Why Not "All Lives Matter?"

  • Опубліковано 4 чер 2020
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    This is not an endorsement of a certain political party or candidate. Not an endorsement of a certain platform or agenda. Not an endorsement of riots or lootings. Not an endorsement of certain chants or people. I'm just someone explaining the phrase Black Lives Matter as someone who used to not get it.


  • @coiledsteel8344
    @coiledsteel8344 4 роки тому +69

    How much positive attention will MSM pay to Fathers, on Father's Day?

    • @benyar11
      @benyar11 4 роки тому +1

      "Happy fathers' day, mom"

    • @coiledsteel8344
      @coiledsteel8344 4 роки тому

      JR R - THANKS! What a tragedy!

    • @izdatsumcp
      @izdatsumcp 4 роки тому +1

      Why does that matter? It's like saying a mother doesn't pay attention to one kid therefore she should stop paying attention to her other kid.

    • @culmo80
      @culmo80 4 роки тому

      May is essentially Mother's month. They've made June into LGBT month. There's a point in there if you're religious ... something about taking the month reserved for fathers to use it as a month celebrating defiance to THE Father ... that is God. But that's just me.

    • @RalphReagan
      @RalphReagan 4 роки тому

      Little is anticipated

  • @wolfman8325
    @wolfman8325 4 роки тому +54

    I understand your point. But when people say Black Lives Matter - there is context, there is an implication that lots of people don't agree, which is false, and a narrative that they are disproportionately shot unjustifiably/targeted by police in relation to the offenses commited, which is also false. When people say all lives matter it is not a dismissal of the sentiment that black lives matter, it is a debunking of the false narrative attached to the slogan. And they are also highlighting the hypocrisy of a movement that focuses exclusively on one race when all the statistics prove otherwise, and the hypocrisy that even the acknowledgement that white lives or other lives mattering is deemed as offensive, or insensitive. When white people, for example, get shot at higher rates. It highlights the selective outrage and hypocrisy.

    • @JamesStevensTEXALTA
      @JamesStevensTEXALTA 4 роки тому +7

      Exactly, as long as the narrative is false people are always going to be more interested in correcting the narrative. Had the movement chosen the words "all lives matter" from the beginning they would have had full support from every group and avoided the automatic division generated by their choice phrase, and I would argue it wouldn't have been any less powerful.

    • @f308gtb1977
      @f308gtb1977 4 роки тому

      Mr. Sensible , excellent post.

    • @ty2010
      @ty2010 4 роки тому

      or should I have went with particular individual lives matter?

    • @froggxrl1248
      @froggxrl1248 3 роки тому +2

      @@JamesStevensTEXALTA you’re extremely ignorant, there’s a reason why Black people, women and lgbt people didn’t fight for equal rights at the same time. They each have different struggles which are too much to confront at once in one movement. It’s the same thing with races, each race has their own issue. You can’t focus on all of the races, all of their different struggles, funding each races community, and helping distigmatize so many issues all at once. This is why there are separate movements.

    • @JamesStevensTEXALTA
      @JamesStevensTEXALTA 3 роки тому +1

      @@froggxrl1248 I don't have a disagreement with you about your point that they can be separate and I agree with that. My argument is about the chosen strategy and approach used and that a simple adjustment in rhetoric could win more people over toward the cause while simultaneously avoiding people going against the cause. It is a matter of efficacy. If the movement didn't choose exclusive language they would have come closer to achieving their goals faster. Had they went with "all live matter" in the beginning or some other non-exclusive phrase that was just as catchy, they'd be more effective and you'd be hard pressed to find someone who didn't understand what or who that movement was about.

  • @BladderProductions
    @BladderProductions 4 роки тому +38

    Did David Dorn's life matter?

    • @casebased8391
      @casebased8391 4 роки тому +5

      Yes. How does that negate the fact that black lives matter?

    • @casebased8391
      @casebased8391 3 роки тому +1

      @Frank Castle- Their movement is drawing attention to *black lives killed by police brutality* , so they’re invalid? They need to name every single black person killed on this planet by name for you to be satisfied? When black lives are disproportionately being murdered by police, the people whom we pay with our taxes to *serve and protect* and whom we are supposed to be *looking up to* , that is a serious problem. What is wrong with drawing attention to that?
      If someone draws attention to breast cancer at a rally, are you gonna show up and say “why didn’t you talk about prostate cancer?? therefore your movement is invalid!”
      Not wanting police to murder black Americans has nothing to do with Marxism lmao. You should look up the definition of Marxism.

    • @BladderProductions
      @BladderProductions 3 роки тому +1

      @@casebased8391 You have bought into a line of BS. In Portland BLM attacks and loots and burns and destroys. In Seattle same thing. In Minneapolis same thing. This week in Portland a guy with a "Security" vest kicked and left unconscious an unarmed white man for what? Because he helped a person? People pretended to be run over by his truck that never touched them at 2mph. It was a phony way to call him a fascist, for HELPING someone they had previously beaten and robbed in the NAME of Police brutality. GFY.

    • @kkat1975
      @kkat1975 3 роки тому

      Right, they want to act as if "black" and "police" are the opposites and are on opposing sides, when that's not the case. One can be both. Black lives matter should really be called "fuck the police".

    • @Hamrin019
      @Hamrin019 3 роки тому

      @@casebased8391 They should have picked a little less scummy martyrs then the one's they picket for more sympathy.
      Your analogy about breast cancer was horrible ,more people die of prostate cancer then vice versa.
      Why would you not care fore both ,or is it men's lifes matter now?
      I think BLM's narrative is mostly false "not all" ,but when it is unjustified I get just as mad as you.

