1: Z’s line about homecoming is in reference to how she shouldn’t be able to pull them out from Origin if they died naturally. But since their lives are so special in relation to Origin, they’re the exception to the rule, just like how they are with everything else. We never see them die naturally from a homecoming before, so there’s no reason to think that the final life they lived before turning to Moebius wasn’t the only time they died naturally. They’re so special because of their “contact” with Logos and N’s sword, which intertwines his fate with Origins as A says. 2: it’s set up for a new game, most likely answer is pneuma backed up his data, because that’s what Aegis’s do, and because the physical core was destroyed, he can’t manifest as his core, which is why he doesn’t in future redeemed, and manifest as N’s sword instead. 3: they’ll be reincarnated in the new world. Like Ghondor implies in the end, with new lives, drastically different from the ones they lived in Aionios. The definition of reincarnation is the rebirth of someone’s soul inside a new body. 4: their lives are sustained. Melias life is sustain because she’s being treated that way inside of Origin. And Nia sleeps in the same type of pod Jin uses in Xenoblade 2 to keep himself healthy and alive for so long. 5: this one’s a lot more difficult to answer, but put simply: it’s fate. Linka says she thinks she’s there for a greater purpose, which implies that powers beyond her are at play when it comes to her, and the rest of the liberators existence. “Fate” or the pre-established harmony is the will of god, who in this game, is Ontos. My theory is that Alvis, who resided inside Ontos, foresaw that alpha would awake and attempt to destroy the world, so what A did was make if so that the liberators never assimilated with Origins collective unconscious, so that then they could appear in the flesh and help beat alpha in the future. They even say this in the ending of FR: “you saw this coming didn’t you A?” - Shulk 6: when takahashi talks about “the flow” and people existing outside of it, it doesn’t mean that they literally exist outside of gate itself. He says himself that power that’s outside the flow can be the wills of young people, and regardless of the trinity processors intervention, their power is in opposition to Moebius’s, and as such exist outside his flow/control. So when he says Nopon exist outside the flow, he’s saying that they aren’t restricted by the rules of Aionios. This could be due to a heavily implied “pact” of “treaty” between the Nopon caravan and Moebius. Moebius would let them exist outside the flow and live forever, if they agree to not intervene with their plans. Also Nopon can be born in Aionios, there are nopon as young as 8. 7: his special power is his sword itself and the power it grants to him. He’s so powerful with it that he doesn’t need any other true of power. There’s also no reason to not think he doesn’t have a monster form, but there’s no reason to use it because he’s already so much more powerful than anyone else. 8: A explains in future redeemed that Fog beast are a symptom of the worlds unstableness and are born from the black fog, which itself is a symptom of unstableness as it heralds annihilation events. They appear in future redeemed because alpha isn’t stabilizing the world anymore, which makes rifts open up. When the world is stabilized again after Fr they don’t appear anymore. 9: the fact that Melia is 80% Homs despite her parents being 1 full high entia and 1 normal hom, shows that Homs aging is the most dominant when it comes to determining how the child ages. Everyone in the clock system was originally a child at the end of 1 and 2, and there’s an implied 20 year gap In between the ends of 1 and 2 and the start of 3. By then all the children would’ve had dominant human/hom genes that make them age at the same rate as them. Also Machina technology is so advanced, that they could also just make themselves age at the same rate as Homs if they wanted too. There’s so much room for speculation. I feel like most of the unanswered questions people have about 3 can be explained by just engaging with the community and the story more thoroughly. Theorizing about lore is what makes these games so fun to play, so this approach to story telling is something I like. It allows the writers to pay attention more to the actual story they want to tell, while providing players with enough evidence to come to their own conclusions.
I love theories as much as the next guy but yea as long as they are just theories they don't have a concrete answer and that's what I was going with in this video. See I agree with some of your theories and some not and that's the difference between a clear cut answer and just a theory. But I definitely do not think the game left anything important unexplained. (maybe just the N and M thing)
3: It is kinda strange becuase without the same circumstances the same couples won't get together, especially for those decended from Keves+Agnes couples. Meaning they will most likely be reincarnated as entirely new people who won't really have much to do with thier former selves at all. Different names, bodies, families, and memories. Honestly it is no different to them dying. 7. Bull. He was already defeated once before when we face him before saving Melia. He was desperate and absolutely should have been willing to use anything he could to win. Wny didn't he change there?
The old High Entia technology was very advanced too. The old Xenoblade 1 artbook, Monado Secrets I believe, described how Fiora got her body back by the end of the credits. The old tech, alongside the machina tech was able to clone her entire body back from the little biological matter left. It also says all the surviving faced mechon were given new cloned bodies. Which is impressive considering many of them were not much more than a brainstem and some circulatory organs. The named faces like Fiora and Muhmkar who are "pilots" inside are not like most faced mechon. They were in far better condition.
@@joelsasmadas shown with Triton one can forget how to transform and its not like he doesn't have contact with the other mobius as Irma knows Triton enough to have a opinion about him and she can transform and it could be with the special way that they became mobius compared to how we see Shania get turned into one by X's doing not to mention N's featured mental state and with how long he has been the strongest non pure mobius never had to transform and forgot how to as he was happy enough to have M with him and seemed to only be at the castles when he is needed else he is either the the theater or with M somewhere
@@Nelsito99 Triton is also established to be suffering bad from dementia/alzheimer's. N is no where near that bad. Also, what does having contact with other Moebius or not have to do with this? Matter of fact, even if N didn't want to use his other form for some reason why didn't X, Y, or Z force him into that form?
My headcanons about the casts of XB3 in the regular world: Noah: Random homs living in Alcamoth, born shortly after FC. Lanz: Alive during XB1, machina, lived in the Hidden Machina Village before moving to Alcamoth. Eunie: Alive during XB1 and was physically and mentally 8 during it's events. (40 in Homs years) At the beginning and end of XB3 she's physically and mentally 10, 52 in Homs years. Lanz: It's my theory that machina do not physically age but instead undergo "upgrades" over time that emulate aging similar to the robots in Blue Sky's film "Robots." Also due to being inorganic they cannot die from natural means but CAN rust if uncared for and physically die if they're circuits are damaged. Mio: Daughter of Rex and Nia, princess of Agnus, sister of Glimmer. Born sometime after FC. Sena: Brigid's blade awakened sometime after XB2. Brigid became a flesh eater and Morag a blade eater post-XB2 to emulate Zeke and Pandoria's bond in a sort of pseudo-marrige, and then Brigid awakened a blade in order to simulate them having a child. Taion: A blade eater and one of Amalthus' experiments that he performed on one of the refugees living in Indol. Alive during XB2. Escaped Indol during the attack on the world tree. Glimmer: Rex and Pyra's daughter and princess of Agnus. Mio's older sister. Nikol: Shulk and Fiora's son born around a year after FC. Shulk banged Fiora and lost his virginity almost immediately after he got back from the mission on the bionis shoulder. Rex: King of Agnus alongside the three queens Pyra Mythra and Nia. Shulk: Father of Nikol and famed inventor. Matthew: Hasn't been born yet. Is destined to be the grandson of Gondor Vandam, great great grandson of Noah and Mio and the great great great grandson of Rex and Nia. Will be reborn around 120 years after XB1/XB3. Might be featured in a Xenogears reboot as a Fei stand-in. A: One of the three parts of the new Trinity Processor located in Origin alongside Pneuma-Rex and Logos-Shulk. Milton Vandam: Protagonist of XB4, Crown Prince of Agnus, son of Rex and Mythra, and reincarnation of Malos.
Nia and Melia aren't as old as Aionios. Both ended up being put in stasis for long periods, so they may have only been there for a few hundred years of Aionios' existence. It's like how BOW Link is still physically about 17, but 117ish years have passed since he was born
Firstly, Noah (to my knowledge) only says that when in Ouroboros form. Also, he's usually using his normal Ouroboros swords when he says it, not Lucky 7 (which is Sword of the End in Ouroboros mode?). However, by that logic, it's name could be "OUR PATH TO THR FUTURE!!"
In another video I've commented that I really like that Takahashi is not answering all the questions now, (maybe we will learn some of these in future games). After all this, I think the new saga will be the "Origin Saga", learning more about it in the future. I know this chapter of Xenoblade is not for everyone, but I really loved how it was handled, its just makes me more excited for the future games. Either way, it was a good video.
