I guess you could relate it to “l’imparfait” in french~ because it could mean “milk that i was drinking” i.e a verb that continued in the past (ex: eating vs ate, sleeping vs slept, drinking vs drank). it can also imply the regular past tense, but has a connotation of continuity.
Great video as always :D I think It would have been even better if you include a lesson about '~든' since even some natives are confused with '~던' and ~'든' *in short, '~든' means 'either / no matter' (ex: '걸어가든 버스를 타고 가든 우린 어차피 늦을 것이다, either we walk or ride on a bus, we will be late anyway' ' 그가 뭐라고 하든 포기하지 않겠다. No matter what he says, I won't give up)
It's more like 'I used to do', something u've done in the past but not doing at the present time. It doesn't necessarily have to be unfinished, but It is likely.
i don't understand why you put "가" after 여기 .. hmm.. it sounds RIGHT because if i could say 여기는 to start a conversation then i guess i could say 여기가 if i had already mentioned the subject before, but if i replaced 여기 with 학교, it sounds weird... 이 학교가 내가 졸업한 학교에요.. doesn't it? i don't know.
mariez I didn't understand most of what you typed but she uses "여기가" because she is introducing for the first time in a conversation about that school, if you tell this to a friend and start to talk about the school now you can use 여기는 because it's already a topic. Margarita just made an observation, a note, comment about that school is where she graduated from and that's the end of her comment
isn't it the opposite? isn't 는 used to introduce subjects for the first time? but anyway. so if i wanted to use another noun like 학교 instead of 여기 for example: 이 학교가 내가 졸업한 학교에요, is it correct? it sounds weird to me.
문의하신 ‘했다’와 ‘했었다’는 모두 쓸 수 있는 말입니다. 다만 ‘했다’는 ‘하-+-였-+-다’로 분석되며, ‘했었다’는 ‘하-+-였었-+-다’로 분석됩니다. 즉 ‘-였-’과 ‘-였었-’의 그 의미의 차이를 만듭니다. ‘-였-’은 이야기하는 시점에서 볼 때 사건이나 행위가 이미 일어났음을 나타내거나 이야기하는 시점에서 볼 때 완료되어 현재까지 지속되거나 현재에도 영향을 미치는 상황을 나타내는 어미이며, ‘-였었-’은 현재와 비교하여 다르거나 단절되어 있는 과거의 사건을 나타내는 어미입니다.
Hi, Margarita. ~던 is able to be used in all situations such as finished, unfinished, being doing. your example in the video, 졸업하다 (graduate) is not fit for explaining ~던. because graduate include the meaning of finished or unfinished, not that of being doing. The example that you used, 졸업하던 include the meaning of 'being graduating. so you can use neither 졸업하던 nor 졸업하고 있다 (the meaning of being graduating). It's not the problem of ~던, but that of 졸업하다(graduate). :) ~던은 과거의 시점을 의미하는 말로서, 완료되지 않은 사실에만 쓸 수 있는 것은 아니고 완료, 미완료, 진행 모두 쓸 수 있는 말입니다. 예를 들어서 먹다에서, 먹던(미완료,진행),먹었던(완료), 먹고 있던(진행) 처럼, 미완료(unfinishe), 완료(finished), 진행(being doing) 모든 의미에서 사용할 수 있습니다. ~던 앞에 오는 활용 어미에 따라서 완료,미완료,진행의 의미가 달라지는 것이지 ~던 자체는 과거시점의 의미만을 가집니다. 따라서 영상에서 설명하는 것처럼, ~던이 완료되지 않은 (unfinished)의 과거의 의미로만 항상 쓰이는 것이 아닙니다. 영상에서 예로 든 졸업하다 는 그 자체로 완료형의 의미를 갖습니다. 졸업하고 있다라고 쓰지않거든요. (물론 졸업식을 하고 있다는 의미로는 쓸 수 있겠지만요.) 그렇기 때문에 졸업했던 혹은 졸업한 이라고 쓸 수 있지만 졸업하던 혹은 졸업하는 이라는 진행형으로는 쓸 수 없는 것이죠. 이것은 순전히 졸업하다 라는 단어가 진행형의 의미를 가질 수 없기 때문에 생기는 문제이지, ~던이 미완료의 의미만을 가지는 것이 아닙니다. :)
@@chaoconstay3407 is used for place. for example, 그 카페에서 만나자. Let's see in(at) the cafe. are used when adding them to describing word(verb or adjective). For example, 밥을 많이 먹어서 배가 부르다. eating meal much, I'm full. is pronunciated in , so used with . another example, 너무 작아서 찾기 어렵다. being too small, it's hard to find. is pronunciated in , so used with . This is 모음조화 vowel harmony. Similar vowels are used together. for example, ㅏ ㅗ feel warm, small, light, bright. (양 yang Plus +) ㅓ ㅜ feel cool, big, heavy, dark. (음 eum Minus - ) l ㅡ feel neutral. So ㅏ ㅗ are used with 아서 , and ㅓ ㅜ ( ㅡ ㅣ) are used with 어서.
