YES! THAT is MORE than WORTHY of an AWARD, NOT some LIAR that was so sick of the Kardashian's POPULARITY, IDOLIZED, and being The MOST INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE of our time, and since Bruce is SO COMPETETIVE, HE basically wanted to OUT DO THEM! Oh, HE'S also a PERVERT, and he figured this would be the easiest way to date GIRLS YOUNGER than HIS DAUGHTERS, usher in "ROOMMATE" SOPHIA TURNER! And HE can say HE is "HAPPY", and doesn't regret it, but I KNOW HE'S LYING! b/c changing your gender, when you're 60+ years old, and has, at the MOST, 8-10 years left, WHY or HOW could you POSSIBLY be happy, when almost the whole family doesn't even come around anymore! Anyway, sorry I went on a bit of a RANT! Please tell your brother, I am SO THANKFUL, for his COURAGE & BRAVERY, doing a job that, ALOT of times, can be such a THANKLESS JOB, but I have the utmost RESPECT, and ADMIRATION for everything He's done for this Country!
It's actually an insult to women who deserved that award who have done amazing things and went through hardships to create change but yet the award goes out to someone like this
Don’t understand how you could give that award to a man. Don’t care if he had his junk chopped off. His DNA still says he is a man and he always be a man just playing dress up.
I agree. Courage my ass, she says right up front it took her decades to do it - to do what she’d always *wanted* to do - and two more years to finish the process - then buy the glam, pose for photos, and talk about “my community” after denying any association w/it. Wow. What a sacrifice, such bravery.
Yes true god breathe in life and we have our soul and begin to live. You see The Devil who is a liar is trying to take our soul trying to brainwash us and make us think we are something that we are not. Jesus said he is coming soon. And the sooner the time comes the more people are going to be brainwashed becoz the devil want to have our soul as much as possible before the time comes thats fact. The prophecy is coming and its correct all along people... no other religion Book are going to make the profecy of this world but Bible the Bible says it all . The question is can you trust Jesus and let him into your life now.. coz he died for you... no other God's will do that he shed his own blood for our sins... god bless you everyone who read this i dont want to offend anyone or insult any religion if i do i am sorry Jesus is the truth and tha way he ends with happiness and eternal life...😊 sorry my bad english.
A person who has lived as a man all his life and who has received that privilege and had it good for decides to switch gender and steals a female accolade from females. It is so misogynistic.
i hated that response. Women face so much hardship on a regular basis, not saying that men dont , but women have it harder. And all "she" can say is "picking out what to wear" .....smh
Exactly! Like I am sorry but you are not a women if you don’t have to deal with all the many things we have to deal with as women. This is just insulting!
Right what about one of the essential things about being a woman. Let them feel the pain of giving birth ,having cramps etc. To me they are men dressed as women that’s about it. These are facts people. Inside they are still men.
In my opinion whatever you do,you will never be a woman.Being a gay and lesbian is acceptable in this world,you don't need to change a thing in your body just be you.
He thinks the hardest part of beng a women is choosing what to wear, try period cramps, giving birth and have man be taken more seriously than us. Some things you just wont understand till you live them.
Elyssa Kennedy isn’t that horrendous? To say the hardest part of being a woman is deciding what to wear is completely disgusting to me. I’m a single mother who has never received child support and worked my ass off, that is such an insult to me and all women out there who get no help, who have been raped, he will never know the suffering or will never be a true woman because of that comment alone
Indeed he seems to be that shallow. To be married to Chris, you would have to be a very fake and shallow person. He proved that and he proved that he could get more attention than all other women in his clan. I expect it was his goal, all along. These women have destroyed his ability to have any respect for the female gender. He joined them but he is now, ready to bail out and be a man again, for the public awareness. BTW, all women in that clan are MK-Ultra programmed so it could have affected him. Very possibly it did, especially relating to his own daughters with Chris.
@Michael Longbeach well in reality he is yes but he trys to provide us with an image that hes a women and with that hes miserable verses when he was flying his toys and playing with guy toys boats,airplanes etc. He was happy doing that in my OPINION
@@chelleroberson3222 know that God *never* makes mistakes. He's perfect and he brings people in this world for a reason. Don't ever say he makes mistakes, bless your soul.
@@chelleroberson3222 when did I ever say I am worried about you? I only responded to your question of "never makes mistakes?" No, God never makes mistakes. I don't find any reason for you to respond with such defense, and me saying "bless your soul" isn't a bad thing at all, I am giving you more blessings into your life.
The fact that she got an award for being trans pisses me off when men and women died and gave up everything so that their country could be safe and their loved ones could be safe, if those brave soldiers were still here today I bet they would be as mad as me
So he has no problem with Trump attacking other peoples community as long as Trump doesn't attack his. This speaks volumes to the type of selfish person he is.
Only an ignorant man would say the hardest part of being a woman is figuring out what to wear. For me it was not being allowed to serve in a combat position. Or being paid less than a man who is junior to me and less competent. Or being sexually abused from the age of three through 17. or being raped multiple times. or being beaten by my ex-husband. Or being abused by the legal system when I left my husband. Or working for incompetent men who got promoted because they're men. Or being pregnant and giving birth. Or being a single mother with all society's judgment. Or being taken advantage of at the auto repair shop...
Grow some strength!! Sheesh. Not everyone has the same life. Some women go through their whole lives without being raped or beat. Does that make them less than you because you have? Stop whining and being a pushover. Not all women give birth, some choose to never have children. They are scorned but do you see them whining? They work.Some women make a load of money and their husbands are stay at home dads. Stay at home dad numbers are actually rising. You are thee type of woman who secretly enjoys being the victim bcus it hides you from what you really are. A self made victim unable to leave a toxic relationship,lazy, scared, and unable to quit having her past haunt/affect her, unable to lead or take initiative. Word of advice:Stop sticking around when you're being abused. Work hard and don't take any bullshit and stop dwelling in the past and listing stupid shit not every woman goes through. If you don't like the corporate world then change it through grassroot movement with other women within your corporation. Some corporations are great towards women. Just please stop whining.
Doctor Feinstone I am quite sure my opinion doesn't matter to? I am of the belief that only God can determine the sex of a person. A person who wishes to become a woman or man can have cosmetic to enhanced certain appearances, but they are not wholly a woman or a man, i.e, they have to take pills the rest of their life to maintain their hormones levels. Therefore, to me he is still Bruce. I am entitled to my opinions, just like you're entitled to yours.
@@realissues188 Some women DO have to take hormone supplements for their entire lives!!! Some women can't have children...either way, mind your business!
mariyaa111 Don't go there, ok!!! I was not talking about women who have to take harmones to help with their chemical imbalances, I was referring to an individual whom me are the choice to go down that path!
Courage?? And the crippled, dying veterans languishing in VA hospitals everywhere and being treated like dog shit.. or the souls that gave their life for our freedom..
