I don't remember specifics but it was something like a dude registered his data on DMV or something as "user_not_found" or something so everytime he'd would get a ticket the system was supposed to think it was an error and call it a null. Problem is, everytime and error DID occur the tickets went to him, so he started getting tickets from hundreds of other people
In fairness, many had believed it to be compensation for bugs because it's not uncommon to get a set amount of quartz for that, but people who allegedly got hundreds upon hundreds shoulda definitely known better. FGO has it's moments but they're never THAT generous.
In video games it's extremely common for exploits like these to not be punished at all, meaning everybody who abused the bugs benefited and those that didn't are SOL, so for that reason everybody always hops on the bug abuse because the worst case scenario is always just having the stuff reversed.
I mean, we're talking about bug abuse in a gacha game with no PVP elements. The big exploit that they had was not paying Sony $300 for a single five-star. I've always had a policy that it's okay to be predatory on a company that's already predatory on you, not admitting anything but people seem to be really self-righteous about this whole thing forgetting that it's about an unregulated gambling app for pngs
Team Fortress 2 had a bug a few years ago where a bunch of loot boxes were practically guaranteed to give out extremely valuable cosmetics for a brief amount of time. Some people actually deleted a bunch of the ones they opened in the hopes that they'd get rewarded by Valve or something more once they fixed the bug. They then put up a blog post simply saying "Guys, you don't have to do that. Just keep all your free hats," and patched the issue with the only reprimand being that all the hats after the first one they unboxed can't be traded, and even they even offered full refunds if people decided they didn't want untradeable unusuals.
That's the fun part. Originally, the FGO developers didn't have this debt system. They just set you to zero and went "if you spent over that, good for you, I guess". It's the players complaining that cheaters didn't get punished enough that caused this.
@@Ruhhtra I wouldn't say it's a Monkey's Paw. More like "crabs in a bucket" kind of situation. People were jealous that they didn't get rewarded nearly as much as the bug abusers, so they demanded everyone be set to the same level.
Well it puts you in debt so it just means any currency obtained goes to paying off that debt instead of being able to use it on any characters you want for the next few months. I think while you can't get more gacha currency you can still get summon tickets that you can use to roll?
But they specified that paid and free currency are tracked separately so even whales are denied their dailies. It's less bad considering they still have access to paid currency, but it's still an impact nonetheless
6:35 "It's monopoly man's fault for teaching you that a bank error in your favor is yours." -Canadian Munchkin That's because that's what the law used to be. Since companies have more power than individuals, errors in an individuals favor were always eaten by the company. Then they changed the laws to the reverse. This is how you know your government doesnt' work for _you,_ anymore.
There's never been blanket coverage for these situations. They are always judged through the lens of unfair and deceptive practices, which is a standard both the company and the consumer can be held to. This gacha stuff is a perfect example, you can't take part in it without knowing what you're doing.
The Fate grand order story is missing the detail that .At first , the devs said they wont do anything, but people on the internet complained, so Devs said "Fine, we`ll fix it" and they had to code in debt to the game from scratch 1 week later
As another side of detail, it wasnt just rolling currency but hyper limited materials for a feature called class score. People would have more than others and that would create a divide so they exempted the quarts from rollback. Another detail is that some abused the glitch in a way to get over a thousand. Those players were banned since the method was not something that you could accidently pull off by pure ignorance multiple times in a row.
I remember when Genshin introduced currency debt, though that wasn't due to ingame exploits as much as just old fashioned check fraud. People had been charging back their purchases to find the exact result here, they got to keep what they used it for but it made their count go to the negatives. Seems like a surprisingly generous move when they're within their rights to just ban em
They still do that with their games, but I'm pretty sure that once that happens an invisible timer starts counting down for you to rebuy the amount you frauded them for before you do actually get banned.
Funny thing is that this isnt the first gatcha to do this. The EN release of Taimanin RPGX last year had some of the gem reward currency values for maxing the bonds larger than intended. The devs in their "brilliant thinking" decided to fix this they just subtracted the unintended difference from peoples gem wallets, resulting in people who went in hard to get the bonds fast to have negative currency. This basically killed the game in the west as some of debt amounts were so high to surmount if a player was to play normally that it would just be better to start from scratch.
Yup, after that the game shut down in less than a year, while the JP version is still going strong. Part of the reason it killed the game was that unlike with this FGO example, it wasn't an exploit done by the players - the devs set the bond rewards to the wrong numbers, and maxing out bonds to get gacha currency was an intended way of playing the game. So players got punished because the of a mistake on the dev side. They should have gone "the numbers were wrong, but that was our bad, so you can keep it". I assume they reset everyone to make sure players who started after the mistake was fixed didn't feel cheated or behind on currency compared to the early-adopters, but shoving people into debt was a bad solution.
Any time the gachas I've played fuck up in the players' favor, they always just let it slide. I figure it's a calculated move that the increase in goodwill and player satisfaction is worth the loss of the fuckup, compared to the bridges they'd burn if they took it back
@@hypercube8735 the only other reason I would see that they did it this was was on the technical end but even so shit was crazy since that happened week 1
I came here to bring this up, glad to see someone else did. Taimanin RPGX had a lot of problems, but putting players into gacha debt was the nail in the coffin.
