I am an aviation enthusiast. I truly understand the affinity for the an-2. It is a shame that these aircraft are no longer being manufactured. There are companies out there that are dedicated to preserving some of the timeless airframes like the dc-3 and dehavilland beaver. These types of aircraft provide a lifeline for people living in remote areas, so it seems that the attraction to them is beyond their respective construction. Sometimes the designers get so many things right.
Jojo, bylo to pěkný. Byl jsem tam s bratrem a samozřejmě jsme se s tím létajícím "traktorem" svezli. Dík za připomínku.
I am an aviation enthusiast. I truly understand the affinity for the an-2. It is a shame that these aircraft are no longer being manufactured. There are companies out there that are dedicated to preserving some of the timeless airframes like the dc-3 and dehavilland beaver. These types of aircraft provide a lifeline for people living in remote areas, so it seems that the attraction to them is beyond their respective construction. Sometimes the designers get so many things right.
38:25 - 38:29 letěl jsem v nich ❤
Brakowało mi takiego filmu. Lata młodości w Polsce
Mwhahahahahahahahahaha le supositoir volant bleu quel elegance
Andula je neuvěřitelná srdcovka. Plánuje se tento sraz teď někdy do budoucna? Děkuji
To netusim, myslim, ze je to pokazde v jine zemi... Ale srdcovka, to tedy souhlasim!!!