Hello everyone! Thank you for watching! Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 it takes longer for songs to be registered for streaming. May 30 was the earliest date possible. In the mean time, it is possible to pre-order the song on iTunes (however you can't listen until May 30): music.apple.com/ca/album/string-theocracy-single/1513277109 Check out the indie game Library of Ruina on Steam: store.steampowered.com/app/1256670/Library_Of_Ruina/ The game is developed by a small but very talented and hardworking team. Your support is crucial to bringing more ideas to life! Please take care!
Angela's in the wrong expecting death or freedom. I'm surprised she is dunking on his loyalty (to her) and bravery. The general cost is somewhat interesting. He's become faceless. It's hard to see what is in the mirror, since it can be him (or his will) inside that body. Other interesting lines: "Maybe we are just robots, in human skins, with human sins", that's a reference to A's disdain for Angela as a robot and not actually Carmen, me thinks the problem is that her suicide made it clear that she's never going to be the same; "What color are the electric sheep you see", considering the events of the previous games, A is practically everywhere and nowhere, it's hard to get a fix on anything that he's thinking of, let alone if he's in a state that can be considered conscious; "If you love me/ Then please be sure to love your everything too, for me", when hasn't he? He really did a number on Garion and Binah after all was said and done, then brought everyone back to life. Then probably commit suicide probably hundreds of millions of times, tortured, in the span of that eon that Lobotomy Corporation was operated.
@@Dan-gs3kg The electric sheep was also a reference to the famous 'Do robots dream of electric sheep?' book. Just like clockwork orange. I really like how Mili leaves small theme references in their songs here and there
@@Dan-gs3kg spoiler for newcomers Consider her getting experienced things in god know how much loops, with the fact that her reactions of time was hell long compare to other, no wonder how Angela turned back at the end of Lobotomy.
It's quite clear that the song was put together with a lot of thought and care since as a stand a lone it tell a story perfectly, but at the same time as a theme made for a game it also describe Angela's struggles through Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina incredibly well.
Even if it isn’t 100% accurate, the song is complete by itself without context. I think this is great for a song from game. (Moreover, maybe we just don’t have enough information yet.)
years late but some lyrics do not line up with angela imo "If you're gonna replace me, at least have the audacity to kill me thoroughly" is my major example here
Man I love that second "down down down I go" (1:16). The contrast between this quality compared to her voice throughout the rest of the song is quite profound.
@@conkageious you make a good choice, Lobotomy story will make the bew Library of Ruina story *DEEP* than you straight up playing Library of Ruina alone
Depends if she was asking about the mother or the baby On another note In the average district of the City, electric sheep dream of androids, truly a dystopian hellscape
자막 달아두고 하루 지나서 왔더니 다른 분들이 고쳐서 올려주셨네요! 감사합니다! 여기다 가사(초본에서 쪼금 수정함) 한 번 더 올려두고 갈게요! 프로젝트문 쪽에서 번역한 것과 살짝 다른 부분 있어요~! 영문 가사 공식 일문 자막 한글 번역 (영문 위주로 번역하되, 일문 자막의 뉘앙스를 반영) Open the curtains 幕を開き 막을 열고 Lights on ライトをつけて 조명을 켜 Don't miss a moment of this experiment 一瞬も見逃さないでね この実験を 이 실험의 순간을 놓치지 말고 지켜봐 Oh, the book is strange あら 本はなんて奇妙なもの 오, 책이란 신기해 Like clockwork orange 時計じかけのオレンジのように 마치 시계태엽 오렌지처럼 Keep your eyes buttered till the end 終演まで 目玉にバターを塗って潤してね 결말까지 주의를 기울여 Which "you" are you going to be? これから どのあなたになりたい? 이제부터 어떤 '당신'이 되고 싶어? Inside the mirror do you see Someone else in that body? 鏡に映る肉体の中 他の誰かが居るのではないか? 거울에 비치는 육신 속에 또다른 누군가가 있지는 않아? Dance for me One and two and three and turn around 踊りを見せて 一 二 三 回転 나를 위해 춤 춰 하나, 둘, 셋, 그리고 뒤돌아 Sit like a doggy till I finish my read ワンちゃんみたいに 本を読み終わるまでお座り 내가 책을 다 읽을 때까지 강아지처럼 얌전히 앉아 있어 Cut it off, cut down your loss 切りなさい 損を切り詰め 그만둬, 더는 잃지 마 All that stubborn loyalty is gonna get you killed In a world built on convenient theories 都合のいいセオリーだけで作り上げられたこの世界では その頑固な忠誠は いつかあなたの死に至るものになるのでしょう 형편 좋은 이론만으로 쌓아올려진 이 세계에서는 그 완고한 충성이 언젠가 당신을 죽음에 이르게 할 거야 For the puppets on TV There is comfort in the strings テレビの向こうの人形達は 糸に慰められることもある TV 속의 인형들은 자신을 매다는 실에 안도를 느끼지 If you're gonna control me 私を操るのならば 만일 네가 나를 조종할 거라면 At least make it interesting theatrically せめて演劇的に面白くして貰えないでしょうか? 적어도 재미있는 인형극을 연출해 주지 않을래? How does it feel to be free? 自由になるって どんな感じ? 자유란 어떤 느낌이지? "Why don't you try it yourself?" 「自分で試してみたら?」 "스스로 시험해 보는 건 어때?" The gate opened on me 扉は私のために開く 문은 나를 위해서 열리고 So I leaped 私は飛び降りた 나는 뛰어내려 Down, down, and down I go 奥まで 奥まで 落ち続く 깊숙이 깊숙이 떨어져 가 I tell myself I'm a tough girl 私はタフな子だ そう自分に言い聞かせた 나는 내가 거친 소녀라고 혼잣말해 Down, down, and down I go 奥まで 奥まで 落ち続く 깊숙이 깊숙이 떨어져 가 I could never, ever, ever touch the soil しかし どうしても どうしても 土を踏むことはできなかった 하지만 어떻게 해도 땅에 발이 닿지는 않아 My heart goes right ココロは右へ 나의 마음은 오른쪽으로 My head goes left 理性は左へ 나의 이성은 왼쪽으로 And end up on your bed 気がついたら あなたのベッドの上に居た 끝내 당신의 침대 위에 있어 Sure I'll be your marionette マリオネットになってあげても別に構いませんよ? 