Why Palpatine IGNORED Thrawn and Vader's Concerns About The Death Star

  • Опубліковано 24 вер 2023
  • The death star was the most feared asset of the empire but despite this, the rebel alliance was able to destroy it. In both legends and canon, Palpatine reacted with both worry and anger; he clearly did not expect the rebels to be victorious. However, this was not without warning from two of his most trusted associates, Grand Admiral Thrawn and Darth Vader. So why did Thrawn and Vader believe the Death Star to be a foolish idea and why did Palpatine fail to realise they were right. Thrawn was likely the most opposed to the death star and for a different reason than Vader was. Despite not ever being told about the existence of the death star, Thrawn was able to deduce the projects existence through analysing the distribution of metals for the imperial navy. Thrawn was predominantly a military man and thought in terms of resources, logistics and tactics. He was alarmed by his realisation of the death stars existence, believing it to be an inferior replacement to a larger navy of more durable TIE fighters and Star Destroyers.For Thrawn this was nonsensical. The death star could only be in one place at one time while the rebels operated as guerrilla fighters across many worlds. In Thrawn's opinion, a war against the rebels could only be won by superior military equipment, planning and military tactics.
    The death star could not defend against rebel attacks on imperial mines, factories or training facilities. For Thrawn, the death star was simply too clumsy of a weapon to guard against the rebel threat. It would simply serve as a massive target for the rebels.
    Vader also believed the Death Star to be unnecessary. Like Thrawn he also believed it to be a waste of resources. However, he also despised it due to its very nature. Vader had given himself truely to the dark side, believing it to be the greatest power in the galaxy with himself one of its greatest vessels. Vader feared that the death star would make him obsolete; replacing the power of the dark side with a technological terror. Whatsmore, Vader knew that the bid to control the death star would only lead to more infighting between the various imperial moffs and grand moffs, only weakening the integrity of the empire and reducing order in the galaxy. However, Palpatine dismissed the concerns of his trusted associates and to understand why, we must take a look at his reasonings for the death stars construction. Palpatine had three main reasons to favour the death star over an improved imperial military. First, Palpatine was in many ways tired of ruling the galaxy. He despised the day to day workings of ruling and delegated most of it to the grand moffs. Instead Palpatine wished to unlock the secrets of the force and was obsessed with finding the secret to unlimited power. The power politics of the senate as well as the countless rebel skirmishes distracted Palpatine from these true goals.
    The death star was meant to mitigate these distractions, subduing rebellion through fear of complete annihilation of planets. Second, the death star centralised power within the hands of a few loyal moffs. Although this may have increased infighting and reduced order within the high ranks of the Empire, this was of little concern to Palpatine.
    By centralising power, Palpatine exerted even more personal control over the galaxy. An enlarged navy would have spread the empires rule over many hundreds of imperial officers, increasing the likelyhood that some of them would threaten to breakaway from the empire or worse, attempt to overthrow him. The third reason contains a little bit of my own personal speculation but I believe it has good grounding within the lore. Palpatine was well aware of his machinations and domination within the force. Essentially what he was doing was going against the current and balance of the force itself. To maintain balance, the force would always be trying to push against Palpatine's actions. The death star symbolised the end of hope in the galaxy and the the introduction of pure terror into the galaxy. This fear would have shifted the balance of the force in the galaxy further towards the dark side, strengthening Palpatine's power while diminishing the strength of the will of the force. And it was for these reasons that Palpatine was so keen to construct not just one but two death stars. If successful, he would have been truly unstoppable and would likely have reigned over the galaxy for many millennia. However, Palpatine had been blinded by power. Just as he had used the Jedis arrogance and complacency to overthrow them, Palpatine's years as undisputed Emperor blinded him to the fact that the death star could be destroyed.
  • Розваги


  • @neilhannan5112
    @neilhannan5112 9 місяців тому +42

    If Vader and Thrawn were leaders of the emprie then Plot armor wouldn't existed for the rebel alliance

    • @God_emperor_Doom
      @God_emperor_Doom 8 місяців тому

      Especially Thrawn he was pure Evil like Sidious unlike Vader who was Anakin in core

  • @makoman295
    @makoman295 9 місяців тому +6

    Thrawn: It's completely impractical and a waste of resources!
    Vader: This space station is nothing compared to the power of the force.
    Palpatine: Hehe planet goes boom.

  • @calebmetsker533
    @calebmetsker533 9 місяців тому +11

    Another reason at least in Legends was that Palpatine loved superweapons as much as he loved winning he did not care for how ordinary people won he liked how he won and that made him choose the worse choice aka the Death Star.

  • @Skol.Productions.
    @Skol.Productions. 9 місяців тому +5

    The optimal lightsaber for me would honestly probably have some sort of Viking symbols/designs on the hilt and have parts with wood and leather, the colors on the hilt would be mostly black but have spots of green and blue (if I was able to choose my saber color it would be green)

  • @DoctorBored357
    @DoctorBored357 9 місяців тому +5

    So, like with every other decision Palpatine's ever made, his own ego was the driving Force behind it. Man thought he could dominate THE FORCE itself - you know; the omnipotent, omnipresent magical energy that dwells within every single thing in the Star Wars galaxy, something no one could ever truly comprehend - with his comparatively small laser moon.
    The most powerful Sith in history and he couldn't understand that The Force wouldn't tolerate his little vanity projects for long.

    • @prawnvr8598
      @prawnvr8598 9 місяців тому

      He wasn't the most powerful though there are others would destroy him

    • @DoctorBored357
      @DoctorBored357 9 місяців тому

      @@prawnvr8598 George Lucas has literally stated multiple times that Palpatine is the most powerful Sith to ever exist. That's from the CREATOR of Star Wars. Viciate/Valkorion, Revan, Tulak Horde, Bane, Exar Kun, Freedon Nadd ect were all very powerful and did many astonishing things but they are not on the same level as Darth Sidious. Yes, old Sheev was ultimately blinded by his arrogance but he's still at the top of the ladder.