  • @marvinhinton1428
    @marvinhinton1428 4 роки тому +107

    Your explanation is a great one. However, there is a substantial part of the BLM movement that goes beyond what you are saying. The part that chants things like “pigs in a blanket, fry 'em like bacon”
    There are people who take the movement exactly how you are saying. However you can’t deny there is also a much more militant, aggressive exclusionary side to the movement

    • @vargonian
      @vargonian 4 роки тому +3

      The militant part of the movement has become so vanishingly small in comparison these days that it seems silly to focus on them.

    • @256shadesofgrey
      @256shadesofgrey 4 роки тому +15

      @@vargonian Is that this "vanishingly small" number that is rioting in the streets now?

    • @gsimon123
      @gsimon123 4 роки тому +4

      That is such a nitpick right now. Why are you not more concerned about the blatantly corrupt police force murdering people in the streets right now? Why are libertarians so pro-police right now given what we all know about them?

    • @djgroopz4952
      @djgroopz4952 4 роки тому +4

      You are concentrating on the negative minority because you're keen to dismissing the overall message. It's like saying some Hong Kong protestors destroyed a building therefore their cause is unworthy.

    • @lastswordfighter
      @lastswordfighter 4 роки тому

      Incorrect you are deflecting and are a shill.

  • @username65585
    @username65585 4 роки тому +30

    I see the point you are making but I think BLM specifically shouldn’t be used.
    1. The organization was founded by Marxists and communist policies are what they are pushing for.
    2. It tries to paint police brutality is a racial issue. It doesn’t just effect black people so trying to seem like it only happens to them creates division and makes it harder to push back against the state.
    3. They don’t care about black lives, only ones ended by police. They don’t care about black men killed by other black men. They don’t care about black business owners who are having their business destroyed and their lives taken. They don’t care about black people who oppose their narrative.

    • @mandia601
      @mandia601 4 роки тому +3

      1 isn’t exactly true. The goals of BLM have evolved and have been demonstrated by more than the galvanized zealots. Racism in any form should not and is not tolerated by BLM.
      2 is a stretch. All police brutality is wrong, but BLM-as the name clearly states, is about black lives. Could we be supportive of other races, absolutely, but again, that is not the point of the group. This expectation that BLM should fight every battle for every race is annoying. More whites are killed statistically speaking, so why aren’t whites upset and protesting that?
      3 is straight bs. BLM again, focuses on racism. Black on black crime is a problem addressed by other orgs. There are specific groups that fight for gun control and support anti gang protesting within urban communities. Stop expecting BLM to take up every issue. Stop putting excessive expectations on a group just to create an excuse for them to be completely invalid. Black on black crime is important, but does not negate the fact that there are still issues of racial bias and discrimination in this country.
      History of Racism and Gun Control
      Sedgwick County › media › t...PDFWeb resultsThe Racist Origins of US Gun Control - Sedgwick County
      digitalcommons.uri.edu › ...PDFThe Discriminatory History of Gun Control - DigitalCommons@URI - The University of ...
      ResearchGate › publication › 25835...(PDF) Racism, Gun Ownership and Gun Control: Biased Attitudes in US Whites ...
      The HillActually, gun restrictions will target the black community
      The Guardian'Dying of whiteness': why racism is at the heart of America's gun inaction
      www.theacru.org › Th...PDFWeb resultsthe truth about gun control, racism and genocide - American Civil Rights Union
      digitalcommons.liberty.edu › ...PDFDisarmament through Discrimination - the Necessity of ... - DigitalCommons@Liberty
      Gun control advocates
      Faith in action
      Joyce foundation
      Cure violence
      Brady campaign
      Violence policy center

    • @hegeliandetective1034
      @hegeliandetective1034 3 роки тому

      @@mandia601 "More whites are killed statistically speaking, so why aren’t whites upset and protesting that?" --- Whites do care about that. That's who started Cop Watching, bro. White people caring about police brutality against any race. BLM isn't protesting, that's called rioting. Blocking traffic isn't a protest it's a riot. Starting fires, attacking people, rioting/looting, isn't protesting.

    • @hegeliandetective1034
      @hegeliandetective1034 3 роки тому

      @@mandia601 Bro.. you support BLM but don't realize BLM advocates for ending the nuclear family, that includes black people, bro. Bro, you're against gun restrictions, as am I, but BLM advocates for gun restrictions. Bro. Just wow Bro.

  • @Chujutsu
    @Chujutsu 4 роки тому +89

    I think that the BLM hashtag is just missing the word “too”

    • @a.N.....
      @a.N..... 4 роки тому +9

      Is there an underrated comment award?

    • @mayomonkey420
      @mayomonkey420 4 роки тому

      "...only more so."

    • @mandia601
      @mandia601 4 роки тому +1

      Karl not more so. Just the same as our white counterparts. Stop acting like wanting equality makes us whining jerks.

    • @twobanger21
      @twobanger21 4 роки тому +1

      In the beginning "too" was part of the phrase, and I embraced it. As BLM got more popular it became more militant! News flash, White people wearing BLM t shirts to not bear the wrath of the militants is pandering, just like a politician!

    • @MrFFSMAN
      @MrFFSMAN 4 роки тому +1

      Wrong, because there's no issues with "white lives matter", we know they matter, the police knows they matter!

  • @RalphReagan
    @RalphReagan 4 роки тому +20

    I'd say thank you to fathers matter

    • @Ollie7707
      @Ollie7707 3 роки тому

      Fathers are SO SO SO important!!!

  • @lanmarknetworking3034
    @lanmarknetworking3034 4 роки тому +72

    Jules...You are my hero....
    Now how do I separate the idea of #blacklivesmatter wich I support, vs B.L.M. the racist political organization wich I do not support?

