I was so sad when it was removed. a decent % of the time one person on the enemy team is the most powerful and as a leona main I could get that and it would neuter them pretty badly.
especially because it allowed you to reduce a percentage BEYOND just actual armor/mr itemization. If the enemy team has a strong hypercarry like Kayle and you've already built frozen heart and armor/mr depending on her build, you could add Anathemas. Also worked on true damage, making it the only real way we have ever had access to for reducing %max health true damage, which felt great to buy vs Vayne
@@lastcrustacean2154 ugghhhh? no actually. Its counter every dmg type but not true dmg. True dmg only counters are health and shield. And vayne max health true dmg has no counters..... Beside Nasus W and frozen heart atk speed slow to slow her from proc it
I thought about this as i was getting destroyed by yi yesterday. “Well, at least they removed Duskblade” Cuz the only thing worse than a fed yi, was a fed yi with duskblade. Sometimes just rendered the game unwinnable
@@reginaldbutcha4844 And he just builds normal on hit after buying duskblade first. That item could have given zero stats but the untargetable/invisible effect still would make it insane.
@@liamwilson5670 The original duskblade before the invulnerability did have invisibility. If i remember correctly, it was true stealth too. It lasted just a little bit longer than the invulnerable duskblade, but that little duration made it even worse. You could sorta predict the time on invulnerability, but it was much harder with the invisibility because yi is so fast
In twisted treeline the witch cap was just death cap but I thin it had 20 more ap if I am not wrong something like that and you couldn't by death cap on twisted it was pretty cool to have map depended item.
I remember escence reaver being an ADC mana item, being reworked, then abused by toplaners (specially jax, riven and renekton. Yeah, two non-mana champs) and then it went back to what it was when shojin was added
@@Fabiocean2000 nope. Shojin was launched after Reaver. First, the item was a lifesteal item with a passive that restored mana% on hit, then it got reworked into what turned later in shojin
ZZ'Rot is a forgotten item. It also enpowered split pushing, but also could be placed in lanes to keep waves from pushing in while you fought on the other side of the map.
Oh my god yes. It's the reason I clicked the video. I want it back so badly. It was so fun as a jungler to just farm stacks until late game and then be able to carry. Especially with the old phoenix stance Udyr, which I vastly prefer over the new Udyr. I remember stall comps were really big at that time where mid and bot would pick champs that could stall out the game and play safe while top went Nasus and just stacked all game and jungle went Yi, Warwick, or Udyr most of the time and stacked for feral flare.
Bloodsong surely fits the bill too. This item was so nuts on release, teams ran multiple support items just to benefit from the stats, to the point that they had to implement a lockout between Doran's Items, Jungle Eggs and the World Atlas. And that was after the item got nerfed.
Man seeing all those old clips and items make me want to play old league again, when the first blood didnt put you at such a disadvantage and games didnt end at 15 minutes. Now you rarely get to build more than 2 items in most games, it's all about snowballing and winning quickly, how boring.
Games end at like 25-30 minutes. Almost every game I reach 3-4 even 5 items. Hell im normally 2.5 it's s at 20 minutes. The game sped up because changes but people also just understand how to end better
Feral flare... Only heard of this item from exil. I heard rumors this was also in a time where teleport smite was a thing. Anyway, i very much feel called out on this item since i play many powerfarmers. I give my best to search for ganks or counterganks, but sometimes there is just not a good opportunity. However, infinite stacking like heartsteel on a jungle item sounds hilariously stupid to deal with.
back then a warwick ult would literally 100-0 you with 0 chance of counterplay (qss didnt work either as you still took the dmg, you just neglected the cc
also at one point ravenous hydra was THE meta , every single ad champ would get it , farm their life out , get free ad and lifesteal 'at one point it was omnivamp) and just be unkillable . add hullbreaker to that and you will get a fiora from hell
I think that list was really good but stridebreaker with dash would have mad a very good 11th place. I know after they realeased it asking myself as an immobile/semi-mobile midlaner/toplaner how id ever get away from a garen or darius who now for some reason had gained a dash to mitigate their one weakness of needing to gap close. That item made me litteraly put down the game till they removed the dash
So, my good sir, did you forget about BORK? That item was (and still is, if not as strong) one of the most unbalanced items in the game. I remember having 11k damage on Pantheon with it, and I built it as my last item (to be fair, they had Sion and Cho'Gath). Those were the days I'm telling you.
Bork has been changed so much numerically. From 6% to 8% to 12% to 10% Etc. But we all know. Being autoed 5 times in 1 seconds by renekton or pantheon or Leona and taking 50% current hp plus 250 plus base ad damage is kinda insane for a single purchase.
Sunfire aegis while it was a mythic item made divine legit look like it was ok. Sunfire was so broken it was picked on non-tank characters like diana and do more damages than the main ap build
Mythic Jak'sho, Sunfire and Turbo Chemtank were all extremely overpowered items where it would warp how champions played. I remember Varus and other adcs would build Jak'sho second or third after a damage item. Sunfire made any melee character unkillable and deal tons of damage and while it wasnt super popular if your champ could abuse Turbo Chemtank there was no counter play. Akali and Qiyana would abuse it for the damage and slow because they could stack it almost instantly with their dashes and Volibear and Old Skarner would abuse it to permanently keep you slowed or locked down.
