got one from the first batch, waste of money, wouldnt wake up, thought it was a setting, nope, thought it was the microphone, spent hours with tech support who had me strip it all down to make sure mic was plugged in, it was. eventually after 2 days we found the issue, shipped with broken firmware that didnt have a working wake word, flashed back to beta firmware and it worked but the wake word was 'alexa' .... back in the box where its been about 2 years. bought a dfrobot speech board and added an arduino. I would recommend it, the HW is pretty good, but as an early bird buyer I was just 'too early'
got one from the first batch, waste of money, wouldnt wake up, thought it was a setting, nope, thought it was the microphone, spent hours with tech support who had me strip it all down to make sure mic was plugged in, it was. eventually after 2 days we found the issue, shipped with broken firmware that didnt have a working wake word, flashed back to beta firmware and it worked but the wake word was 'alexa' .... back in the box where its been about 2 years. bought a dfrobot speech board and added an arduino.
I would recommend it, the HW is pretty good, but as an early bird buyer I was just 'too early'
The perils of being at the cutting edge :-)
Great video, just got one! I think Home Assistant caused a huge demand for these! Are you from SA?
Hi Simon, yes indeed, I'm based in Johannesburg!
Out of Stock - End of life
Who needs that?
Still very useful if you can get your hands on one :-)
Just get a M5Stack Core2, very similar..