its not often i say this but that literally gave me chills, the robotic language suddenly changing tones to a more human and angered tone was a complete shock to me
Listening to this for the first time was the longest 4 minutes of my life and then the emotion just fucking exploded out of nowhere. 11/10, I wish I could listen to this for the first time again
It does. Code pretty much gives context to lyrics, explaining them if you will. I.e., classical "LALILALULA" here is a guy (?) ignoring whatever a girl (?) said, line you.ignoreComands() hints at that.
It is absolutely epic, deep and has so much hidden meanings and stuff that I feel like it is way more than just a song. In a way, it refers to so many things at once, but it mainly centers around oppression, repressed feelings, and a ravaged society and human psychology that is all a struggle to survive in an ever-corrupt and authoritarian world.
I remember that i began listening to Mili because of Cassie's voice, since her voice reminded me of the voice of someone very dear to me. I still do, and well, i probably will keep doing so for years to come. To anyone reading this, i hope you have a great day, and a great life, and that everything around you is truly full of blessings. You deserve love, happiness, growth, peace... and whatever you wish and propose yourself to.
これ大文字になってる歌詞は全部人間が言った台詞になってる? 人間は4:41あたりから人工知能(?)が言う「It's a perfect plan(完璧な計画)」なんか聞きたくないから「SHUT UP(黙れ)」と殴った だから画面に一瞬だけノイズが出る 多分だけど殴られた衝撃で人工知能の音声が飛んで、計画を説明する台詞がごっそり抜けていると思う そのせいでこちらからは「It's a perfect plan(完璧な計画)」の内容が全然分からない それでも人工知能が4:59で「Hear me out(聞いてくれ)」と頼むが「LILULILALULALULA(リルリラルラルラ)」と聞こえないふりをしている
I have tried to decode the code (pun) from the background. The process is opinionated which I realize and should not be treated as an objective truth. I won't however analyze the lore because I feel like I'm lacking the greater context. I also won't be explaining two same verses twice. Let's define 2 things. (1) When some text is /** * Commented * Even across multiple lines */ It is a statement of a Wish. // This is a Wish too Somebody wants something but it may be actually not achieved. (2) Code, all text outside (1), is what actually exists in the domain of this song. It is the Reality. Wish and Reality, remember this. Let's define how the code is going to be analyzed. The code is divided into larger blocks consisting of multiple lines. Between these, there is empty space. I will timestamp the larger blocks and try to analyze one by one. I will not look into every detail found in the code. I will only try to outline my train of thought. 0:13 No clue 0:15 Song author seems to be announcing what the song is going to be about. Then the song starts. We can see there is a World being created and two Ghosts. The World is the two Ghosts and what interactions will entail, happen later between them. What is interesting is the Ghosts are put into Life containers. In programming it's a common practice to put a specific object (Ghost) into a more general container (Life). That hints at a fact the two Ghosts live in a World that can be inhabited by others who are not Ghosts. Remember this. 0:53 Comment states abstraction=beauty. Clarity (an act of giving a strict form) is ugliness then. Code states that if the more beautiful of the Ghosts is appreciating abstraction then both are ugly. That means the Wish is different from the Reality. 1:01 If one Ghost has a deviation of its own then in the scope of their own World it is ok to accept it and pursue it. (Being open minded and all that stuff) 1:08 I understand MUX>>>DEMUX the following way. It's a wish that both Ghosts will only listen to one another and not anyone else. But in turn they will inevitably stand out more to the outside world. NAND would state a wish that it's true at least 1 of them understands the another or they both understand one another. The Reality is that if one Ghost doesn't understand how the Other feels about them both, then it is still accepted. 1:23 If one of the Ghosts has some thoughts then it tries to spill the beans. If it doesn't work then their relationship ends. 1:50 If the confession is not supported by enough affection from the confessant then the relationship fails. Otherwise the confession is successful and the two Ghosts get a little closer. 2:12 If the simulation is the same as the original then the original is killed and the simulation lives on. That may imply at an idealization of someone's personality of some kind. I have no idea what these numbers mean though (1993, 227760). Date of birth? Just look how the background colors faded. I assume this and a few of the following parts of the song will be a reminiscence of the past. 2:24 Rivers may represent something. Like, they may be an evidence of a failure of actions the Ghosts undertook. Rivers on Earth support life so destroying them would cause a general harm. For every river in the World the Ghosts exchange affection as if comforting one another. 2:31 The Ghosts cannot speak in a scornful, ridiculing manner at all. Now we have to go back to what I decoded at 0:15. The Program doesn't anticipate any more Life forms in the World. There are only 2 Ghosts. One is better. That one is attacked by its doubts and by the other. It appears to me like they don't want to progress. They want to stay in their comfort zone and never grow up. 2:41 From now on Me = the abuser Ghost You = the abused Ghost You becomes abused by meeting the demands of the other. The abuse is the fact it cannot do as it wills. 2:50 The World starts feeling uncomfortable for You. Remember, the World is just the 2 Ghosts and their interactions between one another. You feels shame (pollution). It makes the World not so perfect anymore and it's all because of Me. 2:57 But You cannot leave. It is its place of comfort. There can only acceptance happen, getting used to. 3:03 Me instills, makes sure to keep this state of things. It is also its World of comfort after all. 3:10 The Wish is that there must be a person in the real world that will understand me as well as I do myself. Then I can create a World with that person and we can understand one another. But that person is non-existing. I am myself and truth is that person can only be me. The Reality states You and Me try to become a family. Me cannot be truly happy with You or itself however (cannot get out of the comfort zone and move on with the real life by means of support from You or from pulling itself together) and resigns from this involvement. 3:30 And resignation causes suffering to Me who craves for proximity, closeness but ends up alone all the time. 3:40 At times there comes a realization of what a wretch Me is. A wretch since it doesn't bother progressing, changing, taking actions. It only projects its frustrations or sorrows onto You by asking about the future. There is also a doubt that Me poses onto their very relationship "To where? [Does our relationship lead, maybe it doesn't make sense?]" 4:14 See 1:01 but as an abusive act. There are also three colors. Red, green and yellow. Yellow and not blue. Remember this. 4:25 In IT "#0000ff" = blue color. When screen goes blue it means the system was overwhelmed and shut down under pressure. Wish states that You feels disoriented by Me. Since in 4:14 Me forbade You from using the blue color we can witness here, for the first time, an open aggression. Me becomes an aggressive abuser for You. 4:34 If any quarrel between You and Me becomes dominated by Me then their relationship ends. I suppose that's because You cannot stand so much abuse in such circumstances. 4:41 A zero day is a cyber security term used as a metaphor here. It may refer to an undisclosed trait of a personality that unexpectedly boils out and leaves the person vulnerable. Anyhow, both Ghosts are freed from sadness and their vulnerabilities which could render them sad again. 4:52 Me becomes abusive. 4:59 Me becomes aggressive. Aggression however is a way of hiding a weakness. Me doesn't want to disclose its vulnerability. That would only end up bringing it out of its comfort zone it so much cherishes. Its relationship with You is challenged which asks too much out of the psychologically stunted, egoistic Me. It cannot open up to You. It has a World of its own after all. Maybe You doesn't belong there anymore? 5:08 You seems to have managed liberating itself from Me's influence. 5:16 The relationship is over. But Me realizes just now it needs You to feel the comfort zone for some reason. Its egoism allows it to step down from aggression and throw final words of desperation. You remains distant from this plea. 5:18 Now that You is gone the only thing that's left is to hold on to the remains, memories of what it needs for its perfect World, its comfort zone. The memories of You. But that doesn't last for long. It's just a memory, an object, not a living Ghost, a mystery. 5:31 Me Wishes to continue this path, it didn't change even after You left it. *** "The biggest emotional motivation for a human is fear. The biggest kind of fear is the fear of the unknown" Learning, education, self development is an uncharted, unknown process. Therefore it may be hard to embrace this fear. Don't let it become an unconscious fear, it will start motivating your actions. You will be deterred from self development. The diagnosis is gloom but there is a seeming remedy. Self psychology. Reward yourself for embracing this fear of the unknown, uncharted process of learning. Be gentle with yourself. Imagine it's a great boulder and moving it an inch is a tremendous success. Inch by inch, by inch, by ... And at last after 10 years you will be able to look over your shoulder and see you have walked to the Moon. Such is the nature of good habits, or of vice.