@hypercube8735 It's also worth mentioning that the negative quartz wasn't the first thing the devs did, but it was a response to jp players being upset that players that exploited the glitch weren't punished if they spent it all beforehand.
Scrubs not understanding you can just no-clip into God's Dev-Room and get every item for free. My chest feels a little empty, and the shadows are always grinning at me. But I'm sure it's fine.
"You know what happens in Risk?" Ah, so Pat has also run into the endless scenarios of Indonesia and The Philippines becoming The Fields of Verdun while Australia is turned into someone's super soldier breeding zone.
3:50 Joseppi made a great video on this, but iirc what happened was the man drunkenly tries to take out money from his account at like, 2am from his savings to put into his checking account, and the atm glitches so it gives him the money he requested, but the next day half of what he took out was reported in the negative on his card, so when he was sober he figured out he could withdraw a certain amount and put at least half of it back in to make sure whatever he took was still in his account(I'm remembering the minor details wrong but I think it's close enough) and at the end I believe he was a bit less than a million usd in debt and now has a talk show/podcast about his money spending adventures
He also never had the bank come after him, he went and told them what he had been doing and they just let him go, the bank didn't want to deal with him after fixing the bug but he slowly lost it more and more, living every day looking over his back and eventually turned himself in to the cops.
the fun thing about dumb people is that they almost universally either think they're very smart, or that everyone else is as dumb as them. not me though, i'm smart for real
I mean I DID IN FACT get 300$ dropped into my account at one point when I was in highschool and I knew it wasn't mine and I spent it. because it was under 500$ and I was a minor, the bank chalked it up to clerical errors and they took the hit. It does happen but it was pretty dumb of me. Got my xbox 360 for myself for Christmas that year though
Potentially worth it. I'd go 900 SQ negative if I got to keep the SSR from hard pity. Hell, if I got NP5ish in that amount or less, then it could absolutely worth it depending on how busted the unit is like Arcueid or Cummer. I'd be fine with not being able to roll free SQ for a few months, even as an f2p. The funniest part about this is that this glitch could absolutely be a system people would use if it was worked in. People would just go into negative free SQ on their favorites or an incredibly meta unit, and then just pass the rest of the banners by with little issue since most of them aren't particularly good anyways. Especially in FGO where reruns are like once a year for most units if at all(RiP Zenobia). You end up skipping most of those banners anyways saving to guarantee the one person you want. So literally all this system does is give you the ability to always guarantee without needing to spend money or worry about being short of pity.
Might as well throw away your account if you hard pity 900sq for a np1 servant, itll be a year of not pulling to make up the Keep making new accounts until you get like 4 or 5 copies of what you want.
Yeah, I can imagine the amount of reroll accounts would skyrocket. But on more dedicated accounts that'll go a year or more without spending SQ anyways to save, use cases do present themselves. Especially for people who already had like 800ish and were just 100 shy of pity or something.
If I can be a stereotypical old man for a second, I wonder if the reason young people fall for the Uber Eats/Chase Money Glitch is because of video games. Not that video games are the problem, just that kids need to be taught the difference between exploiting play money and real money I would have expected that to be common sense, but evidently some people need to be sat down and taught that its actually a crime to do in real life.
@Bigwigrah07 I'm glad you agree, but to argue against my own point here, the term glitch isn't inherently a video game one. It applies to any software, and considering that these exploits came from mobile apps, it actually was accurate to call them glitches
@@U-Flame I'm reminded of the people from wallstreetbets who went off the deep end post GME and think they've discovered some loophole to essentially collapse the economy while increasing the value of their stocks to a trillion dollars, and that the federal government of the US is going to allow this to happen and pay them out rather than telling them to fuck off and change the rules, or put them in prison. C'mon guys, they only do that for banks.
Maybe to some extent, but I think a bigger part was that these people were going on Tiktok, looking at videos of random influencers doing the "glitch," and thinking "All these people are doing it and they aren't getting in trouble, so I'm not going to get in trouble either!" What they failed to account for was that it was a "when, not if" scenario and that a lot of the people posting on Tiktok were faking it. Anyone who genuinely thought that Chase wasn't going to find out that a bunch of people were basically just committing check fraud and that they just weren't going to do anything about it really shouldn't have access to a bank account. At least not without a lot more education.
As someone who plays on the NA server for FGO but keeps relatively up to date on what’s happening for the other servers, watching this incident play out in real-time on the JP side from a safe vantage point was crazy. The bugged mission rewards let people gain well over 900 SQ in gacha currency (more than enough to guarantee hitting hard pity on any one banner even if your luck was absolute garbage), which was a massive oversight on their part. So you had people who abused this and got a big leg up and the people who didn’t risk claiming the bugged rewards got pissed and demanded some sort of compensation, which is likely what led to the implementation of the SQ debt system.
This isn't gacha specific... basically every single online game does it IIRC Warframe does that as well i.e. when you receive platinum via a trade from a CC scammer. If you try to cheat in premium currency in ANY online game via an exploit and in inadvertently gets rolled back YOU will be on the hook to make up the difference if it rolls into the negative by buying that premium currency. It's definitely also stating an example to discourage players from even trying in the first player. It's probably still preferable to a permaban as they could definitely do that for using exploits (which are generally a severe TOS violation).