    • @prawnvr8598
      @prawnvr8598 9 місяців тому

      @@DoctorBored357 yeah your right but also I'd like to see sheeve suck up all the force energy of entire star system for a quick snack

  • @sukabashi9330
    @sukabashi9330 9 місяців тому +12

    Honestly if i had to choose between more ships that i had and see everyday or a giant space station that shoots death beams i'd definitely choose the space station lol

  • @ballisticbeluga6426
    @ballisticbeluga6426 9 місяців тому +1

    For Giveaway: A duel use saber. One emitter is like Kanan Jarrus’ saber and has the conventional blade. Middle of the hilt is built like Obi-Wan Kenobi, but instead of gold highlights, it’s cobalt gray. The saber also comes with a lower emitter, designed like Plo Koon’s primary emitter, that tilts with motion and has a light whip set to stun. The fight style would involve using the whip to put the opponent off balance while advancing with an aggressive primary form. The whip could also be used as crowd control or for apprehending enemies.

  • @Gills0101
    @Gills0101 8 місяців тому +1

    My ideal lightaaber would be 1.5 times longer than and normal hilt, better for two-handed combat. There would be a knob near the emitter that would adjust the blade length. The hilt would be discreetly curved and predominately silver. Highlights of brass or copper would line the edge of the Kanan Jarrus style emmiter as well as accenting the sides and pommel of the saber. The hilt would boast a switch simmilar to Reys lightsaber for ignition (Don't hate me, the switch is cool). The grip would be a bumpy rubber material for cushioning the hand. The bottom half of the lightsaber twists off, allowing the user to twist in other attachments, such as a second saber allowing double sided capabilities, or a staff. The blade would then be shortened and an automatic procedure would be run through, uncurving the hilt and turning the hilt into a lightsaber pike. The process to uncurve the hilt can be used without the pike attachment. Several crystals are used making this saber dual phase or flicker-phase. The crystals are different colors and another knob under the knob controling the blade length is used to switch between 4 crystals. The colors are turqoise, orange, and lime green. The fourth crystal is a Ghostfire crystal. The crystals can be switched through in the heat of battle, confusing the enemy and allowing disorienting counter attacks. The entire hilt is an alloy, part beskar, making it impervious to an attempt to cut the hilt in half. The grip is a dark turqoise and the emitter is a mottled alloy, akin to a Damascus steel knife. That's all i have to cram in here. Spent way to long writing this. 🙃

  • @hiiamsam4808
    @hiiamsam4808 8 місяців тому +2

    Imagine having a lightsaber built in your arm, something like in Cyberpunk 2077, it could have built in rotation system and little paser blaster. On wrist could be a control display (you could change length, switch from single to double blade, configure the spinning). It can also be in aform of ontobotic third hand because why not?

  • @wan0
    @wan0 8 місяців тому +1

    my ideal lightsaber would be 2 lightsabers attached to Chopper at the hip so when he spins, he can do infinitely more damage and war crimes.

  • @elpicador3818
    @elpicador3818 9 місяців тому

    Dooku’s lightsaber would do it for me. My man have always been under appreciated when it comes to talking about Star Wars in general.

  • @baseballking251
    @baseballking251 9 місяців тому +3

    Gotta say my ideal lightsaber hilt would probably something similar to what Cal Kestis uses in Jedi Fallen Order/Survivor. Having the options of single/double bladed+dual wield I feel would allow you to use the widest range of lightsaber forms, which in a battle could be huge. Revan is also one of my fav characters in all of SW, so I would 100% make half with light side properties(purple) and the other half with dark side ones. Would also serve as a constant reminder that light cannot exist without darkness and vis-versa.

  • @joeespeland1361
    @joeespeland1361 8 місяців тому +1

    While a lot of lightsabers out there have elaborate grips with ridges or rough designs, I personally think that a much better design for grip and overall aesthetic would be something wrapped around a simple metal shaft like leather or cord like you see on a katana of some sort. I personally would build a saber with an emitter similar to Obi-Wan's with a leather grip in the middle perhaps branded with the jedi order symbol.

  • @GezerGozer
    @GezerGozer 8 місяців тому

    The Etherial Prism Blade is a lightsaber that incorporates advanced technology and elegant design elements. Its core feature is a set of interchangeable crystals that allow the wielder to customize the blade's color, properties, and even its combat style. Here's a breakdown of its unique features:
    Interchangeable Crystals: The hilt of the Etherial Prism Blade contains three crystal slots. Wielders can insert different crystals into these slots to customize their lightsaber. Each crystal contributes to the blade's color, blade length, and unique properties.
    Color Variability: The central crystal determines the blade's color. The outer two crystals influence the blade's secondary hues, creating a stunning gradient effect. This allows for thousands of color combinations, ensuring that no two Etherial Prism Blades are the same.
    Adaptive Combat Styles: The crystals also influence the blade's combat properties. For example, one crystal might enhance its defensive capabilities, creating a broader and more resilient blade, while another crystal might improve its offensive power, making the blade narrower and more focused.
    Variable Length: By adjusting the crystals' alignment and power output, the wielder can change the blade's length on the fly, ranging from a short and agile dagger-like blade to a long, elegant staff.
    Holographic Interface: The hilt features a holographic display that allows the wielder to fine-tune crystal settings and monitor the lightsaber's energy levels and temperature in real-time.
    Kinetic Energy Converter: The Etherial Prism Blade incorporates a unique technology that converts kinetic energy from movements into additional power for the blade. This encourages a fluid and kinetic fighting style, rewarding skilled combatants with more formidable strikes.
    Versatile Hilt Design: The hilt is ergonomically designed for comfort and can be split into two smaller hilts, creating dual-wielded sabers. The center grip section can also detach and function as a short lightsaber or even a shoto-style lightsaber.
    Sound and Visual Effects: The lightsaber emits a harmonious hum, and its blade leaves behind mesmerizing trails of light as it moves, creating a dazzling visual spectacle during combat.
    The Etherial Prism Blade is not only a weapon but also a work of art, allowing its wielder to express themselves through both its appearance and combat style. Its adaptability and customization options make it a true masterpiece in the galaxy far, far away.