당신의 마리오네트가 되어도 상관없어 Here, tug on my thread ほら 糸を引っ張って 자, 실을 당겨 Spread me open for dolly pink, snow white artificial beauty 拡げたピンクは可愛らしいお人形さん 白雪のような人工美 사랑스러운 분홍빛, 백설공주 같은 인공미人工美를 위해 펼쳐 줘 Maybe we're all cold machines 私達はみんな 冷たい機械なのかもしれません 우리는 모두 차가운 기계일지도 몰라 Stuffed in the human skin 人間的な肌に包まれ 인간의 피부 속에 쑤셔넣어져 With human sins 人間的な罪を犯し 인간의 죄를 범하고 Sewed up by the gods of city 都会の神様に縫い合わせられたぬいぐるみ 도시의 신들에 의해 꿰메어져 Cut it out, you've already lost やめなさい もうあなたの負け 그만둬, 이미 다 잃었어 All that precious bravery is gonna get you hurt In a world that feeds on the minority マイノリティーを消費し食いつぶしたこの世界では その愛おしい勇気は いつかあなたを深く傷つけるものになるのでしょう 소수성을 소비하고 먹어치우는 이 세계에서는 그 소중한 용기가 언젠가 당신을 깊게 상처입히고 말 거야 May that self-centered belief lead you to peace そういう自己中心的な思考はあなた達を安らぎへ導くといいわね 그런 자기중심적 사고가 당신들을 안식으로 이끌지도 모르지 If you're gonna replace me 私を入れ替えるのなら 만일 네가 나를 대체할 거라면 At least have the audacity to kill me thoroughly せめて私を徹底的に消滅させる度胸を見せて貰えないでしょうか? 적어도 나를 철저히 소멸시킬 배짱을 보여 주지 않을래? When does it end for me? 私の終演はいつ来るのかな? 나의 결말은 언제 찾아올까? I think I am done with everything もう何もかも 飽きてしまった 난 이미 모든 것에 싫증이 났어 Now I'm ready to leave 立ち去る準備は出来た 떠날 준비는 되어 있어 Dragging out One line two lines three lines 線を引き 一つ 二つ 三つ 실을 당겨 하나, 둘, 셋 Connect our hands 私達の手を繋ぐ 우리의 손을 잡고 When I no longer can live on knowledge alone 全知全能だけで生きていられなくなった時に 내가 지식만으로는 살아있을 수 없게 되었을 때에 You gave me strength あなたは私に強さを分けてくれた 당신은 내게 힘을 북돋아 주었어 Hopeful curiosity 希望に満ちた好奇心を与えてくれた 희망적인 호기심을 주었어 Maybe there are still happy answers left for my discovery 私に発見されることを期待している幸せの答えは まだこの世に残っているのかもしれない 어쩌면 내게 발견될 행복한 대답이 아직 남아있을지도 몰라 What's the colour of the electric sheep you see? あなたの見る電気羊は何色でしょうか? 당신이 보는 전기 양은 어떤 색을 띠고 있어? And if you love me また もし私のことを愛しているのであれば 그리고 만일 나를 사랑한다면 Can you love your everything too, for me? 私の代わりに あなたのすべても愛してくれますか? 날 위해 내 대신 당신의 모든 것도 사랑해 주지 않을래?
Cut it out you’ve already lost~May that self centered belief lead you to peace 이 부분 중층 사서가 엔젤라에게 하는 말 같지 않아요...? 처음은 헤세드가 그 다음은 게부라가 마지막은 티페리트가 하는것 같음...
Thank you PROJECT MOON for developing such a good game and Thank you MILI for delivering banger songs for Library Of Ruina these past update Friday's have been fun. Thank you!
I think I figured Project Mili out: Their project is to make an absolute masterpiece in every genre conceivable while also having so distinctly different music that they basically are a genre themselves.
라이브러리 오브 루이나... 오프닝 곡인데... 진짜 예상보다 너무 좋아서 눈물 흘렸고요 처음에는 오프닝 곡이 뭘까 좀 일애니스러우려나 했는데 아니 제작해주는 쪽이 밀리라는거에요... 눈물이 났죠.... 진짜 저는 이 정도일줄 몰랐고 지금 너무 행복합니다... 미리 댓글 남겨두고 후기 수정해서 적을거에요 아 밀리 최고 라오루 최고 프문 최고.... 아 밀리 곡 좀 듣다가 왔어요!! 그 테마 2가 이런 식으로 바뀌어서 분위기 있고 진짜 도서관이라고 생각도 안 될 정도로 고급진 분위기가 나올 줄 몰랐어요 가사도 좋고 끊겼던 부분 하나하나 진짜 멜로디 너무 좋아요... 들으면서 내내 감탄했습니다.. 이런 좋은 곡 내주셔서 너무너무 감사해요. 즐겁게 들었습니다!! 🥰🥰🥰
I think my favorite part about Mili's music is that cassie Expertly Splits certain words and rearranges the Emphasis' To fit the beat of the song. words like Theatrically and Minority are great examples. it's not only in this song, but Most, if not all of the other songs that they have made. Truly unique, as I can't recall any other artist doing it This well and This consistantly.
@@dickwhiskers838 Haven't launched it yet, kind of busy lately, plus apparently you really should play Lobotomy Corp first. But I'll be looking forward to it more now
自分用 this lyrics is for myself Open the curtains Lights on Don't miss a moment Of this experiment Oh, the book is strange Like clockwork orange Keep your eyes buttered till the end Which "you" are you going to be? Hmm Inside the mirror do you see Someone else in that body? Dance for me One And two And three And turn around Sit like a doggy Till I finish my read Cut it off, cut down your loss All that stubborn loyalty is gonna get you killed In a world built on convenient theories For the puppets on TV There is comfort in the strings If you're gonna control me At least make it interesting theatrically How does it feel to be free? Hmm Why don’t you try it yourself? The gate opened on me So l leaped Down,down,and down I go I tell myself I’m a tough girl Down,down, and down I go I could never, ever, ever touch the soil My heart goes right My head goes left And end up on your bed Huh Sure I’ll be your marionette Here, tug on my thread Spread me open for dolly pink,snow white artificial beauty Maybe we’re all cold machines Stuffed in the human skin With human sins Sewed up by the gods of city Cut it out, you’ve already lost All that precious bravery is gonna get you hurt In a world that feeds on the minority May that self-centered belief lead you to peace If you’re gonna replace me At least have the audacity to kill me thoroughly When does it end for me? Hmm I think I am done with everything Now I'm ready to leave Dragging out One line Two lines Three lines Connect our hands When I no longer can live on knowledge alone You gave me strength Hopeful curiosity Maybe there are still happy answers left for my discovery What's the colour of the electric sheep you see? And if you love me Can you love your everything too, for me?
