Certified in Integrative Medicine, Board Qualified in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Nutritional Excellent Expert.

  • @earthpet
    @earthpet 6 років тому +1

    Low Fat Yucky Low Carb Yucky
    Any questions?

  • @glenmacdonald9868
    @glenmacdonald9868 10 років тому +26

    The Rice Diet study completely falsifies Gary Taubes.

    • @elodie2222
      @elodie2222 6 років тому

      they just lost weight, cico is still relevant

    • @unicornguy9676
      @unicornguy9676 5 років тому +1

      @@elodie2222 that still doesn't change the fact that Gary taubes is a fraud

    • @raj-rajesh
      @raj-rajesh 5 років тому +1

      Kempner's diet. diet starts with 400cal and gradually increase to 2400 in months or years. It basically is fasting, so it is no surprise it will work because the carb is restricted. Denise is wrong in saying that fruit /sugar/vegetable is unlimited.

  • @mathieug6136
    @mathieug6136 10 років тому

    Great talk as always!

  • @2ndSamuel710
    @2ndSamuel710 7 років тому +2

    What a beautiful spirit. I am in luv yes.

  • @Longboard914
    @Longboard914 8 років тому +1

    Okinawa diet for the win

    • @Longboard914
      @Longboard914 8 років тому

      Yea I'd go with small amounts of organic chicken and chicken liver and pork

  • @daniellet9725
    @daniellet9725 10 років тому +1

    Those are great points. Thanks for the insight Denise!

  • @davidcooper1883
    @davidcooper1883 10 років тому +3

    what nonsense, at 2 mins, the author comments that joel fuhrman is 'linked with the group.. but doesn't actually have any studies to back up his plans' Obviously she has never read any of his books (of which there are many) they are absolutely filled with scientific references. He is on the leading edge of plant based diets, and continuously updates his recommendations based on the latest research. To discount him so easily renders the entire presentation null and void, and immediately points to a biased and unresearched piece of work. Yes, she is jolly and cheerful but I'm afraid thats where it stops. If you are going to do comparisons with well known people in the field at least get it correct.

  • @erso3302
    @erso3302 3 роки тому

    So, you can live on carbs, or you can live on fat, but you can't live on both?

    • @gaudi5184
      @gaudi5184 2 роки тому

      That's just wrong. A healthy starched based diet with suplemented fats from avocados, nuts and seeds is better than a pure starch diet.

  • @notMattGarska
    @notMattGarska 7 років тому

    Well I came here expecting a debunk of the vegan diet and china study but apparently it's all positive towards it. Can't complain

  • @wazzup105
    @wazzup105 8 років тому

    Excellent rebuttal at the 30' mark !

  • @deathedit777
    @deathedit777 9 років тому

    WOW. I never thought I would be thanking Denise Minger for anything but this is one of the best presentations I have seen on this information and coming from someone on the "other-side" it's quite amazing. This is probably one of the most important videos in the health movement right now.
    One point I would like to add on the High Fat end of the spectrum is that it is the option that will/is have(ing) the most detrimental effect on the environment and if we want to survive as our ancestors did we need to seriously weigh this out in our decision. Also the moral/psychological effect of killing other sentient beings for no reason. In the past we might have had the reason of survival but now if we want to use the same reasoning (survival) we must move towards a Plant Based Diet.

  • @ijohnny.
    @ijohnny. 9 років тому +2

    Most important point made: Carbs and fat are mutually adversive in the system when both are eaten in abundance--that is, when either nutrient could serve as the primary source of energy. And both do, when the eater is extremely active. WHen abundant foods are available a healthy person will first burn the carbs/sugar, and store the fat. McDougall diet, et al, as well as the low carb diet are nothing but FASTS, of one thing or the other. No healthy culture can get by fasting--whether on low carb, or virtually all on carbs, Fasting on (or from) fats or carbs is profoundly effective for curing disease, but neither regime--that's what these "diets' are, regimes--neither is a viable diet for a whole lifetime. We live our lives in a state of BALANCE, or, our bodies attempt to, and fasting is a way to balance some sort of extreme induced by lifestyle, and genetics. When balance is regained the fast itself becomes the extreme. Balance, please note, is not permanent, it is dynamic, and yesterday's "balance" is today's excess.