  • @aidenrobinson363
    @aidenrobinson363 9 місяців тому +1

    Ideal sabre would be a single-bladed cross guard saber both vents pointed at a 45° angle with some kind of material covering the underside to ensure no accidental user injury. White in colour and hilt colour of gold and black.

  • @googlekonto194
    @googlekonto194 9 місяців тому +1

    My ideal lightsaber would probably be a mixture of the hilts constructed by Qui-Gon and Luke. Since I did sword fighting and know how easy you can loose your grip sometimes, I really like the "Rips" of Qui-Gons Lightsaber which provide additional grip. Additionally to that, he also designed his blade to have a longer hilt, which I would greatly benefit from, as I have quite big hands. For the color of the grip I would also stick with black as I quite like the combination of silver and black. Aside from the gripping area, I would like to have a bigger end of the lightsaber, like on Lukes one, since this provides another attack option. Also I really like the front part of Lukes Lightsaber, so I would probably adapt the circular shape thing he did there.

  • @matthewwilliamsjr
    @matthewwilliamsjr 9 місяців тому

    My ideal lightsaber would make me invisible so that all people could see is a floating lightsaber

  • @matthewwilliamsjr
    @matthewwilliamsjr 9 місяців тому

    My ideal lightsaber would change colors based on my opponent’s moral alignment and intensions

  • @matthewwilliamsjr
    @matthewwilliamsjr 9 місяців тому

    My ideal lightsaber would be able to cut through tin cans and still be able to slice a tomato

  • @shantanuchaudhary9712
    @shantanuchaudhary9712 9 місяців тому +3

    Another reason might be the Yuuzhan Vong , Palpatine might have realised that for very Thrawn there are hundreds of Ozzel's and Constantine's. Even if THRAWN and some other admiral might be well of against the Vong that will not be the case for rest navy , so they needed some aces up their sleeves

  • @nicj013
    @nicj013 8 місяців тому

    My ideal lightsaber would have a disconnected design to it. The main portion of the hilt that you hold would be very simple with a smooth metal design and a black ridged grip on the center of one side of the hilt and a red activation button for a pop of color. It would house most of the mechanics and the crystal chamber.
    The pommel and emitter, however, would be separated from the main handle and the pommel would likely house the power supply. They would be attached and connected by several small curved metal tube like pieces that run the necessary wiring from each end of the hilt. The pommel would be simple with a rounded end. The emitter would have a slight conical shape getting wider towards the top. It would be well suited for a Jedi in hiding after the purge since the disjointed design would throw off suspicion. As for the blade color it'd have to be yellow. Orange could be cool too though.

  • @jacksnintendoshorts
    @jacksnintendoshorts 9 місяців тому +1

    Comment for giveaway: my ideal lightsaber would include a mini Death Star-like energy weapon attached to the end of the hilt as a counter weight-there would also be a separate trigger in which the longer you hold it down, the more powerful the blast (like one second does barely anything while holding it down for a week could destroy entire sections of planets) This just seems like the kind of thing you would see in legends or force unleashed games. For the design of the rest of it would be a dual trigger wooden hilt with some metal showing at the top and at the base where the ball shaped the energy weapon is stored and a hilt guard at the top similar to Caleb dune’s. I hope you like the idea :)

  • @Squiddy-go1du
    @Squiddy-go1du 9 місяців тому

    One of my all time favourite lightsabers is Cals, I love lightsabers with the split blade emitter, also I like how customisable it is. If anything I’d say it’s one of the most elegant lightsaber designs I’ve ever seen.

  • @matthewwilliamsjr
    @matthewwilliamsjr 9 місяців тому

    My ideal lightsaber would make that “oooooOOWWAAnk” sound those 90s tube toys would make. You know the one.

  • @matthewwilliamsjr
    @matthewwilliamsjr 9 місяців тому

    My ideal lightsaber would make the Owen Wilson “wow” when I swooshed it

  • @maxmciver982
    @maxmciver982 8 місяців тому +1

    My ideal lightsaber I think would probably look more like a quarter staff. I’m thinking like maul’s, but with a longer handle and shorter blades. I’m pretty short and not physically strong, so a quarterstaff would allow me to have reach, as well as playing into strategic stabs rather than full swings. Assuming I have force affinity, I think you could force pull and push the longer hilt within your hands to add a surprise factor about how far you are going to extend your strike without needing to commit fully like a normal blade

  • @jack6671
    @jack6671 8 місяців тому +1

    I personally would love a natural rocky appearance saber, something like a meteorite stone handle with the wood from gungi lightsaber surrounding, and the emitter would look kinda of like Baylan Skoll

  • @reecewilber
    @reecewilber 9 місяців тому

    My ideal saber would be designed akin to Starkiller's where it has an exposed kyber crystal that's broken off into two fragments similar to Cal Kestis', so that when the user tries to duel wield and use Jar'Kai, you can see the crystal react according to a lightsaber duel. As if the user were leaning into the dark side, you would see the crystal emanate like it has a heartbeat, glowing from blue to the crystal maybe shifting towards red/purple like they're bleeding the crystal (or becoming a user of both sides of the force) more and more after every strike, or losing its color and becoming a dead crystal over time. Kind of like what might happen if a dark side user were to fail in bleeding their crystal. I think it'd be a nice visual representation of the user's alignment in the force and as for parts or function, I like the detachable feature of Cal's, so that you can manually switch between lightsaber forms like single bladed, double, or dual wielding it keeps things interesting.