I agree that he does not have to answer everything. We actually understand most of the important questions now. But I thought it would be a neat idea to look at what we don't know yet and see if they get answered in the future.
Origin being next saga makes sense, because it functions is so.... Important to the Earth and World (can reboot the worlds and storing the memories or 'information' of its inhabitants) and it basically asking for a Villain to do shit lol. Same Im glad Takahashi didnt answer most question and I hope we learn what happen to Conduit and I am just glad Trinity Processor will be relevant again, I really love the concept and it seems Trinity Processor will be the backbone of Xenoblade universe and lore. Cant wait for Malosblade
With Moebius A, A herself says that she and Alpha have a name with the nuance of "the one in the beginning" and that in Aionios, only they can claim that name for themselves as a result. Lucky Seven's true name is vague on purpose. You could say it is a forgein blade to us as the story currently stands. One might even say it is a "Xeno" blade. I think this analogy is fitting. Yeah, Noah and Mio are special, because they actually desire each other so much, that they born outside of the clutches of Moebius. This checks out even with Golden Motes. A important line that everyone forgets about in this scene where Z says they surpass the system- "you being here is of your own choice" meaning Z didn't even brought him there. Noah and Mio just subconsicously want each other so badly. As a side note: About Noah and Mio post N and M, Noah said once they are their repentance. A concept for making up for something. A concept just as Z that boiled up through a similar intense desire. Between N and Noah are probably over a 1000 years. Enough time for such emotions to manifest into Noah and Mio inside of Origin. I think the City people being born in a set fate is a direct conflict involved in Xenoblade 4. Geniuenly about assimilation... Takahashi is not involved with side quests and NPCs, and this interview explains how he keeps things to himself rather loosly. This could unironically be a contradiction between Takahashi and his team in a similar way that there being 26 in base game from Fiona's AQ. I think certain Nopon like Manana are still born in Aionios, because Nopon can still fuck yk. After all only a select few Nopon have the age as ??? while other Nopons are in their 20s and 30s. N's ability might be quantum related based on all his arts name being themed after it. Fog Rifts appeared in Future Redeemed, because Alpha was preparing to depart, which would destroy Aionios. This checks out with the Fog's explanation that Takahashi and A gave us. This is also why they dissapeared again after Alpha was defeated as he was replaced by A.
N is also super fast cutting up taion's ouroboros form faster than he could react and that at the end of ch 4 was able to deflect everything fired at him by swinging his sword From Ino's ascension quest we know one of the nopon there had an ansector that was killed by the monster that is the focus of the quest The fog that makes the fig beasts could also be the same black fog that crates the annihilation effects
My best interpretation of Noah and Mio coming back after homecoming is that Z "broke the rules" and edited the world to bring them back, but when he did this it may have caused Origin to register them as "back in the system" and autocorrected by adding another pair of them back into the cycle On an unrelated note, one big question I do have is how ageing works for soldiers because, now I might be crazy, but Mio is in a later term than other characters like Bolearis and Isurd, but she looks a hell of a lot younger somehow
To the first part: Z was surprised that Noah came back after homecoming too so I don't think he had anything to do with that. To the second part: You are right. My interpretation is that Origin took how they looked before being assimilated and made it their default spawn age. In Aionios it would still be a first termer. But then they age for 10 years more until it resets again.
@@SuperSavajin 1. I'm not saying that Z intentionally put Noah and Mio back into the cycle, it was just an unintended side effect of Origin trying to course correct 2. That actually makes sense since even a first term Ethel looked a lot older than, say, a second/third term Noah and his crew (although I'm pretty sure that was just because they reused the Ethel model that was used when she was older)
@@blu3g1. Z's attempt to make N mobius them M could have resulting in Alpha awakening 10 years before future redeemed and shulk and rex giving their kids their extra life could have caused another glitch putting Noah and Mio into the cycle 2. Don't forget that they were also the leaders of their colonies just under the mobius as isurd clearly has tired eyes due to working so much and irl stress ages people faster which people in war and comanders in said war would be under a lot of
@@yourtrubers1728also the entire quest with segiri and how sena feels like it's wrong for people to just be called a number only after talking to segiri who was no. 7
Good video! My joke answer to "how did Nia become queen?" is "Rex means king in Latin, so following THAT photo ... Nia became the "king"'s queen" ^^ The M/N-question is my personaly most pressing one. Since the interview, I have deducted that there's a strong shintoism motif, however, that still doesn't answer WHY Mio and Noah are the only ones to exist twice. Why not others? It's never answered, yet it'd be so important. As for Malos' future importance, I talk about it in my most recent video: I think he's gonna become more relevant in the expanded Xenoblade X-remasters for Switch 2 and XB3 sets that return up. Agreed with your City People-take. I'd also include the weirdness that is Shulk and Rex who, at the end of FR, act as if they'll return, too - how? Their life is already over. And where are they going when they return into Origin, anyway? There's bigger questions buried in there. One question I'd also like to see more clearly answered is WHO was Z and Moebius. There's the opinion that Z is simply the manifestation of the combined will of all the souls within Origin, but the way he's presented that's a little too simple imo.
2: I like to imagine that, compared to other Consuls, N and M carried so much regret (especially N thanks to killing his son and trying to kill his descendant lol) that Origin didn't register them as Noah and Mio before. Leaving them to reincarnate once more. 3: I don't have much on this, but all I'll say is that when Pneuma boards Aion, we see two Aegis cores right next to each other. And during the end of the scene, we hear Malos's voice asking Pneuma what it was like to be alive. 4: I feel like the implication is that the Citizens will be reborn throughout the centuries and millennia in their original bloodlines. So Ghondor will still be Noah and Mio's son, Matthew and Na'el will still be Ghondor's grandchildren, and Guernica, Monica, and Ghondor will still be Matthew's descendants born in ~1,100 years. Basically like you said, "don't think about it." 5: I think the reason they live so long is because they're administrators of Origin. It's like how Shulk and Rex don't need their lifespans at the end of Future Redeemed, and Takahashi confirmed that them becoming Origin's battery means they become admins. 6: Honestly that got me confused too. My personal theory is that everyone (minus Melia, Nia, and Poppi) spawned as Origin metal. Z gathers the people aged 10-19 and puts their souls in clone bodies so they can be soldiers of Keves and Agnus. Later, Alpha decides to destroy Aionios. Z is scared, so he gets the souls of Shulk and Rex (and some random children for some reason) and sends them to Aionios as they are so he isn't alone fighting Alpha. 7: Do not question. Nopon are common variety. 10: This is entering headcanon territory, but with how Melia and Nia have aged since Xenoblade 1 and 2, I like to imagine, somehow, all the races managed to get an average lifespan of eighty years. I don't know how, but I want Eunie and Taion to die together ;-; Also for the ending, I do wonder what the light falling towards Earth is, but I don't think it's KOS-MOS for a lot of reasons I don't feel like bringing up right now.
I think all the people of the city will be reborn exactly as they are now. The memories from Aionios will linger deep in people’s souls and they’ll be drawn back to each other as Noah and Mio will be leading to Monica and Gohndor some day
For #2, I agree that it is likely a result of the admins messing about. The only other thing I can think of is in the intro to base 3. Noah sees time stop for everything and everyone else, but he's able to keep moving. It's possible this indicates he has some aspect of himself that isn't fully absorbed into Origin. If that's the case, then we can probably assume Mio experienced something similar. That said, it doesn't really answer anything. And it's also possible that everyone had the same experience, seeing everyone else freeze in time.
Well to explain both Nia and Melia live span, they were both asleep for 1000 years but normally melia just ages slowly and I’m guessing Nia is also aging slowly
My quick thoughts regarding N and M's Moebius forms... I imagine that, since M in particular doesn't event WANT to be Moebius, and N only chose to become one in order to save M, they might have purposefully never even transformed before because they don't want to. Hell I suppose it's possible Z himself made them unable to transform, but either way I think they have no desire to. Which is actually quite tragic when you think about it, because if they could fuse together like Moebius and Ouroboros, N would've been able to witness M's memories and thus understand her feelings toward him and his actions.
