Mambo to the fullest, welldone on my side ,, bcz mkadzi ari married haangati ndakanyengwa for a long time thus wy ndakazomubvuma,, saka dzimba dzose dzingapere zvee bcz varume vanongopfimba
Couple iyi iri pakutsvaga mari weldone to the chief munhu akaroorwa why akabvumq kudanana nemurume iye ari married 2 ko kuzoti ndakarapwa 3 ko kuzoramba une mukadzi chifeve Weldone chief mahure ngaabhadhariswe asiye kuhura
@@RodgersSaimon-hl3vj the husband to the wife failed to present his before the chief and to me the chief vanga varikutoda kuti mufesi aroverere chikomba. Like mface atadza kuti kupindura paabvunzwa kuti wakamuudza here kuti mkadzi wako ? Aifanirwa kungoti dare rino rese rakaudza murume uyu(Chikomba) vakadzi vavo. He must ask the chief ndinofanirwa kuudza Zimbabwe yese kuti mkadzi wake. He failed to present his case before the court saka adyiwa. Tell me what is the reason yekutenga chief. Kana uri mutongi hausarudzi side you pick the points and u ask questions
The chief needs a jury pamwe vanotonga zvakanaka asi vanozokurirwa nokushaya consultation. The fact yokuti mukadzi akataura kt ndine murume should have deterred Joseph from further proposing forthwith. The fact yokt aisaziva kt mkdz womunhu falls out bcz nhac mudare aona kt munhu ane munhu wake saka tototangira ipapo
This chief is biased, he cannot absolve the boyfriend of any wrongdoing. The boyfriend is lying that he didn't know she is married. To put weight to his story he claims not to know but he clearly knew cos they stay in the same hood. The chief is wrong in grilling the hubby as if he is the one at fault. I find it absurd for the chief to ask if the hubby introduced his wife to the boyfriend, who does that?
Maya Baba he knows what he's doing,I suspect kuti akatengwa,pachivanhu kutora mukadzi wemunhu imhoswa,mukusaziva. Kana mukuziva,hautongese nyakumhangara mhoswa actually what is needed is just proof yekuti vakadanana here chete
Thumbs up to Chief Seke, yaaah Baba vanogona ava. Ndookunonzi kutonga uku, nemo nemo. Whenever you report your case, be ready to answer all questions. If the guy had not supported his wife, aitobuda bhobho. Dambudziko nderekugara nemukadzi akahura, kufurirana kuti ngatiti akarhepwa. 1. Regardless of how many years murume achikunyenga, when you are married you are married. 2. Kana uchienda kwaChief, usaenda wakapa mutongo wako kare, mirira mutongo kubva kumatare. 3. As much as i listened to this issue, mukadzi akatanga achiti ndakarara naye ka1, but mukufamba kwenyaya, hanzi pechitwo ndoopaakazondirhepa. Uyo wekurara nemukadzi wemunhu, anga achiripiswa.
Chief did a great job. mukadzi was never forced akada munhu ega akaenda kumba kwemurume kunorara naye without being forced. Pagona kutongwa apo. mukadzi akuchinja chinja so ipfambi in short
800 meter from their place mukutaurawo sei varume imwi,mambo uyo haana chaanozicakutonyenga munhu ambokuudza kuti mukadzi we munhu imhoswa kutoraranaye worse
Iye mukadzi ndobva apfimbwa achiziva zvake handiti, ndobva atodeedza munhu kumba kwake, ndokubva atobvuma kurarwa handiti. Why should it be the man's fault now when all she could have said was: "I am married therefore I don't want you," nyaya yogumira ipapo.
What an excellent Chief. Very inquisitive and bringing facts out clearly. The chief was trying to bring issues to the complainant which facts he was failing to grasp. These issues need to be treated as such to prevent extortion. Some Chiefs are mistreating accused persons vachishandisa hasha and using heresy to bring out judgements!
Saka vanga vachifanira kuripisa munhu pasina humbovo sei it's not about kungotaura kaaaa izvi zvinoda proof zvasiyana nemamwe matare ekupenga atinoona anotonga vanhu nekungoti vafunga kuti uyu anenge ataura chokwadi no no no they must have proof kwete mashoko
Ava sabhuku Seke ava ngavambono onawo matongerwo anoitwa nyaya dzakadai nema Chief akaita sana Nyamaropa, Bushu kana vaMakoni 2min dai yatopera kare. Iri pachena nyaya iyi.
Wese ari against chief avo akura supporter chihure chemukadzi.. Thumps up chief, mukadzi akabvumirei umwe murume iye ari mukadzi wemunhu, ihure mukadzi uyo
That Chief is the most useless Chief wekuoedzesera,kudanana nemukadzi wemunhu imhoswa what is needed is evidence chete nyaya yapera and it's a man's fault Siya mahure anevarume otherwise unoripa,it's clear Chief have been corrupted asi kana iri court yemaNyasarandi
chief is very correct. mukadzi akabvumirei kudanana nemumwe murume iye ari pamurume. complainant yatadza kubuditsa mafacts ekut chikomba changa chagara chichiziva kut mukadzi wake . at least dai arequester witness yemunharaunda yavanogara or ivo tete vacho vaigara pedyo nechikomba or paifanira kutoendwa kunogara vanhu ava poonekwa kut magariro avo kana ari epedyo vaitozivana kut uyu mkadz wemunhu. mukadzi akahura anenge ashoresa murume wake saka ngaaripe. kwete zvekuripisa chikomba bcz zvinenge zvave kutoita sekunge kuhura kunodadisa kunounza pfuma mumusha.
@@rutendosopa6550 How??? The chief is stupid and reckless. baba keila na mai keila(married), He would see them walking vese. How do you go around telling every jack an Jill that this is my wife? 1)Fact the wife cheated 2)The guy slept with someones wife knowingly. The wife and this guy should pay this guy. The Chief actually is causing further rift. He is a fool
Even if I was the judge, I was going to rule the same. The fact zvekuti mukadzi abvuma kuti ndakabvunzwa kuti unemurume here iwe, that enough evidence to prove the defendant wasn't aware. People are exploiting others thru this mujolo thing. Big up to the Chief, that level of wisdom I admire it.