  • @veganclown7031
    @veganclown7031 8 років тому +8

    She is not a physician or an athlete. Since when do we take medical advice from someone who majored in English?

    • @martinXY
      @martinXY 8 років тому +3

      She's a science communicator. This presentation is the audio-visual equivalent of a science magazine piece or a Wikipedia article. Use it as a springboard for research using original sources. Disclaimer: I've been vegetarian for 20+ years, and will continue to be so.

    • @2ndSamuel710
      @2ndSamuel710 7 років тому +1

      Pretty smart, with her own personal experiences AND a great spirit to find the truth. I am ALWAYS suspicious someone with letters after their name- corporations with HUGE money will buy these people who are willing to sell their souls- sorry but science IS FOR SALE TO HIGHEST BIDDER. AND it is not just money they seek to acquire but their religion calls for them to destroy God's Creation anyway they can. Pornography. Cultural decline. Debt. Dump down in public schools. Control media, courts and conscience.

    • @M1ggins
      @M1ggins 6 років тому

      Oh dear, she proved all your vegan doctor heroes were liars and you can't handle it.

    • @gwoiler
      @gwoiler 6 років тому +1

      fake news here... She wishes she had the track record of John McDougal... or Greger, or Klaper... or Campbell.... They paid their dues over the years. Honest searchers know this. Obviously you don't want to know the truth.

    • @M1ggins
      @M1ggins 6 років тому

      ha, truth, from a guy who sucks at the teat of those 'buy my book' shills. their studies have been destroyed by anyone who bothers to research if what they've said is true and the context, their accountants laugh at you and thank you for your custom.

  • @andrewparsons3277
    @andrewparsons3277 4 роки тому +1

    i cringed upon hearing the name Ancel Keys. That six country graph excluded so many other countries just so he could push an agenda.

  • @m.fender2989
    @m.fender2989 10 років тому

    Great talk!

  • @topgamer8289
    @topgamer8289 6 років тому +6

    It's good to know that a Jew was responsible for the current obesity crisis.

    • @thorgod9179
      @thorgod9179 6 років тому +2

      You Jewdar is on point, btw.

  • @saraboop4497
    @saraboop4497 5 років тому

    So, you're saying this could work for SOME people. Then it obviously goes without saying that it probably WON'T work for other people. (Based on many factors, culture, genes, etc.) Can you maybe let the youtube vegans know, that their form of the vegan diet, CAN'T work for everyone? And wouldn't you also say, that it's worth exploring the carnivore diet, considering it is also working for some people? :) Thanks for sharing.

  • @optimaldietcoach1705
    @optimaldietcoach1705 7 років тому

    Denise mentions that during studies, plant-based diet participants' HDL was low, as if that were a derogatory factor. The truth is that HDL's function is to carry away the so-called crap in the bloodstream. However, while eating a whole foods plant-based diet the amount of bad junk is reduced enormously! The body's natural intelligence will act to reduce the HDLs accordingly. BTW, kudos to her for being open-minded!

  • @CLARlCEsotl
    @CLARlCEsotl 4 роки тому +4

    Without scientific replication of Pritikin and Kempner It would be wise to ignore such small studies offering remarkable results. Especially so with newly arrived, Jewish refugees looking to make themselves known via ANY means necessary. I'd have spent my time looking for signs of corruption and false data rather than attempting to understand their results.

  • @RichardArppe
    @RichardArppe 10 років тому +5

    Do not miss the epic 2-piece article series Healthy Longevity aka Travis the Maori made in regards to Minger's new book. This is the end of the street for both Denise and Paleo (appeal-to-nature fallacy) nonsense.
    1) Denise Minger: Death by Food Pyramid or Saved by Food Pyramid
    2) Do vegetarians live longer than healthy omnivores.