My favorite part is the bit where the lyrics are "SHUT UP SHUT UP" but the source code is me.command(you, "be quite"); me.command(you, "be quite"); I assume that's meant to imply that the narrator is so angry that they're not paying enough attention to notice the typo. It's a nice touch.
In most programming languages You can put in "++" on a variable in order to increment it by 1. It's the same as just doing "variable += 1;" but its useful for keeping things neat and organized. You usally use the ++ for things you want to constantly increment until a certain point. Most commonly in loops like for, and while loops. The title sustain++ Is saying to constantly increase sustainability.
The class is also named SustainPlusPlus, and you don't increment a class; it would be a naming convention derived from the C++ language. In which case it could simply mean an once "improved" sustainability, rather than a constantly incrementing one. Except for one occurrence, most of the "sustain++" in the code are commented out, (disabled, by the // at the beginning of the line); an attempt was made to increase sustainability, but the programmer eventually decided it worked better without it.
The layers on this song is insane. This is Un fucking believably good. I’m speechless. It even has prog rock bass lines and trance synths. The breakdowns are so complex wow wow 😳
I'm literally crazy about this song... I love the duality between reality and abstraction... The meaning is so deep and real... sadly real and actual... thank you!
I, too, am obsessed with this song! It hits me in the feels just right, it's so GOOD 😩 I just discovered this song today, and I've already listened to it about 10 times. I live it so much, it hurts.
This song hits so close because it's basically what our reality is becoming. Especially with AI, soon we will have to deal with some very existential questions dealing not just with Humanity but with Transhumanism as well. I'm a Transhumanist so I will embrace our technological future but that's just me.
01:04 "I'm not mine NAND I'm not yours" This sounds like she is neither herself's or her partner's, but she says NAND, not AND. A Not-And gate outputs FALSE if and only if both inputs are true. In order for the statement to be TRUE, at least one of the sub-statements needs to be false. The statement actually translates to "I'm mine and/or I'm yours".
Actually, it translates to "I'm either mine, yours, or nobody's" since "and/or" explicitly states that both operands may be true at the same time. e: I wrote the translation for I'm not mine _XOR_ I'm not yours at first. It's fixed now. e2: nvm @StickmanCorp. actually was correct since the statement is I'm *not* mine NAND I'm *not* yours. The operands are each negated, which means that this will be true in every case except if the person doesn't belong to themself, and doesn't belong to the addressee - in other words, it's a convoluted way of saying "I'm mine OR I'm yours". OR is an inclusive or, so "I'm mine and/or I'm yours is correct"
4:16 #0000ff means blue in RGB. Each pair of digits following the # respectively indicate how much red, green and blue the pixel has in hexadecimal. The first pair of digits shows the amount of red, which is 0; the second shows the amount of blue, which is also 0; the third shows the amount of blue, which is ff and means 255 in hexadecimal - the maximum value it can have. So in the end, we get a very vivid shade of blue that should look similar to the background.
Something tells me that repeating sustain++; Will mean overflow error (regardless of whether it is an integer or double). a problem for programmers, yet in the context of this song, will mean that either side would snap eventually...
me.manipulate(you, "beg") me.manipulate(you, "gaslight") me.manipulate(you, "blame") me.manipulate(you, "tears") You know you're in some bad relationship if you find these command line in your partner.
It has several other positive commands. It is part of a relationship for a person to have defects. (And "gaslight" is a horrible term to define a context of manipulation or abuse in a relationship. There is depth even to a person's bad points, which this type of generic / modern term ignores.) And both seem to want to dominate each other, seeing from the lyrics of each part. Also, there is even a command about forgiveness at the end.
Actually thinking about it I just think this is object oriented programming(OOP). If they have defined the classes before, gave them all attributes, etc. this is pretty accurate. After World world = new World(); Everything is accurate imo. no syntax error. Classes are usually in a seperate section, you can put it in the same but in C# we put it in another whole class.cs, so as long as there are declarations for world, etc. like above mentioned, then everything is fine.
Mili-sustain++;/Ghost In The Shell ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━ Lyric/歌詞 0:01 0:15 *If abstraction is the definition of beauty もしも抽象こそが美の定義だとしたら *Are those of us chasing after clarity 明確さを求め続ける私達は *A representation of ugly? 不細工の象徴になるのでしょうか? 0:53 *CALL ME MOMMY お母様とお呼びなさい *JUST LIKE YOUR FANTASY 妄想のままに *There is no crime in ideality 叶わない理想には罪はない *MUX>>>DEMUX *Can't you understand me? 理解できますか? *I'm not mine NAND I'm not yours 私は私のものではありません NAND 私はあなたのものではありません *Ah 1:08 *This could end right here if you don't let it out 吐き出して貰わないとここで終わりになってしまう *Let it out 吐き出して貰わないと *Give up or give me your all 諦めるのかあなたの全てを私に晒すのか *Tell me now 今教えて *Tell me now 今教えて 1:53 *If we can be completely simulated もしも私達の全てがシミュレーションで再現されることができたとしたら *Do we need a real reality? 