Not just in music, either. Egypt was pretty much the center of the Arab film industry back during Nasser's presidency (it still is, really). If there was a famous actor of Arab origin in the 50's, 60's, and 70's, chances were they were Egyptian. Its film industry was so prominent that Cairo was known as the 'Hollywood on the Nile' (as far as I'm aware).
I love how it's like the composers of these songs somehow knew videos would be made on them and made the intros long so we could include all the countries
actually, those songs are made to be shown in operas, so they actually did dances with the flags of the countries. If you notice, Ingen skipped a beat, that beat was for South Yemen, which was a seperated country.
كل خيرا كذبة العروبة دي عند كل كافر بدينه ربي اختار هذه الأمة العربية و الغير عربيه بأن تحمل دينه و بللغته العربية و جعل لنا لغه واحده و رأيه واحده و نبينا محمد صل الله عليه وسلم عربي وتاج راسي و راسك وراسكم غصب عن أي مثير الفتن
mohamed el wahab is such a inspirational guy for pro-patriotic arabic music, i can sufficiently say that he is the mastermind behind some of patriotic arabia's most pivotal songs, thank you ingen ps: thank you for 100 likes
This is an Egyptian song from 1960s in time of Nasser. The song was composed by the Egyptian composer Mohamed Abd El Wahab. Lyrics by the Egyptian poet Hussein El Sayed.
@@Grizzly_bear1 I know it's a song about Arab unity. At that time the ruler of Egypt was Nasser who called for Arab nationalism and unity so he asked Egyptian musicians to write and compose many songs to promote this idea and this song was one of them. It's part of the Egyptian musical heritage from that era.
@@hubb8049 The singers are (in order): Warda, Nagat Al Saghira, Abdel Halim Hafez, Fayza Ahmed, Shadia, and in the final verse Mohammed Abdel Wahab himself. They were major music and film stars of their day!
I hate to break it to you but Italy isn't part of Pan-Arabia. It isn't arab or even muslim, which is arguably a good thing but still. Edit: Ohhh, was it a joke, sorry.... anyways I'm gonna just go about my business More edit: Wow. This is brutal. I think I'll go play Age of Empires to cool off.
If i had an penny for every time ingen posted an +8 minute long awesome arab patriotic song, i'd have 2 pennies, which is not a lot but its good that it happened twice i'd also have two pennies for the times he posted an unity of peoples song with an map
@@reluctantcrusader8455 i was meaning el geal el saed and deutschland hoch in ehren but didn't know that was ist des deutschen vaterland had too, so 3 pennies actually
We may have lost our wars, We may have failed our ancestors, We may have destroyed our revolutions but the hope of shattering these borders drawn up by foreign still lives up in everyone of us.
For americans that wonder the mark like "!" Is on the left insted on tje right. Because when u read it its actually from the right insted from the left in arab like for example English : english Arab : barA Its mirrored so hopefully that help👍
@@zenderkingr3823 هو يقصد القومية العربية والتعصب لها، فالقوميون العرب حركة قامت في القرن الماضي، روادها في البداية نصارى عرب، وهي حركة تحاكي حركات قومية أخرى سبقتها، وهي تدعو إلى توحد العرب على عروبتهم وبسبب ذلك ولأجل ذلك لا لدينهم ومن أجله، ولذلك فشلت وتشتت، وبقي قول الله الخالد (هذه أمتكم أمة واحدة)، أي أمة الإسلام لا أمة العرب. وهذا لا يعني أن العرب لا يجب أن يتحدوا، بل يجب أن يتحدوا ويجتمعوا على الحق، وهو الإسلام لا على العروبة، فالأعجمي المسلم البعيد أقرب إلي من العربي الكافر القريب، وهذا عكس ما تقرره القومية العربية. وعلى كلٍ الأغنية فيها معاني حسنة، وهي جميلة عموما، وإن كانت كما هو معلوم حراما، لِلموسيقى التي فيها، وزيادة على ذلك أن المرأة غنتها بصوتها، وهذا حرام بالإجماع، قال الله (ولا تخضعن في القول)، فإذا كان الخضوع في القول ممنوعا ومحرما شرعا؛ فالغناء (أمام الرجال) تحريمه يكون من باب أولى.
@@Mohammed-jf2sp ربما يكون الغناء حراما للنساء... ولكن لا يجوز للجزاء ان يكون من جنس العمل هنا... فلا يجوز معالجة الحرام بالحرام.... كما فعل الارهابيون بأبناء الشعب العربي في مصر و العراق و سوريا و ليبيا...باسم الاسلام وهو منهم براء.. كما ترى أخي الكريم... ان هؤلاء النصارى الذين تكلمت عنهم لم يسعوا لخدمة مصالحهم الشخصية بل لخدمة اوطانهم بنشر مفهوم العروبة و الذي لا يقلل من شأن الاسلام، بل سعى في ذلك الزمان لربط العرب بتاريخهم الاسلامي في الماضي..و توحيدهم في الحاضر...لمواجهة المستعمرين آنذاك و ردع اعداء الاسلام على حد سواء، و بناء مجتمع عربي سوي يسهم في نشر رسالة الاسلام و إعادة هيبته.. و السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
@@zenderkingr3823 ليس في الأمر "ربما" الإجماع منعقد على حرمة غناء المرأة أمام الرجال الأجانب، وكل إجماع مستند إلى نص. أما ذكرك إجرام الإرهابيين فلا وجه له هنا، إذ لا داعي لذكره، فأنا لم أبرره! فما علاقته بموضوعنا أخي؟ أما حسن نوايا رواد القومية العربية، فهذا وإن كان فيه نظر، ولا أسلمه لك على إطلاقه، لأن كثير منهم كان يحارب الإسلام والدعوة إليه ومعروف التضييق على الدعاة آنذاك والسخرية من الدين؛ إلا أن حسن النية لا يعني صحة العمل، فالقومية العربية قامت على باطل، وهو التعصب للعروبة والعرب دون غيرهم، وهذا لا يشك من عرف شيئا من الإسلام أنه محرم. وعلى كلٍ فقد كان للحركة القومية حسنات وسيئات لا شك في هذا، لكن الاعتراف بالحق فضيلة، لم تكن هذه هي الطريقة الصحيحة للإصلاح.
