Fun fact: Meklords are part of Machina archetype in Italian, as Machina (which is like 1 letter off from "Macchina", meaning "machine") has been translated as... Mek So Machina Gearframe ("Mek Fusoliera" in italian) technically can add Meklord Emperor Wisel ("Imperatore Meklord Wisel") as Meklords are part of the italian Machina archetype I'm confused and fascinated at the same time
Nice to see Machina evolve. Still love Earth Machine and will try this out. The Bird player sadly made some mistakes when making his board which happens, but what would have won him the game
In that game 2 against bird up, the other player had an insane hand. He could have gone for Oath, as well as ending on F0, Simorgh, Avian, DDL, Keras and 3 materials Robin (2 materials if he decides to keep bird call for follow up). Oath lines are more difficult, but they pretty much win you the game. Had he gone for that line, he would have won.
@@sammyhain You don’t play revolt in tri-lyrilusc, mainly because the bearbrum lock really conflicts with your deck, beryl canary specifically, but in addition to that, your end boards are almost always too clogged to resolve a revolt making anything more than a link 2 off it.
@@sammyhain I think you mean Oath right? if yes: 1: activate fraktall, dump sparrow 2: special warbler bring back sparrow 3: activate sparrow, search wagtail 4: overlay for recital, search beryl 5: activate swallow, summoning her and nervall 6: overlay for second recital, detach nervall, search anything (swallow if you have a second one) 7: nervall effect, search kitt 8: overlay both recital for utopic future -> utopic draco future 9: normal summon kitt 10: kit effect, banish 4, leaving only sparrow in grave, summon omen 11: link kitt and omen into ferrijit 12: chain link 1: omen, chain link 2: kitt 13: kitt dump oath, omen search keras 14: ferrijit effect, summon wagtail 15: wagtail effect, search bird call 16: link ferrijit and wagtail into simorgh 17: keras effect, discard card added by second recital (ideally swallow) 18: keras effect, banish kitt and ferrijit, summon DDL 19: beryl effect, target card discarded (swallow ideally) 20: overlay for Robin 20.5: if the card targeted by beryl was swallow: attach sparrow 21: wagtail effect, attach to Robin 22: set imperm 23: end phase, summon Avian from deck
His hand was even better than I initially thought, end board: F0, simorgh, keras, 4 material robin (3 if he only has 1 swallow), DDL, Avian, Imperm, Oath in grave. That's 9 interruptions Jesus, and he even ends with bird call in hand for follow up
As someone who has mained machina since the second structure deck(and the banning of Lunalight tiger), I pronounce the name as Mah-kinna and ma-sheen-ah interchangeably almost at random. I am the embodiment of the intro.
That altergeist player really opened meluseek and 2 traps and decided to normal summon marionetter to grab a third copy of the trap instead of going for meluseek-> multifaker
I want to see more decks with lord of the heavenly prison. It seems like such a cool card with a lot of potential. Also I have a strong feeling fusion destiny is going to get hit on the next ban list. I think Verte is going to be hit too, but fusion destiny can still be played at 3 unlike red eyes fusion, so I think fusion destiny will get limited. I might be wrong though, I'm not very good at the game
Imo they will only limit fusion destiny, just because it still leaves the incentive for people to buy dpe, and banning both verte and fusion destiny would reduce its playability by a lot. It sucks for hero players, but sometimes getting a random card banned is just a part of life
@@Ironpecker I agree. I don't think fusion will get banned, but limited. Verte should still get the axe though, as I feel it's just going to keep finding different fusion spells to abuse, whether destiny, red eyes, or something else completely
Not sure if this is the best machina deck profile because mine is a lot different. I also think it's better to rely on citadel to destroy rather d-hero which add a lot of cards in the deck only to do what citadel is able to do (destroy and go back to the field).
Don't play dpe in this deck it's ass. I tried it at a 100 man tournament and regretted it the whole tournament. Also not playing dreadnought rank 4 train is super incorrect. The deck needs to be at 40 as you have to open a starter asap otherwise the deck does nothing and your engine is how you win so reducing engine cards and adding more possible bricks with cards taht conflict with your engine is super bad as the more blanks you run the worse the deck is. DPE adds grind game which this deck doesn't need as it's one of the best decks for grinding out as your whole engine continuously resolves off 1 summon. Also link my channel in the description MBT nice bussy.