私達にはリアルな現実は必要なのでしょうか? *Don't let words die, let love run dry 言葉を死なせないで 愛を枯らさないで *Like what we did to the rivers we killed off in our near future これから私達に殺される近い未来の川のように *Ah *And mumble some stupid stuff 馬鹿みたいなことブツブツ言いながら *Like 例えば *“I saw it coming” 「こうなるって分かってたんだ」とか *Pretend it's not happening その予兆を知らんぷりをして *Us losers do nothing so winners keep winning 負け組の私達はなにもしないから勝ち組は勝ち続けた 2:32 *Sit お座り *Fetch your leash リードを取って来て *DICTATED ECONOMY 操られるエコノミー *Shоw me 見せて *Your belly おへそを *FORGOTTEN ECOLOGY 忘れられるエコロジー *Stay 待て *Okay, eat よし 食べていいぞ *HUMAN PSYCHOLOGY 人間的サイコロジー *g Ø Ø d b o i グッド・ボイ *Here's a treat ほら おやつ *HUNGRY FOR ENERGY 飢えられるエネルギー 3:01 *We are searching 私達は捜している *Following our human instincts 本能に従って *Looking for ghosts of the non-existing kind 存在しない品種の幽霊(ゴースト)を検索中 *Who make us whole from the very beginning 生まれた日から私達を完全体にしてくれる品種 *We keep chasing 追いかけ続ける *Dreaming about the perfect being 私達は完璧な存在に憧れる *Perfect parents who are non-existing 完璧な両親という存在もしない品種 *Our bodies grew, our minds stayed the same 成長したのは体だけ 心はいつも小さいまま 3:31 *Now darling, where do we go from here? ねえダーリン これからどうするの? *Now darling, where do we go from here? ねえダーリン これからどうするの? *Now darling, where do we go from here? ねえダーリン これからどうするの? *Darling, Darling ダーリン ダーリン *Hey honey, where do we go from here? おいハニー これからどーするんだ? *Hey honey, where do we go from here? おいハニー これからどーするんだ? *Now darling, where do we go from here? ねえダーリン これからどうするの? *Now darling, where do we go from here? ねえダーリン これからどうするの? *To where? どこへ行けばいいの? 4:04 *CALL ME DADDY お父様とお呼びなさい *WHERE'S YOUR “YES SIR” & “PLEASE”? 「かしこまりました」 「お願いします」が聞こえないが? *That's the only vocabulary you need それ以外のフレーズはあなたには需要がない *MUX>>>DEMUX *Can't you understand me? 理解できますか? *You turn my screen #ØØØØff あなたがやらかした#0000ff(ブルー)スクリーン 4:19 *We could end right here if you'd just let us fall 一緒に落ちて行けばここでお別れになる *Let us fall 一緒に落ちて行けば *No tears, no regrets 涙もない 後悔もない *No zero-days at our fault 私達の責任になるゼロデイもない *Hear me out 聞いて *It's a perfect plan 完璧な計画 *If you'd just だから *SHUT UP 黙れ *SHUT UP 黙ってくれ *Then maybe you'll see what I've endured now そしたら今まで私が耐えてきたことも分かるようになるのでしょう *Hear me out 聞いてくれ *LILULILALULALULA リルリラルラルラ *It's all just sunk cost, I know 今更あなたに何を捧げても無駄だって分かってる *But I'm not ready to stop ただ まだやめられない *I don't want to stop やめたくない //sustain++; ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
엔딩버전 나왔을때부터 계속 돌려듣던 노래인데 풀버전이 나왔다니ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 역시 mili는 사랑입니다ㅠㅠ MV가 비슷해서 관련있을거 같긴 했는데 댓글에 world execute me 언급되는거 보니 어디서 나오나보네요 mili는 항상 이전 좋아하던 노래들이랑 관련된 노래가 계속 나와서 너무 좋아요ㅠㅠ
This song hits so deep that's incredible that exists... and the code is done so well... had to take time to understand it and keep going, just perfect!! Loving Mili since this song
Not just that, the line "You made my screen #0000ff" is likely a reference to the infamous blue screen of death, essentially saying that the program encountered a critical error as a result of the one it's singing to. What's interesting is that "blue is life" and "blue screen of death" are direct contradictions to one another.
Gray Tiamat187 I feel like this song is one big contradiction. I believe we’re following a couple that didn’t quite grow as human beings, didn’t know where to go next or whether there’s anywhere to go at all, which resulted in girl’s tantrum, after which they began to fight and broke up, even though she really wanted them to still be together. Perhaps we’re looking at abusive relationship as well?
kontrol42 considering one section of commands towards the end literally has the command *"gaslight"* as part of it, I'm fairly certain whatever the relationship had been, it became abusive by the end no matter how anyone felt
Just noticed something about the video: Around 1:55, when verse 2 starts, the colors in the video start getting less saturated until it's close to gray at 2:35 (the "fetch your leash" part). This may mean that the singer is beginning to gaslight/look down on the person A they are talking to, which makes A's sense of "self" dimmer or smth And around 3:45, when the singer nd A ask each other "where do we go from here"(yes it's both of them, when the lines say honey the code is you.ask(me), with darling it's me.ask(you)), the colors become more saturated. This may mean A came broke free from the manipulation since the singer was asking A for help instead of leading, which may have lead A to start questioning things (Gaslighting is making the victim feel inferior/dependent to the offender, so A would be questioning why the "superior" one is asking the "inferior" what to do) And when the singer says "you make my head #0000FF" the screen is completely saturated with the background a bright blue, similar to the hex code #0000FF. I'm not the best at theorizing or summarizing so sorry for the wall of text XD if I got anytuing wrong feel free to tell me!
What a pleasing coincidence ! I discovered Mili like a week ago when I began watching the new GitS series, and I was like "why isn't there any long version of that ending ?" I just finished the season 10 minutes ago, and then this one just appeared on youtube at this exact moment.
How did you like it? Is it good? I just looked up some reviews on MAL but it seemed like most people were just hating on it for being different to the orignal...
@@einfachnurleo7099 Well it was ok. I don't really like the asethetic, and the animation is not so good either. They're taking advantage of the 3D in some situations, which is good. I could really enjoy a 3D GitS, the problem is that it's not really well done most of the time. There is a strange first part to the intrigue where they introduce a new character and then they get rid of him, he was absolutely useless in the end. And then in the second part it starts to resemble more and more the classic type of intrigue we have in the SAC series. So it's not that bad but it doesn't do anything that is really great. I'll watch season2 when it comes out, and I hope it will give us some interesting relfexions on society that we didn't hear a million times already, like a good social sci-fi series should. And also if they can take some time and resources to make better animations it could be really good actually. The music is not really interesting... The ending made by mili is probably the best thing this anime has to offer. I hope season2 will get better on that too.
Before even realizing this was for an outro of ghost in the shell, I felt the vibe of ghost in the shell. This is beautiful and fits the vibe spectacularly.
i like they replace the command of “strip” and “exhibit” to “show me” and “your belly” at 2:44 In addition read the coded lyrics with attentiveness, there’s some hidden dialogues lol.