Chief dai vachishanda nemakurukota avo vachivapawo mukana wekutaura pamwe dai vakatonga nyaya iyi zvineungwaru than kuzviita defence lawyer, judge zvese
Ba keila ugere negindagoria iro akadii kumboramba at first urikupa mai keilla bota here itai muchiuya kumba pliz akazofadzawo nyama usipo ndavaripe vose
Ndoma chief manyama here ava? vanoratidza kuvenga musoja zvekurevesa. Tawanda ari right but Josephy anenge akabhadhara mambo apa. hakuna mutongo wakadai
The man is a buyer, and the woman is the store. He found the store open. Therefore, he is not guilt. Whether aiziva kana kusaziva is not the issue. Mukadzi womunhu haabvume kudanana noumwe murume. I support the chief's judgement in refusing to promote prostitution from married women.
Ininzi burden of proof. Tawanda haana kuita establish burden of proof. Sometimes when we answer questions, we have no clue that we are crucifying ourselves.
He is very very fair. That's what happens when you marry a hure!! The wife was not forced to sleep have sex at gunpoint, it was consensual. Mukadzi ihure, period.
Vanhu vanenge vachiti tikaenda kwamambo chikomba chinoripiswa.. Welldone mambo. You stand up for a boy child. Varume vanogara vakadzvanyirirwa mumatare umu
But apa complainant as a boy child adzvinyirirwa because nyaya yake has been unjustly handled and the mischief defendant is on a red carpet whilst being represented by the man on the judging chair.At the same time the Chief might have wanted to investigate extortion by charging the wife two beasts that goes to him(Chief )and the Chikomba (defendant)two beasts that goes to the husband(defendant). Simply because the husband is not going to divorce his wife he won't gain or lose anything because they( husband and wife)are going to pay to the Chief 2 and paid back that 2 by Chikomba.The complainant therefore stands at zero,mambo +2 and defendant -2.As I see it,that Chief Seke is the one who is now a culprit because he is suppose to only get the Dare fees and his government gains.There must be an involvement of 4 beasts to the complainant from the Chikomba ,but there is a con move that is smelling at Chief Seke's kangaroo court.It'll end the Chikomba paying 2 to husband and that 2 goes to the Chief.I am happy for transferring the case.
Miscarriage of justice at its highest level. At traditional courts we do not expert that kind of intimidatory cross examination especially on the part of the complainants. Considering that the accused was also told that she was married and went on into a relationship knowing that she was married. The chief decided to totally ignore that but surprisingly believed only the averments by the accused. The fact that he was also told that she was married remained a tangible fact. I have never witness the Wheels of Justice Coming Off in that spectacular and gigantic manner like on this sorrowful case in abroad day light and in the full glare of the country. By the way, do we need, at village level, these retired lawyers to go and confuse our poor brothers and sisters, using their law jargon in the name of traditional courts. At least the chief should treat his subjects with respect, dignity and ubuntu, in an African manner and certainly not the way I have witnessed on these court proceedings. I think he grossly misdirected himself in coming out with the determination, not weighing submissions from both ends. Ndichief rudii anotonga ari oga padare, dare ramambo remunhu one here, this leaves a lot to be desired anhuweeeee. Mambo uyu ndiye Magistrate, ndiye prosecutor, ndiye defense, ndiye ZRP, etc. Ndakanzwa matare aMambo Mutasa, Mamba Bushu, Mambo, Nyamaropa, Mambo Makoni, Mambo Musana, Headman Chigodora, etc. asi izvi zvaMambo Seke handisati ndambozvinzwa in a rural court setup. Ndarwadziwa zvikuru. Hanzi naMambo Seke ndaripisa mukadzi nekuti akasvibisa Seke nekunyengwa nemurume wepanext door asi mumbvunzo wandinawo ndewekuti kunaMambo chikomba hachina kusvibisa Seke here icho chichigara 100 meters away. Mambo vakaramba zvachose umboo wecomplainant kuti chikomba chaiziva kuti mukadzi wenhu uye vachigara muchinharaunda chimwechete vakasaudza kutora umboo wekuti chikomba chakaudzwa nekukadzi uyu kuti akati handina kuroorwa. Kureva kuti mambo vakatora divi zviri pachena. Instead of being neutral mambo was pro-chikomba . Dai vaitonga nevamwe semamwe madzimambo pamwe vaibatsirwa nedzimwe pfungwa. Zindoga (zano ndega) akasiya jira mumasese. The learned chief grossly misdirected himself. Mambo Mutasa, mambo Makoni zvibaba kaizvi. Mubvunzo rudzii kubvunza complainant kuti sei mukadzi wako akabvuma kunyengwa. What kind of a question is that. Mubvunzo unopindirwa nacomplainant here nhai, zvinhu zvakaitwa asipo. Sekuona kwangu, nyaya iyi yakagara yatongwa karesa isati yauya mudare. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Varumeka varumeka.😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
@@Mike-rl3rnHe is only believing chikomba chete and totally disregarding zviri kubva kumukadzi. Saka he is heavily compromised. He should have simply recused himself zvoitwa nevamwe. Judge should be partial. Ko kana vese vachinyepa. Even though ange asingazivi kuti mukadzi wemunhu law yandinoiziva ini inoti ignorence hauna defence. Chief haagone uyo. Dai anga asina kukura adzokera kuHigh Court uko kunana Tendai Biti, Prof Ncube, Adv Uriri, Adv Samkange, Adv Matinenga nana Beatrice Mutetwa nanMadhuku kwete to show his knowledge on those poor ppl. Mukadzi akati ndakamuudza kuti ndine murume that is a fact on ots on Mr Mike yakangofanana neyechikomba kuti akati handina murume.