  • @xasian-hybridx6164
    @xasian-hybridx6164 8 місяців тому +1

    My ideal lightsaber would be a thinner rapier type lightsaber that uses a mini Droideka shield as the guard. I could imagine you could have a switch like on Dooku’s lightsaber to change the length to be longer or shorter depending on the situations

  • @KunalYadav-vi9bg
    @KunalYadav-vi9bg 9 місяців тому

    Love Count Dooku's lightsaber .A symphony of elegance and power. Crafted with precision, its hilt boasts a slender, curved design, reasembling a graceful weapon of a bygone era. The hilt's metallic sheen gleams with a regal, austere allure,it's red sith blade looking like a sanguine beacon of authority in the darkness of the galaxy. With every graceful flourish, it dances trough the air, a testament to the finese and mastry of its wielder.

  • @alanolex3962
    @alanolex3962 8 місяців тому

    Ideal lightsaber for the giveaway.
    Rapier lightsaber with a swept guard, ideally made of beskar. Pretty simply but having full hand protection which can also withstand a lightsaber blow is so useful in a duel.

  • @xihix7619
    @xihix7619 9 місяців тому +1

    For the lightsaber gif away, i commented on a post to but wasn't sure that counted.
    I've often imagined variations of a more primitive, animalistic hilt instead of the slim metal of most hilts.
    So a rancor bone inscribed with Dathomirian runes and clothed with a few leather robes as the basis, with a single, metalic axe head at the emitter, similar to that of Malgus' hilt or Savage Opress' axe, for some extra non-ignited lethallity. On the other side of the emitter is a small tooth of some creature, more just as ornamentation. The rest of the emitter is adorned with jewels, stones and locks of fur of various cross galactic ethnicities. Finally for the pommel, a Koboh spiker flower (fake cos it won't survive being swung around) caged in a complex cone shaped structure of thin metalic... Beauty, don't know how to explain it but it's like a frame wherein the flower is visible. Oh and the various buttons are also all jems.

  • @x-gigaraptor8843
    @x-gigaraptor8843 9 місяців тому +1

    My ideal lightsaber would be a double sided one akin to Maul's in rebels. Maybe not the cane part so much (though it does have its uses) the guard prevents your hand from sliding into the blade AND hitting yourself from spinning (with has happened to me before when practicing) lightsaber staffs as a whole have the usage of being single or double bladed, being adaptable. I would likely have a guard to the other end as well to not only keep the weight level but for some extra grip protection.

  • @eddieolivas4804
    @eddieolivas4804 9 місяців тому +1

    Anyways, my ideal lightsaber would be Count Dooku’s. I like practicing Form II, so I think it would help

  • @eliminator1472
    @eliminator1472 9 місяців тому +3

    I wonder what Dooku thought of the DS. He knew if it’s existence (or future existence) but to what extent? He seemed keen on the idea from what I’ve seen in the movie but what were his true thoughts regarding it?

  • @americancheese8638
    @americancheese8638 8 місяців тому

    Honestly I love the idea of a wood handled saber hilt in Palpatine’s style as my ideal light saber

  • @matthewwilliamsjr
    @matthewwilliamsjr 9 місяців тому

    My ideal lightsaber would be gold plated, dripped in chains, sunglasses, and gold teeth

  • @matthewwilliamsjr
    @matthewwilliamsjr 9 місяців тому

    My ideal lightsaber would give me words of affirmation as I fought

  • @didierpelupessy
    @didierpelupessy 9 місяців тому

    Ideal lightsaber depends on legends or canon:
    Legends: a kortosis crossguard, or basket hilt (even if that makes mobility a little harder), to protect the hand, thinner hilt with a somewhat wider pommel so that it handles more like a longsword.
    Canon: since it’s unlikely I’ll ever get my hands on beskar, I’d go for a more traditional hilt, though with added weight towards the emmiter for added momentum, lending itself to form V, and it’s heavier strikes.

  • @chrisstetsko5020
    @chrisstetsko5020 9 місяців тому

    I remember reading that Palpatine foresaw the eventual arrival of the Yuuzhan Vong (ie or Grysk). He was building up massive military armada, and plundering the resources of the outer rim worlds in order to prepare.
    The Death Star and DSII were supposed to be ultimate one-two punches should the invaders have broken through the Outer Rim defenses and begun attacking the Core Worlds.
    Except the Rebellion threw a monkeywrench into everything, and well when the Yuuzhan Vong/Grysk finally did invade the Galaxy, trillions and trillions were killed, and entire star systems were wiped out.

  • @tylerbaker2411
    @tylerbaker2411 8 місяців тому

    My ideal lightsaber would be a separatable double blade, with handle elements of rare woods, meteorite, and fossils. One blade being yellow, and the other being yellow but with a switch to extend the blade to a greater length and through a purple crystal. And a stave to attach to either one to make a saberstaff.

  • @LizardLord-yq1nh
    @LizardLord-yq1nh 8 місяців тому

    Have to say my ideal light saber would be a double bladed saber that folds in on itself and doubles as a blaster with cross gaurd hilts and a bottom piece that opens up to hold items while also doubling as a light whip. It would also become electrical when a switch is pushed on the ignition

  • @belrondbaker3644
    @belrondbaker3644 9 місяців тому

    Ideal lightsaber would have three fins protruding for a couple inches past the emitter like the Iesengard tower from Lord of the Rings. Base metal is black with mostly silver highlight and brown leather wrapped around the hilt. The three arms at the top are connected by narrowing silver bands starting just below the emitter. 2 silver bars run the length down, on opposite sides with one of them interrupted by the ignition button, culminating in a soft silver point for a hilt (like a long sword). The brown leather covers the middle third essentially. The blade is either red or blue (keep it classic).
    This is for the giveaway

  • @jaysonrguarino
    @jaysonrguarino 8 місяців тому

    My ideal lightsaber build: A dual phase lightsaber meaning it holds not 1 but 2 kyber crystals. One being cyan representing calm, peace and water, the other being orange to represent the balance of the light and dark side of the force. This is to distinguish from my friends and foes I am no Jedi, nor am I a sith either. I’m in the middle yet am noble and fight for what’s right. My hilt would be made of beskar so it can’t be sliced in half and can also be used as a deflector in case blasters shoot between my blades, gold electrum would be used as well and the hilt would be a mix of the devastator lightsaber and lord korvax’ ornate lightsaber. The blade sound would be intimidating and have a deep bass to it when it moves.