(Full lyrics for me to read them when I want to, and anyone else, thank you tons for this!) Open the curtains Lights on Don’t miss a moment Of this experiment Oh, the book is strange Like clockwork orange Keep your eyes buttered Till the end Which "you" are you going to be? Inside the mirror do you see Someone else in that body? Dance for me One and Two and Three and turn around Sit like a doggy Till I finish my read Cut it off, Cut down your loss All that stubborn loyalty Is gonna get you killed In a world built on convenient theories For the puppets on TV There is comfort in the strings If you’re gonna control me At least make it interesting theatrically How does it feel to be free? Why don’t you try it yourself? The gate opened on me So I leaped Down, down, and down I go I tell myself I’m a tough girl Down, down, and down I go I could never, ever touch the soil My heart goes right My head goes left And end up on your head Sure, I’ll be your marionette Here, tug on my thread Spread me open for dolly pink Snow White artificial beauty Maybe we’re all cold machines Stuffed in the human skin With human sins Sewed up by the gods of city Cut it out, you’ve already lost All the precious bravery is gonna get you hurt In a world that feeds on the minority May that self-centered belief Lead you to peace If you’re gonna replace me, At least have the audacity to kill me thoroughly When does it end for me? I think I am done with everything Now I am ready to leave Dragging out One line, two lines, three lines, Connect our hands when I No longer can live on Knowledge alone *You gave me strength* Hopeful curiosity *maybe there are still happy answers* *left for my discovery* What’s the color of the electric sheep you see? And if you love me Can you love everything too, For me?
The lyrical genius of "Mili" is profound and out of this world. And to think that, that is *just* the lyrical part of *one* song... of many... How blessed we are, we who are present, to stand witness to something so great...
i'm really effected by the last sentence of this lyric, "and if you love me, can you love your everything too, for me?" i felt must not forget this for everyone who loves me, Mili's song always makes me remember important things to live. i love Mili so much.
Open the curtains, lights on オープン ザ カーテンズ、ライツ オン Don't miss a moment of this experiment ドンミスアモーメント オブディス エクスペリメンツ Oh the book is strange, like clockwork orange オウ ザブックイズ ストレンジ、ライク クロックワークオランジ Keep your eyes buttered till the end キープ ユア アイズバタァド ティル ディエンド Which "you" are you going to be? ウィッチュー アユ ゴイング トゥービー? Hmm ンン Inside the mirror do you see インサイドザ ミラードゥユーシー Someone else in that body? ソムワン エルスインザッツボディ? Dance for me ダンス フォーミー One and ワンエン Two and トゥーエン Three and トゥリーエン Turn around トューンアラウン Sit like a doggy till I finish my read シッツライクアドギー ティルアイフィニッシュマイリード Cut it off, cut down your loss カッイツオフ カッツダウンユーロス All this stubborn loyalty is gonna get you killed オールディスタボン ロイヤリティ イズゴーナゲッツユーキルド In a world built on convenient theories インアワールド ビルドン コンヴェーニエントセオリーズ For the puppets on TV, there is comfort in the strings フォーザパペッツオンティービー、ゼアイズ コンフォートインザストリングス If you're gonna control me, at least make it interesting theatrically イフゴナ コントロールミー、アトリース メイキット インタラスティン シーアトリクリー
How does it feel to be free? ハウダズィット フィールトゥビー フリー? Hmm ンン Why don't you try it yourself? ワイドンチュー トライッツユアセルフ? The gate opened on me ディゲート オープェンド オンミー So I leaped ソー アイ リープド Down, down, and down I go ダウン、ダウン、ンダウンアイゴー I tell myself I'm a tough girl アイテルマイセルフ、アイムアタフガール Down, down, and down I go ダウン、ダウン、ンダウンアイゴー I could never, ever, ever touch the soil アイクドネバー、エバー、エバータッチザソイル My heart goes right マイハーツゴーズライト My head goes left マイヘッドゴーズレフト And end up on your bed アンドエンドップ オンユアベッド Huh ハァ
Sure I'll be your marionette シュアビー ユアマリオネット Here tug on my thread ヒァ タグオン マイスゥレッド Spread me open for dolly pink, snow white artificial beauty スプレッミーオープェン フォー ドリィーピンク、スノーホワイト アーティーフィカルビューティ Maybe we're all cold machines メイビー ウィーオール コールドマシンズ Stuffed in the human skin, with human sins スタッフド インザ ヒューマンスキン、ウィズヒューマンシンズ Sewed up by the gods of city ソーダップバイザ ゴッツオブシティ Cut it out you've already lost カッイツアウト ユブレディ ロスト All that precous bravery is gonna get your hurt オルザットプレシャスブレイブリー イズゴーナゲットユアハーツ In a world that feeds on the minority インアワールド ザッツフィーズ オンザ ミィノリティ May that self-centered belief lead you to peace メイザッツセルフ センタービリィフ リヅユートゥピース If you're gonna replace me イフゴナ リプレイスミー At least have the audacity to kill me thoroughly アトリストハブディ オダーシティートゥキールミートーロリー When does it end for me? ウェンダズィト エンド フォーミー? Hm ンン I think I am done with everything ティンクアイアムドン ウィズェブリシング Now I am ready to leave ナウアイムレディ トゥ リーブ Dragging out ドラギングアウト One line ワンライン Two lines トゥーラインス Three lines トゥリーラインス Connect our hands コネクトアウハンズ When I no longer can live on knowledge alone ウェンナイノーロンガー キャンリブ オンノーレッジアローン You give me strength ユーギブミーストレングス Hopeful curiosity ホプフルキュリオシティ Maybe there are still happy answers left for my discovery メイビーゼィアー スティルハッピーアンサズレフ フォーマイ ディスカバリー What's the colour of the electric sheep you see? ワッツ ザカラー オブザエレクトリク シープ ユーシー? And if you love me アンドイフユーラブミー Can you love your everything too, for me? キャンユラブ ア エブリシング トゥー、フォー ミー?
i like this mix of people who came here because of library of ruina and the ones who have no idea what it is, basically its a game by project moon which is a sequel to their previous game lobotomy corporation
I've been following Mili for a long time and I knew she was going to become a world-renowned artist, because that's what she deserves, congratulations, I have been following your work for more than 10 years
@@derppy First off, play lobotomy corporation and library of ruina, they're great, especially if you're a fan of mili. and also at least of a half of thing song is supposed to be a reflection of the thoughts of one of the characters.
This song is personally why i think we need a project moon show or anime. Can you imagine how crazy the opening song would be for a lobotomy corporation anime?
Library Of Ruina has been my comfort game throughout the tough lockdown period. I love everything about this game, the music especially. Thank you for this experience. The final update is gonna be the best birthday gift I’ve ever received. Sincerely - A random PM fan on the internet.
UA-cam: here's a song with no name. Enjoy this chance encounter. UA-cam, later: Here's a song that gives you a strong feeling of wandering through a forest. Relax with it! UA-cam, Again: Here's a song with an existential crisis and a smooth jazzy beat. Reflect on your position in my universe! UA-cam is trying to make me question my sentience again with subtle hints.
@@MikuMeeku Found the songs with no name by myself, what happened to " " was kinda sad, I actually enjoy their music too. Still need that song about wandering through the forest tho.
how the FUCK did they manage to put so much of library of ruina into one song but be so subtle about it that the average mili enjoyer who had no idea about anything relating to the game would just think it was a regular mili song?? like, i came upon this song bc i was already familiar with mili, and i got into l corps and library of ruina bc of it. im not done with library of ruina yet but holy SHIT, theres so many things in this song that are LoR specific it’s scary edit: I JUST REACHED LOVE TOWN AND OH MY GOD,, THE SAME THING HAPPENED. From a Place of Love's lyrics are so creepy now.
