+August Lundquist True, its probably a bug, but it also looks like you can't control the artifact wolf directly, which seems like a shame. My impression is that the 'normal' pet and the artifact wolf are ment to be controlled with the same buttons, but in doing so Blizz disregards a big opportunity. With a skill set of its own, and controls of its own, Blizz would make the artifact pet have a real identity of its own and make the class deeper, rewarding greater skill when playing.
+Joe Smith I think it's a bug, when I'm with my follower on my hunter either my pet or the follower is behind me. Hopefully, they'll fix it for legion.
Bellular, last year I tried out BM because it was your main I believe at the time (not sure if you still maining BM). I want to thank you bro, it is one of the most fun classes that I can take seriously and play for a while without feeling discouraged (like playing my first main ever Ele sham which I haven't been able to play seriously with that nerf making you stand still to cast lightning bolt). So yeah thanks for making me main my BM through WoD and going in Legion too.
Thank go you're not going through every single ability in the spell book, while reading out every single tooltip with the exact numbers, anymore. Thank you, really. I enjoy watching your spec overviews a lot more now that there's no 10 minutes of tooltip reading anymore :)
One thing to add. According to Finalboss's testing Murder of Crows scales with BM mastery, so at high mastery levels, the crows are going to deal a ton of damage.
+Smiles In vale of eternal blossoms there are worgs with the same look as Hati. Skoll looks better since he's darker but with the worg and Hati paired up I think it'll look better than Skoll and Hati.
+Boyd Daisley Because before you went and read the Norse legends, you went to play video games. TL;DR: Hati is the warg that wants to eat the moon, Skoll is the warg that wants to eat the sun. During an event called Ragnarok, they were both successful.
I actually really like what they've done to the spec, I main a BM Hunter and think that this is a really big improvement on what it was before. I don't mind that it's simple, not every class needs to have super high skills to play, my only complaint is that you can't control Hati. I really like the idea of having a second pet as BM, it makes the spec seem more...beasty, so Hati is super cool, I just hate how we can't control him, I feel like he should have his own action bar with his own unique abilities and the the different stances and things like that, it would make the spec a lot more entertaining to play and it would really feel like you have 2 pets. Plus they need to make Hati stand to right of you and not behind you, it was bothering me the whole video >.
I really don't like BM now because it just seems like their idea for the class is, "Throw more animals at the enemy!" Maybe I'm wrong but my idea with my hunter, ever since I spent a long time finding my exotic pet, was that my pet and I are a team, facing challenges and killing our enemies together. Now I can barely see my pet in the sea of animals I have on my target. Adding all these animals into the fray makes the bond between the pet and my toon feel less important. This would be fine with me if they hadn't simultaneously made MM lost the pet. I know you can not take the lone wolf talent, but it's so much better you'd be a fool not to (not to mention that, even if you don't take the Lone Wolf talent, you can't use your exotic pets anyways). It's just a really distasteful change in my opinion, for what I wanted out of the class. Why let BM be the only spec to tame exotic pets if you lessen the importance of that pet?
Thanks for all you do. I appreciate your videos. I am really upset about the way BM seems to be going. I was hoping for BM an the Hunter to get a fair shake but it seems like that's not going to be the case. BM Hunter is my favorite of the Hunter spec so this one really hits home. Very sad really. Thanks again for the excellent videos you do and all you do for the Wow community.
I do wish BM had been chosen as the melee spec over surv so you'd basically be rexxar, could've worked in some kind of ability a bit like the old warlock meta when it was a cooldown, occasionally take on a bestial form. They could've also taken the opportunity to work tinkerer elements into surv, give it the titan gun and it would go well with mecha pets and gnome hunters being a thing
Looks like a fun spec to me. Might be maining BM in legion. I think it would be cool for Hati to have his own pet bar and at least one ability to use (maybe an interrupt or some other kind of utility?) so he can be controlled separately, that would add some complexity to the class. And for those people who wanted to be lazy they could just make a macro to send both pets to attack the same target.
Volley looks like pigeons shitting on the target than an actual barrage of ammo. They should just name it A flock of pigeons, comes in and craps on your target for 5 sec, then you call in the crows with Murder of Crows. Then they should likely rename the spec Birdlover Hunter. Also make the Artifact wolf a summon that does damage and then leaves buffing you and the beast with focus regen or some other nice buff. No one wants another shitty pet following around. Also Armour for the BM hunter pet.
It would probably introduce balancing problems, but I wish the talent system would be three completely different kinds of talents for each tier. Right now for example, you might have the level 15 tier three mobility talents, 30 tier is 30 damage talents, and tier 45 is three survivability talents. I think it would be really cool if they revamped all the classes to have three completely different abilities each tier. You could make a glass cannon character that is completely focused on damage with low mobility and no survivability, or a super fast character, or a character with a ton of endurance. Probably too hard to balance but man it would be fun to have some real choice and specialization to characters.
I still think for for BM they should have had the major DPS cooldown be that you become your pet (a la Eye of the Beast) for a limited time. While doing it your body could be immune and kinda not fully there, like those monk abilities where you change places with a mirror image of yourself.
No, I got that. Just sounded pointless. Your pet has barely any abilities.. if any in legion now, actually. Why would I stop my rotation to just basic attack?
+Uther : I've always loved my hunters b/c of the rare pets...camped for them, tracked the trackables.....can easily get any spider in Molten....etc...and now they have taken BM, which is already a joke in Wod as I have to play MM to hit top dps numbers in raids/heroics but they've removed all abilities to TAME trackables and some that require freezing...and this new game play is absolutely stupid. They nerfed BM a lot, already, and now, they've just taken it all..including getting to see a glimpse of all the rares you tamed when hitting "Stampede". Pathetic....love that you have a 2nd "Skoll" look alike that won't toggle off combat and go passive like your main.....yay, blizz! You win the awful award! Being punished for playing WoW is fantastic! I know I love it....my other neglected toons will be happy. lol.