    • @englandcolors
      @englandcolors 4 роки тому +3

      Just do it... it’s simple

    • @laid07
      @laid07 4 роки тому +1

      @@englandcolors Or don't, either way, I'm cool!

    • @djgroopz4952
      @djgroopz4952 4 роки тому

      Just support them.

    • @lastswordfighter
      @lastswordfighter 4 роки тому +9

      No. BLM the organization equals violent communists.

    • @mayomonkey420
      @mayomonkey420 4 роки тому

      Rational people change their minds if an idea they support in theory leads to disastrous consequences when manifested.

  • @user-vj1hy8si7p
    @user-vj1hy8si7p 4 роки тому +35

    Linguistically correct, yet the things that matter most are seldom covered by the media.

    • @GunnerBob92
      @GunnerBob92 4 роки тому

      Thats why social media exists

    • @3rdmannn
      @3rdmannn 4 роки тому

      this is why police brutality is entirely forgotten about in the eyes of mass media between incidents of black people being murdered by police officers with little legal reprimand

  • @lambowolf
    @lambowolf 4 роки тому +64

    Julie, I understand what your saying. Fair point. However, I have to disagree with a premise. Libertarians have been documenting police abuses towards everyone long before the Black Lives Matter thing started. What the Black Lives Matter did was to separate out one demographic that was being abused from the others. This was deliberate. Same issue with the term, "People of Color". It is built in to create division.
    Add to it that many of the left preach that the definition of racism is prejudice plus power. Well, that is convenient because this makes that blacks can't be racist only white people can. This is an actually position from many on the left.
    Julie, I'm sure you are aware of sites like Cop Block have documenting police abuse against everyone. This is the issue. Conservatives might have been more receptive to this argument prior to the rise of the Black Lives Matter. However, it has made conservatives feel they have to defend cops. I don't think this by accident.

    • @misterl0gic
      @misterl0gic 4 роки тому +11

      Profound statement. All that should not go unnoticed.

    • @faya6974
      @faya6974 4 роки тому +2

      Its true police brutality and the police state effects everyone, but it effects black people more historically and now. The Drug War alone created horrible things in the black community. Im sure BLM movement knows police are bad with whites too just like how the mens rights know society are bad towards women too.
      But almost everyone you are subscribed to is white nationalist alt righter, so stop acting like you are a libertarian lol

    • @faya6974
      @faya6974 4 роки тому +1

      @Eric Beller I did not say everyone hes subbed to is a white nationalist alt right, I said most of the people hes subbed to.

    • @faya6974
      @faya6974 4 роки тому +2

      @Trinket Mage Im sorry but Libertarians do not believe what you are saying about cops. Cops are viewed by libertarians are malitarized police state. We should Reform police training, better vetting of cops, reform the police department, consequences for police brutality, stop the war on drugs, demilitarize the cops, decriminalize none violent crimes, community policing, independent investigator or police brutality, ending for profit policing.....
      I can give you a small example about how history effects today if you are actually interested. The history of the war on drugs (which all Libertarians are against) have put most black men in jail and it still continues. This destroyed the family structure in the black community that 70% of black people are born without a father. Unlike before the war on drugs when black people used to be very family oriented. This is effecting the black community by generations so its important to understand black history. Yet right wingers who know nothing about black history will say black people have low IQ and are not capable of living in America. This is just one small example out of many..

    • @djgroopz4952
      @djgroopz4952 4 роки тому

      Funny thing is we all agree there is something bad going on with cops yet we choose to fight BLM which is currently putting up the best fight against state authoritarian abuse. That's right right wing SJW stuff right there.

  • @Knels94
    @Knels94 4 роки тому +53

    I prefer the term “all black lives matter.” It’s not dismissive, but it calls out one of my biggest gripes with the BLM organization, that action is only taken by people for highly reported cases of black people being killed. Them willfully ignoring or not wanting to do anything for other black lives that have been lost implies that the way you died or the attention it got brings more value to that life and also deserves more disgust.

  • @Jimraynor45
    @Jimraynor45 4 роки тому +10

    Whether your life matters or not should not depend on whether or not I think it does.

    • @dankykang2429
      @dankykang2429 4 роки тому +1

      "Cry babies need validation" is a better chant.

    • @btdtpro
      @btdtpro 4 роки тому

      Unless you're a police officer kneeling on my neck, then it does matter to me that you think my life matters.

  • @TheCrusaderRabbits
    @TheCrusaderRabbits 4 роки тому +25

    Wow. She just went SJW

    • @joey546
      @joey546 4 роки тому +3


    • @f308gtb1977
      @f308gtb1977 4 роки тому +9

      Joey546 , unhelpful and even counterproductive virtue signaling. Peddling the mainstream narrative of “systemic racism.” Ignoring crucial contexts while perpetuating a divisive cliche. All in less than 90 seconds.

    • @LolDongs69
      @LolDongs69 4 роки тому +9

      Yeah, i'm getting that vibe too. Let's be honest, nobody would respond to "White Lives Matter" anywhere near as positively as merely saying "All Lives Matter". You'd be called a racist/nazi and likely be assaulted if they think they'd get away with it.

    • @djgroopz4952
      @djgroopz4952 4 роки тому +1

      No. She just expressed an opinion that is different from you. It's a hard pill to swallow but you can do it.

    • @lastswordfighter
      @lastswordfighter 4 роки тому +1

      You are a communist shill like Judy and are making excuses. You are wrong and part of the problem.

  • @GermanWehrmacht
    @GermanWehrmacht 4 роки тому +22

    I think its also important that blacks live do matter but still condemn the negative actions and even some of the ideas in which can be espoused by Black Lives Matter when it comes to some political and economic positions.