I wanted to hear something with a pan-Slavic motif, "Hey Slavs" is the simplest thing you can find on this topic, I'm sure there are many more songs about this impossible unification, at least for now
@@Arabistt22 Yes. I hope what all muslims will unite to correct an error with thieves on their lands. Sunnites, Shiites, Arabs, Turkic peoples. All possible differences are nothing against existential threat from six ended star country, covered by star-spangled owner
I always admired the Arabic people's determination towards unification. Despite how many times they've attempted to succeed in it, and despite how unrealistically idealistic it is, they've never given up on inching ever closer to fruition. A trait which I've noticed about my own people before.
We are not arabs we are amazigh. Arab propaganda want to convince berbers that we are arabs, but this is not the case. But, we still can be friends and our nations can be allies.
@@heroko_z No dude, 100% of moroccans are amazigh when we speak about genetic. We share the same religion and some cultural things but we are not the same people, as well as we are not europeans or subsaharians. No hate, no problem, that's only a fact :)
@@zglobuorf I'm half Arab, half Berber with proof. so don't generalize. + Arabs in 21st are who speak Arabic as 1st language. Even Egyptians, Syrians, Iraqis, Somalis, Djiboutis, Sudanese, Algerians, Palestinians, Lebanese, Tunisians, Libyans, and Mauritanians are not fully Arabs. Basically, Our natives are Amazighs/Berbers but then with history advances. many races entered North Africa from the 3 continents (Sub-Saharan Africa, Middle East, Europe), and that is what explains phenotype diversity.
I love the map animation like the German patriotic anthem! I may not be Arabic at all, but I love my pan Arabic friends!🇪🇺❤️🇸🇦🇰🇼🇮🇶🇪🇬🇪🇭🇾🇪🇦🇪🇸🇩🇸🇾🇵🇸🇴🇲🇲🇦🇲🇷🇱🇾🇩🇿🇯🇴🇩🇯🇸🇴🇱🇧🇰🇲🇹🇳
@@millitarykay09official54 truth is the truth and you gotta accept, theres many murtads and kaafirs in maldives rn who portrays islam as a boomer culture, even my own family members mock muhammed for marrying aisha when she was 9, whereas they did not know that muhammad was following the commands of allah
2:16 The Arab Soldier / الجندي العربي 3:17 The Farmer / الزارع 4:20 The Austri- I mean Artist / الفنان 5:16 The sla- I mean Worker / العامل 6:21 The wage worke- I mean Student / الطالب 7:26 Gamal Abdelnasser / جمال عبد الناصر
Love to the Arab world from India! 🇮🇳❤️🇵🇸 Our nations have had historic connections and trade relations, many Indo-Iranian languages like Hindi & Urdu have many Arabic loanwords. India's Jawaharlal Nehru founded the NAM with Egypt's Gamaal Abd El-Nasser, Ghana's Kwame Nkrumah, Indonesia's Sukarno, and the former Yugoslavia's Josip Broz "Tito". I am a supporter of Leftist and democratic Pan-Arabism!
@@guymad789 I was once like this too, but then i realised the blatant human-rights abuses that were committed by the Israelis. Glory to the United Arab Republic and socialism!!
@@naser766 ما قلته يعتبر جهل، والجاهل لا يحق له أن يتكلم إلا مستفهما، وإلا سيقرع ويؤدب بسياط العلم. العرب انتشروا في البقاع، حتى وصلوا أقاصي الأرض، وإلا فقل لي من حكم الأندلس، أوليسوا بني أمية؟ وقل لي كم عدد الصحابة فضلا عمن بعدهم ممن توفي أو استشهد خارج جزيرة العرب؟ أتعرف أين قبر أبي أيوب الأنصاري؟
@@Mohammed-jf2sp لا تتحدث مع صاحب الأرض ببداوة و عنترية و إلى ستضرب بسوطنا ، العرب كانو يشكلون مستوطنات قليلة بعد الوصول للأراضي غربا ، و تم طردهم بعد ثورة البربر حسب كل المصادر .
@@MansagMasagحسب المصادر العصيدية.* العرب لازالو يسيطرون على البقعة التي تدعي أنها لك بدليل أنت تتحدث لغتنا ولاتستطيع الإستغناء عنها على عكسي كعربية مغربية بشهادة التحليل لا أحتاج لغتك أبدا عن أي طرد أيها الجهلة إذا كان الطرد قد تم حقا فإن كبرى الهجراة العربية قد كانت بعد النصر المزعوم في العهد الموحدي حسب المصادر العالمية وأبحاث جامعة أكسفورد أقدم جامعة في العالم. لقد أذللتم نفسكم كثيرا أرجعوا قليلا من ماء وجهكم. وتعايشوا مع الواقع
This song, with Arabic words and the Egyptian dialect, was composed by an Egyptian author, composed by an Egyptian composer, and sung by Egyptians. But in 2023, the matter will not become as it was, as the Arabic-speaking countries of the Middle East are in enmity, and this is a song from the past whose idea died, and the beautiful past died with it.
En Kalmar unionist? Jag hoppas att du menar att Sverige kommer styra… Inte likt förra gången med det som hände uppe i Stockholm efter att en viss Kristian tog makten…
Greetings from Montenegro (Former Yugoslavia). I have great love and respect for the Arab people. I hope Arab people will be reunited into a single state. May the glory of your ancestors shine brighter than the sun!
Arabs have such a gigachad language, interesting religion and ancient culture. Love all Arabs from Ukraine☦️🇺🇦💚☪️🇦🇪🇩🇿🇪🇬🇯🇴🇮🇶🇰🇼🇧🇭🇲🇷🇲🇦🇱🇾🇸🇾🇹🇳🇸🇩🇵🇸🇸🇦🇴🇲🇱🇧🇾🇪🇰🇲🇶🇦. Also love to Somalis🇺🇦💚🇸🇴🇩🇯
@Mughal Nationalist(Hindu genocider) No lmao, there were no arabs in north africa nor the levant pre Rashidun era (630 a.D.) what you are saying is false and cringe just like your profile arabs come from the arabian peninsula, know the History and stop spreading hate in your channel torwards hindus
I am arabic and i'm gonna be honest : This is the last thing I imagine to happen in the future Because of political problems, terrorism, and Israel....but at least this is a very beautiful song.
