I love music created by other cultures. The very first album i bought in 1969, when i was 16, was an album of Greek music. I still have that album here in 2024.
Απόσταγμα αιώνων εκεί που συναντιούνται η Κοσμική και η Θρησκευτική μουσική, η αγαπημένη ''καθ' υμάς" Ανατολή. Υπέροχοι διαχρονικοί ήχοι, που μας ταξιδεύουν στο πριν, στο τώρα και στο μετά. Απίστευτα ταλαντούχοι μουσικοί και "θεικές" φωνές που μας οδηγούν στο ανώτερο εσωτερικό μας πνευματικό είναι. Τον θαυμασμό μου και τον άπειρο σεβασμό μου, για την λαμπρή αυτή μοναδική Τέχνη.
Νικόλα!!! Πάντα σε θαύμαζα και έχω τη χαρά να σε βλέπω (ακούω ❤) εδω!!! Συγχαρητήρια!!! Να είσαι πάντα καλά!!!! Εννοείται πως όλοι είστε εξαιρετικοί!!! Congratulations to everybody!!! It's an amazing concert played by amazing musicians!!! Thank you!
I see so many iranian musicians on stage: ney, tonback, and se-taar players which is not irrelenant to this experience. A renowned iranian composer, Abdol-ghader Maraagheyi, fled the clerics persecution many centuries ago and sought refuge Turkey. His new patrons were the Turkish Courts. I have heard a sample of his music, recently discovered. Very similar to the first of this beautif performance.
Φίλε μου, τι φοβερή έκπληξη ήταν αυτή! Τι εξαίσια δημιουργία! Δεν υπάρχουν λόγια για να εκφράσω την ευγνωμοσύνη μου. Υ.Γ. Αγνόησε αυτούς που νομίζουν ότι ξέρουν και κάνουν υποδείξεις, τρομάρα τους.
Τουρκιά και αμανέδες μέχρι θανάτου ενώ στην πραγματικότητα στην βυζαντινή μουσική δεν υπήρχε καν ούτι ούτε γενικά τέτοιου τύπου ενορχηστρώσεις που έρχονται αργότερα από τους Τούρκους
Thanks for the visiting they left us treasures. I grew up with this kind of music and beautiful Byzantine hams in our churches Greek churches I grew up with this kind of music thank you 40:33
Yo creo que usted se equivoca, señor. Lo que cayó a su suerte sólo es el reino imperial griego de Bizancio. Lo que sin embargo sigue viviendo hasta hoy día es la cultura y música que nos presentan los dos Ensembles que escuchamos y vemos aquí en este video. Lea el texto introductorio del video que exprime la perspectiva global y supranacional así que la intención de los músicos trabajando y reformando juntos.
Εξαιρετική συναυλία με υποδειγματικές εκτελέσεις και βαθιά επιστημονική επικύρωση από κορυφαίους καθηγητές του είδους. Κυριάκος Καλαϊτζίδης και Νίκος Ανδρίκος φοβεροί!!!!!!!!
για ποια επιστημονικη επικυρωση μιλας το ουτι δεν υπηρχε πουθενα στην Βυζαντινη και μεταβυζαντινη μουσικη ενω το κανονακι μονο μακρινος συγγενης ειναι του βυζαντινου ψαλτηριου. Η δε τονικοτητα της μουσικης αυτης ειναι πολυ συζητησιμο το αν χρησιμοποιουταν στο Βυζαντιο. Πιο πολυ Οθωμανικες διασκευες βυζαντινων μουσικων εργων παρα βυζαντινη μουσικη ακουγονται αυτα
@@titoskesar2133το τραγικό είναι πως 24 άνθρωποι επιδοκιμάζουν αυτό το σχόλιο που σημαίνει πως δεν καταλαβαίνουν καν πως η οθωμανική κατάκτηση και η τουρκοκρατία έφεραν την εισαγωγή της ανατολικής κουλτούρας και ουσιαστικές πολιτισμικές αλλαγές.
@@titoskesar2133 Νομίζω αν ξαναδιαβάσετε τον τίτλο με προσοχή θα καταλάβετε τι εννοεί. Ο τίτλος δεν αναφέρει Βυζαντινή Εκκλησιαστική Μουσική. Είναι μια συναυλία στην οποία παρουσιάζονται συγκεκριμένα έργα της κοσμικής μουσικής από χειρόγραφα της Ψαλτικής Τέχνης με τα οποία οι δύο παραπάνω ακαδημαϊκοί και καλλιτέχνες έχουν ασχοληθεί σε βάθος. Σε αυτό το κομμάτι αναφέρεται η επιστημονική τεκμηρίωση. Ο όρος τονικότητα είναι κάτι άλλο μάλλον από αυτό που εννοείτε. Τονικότητα υπάρχει σε κάθε μουσική επιτέλεση, προφανώς κάτι άλλο θέλετε να πείτε.