Something has been bothering me for a while though... Shulk's Monado and Rex's Fire-Light Swords are both replicas of Aegis weapons. They resemble the weapons in functionality and usability but lack the actual power of the Aegis's which is why Shulk can't see visions and Rex says "If only those two were here" before he found out Pneuma was with Matthew. Rex was acknowledging that despite his swords resembling Pyra and Mythra, they don't actually measure up. ...So why were Shulk and Rex able to single handedly cleave through those Flame Clocks at the end of that boss batle where Rex is introduced? Lucky 7 was only able to do it because it was made of Origin Metal and finely honed (and possibly had special properties granted by Member 7). But Shulk and Rex's weapons are not only knockoffs, but they're energy bladed weapons and the Clocks seem immune to all forms of that. Yet that energy did what even an Interlink couldn't. They did what only Lucky 7 could do and they made it look easy once they actually reached the target. What did they do to make that work? EDIT: Fixed some typos
Thats a great question and there is no actual answer to that besides that both Rex and Shulk are admins so they probably can bend the rules and bit. Another headcanon could be that both were made by Shulk and replicate the Monado beam very closely. In FR he realized that they need a ton of ether energy to cut through the Fog King and that could be powerful enough to replicate the power.
20:52 in xc1 there is a quest that is about a machina who's what ill call growth module stopped working keeping him in a young body while his mind aged and shulk was able to fix it but says that it will make him grow at a normal rate from that point on meaning with that those growth modules could have been modified to be the same with homs to show that the world is of one people. As for high entia due to most of them (pure blooded) got turned into telethia and that more died fighting the fog king they would very likely have formed relations with homs and as zeon and many other npcs have very small wings and of different hair color shows that those offspring are more homs that those that came before and based off of what melia says to explain why tyrea has big wings is that its uncommon for those of mixed blood to keep their wings big so with the only high entia left after xc1 being part homs its not impossible for the next gen to be even more homs like thus aging more similar to them There was also another quest about a machina almost dying but shulk and the party could extend her life but dialed it back a bit to not live for too too long being more proof of machina life span manipulation and as the last chapter gives the party as much time to prep before going to fight zanza and these quest not being timed could have happened like how rex did do the salvaging quest given by the king of tantal in xc2 being brought up again in xc3 where all the quest have to be canon as the last quest is getting the escape ships ready and before that the machines that lead to the ones used in the main game of 3 Also its my head canon that the Aizel in xc3 is Melia's kid named after one of the guards that died protecting her and due to her felling to him and that the gurad next to him is unnamed when he is makes me think so
I think Mia might actually be able to live much longer because of her healing ability I mean she did get shot through the heart by a super heated spear through her chest and healed from it so that healing ability could have extended her life span. Melia I'm not sure I'm just going to assume since she has a lot of power and controls most of the world it extended her life span???
X Spoilers sort of calling it now, what happened at the end of 2, Malos got sent to the X universe and ultimately ends up saving the people in it, before being sent into origin.
So nia is able to stay alive forever, in my headcanon at least, because she has the super healing ablility to the point whete she can cause cancer. That's... just OP. She literally cannot die and refer to that one scene in xc3 if you don't believe me. Melia, though... idk she's part telethia, and their rules were always fuzzy. They did have massively extended lifespans though, and melia's father didnt die of natural causes so we arent sure how long they can live.
given the lifespans of all six main cast members, it seems that noah is the only one that doesnt have some sort of naturally longer lifespan, though if sena's a blade she might be subject to the rebirth/memory loss thing, but she might also be a blade/human kid like linka is and have no need for that, even then, if her driver ends up being mio or taion in aionios she wont have to worry about that due to them having longer lifespans. basically everyone is gonna outlive noah L
Regarding Malos, I'm thinking next game will explore on the "Jesus as Savior of Humanity" Part of Logos. Since in XB2 is more of Gnostic ver of Jesus who freed mankind from material world ( physical world) but is more extreme. Maybe in XB4 we will see Malos being Savior of humanity this time and also redemption arc for him i guess. Basically XB4 will be Second coming of Christ fanfiction lol I just hope we got see Malos or Logos different alter like Pneuma - Pyra/Mythra and Ontos - Alvis/A. I hope it will also explore the logical and knowledge aspect of Logos.
I can't say I'm too enthralled about how there apparently will be stuff that may pop in xc4 from the original trilogy. I was hoping that everything from this trilogy would be settled and we would go on to newer worlds and lore with different characters.
The trilogy is about the consequences of Klaus experiments. It never about the end of story . In Xeno anything related to the Conduit (Zohar) will always be relevant somehow (such as Trinity Processor, etc) If anything the trilogy is just foundation for establishing lore for the series and future games will expand on that
The part of life span for characters are weird, since Shulk and Rex could have just change their rate of aging or something similar could happened to Panacea and Linka until they joined the city. Because admins literally can change the anything they want in the world. Basically they could have decide age up everyone in the liberators to be adults and made them slow or even stop aging, until Shulk and Rex became part of Origin. Because if you analyze the named NPC from the liberators, you would realize that if they all aged at the same rate as in the real world, Shulk and Rex would have been babysitting all the liberators for 15 years before future redeemed. Which personally I don’t think it happened that why and everyone was a bit older than the same age. Plus there is the whole we celebrate Linka’s birthday, but her age didn’t change in the affinity chart issue. Plus there is also the problem of truce, which Shulk mentioned that the liberators and Moebius wouldn’t fight each other until alpha was defeated, which would mean before the Alpha incident, the Liberators already existed with Shulk and Rex. Personally I don’t think Shulk and Rex only existed for 15 in Aionios, based on all the information we have, plus Shulk and Rex knowing how to use the power of Ouroboros, Sword of the end and Stones. Makes me think they were there at their creation, based on the souls used for the weapons of Ouroboros. Fiora for the sword of the end, and Pneuma for the original Ouroboros Stone, which Ghondor used that shard to create that fist of the end.
@@SuperSavajin Takahashi only confirmed that they appeared a some years before defeating Alpha, know we don’t know how many years was that, it could have been 15 years or it could have been more than that, it could have been when the moment that Noah and had their homecoming, Shulk and Rex were summoned has a counterbalance to Moebius. And they could have only started aging, because alpha took part of their admin rights in their first encounter. It’s left vague intentionally just in case Takahashi wants to make a prequel to the beginning of Aionios.
@@SuperSavajin But again, in the latter section, also mentions how admins can do whatever they want in the virtual world, which would include making people ageless, just how Z does to people that become Moebius. And reading the xenomira translation, Takahashi said that Shulk and Rex should have aged what their lifespan should be, not that they did, it just some of the typical Takahashi misdirection, not confirming things directly, only leaving things ambiguous enough for speculation and multiple interpretations.
There is one question I don't see talked about enough - Why would Klaus have reason to awaken Alvis in the first place? He already won the fight against the Salvators with a curious push of a button, unless it took more time than depicted in all flashbacks for the experiment to fully take effect and he needed a powerful distraction to make sure the Salvators and those working at Radamanthus couldn't destroy the orbital ring to shut it down (Completely removing the Arbitor itself from the Trinity Processor and having it wield the power of the Conduit would certainly be enough to ensure the experiment proceeds smoothly, it took both the Preserver and Endbringer, as well as the closest equivalent in a jrpg to weaponizing fourth wall breaks without breaking the fourth wall in order to overthrow Schrodinger's Wilhelm), I just see no reason *why* Alvis would be awakened in Zanza's Universe. And another thing - if Klaus did awaken Alvis, why wasn't this shown in either depiction of the final hours of the original world, and why would Klaus omit that detail when explaining to Rex what happened to Ontos when a butchered attempt at an awakening would've been an actually solid explanation for *how* Zanza became one with the Monado in the first place?
the wayi always thoguht of it is those who aren't parto f the cycle have regular lifespans like outside of aionios, which since aionios took place within a few seconds in the real world, would mean anyone not in the cycle who wasn't born in aionios would be practically immortal compared to anyone in the system
"City People make no sense" - Well ... Fei from Xenogears was the inspiration for Matthew ... if Origin kinda forces them to be reborn , maybe it does so over and over and over again ... which could result in a similar scenario Fei and Ellie went through in Gears.
@@SuperSavajin No it is not , at least not in the sense of what a sequel actually means. Xenogears has no connection to Xenoblade whatsoever ... It only shares the same Point of Origin , being the same planet earth , but the Xenogears Spaceship left earth before Xenoblades plot took place. Remember what you see in Origin is but a Recreated Recording of how earth once was. In fact , since we dont know specifics of how much time past for any given party ... the plot of Xenogears could actually take place in parallel to Xenoblade or before it ... since Xenoblade 1 plot only starts like a long time after the Klaus experiment. We also dont know how the time difference between the normal Universe and the Pocket Dimension is.