People are getting this wrong imi chikomba charamba kuti mukadzi akati ane murume and that's it, chief avagone kumuti ari kunyepa kuti mukadzi uyo akati akaroorwa because apana humbovo hwacho mukadzi ari kutsikirirwa nenyaya because ayizviziva kuti mukadzi wemunhu asi akakururira umwe murume bhurugwa
Nyaya yatongwa pachena, murume akahurirwa nemukadzi, munhu akamukanganisira zvakanyanya isn't the man but mkadzi wake and she must be held accountable for that. Iyo issue yekunzi prove kana chikombq chichiziva kuti muri married was only used to tell the husband not to use as a fact that the other man knew very well kuti she was his wife. Best case ever held by a chief I have ever witnessed. Some chiefs would run on just heresy that akandihurira nemukadzi wangu zvotongonzi mombe..... thanks Seke for handling this case zvakanaka
Makapenga chief u are a star 💯%dai maitotonga mumacourt cz mune mibvunzo inonakidza thumbs up baba vangu dai Mwari vakuwedzerai mazuva ekurararama ,mai ihure iro murume akadyiswa uyu shame
The chief finds humour in serious issues. He is provocative. The wronged person is the one he interrogates more, and the guilty one is pampered. Hameno.
Rubbish Chief. Lacks emotional intelligence and very poor reasoning capacity. That soldier guy is very cool headed. I salute him. He is trying to solve this case amicably but the chief is just daft.
Is this a community court or megistrete court hazvisisiri zvechivanhu izvi zvazvecriminal here the fact yekuti warara nemukadzi wemunhu imombe 4 chete hazvineyi kuti iyi ndeyechikonzwero cheyi it's only 4mombe ummmm VHURAMAVI handinawo kufara Napo apo
But generally most of the traditional leaders vanongoripisa 3 mombe kumhombwe yechirume but apo it seems like Chief vakatengwa ne the accused or the accused has approached witch doctor to bribe chief
As much as the woman was at fault to accept the guy when she knew she was married but the Chief is not being fair to the complainant cz he’s the one akatadzirwa with both the accused and the wife Chief, if people come to you with issues basa renyu nderekudzora hukasha huri mumunhu atadzirwa but in this case you leaving this man with more anger that could potentially cause people to take things in their own hands.
The chief is trying to lighten the complainant that his wife wronged him because she can not claim that she wasn’t married before the court. But for the accused he can claim that he was not aware that the woman was married so mhosva irikutangira pamukadzi
The Chief is also trying to teach these guys dictates of the law. Also to bring solid cases to these honorable courts. Many Chiefs fail to discharge justice in such instances 🎉🎉🎉well done Chief
Chief Seke apa maomesera munhu ngekuti munhu kana achiripwa upombwe kunongotaurwa number yemombe kwete kuti mombe imwe ne imwe yakakamirira chii. Zviriko here izvi.
Mambo to the fullest, welldone on my side ,, bcz mkadzi ari married haangati ndakanyengwa for a long time thus wy ndakazomubvuma,, saka dzimba dzose dzingapere zvee bcz varume vanongopfimba
Hanzi for a long time ivo vakarara musi wavakasanga iwoyo vakadanana kikiki hayas
Unomama mkadzi uyo for a long time ipi ivo vakakwirana first day,, I ibishu iro
The guy can’t even present his case also
Chief Charumbira or Nyamaropa vanopedza nyaya ,,,,avo chief vanoda kuzviita kunge vari special kupfura vamwe ma chief
Couple iyi iri pakutsvaga mari weldone to the chief munhu akaroorwa why akabvumq kudanana nemurume iye ari married
2 ko kuzoti ndakarapwa
3 ko kuzoramba une mukadzi chifeve
Weldone chief mahure ngaabhadhariswe asiye kuhura
The Chief is on point and was asking critical questions
Mukadzi uyu chinomuratidza kuti mukadzi wemunhu chiii
You can say that again
Chief wakatengwa avo
Murume ukadanana nemukadzi imhosva iripachena iyoyo as long as wakanyenga ngaaripe mkadzi zviripachena wani
@@RodgersSaimon-hl3vj the husband to the wife failed to present his before the chief and to me the chief vanga varikutoda kuti mufesi aroverere chikomba. Like mface atadza kuti kupindura paabvunzwa kuti wakamuudza here kuti mkadzi wako ? Aifanirwa kungoti dare rino rese rakaudza murume uyu(Chikomba) vakadzi vavo. He must ask the chief ndinofanirwa kuudza Zimbabwe yese kuti mkadzi wake. He failed to present his case before the court saka adyiwa. Tell me what is the reason yekutenga chief. Kana uri mutongi hausarudzi side you pick the points and u ask questions
The chief needs a jury pamwe vanotonga zvakanaka asi vanozokurirwa nokushaya consultation. The fact yokuti mukadzi akataura kt ndine murume should have deterred Joseph from further proposing forthwith. The fact yokt aisaziva kt mkdz womunhu falls out bcz nhac mudare aona kt munhu ane munhu wake saka tototangira ipapo
The Chief should uphold cultural values vasiye kutonga nyaya sevari mucriminal court vasiye macriminal courts aite basa rawo. Murume uyu ngaaite appeal kuMagistrates court😊
Honestly this chief need to be trained.. they will be on fire one day
This chief is biased, he cannot absolve the boyfriend of any wrongdoing. The boyfriend is lying that he didn't know she is married. To put weight to his story he claims not to know but he clearly knew cos they stay in the same hood. The chief is wrong in grilling the hubby as if he is the one at fault. I find it absurd for the chief to ask if the hubby introduced his wife to the boyfriend, who does that?
Maya Baba he knows what he's doing,I suspect kuti akatengwa,pachivanhu kutora mukadzi wemunhu imhoswa,mukusaziva. Kana mukuziva,hautongese nyakumhangara mhoswa actually what is needed is just proof yekuti vakadanana here chete
Kadare aka kandibhowa chivhanhu chipi chakadero ah 😮😮
If you wife is a whore/hure anobvisira varume vese vese bhurugwa imhosva yaani? This is law my friend
Thumbs up to Chief Seke, yaaah Baba vanogona ava. Ndookunonzi kutonga uku, nemo nemo. Whenever you report your case, be ready to answer all questions. If the guy had not supported his wife, aitobuda bhobho. Dambudziko nderekugara nemukadzi akahura, kufurirana kuti ngatiti akarhepwa.