@@titoskesar2133 Δεν μπορώ να πάρω θέση ως γνώστης μπορώ μόνο να αναπαράγω αυτά που διάβασα στην Βικιπαίδεια όπου λέει ότι το Ούτι το έμαθαν οι Άραβες από τους Βυζαντινούς. Τα αναπαράγω όμως με επιφύλαξη μιας και η Βικιπαίδεια δεν είναι και ότι πιο έγκυρο.
One thing that interests me is temperament. The "space" of frequencies between the notes is different in various parts of the world. The scale played by these instruments for example, sounds different from modern instruments used universally in the western world. In some circumstances people who play Middle Eastern or Indian music are now including western instruments such as electronic keyboards that automatically change the temperament to modern equal temperament which changes the character of the music. Before I forget, bravo to the musicians in this wonderful ensemble!
I feel like these frequencies/intervals bring us back before the westerners got rid of them. Such a pity they eliminated so much from the ancient music.
@@graurstefanilie3713 I agree! I think this kind of tuning may have been used in the western world before, let's say the 13th century (my guess). In fact, religious chant may have been similar to music in this recording in late Antiquity and the early Middle Ages. Even Gregorian chant may have sounded more "Eastern" than we think of it today. Pope Gregory may have wanted to make religious chant more uniform rather than creating a radical change in style. This is all my conjecture.
The main difference in the tone systems of the East and the West is in the so-called neutral intervals that are still used in the East. A neutral second, for example, is between a semitone and a whole tone of the piano, a neutral third is between the major and minor thirds, etc. This is the most substantial difference, since these intervals are the furthest from any note of 12-tone equal temperament, wherefore they fall into the "cracks" of the categorical perception of Western musicians and audiences: they can't be placed into any known category and modes where they are featured sound the most alien to Western audiences. Other differences in tuning exist, but none are as significant. Melodic intervals significantly smaller than the semitone appear to have been used in Middle Eastern music before, but nowadays these are inflected close to the Pythagorean limma or the semitone, so the 'quartertone' many speak of in reference to Middle Eastern is nowadays rarely heard as a melodic interval. Instead, it's the smallest step in the modern 24-tone octave, which allows for taking a quarter away from the whole tone to get the 3/4-tone, i.e. neutral second.
How you interpret is up to you but being a Kyriakos fan all these 15 years there is no question that he wants to achieve the utmost authenticity which he bases on manuscripts where possible. I think we must treasure this mega effort by wonderful artists irrespective of our intertwined nationalities which between 15th and 19th centuries were non existent! Ephkaristo para poli, İstanbul’dan sevgilerle❤️
Had the privilege of hearing Tanya LaPerrière, viola d’amore, in person and always wish I had CDs or at least posted on line to purchase- the music she plays in wonderful groups of musicians. Please please someone do this with this concert to listen to it uninterrupted by ads. Thank you for the wonderful music.
Byzantine music has an influence in the distant history of the Eastern desert combined with the Christian inflections of the IV-th to VII-th centuries, setting the current modal steps of this unique style.The ecclesiastical music of the Eastern Orthodox Church is also sung to these tones.
Η γνώση της μουσικής, συνάντησε την αγάπη για την παράδοση και έχουμε αυτό το αποτέλεσμα! Εκπληκτικό! Και μόνο που είναι ο κ. Καλαϊτζίδης και ξέρουμε την αφοσίωση του σ αυτό το είδος, καταλαβαίνουμε το επίπεδο! Συγχαρητήρια!
What a beautiful concert this is! Paraphrasing a famous Greek proverb, I have to say that "Music gladdens people's hearts". If only this world was ruled by musicians...The song "Chairesthe kampoi chairesthe" reminds me very much of the way "Kathistika tragoudia" of Chalkidiki and Makedonia are performed, at least until recently. There were hundreds that were being sung like that, slowly and gradually. Some of them that I've heard being sung in local fests are "Onta 'man nios kai lefteros", which stands for "When I was young and unmarried" and "Osa vouna ki an perasa", or "No matter how many mountains I crossed".