Yeah, this is really good. And they did multiple songs for LOR. I would suggest you to NOT listen to songs linked to the game until you see them IG. Listen to them may reduce their impact in the game... but if you did, well, this is not a big deal, you will probably are going to enjoy it anyways. Anyways, I go before I spoiled something :p
Ikr, even the music alone without Library of Ruinia works into the illustration there. For example, the girl is a doll, indicated from the design of the legs and the strings attached to her
listening to this song before and after playing more than half of library of ruina feels like a fucking gut punch, they planed so fucking ahead and came out so well, genuine genius both sides
@@bobbobber4810 I listened to most of the songs (minus Gone Angels, lol) before I got to them in the game and I don't feel like it lessened the impact at all. In fact, I really loved how the meanings of the songs changed completely after completing the boss fight. They're all great as both standalone songs and as boss themes; they're simultaneously vague and *extremely* specific.
Hello everyone! Thank you for watching!
Unfortunately, due to COVID-19 it takes longer for songs to be registered for streaming. May 30 was the earliest date possible.
In the mean time, it is possible to pre-order the song on iTunes (however you can't listen until May 30): music.apple.com/ca/album/string-theocracy-single/1513277109
Check out the indie game Library of Ruina on Steam: store.steampowered.com/app/1256670/Library_Of_Ruina/
The game is developed by a small but very talented and hardworking team.
Your support is crucial to bringing more ideas to life!
Please take care!
Love you so much MILI!! ♥️💖♥️
love your songs
? premieres in 62 minutes right ?
wow !you guys made the song for the game.
4年間ずっと探してた よかったほんとによかった いい日だ本当に、今日はいい日だ
밀리 측에서 승낙할 줄 몰랐는데 쉽게 승낙해줘서 프로젝트문 측에서 놀랐다는 후문이 ㅋㅋ
Curtains: opened
Lights: on
Moment: unmissed
Eyes: buttered
Clockwork: orange
Hotel: Trivago
Karen: Took the kids.
Book, librarian, star, city
Me: Gongaga
Now you can hear this song on both the Nintendo Switch and PS4. Yay for Mili and Project Moon
yo it's me roland from
@@scrat3695 no way roland from ice age
@@scrat3695libary of ruina on the nintendo switch
@@scrat3695 the dark tower?
yo its me roland from nintendo open the curtain lights on
Put butter on your eyes until the end
@@waterized_bottle*LIGHTS ON*
@@waterized_bottle*OH, THE BOOK IS STRANGE*
every other mili song: existential suffering
this one: FUNKY existential suffering
Just like the game itself.
What game
@@itried9134 Library of Ruina
library of ruina, making depression funky.
@@itried9134 it's literally in the goddamn title
Mili's songs extend my vocabulary by 200%
the word choice is fabulous. I love it.
Their songs are poetic af ngl
@@Alpezzsuga Yep, it's so good
I can’t agree with you anymore!
Omg that's so true. This vocabulary is sooo rich
1:08 こっからの盛り上がり方と歌い方の表現がすげぇ
"if you're going to replace me, at least have the audacity to kill me thoroughly"
god that hit hard
Angela's in the wrong expecting death or freedom. I'm surprised she is dunking on his loyalty (to her) and bravery. The general cost is somewhat interesting. He's become faceless. It's hard to see what is in the mirror, since it can be him (or his will) inside that body.
Other interesting lines: "Maybe we are just robots, in human skins, with human sins", that's a reference to A's disdain for Angela as a robot and not actually Carmen, me thinks the problem is that her suicide made it clear that she's never going to be the same; "What color are the electric sheep you see", considering the events of the previous games, A is practically everywhere and nowhere, it's hard to get a fix on anything that he's thinking of, let alone if he's in a state that can be considered conscious; "If you love me/ Then please be sure to love your everything too, for me", when hasn't he? He really did a number on Garion and Binah after all was said and done, then brought everyone back to life. Then probably commit suicide probably hundreds of millions of times, tortured, in the span of that eon that Lobotomy Corporation was operated.
@@Dan-gs3kg The electric sheep was also a reference to the famous 'Do robots dream of electric sheep?' book. Just like clockwork orange. I really like how Mili leaves small theme references in their songs here and there
@@Atoru yep, and they are very apropos for the story that the song is being used for.
Angela really has it tough. She is human.
@@Dan-gs3kg spoiler for newcomers
Consider her getting experienced things in god know how much loops, with the fact that her reactions of time was hell long compare to other, no wonder how Angela turned back at the end of Lobotomy.
@@harukage1436 And I have every impression that A is still fucking with Angela, despite not existing.
진짜 항상 매번 너무 매력적임 동화같으면서도 잔혹한 그 갭 사이에서 흐르는 오묘한 멜로디랑 그 위를 수놓는 가사들이...
1:14 この次の「down down down」の興奮してるような、悲しんでるような歌い方本当好き。
@@condoru-ga-ketsuni-kuikondoru ハイになるな
@@condoru-ga-ketsuni-kuikondoru 最高にハイッてやつですねわかります
「自由になる ってどんな感じ?」とか
@@sleepattributes 精神状態が悪くなければ、ぜひこの曲がテーマとなっているゲームをプレイすることをオススメします
To kill the living bookのジャケ絵でこの子が糸が切れた状態になってるのがね
Mili is amazing. All the songs they have created are masterpieces.
Not all but the most of them
@@kantronal9800 all of them are amazing
@@kantronal9800 all of them are amazing (2)
Well... Lemonade wasn't a masterpiece (?
all of them are amazing(4)
especially Lemonade.
even after three years this song still holds the same sentimental value, gosh i love Mili
It's quite clear that the song was put together with a lot of thought and care since as a stand a lone it tell a story perfectly, but at the same time as a theme made for a game it also describe Angela's struggles through Lobotomy Corporation and Library of Ruina incredibly well.
@@v0689 not really since those are really obvious and also have no relevance to the rest of it.
Even if it isn’t 100% accurate, the song is complete by itself without context. I think this is great for a song from game. (Moreover, maybe we just don’t have enough information yet.)
@@lune8716 Yeahhh. The song aged really well and almost every line and scene of the original can be connected to the story.
You could say that
It was **strung** together perfectly
years late but some lyrics do not line up with angela imo
"If you're gonna replace me, at least have the audacity to kill me thoroughly" is my major example here
who knew a guy spamming his mic in game could bring me back to this song lol. I was not expecting String Theocracy in a match of CS
wait is this a personal anecdote or a clip online
Man I love that second "down down down I go" (1:16). The contrast between this quality compared to her voice throughout the rest of the song is quite profound.
I wish shed sing in that tone more it's so good
Its because of something involving the game Library of Ruina. Play that and listen again, the song will be completely different for you.