Cuban Jorge courage comes in many forms not for you to judge and call whats courage... veterans have courage of a different kind we need to support everyone in this world💙😢what happens to veterans is sad😢
blueshinystar so you want to prohibit me from having the right to think for myself and judge based on my deeply held beliefs and convictions? Where are my rights and free will? Of course I have the right to judge as an individual and determine for myself, without coercion, pressure, arm twisting, spin, or regard for political correctness, what is and isn’t courage. As do you...
TheCarnivalguy No they had nothing to do with his EGO He though going transgender would bring him fame above the Kardashian's In which it did but faded fast Actual backfired on HIM.
Trayla Lynn You are the confused one. You don't know the known the difference between your limited viewpoint and the choice of another person. What you believe doesn't have to be the same as everyone else's.
He or she is not doing anything to to any child, people like this suffer for years , they don't mean to hurt any one, they just want to be who they feel they are
It's truly an abomination, but what is truly maddening is that this extremely sick mainstream media totally controlled by Christ-hating $@@! keeps pushing homosexuality, transgenderism and any and all manner of moral perversion down our throats.
Still walks, talks, looks like a MAN. I still am very uncomfortable with my young son growing up with this being "normal". I'm working on it. It's just weird. Sorry.
@@outkast187 he probably did, because for an adult especially a famous person like him sleeping with little kids was not normal at all , I once saw one of the Jackson in los angeles court house ( could've been Michael or jeramine ) and he saw me and stood like a woman and smiled .Jackson family is gay, no doubt about it...
@@outkast187 ok, you're fucking stupid, if you mean that. Jackson was NOT GAYor trans or whatever, he was selling an IMAGE, he was MADE to be androgynous, he was s Shiva figure, and the molestation charges were just BULLSHIT, he got tired of being manipulated, and made to suffer.
There's A LOT more to being a woman, than makeup, clothes, fake nails, and long hair. And you are born a woman, or a man. There is NO way to change that. God decides that. A quote comes to mind from the movie, "Working Girl", ....."Sometimes I like to dance around my house in my underwear....doesn't make me Madonna...never will."
@@cutemittens6239 I disagree, and I'm very well educated. No, sorry, it's a mental illness. They need mental help. AND, I dont hate them, or ANYONE. I myself have a mental illness, bipolar disorder, but the difference between me and them, is I recognize it, and seek mental help. Still love them, just do not agree with them. Also, I'm 41 yo, little girl, not quite.
There Are men who also feel they are “naturally attracted” to little girls, people who feel “ naturally attracted” to animals and people who are born thinking they are “naturally aliens”, do we just give these people what they want to because they feel they are right?
@@tyrelloves3685 exactly! Great point! We are living in an anything goes world now, no morals, and it's even celebrated, and encouraged, and pushed on not just adults, but our children, and influencing and confusing their young minds, or poisoning them I should say. And they go with the flow, because it's easier to do that, than disagree with this madness, because you will be attacked. The world is so backwards, it's sad.
I don’t know what to say. I have never been in this situation before. I’m not sure how a person feels or copes when they are facing this situation. I’m Christian and my faith tells me to love others and not to judge that only God will be the judge. One thing I do know is that I have always really liked Bruce Jenner. From what I could see, as a complete stranger, he is a good man. Now that he is Caitlyn Jenner I’m sure those good qualities that I originally saw are still there. I don’t know. So.....since I do not know anything about this subject I will keep my mouth shut. Maybe others should also. Just my opinion.
Pam BB love them. Don't judge them but stay true to God's word. He did not make stories up in His word. He made man and woman, the natural design. It is an abomination unto God to distort the true two genders He created.
Nancy Carroll ....I agree with you completely. I was taught to hate the sin but love the sinner. We have all sinned. I’m so grateful that my heavenly Father never turned his back on me. I know God’s word. I believe It and try my best to live my life by It. But no matter the situation I try to remember love and forgiveness. Sometimes I fell miserably. ❤️
giggleherz ... I hear what you are saying. I too am scratching my head. But we have to also realize that these innocent children have so much garbage played out before their eyes on television, the media and in day to day life. What are they supposed to think? If I had young children right now I think I would run to the country and cut out all television! Lol of course we cant run from the world. It will seep in somehow. I guess all we can do is try to educate them, raise them by Gods word and pray. Oh Lord PRAY!
I am so glad I am not the only one with those beliefs, I never understood the whole idea of 5 year olds saying they are gay or transgender. Having temptations towards the same sex isn't a sin, but acting on them is. So I can kind of understand why some kids vocalize they are attracted to someone like that. But I have been around tons of little kids from 5-7 and the last thing that is on their mind is changing genders. So is it a brain issue or is it a society issue?
M 28 ...Thank you! Thank you very much for that little dash of wisdom on this conversation. I do not think any little child three or four years old thinks they’re born as the wrong gender. They don’t even understand that entire concept! At that age anything they are picking up on has come in from an outside force. Whether it is television or older kids, or whatever.....something put that in their mind at that age. As they get older, I really don’t know. Whatever it is they will have a hard road to travel. They don’t need hate on top of everything else. That does not mean I have to accept their lifestyle or them mine. But it does mean we can show people love.
When I watched keeping up with the kardashians, it was perfect with Bruce and kris. I will never refer to Caitlyn as a she, I won't remember or think Caitlyn as Caitlyn. HE is always Bruce to me. Haters gonna hate.
No it isn't but it will be easy for him to play a pretend one, seeing that he doesn't have to have a monthly cycle or bare kids and all the other things us woman have to go through. This is sickening to even watch. It's like that Jazz Jennings kid, who thinks he's a girl and went and got a fake vagina sewed onto him. Just nasty!
@@egyptianqueen4007 did I say YOU personally were a hater? NOOOOOO But that comment proves my point. You are a hater as you just told me I have no commen sense when you do not even know me. I was plainly saying that she shouldn't listen to the people saying she is still a man and give her hate for being transgender.
Jean Mo and that’s not my issue, my issue is then trying to press this on smaller children etc... being trans is not the bravest thing like they say. Just look at the interview with Shapiro and zoey thur you’ll see what I’m talking about
Adele Daizy god didn’t make her a him science did stop going around pushing your BELIEFS on ppl. I those are not facts that u can prove so stop prancing around shoving it into ppl faces. Y’all don’t like it when we do it so don’t do it. That’s why it’s called believing in God. It’s a belief and for all u know it could just be another fairy tale
Chris Martinn you are so dumb! so who brought him into this world? I hate dumb people replying to me. if you do not have a Bible, not a Christian and don't believe in God,I don't have time for you! if God didn't bring him a man,then who did? how did he have sex and impregnate Kris Jenner? because only men have sperms!!! and only God create human beings! he didn't like how God created him so he went to change himself onto a woman dummy! that's all am saying😠
CupcakKe Queen still a man. Just a man with a sick mind. Needs shock therapy. Idc how many parts you chop off add etc you born a male you'll be dying a male. 🤣😂😀 Suck it up cupcake.
Trans people have been here since the beginning. In cultures and places all over the globe they have existed. You are right God don't make mistakes because he makes Trans people everyday and no it is not a choice. These people are born this way and it is beautiful.
jennifer stewart - why should he get help? He's much happier now that he is a woman. Just because you see it as something is wrong doesn't mean that it's wrong. To each his own. You think it's wrong because you have been conditioned to think that way.