+Hats imulator Because he was standing still hitting target dummy, certainly NOT in a pvp situation where the buttons you use are situational. Guarantee in PvP a Bm hunter isn't 3 buttons and a CD
Great video Bell as always. No kill shot! WTF! Man, they really shit on the BM spec. No camo, no passive healing, no traps, it's a totally different class, aspect of the cheetah is lame - I'm an engineer, I already have a sprint, but now I just move slow every 3 min. Haiti doesn't even match my current theme. The cool thing about hunters is they were the only pet class capable of renaming their pets, not to mention the variety, you can't just throw a Haiti in there and expect it to fit with every race, name, or transmog. Aspect of the turtle only removes 30% and I can't attack for 8 seconds! The first thing you need to do with that skill is have a cancellation macro or you're fucked. If you can't transmog artifact weapons, then you can forget rolling around with the cool looking bows that 80% of hunters roll around with. Blizz had to be thinking there are too many BM hunters and screwed them. I don't mind a 3 button rotation and my choice to play BM never had anything to do with damage, but this looks like utter crap in alpha.
What about the artifact use ? you did explain it but didnt include it in the "final" gameplay rotation in the end of the video. I would like to know what it looks like :P
I think one of the big disconnects with this spec for me is the fact that I feel like a demonologist warlock, not a beastmaster hunter ya know? I mean, all the time i'm summoning stuff in to fight for me rather than really pumping up or celebrating my main pet. I mean if I was blizzard I would be making it to where you equip items onto your pet like you do for yourself, in the form of say armor and such things. For example, in D&D you can equip your pet with armor that can then be enchanted to help your pet out in combat, and one idea I really like is the use of amulets like in the instance of Amulet of Might Fists and such things. I really feel blizzard has lost focus on the animal aspect of hunters in general, considering that very few animals you can tame actually have unique and exciting move sets which leads to lack of appeal (I mean right now they're basically a physical representation of what raid buff you are bringing into a party and not much else as they all do just about the same thing.) I mean how cool would it be if a bear actually did something like the old druid move Bear Hug perhaps instead of just warrior slapping the floor with it's generic thunderstomp?
+Chuckthe Sloth (TheGuysWhoStream) Not to mention the disconnect I have with the hunter character itself now. When did beastmastery mean shooting lightning out of a gun as my main aesthetic? I mean I really like the idea of the weapon giving you a second pet that's really cool, but even then i feel like the thing to do there would be to say the second pet is instead a manifestation of your weapon itself fighting even further on your behalf, not some viking god's pet he has decided to lend you. To me that feels like a much better artifact than "We put lightning in this gun so here's a wolf!" Then there's the problem I mentioned before when I said I felt like a demonologist. You know, constantly calling in animals to help you, which are mostly WILD animals at that. I want to tame my pets and feel connected to them because as it is it all feels more druidic to me than a master of beasts should. I get the whole "connection with the wild and animals" thing, I love it, but that doesn't mean Mr. stranger Toucan Sam should port on over to me and start beating on this legion hellspawn i'm fighting in the twisting nether just because I called him. I propose that instead of all that we should be actually bonded and bound more to our decisions in our pets because it's a raptor vs a chimera thing rather than say crit vs haste buff. We also need something other than the cunning, tenacity, ferocity decisions we have now (which we all know aren't actually true decisions to make). I want to feel connected to my pets because they are unique and different from each other. Two pet's sounds really cool as a consistent thing for beastmaster, if you deck them out in sweet battle armor (or just some cool aesthetic that makes them stand apart from other animals in general), which would be cool as part of the artifact, and actually give them unique things to do character wise it's perfect.
At a basic level, a rotation should be simple, but there should also be an opportunity for players to make their rotation more complex in order to maximize throughput. With this in mind, I say that Blizzard shouldn't design classes to be difficult or easy (e.g Demon Hunters have been designed to be EZ), they should design classes that allow the player to decide whether they want their rotation to be simple, or whether they want to make it complicated at the benefit of having a higher throughput. A good example of this is Passive talents vs Active talents, and is something I think they need to work on in Legion. Having said that, I believe it would make more sense if Kill Command did bonus damage for every active pet summoned by Dire Beast. This interaction would be the core of BM. You would want to focus on trying to summon as many additional pets as possible with Dire Beast in order to maximize the throughput of Kill Command. Pretty simple foundation.Then, with the addition of talents, you could either add Active abilities to your rotation that synergize with the core foundation in order to increase your throughput, or take Passive abilities if you prefer to keep it simple. Also, Haiti needs a new model ideally on-par with the new Druid form models, and multiple skins in addition to the Artifact weapon skins... Not to sound greedy. :p
Though I like shooting things, I think BM Hunters should be more about the pet's damage and abilities than the hunter's. The only shots we should keep should be shots that get mobs off of us. If I remember right, Distracting Shot glyphed, sends your target to your pet. That should be baseline. Keep the generic pet commands like Bestial Wrath, Kill Command, Master's Call, Blink Strikes, etc. All other attacks and abilities will be pet type specific. If you have a Ferocity pet, you will essentially command your pet to be a Feral Druid, without worry to positioning and melee issues. Obviously, you won't have all of the abilities as a Feral Druid, but Blizzard is smart, they should be able to figure it out. Also, they should add in an ability to allow you to instantly switch your pet type. It would allow you to have the ability to switch to a Tenacity pet if your tank dies. The pet won't be as strong as a tank, but it would be able to hold it's own until the tank is rezzed. Give the ability a 2-5 minute cd. Name it "Aw, Shit" or something. Just my two cents.