  • @jeanbush8791
    @jeanbush8791 2 роки тому

    Despite her manipulation of various study figures, high level HDL is a heart safety factor. Mankind has thrived on a high protein high fat diet. Saturated fat is the preferred fuel of the heart. All our cells are bathed in cholesterol and studies have shown that eating food containing such does NOT raise cholesterol levels in the blood. Fat is needed to absorb the fat soluble vitamins E, K, A and others. Low fat prohibits this. She also did not bring up the fact that all edible plants are full of self defense plant toxins that can destroy your health. See Sally K. Norton. She is an ex-vegetarian ex-vegan. This presentation is very misleading; do your research.

  • @sautterron
    @sautterron 10 років тому +1

    Considerng genetics, and lots of fat in coffee - Dave Asprey admitted inheriting 4.5% Neanderthal genes (2% is the average for an European), and from new research we know that the genes Europeans got from Neanderthals are responsible for lipid catabolism (Asians have different Neanderthal genes).

  • @MixedMartialHelp
    @MixedMartialHelp 10 років тому

    Very interesting, thanks.

  • @letthegardengrow
    @letthegardengrow 10 років тому +5

    I had very similar view to Denis Minger that there were two alternatives .....although I chose vegan....until I listened to plant positive. I think very fit people can die from heart attacks and that there is a lot of misinformation in the paleo world. For instance they have tried people with depression on a plant based diet. nutrition facts has interesting articles/videos on this. i think the answer to why some people don't thrive on a plant based diet could be food sensitivities. However the list of disease that are helped by wfpb diets are impressive

    • @mathieug6136
      @mathieug6136 10 років тому +1

      I think some of the possible problems are: people who don't convert plant nutrients like vitamin A, iron and omega 3 very well, the number of AMY genes which predicts how well you'll do with starches and the overreliance on grains. Wheat and processed flour are shit in my mind. There's also the deficiencies that can appear long term that are not evident at first (like all the fat soluble vitamins and certains amino acids like creatine, choline and carnitine). I don't agree with paleo views that legumes are bad though, they seem to be a great source of carbs and proteins for plant based diets.

    • @M1ggins
      @M1ggins 6 років тому +3

      Vegans are more likely to suffer from mental problems according to research, as for Nutritionfacts.or, that is Dr Greger's site which he uses for shilling his books and DVD's

  • @jawatroxion
    @jawatroxion 10 років тому +1

    I like the way Denise looks at things objectively. I too am on a ketogenic diet, and have controlled my blood sugar quite well. Its now normal from something that was sky high. But after reading testimonials and looking at videos of Dr Bernard (somehow I like him more than McDougall :P)... it does seem that the vegan way can also do the same thing... and maybe a bit better since even by eating carbs, the diabetes goes away. Moreover, this is not the first time (thru what Denise said, I mean) that I hear that insulin response comes back. I'd like to have that back... And this video has made me interested to have a look at the vegan way of treating diabetes. Who knows, a balance might be achieved between keto + vegan (of course you need to be a non vegan to practice this) that can be an optimal diet for many :D (being positive...)

    • @tomjones2157
      @tomjones2157 5 років тому

      How did you go Alf? Its been 4 years.

  • @Avicena-tf5uj
    @Avicena-tf5uj 7 років тому +1

    What an intelligent girl. But to state the obvious, fat and sugar occur no where in nature together. I feel we humans have evolved off of all 3 macro nutrients but it is the combining of fat and sugar which is the cause of all disease, as well as the refining of carbohydrates and lean meats with no fat. We can thrive off of any source, complex carbs or fats, but it would be wise to just stick to a Whole Foods diet and walk the Middle path, no reason to exclude any Whole Foods, we need them all, exercise, meditate, have fun

  • @joeschmoe1193
    @joeschmoe1193 9 років тому

    Most of the fat people eat is processed and heated fat. Minger hasn't acknowledged the difference between a diet of processed fat or a diet of unprocessed unheated fat.
    Maybe she needs to do a bit more research.