@@rosiepena8917 that is simply foolish. God made you special, and the devil knows just how to trick, and destroy us. It's a shame you have let him trick you, too. I will pray for you my friend 🙏❤️
Mr. Bruce Jenner, (he) was (born) a (man,) then, (he) was a (man,) in the PRE MORTAL LIFE. When (Bruce) (die,) n (resurrect,) (he) (will be surprise,) to see (himself) a (man.)
I don't much care how someone identifies themselves. Take whatever journey you want but I don't see the "bravery". If you find the hardest thing about being a woman is figuring out what to wear, then you are not really living a woman's life. You're just a wealthy man who can afford a life of fantasy.
Dee Dee Price 420 Oh my god, yes! I wonder how many transgender males would want to stick it out if they had to deal with a menstrual cycle and cramps. I'm sorry, but just because someone changes their appearance doesn't make them an honorary woman. You have to go through the shit first.
I understand the struggle is real because I'm not an asshole. But there are starving kids in America and this person is mad because she can't get a date after spending thousands of $$ on turning himself into a women. "rich people problems" while some kids are crying because their stomachs are empty and don't know when they'll eat next. Your crying over being Mr. Misunderstood.
I don't get why problems are always being compared to starving kids? These are two subjects, that are in no relation to each other.. And this interview does not show, that Caitlyn does not care about starving kids. Who knows if she maybe donates a lot of money to help them? Why can't we have focus on several problems at the same time - in this case society not accepting transgender people, and that kids are starving..
Steven Lundgren the struggling of trying to convince other mentally challanged people that your a lady. this was man through and through. just twisted thought process. this is a man
Well, that's because the media promotes these things day and night as 'inspiring' and normalises it by pretending it is ok. Ofcourse, not giving any real issues a chance.
Unfortunately yes. Millenials are fucked up in the head. I went to a party with my friends and there were two transgender people there. One trying to be a woman and one trying to be a man. Plus three gay guys. I felt like I was the only sane one there. Sick world we live in
He can live as he pleases, 99% of people don't care either way, the only ones that seem to give a damn is the media who only wants likes, comments..etc
@@sosad9381 How is he selfish. He did everything for his family and more. Thats not being selfish. You are the most selfish person in history. Honestly, grow up.
@@crystalhayes4022 WHAT!?!?! LOL?!!!? Sweetheart, what planet do YOU LIVE on? I beg to differ, you see it all the time, if you normally walk around with your eyes open.
Pretty deep voice for a woman She also pretty strong for a woman, I hope she doesn't try to enter woman's sports because she will possibly hurt other women because of her unusual strength.
"Is 'she' dating?" For God's sake , what the hell is wrong with these people. Indulging crazy Bruce Jenner's madness. This dude is profoundly, mentally ill and should be urged to get the emotional and psychological help he so desperately, needs.
Sadly people with this mental disorder end up killing themselves. Their suicide rate is through the roof. Once they realize they can't change the laws of nature and how their whole life is a lie, it's game over
The comment section shows why her experience is considered a "battle." When you have to fight everyday for legitimacy to exist in the eyes of fellow citizens, that is a life of extreme hardship. She deserves credit for her courage.
MissNebulosity he* decided to invert his penis and wear dresses and try to talk with a high pitch voice, more like dress-up with a pinch of mutiliation, my grandfather fought on Normandy beaches on June 1944. A little valley California rich billionaire like him doesn’t deserve the award, and the fact you are so weak minded you follow the crowd that believes a man who calls himself a woman is a woman, it’s not brave, it goes against biology and it’s stupid.
Wow this comment section is full of hateful evil people omg. How can you hate someone so much who you don't even know personally? 😥 Can Caitlyn at least live in peace with her decision? I don't see how this is taking anything away from anyone......crazy af
olivia psalms91, yes only love can conquer hate and most of us needs to practice loving others, but it doesn't make homosexuality and transgenderism right. Love the sinner but hate the sin!
I'm transracial! All my life I know I've been a strong, independent black woman, despite being born as a weak, Pakistani "man". I'm a black lady and I'm proud!
News flash Caitlyn, the hardest thing with being a woman is seven days of bleeding, screaming hormones to the point I want to become a homicidal maniac, bloating, and debilitating cramps once a month for about 40 years of a woman's life. I want to shred my clothes on those days because I can't fit in them, not because I'm finicky and just can't decide.....ugh
I respect the journey that's been made, but really the next stop should be prison for killing someone. We all have to pay our dues and karma won't give you peace until you've done just that.
But a question can they actually change someone's DNA , I mean wouldn't the DNA still show he's a man ? Just saying no matter what surgeries , hormones etc. DNA doesn't lie
That's why I like the single stall restrooms where you lock the door behind you. You don't have to worry about who or what is going to walk in. That's how all restrooms should be then we wouldn't have to worry about men using the same restroom as little girls.
itsgr8 2bdum avoid public restrooms at all cost , as all these going’s on are designed to not let one get any rest Just because a segment of the population want everyone to go insane like they are.
Its sad to read alot of these comments so much hate... I am happy for Caitlyn everyone deserves to be happy and live their truth and she had to do it being in the spot light w the kardashians damnnn!!!
people need to be aware of the moral and psychological war against them... Protect your children and yourselves from media. These are times of confusion.
Correction: What "HIS" life is like now.. Give her 30 years with a period.. Being a women is far beyond makeup and a dress.. Veterans have risked thier life in war and she gets an award for being brave...
My brother who served in Vietnam at 18
And sits in a wheelchair today for life - deserves
an award!
Tell him thank you for his service!
If he didn't kill innocent people then yes
Is he in a wheelchair bc of vn?
YES! THAT is MORE than WORTHY of an AWARD, NOT some LIAR that was so sick of the Kardashian's POPULARITY, IDOLIZED, and being The MOST INFLUENTIAL PEOPLE of our time, and since Bruce is SO COMPETETIVE, HE basically wanted to OUT DO THEM! Oh, HE'S also a PERVERT, and he figured this would be the easiest way to date GIRLS YOUNGER than HIS DAUGHTERS, usher in "ROOMMATE" SOPHIA TURNER! And HE can say HE is "HAPPY", and doesn't regret it, but I KNOW HE'S LYING! b/c changing your gender, when you're 60+ years old, and has, at the MOST, 8-10 years left, WHY or HOW could you POSSIBLY be happy, when almost the whole family doesn't even come around anymore!
Anyway, sorry I went on a bit of a RANT! Please tell your brother, I am SO THANKFUL, for his COURAGE & BRAVERY, doing a job that, ALOT of times, can be such a THANKLESS JOB, but I have the utmost RESPECT, and ADMIRATION for everything He's done for this Country!
It's actually an insult to women who deserved that award who have done amazing things and went through hardships to create change but yet the award goes out to someone like this
Don’t understand how you could give that award to a man. Don’t care if he had his junk chopped off. His DNA still says he is a man and he always be a man just playing dress up.