I am extremely happy that Divine Sunderer stopped existing - it was pretty much the one item I've ever actually legitimately been upset by and had active disdain against for as long as it was in the game
The most broken combination of anti tank things Healing based on enemy hp, %max health damage, low cooldown, and just for the hell of it, that mythic passive that gives a LOT of armor penetration
@@victorpedrosoceolin3919 yeah it literally gave you everything you wanted as a fighter and thanks to this it was so widely applicable you could build it on almost anyone and reap major benefits
I still believe to this day and ever since i started playing when Camille came out that BotRK is the most broken item in the game. With one single item, you now negate any health that is built on any champ. I may be biased as a top main and Cho' Gath enjoyer, but Liandries is also a thing and yet i think that is a perfeclty fine health busting item.
I tried to do a mathematically correct build for like 30 champs. And Bork was always my main issue. Comparing it's stats to Terminus Old hydra. Mejais Any tear item. Any % shred item vs malphite. Etc. Guinsoos wits end at max lvl. Etc. I always came out with 1 thing. Why does a sustain item add more damage on hit vs a tank than trinity force/other sheen items. Like. it adds a minimum 15 and upwards of 300/600 on hit depending on the enemy I ended up going Bork sunderer brand at one point. Because it's was just better than ap. :) Bork op. Remember boys. Last stand, press the attack, and bloodsong buff it's % hp on hit by multiplying percentages.
@Peyton-f8m that's a good point too, why does a percentage health damage item give lifesteal. Not only are you destroying a cho gath or sions health bar, but there's also nothing they can do to fight back cuz ur healing for the damage you deal. Went sylas into a cho gath in ultimate spellbook, so I was massive, around 10k health or more, and the only person who could fight me was the 1/8 Yasuo with BotRK because each auto was healing him to full.
@Peyton-f8m something I like to think about too, theoretically with no armor or a lot of armor pen/shred, you can kill any champ with just 10 autos, and that's without counting any extra damage on too, so it's more like 9 or 8 autos.
Galeforce was a crime. Buyable stealths, dashes, and hard CC have never had any place in a game like this. Remember how fast they took the dash off Stridebreaker? Yikes 😬
Exactly what I think. Right now, we still have Proto Belt. If Riot's argument is that champions like Kennen cannot function without Proto Belt, then it is Kennen that needs a rework, not Proto Belt needing to exist. Champions need to be able to function without specific item actives, having Proto Belt may help Kennen but it also gives champions like Fizz and Akali another dash which is not something you want to see.
As a support main I have a deep hatred for the umbral glaive. It gives too much vision pressure for it being an AD assassin exclusive item. It would be fine if there was an AP and tank variant that other supports can use but having a free oracle's lens that goes off as soon as you get in range of a ward AND lets you destroy them instantly is just plain stupid, annoying, and frankly an unfair advantage in the vision game.
You could also add the first mythic versions of sunfire and goredrinker to the list. Both of them were built on champs that weren’t even tanks or bruisers, like Diana, Ekko, and Talon. The buff to Amumu Q and introduction of the mythic version of sunfire single handedly made Amumu the best champ in the game at the time.
The 2 items i thoughr of in the intro that were the included were Cinderhulk and Z'z Rots Portal. The latter lives in my head rent free to this day, and I havent event play lesgue in over a year.
God, i kinda miss divibe sunderer. It was absolutely degenerate, but i miss having at least the illusion of choice between spellblade items. Also miss the omnivamp on eclipse
An important thing to mention about banner of command was that it already existed for years before the baron buff changes that made it op, until then it was seen as a meme item.
I will admit, I do miss the Banner of Command days. I'd build it on support, and the funny trick was while you *could* use it in the lane you're pushing to try and get the tower, I'd just use it on forgotten or neglected lanes in the mid to late game. All 10 champions are near dragon pit, when suddenly top tower falls for no reason? And now someone has to go up there to "Stop the split push", even when no one's split pushing and all 5 of us are bot. :D
in arena, wooglet's witchcap is also really rare, only being obtainable from a prismatic augment which then also requires you to buy hourglass & deathcap to combine into wooglet's. extremely strong but does still take several rounds and luck to get
RIP Divine Sunderer. By far my favorite item ever introduced. So fucking fun. I'm sad we never had an instance in time where Klepto+Sunderer existed simultaneously- that would've slapped.
I gotta rant about banner. That item was great as a niche forever until Riot overbuffed it because they just up and decided that niche items don't get to exist. It was a blessing as a melee toplaner to be able to punish the opponent for picking a mage top. I remember specifically using it against Ryze and Vlad who both used to go top primarily.
I remember back when Prowler’s Claw had its active back during mythics… I’d pull off so many near-guaranteed stuns with Pyke. Sleep well, sweet item. Do not go gently into the light.
Have something to say about cleaver, banner and devourer. 1. Cleaver/ item stacking had another funny interaction. Tiamat and Hydra stacked too, shyvana could one shot teams with enough of them. 2. Banner is missing its partner in crime... Zzroth portal... Just stack these 2 in one lane and you can group while the enemy has to defend a still hard pushing lane (+ who could forget the extra move speed around turrets xD) 3. Devourer was so idiotic, that even Kayle jungle was meta and broken as hell. 4. While on jungle items somehow the most broken jungle item was the wardstone one. It just allowed the jungler to place wards. Sounds weak? Was op and at least in pro games every jungler played it. Not to mention it allowed Lee easy insecs throughout the whole game.