  • @coolandamazingchicken6165
    @coolandamazingchicken6165 8 місяців тому

    My ideal lightsaber would definitely be Count Dooku's for one simple reason - it embodies the perfect fusion of power and grace. The curved hilt not only looks incredibly distinctive but also enhances precision and control in combat. It's like having the best of both worlds, the elegance of a Jedi and the strength of a Sith, all in one iconic weapon. Count Dooku's lightsaber just resonates with my desire for a unique and versatile tool in the galaxy far, far away."

  • @brysonpike4675
    @brysonpike4675 9 місяців тому

    My ideal lightsaber would be count dookus, the way the handle curves and dookus use of form II and how elegant he is with lightsaber makes it my ideal lightsaber hands down!

  • @robotchickenpig7730
    @robotchickenpig7730 8 місяців тому

    Very simple ideal saber. One that can switch the end it’s emitting from, top emitter standard blade and the bottom a shoto/dagger. Being able to switch up in combat would be filthy.

  • @matthewwilliamsjr
    @matthewwilliamsjr 9 місяців тому

    My ideal lightsaber doubles as a microphone so I can still perform my Jedi concerts. (Yeah yeah visions I know)

  • @Bean._.
    @Bean._. 8 місяців тому

    I've had an idea for a lightsaber for a while, which is basically a dual bladed saber but instead of one hilt in the middle, there's two handles that the user can maneuver up and down the blade with the force. These handles can be locked together or taken apart, with the blade able to come out either end. This weapon would work much more like a tradition bo staff allowing the user to use many different grips and varying attacks.

  • @ThePolarisSystem
    @ThePolarisSystem 8 місяців тому

    My ideal lightsaber would be Cal Kestis’s, specifically the way it functioned in Jedi: Survivor. Incredibly modular, versatile, able to switch things up at a moments notice.

  • @mightygreen3364
    @mightygreen3364 9 місяців тому +1

    I also think that Palpetine never really thought of the rebels as a threat, making a better military unnecessary.

  • @Forcewielder67
    @Forcewielder67 9 місяців тому +1

    My optimal lightsaber would have to be something like a combination of Star Killers, Cal Kestis’s, and Anakins, I would take the pommel and hilt of the New Hope Anakin, with the crystal chamber of Star Killers and the emitter of Cal Kestis’s I believe all 3 of these sabers are beauty’s and could combine into an amazing lightsaber hilt design.

  • @emilerkkila4108
    @emilerkkila4108 9 місяців тому +1

    For the Lightsaber giveaway i would like to say that my dream Lightsaber is a steam punk style Lightsaber with lots of dark leather and copper and brass and then cool walnut accents would be amazing

  • @chrisenpasto
    @chrisenpasto 8 місяців тому

    My ideal lightsaber would use beskar as the hilt to avoid it being sliced or damaged in battle. I’d like for it to be similar in look to Obi-Wan’s third lightsaber, and for the blade to be an unstable purple from the Force Unleashed game. Having a slightly longer hilt with the ability to alter blade length would also be nice.

  • @ronensalathe
    @ronensalathe 9 місяців тому +1

    My ideal lightsaber would be a sleek, phrik hilt with an electrum finish (like sidious but more electrum) with an amethyst purple blade

  • @mySkyblue23
    @mySkyblue23 9 місяців тому

    My ideal lightsaber would be a duel blade like Ashoka a dominant one and then a smaller one for defense. The actual sabers I would want them straight and sleek looking with a very simple geometric design. But the main thing is somehow to have a window inside so you could actually see the kyber crystals. Since that is the most important part of the blade I’d want it highlighted. As far as the color I’ve always been a fan of the green color but Mace Windus purple is pretty cool too.

  • @vincentpiombino641
    @vincentpiombino641 9 місяців тому

    Ideal lightsaber: Something like Tenel Ka Djo’s rancor tooth lightsaber. I think a a lightsaber where the hilt is fanged would be a cool aesthetic but also functional, if blades are locked you could come down and straight shoulder stab someone. I think a Kraft dragon fang for a tusken Jedi would be the raddest.

  • @matthewwilliamsjr
    @matthewwilliamsjr 9 місяців тому

    My ideal lightsaber would be voice activated and could only be activated by saying “hey lightsaber, activate blade”. Unrelated, it could also tell me the weather on any given planet I’m on

  • @user-wo9gl6tc4f
    @user-wo9gl6tc4f 9 місяців тому

    The perfect style lightsaber will be a little curved like Dooku's, but longer like Baylan's. The idea is that it can be used with both one and two hands and I'm saying that as a katana martial artist. Even in more stilized battle choreography like in the Prequels, you need a longer grip, because if you throw the lightsaber and catch it midair with your other hand or in the reversed grip, you just need a longer and if possible, thinner handle, so that it will be more like a stick - really thin, so it's light and comfortable to swing around.
    Let's talk about why it has to be curved now. The curved hilt is very popular in Late medieval Europe, for example in rapiers, the Russian shashka saber and even some of the earlier katanas or tachis in Feudal Japan. The reason for this is that with a curved hilt you can attack and block from various angles, difficult with a straight handle. The second reason, of course, is that it looks badass. I discovered that myself with a stick, when I was a kid, which was more curved on the one end and less curved in the opposite direction, so it really looked like a saber, but unfortunately I broke it.
    In conclusion, the closest thing we have in the actual franchise are Ahsoka's white blades from Rebels, which have a little curveture and are long enough at the same time. They really look like a samurai sword. Especially, like Rurouni Kenshin's sword before the Sakabatō, while he was "The manslayer". In one scene when Kenshin stucks it in the ground it's obvious that the hilt is curved in the middle. Hell, even those Ahsoka blades, I was talking about earlier, are called "Samurai" in some online shops.