حي الله عرب المغرب الوحدويين تحية لهم من كل اصل عرب او غير عرب ... كل يؤمن بالوحدة العربية وان مصير الشعوب في الوطن العربي مصير واحد فهو اخ وصديق ورفيق
Why do most of the comments say Sweden? I am really surprised. What is the relationship between Sweden and the Arabs?? Nothing, it is a European country, and we are Arabs, stop being crazy
Sweden in the last few years has had a massive increase in its Muslims population most of whom came from Syria it’s now gotten to the point where Muslims are starting to outnumber Swedes in some areas along with Christianity falling down in numbers aswell
@@sharky7002there’s 10m Swedes and 200k+ Syrians and Iraqis combined?, abeg stop exaggerating the numbers, the Swedish government puts migrants in one area, ofc 200k people are gonna dominate some town or sumn.
Egypt had an entire musical renaissance in the Nasser era and its sad to see very little recognition of the music from that time internationally
So true! Very well said
Not just in music, either. Egypt was pretty much the center of the Arab film industry back during Nasser's presidency (it still is, really). If there was a famous actor of Arab origin in the 50's, 60's, and 70's, chances were they were Egyptian. Its film industry was so prominent that Cairo was known as the 'Hollywood on the Nile' (as far as I'm aware).
I love how it's like the composers of these songs somehow knew videos would be made on them and made the intros long so we could include all the countries
The creators might make the intro longer fo fit all flags
actually, those songs are made to be shown in operas, so they actually did dances with the flags of the countries. If you notice, Ingen skipped a beat, that beat was for South Yemen, which was a seperated country.
@@ethandouro4334 He could've done Western Sahara lol.
@@faaznoushad1718 true but moroccans would be mad
Glory to the Arab People and the Nation, from your Brother in Somalia.
المجد للشعب العربي والأمة العربية من أخيك في الصومال.
See, there's a reason why we included Somalia. ❤️
لو كل واحد اشترى مراية وطلع فيها لاكتشف كذبة العروبة
Somalian here, Arab is prt of our history, and we as brothers and sisters should stand as a army and be proud of our heritage
@@zekromsxnobi1817Somali not Somalian 😂
كل خيرا كذبة العروبة دي عند كل كافر بدينه ربي اختار هذه الأمة العربية و الغير عربيه بأن تحمل دينه و بللغته العربية و جعل لنا لغه واحده و رأيه واحده و نبينا محمد صل الله عليه وسلم عربي وتاج راسي و راسك وراسكم غصب عن أي مثير الفتن
You forgot Sweden 😢
@@НиколайРоманов-л6ю and Germany 😂
And smelly uk 😂
@@thepatriot47 probably most of Western Europe. EU is so lame, they need to do something to stop multiculturalism
@@overofthetop6071 😂
And Canada
and soon the US too😂
The opening was the best, hope we gonna see more of similar stuff in future videos!
مغربي عربي و أفتخر و تحية لكل العرب 🇲🇦
و عليكم السلام يا اخي المغربي أنشأ الله سنقف متحدين تحت راية مشتركة ذات يوم (من العراق🇮🇶)
@@tvutilizerSalaam alkum
@@tvutilizerتحت راية التوحيد ☝🏻
د1عش ماعش؟
يوما ما و ستكون العاصمة في مراكش@@tvutilizer
mohamed el wahab is such a inspirational guy for pro-patriotic arabic music, i can sufficiently say that he is the mastermind behind some of patriotic arabia's most pivotal songs, thank you ingen
ps: thank you for 100 likes
I love listening to the guys stuff even tho I'm a white American dude because it's just so damn inspirational
@@sirllamaiii9708 I'm mixed Brazilian and I love those songs tbh, give me a sense of identity
@@ethandouro4334 same here! white but still mixed and also brazilian but this songs makes me feel arab
I knew this was in an Arab dialect based on the "El" instead of the "Al," but as soon as they chanted Abdel Nasser! I knew it was Egyptian Arabic
Smart cookie
Egyprian here the arabic in this song is a mix of fusha arabic and egyptian arabic
meanwhile Iraqi Arabs say “il” and “li”
not surprising considering Egypt was the one leading the charge for a unified Arab state under Gemal Abdel Nasser
Also the pronunciation of g and not j in el-geal
This is an Egyptian song from 1960s in time of Nasser. The song was composed by the Egyptian composer Mohamed Abd El Wahab. Lyrics by the Egyptian poet Hussein El Sayed.
It's a song that talks about arab unity it doesn't matter who made it.
@@Grizzly_bear1 I know it's a song about Arab unity. At that time the ruler of Egypt was Nasser who called for Arab nationalism and unity so he asked Egyptian musicians to write and compose many songs to promote this idea and this song was one of them. It's part of the Egyptian musical heritage from that era.
Do you happen to know who the singers are?
@@hubb8049 The singers are (in order): Warda, Nagat Al Saghira, Abdel Halim Hafez, Fayza Ahmed, Shadia, and in the final verse Mohammed Abdel Wahab himself. They were major music and film stars of their day!
As an Italian I'm proud to be part of Pan-Arabia
I hate to break it to you but Italy isn't part of Pan-Arabia. It isn't arab or even muslim, which is arguably a good thing but still.
Edit: Ohhh, was it a joke, sorry.... anyways I'm gonna just go about my business
More edit: Wow. This is brutal. I think I'll go play Age of Empires to cool off.
@@timmyanimations8321 🤓🤓🤓
@@timmyanimations8321 🤓🤓🤓🤓💅💅💅
@@timmyanimations8321 🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓🤓☝️☝️
@@timmyanimations8321 🤓🖐
Greetings to every Arab country as an Arab from Oman 🇴🇲❤
Based Oman
من العراق يارب تختفي كراهية بين شعوب عربية و ننتحد على عدو مشترك
Proud Arabs 🇲🇦ض❤️
No Arabs in africa bro
Also Western Sahara 🇪🇭 is independent country
@@AzayzaYiseverywhereyes there are
It's mesmerizing how Arab countries have such a strategic placement on the map
These lyrics are so beautiful honestly
That opening scene was really cool.