I don't know if it would be the same, but I think that if this happened in Mexico, our Customer Protection Agency would side with the customers. It has happened before. A few years ago, someone at Steam put the price of Dark Souls 3 with the Season Pass at 15 pesos (less than a dollar at the time) and everyone got to keep it, because our laws say that if you show a price, the price must be respected. Then again, I don't know if the glitch letting you cash the same price several times would fall under that category
Apparently there is a saying in Russia: "The only place you find free cheese is on a mousetrap" with this and the Honey scandal, seems to ring very true
There was a similar bug in Warcraft Rumble, where for a few hours, you could earn the free currency indefinitely. Blizzard stopped it fairly quick, and eventually took back all the ill-begotten gains. If you had already spent the coins, you went into debt. Took a while for me to climb out of that one. Don’t play it anymore.
This has been a thing in Marvel Contest of Champions for years; it brings me joy to see people post screenshots of being -10,000 units in debt after trying to cheat refunds or exploits lol
See, that's why the only free money is the money you find in a suitcase out in the desert. I found some last week and now I'm set for life. Huh, weird. I think I heard some sort of "thud" in my neighbor's apartment. I'm gonna go to the front door and check that out. I'll update everyone when I get back!
i dont see how the house always wins in this case, the players rolled what they wanted and they rolled on a character pool less bloated than monthes later, if they do keep playing they will pay the debt with a 5 star they got early or they will enjoy the 5 star and quit the game anyway the debt doesnt even apply to paid gems so why does the company even care enough to track them
"If you give your kid the ipad, they'll do the chase money glitch" okay no I grew up literally only hanging out playing computer and console games and I know not to do that shit. and if something weird happened with my bank (IE. the story of the guy who lived for years with atms giving him $100 bills when he asked for $10s) i'd immediately go back to a bank teller and go "hey so I was at (insert atm) and asked for (insert amount) and it gave me this instead, please help". Will I still get the cops called on me? maybe, but there will be camera and computer evidence to show what amount I asked for, how much I got, and the time that I left the atm and got to the bank in question. Then again, I don't take money out from atms, so... who cares, I guess.
trying to cheat fgo of all games is like....they will take your house and car on a normal day (aka taking 6 years to add a 330 pulls pity system) what made people think this would be any different.
I NEVER play Monopoly anymore, my luck is so bad, no cheating bar using weighted die would help me. Last time I played, through the entire game, the ONLY un-owned property I landed on(while I still had money to buy any property) was a single pink one and a railroad. The entire game. Suffice to say, the only real way to win after that is to declare bankruptcy early and leave the table to do something else, cause at that point you're not even contributing anything anymore.
This is especially bad in FGO because free quartz accumulate so fucking slow once you're caught up on content. It's not like your Honkai Rails or Zanless Zoners, you don't get one pull of currency a day(one pull here being 3 quartz). Usually, you get some from doing weekly missions (3) and weekly login milestones (6? I think?). Otherwise it's all at the whims of social media campaigns or events feeding you a dozen or so. The most reliable source of them is unironically the 50 day login rewards, where you get 30 quartz for logging in for 50 more days (not in a row, just cumulative). Not a game I would want to be in fucking debt bro
99.99999% of parents don't know monopoly is an anticap art piece.They think it's the Ur family board game experience and that the family has to play it to be a 'correct' and 'proper' family. They make you play it and scream at you for not having fun, or for doing well and making it so they or your siblings aren't having fun. This results in most children having an instinctive hatred of board games. I was lucky that I had a few real board games growing up (and mostly avoided letting Nmom play with us) but I still hate playing games with others of any competitive nature. Most old board games are just pure RNG anyways.
I hate board games because they are boring. Tv shows made me think they are fun and you will interact more with your family and bond but I couldn't stand playing more than 5min of any board game I would rather just have a free talk doing nothing instead.
The electronic version of being there when a Brinks truck explodes and you pocket some of the money raining down before the cops arrive. You're still technically robbing the bank doing it. Might as well hire a getaway driver and put on masks.
FGO is a relatively unique case of free to pay... -ish. The gacha is so brutal and unforgiving that a twice~ a year payment of about $25 is basically a requirement for not having to wait four years to actually get the characters you want (it's still a crapshoot even then.) Then there's the once daily banner roll that _must_ use paid Quartz, not free, but it uses one rather than three per roll. AND THEN there's the fact that characters' damage scales directly and indirectly with additional copies, with functionally no way of getting more copies other than keep rolling. All this amounts to the game being a casino that has a gun on the poker table with the cards, and what happened was just one of many knock-on effects. One of the positives is that you will never meet a more humble, calculating gambling addict than an FGO player. We self-deprecate while working our accounts like businesses.
Thats pretty funny. Knowing how predatory FGO in special is, I am surprised they didnt take the characters back as well. FGO is one the few gachas that I would never try to exploit like that.