I'm a BM Hunter..... Took me 5 years to tame Loq'Nahak... I like Bows.... Stuff the New BM Spec! Its gonna be shit! I can't have a stuffing good looking Artifact Bow because if I did that I don't have a pet!!! If I go Survival I get a stuffing Melee Weapon!!! IF I GO BM HUNTER!!!! I GET A STUFFING SHIT LOOKING WEAPON THAT LOOKS LIKE SHIT!!!! And don't even get me started on the Abilities!!! Shit! I can even hear it in Bellular's voice! He even thinks this Spec is freaking shit!
I really really want to put together a troll battleground made of half beast mastery hunters and half demonology warlocks. Just swarm everyone for fun under a small army of minions.
I still wish they gave BM hunters a melee stance so we can have wingclip, raptor strike, and mongoose bite back :( i miss being in the action aside my pet hacking and slashing plus it seems more unique thematically as well
yuk, I hope they put some more work in the hunter specs... they seem really lackluster atm and the hunter has always been my favorite class. I happy we have a melee option the talents and abilities seem like they need some work too.
After watching this-I'm not as worried for BM as a spec, but they really need to make it where stampede and dire beast are pets from your stable (or a pet of you choosing). Also, if they don't fix the artifact pet, that is going to be a HUGE mess in raiding /dungeons if you have a pet that you can't control (I can still remember pets randomly attacking Npcs before assist was introduced and making people angry :/)
I play BM on live for PvP and I'm loving these changes, in my opinion they improve the spec by miles. Them getting rid of cobra shots cast time was enough for me to be extremely happy, but now we have more buttons to make the spec more fast paced. Adding on to the fact that Bestial Wrath's CD can be lowered through abilities. My only complaint is the second pet, I strongly dislike that. I wish they would have focused around your main pet and your ability pets. Not to mention in PvP control of your pet is vital, so I really am worried that controlling this bugger will be annoying unless it just shares commands with your main pet. My last complaint being how hunters since vanilla have been able to choose what ever pet they want, but for this we're stuck with the blue wolf. I know many hunters (including me) love to change their pets based on their transmog so it matches, and the boring ass storm wolf is going to interfere a lot. Similar issue with the name.
+Nemenon they took CC and CC removing affects, you will be out of focus before you can call another dire beast, you will be dead from a rogue before you move two feet away and there is no way for you to see them now, because your traps are gone. good luck.
Well what I think by watching other videos and even yours on the BM hunter is that I feel it is a little boring and needs to be spiced up a bit more with pets. I have noticed that the proc for the Dire Beast reset is still rather low proc chance even if you choose the talent to increase it. I notice it happening maybe once a minute or so. I see people use Dire Beast more off of CD than with it procing. I think stampede should be in a different talent tier and add something else there so it would still feel like a pet spec along with changing stampede back to the way it is currently in WOD. In another video I noticed the "Focus Fire" proc appears above the head but no attacks are lit up to use and so on. So not sure what that is intended for.
+Faux King also you can transmog artifact weapon to look like other guns. So I'd start farming for 'mogs that look better. I for one think it matches my current 'mog pretty good. I use the Tier 5 Riftstalker. So the gray/off blue with streaks of lightning match it very good.
I love hunters, They are my favorite class in world of warcraft. I've always loved beast masters because well... I'm the master of the beasts. I'm not going to lie to you all the new BM spec looks... Dull to say the least. Basically I'll be stacking as much crit as taurenly possible, tmoging that shit gun into something that looks better, and spending all my gold on getting glyphs. I like the new dire beast gameplay, and I really like the talent that increases your main focus dump (Only focus dump?) can be increased by 5% for every beast you have out (your pet, hati, each dire beast which I'm looking for like 2 - 3 active at a time hopefully?) I just think they should make stampede how it was and instead making in to.. well... what it looks like now. Another thing though, give us basic control's of hati from the start, and give us more advanced control as an artifact talent. Let me be able to put hati on passive or direct hati where to stand. I'd appreciate that. The advanced control could be more direct control over hati's abilities.
I see you're using a normal wolf. Is there still any worth to having an Exotic pet? I last saw that the buff spells of pets were removed, so I am curious. Simply for vanity?
Im finally moving back to Hunter! I used to play BM mainly but with MoP i moved to survival but with survival being melee and MM being lone wolf, I thought I'd lost the hunter, but now Bm is viable again... so happy... too bad about stampede the 😭
the beast mastery tree should have been the melee tree. the bm pet could have been the thing to help with snares or even thrown the enemy in a direction. survival should have used traps to play keep away at range with their magical gun.
i think having the old stampede would be better, because of the synergy of that talent you can choose (cobra shot does 5% more dmg for each pet you have). so you could further push your dmg with stampede, having additional 5 pets (+25%dmg boost on cobra shot).. but maybe this would be too much burst power in pvp?
Cobsidering they're making a new talent tree and a complete dedicated stat allotment for pvp, i don't think "it shouldn't be balanced around pvp cause they don't care for it" is a valid argument
looks pretty decent, but the artifact wolf should be tied in to follow the exact commands that the primary pet does. in other words, if you put primary to passive, Hati is passive as well. as it stands, the weapon will cause waaaaaay too much trouble...
Dan Crouse yeah, but it needs to be immediate. We all know how much Trinket Pets can suck and this is almost like a constant trinket pet. It's just plain annoying honestly.
+John Nyman It's based off the Warcraft 3 Beastmaster version now. They summon a stampede of giant lizards to trample anything in a line. This is just following that example, but with different beasts instead of just one type.
+Fel Master May not affect you, but there are plenty of other huntards out there that use it. Not only for being a powerful cooldown, but, also a way to interact with all the pets you currently have set as active. It's just a bad move all around and a shame.