I agree. Courage my ass, she says right up front it took her decades to do it - to do what she’d always *wanted* to do - and two more years to finish the process - then buy the glam, pose for photos, and talk about “my community” after denying any association w/it. Wow. What a sacrifice, such bravery.
Yes true god breathe in life and we have our soul and begin to live. You see The Devil who is a liar is trying to take our soul trying to brainwash us and make us think we are something that we are not. Jesus said he is coming soon. And the sooner the time comes the more people are going to be brainwashed becoz the devil want to have our soul as much as possible before the time comes thats fact. The prophecy is coming and its correct all along people... no other religion Book are going to make the profecy of this world but Bible the Bible says it all . The question is can you trust Jesus and let him into your life now.. coz he died for you... no other God's will do that he shed his own blood for our sins... god bless you everyone who read this i dont want to offend anyone or insult any religion if i do i am sorry Jesus is the truth and tha way he ends with happiness and eternal life...😊 sorry my bad english.
@@juneosborne862 I agree, genital mutilation shouldn't make them contenders for a female award.
A person who has lived as a man all his life and who has received that privilege and had it good for decides to switch gender and steals a female accolade from females. It is so misogynistic.
"The hardest part of being a women is figuring out what to wear"......jeeeez, ok.
Haha true,,,good one,,,and stop gossiping,, finding what to wear is a big decision,,,,shopping grrrrrrr!!! Make up toooo....grrrrrrr!!!
baby joedy says a “woman” who’s never & will never go through child birth or period 😒😒
Really it's childbirth and pregnancy
@Mags Arkadiusz i never lose
@Mags Arkadiusz because im not a good guy.
Can't argue with DNA. Changing your exterior and calling yourself whatever you want, still doesn't change your biological makeup.
I agree
Anamalia Sheridan yes
The world is corrupted to call this fool a woman
Amen to that.
If he thinks the hardest part of being a women is picking what to wear, he ain't a women!!
i hated that response. Women face so much hardship on a regular basis, not saying that men dont , but women have it harder. And all "she" can say is "picking out what to wear" .....smh
Exactly! Like I am sorry but you are not a women if you don’t have to deal with all the many things we have to deal with as women. This is just insulting!
Kinda true
Right what about one of the essential things about being a woman. Let them feel the pain of giving birth ,having cramps etc. To me they are men dressed as women that’s about it. These are facts people. Inside they are still men.
In my opinion whatever you do,you will never be a woman.Being a gay and lesbian is acceptable in this world,you don't need to change a thing in your body just be you.
He thinks the hardest part of beng a women is choosing what to wear, try period cramps, giving birth and have man be taken more seriously than us. Some things you just wont understand till you live them.
Christina Cabrera 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 say it louder
Right! Right right!!! 😄....
It's literally a slap in the face to REAL women.
Its just a psychological illness. I see a woman in the mirror and i think im a dog.
Omg, the hardest part of being a woman for him is 'picking what to wear,' It would be so great if that was the main struggle for most woman
Elyssa Kennedy isn’t that horrendous? To say the hardest part of being a woman is deciding what to wear is completely disgusting to me. I’m a single mother who has never received child support and worked my ass off, that is such an insult to me and all women out there who get no help, who have been raped, he will never know the suffering or will never be a true woman because of that comment alone
Indeed he seems to be that shallow. To be married to Chris, you would have to be a very fake and shallow person. He proved that and he proved that he could get more attention than all other women in his clan. I expect it was his goal, all along. These women have destroyed his ability to have any respect for the female gender. He joined them but he is now, ready to bail out and be a man again, for the public awareness. BTW, all women in that clan are MK-Ultra programmed so it could have affected him. Very possibly it did, especially relating to his own daughters with Chris.
Elyssa Kennedy Well he doesn’t have to worry about childbirth, so...
Ray Yanz Stfu.
Ray Yanz Lmao. Thanks for the laugh, keyboard warrior. xD Btw, that's my username which has no connection to my real name. LOL. You're a dumbass.
One word...CONFUSED!!!
@Ktc Three words Ha ha Surprise! ครับผม
Two words mental illness
Why?! Its very simple ..... She's a woman
That who he is why does one have to be confused 😕
Ionie Youngstrom agreed
Pretty sure there’s a lot of women in the Military whom actually deserved that award.
And he’s a he, still carrying his lil pecker around. You’re born a boy or girl....there’s no other way to say it.
Brian S Trans and Gay active members too.
Ikr disgusting men pretending to be women messed up world
Makes me sick!!!!
He seems unhappy to me maybe it's just me I found him more happy as a man
Me to
This is all crap !!!! Good bye !!!!!
@Michael Longbeach well in reality he is yes but he trys to provide us with an image that hes a women and with that hes miserable verses when he was flying his toys and playing with guy toys boats,airplanes etc. He was happy doing that in my OPINION
@Robert Gardea well true that's y I said it's my OPINION
@Robert Gardea okay dude
God can never never make a mistake he made u a man for a reson
Okay 😂😂
Not mistakes ? What about those of us born intersex ? Fool !
@@chelleroberson3222 know that God *never* makes mistakes. He's perfect and he brings people in this world for a reason. Don't ever say he makes mistakes, bless your soul.
@@mxshlee my soul is blessed don't worry about me. Worry about your own shortcomings
@@chelleroberson3222 when did I ever say I am worried about you? I only responded to your question of "never makes mistakes?" No, God never makes mistakes. I don't find any reason for you to respond with such defense, and me saying "bless your soul" isn't a bad thing at all, I am giving you more blessings into your life.
The fact that she got an award for being trans pisses me off when men and women died and gave up everything so that their country could be safe and their loved ones could be safe, if those brave soldiers were still here today I bet they would be as mad as me
you do know trans people are still killed JUST for being trans and not because they chose to fight for a country that unjustly kills innocent poc?
Ikr being who you are isn’t an act of heroism
just tell the truth Bruce it was the Kardashian women that's stripped your manhood away like they even did to their brother Rob
So he has no problem with Trump attacking other peoples community as long as Trump doesn't attack his. This speaks volumes to the type of selfish person he is.
freakingtv ok lets ignore the fact that legal immagrants voted for trump bc they wanted illegal immigrants.
Yeah, thinking the same.
Gerard, and you are such a fine upstanding example of liberal hypocricy and tolerance.
freakingtv Exactly. Selfishness at it's finest. Let's not forget he was a man first.
he is a total narcissist
Omg what's going on in this world?
@Kiara Ratliff no people like you nasty fucks
Here some common sens at last in France some people are completly into this ideology denial and craziness
@alias paul no. No it isn't. Being ignorant and backwards is the worst one can ever be
@G that's fucking stupid, this shit is nothing new.
Only an ignorant man would say the hardest part of being a woman is figuring out what to wear. For me it was not being allowed to serve in a combat position. Or being paid less than a man who is junior to me and less competent. Or being sexually abused from the age of three through 17. or being raped multiple times. or being beaten by my ex-husband. Or being abused by the legal system when I left my husband. Or working for incompetent men who got promoted because they're men. Or being pregnant and giving birth. Or being a single mother with all society's judgment. Or being taken advantage of at the auto repair shop...