This makes me think of The Bulgarian Women’s National Choir and their stunning use of disharmonies, which is not too often known, much less appreciated. Great performance. Thanks
You did hear disharmonies in this show ? I heard none - as much as I could stand of it. But there's also disharmony in jazz and heavy metal. By no means do they resemble any of what you speak of.
i have a little question. it's said those musics come from byzanine manuscripts 15th19th . yet some of those composition seemed to be clearly makam-oriented with name like "Segah Muhammes Peshrev". so we are not talking about music writed by the byzantine church scriptors, but rather all kind of secular music tha were writted in this specific notation at the time? thank you for this astnonishing music and those project who open a incredible, mesmerizing door on the music history of mediteranea.
Türk kütüphanelerinden, Osmanlı Devleti Dönemi el yazmalarindan alınan, Osmanlı Sarayı müziği. Bizans ile uzaktan yakından ilgisi yok! Baklava, Cacık, Sarma, Dolma hırsızlığından sonra, Rum / Yunan kültürü ile uzaktan yakından ilgisi olmayan musiki eseri hırsızlığı.
This group needs funds. They play the music to pleasure the establishment. The spectale would be less welcomed with Turkish and Muslim topics. They do not care about the authenticity of the music they play, similar to other ethno groups in Europe.
The Byzantines (meaning, the Romans) had cultural exchanges with their neighbours and shared the music of makams. Many of the Church chanters played secular music and played instruments too.
Η βυζαντινή μουσική υπάρχει από τον τρίτο αιώνα, και όλα αυτά τα βυζαντινοπολίτικα, κι αν ακόμη τραγουδιούνται από ξένους, πάνω σ'αυτή την μουσική στηρίζονται!!!!!
Sorry, but this is not Byzantine or Persian music, but Turkish music. All those songs are the classical examples of traditional Turkish art music. Some Greek, Armenian, Romen or Arab composers have composed many songs in that kind of Turkish music in Ottoman time.
@@nurettinsarul Stop spreading misinformation and propaganda. This is 100% pure Eastern Roman (Greek) music. The only reason why Turkish music can sound similar is because most of the Turkish music is literally just Eastern Roman music. This has nothing to do with Arabs or Armenians. It is just Eastern Roman (Greek). When i say Roman i mean the Romaious and not Latin Romans.
Yes, Mongolia has similar music, but Sufis have also the same, that is Persian, and shiism has influence till to China to the Uyghurs. Yes, I was in Mongolia
@@D19DMO128DAlexander saw and destroyed Persia, because he could not bear that the Greek culture was a copy of Persian culture 🤔🧐🥴🎉🥳 After seeing India he understood that he was just a peasant lout
As far as I observed a lot of instruments such as oud,kanun and etc affected by Easter Roman music. Of course they took them from people under their reign. These kind of music also used by Ottoman Palace music later. I found most of Byzantine music like this in Church music.
@thanasis Çoğu zamanla müslüman olan, yani Hz Muhammed'in Allah'ın elçisi olduğuna iman eden Ortadoğu (Doğu Roma) halkı belli bir tarihten itibaren Horasan'dan gelen Osmanlı hanedanı tarafından idare edildi. Müslüman olan Ortadoğu halkı müslüman olduk diye yeni bir müzik icad etmedi. Ortadoğu'daki müslüman, hristiyan ve yahudiler aynı müziği icra ettiler.
Nomads living in horse conquered Constantinople Smyrna Efesos Militos Pontos Hagia-Sofia so they learn about music from Greeks and the Races that still are in 100 years TR state. Yes. This is byzantine music hundreds years older than Turanists
@@HSO-qh6fmthe Greeks found musiki armonia rythmos notes so they don't need Persians music. Turks are nomads so steals everything anyway because their entire country was built on stolen land and stolen homes from Indigenous ppl and byzantines. Not even a town was built from them. And their (?)language is Persian.. They are searching now their..Turkish identity
Everybody please look at the dates and names all are ottoman and greek folk music as you can say from the instruments and melodies, nothing here about the byzantine and roman empire. Yet the balkans and anatolia are the greatest pot of cultures and traditions, love you all.
This is not Byzantine music, but Turkish music. All those songs are the classical examples of traditional Turkish art music. Some Greek, Armenian, Romen or Arab composers have composed many songs in that kind of Turkish music in Ottoman time.
I suppose not many people knows how rooted music is in Kurdish culture and how much Kurds contributed silently to the Meddle Eaton music. There are so many hidden chambers of history that are not uncovered yet, hopefully one day.