Thank, finally someone talked about spear of shoujin. First time this item came out (idk s8 or s9) it was godlike broken. Idk ppl are forgot or most player this days are younger ppl who wasn't played back then but there is literally a video on UA-cam that show 2 item jax vs full item yi win. I was rushing this item on yi (first main jax second main yi) too, after completing atk speed item jungle + atk speed boots I go for this item. Had dmg a little bit of hot for being more tank also have cdr that lower abilities and back then yi could benefits from cdr (max cdr 40 this item give 20 or 25). This item passive was making it broken, give atk speed and cdr on every auto after using ultimate for 10 seconds on basic abilities (if I missed something or was wrong about something, I writing this before watching video and only use my memory) Edit: divine + shoujin on jax = jax 1v5 pentakill 2nd edit: I can't say enough that how much this item is broken and I loved and missed it, literally I build shoujin even on urf and in both urf and normal summoner rift I had 1v5 penta kill with jax
Stopwatch is one of the grossest ones for how much you could swing a game. You can remember a lot going off during a fight if you weren't paying attention to inventories
Another thing with sunderer is the fact that until 11.13, ezreal and senna were spamming it every game due to the spellblade dmg not having a decreased effect on ranged champs. Sunderer muramana ezreal with grasp and 2-3 tank items still gives me ptsd since you couldn't kill him and his first 2 items allowed for almost 700 damage q's from across the screen while healing a ton per hit. Camille doing 1.3k true damage per q is a really close 2nd for me tho lol
4:32 Vars a hidden Sated Devourer monster that nobody talks about is old yoric, making a clone of yourself with your ult with sated devourer and it also get boosted by each of your old ghosts was toxic. If you killed yoric he would revive and revenge kill you, if you kill the ghost yoric would kill you after that.
you forgot stackable sunfire capes... i can remember the time when tank shaco was a thing you would build 3 sunfire force of nature and guadians angel... your clone also had the sunfires so if he attacked with the clone 6 sunfires would burn upon your team while this clone was tanky as fuck AND the clone had guardians (yes it worked...) so you had to kill the clone 2 times. so boring so obnoxious.
i remember sated devourer being bugged on aatrox (or in general idk) so that literally every single aa activated his w, it was so damn busted when you had a lot of attack speed, i miss old aatrox soo much 😔
When we had mythics you were able to stack %pen items for idk why. Eclipse had 4% armor pen per legendary and for an insane reason you can buy black cleaver and serylda’s. Aatrox would oneshot harder than a zed while never even coming close to dying cz eclipse for some reason had omnivamp alongside the shield it gave. Fun days
Surprised there wasn't a Goredrinker honourable mention, when there wasnt fall off so it was like an instant darius q healing and the later iteration with inbuilt last stand too
When ardent censer took over, I stopped playing until it was fixed/castrated. I love playing tank supports and being basically invalidated felt so bad I didn't want to play anymore
Divine Sunderer's concept was not bad, being the slower, anti tank Sheen item. The problem is that they just wanted for the item to do all. Not only having max% damage, but also having scaling hybrid pen, and also healing for the damage dealt, durability and cdr. If they had just kept either the max% damage or the healing, and maybe giving it a different stat than the scaling pen, it would have been a much healthier item. Also, they should have removed the interaction with Camille's Q, or at least the max% damage conversion into true damage, maybe just letting Camille apply the base ability's damage and a small base amount from the Item and nothing else, keeping the % one as physical.
I remember when hextech revolver and bilgewater cutlass were pretty nuts on their respective champions. and weren't even legendary items. back when zed would unironically build bork.
Feral Flare/Sated Devourer being mentioned but not bringing up the sheer terror of patch 4.20 Weedwick is criminal. Back then, his ult was point and click. So if WW was on the same screen as you, you just straight up died with no counterplay. If he somehow made it into a game (Only 3 bans per team back then), the WW team auto won.
Always find the Tabi arguent weird. Yes, it takes away 1000s of damage from auto attacks - but that's the point since every single champ dies auto attack and depending on your champion, if we see autos as an ability, have 600 damage that procs on-hit on a 0.3 second cooldown with varying range. It seems only fair that there is an optional choice to negate a % of the flat damage of it.
First version of death dance was insane, It gave the same stats it has today PLUS healing with 15% of phisical dmg dealt, basically you couldnt die, somente version of Phantom too, It reduced 10% of the dmg tou took from the last chanp you hit
I'd say honourable mention to Jaksho when mythic items were a thing. The fact that champion could just get Jaksho, then build full dmg and thus become full tank and full dmg was an oversight to say the least. Also, DFG was so freaking annoying; it wasn't necessarily overpowered because the game was mostly balanced around it, but the fact that as a mage you HAD to build DFG or you would be actively griefing was dumb.