Grow some strength!! Sheesh. Not everyone has the same life. Some women go through their whole lives without being raped or beat. Does that make them less than you because you have? Stop whining and being a pushover. Not all women give birth, some choose to never have children. They are scorned but do you see them whining? They work.Some women make a load of money and their husbands are stay at home dads. Stay at home dad numbers are actually rising. You are thee type of woman who secretly enjoys being the victim bcus it hides you from what you really are. A self made victim unable to leave a toxic relationship,lazy, scared, and unable to quit having her past haunt/affect her, unable to lead or take initiative. Word of advice:Stop sticking around when you're being abused. Work hard and don't take any bullshit and stop dwelling in the past and listing stupid shit not every woman goes through. If you don't like the corporate world then change it through grassroot movement with other women within your corporation. Some corporations are great towards women. Just please stop whining.
Dawn don’t buy the gender pay gap thing. I feel sorry for everything else you described that’s awful. But I’m not buying the pay gap.
Yea seriously.. shut up
I agree! He's a sick bastard and seriously mentally ill!
This fool is the second dumbest MAN after Trump...
I am sorry, I don't care how many operations were had, that is not a true woman!!!
You go for an operation and became a woman? Fake operation, fake result
I'm sure your opinion is very important to Jenner
Doctor Feinstone I am quite sure my opinion doesn't matter to? I am of the belief that only God can determine the sex of a person. A person who wishes to become a woman or man can have cosmetic to enhanced certain appearances, but they are not wholly a woman or a man, i.e, they have to take pills the rest of their life to maintain their hormones levels. Therefore, to me he is still Bruce. I am entitled to my opinions, just like you're entitled to yours.
@@realissues188 Some women DO have to take hormone supplements for their entire lives!!! Some women can't have children...either way, mind your business!
mariyaa111 Don't go there, ok!!! I was not talking about women who have to take harmones to help with their chemical imbalances, I was referring to an individual whom me are the choice to go down that path!
Does not look happy for some reason
Because he put vanity before God,that's why he will never be happy as something God didn't make Him
Dick tied too tight between legs
Thomas Just too much filler and Botox
I agree
He’s not happy!
Courage?? And the crippled, dying veterans languishing in VA hospitals everywhere and being treated like dog shit.. or the souls that gave their life for our freedom..
Cuban Jorge those very souls you speak of also fought for everyone to be able to have the freedom to be who they are.
COOL GIRL totally agree.. but the words courage and hero have a different meaning to me..
Cuban Jorge courage comes in many forms not for you to judge and call whats courage... veterans have courage of a different kind we need to support everyone in this world💙😢what happens to veterans is sad😢
blueshinystar so you want to prohibit me from having the right to think for myself and judge based on my deeply held beliefs and convictions? Where are my rights and free will? Of course I have the right to judge as an individual and determine for myself, without coercion, pressure, arm twisting, spin, or regard for political correctness, what is and isn’t courage. As do you...
Mista Shifta fuck you too
Illuminate: so Bruce what are you willing to give up for fame?
Bruce: my gender
Spot on
I'm pretty sure he/she was already famous before all this before all this
M MD - You must have been born yesterday.
@@ravenesqueone3033 thats Gold lol
Hahahahaha 😂
The Kardashians really screwed him up. 🔩
No they had nothing to do with his EGO He though going transgender would bring him fame above the Kardashian's
In which it did but faded fast
Actual backfired on HIM.
They screw everybody up! Look at Kanye.
@RORO roro and Scott was acting weird for a moment too! Remember that?
They didn't make him what he is,he did that.
Eavy Muturuh exactly
Nothing feminine about him. He just wanted to compete again his beautiful family members
What you said is 100% legit
🤣 seriously , even I think the same
This world is going down the shitter
....cuz people have more freedom?
@@JackiePhillipsTheSocialPet wow freedom is scary stuff
@@traylalynn8403 ...not to the people who achieve it.
@@JackiePhillipsTheSocialPet you are confusing freedom with delusion.
Trayla Lynn You are the confused one. You don't know the known the difference between your limited viewpoint and the choice of another person. What you believe doesn't have to be the same as everyone else's.
You know Everybody else might buy this But not me He is a he and alway will be The damage that he is doing to our children is a disgrace and a sin
He or she is not doing anything to to any child, people like this suffer for years , they don't mean to hurt any one, they just want to be who they feel they are
Agreed hands down my guy🤦🏾♀️😪
Spot on, hit the nail on the head
It's truly an abomination, but what is truly maddening is that this extremely sick mainstream media totally controlled by Christ-hating $@@! keeps pushing homosexuality, transgenderism and any and all manner of moral perversion down our throats.
Your whole life is a sin
Isn't he the same guy who didn't let Kylie do makeup
Akriti Gautam yep
And molested her
Chris Farley he did
@@amandapoon7925 yes he molested Lamar as well.
Chris Farley really what a sicko
Diane Sawyer. Shame on you to think that dating is required to fulfill loneliness.
Damn. Calm down.
Still walks, talks, looks like a MAN. I still am very uncomfortable with my young son growing up with this being "normal". I'm working on it. It's just weird. Sorry.
Don't teach him that it is normal. Just because the rest of the world is crazy and going down the drain. Would you want your family to, too?
It’s not normal so please don’t work on it
things take time, I’m glad you’re working on it!!
Judith Banuelos it is.
You did not suffer. You had a great life as a man. You just had to do something to be known again.
Right! A life that most would die to have!!
Still sad... what a sad confused person.
Right? He just decided this late in his life that he wants to be a women, and WE’RE the confused ones somehow.
I still feel sad for the kids l
Please stop. You are part of the problem. These comments make people Kill themselves.
@@Windering217 becase you dont know how sad his life was for him. If you do you will know why you shouldn't be sad.
We are preety believe that this earth also contain and feed heartless creatures like aligator shark and human like you.
its ok. this happens when you are rich and bored
Michael jackson did as well. Plus the whole bangin kids deal.
@@outkast187 he probably did, because for an adult especially a famous person like him sleeping with little kids was not normal at all , I once saw one of the Jackson in los angeles court house ( could've been Michael or jeramine ) and he saw me and stood like a woman and smiled .Jackson family is gay, no doubt about it...
When I'm bored I order $40 worth of food and play Xbox so its a everyday thing
This isn't a rich person disease
@@outkast187 ok, you're fucking stupid, if you mean that. Jackson was NOT GAYor trans or whatever, he was selling an IMAGE, he was MADE to be androgynous, he was s Shiva figure, and the molestation charges were just BULLSHIT, he got tired of being manipulated, and made to suffer.
You are a man!!!!!!!!!
And will always be a man .
I thought you wrote: "You da man!" 🤣
He knows that, people like that know they will never be a biological female, they're happy with looking the part, and being referred to as.
Period. You weirdos
"Her" DNA is still that of a man. Can't change some things God created.
No overies
Ann Chovey I love u bruh y’all people smart
problems learn how to spell basic female anatomy before you try to go after someone
🗣He’s confused . Nowadays people have to know and understand that it’s ok to be confused and to not take any drastic decisions 😑
So so mentally ill.