1. Regardless of how many years murume achikunyenga, when you are married you are married.
2. Kana uchienda kwaChief, usaenda wakapa mutongo wako kare, mirira mutongo kubva kumatare.
3. As much as i listened to this issue, mukadzi akatanga achiti ndakarara naye ka1, but mukufamba kwenyaya, hanzi pechitwo ndoopaakazondirhepa.
Uyo wekurara nemukadzi wemunhu, anga achiripiswa.
Chief did a great job. mukadzi was never forced akada munhu ega akaenda kumba kwemurume kunorara naye without being forced. Pagona kutongwa apo. mukadzi akuchinja chinja so ipfambi in short
I think Chief tried to balance issue yeRape neyekuti uyu murume aiviva here kuti they're married.
800 meter from their place mukutaurawo sei varume imwi,mambo uyo haana chaanozicakutonyenga munhu ambokuudza kuti mukadzi we munhu imhoswa kutoraranaye worse
Great Job raurikutaura nderipiko iwe.Chief ava iduzvi mhani sorry mhani ndakanganisa itori mhata
Chief haagone kutonga nyaya , bvunzai vanhu vakaita ufeve kwete kushungurudza nyakutadzirwa
Pakafamba mari apo chief akatengwa umm
amai kana urimukadzi wemunhu ukanyengwa nemumwe murume ukabvuma uri hure .mutsika dzedu dzechivanhu hatirerutse nekuvanzirinza chihure makaita zvinonyadzisa.Mambo avo vanogona kutonga nyaya .imi nemurume akakunyengai mese munemhosva dai murume wenyu asina kuendera mambo pamberi maitonzwa achikomba venyu avo vachitotemwa dzavo mombe zvakare.
Yes murume uyu mkadzi akadyiwa but chief avo vanopenga that guy kana ayiziva kut ndibaba keyla saka prof yavarikuda ndeipi
Chief muri mharapatsetse munehuori zviripachena kuti makatenga
Pasi naMambo Seke vanokurudzira chihure..murume uyu akapfimba mkadzi wemunhu achiziva nxcaaa
Pasi naye
Husband caused to chihure because of sex starving his woman
Hure ihure hakuna mukadzi asingapfimbwe asi kana wakandibata semukadzi wemunhu dzikama dzikama dzikana . Uneimba yako garisika . Mukadzi waroorwa dzikama. Hure ihure
Iye mukadzi ndobva apfimbwa achiziva zvake handiti, ndobva atodeedza munhu kumba kwake, ndokubva atobvuma kurarwa handiti. Why should it be the man's fault now when all she could have said was: "I am married therefore I don't want you," nyaya yogumira ipapo.
I feel pity for the complainant. He is being bombarded with questions as if he is the accused.
very sorry my Bro,
Mutemo unoti mutoro wehumbowo uri pamusoro pemumhan'ari. Kana asiri kuburitsa humbowo hwunogutsa dare, ibasa redare kumubvunza kuti ape humbowo hunobatika kuitira kuti dare ripe mutongo une tsarukano.
What an excellent Chief. Very inquisitive and bringing facts out clearly. The chief was trying to bring issues to the complainant which facts he was failing to grasp. These issues need to be treated as such to prevent extortion. Some Chiefs are mistreating accused persons vachishandisa hasha and using heresy to bring out judgements!
We need a follow up of this story kwachief Charumbira sme thingz r not adding up
Chief vetengwa ava plus ihure remurume chairo ndoteam rinomwira 2 keys mutea ibenzi
Learn or perish ...don't be a simp
Chief ava vanogona kutonga havana pavakanganisa pakutonga pavo
Kutengwa nani muchaurega mjolo
Tourega sei ivo chief vachiupembedza
Chief varikutoramba mjolo
Im surprised nevanhu varikuti chief ndevekupenga kunyengwa haisi mhosva asi kuzobvuma ndomhosva dai mudare umu atonomhan'ara kuti uyu arikunetsa mukadzi wangu chief is absolutely right vakadzi vevanhu pasi nechihure akavhurira murume uyu door ndiani rekuti apinde zvaanoti ndakarepwa akapinda nepai
Chief imi makabhadharwa nemunhu akarara nemukadzi wemunhu,hamugoni kutonga ahhh.
Very corrupt you right
Saka vanga vachifanira kuripisa munhu pasina humbovo sei it's not about kungotaura kaaaa izvi zvinoda proof zvasiyana nemamwe matare ekupenga atinoona anotonga vanhu nekungoti vafunga kuti uyu anenge ataura chokwadi no no no they must have proof kwete mashoko
Ihure iro
kutonga chaiko ndookwakaitwa na mambo uku . I justice chaiyo
Yes mukadzi ane mhosva asi chief, ngavatarise maside ose plus kutongesa munhu akaitirwa mhosva
Ava sabhuku Seke ava ngavambono onawo matongerwo anoitwa nyaya dzakadai nema Chief akaita sana Nyamaropa, Bushu kana vaMakoni 2min dai yatopera kare. Iri pachena nyaya iyi.
Wese ari against chief avo akura supporter chihure chemukadzi.. Thumps up chief, mukadzi akabvumirei umwe murume iye ari mukadzi wemunhu, ihure mukadzi uyo
That Chief is the most useless Chief wekuoedzesera,kudanana nemukadzi wemunhu imhoswa what is needed is evidence chete nyaya yapera and it's a man's fault Siya mahure anevarume otherwise unoripa,it's clear Chief have been corrupted asi kana iri court yemaNyasarandi
Chief munenge mupfimba vakadzi ve vanhu
chief is very correct. mukadzi akabvumirei kudanana nemumwe murume iye ari pamurume. complainant yatadza kubuditsa mafacts ekut chikomba changa chagara chichiziva kut mukadzi wake . at least dai arequester witness yemunharaunda yavanogara or ivo tete vacho vaigara pedyo nechikomba or paifanira kutoendwa kunogara vanhu ava poonekwa kut magariro avo kana ari epedyo vaitozivana kut uyu mkadz wemunhu. mukadzi akahura anenge ashoresa murume wake saka ngaaripe. kwete zvekuripisa chikomba bcz zvinenge zvave kutoita sekunge kuhura kunodadisa kunounza pfuma mumusha.
