Pat Condell interview + NEW DVD!

  • Опубліковано 27 вер 2024
  • NEW DVD:
    The Richard Dawkins foundation has issued a non-profit DVD of Pats videos which are now available.
    / patcondell
    Also, a shout out to:
    / atheistministry


  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  16 років тому

    Couldn't agree more. I've been grinning like a naughty little schoolboy ever since I read the interview.

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  16 років тому

    "Are there going to be any bonus material,"
    I do not know.

  • @bornagain001
    @bornagain001 16 років тому

    "You can change my words around but I'm saying it's likely that there is more life in the universe than just us, and there is evidence for that assertion."
    REALLY? And what is that evidence? The STAR TREK series?

  • @Rhine0Cowboy
    @Rhine0Cowboy 16 років тому

    "There is a way that seems right to a man,
    but in the end it leads to death.
    Proverbs 16:25"
    Man is stupid and helpless unless he appeases a supernatural being. Great philosophy there...

    • @AUMINER1
      @AUMINER1 2 роки тому

      hush up marxist'

  • @ShortbusMooner
    @ShortbusMooner 16 років тому

    Wow! How frickin' cool for him- and us! Great!

  • @bornagain001
    @bornagain001 16 років тому

    "All I see is someone claiming no physical evidence is needed for his beliefs and then proceeding to give highly questionable examples of physical evidence."
    What about the millions of atheists who believe life exists on other planets without any physical evidence?

  • @bornagain001
    @bornagain001 16 років тому

    "There is plenty of actual evidence suggesting life can form on other planets, most of the essential building blocks seem to be relatively common in places where new stars form."
    Evidence that life can form? REALLY? Which planet are you talking about or are you talking out URANUS?

  • @hellshade2
    @hellshade2 16 років тому

    thxs for posting this. pat condell is pretty cool

  • @hellshade2
    @hellshade2 16 років тому

    of course no one is as great as me ;)

  • @SidandCoke
    @SidandCoke 16 років тому

    errr...OK then.
    You have convinced me with your unassailable "evidence"

  • @Rhine0Cowboy
    @Rhine0Cowboy 16 років тому

    There is plenty of actual evidence suggesting life can form on other planets, most of the essential building blocks seem to be relatively common in places where new stars form. Astronomy works with physical evidence as does biochemistry which studies complex molecular interactions.
    I don't get where you get off asserting atheists have "beliefs" in the religious sense, the ones I know are just curious about the matter from a scientific perspective. Go bother scientists if you don't like it.

  • @bornagain001
    @bornagain001 16 років тому


  • @eamonnhall
    @eamonnhall 13 років тому

    Any one Know the name of the song? Thanks in advance

  • @TaNgLeD2121
    @TaNgLeD2121 15 років тому

    i couldnt have put it better myself !!!!! 5 stars!!!!lol

  • @bornagain001
    @bornagain001 16 років тому

    and your point is?????????????????????

  • @punnet2
    @punnet2 16 років тому

    What happened to ChurchOfAtheism anyway

  • @bornagain001
    @bornagain001 16 років тому

    And where did you get your philosophy from? Oh! It's your own personal idea.
    "There is a way that seems right to a man,
    but in the end it leads to death."
    Proverbs 16:25

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  16 років тому

    The Richard Dawkins foundation will be issuing a non-profit DVD of Pat's videos which should be available soon. (more)

  • @englanderbri
    @englanderbri 14 років тому


  • @bornagain001
    @bornagain001 16 років тому

    "All the important people in the bible get actual physical evidence for god, yet you expect me to just believe you?"
    Perhaps, YOU are not important enough. That's why God has sent me.

  • @RileyCourtier
    @RileyCourtier 16 років тому

    The hell? I thought you died lol.

  • @Rhine0Cowboy
    @Rhine0Cowboy 16 років тому

    Tell me more, o humble christian, how the omnipotent ruler of the universe decided you were so very important and I am not.

  • @Rhine0Cowboy
    @Rhine0Cowboy 16 років тому

    Then scientology performs miracles as well, not to mention actual tested therapies.
    All I see is someone claiming no physical evidence is needed for his beliefs and then proceeding to give highly questionable examples of physical evidence. Make up your mind.

  • @Rhine0Cowboy
    @Rhine0Cowboy 16 років тому

    Glad thats settled.
    How do you apply this idea in your life btw, do you still use salt or sugar in your kitchen? I'm sure it's ethically questionable to deny your various species of crystals the right to reproduce and keeping them locked up in jars.

  • @Rhine0Cowboy
    @Rhine0Cowboy 16 років тому

    All the men you mention were given physical evidence of some sort for your gods existence according to the bible. Why should I believe you without a demonstration like those men got?

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  16 років тому

    Perhaps you should re-think whether Pat is a racist. Obviously Dawkins does not think so. I don't think so....
    Consider that you could be wrong. In fact, you are wrong.