So fuckiny say
How is SHE confused?
I agree.
Colin sybile...well put!
There's A LOT more to being a woman, than makeup, clothes, fake nails, and long hair. And you are born a woman, or a man. There is NO way to change that. God decides that. A quote comes to mind from the movie, "Working Girl", ....."Sometimes I like to dance around my house in my underwear....doesn't make me Madonna...never will."
@@cutemittens6239 I disagree, and I'm very well educated. No, sorry, it's a mental illness. They need mental help. AND, I dont hate them, or ANYONE. I myself have a mental illness, bipolar disorder, but the difference between me and them, is I recognize it, and seek mental help. Still love them, just do not agree with them. Also, I'm 41 yo, little girl, not quite.
There Are men who also feel they are “naturally attracted” to little girls, people who feel “ naturally attracted” to animals and people who are born thinking they are “naturally aliens”, do we just give these people what they want to because they feel they are right?
@@tyrelloves3685 exactly! Great point! We are living in an anything goes world now, no morals, and it's even celebrated, and encouraged, and pushed on not just adults, but our children, and influencing and confusing their young minds, or poisoning them I should say. And they go with the flow, because it's easier to do that, than disagree with this madness, because you will be attacked. The world is so backwards, it's sad.
I don’t know what to say. I have never been in this situation before. I’m not sure how a person feels or copes when they are facing this situation. I’m Christian and my faith tells me to love others and not to judge that only God will be the judge. One thing I do know is that I have always really liked Bruce Jenner. From what I could see, as a complete stranger, he is a good man. Now that he is Caitlyn Jenner I’m sure those good qualities that I originally saw are still there. I don’t know. So.....since I do not know anything about this subject I will keep my mouth shut. Maybe others should also. Just my opinion.
Pam BB love them. Don't judge them but stay true to God's word. He did not make stories up in His word. He made man and woman, the natural design. It is an abomination unto God to distort the true two genders He created.
Nancy Carroll ....I agree with you completely. I was taught to hate the sin but love the sinner. We have all sinned. I’m so grateful that my heavenly Father never turned his back on me. I know God’s word. I believe It and try my best to live my life by It. But no matter the situation I try to remember love and forgiveness. Sometimes I fell miserably. ❤️
giggleherz ... I hear what you are saying. I too am scratching my head. But we have to also realize that these innocent children have so much garbage played out before their eyes on television, the media and in day to day life. What are they supposed to think? If I had young children right now I think I would run to the country and cut out all television! Lol of course we cant run from the world. It will seep in somehow. I guess all we can do is try to educate them, raise them by Gods word and pray. Oh Lord PRAY!
I am so glad I am not the only one with those beliefs, I never understood the whole idea of 5 year olds saying they are gay or transgender. Having temptations towards the same sex isn't a sin, but acting on them is. So I can kind of understand why some kids vocalize they are attracted to someone like that. But I have been around tons of little kids from 5-7 and the last thing that is on their mind is changing genders. So is it a brain issue or is it a society issue?
M 28 ...Thank you! Thank you very much for that little dash of wisdom on this conversation. I do not think any little child three or four years old thinks they’re born as the wrong gender. They don’t even understand that entire concept! At that age anything they are picking up on has come in from an outside force. Whether it is television or older kids, or whatever.....something put that in their mind at that age. As they get older, I really don’t know. Whatever it is they will have a hard road to travel. They don’t need hate on top of everything else. That does not mean I have to accept their lifestyle or them mine. But it does mean we can show people love.
There's a plastic surgeon out there turning all his clients into the "Joker" 😀🙈🙈🙈
I'm finished 🤣🤣🤣🤣😭😭
StoleUR Food 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Bruce should never have gotten involved with the kardashians!!!
Debbie Lewis You are so right!!! And if Scott had a brain in his head he would take his children and FLEEEEEEEE!!!!!
I thought he seemed happy with Kris and everyone on their show.
She wants to look like them I guess.😂😂😂
Or live in the Kardashian estrogen ocean 😊😊😊
When I watched keeping up with the kardashians, it was perfect with Bruce and kris. I will never refer to Caitlyn as a she, I won't remember or think Caitlyn as Caitlyn. HE is always Bruce to me. Haters gonna hate.
Being a woman is not easy thing
much less being a female with menstrual cycles... food for thought
No it isn't but it will be easy for him to play a pretend one, seeing that he doesn't have to have a monthly cycle or bare kids and all the other things us woman have to go through. This is sickening to even watch. It's like that Jazz Jennings kid, who thinks he's a girl and went and got a fake vagina sewed onto him. Just nasty!
Especially if you're a man
not a woman, a man
Preston Moore trans woman
Don't let the haters get you down catline 💖
You are so strong and have so much courage to be able to match your outside to your inside ❤
We are not haters. We just have some common sense. Something you apparently are lacking
@@egyptianqueen4007 did I say YOU personally were a hater? NOOOOOO
But that comment proves my point. You are a hater as you just told me I have no commen sense when you do not even know me. I was plainly saying that she shouldn't listen to the people saying she is still a man and give her hate for being transgender.
Drives over a person hit and run, than changes name and sex so everyone forgets about it all lol
Actually, he did that after the surgery. So I think the surgery made him go insane.
@@kennyfromaot7171 breast implants made him go crazy? Because he still has his 🍆..
Can't help but like this woman. Wish Caitlin nothing but the best.
Only two genders, MALE AND FEMALE.
Ricardo Garza jup, she never said there are more, she is biological born with one gender but the brain structures of the other
Jean Mo and that’s not my issue, my issue is then trying to press this on smaller children etc... being trans is not the bravest thing like they say. Just look at the interview with Shapiro and zoey thur you’ll see what I’m talking about
Shut up u look like a man and sounds like a man seriously
There is a difference between gender and sex
His voice kills the ilusion 😂
All transsexuals do.
@@jeremiahtray5621 Yep. They kill their own illusion when they begin having sex reassignment REGRET.
He was created by God...male. I wish him only the best and happiness and peace in his life
Science made her its called sex
she’s a woman!!! she/her only
Diane R he is a fool for turning himself a woman. God is very sad for him. he just indirectly told God that he is senseless for creating him a man
Adele Daizy god didn’t make her a him science did stop going around pushing your BELIEFS on ppl. I those are not facts that u can prove so stop prancing around shoving it into ppl faces. Y’all don’t like it when we do it so don’t do it. That’s why it’s called believing in God. It’s a belief and for all u know it could just be another fairy tale
Chris Martinn you are so dumb! so who brought him into this world? I hate dumb people replying to me. if you do not have a Bible, not a Christian and don't believe in God,I don't have time for you! if God didn't bring him a man,then who did? how did he have sex and impregnate Kris Jenner? because only men have sperms!!! and only God create human beings! he didn't like how God created him so he went to change himself onto a woman dummy! that's all am saying😠
Interviewer : Are you a woman?