Actually pretty smart to do it this way. They'll eat the hit for SSR now, but when the inevitable powercreep rolls around, you'll *have* to pay just to have a chance
@@IcyDragonPolaris The new Grand Servant system... may hedge against powercreep, at least as far as story bosses are concerned. imo they need to do some sweeping buffs to bond CEs first or at the same time, because GODDAMN a lot of them as so mid they could just be passives and not change a damn thing, but it has potential to help accounts without NP5 SSRs.
the story here is missing the detail that the devs originally said there werent gonna take it back, but people on the internet complained about the idea of exploiters getting stuff for free, so the devs "apologized for not taking players feelings into account" and then 1 week later coded in gacha debt from scratch
THe funniest thing to come out of the SQ debt is that it wasn't even a new thing, it's just no one knew about it because who would be dumb enough to try and get away with charging back spent gacha currency?
Legality? What are they going to do? Garnish your wages? Nah, they'll just send some letters making it sound like you'll be excoriated and flayed in town square but in the end they'll just sell your debt to a collection agency and they'll send you angry letters and try various tricks to get you to pay them. Any debt (unless it's the gubmnt) below 10k isn't worth litigating to a company. Your credit score takes a beating but that just effects your apr on loans and losing the ability to indebt yourself up to your eyeballs isn't such a bad thing really.
Remember, if you found an infinite money glitch, either A) no you didn't or B) it's illegal.
The big banks, credit card companies and finance companies all have infinite money glitches and they are all legal.
@@Serahpin for them, not for any of us mortals
@@Serahpin Yeah but they're parasites. They get special treatment by other parasites.
@@rcgama9594 They think we're animals, actually.
@@Serahpin if they think of us at all.
I don't remember specifics but it was something like a dude registered his data on DMV or something as "user_not_found" or something so everytime he'd would get a ticket the system was supposed to think it was an error and call it a null. Problem is, everytime and error DID occur the tickets went to him, so he started getting tickets from hundreds of other people
I believe his plate was NULL
If you owe the bank a thousand dollars, it's your problem.
If you owe the bank ten million dollars, it's the banks problem.
@@Vanity0666 don't act like you came up with that.
The absolute hubris of thinking you're sneaking one past the ones literally running the game is hilarious
Its like when people do those free Uber eats hacks and come back see they are like $10000 in debt
In the past the devs would have just rolled back the accounts and permabanned which did the exploit instead of making the banks kill people.
In fairness, many had believed it to be compensation for bugs because it's not uncommon to get a set amount of quartz for that, but people who allegedly got hundreds upon hundreds shoulda definitely known better.
FGO has it's moments but they're never THAT generous.
In video games it's extremely common for exploits like these to not be punished at all, meaning everybody who abused the bugs benefited and those that didn't are SOL, so for that reason everybody always hops on the bug abuse because the worst case scenario is always just having the stuff reversed.
I mean, we're talking about bug abuse in a gacha game with no PVP elements. The big exploit that they had was not paying Sony $300 for a single five-star. I've always had a policy that it's okay to be predatory on a company that's already predatory on you, not admitting anything but people seem to be really self-righteous about this whole thing forgetting that it's about an unregulated gambling app for pngs
Pat Jr inherets Pat's Warframe debt
"Sixteen hours a day I'm farming Grineer, until I pay off my pappy's debt."
Who would've thought Pat's obsession with becoming an immortal toilet would end up with him being brain-shelved
Team Fortress 2 had a bug a few years ago where a bunch of loot boxes were practically guaranteed to give out extremely valuable cosmetics for a brief amount of time. Some people actually deleted a bunch of the ones they opened in the hopes that they'd get rewarded by Valve or something more once they fixed the bug.
They then put up a blog post simply saying "Guys, you don't have to do that. Just keep all your free hats," and patched the issue with the only reprimand being that all the hats after the first one they unboxed can't be traded, and even they even offered full refunds if people decided they didn't want untradeable unusuals.
That's the fun part.
Originally, the FGO developers didn't have this debt system. They just set you to zero and went "if you spent over that, good for you, I guess". It's the players complaining that cheaters didn't get punished enough that caused this.
@@tipoimaoh god...what a Monkey's Paw
@@Ruhhtra I wouldn't say it's a Monkey's Paw.
More like "crabs in a bucket" kind of situation. People were jealous that they didn't get rewarded nearly as much as the bug abusers, so they demanded everyone be set to the same level.
@@tipoima good point. Talk about equality XD
Shaved Pat is so weird to me because he is reminding me of twenty actors at the same time, he has become the bald white guy gestalt consciousness.
He’s reminding me of a younger version of that old guy that makes food from cartoons
So for whales who abused it, it doesn't matter. But if you're F2P and abused it, you're screwed. Just like real life.
don't bite the hand that feeds you
@@Biodeamon more like don't eat what the hand gives you by mistake. or else you get the stomach pump
Well it puts you in debt so it just means any currency obtained goes to paying off that debt instead of being able to use it on any characters you want for the next few months.
I think while you can't get more gacha currency you can still get summon tickets that you can use to roll?
"If you owe the bank 100 pounds its your problem, when you owe the bank a million thats the banks problem"
But they specified that paid and free currency are tracked separately so even whales are denied their dailies. It's less bad considering they still have access to paid currency, but it's still an impact nonetheless
"If you're cheating at Monopoly you're playing it correctly" no joke is going in my tattoo ideas book.