  • @Rhine0Cowboy
    @Rhine0Cowboy 16 років тому

    Thats convenient. I thought *you* just said "WE ARE ALONE!".
    I've only said there's evidence supporting the notion that life can form elsewhere, to support that claim I can show you other solarsystems with planets, which have an atmosphere, with water and organic molecules in it.
    You wanted to hear: "I BELIEVE IN ALIENS BUT NOT IN GOD!!!"
    You dug your hole in this discussion, climb out of it.
    You claim "WE ARE ALONE!", what evidence do you have for that.

  • @XmarkedSpot
    @XmarkedSpot 16 років тому

    but whatever, education is the ONLY weapon against ignorance. Do you want to be ignorant? Looking to the ground, denying that there is a sky?
    We dont understand the world completely and surely never will, but this should not make us fearful and feel inconvenient.
    is it better to be running after some moneyloving dastard hypocrites with made up answers for everything, telling a magical man did all of this, just for poor little us?
    Dont ignore the facts, use them to see this wunderful world!

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  16 років тому

    Only pretty cool?? Damn, you got some high standards! :D

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  16 років тому

    Only pretty cool?? Damn, you got some high standards! :D

  • @Rhine0Cowboy
    @Rhine0Cowboy 16 років тому

    "Our planet is special because God put us here."
    Assertion without evidence.
    Assertion without evidence.
    "You can beam radio signals for a million years and you won't find anyone out there"
    Assertion without evidence.
    "You believe in ET without any proof or evidence but you don't believe in God."
    Assertion without evidence. You can change my words around but I'm saying it's likely that there is more life in the universe than just us, and there is evidence for that assertion.

  • @Rhine0Cowboy
    @Rhine0Cowboy 16 років тому

    It formed on the planet resting under your feet didn't it? Unless you can show how our planet is somehow special, there's no reason to think other planets cannot have similar properties to ours and support life as well.
    We're already starting to find extrasolar planets with some of the properties we know to be important, like the availability of water or favourable orbits around their parent stars.
    Are you just dancing around the fact you don't accept the scientific method to start with?

  • @bornagain001
    @bornagain001 16 років тому

    "Since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature-have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse." Romans 1:19. The PROOF lies within your own heart. If you live in rebellion/denial of God, NO EVIDENCE will ever be revealed to you by God.
    You have to be "open" to the evidence first.

  • @bornagain001
    @bornagain001 16 років тому

    HE DIDN'T! God calls ALL OF US. A few will follow but most will not. If you abandon your old life to follow Christ, the eternal rewards will be great but the temporal rewards will be few. Most of the men God chose to use were men of little monetary means or power. Moses, Noah, Abraham, Matthew, Paul...none were rich but all were willing to be used by God.

  • @Rhine0Cowboy
    @Rhine0Cowboy 16 років тому

    Your caps signalled to me that you must be very smart, so I won't repeat myself and make you look silly.
    Do you have evidence that shows life can't form on other planets which you'd like to share with the world? I'd want to know, considering the research being done now.

  • @Rhine0Cowboy
    @Rhine0Cowboy 16 років тому

    No rebuttal? Just some whining about me not accepting evidence for your god? All the important people in the bible get actual physical evidence for god, yet you expect me to just believe you?
    You should really read that book of yours for once.

  • @Rhine0Cowboy
    @Rhine0Cowboy 16 років тому

    Can you define life and non life?
    It's important if we want to cover this at all, since the line between biochemistry and "life" is rather fuzzy.

  • @bornagain001
    @bornagain001 16 років тому

    "Are you by any chance convinced divine intervention is needed to make life form on a planet?"
    Absolutely. The odds of LIFE forming from NON LIFE is not even calculable.

  • @bornagain001
    @bornagain001 16 років тому

    "It's important if we want to cover this at all, since the line between biochemistry and "life" is rather fuzzy."
    It may be to you. It's not to me!

  • @baraqiyal
    @baraqiyal 16 років тому

    Are there going to be any bonus material, bloopers, outtakes, commentary, etc., or just the same videos we can see here on UA-cam?

  • @mordinvan
    @mordinvan 16 років тому

    What race does he hate then? I haven't heard him denounce races. I've heard him do it to ideologies, and religions, but not races.

  • @bornagain001
    @bornagain001 16 років тому

    "Thats convenient. I thought *you* just said "WE ARE ALONE!"."
    I did say that. You disagree. Prove me wrong!

  • @xSUBIACOx
    @xSUBIACOx 16 років тому

    Oi! You two! Calm down. Go check out Abiogenesis.. Maybe that's the answer?

  • @xJediHowieX
    @xJediHowieX  16 років тому

    Link -- >> :)

  • @eamonnhall
    @eamonnhall 13 років тому

    Any one Know the name of the song? Thanks in advance

  • @AtheistCitizen
    @AtheistCitizen 16 років тому

    moreover: slay those of the other tribes [religions]