Been there since "O Duetschland, Hoch in Ehren"
Just as epic as the great homeland intro
It break my tears when Ingen adds full Palestine land
@@asoru5573 Palestine from May 13th, 1948 is not real. It cannot hurt you.
@@asoru5573 Britain causing this:
This is such an incredible animation upgrade, I really like it!!
If i had an penny for every time ingen posted an +8 minute long awesome arab patriotic song, i'd have 2 pennies, which is not a lot but its good that it happened twice
i'd also have two pennies for the times he posted an unity of peoples song with an map
Technically 4 for the maps if you count "O Deutschland Hoch in Ehren" and "Was Ist Des Deutschen Vaterland?"
@@reluctantcrusader8455 i was meaning el geal el saed and deutschland hoch in ehren but didn't know that was ist des deutschen vaterland had too, so 3 pennies actually
@@chingqing0504 You're right. I misrembered and thought that Al-Watan Al-Ackbar had a flag map too.
For real, these arab patriotic songs are so badass and cool, I hope Ingen posts more of them.
He posted more than 2 technically
Eternal glory to our Arab comrades!
Comrades for ever ♥✌
Comrade 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩
this song makes a proud Arab (I am Polish)
No I’m Muslim British
Sorry to hear that you're Polish, very sad.
@@lacadienoignon.4648Damn! Sorry that you're french bro.
I am from palestine!! god bless the polish
as always what a masterclass sounding language! thank you!
The opening scene was soo beautiful! Love to all arab people from Hungary.
Thank you! ❤
Romania is better
@@goyimkiller69no it’s not historically economically and politically worse
@@abariux3631 Not the gypsy talking
Thanks :)
May the Arabs be United into one nation inshallah I am from Kuwait 🇰🇼
Love Kuwait 🇰🇼 from Somalia 🇸🇴
Greetings to our brothers in Kuwait from Tunisia, one day we will be together, if not by us, it will be done with our children inshallah
Support from your Malaysian brother 💪
Amen, brother.
Greetings from Egypt.
مغربية عربية بشهادة التحليل الجيني ولا أكن حقد لأي أحد تحيتي للأشقاء العرب من المحيط للخليج. والتحية كذلك للإخوة الأمازيغ في المغرب❤
الامازيغ غير مذكورين بالتاريخ.
الأصل هي البربر
We may have lost our wars, We may have failed our ancestors, We may have destroyed our revolutions but the hope of shattering these borders drawn up by foreign still lives up in everyone of us.
So true
1 day bro..
inshallah 😂
Inshallah one day our countries will be ours again with Palestine as the crown jewel.
@@Saladid based name
Best youtuber ever, keep uploading and the support is going up!
Everyone if you dont realise, he put the palestine map instead of isnortreal one and thats very good.
@@kvxmer no that's not very good, it's the land of israel, not the land of palestine
@@TrueBlue_01 IsNotReal doesn't exist. palestine came first. and they took land first. isnotreal stealead the land.
As a Swede, I am happy to be part of the pan-Arab world
cry in sven
Varför det ryska namnet då?
Sorry man, for the arab refugees I hope when the time the Arabs unified that Arabs there will go back to their respected homeland
More like russian refugee.
Nice a Russian trying to pretending being a swede
Proud arabe 🇹🇳✌❤🇹🇳✌❤
Tahia tounes 🇹🇳🇹🇳🇹🇳🇹🇳
I'm also a proud arab
Never had I felt so patriotic for a country that does not (yet) exist
It existed in the 50s
keyword: Yet >:))
@@FofooGatoGamerit did not unfortunately
United Arab Republic @@Al.katouss
@@el__10_07 the united arab republic didn't include the whole arab world
As a Saudi it’s really good Masallah
It's an Egyptian song in the 1960s
For americans that wonder the mark like "!" Is on the left insted on tje right. Because when u read it its actually from the right insted from the left in arab like for example
English : english
Arab : barA
Its mirrored so hopefully that help👍
Thank you!
Egyptians make most unique songs the way they talk about struggle and unification is perfect
Listen to "The voice of the masses".
Peace for gaza and to all who want peace in our nations!
انا كعراقي اتمنى ان يصبح اتحاد بين العرب😢
إذا بيحصل إتحاد ، نحن أول من ضروري نتحد=)
@@Mani.Aglabni حبايبنا أهل اليمن💖🌹
بأذن الله قريب قريب يا اخوي رح اصير اروح على العراق واليمن في السيارة دون أي مانع 😂
يا ريت
@@tuiiitiiighpoامي راحت لسوريا بسيارة
A great Arab nation would be great, greetings from Brazil 🇧🇷
Really hope the arab league reunites one day, let’s just hope Morocco and Algeria can get along better
Sim, fica piano ai@@alguemaleatorio1892
@@alguemaleatorio1892 🤓
Brazil and latin America would get along with arabs just fine
Seen WE have the same skin features and our cultures are very similar to some extent
عربي مصري ❤️🇪🇬 تحيه لأخواني حفظكم الله ❤❤
حبيبي والله
لستم عرب بل شتات روم وعثمانيين وشركس
اخوة الانذال و شذاذ الافاق
it is amazing indeed
Your country is not welcome to this app
@@Broþar what?
@@Broþar Japanophobia isn't exactly what I was expecting in a Panarabist music UA-cam video.
@@Broþar Your attitude isn't allowed in this app.
Greetings to all the Muslim and Arab peoples, from your Muslim Egyptian Arab brother! ☝️😎👍
كم اتمنى ان ترجع امجادنا ويعم السلام في جميع الدول العربيه كفى تدخلات خارجيه😔!
*امه عربيه واحده ذات رساله خالده*
كفرنا بالعربية و آمنا بالاسلام
@@naser766 العفو...
و انشاء الله نجتمع أمة عربية مسلمة يوما ما...
@@zenderkingr3823 هو يقصد القومية العربية والتعصب لها، فالقوميون العرب حركة قامت في القرن الماضي، روادها في البداية نصارى عرب، وهي حركة تحاكي حركات قومية أخرى سبقتها، وهي تدعو إلى توحد العرب على عروبتهم وبسبب ذلك ولأجل ذلك لا لدينهم ومن أجله، ولذلك فشلت وتشتت، وبقي قول الله الخالد (هذه أمتكم أمة واحدة)، أي أمة الإسلام لا أمة العرب. وهذا لا يعني أن العرب لا يجب أن يتحدوا، بل يجب أن يتحدوا ويجتمعوا على الحق، وهو الإسلام لا على العروبة، فالأعجمي المسلم البعيد أقرب إلي من العربي الكافر القريب، وهذا عكس ما تقرره القومية العربية.