    • @mandia601
      @mandia601 4 роки тому

      I wholeheartedly agree. It’s unfortunate there aren’t more that can understand this. Peaceful protesting and raising awareness of racial bias is something I can stand behind. Looting and rioting is not.

    • @GermanWehrmacht
      @GermanWehrmacht 2 роки тому

      @V.P. Patrick Bateman, Pierce & Pierce - M&A so Nazis support black lives?

  • @JohnathonTieman
    @JohnathonTieman 4 роки тому +31

    The problem is the facts just don't bear out the idea that police are killing black people in any statistically significant way over any other group (currently, in the past this might have been true). Your whole "fathers matter" analogy is flawed because we have the facts to support that fathers have specific issues in specific areas. The statistics say black people are killed proportionately LESS than other racial groups by police. It is just the media and the higher incidence of criminal activity that cause the incidents involving black people to get more attention. I do have to point out, had George Floyd not been committing criminal acts, he would still be alive. I also have to point out there is zero evidence that any of the four cops involved were motivated by racism. Thus, Black Lives Matter being involved here is not actually about them caring about black lives (if so, they would be doing far more to reduce the black-on-black killings, which amount to far more deaths in the black community than cops killing people) and more about them disliking cops and trying to protect black criminal activity.

    • @f308gtb1977
      @f308gtb1977 4 роки тому

      EXACTLY. Context matters, the current socio-political climate matters, systemic AUTHORITARIANISM matters...

    • @orlandojames33
      @orlandojames33 4 роки тому +1

      Thank you

    • @djgroopz4952
      @djgroopz4952 4 роки тому +1

      They do show however that the police do regularly use excessive force on citizens. The question is what have you done about that.

    • @hitokiri2004
      @hitokiri2004 4 роки тому +3

      I would also like to point out, I haven't seen one person who disagrees with me that the officers should face criminal charges (probably Murder). I am sure someone exists but even people who love/hate the Last Jedi seem to be in agreement on that . . . .So what change specifically are the protests trying to effect, it's not something that is ok socially, It's not something hardly anyone thinks is ok legally?

  • @stevesturgill3014
    @stevesturgill3014 4 роки тому +4

    All lives do matter. If you say one matters more than the other. You just defeated all arguments that any life matters.

    • @shane2863
      @shane2863 3 роки тому

      Nobody says one life matters more than the other. Pay attention.

    • @stevesturgill3014
      @stevesturgill3014 3 роки тому

      Shane apparently that is what they are saying. PAY ATTENTION BOY.

  • @srspower
    @srspower 4 роки тому +4

    Can you tell me the laws that you have in the USA that discriminate based upon race? Because I can give you a long list of laws that discriminate based upon gender.

    • @englandcolors
      @englandcolors 4 роки тому

      I want the list, go

    • @srspower
      @srspower 4 роки тому +4

      @@englandcolors Okay i'll start. Female only shortlists, longer prison sentences for the same crimes, forced to pay child support on a kid that isn't yours, rape being defined by anal or vaginal penetration, male circumcision being legal when female is illegal. Shall I keep going?

    • @whateverwhatever3249
      @whateverwhatever3249 4 роки тому

      Start with university preferences.

    • @whateverwhatever3249
      @whateverwhatever3249 4 роки тому

      @@englandcolors University preferences

    • @f308gtb1977
      @f308gtb1977 4 роки тому

      Trinket Mage , I think you both shocked englandcolors into silence.

  • @finallimoride4621
    @finallimoride4621 4 роки тому +3

    True, but the first phrase is antagonizing to those who already believe it. Here's a better slogan: "Kill your TV"

  • @FeminismDebunked
    @FeminismDebunked 4 роки тому +2

    Wikipedia cites that in the USA 140,000 men are raped every year in jail. Please do a video on this.

  • @soteriologist777
    @soteriologist777 4 роки тому +5

    (I also take neither side between the BLM vs. police controversy, as there is enough about which one can criticize both sides. Larken Rose makes a pretty compelling argument in one of his recent videos.)

  • @ancalagonyt
    @ancalagonyt 4 роки тому +10

    Two things wrong with this. First, when BLM says "black lives matter", they aren't saying it because the lives of black people matter, they're saying it as a litmus test for whether you'll capitulate to their narrative or not. Second, if I said "fathers matter" as an advocate for fathers, and someone responded "all parents matter", I wouldn't get mad and say "how rude", I'd say "I'm glad you agree with me, but it seems like you might not be aware of the many ways fathers are hurt by our system. Did you know that ?".

  • @chazm100
    @chazm100 4 роки тому +6

    Chill Julie... like seriously.

  • @Art-fn7ns
    @Art-fn7ns 3 роки тому +2

    Factual validity of the statement doesn't justify malicious intents of the organization.

  • @jadedbrad
    @jadedbrad 4 роки тому +3

    Thanks for clarifying, Julie.

  • @ryanalivingston
    @ryanalivingston 4 роки тому +4

    Thank you for verbalizing what I have been unable to verbalize!

  • @eddrm4685
    @eddrm4685 4 роки тому +5

    Very well done!

  • @loliH9
    @loliH9 4 роки тому +28

    Yeah, but do fathers have a ridiculous crime rate that makes them confront the police almost daily?

    • @cheekfun
      @cheekfun 4 роки тому +6

      No, but if you want a comparison it doesnt matter if the father or the mother is the victim of domestic violence because thefather is 100% going to jail 99.9% of the time. And 100% of the time hes losing all of his shit in divorce.