Woolie Pat and a saint quartz are a special combination that does psychic damage to me
"I'm crawling with Gatcha" makes it sound like a disease or parasite, lol
gambling addiction is a disease and a parasite
It is.
6:35 "It's monopoly man's fault for teaching you that a bank error in your favor is yours." -Canadian Munchkin
That's because that's what the law used to be. Since companies have more power than individuals, errors in an individuals favor were always eaten by the company. Then they changed the laws to the reverse. This is how you know your government doesnt' work for _you,_ anymore.
There's never been blanket coverage for these situations. They are always judged through the lens of unfair and deceptive practices, which is a standard both the company and the consumer can be held to. This gacha stuff is a perfect example, you can't take part in it without knowing what you're doing.
The Fate grand order story is missing the detail that .At first , the devs said they wont do anything, but people on the internet complained, so Devs said "Fine, we`ll fix it" and they had to code in debt to the game from scratch 1 week later
As another side of detail, it wasnt just rolling currency but hyper limited materials for a feature called class score. People would have more than others and that would create a divide so they exempted the quarts from rollback.
Another detail is that some abused the glitch in a way to get over a thousand. Those players were banned since the method was not something that you could accidently pull off by pure ignorance multiple times in a row.
I remember when Genshin introduced currency debt, though that wasn't due to ingame exploits as much as just old fashioned check fraud. People had been charging back their purchases to find the exact result here, they got to keep what they used it for but it made their count go to the negatives. Seems like a surprisingly generous move when they're within their rights to just ban em
It keeps them playing on the same account instead of making a new one honestly less hassle for the scammer really if they learned their lesson
They still do that with their games, but I'm pretty sure that once that happens an invisible timer starts counting down for you to rebuy the amount you frauded them for before you do actually get banned.
@@Terithian no, there's a better solution. Your gatcha pull rate will be ruined until you pay it back.
Funny thing is that this isnt the first gatcha to do this.
The EN release of Taimanin RPGX last year had some of the gem reward currency values for maxing the bonds larger than intended.
The devs in their "brilliant thinking" decided to fix this they just subtracted the unintended difference from peoples gem wallets, resulting in people who went in hard to get the bonds fast to have negative currency.
This basically killed the game in the west as some of debt amounts were so high to surmount if a player was to play normally that it would just be better to start from scratch.
Yup, after that the game shut down in less than a year, while the JP version is still going strong. Part of the reason it killed the game was that unlike with this FGO example, it wasn't an exploit done by the players - the devs set the bond rewards to the wrong numbers, and maxing out bonds to get gacha currency was an intended way of playing the game. So players got punished because the of a mistake on the dev side. They should have gone "the numbers were wrong, but that was our bad, so you can keep it". I assume they reset everyone to make sure players who started after the mistake was fixed didn't feel cheated or behind on currency compared to the early-adopters, but shoving people into debt was a bad solution.
Any time the gachas I've played fuck up in the players' favor, they always just let it slide. I figure it's a calculated move that the increase in goodwill and player satisfaction is worth the loss of the fuckup, compared to the bridges they'd burn if they took it back
@@hypercube8735 the only other reason I would see that they did it this was was on the technical end but even so shit was crazy since that happened week 1
I came here to bring this up, glad to see someone else did.
Taimanin RPGX had a lot of problems, but putting players into gacha debt was the nail in the coffin.
@hypercube8735 It's also worth mentioning that the negative quartz wasn't the first thing the devs did, but it was a response to jp players being upset that players that exploited the glitch weren't punished if they spent it all beforehand.
I’ve only ever played Monopoly by myself I used to sit in different chairs to simulate having multiple people there
Scrubs not understanding you can just no-clip into God's Dev-Room and get every item for free.
My chest feels a little empty, and the shadows are always grinning at me. But I'm sure it's fine.
"You know what happens in Risk?" Ah, so Pat has also run into the endless scenarios of Indonesia and The Philippines becoming The Fields of Verdun while Australia is turned into someone's super soldier breeding zone.
As always, of course.
Joseppi made a great video on this, but iirc what happened was the man drunkenly tries to take out money from his account at like, 2am from his savings to put into his checking account, and the atm glitches so it gives him the money he requested, but the next day half of what he took out was reported in the negative on his card, so when he was sober he figured out he could withdraw a certain amount and put at least half of it back in to make sure whatever he took was still in his account(I'm remembering the minor details wrong but I think it's close enough) and at the end I believe he was a bit less than a million usd in debt and now has a talk show/podcast about his money spending adventures
He also never had the bank come after him, he went and told them what he had been doing and they just let him go, the bank didn't want to deal with him after fixing the bug but he slowly lost it more and more, living every day looking over his back and eventually turned himself in to the cops.
Imagine being in debt to Artoria
Or worse, smol-vinci.
Altria :)
We are god-fearing Americans who pay our Seiba Tax fairly, sir (she refuses all forms of payment that aren't homecooked burgers and riceballs.)
When you put it that way, worth it for my wife
@@Kumo-s6f im a waifu fearing American afraid of being in debt to musashi miyamoto
This is why I'm just FTP on Arknights. I can't risk anything else.