@@aeircrown7994 I think it's about a simulation of AI that learning about love and happiness. But turns to bad way as love and happiness can turns into sexual ways~ World.execute(me); for example. There's code mentioned about BDSM and roleplay. In sustain++ they mentioned You get fetish "mommy". But in the end the truth is they cannot sustain the relationship simulation. That's from my perspective
After an in-depth reading at the code and trying to tie that in with the lyrics being said, a more literal interpretation is that the song is a program that simulates a (or tries to anyway), a " healthy and sustainable relationship" (darling). But the events that happen are far from it. Instead, what happens is a toxic and manipulative relationship. If you notice the parts where the sustain increment is shown (sustain++;), it is commented out (//sustain++;). I believe that that implies that no matter what the program tries, the relationship is and never was sustainable in the first place/could not be sustained. Though it looks somewhere at the start, the "you" tries to bring it up, but maybe was too scared for the relationship to end or something, never brought it up seen here: /** * This could end right here if you don't let it out * Let it out */ if (you.getThoughts().size() != 0) { try { you sayTo(you.getThoughts(-), me); you.clearThoughts(); } catch (TooMuchOfAPussyException e) { world.getRelationship(me,you).end(); } } Now, the parts that support the toxic relationship theory are:- When both "me" and "you" ignore or filter out insults and use the fact that they are fighting against "those on top" to sustain their relationship, or at least, work together, seen here: /** * And mumble some stupid stuff * Like * "I saw it coming" * Pretend it's not happening * Us losers do nothing so winners keep winning */ String[] tags = {"stupid", "dumb", "petty", "ignorant"}; world.mute(me,tags); world.mute(you, tags); for (Life them : world.getLifeTopOnePercent()) { me.fight(them); you.fight(them); } The "me", at this point, controlling the life of "you" and "you" getting Stockholm syndrome: /** * Sit * Fetch your leash * DICTATED ECONOMY */ me.command(you, "sit"); me.command(you, "fetch");, you.getFinanceProperties(), "educational purposes"); /** * Show me * Your belly * FORGOTTEN ECOLOGY */ me.command(you, "strip"); me.command(you, "exhibit"); world.addPollution("environmental", "indecency", you); /** * Stay * Okay, eat * HUMAN PSYCHOLOGY */ me.command(you, "stay"); me.command(you, "eat");; /** * g 0 0 d b o i * Here's a treat * HUNGRY FOR ENERGY */ me.praise(you, "Good boy.");, "meat"); you.consumeLast(); It's a possibility that the "me" does this in search of a parental role or something indicative of the next few lines (not gonna put more or this is gonna take a whole page). And from the code and lyrics "Call me mommy" and "Call me daddy", probably this fetish has deeper roots than just a kink. The next part after the "Call me daddy" part, is likely a fallout between them ending in a fight. Then the fully toxic aspects of "me" manifest in their attempt to try and keep the relationship together, which eventually still fails: /** * It's all just sunk cost, I know * But I'm not ready to stop */ me.manipulate(you, "beg"); me.manipulate(you, "gaslight"); me.manipulate(you, "blame"); me.manipulate(you, "tears"); world.getRelationship(me, you).end(); you.setMemory(me, null); The end has "me" get a last remembrance of their relationship before forgetting about it. The last part where Momo says plus repeatedly is followed by the same commented out increment, possibly signifying that any chances to sustain that relationship is long gone or impossible. Any thoughts to add or correct me are appreciated.
Excellent job decoding the song! I agree with about all of your interpretation. * If abstraction is the definition of beauty * Are those of us chasing after clarity * A representation of ugly? When you are living in a dream everything is beautiful but when the dream stops and you face reality things are not beautiful anymore. both "me" and "you" are facing reality. world.giveBestAward("ugly", me); world.giveBestAward("ugly", you); I think that their relationship started good and they had plans and dreams for the future. I believe that they loved each other. "me" was manipulative since the beginning. "you" was kinda passive easy to control person and "me" took advantage of that. "you" was "ToomuchOfApussy" for keeping quiet about their falling relationship. They got married and had kids? and they("me"?) wanted to have a happy family and be the best parents . Years pass by and they are getting old, the love starts to fade, the goals set were not achieved . Now reaching these goals are like "looking for ghosts of the non existing kind". * We keep chasing * Dreaming about the perfect being * Perfect parents who are non-existing * Our bodies grew, our minds stayed the same */ if (me.getDreamParents().equals(parents)) { me.setParents(parents); } else { me.throwTantrum(); The goal of having a happy family failed. "me" was never happy . me.addFamily(g); if (me.isHappy()) { if (parents[0] == null) { parents[0] = g; } else if (parents[1] == null) { parents[1] = g; } else { //IGNORED because 'me' is never happy //and will never be happy anyway } } me.removeFamily(g); } Their kinky relationship was more a fetish of "you" than "me". "me' was in control of their relationship but "you" was in control during these fetishes encounters. if (you.getFetishes().searchByType("name calling", "mommy") != -1) { you.addToMemory(me); you.setNicknameFor(you.getMemory(me), "mommy"); and you.setNicknameFor(you.getMemory(me), "daddy"); String[] vocab = {"sir", "yes", "no", "please", "thank you", "master", "red", "green", "yellow"}; you.setVocabulary(vocab); its all you,you,you. Their relationship failed at the end. During the final argument she push him too far. She tried to manipulate his feelings to win the argument me.manipulate(you, "beg"); me.manipulate(you, "blame"); me.manipulate(you, "tears"); but he won't had it and decided to quit their relationship. "you.setMemory (me, null)" I believed that she kept the memories of the relationship. She did not deleted them. but he and the world decided to forget about them "you.setMemory (me, null)" and "world.setRelationship(me, you, null);"
Makes the line "you turn my screen #0000FF" hit harder for me. Its my favorite line for how strange it is. the composer had balls to try to make that sound good and I love it as they did make it sound really good. #0000FF is hexadecimal color code for the color red I think. How it works is that you seperate the 6 digits into 2 digits, the digits go from 00 (zero) to FF (255) the higher the number the brighter that color is. In order they are blue, green, red. Or is it red, green, blue? Too lazy to check lol. Edit: #0000ff means blue... Not red. For some reason I thought of red screen instead of blue screen lol.
No matter how many times I listen to this song
That "SHUT UP" and "I Don't want to stop" Always hit so hard
That whole second chorus and everything after the shut up must be my favorite lines of any song
its not often i say this but that literally gave me chills, the robotic language suddenly changing tones to a more human and angered tone was a complete shock to me
Replay button 4:47
I just love that Mili is getting more and more traction with how many animes they are working with
Yea also Gleipnir!!!
@@enanqusi Its on track to being my favorite of the season. While the hype for Tower of God is good Gleipnir is quietly taking the lead in my opinion.
Mili now have 6 anime songs
Mili ending of overlord S4🤣
@@musubi3772 Oh damn, that would be lit!!
g 0 0 d b o i
Listening to this for the first time was the longest 4 minutes of my life and then the emotion just fucking exploded out of nowhere.
11/10, I wish I could listen to this for the first time again
oh my god all the codes seem like they are telling a story it gives me goosebump
It does. Code pretty much gives context to lyrics, explaining them if you will. I.e., classical "LALILALULA" here is a guy (?) ignoring whatever a girl (?) said, line you.ignoreComands() hints at that.
@@kontrol42 Wait, "LALILALULA" means something?!?! (.... What does it mean exactly? 'here is a guy (?) ignoring whatever a girl (?) said'?
@@YayaBunWa I dunno, I always assumed in other songs LALILALULA never means anything, but here it can be interpreted
@@YayaBunWa I assume it's like how someone would plug their ears and go "lalalalala" to block out whatever the other person is saying.
It is absolutely epic, deep and has so much hidden meanings and stuff that I feel like it is way more than just a song.
In a way, it refers to so many things at once, but it mainly centers around oppression, repressed feelings, and a ravaged society and human psychology that is all a struggle to survive in an ever-corrupt and authoritarian world.
I remember that i began listening to Mili because of Cassie's voice, since her voice reminded me of the voice of someone very dear to me. I still do, and well, i probably will keep doing so for years to come.
To anyone reading this, i hope you have a great day, and a great life, and that everything around you is truly full of blessings. You deserve love, happiness, growth, peace... and whatever you wish and propose yourself to.
thank you i needed this bless you!
4:49 「shut up」の一文でも、「黙れ」という突き放す様な口調から「黙ってくれ」っていう嘆願するような口調に変化できるのが日本語の妙な訳ですよ(早口)
もうこれ完全にworld excute(ghost);じゃん…
The classic Mili there "LILULILALULALULA"
Long time we don't got a "lilulilalulalula" next song l'ego milk or eggplant
@@musubi3772 yeah I miss kind of that lyrics
Guys pls tell me what's kind of genre is this? I want more of this
@@failure3653 the genre called "MILI"
Actually, I am in really bad shape financially.
