151 Of the 285 passengers and crew on board, 151 died in New Zealand's worst railway accident. It was, at the time, the world's eighth-deadliest rail disaster and made headlines around the globe. Message from the queen mentioned the tragic event and she sent condolences to all effected.
The Tangiwai Railway Disaster/The Baclutha Railway Disaster, 1953/2021.
105 people who were on the train died
Thank you. The memorial at the site says 151 people. To help me understand, where does 105 come from?
Of the 285 passengers and crew on board, 151 died in New Zealand's worst railway accident. It was, at the time, the world's eighth-deadliest rail disaster and made headlines around the globe.
Message from the queen mentioned the tragic event and she sent condolences to all effected.
It does pay to get plastered on occasion.
R.I.P 6 French Soldiers::::::(1723-1772)
Cause Of Deaths:(Crossbow Wounds)