  • @paxsondavies1575
    @paxsondavies1575 9 місяців тому

    The optimal lightsaber for me would have elements of Thrawns Star destroyer from Ahsoka. Cracks filled in with gold, add in a small Ysalamir design on the bottom and the Chimera paint design up the hilt. Add a nice blue Kyber crystal and we’re gold 👌

  • @porkiousttv
    @porkiousttv 8 місяців тому

    Ideal saber would be more of a franken-saber, with the emitter having a cross guard section (like the one from Jedi survivor) the unique part of it would be having a second kyber crystal in it (again similar to Cal’s lightsaber) but instead of a second blade, take a page from Ezra’s book and have it function like his first one, with the ability to fire, except it’d be able to have the blade active at the same time as well

  • @jointhecommunistpartywegot9415
    @jointhecommunistpartywegot9415 8 місяців тому

    My Ideal lightsaber:
    A wooden lightsaber with chrome elements that "flow" from a see through chrome and stained glass(like in medieval church windows) kyber chrystal chamber to the emitter and branch into a root shaped hand guard. The wood would be kept in rustic style, so not be carved too much and would keep its natural smell(i like the smell of some wood very much😅)

  • @darth_indominus6615
    @darth_indominus6615 9 місяців тому

    My Ideal lightsaber is definitely gonna be a green blade. Maybe have two of them where I can lock them together to create a double-blades lightsaber. For the hilt/blade, I’d like to be able to make it into a sort of Katana. Kind of like Ahsoka’s lightsabers but more katana shaped and the second saber being the same size as the other. And instead of traditional sabers, they require a katana sheath to hold them. The hilt part is gonna be made out of the scales of a Zillo Beast to give it some resistance if it were to be struck by another blade mid battle. At the base where the blade emits from the hilt, there will be a small, curved blade which can be used to snag an opponents blade and move it any way you please, kind of like a Sai.

  • @davidwaquene7595
    @davidwaquene7595 9 місяців тому

    An ideal lightsaber for me would be a pike variant that keeps the standard length blade or one slightly longer with a handle made of a lightsaber resistant material like beskar. You mention in your lightsaber video a year ago of collapsible handles for a pike and while that would be useful if I had to chose between this function and applying a cross guard, I would probably add a cross guard with more width than typical to prevent overhead swings after a piercing move.

  • @matthewwilliamsjr
    @matthewwilliamsjr 9 місяців тому

    My ideal lightsaber would wield its own mini lightsaber

  • @MrByakkoneko
    @MrByakkoneko 9 місяців тому

    My ideal lightsaber would be a Lightfoil type design, since I'm a trained fencer. It would be a good fit for my Makashi style preference in swordfighting. I'd probably go for a nice Durite and Electrum casing so it is all black and gold and beautiful. Colour wise... Magenta, to confuse and surprise my opponent, and catch them off guard for a decisive quick finisher.

  • @drewskiii7766
    @drewskiii7766 9 місяців тому

    My ideal lightsaber would have to be a long, double-sided hilt that can be detached at the halfway point, like in Jedi Survivor, with the adjustable cross guard, of course. It would also have a touch of style with a jewel, similar to obi-wan's lightsaber in episode 2. A comfortable but good-looking dark leather handle, so it doesn't get too hot or cold in harsh environments. I prefer a metal D-ring holder at the pommel instead of a covertec belt holder. Lastly, a sleek emitter that curves upwards on one side, similar to anakin's lightsaber.

  • @ItsWezOosh
    @ItsWezOosh 8 місяців тому

    My optimal lightsaber would be a saber in the style of a metallic tape measure. Think about it, I can extend the blade whenever I want to and lock it making it straight, I can make it into a makeshift whip and have it return to me quickly and it'll be extremely portable and easy to carry. Plus, I would be able to measure things at the same time and essentially increase/decrease my saber blade length at will

    • @ItsWezOosh
      @ItsWezOosh 8 місяців тому

      In dooku's hilt style too

  • @matthewwilliamsjr
    @matthewwilliamsjr 9 місяців тому

    My ideal lightsaber would be able to collect the souls of my enemy’s making my blade stronger

  • @johnanator11
    @johnanator11 8 місяців тому

    My ideal lightsaber would be a double bladed saber with a blaster on it. Imagine the combat advantages of a dual bladed saber and being able to use it from a distance

  • @zacharyscites7800
    @zacharyscites7800 9 місяців тому

    My ideal lightsaber would be mandalorian inspired. The hilt will be slightly curved like the tusk on the mythosuar. With etching along the side in the mandalorian language that says “The force is the strongest weapon of all”. The entire lightsaber would be made of pure beskar and the blades color would be yellow.

  • @baronofcool8665
    @baronofcool8665 9 місяців тому +1

    My ideal lightsaber type would be a lightsaber at the end of a chain, sort of like the blades of chaos from god of war.

  • @scrambler_850_rider
    @scrambler_850_rider 8 місяців тому

    My ideal lightsaber would be to use them like Kratos from God of War. I would have two curved shoto type sabers with brass accents and wood etching on them. Leather grips on the hilts would also be nice. Since they take inspiration from God of War, they would probably be red bladed sabers. They would be chained or tethered to the arms and thrown with the force. This would bring range and versatility to combat. A dark side user with combat experience could utilize these well.