The maqam tradition had advancements and original contributions from many cultures - whether it was the Turks, Arabs, Persians, or people from across the Eastern Mediterranean, even the Indians and more. These cultures didn’t plagiarise ancient Greek music; they introduced new maqams that they crrated, invented new instruments and playing techniques, developed countless new forms, and devised many unique ways of singing with their own subject matter and poetry, alongside new rhythms and more.
Dear people, these are not Byzantine music. These are music that are discovered in the byzantine manuscripts, which means, that they are recorded/scripted by the byzantines, which doesnt explain a belonging, but more an interest of the Byzantines for what we hear here. Anyway, wonderful and delightful music! Grettings to all of you.
@gideonros2705 I dont even think that "basically". No offence. You should read the explanation of the video. I had not seen the explanation and I guess it supports what I told. Just enjoy the music. Iamas!
Byzantine music is fascinating. Xeretismata apo enan Kourdo filo
Greetings to our Greek brothers and sisters from Iraq 🇮🇶🇬🇷✝️
I love Greek and Byzantine music and culture.
Iraklilar nezamandan beri badgers acaba . Anneler I babalari ayni mi acaba
This music is particularly soothing and familiar for me(from Iran)❤
I love music created by other cultures. The very first album i bought in 1969, when i was 16, was an album of Greek music. I still have that album here in 2024.
Ha! Me too. It was a Greek music cassette album by Roberto Delgado.
@@martinluke9470Roberto Delgado is Italian. ((giggles))
it's like hearing 1000 year of melancholy
Beautiful observation 💔
Ευχαριστούμε πολύ!
Συγχαρητήρια κύριοι
Beautiful performance 👏 I'm hearing many different influences here; Asian, Middle Eastern, Mediaval, etc.
Απόσταγμα αιώνων εκεί που συναντιούνται η Κοσμική και η Θρησκευτική μουσική, η αγαπημένη ''καθ' υμάς" Ανατολή. Υπέροχοι διαχρονικοί ήχοι, που μας ταξιδεύουν στο πριν, στο τώρα και στο μετά. Απίστευτα ταλαντούχοι μουσικοί και "θεικές" φωνές που μας οδηγούν στο ανώτερο εσωτερικό μας πνευματικό είναι. Τον θαυμασμό μου και τον άπειρο σεβασμό μου, για την λαμπρή αυτή μοναδική Τέχνη.
Συγχαρητήρια κ. Νίκο! Και σε όλη την ομάδα φυσικα! Υπέροχη παρουσίαση!
Some of the most beautiful sounds I have ever heard.
Piece of unique art! Όλοι τους εξαιρετικοί καλλιτέχνες! 👍
The Real McCoy.....Wow! BRAVI TUTTI from Acapulco!
Νικόλα!!! Πάντα σε θαύμαζα και έχω τη χαρά να σε βλέπω (ακούω ❤) εδω!!! Συγχαρητήρια!!! Να είσαι πάντα καλά!!!! Εννοείται πως όλοι είστε εξαιρετικοί!!!
Congratulations to everybody!!! It's an amazing concert played by amazing musicians!!! Thank you!
I see so many iranian musicians on stage: ney, tonback, and se-taar players which is not irrelenant to this experience. A renowned iranian composer, Abdol-ghader Maraagheyi, fled the clerics persecution many centuries ago and sought refuge Turkey. His new patrons were the Turkish Courts. I have heard a sample of his music, recently discovered. Very similar to the first of this beautif performance.
This is such a gift. I've got a lot of awesome songs to learn on the oud now...
C'est magnifique, merci beaucoup !
This Superlative in its variety & complex rhythms Byzantine Yes
This is music we can listen to. Music is not transitional it is forever ❤
Yes indeed !
@@stephanebelizaire5063 thank you!
Φίλε μου, τι φοβερή έκπληξη ήταν αυτή! Τι εξαίσια δημιουργία! Δεν υπάρχουν λόγια για να εκφράσω την ευγνωμοσύνη μου.
Υ.Γ. Αγνόησε αυτούς που νομίζουν ότι ξέρουν και κάνουν υποδείξεις, τρομάρα τους.
Τουρκιά και αμανέδες μέχρι θανάτου ενώ στην πραγματικότητα στην βυζαντινή μουσική δεν υπήρχε καν ούτι ούτε γενικά τέτοιου τύπου ενορχηστρώσεις που έρχονται αργότερα από τους Τούρκους
Εξαιρετική δουλειά. Συγχαρητήρια!
