freesteff2010 I have found out it's a good idea to dubble treat it put epoxy let set half way remote hex then mix the epoxy in the rim and reset the hex it makes it a bit stronger I am happy to know my video is helping you out
I didn't even see your video and I did something very similar. I used plastic weld though and mixed it with crazy glue though. I also didn't leave the Hex hub in the rim so long. I just left it for about 2 min for the weld in the hex of the rim to dry sufficiently to take the form of the rim hex and then left it to dry after.
Ok so I take it we leave the hex in the wheel and try to pop the whole thing on the rod when putting the wheel back on and force it off the rod to take the wheel back off?
I'm using a TP 4070cm 2200kv 8s motor and a Hobbywing Max 5 in my very modified Rustler 2wd. There is so much power going to the rear wheels for which I have Jaco foams. If the wheel nuts aren't tightened with the proper tool it loosens and the jaco hex got rounded out. What I do is I got plastic weld and mixed it with crazy glue and put in the hex rim groove and then I put a cheap hex hub inside the Jaco tire hex rim groove for a minute just for the plastic weld around the jaco hex groove to dry up a bit and pulled it out. It took the form of the hex and left it to dry for about 4 hours in the hot sun. When I tried driving my car the jaco rim and tires hold firmly and aren't backing out.
As long as you put the foil in yes the hex isn't being glued in if you use just the epoxy the hex will be fixed to the wheel but it will come on and off
Just stripped out my brand new duratrax hatchets and imma have to try this because there is no way im going to throw away 110$ worth of brand new wheels
🤦🏼♂️ The reason he said that was because cheaper aluminum foil is thinner. The thinner the foil, the tighter the space between the hex and the JB Weld. Look at 3:05 for example dude.
good job. I was literally about to throw some wheels in the trash. trying it now and will update tomorrow
Good idea, I'd suggest using the wheel hub to insure that the hex sets up centered properly.
Thank you. Your video helped a lot.
Update*** this really works!!! Thanks great idea I have thrown lots of good wheels an tires away.
freesteff2010 I have found out it's a good idea to dubble treat it put epoxy let set half way remote hex then mix the epoxy in the rim and reset the hex it makes it a bit stronger I am happy to know my video is helping you out
Furious RC ok another great idea! 😅 it's been holding up good so far put about 7 packs threw it. But I'm gonna do another treatment. Thanks.
Furious RC cool!!but not sure i understand...could you give more details thx!!
Martin St-pierre where do you need more detail?
"Set half way ,remote jex"what do you mean?u push it half way then wait or you push it half way remove it amd put some more or....????
Nice idea I'm trying it out now.
I didn't even see your video and I did something very similar. I used plastic weld though and mixed it with crazy glue though. I also didn't leave the Hex hub in the rim so long. I just left it for about 2 min for the weld in the hex of the rim to dry sufficiently to take the form of the rim hex and then left it to dry after.
Ok so I take it we leave the hex in the wheel and try to pop the whole thing on the rod when putting the wheel back on and force it off the rod to take the wheel back off?
I'm using a TP 4070cm 2200kv 8s motor and a Hobbywing Max 5 in my very modified Rustler 2wd. There is so much power going to the rear wheels for which I have Jaco foams. If the wheel nuts aren't tightened with the proper tool it loosens and the jaco hex got rounded out. What I do is I got plastic weld and mixed it with crazy glue and put in the hex rim groove and then I put a cheap hex hub inside the Jaco tire hex rim groove for a minute just for the plastic weld around the jaco hex groove to dry up a bit and pulled it out. It took the form of the hex and left it to dry for about 4 hours in the hot sun. When I tried driving my car the jaco rim and tires hold firmly and aren't backing out.
awesome video!! Any update on them? How long did they last with this fix?
It definitely depends of the power ypur running the stampede 4x4 with the vxl on 3s they last quite a while
It seems more for up to 4s rc cars a 6s will shred it again if you Fullthrottle it. So does mine.
Can you still take your tire off and on?
As long as you put the foil in yes the hex isn't being glued in if you use just the epoxy the hex will be fixed to the wheel but it will come on and off
Why not just glue the hex in the rim and make it a pin drive?
my hexes have a grub screw and are axle specific. this method then comes in handy if not your method has worked for me in the past
Just stripped out my brand new duratrax hatchets and imma have to try this because there is no way im going to throw away 110$ worth of brand new wheels
How do i fix back wheel on rc
It's interesting what all you can do with a couple random things like foil and JB weld, but whatever works right? By the way, nice wedding ring ;)
So you just tear the rest of foil off after it sets
You can but you dont have to
I got 2 battery play and and it started spinning again
I didn't have aluminum foil tho
Drill 1/16 hole through hex and rim after jb welded and put a pin through the hex and rim
Dude you emphasize cheap foil a several times.... For the tiny amount you used who gives a shit its like $0.35 worth
🤦🏼♂️ The reason he said that was because cheaper aluminum foil is thinner. The thinner the foil, the tighter the space between the hex and the JB Weld. Look at 3:05 for example dude.