I'm also File Transfer Protocol on Arknights
Mihoyo would never do this to me
@@73juro screw you I'm TCP
Shaved Pat is scary I feel like those babies who get terrified when their dad shaves off their beard
Don't commit bank fraud if you're dumb.
its fine, just buy the bank, their problem now
the fun thing about dumb people is that they almost universally either think they're very smart, or that everyone else is as dumb as them. not me though, i'm smart for real
@@juanjuri6127 bobby kotick quote but also a hideo Kojima quote
Don’t commit bank fraud if you aren’t the bank
Or poor.
I heard about the glitch and - Saint Quartz, but didn’t know you couldn’t just pay it off lmao
I am SURE pat's baby is reacting to his face the same way. I was NOT READY.
I mean I DID IN FACT get 300$ dropped into my account at one point when I was in highschool and I knew it wasn't mine and I spent it. because it was under 500$ and I was a minor, the bank chalked it up to clerical errors and they took the hit. It does happen but it was pretty dumb of me. Got my xbox 360 for myself for Christmas that year though
i stopped playing FGO years ago, but i saw that saints quarts and HAD to know what new bs is happening with it lol
Chase money glitch isn't a glitch. It's called "check kiting" and it's been around for over a century.
Woolie says that in the video. He doesn't use the term, but says it isn't a "glitch."
Nowadays it's just called check fraud.
@@kaijuultimax9407 Yes, check kiting is a type of fraud.
i remember in gta 5 online i had to ask people to stop dumping hacked money on top of me because i didn't want to get in trouble lol
"Ena woolie and smooth pat arent real, they can't hurt you."
Ena woolie and smooth pat:
The day I quit Genshin when Elden Ring released years ago has been the best decision of my life in recent memory.
im not sure you realize how this makes you look at decision making if *that's* your most recent best decision.
Congrats on quitting cocaine
Now get on Star Rail
Potentially worth it. I'd go 900 SQ negative if I got to keep the SSR from hard pity. Hell, if I got NP5ish in that amount or less, then it could absolutely worth it depending on how busted the unit is like Arcueid or Cummer. I'd be fine with not being able to roll free SQ for a few months, even as an f2p.
The funniest part about this is that this glitch could absolutely be a system people would use if it was worked in. People would just go into negative free SQ on their favorites or an incredibly meta unit, and then just pass the rest of the banners by with little issue since most of them aren't particularly good anyways. Especially in FGO where reruns are like once a year for most units if at all(RiP Zenobia). You end up skipping most of those banners anyways saving to guarantee the one person you want. So literally all this system does is give you the ability to always guarantee without needing to spend money or worry about being short of pity.
i hate that this is what they've decided to call summer castoria but i am not shocked
It is the unfortunate(?) sequel to Jerker.
Might as well throw away your account if you hard pity 900sq for a np1 servant, itll be a year of not pulling to make up the
Keep making new accounts until you get like 4 or 5 copies of what you want.
Yeah, I can imagine the amount of reroll accounts would skyrocket. But on more dedicated accounts that'll go a year or more without spending SQ anyways to save, use cases do present themselves. Especially for people who already had like 800ish and were just 100 shy of pity or something.
gambling addiction
Woolies lighting makes him look like Vivec
If I can be a stereotypical old man for a second, I wonder if the reason young people fall for the Uber Eats/Chase Money Glitch is because of video games. Not that video games are the problem, just that kids need to be taught the difference between exploiting play money and real money
I would have expected that to be common sense, but evidently some people need to be sat down and taught that its actually a crime to do in real life.
@Bigwigrah07 I'm glad you agree, but to argue against my own point here, the term glitch isn't inherently a video game one. It applies to any software, and considering that these exploits came from mobile apps, it actually was accurate to call them glitches
No, people are just dumb, desperate and have no idea how banks or money works.
@@U-Flame I'm reminded of the people from wallstreetbets who went off the deep end post GME and think they've discovered some loophole to essentially collapse the economy while increasing the value of their stocks to a trillion dollars, and that the federal government of the US is going to allow this to happen and pay them out rather than telling them to fuck off and change the rules, or put them in prison.
C'mon guys, they only do that for banks.
Maybe to some extent, but I think a bigger part was that these people were going on Tiktok, looking at videos of random influencers doing the "glitch," and thinking "All these people are doing it and they aren't getting in trouble, so I'm not going to get in trouble either!" What they failed to account for was that it was a "when, not if" scenario and that a lot of the people posting on Tiktok were faking it.
Anyone who genuinely thought that Chase wasn't going to find out that a bunch of people were basically just committing check fraud and that they just weren't going to do anything about it really shouldn't have access to a bank account. At least not without a lot more education.
Doing the infinite money glitch, but in an actual game will still get you in dept.
-Gudako- BeastXIII has breached containment once again. Give her the bodypillows and maybe she’ll go back to sleep.
As someone who plays on the NA server for FGO but keeps relatively up to date on what’s happening for the other servers, watching this incident play out in real-time on the JP side from a safe vantage point was crazy.
The bugged mission rewards let people gain well over 900 SQ in gacha currency (more than enough to guarantee hitting hard pity on any one banner even if your luck was absolute garbage), which was a massive oversight on their part. So you had people who abused this and got a big leg up and the people who didn’t risk claiming the bugged rewards got pissed and demanded some sort of compensation, which is likely what led to the implementation of the SQ debt system.