I like the thought of summoning lots of beasts and i think they managed to pull it of :) its not the most hardcore spec but i love spamming because it makes me feel like i got something to do all the time :) so glad blizz didnt fuck this up
i wish they did what to demonology to beast mastery hunters. have abilities they summoned random animals to help fight, like a horde of crows that would act as a dot etc
***** alpha it may be but its unlike to get that big a change between now and live maybe a tweak here or there, unless people say stuff (even then it may not change) at this point constructive criticism is a what makes the parts of the alpha that's people aren't thinking are great into good parts of gameplay. so what would i do to make it better, well if lots of minions is the demonlock zone them make the BM more about controlling there one pet to its utmost, so instead of just kill command add in a spell or two that is ""command your pet to do X""
They need to make chimera shot & or that new stampede baseline. The old stampede should come back but with a different name or something because I do like this new stampede just not in replacement of the old one. This seems enjoyable although it feels like something is missing.
Owww damn it, i though you get to have like a horde of pets with Dire Beast and instead it replaces your current beast every time you cast the spell.. That would have been awesome :)
I thought of a cool Beast Mastery hunter ability. Something we haven't seen before. Less X ability has a chance to proc Y ability, cooldown on Z ability that increases your damage by an amount for 15 seconds. Boooooring. What if they put in a dps cooldown where you actually control your pet, kind of like eyes of the beast. Your eyes glow green and you plant your feet and start channeling the ability, linking your spirit to your pet's allowing you to control the beast, giving him new rotational abilities. During this time, the hunter becomes impervious to damage and all crowd control. The pet takes 30% less damage and at the end of the duration all the damage taken from the pet is dealt to the hunter over 5 seconds.
I love all the people who are bitching about how the weapon and pet looks. I didn't know WoW was a dress-up simulator all of a sudden, why all the hate?
One improvement to be done straight away is give you control over the artifact wolf
+Kael Thor clearly a bug that will be fixed
+August Lundquist True, its probably a bug, but it also looks like you can't control the artifact wolf directly, which seems like a shame. My impression is that the 'normal' pet and the artifact wolf are ment to be controlled with the same buttons, but in doing so Blizz disregards a big opportunity. With a skill set of its own, and controls of its own, Blizz would make the artifact pet have a real identity of its own and make the class deeper, rewarding greater skill when playing.
They do. It's one of the artifact talents
they need to make the artifact wolf follow on the right instead of behind
+Joe Smith I was just thinking that. Agreed!
+Joe Smith wonder if they will make that change look after what your weapon looks like
+Joe Smith There should be a separate pet bar for it also.
+Joe Smith I think it's a bug, when I'm with my follower on my hunter either my pet or the follower is behind me. Hopefully, they'll fix it for legion.
+Joe Smith i gess in alfa is like that but later change that i think
I like the idea to have 2 pets, but you can't get a different 2nd pet. It can only be a wolf that really needs a model update tbh.
+Jaraxxus , Eredar Lord Of The Burning Legion I think the pet's model should change with the artifact weapon variations.
if we have an "artifact" pet it should at least be a unique model...
I don't know if they're updating the model from the get go but Hati can have the newer wolf model. I think its a gylph or unlockable from the artifact
Bellular, last year I tried out BM because it was your main I believe at the time (not sure if you still maining BM).
I want to thank you bro, it is one of the most fun classes that I can take seriously and play for a while without feeling discouraged (like playing my first main ever Ele sham which I haven't been able to play seriously with that nerf making you stand still to cast lightning bolt). So yeah thanks for making me main my BM through WoD and going in Legion too.
Thank go you're not going through every single ability in the spell book, while reading out every single tooltip with the exact numbers, anymore. Thank you, really. I enjoy watching your spec overviews a lot more now that there's no 10 minutes of tooltip reading anymore :)
One thing to add. According to Finalboss's testing Murder of Crows scales with BM mastery, so at high mastery levels, the crows are going to deal a ton of damage.
Hati and Skoll!
+ shaman transmog GG
why did this make me think of Runescape
+Smiles In vale of eternal blossoms there are worgs with the same look as Hati. Skoll looks better since he's darker but with the worg and Hati paired up I think it'll look better than Skoll and Hati.
+Boyd Daisley Because before you went and read the Norse legends, you went to play video games.
TL;DR: Hati is the warg that wants to eat the moon, Skoll is the warg that wants to eat the sun. During an event called Ragnarok, they were both successful.
+Smiles Hati and Gera
I actually really like what they've done to the spec, I main a BM Hunter and think that this is a really big improvement on what it was before. I don't mind that it's simple, not every class needs to have super high skills to play, my only complaint is that you can't control Hati. I really like the idea of having a second pet as BM, it makes the spec seem more...beasty, so Hati is super cool, I just hate how we can't control him, I feel like he should have his own action bar with his own unique abilities and the the different stances and things like that, it would make the spec a lot more entertaining to play and it would really feel like you have 2 pets. Plus they need to make Hati stand to right of you and not behind you, it was bothering me the whole video >.
You can control hati but it's an artifact talent
+Dan Crouse yeah, but I mean control him separately from your main pet, with his own unique action bar and abilities
I really don't like BM now because it just seems like their idea for the class is, "Throw more animals at the enemy!" Maybe I'm wrong but my idea with my hunter, ever since I spent a long time finding my exotic pet, was that my pet and I are a team, facing challenges and killing our enemies together. Now I can barely see my pet in the sea of animals I have on my target. Adding all these animals into the fray makes the bond between the pet and my toon feel less important. This would be fine with me if they hadn't simultaneously made MM lost the pet. I know you can not take the lone wolf talent, but it's so much better you'd be a fool not to (not to mention that, even if you don't take the Lone Wolf talent, you can't use your exotic pets anyways). It's just a really distasteful change in my opinion, for what I wanted out of the class. Why let BM be the only spec to tame exotic pets if you lessen the importance of that pet?
i bet youre regretting the changes now
Looks waaaay better than on live.
Did someone say [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker]?
I think I heard someone say [Thuderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker]!
Lukathen The Majestic Budder Kitty I'm sure you just said [Thuderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker]
[Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker] But I don't remember saying [Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker].
Whose time machine brought all of you here from 2006??