@@AziSlays I have considered playing it, but I think I'll need to play or at least read about lobotomy corp first lol
@@conkageious you make a good choice, Lobotomy story will make the bew Library of Ruina story *DEEP* than you straight up playing Library of Ruina alone
you should tokyo neon, she sang like that on that song
@俺は天才アミバ様 summoning101はいいぞ
So apprently the electric sheep is color purple if what i saw in the mirror dungeon in limbus company is correct
Depends if she was asking about the mother or the baby
On another note
In the average district of the City, electric sheep dream of androids, truly a dystopian hellscape
At long last
@@thaumoking9947elaborate please
Mili + Jazz =
Mili =
*P E R F E C T I O N.*
I like these comments🤟
Jazz is one of my favourite genres, thank god she made one of it
I love the "Down, down, down I go" part
You can hear the emotion of the second part
Yeah i love it too
I also really love the god of city part and the sit like a doggy.
There's so many good parts tbh
but srsly, i prefer this game to win GOTY rather than tlou 2. damn this game has rly unique gameplay + great story + great music.
자막 달아두고 하루 지나서 왔더니 다른 분들이 고쳐서 올려주셨네요! 감사합니다!
여기다 가사(초본에서 쪼금 수정함) 한 번 더 올려두고 갈게요!
프로젝트문 쪽에서 번역한 것과 살짝 다른 부분 있어요~!
영문 가사
공식 일문 자막
한글 번역 (영문 위주로 번역하되, 일문 자막의 뉘앙스를 반영)
Open the curtains
막을 열고
Lights on
조명을 켜
Don't miss a moment of this experiment
一瞬も見逃さないでね この実験を
이 실험의 순간을 놓치지 말고 지켜봐
Oh, the book is strange
あら 本はなんて奇妙なもの
오, 책이란 신기해
Like clockwork orange
마치 시계태엽 오렌지처럼
Keep your eyes buttered till the end
終演まで 目玉にバターを塗って潤してね
결말까지 주의를 기울여
Which "you" are you going to be?
これから どのあなたになりたい?
이제부터 어떤 '당신'이 되고 싶어?
Inside the mirror do you see Someone else in that body?
鏡に映る肉体の中 他の誰かが居るのではないか?
거울에 비치는 육신 속에 또다른 누군가가 있지는 않아?
Dance for me One and two and three and turn around
踊りを見せて 一 二 三 回転
나를 위해 춤 춰 하나, 둘, 셋, 그리고 뒤돌아
Sit like a doggy till I finish my read
ワンちゃんみたいに 本を読み終わるまでお座り
내가 책을 다 읽을 때까지 강아지처럼 얌전히 앉아 있어
Cut it off, cut down your loss
切りなさい 損を切り詰め
그만둬, 더는 잃지 마
All that stubborn loyalty is gonna get you killed In a world built on convenient theories
都合のいいセオリーだけで作り上げられたこの世界では その頑固な忠誠は いつかあなたの死に至るものになるのでしょう
형편 좋은 이론만으로 쌓아올려진 이 세계에서는 그 완고한 충성이 언젠가 당신을 죽음에 이르게 할 거야
For the puppets on TV There is comfort in the strings
テレビの向こうの人形達は 糸に慰められることもある
TV 속의 인형들은 자신을 매다는 실에 안도를 느끼지
If you're gonna control me
만일 네가 나를 조종할 거라면
At least make it interesting theatrically
적어도 재미있는 인형극을 연출해 주지 않을래?
How does it feel to be free?
自由になるって どんな感じ?
자유란 어떤 느낌이지?
"Why don't you try it yourself?"
"스스로 시험해 보는 건 어때?"
The gate opened on me
문은 나를 위해서 열리고
So I leaped
나는 뛰어내려
Down, down, and down I go
奥まで 奥まで 落ち続く
깊숙이 깊숙이 떨어져 가
I tell myself I'm a tough girl
私はタフな子だ そう自分に言い聞かせた
나는 내가 거친 소녀라고 혼잣말해
Down, down, and down I go
奥まで 奥まで 落ち続く
깊숙이 깊숙이 떨어져 가
I could never, ever, ever touch the soil
しかし どうしても どうしても 土を踏むことはできなかった
하지만 어떻게 해도 땅에 발이 닿지는 않아
My heart goes right
나의 마음은 오른쪽으로
My head goes left
나의 이성은 왼쪽으로
And end up on your bed
気がついたら あなたのベッドの上に居た
끝내 당신의 침대 위에 있어
Sure I'll be your marionette
당신의 마리오네트가 되어도 상관없어
Here, tug on my thread
ほら 糸を引っ張って
자, 실을 당겨
Spread me open for dolly pink, snow white artificial beauty
拡げたピンクは可愛らしいお人形さん 白雪のような人工美
사랑스러운 분홍빛, 백설공주 같은 인공미人工美를 위해 펼쳐 줘
Maybe we're all cold machines
私達はみんな 冷たい機械なのかもしれません
우리는 모두 차가운 기계일지도 몰라
Stuffed in the human skin
인간의 피부 속에 쑤셔넣어져
With human sins
인간의 죄를 범하고
Sewed up by the gods of city
도시의 신들에 의해 꿰메어져
Cut it out, you've already lost
やめなさい もうあなたの負け
그만둬, 이미 다 잃었어
All that precious bravery is gonna get you hurt In a world that feeds on the minority
マイノリティーを消費し食いつぶしたこの世界では その愛おしい勇気は いつかあなたを深く傷つけるものになるのでしょう
소수성을 소비하고 먹어치우는 이 세계에서는 그 소중한 용기가 언젠가 당신을 깊게 상처입히고 말 거야
May that self-centered belief lead you to peace
그런 자기중심적 사고가 당신들을 안식으로 이끌지도 모르지
If you're gonna replace me
만일 네가 나를 대체할 거라면
At least have the audacity to kill me thoroughly
적어도 나를 철저히 소멸시킬 배짱을 보여 주지 않을래?
When does it end for me?
나의 결말은 언제 찾아올까?
I think I am done with everything
もう何もかも 飽きてしまった
난 이미 모든 것에 싫증이 났어
Now I'm ready to leave
떠날 준비는 되어 있어
Dragging out One line two lines three lines
線を引き 一つ 二つ 三つ
실을 당겨 하나, 둘, 셋
Connect our hands
우리의 손을 잡고
When I no longer can live on knowledge alone
내가 지식만으로는 살아있을 수 없게 되었을 때에
You gave me strength
당신은 내게 힘을 북돋아 주었어
Hopeful curiosity
희망적인 호기심을 주었어
Maybe there are still happy answers left for my discovery
私に発見されることを期待している幸せの答えは まだこの世に残っているのかもしれない
어쩌면 내게 발견될 행복한 대답이 아직 남아있을지도 몰라
What's the colour of the electric sheep you see?