Chief avaka I feel for his community.zvoda headman chigodora .
If you wife is a whore/hure anobvisira varume vese vese bhurugwa imhosva yaani? This is law my friend
Chief Marara kushandisa hasha mudare
The chief is right dare shouldn’t be easy
It's like bringing your lawyer to preside over your case. The chief is representing the accused, bombarding the complainant with unnecessary questions
Makambonzwao ere kwakatangira nyya yacho chief vari right
Listern to part 1 first, Chief is correct
@@EM-sx6nb true ,and you can tell kuti mukadzi uyo ismall house ukaterera nyya payakatangira murume wacho atorio nemhuri yake anopota achishanya
The Chief is correct married women should be charged also
@@rutendosopa6550 How??? The chief is stupid and reckless.
baba keila na mai keila(married), He would see them walking vese.
How do you go around telling every jack an Jill that this is my wife?
1)Fact the wife cheated
2)The guy slept with someones wife knowingly.
The wife and this guy should pay this guy.
The Chief actually is causing further rift.
He is a fool
Mkadzi ihure full stop ,musoja hamba kahle .Mkadzi wemunhu ramba kupfimbwa kna uine murume nxaaa zvivarume zvese zvisingagutse vakadzi vavo ndimi muri kuita hasha kty mambo vatadza 😂😂😂
Taurahako murume akuda kutoita Mari nechipfambi chemukadzi
Chief seke I miss yo mature you are the best vakadzi nzenza ngavaripe
The Chief has wisdom but nyaya dzakadai dzine makuva dzikatongwa nenzira iyi kuti akatadzirwa ndiye otongeswa kunge mupari we mhosva😂😂😂
Chief ndevekumama akadhakwa mambo uyu
Arikutongeserwa kusapota hure rake
Chief ihama ya accused or chief vapihwa cash. Nonsensical chief
Nekuti I benzi remurume ndosaka atokenswa semupari
@@classicalumunium5434learn or perish....don't be a simp
Well done chief vakadzai vajaira chihure vachitemba kuti zvikomba zvicharipa unohurirei uri mukadzi wemunhu
Chief muri right nokuti mutemo muchivanhu muchi christu unoti mukadzi akahura anorambwa . Ukagara naye mave kuita business. So chief you are right pamutongo uyu. Iwe ungadai wakaramba mukadzi uchiti ihure. Womhangara kuti ini handichadi mukadzi handihurira..
Respect to Tawanda and the way he has controlled himself on the issue. Ma trained Commando ndototya chero kuvati mamukasei😅😅😅
Haiperi zvakanaka uchainzwa
True chifi avaka interrogate the wrong person zvavo
Chief ngavanyengerwe mukadzi wavo.
Even if I was the judge, I was going to rule the same. The fact zvekuti mukadzi abvuma kuti ndakabvunzwa kuti unemurume here iwe, that enough evidence to prove the defendant wasn't aware. People are exploiting others thru this mujolo thing. Big up to the Chief, that level of wisdom I admire it.
Uri dofo
Chief dai vachishanda nemakurukota avo vachivapawo mukana wekutaura pamwe dai vakatonga nyaya iyi zvineungwaru than kuzviita defence lawyer, judge zvese
Chief Ava ndevekumama
If you wife is a whore/hure anobvisira varume vese vese bhurugwa imhosva yaani? This is law my friend
kkkkkkkkk gunners makaenda kuchikoro here,makaroora pfambi zvapera hapana mombe dzaunopihwa
Mai keila ndimi ndambodziko kupaza imba ne$20 wakutemesa chief musoro apa wakupa murume stress yekumupinza busy
Ba keila ugere negindagoria iro akadii kumboramba at first urikupa mai keilla bota here itai muchiuya kumba pliz akazofadzawo nyama usipo ndavaripe vose
Ndoma chief manyama here ava? vanoratidza kuvenga musoja zvekurevesa. Tawanda ari right but Josephy anenge akabhadhara mambo apa. hakuna mutongo wakadai
Clear hatred 😞..... Thus why vamwe vachizoita instant justice - nyere mumusoro memunhu coz haaa zvekutsanangura zvinonetsa.
Chief ava bho here musangogadze vanhu hu chief aaaaa😢😢
Ummm very sad pakadai no need kuendesa nyaya kwachief ndotonga ndega xaaa
imagine iye ndiye akuita se anemhosva mnje its sad
Chief you represent king Solomon. I salute you .
Pafair chief uyu akarasa chivanhu chedu pamwe kusiyana kwemarudz kuri kwedu matemo anomuda zvozotongwa imwe mhosva zvakare
Foolish chief miscarriage of justice of the highest order. Akatengwa chief uyu Seke
Chief uyu haakoshese marriage institution.Mu area mamambo uyu vanhu vachatemana nematemo vachinyengerana vakadzi.
Chief uyo acharohwa or kuurawa muchikoti change chenhema.
Chief ava havakwanise zvachose.He is a disappointment.Miscarriage of Justice.
KwaSeke hakuna Chief Kuna intimidator chete.@@ernestmagwaza2055
Unoramba uchigara nehure sei mfana wakadzungaira😂😂😂😂😂😂
Mamwe madzishe ngabatsire chief Seke kunzi Ishe vanhu ngavatarise mativi ese kutonga hakudi hasha pride too much mukuru
Hakuna Chief vakadai. Zimbabwe irikufa left, right and Centre. Yoweeee.