وعلى كلٍ الأغنية فيها معاني حسنة، وهي جميلة عموما، وإن كانت كما هو معلوم حراما، لِلموسيقى التي فيها، وزيادة على ذلك أن المرأة غنتها بصوتها، وهذا حرام بالإجماع، قال الله (ولا تخضعن في القول)، فإذا كان الخضوع في القول ممنوعا ومحرما شرعا؛ فالغناء (أمام الرجال) تحريمه يكون من باب أولى.
ربما يكون الغناء حراما للنساء...
ولكن لا يجوز للجزاء ان يكون من جنس العمل هنا...
فلا يجوز معالجة الحرام بالحرام....
كما فعل الارهابيون بأبناء الشعب العربي في مصر و العراق و سوريا و ليبيا...باسم الاسلام وهو منهم براء..
كما ترى أخي الكريم...
ان هؤلاء النصارى الذين تكلمت عنهم لم يسعوا لخدمة مصالحهم الشخصية بل لخدمة اوطانهم بنشر مفهوم العروبة و الذي لا يقلل من شأن الاسلام، بل سعى في ذلك الزمان لربط العرب بتاريخهم الاسلامي في الماضي..و توحيدهم في الحاضر...لمواجهة المستعمرين آنذاك و ردع اعداء الاسلام على حد سواء، و بناء مجتمع عربي سوي يسهم في نشر رسالة الاسلام و إعادة هيبته..
و السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته
@@zenderkingr3823 ليس في الأمر "ربما" الإجماع منعقد على حرمة غناء المرأة أمام الرجال الأجانب، وكل إجماع مستند إلى نص.
أما ذكرك إجرام الإرهابيين فلا وجه له هنا، إذ لا داعي لذكره، فأنا لم أبرره! فما علاقته بموضوعنا أخي؟
أما حسن نوايا رواد القومية العربية، فهذا وإن كان فيه نظر، ولا أسلمه لك على إطلاقه، لأن كثير منهم كان يحارب الإسلام والدعوة إليه ومعروف التضييق على الدعاة آنذاك والسخرية من الدين؛ إلا أن حسن النية لا يعني صحة العمل، فالقومية العربية قامت على باطل، وهو التعصب للعروبة والعرب دون غيرهم، وهذا لا يشك من عرف شيئا من الإسلام أنه محرم. وعلى كلٍ فقد كان للحركة القومية حسنات وسيئات لا شك في هذا، لكن الاعتراف بالحق فضيلة، لم تكن هذه هي الطريقة الصحيحة للإصلاح.
I wanted to hear something with a pan-Slavic motif, "Hey Slavs" is the simplest thing you can find on this topic, I'm sure there are many more songs about this impossible unification, at least for now
The closest thing would probably be Tito's song
As always, great work.
Greetings to my glorious Arab homeland 🇱🇾♥️
Proud to be born in Oman 🇴🇲❤️🇮🇳
That opening was fantastic...
Love Arabic world from Egypt 🇪🇬
كل الحب لجميع المسلمين والعرب من اليمن
Glory to every Arab, greetings from Egypt 🇪🇬♥
Long life and piece. Greeetings from post USSR
ussr and egypt are allies in 1956|1971@@AlexeyKun
@@Arabistt22 Yes. I hope what all muslims will unite to correct an error with thieves on their lands. Sunnites, Shiites, Arabs, Turkic peoples. All possible differences are nothing against existential threat from six ended star country, covered by star-spangled owner
🫡 🇰🇷 🤝 🇪🇬 🫡
Egypt-- victims of Arab imperialism and colonialism.
One day our Arab brothers will be united and free. Love all Arabs from greece 🇬🇷♥🇸🇦🇴🇲🇵🇸🇯🇴🇾🇪🇦🇪🇶🇦🇧🇭🇪🇬🇸🇾🇱🇧🇰🇼🇸🇩🇰🇲🇸🇴🇩🇯🇮🇶🇱🇾🇹🇳🇩🇿🇲🇦🇪🇭🇲🇷
I hope one day Anatolia and rumelia will be Greek teritory soon
@@robertnortan87 ok Robert Nortan, very Arab name
All love for Greece 🇬🇷❤️ from Egypt and all Arab world ❤️❤️
love greece 🇬🇷❤🇵🇸🤜🇹🇷
You first save northern Cyprus from the Turks. PUHAHAHAHA
ماشاءالله على جميع الاخوة Greetings from Al Andalus, Hispanistan.
@@tutigseg Es una broma
Unfunny islamophobe
May the arabs unite one day and may we the hispanic nations follow their example, respect from Argentina🇦🇷 to the Arab people
Fake map no Arab in africa
@@AzayzaYiseverywhere you are wrong there are arabs in africa
@@valen23argSomalia not Arab Algeria not Arab and Syria not Arab 😂😂😅😅
@@daviroza4700 only somalia not arab
I always admired the Arabic people's determination towards unification. Despite how many times they've attempted to succeed in it, and despite how unrealistically idealistic it is, they've never given up on inching ever closer to fruition. A trait which I've noticed about my own people before.
The Arab states will unite one day. Arabs have lived under the control of outside powers for long enough, now is the time for unification.
I believe it will happen, impossible is not Arab 🇵🇸❤️
I’m proud Arab 🇸🇴
I saw you on other videos saying that you were from western Sahara
@@Al.katouss😂😂 I love Western Sahara 🇪🇭
@@Al.katoussWestern Sahara is not Moroccan if that was the case then Morocco would be bigger than Somalia 😂😅
Btw somalia isn't arab
@@Al.katoussyes Somali is Arab watch the video
As a Syrian, I Can Confirm that this Song is 100% Arabic without any Mistakes
It's Egyptian.
@@ginismoja2459 he confirmed it was arabic, egyptians, atleast most of them, speak arabic, even if it is a different dialect from someone of say syria
@@notlucas6859 sounds like you're not an Arab nor do you speak Arabic.