I am surprised sunfire wasn't mentioned back when it was used on unverisal every role except adc. I also felt Saguine wasn't a bad honorable mention not for it being the most OP but basically how incredible fast they gutted and removed that item. It was basically just a novelty item
You mentioned tabis. I fully agree they are overtuned, but at this stage of the game they absolutely need to be. Buying both them and a designated warden's mail item is the only way a tank can be allowed to exist on the same screen as an ADC for more than 2 seconds, and that's kind of important for them to do their job.
it's so funny watching this video after having switched over to dota, and man, items in this gfame are really just stat sticks compared to dota items Just Comparing Deathfire grasp to Ethereal Blade: 15% max health damage+20%(then enrfed to 15%) increased magic damage vs 50+1.5x your primary attribute as damage, making the target unable to attack, slowing it by 80% and increasing their magic damage taken by 40%, and you can also cast it on yourself to make you unable to be attacked
I find it unfortunate, you didn't mention the part, that adcs started with a specific support item in the ardent meta, to funnel more gold into their support, because the powerspike of it back then was that inside
Madreds + Kog Maw gave me a 58 Game Winstreak back in early league. Dealing something like 16-20% max Health Damage on 2.5 Attack Speed was absolutely Bullshit.
I feel like death fire could be an item today and it wouldn't be that great. Maybe just remove the damage increase for the next few seconds, but then the item would be worse than anything else in it's class (death cap, zhonya's, even liandries if you want %HP damage).
Considering all the changes League has gone through, I wonder if there are any removed items that could make a return as they were without breaking the game.
Divine Sunderer was very overrated during season 13, as it was mathematically proven that Trinity Force did more dps on average against the vast majority of champions. Previous iterations might have been very strong, but by season 13 the math had been done and the item was tuned to be really only optimal into tanks. This was pretty common knowledge and seen and a variety of champions, including Vi and Camille.
I'm surprised Thornmail wasn't mentioned. Like seriously, if you have a situation where that item can preform, it WILL preform. I'm not joking when I say this, but i once played a 1v1 against a friend, he went Irelia with bork and full mr items, I went Galio with thornmail and full armor. The thornmail was somehow keeping up damage with the bork, even though I built it way later than he finished bork.
DFG wasn't really that broken back in the day. It was a must buy for assassins/burst mages, but they still burst people slower than assassins do these days. That said, it would 100% be broken if it was inserted these days. Compared to items like stacked Madred's or sunfire, or even the atmog meta, DFG only had random edge cases of abuse that got quickly patched.
Sunfire mythic meta. Just build tank on any melee champ especially if you don't know how to play it & IT JUST WORKS. Sunfire Diana, Fiora, Sylas, Voli, Tryn, Master Yi, Kayn, Morde and..... Vayne.
I think people remember ardent censer for what it did to worlds that year. Every game was lulu vs janna and games were won by who got ardent first. It was boring and i do believe it was the worlds with the least kills per game.
Definitely 6 infinity Edges.
If only I could have that kind of power again..
bro misses edging build
zeal 😩
@@dravendraven1471 Draven with Sword of the Occult and an aggressive Leona as your support. That was top notch gameplay.
6 bt when it had ramping dmg was insane
Wota stacking with ryze and rumble is a core memory for me in this game lol.
I did not realize how much I missed Anethma’s chains till it was removed.
I was so sad when it was removed. a decent % of the time one person on the enemy team is the most powerful and as a leona main I could get that and it would neuter them pretty badly.
Anathema's Chains was a really good item. I hope they bring it back 😌
especially because it allowed you to reduce a percentage BEYOND just actual armor/mr itemization. If the enemy team has a strong hypercarry like Kayle and you've already built frozen heart and armor/mr depending on her build, you could add Anathemas. Also worked on true damage, making it the only real way we have ever had access to for reducing %max health true damage, which felt great to buy vs Vayne
@@lastcrustacean2154 ugghhhh? no actually. Its counter every dmg type but not true dmg. True dmg only counters are health and shield. And vayne max health true dmg has no counters..... Beside Nasus W and frozen heart atk speed slow to slow her from proc it
Anethemas makes you take % less damage so it does work on true damage and max health true damage@@schariacveliona3449
Duskblade finally being removed entirely was like a huge weight being lifted off the meta.
I thought about this as i was getting destroyed by yi yesterday. “Well, at least they removed Duskblade”
Cuz the only thing worse than a fed yi, was a fed yi with duskblade. Sometimes just rendered the game unwinnable
@@reginaldbutcha4844 And he just builds normal on hit after buying duskblade first. That item could have given zero stats but the untargetable/invisible effect still would make it insane.
I feel like it could be better with regular stealth instead of invulnerability and tone down the ad and it could be better I miss it
@@liamwilson5670 The original duskblade before the invulnerability did have invisibility. If i remember correctly, it was true stealth too. It lasted just a little bit longer than the invulnerable duskblade, but that little duration made it even worse. You could sorta predict the time on invulnerability, but it was much harder with the invisibility because yi is so fast
8:41 Twisted Treeline forgotten again :’(
In twisted treeline the witch cap was just death cap but I thin it had 20 more ap if I am not wrong something like that and you couldn't by death cap on twisted it was pretty cool to have map depended item.
@@skelet8337 pretty sure I remember it being like 100 ap 45 armor and zhonyas effect alongside dcap effect but 25% instead of the 35% dcap had
Vars my good sir. Wooglet's Witchcap was a Twisted Treeline item first. Do not disrespect it please.