The man is a buyer, and the woman is the store. He found the store open. Therefore, he is not guilt. Whether aiziva kana kusaziva is not the issue. Mukadzi womunhu haabvume kudanana noumwe murume. I support the chief's judgement in refusing to promote prostitution from married women.
Very true vakadzi wevanhu vakuhura these days too much
Good analysis wagona wangu ndivo mambo vanofanirwa kuenda ku concourt of Zimbabwe he has the grace of judging.... Chief justice Seke
Mumba mukashaya rudo vakadzi vanobuda. Varume ipai vakadzi venyu rudo ndapota. Musoja ipawo mukadzi rudo mukadzi ngaagarwe navo kana vachikudawo
kushaya wisdom apa chief must learn kutonga nemakurukota not being a dictator mudare he must learn from other chiefs
The chief is not fair at all, he is acting like the responded's lawyer.
Ininzi burden of proof. Tawanda haana kuita establish burden of proof. Sometimes when we answer questions, we have no clue that we are crucifying ourselves.
He is very very fair. That's what happens when you marry a hure!! The wife was not forced to sleep have sex at gunpoint, it was consensual. Mukadzi ihure, period.
Pamwe chivanhu chakasiyana asi kuvata nemukadzi wemunhu imhosva patsika dzedu ndisingazive paMambo Seke
pakachinjana cash apa
Chief uyu akatengwa nemhombwe kuti ape mutongo wenhema
Is being rough to the complainant...... for what reason 🤔. I'm disappointed
Chief ava machuchisiro avari kuita muridzi wemkadzi zviri pachena kuti ivo vano nyenga vakadzi vevanhu
Mukadzi anekodzero yekuramba kana akanyengwa..Welldone Chief
Hakuna mambo vakadai aiziva kuti mukadzi wemunhu apo verunyoka vaye muripiko and varume vakadai vanoda kunzi vabvise 20 mombe runyoka runodiwa ooooh ndazviona ini
If you wife is a whore/hure anobvisira varume vese vese bhurugwa imhosva yaani? This is law my friend
Really 🎉🎉🎉
Why is he supporting his wife both of them were wrong he can’t decide who to forgive,that guy doesn’t owe him anything it’s his wife who does
The chief atadza kutonga ,this man ngaende kumadzisekuru murume uyo agadzirwe and acharipwa mombe dzaanoda
Vanhu vanenge vachiti tikaenda kwamambo chikomba chinoripiswa.. Welldone mambo. You stand up for a boy child. Varume vanogara vakadzvanyirirwa mumatare umu
But apa complainant as a boy child adzvinyirirwa because nyaya yake has been unjustly handled and the mischief defendant is on a red carpet whilst being represented by the man on the judging chair.At the same time the Chief might have wanted to investigate extortion by charging the wife two beasts that goes to him(Chief )and the Chikomba (defendant)two beasts that goes to the husband(defendant). Simply because the husband is not going to divorce his wife he won't gain or lose anything because they( husband and wife)are going to pay to the Chief 2 and paid back that 2 by Chikomba.The complainant therefore stands at zero,mambo +2 and defendant -2.As I see it,that Chief Seke is the one who is now a culprit because he is suppose to only get the Dare fees and his government gains.There must be an involvement of 4 beasts to the complainant from the Chikomba ,but there is a con move that is smelling at Chief Seke's kangaroo court.It'll end the Chikomba paying 2 to husband and that 2 goes to the Chief.I am happy for transferring the case.
Miscarriage of justice at its highest level. At traditional courts we do not expert that kind of intimidatory cross examination especially on the part of the complainants. Considering that the accused was also told that she was married and went on into a relationship knowing that she was married. The chief decided to totally ignore that but surprisingly believed only the averments by the accused. The fact that he was also told that she was married remained a tangible fact. I have never witness the Wheels of Justice Coming Off in that spectacular and gigantic manner like on this sorrowful case in abroad day light and in the full glare of the country. By the way, do we need, at village level, these retired lawyers to go and confuse our poor brothers and sisters, using their law jargon in the name of traditional courts. At least the chief should treat his subjects with respect, dignity and ubuntu, in an African manner and certainly not the way I have witnessed on these court proceedings. I think he grossly misdirected himself in coming out with the determination, not weighing submissions from both ends. Ndichief rudii anotonga ari oga padare, dare ramambo remunhu one here, this leaves a lot to be desired anhuweeeee. Mambo uyu ndiye Magistrate, ndiye prosecutor, ndiye defense, ndiye ZRP, etc. Ndakanzwa matare aMambo Mutasa, Mamba Bushu, Mambo, Nyamaropa, Mambo Makoni, Mambo Musana, Headman Chigodora, etc. asi izvi zvaMambo Seke handisati ndambozvinzwa in a rural court setup. Ndarwadziwa zvikuru. Hanzi naMambo Seke ndaripisa mukadzi nekuti akasvibisa Seke nekunyengwa nemurume wepanext door asi mumbvunzo wandinawo ndewekuti kunaMambo chikomba hachina kusvibisa Seke here icho chichigara 100 meters away. Mambo vakaramba zvachose umboo wecomplainant kuti chikomba chaiziva kuti mukadzi wenhu uye vachigara muchinharaunda chimwechete vakasaudza kutora umboo wekuti chikomba chakaudzwa nekukadzi uyu kuti akati handina kuroorwa. Kureva kuti mambo vakatora divi zviri pachena. Instead of being neutral mambo was pro-chikomba . Dai vaitonga nevamwe semamwe madzimambo pamwe vaibatsirwa nedzimwe pfungwa. Zindoga (zano ndega) akasiya jira mumasese. The learned chief grossly misdirected himself. Mambo Mutasa, mambo Makoni zvibaba kaizvi. Mubvunzo rudzii kubvunza complainant kuti sei mukadzi wako akabvuma kunyengwa. What kind of a question is that. Mubvunzo unopindirwa nacomplainant here nhai, zvinhu zvakaitwa asipo. Sekuona kwangu, nyaya iyi yakagara yatongwa karesa isati yauya mudare. Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Varumeka varumeka.😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
well said
chief vagona based on facts. Couple iyo vari kuda kutsvaga mari
Chief vanogona avo. Vanhu ava mukadzi nemurume vari kuzivana
Well said , this chief is somehow biased remember in our culture, sleeping with another men s wife is a taboo nomatter what circumstances
@@Mike-rl3rnHe is only believing chikomba chete and totally disregarding zviri kubva kumukadzi. Saka he is heavily compromised. He should have simply recused himself zvoitwa nevamwe. Judge should be partial. Ko kana vese vachinyepa. Even though ange asingazivi kuti mukadzi wemunhu law yandinoiziva ini inoti ignorence hauna defence. Chief haagone uyo. Dai anga asina kukura adzokera kuHigh Court uko kunana Tendai Biti, Prof Ncube, Adv Uriri, Adv Samkange, Adv Matinenga nana Beatrice Mutetwa nanMadhuku kwete to show his knowledge on those poor ppl. Mukadzi akati ndakamuudza kuti ndine murume that is a fact on ots on Mr Mike yakangofanana neyechikomba kuti akati handina murume.