@@ginismoja2459 could u elaborate
@@notlucas6859he is saying nonsense
I love this, it’s so catchy and old-cartoon style :)
Old cartoon style what you mean 🤨
@@goldball9916song sounds like it’s from disney
من الجرائر ❤️🇵🇸🇩🇿 شكرا خطيت خريطة فلسطين كاملة
I really surprised when i saw how many morrocans are proud to be arabian 🇲🇦
Out of propaganda ❤
Moroccans are berbers not arabs
We are not arabs we are amazigh. Arab propaganda want to convince berbers that we are arabs, but this is not the case.
But, we still can be friends and our nations can be allies.
@@zglobuorf I know bro at least 40% of morrocan are amazigh but I said that in the wise that make the arabs Arabs (I know my explain need explain)
@@heroko_z No dude, 100% of moroccans are amazigh when we speak about genetic. We share the same religion and some cultural things but we are not the same people, as well as we are not europeans or subsaharians. No hate, no problem, that's only a fact :)
@@zglobuorf I'm half Arab, half Berber with proof. so don't generalize. + Arabs in 21st are who speak Arabic as 1st language. Even Egyptians, Syrians, Iraqis, Somalis, Djiboutis, Sudanese, Algerians, Palestinians, Lebanese, Tunisians, Libyans, and Mauritanians are not fully Arabs. Basically, Our natives are Amazighs/Berbers but then with history advances. many races entered North Africa from the 3 continents (Sub-Saharan Africa, Middle East, Europe), and that is what explains phenotype diversity.
I love the map animation like the German patriotic anthem! I may not be Arabic at all, but I love my pan Arabic friends!🇪🇺❤️🇸🇦🇰🇼🇮🇶🇪🇬🇪🇭🇾🇪🇦🇪🇸🇩🇸🇾🇵🇸🇴🇲🇲🇦🇲🇷🇱🇾🇩🇿🇯🇴🇩🇯🇸🇴🇱🇧🇰🇲🇹🇳
Well, one day this will be the real German anthem
Lol maybe
@@TheMoravianPatriot he meant the opening like this one
هههههه في احلامك يا الغربي الابيض الي كاره للمسلمين
🇪🇺 This is my favorite arab country
Nice timing as usual 🇸🇩🇸🇩
As an Uzbek im proud to live in arab country ❤
I like Uzbek culture
@@savdolite بسبب فتح الاسلامي لوسط اسيا
@@Dodzi4Real تحياتي للشعب الاوزبكي الشقيق
Love my Uzbek brothers and sisters from Saudia
@@swacks7960 حبيبي انت ❤️
As a Arab Indonesian this song is fire🔥 كعربي إندونيسي، هذه الأغنية نار🔥
Never heard of that Indonesian ethnicity has nothing to do with us Arabs
@@Nebu_u Indonesians have Arabs too
@@mohammadakmal2435 not arab blood but Arabs living in Indonesia yes
Mohammad abdel al Wahab is one of my favorite composer.
As a Maldivian i am proud i have Arabic also Moroccan ancestors.
Kaley bodu Nakala Chakka chappati body boa goas vefa oi sarukaarege dhashuga thibi bodu moya eh. kaley thi molhu madarusaa ga "mAldIvEs iS 100% muslim" kiyeviakas also hageegathuga mi avahshu ulhey baivaru murtad vegen ulhey meehun madhen noon, dhenves dheybala hinaiganan instead of saying main "ek muslim rotee hoon chakala nagar"
@@scp049leplaguedocter3 ma sha kee islame ehen veemaa, Kalee yageen kafir e kan.
@@millitarykay09official54 how do you know?, your sand told me?
@@millitarykay09official54 truth is the truth and you gotta accept, theres many murtads and kaafirs in maldives rn who portrays islam as a boomer culture, even my own family members mock muhammed for marrying aisha when she was 9, whereas they did not know that muhammad was following the commands of allah
@@scp049leplaguedocter3 don't understand what u sayin
He finally did it. He finally made a video about this
埃及萬歳‼ Long Live Egypt‼
🫡 🇰🇷 🤝 🇪🇬 🫡 🦅 🇪🇬 🇪🇬 🦅
@@Joy_X304الاغنية مصرية ايه علاقة العراق!
May we all be united one day🇱🇧❤
my hope before gods grace is that by this day the quarrel between the many religions have ended.
I write, think and say this as a none believer
اكيد راح يجي هذا اليوم و نكون تحت حكم الله ثم حكم آل سعود الله يعزهم😎🫡🇸🇦.
@@naser766 على رْبي يارجل 😂
@@naser766ال سعود 😮 حبيبي السعود كلاب امريكا واسرائيل
Even though I'm not Arab. This Nationalist Song is Fire 🔥🔥🔥
2:16 The Arab Soldier / الجندي العربي
3:17 The Farmer / الزارع
4:20 The Austri- I mean Artist / الفنان
5:16 The sla- I mean Worker / العامل
6:21 The wage worke- I mean Student / الطالب
7:26 Gamal Abdelnasser / جمال عبد الناصر
Abdel Nasser is my favourite profession
@@socialistrepublicofvietnam1500I go with Abdul-Nasser but for the sake of not pissing people off i go with this one
Love to the Arab world from India! 🇮🇳❤️🇵🇸
Our nations have had historic connections and trade relations, many Indo-Iranian languages like Hindi & Urdu have many Arabic loanwords.
India's Jawaharlal Nehru founded the NAM with Egypt's Gamaal Abd El-Nasser, Ghana's Kwame Nkrumah, Indonesia's Sukarno, and the former Yugoslavia's Josip Broz "Tito".
I am a supporter of Leftist and democratic Pan-Arabism!
@@guymad789 I was once like this too, but then i realised the blatant human-rights abuses that were committed by the Israelis. Glory to the United Arab Republic and socialism!!
There are ancient links between India and the Arabs. The Arabs were the first merchants to reach India across the seas
Adolf conquered and terrorized the Jews, descendants of apes and pigs
Why is arabic so beautiful sung
“Beauty lives in the eyes of who sees it “
Arabic proverb
I’m Arabic and my god This must be what Russians feel wwhen people say that about soviet anthems
Before watching this: *Israel*
After watching this: *Isn’treal*
@@titojuani20 *yeah
@@thereallemon429 yeah but delete y and e and add n
@@Estonia_Aviationadd the letters back you told him to delete
@@shimmyahshimmyahh And then y and e replaced with n
The intro was awesome, we gotta appreciate his work.