Thanks for the visiting they left us treasures. I grew up with this kind of music and beautiful Byzantine hams in our churches Greek churches I grew up with this kind of music thank you 40:33
Recuerdos de una Cultura esplendorosa, milenaria, magnífica...y que, por desgracia Occidente dejó caer a su suerte...Gracias por compartirla.
Byzantine religious music has been influenced a little a bit of arab music and vice versa
Yo creo que usted se equivoca, señor. Lo que cayó a su suerte sólo es el reino imperial griego de Bizancio. Lo que sin embargo sigue viviendo hasta hoy día es la cultura y música que nos presentan los dos Ensembles que escuchamos y vemos aquí en este video.
Lea el texto introductorio del video que exprime la perspectiva global y supranacional así que la intención de los músicos trabajando y reformando juntos.
Εξαιρετικό! Μπράβο!
خیلی زیباست، آفرین!
Thank you for this, and for Constantinople's concerts in my area in May. I have tickets.
Looking forward to seeing you there! 🌹🌹🌹
Εξαιρετική συναυλία με υποδειγματικές εκτελέσεις και βαθιά επιστημονική επικύρωση από κορυφαίους καθηγητές του είδους. Κυριάκος Καλαϊτζίδης και Νίκος Ανδρίκος φοβεροί!!!!!!!!
για ποια επιστημονικη επικυρωση μιλας το ουτι δεν υπηρχε πουθενα στην Βυζαντινη και μεταβυζαντινη μουσικη ενω το κανονακι μονο μακρινος συγγενης ειναι του βυζαντινου ψαλτηριου. Η δε τονικοτητα της μουσικης αυτης ειναι πολυ συζητησιμο το αν χρησιμοποιουταν στο Βυζαντιο. Πιο πολυ Οθωμανικες διασκευες βυζαντινων μουσικων εργων παρα βυζαντινη μουσικη ακουγονται αυτα
@@titoskesar2133το τραγικό είναι πως 24 άνθρωποι επιδοκιμάζουν αυτό το σχόλιο που σημαίνει πως δεν καταλαβαίνουν καν πως η οθωμανική κατάκτηση και η τουρκοκρατία έφεραν την εισαγωγή της ανατολικής κουλτούρας και ουσιαστικές πολιτισμικές αλλαγές.
@@titoskesar2133 Νομίζω αν ξαναδιαβάσετε τον τίτλο με προσοχή θα καταλάβετε τι εννοεί. Ο τίτλος δεν αναφέρει Βυζαντινή Εκκλησιαστική Μουσική. Είναι μια συναυλία στην οποία παρουσιάζονται συγκεκριμένα έργα της κοσμικής μουσικής από χειρόγραφα της Ψαλτικής Τέχνης με τα οποία οι δύο παραπάνω ακαδημαϊκοί και καλλιτέχνες έχουν ασχοληθεί σε βάθος. Σε αυτό το κομμάτι αναφέρεται η επιστημονική τεκμηρίωση. Ο όρος τονικότητα είναι κάτι άλλο μάλλον από αυτό που εννοείτε. Τονικότητα υπάρχει σε κάθε μουσική επιτέλεση, προφανώς κάτι άλλο θέλετε να πείτε.
@@titoskesar2133 Δεν μπορώ να πάρω θέση ως γνώστης μπορώ μόνο να αναπαράγω αυτά που διάβασα στην Βικιπαίδεια όπου λέει ότι το Ούτι το έμαθαν οι Άραβες από τους Βυζαντινούς.
Τα αναπαράγω όμως με επιφύλαξη μιας και η Βικιπαίδεια δεν είναι και ότι πιο έγκυρο.
@@titoskesar2133 orea propaganda, filotourke
Exquisitely beautiful, sincere thanks ❤
Absolutely beautiful and touching. Love from Bangladesh and London!
so happy that these tunes amuse you: it must be hard in Bangladesh, with compassion)
@@tuerkischermeister it's not too bad (I live in London)
thanks for thinking that tho. it is hard for a lot of people I know there. they dont get to experience the world in the same way
@@Shohidur-m2s cheers!
I personally want to thank you for showing that music is a transnational science.
exactly brother
You guys are absolutely amazing!!! Thank you!❤ 🎶❤️
One thing that interests me is temperament. The "space" of frequencies between the notes is different in various parts of the world. The scale played by these instruments for example, sounds different from modern instruments used universally in the western world. In some circumstances people who play Middle Eastern or Indian music are now including western instruments such as electronic keyboards that automatically change the temperament to modern equal temperament which changes the character of the music.
Before I forget, bravo to the musicians in this wonderful ensemble!