人間は4:41あたりから人工知能(?)が言う「It's a perfect plan(完璧な計画)」なんか聞きたくないから「SHUT UP(黙れ)」と殴った
そのせいでこちらからは「It's a perfect plan(完璧な計画)」の内容が全然分からない
それでも人工知能が4:59で「Hear me out(聞いてくれ)」と頼むが「LILULILALULALULA(リルリラルラルラ)」と聞こえないふりをしている
@@サボテンねこ 1日前の人がいて安心してる俺←
@@omochiazarashiha.gummygasuki 時々聞きに行きたくなるんよね笑
@@サボテンねこ めっちゃ分かります
thank you project moon for introducing me to this amazing singer 🙏
@@Elbirb22 dw i figured that out by now 😭
And thank you mili for letting me know project moon
@@slayer9154a shirou spotted, your presence is required in Shirou's Day, prepare your sword, Hero
The feeling when you see that 'Let us fall' is transcripted as
Hats down, such a clever and smooth reference.
I think it'd the tuchkoma robot from ghost in the shell
The way the line "there is no crime in ideality" gets me every time with how that was handled. Amazing song as always!!
I have tried to decode the code (pun) from the background.
The process is opinionated which I realize and should not be treated as an objective truth.
I won't however analyze the lore because I feel like I'm lacking the greater context. I also won't be explaining two same verses twice.
Let's define 2 things.
(1) When some text is
* Commented
* Even across multiple lines
It is a statement of a Wish.
// This is a Wish too
Somebody wants something but it may be actually not achieved.
(2) Code, all text outside (1), is what actually exists in the domain of this song. It is the Reality.
Wish and Reality, remember this.
Let's define how the code is going to be analyzed.
The code is divided into larger blocks consisting of multiple lines. Between these, there is empty space. I will timestamp the larger blocks and try to analyze one by one.
I will not look into every detail found in the code. I will only try to outline my train of thought.
No clue
Song author seems to be announcing what the song is going to be about. Then the song starts. We can see there is a World being created and two Ghosts. The World is the two Ghosts and what interactions will entail, happen later between them.
What is interesting is the Ghosts are put into Life containers. In programming it's a common practice to put a specific object (Ghost) into a more general container (Life).
That hints at a fact the two Ghosts live in a World that can be inhabited by others who are not Ghosts.
Remember this.
Comment states abstraction=beauty. Clarity (an act of giving a strict form) is ugliness then.
Code states that if the more beautiful of the Ghosts is appreciating abstraction then both are ugly.
That means the Wish is different from the Reality.
If one Ghost has a deviation of its own then in the scope of their own World it is ok to accept it and pursue it. (Being open minded and all that stuff)
I understand MUX>>>DEMUX the following way.
It's a wish that both Ghosts will only listen to one another and not anyone else. But in turn they will inevitably stand out more to the outside world.
NAND would state a wish that it's true at least 1 of them understands the another or they both understand one another.
The Reality is that if one Ghost doesn't understand how the Other feels about them both, then it is still accepted.
If one of the Ghosts has some thoughts then it tries to spill the beans. If it doesn't work then their relationship ends.
If the confession is not supported by enough affection from the confessant then the relationship fails.
Otherwise the confession is successful and the two Ghosts get a little closer.
If the simulation is the same as the original then the original is killed and the simulation lives on. That may imply at an idealization of someone's personality of some kind. I have no idea what these numbers mean though (1993, 227760). Date of birth?
Just look how the background colors faded. I assume this and a few of the following parts of the song will be a reminiscence of the past.
Rivers may represent something. Like, they may be an evidence of a failure of actions the Ghosts undertook. Rivers on Earth support life so destroying them would cause a general harm.
For every river in the World the Ghosts exchange affection as if comforting one another.
The Ghosts cannot speak in a scornful, ridiculing manner at all.
Now we have to go back to what I decoded at 0:15.
The Program doesn't anticipate any more Life forms in the World.
There are only 2 Ghosts.
One is better.
That one is attacked by its doubts and by the other.
It appears to me like they don't want to progress. They want to stay in their comfort zone and never grow up.
From now on
Me = the abuser Ghost
You = the abused Ghost
You becomes abused by meeting the demands of the other. The abuse is the fact it cannot do as it wills.
The World starts feeling uncomfortable for You. Remember, the World is just the 2 Ghosts and their interactions between one another.
You feels shame (pollution). It makes the World not so perfect anymore and it's all because of Me.
But You cannot leave. It is its place of comfort. There can only acceptance happen, getting used to.
Me instills, makes sure to keep this state of things. It is also its World of comfort after all.
The Wish is that there must be a person in the real world that will understand me as well as I do myself. Then I can create a World with that person and we can understand one another.
But that person is non-existing. I am myself and truth is that person can only be me.
The Reality states You and Me try to become a family. Me cannot be truly happy with You or itself however (cannot get out of the comfort zone and move on with the real life by means of support from You or from pulling itself together) and resigns from this involvement.
And resignation causes suffering to Me who craves for proximity, closeness but ends up alone all the time.
At times there comes a realization of what a wretch Me is. A wretch since it doesn't bother progressing, changing, taking actions. It only projects its frustrations or sorrows onto You by asking about the future. There is also a doubt that Me poses onto their very relationship "To where? [Does our relationship lead, maybe it doesn't make sense?]"
See 1:01 but as an abusive act. There are also three colors. Red, green and yellow. Yellow and not blue. Remember this.
In IT "#0000ff" = blue color. When screen goes blue it means the system was overwhelmed and shut down under pressure. Wish states that You feels disoriented by Me.
Since in 4:14 Me forbade You from using the blue color we can witness here, for the first time, an open aggression. Me becomes an aggressive abuser for You.
If any quarrel between You and Me becomes dominated by Me then their relationship ends.
I suppose that's because You cannot stand so much abuse in such circumstances.
A zero day is a cyber security term used as a metaphor here. It may refer to an undisclosed trait of a personality that unexpectedly boils out and leaves the person vulnerable.
Anyhow, both Ghosts are freed from sadness and their vulnerabilities which could render them sad again.
Me becomes abusive.
Me becomes aggressive. Aggression however is a way of hiding a weakness.
Me doesn't want to disclose its vulnerability. That would only end up bringing it out of its comfort zone it so much cherishes. Its relationship with You is challenged which asks too much out of the psychologically stunted, egoistic Me. It cannot open up to You. It has a World of its own after all. Maybe You doesn't belong there anymore?
You seems to have managed liberating itself from Me's influence.
The relationship is over. But Me realizes just now it needs You to feel the comfort zone for some reason. Its egoism allows it to step down from aggression and throw final words of desperation. You remains distant from this plea.
Now that You is gone the only thing that's left is to hold on to the remains, memories of what it needs for its perfect World, its comfort zone. The memories of You.
But that doesn't last for long. It's just a memory, an object, not a living Ghost, a mystery.
Me Wishes to continue this path, it didn't change even after You left it.
"The biggest emotional motivation for a human is fear. The biggest kind of fear is the fear of the unknown"
Learning, education, self development is an uncharted, unknown process. Therefore it may be hard to embrace this fear. Don't let it become an unconscious fear, it will start motivating your actions. You will be deterred from self development.