Ma 'ki' na for us italians is quite easy, "ch" is basically what we use instead of "k" (one of the few letters we don't have in the italian alphabet, along with j, w, x and y)... but the translation team here changed Machina into Mek for unknown reasons XD
Do you need pot of G? I am a semi budget player so that and DPE is off the table but I don’t know if the deck can operate without the boosted consistency of the Pot.
okay if we're playing this game, urgent *schedule: *(shed-you-wool) not (skedge-you'll) for clarity, its the difference between the icelandic and the german procounciations of the "sch" in english history. some words use "sssk" and some use "sshh" because they come from different places.
I’m Italian and I will never adopt non-Latin pronunciation for that, sad part is... the Italian print is written as mek, they translated a damn Latin world
Wait you can activate 2 evenly in the end of the BP? Why is that exactly? I thought it went end of battle, activate evenly, evenly negated, chain resolve, then immediately goes to MP2.
The "end of the Battle Phase" isn't a real phase, as such, as long as you're in that window between the BP and MP2, Evenly is always a valid activation.
In Yu-Gi-Oh, all phases end and begin only when both players starting with the turn player have passed their priority for the phase without performing an action, i.e. playing a card, activating an effect, using a handtrap, etc. If an action is performed, the turn player is given priority in the same phase following the resolution of the chain, and this repeats until both players have passed priority without taking an action. So how it plays out is: Enter Battle, End Battle. Activate Evenly, get negated. You are given priority again at the end of the Battle Phase, satisfying the conditions for Evenly Matched, allowing it to be activated. Hope that makes sense.
That’s a perfect example of what I mean by it being very meta-dependent. If people are on floaty cards and chainable traps it’s legitimately unplayable.
No, mbt .The actual OCG romanji text is Mashin'nāzu ( Mashin'nāzu Fōtoresu is machina fotress ). It closer to "Machine" then "Makkina". Sooo it is MA CHINA
Well in my friend's card list the infinite loop is always somehow having on the end board the train link that tributes and special summons citadel bullet express emr and mostly goes either lets the express in grave to add stuff or on dangerous big boards go like this Citadel tributes itself then if more dangerous stuff are comin out emr tributes the express and because it was sent there for cost he chains the link to tribute a monster on the hand to bring back the express and destroys the link and citadel returns if the oponent survives a raigeki and destroy 2 nore then either they played it to well or misplays happened XD
Did anyone try playing 2 Machina Fortress into some Rank 7 (I am having quite some success with this in Duel links and Dark armed the dragon of armageddon) - could be a good play, if you pull it off before getting locked to machines. Destroy 2, and get the 2 machinas back in the grave (banish the scraps / spells you can't re-use in the GY )
It's pronounced Machina, not Machina
I've never heard anything more ridiculous in my life.
And here I always thought it was Machina
I’ll have you know it’s actually my china 🇨🇳
Isn't Machina?
I thought it was McChina
Really becoming a cog in the machine with this one
this joke grinds my gears
This joke really wrenches my rivets
Triple Prosperity, DPE engine, handtraps, floodgates.
It's like clockwork with this guy.
oh my god its progressing to levels of bad ever before reached, self destruct
More like a kog in the simulator, am I right, Duel Links Desperado players?
Fun fact: Meklords are part of Machina archetype in Italian, as Machina (which is like 1 letter off from "Macchina", meaning "machine") has been translated as... Mek
So Machina Gearframe ("Mek Fusoliera" in italian) technically can add Meklord Emperor Wisel ("Imperatore Meklord Wisel") as Meklords are part of the italian Machina archetype
I'm confused and fascinated at the same time
Region specific machina deck evolution
In order to add Wisel, you must speak in Italian the entire event
Italians OP
In italian. The judge guy in my local tournament said no, absolutely no.
This is why Italy isn’t taken seriously outside of stereotyped travel destination XD
Poor Gage, why everyone gotta make fun of his hairline like that
Nice to see Machina evolve. Still love Earth Machine and will try this out.