This isn't gacha specific... basically every single online game does it IIRC Warframe does that as well i.e. when you receive platinum via a trade from a CC scammer.
If you try to cheat in premium currency in ANY online game via an exploit and in inadvertently gets rolled back YOU will be on the hook to make up the difference if it rolls into the negative by buying that premium currency. It's definitely also stating an example to discourage players from even trying in the first player.
It's probably still preferable to a permaban as they could definitely do that for using exploits (which are generally a severe TOS violation).
I don't know if it would be the same, but I think that if this happened in Mexico, our Customer Protection Agency would side with the customers. It has happened before. A few years ago, someone at Steam put the price of Dark Souls 3 with the Season Pass at 15 pesos (less than a dollar at the time) and everyone got to keep it, because our laws say that if you show a price, the price must be respected. Then again, I don't know if the glitch letting you cash the same price several times would fall under that category
Welcome back Chase Money Glitch
Apparently there is a saying in Russia: "The only place you find free cheese is on a mousetrap" with this and the Honey scandal, seems to ring very true
The particular orientation of the stellated dodecahedron you have dead center on the thumbnail is probably gonna turn some heads...LOL
I saw the Fate Grand Order premium currency, and I felt my heart rate go up in fear and remembering.
There was a similar bug in Warcraft Rumble, where for a few hours, you could earn the free currency indefinitely. Blizzard stopped it fairly quick, and eventually took back all the ill-begotten gains. If you had already spent the coins, you went into debt. Took a while for me to climb out of that one. Don’t play it anymore.
I heard "Saint Quartz" and came running in.
No one knows how bad the Taimanin gacha debt was
"The chase money glitch" oh you mean CHECK FRAUD!?!?! lol
Disappointed this wasn't about the OTHER Gacha Debt story that happened with the Taimanin Asagi gacha last year.
and that one was way worse cause it was all on the devs for that one and not a silly exploit like this
What happened
Gatcha generational debt and wealth will be a thing one day.
Damn you Monopoly and Risk!
This has been a thing in Marvel Contest of Champions for years; it brings me joy to see people post screenshots of being -10,000 units in debt after trying to cheat refunds or exploits lol
Youshikage Pat finaly changed his appearance.
And got fake family.
Mfers when they see the infinite debt hack comes for them.
Woolie, you like Dane cook too, I see you
The Japanese whaling industy at its finest.
Of course the one time I'm not watching they talk directly about FGO
I miss Pat. This Greg dude ain't doing it for me.
Yo Minh! This is ep 301!
I guess you can say that those poor FGO players who tried to cheat the gacha went up a creek without a...... 🎶PADORU PADORU!🎶
Oh I didn't know it only takes the free SQ... so you can't even use the paid SQ to pay your debt lmao
See, that's why the only free money is the money you find in a suitcase out in the desert. I found some last week and now I'm set for life.
Huh, weird. I think I heard some sort of "thud" in my neighbor's apartment. I'm gonna go to the front door and check that out. I'll update everyone when I get back!
Nexon also had a huge scam on gatcha
i dont see how the house always wins in this case, the players rolled what they wanted and they rolled on a character pool less bloated than monthes later, if they do keep playing they will pay the debt with a 5 star they got early or they will enjoy the 5 star and quit the game anyway
the debt doesnt even apply to paid gems so why does the company even care enough to track them
Pat your shiny beardless head is scaring me, you got the menacing Jojo aura now
"If you give your kid the ipad, they'll do the chase money glitch" okay no I grew up literally only hanging out playing computer and console games and I know not to do that shit.
and if something weird happened with my bank (IE. the story of the guy who lived for years with atms giving him $100 bills when he asked for $10s) i'd immediately go back to a bank teller and go "hey so I was at (insert atm) and asked for (insert amount) and it gave me this instead, please help".
Will I still get the cops called on me? maybe, but there will be camera and computer evidence to show what amount I asked for, how much I got, and the time that I left the atm and got to the bank in question.
Then again, I don't take money out from atms, so... who cares, I guess.
It's "Gacha", I believe.
Ngl, I understand, but I'd still be sad if I had negative cat food in Battle Cats.
"Gatcha" is for people who think it's funny that it's so close to the word/phrase "gotcha". But the actual word is "gacha" 🤓☝
trying to cheat fgo of all games is like....they will take your house and car on a normal day (aka taking 6 years to add a 330 pulls pity system) what made people think this would be any different.
I NEVER play Monopoly anymore, my luck is so bad, no cheating bar using weighted die would help me. Last time I played, through the entire game, the ONLY un-owned property I landed on(while I still had money to buy any property) was a single pink one and a railroad. The entire game. Suffice to say, the only real way to win after that is to declare bankruptcy early and leave the table to do something else, cause at that point you're not even contributing anything anymore.
This is especially bad in FGO because free quartz accumulate so fucking slow once you're caught up on content. It's not like your Honkai Rails or Zanless Zoners, you don't get one pull of currency a day(one pull here being 3 quartz). Usually, you get some from doing weekly missions (3) and weekly login milestones (6? I think?). Otherwise it's all at the whims of social media campaigns or events feeding you a dozen or so. The most reliable source of them is unironically the 50 day login rewards, where you get 30 quartz for logging in for 50 more days (not in a row, just cumulative).