    • @englandcolors
      @englandcolors 4 роки тому +1

      Actually yes, fathers are farrrrr more violent than mothers. Congrats your point failed completely

    • @cheekfun
      @cheekfun 4 роки тому +7

      @@englandcolors Hey moron. Fathers, men in general don't go to the doctor's, don't report harrasment, and especially don't report abuse and the rate of domestic violence not reported by men because its still seen as embarrassing makes somestic violence around 48% happen to men and 52% for women.

    • @whateverwhatever3249
      @whateverwhatever3249 4 роки тому +5

      @@englandcolors search a video named "The Truth About Domestic Violence - You'll Never Believe..." by Stefan Molineaux. Then come back and tell me fathers are far more violent than mothers.

    • @dankykang2429
      @dankykang2429 4 роки тому +1

      Dont forget their brain hardwired for agression and lack of impulse control.

  • @GingerAvenger
    @GingerAvenger 4 роки тому +2

    Ahh, but if it was “Father’s Lives Matter” to me that changes the response. It’d bring the thought “why just Father’s Lives”? The context changes.

    • @gdcat777
      @gdcat777 4 роки тому +1

      See my comment above when I pointed out the fact that there really is no war on blacks, but there is most definitely a war on fathers of all colours. Julie is a bit of a hypocrite and really not that smart.

  • @ShankarSivarajan
    @ShankarSivarajan 4 роки тому +10

    0:43 Bad analogy. Those are slogans of two different movements. I'd expect "Both Parents Matter" would be criticizing homosexual adoption.

  • @roxie0007
    @roxie0007 4 роки тому +3

    Thank you❤️

    @KELLSONIC 4 роки тому +2

    I don't agree with everything black lives matter does but the reason they get upset when people say "all lives matter" is because they think they are in danger and let's be real, they are. And things do need to change

      @KELLSONIC 4 роки тому

      @Eric Beller no by both but that also depends on location. Yeah if you live in Chicago it will most likely be black on black but that is not the case for everywhere in the world. The main problem is police violence in general. Because it's not just black men that police have been known to unjustly kill

      @KELLSONIC 4 роки тому

      @Eric Beller I don't disagree with that. But right now that's not the issue the issue is police aggression. And if we say things like "blacks are more likely to kill blacks" then we move away from the topic of police aggression and nothing gets done

  • @charissadubin9355
    @charissadubin9355 4 роки тому +3

    Yess growth, we love to see it 👏

  • @rocco7649
    @rocco7649 4 роки тому +1

    The real truth is nobody deep down really truly gives a crap about anyone's life but their own unless it's your children, siblings or parents. So really nobody's life matters but to a few.

    • @englandcolors
      @englandcolors 4 роки тому

      That’s sad If you feel that way but don’t generalize that selfishness to everyone. There are people to spend years training to be able to help and care for people they don’t know

    • @charissadubin9355
      @charissadubin9355 4 роки тому

      This isn't a normal way to think.

  • @KamisamanoOtaku
    @KamisamanoOtaku 4 роки тому +11

    I have to challenge your premise and your analogy, Julie. Trying to be polite and leaving no room for misunderstanding is resulting in a small essay, so let me cut to the point (and it'll still be a long post):
    Take the analogy you used in your video, but make it a "Mothers Matter" group. Even if you change nothing else, it'll be a more accurate comparison. How women were treated in our country versus how darker skinned people were. Now, if your politics haven't changed too much since I began viewing your content (assuming I didn't misunderstand most of your videos), this already should raise a red flag for you.
    In fact, explaining why Black Lives Matter isn't too be trusted works well with this: imagine a movement that says something you would otherwise agree with, but they're using emotional appeals (at best) and mob violence (at worst) to pursue the agenda. The leadership are people you know *not* to trust; radical feminists, the sincere-but-gullible, and probable grifters.
    Even if we pretended we were at the beginning of this movement... Black Lives Matter doesn't make sense. This is supposed to be an issue of police brutality, and that affects Americans and residents of all types, not just "black people". We can't even be sure if it affects blacks disproportionately because real life is complicated. The same stats are interpreted in different ways by different groups, reaching different (often opposing) conclusions.
    "All Lives Matter" is a bad slogan, but "Black Lives Matter" is as well. "Police Brutality Matters" sounds stupid, but it keeps with the naming scheme and focuses on the _actual_ issue. *Unless* we really are talking about black lives, in which case BLM needs to at least address - if not tackle - the leading causes of death in the black community... and it ain't the cops.

  • @kme321
    @kme321 4 роки тому +1

    You explained this very clearly, the likes to dislikes ratio is overwhelming in this video because people seem reluctant to understand the point, quite unfortunate because I think you are being very fair. Unfortunately people are under the impression that you support Black Lives Matter, which explains the number of dislikes even though you did not claim to support them

  • @SauerGustavo
    @SauerGustavo 4 роки тому +4

    Well... I guess you earned your right to post a bad video on your channel after all the good ones you made.

  • @maverickh9
    @maverickh9 4 роки тому +2

    I think that all lives matter/both parents matter shouldn't be said in response but instead in solidarity.

  • @unorec1983
    @unorec1983 4 роки тому +1

    Well shit....that actually makes sense.
    Compared to any other explanation I have seen
    Thanks for all you do

  • @michelletackett9489
    @michelletackett9489 2 роки тому


  • @FionaAnstian
    @FionaAnstian 4 роки тому +2

    Hell yes, glad you did this video.

  • @LolDongs69
    @LolDongs69 4 роки тому +4

    Respect is mutual and/or earned, when a group dismisses everything outside of their narrow (and racist) focus then it's only fair to be a bit dismissive. At least no one is saying "White Lives Matter", although that might show these race fanatics what their own movement looks like to those who are neutral. But hey, I prefer egalitarianism to feminism or mgtows and imma unsub now. Ciao.