  • @lucasmartin6335
    @lucasmartin6335 8 місяців тому

    My most ideal lightsaber would be a combination of a the lightsaber rifle and count dooku style curved dueling blade.
    Since in lore the rifle works by the lightsaber being loaded on the top itd be sick to reverse it. Have the curve of the lightsaber act almost like a pistol grip/magazine and the rifle slots ontop of it. Gives long range engagements (although frowned upon) as well as a blade designed specially for close range dueling

  • @EsteyDestroyer
    @EsteyDestroyer 9 місяців тому

    To be honest, My Ideal lightsaber is probably gonna have to be like Ezra Bridget’s first lightsaber, the idea of a Blaster combined with a Lightsaber is creative, and you can switch between them in battle, but that would probably be my ideal saber

  • @masonhorne5813
    @masonhorne5813 9 місяців тому

    My ideal lightsaber hilt is a shoto hilt with the intricate design of Dagan Gera from Jedi survivor but with an asymmetrical emitter like anakins. It would be a pristine silver and gold with wood accents for the grip or buttons. The blade would be a light amber orange and be a normal length.

  • @frogartti
    @frogartti 8 місяців тому

    The hilt of my ideal lightsaber would be similar to a 17th century swept-hilt rapier. The guard would be made out of beskar. For the blade color I’d go with a deep purple.

  • @VerdantImage
    @VerdantImage 9 місяців тому

    Ideal lightsaber would be a combo between dooku/ ventress. Dual dooku, gold outlines like palpatine. Mix of purple and red, similar to the struggle of light and dark. Would also allow more acrobatic fighting in double weild as well as measured in single.

  • @Lexxlionz
    @Lexxlionz 9 місяців тому

    My ideal saber would attach to your arm truly making it an extension of your body that creates a force field behind the user and at the end of the hilt would be a small rotating saber that would protect your arm from blasters

  • @himanshubansal3619
    @himanshubansal3619 8 місяців тому

    My ideal lightsaber would be a futuristic saber which could spin so fast on its axis that it could act as a shield for huge blasts

  • @suspicioussushi1260
    @suspicioussushi1260 9 місяців тому

    My ideal lightsaber would be a saber with the ability to switch from emitting power from one vent to another underside on. Essentially a double bladed lightsaber the size of a single one that can only have one side lit at once to make use of the forbidden fighting form of turning your lightsaber off and on during combat.

  • @johnmillenson7990
    @johnmillenson7990 9 місяців тому

    My ideal lightsaber would be an orange double bladed lightsaber with emitters similar to cal kestis, and the hilt would be mainly black with gold accents around it.

  • @seth3k
    @seth3k 8 місяців тому +1

    For the lightsaber giveaway
    My ideal lightsaber would have a red and black samurai Katana hilt
    a dragon design that is embedded on the outside the of hilt some spots more out then others spots that wraps around the hilt
    The eye of the dragon would be the power button and the mouth would be aimed at the top so it would look like it’s breathing fire when the blade turns on ,
    blade that is custom designed to have a curved blade, so it looks similar to a real katana blade,
    you would be able to double connect it.
    It would come with a sheath that has a design that looks like a fire phoenix
    TLDR- I want a saber Hilt that looks like an actual Katana with the design and everything

  • @thrawn1593
    @thrawn1593 9 місяців тому

    My ideal lightsaber would have connections to my Native American heritage. I would add to the grip and emitter inlaid burl wood with significant carvings, wrap the switch in leather, and to the pommel add a d ring from which would hang a feather or bead work. I envision the general style to be similar to Cal Kestis's lightsaber with either dark gunmetal or white metal to contrast the brown of the wood and leather, and also bring this clash of old and new world, old and new tech to the aesthetic of this lightsaber. The overall vision of this lightsaber is to reflect my heritage with something that I love, as well as to remember my mom who was Native American and is the one who got me into Star Wars in the first place.

  • @Father_Droid
    @Father_Droid 9 місяців тому

    My ideal saber would probably be a standard lightsaber style. Hilt would be a silver with topaz in the shape of patterns on it. The blade is definitely an orange colour

  • @slothofthe7sins709
    @slothofthe7sins709 8 місяців тому

    If I got to have my ideal lightsaber I would want to make it the ultimate adeptable light saber. Similar to Cal, who is one of my favourite characters it could be single, double bladed or split into two, but I'd want to take it much further, I'm thinking a modular lightsaber where I could carry around a lot of different parts and swap them out quickly and easily to transform the function of the lightsaber: from extending the hilt to be more of a lightsaber pike, adding gribs to get the lightdaber tonfas from legends or the gauntlet style weapon in Plo Koon's concept art, an attachment to get a curve like Dooku or for a blaster hild like Ezra'd old lightsaber. As well as a button to extend or shorten the blade. Just a light saber consisting of a few swappable part that would make it so it can fit any scenario. Looks wise it would have a yellow blade and a wood-inlay hilt since I love the look of wood on lightsabers and it's something that's only seen rarely. Silver highlights and emitter would complete the look.

  • @kingcon1725
    @kingcon1725 9 місяців тому

    My ideal lightsaber is a crossguard amber in color, crystal window under the emitter, two switches (one to turn on the lightsaber and the other to control the crossguard emmition), brown leather wrap for the handle and on the pommel is a small chain attached to pommel with a crystal at the end of it.