Thanks for all you do. I appreciate your videos. I am really upset about the way BM seems to be going. I was hoping for BM an the Hunter to get a fair shake but it seems like that's not going to be the case. BM Hunter is my favorite of the Hunter spec so this one really hits home. Very sad really. Thanks again for the excellent videos you do and all you do for the Wow community.
I do wish BM had been chosen as the melee spec over surv so you'd basically be rexxar, could've worked in some kind of ability a bit like the old warlock meta when it was a cooldown, occasionally take on a bestial form. They could've also taken the opportunity to work tinkerer elements into surv, give it the titan gun and it would go well with mecha pets and gnome hunters being a thing
Looks like a fun spec to me. Might be maining BM in legion. I think it would be cool for Hati to have his own pet bar and at least one ability to use (maybe an interrupt or some other kind of utility?) so he can be controlled separately, that would add some complexity to the class. And for those people who wanted to be lazy they could just make a macro to send both pets to attack the same target.
Volley looks like pigeons shitting on the target than an actual barrage of ammo. They should just name it A flock of pigeons, comes in and craps on your target for 5 sec, then you call in the crows with Murder of Crows. Then they should likely rename the spec Birdlover Hunter.
Also make the Artifact wolf a summon that does damage and then leaves buffing you and the beast with focus regen or some other nice buff. No one wants another shitty pet following around.
Also Armour for the BM hunter pet.
+sushanalone "I play an ornithologist hunter"
lol ok , minorities are welcome.
It would probably introduce balancing problems, but I wish the talent system would be three completely different kinds of talents for each tier. Right now for example, you might have the level 15 tier three mobility talents, 30 tier is 30 damage talents, and tier 45 is three survivability talents. I think it would be really cool if they revamped all the classes to have three completely different abilities each tier. You could make a glass cannon character that is completely focused on damage with low mobility and no survivability, or a super fast character, or a character with a ton of endurance. Probably too hard to balance but man it would be fun to have some real choice and specialization to characters.
I still think for for BM they should have had the major DPS cooldown be that you become your pet (a la Eye of the Beast) for a limited time. While doing it your body could be immune and kinda not fully there, like those monk abilities where you change places with a mirror image of yourself.
+Ben Leighton How would that be a major boost to damage? So, now it's just your pet attacking, and not you? That sounds stupid.
+1trevor30 During that ability the pet does more damage than the both of you maybe? I thought it was too obvious to spell out.
No, I got that. Just sounded pointless. Your pet has barely any abilities.. if any in legion now, actually. Why would I stop my rotation to just basic attack?
Thanks for the vid, BM looks as horrible as I thought it was going to be. I guess it maybe time to ditch the Hunter as a main.
+Uther Eh it dosen't look that bad it looks pretty good but what class are you looking to main?
marksman and survival look solid so I wouldn't ditch it if it were my main. but if you want to reroll, try mage, fire looks too good
+A. C. If you compare it to only demonology the only other pet class in game it looks really poor.
unholy dk is kinda a pet class, not as pet-oriented but still reliant on the ghoul
+Uther : I've always loved my hunters b/c of the rare pets...camped for them, tracked the trackables.....can easily get any spider in Molten....etc...and now they have taken BM, which is already a joke in Wod as I have to play MM to hit top dps numbers in raids/heroics but they've removed all abilities to TAME trackables and some that require freezing...and this new game play is absolutely stupid. They nerfed BM a lot, already, and now, they've just taken it all..including getting to see a glimpse of all the rares you tamed when hitting "Stampede". Pathetic....love that you have a 2nd "Skoll" look alike that won't toggle off combat and go passive like your main.....yay, blizz! You win the awful award! Being punished for playing WoW is fantastic! I know I love it....my other neglected toons will be happy. lol.
3 buttons with a cooldown. Wow. Amazing. So much skill involved
+Hats imulator Bm is a pvp spec, and the guy in the video clearly isn't aware of this
+Left Hook still looks like 3 buttons and a cool down to me
+Hats imulator Because he was standing still hitting target dummy, certainly NOT in a pvp situation where the buttons you use are situational. Guarantee in PvP a Bm hunter isn't 3 buttons and a CD
Great video Bell as always. No kill shot! WTF! Man, they really shit on the BM spec. No camo, no passive healing, no traps, it's a totally different class, aspect of the cheetah is lame - I'm an engineer, I already have a sprint, but now I just move slow every 3 min. Haiti doesn't even match my current theme. The cool thing about hunters is they were the only pet class capable of renaming their pets, not to mention the variety, you can't just throw a Haiti in there and expect it to fit with every race, name, or transmog. Aspect of the turtle only removes 30% and I can't attack for 8 seconds! The first thing you need to do with that skill is have a cancellation macro or you're fucked. If you can't transmog artifact weapons, then you can forget rolling around with the cool looking bows that 80% of hunters roll around with. Blizz had to be thinking there are too many BM hunters and screwed them. I don't mind a 3 button rotation and my choice to play BM never had anything to do with damage, but this looks like utter crap in alpha.
What about the artifact use ? you did explain it but didnt include it in the "final" gameplay rotation in the end of the video. I would like to know what it looks like :P
Mouse is not showing :/
A new animation for kill command would do wonders for the spec.
I think one of the big disconnects with this spec for me is the fact that I feel like a demonologist warlock, not a beastmaster hunter ya know? I mean, all the time i'm summoning stuff in to fight for me rather than really pumping up or celebrating my main pet. I mean if I was blizzard I would be making it to where you equip items onto your pet like you do for yourself, in the form of say armor and such things. For example, in D&D you can equip your pet with armor that can then be enchanted to help your pet out in combat, and one idea I really like is the use of amulets like in the instance of Amulet of Might Fists and such things. I really feel blizzard has lost focus on the animal aspect of hunters in general, considering that very few animals you can tame actually have unique and exciting move sets which leads to lack of appeal (I mean right now they're basically a physical representation of what raid buff you are bringing into a party and not much else as they all do just about the same thing.) I mean how cool would it be if a bear actually did something like the old druid move Bear Hug perhaps instead of just warrior slapping the floor with it's generic thunderstomp?