  • @kayallen7603
    @kayallen7603 3 роки тому

    84% of new vegans quit within 5 years with 90% of those citing catastrophic health failure - please see phytotoxins for more information - particularly on lectins and oxalates. You're welcome. Plants are not necessarily your friends.

  • @M13x13M
    @M13x13M 3 роки тому

    The problem is that you will cause irreversible damage to your body before you figure out that tradition diets had evolutionary validity. I learned the hard way . My dead friends aren’t so lucky.

  • @mjpucher
    @mjpucher 4 роки тому +1

    The successful weight-loss, diabetes-curing plant based diets do promote the same things as keto/paleo: 1) no processed foods, 2) no sugar and processed carbs, 3) no processed seed oils, 4) fasting and calorie restriction. The claim that it is better because it lowers LDL which is known to be incorrect today. It is well known that mixing carbs and fat is the worst combination. People are different and some may best response to low-fat and other may best response to low-carb. I am very sceptical that a pure sugar diet will permanently and generally cure insulin resistance. It is a PLANT EXCLUSION diet just like carnivore. So the dietary successes of high-carb sugar diet actually argue against plant based diets with lots of fruits/veggies.

    • @aspiresk8boarding
      @aspiresk8boarding 2 місяці тому

      No the more carbs in the diet the more insulin sensitive u get. When u lower the carb intake the body gets more insulin resistant to allocate glucose to cells that need a constant stream of glucose

  • @TheVitalBlend
    @TheVitalBlend 10 років тому +22

    Quite simply, all human beings have one optimal diet for survival. Does this mean we all have to eat the exact same foods? No. but it does mean, to live optimally, we eat from the same, preferred food groups, such as plant-based, whole foods. Every other animal on this planet has it's own, optimal diet and humans are no different. The more we embrace this, the more we can get a better handle on our health and well being. Also, Denise says she nearly fell apart eating a raw, vegan diet. This is likely because she wasn't eating enough carbs to fuel her body, which you get in abundance from foods such as potatoes, rice, corn, grains and beans.

    • @mathieug6136
      @mathieug6136 10 років тому +4

      It seems I often read that from some groups of vegans. How does relying almost exclusively on carbs makes you susceptible to not eating enough carbs? Why would someone need like 6000 calories of carbs daily (I've read that a few times)? How does that would explain one of her main complaints, that her teeth health was degrading fast (like sudenly 15 cavities?).

    • @LaraMorbey
      @LaraMorbey 10 років тому +1

      Because she didn't brush her teeth... Duh!

    • @mathieug6136
      @mathieug6136 10 років тому +8

      Lara Morbey She was very dilligent with it. She said she was very proud of her teeths before. The problem resolved once she got fat soluble vitamins back (they manage calcium in the body, especially K2).

    • @DuhDummyYup
      @DuhDummyYup 10 років тому +6

      Mathieu Gagné
      Do not confuse a "vegan" diet with Pritikin, Ornish, Esselstyn, McDougall, etc way of eating. Most vegans eat a lot of fat, sugar, refined and fake foods. The best success come from including whole intact starches instead of relying on fruits as main source of calories. High simple sugars such as found in juices will tend to be detrimental to your teeth,

    • @mathieug6136
      @mathieug6136 10 років тому

      DuhDummyYup I agree that relying on starch instead of fruits for the bulk of calories would be more sense in that situation. But the complaint about not eating enough carbs seems to often come from fruit based vegans?

  • @gshomeweighttraining6284
    @gshomeweighttraining6284 6 років тому

    maybe, we are all slightly different so we can survive whatever comes along.or whatever food supply comes along like the black death killed 9 out of 10.But not 10 out of 10.The individual is of no importance. as long as Some will scrape through

  • @valaisblacknosesheep
    @valaisblacknosesheep 10 років тому

    So are Oysters Vegan ?