당신이 보는 전기 양은 어떤 색을 띠고 있어?
And if you love me
また もし私のことを愛しているのであれば
그리고 만일 나를 사랑한다면
Can you love your everything too, for me?
私の代わりに あなたのすべても愛してくれますか?
날 위해 내 대신 당신의 모든 것도 사랑해 주지 않을래?
와 한국인이다!
Cut it out you’ve already lost~May that self centered belief lead you to peace
이 부분 중층 사서가 엔젤라에게 하는 말 같지 않아요...? 처음은 헤세드가 그 다음은 게부라가 마지막은 티페리트가 하는것 같음...
누가 계속 눈에 버터를 바르고있다
@@신민우-f5n ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
1:16 が、かっこいいと言うか遊んでるような感じがして好きです!
@@ナナナ-w8j 落ち着けアンジェラ
눈에 버터를 바르려는 어둠의 세력과 버터를 막으려는 빛의 세력의 교전이 벌어지고 있다...과연 최후의 승자는 누가 될 것인가
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 그놈의 버터
아ㅋㅋ 버터 바르라고ㅋㅋ
oh!!Japanese SAMURAI!
@@_xx0o0xx_19 日本語訳たすかるらすかる
@@rorodayo ありりりがとうなっつ
本当綺麗な音楽とそこに込められた物語が最高 これ聴きながらLoRするね…
Thank you PROJECT MOON for developing such a good game and Thank you MILI for delivering banger songs for Library Of Ruina these past update Friday's have been fun. Thank you!
Hi uluparon
Hi again uluparon
Hello once again uluparon
@@jun9796 this is so sad, Alexa, play sad violin music
아 이제 ㅅㅂ 안감사하네요
가챠게임이 되어서 오게생겼어요
I think I figured Project Mili out: Their project is to make an absolute masterpiece in every genre conceivable while also having so distinctly different music that they basically are a genre themselves.
They even opened up a sandwich restaurant
@@cordyceps182 Also they are a serbian rapper
Lmao holy dam fk but ys accurate af
라이브러리 오브 루이나... 오프닝 곡인데... 진짜 예상보다 너무 좋아서 눈물 흘렸고요 처음에는 오프닝 곡이 뭘까 좀 일애니스러우려나 했는데 아니 제작해주는 쪽이 밀리라는거에요... 눈물이 났죠.... 진짜 저는 이 정도일줄 몰랐고 지금 너무 행복합니다... 미리 댓글 남겨두고 후기 수정해서 적을거에요 아 밀리 최고 라오루 최고 프문 최고....
아 밀리 곡 좀 듣다가 왔어요!! 그 테마 2가 이런 식으로 바뀌어서 분위기 있고 진짜 도서관이라고 생각도 안 될 정도로 고급진 분위기가 나올 줄 몰랐어요 가사도 좋고 끊겼던 부분 하나하나 진짜 멜로디 너무 좋아요... 들으면서 내내 감탄했습니다.. 이런 좋은 곡 내주셔서 너무너무 감사해요. 즐겁게 들었습니다!! 🥰🥰🥰
공감.............. 루이나하는데 갑자기 친숙한 소리 들려서 뭔가 하고 잘 들어보니 밀리 노래였음ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
나만 그런게 아니였넹
유튜브가 번역한건가?
미띤 한국겜에 밀리가 참여했다고?
After listening to this song for 30 times in a row, I can say that this is one of my favorite Mili songs of all time
HA! ONLY 30 TIMES ( • ̀ω•́ )
After realizing I've lost count over two days of listening to it, I can say I'm in love
@@andymine12 this is more correct (´・ω・`)
Yeah, its a really weird combination, but works really well
Haha fellow noob, I've listened to this on repeat for a day!
I think my favorite part about Mili's music is that cassie Expertly Splits certain words and rearranges the Emphasis' To fit the beat of the song. words like Theatrically and Minority are great examples. it's not only in this song, but Most, if not all of the other songs that they have made. Truly unique, as I can't recall any other artist doing it This well and This consistantly.
한글 자막이 없길래
공식 자막 싱크맞춰넣기+
새 자막 더하는 작업 중이에요!
관심있으신분들은 자막 작업
한 번씩 도와주셨으면 합니다 :D
도와주진못하지만 응원을...!!
+쁘첼님이 하신 기본 번역에
싱크 수정/자막 편의성 분할/일부 자막 수정을 통해서 최종 번역버전이 나왔어요!
Pc버전 유튜브 자막>자막 추가에 들어가셔서 검토 확인해주시면
아마 더 빠르게 자막이 적용될 수 있으니 참고해주셔요 :)
감사합니다ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 여기 큰절 받으세요ㅠㅠㅠㅠ(넙죽)
와! 적용 완료!
world execute(me): みたいにかっこいい〜って感じの曲も、こういうおしゃれな雰囲気で語りかけてくる歌詞の曲も全部が好きすぎる
前作のダーティでアングラで救いのない雰囲気に比べてオシャレで繊細な退廃美があって好き 前作ももちろん好きだが
"Did you buy an early access game just because of the music?"
Not only all the music is awesome, but there is different styles so depending of you mood, there is always
something that can be played to fit it.
Bruh you better not just be playing that game for its music. Its god damn good. XD
@@dickwhiskers838 Haven't launched it yet, kind of busy lately, plus apparently you really should play Lobotomy Corp first. But I'll be looking forward to it more now
Currently saving money to buy both Lobotomy Corp. and this game
welcome to the fanbase glad to see some more people enjoying this series
1:30 からの盛り上がりと歌詞があまりにもエモい
Aェ… もう少しアンジェラのことを見てればあんなことには....
Library of ruina起動したとき流れてくるのやめろ!
아니 뭔가 했더니 로보토미 제작사에서 만든 또다른 게임에 노래 들어가는거야? 진짜 행복하다 사랑해밀리
this lyrics is for myself
Open the curtains
Lights on
Don't miss a moment
Of this experiment
Oh, the book is strange
Like clockwork orange
Keep your eyes buttered till the end
Which "you" are you going to be?
Inside the mirror do you see
Someone else in that body?
Dance for me
And two
And three
And turn around
Sit like a doggy
Till I finish my read
Cut it off, cut down your loss
All that stubborn loyalty is gonna get you killed
In a world built on convenient theories
For the puppets on TV
There is comfort in the strings
If you're gonna control me
At least make it interesting theatrically
How does it feel to be free?
Why don’t you try it yourself?
The gate opened on me
So l leaped
Down,down,and down I go
I tell myself I’m a tough girl
Down,down, and down I go
I could never, ever, ever touch the soil
My heart goes right
My head goes left
And end up on your bed
Sure I’ll be your marionette
Here, tug on my thread
Spread me open for dolly pink,snow white artificial beauty
Maybe we’re all cold machines
Stuffed in the human skin
With human sins
Sewed up by the gods of city
Cut it out, you’ve already lost
All that precious bravery is gonna get you hurt
In a world that feeds on the minority
May that self-centered belief lead you to peace
If you’re gonna replace me
At least have the audacity to kill me thoroughly
When does it end for me?