The diagnosis is gloom but there is a seeming remedy. Self psychology. Reward yourself for embracing this fear of the unknown, uncharted process of learning. Be gentle with yourself. Imagine it's a great boulder and moving it an inch is a tremendous success. Inch by inch, by inch, by ...
And at last after 10 years you will be able to look over your shoulder and see you have walked to the Moon.
Such is the nature of good habits, or of vice.
Love this deep dive of the code,respect
志摩リン あなたどこにでもいますね
This song gives me an existential crisis (in the best way possible
I can’t believe this is how I find out there’s a new Ghost in the Shell.
Mokoto Kusanagi: Tachikoma, analyze this suspicious music.
Tachikoma: Okay Boss
Also Tachikoma:
*Gets distracted by the song*
Theres no reason music can't be considered a drug.
Edit: Motoko not Mokoto
My favorite part is the bit where the lyrics are "SHUT UP SHUT UP" but the source code is
me.command(you, "be quite");
me.command(you, "be quite");
I assume that's meant to imply that the narrator is so angry that they're not paying enough attention to notice the typo. It's a nice touch.
Or it could also mean, that "SHUT UP" is in her head. But because she really love her couple, she uses "be quite".
@@phillg.1075 it is a typo though. It should be "quiet".
2 years late, but the actual lyrics are in comments, so they’re technically not part of the code
note that the screen / code glitches during this *one* part.
In most programming languages
You can put in "++" on a variable in order to increment it by 1.
It's the same as just doing "variable += 1;" but its useful for keeping things neat and organized.
You usally use the ++ for things you want to constantly increment until a certain point.
Most commonly in loops like for, and while loops.
The title sustain++
Is saying to constantly increase sustainability.
thank you for sharing this!!
The class is also named SustainPlusPlus, and you don't increment a class; it would be a naming convention derived from the C++ language. In which case it could simply mean an once "improved" sustainability, rather than a constantly incrementing one.
Except for one occurrence, most of the "sustain++" in the code are commented out, (disabled, by the // at the beginning of the line); an attempt was made to increase sustainability, but the programmer eventually decided it worked better without it.
fake news, its on comment
at 2:16 sustain++ is used in a for loop
Except at the end it is showed as a comment, so it´s not executed. The result is the rest of the song
The layers on this song is insane. This is Un fucking believably good. I’m speechless. It even has prog rock bass lines and trance synths. The breakdowns are so complex wow wow 😳
Classic Mili
Taking almost a full minute to complete the first sentence in the song
If Abstraction is the definition of beauty and this is abstract it's means this song itself is the definition of beauty
world execute meと似てる気がする…
2:00 4:23 world execute (me)
You know a song is good when it gives you chills the moment that she starts singing at a different tempo, 30 seconds into the song
I'm literally crazy about this song... I love the duality between reality and abstraction... The meaning is so deep and real... sadly real and actual... thank you!
I, too, am obsessed with this song! It hits me in the feels just right, it's so GOOD 😩 I just discovered this song today, and I've already listened to it about 10 times. I live it so much, it hurts.
This song hits so close because it's basically what our reality is becoming. Especially with AI, soon we will have to deal with some very existential questions dealing not just with Humanity but with Transhumanism as well. I'm a Transhumanist so I will embrace our technological future but that's just me.
01:04 "I'm not mine NAND I'm not yours"
This sounds like she is neither herself's or her partner's, but she says NAND, not AND.
A Not-And gate outputs FALSE if and only if both inputs are true. In order for the statement to be TRUE, at least one of the sub-statements needs to be false.
The statement actually translates to "I'm mine and/or I'm yours".
This Is big bruh energy, thank you for opening a window
Actually, it translates to "I'm either mine, yours, or nobody's" since "and/or" explicitly states that both operands may be true at the same time.
e: I wrote the translation for I'm not mine _XOR_ I'm not yours at first. It's fixed now.
e2: nvm @StickmanCorp. actually was correct since the statement is I'm *not* mine NAND I'm *not* yours. The operands are each negated, which means that this will be true in every case except if the person doesn't belong to themself, and doesn't belong to the addressee - in other words, it's a convoluted way of saying "I'm mine OR I'm yours". OR is an inclusive or, so "I'm mine and/or I'm yours is correct"
So technically speaking, while one is free, the other is trapped.
And from how this song plays out, trapped in love.
I see... the Schödinger´s command.
=> I'm NOT ((NOT X) AND (NOT Y))
=> I'm NOT (NOT (X OR Y))
=> I'm X OR Y
#0000ff means blue in RGB. Each pair of digits following the # respectively indicate how much red, green and blue the pixel has in hexadecimal. The first pair of digits shows the amount of red, which is 0; the second shows the amount of blue, which is also 0; the third shows the amount of blue, which is ff and means 255 in hexadecimal - the maximum value it can have.
So in the end, we get a very vivid shade of blue that should look similar to the background.
Makefile _dot_in or.. Blue Screen of Death.
I believe that #0000ff is actually the shade of the first BSoDs
Thats neat
I'm pretty sure it means something more along of the lines of bluescreening a computer.
@@Dianthia. it's the hexadecimal color conversion of pure blue
4:10 atmosphere changing on this point makes me get goosebums
Something tells me that repeating
Will mean overflow error (regardless of whether it is an integer or double). a problem for programmers, yet in the context of this song, will mean that either side would snap eventually...
I absolutely worship how the background instrumental perfectly matches old GITS ost, like yoko kanno was directing it.
me.manipulate(you, "beg")
me.manipulate(you, "gaslight")
me.manipulate(you, "blame")
me.manipulate(you, "tears")
You know you're in some bad relationship if you find these command line in your partner.
what does gaslight mean?
@@justanothercatinside It means to manipulate one into doubting their sanity, basically saying that you're not right in the head.
It has several other positive commands.
It is part of a relationship for a person to have defects.
(And "gaslight" is a horrible term to define a context of manipulation or abuse in a relationship. There is depth even to a person's bad points, which this type of generic / modern term ignores.)
And both seem to want to dominate each other, seeing from the lyrics of each part.
Also, there is even a command about forgiveness at the end.
Henrique Carvalho I’d say a guy got fed up with that girl dominating, which caused them to fight
it is not that bad. It is just and some string with no meaning.
Im still no expert at code but i do believe this is the first time anyone has ever listened to a 6 minute syntax error. this is pretty amazing
this comment killed me
Actually thinking about it I just think this is object oriented programming(OOP).
If they have defined the classes before, gave them all attributes, etc. this is pretty accurate.
After World world = new World();
Everything is accurate imo. no syntax error.
Classes are usually in a seperate section, you can put it in the same but in C# we put it in another whole class.cs, so as long as there are declarations for world, etc. like above mentioned, then everything is fine.
It seems like a perfectly valid java code. Only import statements are missing.
@@sumansaha295 tbh if those are imported from somewhere else too like from within the classes, it should still work.
Actually, seems like it's in Java. If that package she imported actually adds all of the commands used, it's completely valid.
1:43 の顔叩いてる奴も
5:18 Netflix&Chillってスラング、2人の関係を表しつつ、SAC2045の要素になってて好き
攻殻の曲でもありながら、「world.execute (me);」「 (you);」との繋がりもあるMiliの曲でもある……という風に感じました。
コンピューターが必死に私達に訴えてるような かんじがする モモカシューさんのお声も脳にくる………
Mili-sustain++;/Ghost In The Shell
*If abstraction is the definition of beauty
*Are those of us chasing after clarity
*A representation of ugly?