+Chuckthe Sloth (TheGuysWhoStream) Not to mention the disconnect I have with the hunter character itself now. When did beastmastery mean shooting lightning out of a gun as my main aesthetic? I mean I really like the idea of the weapon giving you a second pet that's really cool, but even then i feel like the thing to do there would be to say the second pet is instead a manifestation of your weapon itself fighting even further on your behalf, not some viking god's pet he has decided to lend you. To me that feels like a much better artifact than "We put lightning in this gun so here's a wolf!"
Then there's the problem I mentioned before when I said I felt like a demonologist. You know, constantly calling in animals to help you, which are mostly WILD animals at that. I want to tame my pets and feel connected to them because as it is it all feels more druidic to me than a master of beasts should. I get the whole "connection with the wild and animals" thing, I love it, but that doesn't mean Mr. stranger Toucan Sam should port on over to me and start beating on this legion hellspawn i'm fighting in the twisting nether just because I called him. I propose that instead of all that we should be actually bonded and bound more to our decisions in our pets because it's a raptor vs a chimera thing rather than say crit vs haste buff. We also need something other than the cunning, tenacity, ferocity decisions we have now (which we all know aren't actually true decisions to make).
I want to feel connected to my pets because they are unique and different from each other. Two pet's sounds really cool as a consistent thing for beastmaster, if you deck them out in sweet battle armor (or just some cool aesthetic that makes them stand apart from other animals in general), which would be cool as part of the artifact, and actually give them unique things to do character wise it's perfect.
A right away improvement is to make the dire pet be from stable, and make it random only when there are none there
Thanks for the effort put into these videos, love you man!
I really don't like the idea of a second pet..a pet you didn't directly choose
At a basic level, a rotation should be simple, but there should also be an opportunity for players to make their rotation more complex in order to maximize throughput. With this in mind, I say that Blizzard shouldn't design classes to be difficult or easy (e.g Demon Hunters have been designed to be EZ), they should design classes that allow the player to decide whether they want their rotation to be simple, or whether they want to make it complicated at the benefit of having a higher throughput. A good example of this is Passive talents vs Active talents, and is something I think they need to work on in Legion.
Having said that, I believe it would make more sense if Kill Command did bonus damage for every active pet summoned by Dire Beast. This interaction would be the core of BM. You would want to focus on trying to summon as many additional pets as possible with Dire Beast in order to maximize the throughput of Kill Command. Pretty simple foundation.Then, with the addition of talents, you could either add Active abilities to your rotation that synergize with the core foundation in order to increase your throughput, or take Passive abilities if you prefer to keep it simple.
Also, Haiti needs a new model ideally on-par with the new Druid form models, and multiple skins in addition to the Artifact weapon skins... Not to sound greedy. :p
@BellularGaming so where is the artifact questline for Bm and demonology
Though I like shooting things, I think BM Hunters should be more about the pet's damage and abilities than the hunter's. The only shots we should keep should be shots that get mobs off of us. If I remember right, Distracting Shot glyphed, sends your target to your pet. That should be baseline. Keep the generic pet commands like Bestial Wrath, Kill Command, Master's Call, Blink Strikes, etc. All other attacks and abilities will be pet type specific. If you have a Ferocity pet, you will essentially command your pet to be a Feral Druid, without worry to positioning and melee issues. Obviously, you won't have all of the abilities as a Feral Druid, but Blizzard is smart, they should be able to figure it out. Also, they should add in an ability to allow you to instantly switch your pet type. It would allow you to have the ability to switch to a Tenacity pet if your tank dies. The pet won't be as strong as a tank, but it would be able to hold it's own until the tank is rezzed. Give the ability a 2-5 minute cd. Name it "Aw, Shit" or something. Just my two cents.
Will you be putting out a Demonology video later today?
+Steve Hiller He did yesterday.
+Pierre Devos Oh I totally missed that! Thank you.
actually like the changes to beast master. was gonna switch to main a priest next expansion from my hunter but im digging this
I'm a BM Hunter.....
Took me 5 years to tame Loq'Nahak...
I like Bows....
Stuff the New BM Spec!
Its gonna be shit! I can't have a stuffing good looking Artifact Bow because if I did that I don't have a pet!!! If I go Survival I get a stuffing Melee Weapon!!!
IF I GO BM HUNTER!!!! I GET A STUFFING SHIT LOOKING WEAPON THAT LOOKS LIKE SHIT!!!! And don't even get me started on the Abilities!!!
Shit! I can even hear it in Bellular's voice! He even thinks this Spec is freaking shit!
+GamerDJCJ Mega Boom Totally With you on all counts. I hope they fix it.
+GamerDJCJ Mega Boom They have said that you can xmog your artifact weapon. So if you can xmog your gun into a bow if you would like.
I was thinking the same.
That volley animation is horrendous. Its supposed to be a volley of arrows not moonfire from a druid.
sooo excited to have volley back i hope they make it good so it is worth specing into!
I really really want to put together a troll battleground made of half beast mastery hunters and half demonology warlocks. Just swarm everyone for fun under a small army of minions.
Gotta say, I'm surprised you never said this was "boring" as opposed to how harsh you were on Demon Hunters.
Why didn't you have feign death down on your action bars?
BM basically is the go to spec for hunters, so I'm not surprised or disappointed. Just glad it doesn't seem to be underperforming.
How do you currently feel about the state of hunter?
I still wish they gave BM hunters a melee stance so we can have wingclip, raptor strike, and mongoose bite back :(
i miss being in the action aside my pet hacking and slashing
plus it seems more unique thematically as well
Ok, so if the artifact wolf won't back down, there's no way to tame anything without an interrupt? They need to fix that. :(
yuk, I hope they put some more work in the hunter specs... they seem really lackluster atm and the hunter has always been my favorite class. I happy we have a melee option the talents and abilities seem like they need some work too.
when legion is out. are you doing again the spec overviews ?