Bruce : (stops to think) ugh...yes. looool
Zejna Muric Ask a stupid question, you'll get a stupid answer
Blancita true
Blancita but he isn't a woman he's a male with male genes. Sorry cupcake but just cause he feels like a woman doesn't make him a her. Lol 😂🤣😆
Michaelatky no, she is a woman since her gender is female. She is what we call a trans woman
CupcakKe Queen still a man. Just a man with a sick mind. Needs shock therapy. Idc how many parts you chop off add etc you born a male you'll be dying a male. 🤣😂😀 Suck it up cupcake.
God dont make mistakes . This is what they are telling God.
That’s why he is a made up fairy tale for kids.
Sure he does. Look at you.
Trans people have been here since the beginning. In cultures and places all over the globe they have existed. You are right God don't make mistakes because he makes Trans people everyday and no it is not a choice. These people are born this way and it is beautiful.
@@joshuaalameda4101 so you telling me when a child is born its born a transexual or is it born a male or female? I'll wait
@@efandmk3382 Ok lol you brainwashed too i see.
He is still a man.
A man that thinks he is a woman get help not press
How l9ng before he decides to detrans for ATTENTION
jennifer stewart - why should he get help? He's much happier now that he is a woman. Just because you see it as something is wrong doesn't mean that it's wrong. To each his own. You think it's wrong because you have been conditioned to think that way.
@@rosiepena8917 that is simply foolish. God made you special, and the devil knows just how to trick, and destroy us. It's a shame you have let him trick you, too. I will pray for you my friend 🙏❤️
Jennifer Stewart will you marry me please
@@rosiepena8917 You just called him a he 😂
jennifer stewart please stop
i believe she/he is a big liar......he/she 100% regrets it, but shame to admit it.
dianne ramlogan ... He... He.. Bruse Jenner is a He! He's sick...
@@colbywaldemar8949 Lol
Mr. Bruce Jenner, (he) was (born) a (man,) then, (he) was a (man,) in the PRE MORTAL LIFE. When (Bruce) (die,) n (resurrect,) (he) (will be surprise,) to see (himself) a (man.)
the kardashians have a habit of when they start getting irrelevant, they do something crazy. exhibit A:
I don't much care how someone identifies themselves. Take whatever journey you want but I don't see the "bravery". If you find the hardest thing about being a woman is figuring out what to wear, then you are not really living a woman's life. You're just a wealthy man who can afford a life of fantasy.
Well said, Mike!
Mike Jordan U right about that👍
haha, well said!!!
I agree.
Dee Dee Price 420 Oh my god, yes! I wonder how many transgender males would want to stick it out if they had to deal with a menstrual cycle and cramps. I'm sorry, but just because someone changes their appearance doesn't make them an honorary woman. You have to go through the shit first.
I'm a republican and I love and understand the struggles of transgenders. It's a persons soul that counts
Do you like and respect African-Americans because most Republicans don't!
That soul is going to answer for being ungrateful to their creator for how He created them.
I understand the struggle is real because I'm not an asshole. But there are starving kids in America and this person is mad because she can't get a date after spending thousands of $$ on turning himself into a women. "rich people problems" while some kids are crying because their stomachs are empty and don't know when they'll eat next. Your crying over being Mr. Misunderstood.
Steven Lundgren Well said. Totally agree with u.
Steven Lundgren agree
Steven Lundgren Caitlyn is a she. Trans women are women and trans men are men. Trumpland is disgusting
I don't get why problems are always being compared to starving kids? These are two subjects, that are in no relation to each other.. And this interview does not show, that Caitlyn does not care about starving kids. Who knows if she maybe donates a lot of money to help them? Why can't we have focus on several problems at the same time - in this case society not accepting transgender people, and that kids are starving..
Steven Lundgren the struggling of trying to convince other mentally challanged people that your a lady. this was man through and through. just twisted thought process. this is a man
Can you imagine how his kids feel
No and don't care they all SOME vain people
2 Mamas, 0 Daddys
His *kind* love him trans rights! I'm a trance womwn
Her kids feel very inspired!😂😂😂
Transgender americans have increased becaus it is now a fad amongst young people.
One two or is just more accepted and talked about now?
Well, that's because the media promotes these things day and night as 'inspiring' and normalises it by pretending it is ok. Ofcourse, not giving any real issues a chance.
Unfortunately yes. Millenials are fucked up in the head. I went to a party with my friends and there were two transgender people there. One trying to be a woman and one trying to be a man. Plus three gay guys. I felt like I was the only sane one there. Sick world we live in
You know what... He has given his family and the USA his all... Let her live HER life now
Why someone would take 60 some years to say oh I’m not a man I’m a woman?!!!!
Probably the most selfish man in history
He can live as he pleases, 99% of people don't care either way, the only ones that seem to give a damn is the media who only wants likes, comments..etc
@@carlavaz7782 Because people don't know 𝕎𝕙𝕒𝕥 they want. Grow up.
@@sosad9381 How is he selfish. He did everything for his family and more. Thats not being selfish. You are the most selfish person in history. Honestly, grow up.
To’s just another human being...I do not care if it’s a woman....a man
Hes still a child of GOD!
Sally May So is Hitler. That isn’t saying much.
He is a man not a woman.
i do because its a lie people are supporting
@@sallymay3643 this man is not a Child of God God created him .. but your only a child of God through Faith in Christ Jesus
In about 500 yrs by looking at the pelvic bones he will be clasified as a man.
She, and Why does it matter. u look like a dude so ur a dude
@@VDombroskiII stfu dumbass kid
lmfao couldn't have said it better myself. Apparently that's how we identify Neanderthals and dinosaurs...
@@sheldoncooper4321 why ? Hes completely right.
of course. everyone knows all transgenders can not change their DNA
Poor man...does not look happy
He out here looking mad STUPID
no man would want to date a man in drag.
He had his penis chopped off. Do you expect him to be happy?
@@crystalhayes4022 WHAT!?!?! LOL?!!!? Sweetheart, what planet do YOU LIVE on? I beg to differ, you see it all the time, if you normally walk around with your eyes open.
In Jesus name I pray for him to be healed and know his true identity💖💝
Jesus isn't real
@@nasomeeking1367 Jesus loves you!
Pretty deep voice for a woman
She also pretty strong for a woman, I hope she doesn't try to enter woman's sports because she will possibly hurt other women because of her unusual strength.
The first comment that properly genders her, thank you
She is mentally a woman but physically a male. According to lgbtq she is stuck in a mans body.
Every time someone says Caitlyn I correct them and say Bruce. They get mad and I laugh and say he can’t change his gender.
I feel nothing but sadness for him.
Chris Tine me too...he is so broken
lord we need your help down here
"Is 'she' dating?"
For God's sake , what the hell is wrong with these people.
Indulging crazy Bruce Jenner's madness. This dude is profoundly, mentally ill and should be urged to get the emotional and psychological help he so desperately, needs.
mano fiske 😂 facts
Caitlyn is a beautiful trans woman.
I love her
Be kind to each other. That's all.
Beautifully said.
I don't know what I would do if my X husband became a man
I meant a woman wow
Zetta Takem you would accept him for who he would be. If not he'll/she'll cut u out of his life.