*There is no crime in ideality
*Can't you understand me?
*I'm not mine NAND I'm not yours
*This could end right here if you don't let it out
*Let it out
*Give up or give me your all
*Tell me now
*Tell me now
*If we can be completely simulated
*Do we need a real reality?
*Don't let words die, let love run dry
言葉を死なせないで 愛を枯らさないで
*Like what we did to the rivers we killed off in our near future
*And mumble some stupid stuff
*“I saw it coming”
*Pretend it's not happening
*Us losers do nothing so winners keep winning
*Fetch your leash
*Shоw me
*Your belly
*Okay, eat
よし 食べていいぞ
*g Ø Ø d b o i
*Here's a treat
ほら おやつ
*We are searching
*Following our human instincts
*Looking for ghosts of the non-existing kind
*Who make us whole from the very beginning
*We keep chasing
*Dreaming about the perfect being
*Perfect parents who are non-existing
*Our bodies grew, our minds stayed the same
成長したのは体だけ 心はいつも小さいまま
*Now darling, where do we go from here?
ねえダーリン これからどうするの?
*Now darling, where do we go from here?
ねえダーリン これからどうするの?
*Now darling, where do we go from here?
ねえダーリン これからどうするの?
*Darling, Darling
ダーリン ダーリン
*Hey honey, where do we go from here?
おいハニー これからどーするんだ?
*Hey honey, where do we go from here?
おいハニー これからどーするんだ?
*Now darling, where do we go from here?
ねえダーリン これからどうするの?
*Now darling, where do we go from here?
ねえダーリン これからどうするの?
*To where?
「かしこまりました」 「お願いします」が聞こえないが?
*That's the only vocabulary you need
*Can't you understand me?
*You turn my screen #ØØØØff
*We could end right here if you'd just let us fall
*Let us fall
*No tears, no regrets
涙もない 後悔もない
*No zero-days at our fault
*Hear me out
*It's a perfect plan
*If you'd just
*Then maybe you'll see what I've endured now
*Hear me out
*It's all just sunk cost, I know
*But I'm not ready to stop
ただ まだやめられない
*I don't want to stop
@@sdfgifsapk5802 どれですか?
Another easter egg
I feel that's so out of place honestly, lol
Jesus that constructor is huge. Must be a nightmare to go back and fix any bugs.
I’ve listened to this song way too many times and it never gets old
you : *IQ not enough *
world : "you dummy"
me : "Ah"
that actually made me crack loll
Me in school lmao
It so hard. Now listen to music also need knowledge of IT
interesting that at 4:08, the vocab includes red, green, and yellow, which are common safewords in the traffic light system
엔딩버전 나왔을때부터 계속 돌려듣던 노래인데 풀버전이 나왔다니ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 역시 mili는 사랑입니다ㅠㅠ
MV가 비슷해서 관련있을거 같긴 했는데 댓글에 world execute me 언급되는거 보니 어디서 나오나보네요
mili는 항상 이전 좋아하던 노래들이랑 관련된 노래가 계속 나와서 너무 좋아요ㅠㅠ
world execute me가 언급되는건 아마
배경 제작자가 같아서 일듯합니다
@@sodium7832 뮤비 보다보니 world execute me 가 나오기도 하네요!
그리고 가사 형식도 그렇고 world execute me랑 이어지는거 같아요
I'm so glad mili is being commissioned to do so many anime ops and eds. Its been fun seeing you from deemo songs I loved
Terribly depressing. Cant stop listening.
This song hits so deep that's incredible that exists... and the code is done so well... had to take time to understand it and keep going, just perfect!! Loving Mili since this song
2:00 にもありますね!
4:17 #0000ff = blue
“You said that blue is life” Sl0t
Oh shit that a find
Not just that, the line "You made my screen #0000ff" is likely a reference to the infamous blue screen of death, essentially saying that the program encountered a critical error as a result of the one it's singing to.
What's interesting is that "blue is life" and "blue screen of death" are direct contradictions to one another.
Gray Tiamat187 I feel like this song is one big contradiction. I believe we’re following a couple that didn’t quite grow as human beings, didn’t know where to go next or whether there’s anywhere to go at all, which resulted in girl’s tantrum, after which they began to fight and broke up, even though she really wanted them to still be together.
Perhaps we’re looking at abusive relationship as well?
kontrol42 considering one section of commands towards the end literally has the command *"gaslight"* as part of it, I'm fairly certain whatever the relationship had been, it became abusive by the end no matter how anyone felt
And then there's this command:
world.setRelationship(me, you, null);
Just noticed something about the video:
Around 1:55, when verse 2 starts, the colors in the video start getting less saturated until it's close to gray at 2:35 (the "fetch your leash" part). This may mean that the singer is beginning to gaslight/look down on the person A they are talking to, which makes A's sense of "self" dimmer or smth
And around 3:45, when the singer nd A ask each other "where do we go from here"(yes it's both of them, when the lines say honey the code is you.ask(me), with darling it's me.ask(you)), the colors become more saturated. This may mean A came broke free from the manipulation since the singer was asking A for help instead of leading, which may have lead A to start questioning things
(Gaslighting is making the victim feel inferior/dependent to the offender, so A would be questioning why the "superior" one is asking the "inferior" what to do)
And when the singer says "you make my head #0000FF" the screen is completely saturated with the background a bright blue, similar to the hex code #0000FF.
I'm not the best at theorizing or summarizing so sorry for the wall of text XD if I got anytuing wrong feel free to tell me!
Good caught. So many artist intricately were put into this song
私は歌詞の中の、‘Us losers do nothing so winners keep winning’というフレーズがとても好きです。
What a pleasing coincidence !
I discovered Mili like a week ago when I began watching the new GitS series, and I was like "why isn't there any long version of that ending ?"
I just finished the season 10 minutes ago, and then this one just appeared on youtube at this exact moment.
How did you like it? Is it good? I just looked up some reviews on MAL but it seemed like most people were just hating on it for being different to the orignal...
good for you
@@einfachnurleo7099 Well it was ok. I don't really like the asethetic, and the animation is not so good either. They're taking advantage of the 3D in some situations, which is good. I could really enjoy a 3D GitS, the problem is that it's not really well done most of the time. There is a strange first part to the intrigue where they introduce a new character and then they get rid of him, he was absolutely useless in the end. And then in the second part it starts to resemble more and more the classic type of intrigue we have in the SAC series. So it's not that bad but it doesn't do anything that is really great.
I'll watch season2 when it comes out, and I hope it will give us some interesting relfexions on society that we didn't hear a million times already, like a good social sci-fi series should. And also if they can take some time and resources to make better animations it could be really good actually.
The music is not really interesting... The ending made by mili is probably the best thing this anime has to offer. I hope season2 will get better on that too.
Listening to this masterpiece allways gives me goose bumps
The MV's so good it almost made me enjoy reading Java code
4:24 world.execute(me)/world execute(you) in code :0
I noticed it too. Hidden easter egg, 100% sure
This is my most favourite song of Mili
Before even realizing this was for an outro of ghost in the shell, I felt the vibe of ghost in the shell. This is beautiful and fits the vibe spectacularly.
i like they replace the command of “strip” and “exhibit” to “show me” and “your belly” at 2:44
In addition read the coded lyrics with attentiveness, there’s some hidden dialogues lol.