THANK YOU for addressing Melia's age. I've been pointing to Sorean for the longest time and calling Melia's age into question. Maybe it's because she's half-homs and that messes with it? I felt like no one else noticed this discrepancy
We had to assume for a long time that their lifespans froze in time and didn't progress because it wouldn't make sense otherwise. After seeing Riku in FR it was even more evident that this had to be the case but then they pulled the rug under our feet and said only Nopon don't age inside of Aionios lmao So yea, now we have no idea how Melia survived for that long.
I feel like their ages got reselt to 0 when they entered but kept their physical bodies when they formed in aionios, explaining why shulk and rex said the rest of their remaining time to their kids, and that melia got connected to origin or something similar to mobius, as while joran is still young like when he died k and triton are much older than the soldiers of keves or agnus meaning that they do age but the flames stops that aging, and nia being both a flesh eater entered a deep sleep like how a unused battery will still have a charge but does slowly lose some over time helped her live longer
@@SuperSavajin Right, I was so convinced that people from the outside worlds just didn't age and, like you said, Riku absolutely seemed to be proof of this. This rugpull threw a big wrench in all of that
i mean the ontos core just randomely appeared one day on bionis, is it crazy to think that something similar happened in alrest but just with logos's core?
The difference is that the ontos core was still intact at the end of xc1 avlis having returned to his core just drifted in the world until washing up on the beach later to be found by shulk likely post fc
It possible but Conduit/Zohar (where Trinity Processor got their power from) is gone so we dont know how Logos or Malos could manifest in the aionios or future game. But also the usual rule dont apply to the Processor since they connected to the Conduit, meaning rule of reality doesnt always apply to them, maybe theres something that make Logos' persist despite his core is "gone". Though if you pay attention to Aion Core layout at the end of Xb2, you will see Logos core still alive and Aion got powered by two Cores (Pneuma and Logos) but Logos might as well be gone since Aion exploded. Im guessing they will explain it in next game
I always thinking about this in the world separation Xenoblade 1 character go back to xenoblade 1 world Xenoblade 2 character go back to xenoblade 2 No numbers stay in ionios?or just been born in between considering they are born and descendants from the character that comes from xenoblade 1 and 2 what happen to them after that?
One question that was NEVER answered in the base game, even a little- why did Noah and Mio meet, fall in love, and die EVERY TIME before the N and M cycle? That seems too many instances to be a coincidence, especially given the animosity between Keves and Agnus. It’s a miracle they were able to meet and fall in love in the main game cycle alone. It’s a separate question to why they are able to come back post-homecoming.
Because it doesn't need an answer? They are soulmates, simple as that. People who are destined to be in every incarnation. Noah and Mio are also a big Xenogears reference to Fei and Ellie, who are in turn a reference to Adam and Eve, so there's that.
They wore clothes like the city people for multiple of those lives. Although the city itself was not founded yet. Melia and Nia were actively fighting at that time though, and Taions VA mentions their mission from the queen(s). The modern city has many cradles filled with soldiers but do not awaken them. Its possible when Aionios was younger they did. So after Noah and Mio left Moebius' system for the first time their cradles were at some point taken. In care of the freedom fighters they always met each other from then on. Also reincarnated soldiers keep some memories, even if only in the back of their mind. That influences things.
I think the point of the L7's name not being told is to show that Noah s*cks at naming and he's embarassed at it that's it. The humor probably slipped alot of people, since they're too focused on it (I don't blame them) but the name of the sword barely matters in the context of the lore and the narrative anyway... L7 being Fiora is a surprise tho.. Nia being Queen is just a title as the admin of Origin, Her being a queen tho is more of a propaganda by Z to instill a sense of servitude for Agnian. I don't think it's specified in the interview that she's the Queen of Gormott as well(?) So I wonder where did you get that info (correct me if I'm wrong). And if that's true I think she deserves to be the Queen of Gormott anyway since she's the blade of one of the Royal Family there.
Mythras Kid: My theory is that Glimmer is kind of like Mythra and Pyra, it's 2 "people" in the same body or more accurately her body is Pyras kid and her soul/personality is Mythras kid. Although this would be weird as the people that are in Aionios are single entities (be it person or object), we do know that Aionios is a virtual world and Pyra and Mythra are one as Pneuma. So maybe Glimmer is Pneumas kid to phrase it better, and I can imagine the dev team thinking it would be a good idea to represent them that way since they are a special case. The problem is this would mean Glimmer would not exist outside of Aionios since Pyra and Mythra are two people there. Is there anything that speaks against this theory? I would very much like to talk about this. Thanks for making this video, it helped a lot for understanding the Xenoblade lore.
I still don’t understand it. Even when I do it just sounds stupid So Ryne is an orange metal? Pyra & Mythra are core crystals and Fiona is a sword….? What? Why? How does that add anything worthwhile to this story? Sounds like fever dream nonsense
Out of context it is outrageous but in the expansion, Riku explains that Origin metal is composed of souls and desires. Aionios is not a physical place per se, but a sort of artificial world stuck in time. A mix of physical objects and simulation of information. Origin contains the data and souls of every single being in XC 1 and 2's Universe and entities like Z and the admins can shape or alter the fundamental rules of that world to some degree. Z decided that every being older than 18 would be either stuck in Origin as data or become Moebius. Pyra and Mythra at some point decided to become core crystals to help deal with the Alpha threat, Malos's core has also manifested (albeit in a diluted and scattered form) when Aionios was created. However, they both got lost after Shulk and Rex lost against Alpha. Lucky 7 is actually composed of 7 souls: Fiona, Reyn, Sharla from 1 and Zeke, Morag, Pandora and Brighid. Since they are all related to the admins Mio and Melia and since Tora is the engieneer of Origin, they both managed to get around Z's meddling of the ruleset of Aionios and managed to use these souls desires to end Z's rule to create Lucky 7, considering these members are the strongest people around, Lucky 7 can destroy anything in it's way, comparable to an actual monado.
Sometimes not 100% knowing is the best. Because, as we've seen in ALL media, over explaining ruins the mystique. People speculated about FF7s ending for a long time, and FF8 had some of the best theories that even surprised the writer, lol. I do think it's funny that Takahashi stated the Chronicles stories are over yet people think there's going to be a fourth game. IF they are going to make another chronicles game, and that IS a BIG IF, it's probably going to be a Xenoblade CX2 style game first. For some reason they end up going back to "Earth" Sort of like how Phantasy Star 3's ending ended up in Earth's orbit. And after that maybe a XC4 with these 2 "groups" colliding similar to Xenoblade CX1. I would love it if this game series ended up on PC... But that will probably never happen.
"The Bible may contain further Xenoblade spoilers" is such a funny line out of context
I love the headcannon that "Lucky 7" is playing into the codename in xenoblade 1
They did it on purpose and no one can change my mind
That's not a headcanon, that's straight-up just a fact.
There are so many things in Xenoblade 3 that revolve around the number 7. It’s kind of obvious.
1: Z’s line about homecoming is in reference to how she shouldn’t be able to pull them out from Origin if they died naturally. But since their lives are so special in relation to Origin, they’re the exception to the rule, just like how they are with everything else. We never see them die naturally from a homecoming before, so there’s no reason to think that the final life they lived before turning to Moebius wasn’t the only time they died naturally. They’re so special because of their “contact” with Logos and N’s sword, which intertwines his fate with Origins as A says.
2: it’s set up for a new game, most likely answer is pneuma backed up his data, because that’s what Aegis’s do, and because the physical core was destroyed, he can’t manifest as his core, which is why he doesn’t in future redeemed, and manifest as N’s sword instead.
3: they’ll be reincarnated in the new world. Like Ghondor implies in the end, with new lives, drastically different from the ones they lived in Aionios. The definition of reincarnation is the rebirth of someone’s soul inside a new body.
4: their lives are sustained. Melias life is sustain because she’s being treated that way inside of Origin. And Nia sleeps in the same type of pod Jin uses in Xenoblade 2 to keep himself healthy and alive for so long.