I miss TT to this day. Easily some of the most fun I've had in League. BRING IT BACK RIOT YOU COWARDS
I was legit about to be like "Typical League Player, Forgetting about Treeline :(" lmao
I remember escence reaver being an ADC mana item, being reworked, then abused by toplaners (specially jax, riven and renekton. Yeah, two non-mana champs) and then it went back to what it was when shojin was added
important to note that this "rework" basically just turned the item into Spear of Shojin 2.0
@@Fabiocean2000 nope. Shojin was launched after Reaver. First, the item was a lifesteal item with a passive that restored mana% on hit, then it got reworked into what turned later in shojin
Afaik it was a gimmick on Jax in higher elo but was broken on Riven and Rene
@@Fabiocean2000 no, reaver was first. Then they came up with Shojin, which had the same passive but more applicable stats to the toplaners
ZZ'Rot is a forgotten item. It also enpowered split pushing, but also could be placed in lanes to keep waves from pushing in while you fought on the other side of the map.
imo the raptor cloak was the best component in the game, armor + 10% ms for like 1k gold, only condition for MS was to be in a lane, it was whack
ZzRot + Banner , drop in one lane, tp/ go for objective. So annoying
Zzrot, banner, and baron on a yorick: "What is a tower?"
I used to go zzrot on teemo and shroom the paths to it. House of horrors :)
I used Zz Rot + Banner on some derpy support builds, to make a splitpush without having a split pusher.
> Wriggle's Lantern in the thumbnail
Man, I feel old. We used to eat good in the Jungle back in the day
Oh my god yes. It's the reason I clicked the video. I want it back so badly. It was so fun as a jungler to just farm stacks until late game and then be able to carry. Especially with the old phoenix stance Udyr, which I vastly prefer over the new Udyr. I remember stall comps were really big at that time where mid and bot would pick champs that could stall out the game and play safe while top went Nasus and just stacked all game and jungle went Yi, Warwick, or Udyr most of the time and stacked for feral flare.
Bloodsong surely fits the bill too. This item was so nuts on release, teams ran multiple support items just to benefit from the stats, to the point that they had to implement a lockout between Doran's Items, Jungle Eggs and the World Atlas. And that was after the item got nerfed.
I rly like this channel interesting content , good voice , no screaming and no unfunny memes in the videos
8:32 Literally zhonyas now its the ring
Man seeing all those old clips and items make me want to play old league again, when the first blood didnt put you at such a disadvantage and games didnt end at 15 minutes. Now you rarely get to build more than 2 items in most games, it's all about snowballing and winning quickly, how boring.
I miss the 45 minute power spike nasus and veigar.
Well apparently being in gold is giving me a better experience than being in high elo then😂
Games end at like 25-30 minutes. Almost every game I reach 3-4 even 5 items. Hell im normally 2.5 it's s at 20 minutes. The game sped up because changes but people also just understand how to end better
Feral flare... Only heard of this item from exil.
I heard rumors this was also in a time where teleport smite was a thing.
Anyway, i very much feel called out on this item since i play many powerfarmers. I give my best to search for ganks or counterganks, but sometimes there is just not a good opportunity.
However, infinite stacking like heartsteel on a jungle item sounds hilariously stupid to deal with.
What he didn't mention is it also had a ward on it. Item had jungle contested. Everyone wanted a taste of the power fantasy
back then a warwick ult would literally 100-0 you with 0 chance of counterplay (qss didnt work either as you still took the dmg, you just neglected the cc
How did S10 death's dance not end up here? Good old mr 200y 1v4ing with that item was insanity
also at one point ravenous hydra was THE meta , every single ad champ would get it , farm their life out , get free ad and lifesteal 'at one point it was omnivamp) and just be unkillable . add hullbreaker to that and you will get a fiora from hell
I think that list was really good but stridebreaker with dash would have mad a very good 11th place. I know after they realeased it asking myself as an immobile/semi-mobile midlaner/toplaner how id ever get away from a garen or darius who now for some reason had gained a dash to mitigate their one weakness of needing to gap close. That item made me litteraly put down the game till they removed the dash
So, my good sir, did you forget about BORK? That item was (and still is, if not as strong) one of the most unbalanced items in the game. I remember having 11k damage on Pantheon with it, and I built it as my last item (to be fair, they had Sion and Cho'Gath). Those were the days I'm telling you.
Bork has been changed so much numerically.
From 6% to 8% to 12% to 10%
But we all know. Being autoed 5 times in 1 seconds by renekton or pantheon or Leona and taking 50% current hp plus 250 plus base ad damage is kinda insane for a single purchase.
I remember Madred's Bloodrazor being crazy
Sunfire aegis while it was a mythic item made divine legit look like it was ok. Sunfire was so broken it was picked on non-tank characters like diana and do more damages than the main ap build
It was actually better on warwick than divine 🥺
Explain to me why they removed gunblade pretty please.
I miss that item every single day of my life.
Mythic Jak'sho, Sunfire and Turbo Chemtank were all extremely overpowered items where it would warp how champions played. I remember Varus and other adcs would build Jak'sho second or third after a damage item. Sunfire made any melee character unkillable and deal tons of damage and while it wasnt super popular if your champ could abuse Turbo Chemtank there was no counter play. Akali and Qiyana would abuse it for the damage and slow because they could stack it almost instantly with their dashes and Volibear and Old Skarner would abuse it to permanently keep you slowed or locked down.
I am extremely happy that Divine Sunderer stopped existing - it was pretty much the one item I've ever actually legitimately been upset by and had active disdain against for as long as it was in the game
The most broken combination of anti tank things
Healing based on enemy hp, %max health damage, low cooldown, and just for the hell of it, that mythic passive that gives a LOT of armor penetration
@@victorpedrosoceolin3919 yeah it literally gave you everything you wanted as a fighter and thanks to this it was so widely applicable you could build it on almost anyone and reap major benefits
Every item designed to kill tanks. Divine Sunderer at 1st place every time.