The Bird player sadly made some mistakes when making his board which happens, but what would have won him the game
In that game 2 against bird up, the other player had an insane hand. He could have gone for Oath, as well as ending on F0, Simorgh, Avian, DDL, Keras and 3 materials Robin (2 materials if he decides to keep bird call for follow up). Oath lines are more difficult, but they pretty much win you the game. Had he gone for that line, he would have won.
What's the combo for revolt
@@sammyhain You don’t play revolt in tri-lyrilusc, mainly because the bearbrum lock really conflicts with your deck, beryl canary specifically, but in addition to that, your end boards are almost always too clogged to resolve a revolt making anything more than a link 2 off it.
@@sammyhain I think you mean Oath right?
if yes:
1: activate fraktall, dump sparrow
2: special warbler bring back sparrow
3: activate sparrow, search wagtail
4: overlay for recital, search beryl
5: activate swallow, summoning her and nervall
6: overlay for second recital, detach nervall, search anything (swallow if you have a second one)
7: nervall effect, search kitt
8: overlay both recital for utopic future -> utopic draco future
9: normal summon kitt
10: kit effect, banish 4, leaving only sparrow in grave, summon omen
11: link kitt and omen into ferrijit
12: chain link 1: omen, chain link 2: kitt
13: kitt dump oath, omen search keras
14: ferrijit effect, summon wagtail
15: wagtail effect, search bird call
16: link ferrijit and wagtail into simorgh
17: keras effect, discard card added by second recital (ideally swallow)
18: keras effect, banish kitt and ferrijit, summon DDL
19: beryl effect, target card discarded (swallow ideally)
20: overlay for Robin
20.5: if the card targeted by beryl was swallow: attach sparrow
21: wagtail effect, attach to Robin
22: set imperm
23: end phase, summon Avian from deck
His hand was even better than I initially thought, end board:
F0, simorgh, keras, 4 material robin (3 if he only has 1 swallow), DDL, Avian,
Imperm, Oath in grave.
That's 9 interruptions Jesus, and he even ends with bird call in hand for follow up
Alex Cimo really is the joke mine for MBT. If he just needs a background character Alex is always an easy name to reach for.
As Gage’s hairline.
As someone who has mained machina since the second structure deck(and the banning of Lunalight tiger), I pronounce the name as Mah-kinna and ma-sheen-ah interchangeably almost at random. I am the embodiment of the intro.
Ah yes, the amazing Dark Machine archetype of maChina.
Mom: What that plate made of
Tbh i cant tell if its the Brainworms making him say Machina wrong, or if hes just doing it on purpose because that's now an MBT staple
Says pronounce Machina correctly, has the most wild reading of Unclaspare I've ever heard
Him saying unclaspare gave me whiplash
I will continue to petition for this series to be renamed Twenty minute testing. You don't even have to change the acronym.
as a machina fan, this is all I ever wanted
Interest seeing trump as a machina player
A deck that does much while doing nothing
Ahahahahahahahhah ahahahahahahahahaaahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhhahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahhahahaahhahaahahahhaahhahahaahahahhahahahahaahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahhaahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahajahajajajjahahahahahahahaahhahaahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahaha
That intro is a 12/10.
DPE is indeed very strong.
That altergeist player really opened meluseek and 2 traps and decided to normal summon marionetter to grab a third copy of the trap instead of going for meluseek-> multifaker
I'm gonna think Ma-China in my head everytime I see this archetype now, why would you do this to me MBT.
I really hope dinoruffias do become rogue when they come out since their form of trap dino deck is fun
I want to see more decks with lord of the heavenly prison. It seems like such a cool card with a lot of potential. Also I have a strong feeling fusion destiny is going to get hit on the next ban list. I think Verte is going to be hit too, but fusion destiny can still be played at 3 unlike red eyes fusion, so I think fusion destiny will get limited. I might be wrong though, I'm not very good at the game
Imo they will only limit fusion destiny, just because it still leaves the incentive for people to buy dpe, and banning both verte and fusion destiny would reduce its playability by a lot.