  • @tiffany669
    @tiffany669 4 роки тому

    I liked this breakdown, thank you!

  • @Eglyon
    @Eglyon 4 роки тому +1

    Yeah, you are right!

  • @bloodguzzler
    @bloodguzzler 3 роки тому

    Why does it look like she’s gearing up to tell me about this one time at band camp?

  • @gregdavidthomas
    @gregdavidthomas 4 роки тому +2

    Yeah really well laid out. Very gpod and compelling point.

  • @Karltonx
    @Karltonx 4 роки тому +1


  • @DPK365
    @DPK365 4 роки тому

    Interesting perspective

  • @blackchibisan8116
    @blackchibisan8116 3 роки тому

    I understand your logic. Where it falls apart is in practice. By looking at the race instead of the greater trend of excessive force used by police we ignore when someone’s crappy house was labeled as “entrenched” and they got their head popped like a grape by a police sniper but freak out when someone is killed indirectly during the course of a drug bust.
    Both involved excessive force but one was intentional to kill someone who was unarmed and the other was unintentionally during the course of removing a criminal who damages the community, society, and was potentially physically dangerous.
    Both cases are excessive. Solve one, you solve the other. Police using excessive force is the issue and to make it about race is to ignore the larger picture for your own personal ideology.

  • @selfishcapitalist3523
    @selfishcapitalist3523 4 роки тому +5

    I'd still say that 'Children need a mother and a father 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦'.
    And I'll still say that 'All Lives Matter'.

  • @groundchuk5525
    @groundchuk5525 4 роки тому

    Straight up fire!

  • @flymario8046
    @flymario8046 4 роки тому +2

    What you are saying seems a bit strange to me when it seems what it really means is Black Liberal lives matter. Or Black lives matter that carry the same view as us. All lives matter... to try and put a condition on it highlights a difference that we should not accept. There are also other lives that are marginalized that are not black. As a matter of fact, all races are marginalized in their own way.

  • @rodline9027
    @rodline9027 4 роки тому +11

    Are you starting to go more left? 😜

    • @rodline9027
      @rodline9027 4 роки тому +3

      Brad Roberts in general I think She has been fairly conservative on the identity politics. I’m 1/2 teasing her. I think she has always been a free thinker, in the sense that she doesn’t outright dismiss an idea just because it comes from one side of the political spectrum

    • @f308gtb1977
      @f308gtb1977 4 роки тому

      Brad Roberts , I don’t know about most. But lots are, unfortunately.

  • @scottn96
    @scottn96 4 роки тому +8

    This is the best explanation of this topic I’ve seen. Thank you for sharing it with us.

  • @ruthenium7475
    @ruthenium7475 3 роки тому +1

    Personally, I believe that all living things are important, regardless of skin color

  • @TheB00Man
    @TheB00Man 4 роки тому +2

    I get the subtext 😉 "Black Fathers Matter"

    • @dapperfan44
      @dapperfan44 4 роки тому +1

      I get where you're going with that, but make no mistake my generation (ironically, Millennials) and younger are reversing the trend of absent black father's, especially since most of us (not me personally) were a victim of that trend.

    • @sexistspaghettios
      @sexistspaghettios 4 роки тому +3

      Oh man, is that what shes really going for here lol
      That would hold a lot more water so to speak.

  • @RalphReagan
    @RalphReagan 4 роки тому

    Tried to explain this to someone they looked at me like I had a third eyeball.

  • @loveaboveall2382
    @loveaboveall2382 3 роки тому +1

    I agree with your logic 100. And I agree with BLM as a saying/statement. But not as a movement. And the BLM movement only seem to pop up when the loss of black lives is caused at the hands of a non black. Regardless, the statement is true. And the logic that you have portrayed is on point; most people that say All lives matter only say that to Dismiss BLM.

  • @M3Besh
    @M3Besh 4 роки тому +1

    Speaking of dismissive, aren't we being dismissive of police brutality by steering away from reform and toward race?

  • @TheMarshallMalone
    @TheMarshallMalone 3 роки тому +1

    This is a great explanation.

  • @idontreallycare1256
    @idontreallycare1256 4 роки тому

    Thank you for saying this 👏👏👏

  • @TheCatman
    @TheCatman 4 роки тому

    Yup, this is Very true!! Good job!

  • @gsimon123
    @gsimon123 4 роки тому +2

    I share your view Julie. I originally thought BLM was the wrong term and not egalitarian. However, nobody's lives will matter if you don't defend the most persecuted lives in a society. I thought libertarians would be better than falling in line so strongly on the right wing on this one. It will only matter to them when the level of brutality this big government police force inflicts on black people starts happening to them. We're seeing some of that in the news now. Fellow libertarians - please see the bigger picture.

    • @whateverwhatever3249
      @whateverwhatever3249 4 роки тому

      Really, then why is big government being voted by BLM advocates which is a self proclaimed Marxist organization? Which part of playing the victim in order to ask for free shit and dismissal of any personal accountability in life, by supporting an increasingly bigger government who is there to screw the ones who work to give to those who don't want to? The bigger picture here, is that this part of social Marxism ideology, an intersection of self-proclaim victim groups who spend their lives crying as a career choice, in order to claim free shit, entitlements and privileges, which the working man has to pay for.

    • @gsimon123
      @gsimon123 4 роки тому

      @@whateverwhatever3249 I too watch Jordan Peterson. He's great. This is not relevant right now.

    • @gsimon123
      @gsimon123 4 роки тому

      @@whateverwhatever3249 the government is "supportive" of BLM because it makes them look good without having to do anything to actually change their corrupt practices. The government is more nefarious than you are imagining.