Chief plse tongai zviri fair apa uyu wekukwira vakadzi vevanhu ngaabvise 10 mombe asiyane nekungonyenga nyenga iye haana mkadzi here imharadzi iyo
Ko icho chikomba paakaudzwa kti ndine murume akadii kubva asiyana naye. Vese mahure skweya chikomba ne mukadzi ngavaripe
That true wese mahure but mkadzi in this case she is worse coz akatobvuma iye ari married and kusvirwa zuva raapfimbwa proves the lady uyo ihure
People are getting this wrong imi chikomba charamba kuti mukadzi akati ane murume and that's it, chief avagone kumuti ari kunyepa kuti mukadzi uyo akati akaroorwa because apana humbovo hwacho mukadzi ari kutsikirirwa nenyaya because ayizviziva kuti mukadzi wemunhu asi akakururira umwe murume bhurugwa
Chief avana humbowo hwekuti mukadzi uyu akati ane murume
Nyaya yatongwa pachena, murume akahurirwa nemukadzi, munhu akamukanganisira zvakanyanya isn't the man but mkadzi wake and she must be held accountable for that. Iyo issue yekunzi prove kana chikombq chichiziva kuti muri married was only used to tell the husband not to use as a fact that the other man knew very well kuti she was his wife.
Best case ever held by a chief I have ever witnessed. Some chiefs would run on just heresy that akandihurira nemukadzi wangu zvotongonzi mombe..... thanks Seke for handling this case zvakanaka
Mambo is amazing yemupara mhosva. Aagone kutonga. Tsvaka unwell chief. The whole discussion was spent protecting the accused
Zi chief rakadya mari
Makapenga chief u are a star 💯%dai maitotonga mumacourt cz mune mibvunzo inonakidza thumbs up baba vangu dai Mwari vakuwedzerai mazuva ekurararama ,mai ihure iro murume akadyiswa uyu shame
Chief aribhoo vanhu two avo vari rude. Chief Anga asati apedza nyaya
I agree
Amai ava ihure chairo.Chief you are 100%correct .baba ava vanenge vakadyiswa chete.mukadzi uyu itsotsi chairo
Victim becomes a perpetrator 😢
Chief vanotonga nyaya zvairi awo murume uyo haana mafacts uyo plus mukadzi ibishu iro wakazogadzira nyaya awo
Chief Ava vachaita kty vanhu vaurayane, he support munhu akanyenga mkadzi wemunhu,
Chief needs to go for lessons at headman Chigodoras court. Hapana chooziikanwa haana wisdom at all.
If you wife is a whore/hure anobvisira varume vese vese bhurugwa imhosva yaani? This is law my friend
The chief finds humour in serious issues. He is provocative. The wronged person is the one he interrogates more, and the guilty one is pampered. Hameno.
The chief is trying to help the guy akaparirwa mhosva but mumhan’ari haasi kugona kuburitsa chokwadi pamberi pedare. The chief is not biased
The Chief is biased
@Tinah1450 the chief is asking silly questions.
Dambudziko T1 vaida kusuppot mukadzi paChihure
If you wife is a whore/hure anobvisira varume vese vese bhurugwa imhosva yaani? This is law my friend
I love this chief. Urikugarirei naye kana arikukuhurira? Tanga wamusiya wozopihwa muripo. Makutoita business nevakadzi
People are making money selling their woman … Well done chief
This is pure extortion, the chief just saved this man😂
True kutotsvaga Mari nechipfambi chemukadzi
Chief havavaki ava ,munhu anourayiwa
Vanogona mkadzi akabvumirei iye ari mkadzi wemunhu
All married women who agree to sex with other men are also guilty and ngavaripisewo
Chief ava havagoni kutonga nyaya .Vakatengwa nemunhu akanyenga mkadzi wemunhu .
Tauraii hako vakatengwa avaa or vanotova nehukama neakanyenga
money works now I believe 😞 😔 😟 🙁 😥
This Chief lacks wisdom. He must be stripped off and stopped from handling cases.
He is acting qualities of a good chief..why tormenting complainant like this
If you wife is a whore/hure anobvisira varume vese vese bhurugwa imhosva yaani? This is law my friend
If you wife is a whore/hure anobvisira varume vese vese bhurugwa imhosva yaani? This is law my friend
Chief panichaiya madzimai zvipere zvechifambi kuvanhu varimarried😊
Rubbish Chief. Lacks emotional intelligence and very poor reasoning capacity.
That soldier guy is very cool headed. I salute him. He is trying to solve this case amicably but the chief is just daft.