Zetta Takem 😂
Keep him as a friend and move on to another real man. He would do the same....Seems like you have moved on already as he is your ex.
Talan The Meme Man 😂😂
"Dude looks like a lady" 🎶🎵
Shawn D'souza 😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣😂😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣 Ewwwwwwwwwwwwww!
ok but he doesnt even act like a woman 1:13 he looks like a guy who gets paid to act like a woman
danni exaaaactly finally someone can see it !!
*he with an inverted dick
yes, exactly, he's not even effeminate. I'm not convinced at all. This is a joke.
I used to look up to him. I partly ran track because of him...wos
Sadly people with this mental disorder end up killing themselves. Their suicide rate is through the roof. Once they realize they can't change the laws of nature and how their whole life is a lie, it's game over
Your soul is NOT a gender !!!!!!!!
Cara Mia Your both
No, your soul makes up your gender
The comment section shows why her experience is considered a "battle." When you have to fight everyday for legitimacy to exist in the eyes of fellow citizens, that is a life of extreme hardship. She deserves credit for her courage.
MissNebulosity he* decided to invert his penis and wear dresses and try to talk with a high pitch voice, more like dress-up with a pinch of mutiliation, my grandfather fought on Normandy beaches on June 1944. A little valley California rich billionaire like him doesn’t deserve the award, and the fact you are so weak minded you follow the crowd that believes a man who calls himself a woman is a woman, it’s not brave, it goes against biology and it’s stupid.
So if I genuinely think I’m a tractor, does that make me brave? Or stupid? You wanna say stupid, right? Now you’re getting it.
@@EddieMachetti If you're a tractor, may I ride you?
She is the one who wanted to be in the spot light on TV in magazines, etc. She knows anyone in that position is judged so no big surprise there.
Leave the poor man alone. He has severe mental health issues.....narcissistic and a hoarder.
A hoarder????? Really
He litteraly killed people (manslaughter) and nothing happened to him
Correction its a women
@@falk8320 he don't sound like a women
It's a man that has had operations and is on a life time of medication. Still a man and looks bloody awful.
have some damn compassion. Cait is a HUMAN BEING!!!
Bruce/Cait is a freak!
I'm sorry but he she does not look like in anyway a woman . thats a man at the end of the day .
latinoheatariel amen
Gender identity not gender expression that's important
Vlythx still a man no matter wat
Even if it managed to look like a still wouldn't be a woman!
Wow this comment section is full of hateful evil people omg. How can you hate someone so much who you don't even know personally? 😥 Can Caitlyn at least live in peace with her decision? I don't see how this is taking anything away from anyone......crazy af
I’m in a better place with this myself, it must have been so hard for him, be blessed and good luck didn’t know it went back in your life so far 🙏🙏🙏💯
This man is confused I pray he gets help I really do!
Yes, please go talk to yourself while believing you're talking to an invisible being you have no idea exists. Who's confused? 🤷🏻♀️
i love you
olivia Psalms91 you forgot METROSEXUAL haha
We need more people like you in this world 🌍
olivia psalms91, yes only love can conquer hate and most of us needs to practice loving others, but it doesn't make homosexuality and transgenderism right.
Love the sinner but hate the sin!
I'm transracial! All my life I know I've been a strong, independent black woman, despite being born as a weak, Pakistani "man". I'm a black lady and I'm proud!
Nonplayer Character No...You are homosexual
She’s still a man on the inside! Four wheelers, airplanes, the voice, the attitude.
Those things don’t make someone a man though
He should have to return his medals and apologize for embarrassing the Olympics
I have no words for this .... 😣
I do but it's not nice 🤦🏾♀️
Dude, call your surgeon and demand your money back...
This was an enlightening video. Be who you are. Be kind. It seems like that is who you are Caitlyn.
Ossa ha ha ha hilarious
This video was an insult to REAL women
Needs to have lessons on being feminine. Very very masculine.
Christian Debasio lmao, maybe he can start hanging out with drag queens so they can teach him to walk in high heels
Stop trying to control others.
All the femininity in the world doesn’t make a woman, biology does
She's not masculine
Jenner, You needed mental help not medical help. What ever confused you should have been prevented.
News flash Caitlyn, the hardest thing with being a woman is seven days of bleeding, screaming hormones to the point I want to become a homicidal maniac, bloating, and debilitating cramps once a month for about 40 years of a woman's life. I want to shred my clothes on those days because I can't fit in them, not because I'm finicky and just can't decide.....ugh
The hardest thing for me was giving birth!
Only a TRUE woman can understand that!
There’s no fight to fight. A man is a man a woman is a woman there’s no such thing as in between.
His voice, hands and gait are ridiculous
Not at all feminine his choice of words inflections gestures all scream MALE
He walks like a Neanderthal
Black Star Sapphire those heels must be hurting
I respect the journey that's been made, but really the next stop should be prison for killing someone. We all have to pay our dues and karma won't give you peace until you've done just that.
@OH Yeh! it's recorded on tape lol
Wow these comments are brutal!
Not really. It is nice to know, great to know, somehow there is still reality and sanity in this topsy turvy crazed world and a situation like this.
Yes they are, the better not have any kids, nieces, or nephews, you can do that if you have family, need to love every one !!, and be a good person...
No they are truthful snowflake.
The truth is brutal. But someone people need to accept reality.
These comments are honesty! Some people have an issue with that.
If that’s what makes him happy than leave him alone. I never thought I would be saying this but it’s the truth.
But a question can they actually change someone's DNA , I mean wouldn't the DNA still show he's a man ? Just saying no matter what surgeries , hormones etc. DNA doesn't lie
With DNA she will always be a man you're not wrong
Ladies, how would you feel in a public restroom if "Bruce Gender" walked in?
That's why I like the single stall restrooms where you lock the door behind you. You don't have to worry about who or what is going to walk in. That's how all restrooms should be then we wouldn't have to worry about men using the same restroom as little girls.
Who cares? U’re not sitting on the same toilet at the same right?
@@Pomichidai *You're
itsgr8 2bdum avoid public restrooms at all cost , as all these going’s on are designed to not let one get any rest Just because a segment of the population want everyone to go insane like they are.
Absolutely unphased.
He is still a man, no matter what surgery he has had to alter his appearance.
Jacqueline X OOF
Yes and no
Jacqueline X she is not a man..
@@princessmia66 - He can't change his DNA.
Its sad to read alot of these comments so much hate... I am happy for Caitlyn everyone deserves to be happy and live their truth and she had to do it being in the spot light w the kardashians damnnn!!!
. never said that ... I just wish everyone true happiness hater.
And u take meds to chill tf out !
Damn she looks good for her age!! I wish I looked that good for 50
stufcrze 60*
He's 60
sarahthesister 70*
Liga DQ 70*
people need to be aware of the moral and psychological war against them... Protect your children and yourselves from media. These are times of confusion.
i thought he was transitioning into Steven Tyler...
Dream On
Yooooo lmaooo
Correction: What "HIS" life is like now.. Give her 30 years with a period.. Being a women is far beyond makeup and a dress.. Veterans have risked thier life in war and she gets an award for being brave...