Not a game I would want to be in fucking debt bro
I don't even blame the influencers. I blame the people who haven't cultivated any critical thinking and seem to lack it entirely haha
jumpscared by FGO thumbnal
Well, I got clickbaited.
The "t" in the title is upsetting me
Does Woolie still play Nikke btw?
probably not, i dont even think he would have made it to the 160 wall which would have made him quit anyway
Ah well that was expected, I would love to see his reaction to Grave, but what ya gonna do.
> -60
> Several days' worth of login bonuses
Jesus Christ, love yourself and play a gacha/game that doesn't just beat you with a belt as a reward
99.99999% of parents don't know monopoly is an anticap art piece.They think it's the Ur family board game experience and that the family has to play it to be a 'correct' and 'proper' family. They make you play it and scream at you for not having fun, or for doing well and making it so they or your siblings aren't having fun. This results in most children having an instinctive hatred of board games.
I was lucky that I had a few real board games growing up (and mostly avoided letting Nmom play with us) but I still hate playing games with others of any competitive nature. Most old board games are just pure RNG anyways.
I hate board games because they are boring. Tv shows made me think they are fun and you will interact more with your family and bond but I couldn't stand playing more than 5min of any board game I would rather just have a free talk doing nothing instead.
Pat without facial hair just looks *wrong*
you already fked up by playing a gacha game
The electronic version of being there when a Brinks truck explodes and you pocket some of the money raining down before the cops arrive.
You're still technically robbing the bank doing it. Might as well hire a getaway driver and put on masks.
Akiyama robbed the Yakuza to get out of homelessness and build a loan company 🤔
Akiyama didnt go to prison for grabbing huge amounts of yen out the air in 2005, and not only that but also started a sketchy loan place using it
@@kuratajutsu Thank you for sharing the same braincell with me Kyodai, it works better if someone keeps it warm before I pick it up
See, I told you FGO was cursed!
gacha guys
this isnt how you spell gacha.
that's not how you spell gacha.
it's so jarring every time I see pat with no hair on his head at all.
at this point just shave your eyebrows off too, commit to 0 head hair at all
I want to see what happens when one of these child casino proprietors takes someone to court over how much fantasy tokens they owe them.
I’m glad I stopped playing FGO. It was a lot of fun but the grind became unbearable and it really started to feel P2W. I don’t need Gacha in my life.
FGO is a relatively unique case of free to pay... -ish. The gacha is so brutal and unforgiving that a twice~ a year payment of about $25 is basically a requirement for not having to wait four years to actually get the characters you want (it's still a crapshoot even then.) Then there's the once daily banner roll that _must_ use paid Quartz, not free, but it uses one rather than three per roll. AND THEN there's the fact that characters' damage scales directly and indirectly with additional copies, with functionally no way of getting more copies other than keep rolling. All this amounts to the game being a casino that has a gun on the poker table with the cards, and what happened was just one of many knock-on effects.
One of the positives is that you will never meet a more humble, calculating gambling addict than an FGO player. We self-deprecate while working our accounts like businesses.
Thats pretty funny. Knowing how predatory FGO in special is, I am surprised they didnt take the characters back as well. FGO is one the few gachas that I would never try to exploit like that.
Actually pretty smart to do it this way. They'll eat the hit for SSR now, but when the inevitable powercreep rolls around, you'll *have* to pay just to have a chance
@@IcyDragonPolaris The new Grand Servant system... may hedge against powercreep, at least as far as story bosses are concerned. imo they need to do some sweeping buffs to bond CEs first or at the same time, because GODDAMN a lot of them as so mid they could just be passives and not change a damn thing, but it has potential to help accounts without NP5 SSRs.
the story here is missing the detail that the devs originally said there werent gonna take it back, but people on the internet complained about the idea of exploiters getting stuff for free, so the devs "apologized for not taking players feelings into account" and then 1 week later coded in gacha debt from scratch
THe funniest thing to come out of the SQ debt is that it wasn't even a new thing, it's just no one knew about it because who would be dumb enough to try and get away with charging back spent gacha currency?
Wait, so if you spent SQ at all during that glitch, cheated or legit, you'd wind up with a negative balance?
Glad I dropped that kusoge
oh god... I miss Pat's beard. Please come back soon.
Nah, always cheat the gacha.
Unlimited Gacha Works
Legality? What are they going to do? Garnish your wages? Nah, they'll just send some letters making it sound like you'll be excoriated and flayed in town square but in the end they'll just sell your debt to a collection agency and they'll send you angry letters and try various tricks to get you to pay them. Any debt (unless it's the gubmnt) below 10k isn't worth litigating to a company. Your credit score takes a beating but that just effects your apr on loans and losing the ability to indebt yourself up to your eyeballs isn't such a bad thing really.
I mean DO they win though? I can tell you big time that is a huge incentive to drop that game harder than a barbed wire chihuahua.
Moral of the Story: Don’t piss off gacha devs, they’ll find a way to rob you blind if you try to outwit the system.