I feel like these frequencies/intervals bring us back before the westerners got rid of them. Such a pity they eliminated so much from the ancient music.
@@graurstefanilie3713 I agree! I think this kind of tuning may have been used in the western world before, let's say the 13th century (my guess). In fact, religious chant may have been similar to music in this recording in late Antiquity and the early Middle Ages. Even Gregorian chant may have sounded more "Eastern" than we think of it today. Pope Gregory may have wanted to make religious chant more uniform rather than creating a radical change in style. This is all my conjecture.
@@danawinsor1380 until the 17th century, I would say. Until the invention of the piano.
The main difference in the tone systems of the East and the West is in the so-called neutral intervals that are still used in the East. A neutral second, for example, is between a semitone and a whole tone of the piano, a neutral third is between the major and minor thirds, etc. This is the most substantial difference, since these intervals are the furthest from any note of 12-tone equal temperament, wherefore they fall into the "cracks" of the categorical perception of Western musicians and audiences: they can't be placed into any known category and modes where they are featured sound the most alien to Western audiences. Other differences in tuning exist, but none are as significant. Melodic intervals significantly smaller than the semitone appear to have been used in Middle Eastern music before, but nowadays these are inflected close to the Pythagorean limma or the semitone, so the 'quartertone' many speak of in reference to Middle Eastern is nowadays rarely heard as a melodic interval. Instead, it's the smallest step in the modern 24-tone octave, which allows for taking a quarter away from the whole tone to get the 3/4-tone, i.e. neutral second.
Still, an octave is an octave and a 5th is a 5th, a 4th is a 4th
Magnificent performance ! Congratulations !
How you interpret is up to you but being a Kyriakos fan all these 15 years there is no question that he wants to achieve the utmost authenticity which he bases on manuscripts where possible. I think we must treasure this mega effort by wonderful artists irrespective of our intertwined nationalities which between 15th and 19th centuries were non existent! Ephkaristo para poli, İstanbul’dan sevgilerle❤️
our brother x
Gorgeous vocal and music. BRAVO BRAVO BRAVO
Amazing as always. Thank you for the upload. Kianoush's Ney playing is so good, it brings everything together.
Μπράβο παιδιά τι να πω απλά τέλειο μπράβο για την δουλειά σας !!!!
Gracias por compartir esta música tan mágica!!!
Had the privilege of hearing Tanya LaPerrière, viola d’amore, in person and always wish I had CDs or at least posted on line to purchase- the music she plays in wonderful groups of musicians. Please please someone do this with this concert to listen to it uninterrupted by ads. Thank you for the wonderful music.
Wonderful, a real treasure! Good job friends, keep going...
Byzantine music has an influence in the distant history of the Eastern desert combined with the Christian inflections of the IV-th to VII-th centuries, setting the current modal steps of this unique style.The ecclesiastical music of the Eastern Orthodox Church is also sung to these tones.
Welcome again
Thanks so much
We love your music
Alot love
Magnifique !
Seit der Antike und Alexanders Indien gab es viel Austausch in Religion Musik und Kultur... sogar China hat helenistische Einflüsse 🎉🏛🛕⛩️🌅☸️
Amazingly beautiful!!!
Oh sweet Lord what a treasure! Thank You 😄
Very soothing and captivating to my ears. Thank you kind sirs for learning these beautiful instruments and doing what you do.
Wow! Beautifully done...that is a rarely heard repertoire in my neck of the woods. Thanks for posting this wonderful music.
Η γνώση της μουσικής, συνάντησε την αγάπη για την παράδοση και έχουμε αυτό το αποτέλεσμα! Εκπληκτικό! Και μόνο που είναι ο κ. Καλαϊτζίδης και ξέρουμε την αφοσίωση του σ αυτό το είδος, καταλαβαίνουμε το επίπεδο! Συγχαρητήρια!
Very beautiful! ❤❤❤
Thank you for sharing this one with us.
Glorious ! Thank-you !!
Magnifique. MERCI.
What a beautiful concert this is! Paraphrasing a famous Greek proverb, I have to say that "Music gladdens people's hearts". If only this world was ruled by musicians...The song "Chairesthe kampoi chairesthe" reminds me very much of the way "Kathistika tragoudia" of Chalkidiki and Makedonia are performed, at least until recently. There were hundreds that were being sung like that, slowly and gradually. Some of them that I've heard being sung in local fests are "Onta 'man nios kai lefteros", which stands for "When I was young and unmarried" and "Osa vouna ki an perasa", or "No matter how many mountains I crossed".