    • @whateverwhatever3249
      @whateverwhatever3249 4 роки тому

      @@gsimon123 Did you even read the argument at all? Clearly not!

  • @jaybugg3851
    @jaybugg3851 4 роки тому +1

    Saying BLM is much closer to saying Mothers Matter than Fathers Matter. Using your example.

  • @willyjoerockhead
    @willyjoerockhead 3 роки тому


  • @CanadianOptionsTrader
    @CanadianOptionsTrader 4 роки тому

    Great points!

  • @angelangelov2354
    @angelangelov2354 4 роки тому

    If I said that fathers matter, and someone replied that both parents matter, I'd say "Yes, exactly - that's what I'm saying" and we'll have an understanding. That's because the media and various organizations *actually do* propagate the notion that fathers (and men in general) don't matter, promote single-mother households as empowering, and so on. This gives actual meaning to saying "fathers matter" and when someone says "both parents matter", it means the same thing. The premise of "black lives matter", on the other hand, is that black lives don't matter (in western societies no less), which is ridiculous and I completely regect it. Police brutality is not a racial problem. I hope that cleared it up a bit.

  • @finalfantasymoogle3880
    @finalfantasymoogle3880 4 роки тому +1

    Final fantasy Moogles lives matter

  • @johnnyfivejmc
    @johnnyfivejmc 4 роки тому +1

    It's a bit more serious than being a mere word salad. (Why am I getting hungry?).

  • @zacktoor1591
    @zacktoor1591 4 роки тому +3

    I figured I'd come back, now a month later, and re-watch this video. My apologies to you, Julie, but after re-watching to be sure that this wasn't just satire or the like, I now have unsubbed you. I don't expect you to care, but there it is. The simple truth is that this whole idea that "all lives matter" is dismissive is not true in the way that you seem to think. Does it dismiss the idea that Black Lives Matter more? Yes. and that only. Until I can be shown actual proof that there is deep seated systemic racism as claimed, I will always say that all lives matter and that includes black lives. Likely even after, because the statement is still true.

  • @flipindisticalproductions4736
    @flipindisticalproductions4736 4 роки тому +1

    Dad is awesome...

  • @dan_quiterio
    @dan_quiterio 4 роки тому

    I love this. I’m sharing.

  • @pmmllc6049
    @pmmllc6049 4 роки тому +1

    Wow, and they wonder why kids are so screwed up.

  • @parasiteparis
    @parasiteparis 4 роки тому

    Now I’m more confused than ever.

  • @soulsharts
    @soulsharts 3 роки тому +5

    Oh wow. Before I got off of facebook years ago, I was subscribed/followed to Julie and respected her commentary. .......my, how things have changed......

    • @peterzichau6994
      @peterzichau6994 3 роки тому +3

      She didn't have to touch this stupid topic. I guess she needs to sound woke..?

  • @j_moni83
    @j_moni83 4 роки тому +1

    But who is really arguing that black lives don’t matter? I have no problem with saying the term “black lives matter.” Of course they do. But the implication of many who repeat this phrase ad nauseam seem to suggest that many, if not most of us in America don’t really think black lives actually matter. And as many have been saying “all lives won’t matter until black lives matter.” Sure. But again, who are these people supposing that black lives don’t matter? Essentially, what I’m asking, is what is the phrase meant to accomplish? What is the end goal here? What does it look like when people who shout this phrase will finally say “black lives now matter”?
    I’m also wondering if it was intentional to put “Fathers matter” next to “black lives matter” at the end there. 🤔

    • @BarrySoetoro187
      @BarrySoetoro187 4 роки тому

      I think it's meant to accomplish that no matter how bad a person is or the horrible things they've done if their skin's black their life still matters 😂

    • @BarrySoetoro187
      @BarrySoetoro187 4 роки тому

      Also if father's lives actually mattered then why aren't more black people being fathers 😂

  • @lordtomosdecree
    @lordtomosdecree 4 роки тому +5

    She's dating a black guy is now officially confirmed!

  • @adolfogarzachaires394
    @adolfogarzachaires394 3 роки тому

    just peace

  • @jwilleseries7764
    @jwilleseries7764 2 роки тому

    I do agree with that actually because when I say Celtic Lives Matter, Germanic Lives Matter and Greek Lives Matter then I would agree it is dismissive if people reply with All Lives Matter because often when Celts, Germanics and Greeks are mistreated, abused and neglected then when we speak up, we are dissmissed and not even allowed to talk about it so I must conclude that our lives in large degree does not matters to the larger society

  • @busarider1072
    @busarider1072 4 роки тому +1

    I don’t disagree with you, you’ve always been well thought out in your videos. But regardless if you believe black lives matter or all lives matter if you don’t believe more or totally one way rather than the other you often get accused of being the oppressor by proxy and that isn’t fair. Furthermore, I’m not saying the cop killed that man because he was black or wasn’t black but I really think that cop just wanted to hurt or kill someone because that is just who he is. A true oppressor!

  • @auburned-phoenix
    @auburned-phoenix 4 роки тому

    #AllLivesMatter Supporters are not trying to shut down #BlackLivesMatter
    We are only trying to show people that ALL Races can be victim to racism. Many people these days think that only Black people can be victims of racism. The George Floyd situation is an excellent example. Suddenly, everyone cares. Just because of the fact that George Floyd was black and the officer was white. Noone, however, cares about the millions of white people killed by officers too. We need to truly make everyone equal, because the world is slowly turning to black superiority.

  • @88tallyn
    @88tallyn 4 роки тому

    It's funny that while your point is a good way of explaining the general idea of the term black lives matter, it also does an amazing job( I think unwittingly) of dismissing the BLM movement. If you go to the black lives matter website what you find in their "what we believe" section, among other things, is this.
    "We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable."
    "Mothers, parents, and children" No fathers.