Where is Comoros btw?
امة عربية واحدة
ذات رسالة خالدة
العرب في جزيرة العرب
@@naser766 ما قلته يعتبر جهل، والجاهل لا يحق له أن يتكلم إلا مستفهما، وإلا سيقرع ويؤدب بسياط العلم.
العرب انتشروا في البقاع، حتى وصلوا أقاصي الأرض، وإلا فقل لي من حكم الأندلس، أوليسوا بني أمية؟ وقل لي كم عدد الصحابة فضلا عمن بعدهم ممن توفي أو استشهد خارج جزيرة العرب؟ أتعرف أين قبر أبي أيوب الأنصاري؟
@عبدالله انت سرياني
@@Mohammed-jf2sp لا تتحدث مع صاحب الأرض ببداوة و عنترية و إلى ستضرب بسوطنا ، العرب كانو يشكلون مستوطنات قليلة بعد الوصول للأراضي غربا ، و تم طردهم بعد ثورة البربر حسب كل المصادر .
@@MansagMasagحسب المصادر العصيدية.*
العرب لازالو يسيطرون على البقعة التي تدعي أنها لك بدليل أنت تتحدث لغتنا ولاتستطيع الإستغناء عنها على عكسي كعربية مغربية بشهادة التحليل لا أحتاج لغتك أبدا عن أي طرد أيها الجهلة إذا كان الطرد قد تم حقا فإن كبرى الهجراة العربية قد كانت بعد النصر المزعوم في العهد الموحدي حسب المصادر العالمية وأبحاث جامعة أكسفورد أقدم جامعة في العالم. لقد أذللتم نفسكم كثيرا أرجعوا قليلا من ماء وجهكم. وتعايشوا مع الواقع
This song, with Arabic words and the Egyptian dialect, was composed by an Egyptian author, composed by an Egyptian composer, and sung by Egyptians. But in 2023, the matter will not become as it was, as the Arabic-speaking countries of the Middle East are in enmity, and this is a song from the past whose idea died, and the beautiful past died with it.
Proud to be Arabian 💪🏻🇮🇶
Love my Iraqi brothers and sisters from Saudia ♥ (Sorry for what my government did to your country)
Don't worry my Brothers
We are one Arab Islamic nation
We won't let governments divide us.
@@swacks7960You aren't Saudi
يرجال تسوقها انت
@@Alqoaity يا اخوي اسوقها على مين؟
You are Mesopotamian
تحية من ارض المرابطون، موريتانيا 🇲🇷
( أُمة عربية واحدة ذات رسالة خالدة )
عاش الوطن العربي من المحيط الى الخليج
نادراً اني اشوف اخوننا من موريتانيا اخوكم من السودان 🇲🇷💞🇸🇩
احلى ناس اهل السودان ❤️❤️ صحيح نحن قليل في مواقع التواصل للأسف.
I don't know whats going on, but considering Ingen's impeccable timing, it scares me
Edit: Oh. Sudan is Arabic. Uh oh.
@@Nordbon1523 Oh yea it is
Sudan coup
Yeah, a lot of crazy shit's happening in Sudan. Also, it's Ramadan
@@Nordbon1523 brutal coup
En Kalmar unionist? Jag hoppas att du menar att Sverige kommer styra… Inte likt förra gången med det som hände uppe i Stockholm efter att en viss Kristian tog makten…
If I wasn't an Arab , I'd wish to be an Arab
Most Arabs wish they were Germans/Europeans.
@@ginismoja2459 No
@@ginismoja2459 since when did Arabs tried to larp as germs
Lol I would never in my dreams
Why Arabic language is so peaceful?. I'm a Bangladeshi 🇧🇩(Bangladesh)
Pan-Slavic & Pan-Arabic alliance when? Free Palestine! Free Donbass!
Glory to you Arabs.
Greetings from Montenegro (Former Yugoslavia). I have great love and respect for the Arab people. I hope Arab people will be reunited into a single state. May the glory of your ancestors shine brighter than the sun!
Proud arab from Morocco 🇲🇦🇵🇸
Go live with them Morocco first !!
Proud Arabs 🇲🇦❤️
Love my Moroccan brothers and sisters from Saudia ❤
Western Sahara 🇪🇭 is not Arab free 💪💪🇪🇭🇪🇭🇪🇭🇪🇭
So much beauty in arabic art, culture and music. May all arabic people find unity and peace in times to come
As a arab I thank you for this gift of ramadan ❤
Ramadan is for all muslim not only Arabic muslim
@@noideaforname1980 islam is for everyone
@@noideaforname1980 bro u fucking ruined it
ramadan is not only for arabs
@@uwaisfaizal5941 yall fucked it up
So beautiful language.. So beautiful culture.. I wish we will see one day all Arabic countries free and united.
You and your British friend occupied most of these areas in that photo. It's really not appropriate to write this.
@@Filip_Bajer They aren't the entirety of France or Britain, dicknips, stop holding them accountable. Also France owned most of these countries.
@@Filip_Bajer Do you mean France? It just a picture, I am from Belarus actually and am socialist, so don't support the colonialism.
@@sciafanhareza Based Belarussian
what language? what culture? the culture of drinking camel piss and being 300 years backward than the civilised world? nice culture
Proud Arab🇾🇪👑🔥✨🇾🇪✨
افتخر كل الفخر كوني عربي ❤❤
from an arabic speaking person from egypt greeting and salutations to all the continents and all world
@Jahiz kılıç ان شاء الله
I may be a half Albanian half Greek Muslim but I still feel Arabic when watching this lol.
Do you live in Greece or Albania?
@@Syria_Free_Palestine_will_tooI live in Greece.
@@Thetheladman2929in ur dreams
'Ash El-Geel Es-Saed ... 'Ash!
Geel Min Sha'bi mugahad ... 'Ash!
'Ash Yebni Wyegahad 'Ash Bekfahul Khaled
Ragel Wayed, Mubda' Wayed
'Ash Geel Thawritna 'Ash!