Chief muri right murume Uyo ngaabvume kutu mukadzi ihure saka ndizvo zvamuri kuzama kumuonesa kuitira mangwana sezvo iye ada kugara nemukadzi akamuhurira .Saka ndobvumirana nemwi kuripisa mukadzi Uyo
Chief encouraging chihure vose murume nemukadzi ngavabhadhare
If you wife is a whore/hure anobvisira varume vese vese bhurugwa imhosva yaani? This is law my friend
This chief is not fair at all, and he was probably related to the defendant what a shameful ending and unnecessary interrogation 😮
Chief vakatengwa avo vanonyadzisa . Kungoudzwa kaakaita kuti am married ayifanira kumira. Chief mukukurudzira chii monyadzisa shame on u chief
Moda kupota muchituma vakadzi wenyu kuhura muchida mombe Chief is very right
He is very correct chief avo varikutonga nyaya pachena kana ukaenda kucourt waba unovaudza kuti andina kuba because ndainge ndakarara kumba time yacho here that's nonsense because anoziva izvozvo ndiwe so azvishande kucourt izvozvo same nekuti anoziva kuti mukadzi wangu nekuti todarika nepamba pavo😂 even chiri chokwadi chief vainge vasipo pavaidarika nepamba pavo that's why vari kuda humbovo hwekuti anoziva kuti uyu mudzimai wangu nekuti takambobuda tese sema couples or akambouya kumba kwangu akatobikirwa nemukadzi wangu ndiripo yes not kut nekuti togara padhuze nepadhuze no
Really unnecessary
Is this a community court or megistrete court hazvisisiri zvechivanhu izvi zvazvecriminal here the fact yekuti warara nemukadzi wemunhu imombe 4 chete hazvineyi kuti iyi ndeyechikonzwero cheyi it's only 4mombe ummmm VHURAMAVI handinawo kufara Napo apo
Judges should never become emotional when handling cases
True this chief is very rude
These are traditional chiefs guys, they’re taught to change faces sometimes.
This chief so biased, no need to raise tempers, sorry for the poor guy wekudyirwa mukadzi, but hapachina muchato apa. Once a cheat, always a cheat 😊
Why judge protecting the culprit
The victim is protecting his wife for why😊
But generally most of the traditional leaders vanongoripisa 3 mombe kumhombwe yechirume but apo it seems like Chief vakatengwa ne the accused or the accused has approached witch doctor to bribe chief
Chief ava I dako varikutora side vandigumbura chaizvo nxaaaaaaa
Idako kuyenzana nemakoreavo
Imbwa inoti hu hu hu kuukurai 100 percent uselessness
As much as the woman was at fault to accept the guy when she knew she was married but the Chief is not being fair to the complainant cz he’s the one akatadzirwa with both the accused and the wife
Chief, if people come to you with issues basa renyu nderekudzora hukasha huri mumunhu atadzirwa but in this case you leaving this man with more anger that could potentially cause people to take things in their own hands.
The chief is trying to lighten the complainant that his wife wronged him because she can not claim that she wasn’t married before the court. But for the accused he can claim that he was not aware that the woman was married so mhosva irikutangira pamukadzi
true that, ndosaka vanhu vachizopedza nyaya dzavo vega kumaraini. Zinemakuva izvi,
Chief uyu itorio mhombwe anotora vakadzi vevanhu akuna mambo anotsigira munhu arara nemkadzi wemunhu mivhunzo yese iyi aifanira kuvhunza akapara mhosva kwete akatadzirwa
Chief iduzvi.Kusarohwa!
Mukosho wa chief
the judgement was ryt cz gunners aida kuzviita anoziva mutemo nepaisinga zive,,no 1 is above the law & judgement
Musoja uyu apererwa shame😂😂😂😂😂 kudzungaira chaiko kkkkk
Asi zvakaipa munhu anopererwa kusvika pakutsvaga pfuti mambo vasashandise chisimba kuita injustice
Chief Chigodora is the best, hmmmm Ava chief vanotodawo help
Mukadzi vako Dai aikuda akakuudza kuti ndine munhu arikundinyenga Saka mukadzi ihure haasi Joseph chete arikunyenga
The Chief is also trying to teach these guys dictates of the law. Also to bring solid cases to these honorable courts. Many Chiefs fail to discharge justice in such instances 🎉🎉🎉well done Chief
Chief ava vakarasika aei muone room saka handle tinonyenga vakadzi vake nekuti Kake kunoripiswa vakadzi vanyengqa
Mambo ava vakagadzwa zvavo pahumambo but zodzo yehutongi hwekuyananisa dunhu ravo huchiri kure navo
Keep it up chief,abantu bayabheda isifebe kasibhadale either umfazi noma indoda
Chief Seke apa maomesera munhu ngekuti munhu kana achiripwa upombwe kunongotaurwa number yemombe kwete kuti mombe imwe ne imwe yakakamirira chii. Zviriko here izvi.
Haaa Mambo Seke vane brain and very patient. Vakagona judgement.
nyaya maburitsa zvakanaka Mambo, but we forgot the aggrieved man's heart. Murume uyo akakuvara moyo anoda kupora. Haazvipodze ega...
Ummm chief uyu anokonzeresa .Vekudanana 2 ava vane mhosva ngavaripire munhu Period
Hakuna Mambo vakadaro.
VaMutapa ndimi watakaudzwa kuti ndimi muri pamusoro soro ndiko here kutonga kwacho uku?
Kababa aka nemukadzi wako waitotsvagawo mari hawo manje zvaramba good chief tukadzi tumahure ndoturi kukonzeresa
Vakadzi vevanhu kubvuma mumwe murume kushaya respect nemurume wake, chihure chakadai munhu haaregi uyu, baba ava zvavanogara vachishandira Kure vachanzwa nekuenda kumatare nemaboyfrends emukadzi wake.
Vanenge vachingoripwa mombe every 6 months😂
Chief wakandibowa munhu akakwirirwa mukadzi wake then vakutoita lawyer remunhu akatadza .he lakes wisdom
Chief has wisdom, bt anenge azoita zvinenge zvekutsigira akatora mkadzi wemunhu. Kutora mkadzi eemunhu imhosva apo chero riri rudo.
Ini maonero angu pamtongo wapiwa,murume wokurara nemukadzi womunhu anofanira kuripkwa,zvekuti mukadzi wemunhu ahura asika munhu uyu akarara nemkadzi uyu mumba memmumwe murume.
Yes, cow #3