I still believe to this day and ever since i started playing when Camille came out that BotRK is the most broken item in the game. With one single item, you now negate any health that is built on any champ. I may be biased as a top main and Cho' Gath enjoyer, but Liandries is also a thing and yet i think that is a perfeclty fine health busting item.
I tried to do a mathematically correct build for like 30 champs.
And Bork was always my main issue.
Comparing it's stats to
Old hydra.
Any tear item.
Any % shred item vs malphite.
Guinsoos wits end at max lvl. Etc.
I always came out with 1 thing.
Why does a sustain item add more damage on hit vs a tank than trinity force/other sheen items.
Like. it adds a minimum 15 and upwards of 300/600 on hit depending on the enemy
I ended up going Bork sunderer brand at one point.
Because it's was just better than ap.
:) Bork op.
Remember boys.
Last stand, press the attack, and bloodsong buff it's % hp on hit by multiplying percentages.
@Peyton-f8m that's a good point too, why does a percentage health damage item give lifesteal. Not only are you destroying a cho gath or sions health bar, but there's also nothing they can do to fight back cuz ur healing for the damage you deal. Went sylas into a cho gath in ultimate spellbook, so I was massive, around 10k health or more, and the only person who could fight me was the 1/8 Yasuo with BotRK because each auto was healing him to full.
@Peyton-f8m something I like to think about too, theoretically with no armor or a lot of armor pen/shred, you can kill any champ with just 10 autos, and that's without counting any extra damage on too, so it's more like 9 or 8 autos.
Galeforce was a crime. Buyable stealths, dashes, and hard CC have never had any place in a game like this. Remember how fast they took the dash off Stridebreaker? Yikes 😬
Exactly what I think. Right now, we still have Proto Belt. If Riot's argument is that champions like Kennen cannot function without Proto Belt, then it is Kennen that needs a rework, not Proto Belt needing to exist. Champions need to be able to function without specific item actives, having Proto Belt may help Kennen but it also gives champions like Fizz and Akali another dash which is not something you want to see.
yo vars! ive been watching for forever and the videos that cover past metas are my favorite:D
As a support main I have a deep hatred for the umbral glaive. It gives too much vision pressure for it being an AD assassin exclusive item. It would be fine if there was an AP and tank variant that other supports can use but having a free oracle's lens that goes off as soon as you get in range of a ward AND lets you destroy them instantly is just plain stupid, annoying, and frankly an unfair advantage in the vision game.
Divine Sunderer Leona was my favorite! They SHALL be sundered
I think even Goredrinker at it's peak could have made the list. There was a point where everyone used it... even assassins.
The tank item mythics were crazy back in the day.
13:36 broseph never heard of hull breaker leblanc and ahri 💀
You could also add the first mythic versions of sunfire and goredrinker to the list. Both of them were built on champs that weren’t even tanks or bruisers, like Diana, Ekko, and Talon. The buff to Amumu Q and introduction of the mythic version of sunfire single handedly made Amumu the best champ in the game at the time.
The 2 items i thoughr of in the intro that were the included were Cinderhulk and Z'z Rots Portal.
The latter lives in my head rent free to this day, and I havent event play lesgue in over a year.
God, i kinda miss divibe sunderer. It was absolutely degenerate, but i miss having at least the illusion of choice between spellblade items. Also miss the omnivamp on eclipse
An important thing to mention about banner of command was that it already existed for years before the baron buff changes that made it op, until then it was seen as a meme item.
An interesting video idea could be talking about summoner spells, how they changed when they were broken etc.
I just watched your Support and adc Videos and as a vel'koz support main i can agree with a lot your saying
I will admit, I do miss the Banner of Command days. I'd build it on support, and the funny trick was while you *could* use it in the lane you're pushing to try and get the tower, I'd just use it on forgotten or neglected lanes in the mid to late game. All 10 champions are near dragon pit, when suddenly top tower falls for no reason? And now someone has to go up there to "Stop the split push", even when no one's split pushing and all 5 of us are bot. :D
Man, I feel old. We used to eat good in the Jungle back in the day
I can’t even tell you how many pentas I had with shyv and yi with devourer. That item was absolutely ridiculous
in arena, wooglet's witchcap is also really rare, only being obtainable from a prismatic augment which then also requires you to buy hourglass & deathcap to combine into wooglet's.
extremely strong but does still take several rounds and luck to get
While not quite a top ten, stacking sunfires on Evelyn back when she had true invisibility was nuts. I think that also contributed to unique passives.
i remember when DFG was in the game at the same time they gave Ahri a damage amp on Charm.. they removed both and she was guttered for a while
I remember stacking Sunfire Capes... that was great
RIP Divine Sunderer. By far my favorite item ever introduced. So fucking fun. I'm sad we never had an instance in time where Klepto+Sunderer existed simultaneously- that would've slapped.
I gotta rant about banner. That item was great as a niche forever until Riot overbuffed it because they just up and decided that niche items don't get to exist. It was a blessing as a melee toplaner to be able to punish the opponent for picking a mage top. I remember specifically using it against Ryze and Vlad who both used to go top primarily.
I remember back when Prowler’s Claw had its active back during mythics… I’d pull off so many near-guaranteed stuns with Pyke. Sleep well, sweet item. Do not go gently into the light.