Πολύ όμορφα όλα :)
What a beautiful hymn. Thank you for sharing this.
❤❤⭐️ Beautiful!❤️🙏
This makes me think of The Bulgarian Women’s National Choir and their stunning use of disharmonies, which is not too often known, much less appreciated. Great performance. Thanks
in what way exactly ? this is Middle Eastern music, Turkish/Arabic/Persian
@ I said exactly in the statement.
You did hear disharmonies in this show ? I heard none - as much as I could stand of it. But there's also disharmony in jazz and heavy metal. By no means do they resemble any of what you speak of.
@@cosmopolitanbay9508and how about Kurdish influence!?? Considering that most of the makamm names are from Kurdish origin.
Some people need to understand that just because the Byzantium fell in 1453 that doesn't mean that the people and the culture went away.
Thank you❤!
i have a little question. it's said those musics come from byzanine manuscripts 15th19th . yet some of those composition seemed to be clearly makam-oriented with name like "Segah Muhammes Peshrev". so we are not talking about music writed by the byzantine church scriptors, but rather all kind of secular music tha were writted in this specific notation at the time? thank you for this astnonishing music and those project who open a incredible, mesmerizing door on the music history of mediteranea.
Türk kütüphanelerinden, Osmanlı Devleti Dönemi el yazmalarindan alınan, Osmanlı Sarayı müziği.
Bizans ile uzaktan yakından ilgisi yok!
Baklava, Cacık, Sarma, Dolma hırsızlığından sonra, Rum / Yunan kültürü ile uzaktan yakından ilgisi olmayan musiki eseri hırsızlığı.
This group needs funds. They play the music to pleasure the establishment. The spectale would be less welcomed with Turkish and Muslim topics. They do not care about the authenticity of the music they play, similar to other ethno groups in Europe.
@@denizcoskun7764 i'm not sure to understand
In wich way the tunes wouldnt be authentic exactly ?
The Byzantines (meaning, the Romans) had cultural exchanges with their neighbours and shared the music of makams.
Many of the Church chanters played secular music and played instruments too.
🌹Bravo !🌹
Lovely 🦄
Τελειο φιλε ❤
Η βυζαντινή μουσική υπάρχει από τον τρίτο αιώνα, και όλα αυτά τα βυζαντινοπολίτικα, κι αν ακόμη τραγουδιούνται από ξένους, πάνω σ'αυτή την μουσική στηρίζονται!!!!!
A nice surprise. 👏🏼
Greek, Balkan, Turk, Iran all together enjoying the art. We should look more into our common cultural links rather than our differences. Wonderful
Sounds alot like Greek music from Asia Minor/Anatolia, very cool 👍🇬🇷
عالی بود
When comes All in One.Allmighty you are the Only Lord and Gate opener to Love and Humanity and Cosmos Nature❤
Love from Turkey :)
آفرین بر دست و پنجه همهء هنرمندان بخصوص هنرمندان ایرانی که این گونه موسیقی باستانی ایران را با ساز و تار به نمایش گذاشتند
Βυζαντινής μουσικής
Sorry, but this is not Byzantine or Persian music, but Turkish music. All those songs are the classical examples of traditional Turkish art music. Some Greek, Armenian, Romen or Arab composers have composed many songs in that kind of Turkish music in Ottoman time.
@@nurettinsarul Stop spreading misinformation and propaganda. This is 100% pure Eastern Roman (Greek) music. The only reason why Turkish music can sound similar is because most of the Turkish music is literally just Eastern Roman music. This has nothing to do with Arabs or Armenians.
It is just Eastern Roman (Greek). When i say Roman i mean the Romaious and not Latin Romans.
Yes, Mongolia has similar music, but Sufis have also the same, that is Persian, and shiism has influence till to China to the Uyghurs. Yes, I was in Mongolia
@@D19DMO128DAlexander saw and destroyed Persia, because he could not bear that the Greek culture was a copy of Persian culture 🤔🧐🥴🎉🥳 After seeing India he understood that he was just a peasant lout
As far as I observed a lot of instruments such as oud,kanun and etc affected by Easter Roman music. Of course they took them from people under their reign. These kind of music also used by Ottoman Palace music later. I found most of Byzantine music like this in Church music.
Νίκο Ανδρικό μερακλή!!!!!!!!!! Με την παρέα σου την εκλεκτή!!!!!
Υπάρχουν κάπου αναρτημένα τα κείμενα;;;
Love front Southern France
Free Constantinople !!!