I guess you could relate it to “l’imparfait” in french~ because it could mean “milk that i was drinking” i.e a verb that continued in the past (ex: eating vs ate, sleeping vs slept, drinking vs drank). it can also imply the regular past tense, but has a connotation of continuity.
Really helpful
Omg i missed these kind of videos
한국어는 정말 배우기 어려울꺼같은데 대단하세요! Im watching your vlog for learning english. Its quite useful thanks!
Thanks for this video 😄😄
I used to watch your videos to learn Korean to apply for a Job. But now, I watch because you are awesome. Ha! Peace out.
Love you! Thank you for sharing!!
3:26 there is a typo on the subtitle. i think it should be "였어요?" Instead of "있었어요?"
So helpful 👍
Great video as always :D
I think It would have been even better if you include a lesson about '~든' since even some natives are confused with '~던' and ~'든'
*in short, '~든' means 'either / no matter' (ex: '걸어가든 버스를 타고 가든 우린 어차피 늦을 것이다, either we walk or ride on a bus, we will be late anyway' ' 그가 뭐라고 하든 포기하지 않겠다. No matter what he says, I won't give up)
I've been trying to get onto your blog post but the links aren't working 😭
So if someone ask me if I did something and I answer 해던 will that translate to something like " I did it but I didnt finish it"?
It's more like 'I used to do', something u've done in the past but not doing at the present time. It doesn't necessarily have to be unfinished, but It is likely.
당신은 언어 천재에요.
Are u student from korea ???
i don't understand why you put "가" after 여기 .. hmm.. it sounds RIGHT because if i could say 여기는 to start a conversation then i guess i could say 여기가 if i had already mentioned the subject before, but if i replaced 여기 with 학교, it sounds weird... 이 학교가 내가 졸업한 학교에요.. doesn't it? i don't know.
mariez I didn't understand most of what you typed but she uses "여기가" because she is introducing for the first time in a conversation about that school, if you tell this to a friend and start to talk about the school now you can use 여기는 because it's already a topic. Margarita just made an observation, a note, comment about that school is where she graduated from and that's the end of her comment
isn't it the opposite? isn't 는 used to introduce subjects for the first time? but anyway. so if i wanted to use another noun like 학교 instead of 여기 for example: 이 학교가 내가 졸업한 학교에요, is it correct? it sounds weird to me.
mariez "이 학교가 내가 졸업한 학교에요" is correct.
alright, then that makes sense! thank you
Sounds like you pronounce 마싰던 instead of 마시던
LanaABA I literally found your comment right when I noticed that 😂 she says 마싰다 too
She’s saying the verb drink as if it is past tense but it’s not past tense when on screen....maybe it’s just her pronunciation
Pizza3Pie I made a mistake when reading the sentence. The correct version is the written one. Thanks for pointing out :)
ah, the difference between ~던 and ~는/은 seems very similar to the difference between the imperfect and preterite tenses in spanish :>
엠셈님 안녕하세요?Hello. I'm Korean. I like English very much. 맨날 엠셈님 영상을보는 사람입니다.I'll subscribe to it.