Have something to say about cleaver, banner and devourer.
1. Cleaver/ item stacking had another funny interaction. Tiamat and Hydra stacked too, shyvana could one shot teams with enough of them.
2. Banner is missing its partner in crime... Zzroth portal... Just stack these 2 in one lane and you can group while the enemy has to defend a still hard pushing lane (+ who could forget the extra move speed around turrets xD)
3. Devourer was so idiotic, that even Kayle jungle was meta and broken as hell.
4. While on jungle items somehow the most broken jungle item was the wardstone one. It just allowed the jungler to place wards. Sounds weak?
Was op and at least in pro games every jungler played it. Not to mention it allowed Lee easy insecs throughout the whole game.
Ravenous Hydra right after the rework. Jak'Sho when it was released was also quite broken.
10:32 before about November of 2023 Duskblade only had an untargetablitly cooldown of 10 seconds
Banner Command + the portal one where the best thing ever 😭👄😭
Zz’rot portal was called, and I remember the yorick mains during that time =)))…man that was a slaughter ..
Thank, finally someone talked about spear of shoujin. First time this item came out (idk s8 or s9) it was godlike broken. Idk ppl are forgot or most player this days are younger ppl who wasn't played back then but there is literally a video on UA-cam that show 2 item jax vs full item yi win. I was rushing this item on yi (first main jax second main yi) too, after completing atk speed item jungle + atk speed boots I go for this item. Had dmg a little bit of hot for being more tank also have cdr that lower abilities and back then yi could benefits from cdr (max cdr 40 this item give 20 or 25). This item passive was making it broken, give atk speed and cdr on every auto after using ultimate for 10 seconds on basic abilities (if I missed something or was wrong about something, I writing this before watching video and only use my memory)
Edit: divine + shoujin on jax = jax 1v5 pentakill
2nd edit: I can't say enough that how much this item is broken and I loved and missed it, literally I build shoujin even on urf and in both urf and normal summoner rift I had 1v5 penta kill with jax
Stopwatch is one of the grossest ones for how much you could swing a game. You can remember a lot going off during a fight if you weren't paying attention to inventories
Another thing with sunderer is the fact that until 11.13, ezreal and senna were spamming it every game due to the spellblade dmg not having a decreased effect on ranged champs. Sunderer muramana ezreal with grasp and 2-3 tank items still gives me ptsd since you couldn't kill him and his first 2 items allowed for almost 700 damage q's from across the screen while healing a ton per hit.
Camille doing 1.3k true damage per q is a really close 2nd for me tho lol
4:32 Vars a hidden Sated Devourer monster that nobody talks about is old yoric, making a clone of yourself with your ult with sated devourer and it also get boosted by each of your old ghosts was toxic. If you killed yoric he would revive and revenge kill you, if you kill the ghost yoric would kill you after that.
you forgot stackable sunfire capes... i can remember the time when tank shaco was a thing you would build 3 sunfire force of nature and guadians angel... your clone also had the sunfires so if he attacked with the clone 6 sunfires would burn upon your team while this clone was tanky as fuck AND the clone had guardians (yes it worked...) so you had to kill the clone 2 times. so boring so obnoxious.
i remember sated devourer being bugged on aatrox (or in general idk) so that literally every single aa activated his w, it was so damn busted when you had a lot of attack speed, i miss old aatrox soo much 😔
When we had mythics you were able to stack %pen items for idk why. Eclipse had 4% armor pen per legendary and for an insane reason you can buy black cleaver and serylda’s. Aatrox would oneshot harder than a zed while never even coming close to dying cz eclipse for some reason had omnivamp alongside the shield it gave. Fun days
Surprised there wasn't a Goredrinker honourable mention, when there wasnt fall off so it was like an instant darius q healing and the later iteration with inbuilt last stand too
Man I miss DeathFire Grasp, I always ran that shit with my troll builds like AP blitzcrank or AP rengar. Good times.
When ardent censer took over, I stopped playing until it was fixed/castrated. I love playing tank supports and being basically invalidated felt so bad I didn't want to play anymore
Divine Sunderer's concept was not bad, being the slower, anti tank Sheen item. The problem is that they just wanted for the item to do all. Not only having max% damage, but also having scaling hybrid pen, and also healing for the damage dealt, durability and cdr. If they had just kept either the max% damage or the healing, and maybe giving it a different stat than the scaling pen, it would have been a much healthier item. Also, they should have removed the interaction with Camille's Q, or at least the max% damage conversion into true damage, maybe just letting Camille apply the base ability's damage and a small base amount from the Item and nothing else, keeping the % one as physical.
I remember when hextech revolver and bilgewater cutlass were pretty nuts on their respective champions. and weren't even legendary items. back when zed would unironically build bork.
Feral Flare/Sated Devourer being mentioned but not bringing up the sheer terror of patch 4.20 Weedwick is criminal. Back then, his ult was point and click. So if WW was on the same screen as you, you just straight up died with no counterplay. If he somehow made it into a game (Only 3 bans per team back then), the WW team auto won.
remeber when the %dmg from sunderer spellblade applied to towers when it was released
Always find the Tabi arguent weird. Yes, it takes away 1000s of damage from auto attacks - but that's the point since every single champ dies auto attack and depending on your champion, if we see autos as an ability, have 600 damage that procs on-hit on a 0.3 second cooldown with varying range.