After watching this-I'm not as worried for BM as a spec, but they really need to make it where stampede and dire beast are pets from your stable (or a pet of you choosing). Also, if they don't fix the artifact pet, that is going to be a HUGE mess in raiding /dungeons if you have a pet that you can't control (I can still remember pets randomly attacking Npcs before assist was introduced and making people angry :/)
I play BM on live for PvP and I'm loving these changes, in my opinion they improve the spec by miles. Them getting rid of cobra shots cast time was enough for me to be extremely happy, but now we have more buttons to make the spec more fast paced. Adding on to the fact that Bestial Wrath's CD can be lowered through abilities. My only complaint is the second pet, I strongly dislike that. I wish they would have focused around your main pet and your ability pets. Not to mention in PvP control of your pet is vital, so I really am worried that controlling this bugger will be annoying unless it just shares commands with your main pet. My last complaint being how hunters since vanilla have been able to choose what ever pet they want, but for this we're stuck with the blue wolf. I know many hunters (including me) love to change their pets based on their transmog so it matches, and the boring ass storm wolf is going to interfere a lot. Similar issue with the name.
+Nemenon they took CC and CC removing affects, you will be out of focus before you can call another dire beast, you will be dead from a rogue before you move two feet away and there is no way for you to see them now, because your traps are gone. good luck.
Well what I think by watching other videos and even yours on the BM hunter is that I feel it is a little boring and needs to be spiced up a bit more with pets. I have noticed that the proc for the Dire Beast reset is still rather low proc chance even if you choose the talent to increase it. I notice it happening maybe once a minute or so. I see people use Dire Beast more off of CD than with it procing. I think stampede should be in a different talent tier and add something else there so it would still feel like a pet spec along with changing stampede back to the way it is currently in WOD. In another video I noticed the "Focus Fire" proc appears above the head but no attacks are lit up to use and so on. So not sure what that is intended for.
whats the max number of dire beasts you have summoned at one time?
Look at Rexxar's Stampede ability in WC3 it is suppose to be like that. If they just tweak it graphically, it will look insane.
This looks remarkably dull and the BM weapon looks like a vacuum :(
+Faux King It'll have skins... plus... transmog if you don't like it.
+Faux King also you can transmog artifact weapon to look like other guns. So I'd start farming for 'mogs that look better. I for one think it matches my current 'mog pretty good. I use the Tier 5 Riftstalker. So the gray/off blue with streaks of lightning match it very good.
+Faux King YAY for transmog, that puppy turns into a bow the moment I equip it.
I think you can only transmog the artifact gun into other guns, not bows. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong.
You can transmog into anything we can carry. Or so I was led to believe.
instead of that specific beast, let us just be able to tame a second pet of your choise
I love hunters, They are my favorite class in world of warcraft. I've always loved beast masters because well... I'm the master of the beasts. I'm not going to lie to you all the new BM spec looks... Dull to say the least. Basically I'll be stacking as much crit as taurenly possible, tmoging that shit gun into something that looks better, and spending all my gold on getting glyphs.
I like the new dire beast gameplay, and I really like the talent that increases your main focus dump (Only focus dump?) can be increased by 5% for every beast you have out (your pet, hati, each dire beast which I'm looking for like 2 - 3 active at a time hopefully?) I just think they should make stampede how it was and instead making in to.. well... what it looks like now. Another thing though, give us basic control's of hati from the start, and give us more advanced control as an artifact talent. Let me be able to put hati on passive or direct hati where to stand. I'd appreciate that. The advanced control could be more direct control over hati's abilities.
I see you're using a normal wolf. Is there still any worth to having an Exotic pet? I last saw that the buff spells of pets were removed, so I am curious. Simply for vanity?
+Fel Master Buff spells are gone, but exotic pets still have exotic abilities, like they always have had.
1trevor30 Nice, thanks for that!
this looks alright, just that second pet is annoying, need AI impovment, its a bit dumb to stand behind you
.....Maybe I'll go Survival for Legion, even if it is a melee spec.
Stampede: May cause allergies.
..They arent finished with texturing the wolf right...?
Im finally moving back to Hunter! I used to play BM mainly but with MoP i moved to survival but with survival being melee and MM being lone wolf, I thought I'd lost the hunter, but now Bm is viable again... so happy...
too bad about stampede the 😭
Hey I have a question will there be new beasts for the hunters and exotic beasts as well?
By the looks of it: I don't think so.
the beast mastery tree should have been the melee tree. the bm pet could have been the thing to help with snares or even thrown the enemy in a direction. survival should have used traps to play keep away at range with their magical gun.
Seems like a decent spec to use as my main hunter spec. Wish they made Stampede look more epic like the W3 variant. Bigger beasts seams better for BM.
looks alright still gonna try surv and waiting for assassination to go on alpha
i think having the old stampede would be better, because of the synergy of that talent you can choose (cobra shot does 5% more dmg for each pet you have). so you could further push your dmg with stampede, having additional 5 pets (+25%dmg boost on cobra shot).. but maybe this would be too much burst power in pvp?
+schippes24 It shouldn't be balanced around pvp
+1trevor30 Why not? burst is more important in pvp and thus has to be balanced with that in mind
Why? because pvp is no longer relevant. Blizz hasn't cared about pvp since Wrath. it's a dead, beaten horse.
Cobsidering they're making a new talent tree and a complete dedicated stat allotment for pvp, i don't think "it shouldn't be balanced around pvp cause they don't care for it" is a valid argument
looks pretty decent, but the artifact wolf should be tied in to follow the exact commands that the primary pet does. in other words, if you put primary to passive, Hati is passive as well. as it stands, the weapon will cause waaaaaay too much trouble...