'Ash El-gundi yom ma yatem Shuket lista'mar
Kan Anwan En-Nasr Es-Sawri f Kulli Balad Ahrar
Wesmanah Bihoulha Awiyyeh
Bismi Mubadi Umah Abiyyeh
Ana Khati Hagoom Wa Defaah, Ana Ramzi Salaam Wa Seraa
Afdi Berrou wa'ahyeesh fin Nasri batal wa shugaa
Hiyou Maya, 'Oulou Maya
'Ash El-Gundi El-'Arabi 'Ash!
'Ash Ez-Zara Yom Esh-Shamsi Ma 'Aset Biha 'Aini
Farshet Nourha Wkebr Ezzara Wa Huwa Mdari 'Alay!
Wesma'nah Bi'oulha Awiyyeh
Ardi Ouladi Wa Rga't Leyya
'Aramouna Sneen Wisneed Weftekrou Ennas Naimeen
Wa Tla'na 'Aleihum Yom khalasna Hayou Melayeen
Hiyou Maya, 'Oulou Maya
'Ash Fela Es-Sawra 'Ash!
Abdel Halim Hafez:
'Ash el-fann aDara el-umma yebnih El-Fannan
Yerwa 'Iyat-Ha Fghenwa fkilmeh
fSoura Berrou We Eeman
Wesma'nah Bi'oulha Awiyyeh
Magdi Bladi 'Ahda Aleyya
Albi Wrou'i Melk El-Fanni Wel-itneed I-bladi Hadeya
Hiyou Maya, 'Oulou Maya
'Ash El-fann Resala 'Ash!
Fayza Ahmed:
'Ash el-Amal yom ma faker yebnil Baladur Dar
Fiha medakhen Taale Minha Lahab ennour Wennar
Wesma'nah Bi'oulha Awiyyeh
Dah entagi w'Suna Eidaya
Ha'ana Baoun Illah Lesh'abi Duah Wa Munah
Wel-Kheir Zed Menna Wafad Wel-fayed Sudarna
'oulou Maya, Hiyou Maya
'Ash 'Ash el-Amel 'Ash
'Ash et-Talib yom ma Tulab el'ilmi ktab Wa Sila
'Ref Elm Wasila ya Ta'a ghayet Kulli Ne'ga
Wesma'nah Bi'oulha Awiyyeh
Fel 'Adadi W Fel-Kulliyeh
El'lmi Sila Habar Bye'awal leilna Nhar
yes'a lennour Bennour wa yuwagah annar bennar
Hiyou Maya, 'Oulou Maya
'Ash El-Geel Es-Saed 'Ash!
Abdel Wahab:
'Ash esh-shab el'Arabi kullu Sha'bi Salam W Eeman
'ash Elwa'i El'Arabi Kullu Thawra Fkulli Makan
Sawret Marad El'Urreya
Habbu Nada Bel-Kawmiyya
Radeyna 'Aleik Ya Gamal, W Eidayna F Eideik ya Gamal,
Wa tla'na Mak Ya Gamal, Nibni Weyak Ya Gamal!
Hiyou Maya, 'Oulou Maya
'Ash Abdel-Nasser 'Ash!
I just copied this from a random website lmao
Arabs have such a gigachad language, interesting religion and ancient culture. Love all Arabs from Ukraine☦️🇺🇦💚☪️🇦🇪🇩🇿🇪🇬🇯🇴🇮🇶🇰🇼🇧🇭🇲🇷🇲🇦🇱🇾🇸🇾🇹🇳🇸🇩🇵🇸🇸🇦🇴🇲🇱🇧🇾🇪🇰🇲🇶🇦. Also love to Somalis🇺🇦💚🇸🇴🇩🇯
You forgot a few countries
@Mughal Nationalist(Hindu genocider)
Septimius severus
Alexander severus
Phillip I
Phillip II
@Mughal Nationalist(Hindu genocider) No lmao, there were no arabs in north africa nor the levant pre Rashidun era (630 a.D.)
what you are saying is false and cringe just like your profile
arabs come from the arabian peninsula, know the History and stop spreading hate in your channel torwards hindus
I support Russia🇮🇶🇵🇸❤🇷🇺
فخور اني عربي 🇪🇬🇵🇸
Apartheid is gone and “israel” will be too
Put this flag in your gyatt @@dutchafrikaner1204
This song makes me so proud to be Swedish
Swedistan is my caliphate
Pan-Arabs dropping bangers left right and center
Love from BD 🇧🇩
I am arabic and i'm gonna be honest : This is the last thing I imagine to happen in the future Because of political problems, terrorism, and Israel....but at least this is a very beautiful song.
Israel is a problem in of it shelf
Israel on top
@@cste9146 💀
@@Techussen 👌
Hey, hoping is free isn't it ?
Love from Armenia ❤
Free palistine 🇦🇲❤️🔥🇵🇸
Love to Armenia from Egypt 🇪🇬❤🇦🇲
@@datboi6005 🇦🇲❤️🇪🇬❤️🇵🇸
Love armenians
Love Azerbaijan from jordan 🇯🇴❤🇦🇿
عاش الشعب العربي كله ، شعب سلام و أمان
عاش الوعي العربي كله ، ثورة في كل مكان
عاش الوطن العربي من المغرب 🇲🇦
حي الله عرب المغرب الوحدويين تحية لهم من كل اصل عرب او غير عرب ... كل يؤمن بالوحدة العربية وان مصير الشعوب في الوطن العربي مصير واحد فهو اخ وصديق ورفيق
ايه ايه مغرب العرب❤
عاااش الوطن العربي ياجيراننا 🇲🇦❤️🇲🇷
Proud Arab from Ramla, historic Palestine 🇵🇸
Why do most of the comments say Sweden? I am really surprised. What is the relationship between Sweden and the Arabs?? Nothing, it is a European country, and we are Arabs, stop being crazy
Is a joke
Sweden in the last few years has had a massive increase in its Muslims population most of whom came from Syria it’s now gotten to the point where Muslims are starting to outnumber Swedes in some areas along with Christianity falling down in numbers aswell
@@sharky7002there’s 10m Swedes and 200k+ Syrians and Iraqis combined?, abeg stop exaggerating the numbers, the Swedish government puts migrants in one area, ofc 200k people are gonna dominate some town or sumn.
Interesting Arab using Hindu King Shivajis statue as his DP