5: this one’s a lot more difficult to answer, but put simply: it’s fate. Linka says she thinks she’s there for a greater purpose, which implies that powers beyond her are at play when it comes to her, and the rest of the liberators existence. “Fate” or the pre-established harmony is the will of god, who in this game, is Ontos. My theory is that Alvis, who resided inside Ontos, foresaw that alpha would awake and attempt to destroy the world, so what A did was make if so that the liberators never assimilated with Origins collective unconscious, so that then they could appear in the flesh and help beat alpha in the future. They even say this in the ending of FR: “you saw this coming didn’t you A?” - Shulk
6: when takahashi talks about “the flow” and people existing outside of it, it doesn’t mean that they literally exist outside of gate itself. He says himself that power that’s outside the flow can be the wills of young people, and regardless of the trinity processors intervention, their power is in opposition to Moebius’s, and as such exist outside his flow/control. So when he says Nopon exist outside the flow, he’s saying that they aren’t restricted by the rules of Aionios. This could be due to a heavily implied “pact” of “treaty” between the Nopon caravan and Moebius. Moebius would let them exist outside the flow and live forever, if they agree to not intervene with their plans. Also Nopon can be born in Aionios, there are nopon as young as 8.
7: his special power is his sword itself and the power it grants to him. He’s so powerful with it that he doesn’t need any other true of power. There’s also no reason to not think he doesn’t have a monster form, but there’s no reason to use it because he’s already so much more powerful than anyone else.
8: A explains in future redeemed that Fog beast are a symptom of the worlds unstableness and are born from the black fog, which itself is a symptom of unstableness as it heralds annihilation events. They appear in future redeemed because alpha isn’t stabilizing the world anymore, which makes rifts open up. When the world is stabilized again after Fr they don’t appear anymore.
9: the fact that Melia is 80% Homs despite her parents being 1 full high entia and 1 normal hom, shows that Homs aging is the most dominant when it comes to determining how the child ages. Everyone in the clock system was originally a child at the end of 1 and 2, and there’s an implied 20 year gap In between the ends of 1 and 2 and the start of 3. By then all the children would’ve had dominant human/hom genes that make them age at the same rate as them. Also Machina technology is so advanced, that they could also just make themselves age at the same rate as Homs if they wanted too. There’s so much room for speculation.
I feel like most of the unanswered questions people have about 3 can be explained by just engaging with the community and the story more thoroughly. Theorizing about lore is what makes these games so fun to play, so this approach to story telling is something I like. It allows the writers to pay attention more to the actual story they want to tell, while providing players with enough evidence to come to their own conclusions.
I love theories as much as the next guy but yea as long as they are just theories they don't have a concrete answer and that's what I was going with in this video. See I agree with some of your theories and some not and that's the difference between a clear cut answer and just a theory.
But I definitely do not think the game left anything important unexplained. (maybe just the N and M thing)
3: It is kinda strange becuase without the same circumstances the same couples won't get together, especially for those decended from Keves+Agnes couples. Meaning they will most likely be reincarnated as entirely new people who won't really have much to do with thier former selves at all. Different names, bodies, families, and memories. Honestly it is no different to them dying.
7. Bull. He was already defeated once before when we face him before saving Melia. He was desperate and absolutely should have been willing to use anything he could to win. Wny didn't he change there?
The old High Entia technology was very advanced too. The old Xenoblade 1 artbook, Monado Secrets I believe, described how Fiora got her body back by the end of the credits. The old tech, alongside the machina tech was able to clone her entire body back from the little biological matter left. It also says all the surviving faced mechon were given new cloned bodies. Which is impressive considering many of them were not much more than a brainstem and some circulatory organs. The named faces like Fiora and Muhmkar who are "pilots" inside are not like most faced mechon. They were in far better condition.
@@joelsasmadas shown with Triton one can forget how to transform and its not like he doesn't have contact with the other mobius as Irma knows Triton enough to have a opinion about him and she can transform and it could be with the special way that they became mobius compared to how we see Shania get turned into one by X's doing not to mention N's featured mental state and with how long he has been the strongest non pure mobius never had to transform and forgot how to as he was happy enough to have M with him and seemed to only be at the castles when he is needed else he is either the the theater or with M somewhere
@@Nelsito99 Triton is also established to be suffering bad from dementia/alzheimer's. N is no where near that bad. Also, what does having contact with other Moebius or not have to do with this? Matter of fact, even if N didn't want to use his other form for some reason why didn't X, Y, or Z force him into that form?
My headcanons about the casts of XB3 in the regular world:
Noah: Random homs living in Alcamoth, born shortly after FC.
Lanz: Alive during XB1, machina, lived in the Hidden Machina Village before moving to Alcamoth.
Eunie: Alive during XB1 and was physically and mentally 8 during it's events. (40 in Homs years) At the beginning and end of XB3 she's physically and mentally 10, 52 in Homs years.
Lanz: It's my theory that machina do not physically age but instead undergo "upgrades" over time that emulate aging similar to the robots in Blue Sky's film "Robots." Also due to being inorganic they cannot die from natural means but CAN rust if uncared for and physically die if they're circuits are damaged.
Mio: Daughter of Rex and Nia, princess of Agnus, sister of Glimmer. Born sometime after FC.
Sena: Brigid's blade awakened sometime after XB2. Brigid became a flesh eater and Morag a blade eater post-XB2 to emulate Zeke and Pandoria's bond in a sort of pseudo-marrige, and then Brigid awakened a blade in order to simulate them having a child.
Taion: A blade eater and one of Amalthus' experiments that he performed on one of the refugees living in Indol. Alive during XB2. Escaped Indol during the attack on the world tree.
Glimmer: Rex and Pyra's daughter and princess of Agnus. Mio's older sister.
Nikol: Shulk and Fiora's son born around a year after FC. Shulk banged Fiora and lost his virginity almost immediately after he got back from the mission on the bionis shoulder.
Rex: King of Agnus alongside the three queens Pyra Mythra and Nia.
Shulk: Father of Nikol and famed inventor.
Matthew: Hasn't been born yet. Is destined to be the grandson of Gondor Vandam, great great grandson of Noah and Mio and the great great great grandson of Rex and Nia. Will be reborn around 120 years after XB1/XB3. Might be featured in a Xenogears reboot as a Fei stand-in.
A: One of the three parts of the new Trinity Processor located in Origin alongside Pneuma-Rex and Logos-Shulk.
Milton Vandam: Protagonist of XB4, Crown Prince of Agnus, son of Rex and Mythra, and reincarnation of Malos.
Shulk did what to Fiora??
Indeed he did. Otherwise Nikol wouldn’t exist.
That is the best explanation for Sena I've heard so far!
Nia and Melia aren't as old as Aionios. Both ended up being put in stasis for long periods, so they may have only been there for a few hundred years of Aionios' existence.
It's like how BOW Link is still physically about 17, but 117ish years have passed since he was born
My head canon is that Noah named it The Decider, like c'mon he literally calls it THE decider.
Firstly, Noah (to my knowledge) only says that when in Ouroboros form. Also, he's usually using his normal Ouroboros swords when he says it, not Lucky 7 (which is Sword of the End in Ouroboros mode?). However, by that logic, it's name could be "OUR PATH TO THR FUTURE!!"
Nia was the blade of a royal family and since she then became a flesh eater from the lineage I think that’s why/how she became a queen.
In another video I've commented that I really like that Takahashi is not answering all the questions now, (maybe we will learn some of these in future games). After all this, I think the new saga will be the "Origin Saga", learning more about it in the future.
I know this chapter of Xenoblade is not for everyone, but I really loved how it was handled, its just makes me more excited for the future games.
Either way, it was a good video.
I agree that he does not have to answer everything. We actually understand most of the important questions now. But I thought it would be a neat idea to look at what we don't know yet and see if they get answered in the future.
@@SuperSavajin It's going to be interesting coming back to this video in a few years when Xenoblade 4 gets released.
I'm excited for the Origin Saga!!
@@nishquikpops Ngl that's literally the perfect name. And it's gonna end when we finally know what Mira is.
Origin being next saga makes sense, because it functions is so.... Important to the Earth and World (can reboot the worlds and storing the memories or 'information' of its inhabitants) and it basically asking for a Villain to do shit lol.
Same Im glad Takahashi didnt answer most question and I hope we learn what happen to Conduit and I am just glad Trinity Processor will be relevant again, I really love the concept and it seems Trinity Processor will be the backbone of Xenoblade universe and lore.
Cant wait for Malosblade
We already know Noah and Mio reunite. That isn’t unanswered. We just didn’t see it on screen.