Hati becomes an actual pet. It's an artifact talent
Dan Crouse yeah, but it needs to be immediate. We all know how much Trinket Pets can suck and this is almost like a constant trinket pet. It's just plain annoying honestly.
What happened to deterrence? :O
What the hell did they do to my stampede. The fudge.
+John Nyman It's based off the Warcraft 3 Beastmaster version now. They summon a stampede of giant lizards to trample anything in a line. This is just following that example, but with different beasts instead of just one type.
Yeah, and it completely sucks compared to the live version.
John Nyman I don't really use Stampede, so it doesn't affect me much.
+Fel Master
May not affect you, but there are plenty of other huntards out there that use it. Not only for being a powerful cooldown, but, also a way to interact with all the pets you currently have set as active. It's just a bad move all around and a shame.
Between this and the Demon 'Lock I think all Melee classes need an ability to let them grow to double size... for better vision ;D
+CrystalblueMage It's called Noggenfogger elixir.
+1trevor30 doesn't make you grow it makes you shrink.
I like the thought of summoning lots of beasts and i think they managed to pull it of :) its not the most hardcore spec but i love spamming because it makes me feel like i got something to do all the time :) so glad blizz didnt fuck this up
i wish they did what to demonology to beast mastery hunters. have abilities they summoned random animals to help fight, like a horde of crows that would act as a dot etc
does the artifact wolf use kill command when your regular pet do?
Did you actually watch the video?
It's covered in the artifact talent section.
+Jonas Westman It will do if you get the "Master of Beasts" from the artifact weapon. He shows it at 14:50.
For the first time since Vanilla, I don't think I'll be maining a hunter. This is just so disappointing.
So, basically what I see is that a BEAST MASTER (The middle hunters in WoD) get chimaera shot as a talent, but ACTUAL MAKSMANS DONT??
I hope we can glyph our Dire beast. My a Goblin pirate wants nothing more than Parrots and mechs chickens.
looking at the Demon lock and how that worked out makes me think they could have done better with BM hunters.
+permeus2nd They didn't want them to be all that similar.
i didnt mean similar but it just looks a bit dull to me, so better.
***** alpha it may be but its unlike to get that big a change between now and live maybe a tweak here or there, unless people say stuff (even then it may not change) at this point constructive criticism is a what makes the parts of the alpha that's people aren't thinking are great into good parts of gameplay.
so what would i do to make it better, well if lots of minions is the demonlock zone them make the BM more about controlling there one pet to its utmost, so instead of just kill command add in a spell or two that is ""command your pet to do X""
When you gonna do bmh artifact quest vid
I would like the old stamped to stay as it is (Live), the new one is cool idea but I don't know it feels meehhh x)
over all BM looks awsome :D
BEAST MASTERY LOOKS SO GOOD, literally only getting legion for BM and demo locks
They need to make chimera shot & or that new stampede baseline. The old stampede should come back but with a different name or something because I do like this new stampede just not in replacement of the old one. This seems enjoyable although it feels like something is missing.
They should make dire beast summon a random pet from your stable. Would be way better
Please please, some news from Gnomeregan and the hunters !
you never incorporate the artifact ability in the rotation :(
I really hate how they made auto attacks and pet damage font so small. Half the fun to me was was all the random crits flying all over the place.
I hope hati will also have a glyph. It's not really unique if there are Hati for every BM hunter.
Thank you, this was very helpful :)
tbh this is what i expected, BM has always been 3 button mash spec
I really hope that the glowing wolf thing can be changed to another pet.
I really miss my traps.
Owww damn it, i though you get to have like a horde of pets with Dire Beast and instead it replaces your current beast every time you cast the spell.. That would have been awesome :)
Chimera shot for BM... no no no no NOOOOO. It was my favorite MM ability.
+Damingo54 It used to be BM back in wrath and cata. Did what Cobra shot does now.
no... it was not
this seems fun... a pet you cant control. cant wait for those hunters pull on dungeons
Seems like the new stampede is more like the verson that Rexar used in wc3
+Timothy Plemons It is, yeah. I was reminded of it when I heard him speak about how it's animals charging at a target.
I thought of a cool Beast Mastery hunter ability. Something we haven't seen before. Less X ability has a chance to proc Y ability, cooldown on Z ability that increases your damage by an amount for 15 seconds. Boooooring. What if they put in a dps cooldown where you actually control your pet, kind of like eyes of the beast. Your eyes glow green and you plant your feet and start channeling the ability, linking your spirit to your pet's allowing you to control the beast, giving him new rotational abilities. During this time, the hunter becomes impervious to damage and all crowd control. The pet takes 30% less damage and at the end of the duration all the damage taken from the pet is dealt to the hunter over 5 seconds.
+Gewsfrahba Exactly. When you take over your pet, that's when you get raptor strike, mongoose bite, etc.
Looks really nice, they should have saved the old Stampede tho. Volley seem a bit, boring? Well alpha have to think about that :D.
is the stampede from Rexxar :o
Hati needs a updated model loved it back in wrath but this is 4 expansions later. i hope that's not a permanent model.
I don't like the fact that you cannot control Hati and summon / desummon him at will. :/
i guess its still a bug and they will make it so you can control him
You can. It's an artifact talent
+Dan Crouse an artifact talent to have basic moves, like dismiss pet???
I feel like marksmanship should have gotten the rifles and beastmaster should have gotten the bow.
nah. Beast masters alway uses guns to kill big game. Marksman uses bows for accuracy.
I love all the people who are bitching about how the weapon and pet looks. I didn't know WoW was a dress-up simulator all of a sudden, why all the hate?
It should be more like the demo warlock just instead of summoning a shit load of demons you summon a shit load of pets
To me the gun kinda looks like a fishing pole. I'm sad we didnt get the bow
wish BM would get eyes of the beast again
i love the new beast master spec but turn that new stampede back to how it is on live WoW and it will be a beastly simple spec haha