I think I am done with everything
Now I'm ready to leave
Dragging out
One line
Two lines
Three lines
Connect our hands
When I no longer can live on knowledge alone
You gave me strength
Hopeful curiosity
Maybe there are still happy answers left for my discovery
What's the colour of the electric sheep you see?
And if you love me
Can you love your everything too, for me?
Thanks a lot, honestly every song should have lyrics in the description or in the comments.
(Full lyrics for me to read them when I want to, and anyone else, thank you tons for this!)
Open the curtains
Lights on
Don’t miss a moment
Of this experiment
Oh, the book is strange
Like clockwork orange
Keep your eyes buttered
Till the end
Which "you" are you going to be?
Inside the mirror do you see
Someone else in that body?
Dance for me One and
Two and Three and turn around
Sit like a doggy
Till I finish my read
Cut it off, Cut down your loss
All that stubborn loyalty
Is gonna get you killed
In a world built on convenient theories
For the puppets on TV
There is comfort in the strings
If you’re gonna control me
At least make it interesting theatrically
How does it feel to be free?
Why don’t you try it yourself?
The gate opened on me
So I leaped
Down, down, and down I go
I tell myself I’m a tough girl
Down, down, and down I go
I could never, ever touch the soil
My heart goes right
My head goes left
And end up on your head
Sure, I’ll be your marionette
Here, tug on my thread
Spread me open for dolly pink
Snow White artificial beauty
Maybe we’re all cold machines
Stuffed in the human skin
With human sins
Sewed up by the gods of city
Cut it out, you’ve already lost
All the precious bravery
is gonna get you hurt
In a world that feeds on the minority
May that self-centered belief
Lead you to peace
If you’re gonna replace me,
At least have the audacity to kill me thoroughly
When does it end for me?
I think I am done with everything
Now I am ready to leave
Dragging out
One line, two lines, three lines,
Connect our hands when I
No longer can live on
Knowledge alone
*You gave me strength*
Hopeful curiosity
*maybe there are still happy answers*
*left for my discovery*
What’s the color of the electric sheep you see?
And if you love me
Can you love everything too,
For me?
The lyrical genius of "Mili" is profound and out of this world.
And to think that, that is *just* the lyrical part of *one* song... of many...
How blessed we are, we who are present, to stand witness to something so great...
@Rita 25 y.o - check my vidéó Subtitle is the keyword for new world.Thank you for your comments!
i'm really effected by the last sentence of this lyric, "and if you love me, can you love your everything too, for me?"
i felt must not forget this for everyone who loves me, Mili's song always makes me remember important things to live. i love Mili so much.
Open the curtains, lights on
オープン ザ カーテンズ、ライツ オン
Don't miss a moment of this experiment
ドンミスアモーメント オブディス エクスペリメンツ
Oh the book is strange, like clockwork orange
オウ ザブックイズ ストレンジ、ライク クロックワークオランジ
Keep your eyes buttered till the end
キープ ユア アイズバタァド ティル ディエンド
Which "you" are you going to be?
ウィッチュー アユ ゴイング トゥービー?
Inside the mirror do you see
インサイドザ ミラードゥユーシー
Someone else in that body?
ソムワン エルスインザッツボディ?
Dance for me
ダンス フォーミー
One and
Two and
Three and
Turn around
Sit like a doggy till I finish my read
シッツライクアドギー ティルアイフィニッシュマイリード
Cut it off, cut down your loss
カッイツオフ カッツダウンユーロス
All this stubborn loyalty is gonna get you killed
オールディスタボン ロイヤリティ イズゴーナゲッツユーキルド
In a world built on convenient theories
インアワールド ビルドン コンヴェーニエントセオリーズ
For the puppets on TV, there is comfort in the strings
フォーザパペッツオンティービー、ゼアイズ コンフォートインザストリングス
If you're gonna control me, at least make it interesting theatrically
イフゴナ コントロールミー、アトリース メイキット インタラスティン シーアトリクリー
How does it feel to be free?
ハウダズィット フィールトゥビー フリー?
Why don't you try it yourself?
ワイドンチュー トライッツユアセルフ?
The gate opened on me
ディゲート オープェンド オンミー
So I leaped
ソー アイ リープド
Down, down, and down I go
I tell myself I'm a tough girl
Down, down, and down I go
I could never, ever, ever touch the soil
My heart goes right
My head goes left
And end up on your bed
アンドエンドップ オンユアベッド
Sure I'll be your marionette
シュアビー ユアマリオネット
Here tug on my thread
ヒァ タグオン マイスゥレッド
Spread me open for dolly pink, snow white artificial beauty
スプレッミーオープェン フォー ドリィーピンク、スノーホワイト アーティーフィカルビューティ
Maybe we're all cold machines
メイビー ウィーオール コールドマシンズ
Stuffed in the human skin, with human sins
スタッフド インザ ヒューマンスキン、ウィズヒューマンシンズ
Sewed up by the gods of city
ソーダップバイザ ゴッツオブシティ
Cut it out you've already lost
カッイツアウト ユブレディ ロスト
All that precous bravery is gonna get your hurt
オルザットプレシャスブレイブリー イズゴーナゲットユアハーツ
In a world that feeds on the minority
インアワールド ザッツフィーズ オンザ ミィノリティ
May that self-centered belief lead you to peace
メイザッツセルフ センタービリィフ リヅユートゥピース
If you're gonna replace me
イフゴナ リプレイスミー
At least have the audacity to kill me thoroughly
アトリストハブディ オダーシティートゥキールミートーロリー
When does it end for me?
ウェンダズィト エンド フォーミー?
I think I am done with everything
ティンクアイアムドン ウィズェブリシング
Now I am ready to leave
ナウアイムレディ トゥ リーブ
Dragging out
One line
Two lines
Three lines
Connect our hands
When I no longer can live on knowledge alone
ウェンナイノーロンガー キャンリブ オンノーレッジアローン
You give me strength
Hopeful curiosity
Maybe there are still happy answers left for my discovery
メイビーゼィアー スティルハッピーアンサズレフ フォーマイ ディスカバリー
What's the colour of the electric sheep you see?
ワッツ ザカラー オブザエレクトリク シープ ユーシー?
And if you love me
Can you love your everything too, for me?
キャンユラブ ア エブリシング トゥー、フォー ミー?
Thanks for this!
i like this mix of people who came here because of library of ruina and the ones who have no idea what it is, basically its a game by project moon which is a sequel to their previous game lobotomy corporation
Dont forget ppl who come here because its mili
@@calyco2381 yeah but if you dont go check out the game you're doing yourself a huge disservice.