It sucks for hero players, but sometimes getting a random card banned is just a part of life
@@Ironpecker I agree. I don't think fusion will get banned, but limited. Verte should still get the axe though, as I feel it's just going to keep finding different fusion spells to abuse, whether destiny, red eyes, or something else completely
@@mysteriousstranger6367 well nowadays they just need to get branded fusion to hand...
@@yugiwinninglex konami will never learn
@@KyunaCookies yea they nvr do.
"Mah-kinna" Nice pronunciation of Machina. One small issue. I am inside your house.
finally a somewhat competent player handling my favorite deck
Ive decided my first paper deck is going to be machine, good timing! Thabks for making this for me specifically
Intro was hilarious 😂
This skit is so good I am showing my friends who don’t play yugioh and they love it
Not sure if this is the best machina deck profile because mine is a lot different.
I also think it's better to rely on citadel to destroy rather d-hero which add a lot of cards in the deck only to do what citadel is able to do (destroy and go back to the field).
d hero really seems like it has very little synergy in here.
I would pay money for a playlist of just TMT skits
This intro was incredible. Actually just so good.
Great video bro, loved the skit at the start
That opening skit was pure chef's kiss
The absolute greatest opening sketch I’ve ever seen. Hahaha
he could have done much better without the cut ins. would have been funnier if he dressed in a trump wig and did it manually
disappointed that ruinforce didn't get to do anything.
I have played too much Final Fantasy X over the years to say anything other than "maw-key-nah".
Don't play dpe in this deck it's ass. I tried it at a 100 man tournament and regretted it the whole tournament. Also not playing dreadnought rank 4 train is super incorrect. The deck needs to be at 40 as you have to open a starter asap otherwise the deck does nothing and your engine is how you win so reducing engine cards and adding more possible bricks with cards taht conflict with your engine is super bad as the more blanks you run the worse the deck is. DPE adds grind game which this deck doesn't need as it's one of the best decks for grinding out as your whole engine continuously resolves off 1 summon.
Also link my channel in the description MBT nice bussy.
Anyone who ever played FFX knows how it's pronounced, Brudda
Someone knows!
Ma 'ki' na
for us italians is quite easy, "ch" is basically what we use instead of "k" (one of the few letters we don't have in the italian alphabet, along with j, w, x and y)... but the translation team here changed Machina into Mek for unknown reasons XD
I sometimes think that MBT actually has a Pot of Prosperity body pillow with the amount of times he shoehorns it into his decks
Coherence and intelligence doesn't exactly describe the man we have in office right now either
Awesome opening
is there a version w/o the DPE package and pots for the poor
I could understand someone pronoyncing it machine-ah, but people who say MUH-CHINA are built different
bro i clicked on the video for just the intro and was not disappointed
Is that THE rat box mat shirt? Where can I buy one?
Bro, what do you mean?
It's Mah-China
Kind of want to see another adamancipator video due to Farfa’s top 4.
I personally pronounce it Machine-a myself. About as close as one gets to the OCG’s “Machiners”
MaCHINA stronk
Thanks for the great muhchina gameplay!
Do you need pot of G? I am a semi budget player so that and DPE is off the table but I don’t know if the deck can operate without the boosted consistency of the Pot.
The topping list played extravagance since it did not use dpe, imo you should give that list a test, it's def strong
This was literally Destroy Phoenix Enforcer go brrrr
Joseph in a suit is so cool
And in Japanese it's Machiners :)
Love that you talked about the side deck... can we show it as well next time? As in what you changed with what.
which one do you personally think is better and why? earth machine or this version?
I find myself wanting to watch TMT’s just to see the new intros
Wow, I'd love to see that shirt you're wearing in the video on a T-Shirt, MBT
Ah yes, Dark Ma-sheen-a
So Machina is pronounce exactly as in Spanish? (Maquina)
Best intro in a long time! keep up the great work!
Oh thank god, someone else that pronounces it the correct way, aka like the characters in Final Fantasy X
okay if we're playing this game, urgent *schedule:
*(shed-you-wool) not (skedge-you'll)
for clarity, its the difference between the icelandic and the german procounciations of the "sch" in english history. some words use "sssk" and some use "sshh" because they come from different places.
Muh Shy Na is my favorite deck
Is it just me or is close up Joseph cursed
It's just you now. He passed the curse on to you by doing that.