    • @kingcon1725
      @kingcon1725 9 місяців тому

      And it would be blade with gold trimming in mint condition

  • @Berger2137
    @Berger2137 9 місяців тому

    I'd make a Bloodborne-inspired lightsaber:
    The Bloodborne Saber Hilt:
    The Bloodborne Saber hilt is a masterpiece of gothic craftsmanship and macabre elegance, designed to evoke the haunting atmosphere of Yharnam:
    Material: The hilt is crafted from weathered, darkened steel, giving it a foreboding appearance. Intricate engravings of arcane symbols adorn its surface, marking it with the dark magic of the Healing Church.
    Curved Pommel: The pommel of the hilt features a sinister, blood-red gem embedded within a serrated, crescent-shaped pommel. This gem radiates an unsettling crimson glow, symbolizing the darkness that lurks within.
    Eldritch Grip: To ensure a secure and comfortable hold during combat, the hilt is wrapped in a blood-red leather grip that feels both eerie and tactile. The leather is adorned with subtle stitching patterns resembling the textures of bloodborne attire.
    Gothic Ornaments: Hanging from the hilt are ornate, gothic-style charms and trinkets that add to the overall aesthetic. These may include miniature skulls, bat-wing motifs, and cross-shaped pendants, reinforcing the eerie and macabre theme.
    Hunter's Insignia: An engraved Hunter's Mark symbol is prominently displayed on the hilt's hilt guard, representing the user's connection to the world of Yharnam and their role as a hunter of beasts.
    The Bloodborne Saber hilt is not just a weapon; it's a relic from a nightmarish realm filled with dark secrets and cosmic horrors. It embodies the eerie and gothic atmosphere of Bloodborne, making it a unique lightsaber for those who appreciate the macabre. With this saber in hand, you can bring the haunting aesthetics of Yharnam into the Star Wars universe, striking a balance between darkness and elegance.

  • @auto9343
    @auto9343 9 місяців тому

    My lightsaber is bronze with a black metal grip. The saber is quite ancient, the grip is covered in etchings of 4 different languages, the multicolored crystal is actually the shards of different kyber crystals fused together, the blade mysteriously changes color depending on who wields it. Sometimes a person holding the saber may feel a mysterious presence observing them curiously.
    The lightsaber’s origin is unknown. All 4 of the languages that are etched on the grip have been lost to time. Was it passed down through an ancient order of force users? Was it a family heirloom? Used in a ritual long ago? It is impossible to tell

  • @petrlhotka644
    @petrlhotka644 8 місяців тому

    My ideal lightsaber is something between Kanan’s and Dooku’s. Dooku’s is really good for duels, and with Kanan’s esthetics it would look awesome!

  • @kodragon818
    @kodragon818 8 місяців тому

    Its very hard to really pick or describe my idel lightsaber. So many designs and ways to make it scream out. But if I where to narrow down the echos it would have to be a mixed one. Such as it would have both light and dark elements withen it. I have grown with the monster beside me and at times sharing his strength and need of savage, primal nature, yet I know of when to try and ve calm, let go and move with the flow of the force. Yet to see its core flash as if responding to its owners call and feelings. Should it ignite and be a red full of passion and rage, a type of blue and green to show more grace...or maybe it shall fall onto Grey or white a mix of the two havles finding a balance withen. Only time can tell and if the right lightsaber should finally become one with its owner.
    Thank you for all the videos and cool lore over the years!

  • @sirthog1091
    @sirthog1091 9 місяців тому

    My ideal lightsaber… I would say a 12” hilt with a pole extension feature that turns it into a naginata type weapon. I feel like that would increase the capabilities of a skilled user.

  • @iconicpigeon1733
    @iconicpigeon1733 8 місяців тому

    If I was a jedi I would ideally have a single blade with a slightly curved beskar hilt similar to Ahsoka's white lightsaber hilt but with an additional button to be able to create a shoto blade from the bottom of the hilt so it was similar to a one handed double bladed lightsaber but with 2 different sized blades. And I would have blue and yellow crystals in my lightsaber. So both blades were different colours yellow primary big blade and blue as the secondary short blade. But with a press of a button, it could create one blade focused through both crystals, making it a powerful green blade to work under water like Kit Fistos. My
    Sith lightsaber would be the same, but with a black hilt and both blades would be deep red.

  • @lukerafa5344
    @lukerafa5344 9 місяців тому

    If I had to come up with the most ideal lightsaber, I think that firstly the hilt / pummel would have to be made of pure beskar, in theory that means that it couldn’t be destroyed in battle like we’ve seen countless times, another thing I would have is a hand guard, to stop my hands coming off like count dooku, and thirdly I would imbue the kyber crystal with my life energy, the same way the sith would use to survive, and only I would know this, so that means if I were to fall in battle, I wouldnt completely die, and part of me would live on inside the (indestructible) lightsaber, then If the lightsaber was to have a new owner, I would use what power I have left to subtly corrupt the user and take over their mind, to one point being able to posses their body, meaning if this worked it would be a sort of immortality

  • @shanegorrie4199
    @shanegorrie4199 9 місяців тому

    My ideal lightsaber would be one with you signing it:)

  • @ThatNerdsposts
    @ThatNerdsposts 8 місяців тому

    A single bladed chrome elegant design with adjustable size blade and beskar pulter gaurd

  • @matthewwilliamsjr
    @matthewwilliamsjr 9 місяців тому

    My ideal lightsaber would be able to purposefully short out, causing lightning to shoot forth from the hilt due to the plasma no longer contained in its field

  • @odin_cospercival9853
    @odin_cospercival9853 9 місяців тому

    My ideal lightsaber would be something with runes ala viking style and a crossguard that looks like raven wings. Mostly in the metalic and black color with golden extras. Some details, looks like a moon, on the end (pommel) of the lightsaber where a keychain is connected with a feder om the end. The hilt would be covered in dark leather for a better gripp.
    I would like the possibility to connect a shorter saber on the other end like lady Maria's rakuyo from bloodborne, this would be fancy.

  • @matthewwilliamsjr
    @matthewwilliamsjr 9 місяців тому

    My ideal lightsaber would have a two-handed-sized hilt with with beskar-like cross guards and could turn into a flashlight on command

  • @JV-rz4xs
    @JV-rz4xs 9 місяців тому

    i have always loved count dooku lightsaber it matches his character perfectly in my opinion