Yeah I noticed the rather explicit sexual and submissive dialogue there throughout the entire video.
It's all about simulation and roleplay...
BDSM, festish Daddy Mommy, and 'educational purposes' things with toxicity in their relationship.
Muhammad Faishal Habil what about the family part at 3:16.
what i also see is the search of perfection and happiness also in the simulated world lol.
@@aeircrown7994 I think it's about a simulation of AI that learning about love and happiness. But turns to bad way as love and happiness can turns into sexual ways~
World.execute(me); for example. There's code mentioned about BDSM and roleplay.
In sustain++ they mentioned
You get fetish "mommy".
But in the end the truth is they cannot sustain the relationship simulation.
That's from my perspective
After an in-depth reading at the code and trying to tie that in with the lyrics being said, a more literal interpretation is that the song is a program that simulates a (or tries to anyway), a " healthy and sustainable relationship" (darling). But the events that happen are far from it. Instead, what happens is a toxic and manipulative relationship.
If you notice the parts where the sustain increment is shown (sustain++;), it is commented out (//sustain++;). I believe that that implies that no matter what the program tries, the relationship is and never was sustainable in the first place/could not be sustained. Though it looks somewhere at the start, the "you" tries to bring it up, but maybe was too scared for the relationship to end or something, never brought it up seen here:
* This could end right here if you don't let it out
* Let it out
if (you.getThoughts().size() != 0) {
try {
you sayTo(you.getThoughts(-), me);
} catch (TooMuchOfAPussyException e) {
Now, the parts that support the toxic relationship theory are:-
When both "me" and "you" ignore or filter out insults and use the fact that they are fighting against "those on top" to sustain their relationship, or at least, work together, seen here:
* And mumble some stupid stuff
* Like
* "I saw it coming"
* Pretend it's not happening
* Us losers do nothing so winners keep winning
String[] tags = {"stupid", "dumb", "petty", "ignorant"};
world.mute(you, tags);
for (Life them : world.getLifeTopOnePercent()) {
The "me", at this point, controlling the life of "you" and "you" getting Stockholm syndrome:
* Sit
* Fetch your leash
me.command(you, "sit");
me.command(you, "fetch");, you.getFinanceProperties(), "educational purposes");
* Show me
* Your belly
me.command(you, "strip");
me.command(you, "exhibit");
world.addPollution("environmental", "indecency", you);
* Stay
* Okay, eat
me.command(you, "stay");
me.command(you, "eat");;
* g 0 0 d b o i
* Here's a treat
me.praise(you, "Good boy.");, "meat");
It's a possibility that the "me" does this in search of a parental role or something indicative of the next few lines (not gonna put more or this is gonna take a whole page). And from the code and lyrics "Call me mommy" and "Call me daddy", probably this fetish has deeper roots than just a kink.
The next part after the "Call me daddy" part, is likely a fallout between them ending in a fight. Then the fully toxic aspects of "me" manifest in their attempt to try and keep the relationship together, which eventually still fails:
* It's all just sunk cost, I know
* But I'm not ready to stop
me.manipulate(you, "beg");
me.manipulate(you, "gaslight");
me.manipulate(you, "blame");
me.manipulate(you, "tears");
world.getRelationship(me, you).end();
you.setMemory(me, null);
The end has "me" get a last remembrance of their relationship before forgetting about it. The last part where Momo says plus repeatedly is followed by the same commented out increment, possibly signifying that any chances to sustain that relationship is long gone or impossible.
Any thoughts to add or correct me are appreciated.
Excellent job decoding the song!
I agree with about all of your interpretation.
* If abstraction is the definition of beauty
* Are those of us chasing after clarity
* A representation of ugly?
When you are living in a dream everything is beautiful but when the dream stops and you face reality things are not beautiful anymore.
both "me" and "you" are facing reality.
world.giveBestAward("ugly", me);
world.giveBestAward("ugly", you);
I think that their relationship started good and they had plans and dreams for the future. I believe that they loved each other.
"me" was manipulative since the beginning. "you" was kinda passive easy to control person and "me" took advantage of that.
"you" was "ToomuchOfApussy" for keeping quiet about their falling relationship.
They got married and had kids? and they("me"?) wanted to have a happy family and be the best parents . Years pass by and they are getting old, the love starts to fade, the goals set were not achieved . Now reaching these goals are like "looking for ghosts of the non existing kind".
* We keep chasing
* Dreaming about the perfect being
* Perfect parents who are non-existing
* Our bodies grew, our minds stayed the same
if (me.getDreamParents().equals(parents)) {
else {
The goal of having a happy family failed. "me" was never happy .
if (me.isHappy()) {
if (parents[0] == null) {
parents[0] = g;
else if (parents[1] == null) {
parents[1] = g;
else {
//IGNORED because 'me' is never happy
//and will never be happy anyway
Their kinky relationship was more a fetish of "you" than "me".
"me' was in control of their relationship but "you" was in control during these fetishes encounters.
if (you.getFetishes().searchByType("name calling", "mommy") != -1) {
you.setNicknameFor(you.getMemory(me), "mommy");
you.setNicknameFor(you.getMemory(me), "daddy");
String[] vocab = {"sir", "yes", "no", "please", "thank you", "master",
"red", "green", "yellow"};
its all you,you,you.
Their relationship failed at the end. During the final argument she push him too far. She tried to manipulate his feelings to win the argument
me.manipulate(you, "beg");
me.manipulate(you, "blame");
me.manipulate(you, "tears");
but he won't had it and decided to quit their relationship.
"you.setMemory (me, null)"
I believed that she kept the memories of the relationship. She did not deleted them. but he and the world decided to forget about them "you.setMemory (me, null)" and "world.setRelationship(me, you, null);"
it makes more sense after watching world.excute(me)
for me at least
Makes the line "you turn my screen #0000FF" hit harder for me.
Its my favorite line for how strange it is. the composer had balls to try to make that sound good and I love it as they did make it sound really good.
#0000FF is hexadecimal color code for the color red I think.
How it works is that you seperate the 6 digits into 2 digits, the digits go from 00 (zero) to FF (255) the higher the number the brighter that color is.
In order they are blue, green, red.
Or is it red, green, blue?
Too lazy to check lol.
#0000ff means blue... Not red.
For some reason I thought of red screen instead of blue screen lol.
Thank you for this. I was hoping that a programmer could explain some of this.
@@remixtheidiot5771 It´s the Code für Blue. Indictating a error screen.
10/10 would be in an abusive relationship again
yes me too, its worthy
I see
Do you know what is more abusive? 2+2=5 It is written on the book.
@@davianjanvierto4679 1984?
me: A programmer
Also me: trying to find wtf is going on
At least the syntax is correct and it is no pseudo code.
@@hydroxoniumionplus never fully understood Java till now
@@n01r1r I learn java by listening to this
Me: Trying to find the missing semicolon
@@martiddy >when someone has spent too much time in the industry troubleshooting.
This has certainly been worth the wait!
Yay!! I swear i played the short version on repeat at least 100 times. I'll play this one 1000 times more!
main 関数の me, you 変数に Ghost を代入している辺りや、笑い男・タチコマのデザインから攻殻機動隊へのリスペクトが感じられて尊い...