Im still confused how to differentiate between ~아/어 던 and ~았/었던 I asked my bf (he is korean) but he also cant explain it.
Moominvalley 30 ㅆ is describe the pat present
차 있었던 사람: person who had a car
차 있던 사람: person that I heard has a car
Im korean and i know what the difference is. But its so hard to me to explain this. i can show you the answer so let your bf see this
문의하신 ‘했다’와 ‘했었다’는 모두 쓸 수 있는 말입니다. 다만 ‘했다’는 ‘하-+-였-+-다’로 분석되며, ‘했었다’는 ‘하-+-였었-+-다’로 분석됩니다. 즉 ‘-였-’과 ‘-였었-’의 그 의미의 차이를 만듭니다. ‘-였-’은 이야기하는 시점에서 볼 때 사건이나 행위가 이미 일어났음을 나타내거나 이야기하는 시점에서 볼 때 완료되어 현재까지 지속되거나 현재에도 영향을 미치는 상황을 나타내는 어미이며, ‘-였었-’은 현재와 비교하여 다르거나 단절되어 있는 과거의 사건을 나타내는 어미입니다.
Simply 했다 can be : have p.p
했었다. : past verb
(Learn more from your bf :) )
영어몰라요밑에한국어로 쓰든가 보고 싶은데 알아 듣지을 못하니
Hi, Margarita. ~던 is able to be used in all situations such as finished, unfinished, being doing. your example in the video, 졸업하다 (graduate) is not fit for explaining ~던. because graduate include the meaning of finished or unfinished, not that of being doing. The example that you used, 졸업하던 include the meaning of 'being graduating. so you can use neither 졸업하던 nor 졸업하고 있다 (the meaning of being graduating). It's not the problem of ~던, but that of 졸업하다(graduate). :) ~던은 과거의 시점을 의미하는 말로서, 완료되지 않은 사실에만 쓸 수 있는 것은 아니고 완료, 미완료, 진행 모두 쓸 수 있는 말입니다. 예를 들어서 먹다에서, 먹던(미완료,진행),먹었던(완료), 먹고 있던(진행) 처럼, 미완료(unfinishe), 완료(finished), 진행(being doing) 모든 의미에서 사용할 수 있습니다. ~던 앞에 오는 활용 어미에 따라서 완료,미완료,진행의 의미가 달라지는 것이지 ~던 자체는 과거시점의 의미만을 가집니다. 따라서 영상에서 설명하는 것처럼, ~던이 완료되지 않은 (unfinished)의 과거의 의미로만 항상 쓰이는 것이 아닙니다. 영상에서 예로 든 졸업하다 는 그 자체로 완료형의 의미를 갖습니다. 졸업하고 있다라고 쓰지않거든요. (물론 졸업식을 하고 있다는 의미로는 쓸 수 있겠지만요.) 그렇기 때문에 졸업했던 혹은 졸업한 이라고 쓸 수 있지만 졸업하던 혹은 졸업하는 이라는 진행형으로는 쓸 수 없는 것이죠. 이것은 순전히 졸업하다 라는 단어가 진행형의 의미를 가질 수 없기 때문에 생기는 문제이지, ~던이 미완료의 의미만을 가지는 것이 아닙니다. :)
Hi can i ask you when to use the and ? I am very curious 😖 i think korean language is very hard to learn.
@@chaoconstay3407 is used for place. for example, 그 카페에서 만나자. Let's see in(at) the cafe.
are used when adding them to describing word(verb or adjective). For example, 밥을 많이 먹어서 배가 부르다. eating meal much, I'm full. is pronunciated in , so used with .
another example, 너무 작아서 찾기 어렵다. being too small, it's hard to find. is pronunciated in , so used with . This is 모음조화 vowel harmony. Similar vowels are used together.
for example,
ㅏ ㅗ feel warm, small, light, bright. (양 yang Plus +)
ㅓ ㅜ feel cool, big, heavy, dark. (음 eum Minus - )
l ㅡ feel neutral.
So ㅏ ㅗ are used with 아서 , and ㅓ ㅜ ( ㅡ ㅣ) are used with 어서.
한국어 전공이신가 대단하시네