This was pretty fun to watch.
he posted after that last prog? what a hero
that opening was perfect
I’m Italian and I will never adopt non-Latin pronunciation for that, sad part is... the Italian print is written as mek, they translated a damn Latin world
*Turns on subtitles for a quiet bit*
*It appears on Korean*
*Solemnly turns subtitles off and swears never to touch it again, unless I learn Korean*
Bruh this opening was absolutely great 😂😂😂😂
- Dkayed, probably
Pure Gold intro
Wait you can activate 2 evenly in the end of the BP? Why is that exactly? I thought it went end of battle, activate evenly, evenly negated, chain resolve, then immediately goes to MP2.
The "end of the Battle Phase" isn't a real phase, as such, as long as you're in that window between the BP and MP2, Evenly is always a valid activation.
In Yu-Gi-Oh, all phases end and begin only when both players starting with the turn player have passed their priority for the phase without performing an action, i.e. playing a card, activating an effect, using a handtrap, etc.
If an action is performed, the turn player is given priority in the same phase following the resolution of the chain, and this repeats until both players have passed priority without taking an action.
So how it plays out is: Enter Battle, End Battle. Activate Evenly, get negated. You are given priority again at the end of the Battle Phase, satisfying the conditions for Evenly Matched, allowing it to be activated.
Hope that makes sense.
First 2 minutes of the video, and I can't stop laughing.... Thank you for this, MBT.
That board break was for the birds. 🤓
1:17 yo MBT what kinda face cleanser you on? Those pores look C L E A N king.
Trump: Ma-China
MBT: Mah-kinna
Sane People: Mach-Inna
'off to the races'. not sure about that one with dinoruffia
18:47 when Sus Impostor evolved to Deez Nuts
Mah key nuh
Mah kinna
Going to have to fight someone.
Thought it was Mah Key Nah. then again both are so similar... either works.
Makes a big deal about pronunciation before mispronouncing my name. Never change man, never change.
Whichever one of you patrons is named bbpoison, may Ride bless you
...didn't Farfa clapped Gage on this deck using a 6 year old deck? ...yeah, thought so.
That’s a perfect example of what I mean by it being very meta-dependent. If people are on floaty cards and chainable traps it’s legitimately unplayable.
One of my favorite decks. I play it as a blind second boardwiper :v
No, mbt .The actual OCG romanji text is Mashin'nāzu ( Mashin'nāzu Fōtoresu is machina fotress ). It closer to "Machine" then "Makkina". Sooo it is MA CHINA
What ever happned to eldich ?
Well in my friend's card list the infinite loop is always somehow having on the end board the train link that tributes and special summons citadel bullet express emr and mostly goes either lets the express in grave to add stuff or on dangerous big boards go like this
Citadel tributes itself then if more dangerous stuff are comin out emr tributes the express and because it was sent there for cost he chains the link to tribute a monster on the hand to bring back the express and destroys the link and citadel returns if the oponent survives a raigeki and destroy 2 nore then either they played it to well or misplays happened XD
Alex Cimo for president
Didn't know trump was a farfa viewer
I almost thought he is gonna play Machina FTK
Did anyone try playing 2 Machina Fortress into some Rank 7 (I am having quite some success with this in Duel links and Dark armed the dragon of armageddon) - could be a good play, if you pull it off before getting locked to machines. Destroy 2, and get the 2 machinas back in the grave (banish the scraps / spells you can't re-use in the GY )
MBT why do you hate on earth machine so much lol?
Maybe do a ten minute testing video on it?
ps: your content is great
I always pronounced it "Mah-Kee-Nah" like "Deus Ex Machina"
Doos Ecks Mah China
@@MansMan42069 De-eeyou-ss exks ma-kee-nah
@@CaptinHavoc1 Day-us Ex Mock-E-nuh
You can actually combo whit reinforcement adding the dark lvl 4 machina and ending on gear giant, XYZ rock that searches prison and set up for citadel
you cannot the dark machine locks you into machines.
I got really interested in that dinoruffia player
just saw this, spicy!
I watch those only for the first minutes
13:25 if only it were the FTK variant...