It seems only fair that there is an optional choice to negate a % of the flat damage of it.
First version of death dance was insane, It gave the same stats it has today PLUS healing with 15% of phisical dmg dealt, basically you couldnt die, somente version of Phantom too, It reduced 10% of the dmg tou took from the last chanp you hit
"they would never allow zonya's ring in modern day league." Of course not, it would be stepping on hourglass's toes since they have the same stats too
I'd say honourable mention to Jaksho when mythic items were a thing. The fact that champion could just get Jaksho, then build full dmg and thus become full tank and full dmg was an oversight to say the least.
Also, DFG was so freaking annoying; it wasn't necessarily overpowered because the game was mostly balanced around it, but the fact that as a mage you HAD to build DFG or you would be actively griefing was dumb.
I am surprised you have not mentioned the iceborn sunfire meta
I am surprised sunfire wasn't mentioned back when it was used on unverisal every role except adc. I also felt Saguine wasn't a bad honorable mention not for it being the most OP but basically how incredible fast they gutted and removed that item. It was basically just a novelty item
i believe it was early season 6 we saw sated devourer man i loved nothing more than to play jg jungle and abuse that item... fun times
Ah, good old stacking passives. 6 bloodthirsters on old aatrox
I miss building hullbreaker on Samira and just getting a stupid amount of stats when I was by myself
“Zhonyas ring would never never I repeat never happen today” Zhonyas hourglass that now has 120ap
You mentioned tabis. I fully agree they are overtuned, but at this stage of the game they absolutely need to be. Buying both them and a designated warden's mail item is the only way a tank can be allowed to exist on the same screen as an ADC for more than 2 seconds, and that's kind of important for them to do their job.
Its funny that wildrift brough back Spear of Shoujin but mostly nobody is using it in wildrift.
duskblade was one of those items where it was soooo fun to play with, as pyke or talon and especially kha. But like, yea, no, don't bring it back. XD
Divine Sunderer single-handedly destroyed an entire class of champs.
I never knew that wooglets witchcap was actually in the game 💀 I never even thought that was possible to be in the actual game
I started playing at just the right time to "enjoy" the league of cleavers for about two weeks. I knew that thing wpuld be on this list
i am surprised atmas impaler didn’t make this list. probably the most egregious item i’ve ever seen
it's so funny watching this video after having switched over to dota, and man, items in this gfame are really just stat sticks compared to dota items
Just Comparing Deathfire grasp to Ethereal Blade: 15% max health damage+20%(then enrfed to 15%) increased magic damage
50+1.5x your primary attribute as damage, making the target unable to attack, slowing it by 80% and increasing their magic damage taken by 40%, and you can also cast it on yourself to make you unable to be attacked
Remember when Wit's end healed you when under 50% hp? Udyr my beloved
I find it unfortunate, you didn't mention the part, that adcs started with a specific support item in the ardent meta, to funnel more gold into their support, because the powerspike of it back then was that inside
I'm surprised Innervating Locket didn't make the list. Made Udyr and Gragas nigh on immortal back in the day.
i thought it said 3 months not 3 minutes 💀
Madreds + Kog Maw gave me a 58 Game Winstreak back in early league.
Dealing something like 16-20% max Health Damage on 2.5 Attack Speed was absolutely Bullshit.
I feel like death fire could be an item today and it wouldn't be that great. Maybe just remove the damage increase for the next few seconds, but then the item would be worse than anything else in it's class (death cap, zhonya's, even liandries if you want %HP damage).
Maybe It is because im relatively new to the game, but goredrinker on release still gives me nightmares
I hope they will get back first iteration of Athene's Unholy Grail. This item was used on each mana character in the game.
Wooglets was mainly used in 3v3s before they shut down twisted
Considering all the changes League has gone through, I wonder if there are any removed items that could make a return as they were without breaking the game.
Divine Sunderer was very overrated during season 13, as it was mathematically proven that Trinity Force did more dps on average against the vast majority of champions. Previous iterations might have been very strong, but by season 13 the math had been done and the item was tuned to be really only optimal into tanks. This was pretty common knowledge and seen and a variety of champions, including Vi and Camille.
I'm surprised Thornmail wasn't mentioned. Like seriously, if you have a situation where that item can preform, it WILL preform. I'm not joking when I say this, but i once played a 1v1 against a friend, he went Irelia with bork and full mr items, I went Galio with thornmail and full armor. The thornmail was somehow keeping up damage with the bork, even though I built it way later than he finished bork.
Didnt play for too long, but goredrinker and mythic shieldbow are the strongest I remember that you didnt mention
DFG wasn't really that broken back in the day. It was a must buy for assassins/burst mages, but they still burst people slower than assassins do these days.
That said, it would 100% be broken if it was inserted these days.
Compared to items like stacked Madred's or sunfire, or even the atmog meta, DFG only had random edge cases of abuse that got quickly patched.
Sunfire mythic meta. Just build tank on any melee champ especially if you don't know how to play it & IT JUST WORKS.
Sunfire Diana, Fiora, Sylas, Voli, Tryn, Master Yi, Kayn, Morde and..... Vayne.
Any chance you cna do a view talking about the vgus that compeletly scrapped the original champion for someone new?
I think people remember ardent censer for what it did to worlds that year. Every game was lulu vs janna and games were won by who got ardent first. It was boring and i do believe it was the worlds with the least kills per game.