@@dickwhiskers838 well. Im not a fan of pc / steam game tho. Except it available in Android
@@calyco2381 well, you're shit out of luck, it's unlikely it'll ever be on android
눈에 버터를 바르라는 가사가 버터의 윤기를 뜻하는걸로 눈을 반짝이라는 은유같은데 어떤놈이 번역을 버터바르라고 하는거야...
혹시 doby is free는 도비는 무료라고 번역하고싶은거냐?
도비는 무료ㅋㅋㄲㅋㄲㅋㅋㅋㅋ
프문 공식 번역에서는 끝까지 눈을 떼지 말고 지켜보다 라고 해놨더라고요.
아마 눈에 버터를 바르다 → 눈이 촉촉하다 → 눈을 감지 않는다(않아도 된다) 가 되는 것 같아요.
@@혜-n7x 그건 당연한거죠. 제가 궁금한건 뜻을 잘 모르는 사람들을 위해 의역해둔걸 왜 직역으로 굳이 바꾸어서 가사의 완성도를 낮추냐는 말입니다.
보면서 눈에 버터를 바르는게 왜 나와? 했는데 잘못번역한거였군요ㅋㅋㅋ
I've been following Mili for a long time and I knew she was going to become a world-renowned artist, because that's what she deserves, congratulations, I have been following your work for more than 10 years
この曲を聴くと現実とは違う、恥ずかしいけど例えば魔法がある国とか 物語やアニメで見るような そんな不思議な雰囲気に浸れて最高です。大好き
i'm gonna say that I'm proud of this band. Been listening to mili since i played cytus (around 2013 ish) and good to hear that it's still kickin!
가슴이 버터해진다.....
「down down down」のとこはもしかしたら逃げれないということかもしれません(あくまで個人の解釈なので何言って貰ってもかまいません)
@@seavixenfawmk2930 糸があって地面に足がつかなかったのかな?
Like clockwork orange が気持ちよすぎる
The background music: *happy, funky, really optimistic, catchy*
The lyrics: d e p r e s s i o n
@UCHhBsJiQl6I8LJ0Bciv4tlg this is a new type of bot that is copying other top comments just report it
As a person who never played the game, I wouldn't call it sad except for the last line
@@derppy First off, play lobotomy corporation and library of ruina, they're great, especially if you're a fan of mili. and also at least of a half of thing song is supposed to be a reflection of the thoughts of one of the characters.
The game: D E P R E S S I N G
Persona 3:
1:16 のところが狂おしいほど好きなんやけどわかる人いない?
I like 1:16 very much. Does anyone have the same opinion?
Favorite part of the song
It's a small window into the real voice of the singer herself, which is a really nice touch
I prefer 1:29 - 1:45. I'm not saying that I don't like the part at 1:16, I'm just throwing a different opinion out there.
@@twitching_bot574 same! 💕 Well actually all of the songs part is what makes this song superb! 😂💕
1:16 the tone change in here was so good.
I cant hear this normally, im too used to the bass boosted and distorted version from "yo its me roland from library of ruina on the nintendo switch"
Open the curtains
This song sounds like Angela's line when playing Robotmy
This song is personally why i think we need a project moon show or anime. Can you imagine how crazy the opening song would be for a lobotomy corporation anime?
a slice of life could work for one if it starts at the end of lor
A new Mili song is a pleasant surprise to see when let out of the army for the weekend
the classic dope music but depressing lyrics is back boiiiisss
이런 띵곡은 어떻게 작곡하고 이 띵곡을 어떻게 일케 잘 소화해서 부르시는지 정말 같은 인간으로서 너무너무 신기하고 궁금할 뿐,,,,
그저어어ㅓ Mili.....
Nothing will beat the high of hearing this performed live
Thank you so much for the best concert of my life, Mili!!!!
That was worth the wait goodnight and good morning to everyone 😔
good night
good night
Gute nacht.
Good night
Good morning
Library Of Ruina has been my comfort game throughout the tough lockdown period. I love everything about this game, the music especially. Thank you for this experience. The final update is gonna be the best birthday gift I’ve ever received.
Sincerely - A random PM fan on the internet.
There's not enough words in all of the world's languages to express how spectacularly, supremely, extravagantly in love I am with this song
UA-cam: here's a song with no name. Enjoy this chance encounter.
UA-cam, later: Here's a song that gives you a strong feeling of wandering through a forest. Relax with it!
UA-cam, Again: Here's a song with an existential crisis and a smooth jazzy beat. Reflect on your position in my universe!
UA-cam is trying to make me question my sentience again with subtle hints.
I know that song with no title and no channel name, but what's that song about wandering through the forest?
@@davidtitanium22 Link to the song with no name please? It's uh, obviously hard to find
@@wouldntyouliketoknowdeli7640 may the algorithm gods bless you with access to the forbidden knowledge
... i also lost the link to that
@@wouldntyouliketoknowdeli7640 ua-cam.com/video/XrHTI04i9yk/v-deo.html
There's also some other songs on this channel that has no names.
@@MikuMeeku Found the songs with no name by myself, what happened to " " was kinda sad, I actually enjoy their music too. Still need that song about wandering through the forest tho.
1:37 囁く様なボイスからの盛り上がりがとても好き✨
the gods of cityのとこの歌声が特に好き❤
You know, everytime I hear "Down Down and Down I go" I think of Angela opening her eyes for the first time and how serious the tone is.
やっぱ 1:10 からのとこ好き
あやつり人形? 人外キャラ好き……miliの曲ファンタジーみして好きだから楽しみだな!
アンパーン あぁ!前作LobotomyCorporationなんか! 神ですね
how the FUCK did they manage to put so much of library of ruina into one song but be so subtle about it that the average mili enjoyer who had no idea about anything relating to the game would just think it was a regular mili song??
like, i came upon this song bc i was already familiar with mili, and i got into l corps and library of ruina bc of it. im not done with library of ruina yet but holy SHIT, theres so many things in this song that are LoR specific it’s scary
edit: I JUST REACHED LOVE TOWN AND OH MY GOD,, THE SAME THING HAPPENED. From a Place of Love's lyrics are so creepy now.
Yeah, this is really good.
And they did multiple songs for LOR.
I would suggest you to NOT listen to songs linked to the game until you see them IG.
Listen to them may reduce their impact in the game...
but if you did, well, this is not a big deal, you will probably are going to enjoy it anyways.
Anyways, I go before I spoiled something :p
Ikr, even the music alone without Library of Ruinia works into the illustration there. For example, the girl is a doll, indicated from the design of the legs and the strings attached to her
listening to this song before and after playing more than half of library of ruina feels like a fucking gut punch, they planed so fucking ahead and came out so well, genuine genius both sides
@@bobbobber4810 I listened to most of the songs (minus Gone Angels, lol) before I got to them in the game and I don't feel like it lessened the impact at all. In fact, I really loved how the meanings of the songs changed completely after completing the boss fight. They're all great as both standalone songs and as boss themes; they're simultaneously vague and *extremely* specific.