Also search the work of Ross Daly and Labyrinth ...
This is the Ottoman Music that I have been listening to on the Turkish Radio and Television Broadcasts since my childhood in İstanbul. 😅
The ottomans copied Byzantine music
The Greeks and Turks copied persian music 🤔🧐🥴🎉🥳
@thanasis Çoğu zamanla müslüman olan, yani Hz Muhammed'in Allah'ın elçisi olduğuna iman eden Ortadoğu (Doğu Roma) halkı belli bir tarihten itibaren Horasan'dan gelen Osmanlı hanedanı tarafından idare edildi.
Müslüman olan Ortadoğu halkı müslüman olduk diye yeni bir müzik icad etmedi.
Ortadoğu'daki müslüman, hristiyan ve yahudiler aynı müziği icra ettiler.
Nomads living in horse conquered Constantinople Smyrna Efesos Militos Pontos Hagia-Sofia so they learn about music from Greeks and the Races that still are in 100 years TR state. Yes. This is byzantine music hundreds years older than Turanists
@@HSO-qh6fmthe Greeks found musiki armonia rythmos notes so they don't need Persians music. Turks are nomads so steals everything anyway because their entire country was built on stolen land and stolen homes from Indigenous ppl and byzantines. Not even a town was built from them. And their (?)language is Persian.. They are searching now their..Turkish identity
Türk müziği dinledim. Kültür aynı kültür.
Let it be!
deeper than the sea
Everybody please look at the dates and names all are ottoman and greek folk music as you can say from the instruments and melodies, nothing here about the byzantine and roman empire. Yet the balkans and anatolia are the greatest pot of cultures and traditions, love you all.
This is not Byzantine music, but Turkish music. All those songs are the classical examples of traditional Turkish art music. Some Greek, Armenian, Romen or Arab composers have composed many songs in that kind of Turkish music in Ottoman time.
You should do your Erdogan propaganda in other channels,here people just enjoy listen to music.
@@nurettinsarulGreek byzantine music was similar to the ottoman one...same maqams ect
Who do you think the ottomans copied their music theory from?
@@nurettinsarulWho do you think the ottomans copied their music theory from?
هذه موسيقى صوفية تركية والمقامات العربية والآلات الموسيقية العربية واضحة
This sounds to like a combination of the music of the agean islands with Byzantine music
Türk Klasik müziğinin Yunanlı sanatçılar tarafından icrası... Teşekkürler Yunanlı dostlar...
Belíssimo ! ❤
Byzantines return❤
Ça ressemble beaucoup à la musique classique classique turque actuelle.
I suppose not many people knows how rooted music is in Kurdish culture and how much Kurds contributed silently to the Meddle Eaton music.
There are so many hidden chambers of history that are not uncovered yet, hopefully one day.
The maqam tradition had advancements and original contributions from many cultures - whether it was the Turks, Arabs, Persians, or people from across the Eastern Mediterranean, even the Indians and more. These cultures didn’t plagiarise ancient Greek music; they introduced new maqams that they crrated, invented new instruments and playing techniques, developed countless new forms, and devised many unique ways of singing with their own subject matter and poetry, alongside new rhythms and more.
Dear people, these are not Byzantine music. These are music that are discovered in the byzantine manuscripts, which means, that they are recorded/scripted by the byzantines, which doesnt explain a belonging, but more an interest of the Byzantines for what we hear here. Anyway, wonderful and delightful music! Grettings to all of you.
You're are basically claiming thar Greeks or East Romans at that time couldn't invent music. Where is the evidence that this is not Roman music??
@gideonros2705 I dont even think that "basically". No offence. You should read the explanation of the video. I had not seen the explanation and I guess it supports what I told. Just enjoy the music. Iamas!
If it's scripted by the byzantines... Guess what. It's BYZANTINE music.
@gideonros2705Byzantium was since 300 a.c till 1453 so when did they found this music? It's the biggest "empire " ever
everything you said is wrong, bravo.
And the Byzantine Empire was very far from being the biggest empire.
It is true when they say History is written by the successors because no one talks about Kurdish influence on the music of Middle East.
Superbe concert ! Où a-t-il eu lieu ?
Hic, gulecegim yoktu😅😅😅 osmanlinin muzigine,bizim diyebiliyotlar.
هاهاها العود بيزنطي؟ القانون بيزنطي؟ الناي بيزنطي؟ الدف بيزنطي؟ ناقص تقوللي اني انا الثاني بيزنطي. هاذي موسيقانا العثمانية وآلاتنا العربية.