    • @sportysbusiness
      @sportysbusiness 4 роки тому

      @David Chaplin So you believe someone who cares about other sentient creatures enough to refuse to eat them is stupid?
      "When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."
      How about looking at them as compassionate and empathetic. If more people in the world were compassionate and empathetic, and fewer hateful and nasty, maybe the world would be a nicer place.

  • @simonsmedley5434
    @simonsmedley5434 6 років тому

    Kempner Rice Diet....very nutritious!!!!!

  • @krisvq
    @krisvq 6 років тому +7

    While giving the presentation drinks a high sugar "vitamin water" ... lol. Proposes ideas that aren't practical. Admits her own vegan diet made her fall apart. Makes a completely inaccurate, dismantled, claim that glucose sensitivity doesn't improve on LC diets. What was the purpose of this useless talk other than to waste people's time...

    • @ellenorbjornsdottir1166
      @ellenorbjornsdottir1166 5 років тому

      I am pro-ketogenic and I'm the first person to say that a keto diet does worsen your glucose tolerance. However, if you reverse diabetes with the keto diet, slowly reintroducing carbohydrates up to your carbohydrate tolerance should not cause a problem, and while you'll never be able to eat as many carbohydrates as someone who was never even close to diabetic, you should show good insulin sensitivity for a while. However, carbohydrates and not a required part of the diet, so I don't understand why you'd think you needed to be glucose tolerant. As long as your blood sugar is normal, and your insulin levels are not in compensatory hyperinsulinemia, you should be fine.

    • @aspiresk8boarding
      @aspiresk8boarding 2 місяці тому

      Insulin resistance increases on low carb, it’s just physiology. We’d pass out from low blood sugar if this weren’t the case

  • @modernrider1398
    @modernrider1398 4 роки тому

    I can answer the women question based on observation about why women don't do as well on Keto. It's because when you take away a women carbs all they think about is a million keto recipes all day long while they think they are starving. How do I know this?! Soooo my buddy went to the airport to pick up his fat girlfriend who was doing keto. He thought it would be funny (last min) to move to the backseat and not say anything until he rolled into her garage. The whole ride she couldn't shut up about a million and one recipes she has been drooling over on her flight attendant trip from Pintrest or whatever. It was an eye opener. Fasting for 40 or more hours is the only way to beat addiction. Then do keto.
    Oh sorry so what happened? Mike drove into a Taco Bell to get himself some food and asked if his GF wanted any she said no. Then he said "WHAT ABOUT YOU (BLANK), WHAT DO YOU WANT!". I've never seen a women loose their mind totally until that day. Needless to say we got her good. They are no longer together haha.

  • @petejohnstone4308
    @petejohnstone4308 10 років тому +1

    Please - e·nun·ci·ate

  • @kellymahoney7363
    @kellymahoney7363 10 років тому +3

    google rice diet and you will discover the program is about calorie restriction, as little as 800 calories in the first phase. So what's Minger talking about unlimited calories on Rice Diet? She's sounding like Durianrider.

    • @davidhutchinson6377
      @davidhutchinson6377 9 років тому

      BULLSHIT ALERT. Durian Rider has NEVER advocated calorie restriction. Not ever.

    • @paulverizzo6199
      @paulverizzo6199 9 років тому +1

      David Hutchinson Open your mind. Kelly is referring to dogma over fact and reality.

    • @lisanloves
      @lisanloves 8 років тому +1

      +Kelly Mahoney The original rice diet by Walter Kempner placed no restriction on calories. According to what I read of the study, the patients ate around 2400 calories a day (which is still a small amount for obese people), but they ate as much as they wanted, including the refined sugar. Of course, we don't have to do such as extreme diet, but rather just base our diet on fruits and starches, keeping it plant based.

  • @carmenscorner7209
    @carmenscorner7209 8 років тому +1

    this is ridiculous, she knows more than the Doctors???