With Moebius A, A herself says that she and Alpha have a name with the nuance of "the one in the beginning" and that in Aionios, only they can claim that name for themselves as a result.
Lucky Seven's true name is vague on purpose. You could say it is a forgein blade to us as the story currently stands. One might even say it is a "Xeno" blade. I think this analogy is fitting.
Yeah, Noah and Mio are special, because they actually desire each other so much, that they born outside of the clutches of Moebius. This checks out even with Golden Motes. A important line that everyone forgets about in this scene where Z says they surpass the system- "you being here is of your own choice" meaning Z didn't even brought him there. Noah and Mio just subconsicously want each other so badly.
As a side note: About Noah and Mio post N and M, Noah said once they are their repentance. A concept for making up for something. A concept just as Z that boiled up through a similar intense desire. Between N and Noah are probably over a 1000 years. Enough time for such emotions to manifest into Noah and Mio inside of Origin.
I think the City people being born in a set fate is a direct conflict involved in Xenoblade 4.
Geniuenly about assimilation... Takahashi is not involved with side quests and NPCs, and this interview explains how he keeps things to himself rather loosly. This could unironically be a contradiction between Takahashi and his team in a similar way that there being 26 in base game from Fiona's AQ.
I think certain Nopon like Manana are still born in Aionios, because Nopon can still fuck yk. After all only a select few Nopon have the age as ??? while other Nopons are in their 20s and 30s.
N's ability might be quantum related based on all his arts name being themed after it.
Fog Rifts appeared in Future Redeemed, because Alpha was preparing to depart, which would destroy Aionios. This checks out with the Fog's explanation that Takahashi and A gave us. This is also why they dissapeared again after Alpha was defeated as he was replaced by A.
N is also super fast cutting up taion's ouroboros form faster than he could react and that at the end of ch 4 was able to deflect everything fired at him by swinging his sword
From Ino's ascension quest we know one of the nopon there had an ansector that was killed by the monster that is the focus of the quest
The fog that makes the fig beasts could also be the same black fog that crates the annihilation effects
Noah probably named Lucky 7 something along the lines of "Super Duper Ultra Monando".
#2 is definitely a Xeno 4 question, probably a throwback reference to the Animus and Anima in the style of Xenogears
My best interpretation of Noah and Mio coming back after homecoming is that Z "broke the rules" and edited the world to bring them back, but when he did this it may have caused Origin to register them as "back in the system" and autocorrected by adding another pair of them back into the cycle
On an unrelated note, one big question I do have is how ageing works for soldiers because, now I might be crazy, but Mio is in a later term than other characters like Bolearis and Isurd, but she looks a hell of a lot younger somehow
To the first part: Z was surprised that Noah came back after homecoming too so I don't think he had anything to do with that.
To the second part: You are right. My interpretation is that Origin took how they looked before being assimilated and made it their default spawn age. In Aionios it would still be a first termer. But then they age for 10 years more until it resets again.
@@SuperSavajin 1. I'm not saying that Z intentionally put Noah and Mio back into the cycle, it was just an unintended side effect of Origin trying to course correct
2. That actually makes sense since even a first term Ethel looked a lot older than, say, a second/third term Noah and his crew (although I'm pretty sure that was just because they reused the Ethel model that was used when she was older)
@@blu3g1. Z's attempt to make N mobius them M could have resulting in Alpha awakening 10 years before future redeemed and shulk and rex giving their kids their extra life could have caused another glitch putting Noah and Mio into the cycle
2. Don't forget that they were also the leaders of their colonies just under the mobius as isurd clearly has tired eyes due to working so much and irl stress ages people faster which people in war and comanders in said war would be under a lot of
Also, some people looks older/younger than they really are... so it could just be that I guess.
I would accept glitches from shulk or rex doing something as explaination for how something happened that didn't make sense.
It's the perfect scapegoat
@@SuperSavajin sometimes thats all you need. I think takahashi has been stealing our fan head canons for the same purpose. Lucky SEVEN, really!?!?
@@yourtrubers1728also the entire quest with segiri and how sena feels like it's wrong for people to just be called a number only after talking to segiri who was no. 7
@@Nelsito99 yep i would say both were intentional with the information at hand.
Plot twist: Eunie and Lanz are Noah and Joran’s adoptive parents.
They are going to outgrow them quick tho haha
Good video! My joke answer to "how did Nia become queen?" is "Rex means king in Latin, so following THAT photo ... Nia became the "king"'s queen" ^^ The M/N-question is my personaly most pressing one. Since the interview, I have deducted that there's a strong shintoism motif, however, that still doesn't answer WHY Mio and Noah are the only ones to exist twice. Why not others? It's never answered, yet it'd be so important. As for Malos' future importance, I talk about it in my most recent video: I think he's gonna become more relevant in the expanded Xenoblade X-remasters for Switch 2 and XB3 sets that return up. Agreed with your City People-take. I'd also include the weirdness that is Shulk and Rex who, at the end of FR, act as if they'll return, too - how? Their life is already over. And where are they going when they return into Origin, anyway? There's bigger questions buried in there. One question I'd also like to see more clearly answered is WHO was Z and Moebius. There's the opinion that Z is simply the manifestation of the combined will of all the souls within Origin, but the way he's presented that's a little too simple imo.
I’m thinking that Mr. Takahashi deflected the question about Noah’s name for Lucky 7 bc he and the devs never actually came up with that name lol
Questions to be answered in Xenoblade Chronicles X-2
2: I like to imagine that, compared to other Consuls, N and M carried so much regret (especially N thanks to killing his son and trying to kill his descendant lol) that Origin didn't register them as Noah and Mio before. Leaving them to reincarnate once more.
3: I don't have much on this, but all I'll say is that when Pneuma boards Aion, we see two Aegis cores right next to each other. And during the end of the scene, we hear Malos's voice asking Pneuma what it was like to be alive.
4: I feel like the implication is that the Citizens will be reborn throughout the centuries and millennia in their original bloodlines. So Ghondor will still be Noah and Mio's son, Matthew and Na'el will still be Ghondor's grandchildren, and Guernica, Monica, and Ghondor will still be Matthew's descendants born in ~1,100 years. Basically like you said, "don't think about it."
5: I think the reason they live so long is because they're administrators of Origin. It's like how Shulk and Rex don't need their lifespans at the end of Future Redeemed, and Takahashi confirmed that them becoming Origin's battery means they become admins.
6: Honestly that got me confused too. My personal theory is that everyone (minus Melia, Nia, and Poppi) spawned as Origin metal. Z gathers the people aged 10-19 and puts their souls in clone bodies so they can be soldiers of Keves and Agnus. Later, Alpha decides to destroy Aionios. Z is scared, so he gets the souls of Shulk and Rex (and some random children for some reason) and sends them to Aionios as they are so he isn't alone fighting Alpha.
7: Do not question. Nopon are common variety.
10: This is entering headcanon territory, but with how Melia and Nia have aged since Xenoblade 1 and 2, I like to imagine, somehow, all the races managed to get an average lifespan of eighty years. I don't know how, but I want Eunie and Taion to die together ;-;
Also for the ending, I do wonder what the light falling towards Earth is, but I don't think it's KOS-MOS for a lot of reasons I don't feel like bringing up right now.
I think all the people of the city will be reborn exactly as they are now. The memories from Aionios will linger deep in people’s souls and they’ll be drawn back to each other as Noah and Mio will be leading to Monica and Gohndor some day
For #2, I agree that it is likely a result of the admins messing about. The only other thing I can think of is in the intro to base 3. Noah sees time stop for everything and everyone else, but he's able to keep moving. It's possible this indicates he has some aspect of himself that isn't fully absorbed into Origin. If that's the case, then we can probably assume Mio experienced something similar.
That said, it doesn't really answer anything. And it's also possible that everyone had the same experience, seeing everyone else freeze in time.
Well to explain both Nia and Melia live span, they were both asleep for 1000 years but normally melia just ages slowly and I’m guessing Nia is also aging slowly
We DO actually know how Nia (or at least one of the possible ways she did) became queen. Watch Luxin's XC3 Queens explained video for that answer.
My quick thoughts regarding N and M's Moebius forms...
I imagine that, since M in particular doesn't event WANT to be Moebius, and N only chose to become one in order to save M, they might have purposefully never even transformed before because they don't want to. Hell I suppose it's possible Z himself made them unable to transform, but either way I think they have no desire to.