  • @TheOneWhoTubes
    @TheOneWhoTubes 4 роки тому

    Everyone matters. Every demographic is statistically more prone to something than another. One may want to signal for their own group or another. Everyone could complain about something. There is something much bigger than ALL of this & we must all stand against it, together.

  • @bammbamm12
    @bammbamm12 4 роки тому

    Black lives certainly matter. I think the poor people in Africa should get as much assistance as our generosity can provide.

  • @AKU-hs2rj
    @AKU-hs2rj 3 роки тому

    Same as saying something like "pay only matters once the pay gap matters" ;)
    Very similar reasoning there. Cherry picked generalisations plus a hint of wokeness.

  • @SergeiO-uv6og
    @SergeiO-uv6og 3 роки тому

    Fine )

  • @jordansean18
    @jordansean18 4 роки тому +12

    This is why you're one of the few conservative creators I still follow. Great video.

    @LEFT4BASS 4 роки тому

    This is why I love Julie. Too many libertarians think that being libertarian Means they have to be culturally conservative.

  • @brandonraynor
    @brandonraynor 4 роки тому

    Well said

  • @ShankarSivarajan
    @ShankarSivarajan 4 роки тому

    Fun fact: the motto of "Families Need Fathers
    ," in the UK, is "Because both parents matter

  • @TheMasterOfTheFrets
    @TheMasterOfTheFrets 4 роки тому

    I'm usually being somewhat dismissive on purpose. I do that because police brutality (and many other injustices pinned under the # BLM) are actually dismissing other cases not involving black people. Which is why I think the phrase is good, and should have been the original one, as it is less divisive and dismissive.

  • @Firewater513
    @Firewater513 4 роки тому

    That's a very solid take on the issue.
    My only problem, using this take as an example, would be if people started forming a hate mob calling for continual terrorist violence that used "Fathers matter" as it's rallying cry.
    Because then yeah Fathers still matter. But now 'your' words are drowned out by the actions of your movement. "Fathers matter" would now be something worthy of a kneejerk response.
    I'm not just talking about the recent riots either. I had a moment of genuine respect for BLM years back when a BLM group hosted a picnic and invited the local cops to it in a genuine attempt at togetherness and harmony.
    And then the very next day the recognized leaders of the movement reprimanded them because cops are the enemy and this was akin to trying to make friends with Hitler during WW2 instead of trying to kill him.
    They, as a whole, haven't gotten better since then.

  • @supplanterjim
    @supplanterjim 4 роки тому

    _"Both"_ parents matter? But what if I have three mommies? ;).

  • @rambojoe2323
    @rambojoe2323 3 роки тому

    Nailed it!

  • @Blakelysworld358
    @Blakelysworld358 3 роки тому

    Your advertising for someone. it's a slogan for a business which means the business has no mandate to deliver on what the term denotes hence Terry Crew's recent experience. It amounts to saying Just Do It.

  • @faya6974
    @faya6974 4 роки тому +1

    Another way to look at it is all lives matter, but black people are saying black lives matter too. Its weird how some people refuse to understand what is said and choose to nit pick what the word literally means.
    I used to hate the BLM movement because it used to be a SJW movement that cared about celebrities and PC culture. Now I support the BLM movement and hope they can create something better.

    • @faya6974
      @faya6974 4 роки тому

      @@ijiikieru Even when I hated BLM I think it was obvious they meant BLM too and they just wanted the focus on their issues. I never took an issue with the name, I had an issue with how SJW they are. I think today the movement has grown and it represents a huge group of people that the SJW are lost inside the movement which is good.

  • @evracer
    @evracer 4 роки тому +1

    It isn't about the word.....people say "all lives matter" to make it sound like they care.....even though they don't. How many more people do you think would be in the streets if they said "all" instead of "black"? Answer: NONE. The difference of ONE WORD is being used as an excuse to not give a shit. When someone says "Breast cancer sucks" do you retort "ALL CANCER SUCKS!" and get offended that they didn't also mention colon cancer? I bet if you make a donation to the Komen Foundation that the Colon Cancer Foundation is PISSED.

    • @charissadubin9355
      @charissadubin9355 4 роки тому

      @Trinket Mage The point is to raise awareness of issues facing a specific population.

  • @davidstrong8211
    @davidstrong8211 3 роки тому

    I PROVE my life matters every day, by the way I respect other people. By the way I love and honor my spouse, the mother of my children. By the way that I show my children that I love them and respect them unconditionally. By the way that I do what is right and just, even when nobody is looking. By the way that I follow the laws of the land, or help to drive change. By the way that I work every day to provide a decent life for my family. By the way that I respect those that do a job that I cannot or will not; from our military, health care workers and police, to the person who picks up my trash each week. I do not need a sign, or a shirt that tells everyone my life matters. I do not need to burn down a building to prove that my life matters. I do not need to take another person's life to prove that my life matters. I just prove it to you every day. You cannot force me to accept that your life matters, show me. Maybe I'm crazy, but I think that the world would be a better place if more people thought this way...

  • @brothawill880
    @brothawill880 2 роки тому

    Good point. Most people don't have the mental capacity to understand BLM

  • @lemondrop3144
    @lemondrop3144 3 роки тому +1

    Maybe we should have a "fathers matter" movement. Then maybe we wouldn't have to have a "black lives matter" movement. I think that would be much more productive discussion. Labelling the country and its people as racist and using a slogan to silence people and prevent honest discussion is wrong, and I won't participate in any movement where I have to confess my supposed "racism" or denounce my country as racist to sit down at the table.

  • @marcbudicin
    @marcbudicin 3 роки тому

    This, this is good.