Which is actually quite tragic when you think about it, because if they could fuse together like Moebius and Ouroboros, N would've been able to witness M's memories and thus understand her feelings toward him and his actions.
Something has been bothering me for a while though... Shulk's Monado and Rex's Fire-Light Swords are both replicas of Aegis weapons. They resemble the weapons in functionality and usability but lack the actual power of the Aegis's which is why Shulk can't see visions and Rex says "If only those two were here" before he found out Pneuma was with Matthew. Rex was acknowledging that despite his swords resembling Pyra and Mythra, they don't actually measure up.
...So why were Shulk and Rex able to single handedly cleave through those Flame Clocks at the end of that boss batle where Rex is introduced? Lucky 7 was only able to do it because it was made of Origin Metal and finely honed (and possibly had special properties granted by Member 7). But Shulk and Rex's weapons are not only knockoffs, but they're energy bladed weapons and the Clocks seem immune to all forms of that. Yet that energy did what even an Interlink couldn't. They did what only Lucky 7 could do and they made it look easy once they actually reached the target.
What did they do to make that work?
EDIT: Fixed some typos
Thats a great question and there is no actual answer to that besides that both Rex and Shulk are admins so they probably can bend the rules and bit.
Another headcanon could be that both were made by Shulk and replicate the Monado beam very closely. In FR he realized that they need a ton of ether energy to cut through the Fog King and that could be powerful enough to replicate the power.
20:52 in xc1 there is a quest that is about a machina who's what ill call growth module stopped working keeping him in a young body while his mind aged and shulk was able to fix it but says that it will make him grow at a normal rate from that point on meaning with that those growth modules could have been modified to be the same with homs to show that the world is of one people. As for high entia due to most of them (pure blooded) got turned into telethia and that more died fighting the fog king they would very likely have formed relations with homs and as zeon and many other npcs have very small wings and of different hair color shows that those offspring are more homs that those that came before and based off of what melia says to explain why tyrea has big wings is that its uncommon for those of mixed blood to keep their wings big so with the only high entia left after xc1 being part homs its not impossible for the next gen to be even more homs like thus aging more similar to them
There was also another quest about a machina almost dying but shulk and the party could extend her life but dialed it back a bit to not live for too too long being more proof of machina life span manipulation and as the last chapter gives the party as much time to prep before going to fight zanza and these quest not being timed could have happened like how rex did do the salvaging quest given by the king of tantal in xc2 being brought up again in xc3 where all the quest have to be canon as the last quest is getting the escape ships ready and before that the machines that lead to the ones used in the main game of 3
Also its my head canon that the Aizel in xc3 is Melia's kid named after one of the guards that died protecting her and due to her felling to him and that the gurad next to him is unnamed when he is makes me think so
I think Mia might actually be able to live much longer because of her healing ability I mean she did get shot through the heart by a super heated spear through her chest and healed from it so that healing ability could have extended her life span. Melia I'm not sure I'm just going to assume since she has a lot of power and controls most of the world it extended her life span???
X Spoilers sort of
calling it now, what happened at the end of 2, Malos got sent to the X universe and ultimately ends up saving the people in it, before being sent into origin.
So nia is able to stay alive forever, in my headcanon at least, because she has the super healing ablility to the point whete she can cause cancer. That's... just OP. She literally cannot die and refer to that one scene in xc3 if you don't believe me. Melia, though... idk she's part telethia, and their rules were always fuzzy. They did have massively extended lifespans though, and melia's father didnt die of natural causes so we arent sure how long they can live.
given the lifespans of all six main cast members, it seems that noah is the only one that doesnt have some sort of naturally longer lifespan, though if sena's a blade she might be subject to the rebirth/memory loss thing, but she might also be a blade/human kid like linka is and have no need for that, even then, if her driver ends up being mio or taion in aionios she wont have to worry about that due to them having longer lifespans. basically everyone is gonna outlive noah L
My headcanon is that Noah called Lucky 7 The Xenoblade just cause that would be like really dumb but also just yknow a perfect name at the same time
Regarding Malos, I'm thinking next game will explore on the "Jesus as Savior of Humanity" Part of Logos.
Since in XB2 is more of Gnostic ver of Jesus who freed mankind from material world ( physical world) but is more extreme.
Maybe in XB4 we will see Malos being Savior of humanity this time and also redemption arc for him i guess.
Basically XB4 will be Second coming of Christ fanfiction lol
I just hope we got see Malos or Logos different alter like Pneuma - Pyra/Mythra and Ontos - Alvis/A.
I hope it will also explore the logical and knowledge aspect of Logos.
I am almost thinking Malos will show up somehow in Xenoblade Chronicles X:DE...maybe. Just a strong feeling I have had is all.
Thanks for the subtitles.
I can't say I'm too enthralled about how there apparently will be stuff that may pop in xc4 from the original trilogy. I was hoping that everything from this trilogy would be settled and we would go on to newer worlds and lore with different characters.
The trilogy is about the consequences of Klaus experiments. It never about the end of story . In Xeno anything related to the Conduit (Zohar) will always be relevant somehow (such as Trinity Processor, etc)
If anything the trilogy is just foundation for establishing lore for the series and future games will expand on that
Well it's called lucky 7 because Fiora is seventh character of course.
The part of life span for characters are weird, since Shulk and Rex could have just change their rate of aging or something similar could happened to Panacea and Linka until they joined the city.
Because admins literally can change the anything they want in the world. Basically they could have decide age up everyone in the liberators to be adults and made them slow or even stop aging, until Shulk and Rex became part of Origin.
Because if you analyze the named NPC from the liberators, you would realize that if they all aged at the same rate as in the real world, Shulk and Rex would have been babysitting all the liberators for 15 years before future redeemed. Which personally I don’t think it happened that why and everyone was a bit older than the same age.
Plus there is the whole we celebrate Linka’s birthday, but her age didn’t change in the affinity chart issue.
Plus there is also the problem of truce, which Shulk mentioned that the liberators and Moebius wouldn’t fight each other until alpha was defeated, which would mean before the Alpha incident, the Liberators already existed with Shulk and Rex.
Personally I don’t think Shulk and Rex only existed for 15 in Aionios, based on all the information we have, plus Shulk and Rex knowing how to use the power of Ouroboros, Sword of the end and Stones. Makes me think they were there at their creation, based on the souls used for the weapons of Ouroboros. Fiora for the sword of the end, and Pneuma for the original Ouroboros Stone, which Ghondor used that shard to create that fist of the end.
Takahashi confirmed that they only spawned into Aionios before Alpha appeared.
@@SuperSavajin Takahashi only confirmed that they appeared a some years before defeating Alpha, know we don’t know how many years was that, it could have been 15 years or it could have been more than that, it could have been when the moment that Noah and had their homecoming, Shulk and Rex were summoned has a counterbalance to Moebius. And they could have only started aging, because alpha took part of their admin rights in their first encounter. It’s left vague intentionally just in case Takahashi wants to make a prequel to the beginning of Aionios.
@@shulkash8799 yea but the same section also explained how their lifespan are normal inside of Aionios
@@SuperSavajin But again, in the latter section, also mentions how admins can do whatever they want in the virtual world, which would include making people ageless, just how Z does to people that become Moebius.
And reading the xenomira translation, Takahashi said that Shulk and Rex should have aged what their lifespan should be, not that they did, it just some of the typical Takahashi misdirection, not confirming things directly, only leaving things ambiguous enough for speculation and multiple interpretations.
There is one question I don't see talked about enough - Why would Klaus have reason to awaken Alvis in the first place? He already won the fight against the Salvators with a curious push of a button, unless it took more time than depicted in all flashbacks for the experiment to fully take effect and he needed a powerful distraction to make sure the Salvators and those working at Radamanthus couldn't destroy the orbital ring to shut it down (Completely removing the Arbitor itself from the Trinity Processor and having it wield the power of the Conduit would certainly be enough to ensure the experiment proceeds smoothly, it took both the Preserver and Endbringer, as well as the closest equivalent in a jrpg to weaponizing fourth wall breaks without breaking the fourth wall in order to overthrow Schrodinger's Wilhelm), I just see no reason *why* Alvis would be awakened in Zanza's Universe. And another thing - if Klaus did awaken Alvis, why wasn't this shown in either depiction of the final hours of the original world, and why would Klaus omit that detail when explaining to Rex what happened to Ontos when a butchered attempt at an awakening would've been an actually solid explanation for *how* Zanza became one with the Monado in the first place?
the wayi always thoguht of it is those who aren't parto f the cycle have regular lifespans like outside of aionios, which since aionios took place within a few seconds in the real world, would mean anyone not in the cycle who wasn't born in aionios would be practically immortal compared to anyone in the system
That's what we all thought but the interview dropped massive new information. You can check my latest video if you are interested.
"City People make no sense"
- Well ... Fei from Xenogears was the inspiration for Matthew ... if Origin kinda forces them to be reborn , maybe it does so over and over and over again ... which could result in a similar scenario Fei and Ellie went through in Gears.
Xenogears is actually the sequel to Xenoblade 3
@@SuperSavajin No it is not , at least not in the sense of what a sequel actually means.
Xenogears has no connection to Xenoblade whatsoever ...
It only shares the same Point of Origin , being the same planet earth , but the Xenogears Spaceship left earth before Xenoblades plot took place. Remember what you see in Origin is but a Recreated Recording of how earth once was.
In fact , since we dont know specifics of how much time past for any given party ... the plot of Xenogears could actually take place in parallel to Xenoblade or before it ... since Xenoblade 1 plot only starts like a long time after the Klaus experiment. We also dont know how the time difference between the normal Universe and the Pocket Dimension is.
THANK YOU for addressing Melia's age. I've been pointing to Sorean for the longest time and calling Melia's age into question. Maybe it's because she's half-homs and that messes with it? I felt like no one else noticed this discrepancy
We had to assume for a long time that their lifespans froze in time and didn't progress because it wouldn't make sense otherwise. After seeing Riku in FR it was even more evident that this had to be the case but then they pulled the rug under our feet and said only Nopon don't age inside of Aionios lmao
So yea, now we have no idea how Melia survived for that long.
I feel like their ages got reselt to 0 when they entered but kept their physical bodies when they formed in aionios, explaining why shulk and rex said the rest of their remaining time to their kids, and that melia got connected to origin or something similar to mobius, as while joran is still young like when he died k and triton are much older than the soldiers of keves or agnus meaning that they do age but the flames stops that aging, and nia being both a flesh eater entered a deep sleep like how a unused battery will still have a charge but does slowly lose some over time helped her live longer
@@SuperSavajin Right, I was so convinced that people from the outside worlds just didn't age and, like you said, Riku absolutely seemed to be proof of this. This rugpull threw a big wrench in all of that
i mean the ontos core just randomely appeared one day on bionis, is it crazy to think that something similar happened in alrest but just with logos's core?
The difference is that the ontos core was still intact at the end of xc1 avlis having returned to his core just drifted in the world until washing up on the beach later to be found by shulk likely post fc
The logos core we see complete disappear into light after malos dies leaving nothing behind
It possible but Conduit/Zohar (where Trinity Processor got their power from) is gone so we dont know how Logos or Malos could manifest in the aionios or future game.
But also the usual rule dont apply to the Processor since they connected to the Conduit, meaning rule of reality doesnt always apply to them, maybe theres something that make Logos' persist despite his core is "gone". Though if you pay attention to Aion Core layout at the end of Xb2, you will see Logos core still alive and Aion got powered by two Cores (Pneuma and Logos) but Logos might as well be gone since Aion exploded.
Im guessing they will explain it in next game
I thought about mythras kid and i think its just pyra and mythras kid in glimmer. But we know almost nothing so..
I always thinking about this in the world separation
Xenoblade 1 character go back to xenoblade 1 world
Xenoblade 2 character go back to xenoblade 2
No numbers stay in ionios?or just been born in between considering they are born and descendants from the character that comes from xenoblade 1 and 2 what happen to them after that?
One question that was NEVER answered in the base game, even a little- why did Noah and Mio meet, fall in love, and die EVERY TIME before the N and M cycle? That seems too many instances to be a coincidence, especially given the animosity between Keves and Agnus. It’s a miracle they were able to meet and fall in love in the main game cycle alone. It’s a separate question to why they are able to come back post-homecoming.
They probably just love each other too much :D
Because it doesn't need an answer? They are soulmates, simple as that. People who are destined to be in every incarnation. Noah and Mio are also a big Xenogears reference to Fei and Ellie, who are in turn a reference to Adam and Eve, so there's that.
It’s a fictional romance, that doesn’t need to be explained in a series all about fate
They wore clothes like the city people for multiple of those lives. Although the city itself was not founded yet. Melia and Nia were actively fighting at that time though, and Taions VA mentions their mission from the queen(s). The modern city has many cradles filled with soldiers but do not awaken them. Its possible when Aionios was younger they did. So after Noah and Mio left Moebius' system for the first time their cradles were at some point taken. In care of the freedom fighters they always met each other from then on.
Also reincarnated soldiers keep some memories, even if only in the back of their mind. That influences things.
Meaby it's machina technology that makes Melia age slower etc.
I think the point of the L7's name not being told is to show that Noah s*cks at naming and he's embarassed at it that's it. The humor probably slipped alot of people, since they're too focused on it (I don't blame them) but the name of the sword barely matters in the context of the lore and the narrative anyway... L7 being Fiora is a surprise tho..
Nia being Queen is just a title as the admin of Origin, Her being a queen tho is more of a propaganda by Z to instill a sense of servitude for Agnian. I don't think it's specified in the interview that she's the Queen of Gormott as well(?) So I wonder where did you get that info (correct me if I'm wrong). And if that's true I think she deserves to be the Queen of Gormott anyway since she's the blade of one of the Royal Family there.
We can see that she is a Queen before the worlds collide in the flashback when she talks to Melia about Origin.
Mythras Kid: My theory is that Glimmer is kind of like Mythra and Pyra, it's 2 "people" in the same body or more accurately her body is Pyras kid and her soul/personality is Mythras kid. Although this would be weird as the people that are in Aionios are single entities (be it person or object), we do know that Aionios is a virtual world and Pyra and Mythra are one as Pneuma. So maybe Glimmer is Pneumas kid to phrase it better, and I can imagine the dev team thinking it would be a good idea to represent them that way since they are a special case.
The problem is this would mean Glimmer would not exist outside of Aionios since Pyra and Mythra are two people there.
Is there anything that speaks against this theory?
I would very much like to talk about this.
Thanks for making this video, it helped a lot for understanding the Xenoblade lore.
I just want answers about Astelle. I'm Astelle's number 1 fan
I still don’t understand it.
Even when I do it just sounds stupid
So Ryne is an orange metal?
Pyra & Mythra are core crystals and Fiona is a sword….? What? Why? How does that add anything worthwhile to this story? Sounds like fever dream nonsense
Out of context it is outrageous but in the expansion, Riku explains that Origin metal is composed of souls and desires.
Aionios is not a physical place per se, but a sort of artificial world stuck in time. A mix of physical objects and simulation of information. Origin contains the data and souls of every single being in XC 1 and 2's Universe and entities like Z and the admins can shape or alter the fundamental rules of that world to some degree. Z decided that every being older than 18 would be either stuck in Origin as data or become Moebius.
Pyra and Mythra at some point decided to become core crystals to help deal with the Alpha threat, Malos's core has also manifested (albeit in a diluted and scattered form) when Aionios was created. However, they both got lost after Shulk and Rex lost against Alpha.
Lucky 7 is actually composed of 7 souls: Fiona, Reyn, Sharla from 1 and Zeke, Morag, Pandora and Brighid. Since they are all related to the admins Mio and Melia and since Tora is the engieneer of Origin, they both managed to get around Z's meddling of the ruleset of Aionios and managed to use these souls desires to end Z's rule to create Lucky 7, considering these members are the strongest people around, Lucky 7 can destroy anything in it's way, comparable to an actual monado.
Sometimes not 100% knowing is the best. Because, as we've seen in ALL media, over explaining ruins the mystique. People speculated about FF7s ending for a long time, and FF8 had some of the best theories that even surprised the writer, lol.
I do think it's funny that Takahashi stated the Chronicles stories are over yet people think there's going to be a fourth game. IF they are going to make another chronicles game, and that IS a BIG IF, it's probably going to be a Xenoblade CX2 style game first. For some reason they end up going back to "Earth" Sort of like how Phantasy Star 3's ending ended up in Earth's orbit. And after that maybe a XC4 with these 2 "groups" colliding similar to Xenoblade CX1.
I would love it if this game series ended up on PC... But that will probably never happen.